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jscrawls · 1 day ago
Not gonna lie kinda loving the Jason x Addams!reader x john ship, can’t imagine Bruce’s reaction
Omg y'all are killing me with the poly ship 😭
(it amuses me greatly)
Surprisingly Bruce doesn't find out for a long while, between Jason's avoidance of the manor and Bruce as a whole and John's surprisingly affective efforts to avoid him. (John's hardly scared of him, he just doesn't want the headache of getting cornered by the paranoid bastard more than he has to on their occasional overlapping jobs.)
You don't spill the beans in your weekly tea sessions with Alfred, and you don't have near enough electronics in your home for the bats to tap so they don't find out that way either.
It's actually your darling little niece and nephew who let the cat out the bag.
They were staying with you because there was a month long summer camp in Gotham with "views to die for" (it was outside of Grundy's swamp.) but the kids didn't wanna sleep there at night, they weren't allowed to torment the other children or teach them how to make deadly traps, unfortunately. The camp counselors didn't like it so the options were either they were kicked out of camp or they stayed somewhere else at night where they weren't unsupervised, being the good relative you are you offered your place to them to assuage both the summer camp counselors and your dear cousin and their family.
Pugsley and Wednesday weren't aware of the.... Tension between your partners and the neighbor though, so one evening after growing bored of playing with Pamela's poisonous plants and Harleys hyenas they wound up in a certain someone's yard.
"well hello there kids, are you two lost? how'd you make it over the fence over there?"
Bruce slowly approaches the two kids, one looks near Damian's age possibly and the other one is even younger, probably eight or nine if he has to guess. They don't look frightened or anything so hopefully they're not runaways, God forbid people start dropping strays in his yard just because he has an adoption tendency...
The younger one, the boy, blinks slowly and gives him a confused look. His baby fat full face tilting like a puppy. "We're not lost mister, we know exactly where we are."
All the older girl says is. "your fence needs more barbed wire."
Bruce blinks slowly, okay.... Not lost is good at least?
".... Alright. Where did you come from? I can call someone for you...."
The girl silently points her finger, a grave expression on her face as they all glance across the hill at the neighboring house that's half overgrown with vines and weeds.
"our relative lives right over there."
The girl sounds so dead serious that Bruce wonders if she's telling the truth about that, (name) Addams couldn't be serious if their life depended on it...
"...I didn't realize they had anyone over, how about I take you two back to their house?" He's trying to maintain a calm and friendly demeanor with them anyways, they're just kids after all. They shouldn't cross a road by themselves.
"that would be acceptable. right pugsley? Uncle Jason and John should be home soon. We can play stab-knife with them."
The girl straightens up and smoothes down her black dress like she's preparing for a throwdown, her dark brows furrowed in a glare the likes of which would be more fitting on a man preparing for war.
The boy smiles and latches onto Bruce's hand while already babbling excitedly In that way kids do when something exites them, but Bruce is frozen for a solid minute. "..... Uncle Jason and... Uncle John?"
He must be jumping to conclusions, those are extremely common names after all. The girl is already stalking away as she answers, barely even sparing him a glance over her shoulder.
"our relative, (name's) partners."
The boy again nods, backing his sister up quickly. "Mhmm, they're so cool! They told me they've both been buried before and died, it's awesome sauce!"
Bruce thinks he's gonna punch (name) or John into a coma.
Both kids knock on the door, the one apparently named Wednesday gives a few firm taps while pugsley stretches both his hands up above his head and slaps he's hands on the door repeatedly while giggling, he keeps this up until someone unlocks it and opens the door.
"oi knock it off, I was wandering where you-oh...tits."
John doesn't even bother to correct his language in front of the Rugrats when he meets the pissed off stare of Bruce Wayne on his partners stoop, he considers slamming the door in his face as hard as he can but.... The niece and nephew are standing there expectantly. Damn it all to hell.
"you're dating my son." Bruce grabs the edge of the door and starts to pull it open, John holds onto it just as tightly, he wants that barrier between them after all.
"who me? You know I don't 'date' luv. That's um, too many strings and... Whatnot."
Pugsley gasps and also his hands against his cheeks, both men near forgot the two were even there.
"are you leaving (name) and Jason!?" The kid nearly shrieks, are those tears forming in his eyes? That one's definitely related to (name).
Wednesday just looks slightly disgusted as she watches them both grabbing the door in a death grip, she rolls her eyes and starts pushing on both of them to try to wriggle her way through the small gap in the door.
"I'll inform relative (name) of this change. Come along pugsley, they'll want comfort."
John let's go of the door with a loud sigh, choosing to follow and plead with the child and preteen instead of fighting to keep Bruce out. "Now hold on a moment, hold your horses girlie. You're ruining my little white lie here."
Wednesday pauses and glares between the two men critically. "You're lying to the neighbor.... Are you ashamed or something?"
"of course not!"
Bruce slams the door roughly behind him. "You should be. Really? My son? You and the..." He glances at the two kids, who are again watching them silently. ".... Person, who lives here need to leave Jason alone, for good."
John rolls his eyes and turns on his heel to walk further into the manor, he does not wanna this conversation like this. Bruce and the kids follow after him.
"last I checked your boy doesn't even live with you, he's a grown man luv. Maybe you should keep that in mind before you do regrettable things in front of the little ones."
Bruce is practically grinding his jaw as he restrains himself, this would look so much different if the two kids weren't involved first. The slimy bastard surely knows it based on the way he seems to keep at least one in-between him and Bruce at all times.
"you say that like you're a normal, stable man that's trustworthy around him, how'd you and the Addams even talk him into this!?"
"talk who into what? Oh pugsley Wednesday there you are! I see you brought Mr Wade over for some afternoon poison!" You coo at the kids as you walk into the foyer, a big smile on your face as you happily wave at Bruce despite the obvious tension in the room.
Pugsley runs over to you and throws his arms around you and sags his weight against you dramatically. "Are you and Uncle Jason breaking up?"
You blue-screen a little at that.
".... Uhh, what? Could you say that again pugs?"
John sidles over to your side quietly, unsure if he should say something or hope that if he holds still long enough maybe Bruce will forget he's there and leave.
"(name) you and John can't leave Jason, mother was making a voodoo doll for him already." Wednesday pipes up, the girl already making herself comfortable with your table snacks on the couch.
".... Am I missing something here?"
John leans over to whisper into your ear. ".... Bruce is very upset about our... Proclivities with Jason, gorgeous."
Bruce frowns and crosses his arms over his chest. "Considering both of your track record, I don't think you're stable enough for Jason. Take that however either of you will."
"instability makes romance all the more whimsical, does it not? I don't see what your issue is, Mr Wade." You shrug and walk over to Wednesday -pugsley still clinging to you- to pour them a little arsenic after their outside venture.
"or you create an echo chamber for bad habits and harmful mindsets, Jason doesn't need this influence." Bruce gestures around your foyer, at the spell book collections on your bookshelf, the labeled poisons in glass cases, John, you.
You take a steadying breath and turn to face the man with your signature too-wide grin on your lips.
"Mr Wade, I respect you as much as any man respects a fellow mentally deranged violence obsessed lunatic, but I have to disagree with you you here. I want the best for both Jason and John, happiness, understanding, support, I myself don't have children but those are all things I would want my darling little niece and nephew to find if they ever chose to pursue romance. Don't you want that for Jason?"
"I...." Bruce trails off, glancing over your shoulder with an unreadable look on his face.
When you turn Jason's standing at the top of the staircase, watching all of you silently.
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A/n: this got a little too long so I'm ending it here, sorry anon! This was fun so I hope you enjoy 💜💜💜
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birdperselias · 11 months ago
Memory Rick and his BP pls, anything, anything with them but I need them, I'm rabbid
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based on that one scene in S5E8!
i think rick spent a lot of time just looking at him and that's what bp remembers
normal ver and screencap under cut!
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daeyumi · 2 months ago
Hey! Found your page not long ago. Love your style and rendering
I was hoping if you could do a sketch of Revali, I would really appreciate it <3
thank you so much!! in the future, just a note that my requests are closed unless i specifically ask for them!
hope u enjoy the borb~ 🐦🩵
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abl-ink · 8 months ago
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sorry for the procrastination...
the rest may have to wait until my cold gets better :(
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rinseveryday · 1 month ago
Your thoughts on the really long pointy ears Rin and Amaimon used to be drawn with when going full-demon mode?
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TToTT I miss them
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1tsstargaze59 · 2 months ago
hello May I request anxiety from inside out 2 in a business casual outfit maybe a business suit since she was basically the big boss in the second movie.I hope you enjoy this request and I hope you have a wonderful day.
I started to sketch smtg for this, but then I realized our girly ALREADY dresses in business casual every day! So I thought to myself- *why not business ELEGANT?!*
Our girl on her way to give Riley the worst idea ever 🧡✨️
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Hope you don't mind my little change to the prompt ^^"" She's so silly though, she did everything wrong and I love her anyway TvT💕
Bonus of my sketches ovo
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inkyrainstorms · 19 days ago
Martian Stan AU. Ford's torn between sharing what happened to him, and struggling to even think of something sometimes (like his implied isolation during college). He doesn't want to admit he was doing badly, he doesn't think that something hurt him even though it did, and or he doesn't want to burden Stan.
And knowing that Stan would've never said many of the things aloud he shared across the radio had he known that Ford could hear him. Not only the horrible things that he experienced during the last ten years, but also how the isolation and the uncertainty of his survival in the nightmare realm weigh on him. It's not fair that Ford knows so many vulnerable details about Stan, and Stan doesn't know about him.
Ford looks over his logs on Stan, mind and chest churning with anxiety. He thinks of the lost pages of Journal 3 - those which would appear in The Book of Bill -, which would be the only equivalent. But he's already destroyed them. He can't bear to recreate even just summaries of the events on paper.
He writes a shaky note that he's going to give Stan at his return. He promises that he'll tell him everything, as soon as Ford's ready. Or maybe he makes voice recordings on tape, which are different enough from a book that he can manage speaking about the last years. And Stan (and Ford during recording) can space things out.
Ford's not ready, he never will be. But his emotional breakdown after Stan reveals he incapacitated Bill by accident just makes that first conversation happen sooner.
you guys are dropping whole fics into our inboxes now oh my gosh :0 you’re so so right of course. Ford has a generally incredibly hard time opening up, and he’s fully aware (when it strikes him at least) that he knows more about Stan than Stan was ready to share with him. It’s just another thing to add to the pile of All Consuming and Probably Unreasonable (but still reasonable) Guilt
I think Ford used the Stanley-journal as both a diary to write down what he’d want to say to Stan when he comes back, things he wants to show him, and of course, things that Stan has said. Transcripts.
I’ve made a separate post about this, but Ford definitely gave Stan the book after all was said and done. He left it on Stans bed in the room he set up for him, and let his brother come to him for questions. And he probably pushes himself way to hard to try and answer them(out of guilt) (even though he’d rather not, not yet)
it’s gonna take a lot for them to find a healthy balance and recover their relationship, and find out how to proceed (the bill conversation definitely helps!). The radio made things simultaneously easier and harder, because Ford can name all of Stan’s favorite foods and has a list of his favorite stories and a list of his triggers and traumas, and Stan… He doesn’t know anything. It’ll be a learning experience for them both
@aroace-get-out-of-my-face more post-rescue stuff bc these guys are gonna go Through It
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kayberrie · 6 months ago
Ok if you feel like drawing any of but no pressure
Ahsoka eating something delicious
The gang carving pumkins
Ahsoka having weird togruta traits
I like the way you think anon
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no clue what she’s eating but it looks delicious
POV you forget your Padawan glows in the dark like a freaking cat
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and I’m not really feeling lightsabers right now, but I can show you some from my other posts
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colorfulplasma · 4 months ago
Do you plan to do more with your Extra Life idea? I think it's pretty cool for horror stuff
Also could I draw It?
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Its funny cause I was planning on drawing him today LMAO
Also yes fanart is welcome & I love to see some of my boy !! Just credit !
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image jumpscare
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jscrawls · 6 days ago
i feel like adam reader don’t get sick but when she does?? COMPETE PERSONALITY CHANGE!! she will giggle and smile and it unnerve everyone. just image reader giggling, beet red and jason is just ‘…cute but who tf are u?’
she got sick during the time she dated john and he taught her ass get possessed
Like Addams family reader is a weirdo of supreme proportions, they drink poison for fun, swim in the Gotham harbor, ask to get fear gassed and joker venom anytime they're kidnapped or whatever, but they get taken out by ivy's normal plants making too much pollen?
The Wayne's think you've been switched out with someone else when you eat normal food and don't seem deliriously enthusiastic about your own suffering, who TF are you and where's their creepy neighbor??? John thinks you got possessed by a different, poor mimic of you because your normal possessions don't even look this disturbing???
"can you turn the lights on please? It's much too dark in here.."
Your raspy tired voice makes them pause like a deer spotting headlights down the road, not because of the sickly tone no, they expected that when they heard you were under the weather.
It's what you're asking for.
"... Excuse me?" They turn to look at your like you've said complete gibberish, they must've misheard you...
"yes the lights, it's awfully dreary in here and I'd like to be able to see you. Could you please open the French doors too while you're at it? The sunlight might help...."
Okay, what? That's so damn out of character for you they swear they can feel the hair on their arms standing up. With slow steps they cross the room to slowly pull the curtains aside and pull the doors to your balcony open, watching you with wide, concerned eyes when you don't even flinch at the bright sunlight coming in. You, who thinks a thunderstorm is optimal weather to go out to town in. You, who thinks anything brighter than moonlight is awful because you prefer dark shadows..... They should get a doctor in there ASAP.
You sigh contentedly and sink back into your pillow, gazing at them with a tired, normal smile on your face. "Thank you..."
"oh, umm... You're welco-" They watch you turn the TV on, one of your favorite shows is playing, the walking dead. They watch in barely concealed horror as you wrinkle your nose at the violent scene you clicked into the middle of, someone being eaten alive by a zombie, and then change the channel to friends. The sight of you GIGGLING at Ross of all people is enough to force them to leave the room before they start sweating.
Whatever's wrong with you must be terminal.
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A/n: this made me laugh out loud when I saw it 😁 I left the caretaker ambiguous so you can imagine any Wayne or anyone else hanging out with a sick Addams reader 🖤🖤🖤
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 11 months ago
What do you think abt Cat! TF141 ? In my not-so-trusted envision the loudest one would be cat! Johnny, he also has night zoomies. Cat! Price needs to scold him for being loud and disturbing your precious night rest. Absolutely loves to be near with you. He often head butting into your palm or legs just to gain your attention. Cat! Gaz might be the chillest but no doubt he can be the pioneer in wrecking havoc in your house along with cat! Johnny. Oh, cat! Gaz also loves to screw the cat tower. You have to avoid him from scratching your couch or rug.
Cat! Simon is the grumpiest and savage cat, often avoiding your initial touch but actually he craves for it. Chin scratch, head pats and belly rubs are his favourite. He has the girliest meow despite his rugged appearance, something he's not so proud for and major reason why he choose to be silent most of time. Cat! Price is like their leader. One day you heard him meowing very loud just to shut them up (mostly it's for cat! Johnny since he's too much energy) when you have fever and couldn't sleep. His pupils shrank and bared his teeth like he's about to attack. You thanked him later with snack and some kisses. Cat! Price can been seen chilling near window when the sun ray appears. He's not that affectionate but he doesn't decline your head pats or nose bop.
Lol imagine the chaos you'll have when you own these cats
Hello anon! This is such a good question since I’m 100% cat person lmfao tho dogs’ cute too
months ago I wrote some hcs about Cat!TF141 (&König)
1 2
but yes I agree Cat!Johnny will be the loudest, like REALLY LOUD and keeps meowing
Cat!Price are leader of them (of course) and deal with his boys’ chaos and troubles
Cat!Gaz I imagined he will be a well-behaved cat except some occasions, but damn I love your hc about his possibility of destroying couches hahaha it’s cute af (well until he scratches it)
Cat!Simon def is grumpy but tsundere 😈 might will just need to destroy his feign and hoist him in your arms
and the hc Price chilling near window!!! 10000% agree!! and damn I love u mentioning his occasional loud meow to control his boys
ty for the ask anon I’m crazy for this au againnnnnn
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abl-ink · 5 months ago
"drop this sunflower🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! lets spread a little sunshine ☀️"
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phia-myth · 2 months ago
What's your modern AU about? :-)
so initially it was just a normal au, but it felt like a disservice to the original texts to take them out of their civilisation. so i thought about what it would be like if the ancient world were placed in the modern. what parts would stay, what would go, what would adapt… not so much as how countries have developed from ancient to modern, we already have that after all, but what it would look like if these ancient civilisations were modern ones.
then on top of that, of course, is a run-of-the-mill modern au. it’s (mostly) set in a highschool setting and (mostly) focuses on characters from the trojan war saga. none of the characters from the classics would be any relation to greek gods or similar parts of ancient greek religion. everyone in my modern au is mortal. no god and human intermingling (sorry zeus).
some of the relationships of the characters are:
achilles + patroclus
helen + menelaus
penthesilea + deidamia
circe + penelope + odysseus + diomedes (it’s complicated)
(feel free to ask me about any characters in greek classics and what they’re like in my au. they will at the very least have been considered.)
some fun facts about the key characters:
achilles is an amputee with a prosthetic leg
orpheus is a famous musician. patroclus’ favourite hoodie is one he got from an orpheus tour
helen is almost a head taller than menelaus
pyrrhus is achilles’ adopted half brother raised by thetis. achilles lives with peleus.
circe is still a witch but more of a ‘protective amulet’ type of witch than a ‘turn your whole army into pigs’ type
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1tsstargaze59 · 2 months ago
Can you please draw Anxiety in a clown outfit !?
One does not simply ask a homestuck to draw a clown and not expect them to do the most!
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I love her sm you guys qwq🧡❤️🧡❤️🧡
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pa-pa-patato · 2 months ago
Is there a chance we could have another bendystraw one shot? Theres not enough bendystraw fics in the world 💔
It was a calm day, a really calm day. There wasn’t anything cup had to do or anywhere he had to go, so he took this chance to take nap.
He wasn’t hurt or anything, Which is why he was surprised to wake up seeing bendy holding his hand-well more like holding his wrist.
It took him a moment to wake up fully and realize that Bendy was checking his pulse, Again he wasn’t hurt or injured so this was confusing to say the least.
“..Bends?” The man didn’t even look up at him as he answered eyes still glued to his book “morning Cup”
The silence that followed was uncomfortable, so Cuphead continued speaking
“Mind telling what your doing” this actually managed to make him look up with a confused expression. The dish flicked his head towards their hands to show him what he meant, that resulted in Bendy immediately pulling his hand away and going back to him book pretending nothing happened.
“Can’t help but notice you didn’ answer my question shrimp” He snorted trying to keep a laugh out, “Hmm? What question? I don’t recall you asking a question” the demon was all smiles and didn’t even react to him calling him shrimp
Uh oh. That means this is serious.
“You know is ain’ mad at you right?” Bendy looked away staying silent. “I’m serious! It’s kinda weird when you suddeny decide to hold my hand!” Cup said in a joking manner mostly to keep the demon calm.
“I didn’t know if you’d wake up” Bendy mumbled his voice barely above a whisper, but it was still loud enough for Cuphead to hear. “Wha-Ben-I was only taking a nap!” The dish man couldn’t help but shout, “Not now!” Bendy yelled “I-..I meant before.. in labyrinth” his voice was low.
“I-…I didn’t know if you were alive..” he continued his voice shaking, “I didn’t know if you’d wake up” squeeze. “ I didn’t even know that whatever I was doing back then was my magic and not it’s!” Bendy barked out a dry laugh.
“I was so scared yet hopeful that somehow you survived that I held your wrist trying to feel a pulse”
“At f-first I didn’t feel anything but I still kept it on holding your wrist”
“And then I felt your heartbeat! It was slow at first but it quickly went back to normal and I was so relieved you were alive”
“But of course like all other things that happened in that hell hole I started having nightmares about it”
“So I started sneaking into your room and holding your hand to calm myself down a bit”
“Oh yea I figured as much out from this interaction” Cuphead’s voice cut him from his thoughts
“…huh?”Cup smiled at him pointing at his hand that was once again wrapped around his wrist, Bendy could feel the blush creeping on his face and immediately tried taking his hand away
Key word ‘tried’
Before he could get free Cuphead grabbed his hand intertwining their fingers.
The silence that followed afterwards was awkward, For Bendy it was at least Cup seemed very pleased.
Demon refused to look at the man turning his head to the side, Not that it bothered the man in question, he just kept holding onto his hand humming to himself.
And after some time Bendy squeezed his hand again. Out of habit? Maybe, but Cuphead still took it as a victory and kept them there for a bit longer.
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kayberrie · 6 months ago
Ahh you draw star wars so well i love it
omg thank you so much!!! This actually makes me so happy. I’m also going to use this as an excuse to post some old Star Wars doodles :)
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