#{ruslan the cat}
frankenbuggee · 26 days
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No one asked for it but I wanted to show how small Devious’ main subordinate is compared to him. Sergei is *checks notes* 5’6. Maybe 5’5 without heels.
Maybe that’s why Sergei is so mean. Because he’s closer to Hell 💀
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we-all-have-secrets · 2 years
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Cat's eyes by Ruslan Bolgov
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This is a blog I created to explain all my ideas
Allowed things;
-draw ocs for these universes
-ask questions
-ask me for character ideas
Forbidden things;
Universe 1 (underside);
Chaotic, 00b is a planet full of creatures called blooms, which are extremely friendly, but one day, the planet was invaded by other aliens, and through the innocence of the blooms, they tried make friends with these other aliens, but the aliens explored the blooms and the planet, several years later, we have species that try to hide from these aliens and their "dominator", called HASS.
under-side characters;
-Deyne Ward
-Aoki (or Carlos Angus)
-frollow (Or Angus)
-Saka Zoom
-Bin (or Miguel Michelangelo Miller)
-Loid Ward
-Adam Ruslan
-Mateo Jones
second universe (S.M.T)
a universe where society needs heroes, so a company emerges, called "New heroes", which intends to create new heroes, doing several experiments, they create 0294 (Sanemi), 0304 (Misake) and 0327 (Tsarki), the three most well-developed experiments (the others are still babies), but they have their problems.
About the characters besides them, well, they are the protagonists, but you can give me ideas for other characters for this universe
third universe (Leen's world)
a website, called "Leen's world", where you interact with an NPC called Leen, and with the success of the game, they decided to create a new one, where you enter the game, which they didn't tell you, is that there is no way to get out of this new game, and now, you are part of this game, which to make matters worse, is a horror game (like knito pet), and you can be controlled by the game's AI
Leen's World Characters;
-mizu (or Alex Drewber)
-Maza and Mari (or Yhanai)
-Deraki (or Prince Abel)
-Gofgob (or Goliath Aiken)
-Hitode (or Ryan Miller)
-Adaki (or Isaac)
-(other characters that I will create in the future)
Fourth universe (chaotic camp);
Your parents received a proposal to work in another country, but they can't take you, so they leave you in a seemingly normal camp, with the owner of the camp David, when your parents leave,David acts strange, so he ends up turning into a kind of human anthropomorphic crocodile, you get scared, and run away, and bump into your nephew, who also is an anthropomorphic animal, he starts talking to you, and finally David finds you, he acts like he is not an anthropomorphic creature, he acts naive and innocent, he is not one of the best characteristics for a camp leader, then they explain to you that everyone there is an anthropomorphic animal, who can transform into a human, and everyone lives in harmony in this camp (harmony in a single second, this business is very disorganized)the place looks like a paradise for children, but, you don't feel comfortable with all of them just acting like children.
Chaotic Camp Characters:
An anthropomorphic crocodile, green, Asperger, innocent, naive, a bit dumb, can't get angry (if he gets angry he starts crying like a baby), childish, optimistic, 26 years old (yeah, I know, he doesn't look like it), the leader of the camp.
David's nephew,an anthropomorphic cat, has 6 arms, is white, has purple eyes, pink iris, and white pupils, likes to see everything in order, is calm, can calm everyone at the camp, is 14 years old.
(other characters I'm still creating)
fifth universe (AWCATA)
("AWCATA" is an acronym for "Everyone Can Against the Apocalypse")
In this universe, I take all the character designs that I just did for the sake of it and don't use them and put them in this single universe
Bonus characters;
-Elian Miller
-∆[⟩ミ(or Azim)
ADE (or Nai)
(I think you'll like it :> [Bobby, frog, and yoursimp])
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cfnaivety · 8 months
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❝ Dream without fear, Live without limits . ❞
        emira esma demir  ›› lawyer  ››  hande ercel   ››   tw: n/a
[ Hande Ercel | She/Her ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome EMIRA DEMIR to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 25 year old WITCH, who is one of the SACRIFICED but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be NAIVE, but that’s all a façade to cover up their AMBITIOUS nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to HEAVY METAL by KARLEY SCOTT COLLINS, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world. ( Sushi, 28, EST, She/Her ) *camila’s business partner connection
Character Chart Character’s full name: Emira Esma Demir Character’s nickname: Em, Emi, Mira Birth date: December 21 in New Orleans, Louisiana
Physical appearance Age: 31 How old does he/she appear: 30 Weight: 121 lbs Height: 5′9″ Eye color: Dark Brown Distinguishing marks: N/A Hair color: Dark Brown Hairstyle: Typically curled
Personality Good personality traits: Loyal, Determined, Creative, Adventurous Bad personality traits: Abrasive, Impulsive, Rebellious, Intolerant Life philosophy: “It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was different person then.”
Past Hometown: New Orleans, LA Type of childhood: Childhood was decent, Roxelana grew up in a single mother home. Wasn’t much she could complain about outside of the vampires control over the witches for the first 10 years of her life. Pets: 2 Chinchillas named Craven and Damian; A bearded dragon named Drusilla; A parrot named Edgar Allen Poe; Black cat named Beetlejuice (All are still alive) Dream job: Lawyer Education: High School Graduate, Law School Graduate
Present Current location: New Orleans, LA Currently living with: Jamie Carter and their 4-year-old son, Axel Pets: Doberman Pinscher named Diesel, Black Cat named Beetlejuice Occupation: Lawyer
Family Mother: Aiyla Demir Relationship with her: Stable relationship Father: Ruslan Demir Relationship with him: Complete shit Siblings: Unnamed Demir (Older Brother) Relationship with them: She used to be close to her brother but when she moved to Chicago to attend law school they lost touch and haven't spoken much since Spouse: TBD Relationship with him: TBD Children: Axel James Carter Relationship with them: 4-year-old Son (has 50/50 custody with baby daddy) Other important family members: Camila Delgado and her daughter, Karina (whom she loves like she's her own daughter) Favorites Color: Maroon Least favorite color: Pink Music: Rock, Alternative, Punk Food: Not too picky, will eat generally anything Literature: Thrillers Form of entertainment: Horror and Thriller movies Mode of transportation: Black Chevrolet Equinox
Habits Hobbies: Baking, Painting, Playing with Axel Plays a musical instrument? Piano Plays a sport? Softball, Volleyball How he/she would spend a rainy day: Cuddled up with her dog and son watching movies and baking cookies Smokes: Recreational every now and then, Cigarettes every now and then Drinks: Wine, Whiskey, Tequila, Vodka Extremely skilled at: Baking, Spell casting, Debate Extremely unskilled at: TBD Nervous tics: Bouncing her leg when sitting, biting at her nails, pacing
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist Introvert or extrovert? Ambivert (A little bit of both) Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil Logical or emotional? Logical Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly but neat Prefers working or relaxing? Working Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident Animal lover? 100% Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: They’re annoying for the most part Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Not even remotely Best friend(s): TBD Love interest(s): TBD Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Camila, Karina, and Axel After story starts: Camila, Karina, and Axel
Emira was born to two witches whose families wanted their bloodlines to blend.
Though not in love, her parents tried to make it work, eventually having Emira but once she was brought into it the relationship didn’t really last long.
Her mother never remarried, though she did meet a man that she became involved with
Emira came into her powers at a young age, her mother beginning to teach her and helping her to hone her powers.
Upon graduation (with two years of college already under her belt thanks to dual enrollment), Emira moved to Chicago to attend University of Chicago, earning her undergrad degree, grad degree, and her law degree. It was here that she met her eventual baby daddy, though things didn't end up working out, she's grateful that they stayed cordial for the sake of their son, Axel, whom they share 50/50 custody with. She also met Camila, someone she had known about from back home in her coven but never really actually spoke to. The two hit it off almost instantly and Camila has since become the one constant and important person in her life aside from Axel and Camila's daughter, Karina. Raising their kids alongside each other and opening their partner firm has been nothing less of a dream come true in her opinion.
A year later, Roxy met Jamie Carter after spending an entire day hunting down the man for robbing her small bakery.
About a year ago, Emira was caught by the OEA and sacrificed. Axel has remained in his father's custody and now that she's back, Emira is determined to get her son back as well as put an end to the OEA once and for all, to the point of throwing away her morals to do so.
Wanted Connections
best friends.
childhood friends.
drunk friends, aka two people who do not spend time together sober but get along only when drunk.
enemies to friends.
sibling like friends.
platonic soulmates.
seem like a married couple.
one night stand.
exes on good terms.
exes on bad terms.
first love.
love / hate.
friends with benefits.
enemies with benefits.
former (best) friends.
life long enemies, aka two people who have been enemies ever since they remember but have forgotten the reason for their dislike.
current lover’s ex, former lover’s current partner.
have mutual friends but don’t get along.
fitness buddies.
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emeraldskulblaka · 2 years
Watching the English Last Trial livestream is so hard because you have to decide what to watch: it's either the recording, the person singing, or Ruslan with cat ears, but never all three.
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Резиденція Вибачте Номерів Немає Олег Сусленко - Про власний художній досвід та практики Кружки Есмарха 18.00, 15 серпня, 2024 року, Дабл рум 1114, готель Інтурист-Закарпаття
В резиденційній програмі Арт-групи ВОНИ, член групи, художник, викладач ЛНАМ, куратор студентської експериментальної платформи сучасного мистецтва "галерея Це" Олег Сусленко розкаже про свій досвід взаємодії із сучасним українським мистецтвом за останні 25 років активного життя у ньому, про життя в мистецтві взагалі і з мистецтвом всередині себе. Також, Олег Сусленко дасть розлогу історичну оцінку діяльності арт-групи Кружка Есмарха. Арт-група Кружка Есмарха була заснована 1 травня 2009 року (учасники: Віктор Мельничук, Іван Небесник, Руслан Тремба, Олег Сусленко та спеціальний гість Михайло Ходанич). У такому складі Кружка Есмарха проіснувала 15 років. За цей час КЕ було проведено 9 виставок, а також група долучалась до організації інших проектів. До зустрічі.
Програма резиденція ВНН звертає увагу на роль культури та мистецтва в часи російсько-української війни, має на меті реалізацію інституційно критичних проектів пов'язаних з культурною спадщиною (матеріальною і нематеріальною), розвитком художньо-культурних інституцій.
Програму резиденції ВНН та участь Арт-групи ВОНИ реалізовано завдяки грантовій підтримці від The Académie des beaux-arts in Paris (French Academy of Fine Arts)
Світлина у постері: Виставка “Ноктюрни та мініатюри”, галерея Коридор, Кружка Есмарха разом з спеціальними гостями Вадимом Харабаруком та Михайлом Ходаничем. ЕротАртФестиваль «Березневі коти», 2013, м.Ужгород.
Residence Sorry No Rooms Available Oleh Suslenko - About his own artistic experience and practices of the Kruzhka Esmarkha group 18.00, August 15, 2024, Double room, Hotel Intourist-Zakarpattia
In the residency program of the Art Group THEY, member of the group, artist, teacher of the Lviv National Academy of Art, curator of the student experimental platform of modern art "Tse gallery", Oleg Suslenko will talk about his experience of interaction with modern Ukrainian art over the past 25 years of active life in it, about life in art in general and with art within itself. Also, Oleg Suslenko will give a detailed historical assessment of the activity of the Kruzhka Esmarkha art group. The Kruzhka Esmarkha art group was founded on May 1, 2009 (members: Viktor Melnychuk, Ivan Nebesnyk, Ruslan Tremba, Oleg Suslenko and special guest Mykhailo Khodanych). In this composition, the Kruzhka Esmarcha existed for 15 years. During this time, KE held 9 exhibitions, and the group also participated in the organization of other projects. See you soon.
The SNRA residency program draws attention to the role of culture and art during the russian-Ukrainian war, aims to implement institutionally critical projects related to cultural heritage (tangible and intangible), development of artistic-cultural institutions.
The SNRA residency program and the participation of the Art Group THEY were implemented thanks to grant support from The Académie des beaux-arts in Paris (French Academy of Fine Arts)
Photo in the poster: Exhibition "Nocturnes and miniatures", Korydor gallery, Kruzhka Esmarkha with special guests Vadym Kharabaruk and Mykhailo Khodanych. ErotArtFestival "March Cats", 2013, Uzhhorod.
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petnews2day · 7 months
Siberian Cat Has Unexpected Reaction to Owner's New Hand Towel
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/6gRX5
Siberian Cat Has Unexpected Reaction to Owner's New Hand Towel
A video of a cat’s reaction to an “absolutely awful” towel in the bathroom has gone viral on Instagram. The clip was posted by @handsome.vladimir.and.ruslan, the Instagram account of two Siberian cats—four-year-old Vladimir and three-year-old Ruslan. The video has garnered 4.5 million views since it was shared on February 10. A caption shared with the […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/6gRX5 #CatsNews #AnimalBehaviour, #Cats, #Instagram, #ViralVideo
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Sunday Stamps: Trees
San Marino – 1979 phoenix dactylifera Finland – 2021 Skaters on lake Ruovesi. Canada – 2022 Community Foundation: Treehouses Russia – 2022 Europa Stamp , Stories and Myths. The postage stamp provides images of fairy tale personages from poem Ruslan and Lyudmila by Aleksander Pushkin: a learned cat, a mermaid, Kashchey, Baba-Yaga, and a warlock. Japan – 1973 Phoenix Tree USA – 2015 Gift of…
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themasterbitches · 3 years
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ruslansikunov · 4 years
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Our Milka (photo by Sikunov Ruslan)
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pigckle · 4 years
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lionsheir · 5 years
I’m not a chair!
Things I’ve Said Out of Context (Sentence Starters):
“Apparently Luke and Rus’ disagree.” Ryssa smirked as she held Asch in her arms. Staring at the two cats sitting in Guy’s lap currently.
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ouma--kokichis · 6 years
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New oc, Cat-Eyed Jiyan and the PomPom Yuzuru Himuro.
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quarkmaster · 7 years
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The art pieces made for the Skills Up School contest "Lukomorye" Based on the prologue for "Ruslan and Ludmila" by Alexander Pushkin
Andrew Mironov
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nastyboker · 2 years
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English (from left to right):
- Another abandoned kitten under my door... WAIT! You're not a kitten!
- Jadwiga! MEOW!!! I'm THE Keeper, not a babysitter!!!
- "There on trails past knowing
Are tracks of beasts you never met..." (Pushkin's Ruslan and Ludmila; I used Walter Arndt's translation)
- ALYONUSHKA!!! (a diminutive of Alyona which also can work as a diminutive of Yelena/Helena).
The other day I rewatched all the episodes of Fantasy Patrol. Finally did some fanart. An idea for this AU was born a long, LONG time ago. In this universe, little Alyonka was adopted by the Learned Cat. A-a-and you probably didn't understand a thing if you haven't watched the series. I'll explain some small details and you go check out Fantasy Patrol on YouTube, it's a fun Russian magic girls show! :D
Originally, the learned cat (also sometimes translated as educated cat or wise cat) - is a cat that tells fairytales and walks around the golden chain on the oak tree by the shore of Lukomorye - a magic place created by A. Pushkin in his poem Ruslan and Ludmila (the very beginning of it).
In Fantasy Patrol the Cat (yep, we call him just Cat) is the keeper. His job is to keep everything in order in fairytales, keep them a secret from humans and keep humans safe from magic.
Alyona (Helena in english dub) as a baby was originally sent from fantasy world to a human world, a small town where the Cat lived and some other fairytales stayed.
Oh, almost forgot! Jadwiga is the name of Baba Yaga (Jadwiga Petrovna - her first and paternal names, respectively) but in English dub they called her Barbara Yogurt (???) I don't know how to spell her last name, but there's no way I'm gonna use the ridiculous name replacements, nu-uh, no fair. Jadwiga works as a guide for human tourists coming to town. She's one of those characters who helps the fairytales to hide behind a facade of regular entertainment.
So, I've created an AU where Cat adopts little Alyonka, bc I just wanted more adoptive parent dynamic with the cat dad and his fire kitten. :3
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couripacepals · 2 years
TTEG 2.5 Duos Tournament is starting!
Watch at https://www.twitch.tv/taysson__! Several participants will also be streaming the event, and we'll try to reblog with as many as we can find.
TTEG (Tourney at The End of the Game) is a double elimination free-for-all tourney, open to new and experienced speedrunners alike. In this tourney, players compete to finish the same seed as soon as possible, and marks and ranks will be assigned. A mod pack is placed to ensure normalized RNG. In TTEG 2.5, pairs of runners will participate together, one hosting the world, and the two will compete for the fastest completion time of the seed.
Duos and their streams will be linked below
7 things (Joomz, Eli) https://www.twitch.tv/joomzzzz https://www.twitch.tv/elitheguy245
Ayo (giyo, Axeroth) https://www.twitch.tv/giyo https://www.twitch.tv/ax3roth
PogCurl (Jocurl, retropog) https://www.twitch.tv/jocurl https://www.twitch.tv/retropog
Fishermen (Crookst, Taffel) https://www.twitch.tv/crookst https://www.twitch.tv/taffellive
The Chads (Potato, Tomato)
Team Miracle (Krake, Ruslan) https://www.twitch.tv/krakes_lps
😅 (Sam, CroPro) https://www.twitch.tv/cropro https://www.twitch.tv/sammymcsr
The Copihues (Javierixmon, ElRichi) https://www.twitch.tv/elrichi___
Not Good Enough (21mustard, thecamo6) https://www.twitch.tv/21mustard https://www.twitch.tv/thecamo6
MeisterKeks (MeisterMaki, MeisterRosie) https://www.twitch.tv/meistermaki https://www.twitch.tv/meisterrosie
gloverD (Oxidiot, Juniper) https://www.twitch.tv/oxidiot https://www.twitch.tv/juniper_7
AuyaMayonesa (v4len, TuCara) https://www.twitch.tv/v4lenmc
WiseHardos (Bilfnorf, HarithYami) https://www.twitch.tv/blifnorf27 https://www.twitch.tv/yamimcsr
Rat Alcohol (M8use, Spropl) https://www.twitch.tv/m8use https://www.twitch.tv/spropl
onepointfourteen (RainOrSmth, ultraXD) https://www.twitch.tv/rainorsmthn https://www.twitch.tv/ultraxdd
Red Team (JobOfCm, Aeroshide) https://www.twitch.tv/jobofcm https://www.twitch.tv/aeroshide
Die Profis (Fabo0814, SirNeoHD) https://www.twitch.tv/fabo0814 https://www.twitch.tv/sirneohd
peepoCute (Marin, alexchoo) https://www.twitch.tv/alexchoo_
CSG (MiGor, kW1st) https://www.twitch.tv/kw1st_
awesomesauce (Jayity, Cashew) https://www.twitch.tv/jayitymc https://www.twitch.tv/xcasshew
meow meow meow im cat meow meow meow meow (sopli, molly) https://www.twitch.tv/sopliii https://www.twitch.tv/mollyyxy
borpaSpin (Otterfeet, MaxiM) https://www.twitch.tv/otterfeet https://www.twitch.tv/maxim974
PizzaPasta (Drip, Ale267) https://www.twitch.tv/ale_267_ https://www.twitch.tv/drip120
Foie Gras (Priffin, Red) https://www.twitch.tv/Priffin
bcwii ultra (leonaril, b) https://www.twitch.tv/leonaril https://twitch.tv/brayd2n
fishSZCZUPAK (kazoklp, Mixray) https://www.twitch.tv/kazoklp https://www.twitch.tv/mixray_
ESPANCA MINEIRO (bataowisk, shy) https://www.twitch.tv/batatowisk08 https://www.twitch.tv/shhy_y
KEKShrug (orachi, kalnot) https://www.twitch.tv/orachi__
Average Bird Enjoyers (Hashten, MrBudgie) https://www.twitch.tv/hashten https://www.twitch.tv/mrbudgie__
Draconix76 (Draconix, Ybot) https://www.twitch.tv/draconix6 https://www.twitch.tv/ybot76
Unlucky (EvanKae, Makattak11) https://www.twitch.tv/evankae https://www.twitch.tv/makattak11
BLOO PASSPORT (7rowl, Qam) https://www.twitch.tv/7rowl https://www.twitch.tv/qam022
Average IPLAAFSG Enjoyers (Colin, Alessio) https://www.twitch.tv/colin_henry https://www.twitch.tv/alessio_m4rti
Cats and Crabs (Takedown, Cancyr) https://www.twitch.tv/takedowncat https://www.twitch.tv/cancyr_
BreezlyBridgers (Banglify, Pholia) https://www.twitch.tv/banglify https://www.twitch.tv/pholialive
Team Very Fast (KindPlays, AndrewCrow) https://www.twitch.tv/kindplays https://www.twitch.tv/andrew_crow
The Cross Atlantic Monkeys (Daniel, Hendrik) https://www.twitch.tv/dqn1el__ https://www.twitch.tv/hendrikdepaashaas
Poggers Poggers (Frontlip, Oceanico) https://www.twitch.tv/oceanico__
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