#{sirius x amelia} i got you. i promise
allmymuseinspo · 3 years
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
The Princess and The Duke - Chapter Five
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: As the Princess of  Spain, you were always supposed to marry King James of England to make  an alliance between Spain and England. When he marries a woman at his  court for love, you are married off to his best friend, Sirius Black the  Duke of Bedford to keep the alliance. However, the court is riddled  with secrets and a rebel in the North starts to rise against the Throne.  Royal AU.
Warnings: fluff, fluff and more fluff! Mentions of sex
Words: 2690
Disclaimer: This gif doesn’t belong to me!
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this part, please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx
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Chapter Five - Rainbow High
The whole world seemed to vanish as Sirius pulled you in for another warm passionate kiss, his slightly calloused hands cupping your cheeks. He only pulled away with a sheepish grin when King James started to whoop and cheer. You smiled in delight as Sirius took both of your hands in his own and lifted them to his swollen kiss bruised lips, his cheeks flushing pleasantly.
The guests showered you with pink flower petals that smelled so sweet and Sirius led you out of the chapel before anyone could properly congratulate you. A giggle escaped your lips as Sirius helped you onto your horse and you gazed down at your handsome husband.
“Can we ride through the villages?” you asked, biting your lip, “I know that some of the Lords won’t like it.”
Sirius smiled as he held your hand, “of course we can Y/N, and it doesn’t matter about anyone else today, because it’s just you and me. How are you feeling?”
He was so sweet to ask, you imagined that you would feel more troubled after your wedding. But, you didn’t, you felt happy and incredibly lucky. Though, you were nervous about what would come to pass that evening, you would have to do your duty as a wife, “I’m nervous,” you smiled bashfully, and you could hardly tell him why.
But, he gave you the kindest smile, “I promise you that you don’t have to worry about a single thing. I won’t hurt you Y/N.”
You nodded at him as your thumb stroked against his cheek, “I believe you Sirius.”
It took a little while but soon enough you were all riding out of that magical, beautiful glade, you and Sirius were riding side by side as husband and wife should be. As you reached the first village – Amelia’s village – and dismounted, you hesitated as you felt a rough hand on your elbow and heard a cold sneering voice in your ear.
“You should never walk into a village; you cannot trust these retched peasants, Duchess.”
You were momentarily lost for words as you looked at the cruel hard face, “she knows more about these people than you do, Malfoy!” you had never heard Sirius so angry, it looked like those soft grey eyes were on fire as he glared at Lucius Malfoy.
Before things could escalate, you gently led Sirius away, kissing him in thanks as he wrapped a protective arm around your waist and you walked into the village together. Lucius Malfoy terrified you but he was a very rich man, a great asset to England so you had learned to tolerate him. You suspected that the King and Queen had the same views as you; you certainly knew that your husband did.
The peasants smiled at you brightly as you presented them with food and alms. Beneath the sight of God they blessed you and a melancholy feeling filled your chest as you teared up. You would miss the people of France; you’d miss their kind words and their simple ways.
“Duchess!” you heard a cry of excitement and you grinned as the little girl ran up to you and you immediately got on your knees and wrapped your arms around her, ignoring the tuts of the Lords behind you, “congratulations Duchess,” Amelia smiled up at you and you kissed her cheek softly, she was such a beautiful little girl.
“I’m going to miss you when I go to England, I have to leave before the week is out,” you sighed as that overwhelming sadness filled your chest.
“Don’t go Duchess; there are bad men in England.”
The little girl’s words sent a chill down your spine but you forced a brave smile onto your face, “you’ll forever be in my thoughts Amelia,” you kissed her forehead.
Though, as you rode out of her quaint village her words rang in your head and it didn’t seem like a very good omen. As big and as beautiful as your wedding was, the wedding feast was bigger and more beautiful. It was more beautiful than you ever thought it could be and for that, you were very thankful. The feast was held in the gorgeous rose gardens outside of the chateau and you could smell the gorgeous scent of the growing fruit in the nearby fields. It seemed that Sirius had chosen this location with you in mind but that was only a simple fantasy in your head.
There were many, many courses of the wedding feast and they were all so delicious, maybe too delicious. You and Sirius decided to send over the best courses to your favourite guests. It was a joy for you to see the happiness on your friends’ faces as they enjoyed the magnificent courses. Sophia seemed especially happy with the honey glazed gammon and it made your heart sing when she shared it with Remus, a bashful smile on both of their faces.
Queen Lily gave you a tight sweet smelling hug and she beamed at you as she took a seat at your side, “it really has been a beautiful day Y/N, you seem very happy,” she smiled as she took a generous swallow of wine.
You flushed as you looked over at your beautiful husband who couldn’t seem to tear his eyes from you, “I am happy,” you smiled at Lily, “I didn’t think that I could be, but I really am.”
Lily hummed, “I think that he’s in love with you, Y/N.”
You felt a thrill wrack through your body at Lily’s statement and you began to feel a little light headed, “we’ve only known each other for a matter of months, and we haven’t even been intimate yet. How could he be in love with me?”
Lily giggled at you as she shook her head, “have you not seen the way that he looks at you when you look away? Have you not heard of love at first sight? I hope that you too will be more fortunate in creating a child than me and James,” she sighed with a sad look on her face.
You smiled gently as you took her hand, “your son will come, Your Majesty, I’m sure of it.”
You looked back at Sirius, biting your lip and you saw that he was in deep conversation with Peter. You felt butterflies in your stomach as you watched him easily laugh and you watched the way his long fingers dove into his hair. Could Lily be right? Could he honestly be in love with you?
The rest of the feast passed by in a flurry of dancing and drinking of honeyed wine and spied mead. You noticed that Sirius was holding himself back from drinking too much, Remus on the other hand drank like a fish; maybe it was to make himself less nervous around Sophia. He even danced with her a few times. You felt at home at Sirius’ side and you hoped that he felt the same way about you.
All too soon the guests were calling for the bedding ceremony and nerves – and excitement – fizzled in your stomach. Sirius easily lifted you into his strong safe arms; he must have noticed your worried face because he kissed your cheek gently.
“Please don’t worry Y/N, like I said before, I’m not going to hurt you,” he promised and you nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He easily carried you up to his chambers, the sounds of women giggling and men shouting followed you into the chateau. For the first time that day, you wished that your mother was here to prepare you for what you had to do. You weren’t sure whether it was pure lust or it was the wine you had been drinking but you wanted him. You wanted this beautiful, kind man.
As soon as you were alone, you kissed him long and deep, still safely secured in his arms, Sirius groaned into your mouth as he kissed you back. As the tip of his tongue touched your bottom lip, you sighed, clutching at his hair as you slid your hand down his chest. After a while, he pulled away looking dazed with swollen lips and you were sure that you had never seen anyone more beautiful.
“Wait,” he started breathlessly as he bit his bottom lip and stared at yours, the glint of lust in his eyes and you felt your heart thump in your chest, “we don’t have to Y/N,” he muttered as he cupped your cheeks, looking at you intently, there was lust and kindness in his eyes but you were sure that there was something else in there too.
You felt a flush grow on your cheeks as you rested your forehead against yours, catching your breath as your fingers stroked through his hair. He swore under his breath as you tugged gently at the tendrils, “I know Sirius and you’re so sweet, but please Sirius I want to. I want you. I want to know what it feels like to be completely and utterly yours, show me Sirius. Show me what it’s like.”
“Are you sure?” he asked kindly and when you nodded, anticipation filling your chest, he sat you on the edge of the comfortable bed, “we’ll go slowly, and I’ll be gentle. If you change your mind, please tell me to stop,” he kneeled on the floor and pressed a sweet kiss against your ankle as he removed your uncomfortable shoes.
You swallowed, it sent a thrill through you to see Sirius on his knees in front of you and you nodded as you braced your hands on his shoulders, “I promise, I’ll tell you.”
Sirius was true to his word; he kissed you and handled you gently, almost like you were made of glass, only progressing when you begged him to. You never thought that you would beg for anything, especially not a man but Sirius seemed to be worth it, he made your head spin and your heart speed up.
You knew that you were done for when Sirius’ head disappeared underneath your skirts and his hands explored your body, gentle but demanding. Gasping out in pleasure when Sirius found the ideal destination, you let yourself fall back on the bed, tugging at his hair to bring him closer, relishing in the groan he made against your skin.
“Sirius,” you whined as your hair spread around your head like a halo and you wished that you could feel this type of pleasure for the rest of your days.
Sirius didn’t know that it could be like this, he never knew that sex could be this intimate or be this good, he’d never put his heart into sex before. Maybe it was because; subconsciously he was waiting for Y/N. He couldn’t quite believe that he was married to a Princess but Y/N was someone that he cared about and he hoped that she cared about him too.
The room was warm and comfortable as Y/N lay in Sirius’ arms and he trailed his fingers over her warm naked skin. She smiled brightly up at him as she stroked her fingers through his messy tangled hair as she leaned up to kiss him softly. Y/N looked wrecked with messy hair, swollen lips and sparkling eyes. Sirius only imagined that he looked the same.
“Are you feeling okay? Did I hurt you?” Sirius asked, trailing his fingers over her stomach.
Y/N smiled, “at first but I was told to expect that. And, I’m fine, so fine that I want to do it all over again,” she trailed a hand down his chest with a sly smirk on her face.
Sirius’ breath hitched as he caught her hand before it could disappear beneath the sheets, “please Y/N, give me a second,” he chuckled as she pouted, “I hope you’re pregnant you know.”
A strange look passed over Y/N’s face as she averted her eyes, “well, at least our child will have a lot of siblings,” she bit her lip and Sirius looked down at her in confusion.
“What are you talking about?”
Y/N shook her head, “Sirius, its alr-,”
Sirius shook his head as he cut her off, “I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Y/N looked up at him with a forlorn expression on her face, “oh God,” she covered her face with her hands, “I was told that you had a lot of ba- a lot of children in England and France.”
Sirius huffed and rolled his eyes, he’d heard that ridiculous rumour about himself too, “Y/N, I promise, I know that I’ve been with a lot of women but I was always careful, I always prevented a child. Any child that I have will be yours, please believe me.”
Y/N nodded as she cupped his cheek, “I do believe you, I’m sorry, it was something that I was worried about. I feel silly for believing the rumour.”
Sirius shook her head as he pulled the beautiful woman closer, “no don’t be sorry my love.”
Y/N grinned up at him, “you know, it usually takes more than one try to make a baby.”
Sirius bit his lip as he smirked, “oh Princess, you are insatiable,” he growled and pulled her so she was straddling his waist.
She giggled and gasped at his quick movements before throwing the sheet back and leaned down to kiss Sirius deeply. They were certainly in for a passion filled night.
In the morning, Sirius was woken up by a soft kiss from his wife; he smiled as he opened his eyes, squinting in the bright room. Y/N was sitting upright on the bed as she gazed down at him, she looked so beautiful, like an angel with the golden early morning sunlight streaming behind her, and he couldn’t quite believe that she was his.
“Good morning Y/N, you look beautiful,” Y/N flushed and smiled prettily at his words as he sat up and that’s when he noticed the numerous plates on the bed, all full of wonderful things, “what’s all this?”
Y/N smiled as she picked up a goblet and took a swallow from it, “I thought we deserved an amazing breakfast for our first morning as newlyweds,” she picked up a morsel of sweetbread, slathered it in honey and held it up to Sirius’ lips, her eyebrow raised as she smirked at him.
Sirius chuckled as he opened his lips and let Y/N feed him the sickly sweet morsel, Sirius groaned as the sweet and tart flavours danced along his tongue and he smiled up at Y/N, “that tastes very sweet, though, not as sweet as you,” he teased, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“Sirius!” Y/N gasped with a giggle as she looked away from him, her cheeks deepening in colour.
“Now you’re getting nervous, after last night?” Sirius smirked kissing her cheek; he hesitated when he saw the worried look in her eyes, “what’s the matter love?”
“I just, I’ll really miss this place. I don’t want to go to England,” she sighed as she looked around at the room, an expression of wistful longing on her face.
Sirius bit his lip as he held back a sigh; he knew exactly what Y/N was feeling because he felt the same. He’d miss this beautiful land and its people, and its easy pleasures but they both had a duty to do as the Duke and Duchess of Bedford, “I’ll miss it too, I wish we could stay here until our dying days but we made a promise to the King and Queen,” Y/N nodded and Sirius took her hand, “England will be great, I promise.”
“What about the bad people at court? Because there will be bad people, I don’t want to be walking to my death by going to England.”
Sirius frowned at her words and they troubled him perhaps more than they should and he shook his head as he pulled his fretting wife into his arms, “I’ll protect you from every bad person who dares to cross our path,” he pressed a kiss to her forehead, “I promise Y/N.”
@smiithys @elayneblack @amelie-black @siriuslyjanhvi @pregnant-piggy @lindatreb @mabelle-cherie @hxrgreeves @britishspidey @mads-bri @classicrocketqueen @sxtansqueen @hufflepuffzutara @missmulti @bruxa0007 @ourstarsailor @fific7 @galwithbluethoughts​ @2410slb​ @sunles​ @krismeunicornbaobei​
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Pure Blood 35 (Sirius Black x F!Oc)
Words: 2,084
Warnings: Mentions of death 
Chapter 34  Chapter 36
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"And what was it like having the whole train to yourself?" James asks sitting next to me.
“Lonely,” I sigh. "But I was able to sleep better."
He nods.
"Well, Jenna still doesn't know I'm here. So, it's your turn to help me catch up with all the gossip.”
“Sorry, Singh. But I won't be your gossip consultant,” He huffs.
"Oh, come on! I know you're a gossip. Even more than Sirius!”
“I am not a gossip. I only find out about events on accident.”
He rolls his eyes.
“Fine. Everyone is nervous about graduation. They’ll make a ceremony and a small party here. What else? Regulus looks bleaker than usual. Sirius has tried to talk to him, but it's impossible. Peter tried to invite someone to graduation. The first attempts failed, but then he got someone from Slytherin, I really don't know how it happened, but I'm happy for him."
"What about the plan with Lily?"
His face lights up and he smiles, I can even see his cheeks blush.
"It's going well,” He clears his throat.
"Tell me something else, please,” I say, lightly hitting his leg with the crutch Jane told me to use for another month.
“I asked her out,” He laughs like a small boy. “At first she seemed uncomfortable. They were all staring at us, but Merlin! She was beautiful. She always is. Then she agreed to go on a date with me! We went to the three broomsticks and I told her about my family and she finally told me about hers, everything improved when she felt comfortable around me…”
I smile at the sound of his voice, he looks genuinely happy.
“Then we went to the bookstore. I know, the only way I’d be there would be because Remus asked me to, but with her, everything seemed more interesting. She explained to me what some of the books were about. We kept talking, we ate sweets,” Little by little he was sliding on the couch all the way to the floor. “We got to the castle and I wasn't thinking of doing anything else, but she kissed me! To me, Persephone!” He reaches the ground, melting completely at his own words.
"So my advice worked."
He looks at me and nods.
“You’re dating, then?" I ask. He climbs back up to the couch.
“I haven't asked, but I'm waiting for the right moment. After the kiss, she was happy, but embarrassed, she didn't want to ruin anything. Maybe I'll take her to a nice place…”
"Or you’ll just blurt it out.”
"That makes more sense.”
We both laugh.
“Glad to see you like this, James. Truly. It seems like it was worth waiting so many years, right?"
"Maybe. If I hadn't been an idiot, we would have been together longer. If I had listened to you, but it doesn't matter anymore. Thank you, Persephone.”
"You're welcome, James."
“Now, I know that's a stupid question, but. You'll be okay?" His tone is serious now.
I shrug.
"I don’t have any other option.”
"But it's something you want, right?"
"It's complicated. I'm sick of just waiting for bad things to happen, for someone else to control me. I no longer have the family I thought I had, but I don't have control either. I'm afraid of not knowing what to do now, without someone telling me what’s next.”
“Complicated," He makes a face and I nod.
“Yes, but I try to hold onto what I have left. Apollo and Jane, Atlas has been a great help. You, Sirius, Jenna. I don’t know…”
"I have a theory.”
"I hear you.”
“You’re hurt, and maybe that also affects. Just think about it, you can't move without that crutch, you have a very ugly neck scar and your left arm is still broken. Maybe when you're fully healed, you'll feel better, you know, therapy, going out, sticking to a routine a bit. By the time graduation comes you’ll walk better.”
"Could work…”
"Persephone Amelia Singh!" Someone yells.
"Oh, Jenna already knows you're here,” James mentions.
“Hadn’t noticed,” I replied sarcastically.
“Thanks," I say when Lily grabs my backpack, we both walk towards our classrooms. She laughs and I look at her confused.
"A few years ago, you would have insulted me for even being in the same hallway as you.”
I feel my cheeks burn.
"You're not going to kick my crutch in revenge, are you?" She laughs again.
"No, calm down. The good thing is that now we’re friends.”
"It's strange. But I do not regret it.”
"Neither do I,” She stops and gently touches my arm. "I also wanted to thank you.”
"Why? I just arrived yesterday–”
"For helping James,” She says.
"Uh, I don't know what you're talking about.”
“I know you helped him. I thought someone had done it and once I saw you alone talking. Don't worry, it's not a bad thing. I guess we both just needed a push. Now I feel like a fool, but I'm glad that everything is going well…”
"I really don't know what you're talking about, I don't talk to him that often,” I say. She laughs.
“Perhaps you're imagining things, Mrs. Potter,” I say with an innocent smile.
"Are you sure you're comfortable?"
I roll my eyes and smile.
"I'm sure. Don’t worry.”
Potions class continues, but I still feel Sirius's gaze.
"Now what?"
"You don't look comfortable.”
“Have my arm and leg bandaged will always bother until it heals, it's not like I'm in a perfect position to be comfortable Sirius. I'm fine, now pay attention…”
After a few minutes, not only does Sirius's gaze return, but now he's just playing with a lock of my hair. I let him pass, at least he's quiet.
"Professor Slughorn. I'll have to ask students Black and Singh for a moment,” says Professor McGonagall.
Slughorn nods and points at us. Sirius takes my backpack and helps me off the bench. We both leave the room, following the teacher.
"What is it, Professor?" Sirius asks.
“I'm afraid, young Black, this is not good news. But there’s someone in the principal's office looking for you."
"I-it's not someone from my family, is it?" I stutter.
“No, Miss Singh."
We got to the office. The Headmaster is at his desk talking to a woman.
"I'll leave you alone," says McGonagall.
Dumbledore finishes speaking and points to us. The woman gets up and sees us with a sweet smile. Her hair is black and short, she wears a black dress.
"Andy?" Sirius asks.
"Hello, cousin,” she answers and they both embrace.
I missed something, I'm sure, but at this point I just want to sit down. My leg is heavy and the silly stairs up here didn't help at all. I sit in the other chair near the desk. Sirius and the woman talk about things.
"How does it feel?" Dumbledore asks me, drawing my attention.
"I'm improving,” Then I remember something. "You and I have unfinished business.”
He smiles.
"Maybe for another time.”
"I just want to know how you knew…”
“I can't see the future if that’s what you were thinking. I knew that sooner or later something was going to happen, but I had no idea how serious it would be. Yet you are still here, healing,” He winks at me with amusement.
I still don't know what to think, it's quite suspicious, but I'm still in school, so I can't make a claim on him.
“She's my girlfriend, Persephone, I turn back and smile, shaking the woman's hand. "Percy, she's my favorite cousin, Andromeda.”
"It was about time that little Siri introduced me to a girlfriend!” I raise my eyebrows and look towards my boyfriend.
He blushes.
"A silly nickname,” He complains looking at his cousin. We both laugh.
"Sorry I couldn't stand up, my leg was killing me," I say with a grimace.
"Oh, don't worry, honey. I understand,” She sits in the chair next to me.
"I think it's time to tell the news, dear," adds Dumbledore. Andromeda’s smile disappears.
“Yes,” She clears her throat. “After hearing all about your families, I knew it would be my duty to tell you if something happened. Guys, I'm so sorry. Alphard passed away last night.”
Andromeda takes my hand.
"It's true, darling. I know this is horrible news…”
"B-but how?"
Alphard's tired face appears in my mind. Was he sick? Dumbledore and Andromeda share a look.
"The medical report says it was a cardiac arrest…”
"But you know these are dark times," continues Dumbledore. “And we suspects the old families. They both had reasons for not wanting Alphard on their way…”
“Is there a possibility that my family is in all of this? Do the aurors know? Someone must investigate it. We can't just leave him like this…” My hands are shaking.
“As Miss Tonks said. The report is done, I'm afraid we can't do anything. You know they’re very good at hiding anything that stains their reputation."
"Where is he buried?" Sirius says. I turn to see it. His face is pale and he seems about to throw up. "I don't think my mother buried him with the others."
“Ted agreed to put him together with his family. I hope you don't mind,” Andromeda answers.
Sirius shooks his head and looks down.
"He wouldn't have wanted to be with them anyway,” His voice breaks and his cousin stands up to hug him.
"Can we go to the funeral?" I ask the director with teary eyes.
“I'm afraid that's another risk, miss. If the assumptions are correct, they would be waiting for you both. You better not leave Hogwarts until they finish.”
"I'll take care of everything,” says Andromeda, separating from Sirius. “I promise you that Alphard's memory will be remembered. Many of his friends have written to me and asked about you.”
“Thanks, Andy.”
"Thank you…”
She smiles taking my hand and caresses Sirius's cheek with the other.
“He would be very proud of you. And above all, he would like you to remain close and safe.”
"In addition to giving you the news, we must speak of a small inheritance you have received from Alphard," says Dumbledore.
“Alphard knew that his life was in danger, so he hastened to leave some things to you,” continues Andromeda.
I nod wiping my tears. Andromeda sits Sirius in the chair and Dumbledore reads us the will. I don't even bother to ask why the Headmaster is responsible for giving us this. I only hear his distant voice.
In the end, Alphard left us the money that he had kept in his vault. Sirius got his house and some things he couldn't use until he’d graduated.
"This too," says the director, handing him a red velvet box. “Along with an indication. 'Use it when you're ready,’” He recites.
Sirius takes it, but he doesn't open it, just nods.
“And for Persephone Singh, this,” He hands me a long box of the same material. "Alphard indicated that this necklace once belonged to his late beloved, and he knows that it’ll be in good hands.”
He opened it, and I see a beautiful necklace of small green diamonds. It’s a very simple and elegant necklace. I smile wistfully.
Andromeda says goodbye, but not before agreeing to a small meeting with her husband and her six-year-old daughter. Sirius and I walked through the hallways of the school. He walks me to my common room. We stop at the entrance.
"I'm so sorry Sirius," I whisper. “I know that Alphard meant a lot to you. He was the only one who treated you like you were his son…” I close my eyes and feel some tears escape them.
I feel his arms surround me in a strong hug.
“He also treated you as his daughter. He loved us very much, Percy.”
We hugged each other for a few minutes, crying.
“Now more than ever we must go on, Percy. May Alphard's death not be in vain,” He says as we part. He takes my face and wipes some tears. "We are in this together, my love.”
I nod not knowing what to say. He kisses my forehead, and hugs me one last time. The first thing I do when I enter the Slytherin common room is look for Jenna and try to cope with the pain that will not go away so easily.
Thanks for everything, Alphard Black.
  @treestarrrrrrrr​ @siriuslysirius1107​      @thagreenmoon​ @madmaiden2890​  @ren-ela  @avipshamitra   @auroraawrites @findzelda  @lizlil​ @siriusmuch​   @chloe-geoghegan1​ @reverse-hxlland​  @may-rapp​ @the-specific-oceans​ @eveft​  @secret-obsessions​​  @theeicedamericano​
@xkonpinkx​​​    @inkandpen22​​​
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midnighttmarauder · 5 years
Pairing: Sirius x Potter!reader
Summary: Reader gets kidnapped while on an undercover mission, and Sirius will stop at nothing to get her back. 
Warnings: mentions of torture/pain, mention of death, minor violence
Tags: @evyiione @quokkatrash @accio-rogers
“Potter, we need you on a mission tonight,” Moody said. You, James, and Lily looked up. “Y/N, not you two.”
“Why not?” James whined.
“Because I’m the best Potter,” you replied.
“Oh, really? I beg to differ, little sister,” James retorted. Lily smirked and winked at you over his shoulder.
“I don’t have time for your sibling squabbles. Come with me, Y/N,” Moody said. You stuck your tongue out at James as you followed Moody out into the hallway.
“What’ve you got for me this time?” you asked.
“Undercover mission at an all-girls academy. There’ve been multiple death eater sightings in the area, and we suspect there might be one on the inside,” Moody replied.
“I won’t have any backup?” you asked.
“No, it’ll look too suspicious if we bring in too many people at once,” Moody grumbled.
“Not that I’m questioning your judgement or anything, but why me? Why not Lily? She’s been on more undercover missions than I have,” you said.
“She may have been on more missions than you, but you said it yourself. You’re the best, Potter.”
The academy was the complete opposite of Hogwarts. There wasn’t a tinge of laughter in the hallways. No crooked ties or untucked shirts. No students cracking jokes or even smiling. The girls avoided your eyes as you walked through the winding halls, clipboard pressed tightly to your chest. Acting as a supervisor was proving to be hard work considering you were barely older than many of the girls – and shorter than a few. Constant vigilance echoed in your head around every turn, with every suspicious noise or glance in your direction. You nearly stupefied a young girl as she barreled around the corner and right into your stomach.
“I’m sorry, miss,” she said. She peered over her shoulder, her hands shaking at her side. She couldn’t have been older than nine or ten.
“That’s alright. What’s your name?” you asked.
“Helen, miss,” she replied.
“Nice to meet you, Helen. My name is Amelia and I’m here from the Ministry,” you said as you pointed to the nametag that Remus had fabricated.  
“What does the Ministry want from us?” Helen asked, her voice shaking.
“I’m only here from the board of education to make sure your curriculum is suitable for girls your age. I was hoping you could help point me in the direction of the headmistress’ office. I think I took a wrong turn and now I’m terribly lost,” you replied.
“Come with me, miss,” Helen said. She took your hand with small, shaking fingers and began to lead you the way she had come. It was quiet for a few moments with only the sound of her shoes clicking against the floor.
“If you don’t mind me asking, Helen, what were you running from? Are there any other girls bothering you?” you asked innocently.
“No, miss. I just thought I saw something,” she replied.
“What did it look like?” you asked.
“It was dark. Like a cloud. I couldn’t see much, but it looked like there was a snake,” Helen said. She swallowed thickly. You didn’t have the chance to reply as you reached the headmistress’ office. “This is where I leave you, miss. We’re not allowed in there unless we’re summoned.”
“Thank you for your help, Helen,” you replied. You squeezed her hand and she gave you a shaky smile. You knocked on the office door and when you turned, she was gone. A vaguely familiar voice called for you to enter and you pushed the door open.
Your clipboard clattered to the floor.
“Well, well. If it isn’t little Potter,” said Bellatrix Lestrange. Your hand shot to your pocket and you pulled out your wand, pointing it at her just as she did the same.
“Are you the headmistress?” you asked.
“No. She was,” Bellatrix replied, pointing lazily behind the desk. You edged further into the room and gasped at the woman lying on the floor, staring unseeing at the ceiling.
“I don’t understand,” you muttered.
“Merlin, you’re slow. I killed her! We have a girl on the inside that let me in, I killed the headmistress, and now we can turn all of these girls into death eaters. Isn’t it wonderful?” Bellatrix cackled.
“You’re mad,” you said.
“Maybe. But you will be too,” Bellatrix said. You furrowed your brows as Bellatrix jutted her chin at something behind you. You turned and were too late as a burst of red light filled your vision.
“Black, Potter. Come with me,” Moody said as he stormed by them in the living room.
“He really has to be more specific,” Lily muttered as she followed James and Sirius into the kitchen. She looked at Moody and crossed her arms. “Did you mean me or James?”
“Both of you will do. Listen, I’m just going to get straight to the point here. Y/N was compromised and she was captured,” Moody said. Everyone’s blood went cold.
“By who?” Sirius asked.
“Your cousin,” Moody replied. Sirius swore viciously and began pacing. It took everything in him to not shatter anything within arm’s reach.
“Do you know where she is?” James asked.
“We think she’s at the Malfoy’s. That’s usually where they take their more…important hostages,” Moody said.
“Let’s go get her then,” Lily said.
“It’s not that simple. We can’t just go in there, wands blazing,” Moody replied.
“Why not? They’ve got my sister,” James spat.
“I understand, but we have to have a plan,” Moody said.
“Screw the plan!” Sirius yelled, slamming his fist on the table. “They always fall apart when we get there, and we don’t have time. Merlin knows what they’re doing to her.”
Your throat was raw. It felt like you had been screaming for days. You faded in and out of consciousness, Bellatrix’s maniacal laugh weaving its way through your head.
“I’m getting tired of asking. Tell me where your headquarters are. Now!” Bellatrix yelled. You shook your head with a tired laugh.
“And I’m getting tired of repeating myself. I won’t tell you anything,” you replied. Searing pain coursed through your body and your back arched off the chair. Your screams echoed around the room as you clenched your eyes shut.
“Who do you answer to?” Bellatrix asked.
“Merlin,” you replied. Red-hot agony.
“What were you doing at that academy?” she asked.
“Trying to enroll.” Something sliced your cheek. You opened your eyes to find Bellatrix inches from your face, her dagger poised against your jaw.
“Don’t be smart with me or you’ll lose your tongue! I’m going to try one more time. Who do you answer to?” Bellatrix yelled.
“I already told you – Merlin. Or would you prefer God?” you drawled.
“You’re going to wish they were here to save you,” Bellatrix spat. She pulled her dagger back just as the crack of apparition resounded in the room.
“Expelliarmus!” Bellatrix’s knife clattered to the floor as her wand flew out of her other hand and straight into Sirius’. You almost sobbed in relief as James and Lily appeared beside him. The three of them pointed their wands at Bellatrix, and she raised her hands mockingly in surrender.
“Get the hell away from her,” Sirius growled.
“Well, if it isn’t my favourite Gryffindors. Always so brave but so stupid. Did you really think it would be this easy?” Bellatrix asked.
As if on cue, several death eaters apparated into the room. James and Sirius pressed their backs against Lily’s, forming a defensive circle.
“What do you want from my sister?” James spat.
“Information. I knew it was only a matter of time before you lot would come running. I thought I would break her by now, but I do have to admit that she’s stronger than she looks,” Bellatrix replied. She put a finger under your chin and lifted it, forcing you to look her in the eye as she smacked you across the face. James had to hold Sirius back.
“Let her go. We’ll tell you whatever you want,” Lily said.
“Don’t,” you mumbled.
“But I haven’t had fun yet,” Bellatrix said with a pout. She held out her hand and one of the death eaters walked to Sirius. Without a word, he grabbed Bellatrix’s wand from Sirius’ hands and tried to take it. Sirius resisted, and the man delivered a blow to his stomach.
“Give it to him. Just give him what he wants,” you pleaded. Sirius met your eyes and with a pained look, handed the death eater the wand. Bellatrix laughed wickedly as the man put it back in her outstretched hand.
“Let’s see if your friends are smarter than you are. Where are your headquarters?” she asked.
“Don’t tell her,” you said. Bellatrix stepped behind you and put her wand to your temple.
“Where are your headquarters?” she repeated. Sirius opened his mouth.
“Don’t! We made a promise to the Order, don’t break it for me!” you yelled. Bellatrix mumbled something, and hot pain shot from your temple down to the tips of your toes. You gritted your teeth against a scream. Sirius clenched his jaw and looked away.
“Fine, if you won’t tell me that, then who do you answer to? I bet it’s Dumbledore,” Bellatrix said, spitting his name like it was poison. James narrowed his eyes at her.
“If he was, you’d already be dead,” he spat. Bellatrix’s laugh raised hairs on your neck.
“So much faith in a pathetic old man,” she drawled. “Now, I won’t ask again! Tell me or she dies!”
Another jolt of pain shot through your body, and you couldn’t fight the scream that forced its way out of your throat.
Sirius had had enough.
Bellatrix was thrown backwards and slammed against the far wall. Chaos ensued. You tried your best to duck as spells flew over your head. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Sirius making his way over to you. He hissed as a spell hit him in the shoulder, but he kept going, focused solely on you and getting you out.
“Hello, love,” he muttered as he reached you and began untying your ropes. When Sirius had untied the last rope, you sagged forward, unable to hold yourself up anymore, but he was there to catch you. You wrapped your arms around him with a shaky breath.
“You’re here,” you mumbled. All the chaos seemed to stop.
“I’m here, you’re safe. I’ve got you,” Sirius replied. He pressed a kiss to your temple and pulled back, holding you at arm’s length to inspect your injuries. James and Lily ran up behind him.
“Are you alright?” James asked. His eyes scanned across your face, stopping on your cheekbone.
“I’m okay,” you said.
“We managed to chase some off, but the rest are coming. We have to go. Now,” Lily said with an apologetic look. You nodded and made to stand up, but Sirius scooped you into his arms. You held on tight as he vanished.
The apparition left your head spinning. You groaned as Sirius carried you into Grimmauld Place and laid you down on the couch. James pulled him aside.
“I’ll debrief for you. You just take care of my sister, alright?” James said.
“Thanks, mate. I always do,” Sirius replied, clapping him on the shoulder. You heard him and Lily leave, and then Sirius kneeled in front of you. “You gave us a right scare.”
“I’m sorry. I wish I could say it won’t happen again, but I can’t promise anything,” you said. Sirius chuckled bitterly.
“It’s alright. I’m just glad you’re home, safe and sound,” he replied, brushing a piece of hair away from your face.
“Thank you. I…don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t shown up when you did,” you muttered.
“I bet you would’ve kicked her ass,” Sirius said. You laughed, and your hand shot up to your ribs.
“Ow, please don’t make me laugh.” The smile slid off of Sirius’ face as concern shone in his eyes. He put his hand on top of yours and squeezed your fingers.
“Don’t worry, love,” he muttered, kissing your cheek softly. “I’m gonna take care of you.”
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krys-does-otome · 7 years
Otome Birthdays List
As promised, here’s the full list of birthday days. It’s not an exhaustive list as I plan on adding more as I play more otomes in the future and as more information comes out for various games.
Just as a reminder, I go by what Wikipedia, official websites (Idea Factory International, Otomate, Aksys, etc) and creator websites and pages (dicesuki, DateNighto, etc), tell me as their canon birthdays. If I’ve got the wrong information, then I’ll do my best to update the information for future reference.
I’ve also added in protagonists’ birthdays, if it’s known (like Lucette and Avery), along with some side characters if they have a known birthday (not all side characters, however, because, as of this writing and according to Code: Realize’s wiki, Saint Germain, Guinevere, and Leonhardt all have the same birthday, and I don’t think I’m prepared to handle that many at once).
**Hakuoki birthdays, the creators have stated, are based on the real life counterpart’s birth dates. Unfortunately, since keeping records of one’s birth in Japan didn’t really start happening until about 100 years after the time Hakuoki is supposed to take place, some birth dates are lost to time and no one knows the date, which is why you don’t see Okita, Heisuke, Harada, etc on here. Characters like Kazama and the demons who were created for the story do not have canonical birthday as they are fictional and have not been given a birth date either. 
EDIT: I changed Sakamoto’s to reflect the correct date (it’s the lunisolar date (where the majority of the Hakuoki birthdays fall upon). If anyone wants me to make a separate post explaining about the lunisolar dates, I’d be more than happy to make one).
**August 17th is added as ‘Mod Day’ as that is my birthday.  I’ll be spamming with my personal favorite baes, but you are more than welcome to leave things in my inbox!
**I’m considering making another dedicated day in July, however, since Waltz is looking a little lonely there by himself. No promises, but we’ll see what’s up when July rolls around.
And now, onto the list! Have fun, lovelies!
January 1st- Hajime Saito [Hakuoki] 6th-Herlock Sholmes [Code: Realize] 7th-Kennyo [Ikemen Sengoku] 11th-Lancelot Kingsley [Ikemen Revolution] 20th-Mason [Hustle Cat] 23rd-Alyn and Leo Crawford [Midnight Cinderella] 26th-Klaus Goldstein [Wizardess Heart] 31st-Ieyasu Tokugawa [Ikemen Sengoku]
February 9th-Abraham Van Helsing [Code: Realize] 18th-Kenshin Uesugi [Ikemen Sengoku] 21st-Hayes [Hustle Cat] 22nd-Kei Okazaki [Collar x Malice] / Loki Genetta [Ikemen Revolution]
March 3rd-Ukyo [Amnesia: Memories] 8th-Vincent Knight [Wizardess Heart] 12th-Yoosung Kim [Mystic Messenger] 17th-Hideyoshi Toyotomi [Ikemen Sengoku] 19th Rayvis Harneit [Midnight Cinderella] / Elias Goldstein [Wizardess Heart] 23rd Ray Blackwell [Ikemen Revolution] 30th-Finley [Hustle Cat]
April 1st-Zen [Mystic Messenger] 5th-Oliver Knight [Ikemen Revolution] 10th-Sasuke Sarutobi [Ikemen Sengoku] / Yukiya Reizen [Wizardess Heart] 11th-Shinpachi Nagakura [Hakuoki] 12th-Toma [Amnesia: Memories] / Nico Meier [Midnight Cinderella] 15th-Fenrir Godspeed [Ikemen Revolution] 17th-Mineo Enomoto [Collar x Malice] 30th-Landry [Hustle Cat]
May 5th-Toshizo Hijikata [Hakuoki] 7th-Lucette [Cinderella Phenomenon] / Sirius Oswald [Ikemen Revolution] 12th-Nobunaga Oda [Ikemen Sengoku] 17th-Impey Barbicane [Code: Realize] / Albert Burckhardt [Midnight Cinderella] 31st-Reese [Hustle Cat]
June 1st-Ikki [Amnesia: Memories] / Cerim Leiado [Wizardess Heart] / Guy Brighton [Wizardess Heart] 6th- Randy March [Wizardess Heart] 8th-Takeru Sasazuka [Collar x Malice] 10th-Seth Hyde [Ikemen Revolution] 11th-707 and Saeran [Mystic Messenger] 18th-Rod [Cinderella Phenomenon] 20th-Avery Gray [Hustle Cat]
July 3rd-Waltz Criswell [Cinderella Phenomenon] 7th-Yukimura Sanada [Ikemen Sengoku] 17th-Kyle Ash [Ikemen Revolution]
August 2nd-Saint Germain [Code: Realize] 17th-Mod Day 22nd Sid Arnault/Lloyd Grandier [Midnight Cinderella] 23rd-Edgar Bright [Ikemen Revolution] 24th-Luka Clemence [Ikemen Revolution] 26th-Victor Frankenstein [Code: Realize]
September 5th-Aiji Yanagi [Collar x Malice] / Masamune Date [Ikemen Sengoku] 9th-V [Mystic Messenger] / Robert Branche [Midnight Cinderella] 10th-Fritz [Cinderella Phenomenon] / Blanc Lapin [Ikemen Revolution] 23rd-Kent [Amnesia: Memories]
October 4th-Mitsuhide Akechi [Ikemen Sengoku] 5th-Jumin Han [Mystic Messenger] 9th-Isami Kondou [Hakuoki] 10th-Zero [Ikemen Revolution] 11th-Delacroix II [Code: Realize] 12th-Joel Crawford [Wizardess Heart] 15th-Luca Orlem [Wizardess Heart] 16th-Louis Howard [Midnight Cinderella] 21st-Karma [Cinderella Phenomenon] 24th-Arsene Lupin [Code: Realize] 28th-Amelia Nile [Wizardess Heart]
November 1st-Graves [Hustle Cat] 3rd-Rika [Mystic Messenger] 6th-Mitsunari Ishida [Ikemen Sengoku] 11th-Giles Christophe [Midnight Cinderella] 15th-Ryouma Sakamoto [Hakuoki] 18th-Jonah Clemence [Ikemen Revolution] 30th-Shin [Amnesia: Memories]
December 1st-Shingen Takeda [Ikemen Sengoku] 7th-Byron Wagner [Midnight Cinderella] 12th-Rumpel [Cinderella Phenomenon] / Harr Silver [Ikemen Revolution] 24th-Kageyuki Shiraishi [Collar x Malice] 28th-Jaehee Kang [Mystic Messenger]
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forzalando · 7 years
A Part of the Family ~ Sirius Black
AHHHH finally I am getting around to all the amazing requests in my inbox :) I hope you all like this :) writing Sirius fluff is my second favorite thing to do (right  behind Remus fluff lol) 
Requested By: Anon
Request: Hey!! Could you write one where Sirius spends the holidays at the readers house with the whole family(like everybody) and he feels so at home and genuinely happy?❤
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Warnings: minor cursing (damned)
Y/E/C: Your Eye Color
Y/N: Your Name
Word Count: 945
Sirius Black was nervous.
Sirius Black was beyond nervous, and he didn’t know how to tell you.
He had met your parents a handful of times; in passing on Platform 9 ¾ or at the dinner parties the Potter’s held during the summer, but this was different. This was your entire family; parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents…literally everyone.
When you asked him to spend the holidays with you, your big Y/E/C eyes staring up at him and your bottom lip jutted out in an adorable pout, there was no way he could say no.
His leg was bouncing up and down the entire time you rode the Hogwarts Express, but you had chalked it up to hyperactivity due to all the holiday sweets he ate with Remus the night before.
However, when the two of you stepped off the train and got your trunks, you saw the panicked look in his eyes and felt his hand become sweaty as it squeezed your own.
“Sirius, love,” you said calmly, “they’re all going to adore you, so stop worrying, you’re going to get wrinkles.”
“That’s easy for you to say, I’m not exactly the best at impressing families.”
“My family is nothing like your family, they’ll love you, I promise. If it makes you feel any better, I’m worried too. My cousin Amelia is our age and goes to Beauxbatons. I’m afraid she’ll steal you away from me.”
“No one could ever steal me away from you, Y/N, get those ridiculous thoughts out of your head.”
Sirius left a quick kiss to your cheek before pointing out your Mum and Dad who stood talking to Mr. and Mrs. Potter a few feet away.
You squeezed Sirius’s hand one last time and signaled for him to lean down so you could kiss him before leading your fretful boyfriend over to your parents.
“Ah, Sirius,” your Dad exclaimed loudly, “we are so excited you’re spending the holidays with us! When Y/N told us you were coming we couldn’t have been happier!”
Sirius extended an arm to shake your father’s hand and thank him for his hospitality. Once everyone was settled and hugs were distributed, the four of you apparated to the foyer of your house. Immediately, you were bombarded by tight hugs from your extended family. Your young cousins clung to your legs while your grandmother fussed over you and placed a million kisses on your cheeks and forehead.
You looked to your left and saw Sirius standing awkwardly with his hands clasped behind his back, smiling at the heartfelt reunion between you and your family that you hadn’t seen in months.
“Everyone,” you said loudly, “this is my handsome, wonderful boyfriend, Sirius Black, and he’s going to be spending the holidays with us. I know you all will love him as much as I do.”
After your short speech, the relatives that were fawning over you turned their attention to Sirius. Your grandmother was now pressing kisses to his face instead of yours, and your toddler aged cousins were hugging his legs and begging him to let them play with his hair.
He tried to hide it, you knew he did, but you noticed straight away the wetness pooling in his eyes and how, despite laws of both gravity and anatomy, he kept the tears from falling.
Once your entire family was finished welcoming him with open arms, you grabbed his hand and led him into the great room of your home to show him the massive Christmas tree your mother and father put up every year.
Now that he was away from the beautiful chaos of your family, he let his tears fall, and you caught them with the pads of your thumbs.
“Sirius? Are you alright? I’m sorry if this was too overwhelming, I should have warned you that – “
He cut you off with a searing kiss, but cupped your face so delicately with his rough hands that you felt like a porcelain doll.
“I’m not overwhelmed, love,” he whispered as he caressed your cheeks, “I’m just so incredibly happy. I’ve never felt so much love or acceptance from a family before and I want to thank you for convincing me to come with you.”
“Hopefully one day everyone in that room will be your family as well. You deserve all the happiness and love in the world, Sirius Orion Black.”
“Hopefully? I thought it was fact that we’ll be married someday. Besides, I adore your grandma and I’ll be damned if she isn’t my grandma one day too.”
You giggled and cuddled into Sirius’s chest as he slung an arm around your shoulders and led you to the large couch in your living room. The two of you sat comfortably, wrapped in each other’s arms, and stared at your Christmas tree, watching the twinkling lights and the magical ornaments dance to the soft tune of Christmas carols flooding your home.
The next morning, your family found you and Sirius fast asleep next to the tree; it was impossible to tell whose limbs were whose since you were so entangled with one another.
Sirius had been awake for hours, but could tell by your soft snores that you were still dreaming, and he didn’t dare move so that you could sleep as long as possible. He had managed to convince everyone he was still asleep as well, until the soft voice of your grandmother caused a wide grin to spread across his face.
“He’s perfect, you can tell he loves our sweet Y/N so much. I can’t wait until he’s a part of the family; I would be proud to call him my grandson.”
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allmymuseinspo · 4 years
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allmymuseinspo · 3 years
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allmymuseinspo · 3 years
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Pure Blood  19 (Sirius Black x F!Oc)
A/n: I’m finally free. The semester has ended and we can finally continue with the fanfics.
Words: 2,491
Chapter 18  / Chapter 20
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"I was thinking…"
“That’s new,” I grimace as Regulus looks at me with a smile.
"I was thinking that it’d be good to go to Hogsmeade together.”
He raises his eyebrows.
"Is this a date? At last, you realized that you are behind the wrong brother…”
"Wrong brother?" Now I raise an eyebrow.
"Everyone can make mistakes,” his attitude surprises me.
"Since when are you so cocky, Black?" He laughs.
"I'm trying to act more like Sirius, to see if I have a chance with the girls."
"You're not being serious.”
He then laughs out loud.
"No, I'm not being Sirius. I’m Regulus!” I give him a stern look and he just laughs harder.  “I just wanted to see your reaction.”
“You're an idiot. But you do have something different…”
"Tell me everything,” I lean further on the table between us. Suddenly his cheeks turn pink.
“Remember I mentioned a girl? Amelia Potts?”
“Well," He blushes more, "I invited her to Hogsmeade.”
"Aw, look at you! You're embarrassed, Reggie has a girlfriend," I sing, pinching one of his cheeks.
“Enough! She’s not my girlfriend, she’s just…”
"I thought you were upset by the rumors?”
"Yes I am, but the other day I was helping her with an assignment and a group of boys came by and bothered us. She’s also upset about all that and.” He scratches the back of his neck. "We talked about it, and without realizing it, we started talking about other things... she's pretty.”
"My baby is growing up!”
"Stop teasing!"
I laugh at his reaction, but my smile disappears as soon as I understand.
"That means you won't go with me. That's sad, I was going to invite you to honeydukes, but now I'm offended."
"It's just a date, next time I promise I'll go with you.”
“And you’ll buy me all the sweets I want?" He laughs with a nod.
"I thought you’d go with Jenna, as always,” I huff.
"She also has a date, she’ll go with Marlene,” I frown. "Wait, they both have a date, who will I go with?"
"You could go alone, it's not that bad.”
"Maybe, I don't know, I’d never gone alone.”
"You'll be fine,” He says as he gets up from his seat. "I must go, I'll see you later…”
I grab my bag, when I get up, a certain quartet catches my attention and an idea comes to mind. I hurry and walk to stand in front of the closest boy.
"My salvation has been found,” I say raising my arms when I see him.
"Now what did you do?" I frown and lower my arms.
"Nothing, I swear, what- can't I be happy to see you, Wolfie?"
"Wolfie?" Sirius asks raising an eyebrow, but I ignore him.
“It's not normal that you greet me with such happiness.” I pout. "What do you want?"
"Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me?" I bat my lashes.
"But Remus always comes with us," says Peter.
"Oh please, only this time!”
"You always go with your friends,” Remus crosses his arms.
"They betrayed me and replaced me with other women,” I snort. "Anyway, do you want to go with me? I can buy you chocolates,” He laughs.
"I don't know, Peter’s right, we always go together,” He says looking at his friends
“You don't have to ask us for permission, Moony. If you want to go with the sna- with Persephone, go with her,” replies James without looking at me. I frown, apparently our discussion did change something. I stir uneasily at his words.
The others are also confused, but say nothing.
"Okay, see you at the school entrance?"
"Great, don't be late!” I nod at the other three. "B-bye, guys!”
I don't expect an awkward answer and walk to my next class.
“Are you sure he told you at the entrance to the school? Maybe you heard wrong…” Marlene tells me and I shake my head.
"I'm very sure," I look up to see the huge clock on the tower. There were only a few students left.
"Maybe he is waiting for you in Hogsmeade, P. I won’t leave you alone, come with us, surely Lupin is waiting for you there…”
I sigh and nod. "Yes, you’re right.”
I don't let negative thoughts cloud my mind, they’re right, maybe I misheard or the idiot got confused and is waiting for me on some bench. The three of us follow the path and as soon as we reach the town, my search begins and I feel a knot in my stomach when I can't find him.
"We can wait with you," says Marlene with a smile, which I returned.
"No, it's okay, you came to your date, I don't want to ruin your day…”
“P…” Jenna begins, but I interrupt her.
"I'm serious, you guys keep going, if the idiot doesn't show up, I'll look for you.”
“You’re sure?"
“Yes," I put a hand on their backs and gently push them to walk. “Goodbye!"
They both give up and follow the path holding hands, my smile fades.
"Don't jump to conclusions…” the horrible memories of all the times Sirius left me standing come quickly. "Remus is not Sirius and you are not eleven anymore.”
I go to some places and check every single one, I even ask some students if they had seen him and they all say no.
What if something bad had happened to him? My nerves only grow with each minute that passes and without realizing it, I spend an hour hanging around the town in search of a boy.
Damn, I'm going to kill him.
I let out an exasperated sigh and decide to go to The Three Broomsticks, I will surely find Jenna there. I hate being the third wheel, but I'm very close to bursting into tears, so that rule is canceled for today.
I walk around pouting and imagining all the possible offensive words that I have prepared for Remus and enter the place, but a giggle that haunted me for several years stops me and instinctively I look for her among the tables with my eyes.
I don't like what I find. I feel something heavy fall into the pit of my stomach and a huge lump in my throat.
Remus and Trixie, happy at a table a little far away, oblivious to my presence. She takes his hand on the table. They’re on a date.
A fucking date.
I was waiting almost two hours for that damn asshole, while he was playing boyfriend with that... that one.
I clench my teeth trying to hold back the anger and the tears, I don't stay any longer and I get out of the place in an instant.
With my eyes down I walk away from the place until I reach the back of a restaurant where I can be alone, that's when the tears come out of control accompanied by sobs. I cover my mouth trying to silence them.
How could he? With her. It's a very low blow, I never expected Remus to do this to me, after all I've told him about my past and Trixie's warnings…
I jump up when I see Sirius approaching and turn around, cleaning my face quickly.
"Leave me alone," I say in my broken voice and walk away a little.
"You're crying?"
I let out a dry laugh.
"No, I just wanted to refresh my face, you can go now."
I squeal when his hand forces me to turn and face him. He looks at me confused and I roll my eyes.
"What do you want, Sirius?" I say wiping my nose with the sleeve of my blouse.
"What's going on? You're good?"
His words annoy me and I remove his hand from my shoulder.
"No, I’m not! If you see someone crying behind a restaurant, away from everything, it means they’re not okay. Why are you asking?” I furiously push my hair away.
“Sorry," he says raising his hands and I shake my head.
"No, you’re not, leave me alone," I say now in a lower voice.
We remain silent for a few minutes and the tears return. I look down and hide my face with my hands.
The next thing surprises me. Sirius's arms close around my body in a warm hug and for a few seconds I sit still, not knowing what to do; I sigh and circle his waist, hiding my face on his shoulder. I'm sure I wet his shirt with my tears, but I don't care.
We break the hug when I stop crying and my breathing calms.
"Did someone hurt you?" is the first thing he asks.
“Well, at least not physically…”
"Do you... do you want to talk about it?" He says.
I bite my lower lip.
"Remus stood me up,” I mumble.
"What?" he really seems confused.
"He's on a date with Trixie Jones.”
“Wait- What?"
I shrug.
“I saw them on The Three Broomsticks. They looked happy,” he laughs. “I… I waited for him for two hours believing that something had happened to him or- or that maybe he was an idiot for confusing the place where we would meet, but no…” I clench my teeth, “he decided to have a date with Trixie without telling me.”
Sirius remains silent.
"You know? It doesn't bother me. I'm happy- no wait, I'm not happy- any girl is better than Trixie, but that's not the problem, why didn't he tell me? Why did he prefer to go with her instead of waiting for me and tell me that ours was canceled? How hard is it to do that, damn it!”
“But… he did wait for you at the entrance of the school,” He finally says.
"We went ahead, he stayed at the entrance."
"Sirius, I waited for him until there was almost nobody.”
"That makes no sense.” I huff.
"I don't think that matters now, he's with Trixie and I'm here with you, crying…” I can't help but laugh at the situation. "Which is ironic because the person who has stood me up the most times is you,” I clean my face and look away.
"Great change of mood,” He says and I turn to see him. "I won't say I'm sorry, that’ll only make things worse and maybe you’ll end up flooding all Hogsmeade with your tears.”
I have no idea why, but his words make me laugh and he smiles. His tone was not incriminating or reproachful. I can't believe Sirius Black is trying to cheer me up.
"You're an idiot.”
"Maybe, but I made you laugh,” he says raising his eyebrows. "Listen, I don't know what happened with Remus, but I'll talk to him later."
“It's not necessary, I can do it myself,” Now he’s the one who laughs.
"There it is,” I frown. "Your depressing phase is not the best,” I roll my eyes and he laughs again.
"Why did you come here?"
"I heard someone crying, I wanted to make sure that you were okay and- don't look at me like that! Even if you don't believe it, I can be a good boy... sometimes," He ends with a smug smile.
"You're impossible…”
"Do you want me to come back with you?" He says more seriously.
"No, I’ll look for Jenna and I’ll stay with them."
"They're on Honeydukes, I saw them walk in a few minutes ago."
I nod and walk past him, but before continuing I look at him over my shoulder.
“Sirius," He turns. “T-thanks…”
He nods with a small smile that I return.
"I don't know why, but I'm not surprised."
"Oh come on Lily, don't you think it was weird?" I say as I sit on the grass and she follows me.
"Weird, yes. I still can't believe Remus did something like that and even more towards you, but Sirius doesn't surprise me,” She ends with a smile and I roll my eyes. "Did you speak to Remus yet?"
“I didn't see him at breakfast and I don't plan to go look for him like yesterday. You saw him?" I adjust my skirt waiting for an answer, but when I didn't receive it I look at the redhead. "Lily?"
"Everyone looks at us," She whispers to me. She’s looking forward: a group of boys and girls whisper and point at us.
"Let them,” I huff.
"Doesn't it bother you?" I sigh and watch her.
"Sometimes, but they’ll keep doing it, no matter how much you yell at them, believe me, I learned it the hard way…”
She nods, not very convinced. We both try to return to our conversation, but again she’s interrupted by some shouts of joy and celebration not far from us; a group of people laugh and follow some boys towards a small hill until they stop in front of a tree.
"What's going on?" She asks and I shrug. "Oh no,” She says as she gets up.
“What?" She doesn’t respond and runs towards the crowd. "Lily!" I get up and follow her.
As soon as I get there I hear a spell and make my way through the other students.
“Levicorpus!" Someone says and a boy's body rises upside down. I push other guys aside and I watch the show in the front row.
James is pointing his wand at Snape's body and he laughs and jokes with the others.
"Who wants to see Snivellus’ underpants?" Everyone begins to celebrate his joke.
"Potter, stop it, put him down!" Lily says pushing James.
"Oh come on, Evans, it's just a game!”
"I said put him down, now!” She replies now, pointing her wand at James. He raises his free hand in surrender.
"Whatever the lady wants…”
At that Snape crashes onto the ground with a groan. Lily immediately helps him up.
“Severus-” She says, but as soon as Snape is on his feet, he pushes her away.
"You're lucky, to have someone like Evans saving your ass,” Says James.
"I don't need anyone to save me," He starts walking away and turns to the redhead. "Less of all a mudblood,” he sneers.
We all fall silent in surprise.
“Take that back!” James says, pointing his wand at him again.
"Stop it, Potter!” says Lily in a firm voice. "You are not a hero.”
"But, he- he told you- I would never say something like that, Lily!”
"Do you think you’re better? Ruffling your hair, pranking anyone, feeling like the king of the school? You're not worth it, Potter,” Then she heads toward Snape. "I hope you're finally happy... Snivellus.”
Lily runs out and everyone disperses. When there’s almost no one there, my eyes find Sirius and I sigh. It seems that he wants to get closer, but I don’t let him and walk to where the redhead went, maybe I’ll find her soon.
@treestarrrrrrrr​ @siriuslysirius1107​      @thagreenmoon​ @madmaiden2890​    @ren-ela​  @avipshamitra​   @auroraawrites​ @findzelda​  @lizlil​ @siriusmuch​   @chloe-geoghegan1​ @reverse-hxlland​​  @may-rapp​​ 
@bloodorangemoonlight​    @littledeadgirlwalking​
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allmymuseinspo · 4 years
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