#|| any house rules feel a little strange to her
dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
Congratulations! It's Triplets. Part 3
@unadulteratedsoulsweets said: In Congratulations! It's triplets! As much the entire thing is so wholesome I wanna see some bit of angst. Imagine dis the entire family is out in public.Includes the Batfam, Jazz and the triplets for a huge family bonding activity. Some random person( a karen) commented on how Jazz is a teen mother, an irresponsible person, a whore... Etc (you know the usual comments of being a mother too young) and the Batfam reaches the conclusion that the Pit Rage transfers onto the kids as two of the triplets have already green glowing eyes with rage filling it by the second and ready to tackle/punch the person who made the comment but the last of the triplets have their other "siblings" by their collar but despite holding the two back they too have their eyes switching from blue to eery toxic green and was one second to join them to murder whomever bad mouthed Jazz
It's not that Jason didn't think that the Pit would only have repercussions in his life. He just always assumed it would only be his life.
He never considered the possibility that it would affect his offspring in any way. (Besides having a father that was completely mad in Pit Rage)
Maybe it was a pipe dream to think that or maybe it was just having hope that his messed up second life had already been hard enough so the universe was going to give him a break on this one.
The three small children currently growling at a reporter, eyes flashing in and out of green, told him that wasn't the case.
It had started off as a fun little day out. Jazz and the kids mainly kept to themselves in Wayne Manor. Bruce had housed them in the west Annex, a place usually only used when guests of high importance would stay in the Manor's history.
It came complete with its own kitchen, bathroom, sitting room, seven bedrooms, and three bathrooms. It even had its own entrance that usually stayed out of sight of the main gate- a compelling feature for Jazz, who didn't want her kids in the limelight until everything legal was settled.
The distance between the two buildings was one acre, giving the family of four the privacy they needed and keeping them close for Jason to get to know.
As far as Jason knew, Jazz had not revealed the father of her children to anyone.
As far as the world knew, Jazz had recently moved to temporary housing until her insurance could help her rebuild her house or, if she was at a total loss, find new housing.
Thankfully, no one thought it strange as they weren't the only ones displaced. Poison Ivy's latest Save the Earth stunt targeted overpopulated neighborhoods guilty of destroying the land to build upon (in her own words).
She returned the favor and broke down the buildings to give back to the Green. Never mind the people inside the buildings or the livelihoods she destroyed in progress.
Ivy had gone through five streets before the Bats stopped her and returned her to Arkham Asylum.
It's been a week since the incident. Jason hasn't seen much of his kids, not for the lack of trying, but it was hard to fit their schedules. The three were in school most of the day, and when they got out, Jason usually had to run to prepare his "nightly" job.
He couldn't just slack off- doing so would mean those scum bags that didn't directly work for Red Hood would think that they could get away with breaking his rules.
He had slowly been dividing his responsibilities among his men- drug dealing, weapon dealing, illegal car races, prostitution, and protecting kids and street workers- so that he could have one night off without worrying.
That didn't mean he didn't see his kids at all. Jason usually had two hours a day with them, where he tried his best to connect to his kids, but the triplets seemed weary of him.
He could tell they didn't feel comfortable with him invading their space, so he tried to stay outside the annex. As someone who worked a lot with street kids, he knew never to break the sense of safety their hiding holes were to them.
Instead, he decided to meet his children in the open space between the Annex and the Manor.
The four-five with Jazz casually reading on the Annex floating balcony. Jason pretended not to notice she was doing so to keep an eye on her kids- would sit down at the garden table to have an after-school snack, enjoying the multiple rose bushes nearly as tall as him that Alfred cared for.
It was always one of Jason's favorite Wayne gardens because it often made him think of magical castles with giant mazes and lovely scattered flowers.
He noticed that his eldest- Dan- might have felt the same, given how the boy would sometimes spread his arms and run through the rose bushes pathways. He even picks up sticks and plays knights against invisible enemies.
(Jason pretended he was a knight in these gardens when Bruce first took him in.)
Danny, his second, seems more interested in lying underneath the rose bushes and reading about the stars. If Gotham had clearer skies, he think his boy would be a cat napping in the sunlight and sitting around at night to glance at the starlights.
His daughter seemed even more adventurous than her brothers. She often would test Jazz's patience because she wandered away from the Annex garden to explore the others. Jason had seen her climb statues and trees to get a better viewpoint, marking whatever she saw on a little map.
He got a look at her map and felt his heart swell at the childish little drawings- Damian's painting corner in the east Garden was now "Artist Alley", the south garden had a dragon fountain so Dani had decided it was "Dragon Keep" and she had found the north floating balcony where Bruce liked to go practice his not so secret love of singing.
Dani had marked her map as "Siren's Side" with a cute little drawing of Bruce singing.
The more he learned about his three kids, the more Jason loved them.
Jazz wasn't kidding when she said she didn't mind him in their lives- she was just worried that he would try to take them, and with his money and connections, she wouldn't be able to stop him. Her worry bled into the three children, and with intelligent eyes that belied their five years of age, they would watch him with guarded caution.
The moment they would finish their snack, the three would make excuses to run off and do their own thing. Jazz would continue reading, but Jason wouldn't be a Bat if he didn't see the way she relaxed whenever the kids left the table.
It was rough....to want to be accepted by them but also understanding why a random man wanting a family connection would be difficult to establish.
That's why Jazz's suggestion that they all visit the zoo had been such a shock. She gave Jason a strained smile, but her eyes were soft. For a moment, Jason felt his heart skip a beat. "It would be nice for the kids to see the zoo with their...dad."
The five had headed to the zoo- with Bruce and the rest following behind in disguises because they are all nosy assholes. He had gotten so used to the clicking of Tim's camera- as his brother was over-excited to capture his nephews' and niece's first zoo outing- that he hadn't realized a second camera was following them.
They had just finished watching the penguins swim when Danny tugged on the leg of his pants. "Mr. Dad, sir. Can I tell you something?"
Jason's heart jumped. Is Danny starting to like him? Sure, he put Mr and Sir, but he called him Dad! Grining widely he kneed down to get to his level.
"What up, bud?"
Danny leaned in to whisper in his ear. "There is a man taking pictures of me in the bushes."
Usually, Jason would have told him something like, "Tim is weird, but he's harmless." However, he knew for a fact Tim was on the roof of the Penguin exhibit and that meant some random man was taking pictures of his kid.
Green bleeds into his vision slowly, and Danny jerks back, surprised by the sight. "Go with your mother-"
"Pervert in the bushes!" Dan's voice cuts Jason off. They both turn to the little five-year-old throwing stones into the surrounding bushes and a man stumbling out of them with a shout. "Pervert in the bushes"
Danny facepalms, which is not the reaction his son should have. How in the world did Dan even know the word pervert?
"Dan! What on earth are you doing!?" Jazz screams alarmed. She raced back, a tray with four ice cream cones in her hands, and Dani, not far behind, also carrying her own cone. The girls had gone to get some frozen treats for everyone not too long ago.
The man turns to her with a very familiar predatory glint in his eye. Shit, Jason knows who he is. He is a paparazzi and one of his kids called him dad in front of the stranger.
The man takes Jazz's picture, momentarily blinding her with the flash, before firing questions and taking more pictures of her reaction to each one, "Miss, are you the baby momma of Bruce Wayne? Or one of his many kids? How did it feel to be a mother so young? Were your intentions to get pregnant to have access to the Wayne Will? How much money did the Wyanes pay you for a night?"
Jazz's eyes go wide, her face drained of blood, and she looks frozen in fear. "I don't-why would- I'm not!"
"Not a whore or not a gold digger?"
"Neither!" Her voice wabbles like she's about to break into tears.
Jason sees green. He is about to beat the disgusting pig to the ground but his children are faster. Dani races forward, little arm pulled back and throws her whole body into a jab at the paparazzi's manhood.
The man drops his camera in a wheeze. Dan smashes it with another stone, hitting the lens five times just to make sure it is broken and starts to advance at the man.
Dani is currently yelling at the top of her lungs, swearing, and punching the man with her belt buckle wrapped around her knuckles. It's satisfying to watch- his kids beating down a full-grown man with no training, just vicious righteousness to protect their mother.
That is, until Danny- the apparently more level-headed triplet pulls them both off by the back collar of their shirts. Jason sees it for the first time.
The kids eyes are glowing green.
Horror creeps into every part of his mind, and he doesn't even realize the creep is screaming about suing them or Tim and Bruce's fantastic entry to get a handle on the situation.
He is distantly aware of Steph and Cass, helping a silently crying Jazz walk away, and that Dick, Damian, Duke, and Harper form a protective circle around the kids, but it's Cullen that realizes Jason is frozen.
"Jason? Are you alright?"
No, he is not alright.
Pit's madness ruined his life. It left blanks in his memory. Left him lashing out and killing quickly. It makes him attack Tim and others. It made the child Jason used to be, feel sick and revolted.
It made it hard to look in the mirror and not be disgusted. It was everything that was wrong with him since the Joker took all his innocence away with his blasted crowbar.
Pit Madness is a curse that he has to live with sometimes where he claws at his own skin in a pathetic attempt to get away from it. But he could never escape its taunting whispers, its controlling green, or its presence sitting somewhere behind his eyes that turned him into a monster.
A curse he gave to his children.
He truly is Wills Tod's son, isn't he?
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
ok but chubby!Aeg with a new wife reader and him just fucking her constantly with a breeding kink and barely letting her out of his chambers until his family finds her would be incredible...
And good luck with your period beautiful, it seems I'm headed there as well
sorry for the delayed response lovely, hope you are better now xox this ask is delicious, thank you for sending it in! any type of Aeg with a breeding kink is something else...
Duty to the Realm.
PAIRING: chubby!King!Aegon ii Targaryen x Queen!fem!Reader
WORDS: 3,522.
WARNINGS: arranged marriage, breeding kink, lactation kink, pregnancy kink, slightly cruel!Aegon ii, female receiving (f*ingering), edging, overstimulation, creampie, cockwarming, swearing, posessive!Aegon, p in v sexual intercourse, mentions of pregnancy/birth.
A/N - I may have gotten carried away a little bit, but that's okay. shoutout for my bitchass anon, that seems to be OBSESSED with me, enjoy reading and hating on this asshole.
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​​The marital duty expected of the woman to the man was one of a common, natural phenomena, that many in the realm would often not bat an eye to, yet one that held great anticipation for you, in your case. Particularly considering, your lawful husband was no other than the sole King of the Seven Kingdoms. An heir was the ultimate and primary responsibility, expected of you both to fulfil. A royal decree and order of the Faith.
He was to bed you as much as it pleased your Sire, as you were to carry and birth as many lively heirs as possible, blessed as the Gods saw fit. Your anointed Septas had spoken to you countlessly to this coming night, and your dearest mother before her untimely passing: all reinstating the other, that childbirth was no easy game. A duty of womankind and also an honour. To be blessed by the Mother herself, with the gift to carry and birth healthily.
Nonetheless, arrangements made, your House meticulously selected, as your husband to be, Aegon the Second of his name, had been thoroughly consulted by his liege council, thought that the most viable candidate to bear the shared responsibility of carrying out the infamous Targaryen dynasty, was you. Now that the Dance had come to its long-awaited end, Aegon the ultimate successor, reparations needed to be made and lines secured for the generations forthcoming.
The wedding was a swift and grandiose occasion: rich food and wine, opulent gifts and crowds [many faces unfamiliar to yourself] gathered in abundance, the union was legitimised by the Faith of the Seven, binded by law. Aegon scarcely spoke to you during the special occasion besides catching his lingering, lilac eyes fleeting over towards you. Strangely you had also noticed, Aegon would not allow for you to speak for yourself. Often promptly intercepting, answering general questions and well wishes on your behalf, before a peep escaped your reddened lips: you found it odd and somewhat harrowing.
It was an ambivalent feeling, as though Aegon acknowledged your physical presence, yet refused to grant you the privilege to speak nor appreciate you? You felt trivial against his stance, nothing more than a vessel at his complete disposal. You came to the haste, haunting conclusion of neglect... "Aegon does not love me."
Aegon took you to bed that dreadful night, ruling against his Council for a meek audience to be present. He vowed a promise, his lingering words "the deed will be done" remained echoing in your thoughtlessly numb mind.  The door locked as Aegon saw to it himself, no words spared other than fleeting glances, as he took a swift swing of his Dornish wine that accompanied him, as he departed from the feast with you. Observing Aegon this near, his authority in the realm, was not the only quality in him that held a substantially formidable presence...
Unlike his younger brothers, Aegon was fuller in size. His stocky thighs and legs accentuated in size by the tightly fitted breeches, was accompanied by a portly round stomach that looked tense and swollen from the delectable wedding feast and drinking. Not that you had much of an appetite that evening, however, Aegon did not halt when a full serving was laid in front of him, nor the seconds that he demanded for, or a slice of the exquisite cake. One thing you had noticed tonight that you had never heard of before, was that Aegon had an impressive appetite. Whether it was from the nerves of having to bed a woman he scarcely knew, or the undeniable, looming fear of failing to provide an heir, he ate intensely and seemed to enjoy himself rather. The way he'd savour his last few bites, eyes rolling back in satisfaction, how he did not shy away from sculling two full pitchers worth of wine [yet remained stable on his feet and wickedly alert]. Although, a strange, yearning sensation began to churn below, a dull ache growing stronger right between your inner thighs, as you fleetingly observed Aegon's large hand tenderly palming over his distended belly. Close enough in his proximity, you heard an occasional low belch escape from Aegon's plump, greasy lips, poorly attempting to muffle his discomfort with a tight fist over his mouth.
Now in the privacy of your shared, royal chambers, his arms looked strong and sturdy: the flesh of his fingers pooling tightly around his precious rings. Although his face was wildly handsome as most Targaryen men beared celestial-like attributes, history would tell. The ruggedness remaining evident from blatant, healing scars strewed across the side of his cheek and forehead, proof of the recent battles he had bravely fought and won, did not hinder your undeniable attraction towards him. And yet, there was also a softness to his features, the flesh of his jaw ample and blurred, his cheeks plump.
You prayed in that very moment, that Aegon was just as pleased about you, as you were with him.
Undressing himself off his fine fabrics, lashing the pieces onto the floor as though they cost nothing, your tense body froze completely, as Aegon took slow strides towards you. Only inches apart, his rough hands snaking their way behind your illustrious gown, untying the strings effortlessly, as though this was not the first time he had bedded a woman.
"You know what is expected of you," Aegon firmly uttered, his tone unfaltering and deep, you felt your body grow rigid, as his rough hands met your bare skin, the gown loosely falling off your body.
Your naked body rigid, and mind frail, you could not muster the valour to respond timely, seemingly infuriating Aegon.
"Speak woman, use your words for me."
Feeling his thumb simultaneously flicking at your sensitive, perked nipple, sent shivers down your spine, his fierce, glowing eyes cursing from your breasts to your timid face.
"Y-Yes, my dear," You delicately stuttered, your sullen breath hitching in your throat, as you tried to focus solely on fixating your gaze on Aegon and not daring to look to the ground.
"Hmm, therefore you realise what is expected of me, yes? As your dutiful husband and as the King of the Seven Kingdoms, you understand what I must do to you, yes?"
Aegon's hand that was previously occupied playfully kneading and teasing your breast, now sneaked below to your waist, along with his other, his fingertips firmly tightening around the curves for your hips. His head tilted down, lowering his taller height to meet yours, as his lips found their way melting over your flushed skin.
"Y-Yes my King. Y-Yes, Aegon. A child I must bear, an heir... As many heirs as you see fit my King, I will do as you ask, as you please."
A low growl etched from Aegon's throat, animalistic even, as they momentarily broke free from you, as his thumb now gently grazing over your blush cheek and shut lips.
"Together we share this burden, but rest assured, my dear. I will do everything in my power to ensure the Kingdom has an heir. If that means fucking you day and night, sealing you in this room and chaining you to this bed then so be it. Till your dripping proudly of my seed until you take. Not until I see your belly swell greatly with my babe growing inside, may I let you roam the halls freely once more. Understood?"
That night Aegon took you to bed with caution and great intent. He was effortless in handling you, guiding and adjusting your body according to his positions, lifting and carrying you as though you weighed nothing more than a feather. Kissing you abundantly and with passion, often suckling at your tender flesh around your neck and breasts, you felt the spots that he had latched onto growing sore. His eager mouth occupied, his free hand found its way to your cunt, now moist with excitement, throbbing for something more. He remained generous, inserting two of his longest, thick digits inside, pumping himself in a steady, slow pace, feeling your keen walls stretching mildly, clenching around the base of his knuckles, the deeper he plunged himself in. With each helpless moan that slipped from your mouth that he earned, the deeper he shoved himself in, feeling a slick smirk spread against your neck.
"That's it, my love. You don’t even need to tell me just how bad you need your King to fuck you, I can practically feel your body begging for me, baby."
Countless more breathless moans escaped your lips that you'd desperately bit shut, that you could no longer resist. The silent void of the room gradually filling with the natural sounds of lust, as you stuttered and whimpered your King's name aloud.
"Ugh- A-Aeg. I need my King n-now. I w-want my Aeg-"
"Fuck-" Aegon spat, his teeth softly biting down on the ample flesh of your breast, tugging at your tender skin, causing a sharp jolt of pain to shock you, before letting loose. All the while unknowing to you, your Grace had a third digit inserted deep within your walls, his fist now coated in your pooling wetness, oozing between the gaps of your entrance, as his pace had hasten, his thick fingers deeply inside pumping and pushing against the natural tightness of your enclosure. The strange, dense weight and friction of his fingertips rousing against your sensitive clit.
"That's right. Warming you up so, yet it seemed you were already a soaking mess for me, my love.”
Muffled moans as you weakly attempted to fight the urge to scream and beg for more. Aegon's wicked fingers inside, tormenting you as he quickened his pace and the ferocity of his motion. Your back arching lusciously, as your hips bucked upwards and back again, motioning for more.
"Think you are ready for me, baby? Think you are ready to take my cock, till I fuck you full of my hot seed. Are you ready to be a mother?"
"Y-Yes, Aeg!" You breathlessly yelp, your hands having instinctively found their way to his platinum locks, the mottled strands caught in your fingers, as you grasped and pulled at his roots. As your arms outstretched below your sides, your breasts naturally shoved and pressed together in unison, accentuating your obvious cleavage more so, that Aegon helplessly found himself tempted. Only a second bypassed, before the bulky King found himself crawling further up atop your yielding body, with great effort, huffing and puffing as he subtly caught his breath, before burying his handsome face between, suckling at your hard, perky nipples. His heavy, round belly laid sprawled against your own abdomen, feeling his clothed, rigid cock beneath his tight pants, the tense bulge probing at your inner thigh walls.
"Soon these will be greatly full of the Mother's blessed milk, and I will relish myself with the spoils of my babe growing inside. Knowing that it was all my undoing, that made you so. Gods be good, they will be full enough, practically leaking from the vast supply. Our babes will be well fed, and I, too, hmm."
"A-Aeg, I need you. F-Fuck a babe into me, a-and I shall feed and fuck you, a-as you please."
"Mhmm, my good, pretty wife. Already at my mercy-"
Feeling the rush movements of Aegon's free hand below [as the other remained steadying himself], you had no sense of what was occurring below, nor could you see, as his stout belly blocked your view. Yet the sudden, grazing sensation of his moist, hard cock teasing at the entrance of your wet, throbbing folds, you could bear it no more.
"You promise you can take me, baby? Show me how well of an obedient wife you can be, just as much of a pretty one you are."
No warning and no remorse, Aegon shoved his thick, stiff cock into your aching, tight cunt. Despite Aegon's perilous efforts of 'warming you up', nothing amounted to the concoction of sheer ecstasy and pain that coarsed through your veins, as your King's cock, stretched you out, pushing your limits beyond comfort. And yet, you could feel the familiar, dull throbbing sensation growing more palpable by the second: desperately trying to clench around the girth of his fat, bulky circumference, your nails digging into the plump adipose flesh of his broad shoulders and back, as you remained stagnant and tense around him.
"That's it, baby- Fuck. D-Doing so, so well for me. I can just fucking feel how tight you really are around me, fuck! L-Let me just break into you, easy, easy now-"
Moaning cries and whimpers filled Aegon's ears, yet he remained focused. His pace although messy and sloppy was steady, slowly slowly, thrusting himself as equipped as his larger frame would allow him, his solid weight weighing him down against you, you move no further than squirm with remaining, great effort. Feeling his pulsating cock inside, striking adamantly against your cervix, and the pressure of his swollen, distended gut, pressing from above, with each passing second as you felt an immense, stimulating arousal brewing from below. The fierce, physical tensity of Aegon's size inside and out, was invigorating, as your body obediently attempted to adjust to your husband's size.
"Good-Good wife. That's it, baby, I'm going to cum any second now. Fuck this pretty, tight cunt of yours was needy for her King to spoil. I can feel how desperate you are for my babe, huh?"
"Y-Yes, Aeg-"
"I'm going to keep you locked up, all for myself. Till I can fuck as many heirs as I see fit. U-Until this entire quarter is full of our babes, till the realm can hear their cries. You and this tight cunt of yours are not leaving. Not until I'm fucking satisfied. All mine, now."
"Of-Of course, my King-"
"Fuck, Y/N, was I right about you, huh? Obedient from the start, you greedy, little brat, you wanted this just as much as I. Could you imagine yourself as I did, only full of my royal seed, only you worthy to take me."
"O-Only me. M-Made just for you, Aeg, as the Gods deemed it."
"No, woman. I deemed it. I made the decision. I wanted you. O-Only this cunt to take my seed, these hips to grow wide for the birth, and this belly to swell proudly. Till I see these tits leak and you waddling around, begging me to hold and carry you, this was all my undoing from the start. I am the King, the closest thing to the Gods, and farthest from men."
"Th-Then I am eternally at your mercy and will. M-My beloved-"
As you felt the tense excitement sparking below, the invigorating relief as your wetness had reached a peaking climax, the shudder of chills that echoed through your body, the momentum evaporated, as you twitched and felt feeble against Aegon’s sturdy build. Your wetness drenching his cock, as it once more, oozed heavily against your folds and inner thighs. Aegon's immediate, instinctive release adjunct to your own, earned a mouthful of deep, growling moans and breathless swears from the King himself in relief. His hot, ample seed shot through inside, painting your inner walls, as you felt his body weight drop even more against you, all energy exerted.
Shifting himself to your side, as to not suffocate you against his bulky frame, embracing your flustered, exhausted self in his strong arms, his twitching, thick cock, however remained buried inside.
"Tonight we shall remain united as man and woman, like so. Heed my words earnestly, Y/N. Until I see this belly grow round and full, you will stay in this chamber, until I say otherwise. You obey no other orders unless directly from me, understood? I will send maids to help you, you will not lift a single finger so long as you are my wife. You answer to no one but me.”’
Feeling your nod against his plump, meaty chest. Aegon’s hands found their way to your unkempt, loose hair. Brushing the strands off your sweaty, blush face. Although his words were stern and mildly threatening, his actions remained tender.
“B-But what if the Gods do not see me fit to mother your heirs? W-what if I am… What if I am barren, my King?”
Aegon’s silence was eerily unnerving, although his breath did not hitch in shock of your sudden question, his breathing now regained to stability, remained unfaltering as he contemplated.
“You are my wife, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. If anyone wishes to question your purpose in my life, regardless of whom, will answer to me… The King. And they will anguish as I see fit.”
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The bright days and chill nights had passed since the wedding night. Aegon, committed to his promise, whenever his duty fulfilled and time free, he would return to you, only to embrace you, love you and fuck you. Proudly filling you day and night full of a fresh batch of his seed, despite practically still being a drenching mess from when he had last left you. Servants attended to your every need: when he felt he had you exhausted, pushed to your limits, your body delicate and tiresome eyes drifting off to a deep slumber. He would let you be, only sharing close proximity as he embraced you cozily. He ordered the chefs to have your supper and meals sent piping hot, in a timely manner and occasionally found himself joining you in attendance, than his own family feasts. A table set up for the both of you, an intimate quiet dinner between a husband and his wife. He much preferred your company, anyways.
His family, more often the Dowager Queen and Hand, himself, promptly questioned Aegon regarding your whereabouts, he would disclose to you.
“At one point my dear mother had feared you’d run away,” Aegon chuckled, as he scoffed a piece of his roast down, followed by a scull of his wine.
“And what if I had? Would you let me be, or have Ser Arryk sent out to seek me out, dear husband?”
Aegon’s familiar eyes flashed towards you instantly, although the longing, tender look was replaced with a cold, menacing pierce.
“Go against this union, means you go against my decision… The decision of your King. I would send out a whole battalion if need be, and when I have you in my grasp, I will rid you of this luxury and see to it that I lock you up in one of the cells below the Red Keep. Fuck you like a common whore, and summon you like a predator to its prey. Until I’m certain you’ve learnt your lesson… Now are you still tempted to run?”
Shaking your head promptly, Aegon’s half-hearted smirk was enough to ease the tension. With all the intimacy involved, you had both gradually become quite comfortable with one another, enough to speak your minds, as Aegon often urged from you on your behalf. Although, only between you two. He firmly ordered for servants and guards alike, to be absent during your shared moments, in an attempt to ease you into speaking with confidentiality and also, to avoid whispers being spread. After the Dance, Aegon was often sceptical of people’s intentions, considering all the treachery he’d been exposed to during the early years of his reign.
Regardless, it was Aegon who was the first to notice subtle changes, only adding it all up when you had meekly disclosed to him that you had not bled in the past two months. Immediately he sought a guard to fetch for the maester and soon enough, his long-awaited wishes had been confirmed.
Aegon often watched over you more intensely now, his eyes ogling over your swelling belly, how the waistline of your gown had grown slightly tighter around your stomach, and your breasts looking fuller, more sensitive under his teasing touch. Relieved, however it was far from the end for Aegon... The King himself, had become even more brutally protective over you, and the babe inside, still adamant on keeping you confined, rested and guarded.
"No harm will come towards you or the babe, so long as I breathe and rule."
He even had Sunfyre tenaciously fly above your tower, granting him peace of mind that no threat could overpower the fury of a dragon.
Nonetheless, the Gods had blessed you to full term, and a healthy babe was born. A son, a true embodiment of the Targaryen dynasty, and the rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms. Aegon was beyond sated that you and the babe had recovered from the gruelling nature of birth, and seldom to his words, he allowed you free to roam, with the newborn warmly nestled in your arms, and Aegon relentlessly by your side. That was until, the King felt the desire for yet another heir to be proclaimed."Need I remind you of our wedding night, my beloved... You promised your King as many heirs. It is only natural as a true-born Targaryen, that I take what is mine."
general taglist - @evenstaris @bel-bottoms @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @ilikeitbetterangsty @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @sylas-the-grim @arcielee @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @aemondtargaryensrider @watercolorskyy
Aegon ii taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter @f4ll-for-you @amiraisgoingthruit @bucknastysbabe
credit for divider - @/babesindestroyland
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shalotttower · 10 months
Fractalize (part 1)
Title: Fractalize
Fandom: Hunter x Hunter
Summary: Lack of hope creates a strange kind of numbness.
Word count: 3700+
Characters: Chrollo x Reader (female)
Notes: yandere Chrollo, kidnapped, depressed and miserable Reader, Reader is dissociating a lot, morbid pondering, suicidal thoughts, explicit/triggering language/words, Reader's thoughts on possible sexual assault in future. Part 2
Fractalize - making things into smaller copies of themselves over and over again.
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Sometimes you stand in front of a mirror and try to picture yourself in another timeline. One where your life didn’t take this specific turn. You try to imagine a different setting, a different apartment - perhaps the one you had before Chrollo started moving you around like a luggage bag. Maybe living in a cottage by the sea or an old farmhouse. Someplace rural, peaceful. With a garden and fresh air, far away from the city noises.
It's difficult at first, your reflection keeps slipping through your mental fingers every time you think the image is set in place. But with practice it becomes easier, sort of, so you can now see yourself clearly as you brush your hair - not here.
A blue dress on, made for nights at parties with friends. Laughing until your stomach hurts and eyes become sore. Making silly faces over alcoholic beverages. Or you can wear your favourite jeans with a high waist and head out to the pub, the same one with crooked stools and a broken sign. Drink cheep bear, eat greasy peanuts from a little bowl, listen to some small band play unknown and unheard songs.
Leave intoxicated, and everything is too fast and vibrant and wonderful until you're back home.
It's your favourite pastime now: imagine, remake and slip.
Imagine. Remake. Slip.
You don't quite remember the last time you laughed, a month ago maybe. Maybe more. Lack of hope creates a strange kind of numbness, dull, cold, you would compare it to a winter plastered all over your insides, but it's almost colder than that. It freezes everything and turns it into icicles hanging off the roof.
Remake, slip.
You have new vocabulary now.
"Mm" - is for when he asks you if you like a dress or a top and it doesn't matter how you actually feel about it, because it's going to end up being worn anyway.
"Okay" - is for when Chrollo sets another fancy meal for you on a dinner table and "Eat, don't be shy".
"I'm not hungry" - doesn't work with him, even if it's the truth. You always eat what's put in front of you, that's the rule, because he's not above shoving the spoon into your mouth, so you spare yourself the tears and sobs that will probably come with that. It's so bizarre: how much effort he puts into keeping you alive when you're anything but.
"Whatever you want" - is for when he asks you something that requires a choice, between two or three options usually. He's not one for an extensive list.
"If you say so" - for everything else.
You used to delude yourself with the idea that if you managed to appear pleasant enough, pleasant-talking, pleasant-listening, smiling a bit here and there, it would gain you some privileges and perhaps a bit more freedom. It did. But never where it really mattered. Those little things were absolutely inconsequential in the grand scheme. Yes, you can have that sweater, dear. No, you can't have your own bed. Yes, you can come shopping with me, if you give me a kiss. No, you can't take walks without me holding your hand.
Yes this and no that.
Those moments were fragile and so very takeable that they didn't give you any sense of accomplishment, just a short respite and bitter aftertaste that made you feel pathetic.
Wasn't worth it.
"Do you like animals, dear?" Chrollo asks out of the blue one day. He's reading something on his tablet while you're curled up on the couch, watching TV.
It's a new series that's been on the major channels for a few weeks, a mystery drama about a girl who moves into a house she inherited from her grandfather. The picture provides a distraction enough to have you forgetting where you are for a brief period three times a week.
You pull the blanket higher. "I do."
He knows it.
The girl on the screen finds a mysterious box hidden in the attic. Perhaps there's something valuable inside. Or information about her grandpa; your fingers tug on a loose blanket thread without much thought.
"What kind?"
Or maybe it's just a time capsule with photos and postcards and random objects collected over the years.
You had a cat before he took you. A foster grey ragdoll with blue eyes who liked to rest on your belly and bump her head against your chin. You called her Miss Whiskerton and kissed her little nose, because she did act like a proper lady - poised, dignified and entirely too proud to eat food mixed with medicine. The worst enemy Miss Whiskerton has ever had in her cat life was the corner of your couch. When you weren't paying attention, she would dig her claws into the fabric and leave thin lines. You hope that someone took her in.
She probably thought you abandoned her.
Chrollo hums in acknowledgment and continues scrolling through whatever he's looking at - maybe news or auction listings, you don't know nor do you really care. You shift under the blanket, pulling your legs closer to your body.
"We can get one, if you'd like."
Your answer is immediate and short, without thinking. You know it, you know him by now - there's nothing Chrollo does out of spontaneous generosity, it always benefits him in some way. And you've studied him enough to figure that any pet would only be a tool to keep you tamed and compliant. Puppies make life better. Happier, lighter, with goofy smiling faces and wiggling tails. Cats make life better with soft purrs and paws stomping on your chest. They're too easy to love.
"Why not?" There's a sound of tablet set on a wooden surface.
The girl on the screen is trying to solve a combination lock on the box when the TV switches off and your little world of carefully shot scenes and scripted lines vanishes. You don't need to turn around to guess where's the remote.
She almost had it, but now you won't know what's inside until Thursday evening.
Your reflection stares back from the dead screen, blank-faced and with a blanket pulled up your nose. It tickles a bit. "Because I don't want one."
A chair creaks. "Why?"
You close your eyes shut for a moment before opening them again. This is tiring. Always probing, digging, pushing. Trying to find chinks in your armor, but all you're wearing is just a flimsy dress with thin straps and a blanket you wish could swallow you whole.
"Don't need it."
"You said you like animals," Chrollo sits next to you and places a hand on top of your covered legs. He squeezes your thigh and you stare ahead, wishing he would just leave you alone tonight.
"I do." Your fingers twitch under the blanket, nails scratching at the fabric.
Strange. Sometimes it feels like he understands perfectly that you want to be alone, have time for yourself and don't want his constant physical presence. At the same time Chrollo brushes this all aside like old tin foil wrappers - insignificant. He pulls the blanket down and you cling on it stubbornly for a few seconds before letting go. His thumb and index finger grasp your chin and turn your face towards him so you have no choice but to meet his eyes.
There's such still intensity within him that made your skin crawl whenever he looked at you with this much focus and attention. You don't know what he saw there most times, it used to be fear or anger or sadness - right now it's none of these things. Everything inside you feels jammed and stiff.
"We should get a fish then," he continues, brushing hair out of your forehead. "You can watch it swim around, wouldn't that be nice?"
Chrollo talks to you like this sometimes, as if you're a child who needs to be convinced to eat veggies or take medicine. Like you're simple-minded and he's reasoning with you out of good will. It's sickening. You hate it.
"I don't want a pet," you repeat the words slowly. "If you're going to give me something only to take it away, then I don't want it."
His finger leisurely stroking your chin pauses at the edge of your bottom lip. Something flickers behind his eyes, it's barely noticeable but you've become good at catching those minuscule shifts. He smiles, yet there's nothing joyful about it. "Take it away? Why would I do that, dear?"
"Because that's what you do. Because that's how you are." You don't try to pull free from his hold, he'll only tighten it; not enough to hurt, no, he is too suave and polished for that - or wants to appear so - but enough for you to feel trapped under his palm.
There's something off about you, you can tell, but are not quite able to discern what or where. It sits in the very structure of your bones and eats away with ravenous appetite. An imbalance in the gut. Fever-warm body, cold fingers. Thoughts like potholes.
"And how am I exactly, according to you?" His voice is light, playful, a stark contrast to his eyes that study you with unnerving precision. Chrollo rarely loses his temper and never gets violent with you (yet, you correct yourself), but he has other ways of expressing displeasure, and they're petty, ugly and cold.
"Cruel," the word rolls off your tongue so effortlessly that almost frightens you; it's easy to tell the truth when you're this numb.
He looks taken aback for a split second, and the smile freezes. His hand stops midway to your hair. Then everything's gone.
Chrollo releases you and leans back into the cushions, almost thoughtful, like your observation is something that requires careful consideration.
"I suppose, it depends," he says finally.
"On what?"
"On how you choose to see things. Your perspective is bound to be biased, dear."
You don't respond.
To continue this conversation would be pointless and circular, like running on a treadmill, like everything else between you and Chrollo, really. He simply has too many answers to any possible argument, and no matter how convincing you manage to make them sound, he'll poke holes into each one. You don't want a fish. Or a cat. Or a dog, a bird, anything that moves and breathes and looks at you with big, trusting eyes.
Chrollo is cruel. Not in a way that's straightforward and brutal. Not in a way of someone who'd tear your limbs apart or rip off a fly's wing to see it wiggle. You have no doubt that he is capable of such a thing, but that would be uncouth. Cruelty in his case is a quieter, more delicate affair - in a way of a sculptor who'd chisel off everything unnecessary and unneeded, no matter the size or significance, to produce something entirely his.
His hands are soft, his voice is always composed, and he wears well tailored clothes. But the rest is sharp, clean and merciless.
"I think I'll go to bed," you say and push away the blanket.
"It's early."
He takes your hand just as you're about to slide off the sofa. Chrollo's always faster than you, always ahead and always observing, and that little realization while bitter is not so shocking anymore, more like another fact that you file away from your interactions.
You watch him. Wait.
"You're distraught," he says. "But you should know by now that there's no need for that."
Your hand remains in his grasp, limp and heavy.
"I don't enjoy seeing you upset, dear. Even more if you make false conclusions."
You turn to see the expression on his face - and there isn't one, at least not the type that most people would make. There are no frowning eyebrows, no clenched jaw that would indicate irritation, nothing like that.
"You're giving me too little credit," his tone is quiet as he runs his fingers up and down your wrist. "My intentions are not to hurt you. They are much, much sweeter than that."
"But you would," you say quietly and lean closer, ignoring the obvious implication behind his words. There is a hollow sensation inside of your head that prompts you to speak, everything is hollow - body and mind, heart, the space in your guts, your throat. "You would hurt me, if that's what you thought was necessary. Rip me apart and leave me deformed beyond repair, to fit into whatever framework you've laid, you would do that."
You're not being deliberately cryptic or fatalistic. These are your observations, based on a period of months spent together. They take root in no one being there for you anymore, in your phone which is long gone, in your closed accounts, your missing laptop and old clothes, the entire previous life in the city that has been discarded for something new. Chrollo was very methodical, you can give him that.
He doesn't listen, he studies your responses. Every single word. He has a talent for that, for absorbing everything about you while hardly ever letting you glimpse his interior - all that you know about him are tiny slivers which you picked up through living together, observation, accidental bits.
You expect him to contradict your statement, to offer a logical explanation why you're wrong, but instead Chrollo brings your hand to his lips and presses a kiss against your knuckles. The touch is light and dry.
"You're not entirely wrong, dear," he says and moves closer until you can smell his aftershave, something fresh.
His proximity is uncomfortable, it always is and probably always will be.
"I'm right then," you say.
"No," he keeps your hand in his grasp. "But you're not entirely wrong either. That's what makes you interesting."
There's a strange kind of fondness in his voice, it's subtle, yet undeniably present. You've never felt less interesting in your life, in a dress with thin straps that's too fancy for a lazy day at home and your bare feet and tangled hair.
"If you say so," you respond and slowly tug your hand free. "I really want to sleep now."
You get up, and he lets you go without another proposition. The blanket falls off onto the sofa, and before you slip into the semi-darkness of the bedroom, he says,
"Not beyond repair. But I like to believe we can both agree it doesn't have to come to that."
The drive feels endless. Houses and streets blur in a mix of colors, shapes and people, which soon change to an empty highway with greenery on both sides. Trees and fields, tall grass swaying gently in the wind and rare cars passing you by. Chrollo's hand is resting on your leg; he hasn't moved it since the car started, but you choose to ignore it in favor of your regular pastime, the one that's made of imaginary worlds and places where the timeline stretches differently.
Mostly it's just you and the layout of your fake apartment.
Imagine, remake, slip. Repeat the steps until it becomes muscle memory.
You have this daydream on loop now. Wooden floor and wide windows, lots of sunlight. Books everywhere, comfy clothes and not a single skirt in your closet. A cup of tea with honey in the morning, and Miss Whiskerton curled into a soft grey ball on your lap. You feed her salmon in a shiny bowl, occasionally she catches a lizard outside and drops the tail on your doorstep as an offering, looking immensely proud of herself.
A smile slips on your face without meaning to, a wobbly thing; you promptly wipe it off.
It would be a crime to show such blatant joy. This fantasy has become so sweetly personal that every fiber of your being resists even acknowledging it in front of Chrollo. He can sense a stray happy thought from miles away, like a hound, and will never stop prodding until everything is raw and tender. You've learned to say less in his presence, especially if it's something that has you invested. Chrollo knows how to pick things apart.
You lean your cheek against the glass. This world would never happen, never in a million years, but dreaming doesn't hurt anyone, does it?
Your grandma, wearing an apron, sets a tray filled with fresh pastries on a table, because she's amazing like that. She fusses and worries and pretends to scold you. For not calling enough, for not coming sooner, for not eating well. For leaving.
You almost jump.
Chrollo's voice brings you back where his hand is heavy on your leg, you're wearing a dress above the knee and aren't allowed to use scissors or knives.
"That frown of yours," he says, turning into a small road. The surroundings change again, it's quiet here, not a soul in sight. "It's been there for fifteen minutes now."
You sit up straight and move your hair out of your eyes. Chrollo's a perceptive one, so this is a reminder not to sink too deep around him, unless you absolutely need it.
"Was just thinking."
"You do it a lot lately," he states and looks at you from the corner of his eye.
True, but you have no intention to confirm it. First, he won't like the reason behind these thoughts. Second, he will dig and try to worm his way in. No. Most of what you've been fixating on, staring out of the window like a mindless drone, or reading and rereading pages that you barely grasped, would fail to create anything more complex in his heart than desire to pull it out.
For whatever twisted reason, Chrollo cares for your well-being, or, more precisely, your acceptance of his advances. Yet his way of caring isn't nurturing in any sense.
Chrollo's interest (you don't dare call it love) is crushing, too heavy to carry - he'll find what troubles you and "fix it" in way that will twist it into something pathetic. Something that shows how you have nothing else to cling on but him. You're not stupid enough to keep falling into this trap. Being a slow learner doesn't mean you don't learn at all.
He's done it before. He'll do it again. So you reply, "I haven't noticed."
His thumb rubs circles on your thigh; you press your shoulder against the car door as if hoping it might open. It doesn't, much to your disappointment.
"What was on your mind then?"
Something you shouldn't tell him, that's for sure. Chrollo's watching you, even if his eyes are trained on the road.
"Random stuff," you say. Half-truths, half-truths are safe. "A weird dream I had this morning."
If you bothered to look, you'd see a raised eyebrow and the faintest hint of amusement at the corners of his mouth. You don't.
"Tell me."
You hate when he does that.
"It was boring."
"I'm interested in anything that made you so pensive."
Chrollo likes conversations with you, even if they're short. You can tell that he does, or he wouldn't be trying to make you talk and getting subtly frustrated when you choose not to. It never shows outright, Chrollo is very gifted at keeping his calm exterior, but there are certain giveaways like the slight tightening of his hand, an emphasized "dear", a pause here, or a quiet exhale through the nose. You could make a list out of these.
If you ignore him, he gets quiet and handsy or petty enough to throw away the only dress you feel comfortable in. Stop bringing you new books. Take you to places you hate.
It's always the small things that kill you, not the big, dramatic ones. The devils in the details.
"There was a lizard," you begin, and he hums in response, prompting you to continue. "It was cute with brown spots and a tiny tail."
Lies weave themselves easily, intertwine with truths and turn it into something that resembles a story.
"It was sitting on my windowsill and I wanted to pet it. A cat came out of nowhere and almost ate it, then I woke up. It's a silly dream."
There. Nothing to dissect here, not that you can see. Just a nonsensical dream, filled with random happenings and strange emotions.
"And that's why you frowned for fifteen minutes?"
"Yes, I got sad."
Yes, you think. Yes, Chrollo. I frowned, because I care for the damn lizard that doesn't exist, an animal from a dream. A stupid musing, nothing special, a very mundane and simple thing, because people do have silly dreams sometimes, and it's not a crime. It's not a crime and has nothing to do with that fact that I have a whole dream world where I'm not with you in my head.
"How peculiar. You never struck me as the type to get upset over something like this."
"You never asked," you respond flatly and Chrollo's hand on your thigh moves an inch.
It brushes up, closer to where you really, really don't want it to be, so you squeeze his fingers hard and redirect them to the curve of your knee.
"True," he says after a pause, not sounding too bothered. A month ago you would've brushed his hand off completely, probably that's why. Chrollo is convinced that with enough patience and effort he'll be able to close that final barrier between you both. Time, coaxing, a dose or two of endearment, some carefully calculated touch - but you'd rather stick a knife through your ribs than have sex with him. Or his patience will simply run out and he'll rape you. You're not delusional. Not a fool. "Well, that can be fixed. I'll make sure to ask about your dreams more often, dear."
You lean back into the seat and stare ahead, this time without anything pleasant on your mind. Of course he will. Of course he'll take this as a sign to dig deeper and invade that small bit of solace, Chrollo can't simply co-exist. He wants it all.
"Mm," you say.
Your new vocabulary is such a handy thing.
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babushkatty · 9 months
Tranquil SAGAU - Part 6
-> Part 1
-> Part 5
With Dvalin gone, you were left basically homeless. Not that it was much of an issue, not really. The forests had been very kind to you -- you could easily live the life of a hermit if you so wished, without having to worry about food, water, shelter or animal attacks.
But it would also be horribly lonely. No compassionate silence, no background noise and buzz of other people scurrying around and going about their day without minding you, no one to speak to if you ever felt the need to.
You liked being alone, but you were still human and humans were social animals.
Soooooo, you promptly asked Crepus about working in his Winery in exchange for accommodations, because 'one that asks, does not stray'... or something like that anyways. Your sister always made her life that much harder because she outright refused to ask for help even when hopelessly lost or overwhelmed, so there must be something to the saying at least.
"You don't have to work to earn your keep, (Name). I'd be more than happy to house you as my guest for however long you want!" is what Crepus 'Sunshine Personified' Ragnvindr responded with.
Crepus used Puppy Eyes, it was super effective!
You laid defeated, a puddle of cuteness overload once again wishing for sunglasses to protect yourself from the blinding smiles and imaginary wagging tails.
Crepus was horrible for your heart.
Still, you would go insane if left with nothing to do for days at a time, so you went to turn the Ragnvindr library upside down with Crepus' blessing, a bunch of notebooks, a bunch of pens and a delusion that you'd do any actual studying in there.
This was Teyvat, but this wasn't Genshin Impact -- a library wouldn't have interesting lore, it'd have dry history and even drier geography, accompanied by boring economics and even more boring politics (which was a damn shame too, politics were so interesting when written right).
You never quite had a head for those, prefering subjects with more practical applications that could be practiced instead of having to be beaten into your thick skull until you memorized it just long enough to write the exam.
Though for some ungodly reason you still remembered that onions were actually leaves. It was one of the very few things you remembered from school, actually.
Probably the trauma speaking.
Still, you did find some interesting books - a diary speaking of the Decarabian rule, for example.
Today, I don my very own Windblume.
I can only hope Lord Decarabian never learns of its' significance.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The winds are particularly harsh today.
I am afraid, but I smile and play my lyre as if nothing were happening at all, like I always do.
Sometimes, I forget if what I do is to reasure the people or to delude myself that everything is as it should be...
Then again, does it matter when the result remains the same?
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The people are growing restless.
Their yearning for freedom gave birth to a small wind spirit that seems fond of my playing. It is an adorable being, even if it has yet to communicate with us.
It remind me of a newborn puppy.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The people are planning a rebellion.
I want to help, but how can I? I am no soldier, my strength lays with the pen and the lyre, not with the sword.
Ragnvindr told me there was no need for more warriors, that I was doing enough by keeping the morale up with my performances... I am hesistant to believe him.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The little spirit has spoken for the first time today.
It said that it knew the song I was playing, despite it being a new piece I was in the midst of creating, and sang along to lyrics I had yet to write.
It was strange, but it made me happy nonetheless.
Perhaps I was strange too, for feeling that way.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
You had a suspicion on who the author of the diary was by that point. Maybe Crepus would be open to giving this diary to Venti, instead of it gathering dust on the shelf?
Idly, you wondered how it had survived so long, but figured Ragnvindr and his descendants took good care of it.
I met Ragnvindr today.
Something compelled me to share my worries with him, even though I knew he had enough weight on his shoulders and I ought not to add more.
"If you cannot trust in yourself, then trust in me and my trust in you instead" he told me.
It helped.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
Meetings regarding the rebellion are more and more frequent. Ragnvindr, alongside a man named Amos, have convinced the Gunnhildr clan to participate against all odds.
I can understand their hesitance. Should we fail to kill Lord Decarabian, their legacy would be no more.
I admire their bravery.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The wind has long since realized change is imminent, even when Lord Decarabian himself has not - the little spirit said so.
King of Gales indeed, even the wind has rebelled against him.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
Ragnvindr speaks of a bad premonition.
In truth, my heart is uneasy as well, but how can I share those feelings with anyone but myself? It is not the time to bother others with my issues -- it is time to reassure everyone, to rouse their spirit and not to let fear take root even as they stand against a God. It is my duty as a bard and as a fellow rebel.
The Windblume feels particularly heavy as I write this.
I fear I will not live to see tomorrow's sunset, but I fear for my dearest friends and for Mondstadt even more.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
My little spirit friend is still without a name.
I know it does not bother them, they are the wind itself after all, but I would still like to give them a name others can remember them by.
A name that they can remember me by once I pass on, selfish as it is to bind an immortal to a memory.
But I am selfish, even if Ragnvindr may see me as a paragon of virtue. I am a human and to be human is to be flawed. I am not ashamed of it, even if I often feel guilty for it.
Perhaps it will be the very last thing I achieve in this life of mine.
It is hard to name them.
I've thought of many names up until now.
Caelus. Liberius. Aella. Calliope. Achill. Carmine. Hilarius. Hanne. Zephyrinus. Dieter. Sascha. Scilla. Paulus. Notus. Veronica. Agna. Vergil.
Those are just a few of the ones I discarded.
None fit.
I can only hope the right name reveals itself when it is time.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
That was the last entry.
You closed the diary and carefully put it aside.
☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ* ✨ Author Note✨
It was not supposed to be mostly nameless bard POV via old diary.
It really wasn't.
Mans literally kidnapped the chapter entirely against my will while I was half asleep yesterday and attempting to write at nearly midnight and I was powerless to stop it, on god.
But hey, at least we got potential Venti bonding set up for the future?
I was planning for more fluff, but I also have no outline for this, so my chapters have a chance of getting kidnapped at any time.
✨BY THE WAY!!!!✨
The charm of spontaneous writing, I guess?
If you have something you want to happen - for example we're in the library right now, so maybe you want a book about a specific tidbit to appear - do let me know, maybe I'll write it in!
I had 2 tests and 1 retake yesterday and holy shit i got through all of them and tomorrow is last day of uni then it's ✨HOLIDAYS✨
@game-savvy @chaoticfivesworld @mmeatt @avalordream @ymechi @andromeda-gay @naynayaa @undecidingfate @thedevioussmirk @tumb3ld0wn @balaur-bondoc @yi-chii @yarabutterfly @nervouseaglelover @vexingpraedyth @indelible-colouring-markers @whitefantasy21-blog @kapitankarate
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 3 months
She must handle her sons “as the power goes to their head and they see her as irrelevant.”
“She’s terrified of Aemond and what he’s become, and she can’t access Helaena.”
As Alicent slowly becomes invisible, it’s also strangely liberating, “because all of a sudden eyes aren’t on her and she can sort of do whatever she wants.”
When it came to sex scenes, Cooke worked closely with House of the Dragon’s intimacy coordinator, Vanessa Coffey. Given Game of Thrones’ reputation for nudity, she had originally braced herself.
“I thought there’d be way more, and so I’m relieved that when it has been used for me, it’s showing Alicent being pleasured, which is amazing and doesn’t feel gratuitous.”
“It feels like we’re telling a story.”
She recalls one bedroom scene she filmed that was cut: “It was messy as fuck. It wasn’t beautiful, and that was really fun to do.”
It was “carnal” and even “animalistic.”
“I think Ryan [Condal, the showrunner] said we weren’t learning any more about the characters, which I disagree with slightly, but it’s okay. It’s his show,” she adds, with no hard feelings."
"Maybe we’ll see it in the bloopers, she says, laughing."
“They’re like my family, and we adore each other.”
“We put the wigs on and the costumes on, and all hell breaks loose.”
“She’s a dear friend and a great giggler.”
Who shared many scenes with Cooke this season as Alicent’s daughter Helaena, remembers their antics while filming an otherwise somber procession scene.
“We just got really hyper, and it became a little bit of a chamber of music actually.”
“Lots of singing.”
“I think Liv’s performance this year is one for the gods.”
“They practiced proper adult relationships on each other” Cooke says of the severed friendship.
“When you break up with a friend, it’s so much more heartbreaking than breaking up with a lover a lot of the time, because they know every single part of you and it’s so much more vulnerable.”
And of course, parts of the fandom ship Rhaenicent, a.k.a. Rhaenyra and Alicent as a couple.
“Don’t they ship everyone together, though?” Cooke asks when I bring up the imagined romance.
A fair point, but wouldn’t things be better if the old pals just made up and ruled the kingdom together?
Cooke humors me. “Absolutely. Matriarchy now, please.”
“It’s funny to talk about a friendship that is so fundamental in your life.”
“The thing I find strange is to realize that I suppose we haven’t known each other that long in broad terms, but she’s a pillar in my life."
"I would have found this a challenging experience if Liv was not on it.”
183 notes · View notes
steveshairychest · 2 years
Time travel au where Steve is the last one to go through the gate in Eddie's trailer, except when he comes out, he's not in his Hawkins anymore. Instead of being greeted by the sight of his friends safe and sound and Wayne's mug collection, he's standing in some random guys trailer.
He gets shoved out the front door and into the strange new world that is undoubtedly Hawkins, but not the Hawkins he remembers.
Everything feels wrong. The people look strange in their weird clothes and a lady across the park screams into a flat rectangle in her hand. The trailers look the same but there's something about them that's definitely wrong. Some guy blows smoke in his face while walking past and instead of the gross smell of cigarette he was expecting, it smells sweet, almost like strawberries. He's so fucking confused. He knows he's causing a scene by walking around gaping at everything, but what else is he supposed to do? Steal a car and drive off? He's never seen cars like this in his entire life!! Do they even work the same way?!
Maybe he has a concussion. Maybe this is his version of a vecna hallucination.
And then things only get more confusing when a little girl runs over to him and beams up at Steve like they've been best friends forever. "Hi, Mr Harrington! Why are you here?" She can't be older than 9.
Why does this little girl know him? He stares at her and his confusion must show because she tilts her head and frowns. "Are you okay, Mr Harrington?"
She keeps calling him Mr Harrington, is he a teacher here? Oh god, does that mean there's another version of himself running around here?! Wherever here is.
"I'm... fine. I'm just a little lost." He walks away before he scares the poor girl with his rising hysterics. Steve knows these roads like the back of his hand, he's driven them his entire life, but he takes a million wrong turns because there's suddenly so many new streets he's never even heard of. Where there should be a huge clearing, there is now a building so high Steve swears it touches the sky and the tree him and Robin used to have picnics under is now gone and replaced with a parking lot filled with more weird cars.
"What the fuck? What the fuck?!" Steve finally makes it to where his house should be and there's... nothing. It's just a block of land for sale. It tips him over the edge. He can't remember the last time he cried but right now he is balling and hiccuping as he stumbled down the street he grew up on. But it's wrong. It's all so wrong. People drive past and give him weird looks, a lady even stops jogging and takes out the tiny earplugs that play music so loud Steve can hear it, and asks if he's OK. "No, I'm not. This isn't real. This isn't real!"
It has to be vecna. He's got him. That's why he's stuck in this nightmare. "You have to play music! Give me your plug things! Make them play anything! Get me out of here." The woman refuses and does nothing but stand there in shock as Steve sinks down to the sidewalk and starts singing Everybody Wants to Rule The World as loud as he can.
"I'm calling 911. You need help." Steve doesn't hear her. He's singing so loud people are starting to come out of their houses to see what's going on but that doesn't matter to him. This isn't real. Vecna has him and he needs to get out.
When the ambulance pulls up, Steve's run out of tears. He's cried himself dry and he's resigned to the fact that any minute now, Vecna is going to snap his arms and legs. "I'm ready." He says quietly to no one but himself. He'd rather it be him than any of his friends. He knows they are probably watching him and trying to bring him back but it's too late. He can't hear the music they're playing.
"Steve?" A familiar voice drags him out of his own head, but it can't be real. He heard that voice take its final breath just mere minutes ago, he can still feel his drying blood under his fingernails. Steve lifts his head and there he is, it's Eddie, no doubt about it. His long hair is tied up in a bun and his eyes are sparkling with worry as he crouches down in front of Steve. It's then that Steve realises Eddie is in full paramedic gear and he's pulling all sorts of things out of a bag to check on Steve.
"Eddie, you're alive." He whispers in disbelief as Eddie checks him for any head injuries. "Where are we? How do we leave?"
Eddie pulls back and there's panic behind his eyes as he slowly helps Steve to his feet and gestures to his partner to grab the stretcher. "Steve, love, I need you to tell me what happened. Why aren't you at work?"
At work? What is Eddie going on about? And did he just call Steve love?!!
"Eddie, this isn't real. I need to leave. I can't stay here with you." He says it slowly so that Eddie understands. He may be some figment of Steve's weird dream imagination and he doesn't want to freak the poor guy out by telling him he's actually dead.
Eddie breathes in and out, his hands a little shaky as he helps Steve onto the ambulance stretcher. His partner helps get Steve set up in the back of the ambulance before they're driving off. Eddie reaches out and holds Steve's hand gently, the gesture surprising but not unwelcome. "Steve, baby, this is very much real life. You're in Hawkins. It's March 21st, 2023. Your name is Steve Harrington, remember?"
"Wait, what?!" Steve tries to sit up but Eddie gently pushes him back down. They hit a bump in the road and Eddie swears softly under his breath about his partner's driving. "It's not 1986?!" He's panicking. He can feel his heart rate spike and his breathing starts to quicken. Eddie tells him to stay calm and just breathe in and out but Steve can't hear him.
Maybe this really isn't Vecna. He'd be dead by now if Vecna had him and Eddie's touch feels too real to be a dream.
Before he knows it, his vision is going spotty and then he's out; the panic and absolute absurdity of it all finally getting to him.
"You'll be okay, Stevie."
Except this isn't the Steve Eddie knows and loves. His Steve, his darling husband, is currently having a dilemma of his own back in 1986.
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soscarlett1twas · 25 days
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↳ Earis and Zaros confess to eachother. ↳ 3k words / also available on ao3! ↳ Content warning for mentions of alcoholism and aphobia (?)
Serulla’s new dawn was not painted in hues of red, orange, or even pink; Instead banners of green unfurled, replacing their old midnight blue, and the kingdom’s crown rested on a new dynasty’s head. The Atha’lin family had won.
Zaros had won.
And you were left in the shadows of a fleeting night.
You could hear the whispers of those who passed you: How pathetic you were for lingering past your welcome. No matter tonight was the first official marker of Atha’lin rule. You were expected to be forsaken, gone before light of the new era hit you. In all honesty, you had expected that as well.
The Ilves earis had little intent on watching the parade of their mistakes. But you found freedoms in no longer being such, no longer the ‘Ilves earis.’ One of which was being able to more fragrantly disregard social conventions. So for one more night, you stayed.
Yet you clung to recesses of the atrium. They were celebrating renewal, but you couldn’t help but feel like they were praising the soon-to-be absence of you. A pit plagued your stomach.
It didn’t help that lime clung to your throat like a paste. It wasn’t an unfamiliar flavor, like the chocolate which also accompanied the western delegates, but it was strangely heavy. A film coated your mouth from the drink – it was unlike any lemonade you’d had before, similarly spiked or otherwise.
You turned your straw, clinking the glass against the cup.
It was strange to be pushed aside. Before, all attention gravitated towards you whether you liked it or not. Light had caught your jewelry into spun gold, a threaded trap for roaming eyes. You were sought and coveted. Single conversations could change social dynamics for months.
And now you were dust, a relic of the bygone. Serulla’s nobles changed their minds quickly, and the karmic weight of that punishment fell heavy. The Atha’lin’s suffered it. Now it was the Ilves’ turn.
Though, there was one benefit to the isolation: romance. Your hand no longer held some great diplomatic importance, and your once-potential suitors fell to the same disinterest of you that you once had for them.
Good riddance.
You took a swig of your drink, disregarding the straw. You still couldn’t tell if you liked it.
As if on cue, the music swelled. Still, nobody danced, idle chatter filling the space where shuffling footsteps might. Two women passed you, arms linked together. One caught a glimpse of you and sneered to her wife.
Maybe it was best to get some fresh air.
You turned away, taking long strides to one of the atrium's many exits. Your hand found a pillar and you curved around it, swinging you into a dimly lit hallway.
You did not need light to navigate. This was your home. For twenty-odd years, you roamed these palace hallways with confidence now unknown to you, a sense of belonging which you never expected to lose. Its towering architecture never frightened you. The ghosts of family members past never haunted you. You were the earis, and everything would be yours one day.
As a child, that ‘one day’ felt like it would never come. Even then you knew it never would, an intuitive sense always imploring that you weren’t meant for the royal life, not meant to be earis.
Your stroll slowed as you took a short stairwell up into an upper-level cloister which overlooked the sprawling gardens. Thick marble pillars held the roof, encrusted with gold and painted in seemingly a million hues. There were no windows – latticework filled the space between pillars, creating an array of shapes for moonlight to pool in across the floor.
You placed your half-drunken lemonade on the banister and walked towards one of the arches, leaning against its, rather thick, sill.
This was an older part of the palace. Early rulers from the Faysel house commissioned the wing, along with the expansive atrium below, to show off their riches. You supposed it worked, though came off as… outdated nearly six-hundred years later.
I suppose we’re both history now, you thought, running a hand along the stone.
What wasn’t old, and in fact had to be quite new, were the flowers. A flowerbed was situated snugly between the lattice and sill, seemingly never in use before today. Strange blooms perked up through the soil. They almost looked like birds.
You squinted to get a better view.
“Admiring the flying duck orchids,” a familiar voice asked. You turned.
Zaros Kymen Atha’lin stood paces away from you. He stood tall in his favored kameez, and if it weren’t for the time you spent together in the Trials, that smirk may have intimidated you. His blonde hair draped across his back with perfectly symmetrical strands pulled to the front. You had always been (quietly) jealous of his grooming – though tonight, your attentions were pulled to the diadem around his forehead. Lattice patterns danced across his skin as he moved to stand beside you, elbows resting on the sill. He used two fingers to prop up one of the flowers.
When right beside you, even in darkness, you could tell how much he was improving. His eyes held a spark they didn’t before, not when he was at the bottom of a bottle every night. Slowly but surely, he was waning off. Something akin to pride tightened your heart.
“They’re reliant on a fungus. It’s not native to Serulla, however. These were specially imported for the sake of,” his free hand waved, “all this. How special am I?”
You huffed. “Well of course, dear Eminence, you are very special.”
“Thank you, thank you. A shame, though. They’ll wither soon.” You glanced at him, his attentions fully on the plum bird. “They don’t belong here.”
“Some things don’t.”
He glanced over at you, painfully aware of your intentions to leave after tonight.
A moment passed in near-silence, the distant yet cheerful whistle of music lofting up to you. They must have started dancing.
“Why aren’t you down there?” You asked faintly.
“May I not say goodbye?”
“You may.”
Zaros shifted to face you, though you held your gaze on the duck orchids. The petals were almost velvety under your touch. “I wish I didn’t have too.”
“You must.” You sighed and dropped the flower, turning to him. “There’s no other choice. And quite frankly, its my own – I’ve long made peace with it.”
“But you made it out of necessity, didn’t you.” Something in Zaros’ gaze softened, turning almost intimate.
“That’s how we all make choices, don’t pretend like either of us have an abundance of free will. You didn’t join the Trials because you wanted to. Still, look how that ended up.” You didn’t mean for the last part to sound so bitter.
“No, I didn’t. And I prayed I would be given some other option.”
“Don’t we all.”
From your peripheral, you saw him smile.
You registered the texture of silk first. Zaros’ hand graced your jaw, ever-so-lightly, sending bumps along your arms. He didn’t even need to shift you. You looked back at him immediately.
“But I think I can give you one.”
“What are you saying, Zaros?”
He sounded breathless as he responded: “Rule with me.”
Your heartbeat stopped and quickened simultaneously, and something in you ran cold. The pit in your stomach seemed to curdle. Zaros long had ideals of a future you’d likely never witness, but this? This was talk of a madman.
Unwittingly, your cheeks doused in warmth.
“Zaros…” You began.
“Think of it,” his voice low and hopeful. “A solution for both of us. You’re able to stay in Serulla, and I’m spared of a life without you.” His touch snaked down to your wrist. His lips grazed your knuckles.
It did not dawn on you that this gesture was meant to be anything but horrific.
Zaros – an old rival, an older friend, your first tryst. Your only tryst. He enlightened you rarely with his words, though often with actions. And the monumental gift he had given you was clarity. Through your attempt at loving him did you realize it was impossible. You were not meant for romance.
And here he was, in all Zaros fashion, ready to break you back down.
He lifted his other hand to cup yours, which had begun to perspire profusely. “Stay, with me.”
“The politics, they’d never allow it—” You were not sure who ‘they’ were, but were willing to invoke anything to shoot this idea down.
“I’m the Eminence. I don’t think anyone has much sway over me,” he chuckled. His expression was dazed.
“What were the Trials for, then?” You muttered. “There can only be one.”
“Don’t you think this could ease us into a new era? Society isn’t going to adapt to Atha’lin rule so easily. Not after decades of rumors. A union of the old and new – Ilves and Atha’lin – could be just the solution.” He was close. You could feel his breath.
“Though, I admit, it is not the reason I ask,” he added playfully. “I’ve never chased the feeling of love. So of course, right when I do want something, it appears. Before I couldn’t imagine a life with you in it, not after our initial falling out. Now I can’t imagine one without you, where we both toil for Serulla, together. I admit, you were the one thing that made it bearable.”
There was a deep-set disturbance within you. It racked your entire body in a profound hollowness, as if you had no skeleton, no organs. You could tell him to back away. You could yell, as you did so often in the past. But this was different. This was a Zaros reborn in what he cited to be your love, not a schoolyard bully or political adversary. He could have nothing to do with you anymore.
But he was here, pouring his deepest confession into a request.
Your hand in marriage.
And you could think of no fate worse.
When you failed to respond, he went on. “I understand your hesitancy,” he murmured and knelt before you. “But earis, my dear earis, the lifetime we spent without each other was our darkest. I haven’t forgotten those late-night discussions.”
Sleep-deprived and bored of studying, the two of you had taken to revealing secrets in the library’s candlelight. Both of you uttered things never once said aloud. Admissions of alcoholism among them.
You also had done things never spoken of again.
The kiss flooded back to you – it was reckless, but as you watched Zaros that one evening, you felt your resolve slip. Maybe you weren’t so hopeless. Maybe romance could be in your future, ironically with the man who’d once convinced you otherwise.
But when your lips had met, it came rushing back to you. The revulsion, not with him, but the act, its implications…
That must have been what convinced Zaros to do this, you realized. You’d tricked him with your own fickle desire.
And your horror slipped into an intoxicating guilt.
“We did it once, do you remember? We could try again. It’s a familiar dance, we just need to follow the steps.”
“We were kids.” You broke on the last word.
Drawling realization dawned on Zaros’ expression as he understood this bashfulness was not a byproduct of flattery.
An eon stretched between you.
Eventually, “I’m sorry, Zaros, but no.” It was barely above a whisper.
When you mustered up the strength to look at him fully, the unravelment stunned you. Gone was the pristine, newly-crowned Eminence, and in his place was a heaving shadow of a man. His throat and chest bobbed to unsteady rhythms. His hair, fraying from their pinpoints.
Gone was the lovesick bleary-eyed king who dreamed again beyond his gardens and politics. You did not know who had replaced him, only that this mask of Zaros’ was one unique to this very moment – one of unadulterated heartbreak, so crushing you almost heard his paper heart crumble.
Now was your turn to take the lead.
“It was never you,” you said delicately, if only because your voice was hoarse enough. “If it were anyone, it would be you. But it’ll never be anyone.”
“I don’t… I don’t understand.”
“I don’t really either.” You exhaled, a mockery of laughter. “But I know it to be true.”
You took a steadying breath.
“It felt treasonous to admit that before, but I’m no longer expected to be the next link in my family. Even now, you call me ‘earis’ — it is all I’ve been designed to be. And what is a dynasty meant if it cannot be continued?”
You shook, grappling for the windowsill.
“That expectation, the need to marry was suffocating. I know you’ve felt it, even for someone who’s not only capable of experiencing it, but has. How do you think I felt, unable to? I thought I was nothing.”
‘Nothing’ was an apt word, but far from encompassing. It did not express the loneliness, of watching the world turn to synchronized heartbeats, your own just paces too slow. It did not express the fear of still be propagated up to suitors, your skin crawling in disgust at the idea of actually pursuing their offers. It did not express the guilt to your mother, but even you could barely articulate that.
“Being earis warped my perception of life in many ways. You were the first to call it out. But what you never saw was how I distorted countless emotions into what I thought was ‘love.’ You only suffered from it. I’m sorry, Zaros. I am. For what it’s worth, I thought I did love you. And you’re the only person who made me second guess myself. Because, in truth, I do love you.”
You gently took him by the shoulders, making you face each other fully.
The silence echoed. Static ringing in your ears died down, and you realized just how close you were to tears — hot and pitiful, welled up, ready to eternally shatter your attempt at civility.
You swallowed. For years you’ve lived with a lie in your heart, plastered to your expressions as you feigned flattery and blushes. What was one more conversation? You could hold it together.
But your voice came out pathetic, and you realized that with the denouncement of your title and life, one you swore you hated, your gift mimicry fled you as well. “Just… not in the way you want me to.”
Zaros scanned your face, brows pushed to an expectant furrow. You lowered your gaze.
“You are my closest friend. You alone understand me, understand the Trials, understand everything. I would not have told you any of this if it weren’t for my deep, abiding love for you — but it is not romantic.”
Your breath hitched.
“You are a brother to me. The world whispers about how the Atha’lins may have taken my first, but in truth, they gave me the only one I’ve ever known.“
Your hand relaxed on his sleeve, though the other looped down to grip his forearm.
“Just please,” your voice breaking, “don’t hate me again.”
And in some act of cosmic irony, you finally let him go.
A cool breeze wafted into the hallway. The open lattice chilled, night having fully set in. Even the moonlight seemed to sharpen as its pallor against the flooring turned to a silver. The world had come to a bleary fuzz.
It wasn’t until Zaros spoke that it resharpened.
“I’m nobodies replacement,” he said.
“Mourn however you like, but don’t bring me into it. I never made you out to be my grandmother.”
“Zaros that’s not what I—“
“Don’t.” He raised a gloved hand. Lines stressed his face, and a quiver you’d never seen before attacked his bottom lip. He didn’t look at you.
You didn’t know what to say, how to rebuttal.
“You could’ve just said ‘no’.” His voice broke on the syllable. It took you a moment to process: Zaros Atha’lin, crying before you. “You don’t have to lie.”
You opened your mouth.
“But instead, you still insist on humiliating me – is that the only thing you know how to love?” He reared to look at you. Bitterness poisoned every word that dripped from his mouth. “You’ve lead me on for how many years!?”
“I didn’t know!” You practically screamed it, voice cracking as all restraint left you. “And I’m sorry, Zaros, I am – I never meant to hurt you.”
“But you did, that’s all you’re good for! Taking and taking and taking… some Eminence you would’ve been.” He wrinkled his nose in disgust. “I can believe I,” he kept stuttering over his words, “I diluted myself into believing you would ever change. That you’d ever be worth my time.”
“Is this… are you fucking serious?” Your nails bit into your palms. “Was that all I was to you, some affair? Can you really not believe in us being friends again like you could me swooning for you?”
“I never thought of you as an affair! I wanted us to be together—”
“Well that’s what I want, too! I wanted my best friend back—”
“You want your brother back.” “No! I want you!”
Both of you panted, baring into one another. You realized you kept saying the wrong things. Each time you bordered on what could be a confession, a small spark lit in his eyes.
He was egging you on. If he couldn’t get it his way, he’d find another way for his sick satisfactions.
Leech bastard.
Just as you were about to retaliate once more, Zaros stiffened, as if reading your mind.
“You were right about once thing. There can only be one.” He sounded like he was puking the words up, unwanted but spilled nonetheless. His expression was far more violent. “And for Serulla’s sake, lets be glad it was me.”
He turned away, feet pounding against the floor.
When he reached the stairwell, you saw his figure pick up your cup left on the banister. You looked away before you could see him drink from it.
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wittlesissyb4by · 8 months
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"Uhh...are you supposed to interrupt me while i'm camming?" Jimmy's step-mother snapped as he timidly entered the room.
"No Mommy...I just--"
"You're lucky I just started and there aren't many people in yet." She said, annoyed, but not completely dismissing him. Terri could have abandoned Jimmy just like his father did, but she always had a strange attachment to the boy. Like a lost puppy you just had to take care of.
But there were rules. Terri didn't trust the 'men' in the house to use the toilet proper. They constantly left sprinkles on the seat, or left the seat up altogether. She decided long ago with Jimmy's father that diapers were the way to go. For both him and his 22-year old son.
Jimmy's dad hated it, but Jimmy--though reluctant at first--eventually took to them like a moth to a flame. Jimmy was always a wayward kid. Lacking direction, and not very independent. He liked having someone to tell him what to do. To care for him, even if it was in a somewhat demanding, demeaning way.
They depended on each other. They both had jobs, but it wasn't always enough to make ends meat, so Terri started up a side hustle.
"So what is it?" she asked, maintaining that testy tone. "Do you need your diaper changed? Or do you just have a stiffy situation?"
"Pull down your pants."
"Nnghh no..Mommy..I...I..." he whimpered as he undid his belt buckle and pulled his pants down to his ankles, "I didn't mean to interrupt you I just--"
"Hush." She said, knowing he probably didn't have anything to say. He just needed some attention. A little direction. A little dominating. "Suck your thumb to keep you quiet. Or do you need your paci?"
He blushed, shakily putting his thumb in his mouth. It made Terri feel warm inside, seeing him obey and knowing he was secretly happy to do it, unlike his father, who she couldn't get to agree to much on anything.
"Good boy, now come here." she said, "Now come let Mommy check your diaper."
Jimmy waddled forward as much as his pulled down pants would allow.
Terri groped the front and back of Jimmy's pamper with no regard for Jimmy's personal space. He didn't seem to mind, though. Judging by the prominent throbbing coming from beneath the warm, bloated padding.
"Oh my!! Someone has quite the pamper poker in there!" she mused. Continuing to knead and rub the front of the soaking wet diaper. Jimmy blushed and whimpered, but didn't stop her. In fact, he pressed further into her.
"Awww! You poor boi! Do you need Mommy to take care of it real quick?"
Jimmy nodded harder, whining desperately.
"Ohhhhoho you do, huh?" Terri giggled. It made her melt to see him so worked up. She enjoyed being his little caregiver. It gave her a weird sense of purpose in a life where she otherwise hadn't found any. Of course the situation was bizarre, but hey, with how much Step-mom p0rn was on the internet, people didn't seem too put off by it, so why should she?
"Mmmm who's my big boi?" she asked, his diaper harder and faster now. "Are you gonna make a goo goo in your diaper for Mommy? Hmm? Are you gonna make it nice and sticky with your cummies? Do it for Mommy baybee. Cum in your diaper!"
It didn't take long. In less than 30 seconds, Jimmy was quivering and doing everything he could to keep his legs from collapsing while he busted a big, fat load into his already warm diaper.
"Good boyyy...good baybee..." Terri cooed, continuing to rub him softly while he came down from his high. Once he breathed a hefty, satisfied sigh, she tapped the front of his plump pamper dismissively.
"Off you go." she said, "Mommy has some work she has to do. Go play with your games or something. Mommy will be in in a little while to nurse you."
Jimmy nodded, thumb still in his mouth, but unable to hide a tiny smirk of glee. He didn't even pull his pants back up, just waddled back out of the room and closed the door behind him.
Terri sighed, smiling.
"Oh shit!" she exclaimed, suddenly remembering the live feed she had going. She raced to her computer. "Sorry about that!" she said, checking to see how many viewers she lost during that little episode.
But instead of dropping from the usual 80 or so viewers, the lobby had jumped to almost 2,000! The tips and comments were rolling in.
"Wish I had a step-mom like that!"
"She's sooo fine!"
"The diapers were weird at first, but now I'm kind of intrigued ngl"
"Always wanted to be a diapered dork for a beautiful woman!"
"FINALLY! Some good abdl stuff!"
"It's kinky as hell. But i'm here for it.
"New favorite channel."
Terri couldn't believe it. The money was rolling in, the numbers were skyrocketing!
And it was right then that she realized there was about to be a very new type of Step-mother p0rn on the market.
This was a weird one, I know. Not usually into this sort of relationship, but I had an idea and had to run with it.
Credit for making this wonderful pic goes to @zzk13122
Follow me here, Subscribestar, or Allmylinks to stay updated!
Another random place too: @wittle5i55ybaby Just in case.
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coraline-scarlet · 1 year
Caught in the act || Poly!Ghostface x Reader
Billy Loomis x Reader x Stu Macher
Summary: Randy's sister always have been forbidden territory, but that never stop Billy and Stu from getting what they want.
Warning: dirty talk, oral (m recive), pet names, lil exhibitionism, cursing, sex mentions
Word Count: 1527
A/N: This took me so long to write, but I love every second of it! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy and be prepared because this boys is my new hyperfixation (English is not my first language, so it may contain grammatical errors)
(̶T̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶g̶i̶f̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶l̶o̶n̶g̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶m̶e̶,̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶r̶e̶d̶i̶t̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶r̶e̶a̶t̶o̶r̶)̶
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Y/N Meeks, known as the Randy's twin (or more commonly as the hot Meeks). Even though they were twins, they never had been too close. It always seems that they have a strange thing between them. Although they're siblings and love each other, they just weren't too close. It is the way it is.
This didn't change their friends. The group was completely made by The Meeks twins, Tatum and Sidney, Billy and Stu. It had been this way since early high school.
In the group (the boys part), always had an unannounced rule. Randy's sister is out off the game. Randy made it clear since when they first became friends. But Stu, and mainly Billy, never wanted to follow this rule. And today was the proof of it.
And all this brings us for today. You ended up in the same group for a biology project as Billy and Stu, so you three decided to do it in your house. That wasn't a problem for you, and the reason was because you have been having a thing with those boys in the last months. You always find them hot and all but never thought that this could ever pass the crush line, but suddenly one day they both showed you the same interest, when that happened you couldn't say no.
It all started six months ago, when Billy finally decided to totally ignore Randy and just follow his wants. Stu always has noticed Billy's passion (obsession) in the Meeks girl, and after observing Y/N to see what makes his best friends feel like that, he totally understood. Something in the way she smiled, or how she simply ignores all the idiots comments with just an eye roll, the way her hair moved, her voice, simply her, was completely mesmerizing. After a few months from the realization, they decided something. That perfect girl have to belong to them, no matter what.
So here you are, doing some idiot biology group work with the guys you have been kissing (fucking) secretly the last 6 months. With only you three in the house, is kinda obvious that biology would turn in another thing.
"She looks so pretty down there." You can hear Stu voice saying excitedly, followed by his typical laugh.
"She looks like a doll using her mouth for something useful." Billy's voice is more husky, with a deep sigh due to the pleasure he was feeling.
In the last few weeks, you ended up not having any time alone with your boys, and that made you three very sexualy frustrated persons. And feeling as if you didn't get enough attention, you have decided to do some revenge. Using the clothes you know they like, whispering dirty things in their ears in front of everyone, and as Stu said, "acting like a flirt." The same boy had the ideia to put you here now, under the table with Billy's dick in your mouth.
The table was covered with a cloth that only could show your feet, so you just could be seen from when Billy pulled up the cloth to see your working in his cock. You can see the smirk printed in his face, his dark eyes looking at you with hunger. His stare gives you shiver that goes straight to your pussy.
You can see a little bit of Stu beside Billy, his hand jerking off his big dick with that idiot ear-to-ear smile that he always has. That scene makes your mouth salivate. Looking again at Billy's face, you're contemplating by his pleased expression, and you can't stop staring him.
"You're giving me some doe eyes, uh? Such a cock slut, aren't you?" He pulled your hair as he pushed your head lower on his member, making his cock go deeper in your throat. Your hands hold his thighs, squeezing the muscle covered by the jeans when you start to choke. But Billy continues to hold your head down for some seconds until finally let you go up.
"Man she's such a view!" You hear Stu moan as he says it. You can't stop smiling as you rest your head in Billy's lap, breathing a little before go back to his dick, but your hand never stopping to move in his member.
"Wanna test it?" Billy say now looking at Stu. The boy never would regret it.
With a little slap in your cheek, he send you for the other side of the table, when now Stu has sat. You immediately take his member with your hands, he was huge, more than Billy, just a little lass thick. You start your job when you hear the nock from the front door.
Gasping, you try to take his dick of your mouth but Billy's voice stops you. "You will keep him in your mouth. If you can suck his cock silently while we take care of it, you will have a gift in the end."
He was looking at you beside Stu, his order making your pussy melt even more. Obediently, you do it. Stu squirm inside your mouth, his hand affectionately passing through your hair. The idea of being caught makes you rub your thighs, looking for friction.
Sitting back in his seat, Billy makes sure to hide you, making it look like he and Stu are only sitting at the table with your studying stuff waiting for you.
"Hey guys, what're you doing here?" You hear Randy's voice as you continue to suck Stu.
"Biology project, man." Billy responds.
Randy only nods and walks to the fridge. All of you are in the kitchen table. He takes a can of soda, opening and turning to see the boys as he talks.
"So... Where's Y/N?" With that question, Stu pushes deeper into your mouth.
"Bathroom." Is the only thing Stu says. The room remains in silent until Randy start walking through.
"Okay. I'm leaving, have a... good study?" He start passing the room. It's only then you finally can breath, taking his dick out of your mouth. That situation makes you nervous, but something in the ideia of it is exciting.
"Oh, I forgot something!" You freeze when Randy's voice is return. "Wait, what she doing down there?" He asks as he stop walking.
You look down and see the gap in the cloth that allows you to see your feet. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Nobody says anything.
"What she hiding for?" His voice is closer, and you can now see his feet. Then he starts pulling up the cloth, and you can't even breathe.
"What are you hiding for..." Now you can see your brother's face. Everyone is freezes for a second as you stare at Randy in shock.
"Shit!" It's Billy voice who breaks the moment, and then you immediately start walking off the table, as the boys are closing their jeans and getting up, all this so fast.
"You're kidding me?!" Is Randy's first reaction. When you're finally up, you see his face.
"My sister? In my house? In front of me?!" In each sentence, his voice get even more loud.
"Hey, man, it is not that deep..." Stu said, but the anger in Randy's eyes shows this is not the moment.
"Is not that deep?!" He walks slowly to Stu. "I'm gonna kill you!"
"Fuck!" Is the only thing Stu can say before everything start ruin.
Randy start to run after Stu as the boy tries to escape, and they run around the table. You scream, trying to stop Randy as Billy take their stuff quickly. Stu is running all over the house, as Randy is right behind him in screaming with killer eyes.
"Let's go!" Billy says, pushing you to the front door. "Stu!" You call, holding the door for him. And when you three are outside, you close the door in Randy's face.
All of you immediately run to the car. When the last door is closed and locked, its the exact moment Randy tries to open it.
"GO, GO, GO!" Stu shouts to Billy, who speeds up, driving away.
When you reach a safe distance, Stu starts laughing nervously. "Shit! That was insane!"
Sitting in the backseat, you look at him. "Stu, that's not the moment!" You scold him.
"No baby, Stu is right, that was insane!" Billy agrees. "But you know what? In the end, that's all for good."
"What?!" You look at Billy in disbelief. He stares back at you through the rearview mirror before saying.
"Yeah, Baby! That means we don't have to hide this anymore." You start to think abouti, and then it hits you.
"Really?" You look at him, and Stu moves on the seat so he can see you and hold your hand.
"Yes, now we can show to everyone who you belong to!" Stu smiles at you and leans in, placing a quick kiss on your lips.
You can only smile with the idea of them finally being yours. "But what about Randy and the girls?"
"They can handle it." Billy smiles to you in response. "So what do you say, Y/N? Will you date us?"
You hold Stu's hands more tightly as you keep smiling to Billy. "I'd love to!"
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calliesmemes · 16 days
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ASSORTED ASKBOX PROMPTS featuring the dialogue of films and literature in the PERIOD DRAMA genre, including the works of Jane Austen, Little Women (2019), The Great (2020), Anne With An E (2017), Enola Holmes, and more!
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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❛ A young woman should be free to follow her heart. ❜
❛ Either we escape tonight or we say goodbye forever. ❜
❛ Your life is still in danger. ❜
❛ You bewitched me from the very first moment we met. ❜
❛ I too have known heartache and betrayal. ❜
❛ My dear girl, don’t you know that I’m in love with you? ❜
❛ You don’t know what it is to be without power. ❜
❛ Actually, for once, I think that there is some small value in what you say. ❜
❛ If I changed at all, it was because of you. ❜
❛ Sometimes, I think you couldn’t possibly be real. ❜
❛ I just can’t live without you. ❜
❛ Just because my dreams are different than yours does not mean that they’re unimportant. ❜
❛ I cannot stop thinking of you. ❜
❛ I am yours; I have always been yours. ❜
❛ A man with charm is an entertaining thing. ❜
❛ It’s alright to have anger, but you can’t let that be the ruling factor over your life. ❜
❛ You deserve everything your heart desires. ❜
❛ Night and day, I dream of you. ❜
❛ Dancing is a trust; it is a union. ❜
❛ Did you admire me for my impertinence? ❜
❛ It is you I cannot sacrifice. ❜
❛ I love crying over a good book, don’t you? ❜
❛ I love you. Most ardently. ❜
❛ There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart. ❜
❛ When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I don’t have an excellent library. ❜
❛ Caring deeply will always be the right thing. ❜
❛ I don’t need friends. I have my own company. ❜
❛ Evil to some is always good to others. ❜
❛ Have a little compassion on my nerves! You tear them to pieces! ❜
❛ No man on earth cares for me. ❜
❛ I forgive what you have done to me. ❜
❛ I do not find it easy to talk to people I don’t know. ❜
❛ Men of sense do not want silly wives. ❜
❛ I have crossed oceans of time to find you. ❜
❛ How I love being a woman. ❜
❛ You are a wish come true I never knew I was making. ❜
❛ Sometimes, you just have to let people love you. ❜
❛ If you want to be heard, you have to make some noise. ❜
❛ I’m so sick of people saying that love is just all that a woman is meant for. ❜
❛ You’re being emotional. It’s understandable, but unnecessary. ❜
❛ I want things to go back to the way they used to be! ❜
❛ Wait, they didn’t teach you that in finishing school? ❜
❛ Whatever society may claim, they can’t control you. ❜
❛ You’re not rid of me yet. ❜
❛ You have no interest in changing a world that suits you so well. ❜
❛ I’ve always known that I would marry you. Why should I feel ashamed of that? ❜
❛ I don’t want to leave you. ❜
❛ No one should be alone all the time. ❜
❛ Marriage is both a joy and a place where you will be dealt unbearable griefs. ❜
❛ I can’t risk losing anyone else I love. ❜
❛ You don’t believe in me. I’ve spent my whole life trying to get you to … and you just don’t! ❜
❛ You are a befuddling, strange creature. Everything you are saying is ridiculous. ❜
❛ Have you been hiding from me? ❜
❛ If anything were to happen to you, I would never be able to live with myself. ❜
❛ It’s pretty obvious now that for us to stay sane, we have to stay together. ❜
❛ The world is hard on ambitious girls. ❜
❛ Do you truly have feelings for me? ❜
❛ I don’t think there’s any place for me in this world. ❜
❛ How do I look? Do I look alright? ❜
❛ I want a home. And a family. ❜
❛ An I talking too much? People are always telling me that I do, and it seems to cause no end of aggravation. ❜
❛ Oh, isn’t it a beautiful morning? ❜
❛ It would surely be much more rational if conversation instead of dancing were made the order of they day. ❜
❛ You don’t annoy me; you make me nervous. ❜
❛ You are an unexpectedly dark character. ❜
❛ I have been unpardonably vain and insufferably arrogant. ❜
❛ You have to watch your tongue. ❜
❛ I’m so sorry; I don’t understand what you are saying. ❜
❛ I don’t understand why you’re being so kind to me. ❜
❛ Don’t be defeatist, dear. It’s very middle class. ❜
❛ What is a weekend? ❜
❛ We should see more of each other. ❜
❛ I look like a prized calf trussed up for auction. ❜
❛ Your reputation precedes you. ❜
❛ Ever since I was a child, I felt like greatness was in store for me. ❜
❛ You don’t look as though you’re struggling. You look … radiant. ❜
❛ I will love you until time has lost all meaning. ❜
❛ There are many versions of you, and you know that I’m the only one who sees them all. ❜
❛ You aim to rile me. I like it. ❜
❛ Will you join me for dinner? ❜
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year
[SMUT] TWICE Nayeon x Male Reader - “Is There Someone Else?”
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Surprise, surprise! This is my first full smut work that I will only be posting here in my Tumblr account knowing how strict Wattpad is currently with mature contents like this. I hope yall like this especially those readers of mine who are familiar enough reading smutty fanfic works. However, I wouldn’t consider this being my first time to attempt writing such completely out of my usual only fluffy/angsty one-shots formula and challenge myself on creating something different as I already did it with my other fic titled “Catching Feelings” ft. TWICE Jihyo from the Set 5 line-up of my TWICE: Book Of One-Shots X Reader book (look it up on my masterlist) although that is mainly fluff and the smut is only very short but please understood me if yall might find this boring since I’m still a beginner. Enjoy reading and have a nice day everyone! (A/N: This is inspired from the song "Is There Someone Else?" by one of my all time favorite artists The Weeknd from his awesome album ‘Dawn FM’.) WARNING: Contains mature R+18 content.
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The cold, silent night just reached the 9:00 PM mark. You were sitting in the couch, legs crossed and sporting a strict demeanor staring at the door, waiting for your girlfriend who just knocked and made her way inside by opening it.
"I'm home." She said as she saw your figure already prepared to welcome her as she entered the house. Nayeon didn't even bother to notice at your strange aura at first, not until when she removed her shoes and shoulder bag off her body.
"Where did you go?" You asked her in a monotonous tone.
"I went out with friends, why?" She asked you while raising her brow.
"Plural. You sure there's more than you and whoever guy it may be that you're with earlier?" Now your arms crossed and glared at her weakly, shifting your presence to an authorative image.
"Jihyo and Jeongyeon were also with me and Junghee when we went strolling at the mall." She clarified, but that didn't satisfied you enough. You have another plan in mind to play with your rules, to ensure her glory of you believing her words.
"Oh okay then. But I assume that despite they are around, he's still stuck on your side through most of the time; isn't it?"
"YN, where are we heading with this? A-are you suspecting me?" She questioned confusingly, her brows are now knitted to one another.
"You won't answer my question?" You didn't responded to her own concern, throwing back the same treatment to her. Standing up from the couch that shortly became uncomfortable for the first time as you're facing her with all these worrying what ifs in your head, you slowly trailed across her.
Towering at her frame, inches close against each other; you pursed your head in her collar and sniffed. "I won't mind not receiving any answers from you, I already can tell it anyway based from his smell lingering your clothes.", you said; mentioning that familiar expensive perfume only suitable for men like you.
She stepped back, separating herself away from you with judgmental look in her face. "What the hell? So you really are thinking that I'm secretly meeting up with him without your knowing?"
"How can you blame me so, Nayeon?" You didn't circled the topic any longer, revealing your side and what urged you to confront her like this tonight. "It's been days since you keep on leaving the house with all your short and lacking excuses, and you just take my permissions I give to you as your advantage, without having any idea that I'm holding myself to beg you not to go Nayeon."
"Don't you see? We almost had a little amount of time to spend alone together, and I just want you to stay with me and enjoy having you on my side everyday but... what you're doing just starts to fill up these... doubts and uneasiness in me that you- you're hiding something from me that I don't wanna know." Nayeon frowned as she finally realized and understood why you suddenly became observative and moody with her. It was all her fault, she owned. She knows that she didn't do it with all intention or want to find ways not to have you moving around from her because of the thought that she maybe-
Oh no. She halted from processing your words in her mind, but it didn't prevented her for hearing additional question that you have in store for her.
"Nayeon, is there someone else? Was there a chance that this person is trying to take you away from me?" You asked her straightfully. Staring deep into her eyes that widened as she heard that huge question setting your relationship with her on line with it, she wandered at your pityful state. Eyes are droopy, lips curved in reverse, sadness visible in your face.
"N-no, no! YN! Never. Don't think of that, okay? I love you and only you! Ask Jeongyeon and Jihyo, they’ll tell you that I’m right!" She frantically said as she cupped your cheeks with both of her big, slender hands.
You remained unmovable with the entire view of Nayeon's beauty that you don't want to lose, desperately assuring you that she don't want the same either.
From the tone of her words, she is nearly getting you believe from it. But, you still don't want to disregard what you prepared for her to do tonight. Take it as something you and her definitely need. It has been a week that both you and her won't share any intimate moments together, and this is opportunity laid in front of you tonight to do so.
You gently removed her hands from pressing your cheeks, much to Nayeon's shock especially when she had contact from your head movement doing a disapproving shake.
Stepping away from her this time, Nayeon nervously hops in her feet as her body began to shiver in fear. "W-what? YN! No, please! What do I need to do for you to believe me?"
That question perfectly activated the go signal to do your plan. Slowly glancing at Nayeon who seems to be almost emotional in front of you, you tried to compose your bland expression to her. You want her to submit for you tonight, she is playing your game... and you're the one in charge of her.
You sat back from your couch. "Take off your clothes."
Nayeon looked at you puzzledly. "W-what?"
"Don't make me repeat again, I said, take off your clothes. Turn around as you do it."
Nayeon gulped at your unexpected request. If she's eager to earn your forgiveness and this is the solution you require, she won't protest at all to follow; you're her boyfriend anyways and to be honest, she's been wanting this to happen with you since from the start when you and her became official.
She turned around, her back figure is now facing you. Starting off with her belt, she began to unlock and dishevel it from her waist; hanging it at the back of the chair.
Her hands went to the zipper behind her rose designed red and white colored blouse and unzipped it, allowing the clothing to adjust for her to pull it upwards slowly from her top area. Her white laced bra aligning at the width of her gorgeous back is now open for you to witness and began enjoying it.
Half-naked, Nayeon proceeds with her skirt that matches with the apperance of her blouse; detaching the button and slip it down from her feet. She bended down, her brown hair fell and nearly reached the floor but you didn't cared that much when there's a more distracting part of hers that you have to focus on rather.
Her plump round ass hidden by her matching white panties effectively got you aroused. It would lose eventually compared to the other sight made by Nayeon when she turned around and present you her front side. You can definitely see her B-cup sized breasts encapsulated by her white bra which caused your dick to began harden on your shorts.
Nayeon saw the formation of tent done by your erected shaft, the lust in her barging to take control. She unawaringly grinds her thighs together as you stood up in front of her.
You wrapped your arm around her small waist, pushing her closer to you. Your hidden friend bumped at Nayeon's abdomen which made the woman whimper. "God, you're so heavenly attractive Nayeon."
You kissed Nayeon on the lips, tongue engaged on dancing to the rhythm with each other's movements. Breaking off your make-out session with her, you carried her up by lifting her ass; her legs locked around your waist.
Entering to your bedroom that is now willingly shared with your girlfriend, you entered and laid Nayeon on the bed; dropping her weight without care; as if it would hurt her crashing down to your bed's soft mattress.
Positioning on top of her, you kissed her again on the lips; caressing the locks of her hair from the side while she does the same from the back of your head.
"Tonight, I just want you to show me that I'm all yours."
Nayeon only nodded, she didn't want to speak for now. All she wants is to anticipate the incoming pleasure to be sent by you and her from each other's bodies.
You leaned away from her face before removing your shirt and throwing it aside. Lowering down and kneeled beside the bed, you began praising her godly sculptured body by showering kisses through her legs, knees, and those healthy thighs.
Nayeon huffed in the air as the sensation arises when you matched your kisses with gentle touches from your hands roaming in her smooth skin.
Your face meets her shielded treasure. Annoyed at the distraction, your fingers dug onto the bands and pulled her panties away as she helps you by raising both of her legs.
Her juicy, pink pussy that is now obviously desperate of your attention has now freed. Your thumb and the rest of your fingers first massaged the underside and the corners of her ass, thighs and her pussy to take your time teasing her.
"P-please eat me, baby. Don't tease me any longer, it needs you."
You obliged at her pleads. Your active hands paused for a while to hold her thighs open for you to comfortably move as you began licking her slit with your tongue, earning a sexy alluring moans and heavy breathing from your lover.
It continues as you savor the taste of her delicious pussy, biting and sucking off her flesh and nub before you entered your two fingers inside her walls as you stimulate her clit.
"Mmmhhh Y-YN yes, right there. Oohhh yeah keep eating me please."
Her hands leads to your hair as she gripped it to push your face closer on her needy and horny pussy, already dripping wet from the tongue and finger fucking you're giving to her.
You began increasing the speed of your fingers inserting in and out of her tight hole along with your flicking and wiggling of your tongue to her bloated clit.
"Ooohhh yesss Y-YN oh my god I'm cumming I'm cumming!!!"
Nayeon shouts as slimy and sticky juices of her sprayed all over your face in response to the orgasm you elicited on her. Her squirt took a little longer before it stopped, you tasted her own sweet fluid first before heading on next to other spots that deserves appreciation too.
You left a trail of kisses to her nicely built torso, over and under her belly button. She watches your head arises until it finally stops right in front of her cleavage.
In the assistance of your slick hands, you unclipped the front of her bra between the cups before taking it off, letting those small but handful and round breasts slightly jiggle in your eyes.
Licking your lips, you groped those mounds with every random directions, massaging those firm pillows as they gave a marshmallow feeling in your hands.
"Them also, YN. You can suck those tits, baby."
With regards to her command, you began sucking on her nipples and circle your tongue around those brown areolas. Giving those bosoms fair treatment, you switched side by side; one hand playing while the other being sucked carefully by you.
Nayeon moaned at how actually good it feels of your mouth tasting her delicious orbs. She begged more and more for you to keep doing it until you decided to finish worshipping her body by kissing her chest, shoulder, neck, cheeks until it brought you back again to her candy lips.
"You can't be the only one being pleasured, baby. Help me too with this. Hang your head at the edge of the bed for me."
She listened, pushing her body more to let her upsided head flailing out of the bed's surface. You get out from her and stood in front of her as you removed your short, making her gasp and sprung her eyes out at your engorged length of your big cock now escaped from your clothed prison.
Directing your shaft at her lips first to ready herself, you slowly pushed forward and successfully entered her mouth as you slowly fucked her upside down face with your pair of full balls dangling above her nose.
You moaned and whimpered at how awesome her mouth and that soft tongue rotating around your girth to add the satisfying sensation which encouraged you to got faster on your fucking.
Gurgles and slurps from Nayeon sucking your cock echoed in the bedroom. You grasped her bouncing breasts for attention as you continued drilling her mouth until you reach your end.
"Nayeon, I'm cumming! Take it all!!!"
Three last strokes is all it takes for you to gave up and release your streaks of pearly white cum to flood Nayeon's available mouth. You pumped your cock a little bit more to ride your orgasm before you slipped off, allowing Nayeon to easily swallow your cream.
Going back to business, you kneeled in front of Nayeon's body still laid on her back to the bed. Giving each other trusting nods, you inserted your dick inside her pussy. It made Nayeon's lower half shiver as she willingly takes all of your length until you're balls deep inside of her.
Slow and careful rhythm is what you gave Nayeon to let her indulge the feeling. You leaned forwards and kissed Nayeon passionately while you remained grinding on her.
Soon your pace became faster, her legs now encircled around your body not wanting to let you go. Her moans and groans gets louder to join you too as both were now in a midst of a wonderful sensation.
"Oh God, you're so tight Nayeon! You're gripping my cock so bad."
"Mmm ughhh yes yes YN pound me faster, harder! You're filling me up inside."
"I'm about to cum, Nayeon!"
"D-do it outside, babe. I'm not safe yet."
Her support and encouragement has what led you to chase the impending finish of your composure as you finally fired the shots of your second load straightly aimed on Nayeon's valley between her breasts, her torso and above her pulsing pussy.
The adrenaline cursing in your veins, pressure and efforts you poured in to assure that you are indeed pleasing your girlfriend's desires has what led you to tire yourself down, sending your body to lay beside Nayeon who is now resting after giving her a great missionary fucking.
"I'm still up for one last round. Care to join me, love?"
"Yeah me too. With you and this great sex were having? Always." She turned her head at you and smiled gracefully.
"She's indeed loyal to me. I have to apologize for her later."  You took a mental note for yourself. Those choice of words that she replied at you fulfilled the reassurance of your trust and safety of your current relationship with her.
Your happiness and gratitude outranked all emotions that the entire 2 years and counting of having Nayeon as your girlfriend won't get interrupted and ended up getting wasted because this woman beside you will remain sharing the same undeniable and unmatched love with you.
You kissed Nayeon again as a gesture on behalf of everything that fills in your heart solely because of her before turning her body sideways, her back is now facing you again as you slapped one of her asscheeks emitting a gasp and hisses from your pretty lady.
Groping her petite breasts while she reaches for your cock to harden again, it didn't last long for your wood to reaawakened before aligning it on the crack of her ass and inches by inches you managed to bury your dick inside Nayeon's rear.
You instinctively felt her move a little to adjust herself at your size so you remained frozen for seconds, not wanting to do it if it'll only result hurting Nayeon. Your main purpose was to have a good time and catch up with all those times you and her haven't got to enjoy being together as couple.
She gave you a few pats on your wrist to signal you that she's now okay, so you hold one of her legs and hooked it up while your other one went beneath on her curves and caressed her breast as you started fucking her in a spooning position.
Claps, moans, grunt and squeaks of the bed were the only noises audible inside the bedroom as you and Nayeon would perform one last make-love and vanilla sex in the middle of the young night.
Her ass was even tighter than her pussy, enveloping and pumps your entire length where at this point you don't know if you can last longer of pounding her from behind.
She reaches for your head and pulled it closer against her, kissing you head while you sync it with your fingers tugging her nipples, squeezing her soft flesh and increased pace of your cock jamming her occupied hole.
Few more strokes is what all it takes for you to meet the brim of your end as you released another batch of your load for the third time inside her reddened peach and fill it without dispute.
You slowly removed your beaten and throbbing cock stained with both of your fluids out of her used, gaped asshole that is now overflowing with a few amount of your cum, dripping down to her ass and thighs.
Nayeon is now cuddling beside you, still both naked in the bed, resting from the effects of engaging such great sex from both lovers. She looks up on you which you noticed from your peripheral vision.
"I really do love you, YN. I hope what we just had tonight speaks it all. D-do you believe me now?"
You looked back at her and flashed a timid smile. "I am. And I'm sorry that it crossed my mind to bring you into this. I-I just missed being close with you, Nayeon. I really thought there's a man out there that is now close to your heart as much as I do.
I got scared, Nayeon. I didn't want to lose my spot. I wanted to keep you close and I don't wanna be hurt and left alone. If ain't gonna be with you then I don't wanna be like that anymore."
Thankfully, Nayeon smiled at your understandable reason; caressing your chest then your hair. She was touched and softened at your frown knowing how sincere you were at your explaining.
"I'm sorry too if I made you feel like that, YN. I didn't meant to do it, I swear. Maybe I got too caught up on hanging out with my friends because I haven't seen them for months. For Junghee, I have no interest in him okay? In fact, he's already seeing another woman."
You looked at her in surprise. "Oh, wait. Really?"
She nodded innocently. "Yup. His smell that you noticed on me a while ago also, well we discussed it in dislike with Jeongie and Ji too that his perfume is very strong our noses couldn’t handle inhaling it too much whenever we get near to him. It kinda annoys me now that when he slipped on the mall and I catched him from his back, his smell passed onto me.”
"Damn it, now I even feel bad that I didn't even let you speak your side." You said with regret as you facepalmed.
Nayeon laughed and slapped your chest not so harshly. "I don't mind about it. Atleast you gave me a great first time sex with you tonight. That's what matters to me now."
"Can't wait for more of this next time." She added as a hot whisper to your ear. You smirked, remembering what she said and definitely you would love to share that level of intimacy with her all over again.
"Oh you don't know how much I look forward to it."
She squeezed herself more into your body, her breast is now compressed to your arm. "I love you, YN. Every single time. I would never look for other, why would I if I have the best man with me that I can cherish for the rest of my life. So please, I'm sorry and don't be afraid anymore babe. I'm staying with you until the end."
You kissed her in the forehead and hold her hand. "I know, and so am I. I forgive you, Nay. I love you too so much that I would literally want to be with you forever."
Both of you kissed again on the lips before none dared to speak after. You observed that Nayeon already slept within your arms.
Tracing the features of this exceptional beauty that chose you out of all the guys around in this world, you can help anymore but to release a few streams of your tears filled with joy based from what Nayeon entirely told you earlier.
There's really no someone else other than you. To think that you would gladly spend the rest of your life with Nayeon, her heart and soul in safe hands; you began to form a new plan in your mind that will place yourselves one step closer to the next chapter of your love story with Nayeon: prepare for your engagement ring and proposal that you will give to her soon.
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nyamadermont · 6 months
Phantom Pain
Angstpril 2024: Day 10
Rohan was the first to notice when Lin rubbed her forehead. Pema watched him toddle over to her, crawl up beside her on the cushion, and worm his way under her arm until she took her hand down to steady him in her lap. His mother thought she might just melt at the way Rohan lifted ShuShu up to give Lin a kiss on the forehead.
The volume of Jinora and Meelo’s argument crested as they chased each other along the breezeway leading to the family’s quarters. The game’s rules were important, after all. Air Nomad heritage was at stake in these things. Would they respect tradition, or strike out onto new paths? 
But when Meelo’s scooter spun him far enough along to see Lin bent over the railing, looking off into the trees behind the house, rubbing her forehead, he froze and plopped to the ground. Jinora, caught completely off guard, slammed into his back, causing them to tumble over each other for several lengths. 
The ruckus snapped her attention to them, but her face looked strange. The children looked at each other, and ran over to hug her.
Uncharacteristically, she knelt between them, and hugged them back.
Ikki did not want to clean her room. That was boring.
A quick glance outside told her that no one was walking around below, so she whipped out her glider, and jumped through the window.
The currents carried her around the main tower until she was looking out over the meditation courtyard. In the distance, she could see Lin’s black form stepping to the top of the Thousand Steps. She banked against the breezes to go say hello to the Chief. 
The clomp of Lin’s boots rang out from the stone, loudly enough that Ikki could hear every step Lin took. Until she stopped cold.
Ikki noticed that she was facing the dormitories, a place Ikki knew that Lin knew as well as any of them did. Playing badgermole hunt with Lin was never any fun because she knew every place there was to hide. Even on the roof!
But then Lin seemed to get small, and Ikki got worried. She angled her glider to bring her close.
Lin was on her knees on the pavement, one hand limp in her lap. The other was rubbing at a spot in the middle of her forehead.
Ikki floated down in front of Lin, who looked almost shocked.
Ikki could feel all the questions she wanted to ask, but they all felt wrong. She knelt in front of Lin, and reached up to take the troublesome hand away from Lin’s face. Gently, she kissed the fingertips on that hand before pulling it down to touch the stone under their knees.
Lin gasped and sighed, and bowed her head. Beneath her knees, Ikki could feel little tremors in the stone, and she wondered if that was what Lin felt all the time.
She covered Lin’s hand with her own, stretched up, and placed a tiny kiss on Lin’s forehead.
The heavy thump woke Kya with a start.
She rolled over and reached to the other side of the bed. Not finding Lin, she sat up.
“I won’t tell you anything, you monster!” Lin roared from her knees, staring wildly up at…
Nothing that Kya could see.
And suddenly, Lin slumped bonelessly to the side.
Kya scrambled from the bed, flailing for whether to turn on the lights or try to shake her awake, or let her sleep or bring her back gently, or…
She knelt in front of Lin, close enough to touch, but holding back, just a moment longer.
Lin stirred, and slammed the heel of her hand against her forehead, pressing and groaning.
Kya leaned forward and tried to pull the hand away from Lin’s face. Lin resisted, seeming to press even harder.
“Lin, Lin, it’s Kya, honey. Please wake up. You’re having a nightmare. Can you talk to me? Please let me take your hand.”
Suddenly, Lin went limp, the hand dropping away from her face for a moment. She grimaced and curled into a tight ball, bringing her fingers back up to her forehead.
Kya reached down to try to tug her up by the shoulders.
Lin gasped. Her eyes snapped open, and Kya could see the confusion and fear in her face.
“Lin, it’s just me, just Kya. You’re at home. We’re together. Can you sit up? Do you want a light? Feel your pajamas.”
She helped Lin put her back to the side of the bed, then wriggled around on her knees to reach Lin’s nightstand. The familiar meteorite was heavy and cold in her hands, but she knew it would feel different to Lin.
She could tell the instant Lin felt the rock with her bending, not just her hands. Her eyes widened, but her shoulders slumped, and her head fell back against the bed.
Lin let her hands fall to her lap, cradling the meteorite in her two cupped hands.
Her voice was hoarse when she whispered, “It’s just a phantom pain.”
Kya brushed back her hair, reassuring her, “Pain is pain. Pain is real. Even if he isn’t here to hurt you, ever again.”
“Why does it still hurt? He’s dead. I know he’s dead,” she said, her eyes fixed on the ceiling.
Kya caressed her cheek. “I don’t know. Maybe think about what Korra’s touch felt like when she restored your bending.”
Lin inhaled and held her breath. She opened her mouth and released the breath without exhaling, exactly. Kya pulled back to let Lin lift her head from the mattress.
“Did I ever tell you that it felt like your dad gave me a kiss? He used to do that when I was very little, and that’s what Korra’s touch felt like.” Her watery eyes looked down to the rock in her hand. It shimmered and undulated, changing shapes in a steady rhythm.
Kya reached out her hand again to rub Lin’s elbow.
“Then let his phantom kiss wipe away the phantom’s pain.”
She leaned up on her knees, and placed a gentle kiss on her brow.
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nicolos · 1 year
The sad part of it is really that it takes Nile two months to realise she’s never seen Andy cook.
“Wait,” she says, “what do you mean she’s not allowed to cook?”
Andy just shrugs, perfectly unhelpful as she loves to be. The Andy sitting across the kitchen table from Nile is a far cry from the woman who shot her in Afghanistan, and not just because she’s now mortal and prone to problems like hangovers that last and back pain. More importantly: she looks less tired, somehow, hasn’t made fun of Nile about her Cross again, and gets a sick sort of satisfaction from watching Nile flounder over the important things, like which famous historical figures her new friends-slash-family-slash-anti-dying-club had slept with or the weird set of unspoken rules and laws and tripwires they all have built in that everyone else can see and Nile can’t. Yet.
“It means Andromache has been banned from our kitchens,” Nicky says coolly. Joe raises his brows, probably at the full name, but he’s grinning.
Nile ignores him, because he’s an instigator, and says, “Why not? Andy, what’d you do?”
“Who said I did anything?”
Nile narrows her eyes at her. That tone of voice elicits many things: trust is not one of them. Joe outright snickers.
Nicky says, voice low, “You know what you did.”
Joe mouths, “She does,” and then says out loud, “It’s not so bad, Nile. Nicky’s banned from football. And I’m not allowed to do any plumbing.” He says this like it’s a bad thing.
Nile suspects that they’ve also put an unspoken ban up against her audiobooks. Every time she puts one on doing her laundry, somebody comes up to speak with her, until she’s forgotten all about it. She also keeps losing the old iPod she found with the books on it, and whenever she finds it, it needs to be charged.
It’s ridiculous is what it is. She says so. “Andy is four thousand years old.” Andy raises her brows but doesn't comment one way or the other. Joe makes a so-so face, which really just means Nile’s wrong. She soldiers on. “I don’t care how bad she is, she should be able to cook!”
Andy shrugs around her bowl. “I can cook.”
“We’re all adults. We should have a roster. It’s not fair that it’s just Joe and Nicky.” Of them, Nile herself is probably the weakest: she can make a few comfort foods, but she’s never mastered the art. She’d like to, though. Part of it is wanting to hold onto the food she remembers before she can’t get it anymore and she’s forgotten, and part of it is that it’s just practical. But left to her own devices, she just eats whatever’s there. A roster will help.
And it wouldn’t feel right to leave Andy off it. Nile tells herself this is about fairness and house chores and not about the strange panic that takes over her whenever she imagines never eating her mom’s good again and then remembers that (a) Andy looks like she's maybe five years younger than her mom, and (b) she, too, is mortal. Which is dumb. It’s not like she thinks of Andy as anything like her mother. If anything she’s the bad influence friend everyone’s mom warns them about, but who everyone wants to—
“I don’t mind,” Andy says. Nile turns to Nicky.
Nicky says, “If you wish,” and then looks at Joe like he’s expecting Joe to speak up on his behalf.
Joe grins. “I have no objections.”
Andy’s turn on the roster comes up two days later. She spends the morning out of the house and comes back with two bags full of groceries. When Nile goes to help her with it, bewildered, it turns out one of the bags is half filled with low shelf life candy, and that Andy doesn’t need help, though she looks amused that Nile would offer.
Then she gets to it. She’s not what Nile was expecting, which was someone a little unsure of herself in the kitchen. She chops fluidly and fast, as good with a knife on meat and veg as she would be with it as a weapon, and she moves like she knows what she's doing.
But what she’s doing is—strange. At first glance, the dish is beef, with thick chunks of meat cooking in enough oil to thrill her grandma. But then she throws chunks of apple in alongside the potato. As it cooks, she starts rolling out some dough, with more eggs than make sense. Pie, Nile thinks, even if it's not a pie she knows of, but she rolls it out by hand into sheets of pasta, all while stirring the beef concoction. A bar of the dark chocolate she's munching on goes into the pot, followed by a concerning quantity of nuts. When she grabs an orange, Nile thinks it's for a snack, but she peels the whole rind into a neat spiral and tosses the rind into the pot before offering Nile a slice. When the pasta is cut, she just—starts flipping the sheets into the pot.
Nicky looks into the kitchen as he passes by and starts muttering to himself in Italian. When he opens his mouth, Andy only says, “If you’d rather do it yourself,” and Nicky walks away.
Oh, Nile thinks. “You won’t get out of the roster just by making bad food, you know,” she says, though she suspects she probably will. If it's terrible, she figures she’ll get takeout. She already saw Joe surreptitiously hide a bag of something in the back of the fridge. She hopes he got enough for her.
Andy only winks at her. Nile sits down.
In go raisins, cashew nuts, sticks of cinnamon, the stalk of some plant she doesn't even recognise, more garlic than even Nicky uses, and a whole tablespoon of turmeric. Then come the chillies: long, with the heads sliced off, thrown in whole. When the room starts smelling like heat, she cools it with cups of milk. More vegetables follow: large chunks of carrot and beet, strips of cabbage and slices of—ugh—eggplant go in along with a store-bought sauce she can't read the label of, spoons of cream, a quarter of a bottle of alcohol she's pretty sure isn't meant to be used to cook with, and—somehow—even more chocolate, and some of her favourite morning cereal.
This is the point at which Nile decides to stop watching. It feels a little like tearing herself away from a car crash, but she makes herself go look for her iPod. She finds it between two cushions of the sofa twenty minutes later, at 3%.
Andy calls Nile in to help carry the food out when she's done, half an hour later. Nile’s a little bit afraid of the monster she's created as she looks into the pot. It looks less than appetising, a deep brown that looks thick and has things floating in it and cheese melting on top. On the sides of the pot, she can see bright red oil floating in place.
When she carries it out, her iPod is already gone from where it was charging by the kitchen table. Nile glares at Joe and Nicky, who look back innocently (Joe) and distractedly upset (Nicky). It has to be Joe, she figures.
Andy serves them the frankenstew in deep bowls with toasted slices of Nicky’s last sourdough next to it. With no ceremony at all, she grins and says, “Dig in.”
Then, without waiting for the rest of them, she starts eating.
A little relieved that Andy isn’t going to leave them to eat it alone, Nile takes a small, tentative bite.
The dish is—not bad. She takes another bite, and then another.
The stew is delicious. Nile can feel her arteries clogging with every bite, immortality or no immortality, but she thinks she doesn't even care. It's hot enough to leave her tongue prickling after just a couple of bites, but she wants to keep eating it. It's sweet and salty and sour; the meat falls apart in her mouth but the nuts crunch. The pasta is not really pasta at all, thicker and softer and melting in her mouth like soft bread. The broth is creamy and thick, and none of the vegetables are too mushy or draw too much attention to themselves. It's the best thing she's ever eaten, she thinks. She never wants to eat anything else again.
When she looks up, she must look a little guilty, because Joe pats her arm comfortingly. “I know,” he says.
Andy hums around a mouthful and says, slowly, “It’s not as good as I remember it.”
Nicky looks despairing. He’s staring into the bowl like it insulted his mother. Maybe it has. “That’s what you said last time,” he says.
Nile considers things like nostalgia and pride and cholesterol and having more of the pot for herself, and slides Andy’s half-full bowl towards herself. “You’re off the roster, Andy. And you’re banned from cooking again,” she says authoritatively.
“I thought making bad food wouldn’t get me off the roster?”
Nile nods. This is worse.
Joe grins, ducks into the kitchen, and comes back with the box he had hidden in the fridge, which now that Nile looks closely says Andy Dinner. Andy laughs at her as she eats it.
Nile decides to stop looking for her iPod.
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pequenaotaku · 5 months
Now that my shock, my embarrassment, my indignation, my sadness and my anger have passed, and I'm calmer… Yeah, there were a lot of feelings per second when that bomb was dropped on Roy's route.
Anyway, I ended up thinking of some theories, and I just wanted to put it on record.
Spoilers after the cut
01. Fake relationship I really want to believe that this relationship between Roy and Brune is something like a fake relationship. Something they're faking to deal with a personal situation because they're good friends, and everyone at the company got in on the game, in this case. It was actually very shocking when it was mentioned in the episode that the two of them are a couple, but precisely, it was very out of the blue! We never see the two of them interacting during the episodes, and suddenly they're a couple? Brune herself is only seen next to Elenda, practically. I had even gone so far as to wonder if they didn't have something. And within the episode, if you choose to have Happy Hour at home, she sends a message to Elenda, her friend, letting her know that she couldn't go to the party because of water infiltration at her mother's house, but she doesn't tell the own boyfriend? Plus, he's going to the party anyway. Roy is cool, I imagine he would offer to help his girlfriend and mother-in-law with this problem. Something seems so strange to me… It could be my paronoia, still driven by the frustration from before despite everything. Another thing that I just remembered, but that I don't have all the facts gathered to support the argument, is that, in episode 1, when we go to the rest area for the second time, we find Brune and Elenda arguing about something mysterious. Elenda thinks Brune should impose herself on something, but she doesn't want to. I only chose the option of not interfering, so I don't know if it has any relation, and I also don't know if they explain a little without going into details if you choose the other options. But precisely because it doesn't have any context, it sounds suspicious to me. I mean, why would New Gen's screenwriters go to the trouble of creating a mysterious dialogue about an unresolved issue, which the protagonist even needs to witness before moving on with the story, so as not to use it later as a scheduling tool? Of course, we've only had two episodes so far to have context about this couple. Still, it's so strange. I love Brune, but she's really the last person I would imagine would be in a relationship with Roy. They just don't seem… on the same vibe? Of course I could be very wrong and end up breaking my face too. Premium Highlight for the moment in the scene when the protagonist goes all out to kiss Roy thanks to Truth or Dare, everyone thinks it's better not to, and even so Roy insists on at least giving her a little kiss on the cheek. I still don't know how to feel about this… 02. Relationship in ruins One thing I ended up thinking too, and this completely taking into account the description and title of episode 4:
"Hearts Looking For Love"
The entire Devenementiel team is meeting for coffee at Cozy Bear and, by force of circumstances, talking about relationships. The time has come to take stock of each person’s love situation…
It is also quite likely that, if Roy and Brune are indeed in a relationship, they may cut ties due to incompatibility. Like I said, they look very different from each other. That old law of physics about opposites attracting is beautiful in fiction, but realistically speaking, it doesn't usually work very well. Two people in a relationship who just disagree or don't have at least some tastes that they share and enjoy together can work like giving someone a rope to hang themselves. Speaking from experience. At the same time, I understand that for every rule, there is an exception. I just never saw it happen, but who knows? Anyway, that's not the point. This second theory of mine starts from: They are incompatible, or, somehow, the relationship had been cooling down for some time before the protagonist arrived at the company. In this next episode, they end up breaking up, and this generates the conversation at Cozy Bear. Perhaps the company group decided to get together to console one of the broken hearts and the conversation about the main theme of the episode ended up arising from this point. 03. Beemoov wrote another route about betrayal… Realmente não quero acreditar nessa, mas considerando que já fizeram uma vez, envolvendo o Eric, eles não precisam ter medo de fazer de novo, imagino… There's not much to say here other than what the title suggests. New Candy is officially a "Comedora de casados." "Affectionate" term that we give here in Brazil to people who go after people who are already committed to try to date them. Easy to sum it up as a lack of character. It's okay that, in her case, it was really unintentional, after all, she really didn't know. Still, it's comical and tragic that it happened twice in a row! One with Ioan and, for those following the route, another with Roy. And I thought that lightning couldn't strike twice in the same place. I laughed so nervously when this bomb was dropped, you have no idea…
In any case, what do you think? Do you agree with me, disagree with me, or have your own theories?
Ps: I think this all ended up coming out as a big rant…
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neobubz · 2 years
Prey (M)
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Word Count: approx. 23k Pairing: fem reader x jaemin Warning(s): mature audiences only, explicit language, horror, sex, smut, kidnapping, abusive relationship, dubcon, slow-burn, story telling Preview: Sighing in bed your heart still hums with the smallest tickle of desire. The feeling of Jaemin’s arousal still prevalent against your core. Biting your bottom lip you hold back the urge to relieve yourself of this yearning. It’s strange. You’ve only known him completely for two days and yet you feel like you’ve known him a lot longer. His caring nature the complete opposite of your ex. The way his lips tug up slowly into such a bright smile has little butterflies soaring through you.
▽ ⓟ ⓡ ⓔ ⓨ △
Stumbling around a corner you grasp onto the sharp concrete edge. Not even out from the underground labyrinth you’re exhausted, hurt, and wanting this game to end. Glancing down at your ankle it’s already showing signs of bruising. Having tripped down the last four steps when you heard the familiar sound of chains being dropped to the floor behind you, you landed hard on your ankle.
“Princess!” A sweet voice calls out to you from far away. “Come out; come out, wherever you are!”
Limping forward you do your best not to put too much weight on your ankle. You needed to get as far away from that jackass as possible. Spending a week on the run you’ve managed to stay away from him. The only time coming into any form of contact was when you headed to a safe room that was provided on every floor.
Each floor has a special padded room where there’s a bed, bathroom, and table for you to eat and rest. Every morning you’re woken by an alarm. Giving you time to eat a meal that is dropped off to you by a dumbwaiter and time to shower and change into a fresh pair of clothes — white leggings, white socks, white shoes, and a white sweatshirt — before being let loose to try to make it to your designated exit, the front gates.
Each time you’re given a month to try to escape. The first attempts you failed ending up getting caught quickly. Not knowing the layout of the house, not aware of the rules you kept failing every time. Now, more aware of your surroundings and more aware of the rules you’ve made it a whole week without being caught once!
Feeling victorious you slip into a small room that leads you to the next floor through a secret passageway. This house has many hidden rooms and secret tunnels that have both helped you escape your captor but also led you straight to him. This particular tunnel will lead you to the massive library, one that always reminded you of the Beast’s library in Beauty and the Beast. Huge bookshelves that you need one of those tall ladders to reach the top shelf. Three individual floors stocked with books from multiple generations that grew up here.
Crawling up the staircase trying to be as quiet as possible you hear the thud and clang of chains through the wall. Holding your breath and keeping still you try not to make a sound — terrified that somehow the man after you will have the ability to pull you through the wall. To claim what little hope of freedom remained.
“Where could she have run off to?” His sweet voice sounded as if he was right next to you. “What do you think, Nana?”
Internally groaning you remain still. Nana, the female Doberman who hates your fucking guts is helping him.
Of course she is! He never plays fair!
There are exactly three Doberman’s on the grounds. Nana is the only one you know by name since she’s the only one allowed inside. The other two, guard the outside, only knowing them as ‘The Boys.’
When you first arrived you were chased to the front door and almost mauled by the two guard dogs. The truth is, it was Christmas time and you were finally going home after three years of working through every holiday — climbing the corporate ladder. Your father understood your determination to reach your goal of Vice President, while your mother — she wanted her baby home, saying that she’s missed you time and time again.
On your way to your parents’ house your car decided to break down on the side of an old back road. The highways congested by a terrible accident had you hitting your GPS for an alternate route. Well, that is until your GPS gave out and you were driving blind. From your memory you were just five hours shy of your old town. Having traveled all day you planned to camp out at a hotel before setting off for the rest of your journey.
When your car broke down, you tried to find a signal to call for a tow truck. You tried to call home and perhaps get a ride from your dad who would be more than willing to make the journey. No signal. Trekking for miles you ended up deep into a wooded section trying to find a tall hill to try again. No signal.
Hours passed, your feet blistered from the stupid heels you decided to keep on from work —taking them off you start walking on the forest floor bare footed.
Your phone reading 2AM had you slumping over a huge boulder when lights sparked on in the distance. Lights meant people! People meant help! Help meant getting the fuck out of here and back home!
Making a dash towards the lights you pray they don’t go out. Stomping on twigs, branches, rocks, you pay no mind to the stinging pain in your feet. The only thing you wanted was to get some help and possibly some food. Making it to the source of the lights you find yourself in front of a huge gate. Well, several gates to be exact. All with beautiful ornate designs and what look like chains looking them up tight.
“Fuck!” You curse. “Come on, don’t do this to me!” You look around frantically for a call box, a way to contact the owners. “Shit!” You stomp when there’s nothing in sight.
Walking around the side of the house in search for a side or rear entrance. With the size of the estate there has to be a place where a groundskeeper lived, or someone patrolling that will be able to help you. And that’s when you see it! The golden opportunity! A door through a stone wall is sitting wide open.
“Jackpot!” You rush over. Peeking inside you call out before entering. “Hello? Hello?!” You take a step onto the property. “Excuse me! Hello?! Is anyone there?”
Not a single sound. No owls hooting. No wolves howling far off in the distance. No crickets or other woodland creatures making noise to signal their presence. Nothing.
Fog covers most of the ground blocking your view completely after 20 yards. Keeping close to the wall as a guide back to the door, you take your first real steps through the property. Finally, hearing a noise, you recognize the whinny of a horse.
Walking towards the sound you see a stable with a beautiful black horse sticking its head out. “Hey there,” you giggle, walking up to it. “What’s your name?”
Sticking out your hand, you allow the horse to give you a little sniff. Amazed at its reaction when it nuzzles against your hand you spot what you believe is its name on the front of the stall door. ‘Minnie.’
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Minnie.” Sighing you try to peer through the fog. “If you’re here that means someone’s here to take care of you.” Giving the horse one final pat you depart.
“Hello?! Please! I need some help! Is anyone here?” You call into the night.
Just then a bark sounds off through the fog. Minnie behind you starts to whinny loudly almost as if shouting out to you. Flittering between the barking that is now getting closer and sounding to be more than one dog and Minnie you start to head back in the direction you came from. Rushing towards the wall you keep one hand on it while you head for the door.
“Eh?!” You scream when you find the door has since been closed. “No! This…This is the door I came through!” You yank on the doorknob. “Hello?!” You bang on the wooden door. “Hello?!”
The barking grows louder sending you straight into a mad dash away from it. “Shit! Shit! Shit!” You try to find your way through the fog. “Please! Call off your dogs!” You cry into the night. “Please!”
Finding yourself in front of the tallest wall you’ve seen in terms of a residence you head for what you believe is the front door. “Sir! Madam! Anyone! Please!” You beg at each window. “Please! I’m not here to hurt you! I’m in need of help! Please!”
Low growling halts you in your steps. In front of you coming out of the fog are two large Doberman’s. Thanks to a childhood friend growing up you know the breed of dog — sadly, it’s a breed you want nothing to do with. Lowering their body, they start to growl. Teeth baring, saliva dripping — looking a lot like Cerberus, minus one head.
“D-Down…” you gulp. “I’m a friend…” you try to reason with the snarling beasts. “H-H-Help!” You screech. “Please!”
The dogs slowly start to approach you, backing you further away from the front of the house. Keeping your movements slow you keep a safe distance from them. Well, safe enough to make an attempt at escaping.
“Good dogs,” you try to placate them. “Very good at guarding the house… Such good…boys?” You question the genders.
One of the dogs lunges towards you which sends you off running towards the back of the house screaming like a banshee. Tripping over things that are sprawled out on the lawn you’re almost eaten alive but you manage to get to your feet fast enough. Rounding the corner heading to the front of the house you see a silhouette in the window.
“Please! Call off your dogs!” You shout banging on the window as you pass by it.
Rounding the next corner you leap up to the front porch ringing and banging on the door for dear life as the two dogs approach you slowly. Their fangs ready to tear into you. Your heart pounds in your ears as each step they take draws you closer to the end. Flashes of your childhood and of all the times you called your mom where she pleaded for you to come home plays before you.
Tears streaming down your face you call out for help once again. One of the dogs snaps at you, their face mere inches from your own. Using their body they force you to lie down on the ground, the other hovering close by.
“Please! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I just want to go home!” You cry.
And that’s when it happened. A loud whistle breaks through their snarling and both dogs back off of you sitting down near your feet – whimpers coming from both of them, their ears, and heads lowering almost as if in shame.
“Wh-What?” Your head arches back to see someone barefooted with another Doberman at their side.
“You’re the reason for all the noise?” A young man asks looking down at you with hooded eyes like he just woke up.
“Please! Please!” You scramble to your feet and reach out to him only to have the dog at his side block him. It too baring its fangs. This one however strikes more fear in you then the two behind you combined.
“Nana!” He shouts and the dog backs down. “Who are you? Why are you on my property?”
“Please…” your head starts to spin. “I need…” the world before you starts to darken. “Help…”
Everything turns black.
Slowly your eyes start to open. Blinking away the sleepiness your head feels thick and foggy. As if you’ve been sleeping for far too long. Your body aches as you start to come alive.
“What in the hell happened?” You ask yourself trying to sit up. Quickly holding onto your head the room starts to spin and your legs and feet ache. “Why am I so sore…?”
“Ah! You’re awake!” Startled you turn to the person who just spoke and see a young man holding a silver tray in his hands. “I thought I saw you moving more and figured you’d eventually wake up,” he smiles coming closer to you. “I just finished making some of my grandma’s homemade chicken noodle soup. I hope you’re hungry, there’s a lot of it!”
“Wh-Who are you?” You croak out sounding like a toad.
“You must be thirsty,” placing the tray down on a small stand near the bed you currently realize you’re in, he grabs a glass of clear liquid. “Drink up.”
Looking at the glass and the young man you shake your head in protest. ‘Rule number one, never accept drinks or food from strangers’ — your moms voice rings in your ear.
“It’s just water,” the young man laughs taking a good swig of the liquid. “See,” he holds out the glass.
“Who are you? Where am I?” You continue to croak.
“Sorry how rude of me. My name is Jaemin Na,” he chuckles. “And you’re currently in my downstairs guest room.”
“Why am I here?”
“You don’t remember?” You stare at him confused your head pounding. “You fainted last night — this morning, actually.” He quickly corrects.
You whisper, “I fainted…?”
Just then a large dog saunters into the room, a Doberman by the looks of it. In the split second it took you to identify the breed flashes of earlier spring forward. You running and screaming while two large dogs chase after you. Monstrous beasts hovering over you snapping at you, keeping you pressed against a wooden porch. The dog standing next to Jaemin notices the change in your demeanor and starts growling.
“N-No!” You crawl away from it in the large bed.
“It’s okay! Nana, go and play,” he urges the dog away. It doesn’t move but starts to whimper. “Nana!” He says in a stern voice. The dog takes one more look at you and you’d swear on your life it looked like it rolled its eyes before leaving the room. “Sorry, she’s a sweet girl but she doesn’t like anyone but me. She’s been like that since she was a puppy.”
“Three dogs?” You ask.
“Yes. There are three Doberman’s on the property. Nana is a guard dog for inside, and the boys, they guard outside. Now please, have some water. You need to hydrate.”
Eyeing the man in front of you every nerve in your body is on edge. The whole ordeal a little too strange but at the same time you were trespassing on what is most likely private property. You should consider yourself lucky your brains aren’t currently splattered on the ground, or that the dogs didn’t just tear you apart and eaten you for a midnight snack.
“My car broke down,” you whisper taking the glass. “I need to call for a tow truck. May I please use your phone?”
“Yes, of course. If you don’t mind me asking, what were you doing back here? No one is ever on these backroads.”
“There was an accident on the highway. I tried to bypass it and then my car broke down,” you take a sip of the water to find that it was indeed just water. Nothing strange smelling or tasting in it, you hope.
“I heard about that on the news last night. A huge 20 car pileup, consider yourself lucky you weren’t a part of it,” he sighs. “These roads including the highway gets pretty dangerous this time of year,” he gets up going to the tray. “Especially with the oncoming snow.”
You choke on your water. “Snow?!”
Nodding, Jaemin puts down the lid and heads over to long heavy curtains with tassels. They look like they’ve come straight out of gothic movie. Pulling the curtains open you see snow currently falling onto the ground.
“N-No!” You scramble to your feet but hiss when your feet make contact to the floor.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Jaemin sighs holding out a supporting hand. “I don’t know what you were doing but your feet are pretty messed up. Why didn’t you have shoes?”
“My heels,” you look around the room.
Scratching the back of his head Jaemin reaches underneath the bed. “These?” He holds up a pair that looks like it’s been through the shredder.
“M-My shoe…”
“Nana got a hold of them last night. I guess when you were being chased you dropped them. I tried to get them away from her but…yeah…I’m sorry. I hope they weren’t expensive. I can reimburse you!”
Sighing you crawl back into the bed provided for you. “No, they were just an old pair of shoes. It’s fine.”
“I don’t know how quickly a tow truck will be here. Do you have any belongings in your car that I can get for you?”
“I have a suitcase and my purse,” you tell the young man. “My cell…” you whisper. “My phone!!!”
“It’s right here! I managed to grab it before Nana did any damage to that don’t worry.”
“Thank goodness. I need to call my parents too.”
Nodding, Jaemin brings over the tray smiling proudly. “Why don’t you eat something first, I’ll get the first aid kit and get you all bandaged up and then you can go and make those phone calls while I head out and get your things?”
“Jaemin, please, you’ve already done so much as is. And I want to apologize for trespassing. I saw lights and I —”
Shaking his head he gives you a beautiful white-toothed smile. “It’s alright, really. I’m actually happy. I don’t get a lot of guests out here. It’s nice to have someone to talk to aside from the dogs.” Leaning into you he holds his hand up like he’s about to tell you a secret. “Between you and me they’re terrible communicators.”
Laughing for the first time since you left for your parents you smile at the lame joke. “Sadly, most animals are.”
“Well, I’ll let you eat. If you need anything I’ll be right outside in the other room.”
Jaemin turns to leave and just as he walks out of the room you call out to him. “Thank you! Jaemin…” your voice becomes small. “I really do appreciate this.”
“My pleasure,” he bows his head in your direction.
Glancing down at the warm bowl of soup that is really starting to make your mouth water you glance to the door. Hearing the TV turn on and the weather being put on you suspect that he isn’t trying to see if you take a bite or not. ‘Rule number one, never accept drinks or food from strangers.’
“Sorry mom…” you whisper before digging into the soup.
The first bite has your eyes rolling into the back of your head. A shiver rushing over your body at the scrumptious taste. Bite after bite you let the warmness of the soup coax your soul into tranquility.
Feeling like your life isn’t in danger by some creepy person you take a look around the room. The bed your in is quite large, most likely a queen with pretty plain covers — soft pink almost white, with matching curtains and pillows. The room overall feeling quite feminine. A chair sits off to the corner next to the window, a potted plant most likely fake behind the chair and a cute little reading corner to escape into the worlds of literature.
Across from the bed is a dresser and on top a mirror with scarce items around it. Tissues, small plants, and a few books for what you guess is aesthetic purposes mostly. To your left a nightstand and lamp rest with an old magazine from a few years ago. The room is quant but nothing to special. Just as one would expect of a guest room.
As you’re finishing up your soup Jaemin knocks on the door. “If you think you can make it, the phone is in the living room.”
“Oh, yes!”
“And I’ll take this,” he comes forward taking the soup bowl. “How was it?”
“The best chicken noodle soup I’ve ever tasted hands down!”
Giving a shy smile Jaemin nods. “Granny was known for her cooking. This was something I always wanted when we’d get snow here. Just makes everything cozier.”
“Are you here alone, Jaemin?”
“Yeah,” he lets out a deep sigh. “My parents are in the city a couple hours away. They never liked it here but me, I loved it. Everything is just slower when you’re out here. No one’s running into you on the streets. The air is cleaner. It’s quiet and of course the best part, no annoying neighbors.”
He walks out of the room with the tray continuing to talk. “I came out here a few years ago on a whim. I had to leave the city or else I was going to go crazy. I was only planning to stay for a couple of weeks but those weeks turned into years.” He walks back into the room. “And I haven’t regretted it since,” he holds out his hand for you.
“Not having annoying neighbors would be a dream,” you take hold of his hand. “I have this one neighbor who insists on singing terribly every night at around 8PM,” you groan. “I wouldn’t mind if he was half way decent but when he tries to hit those high notes it’s like a cat getting run over.”
Helping you out of bed, Jaemin wraps a secure arm around your waist. “If I’m being honest I wouldn’t mind a neighbor or two. Being out here is nice but it can get lonely. Would be nice every blue moon to talk to someone. Even if the only thing we talk about is the weather or sports.”
Assisting you across the floor you’re now aware of how badly you tore up your feet last night. The adrenaline from running away masking any pain that you should have felt.
“I want to apologize for my dogs. I did get them to be guard dogs but I didn’t think they’d have you running around and hurting yourself.” He peers down at you.
“It’s my fault. I’m the idiot who walked onto your property in the dark. They probably thought I meant to hurt you,” you laugh. “I am pretty tough when I need to be.”
Laughing at your joke Jaemin’s hand tightens around your waist. “I’d better be careful. I haven’t found a wife yet and I’d rather not have my face messed up before then.”
He sets you down on the couch then grabs the throw blanket that was on the back of what you assume is his chair. “Hard to find someone out here?”
“Talk about impossible,” he places the blanket over your lap. “That is unless I want to be a sugar baby with a granny as my sugar momma.”
Trying not to laugh you turn from him. “That’s unfortunate,” you let out a small giggle.
“Yah!!” He chuckles. “I’m not kidding! It’s granny city out here! You would think when someone gets old they’d want to be near hospitals and everything else that will help keep them preserved. No, these grannies are rough and tough.”
“Poor Jaemin,” you pout as he brings the phone over to you.
“Tell me about it,” he pretends to cry.
“A landline,” you smile gently. “Haven’t seen one of these in a long time.”
“Well the cell service out here is spotty. This baby is great if you ever have an emergency.”
Taking a seat in his chair Jaemin quiets down as you dial your childhood home number. This isn’t what you wanted. You wanted to surprise your parents with coming home for the holidays. To just pop up on their doorstep and practically give your mom a heart attack because she was so happy to see you. Now…Sighing you wait for someone to answer. You’ll have to ruin everything.
“Hello?” Your father answers.
“Baby! How are you? What are you doing calling in the middle of the day? Shouldn’t you be working?”
“I, umm…” you start to twist the coiled cord around your finger just like you did back when you were a kid and had to talk to family you really didn’t want to. “Dad…you see…”
The couch dips down beside you. Glancing over Jaemin urges you to tell him what happened.
“Dad, hold on for just a second.”
“O-Okay?” He asks worried.
Covering the mouthpiece you let out a staggered breath. “What are you doing?” Jaemin whispers.
“I was planning on surprising my parents this year. They didn’t know I was coming up. They thought I was working through the holidays.”
“Wow that is a surprise,” he pauses to think. “Mind if I talk?”
Nodding Jaemin takes the phone away from you. “Sir? Yes, hello. My name is Jaemin Na and I’m sitting with your beautiful daughter right now. The reason she called you,” he glances down at you his lips turning up into a smile. “Is because she wanted to ask if you’d join us for Christmas.”
“WAIT?!” You whisper shout at him.
“You see sir,” he chuckles. “Well, your daughter and I have been getting rather close,” he winks dramatically. “I thought it was only customary to meet her parents and we can all get to know each other before, well…” he stills his body becoming stiff.
“What did he say?” You nudge Jaemin.
Gulping Jaemin nods, “y-yes sir.” His voice cracks. “Th-Thank you, sir.”
“Jaemin!!!” You whine.
“Yes, I’ll put her back on.”
Handing the phone back to you, you watch Jaemin lean back onto the couch looking like he’s seen a ghost. “Dad what did you do to him?!” You shout.
“I’m so happy, baby,” he sniffs. “Your mom is already packing her things as we speak.”
“Really?! You’re coming?!” You grab hold of Jaemin’s knee out of excitement.
Looking down at your hand Jaemin really looks at you for the first time. Seeing your beautiful hair shining in the ray of light permeating through the window. The pure joy on your face as you talk to your father. It’s been years since he’s seen someone genuinely happy. Ever since his granny passed the world seemed dull — with you here beside him, he cracks a smile, it feels like his grey world is starting to find some color again.
“Yes, okay, yeah I’ll put Jaemin on. I love you too daddy! See you soon!” Holding out the phone you whisper address to Jaemin.
“Oh, yes, sir, the address is…”
Waiting until Jaemin hangs up the phone you hit him hard on his leg. “Ahhhhh!!!” He shrieks. “What was that for?!”
“What did you do Jaemin?! Why are my parents coming here for Christmas?!”
Rubbing his leg he pouts. “I was thinking on my toes. Plus, you can’t possibly think you’ll be able to trudge through the snow all the way to your car with your feet as bad as they are!”
“They’re not that bad. See!” You stand up and take one single step on your right foot. A wave of pain rumbles through you. “Shit…” you whisper stuck in place.
“Told you,” Jaemin grabs your hand pulling you down to the couch. “I’m sorry if I overstepped. I didn’t mean to. The house is big enough for your parents and then some.”
“But what about you? Won’t this ruin your Christmas plans?”
“What Christmas plans?” He scratches the back of his neck chuckling. “My parents are too busy rubbing elbows with every other rich person in the city. The parties are always the same and always boring. I’ve been skipping out on them since I was 14. I normally spent my Christmas’ here with my granny.”
“When did she pass?”
“A year before I came to stay here. I would have come sooner but it felt wrong to just show up here with her gone.”
“D-Did she pass here?” You look around spooked at the thought someone died here.
“Nope. Dad shoved her in a nursing home. Don’t get me wrong it was a ritzy place but it wasn’t home for her.”
Your shoulders falling as you relax; you reach over giving Jaemin’s knee a little squeeze. “I’m sorry about her passing and I’m sorry your parents didn’t see a long time ago that Christmas should be spent with your family not with snobs.”
“Thanks…” he places his hand over yours. “Seriously with your parents and you here it’s going to make this a pretty awesome Christmas.”
“A part of me wonders if you didn’t set this up so you wouldn’t be alone,” you squint.
Avoiding your gaze Jaemin starts to smile coyly. “Alone? Who’s alone? I have Nana…”
“Yeah…you’d have spent it alone,” you shake your head. “I guess in a weird way I’m glad things happened the way they did last night. I don’t want to think for a second someone as sweet as you is spending Christmas alone…”
▽ ⓟ ⓡ ⓔ ⓨ △
“Hmmm…maybe she went into another room. Let’s go, Nana.”
Hearing the dragging of a chain as well as Nana’s bark farther off into the distance you slowly let out a breath you were holding. Doing your best to remain quiet you head up the staircase that will lead you to a painting in the library. Little by little you tread carefully.
Determined to make it out of this hell hole you move like a cat up the stairs. When you reach the top of the stairs, you take a huge breath in. This is the furthest you’ve made it in a while. Looking straight ahead at the wall, you carefully unhook two clamps. There was a secret about the painting in the library. Behind it there were holes in the wall that allowed you to see out through the eyes of the painting.
Standing on your tippy toes, your ankle throbbing as you do, you peer into the library. Only able to see a few feet in front of you and a little to the right and left, you can’t see anyone.
Excited you grab the doorknob ready to rush out of this tunnel and make your way to the front of the house. Because for once…
You made it! You actually did it!
“Gotcha!” A voice behind you snickers as strong arms wrap around your waist.
“No!!! No!!!!!” You scream thrashing in your captors arms. “Get off of me! Get off!!!!”
“Now, now, princess.” He laughs doing his best to attach the chain to your collar. “You know the rules. Rule 5, ‘If I catch you, you need to come quietly.’”
“Get off!!” You start to cry reaching for the door to run away from him. “Please!!!”
“Maybe you’ll be a little smarter next time.”
Turning your body away from the door you come face to face with the man that’s kept you locked in this home for lord knows how long. His once black hair now dyed silver, dark brown eyes, a beautiful smile that once made your stomach soar with butterflies, now it only makes you churn with revulsion. He leans into you placing his forehead onto yours.
“I’ve missed you this past week,” he nuzzles his nose with yours.
“Please…just let me go…” you beg.
Wrapping his arms around you tighter he holds you flush against his chest. “You know I can’t do that. Now, come on. It’s time for dinner.”
Letting go of you, you try to make a beeline straight for the door but are yanked back when he pulls hard on the chain. Immediately the air is taken from you. Your head thrashing forward as you’re pulled back — straining against the already tight collar. Choking, your gasps echo in the staircase. Falling forward he keeps a tight grip on the chain — ensuring you don’t hurt yourself and you can’t get away from him.
“Princess!” He snarls. “What have I told you about doing that?! I don’t want to hurt you!” Rubbing his forehead he thrashes his arm down yanking you forward. “Rule 7! ‘If you try to resist I will have to make you submit!’” He roars. “I don’t want to hurt you! I love you! But you keep breaking the rules! They’re there for you so you don’t get hurt!”
Taking a few collective breaths he attempts to calm himself down. It’s understandable that you try to resist. If the roles were reversed — he pauses, thinking. The corner of his lip tugs up into a smirk before his tongue glides across to the same corner. If the roles were reversed he’d be happy that you’ve kept him the whole time. Doing his best to please you.
The idea of him kneeling on the ground in front of you. Collar on tight and your hand having a firm grip on the leash — smiling proudly at him. Running a hand through his hair and filling his head with compliment after compliment has him ensnaring an arm around your waist, his lips dangerously close to your own.
“I need you,” he whispers his breath hot on your face. The faintest hint of his favorite brand of coffee wafting around the two of you.
“N-No…” you cry out trying to tug on the collar. “Please…I’m hurt…”
He becomes rigid. “Hurt? When?”
“On the stairs earlier.”
Turning his head away another round of fury courses through him. The thought of plowing into you long gone in the blink of an eye. Rule 2, ‘if the party being hunted finds themselves hurt they are to call out the safe word: red, or push the red button at one of the safe rooms. Signifying that the game is over.’
“Do you hate me that much,” he mutters.
His head lowers until the front fringe of his hair covers his eyes. “You’re hurt…you should have let me know…”
“I didn’t want it to end.”
Honesty is your greatest ally right now. It’s true. Rule 2 clearly states that the game will end until you’re fully healed. You’ll be locked back in your room with nothing but your thoughts and a few books to keep you occupied. Then as customary the game will start over. You being placed at the starting point again! This has happened two times before.
The first time you were on bed rest for what you figured was a month. Still able to see the rise and fall of the sun it was easy to keep track of the days. After you were better you were blindfolded and taken to another part of the house for the game to start all over.
The second time was a much bigger injury. You had gotten cut deeply by a broken shard of glass. Bleeding profusely you thought that you were going to die. Nana was the one who found you on the floor in a pool of your own blood. She sounded the alarm and that is when Rule 2 was issued.
“Why didn’t you want to end the game? Do you hate me that much? Do you want to leave me that badly?” The man in front of you tugs on your chain tilting your neck up so he can peer into your eyes. “Don’t you get it?” His hands start trembling. “I’m in love with you. I’ve never felt this way about someone in my life! And all you can think of is leaving me! After everything I’ve done for you.” He turns around yanking you back down the steps.
“Pl-Please!!” You cry. “I just want to go home!”
“You are home!”
“I want my parents!” You start to wail clutching onto anything that you can to stop him from taking you back into that room. “I want my own bed. I want to go to my job! I want to see my friends! If you love me why can’t you let me go?”
Stopping at the bottom of the staircase you see the chain go slack in his arms. “You were going to leave me…” he whispers. “After I helped you… After I took care of you…”
“Did I ever say I would leave permanently?!” You attempt to march up to him. “Did I ever say I wouldn’t call or stop by?” You growl. “You are the one who put that in your head! Not me!”
“Would you have called?”
No. You think to yourself. Yes. Your mind quickly changes. Maybe? You sigh. There is no clear answer.
“I couldn’t lose another person.” He pulls you flush against his chest, arms wrapping around you, his face burying into the crook of your neck. “I finally found the light with you.”
“Please…” you try to pull away from him but he just wraps his arms around you tighter.
“Why can’t you love me like I love you?”
Because you’re a psychopath! Your brain screams. A twisted son of a bitch who’s dead set on never letting you out of his clutches!
But your heart…He leaves a few kisses on your neck heading up to your jawline. Your heart is fickle. Your heart is unfaithful. His hand leaves your waist and wraps around your neck, holding your head in place. Your heart…He peers down at you. Tears threatening to fall as his lips meet yours. Your heart is in love with him…
▽ ⓟ ⓡ ⓔ ⓨ △
Sighing on the couch you snuggle in Jaemin’s blanket. Taking in his scent you smile. The smell of laundry detergent, soup, and face lotion — in other words…fresh. Glancing up at his silhouette walking past the huge bay window he gives you a quick wave before heading over to shovel the walkway from the main entrances of the gates. And he needed to shovel a path to the garage where his truck is. Since your parents are coming over in just two days the house needs a little sprucing up. A little Christmas cheer. Not to mention, a shit ton of food to ring in the celebration.
Sadly, your feet are still messed up so you can’t help Jaemin with shoveling. The moment you mentioned it he put his foot down hard saying he would never allow it in the first place. So, here you are inside by a nice fire in front the TV. According to Jaemin, this house is primarily or was primarily a summer home. So that also means there are no Christmas decorations.
After the phone call with your dad the two of you planned out everything. You would get the bare minimum of decorations, a small tree that you quickly decorate, a few lights and candles for outside and inside; as well as some holiday plates.
Giving you ample time to rest up, you’re itching to get up and try to get to work to help in any way possible. Jaemin being the sweetest man you’ve ever encountered when he offered his home to you and your family. You just needed to find a way to pay him back for his kindness.
The front door opens and a rush of cold air wafts inside the cozy house. Bringing the blanket up to keep warm you glance in his direction. “How thick is the snow?”
“Not bad at all. Already did the first gate, the path and now I’m about to head out to the second and third gates. I forgot the key. Granny was extra precautions when it came to security.” He sighs. “But she also made it harder for herself and everyone else.”
“Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do? Maybe start the car and warm it up?”
Coming from the kitchen back to the living room, Jaemin leans over the back of the couch peering down at you. Craning your neck back you giggle at the goofy face he makes.
“Just rest, okay?” He places a chilly hand against your cheek. “We have plenty of time to get this place ready.”
“I just feel useless right now. If only I wasn’t stupid and changed into my sneakers I would be able to help.”
Doing something unexpected Jaemin places a chaste kiss on your forehead. “You’re not useless. You’re doing so much right now.”
“I am?”
Nodding he walks away from you heading for the door where Nana waits for him. “You’re bringing color back into my life. And I can’t thank you enough for it.” With that Jaemin walks back out into the chilly air.
Sitting up on the couch you work up the nerve to stand. Wanting to sit closer to the window to keep a close eye on Jaemin — in case of an emergency, you make it to your feet. After the phone call with your father Jaemin brought out the first aid kit and wrapped up your soles in gauze.
Gently you decide sliding your feet across the wood flooring would be easier on you than stepping for the time being. Sitting at the window seat you wrap yourself up in a cocoon and watch the man that has opened his home to you. Far off at the second gate he pushes the snow around easily. It really does look like the light fluffy kind. The complete opposite to when it was falling on the ground a few hours ago.
Nana and the other two dogs roll around and play in the snow. Nana close to Jaemin, the other two further away from her. He was right when he said she doesn’t like the male dogs. Chuckling, your eyes rest on Jaemin.
What did he mean when he said you’re adding color to his life? Was his life that grey before?
Looking around the living room there aren’t many pictures. There’s one of a family but it looks to be way older than Jaemin’s parents. There is however, a small boy with his arms tightly around a woman in one picture, next to Jaemin’s chair. The boy an exact resemblance to Jaemin. If he’s here all alone and his parents in the city, it’s clear that they’re not close.
“I’m sorry, Jaemin…” you whisper.
You needed to make this holiday special for him. No longer being about your parents coming out to see you, you trudge over to the phone. Quickly dialing your parent’s number you keep a close eye on the door.
“Hello?” This time your mom answering.
“Momma, hi,” you smile brightly.
“Baby!!!” She screams on the other end making you move the phone away from your ear. “Okay, what all do we need to bring? I’ve packed and repacked and I can’t decide what we need!”
“Maybe enough stuff to stay through the New Year?”
“The New Year?” She mumbles. “Is that okay with Jaemin?”
“I haven’t asked him yet but I’m sure he won’t mind. He’s been here all alone for a couple of years.”
“Alone? You never visited?”
“Visit? I just met him, why would I visit?”
She pauses on the other side before belting out the loudest yell you’ve ever heard. “Honey!!!! Get your butt in here now!!!” She calls for your dad. “Sweetie I’m going to put you on speaker phone, okay?”
“Yeah, okay.”
You hear whispering and shuffling going on in the background before your dads voice rings through the phone. “Baby,” he whispers.
“Hey dad…”
“Now… tell your father what you just told me about you and Jaemin.”
“I told mom that Jaemin and I just met.”
“Just met?” Your father sounds surprised. “Wait, he never said…”
“Darling I think your father jumped to conclusions. He thought this whole thing is because Jaemin is going to pop the question.”
“What was I supposed to think?” Your father grumbles. “A man invites a woman’s family over to his place for the holidays and it’s a little out of the blue and not to mention our baby girl was talking about getting back into the dating world after that last jackass.” He spats.
Clenching the phone tightly the image of your ex resurfaces. Your father wasn’t wrong when he called him a jackass. Cheated on you left and right to the point you were terrified that you might have gotten an STD/STI when you started to feel unwell. Thankfully, your tests were negative and it was merely the flu, but you were terrified for a good while.
“How did you just meet him?” Your mom probes.
“Last night my car broke down around 2 miles from his home. I was trying to find a few bars so I can call for a tow but then I saw lights in the distance and well here I am.”
“He hasn’t…” your father whispers. “You know…”
“He’s been a perfect gentleman. I’m the one who did something wrong,” you snicker looking at your bandages feet. “Which is why he thought about you guys coming down here instead of me driving up there.”
“What happened?”
“I got chased by his guard dogs. Two Doberman’s had a good workout because of me. Sadly, the kitten heels I was wearing didn’t make it through the wooded area and I was just walking on my bare feet and of course tore my feet up.”
“Baby!” Your mom gasps. “Please go to the hospital!”
“I’m fine.”
“What if you get an infection?!”
“I’m fine, mom, really. They’re just bruised and scratched up. Jaemin has already cleaned and bandaged my feet. I’m in incredibly good hands here,” you twirl the cord around your finger as a gentle smile creeps across your face.
“Ahhhhh…” your mom giggles. “Is he cute?”
“Cute?!” Your dad shouts.
“I’ll let you be the judge of that,” you giggle like a schoolgirl. “But the reason I called was —”
Hanging up the phone you jolt around as the front door opens up and you hear Jaemin calling for Nana. Kicking off the excess snow off his shoes he steps inside face bright red.
“We’re good to head out!”
“Why don’t you sit down and rest for a little. I have something I need to talk to you about.”
“Am I…” he walks over to the couch a terrified look on his face. “In trouble?” He asks.
“That depends. When you talked to my father did he seem extra happy about something?”
Stilling, Jaemin’s head slowly turns away from you. “I-I don’t know what you mean?”
“Well, I made another call home to tell my parents to bring a little extra something and when I did my mom revealed that my dad had the impression that you and I were a couple.”
Jaemin jolts up holding out his hands. “I swear!” He starts speaking quickly. “I didn’t intend to give him the wrong impression. I was going to tell him about what happened and then all of a sudden he’s calling me son, and saying I can’t wait to meet you. And then he warns me that if I hurt you I’m as good as dead and I’m sorry!”
Finally letting yourself laugh you shake your head. “I’m not mad, Jaemin. It was funny to hear what happened. Don’t worry my parents aren’t mad at all either and knowing them they’ll apologize again and again for the misunderstanding.”
Falling down onto the couch Jaemin lets out a huge exhale. “So, I’m not going to die?”
Smirking you nudge his arm. “At least not yet you aren’t. Oh, and if it’s alright with you I told them to bring extra clothes to last them up till the New Year.”
“New Year?” Jaemin asks.
“When you were talking about being out here all alone for Christmas I had an idea. I took time off of work until the second week in the New Year and well,” you reach over placing a hand on top of his. “I thought we can spend time with you for Christmas and the New Year so you’re not alone.”
Staring dumbfounded Jaemin’s eyes tremble. Gulping deeply you watch his adams apple bob up and down before he reaches out to you pulling you towards him. Smashing his lips onto yours. His hand wraps around your neck as he slowly moves his lips across yours. Not knowing fully what to do you sit there stunned.
What shocks you even more is when you find your own lips moving along with his. Feeling you returning the kiss Jaemin starts to use his body to push you back onto the couch. A small squeak from you has him smiling against your lips.
What is going on?! You freak out.
Not being the crazy party girl type you don’t even give your number out to strangers when you’re at bars with your co-workers. Yet here you are, kissing a complete stranger. Staying at his house. Inviting your parents over for the holidays! Who the fuck are you?!
But the better question is…why does it feel so good to kiss, Jaemin?
Trying to get a better angle a chuckle leaves you when you hear Jaemin’s coat rustling around. His smile starts to spread across his lips and with one final peck and a growl he sits up.
“Stupid coat,” he unzips and rips it off of him.
“Well that was unexpected,” you tease.
“I’m sorry about that. I mean I am and I’m not. I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.”
“I did kiss you back so I wouldn’t say I was uncomfortable,” you sit up staring at the young man before you.
His chest rises and falls as his tongue skates over his lips. His eyes going from yours down to your lips and back up to meet your own. His cheeks flushed from the cold and perhaps from your small make out.
Jaemin is truly a very attractive man. Dark black hair that isn’t too short or too long. A nice medium length that you can run your hands through. The sweetest smile you’ve ever seen. Even now as his lips start tugging up into a grin you can’t help but to smile as well. He’s just that type of person that can make others happy and smile just by smiling himself.
Leaning into him you grab him by his neck yanking him towards you. “You haven’t answered my proposition at all,” you say against his lips.
“What was it again? I think I forgot,” he drags his lips across yours tempting you.
“Is it okay for my parents and me to stay here and celebrate the holidays with you?”
“Hell with the way I feel right now you can all move in!”
“Then I guess we have some major shopping to do,” you let go of him and stand up.
Grabbing your waist his eyes widen. “Be careful!”
“Don’t worry. I’ve got a system now!”
Sliding your feet across the floor as if you’re a figure skater you make it to the guest room without feeling any pain. Doing a little twirl you end with a ‘ta-dah pose’ to which Jaemin gives you a round of applause. Even in the corner of the room where Nana has decided to stand — as far from you as possible, you swear you see the slightest wag of her tail. Perhaps it really was a great thing ending up at Jaemin’s.
▽ ⓟ ⓡ ⓔ ⓨ △
Lying in bed you stare up at the white ceiling. The game ended a while ago. The triumphant feeling you had of almost escaping has turned you into a hollow shell. No longer eating or drinking, you’ve put yourself on the ‘self-harm’ list in your captors’ eyes.
Sitting in a chair in the corner he turns another page in the novel he’s been reading for the last day and a half. He hasn’t left your side at all — well, except when he makes your meals, but even then…you tug on the collar around your neck jingling the chain that he holds loosely in his hand, alarming him. You’re still kept within saving distance.
“Have you decided to eat yet?” He asks going back to his book.
Exhaling, he slams his book shut. “Why are you doing this? You need to eat. You need to drink.”
“Let me go and I will.”
“If I let you go you’ll run away and call the cops.”
“Of course I will!” You scream. “You’ve kept me locked in this fucking house for God knows how long! I want to go home! I want to be with my family! Why can’t you understand this?!” You start thrashing your body around on the bed.
“Stop! Stop!” You completely lose control of yourself. Throwing your hands around wildly you end up scratching your face, blood trickling down your cheek. Upon seeing you he springs up from his chair rushing over to you and grabs your arms. “For fucks sake stop!!” He climbs on the bed straddling your lap. “You’re going to hurt yourself.”
For a brief second you pause to stare him dead in the eyes. “Good!” You spit venomously.
“What?!” He whispers.
“I’d rather die than spend another minute here with you!”
As fast as lightning your wrists are gripped tightly and thrown over your head. Putting all his weight on you, causing you to not only moan but gasp from the lack of air — you’re unable to move. Yanking, you try to get him to loosen his grip. Twisting and turning your body in any direction you can you try to throw him off. When nothing works you release the most guttural scream.
“I never wanted to do this to you!” He screams down at you. “When you…when you said yes,” his voice becomes a whisper. “I was so happy. I thought finally someone who sees me has come into my life. Someone I can call mine forever…”
“Yet you locked me up! That isn’t love!”
“You were going to leave me! Don’t lie to me!” He pushes against your arms, his grip tightening.
“I said I needed to go back home. I needed to get back to my life and my job. That never meant goodbye forever!”
“Yes it does…” he whispers.
“When I said yes, I meant it! At that moment I meant it with every fiber of my being! When I said I needed to go I didn’t mean forever. We would have talked as much as you wanted. You could have come out and visited me and vice versa, but you took all of those possibilities and threw them out the fucking window!”
“Your home, what does it look like again?”
“Your home in the city…”
“Who the fuck cares now?! They probably threw all my shit away!” A tear trickles down your face.
There’s no doubt in your mind that all your things have been emptied out of your apartment. There’s no way in hell your landlord would just allow you to skip out on months of rent. Hell, you don’t even have a job anymore most likely. All that hard work — years of staying away during holidays to grind out another win for the company wasted because of the man currently top of you.
“You still have your apartment.”
“I’ve been paying the rent this whole time.”
“WHAT?!” You scream.
“I’ve also invested in your company and have talked to your boss and he thinks you’re working exclusively on a deal with me at my home office. You’ve been given a pay raise since then.”
“Get off! Get the fuck off of me!”
This time listening to you, he slides off of you sitting defeated at your side.
“What in the hell are you talking about? How did you invest and why hasn’t my boss wanted to see me? What about my family?!”
Sighing he glances your way before looking away again. “My family owns half of the city where you work. In other words were filthy stinking rich. I was supposed to take over my father’s company but I chose to venture off on my own – small business dealings with tech companies here and there. It paid the bills and brought in the connections I needed to stay in my father’s good graces.
“Your wallet,” he fiddles with his fingers. “I looked you up. Found you on the company website and looked into the company as a hole. The two days I was gone after our fight,” he finally looks up again. “That’s when I went and took care of things on your end…
“As for your family,” he looks at you with the darkest gaze you’ve seen him wear since your huge fight that started this mess. “You’re the one who told me you’re a workaholic who doesn’t visit much. When they called me to see how everything was I said that you’ve been busy and I haven’t heard from you for a while. This mess,” he points to you. “You did yourself.”
▽ ⓟ ⓡ ⓔ ⓨ △
“Can you hand me the last bit of tinsel?” You ask Jaemin.
“Are you sure we need more? The trees starting to look like it belongs in a flapper movie.”
“Yes, this area here is boring. It needs a little sparkle!”
Handing you the last chunk of tinsel you do your job of decorating the crap out of the tree. This is your favorite thing about Christmas. Decorating the entire house and tree until everything looks like you’ve stepped into a tiny Christmas village. Sadly, due to time constraints and the fact this isn’t your home — only sticking with the utmost crucial of decorations. One, being mistletoe that is now hanging at the entryway from the kitchen to the living room – two, a Christmas playlist setup to fill the house with cheer.
Garland was placed around the front door, the entryway above the mistletoe, and on the staircase upstairs where your parents would be staying — and you even found cute mini already decorated Christmas trees to put in their rooms for some added cheer.
There were stockings hung over the mantle of the fireplace, but the best part of all…
“When do you want to start wrapping the presents?” Jaemin holds your hand as you step down from the small step ladder.
“Uhh, I guess we should get it done now. I’ll be cooking for most of the evening to help get as much food done as possible.”
“Is Christmas normally this extravagant at your house?”
“Which house?” You smirk. “My place in the city or my childhood home?”
Grabbing the bag of presents you got for your parents and even Jaemin, you go to your corner of the living room – already telling him that their backs will be facing away from each other the whole time so they won’t see anything that will ruin the surprise.
While shopping for your parents Jaemin asked what you wanted. You tried to tell him nothing that this holiday is about him but he kept looking at you like ‘if you don’t tell me what you want you’re going to get something you REALLY don’t need.’ Settling on a book you wanted to get eventually, Jaemin went off on his own to find you something special.
Having asked him what he wanted he said anything that catches your eye he’ll gladly accept. Talk about vague.
“My house in the city for the last couple years I’ve barely had time to decorate during the holidays. I make a goal every year to start as soon as December hits but I always end up putting up a fake tree and that’s it.”
“This coming from a woman I had to pull away from the decorations or else this house would end up like Santa’s workshop?!”
Laughing you start cutting some paper for the gift you had already purchased for your mom.
“I’ve been trying to earn this huge promotion at work. It will allow me to work from home a lot more and have more flexible hours. It gets really lonely being so far from home so I was thinking of getting a pet. A dog or a cat maybe. I’m not sure. But, I don’t want to think about leaving it at home all the time. I want to enjoy having a pet.
“Then there is finally going out on dates, meeting Mr. Right, marriage, kids, the whole nine yards. I want to have a good job that allows me to have these luxuries. Sadly that means I’m always working overtime even around the holidays.”
“What kind of job do you have?”
“I’m the chief of my department for marketing. I started out as just a regular floor employee but I worked my ass off for the past seven years and slowly worked up to being chief. What I want is to be up on the main floor with the big wigs.”
“Big wigs? President and Vice President?”
“Shareholders too.”
“Ambitious, I like that in a woman.” He states with a slight smirk in his tone.
“And what about you Mr. Na? What type of job do you have?”
“I’m an investor. My dad owns his own company and I go out looking for things we can invest in to expand our outreach. It’s not a demanding job and I do most of my research at home.”
“Seems nice,” you sigh. “But then again, getting the companies to listen to you is pretty grueling work.”
“Tell me about it. I tried to get this one company to sit down for five minutes with me, took me over a year. My father really wanted to do business with them. It was get this meeting or start looking for work elsewhere.”
“Damn, if he wanted the company why didn’t he contact the person himself?”
“‘You need to learn how to handle tough situations, son. One day you’ll be taking over the company. You need to be firm, strong, and know the business inside and out.’” He speaks in a gruff voice. “What he truly meant was, get your ass up and start contributing or I’m going to kick you out of the will.”
“Anything in particular you wanted to do more?”
“I wanted to be a doctor. My uncle used to let me shadow him whenever I wanted. It was awesome! The rush of people coming in. The split second decisions you have to make. Having someone’s life in your hands. Just thinking about it makes my heart beat faster. But the best part is helping people in need. That isn’t what my father wanted to hear so bye bye medical school.”
“I’m so sorry, Jaemin.”
“It’s in the past. I make a decent living and technically, I did help you.” He peeks over his shoulder the same moment you look over yours.
“You sure did,” you give a reassuring smile. “Now let’s focus on the task at hand. Because next up is cooking!”
For the next two hours you and Jaemin work nonstop to wrap every gift. Trying to keep small talk to a minimum you sit in a comfortable silence between the two of you. Being here with Jaemin feels like a breath of fresh air. Maybe it’s the fact that you’re away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Maybe it’s because for once you’re not focusing on the grind and appreciating the time you’re having to just slow down, but it’s nice. And Jaemin is amazing company and a generous man and host.
When the holidays end and you have to go back to your life, you peek over to see him sliding another gift off to the side. You’re really going to miss him.
The rest of the evening you spend bossing Jaemin around in the kitchen. He learned all about the foods your parents like. Hearing story after story of how you almost burnt down the kitchen, also how you almost electrocuted yourself, and the failures and triumphs of your cooking ventures. When everything that was cold is cooked and put away in the fridge you stretch your back hearing it crack loudly.
“Come over here,” Jaemin pats a spot on the couch. “You’ve been standing for hours. It’s time to rest.”
“I think you’re right.” Skidding your feet across the floor you plop down next to him. “It’s been a while since I’ve cooked that much. It felt nice.”
Grabbing your legs he hoists them up to his lap making you squeak in surprise. “If you could have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?” He asks starting to rub your tired aching legs.
“Hmmm…” you lay back and enjoy the soothing massage. “I suppose I’d want lemon pepper chicken. Well, anything with chicken.” You laugh. “My dad used to make fun of me and say with all the chicken I ate growing up he’s surprised I haven’t sprouted feathers and started laying eggs.” Chuckling along with you, Jaemin heads down to your ankles which feel especially sore. “And you?”
“What I made you yesterday,” he smiles. “It’s simple, easy, never goes out of fashion and it’s just too damn good.”
“Ahh yes, granny’s famous chicken noodle soup! What was she like?”
Pausing he leans back for a second his arms resting on your legs. “She was the sweetest person on this earth. She loved animals and sometimes I felt she loved them more than people. She used to say animals are easier to read then people. They don’t hide their motives from you. If they don’t like you they show it. If they want to eat you, you’ll know. If they love you,” he glances your way and for some reason the smile that spreads across his face has your heart skipping a beat. “They’ll never leave you.”
“That’s really beautiful…”
“Yeah, but don’t let all that fool you. She was a hard worker. Went out and worked at the polls when it was voting time. Helped some lawmakers get into office. Even worked with a former president on an ecologically friendly venture. She was a real badass. Her true passion lies in helping people. Believe it or not she wanted to be a doctor too, but her father forbad it.”
“What?! Why?!”
“‘Women can’t be doctors. They’re job is to take care of their families.’” He starts to massage your ankles again. “My great grandpa was a bit of a misogynist,” he chuckles. “So, when my granny had my dad and uncle she told them repeatedly, whatever you want to do in life I’ll support you. I think she thought at least one of them would go into the more eco-friendly territory as she did but both of them had other plans. My dad…” he grimaces.
“He likes money. ‘Money can provide for the family, for you, and for others.’ He loved his mom and respected her but he also thought she was making poor decisions and leading too much with her heart. He is a born businessman. My uncle, at least he got my granny’s love for helping people, however,” he laughs. “He likes helping the rich clients try to keep their youth if you know what I mean.”
“Cosmetic and plastic surgeries?”
“Oh yeah,” he shakes his head. “When he started off he was in the ER but when I was around 16, he switched out and went where the money is. I think it’s because my aunt spends it all on designer brands. She’s a shop-a-holic.”
“If I met your family what do you think they’d think of me?”
Pausing Jaemin looks to you slowly. “Exactly what capacity are you meeting them in?”
Shrugging you smile. “Any type I guess.”
“As a friend they wouldn’t really care. The only thing I believe they’d say is to not be seen too much in public with you as it would give the wrong impression of my relationship status.”
“If it were, uhh, as a girlfriend,” he unconsciously slides his hands around your calves gripping the other side — making you inhale from the sudden movement, goosebumps decorating your skin. “They would like that you’re ambitious, that’s for sure,” his grip tightens around your calves. “But I do have to ask, what do your parents do?”
“My mom is a retired school teacher and my dad is a truck driver.”
Immediately looking away from you his grip becomes even tighter alarming you. “It wouldn’t matter if you were the love of my life. They wouldn’t accept you because you’re not from a well to do family.”
“So because I’m not from some rich family they wouldn’t give their blessings on this hypothetical relationship?” Nodding Jaemin side glances your way. Lips drown into a pout he looks like a small child whose toy was just taken from him. “I’m sorry your parents are like that. Monetary reasons shouldn’t dictate over a person’s true feelings for someone. Has there been someone in the past they didn’t approve of?”
Shaking his head no, Jaemin unravels his grip on you. “I’ve turned down every person they’ve brought forward. My father got so angry he asked me point blank if I was an ass chaser.”
“Ass chaser?!” You stifle a giggle.
“Just because I despised every woman they threw at me doesn’t mean I’m gay! Which I’m not! I love women and I’m not interested in men!” He grumbles.
Placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder you draw his attention back to you. “From that kiss you gave me I can 100% tell you’re no ass chaser.”
Letting out a huge exhale his hands run through his hair a look of dread on his face. “I need to apologize for that. I was just really excited. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or to imply anything. I mean we don’t even know each other and —”
Sliding your legs off his lap, you lean forward and put a finger over his lips. “It’s fine. There is no need to apologize. Besides, it’s been a couple months since my last relationship. It was nice to be kissed again.”
“Your last boyfriend…what was he like?”
“Total punk rocker type. You know the chains on his pants, tight black distressed skinny jeans. Studded leather jacket. The emo hairstyle with gauges and piercings.” You roll your eyes. “Believe it or not I fell for the boy in the band. How lame is that?”
“I didn’t know men were still in their teenage angst phases.”
“I mean he loved everything about the clothing and music. I didn’t judge because I mean you like what you like. I fell hard for him. He pulled me up on stage, was holding me, touching me, and then kissed me in front of everyone. I was so stunned when they took me backstage — I didn’t even realize I was put in his dressing room.
“He told me that he saw me out in the audience and thought I was beautiful and wanted to talk. It was weird. I mean here I am in a strangers —” pausing you start to laugh. “Fuck! I’m in the same situation!”
“What do you mean?”
“I didn’t even know the guy, he kissed me, and then we talked for hours.” Leaning into him you smirk. “Sound familiar?”
Forcing back a smile Jaemin exhales deeply. “Yes, yes it does. How long did that relationship last?”
“Eight months. He found himself another pretty girl at a show and fucked her. I walked in on them when I went to surprise him.” Scoffing you cross your arms over your chest the memory filling you with rage. “That was the only time I left work early. Hell, the only time I put anything over my job. I was crazy for this guy.
“He was exciting! Made me see a different side of myself I never knew I had. I grew so much in my own confidence and started speaking up and speaking back to people. His ‘stick it to the man’ attitude was contagious. Believe it or not, it made me a beast at work and how I earned the respect of the big wigs in my company.
“For once things felt like they were going in the right direction. So, when the last stop on their tour was at a club near my work, I decided to surprise him. It had been a month since we had last seen each other face to face. We talked on the phone and stuff but we were really busy.
“So, I show up and head to the dressing room to find him balls deep in some whore! Like are you kidding me?! I left work early! I didn’t pull an all-nighter like I normally do. I dressed up for him. Had on my sexiest heels that he liked and what do I get instead…him shoving his dick in some random ass woman.”
“What did he say?”
“‘Babe! It’s not what you think!’ It’s not what I think?! Can you believe that! I threw the gift I bought for him at him. Called the woman a whore, and stormed out of the building. Threw all his shit into a box, left it at the lobby of the building I’m at and told the front desk by no means is he allowed to go up to see me.��
He shakes his head sighing. “I’m sorry…men like that…they’re pigs. I would never do that to the person I’m in a relationship with.” His voice becomes soft, “especially when the person is as beautiful as you.”
“Thanks,” you slump down into the couch. “But let’s not fool ourselves. At the end of the day we’re all made of the same cloth. All we need is to have the right person come into our lives at the right time and it’ll fuck everything up.”
“NO!” He shouts startling you.
Before you realize what’s going on you’re pushed onto your back — Jaemin hovering over you, his body settling between your legs. Staring up at him in both confusion and something else you’re eyes search his face for answers.
“I would never look at another person! Never!” He growls. “As long as you’re mine and I’m yours there’d be no one else. No one!”
Wrapping your hand around his neck you yank him down to you into a lip lock. A deep groan rumbles in his throat as the two of you fight over dominance. Teeth clanking against each other’s, the kiss growing wet and hot as it continues. Laying more of his weight on you, you feel something hard rub against your womanhood. Gasping against his lips, he uses the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth.
Succumbing to the feeling, he roams your mouth leaving no corner untraced. His lips moving across yours seamlessly as your tongues dart in and out of each other’s mouths. Lifting your head up, you manage to catch his tongue between your lips and start to suck on the taut muscle. Giving just enough of a taste to inform him of what else you could do with your mouth.
Growling, he pulls back and you gasp for air. With one arm propping himself up, he uses his other hand to wrap around your neck — gripping tightly. Thanks to your ex, you’ve learned that choking is a huge turn on for you. The feeling of being at someone’s mercy, begging and pleading under them.
Looking up through cloudy eyes, Jaemin’s jaw tightens as his chest rises and falls his brown eyes now dark with lust. Trying to speak his grip tightens more making your hips involuntarily bucking up to his. Eyes rolling back into his head from the friction your clothed core felt against his growing bulge sends shivers throughout you.
Leaning down to you, his hand still around your neck he plants a hard kiss against your lips. “You deserved better. The bastard!” He growls nipping your bottom lip so hard it bleeds. “He should have worshipped the ground you walked on.” He slides his tongue over your bleeding lip.
“Jaemin~” you moan his name loudly.
“You’re so beautiful…So fucking beautiful…” he forces your head back giving him access to your neck.
Wrapping your legs around him you lose yourself in the feeling of his kisses. Sliding his tongue across your jugular he opens his mouth biting down on your throat. Again, your hips buck up to meet his — this time the grind against his groin grabbing his attention.
“We should stop,” he runs his teeth across your neck nipping and sucking on your skin.
Lifting your hips once more you protest the notion. “Don’t want to,” your legs wrap around him tighter.
Sucking on the side of your neck his hips roll into yours. A cry comes from you as you cling to him. He wasn’t even inside of you and yet you’re falling apart by the seams.
“Your parents are coming tomorrow morning. We need to get some rest.” His hips move against yours again clearly stating that though his mouth says one thing his body is on the same side as yours.
“I’m not tired.”
With one final grind of his hip into yours, he pulls away from you despite your desperate attempts at keeping him locked in your arms.
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” he reaches behind him grabbing one of your legs and prying it off of him. “I just…” he smiles down at you. “I respect you too much to do this.”
“To fuck me?” You pout.
“I would never fuck you,” his hand goes to your cheek, his thumb rubbing across your bottom lip where you give it a little bite. “I would make love to you. We just got caught up in our emotions. Trust me, tonight is not the night for this.”
Your legs go limp as the burning passion inside of you starts to simmer down to something subtle. A warm cozy feeling like snuggling up on the couch with a cup of coco – snow falling, a sweet romance movie playing on the TV. He respects you. He doesn’t want this to be a onetime fling. A deep thud in your chest has your stomach doing summersaults.
“I don’t know what’s going on between us, but I like it.” You confess.
“All the better reason not to jump into bed with each other.” He gets off of you and holds out his hand. “Now let’s get some sleep.”
Sighing in bed your heart still hums with the smallest tickle of desire. The feeling of Jaemin’s arousal still prevalent against your core. Biting your bottom lip you hold back the urge to relieve yourself of this yearning.
It’s strange. You’ve only known him completely for two days and yet you feel like you’ve known him a lot longer. His caring nature the complete opposite of your ex. The way his lips tug up slowly into such a bright smile has little butterflies soaring through you.
His strong grip that he had on your neck, you reach up wrapping your hand around your neck — activating the lust within you. Unconsciously your hips buck into the air, a whimper passing your lips. For fucks sake the man isn’t even in the room!
Growling you roll over onto your side, shove the thick quilt between your legs and force yourself to get some sleep, if it’s even possible with salacious thoughts of a naked Jaemin on top of you filling your head.
Turning on the shower Jaemin steps inside feeling the cool water wash over his burning skin. His mind reeling with the image of you underneath him. Clinging to him, pulling him closer to you. In that moment he wanted you. To hear what your cries of pleasure would be like. Knowing that it was him who made you feel so good.
“Why didn’t I just let her?” He grumbles placing his head against the wall of the shower.
Reaching down, his hand wraps around his length. Sliding his hand up his shaft, Jaemin grits his teeth. He’s still hard even after a few minutes of calming himself down after your steamy make out. This is ridiculous! The mere thought of you has him hardening on the spot.
“She wanted you! Stupid!” He growls pumping himself in his hand. “She was begging for you!” His grip tightens. “You could already be deep inside her!” His hips buck forward a groan echoing in the shower.
Closing his eyes an image of you on his bed starts to appear before him. Your beautiful body laid out waiting for him to tend to your every desire. How you’d open your arms for him, begging to feel him on you — to kiss every inch of your body, and treat you like the queen you are.
His hand moves faster up and down his cock. He pictures you squirming underneath him as he kisses his way down your body. Fondling, kissing, licking, sucking, and biting on your breasts, and nipples.
“Shit!” He groans slamming his free hand against the wall.
Seeing how your chest would rise and fall as he worked you over with his mouth. Tasting you, savoring you, falling deeper for you. When you finally come undone for him, how he’d slurp up every last drop of your juices — his face wet from your arousal.
“Fuck! Fuck!” His hand moves like lightning as he builds himself up to come.
But what he would love the most, what he’d crave the most is to be inside of you. How you’d need to adjust to his size. The tightness of your juicy pussy choking his cock from the intrusion. Seeing your face when he slides into you, how your lips would part and the slightest ‘ahhh~’ being released.
All building up to him making love to you slow and deep. Keeping his eyes locked onto you, his gaze penetrating deep into your soul as you both become one. Then, as he feels himself ready to come you whisper the one thing he wants to hear the most.
‘Come inside me…’
“Ahhh!!! Fuck!!!”
White strands splatter onto the shower wall and floor. A mixture of sweat and water drip down Jaemin’s body. His skin reddened from exertion. Breathing heavily he strokes his length until the last drop of come drips to the floor.
“Shit…” he whispers a ghost of a smile decorating his face.
▽ ⓟ ⓡ ⓔ ⓨ △
Staring at the empty bowl of soup you exhale deeply. Shoulders slumping over, tired lifeless eyes staring at the bottom of the bowl. Another fight lost. Your stomach and body not strong enough to withstand the hunger strike you put yourself in.
Placing the bowl on the cart you avoid the obvious satisfied gleam coming from your captors eyes. Of course he’s happy. His princess finally gave into what he wanted…AGAIN!
Frustrated you fall back onto the bed. “You don’t have to be so dramatic,” he chuckles next to you. “I’m not smiling because I won. I’m smiling because you’re eating again.”
Giving him a huge eye roll you turn to face the blank boring overly sterile white-tiled wall.
“Come now,” he sits next to you, hand on your hip. “Was it at least good?”
“You know it’s good.” You reply sharply.
It was a stupid question. Of course it was good. His granny’s homemade chicken noodle soup. Every time he made it you could never resist. The only problem is that it takes you back to when he wasn’t this monster. When he actually cared, or so you thought.
“I’m not your princess.”
His hand on your hip tightens. Pressing his buttons has been both a fun game of yours lately. Seeing how far you can push him to the edge without causing yourself any damage. If he was going to make you play his game you were going to have him play yours.
“You are my princess,” he tugs on your hip urging you to turn onto your back. “And you know what, I’ve been a neglectful boyfriend.”
Giving in just a smidge you turn onto your back, but you don’t make eye contact. “Not my boyfriend. You fucked that up.”
“I know. Let me make it up to you.”
Scoffing you turn your head away from him. “Not a chance. I don’t believe in second chances. Once someone shows their true colors there's no going back.”
“But there is one way I know I can make it up to you.”
There’s something in his tone that makes your head turn in his direction. A secret promise that only he knew of. Side eyeing him, you find his eyes slowly going dark. A light smirk coming to his face as he peers down at you. Quickly turning away from him, you go to turn your whole body when he climbs on top of you, straddling your hips.
“Not so fast,” he chuckles. “Don’t you want to know what it is?”
“Fuck you!”
Throwing his head back the most sinister laugh comes from him. One you’ve never heard before that sends shivers down your spine.
“No princess,” he bends his body down, lips pressed against your neck. “I’m going to fuck you.”
Shrieking, your face turns to his. Eyes wide your body starts to burn with both fear and what you hate to admit…desire.
“It’s been over three months,” he pecks your lips. “I think we’re long overdue. Don’t you think?”
“Mmmm, are you sure?” He presses soft kisses from your cheek down to your neck.
Biting back a moan you try to roll him off of you. “Yes! I’m sure!”
“Funny,” he falls off to the side but wraps his arms around you so you roll over with him, half your body dangling off of him. “I was thinking we’d switch things up a bit. You’ve never been on top before.”
And he fucking does it! The seed has been planted in your brain. The last shred of dignity gone with two simple words on top.
“You’re lying.” You challenge.
Motioning for you to crawl on top of him you eye him skeptically. This had to be a trick. Another one of his sick twisted games. He’s never let you be on top, not even when he was somewhat sane. There had to be a catch, a hidden motive.
“I’m not. Do you know why I’ve preferred to be on top?”
“You’re a man with a fragile ego,” you deadpan.
Sucking his teeth he stares up at you unamused. “No, my sweet princess.” Reaching out he grabs the chain hooked to your collar. “It’s because I love seeing the look on your face as we make love. That’s why. I don’t want to miss a single moment of how beautiful you look while I’m inside you.” Tugging on the chain you find your body unconsciously moving you on top of him.
“I’m pretty sure you’d still be able to see me even if I were on top.” You try to keep up your act but your mask starts to slip.
“No, it wouldn’t be the same,” he pulls you more until you’ve completely climbed on top of him. “Depends on how good it feels your face could be buried in my neck. I don’t want that. I want to see my princess. How she takes me inside of her,” he pulls your face to him giving your lips a small kiss. Not lingering but more of a soft press that always without fail has you leaning in for more.
“Should have just said that you know.”
Smiling he wraps his arms around you, keeping you locked in place. “I’m a man with a fragile ego,” he teases. “Don’t you remember how it all began?” He lifts his hips to meet yours. “How badly we wanted each other?”
You quirk a brow. Desperately fumbling with the mask you’ve chosen to wear so you don’t have the urge to grind down onto his lap. “Before you turned into a psychopathic kidnapper?”
“Mmm kidnapper perhaps, psychopath no.”
“You make me play that stupid game!”
“We don’t have to play it you know,” he grinds against you once more carefully waiting for a reaction.
“I’m serious. If you don’t want to play it, we don’t have to. However, we can always play another game instead,” his hands go from your waist down to your ass giving it a good squeeze as another roll of his hips sends shivers down your spine.
“A-And what game is that?”
▽ ⓟ ⓡ ⓔ ⓨ △
Sitting across the table from Jaemin you can’t help the smile plastered on your face. Seeing how well your parents are getting along with him. How he’s not shying away from your father’s prodding questions about his private affairs. Little by little he’s proving to be the real deal — a gentleman through and through.
“I just can’t thank you enough for what you did for our daughter,” your mom reaches out, touching his hand. “If anything ever happened to her we wouldn’t be able to live with ourselves.”
Placing his hand on top of hers he smiles gently. “I’m just glad I could help her. Plus, she’s brought more joy into this house. I should be thanking you guys for raising such a wonderful person.”
“Jaemin!” Your mom squeals. “Stop you’re too much!”
Laughing, you all enjoy the Christmas Eve meal you’ve prepared with Jaemin’s help of course. But, it was your father’s special gravy that you were dying to consume for the past couple of years that topped the meal off. Ever since you were little you’ve wanted to know what his secret ingredient is, but he has yet to share it with you — likely for the fact if you knew you’d stop showing up for holiday meals altogether in his eyes.
“So, Jaemin, where are your folks? I find it odd they aren’t here.” Your dad eyes Jaemin up and down, sizing him up.
“Dad, really?” You glare.
“It’s fine,” Jaemin smiles your way. “My parents are a couple hours away. Honestly, I’ve never spent the holidays with them. Even when I was with them I was never with them. They’re socialites and I hated everything to do with that so I just ended up staying here with my granny.”
“You’re parents are socialites?” Your mom gasps.
“Must be rich to afford this place,” your dad adds gruffly.
“My father owns several companies and my mother is a former model.” This time it was your turn to gasp. Chuckling he shrugs sighing. “I don’t bring them up since people will automatically judge me and think I’m stuck up, or that they aren’t good enough to be around me. It’s been like that my whole life. So, I keep them a secret until I get to know people — still, I end up losing 90% of who I tell.”
“I’m so sorry,” you whisper.
“People can be like that. Best not to waste any time worrying about the shoulda coulda woulda’s and focus on what is in front of you.” Your dad pushes his plate from him. “Speaking of right in front of us, how about dessert?”
“I’ll get it!” You spring up eagerly.
“Let me help you sweetie,” your mom follows you into the kitchen.
When your parents arrived you saw from the carrying container that your mom made her famous pumpkin pie! At least it’s famous in your home. Grabbing a knife you all but carve half of the pie just for yourself when your mom smacks your hand.
“No way,” she nudges you away and takes your place. “You do that every time. When will you learn?”
“Old habits die hard I suppose. Plus, it’s been years. I think I deserve a bigger piece.”
“Well, it wouldn’t be years if someone came home more often.”
“I know, and I promise I’ll try to visit more it’s just with this promo —”
“Promotion, we know.” She sighs slicing up the final piece of pie. “But sweetheart we’re not getting any younger and we want to see our daughter.”
“I’m sorry.”
“So, Jaemin, huh?”
“Leave it to you to go from scolding me to talking about boys in less than five seconds.”
“It’s a gift,” she licks the knife. “So, what’s the deal between the two of you?”
“There’s no deal.”
“He’s obviously smitten with you. Have you guys kissed yet?”
Quickly you grab two of the pumpkin pies and head straight for the dining room. “Mom! Gosh! Stop!”
“What did I say?” She shouts behind you.
The rest of the evening was spent sitting by the fire and your parents filling Jaemin in on your whole entire life — a few objections and clarifications coming from you to make sure that what was stated was in fact the truth. Your mom always one to sensationalize some of your more interesting childhood moments.
When the clock strikes 11PM, your parents decide to call it a night while you and Jaemin finish up Miracle on 34th Street. Snuggled up on the couch closest to Jaemin’s chair you find your gaze bouncing between the TV and him. His eyes fixated on the movie rather blankly.
“I’m sorry about them,” you gain his attention. “I hope they didn’t bore you with all the baby stories.”
Smirking, Jaemin leans so he’s facing you instead of the TV. “Quite the contrary, I loved hearing about you as a kid. Especially the frog story. Seems you’ve wanted to be a princess for a long time,” he teases.
Pouting you turn away from him in a huff. “So I kissed a frog when I was 4! It’s not my fault I thought the story was real…”
You wait for a reply from Jaemin, something smart or another teasing joke but when you hear nothing you look over to see he has since disappeared from his chair.
“What the…” you whisper.
“If you kissed him,” a voice says in your ear making you jump. “Like you kissed me I’d be surprised he was still living.” He sits down next to you.
Your whole body comes alive the moment he looks into your eyes. There’s something about the way he looks at you that makes you feel like you should run away and save yourself, and another part that makes you want to succumb to whatever he demands of you.
“This might sound weird and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but I’ve wanted to kiss you all day.”
“Y-You have?”
Nodding Jaemin tucks some of your hair behind your ear, his eyes locked on yours. “All… day.”
“Wh-Why haven’t you?”
“I wanted to make sure I had permission to kiss you first. I’ve been doing it impulsively these past two times that I at least want to make sure I ask at least once.”
“You may ask,” you say in a trance.
“May I kiss you?”
Leaning into him your lips hover over his. “Yes you may.”
Going into his million-watt stunningly smile, Jaemin reaches out to you. Hand wrapping around to the back of your neck while his lips gently land on yours. Just like last night your body tingles with excitement and desire, but the kiss already feels different.
Slowly, Jaemin moves his lips across yours almost lethargically. His grip on your neck keeps you in place as he takes his time kissing you. Savoring every movement of your lips modeling together, no matter how small.
Pulling back for just a second he gazes into your eyes with such a look of fondness you melt on the spot. This is what it feels like to have a genuine partner. And with the way he’s looking at you like you are the heavens and earth to him, this is what it feels like to truly like someone soul deep.
“I could kiss you forever,” he tilts his head before diving back down for another kiss. “You have the softest lips.”
Giggling you cave in to the moment. Enjoying every ounce of admiration Jaemin is showing you. From the sweet nothings he whispers in between longer moments when he has to take a breath. To the sparkle in his eyes when he looks down at you. Though you’ve only just met him there is something so amazingly fantastic about him.
“Oh, and by the way,” he kisses you slowly once more. “Merry Christmas,” he smiles against your lips.
“Christmas?” Turning your head you find that it’s 12:01AM Christmas Day. “Merry Christmas, Jaemin.”
“This is the best Christmas by far.”
“Same here,” you reach into him wrapping your arms around him. “I hope you have many more amazing Christmas’ to come.”
“I hope so too,” he wraps his arms around you pulling you with him.
Landing on top of him you both end up in a fit of laughter. Not bothering to look back at the movie you snuggle into his warm inviting embrace until sleep takes hold of you.
Christmas came and went in the blink of an eye. Christmas morning your mom pulled out the works and made everyone cinnamon rolls, a tradition in your household before you opened up gifts which you were super happy to find out that your parents bought some gifts for Jaemin.
Nothing too fancy just some candles and things everyone needs around the household and when you had mentioned he had three dogs, well that meant dog toys — which surprisingly, Nana loved A LOT!
You however went and got Jaemin a matching set of pajamas with yourself and your parents, another tradition you had growing up. All day on Christmas you wear the new set of pajamas and then there is the family photo that is taken, this time with Jaemin’s arm wrapped around your waist.
What you didn’t expect was to get extremely personalized gifts from Jaemin. Every conversation you had with him was heard. Gifting you your favorite snacks, the book you mentioned, a CD you wanted to get but hadn’t gotten around to getting it. But the real amazing gift is when you opened up a box that had an expensive brand of perfume inside.
You tried to tell him you couldn’t except it but he said he thought it would be perfect for you and that he wouldn’t take no for an answer.
The following days after Christmas your father and Jaemin started to get really close to each other. Your dad giving him advice about tending to the land and the horse — having grown up on a farm for most of his life his advice was apparently welcomed with open arms. While they were getting acquainted your mother was tending to you and helping you make a speedy recovery.
It was nice to be taken care of again something you missed while being on your own. Whenever you were sick or unwell mentally, emotionally, even spiritually — you missed your moms loving arms, her words of wisdom, and caring touches. She even seemed to enjoy doting on you again as well. The best thing, was just talking to her again, face to face instead of over the phone.
“I didn’t want to bring this up,” your mom blows across the fresh coat of paint on your fingers. “Have you thought of Jaemin being your next boyfriend?”
“Don’t mom me! I’ve seen the way the two of you look at each other. I haven’t seen you look at a boy like this since Chris. Maybe it’s time to forget what’s his name and find the happiness you deserve.”
“I don’t think about Erik at all. Why would I? He cheated, I was hurt but I moved on months ago.”
“Have you moved on? Burying yourself in your work doesn’t equal moving on. It’s okay to have liked him sweetie. We’ve all fallen for the boy in the band at some point.” She exhales deeply placing your hand down on your lap. “Have I ever told you about Dominic?”
“No~” you lean into her intrigued. “Who is Dominic?”
“My middle school and high school crush. He was gorgeous!” Her eyes flutter by the mere memory of him.
You’ve heard all about your moms ex’s before your dad. Your mom being such a beautiful woman it didn’t surprise you she had a lot of boyfriends and short flings, but this man, she’s kept him a secret from you. No doubt someone she wanted to keep to herself for as long as possible.
“He has gorgeous green eyes with the smallest fractals of yellow in them that sparkled in the light. Dirty blonde hair that reached past his shoulders — granted he was tall and skinny, but when he stood next to me I couldn’t think of anyone or anything but him. It was like tunnel vision in the best possible way. The only sound I heard was his voice. The only person I saw was him. It was amazing and terrifying all at the same time,” she laughs.
“Did you guys date?”
“No. We didn’t.”
Well that explains why she never brought him up in terms of her exes.
“You see,” she continues. “There was this one time on our middle school field trip to the capital where he asked to speak to me alone. I could have sworn right then and there he was going to say something in the lines of a confession. The strangest thing is that at that particular time I didn’t know what my feelings were. I knew I liked being around him. I looked forward to the class we had together but I guess my brain didn’t formulate that I was head over heels with this guy.
“Anyway, he brings me off to the side away from everyone and he’s twitching and fiddling with his fingers. He was so cute,” she giggles making you giggle. “It’s not often you see men nervous like that so remember those moments because they’re super funny and warm to look back on.
“So, he opens his mouth and says ‘I have something to ask you…’ and just when I moved closer to him because he was speaking so softly I could barely hear him my friend shows up saying she wanted to show me something. Right then and there he went from being super nervous to almost relieved and waved me off. To this day I want to know what he wanted to ask me, but I never found out.”
“So when did you realize you liked him?”
“Our second year of high school when he was constantly throwing remarks to a mutual friend of ours. It wasn’t jealousy, more like annoyance. She was dating this guy off in the military — spraying love letters with her perfume so when he read it, it would smell like her, she was so cute. Well, everyday he’d come in and it was starting to irritate her and me as well. She’s my friend, I had to stand up for her. So I did.
“He got embarrassed told me he was going to kill me and how, and that was how our friendship ended. But my feelings weren’t so easily broken. For the next two years I couldn’t stop myself from looking at him with heartbroken eyes. I liked him so much. I even wonder sometimes if he was technically a first love, but it wasn’t meant to be.
“It took me years to get over him but once I let him go I met your father and have been happy ever since,” she cups your cheek in her hand. “Sometimes letting go of someone you really liked is the hardest thing in the world, but it also opens yourself up for something new and wonderful.”
Just then a knock is placed on your door, Jaemin standing in the frame. “Your dad wanted me to ask if the two of you would like to go out for dinner tonight.”
“On New Year’s Eve?” Your mom growls already standing to storm off and find your dad. “Does this man have no sense of tradition?! I’ll be right back sweetie I need to have a word with your father!”
“May I come in?” Jaemin shuffles back and forth on his feet.
Squinting you enjoy his sudden nervous behavior. “It is your home you know.”
“It is,” he runs a hand through his hair. “But you are staying here for the time being and this is your room.”
“Get in here,” you wave him in.
Just as Jaemin sits down on the edge of the bed you hear your parents going back and forth arguing about dinner.
“Is it always like this?” Jaemin inquires.
“Nope,” you start painting your other hand. “I guess my dad thinks the pizza and Chinese food drivers will get confused trying to find your place. Probably wants us to pick a buffet style place where we can get a little of everything.”
“Pizza and Chinese?”
“Yeah I only ate pizza as a kid, well that and chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, the usual kid stuff. My parents wanted something more elevated but I refused. So from the time I was 8 till now they have Chinese and I have pizza on New Year’s Eve.”
“You guys have so many traditions,” he resituates himself so he’s looking at you. “I’m a little jealous.”
“Play your cards right and you won’t have to be jealous,” you wink.
His eyes light up with shock and hope. His body leaning forward, face mere inches from yours as he smiles brightly. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“I don’t know. What do you think I’m saying?”
Closing the gap between the two of you his lips land on yours. Again, your body bursts to life. Your heart races as your body warms up instantaneously. Wanting to wrap your arms around him you keep your still drying nails away from him.
Jaemin’s lips move across yours slowly. Taking his time to savior the kiss you’ve been itching to have. The past few days you’ve found yourselves only able to steal pecks and glances — your parents having an uncanny ability to pop in at the drop of a hat, limiting anything from progressing.
“I think you’re saying you like me,” he cups your cheek in his hand.
“What if I am?”
“I’d be the happiest man on earth,” his lips find yours again.
“We’re staying here —” your moms voice causes both Jaemin and yourself to break apart quickly, but not quick enough. Folding her arms across her chest your mom eyes the two of you. “Well what do we have here,” she teases.
“Ma’am, I’m sorry I just…” Jaemin stands up frazzled. “It won’t happen again I —”
Holding up her hand he stops talking. “I think my daughter would be upset if you stopped kissing her,” she giggles. “It’s fine, Jaemin.” She walks up to him. “You’re just the kind of man I think my daughter needs in her life. So, what to do about dinner?” Her eyes bounce between Jaemin and yourself. “Your father and I will head out and pick up the food. That should give the two of you some time, alone…” she winks.
“Mom! Stop!”
Shrugging she leans in giving Jaemin a kiss on the cheek. “Have fun,” she whispers to him. “Darling!” She calls out to your dad. “Get the car started we’re picking up the food!”
The rest of the night the four of you spent together watching the New Year’s Eve celebrations on TV. Nothing serious happened after your mom left a few more kisses before Nana made her presence known to both of you. So Jaemin took her outside for a little playtime while you finished getting ready for tonight. Another tradition you had growing up was to get dressed nicely to ring in the new year.
Now, as the clock ticks down to midnight you can’t help but look around at everyone smiling and laughing. You didn’t expect this at all when you started your trek to your parents home. To end up in another home with such a kind and accommodating man.
Perhaps your mom is right. It’s best to let go of your past to open yourself up to something new and wonderful.
“5! 4! 3! 2!” Your parents and Jaemin start to shout.
Maybe it’s time to move onto him…
Everyone starts to cheer. Your mom popping her little confetti before your father wraps his arm around her giving her a big kiss. Squinting in both disgust and admiration for the love they still have after all these years you look to Jaemin who is just smiling fondly.
“Go on!” Your mom pulls away from your dad. “You both need to have a new years kiss.”
“Sweetie,” your father warns.
“Oh hush,” she waves him off coming over to you. “Bring in the new year in hopes of finding new love,” she lifts you off the couch, pulls you to Jaemin and plants you down next to him.
“Mom, really,” you shake your head.
“Not like the two of you haven’t kissed before.”
“WHAT? Whe—” Your father shouts but is cut off by a kiss from your mom.
“I’m sorry about her,” you turn to Jaemin.
“It’s okay. If she didn’t bring you over here I was going to come to you,” he takes hold of your hand. “I’d really like to kiss you right now.”
“She’d really like that too.”
“Mom!!!!” Chuckling Jaemin stares at you lovingly. Waiting for you to give him the green light. “For goodness sake, Jaemin.”
Pulling him into you by the neck you smash your lips together. A huge smile playing across his face as his arms wrap around you, holding you close to him.
“Happy New Year,” he whispers against your lips.
“Happy New Year, Jaemin.”
An hour later your parents called it a night both too exhausted to keep their eyes open any longer. Heading upstairs to their designated room, you wonder if you should head to bed as well. But when you feel Jaemin’s gaze on you something within you or the air changes completely.
Hearing your parents' voices fade off into the distance the couch dips down next to you, Jaemin’s form extremely close to you.
“Finally,” he chuckles. “I was wondering when they’d call it a night.”
“You were?”
“Mmhmm,” he leans into you with the cutest grin plastered on his face. “I have an important question to ask you.”
“And what is this important question?” You lean into him your lips a few inches apart.
“I know we haven’t known each other for a long time but I was wondering,” his eyes drop down to your lips before bouncing back to your eyes. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?”
“For real?” You ask a little shocked by the question.
It wasn’t that you didn’t see this coming — you 100% saw it coming it’s just the timing and the new year, and you’ll leave in just two more days…when will you see him again? How long will it be before you feel his lips on you when you leave him? A sharp pain stabs at your heart with just the thought of being separated from him.
“Yes for real,” he chuckles holding your hand in his. “I really like you. I don’t think I’ve ever liked someone this fast or as much in my whole life.”
“What about your family? I thought you said they wouldn’t approve of me?”
“I could care less what they have to say about you. I like you and that should be good enough for them.”
“So we’re really doing this?” You giggle.
“Only if you say yes,” his hand goes from yours to your neck.
“Yes! Of course!”
Pulling you to him, Jaemin crashes his lips onto yours. Long gone are the gentle kisses from earlier where it felt like he was trying to savor every last second the two of you could share. In its place is a different beast altogether. A thirsty hungry creature that is devouring your soul little by little.
“Lean back for me,” he whispers on your lips, voice husky.
Doing as instructed you lay back until your head touches the pillow behind you. Parting your legs, Jaemin slides between them, his body pressing against yours. Instantly you feel something hard press against your clothed core. Heat consumes your body into wanton flames of desire.
“I’m going to need you to keep your voice down, okay?” He asks you a smirk laced in his voice. “I don’t want your parents to hear at all.”
“J-Jaemin!” You squeak when he grinds his hips into yours. “Th-The bedroom!”
Shaking his head he lowers himself to you. Lips brushing across yours. “I want to finish what I stopped the last time, right here on this couch.”
“B-But the bedro —” He cuts you off with a gentle kiss to your lips.
“Let’s play a game,” he kisses you again before moving down to your jaw.
“A game?” You sigh into the feeling of his lips on you.
“Mhm,” you arch your neck when his lips kiss a line around your décolletage. “I want to see how quiet you can be while we make love.”
Grabbing your leg he yanks you closer to him a loud squeak spilling from your lips. Covering your mouth with your hands you stare wide eyed. Fear racing through your veins you chant in your mind for your parents to have their door closed and to already be settling down for the night.
“Shhh,” Jaemim chides. “If you’re too loud they’ll hear.”
Legs spread wide for Jaemin to comfortably nestle between them, he starts to grind his hip into yours. Tightening your grip on your mouth you do everything in your power not to moan. Moving his hips into yours gently your hands slowly fall from your mouth. Light gasps leaving your lips.
“You have a choice,” Jaemin whispers. “We can skip the foreplay and get straight to business or I can eat you out until you see stars.”
Snickering your eyes squint with intrigue. “Think you can actually make me see stars?”
“Oh my little princess, I know I can.”
“Then how can I say no?”
Having stripped you of your shirt, bra, and pants your now left in just your panties. Clothing tossed off to the side, Jaemin rips his shirt over his head — broad chest throwing you into a world of lust. Not thinking that this type of body would be underneath the clothes Jaemin was wearing you reach out — sliding your hands down his chest.
“This is unexpected,” you purr.
“Come here,” he gestures with his finger.
Sitting up you lean forward and are wrapped in Jaemin’s insanely thick strong arms. Chills rush over you as he showers you in kisses. Lips moving across yours hungrily. His tongue slipping in and out of your mouth making you weak in the knees. Consumed by his lips on yours you don’t even notice that he’s resituated you so your back is against the cushion — his body sliding down onto the floor between your legs.
Holding his face in your hands he growls against your lips, nipping your bottom lip.
“Get comfortable, okay?” He asks against your lips. “And remember try to be quiet.”
Sliding your hips down to the edge of the cushion, you rest your back against the back of the couch. Legs hiked up at your sides, Jaemin leans in giving your lips a small kiss before working his way down your body. Stopping at your breasts, he wraps his lips around your erect buds giving each side a little suckle before heading south.
Body already burning from his touch, his lips, his intense gaze on you while he heads for your pulsating bundle of nerves — you start panting when he slides his fingers across the front of your panties. Gripping the fabric of the couch you jolt away from his fingers, already far too sensitive.
“What’s wrong?” He chuckles. “Why did you move from me?” Wrapping his arms around your hips he pulls you back down to him. “There we go,” he mumbles face smack dap between your thighs. “Much better.”
“Jaemin….” You whine.
Body twitching in anticipation you use your finger to bite on when Jaemin starts to rub over your panties. Trying your best not to moan out into the night.
“You’re so wet,” Jaemin pulls back his hand marveling at the string of wetness that soaked through your panties and onto his fingers. “My beautiful princess is so wet for me,” he smiles brightly. “Such a good girl.”
Eyes rolling into the back of your head at the strangest compliment you’ve ever heard — Jaemin pulls your panties to the side before giving your soaking folds a good sniff.
“Mmmm,” he grunts. “You smell so good…”
His eyes fixed on yours Jaemin opens his mouth ever so slightly and gives your sensitive bud an open mouthed kiss.
Again, Jaemin kisses your bundle of nerves. Clamping your hands over your mouth, your hips start to move up to his lips in dire need to feel him on you again.
Slipping out his tongue, Jaemin licks over your clit gently. Your body jerking away at the initial lick, but his arm that rests on the side of your hip keeps you steady. Once more he licks over you tasting your juices. Pulling back his lips glisten against the light from the fireplace.
“You taste so good, princess.” He kisses your clit. “Now be good for me and keep your voice down, okay? I don’t want to have to try and explain this to your parents.” He winks.
“Jaemin…” you breathe out unsteadily. “Please, the bedroom. I can’t…it feels…”
Shaking his head he swipes his tongue up your folds again making you jerk. “Wouldn’t matter,” he chuckles. “You’d still be a moaning mess when I’m done with you. Out here,” he gives you a dark look. “You need to be quiet. It’s part of the game.”
Eyes closed tightly your hands grip onto Jaemin’s hair. His mouth like a suction cup is glued to your pussy. Licking and sucking over every inch of your soaking folds. The slurping sounds echoing through the silent house. Soft whimpers that you wish were loud screams of pleasure bounces off the walls in the living room.
Jaemin wasn’t kidding when he said he’d make you see stars. With how hard he’s sucking against you, to the way his tongue skates across your clit — his fingers ramming inside of you, your all but in another galaxy completely.
Pressure builds up in your lower stomach. Body covered in goosebumps, you shiver when a particular swipe of his mouth sends a jolt of pleasure through your body.
“Fuck! Jaemin!” You cry out.
Sucking as hard as he can Jaemin rises from your pussy with a pop. “I could live between your legs,” he growls nipping your inner thigh. “You taste so good. I can’t get enough of you.”
“Jaemin, please…the bedroom…” you try to crawl away hoping if you could at least get away from him for a second you could lead him to the room you’re staying in and lock the door.
Grabbing the sides of your panties, Jaemin starts yanking them down your body. Lifting yourself up he removes the last bit of clothing off of you and sends it flying to somewhere in the room. Now exposed to him, he wraps both arms around you.
“Brace yourself, princess.”
You scream out. Actually scream! Jaemin’s mouth moves across your pussy like a hungry beast. Nipping at your puffy folds your quiet whimpers and whines grow louder the rougher he is with you. Sliding his fingers inside you, Jaemin curls them until your pulling away from him, back arched and a moan wanting to be let free.
“Come for me, princess.” He mumbles against you.
“Jae…Jae…Jae…” you start to chant.
Toes curling the pressure in your stomach charges forward like a bull. Eyes crossing and fluttering you start pressing down on his fingers as if trying to push him out of you — this very action sending you over the edge.
With Jaemin’s mouth suckling your clit and his fingers coaxing the most powerful orgasm of your life, you start lifting yourself up from the couch. His arms wrapping around you securely, but his mouth never leaving you.
“I’m…I’m…” you breathe out quickly. “I’m…FUCK!!!!” You scream. “I’m coming!!!”
No longer worried about how loud you are, you ride out the best toe curling, pussy throbbing, slick dripping orgasm of your life!
“Sweetie?!” You hear your fathers voice from the top of the staircase. “Is that you?”
Pulling away from you quickly, Jaemin lifts you up, gathering you in his arms. Legs like Jell-O he has to practically carry you out of the room. Using the walls and chairs to help keep you up, you’re taken into your room.
Just as your door closes you hear your fathers footsteps coming down the stairs. Pushing you against the wall, the familiar sounds of a belt and zipper being undone, Jaemin pulls your hips back until you're hunched over. That’s when it hits you. The feeling of Jaemin’s dick sliding between your legs. Slicking his cock up with the juices still dripping from you.
When he’s nice and slicked up, with as much tenderness as he can muster, he slides into you.
A low guttural groan quakes in your throat at the feeling of his cock pushing past your entrance. Hissing as you adjust to his size, Jaemin kisses down your back.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?” Your father calls from outside your door.
Jaemin takes this opportunity to slide his cock out of your pussy before slamming back inside of you. Squeaking you scramble to get away from him.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Your dad goes to open the door.
“Better make it sound convincing or your dads going to see me buried in this sweet pussy of yours.” Jaemin whispers behind you.
Again, he slides almost the whole way out of you before ramming into you. Doing this on purpose you try to compose yourself. This isn’t something your parents need to hear let alone see. Bracing your arms on the wall you try to predict Jaemin’s next deep thrust.
“I’m…” you breathe in feeling him slide out. “Fine!” You quickly answer before Jaemin has a chance to ram into you. “I stubbed my TOE!” You fucked up your timing and end up moaning.
“What’s going on? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine! Real-ly!!!”
Sensing you try to get used to his movements Jaemin picks up the pace but keeps the thrusts nice and deep, making sure to go as deep as your pussy will allow him.
“You don’t sound okay.” Your fathers voice quivers with fear.
“Real-ly…I’m…fine…” you say with each thrust. “Go back…” your body curls when Jaemin’s cock rubs over your g-spot. “To bed…” you whimper.
“Do you need me to get Jaemin?”
“NO! Seriously, I’m fine. Go back to bed! Good night dad!”
Silence comes from the other side of the door. Jaemin keeps fucking you from behind, the back of your hand making your whines softer so your dad can’t hear you.
“Okay…” he finally says. “Good night…”
Knowing full well he doesn’t believe a damn word you just said, it doesn’t bother you at all. You’ll deal with his questions later. All you want is for him to leave so Jaemin can fuck you properly.
“Love you, dad!” You throw out for good measure.
“Love you too sweetie…”
Slowing down his thrusts, Jaemin pulls you back flush against his chest. His hands grabbing hold of your breasts. Fingers pinching your nipples, making your hips buck forward.
“Good job princess…” he whispers against your ear.
“Jaemin…” you moan his name.
“You’re mine now,” he growls against your neck. “All mine!”
Chomping down on your neck, Jaemin waits until your fathers footsteps sound farther away before he pushes you forward, grabs hold of your hips, and rams himself in and out of you.
Choking on your moans your cunt is used to get him off. Holding onto the wall, anything you can reach, you keep yourself steady. Jaemin grunts behind you while spewing the sweetest and filthiest explicitives from his lips.
“That’s right princess,” he growls. “Clench your sweet pussy around my cock.”
“Jaemin!!!” You cry.
“Fuck!” He slams into you one last time before pulling out completely.
Falling forward your pussy clenches around nothing. Missing the way his cock feels inside of you, you turn around to see him staring you down. The only source of light in your room is the bright full moon shining through your window.
“Come here,” he holds out his hand.
Leading you to the bed, Jaemin kisses you gently as your back rests against the covers. Crawling on top of you he settles between your legs. Pumping his dick between his hand a few times, he slides back into you.
Curling at the feeling of being filled again, you open your arms for him. Putting more of his weight on you, Jaemin leans forward connecting your lips together. Going back to his deep thrusts, he takes his time finding his own release. Your lips move across each other’s with haste but also tenderness.
Sliding your fingers up and down his back, you start to feel goosebumps appear on his skin. Smiling against his lips, Jaemin pulls back just enough to peer into your eyes.
“You feel so good,” he pecks your lips.
“Jaemin,” you pull him back down to you.
“Yes, princess.”
Leaning up you whisper in his ear. “Fuck me.”
Without being told twice, Jaemin’s hips slam into yours. Chasing his release he no longer hesitates to give you the best fuck of your life. His cock hitting places you’ve never had hit, you cling to him — nails digging into his back leaving behind marks, and your legs wrap around him keeping him in your grasp.
Jaemin’s deep thrusts start to become erratic. His hips slamming into yours vehemently you keep your moaning to a minimum by burying your face into the crook of his neck.
“Shit!! I’m going to…” he grunts.
“Inside me! Inside me!” You chant.
“Fill me up,” you bite on his shoulder.
Thrusting into your soaking cunt one last time, Jaemin growls lowly in his throat. Filling you up completely with his come.
“Shit…” he hisses.
With a few more thrusts of his cock, he makes sure every last drop of his seed has coated your insides. Breathing heavily, your bodies covered in sweat, he peers down at you.
“That was amazing,” he chuckles.
Giggling you exhale deeply, your walls clenching around Jaemin’s dick. “You’re telling me!”
“I still can’t believe you said yes,” he lowers his forehead to yours. “I truly am the luckiest man in the world.”
“I’m all yours from now on, Jaemin...”
▽ ⓟ ⓡ ⓔ ⓨ △
Pulling away slowly from your captor you do your best not to make a sound. Your body sore from the multiple rounds of fucking you just endured. Wobbling across the room,
heading for the bathroom to relieve yourself you grab your clothing on the way back to the bed that was sprawled all over the floor. Sliding into your shirt and underwear you go to put on your pants when strong arms wrap around you from behind.
“No, don’t.” He whispers against your neck.
“I’m cold.”
“Then let me warm you up.”
“Haven’t you had enough fun to last you a lifetime?” You taunt.
“Princess, I haven’t even begun to have fun yet.”
Pulling you up against him his bulge pokes against your lower back. Truly an insatiable man, your legs start to quiver. A perfect match the two of you. Solely based on your carnal sexual desire for the other, you take a deep breath to calm your beating heart.
“What? Want another round before you leave?”
“As many as I can get.” He slips his hands under your shirt going straight to your breasts. Grabbing them harshly you moan into his touch. “I’ll never stop loving the sound of your voice.”
“Only one more time, okay? It’s already hard for me to walk.”
Snickering he pulls away, spinning you around until your flush against his chest — bulging muscular arms wrapping you in a warm bear hug.
“My apologies. I just can’t seem to control myself when I’m inside of you.”
Going to your tippy toes, you slither your arms out from his embrace and wrap them around his neck. “I want you to make love to me. Nice,” you peck him on the lips. “And slow…” you move to his cheek. “And deep…” you nip his chin.
Sprawled and completely passed out beside you, covers only concealing his lower body you stare at the man who has kept you away from your family and life. Doing your part for the past two weeks of being his little princess, his doll, who taunted him but also yearned for him — you’ve managed to secure part of your freedom.
Laying on the ground of your bed rests the chain that is normally hooked to the collar around your neck. Smirking you watch as this sick twisted creature breathes peacefully in his sleep. Hair mussed and over his face. Your nail marks painting his skin, he has no worry in the world.
Reaching behind you, you grab your pillow. Thoughts of your family rush past your eyes. Your mom and dad who you haven’t seen in so long. Who you’re only allowed to talk to with him in the room — parents totally clueless that they’re baby girl has suffered without their knowledge. Your job, your life, your apartment that you apparently have waiting for you out of arms reach.
Gripping the edges of the pillow you start to shake. Blood boiling inside of you as rage takes over you. Eyes watering with tears you’ve wanted to shed for so long clouding your vision just as darkness consumes you…
Your feet smack against the cement flooring of the downstairs labyrinth. Turning corner after corner you head as far away from that monster as you can. Their lifeless body making you stagger every time you find yourself going higher and higher to salvation.
Bursting through the first set of doors, Nana, perks up. Her eyes squinting at you. It’s been a few months since you’ve seen her. The last time when your captor caught you trying to escape into the library. Taking him up on the offer of not participating in his game anymore, you were kept in your room for what you assumed was a couple of months. The psycho himself spending most of his free time down there with you.
Gulping, you try your best not to alarm her. The last time you saw her she actually didn’t try to maul you. Your presence in her home apparently starting to grow on her.
“Nana,” you call her. “He’s down there. Go to him.” You point.
Standing she eyes you like she’s peering into your very soul. She wasn’t like the two idiots who guarded the house. Nana is the smartest dog you’ve ever come into contact with.
“Go on girl, he wants you,” you say as happily as you can while your body is seconds from breaking down.
Walking up to you slowly, she passes by before heading down the stairs. Waiting until she turns the corner you slam the door shut keeping her down there and out of your way. The moment she realizes her master is dead she’ll come for you. You know it!
Making a bee line through the hallways you’ve grown to know through all of the games, you take the quickest and easiest path to the main floor. In the hallway hangs a painting of a boy and girl playing outside. The boy pushing the girl on a swing. It’s a beautiful painting that initially had you marveling at it quite a few times. But what lies behind the painting is a staircase that takes you up to the ground floor.
This path you tried to take multiple times in the past but you were always caught. The reason being, it’s the easiest and most obvious choice. This time however, you don’t have to fear. No one is coming after you. You’ve made sure of it.
Coming through another painting on the ground floor, one that is of your captors’ beloved grandmother, you walk through the hallway that leads to the library on the far end of the house. Dashing though the vast room, you say goodbye to all of the books you’ll never read. You sprint through the hall until you’re passing the room your mother and father slept in when they were here — when you were safe and not held captive by someone you thought cared for you.
Rushing down the stairs you almost fall when you land onto the main hallway. Your heart pounds in your ears and head as you burst through the front doors and into the bright sunlight. Shielding your eyes, you hear the familiar barks of the two guard dogs. However, unlike last time they don’t charge at you. They just stare you down, eyeing you the same way that Nana did.
“N-Ni-Nice boys,” your voice trembles. “It’s m-m-me…don’t you remem-ber?”
Slowly you walk past them but they follow closely behind you. Clenching your eyes tightly you round the right hand side of the house heading straight for the barn. Memories of how you got onto the property come flooding back to you.
Finding your trek to see the horse as boring, both of the dogs halt their movements and go back to the front of the house.
A shaky breath passes from you and like a bat out of hell you run to the door that leads out into the huge forest hillside. Yanking on the doorknob, tears start to pour from your eyes. Of course it’s locked! Of course!!!!
Turning back to the front of the property you know that there are several gates that you’ll need to get through in order to leave. And that’s when it hits you! Reaching around to the back of your neck, you unbuckle your collar. Hanging nicely through the hook where your chain goes, is a key.
‘Now, to be sure that you’re given proper incentive to participate, I’ll add this to your collar.’ Your captor loops his index finger under the fresh new leather collar around your neck, pulling you to him. ‘This is a key that will get you past the gates. You’re free to go if you make it out of all three and step over the property line. Do you understand?’
Gripping the key in your palm you make a mad dash to the first gate. The guard dogs now on full alert start barking behind you. Not paying them any mind you rush to the first gate. Shoving the key into the lock you struggle to open it. The dogs barking growing louder, has you turning back to see them approaching you quickly.
“Shit! Shit!”
Trembling against the lock you manage to open the first gate. Quickly going through you close the gate behind you just as the dogs rush it — bodies slamming against the gate like rabid animals.
“I’m sorry!” You cry. “I’ll make sure you guys are all found. I promise!”
Noticing there’s a lock on the other side of the gate, you struggle to keep the gate closed long enough to secure it. But once you do…you slowly back away from it. Seeing as the coast is clear and you no longer have to worry about the two ferocious Doberman’s snarling at you, you run to the second gate and repeat the same thing.
The third gate however, you breathe out unsteadily. Is what seems like half a football field away.
“For fucks sake!!!” You scream. “Come on! You’re almost there!” You pump yourself up.
Slowly you run to the final gate. Lungs burning, your throat dry as a desert and muscles aching with fatigue you trudge through what you believe is the early summer sun. Your skin prickling under the heat, you find a slight comfort in the feeling. Being trapped inside for so long you almost forgot what the sun felt like against your skin.
Finally, nearing the last gate your body starts to break down. The adrenaline that was pumping through your veins starting to dissipate. Staggering up to the gate you grip it as you try to keep your body upright. Your stomach convulses as if you want to throw up.
Honestly, for what you assumed is a couple of days, you’ve felt a weird queasy feeling. Not wanting to eat any eggs for breakfast, made you have to tell your captor that it made you nauseous. On one occasion having you running to the bathroom to relieve your stomach.
Shaking your head you rid yourself of the memories. Sliding the key into the lock, the beautiful sound of the gate opening sends chills throughout your body.
“I did it…” you whisper. “I really did it…”
Tears pour from your eyes like a waterfall. Your body finally gives out and you collapse to the ground. Finally you’re free! You did it! You beat that sick psychopath at his own game! You won!!!
Clambering to your feet you take your first step towards freedom when the gates close with a loud slam that has you springing back.
“Wh-What?!” You rush to the gate trying to push it open. It doesn’t budge. “No! No! No!!!” You yank against it.
“Did you really think you’d get away that easily?” Darkness blacks out your vision completely at the familiar voice coming from behind you. Paralyzed with fear the only sense still functioning, your hearing.
“The pillow, now that was an interesting choice.” He chuckles. “I must commend you for that one. However, I think my supberb acting skills should really get a round of applause.” His footsteps draw closer to you.
“You should have checked to see if I still had a pulse, my naughty princess. Always, and I do mean always…check for a pulse. You thought you got me there for a second.” He let’s out the most maniacal laugh you’ve ever heard. One that breaks you out of the darkness and back into reality.
“Here’s what you did wrong,” he spins you around. “You switched up your game. That’s what tipped me off first. You’ve been pushing me away from the moment I locked the doors and gates to you. Barely even letting me touch you,” he slides his arms around your waist, yanking you to him harshly. “Then, all of a sudden you want me to fuck you. You want me to fill you up with my come,” again he laughs in the most disturbingly unhinged way possible.
“Come now, you should have eased into this new act of yours. Granted it would have meant you’d be under my control for much longer, but at least I wouldn’t have suspected anything.” Pressing his forehead against yours he kisses your nose.
“Even if it meant fighting against death itself I would never leave you.” He whispers. “Want to know why?”
Shaking your head no, your body starts to give out. Hope leaving you. There’s nothing left for you to live for. Nothing left for you to fight for, to keep you here. He isn’t going to let you go. You’re going to die here. You know he’ll just make up some lame ass excuse. Hell, he’ll probably make your death one for the books. An elaborate plan that has no flaws whatsoever. Fool proof.
“Come on, guess…” he pouts.
“I don’t know, Jaemin…”
After all this time you finally utter his name. Attempting to keep the two personalities separate for as long as you possibly could you finally face reality that Jaemin is the monster and the monster is Jaemin. And you… like the prey you are, you fell right into his trap.
“You’ve been sick lately haven’t you?” He asks.
“My dear princess use that smart brain of yours.”
“I’m tired…” you snap.
“Now, now… just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you have to be so snippy with me. After all, this is a joyous occasion!” He hugs you warmly. “We’re going to be a family!!!”
Through your self pity daze you hear the words: pregnant, joyous, and family.
Pregnant… your brain clings to this word. Pregnant…Pregnant…Pregnant…
“Wh-What?!!” You scream.
“Isn’t it wonderful news?! At first I thought it was just a stomach bug. But when you kept turning away from the eggs, and saying that you felt queasy, and even throwing up a few times. That’s when I decided to call my mom. Boy is she beyond pissed, but screw the old bat! Of course we’ll do a pregnancy test to be sure, but baby!!!! We’re going to be a family!!!”
Jaemin holds the sides of your face while he smothers you in kisses. Your brain malfunctioning. No! This can’t be true! You can’t be pregnant! You just can’t be! He’s lying! You’re just sick! That’s it! No! No! No!!!!
“Oh princess!” He pulls back looking down at you lovingly. “I promise we’ll never be separated, okay? We’ll be together forever! Ahhh!!! We should quickly plan a wedding! We need to do things properly! Can’t bring our precious baby into this world unwed!”
Turning behind him you see all three dogs wagging their tails happily. “Do you hear that guys?! I’m going to be a dad!!!”
As if clearly understanding him all three dogs bark with glee.
“Now, come on…” he giggles happily. “Mama,” he uses a new nickname. “Let’s get you out of this sun and cleaned up.”
Pulling you away from the gate you look behind you as the last bit of solace leaves your body completely. You’re never going to get out. No matter how strong you think you are. No matter how smart you think you are… You look up at Jaemin who’s babbling about everything they need to do to for the baby and the wedding. You’re never going to beat him…
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seafoamreadings · 6 months
week of march 17th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: the first half of the week is very you. maybe everything is going your way, or maybe not but you're at least positive that you're the main character. later, your ruling planet mars moves into pisces - it is a strange and passive sign for him but it means you can do magic. for real.
taurus: your ruling planet venus harmonizes beautifully with benefic jupiter in your sign this week. it is hard to ask for a better aspect, although it is quick and fleeting. make good use of it. it gives you charm, allure, and an appetite for pleasure.
gemini: it's not mercury retrograde yet, but mercury is already in the shadow of his next retrograde. his alignment this week with the lunar nodes makes this effect more powerful than usual for everyone, and profoundly so for mercurial you.
cancerians: next week involves an eclipse, the start of eclipse season. it's so profound that one as lunar as you are likely feels the buildup already. things will bubble over - start preparing now to catch the overflow and prevent trouble so you can make the most of eclipse season.
leo: this week starts off aries season. and the sun has its rulership in your sign, but its exaltation in aries, so this period is VERY favorable (and shiny! and fun!) for leos. increase the benefits by learning about something you feel passionate about.
virgo: what is coming up in the next several weeks involves your shared resources and money from sources like inheritance. avoid merging households at this time, make sure your taxes are in order, keep your debt as low as possible, and so on.
libra: this week is the equinox, in your opposite sign and house of relationships. partnerships can be looking sunny indeed. but hold on to your hat, because *next* week there is a major lunar eclipse between libra and aries that can have these same relationships in turmoil, or at least upheaval.
scorpio: were it not for your ancient affiliation with mars, you would find little in common with aries. however, when the sun is in aries it is a bit of a special time for you due to that old connection. for a little bit, your martial side may become stronger than your plutonic side. meanwhile mars for its own part heads into pisces this week, and while many flounder with this placement, you do have an affinity with that watery sign. this ingress helps you make magic.
sagittarius: a couple of quite important ingresses occur this week. but the most noticeable for you will be the start of aries season. that marks the movement of the sun into your very fun and romantic 5th house. go wild. but keep your home beautiful and clean just in case you end up doing a bit of hosting, with mars in your 4th! a party would not be out of place if the mood strikes you.
capricorn: you will not read much about ceres out there in the world, but i hope that as she traverses your sign this time around, you develop a great appreciation for her. she makes some very benevolent and nourishing sextiles this week; try to be open to the fruits they yield.
aquarius: now with the start of spring, mars follows his lover venus into the sign of the purest love itself, pisces. this is your 2nd house, and a deeply romantic set of ingresses. it's good news for your money. but more than that, it's good news for anything that you value. cherish those things.
pisces: the sun in aries always means lovely things for you financially - it's like actual gold. furthermore by the end of the week you'll be hosting in your sign not just neptune and saturn and venus but also mars. you're deeply magical, and hardly tangible to the creatures of this realm. you're on another plane, in the best way. be kind to yourself and avoid addiction, compulsion, or dishonesty, and the results will be beautiful.
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