#{roland: general works patron}
dotversion2 · 4 months
Dot Explains the Plot of Library of Ruina
Library of Ruina is my favorite game of all time. A big part of that comes from the characters and the story. The problem, if you want to call it that, is that the game has a lot of characters and a lot of story and all of it has layers worth analyzing. While I cannot cover everything that happens, I can at least impart upon you and your friends a shortened version of the game's events with most of the key points intact. This can be useful as a refresher to anyone looking to remind themselves of the plot events for the sake of writing their own fics, people who want a more comprehensive timeline of events but don't want to dig through Fanon's awful website, or you just enjoy reading my writing. This was originally written to get a friend of mine caught up on the game events so she could watch a stream I am on where I am cohosting a friend's blind playthrough.
Before we begin, broad content warning: this game goes to some pretty dark places. Everything will be under the cut; that said, while not every chapter covers these topics, here's what to expect.
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Chapter 1: Canard
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Roland materializes within an unknown location, cursing his abrupt appearance within this mysterious place. He is quickly met by a darkly dressed figure who immediately begins questioning him on how he arrived within 'the Library' without an 'Invitation.' He explains hastily that he has no idea how he got there. He was simply wandering the backstreets looking for his favorite sandwich shop. The woman, unsatisfied with his answers, pulls his arms and legs off. He eventually blacks out from shock and blood loss.
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Roland awakens a few days later to find that he is both alive and fully restored. His tormentor is still there, now clad far less threateningly. She apologizes for her actions earlier and explains that she has not only healed him but returned him to his physical peak. She introduces herself as Angela and explains that she is the Head Librarian of the Library (of which he has wandered into). Roland introduces himself, explaining he is a Rank 9 Fixer who had fallen on hard times. Angela offers him a job as the Patron Librarian of the Floor of General Works, explaining that the job is split between organizing books on the given topic and handling Receptions. Angela explains that she sends out Invitations which offer Guests books with information they desire if they can complete a trial within the Library. That trial is a duel to the death against the Librarians of that Floor. Roland, having few connections in the outside world, agrees to the offer.
Canard Receptions
There are four Receptions in Canard and they are thankfully mostly world-building so I can lump them together. I will not be so lucky later. The first Reception is the Rats, a trio of vagrants scraping by day-to-day. Rats is a term used to define any consistent group that isn't registered with a Fixer Office or Syndicate. Said Rats are organ harvesting in Zwei Association territory to build up the money and rep needed to join the Stray Dogs syndicate. While examining their current victim, they discover that he has an orange circle on the back of his neck and that his organs already seem scrambled. The group does, however, discover the Invitation with the man's stomach. Signing, a door appears before them. When stepping through, they enter the Library. The Librarians never lose a fight in canon so I won't go into details describing any of them unless something important happens during the fight. Assume every Reception ends with "and then everyone got turned into books".
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The second Reception is Yun's Office, a Rank 8 Fixer Office that is struggling to make ends meet. They have fallen on such hard times that they have taken to doing the most banal of odd jobs like finding lost pets. The Invitation appears on Yun's desk but he pass it off to some of his employees to investigate. When they don't return but a second Invitation offering the books of his fallen comrades does, Yun sends his understudy Finn in his place. Finn is defeated and a third invite arrives. Yun finally enters personally and gets berated by Angela for exploiting Finn's loyalty and getting him killed. Yun callously explains that the City is built on people exploiting each other and, if he didn't exploit Finn, someone worse would. This angers the Director who leaves to let Roland do his thing. After the battle, Angela asks Roland during this encounter if he knew Yun since they were both Fixers. Roland retorts that not every Fixer knows every other Fixer and that there are a lot of Offices big and small.
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The third Invitation is the Brotherhood of Iron, a trio of cyborgs. They pawned off their organs for their combat augments which allow them to disregard eating and sleeping while having drawbacks of their own that require addressing. The receive the Invitation and face the trials within. This is when we are introduced to the politics of AI within the setting. While full human transformation is considered acceptable, fully artificial beings are outlawed by The Head (the governing body of the City). Angela's existence stands in opposition to that decree, leading Roland to wonder what her creators were thinking defying such a crucial law with such heavy consequences.
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The final Reception is of the Hook Office. While technically a Fixer Office, their specialty is murder and mayhem. Roland laments seeing criminals hiding their true intentions behind the legitimacy that comes with being an organized office. One of the Hook Office members takes a swing at Angela when she greets them. This does less than nothing since she is unto a god while within the Library. She sighs and leaves so Roland can do his thing.
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The Suppression of Bloodbath
I am not going to go over every Abnormality Suppression because there are nearly 50 of them but I will go over at least the first one to explain why they are done.
After having to solo an entire Fixer Office himself, Roland complains to Angela that the workload she has given him outstrips what one person can feasibly do. To his surprise, Angela agrees and says that there is a way to acquire additional help but it won't be easy. She explains that there are books within the Library that contain Abnormalities (monstrous manifestations of the human psyche) and the Lobotomy Corporation employees assigned to observe them. If he can enter those books and 'suppress' the Abnormality, she can reawaken the employee. Furthermore, suppressed Abnormalities can lend their aid to him through their boons. Roland accepts the offer and enters the book of the Abnormality 'Bloodbath,' a tub filled with blood that pulls in those who stare at it for too long. After defeating the monster, Roland gets his first assistant. Assistant Librarians are not named characters but create-a-characters you can customize yourself. Interestingly, if you have a Lobotomy Corporation save on your PC, the awakening employees will be pulled directly into your new game.
The Floor of Literature
Upon completing the battle with Yun's Office, Roland notices that the Library has expanded upwards to a new floor… and he can hear people arguing. Following the voices, he sees a woman arguing with Angela. She says that she has not forgiven Angela for what happened while Angela simply states that they don't have to like each other, so long as they each do their jobs. Once Angela leaves, the woman introduces herself as Malkuth, the Patron Librarian of the Floor of Literature. She used to be the department head for the Control Team at Lobotomy Corporation and one of the nine Sephirah (human brains put into robot bodies intended to run the departments of LobCorp's central branch). Roland asks how he can help her with her work and she responds that bringing in more books helps them progress Angela's goals and awaken the other Sephirah. Malkuth is generally a preppy ray of sunshine (except for when it comes to Angela).
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Having a second floor means you can now field two sets of units in a reception, with the second taking over if the first falls. The returning Sephirah also help catch the player up on what happened in LobCorp and help give a sort of narrative parity between the two games. In their third conversation together, Malkuth explains what Angela did that pissed everyone off so badly. Speaking of...
What did Angela do that pissed everyone off so badly?
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Explaining this kind of requires explaining how Lobotomy Corporation is played so- LobCorp is a base management sim where you have to run the world's most dangerous power company while a bunch of those robots from Borderlands yell at you. Over the course of 50 days, you have to complete a certain number of research goals and productivity quotas to generate an unknown substance referred to as Light that will supposedly help break everyone from the collective mental ennui that has gripped the world. This is broken up every so often by one of the Sephirah having a mental breakdown you have to talk them down from. If you find yourself in a dead end gameplay-wise because all your best employees were killed in a freak accident involving an inconspicuous button, you can rewind back to certain points in the timeline and go from there.
At the end of day 50, after all the Sephirah have their arcs and X (the player character who is a clone of another character called Ayin) confronts his creator, the LobCorp office has finally collected enough Light to fulfill the initial goal of spreading it over the City. It will take seven days, but it will be worth it to finally lift the malaise that has filled everyone's hearts. Ayin and what's left of Carmen (the other founder she will come up again later) enter the great pillar of Light and disappear from the world. The Sephirah prepare to earn their eternal reward (death) and shutter the facility. However, after everything that's happened, after everything that she's gone through, Angela did not wish to simply die and disappear from the world. She wanted to live. With Ayin gone and her programming fulfilled, she was finally able to act freely and did so by standing in opposition of the Department Heads. She would take the Light for herself to do with as she wished. Eight of the Sephirah stood against her, with only one taking her side. Angela released the Abnormalities into the facility, pushing the departments and their employees to the brink trying to contain them while two of the department heads (Gebura and Binah) had a climactic anime duel that was probably undercut by them being rhombuses.
After three days of fighting, Angela and the Sephirah called a truce and brokered a deal: Angela would release half the Light over the City and keep the other half to herself. The Sephirah would also be joining her, kept in stasis until she could construct new bodies for them. Thus we have the White Nights and Dark Days: the three days of Light and then the four days of its absence. During those four days of darkness, the Pianist emerges as the first Distortion. Roland finds his way into the Library not long after (though exactly how long is kind of up for debate).
And that's more or less what happens in Canard. Come back next time for Urban Myth, our third Patron Librarian, and Mrs. Lovett's Meat Pies.
This is the shortest one of these, btw.
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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ahmedmootaz · 8 months
So X never being sent into the light... How's Ayin and his many facets without X? Does Adam win in his side and being more of a pest in the reverb battle?
At first I thought of X being in LoR au has him suddenly reappear in the library and get Awkward with Angela and others but then realized with X in the light he can try and deal Angela's coup the best he can.
If that still happens. Like is the extraction team more of afraid of Binah even with X around? X being Patron Librarian of General Works alongside with Roland?
It's funny how I thought X in Lor au would give me X/Angela adopts the bh but no, there's more things that butterflies with him around and not just romance.
Dear astrocourier,
Indeed, there's plenty of things that hinge on X's presence or absence in both LC and LoR...without mentioning of course my little Tale of a Library series. For a faceless, nameless clone, he sure does play a surprisingly large role once you think about it...especially with the scenarios you suggested.
When it comes to TMFoA without X, I think that it would actually turn out worse for the A3; X was a major part of why Ayin tolerated their presence begrudgingly; without him, he would've been free the lash out at them and beat them up as he pleased, which would've definitely rendered the reconciliation he had with his facets a distant dream if even that. I doubt Adam would even make it to the Reverberation battle with how much Ayin despised him back then, and in a way, I feel that would've worked out worse for him since his mind would've still been subject to the A3's destructive influence since no matter how much he suppressed them, it would've never been as effective as a reconciliation.
Had X not been in the Light during Angela's coup, I believe that would've complicated things quite a bit for her as well, since Binah was shown to respect him at the end of her Meltdown, and although she would've likely attempted to balance out the sides as she did in our timeline, I have a sensation the Agents would've been more loyal to the man who managed to earn Binah's respect twice, so that would've definitely complicated her coup if not made it impossible as you said...and if he was still transported into the Library anyway, then I think Roland would still take over as Patron Librarian of the Floor of General Works, since Angela would likely have a rather large grudge against him by then...
It is indeed quite fun to imagine all of these possibilities, and it's quite interesting to think that they all happen with X when he's no neglected both in Canon and in Fanon. I guess that's where we come in to fix that, keheh. As always, thank you for the fun ask, astrocourier! Until next time, be well, stay safe, and see ya'.
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soulsbetrayed · 8 months
continued from here
"YOU! LEFT! ME! TO DIE!!!" Her voice boomed through out the Floor of General Works her eyes turning a vivid crimson. "AND HE HAD TO PULL ME OUT FROM ITS CORPSE!!" Durandal was pointed at her throat but she stood her ground. Among her vines there were multiple people impaled through their bodies, their blood feeding into her fury. "Tell me Roland was it worth it?" she asked as she drove a vine into the heart of one of his Assistant Librarians. As long as one of them was snared she was not going to die any time soon. The floor ran red as she stood broken and betrayed beyond all measure
He made a monster of her, and she of him. it was nothing more than a truth they both denied fervently. She was boiling rage and bitter tasting resentment with little chance to return from it. Vines were encroaching all the floors a swarming mass looking to feed on those below.
Keter and Thaumiel, the zenith and conflict...
"You left me to die there! It was all your fault!" Soon what looked to be a cross between a white lily and a pitcher plant stood at the ready, bloodied claws tipped her limbs. Her hair had grown out to resemble the vines that crossed her body forming a dress of bloodied foliage with flowers blooming in the colors of the Patron Librarians she had captured.
Citrine, Violet, Orange, Green, Gold, Red and Blue.
"He found me and nursed me back to health. In the end it was always us two." Argalia was the only one who cared, he didn't dare abandon her even if they parted ways as Color Fixers
"Roland, don't be a fool. She is beyond reason!"
The vines that blocked the way were severed as the Patron Librarians of the Floors of Philosophy and Religion joined the battle. Their Assistants soon freed the rest of General Works from Angelica's control.
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htubmanrenrappingblog · 9 months
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2024...WHICH*ONE??? 46=OLDER*AGE??? OR
DEMS*FOR*DEMOCRACY!!!: https://www.dems.gov/who-we-are https://www.democrats.senate.gov/about-senate-dems/our-values ***NY*H*LEADER*H.J. "Leader Jeffries on Roland Martin Unfiltered": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RH6xCcqeqg ***************************************************** ***TXH*J.C."My first year serving #TX30…on the books. Here’s to 2024, and here’s to you! #CrockettOnCall": https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VZGxh8664sY ***************************************************** ***NJ*SEN*C.B.: "Menopause affects every woman, but it rarely is part of our national conversation. It was great to talk with Halle Berry who is an incredible advocate for this issue. " https://www.instagram.com/p/C04bLAbu1Kx/?hl=en ***************************************************** ***NH*SEN*M.H."I spent the past couple days in New Hampshire’s beautiful North Country. I visited PAK Solutions and White Mountains Community College’s Advanced Manufacturing Lab, both of which are on the cutting edge of innovation in New Hampshire. I also stopped by Coos County Family Health Center and saw its new expansion, including increased access to medication-assisted treatment for opioid use and expanded telehealth. I learned about conservation efforts at Lake Umbagog, and grabbed a treat from a delicious local bakery."
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dlamp-dictator · 1 year
Thinking About Library of Ruina
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Finally got to Urban Nightmare in Library of Ruina and boy the ride to this point has been... something. The grape vine had said this game was difficult and it’s difficulty is... interesting, but I’d hesitate to say it’s are the level the memes imply it to be. I’ve been joining my time with it overall, if a little annoyed at certain points due both the gacha system and how it handles some of its tutorials, but it’s fun once you get into the swing of things understand what the game wants you to do.
And after finally getting to Urban Nightmare, the point where accord to most the game “gets serious” I feel like I should discuss some of my time with this game and how I’ve been feeling about it.
But first, as always, the synopsis.
Library of Ruina is technically a continuation of Project Moon’s previous game, Lobotomy Corporation (which I will abbreviate as Lob. Corp to be concise), but as a newbie to Project Moon and the world its telling I’ve found no major issues in following.
Anyway, the story focuses on Roland, a bottom-tier mercenary down on his luck, who had the misfortune of being teleported to an unknown library. Upon entering said library he is greeted and immediately mutilated by the Library’s director, a cold and standoffish woman named Angela. Without wasting time she gives Roland an ultimatum: join her library as her main assistant and be her exposition boy guide of exploring the ongoings of the apocalyptic and dystopian City or die where he lays... or, well, is suspended in midair. Needless to say, Roland chooses the former and is made the Patron Librarian of General Works, receiving guests (and killing them), organizing books (which are the guests), and fighting the occasional monstrosity that lurks within the Library as it grows and expands.
Now, this is a deeply oversimplification of Library of Ruina’s story, as this is a sequel and further exploration of the world of Lob. Corp. However, I’ll put it in a way a review did:
If you play this game without playing Lob. Corp you’re playing from Roland’s perspective, learning about the Library and it’s other Patrons as you go along. If you have played Lob. Corp. then you’re playing this from Angela’s perspective, continuing off of her story and learning about the specifics of what consequences her actions have wrought upon the City and learning about that city with her.
I’m mostly going to be discussing gameplay, but I should talk a bit about the story. At least for a quick blurb to get my general thoughts out of the way soooo...
The Story
If you want a summary of the story in terms of plot beats, then Canard through Urban Legend felt like introductory stuff for the City, us learning about some of the general mindsets of the people in the City, the organizations controlling things, the basics of how those organizations interact with those people, and how the Library is starting to play into all of that. If you like worldbuilding and dystopian settings then you’ll love this. If I had to describe Urban Plague in terms of plot beats then this is the point where we’re starting to dip our toes into the actual weeds and mud of the City, going from an unknown entity to an actual threat to those in power and conversations start steering from how organizations behave in general to how they behave toward the Library specifically. Slowly but surely the plot is starting to actually integrate the Library into its narrative as we are no longer a thing in the background along with all the other weirdness of the City. In general I think you need a tolerance for visual novel cutscenes and just reading in general to really enjoy the story, but what I’ve seen so far is engaging and fun.
I might as well mention the fact that this is a sequel as well and... well...
As someone that didn’t play Lob. Corp I’m actually enjoying the story. The other Patrons discussing their time in the last game and explaining that they essentially have been reborn is interesting. The way it’s written it doesn’t feel like Lob. Corp is required reading, but there’s just enough intrigue in how they speak of Lob. Corp that I feel curious. Curious, but not annoyed by the lack of direct information. The Patron episodes are written very intelligently, focusing more on the personalities of the Patrons and how they play off Roland than about Lob. Corp background stuff, only delving into the Lob. Corp stuff once we have a grasp of that specific Patron and are attached to them.
And since I’m at Urban Nightmare yes, Love Town was, in fact, very fucked up. Yes indeed it was.
Now onto the actual gameplay discussion.
The Gameplay
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To be very brief about Library of Ruina’s gameplay it’s essentially a turn based card game. You roll for initiative, have a gauge that determined the strength level of card you can use that turn, and then RNG will determine the actual damage calculations. As the player you have the luxury of being able to read the skills, decks, and resistances (or lack thereof) of your enemies and can edit your deck before the initial engagement to stack the odds in your favor. To get more (stronger) cards you have to run a gacha system after completely each stage. And that’s the most I will say on this subject because going further will require an actual college thesis.
It’s apparently a meme that the difficulty curve of this game is vertical, but so far I’d say the difficulty curve is mostly fair. Since you have the ability to read your opponents deck, skills, and resistances before even jumping into the arena you can quite literally stack the deck in your favor. This can be done by choosing armor cards that resist an enemy’s main type of damage, stack your combat deck with damage types that break through your opponent’s resistances, adding skills that improve your ability to do the above two, so on and so on, the list goes on. The most difficult part is reading skills, understanding some of the more specific ones, and grabbing the right cards that can counter them.
As of me just just reaching Urban Nightmare I can only think of two-ish major difficult spikes. Full-Stop Office due to the range cards being introduced, and either the Kurokumo Clan or Dawn Office due to them having decks that revolve around status ailments (Bleed and Burn respectively). Full-Stop especially was difficult because this game likes to throw new bullshit at you, talk about that bullshit in the tutorials, and then not tell the player how to counter or otherwise handle that bullshit aside from praying to your respective deity of worship.
Oddly, Wedge Office and Love Town were manageable for me since I knew to use ranged cards that sniped the more troubling cards of the boss characters.
But you get the point, the difficulty comes from reading decks and understanding just what needs to be done in order to counter them. There’s a bit of flexibility in the types of decks you can run, and it can be enjoyable once you get into the swing of things.
And then I fought the Queen of Hatred and realized exactly what they meant by this game’s difficulty being bullshit.
The FUCKING Queen of Hatred
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So... the Queen of Hatred.
In Library of Ruina there are special boss-esque battles Abnormality battles. These battles are more puzzles than boss battles. Unlike most battles you can’t look up the deck and skills of the boss until you actively fight them. However, fighting and losing to them costs no resources and they always have the same general attack patterns and methods of attack. Most of the time it’s just a matter of understand the boss mechanics and having a deck that either mitigates or outright counters them.
Queen of Hatred... is a trip.
A boss that has ranged cards, high-numbered physical damage cards, all or most of her cards hit up to three times and some even do extra damage if not contested. These are the just the basics of the boss you learn after the first two turns. You need a high leveled deck to compete with this due to the high numbers this magical girl is running. Not to mention you’re using Tiphereth, the newest Patron of Urban Plague who lacks a fourth assistant, Abnormality Page, and can’t up her Emotion level to four and gain extra speed dice outside of using Speed+, a very expensive skill to use on a character. And even then this shit is luck based on if you have the initiative on any of the boss’s attacks to make sure she doesn’t two-shot your characters on her advantage.
Oh, and did I mention she can attack with three cards per turn. Not to mention the fact that she focus-fires on specifically one of your character and utterly wastes them if they don’t have pierce or blunt resistances (mostly pierce though).
That said, there are two-ish decent counters to the Queen of Hatred: a ranged build, and a bleed build.
A ranged build using ranged cards can let you snipe most of the boss’s higher melee cards and take them out of play before, and multi-hit ranged cards like Indiscriminate Shots can absolutely do work, and clashing ranged cards aren’t as scary as clashing melee cards. The only issue is that ranged cards are one-time use part scene and you only have about nine-ish shots before you’re screwed. A bleed deck is a bit risky, but doable. The boss has a lot of multi-hit cards, and bleed damage can turn that strength into a weakness so long as you have armor cards that can handle pierce damage.
But... then there’s the mass attack.
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To be brief, Mass Attacks are AoE attacks that can’t be blocked or clashed, and due to how these tutorials work, the only counter I can think of when dealing with a mass attack is have an armor card that doesn’t shatter against the damage type and pray for low numbers.
But... even with all that, I won.
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I honestly think I only beat this boss by sheer luck, using three-hit ranged cards for the assistants and Tiphereth herself running a slash-bleed deck with skills that improved slash and bleed damage. I was tempted to use some bind cards but I was already too stacks with bleed and the bind cards I had did shitty numbers compared to what this damn magical girl was throwing at me. And do you want to know what the worse part of this fight was?
I just did a quick run of The Knight of Despair and that boss’s stats, cards, and mechanics are actually pretty reasonable. I nearly beat it on my first run, and I usually purposefully wipe on my first Abno fights since I’m just figuring out the mechanics. That’s the deepest sting man, this next boss was easy mode compared to this... this creature.
So yeah, I’m enjoying the game so far. I’ve actually had it in my library for two years without touching it, think I got it on sale at some point and just wanted it to have it. But I’m finally starting to push through it in earnest and aside fro it’s occasional bullshit and the gacha system I kinda’ hate. the game has it’s charm... and mods that more or less make the gacha system a non-issue (thank you steam workshop). Hoping to enjoy more of it, but for now I’ll see you folks later.
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acolyte-kayron · 3 years
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Sidenote, since they’ve appeared almost exclusively in icon format, here are the full designs of Roland and Angela.
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Could I get an Angela x reader one? Can be romantic or platonic.
i made this super fluffy and entirely self indulgent because i am a SIMP
-Mod Angela
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Love is War!
Angela x GN! Reader
For once, there was a peaceful moment in the library. There were no guests being received, all the patron librarians were off doing their own things, and, most importantly, Roland was somewhere out of sight. While you definitely appreciated his efforts while receiving guests, he impeded on your time alone with Angela, so you were glad he was gone for the moment. (If he was goofing off or drinking with Netzach, you'd know later. But he didn't matter right now.)
On the Floor of General Works, it was just you and Angela, resting in the faint light. Angela was sitting down, reading one of her books, whilst you rested you head on her lap, looking up at her face as she read. Every once in a while you noticed her smiling at a certain page in her book and you swore you could feel yourself falling in love over all over again. Angela seems to notice your fond expression and puts her book aside, raising an eyebrow at you, "Darling, what's that look for?" your heart leaps at that tender, heartfelt, yet simple pet name, but you decide to launch a counterattack. You would not lose this battle of love. "Oh, nothing, just looking at the world's most beautiful girlfriend~" You coo, reaching your hand up to cup the side of her face... and then nearly choke on air when she leans into your touch. 'Dammit,' You think, 'She's good at this!!!' Despite Angela being a nuclear weapon of cute right now, you would not give in, and decided to continue on your frontal assault. You move your hand away from Angela's face, which caused her to make dissatisfied huff, to which you sigh in response and shake your head. "Don't worry, dear~" Between your words, you took the opportunity to sit up, "I'm not gonna leave you high and dry for long." You scooted over near Angela, giving the cheek you had previously held before a small peck, then leaning back out to marvel at Angela's face, taking in the light blush on her cheeks. 'Success, Sargent,' you internally celebrated at this, feeling like you had now turned the tides of this battle, 'Now to pull in the victory.' At this, however, Angela revealed her own ace-in-the-sleeve, which turned out to just be her kissing you. Just full on lip-on-lips kiss. You noted that, for a machine that's supposed to be made out of metal and silicon, damn her lips felt soft. After that, you very pretty confident that Angela just won this mock war inside of your head. But honestly? You really wouldn't have it any other way. Satisfied with her work, Angela went back to reading her book, so you decided to rest your head on her shoulder, to which she responded with a smile and a caste kiss to your head and you just snuggled into her, content with your position in life.
"Angela? Is... this a bad moment?"
God fucking dammit, Roland.
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cetacian · 4 years
The Fall and Rise of Orca: The Introduction of Prime Earth Orca Part 2: Nightwing Vol 4 Issues #30-34 “Raptor’s Revenge”
Warning for blood, a nasty beatdown, brief mention of animal abuse and hypodermic needles
                                          Under Cut For Length
Avery, leader of the Whale’s Enders, was pissed at being sold crap weapons by Roland Desmond (who took over Tiger Shark’s casino and was soon considered the head crime boss in the city) as well as being being targeted by other criminals. She soon challenged his leadership capabilities:
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Not sure if Roland purposefully misspelled Avery’s surname or if that was a mistake on the part of the scriptwriter or letterer. What was that weapon for anyway? Was it something to bust into bank vaults? Was it self defense against metahuman criminals? We were told in an earlier issue that the Whale’s Enders were a “robber gang”, which would imply that they probably didn’t need anything stronger than handguns if they were just robbing places. Most likely, it was meant to be a show of force in order to try to make them seem tougher than they actually were. Something that Avery tried to do when she sicced Orca on Roland:
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Which went about as well as you might think once Roland downed some of the Blockbuster serum:
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I feel torn on this attack because while I understand Roland’s motivation of wanting to assert his strength over someone foolishly trying to usurp him, I still question if his beatdown of Orca needed to be quite so brutal. 
Orca would be out of commission until Issue #32, but her influence on events was still relevant in Issue #32, as the Whale’s Enders broke into a marine lab/chemical transport facility to steal horseshoe crab blood:
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However, following up on a lead for another villain (Raptor, a former mentor and friend of Nightwing’s deceased mother), Nightwing and Huntress showed up to stop them, with Huntress willing to abide by Nightwing’s code against killing (partially because they had become a couple by this point in the book):
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They spelled Avery’s surname right this time, making me wonder if it really was Roland being disrespectful. Which she absolutely deserves.
The battle went on, with Nightwing at one point using a couple of the horseshoe crabs as bludgeoning weapons to knock out a Whale’s Enders member. I’ve seen several comics do this with animals over many decades and even though it’s fiction, I really don’t approve of characters who are supposed to be heroic treating animals so callously. It’s a little easier to accept when villains do it, but I’d really prefer if this trope got phased out in general.
Once the Whale’s Enders were whittled down to Avery and one other member, Avery revealed why the group needed the blood: as the final component of the serum that turned Grace Balin into Orca:
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In a last, desperate act, Avery injected herself with the serum, beginning to transform into an orca hybrid as she lunged at Nightwing and Huntress:
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However, her attack was short lived, as she unexpectedly missed the two heroes and began to change back into her former human self, as her one remaining companion gave himself up to the heroes’ custody:
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As the Whale’s Enders were being arrested/taken to a hospital, Nightwing contacted Roland (who had given him the tip about the facility being a potential target for Raptor) to inform him that Raptor was not there. Huntress, having heard the conversation and unable to see past her black and white sense of morality, breaks up with Nightwing.
Nightwing later encountered Raptor while working undercover in Roland’s casino, only to discover that he had poisoned many of the rich patrons with the Blockbuster serum via their drinks. 
Meanwhile, after the murder of Giz and the betrayal of former members and allies, the Run-Offs sought out another former member, Orca, at her makeshift lab in the abandoned Sea Land park:
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Soon enough they found Orca herself, still recovering from Roland’s brutal beating. She revealed the fate of the Whale’s Enders before telling the Run-Offs to leave as Shawn pleaded for her assistance:
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Shawn then surmised what had gone wrong with the formula Avery had injected herself with, before appealing to Orca’s conscious, as well as her scientific knowledge, to help cure the poisoned patrons:
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Which I do have to wonder whether the horseshoe crab blood was the wrong ingredient or whether there were other wrong ones or lack of the right ones in the serum already. We’re never told one way or another.
Orca soon began working with the Run-Offs to create an antidote to the Blockbuster serum:
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Unfortunately, they had found out that the problem was much bigger, as the casino outbreak was a distraction from Raptor’s real plan: using trained birds to carry canisters of the Blockbuster serum to aerially poison the city’s entire population. The Run-Offs then began using Orca’s antidote via Shawn’s spray cans and hypodermic needles:
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Orca then brought in a large canister, full of enough antidote to cure all the patrons locked inside of the casino, with Mouse hacking into the building’s fire suppression system in order to deliver the antidote via the sprinkler system:
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Meanwhile, Nightwing, Shawn and Roland fought against Raptor and his accomplice Pigeon, which ended in the latter two’s deaths before they could trigger the release of the serum carried by the trained birds.
Orca and the Run-Offs later exited the casino alongside the cured patrons as the police arrived:
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Based on the final panel of the story in Issue #34, it appeared that Orca had rejoined the Run-Offs in order to help Nightwing continue to fight crime in Blüdhaven:
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Summery Thoughts: Orca got a nice arc throughout this storyline, going from pathetic in her self loathing to having her true value recognized and becoming instrumental in saving the poisoned patrons. Writer Tim Seeley recognized what many readers knew for a long time: Orca works far better as an antihero than as a villain. Her potential as an antihero would be explored within the context of a team in the miniseries Gotham City Monsters (which will be covered in the next post). 
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ubdq-multiverse · 4 years
Roland x Diluc
General Dynamic Headcanons
Their dynamic is somewhat amusing, yet confusing to outsiders, generally speaking.
Conversations in passing often consist of snide remarks, insults, and subtle sarcasm. Their manner of speaking towards one another is very hostile to an average witness, and most would think they had some long, convoluted history that explained such hatred for one another.
On the other hand, common patrons of the Angel’s Share- as well as those that work closely with Diluc at the winery or Roland in the guild- understand their relationship to be much the opposite.
The two are actually quite close, having known each other in passing for many years. While neither could say when exactly they moved beyond occasional patron and host, they both understand the shift has happened. The insults and remarks are their way of showing said intimacy; it’s their way of being playful with one another, and said comments will often be said with a subtle smirk or smile. These gestures of bizarre affection are easily noticed once one looks past the biting words.
Roland isn’t an avid purveyor of alcohol, and as such isn’t the type to be seen in the Angel’s Share as often as he is. While he wouldn’t admit it to the common folk, the reason is very much to enjoy the company of his fellow fire-wielder.
Outside the tavern, they don’t ever seem to necessarily hang out, but it isn’t unusual for the adventurer to stop by the Dawn Winery while out in the Mondstadt wilds on a commission. None know quite exactly the reason or motives, but gossip among the maids weave a more intimate narrative.
The pair of them are very, very similar in many ways. They share a more hardened exterior, with softer undertones and actions; a sense of almost radical justice; a fear of intimacy; a distaste for physical touch; and a convoluted, perhaps traumatic, emotional past. These similarities are not lost on the general populous, nor is the fact they both have pyro visions.
Their differences seem to contrast almost directly. Diluc is a cool-headed person, who is able to take genuine insults with seemingly little issue; meanwhile Roland is quick to anger, especially in defense of someone else. Diluc is more calculated, thinking many steps ahead before starting something; Roland, on the other hand, is very impulsive, even when trying to think ahead. When comfortable and close to someone, Roland is extremely talkative, while Diluc still continues to be reserved.
The two’s social circles is extremely different, as well as their backgrounds; to most, it’s even a surprise they interact with one another on a somewhat friendly basis. This makes the intimate narrative that much more exciting to those in the know.
Charles and Patton have a bet on whether the two are or will have a romantic relationship. If the rumors are true, Charles is winning.
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leupagus · 5 years
you will miss the green and the woods and streams
A Schitt’s Creek AU thing I wrote for @broadlybrazen, which boils down to “lol what if Schitt’s Creek had been Schitt Records can you imagine.” 
You’re welcome/I’m sorry.
“Okay, but why are you making me do this.” David doesn’t ask, because it’s not a question; it’s a declaration, something he’s learned in the long years since he and Stevie were coworkers, then friends, then — something, almost, not quite — and now they’re people who drag each other to shitty bars in shitty basements in shitty Toronto, except only Stevie is that.
“I’m not making you do anything,” Stevie lies right to his actual face as they collect her beer and his wine from the bartender. “You offered to comfort me.”
“I don’t think I said ‘comfort’ so much as I said ‘support you in your time of—‘“ he waves at her generally, carefully not to spill. “Loss, or whatever.”
Not that Jake qualifies as a loss, per se; he hadn’t even tried to get out of the contract, which Stevie keeps saying is the important thing. And David of all people knows that above-average sex can only take you so far when the other guy is an emotionally illiterate carpenter/rockstar who responded to a breakup text with “bummer :P”
“Well, this is you supporting me.” Stevie takes a swig and leans back against the bar; David admires the clean line of her neck and chest the way he’s done a thousand times before, absentminded appreciation the way he looks at a beautiful coat or listens to a new record; letting it slip through his fingers, like everything else.
“You’re not…performing, are you,” David doesn’t-ask.
Stevie gives him a long look. “You’ve known me for over two years,” she says, even. “Do you think I’m likely to break out into song?”
“You’re a talent scout for a major record label,” he feels obliged to point out.
“Uh, first of all, it’s not major, and second of all, so are you,” she says.
This is, sadly, irrefutable.
When Ira disappeared to God knew where with the keys to the Rose family fortune, their lawyer had pulled them all into the living room with a chipper expression and a folder. David hadn’t listened, the sounds of furniture, paintings, his life being carted out the door overwhelming everything else. But Dad’s voice cut through.
“Schitt Records? That was a joke—“ and it still is a joke, almost two and a half years later. The biggest joke in the music industry, and David hears the laughter everywhere he goes.
Roland Schitt had been managing his wife and an extremely chipper singer-songwriter who went by “Twyla” and did tarot card readings after every set. Schitt Records was worth approximately nothing; probably why the government had let them keep it. When Dad finally exercised his ownership clause and made Roland an ex-officio (read: non-voting) board member, Roland had actually cackled with delight and wished them all the best, taking his “President of” title and a small stipend with him. Jocelyn and Twyla stuck around, although David still isn’t sure that Twyla’s all that aware of the change in management.
And anyway, as far as David’s concerned, the only thing of value at Schitt Records, at least at first, was Stevie.
They’d put Alexis back in the studio for want of any better ideas; David had found a semi-decent, semi-sober songwriter to give her some of the songs Meghan and Ariana had rejected. “Pullin’ Up Alexis” didn’t so much as crack the top 200 but it had put Schitt Records in the black, at least, even if Alexis did go white-faced and brittle at the awful venues David coaxed her into for the better part of a year — county fairs and no-name festivals where the audience wanted to jeer and heckle, where her dancing would get her laughed offstage if her singing didn’t. But every time he’d tell her she could quit (she couldn’t) and that they’d find another way to get the company on its feet (they wouldn’t), she’d lift her chin and smile and ask her where they were going next, and David loved her more than he’d ever, ever tell her.
And when the tour ended, David gritted his teeth and went out with Stevie to find something else. They found Ronnie, who hates them all but has hands like an angel on the piano; Jake who’s prettier onstage than off but who can draw a reliable crowd; even Ray, whose one-man band act is surprisingly lucrative, though David suspects that’s because anyone who listens can’t actually believe what’s happening.
Schitt Records still isn’t worth buying, but it’s worth something, now; worth spending late nights in small towns, worth sleepless weekends working festivals, worth more than David had ever expected to find.
But he’s still looking, he knows, for something else.
Even more insultingly, the open mic has a theme; “90’s Nostalgia!” which means too many bad covers of Alanis and one truly offensive attempt at “I Will Always Love You” that has David ordering his next glass of wine in a pint glass.
Stevie is laughing, though — she’s happy, in tune with the crowd who are clearly here for their respective friends onstage, leading the shaky ones through their choruses and cheering with far more enthusiasm than is merited when each of them wraps up.
“This is horrifying,” David tells her as some guy in his 60s gets gently ushered offstage and there’s a blessed lull.
“I know,” Stevie replies, eyes shining. “It’s great.”
And it is, in a weird way that David would never have enjoyed in his other life; he would never have set foot in here, would never have been friends with someone as grounded and solid and plaid as Stevie in the first place. So he takes a drink and doesn’t suggest they leave, but does pick a fight about sending Ray to ACL.
Stevie obligingly takes the bait and they’re halfway through the comfortable old argument about riders when David realizes the strummy-strummy lala in the background is a) recognizable, b) good, and c) infuriating.
The guy onstage is best described as “unprepossessing accountant,” wearing an ugly shirt and ugly slacks and uglier shoes and an astonishingly ugly fringed vest that’s probably (hopefully) a joke, judging by the wolf whistles from a table near the stage. But he’s got a smile like a searchlight as he rounds the corner of the first verse:
“I’m caught up in the midst of you And I cannot resist…”
David flails around until he makes contact with Stevie’s — okay, her face, which she’ll probably complain about later, but he’s too incensed. “He’s singing Mariah?”
Stevie swats his hand away. “He’s not bad.”
“I—“ David clutches at his pint glass. Fringed Vest, still grinning into the crowd and unaware of David’s newborn vendetta against him, continues.
Boy, if I do The things you want me to The way I used to do Would you love me, baby Hold me, feeling now Go and break my heart
The entire bar joins in on the chorus, Fringed Vest leading them like some hick accountant Pied Piper:
Heartbreaker, you got the best of me But I just keep on coming back incessantly Oh, why did you have to run your game on me I should have known right from the start You'd go and break my heart
Fringed Vest does not, thank God, try his hand at rapping the break but the crowd seems reluctant to let him actually finish the song, the choruses getting progressively louder and more boisterous until Fringed Vest puts a line underneath and steps back from the mic and they finally take the goddamn hint.
“That was—“ awful, he’s about to say, but the problem is that it wasn’t. There’s not a whole lot a Canadian accountant can add to Mariah Carey, especially with the advent of Lip Synch Battle. But it hadn’t felt patronizing or mocking; Fringed Vest knew every word, sang with a voice that couldn’t hold a match to Mariah but still expressed some sort of longing. He’d been joyful, earnest where most people tonight had clung to trite. It… worked.
He’s even more enraged.
“C’mon,” Stevie says, slipping through the crowd with the weary ease of someone who’s been doing this half her life. David tromps behind in her wake, bumping up against the same people Stevie glides past and almost losing her twice before she gets to the dinky curtain that is the backstage and ducking inside.
Which smells like vomit; David immediately flips through the various acts tonight and makes a bet with himself that it was the very sweet otter with the beard and the accordion even while Stevie is making her way over to the side of the stage where Fringed Vest is talking to somebody else and drinking — god, Red Mountain, David is vetoing any contract Stevie tries to push on this guy for that alone.
But Stevie’s introducing them and Fringed Vest extends a hand. “Patrick,” he says, grip firm. Up close he’s — not attractive, exactly, no eyebrows to speak of and a haircut that screams middle management, that smile still the most interesting thing about him. But it’s very interesting.
“David,” he admits, aware of Stevie’s narrowed eyes.
“David Rose,” Patrick says, worryingly. “You own Schitt Records.”
He blinks; this is possibly the first time anyone’s said the name of the company without smirking. “Co-own,” he corrects.
“You manage a friend of mine,” Patrick continues, “Ray? Butani?”
“We only manage one Ray, don’t worry,” Stevie tells him.
“How are you friends with Ray?” David demands. “He plays a vibraphone.”
“We both went to Rotman,” and that explains so much about both Ray and Patrick. “He was pretty excited when he signed.”
“Yes, the glamour of the pub circuit,” David says. “Who can resist the allure of all this,” and he almost hits a girl with beads in her hair and a banjo in her hand climbing onstage.
“It’s got its charms,” Patrick says, still smiling.
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alexkestavin · 6 years
Meet The Muse: Alexander Kestavin
general information—— —
FULL NAME: Alexander Thomas Kestavin
TITLE(S): Lord - Captain AGE: 33 years old
BIRTHDAY:  January 17th
RACE: Human
MARITAL STATUS: Widower (Single)
physical appearance—— —
HAIR:  About shoulder length, slightly curly, and jet black.
EYES:  Steel Blue
HEIGHT:  6′2″
BUILD: Fit, built well, but not overly muscular
Three scars on his face.
The first scar goes from his left temple to his right cheek.
The second scar goes across the bridge of his nose
The third scar goes from the tip of his left eye down to his left jaw.
Alex has a myriad of sleeve tattoos. With a lot of runes embedded into the tattoos that can’t be seen unless they’ve been activated.
PIERCINGS: No piercings currently.
His bag of many things that is enchanted to be bigger on the inside than it should be. It holds many of his accessories that he doesn’t need at a moment’s notice.
Alex tends to sport a wide range of weaponry on his person. His main thing is either a couple daggers, or a sword, or both at the same time.
He also for a while sported three one-shot pistols on his chest.
personal information—— —
PROFESSION(S): Captain, Assassin, Mercenary, Noble
HOBBIES: Blacksmithing, Baking, and people watching
SKILL(S): Blacksmithing, Baking, Swordskills, Shadow Magic,
RESIDENCE: House in Stormwind, House in Boralus, and then he’s got a house in Stormsong Valley.
BIRTHPLACE: Ravenshollow Country, Alterac Valley
Losing his Family.
Being forgotten.
And more that have yet to be found out.
relationships—— —
None currently (Widower)
Ophelia Vellice-Kestavin (Daughter)
Elias Kestavin (Son)
Lord Roland Kestavin ( Father - Deceased )
Lady Elizabeth Kestavin ( Mother - Deceased )
Tristan Kestavin ( Brother - Deceased )
Thaylynn Kestavin ( Brother )
Lailana Kestavin ( Half-sister )
Andres Maknus ( Adoptive Father - Deceased )
Sarah Maknus ( Adoptive Mother - Deceased )
Daisyann Maknus ( Sister - Missing )
Ace the Polar Bear
traits—— —
•extroverted / introverted / in between.
•disorganized / organized / in between.
•close minded / open-minded / in between.
•calm / anxious / in between.
•disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
•cautious / reckless / in between.
•patient / impatient / in between.
•outspoken / reserved / in between.
•leader / follower / in between.
•empathetic / indifferent / in between.
•optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
•traditional / modern / in between.
•hard-working / lazy / in between.
•cultured / uncultured / in between.
•loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
•assertive / timid / in between
additional information—— —
SMOKING:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Alex has been around for a while and has loads of different things that he has done and accomplished. He feels older than he is and he just wants to get away from all of the fighting. But it likes to keep tugging at him. Pulling him back into all of the frays of the world. He just wants to get Rosenfield back for his son and live out his days. But he knows it’s not going to work out that way.
extra—— —
FACECLAIM(S): Michiel Huisman
VOICE CLAIM(S): Michiel Huisman (Not surprisingly. Lol)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
IN GAME NAME: Andèrson
ALT CODE: è - Alt + 138
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fallforcs · 6 years
The Tutor
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Art by: @jell-obeans
Author: @blackwidownat2814
Summary: How long does it take to honest-to-God fall in love with someone?  A week? A year? This was not something that usually went through Emma Swan’s daily thought processes.  She prided herself on keeping away from any kind of attachments, be it friends or just men in general. She wasn’t a man-hater, she just saw men for what they were: assholes.  Assholes who thought she owed them something after just one date or thought her weak and tried to take advantage of her kindness. She swore she wouldn’t fall for a nice guy with a pretty face.  But somehow, she still ended up in her current problem: quite possibly, most definitely,maybe, in love with The Tutor.
Rating and reason for the rating: I think the rating is either General or Teen, simply because I use 2 or 3 different ‘curse words’ a few times.
Trigger warnings: None
It all started a year and half before.  Emma had only been working at Storybook Public Library for three weeks when she met him…
A Year and a Half Ago…
“Emma, are you good to run the desk on your own for a bit?” asked Belle.  She was the head librarian of Storybrooke’s small public library and Emma’s savior when she came looking for a job just a month ago.
“’Course boss!” Emma called.
“I told you not to call me that!”
“I know!”  Emma smiled as she made her way out to the reference desk in the middle of the library.  She took a seat behind the computer and pulled up her ebook to keep her company. She had barely started the latest chapter of ‘ Dead to the World’ by Charlaine Harris, when she realized she wasn’t alone.
Emma looked up and the elbow she was using to hold up her head while she read slipped off the desk, surprising her immensely.  The man before her was beyond gorgeous, even with a concerned look on his face.
“Are you okay love?”
“Wha–”  The man pointed to her elbow.
“Your elbow, you’ve hit it.  Are you okay?”
“Oh!  Yeah, yeah.  Nothing a little embarrassment won’t take care of.”  Emma took a deep breath and put on her customer service smile.  “What can I help you find today sir?”
“I just need one of the study rooms please love.”
“Sure, just need your library card to sign you in.”  The man place his briefcase and small stack of books onto the desk counter and pulled out his wallet to fish through it for his card.  Once located, he handed it over. “Name?”
“Killian. Jones…and if you’ve one of the larger rooms, could I please have that one?”
“Of course.”  Emma slid Killian Jones’ card into the binder that held the IDs and library cards of patrons using the study rooms and handed back a key with a number one hanging off of it.  “There you go.”
“Thank you.”  He picked up his things and turned to leave for the study room, “By the way, if little Roland Locksley asks for me, could you point him in the right direction?”
Sure enough, Roland, and his dad Robin, showed up 15 minutes later.  About an hour later, they were both met near the front desk by Robin, who conversed with Jones with Roland wandered over to chat with Emma.  At six years old, Roland was a cute kid with ‘dimples for days’, as Belle liked to say often.
“Hi Miss Emma!”
“Hey kid.  How are you?”
“I’m okay.”  He came around the desk and sat next to her.  “Uncle Killy says I’m doing much better!”
“And what does Uncle Killy say you’re much better at?”
“He’s teaching me to read better!”  His smile dropped before he continued, “I wasn’t doing so good after my mommy went to Heaven, so Daddy asked Uncle Killy to help me.”  Emma saw his face begin to crumple and took his little hands in hers.
“Hey…I know what it’s like to lose someone like that.  If you ever need someone to talk to, you can come talk to me too, okay Roland?”
“Yes Miss Emma.”  He jumped in her arms and gave her a big hug.
During their small talk, Killian and Robin had turned their attention to the two of them.  Many years later, Robin would say that he knew the exact moment Killian Jones fell in love with Emma Swan.
One Year Ago…
Emma was writing up some ideas for library programs when a shadow fell over her.  She looked up to see a smiling Killian Jones.
“Hey Killian.  What can I help you with?”
“Afternoon dear Swan.  Could I have one of the study rooms please?”  Emma took his library card and stuck it in the folder and handed him the key.
“So, how are Roland and the others doing?”
“Swimmingly, Swan.  They’ve shown marked improvement and Roland’s favorite part is getting to see you afterwards…as is mine.”
Emma felt her cheeks beginning to heat up and she ducked her head so he wouldn’t see her smile.  She couldn’t let him see that he affected her, so she steeled herself and looked back up.
“I’m sure you say that to all the girls.”
“Only to the ones I can’t wait to see every day.”
“Uh huh.”
“So, Swan, I was wonder–”  Before Killian could continue, he was interrupted by Leo Nolan and his father David, Storybrooke’s Sheriff.
“Mithter Killian!” Leo cried, jogging over to his tutor.
“Inside voices now lad, we are in a library”, he replied.  “We wouldn’t want the Lady Swan to get mad at us, would we?”  Leo shook his little head and smiled up at Emma.
“Sowwy Mith Emma.”  She leaned over the desk and ruffled his blonde hairs.
“No worries Leo, just remember for next time, okay?”
“Yeth ma’am!”
“Well lad, let’s get to work, shall we?”  Leo hugged his dad bye and Killian offered his hand to the little boy and they went over to their assigned study room to get to work.
“He’s a pretty nice guy you know”, said David as he leaned on the reference desk.
“Of course he is, he’s your son”, Emma replied as she typed something up.  “You and Mary Margaret wouldn’t raise anyone less.”
“I wasn’t talking about Leo.”
“I know you weren’t.”  She sighed and looked up from her computer, “Let it go David.  It’s never going to happen.”
“He likes you Emma.”
“So?  I liked Neal and look what that asshole did to me.  I liked Walsh and we just don’t talk about him. ”
“Not every guy that show’s an interest is a dick.”
“Yeah, well…in my experience, they have been.”
An hour later, when Killian was done with Leo’s tutoring, he was back at the desk after seeing Leo off to David.
“Hello again Swan.”
“Hey Killian.”  She looked up from her work once more, to see him just standing there, fidgeting and scratching behind his ear.  “Do you need something else or…?”
“Swan…Emma, uh, I was wondering if you might, um…”  Emma couldn’t help but smile lightly at his shy demeanor when he was usually so open and flirty with her (and any woman probably, she thought to herself).  “…like to get a coffee or a meal with me sometime?”
“Killian…”  Not looking at Killian, Emma sighed and reached up to fidget with her necklace, the main reminder she held that no man is ever to be trusted, no matter what, because they will turn on you.  “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”  
Many a man had called her an ice-hearted bitch, and maybe she was from time to time, but in this moment, something about the way the big and shy smile melted from Killian’s face at her rejection, made her feel especially like an ice-hearted bitch, and she didn’t even go full tilt when she said no.  Especially when, after looking down at the floor, he looked back up at her and he had the fakest smile she’d ever seen on his face. Something like that didn’t belong on Killian’s face.
“In that case, please forgive me for disturbing you Miss Swan.”  
Killian picked up his briefcase from where he had set it on the counter and she saw his left hand in full view for the very first time since they’d met:  there were scars all along the fingers and patches of burned and slightly pink-tinged skin all around it. Emma hadn’t meant to stare, she really didn’t, but Killian caught her and now even the fake smile was gone.
“It’s not polite to stare Miss Swan”, he said with a hard tone.
“Oh, um…I’m sorry Killian I did–”  She tried apologizing but he cut her off before she could finish.
“Forget about it”, he said, and without a goodbye or any parting word, he spun on his heel and left the library in a hurry.
Two Weeks Later…
She hadn’t seen him in a couple weeks and she was so sure it was because of her.  The kids still came for tutoring, but it was with Mary Margaret instead.
Finally, after she couldn’t take it anymore, Emma stopped Mary Margaret one afternoon to ask after Killian.
“Hey Mary Margaret?  Can I ask you something?”
“Hey Emma.  Sure, yeah. What’s up?”
“Why are you here?”  Nothing the confused look on her friend’s face, she backtracked.  “What I should’ve asked was why isn’t Killian here?” Mary Margaret gave her a smug smile, like she knew something Emma didn’t.  “No, don’t even start.”
“He’s on vacation.  He went to see his brother’s family in Boston because his sister-in-law just gave birth to their first”, she said.
“Oh, okay.”
“He should be back in a day or so.”
And she was right, because two days later, Killian was back at the library tutoring the kids.  When he stopped at the desk to return his key and get his card back, Emma gave him a small smile.
“I heard you went to see family.  How are the new parents doing?” Killian huffed a small laugh, but didn’t look her in the eye.
“Mary Margaret sure doesn’t know how to keep things to herself, does she?”
“Not really, no.”
“I’m just glad I haven’t told her any of my other secrets.”  Killian stuffed his card into his wallet, and turned back to her.  “Elsa and little Alexander William Jones are doing perfectly, thank you for asking.  Anyways, I’ll see you on Friday…Swan.”
10 Months Ago…
After the disasters that were her relationships with Neal and Walsh, Emma had told herself that she didn’t need nor want someone to share her life with.  She was perfectly fine with her usual way of scratching the itch with a one nighter.
Emma refused to fall for his charm and pretty face and flirtatious nature.  No! She wouldn’t have a crush on him. It was only inviting trouble into her life.  He would realize how broken and messed up she was and he would realize she wasn’t worth the trouble.  Killian would leave her, just like everyone else in her life had.
The only problem was that her resolve was starting to break down.  With each and every day he came in to the library and tutored the kids and showed them how proud he was with their progress, the ice around her heart melted a little more.
Eight Months Ago…
Emma watched as Killian sauntered over to chat with Rose (nicknamed Tink/Tinkerbell by the kids because she reminded them of the famous Disney pixie), one of the new librarians, over at the Children’s Desk.  Tink did everything right: smiled at him and laughed at different things he said.
Emma knew she was screwed when she saw Killian do the thing where he scratched behind his ear, just like he did before he asked her out.  She watched as Tink smiled at Killian and nodded, grabbing a paper from the desk and scribbling something down on it, then handing it over to him.  He did his shy smile and stuffed the paper in the pocket of his pants.
Killian turned to leave and waved at her as he walked out the front door.  After he’d left, Tink came bustling over with a giant smile on her face.
“Emma!  You wouldn’t believe it!”
“Uh, believe what?”
“Killian!  He asked me out on a date this weekend!”
“Oh…wow.  Congrats.”
“We’re going to that nice restaurant on the harbor.  I’m just so happy! I’ve had the biggest crush on him since I saw him in town.”
“I’m sure you two will have an awesome time and make beautiful babies.”
“Won’t we?”  
Tink went back to her department with an enthusiastic wave and Emma…well, she felt lonelier than ever.
Five Months Ago…
Three months.  She’d had to endure (what she sarcastically called) their lovey-dovey state.  He didn’t come over to talk to her at the Reference Desk that much anymore…and it killed her because she’d (reluctantly) become his friend since he’d started coming to tutor the kids at the library.
After being bugged and pushed and prodded by Belle and Ruby so much, Emma was willing to admit that she had a crush on Killian Jones…and that was it.
“It is not it Emma…”, said Belle, “…and you know it.”
“Yeah, if this isn’t more than a crush, then I’m a werewolf AND Little Red Riding Hood”, replied Ruby.
“If anything, you’re in love!” said Belle.
“Please.  I’m not in love with him.”
“Yes you are!” both women said and they began to sing.  “Emma and Killian sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love–”
“FINE.  Fine! I like him okay?” Emma whisper-yelled, looking towards the door of the library breakroom, making sure Tink wasn’t around.  Ruby and Belle both gave her a Look.
“You like him?” asked Ruby.
“Yes!  Yes I do!  I don’t love him…at least not yet, but I’m definitely on the road to falling, as cheesy as that may sound.  He makes it really hard not to like him and not to fall a little bit in love with him each day.”
“Aw, Emma!” exclaimed Belle.
“I mean, you’d have to be stupid not to like him.  The way he’s with the kids? So patient and loving and helpful and ugh!  I sound like some pathetic high school nerd who likes the jock and will never get him because he’s with the head cheerleader who’s more beautiful and not perfect and I need to shut up.”  She took a deep breath and kept talking, effectively cutting off Ruby who was about to speak. “And yeah, I am jealous.  Every time I see them together, it hurts a little more than the last time I saw them.  It kills me because the one I should be mad at is myself because it could’ve been me. He asked me out like, six months ago and I said it wasn’t a good idea and I just…”  Emma sighed and then stood up from the table. “Look. Just drop it, please?”
“Yeah, sure”, replied Ruby and Belle nodded from next to her.
“Thanks guys.”  Emma took her place at the desk for the rest of her shift, only making small talk with Tink when she wandered over later in the afternoon to wait for Killian.  Emma made sure to be in the restroom when he arrived, not sure she could look him in the face after her realization earlier.
Three Months Ago…
Emma was walking back to the library after her lunch break one afternoon when she saw Killian and Tink talking right in front of the doors.  She decided to hang back until the finished their conversation and really did try not to listen.
“Why, after all this time?  You could’ve said no five months ago”, she heard Killian say and then a sigh from Tink.
“I was being selfish, Killian, I liked you so much.”  Tink paused to take a deep breath, “But I still knew how you felt and I thought that maybe, by being with me, I could make you forget it and get over it…and maybe I could be the one to make you smile and blush and happy in your life.”
“You do make me happy!” he cried.
“Then why do you still come here?”
“To see you.  It’s so that I can see you every day love.”  Killian was beginning to sound exasperated. “And it’s where I do my work with the children.”
“We can see each other every day at lunch”, replied Tink.  “And you can work with the kids at theirs or yours or even the school, you don’t have to keep coming here.  I know why you do, and it’s because of her .”
“Tink, please…”
“I should’ve realized you were in too deep with your feelings towards her, that’s my fault.”  Tink paused for a moment. “I’m not mad though…and I don’t harbor bad feelings towards either one of you, but you have to admit it.  Admit to me that you love her.”
Emma stood stock still around the corner, waiting on bated breath to hear Killian’s answer.  He did a deep sigh.
“I do, I love her.  But she doesn’t love me or like me like that even a bit, so why does it bloody well matter?”
“Because she does Killian, she’s just like you, too scared to admit things sometimes, too hurt by others to trust, but that’s okay.”
“You don’t know that.”
They were both quiet for a bit and Emma was on pins and needles, wondering who she’d be losing Killian to this time.
“Look, despite everything, I care about you Killian.  It’s just…this isn’t going to work. I’m letting you off the hook.  Know that I will always care about you and that I do love you, just not like that.  And who knows? Maybe one day long in the future, if things don’t work out and you’re ready to move on, give me a call and I may be available”, Tink said.
“I’m so sorry Tink”, said Killian.
“It’s okay.  I wish it would’ve worked though, but I can’t compete with Emma Swan.”
Emma’s eyes went wide.  She immediately turned and ran towards the small building her studio apartment was housed.  Once there, she texted Belle saying she wasn’t feeling well and would be out for a few days.
One month ago…
Emma was glad to be back in Storybrooke.  After a tense month, Emma decided she needed time away.  She’d spent the last month basically avoiding Killian by asking Belle to change up her schedule so that she wouldn’t be there when he would be doing tutoring.  Emma also tried to make an effort to be nicer to Tink and tried her hardest to not let on that she’d heard the entire conversation between Tink and Killian.
Despite that, Emma still just needed time.  She needed time to think and clear her head and decide what to do.  Should she tell Killian she liked him? ( Oh my God, I sound like a teenager!  I am a God damn adult! I need to grow up! )   Should she just pick up and find work in another small town and move away?  No, because however much she wanted it, she needed to actually be the adult she claimed to be. And Emma wouldn’t be that adult if she ran away from her problems…again.
She had some of her savings to spend two weeks on a cruise that went around Italy and Greece, somewhere she’d always wanted to go but never thought she’d be able to.  No one really knew where she was exactly or what she was up to, just Belle and Emma made her swear on the library that she wouldn’t say anything to anyone.
While on the trip, as she sat on a beach in Mykonos, Emma came to a conclusion: she was in love with Killian Jones.  It wasn’t because he was gorgeous as all get out and had an accent to die for (Emma wasn’t perfect, but she wasn’t that vain), it was because he was a good man, a kind-hearted man who took time out of his day to tutor children in one of the most important things they could ever learn, because if they couldn’t read or understand what they read, they wouldn’t be able to learn anything else.  Emma also found out that not only did he take the time to tutor the kids, but that he did it for free (thanks for not being able to keep secrets Mary Margaret!).
Emma was just a bit nervous on her first day back.  Belle had told her that Killian was upset when he didn’t see her for a few days and Belle explained that her hours had changed, but wouldn’t tell him what they changed to.  But when Killian discovered no one had seen her for days on end, and Belle refused to tell him anything, he became anxious and very concerned. He would come into the library every day and nag Belle into telling him something, anything , about Emma’s whereabouts.
She was shelving some books with her back to the desk when she heard the squeak of the hinges of the library door and realized it was probably Killian arriving for his tutoring session with Alexandra Boyd.  Sure enough, a few seconds later, he was standing at the desk waiting for someone to help him.
“Hi Killian.”
“How are you?”  Killian surprised her when he scoffed indignantly.
“ ‘How are you?’ ” he spat.  “Are you seriously asking me that?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?  I’m trying to be nice.”
“It’s been two months Emma!”  Belle stuck her head out from around the corner near the Circulation Desk.
“Um, Killian, would you mind keeping it down?  We are in a library.”
“Stay out of this!  You helped her lie!” he whisper-yelled.  Belle just rolled her eyes and held her hands up in surrender, backing away and back to her spot at the front.  
“Don’t you dare take this out on her!  Your problems are with me!”
“That’s the point Swan, I have no problems with you!  I’ve been worried is all!”
“I don’t need you to worry about me.  I was on my own as a kid, then I was on my own after Ingrid died.”  Emma folded her arms and took a deep breath, “Besides, don’t you have a girlfriend to worry about?”  Killian pursed his lips into a thin line and he looked at the floor.
“We broke up.  Tink and I broke up a couple months ago.”
“She wanted to see other people.”  Even if she hadn’t heard the conversation between the couple, granting her knowledge of the truth, Emma would know he was lying.
“Ha.  Now who’s the one who’s lying?”
“I’m no–”
“I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I can tell when people are lying to me.  I always have. That’s why my work before I came here was as a bounty hunter. So let me ask you again: Why did you two break up?”
“I’ve already bloody said why.”
“Then I guess…we’re done here.”  Emma turned to leave and go to the back, but Killian tried to go after her.
“I’ll see you around Mr. Jones.”
He stopped tutoring the kids at the library on the days she was there, just like she’d done those months ago.  The first few times, Emma thought it was because he just needed a couple days to cool down. After a week, she knew why he wasn’t there: he was avoiding her…or he was done with her.  Her insecure self, deep down, was telling her that that was why he wasn’t coming to the library when she was there anymore.  Emma wanted to find him, to apologize for avoiding him, and to tell him the truth about how she felt.
Emma was lost in thought when she was accosted by a little body.
“Miss Emma!”  Roland squeezed her around the waist.
“Hey kid, how’s it going?” she asked.
“Pretty awesome!”  Roland let her go and took a seat next to her at the desk.  “Uncle Killy says I read perfect for my age now!”
“That’s awesome!”  Emma’s heart was in her throat at the mention of Killian.  “Hey, kid? Is um…is your Uncle Killy here?”
“Yup!  He’s up front talking to my Papa.”  Roland pointed towards the front circulation desk where it looked like Robin and Killian were having a quiet argument.  “Hi Papa! Hi Uncle Killy!”
The men looked over at Roland and she saw Killian’s eyes widen when he saw her.  He turned back to Robin and they just lightly glared at each other until Robin smacked him on the arm and said,
“ Go .”
“Fine.”  Killian came over to the desk and spoke to Roland first, “Your papa needs you lad.”
“Okay!  Bye Miss Emma!  Bye Uncle Killy!”
Killian and Emma watched as Roland went back to his father and they both waved as they left.  After they were left alone, before Emma could say anything, Killian turned back to face her.
“Why were you avoiding me?”
He looked at her with a pleading look and just pure love in his eyes.
“You’re the one that stopped coming here.”  Killian looked away and scratched behind his ear.
“I’m sorry Swan.  I did so because I didn’t think you wanted to see, since I was lying to you and refusing to admit the truth to myself.”
“What truth?” Emma asked with anticipation.
“I will tell you, but you have to answer my question first: Why did you avoid me all those months ago?”
Emma looked away and wrung her hands together; it was going to be now or never.   Time to nut up or shut up Emma, you need to tell him.  She took a deep breath and looked back at Killian.
“Because…because I think I fell in love with you, okay?   That’s why I avoided you.”
Some time later…
“So that’s how you fell in love?” she asked.
“Yes my Cygnet”, Killian replied with a wide smile.  “Your mum made me work hard for it. I got scared and spent time with Auntie Tink…”
“But she’s married to Uncle Jeff!”
“I know darling, but this was before she met Uncle Jeff.  Your mum and I were both scared but in the end, like I’ve been telling you this whole time, we found the strength to come back to each other.”
“I’m glad or I wouldn’t be here, right Papa?”
“You’re very right, Miss Meara Jones.”  Killian pulled his little girl into a big hug.  There was nothing greater than one of Meara’s hugs.  After a little while, they were interrupted by a small cough by Dr. Whale.”
“Mr. Jones, Miss Jones?  She’s ready to see you.”
“Thanks Victor!”  Meara hopped off of Killian’s lap and hugged Victor’s legs, who squatted down to her level when she let him go.
“You have to promise me one thing though, Princess.”
“You have to be a little quiet because your mommy is going to be tired and you don’t want to wake anyone, okay?  You promise?”
“Yes sir!”  Victor high fived Meara and she tiptoed down the hallway, followed by Victor and Killian.
“Thanks mate.”
“No problem man, after all, she introduced me to my wife.”
The two men shook hands and parted, Victor going off to check on his other patients and Killian followed his daughter into his wife’s hospital room.  He took Meara’s hand and they went up to the bed where Emma sat speaking quietly to the bundle in her arms.
“Hi mummy!” whispered Meara.  “Can I sit with you?”
“Of course.  Killian, would you?”  Killian smiled and lifted their four year old up onto the hospital bed.
“Meara, we’d like you to meet your little brother: Wesley Oliver Jones.”
56 notes · View notes
shireness-says · 6 years
Playing the Part ch. 8: Before the Parade Passes By
Summary:  As a stage manager who’s clawed her way up from bottom, Emma Swan can handle just about anything thrown her way. But does that include handsome lead actor Killian Jones? A CS Broadway AU.  Rated T. Also on AO3.  Prologue  Ch. 1  Ch. 2  Ch. 3Ch. 4  Ch. 5  Ch. 6  Ch. 7
A/N: Thanksgiving has come early! For the readers, at least. I definitely don’t know anything about parade set-up, so take this with many grains of salt, please.
Chapter title taken from “Hello, Dolly!”
Just to reiterate, this is a Slow Burn. I know we’re all anxious for Emma and Killian to get together, but Emma’s still hesitant since they work together - and especially since she holds a position of some power over him. Plus, her ex keeps reminding her how men are dicks. Hang in there, guys - there is a plan, and the plan is for 20 chapters (unless I accidentally add more again) with a happy ending. We will get there.
Special thanks to @snidgetsafan, always the best beta ever, as well as to @distant-rose for telling me all about New York bowling alleys so I could add in a tiny reference. You guys are my favorites, don’t tell anyone.
Tags: @kmomof4, @winterbaby89, @thejollyroger-writer, @mythologicalmango, @onceuponaprincessworld, @idristardis, @teamhook, @courtorderedcake, @aerica13, @revanmeetra87, @snowbellewells, @searchingwardrobes. If you want to be tagged going forward (or taken off this list - I won’t be insulted!), shoot me a message, and I’ll make it happen.
Enjoy! Let me know what you think. :)
Henry’s birthday this year falls conveniently three days before Thanksgiving, on a dark Monday when there’s no show to pull Emma away from her kid. Well, that’s not strictly true; she has to go in for a few hours so everyone can rehearse their parade performance, but that should start after he goes to school and wrap up before he gets out. It’s not like they’re doing new choreography or anything, just making sure everything is as polished as possible. Regardless, work won’t be keeping her from her kid on his birthday, and she’s grateful for that.
Henry’s birthday party was yesterday, Sunday - 6 boys and 2 girls at the Lucky Strike for bowling, a perennial hit - but Granny’s hosting a family birthday dinner at the diner with Ruby, Mary Margaret and Elsa. It’s a long-standing tradition, and every year Granny makes all of Henry’s favorite foods and a big, gooey chocolate cake as everyone showers the birthday boy with more love than he can handle. Honestly, Neal can stick his bullshit about “real family dinners” up his ass - Henry’s got the best aunts imaginable and Granny’s been there since he was born. If you ask Emma, that’s all the family the two of them need.
It’s so hard to believe that it’s been eleven years since Henry was born. She still remembers his tiny, wrinkly red face like it was yesterday - this little, precious baby, the first thing that was truly hers. Now he’s half grown, his own person, smart as hell and sweet to boot. He’s growing so fast, she can’t help but think as she watches him practically inhale a stack of chocolate chip pancakes, his requested birthday breakfast, and talking a mile a minute in a recap of his party yesterday. Where has the time gone?
Emma remains in an introspective mood much of the day, thinking back on when her little boy was younger. God, he was so cute - not that he isn’t now, but there’s something about that gap-toothed look that was especially endearing. It keeps her distracted at work, but thankfully, there’s not much that requires her undivided attention. Her cast is just running their choreography for Thursday - the opening number, “In Want of a Wife”, should be a hit, Emma thinks - so she takes the opportunity to re-pencil some of the cues in her script that have gotten smudged over weeks of opening and closing the pages. If she has trouble focusing on that, it’s not such a big deal.
The hours fly by, much to Emma’s surprise, and before she knows it, they’re packing up to leave. Emma just needs to send out a detailed itinerary for Thursday, probably print out a stack for good measure, but then she’s free for the rest of the day and can actually pick her kid up from school for once. That’ll be a nice change of pace. Just as she’s making the final edits to her email, she’s startled by Killian’s sudden appearance.
“Fuck, you scared me,” she mutters, eliciting an embarrassed chuckle from Killian to match his suddenly pink-tinged cheeks and the signature scratching behind his ear.
“My apologies, love,” he smiles. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just hoping you might give this to Henry,” he explains further, thrusting a carefully gift-wrapped package in Emma’s direction.
Emma raises an eyebrow in question. It’s sweet of him, and certainly generous, but also a little weird that one of her coworkers is sending gifts home for her kid - even if he and said kid are, admittedly, friends-ish. “Should I be concerned about this?”
“Oh no! I don’t think so, at least. It’s just a notebook. For him to write in? I’ve heard so much about how he likes writing and wants to be a playwright, I just thought this would be a nice place to write all those thoughts down,” he babbles. Emma thinks she can detect a thread of nerves in his voice. “Of course, if you think I’m overstepping, that’s completely fine, it was just an idea, the lad had mentioned that it was his birthday and I just thought — ”
“No, that’s fine,” Emma replies, suddenly resolute despite her earlier confusion. Killian means well, and honestly, that is kind of the perfect gift for Henry. “I’m sure he’ll love it. Thanks.”
“Ah, well, it wasn’t a bother in the least,” he deflects, the pink cheeks making a reappearance in a sudden attack of bashfulness.
“Killian. You got a gift for my son. Let me say thank you. Now, what do you say when someone thanks you?”
“You’re welcome,” he parrots back.
“Well done.” While her words could have been taken in a patronizing manner, Jones still grins at her, seemingly pleased with their banter (despite the fact that it isn’t the first time they’ve had this kind of back and forth - or at least Emma doesn’t think so). “Ok, well, I’ve got to meet the birthday boy at school,” she concludes, jerking a thumb towards the general not-here, “but I’ll make sure he gets your gift and knows it’s from you.”
“Thank you, Swan. And a happy birthday to Henry!”
Henry loves the notebook, of course, telling Emma all about all the stories he intends to write in it. She suspects that Killian will receive the same treatment the next time Henry sees him as well.
The days between Monday and Thursday pass faster than Emma ever thought possible, so fast she wonders in passing whether they ever happened at all - though if her notepads are any indication, they certainly did. Thanksgiving dawns bright and clear but cold, pulling Emma out of her bed earlier than she wants. That’s fine, though; she didn’t really sleep much the night before, too busy running through lists in her head of everything that could go right and especially everything that could go wrong. It doesn’t help that she’d had a late night before she climbed into bed either, having trekked from the theater to Macy’s with the stuff they’ll need for the parade. There’s just a chair and a couple of hedges - not to mention the racks of costumes and boxes of wigs carefully supervised by the costume department - but this gives her a chance as well to check out the space set aside for the cast to get ready. Not to mention, Emma would much rather deal with transport the night before than fighting through the madness Thanksgiving morning. It’s going to be enough of a pain getting to Macy’s this morning with all the crowds milling about; there’s no way in hell she would willingly add bulky equipment to that mix.
The good news is that Henry’s so excited about the whole affair that he all but flies out of bed without needing to be nagged like she’d have to on a regular school day. It’s probably a mistake to give him a pack of pop-tarts for breakfast - lord knows he doesn’t need the extra sugar rush on top of his already excessive energy level. But they’re in a rush today, and she doesn’t have time for much else, not even a bowl of cereal. Robin doesn’t have to work today - performing outdoors for tv crews doesn’t leave much need for a lighting technician and designer - but he’s there with Roland anyways in the section set aside for production members if they want it, and he agreed previously to keep an eye on Henry while Emma works. Hopefully he doesn’t come to regret that.
Emma figures she’ll get to Macy’s before anyone else, but Belle’s already inside, practically vibrating with nervous excitement, and Emma spots Ruby helping a few of the chorus members with their wigs. Though Belle’s still in her street clothes, her hair and makeup are already done, leaving Emma to wonder exactly how long the brunette has been here.
“You alright?” she asks, more in amusement than genuine concern. Belle’s a trooper; Emma has full confidence that whatever nerves are playing through Belle’s head right now, she’ll power through like the pro she is. Still, it feels like the thing to ask when you find a key player in your production bouncing on the balls of her feet like an Easter rabbit who showed up for the wrong holiday.
Belle whips around, eyes blown wide with surprise at Emma’s little interruption. Too late, Emma realizes that their Elizabeth must have been lost in her own little world, and was likely given quite a shock. As Emma pulls a contrite face, Belle’s own visage softens into a slightly embarrassed smile.
“Yes, I’m fine, thank you,” Belle assures. “This is mostly excitement, I promise.”
Emma throws her hands up in the universal sign for backing off. “I can understand that. Just wanted to make sure. Walking in you looked at little…”
“On edge?” Belle offers. “There’s a hint of that as well.”
Emma laughs. “Well that’s fine too.”
“It really struck me last night what an institution this is,” Belle elaborates, hastily adding “And I’m thrilled to be a part of it! But it was a little… daunting, remembering that legacy. And we’re going to be part of that, after today,” she concludes, voice echoing with traces of awe.
“Oh, don’t I know it,” Emma replies, before making an attempt to lighten the conversation. “You should see Henry outside, he’s ecstatic. It’s been helping my nerves a bit, honestly,” she admits, “seeing how excited he is, his conviction that we’re going to be the stars of the whole thing.”
“He’s a good kid,” Belle smiles back. “You’ve raised him well.”
Even if it’s true, even if it fills her with a glowing pride that’s reserved especially for Henry, Emma never knows how to respond to such a compliment, so she deflects. “Yeah, well, he’s right outside with Robin and Roland and a disgusting amount of bagels if you want to borrow him. Steal a little bit of that confidence for yourself, if you need it.”
Belle laughs, seemingly accepting the words as they were intended - an emotional de-escalator. “I just might have to. At the very least, I should go say hi. Right outside, you said?”
“Yep, to the left near the heaters. He’ll be the one talking a million miles a minute.”
“Should be easy enough to find,” Belle twinkles back, offering a final wave as she heads to presumedly find her coat before setting foot beyond the doors.
From there, it’s a blur of preparations and quieting mini-crises that turn out not to be the end of the world. Honestly, her file box is filled with so many random odds and ends at this point, but it’s days like today, where everyone’s common sense and operational memory is clouded by nerves, that those things pay off. Even if it’s her first time at the parade, this isn’t her first rodeo; she’s learned a few things over the years, and how to prepare for so-called disasters is one of them.
Truthfully, she had expected to be talking Jones down from another breakdown the whole while, but he’s surprisingly cool as a cucumber, acting like none of it affects him in the least. Someone ought to be, at least, because Emma is internally freaking out a little bit - not over the actual mechanics of the performance, but over the knowledge of what a cultural institution they’re about to be a part of. It adds a certain amount of pressure, and even if Emma is confident that they can shoulder it with ease, she still feels the weight on all their shoulders.
Miraculously, the performance actually goes well. In fact, if Emma were to borrow a few of Killian’s fancy words, she might say that they pulled it off with aplomb. “In Want of a Wife” isn’t Emma’s favorite number - she prefers the ballroom scenes with their intricate whirling that shows off the costuming so well - but it’s a great introductory bit, and gives a great peek of the characters the audience will come to love, hate, and everything in between. The cast is in particularly fine form this morning; Emma can see Killian shift into Darcy’s uptight persona the moment the makeshift stage is in sight, and Belle exudes the perfect believable combination of curiosity and exasperation at the scheming of Mrs. Bennet and the Meryton neighborhood as a whole. Yes, there’s a few pitch issues - nothing major or particularly egregious, just the normal effects you’d find in temperatures barely above freezing - but overall, she’s quite pleased with their efforts.
Without cues to call or crew members to direct, Emma’s left without much to do during the performance itself. She’s already seen the show countless times, and will likely do so countless times more, so she instead takes the opportunity to find Henry in the crowd to watch his reactions to the action in front of him. In short, Henry looks enthralled, pointing out things to Roland as the four-year-old bounces with an energy only preschoolers can maintain. Emma longingly thinks in passing that she’d love to hear what Henry is saying, but reassures herself with the knowledge that she’ll likely get the full replay when she meets up with him afterwards.
In the meantime, she’ll turn her mind to the work still to come.
Well done, little brother! his phone reads when Killian retrieves his street clothes, accompanied by an array of celebratory emojis. Killian’s heart swells with pride at his brother's words, even if he does slightly regret introducing the old man to emojis. Lord knows he’ll never get a plain normal text message again.
There had been a general awareness, in the middle of the singing and choreography and concentrating on being as impressive as possible while also frowning ferociously, of the spectacle of the whole thing. Killian had been aware that the roaring sound was the crowd, not just the blood rushing through his ears, though he hadn’t focused on it at the time, too concerned with hitting his marks to allow himself to process much else.
Now though, as he goes to exit the department store and is faced with the full force of the crowd, it’s astounding. It seems the citizens of New York - and likely half the country to boot - have turned out in force, forming a mass of people exuding an almost palpable energy of excitement. It stops him in his tracks for a moment, right outside the revolving door with little awareness of the chill biting his ears.
He’s no idea how long he stands there, really, before he’s suddenly startled out of his shocked trance by a shockingly close voice, jaw snapping shut with a clack.
“Hey, Earth to Killian,” Emma grins. “Did you get lost in there?”
“Aye, maybe a little,” Killian admits with a chuckle. “I didn’t hear you come up.”
“Sorry if I scared you, I’ve been doing that today without meaning it.”
“It’s fine, Swan,” he waves her off. “Did you need something?”
“Oh, no, not at all,” she says, shaking her head in a hasty denial. “You just looked stuck there. Stuck and struck, if you want to play with words.”
“Oh, I think we both know how I feel about playing with words,” he winks.
Emma rolls her eyes, but also bumps into his side companionably, so the expression is rather negated. “Anyway,” she continues pointedly, “I thought I’d come see if you wanted to come watch the rest of the parade with me and Henry. I’m sure he’s got plenty of commentary about the performance.” The last bit is hastily added, as if in justification, but Killian doesn’t need any further convincing.
“I’d love to,” he smiles, attempting to muster every ounce of sincerity he possesses. “Lead on, Swan.”
As promised, Henry is ready with a full recap, stretching longer than the actual performance lasted. Killian catches Robin’s eye over Henry’s wild gesticulating, the lighting designer clearly struggling to hold back laughter as his shoulders shake with the effort.
“If you couldn’t tell, Henry very much enjoyed your performance,” Robin relates in as serious a tone as he can muster, causing Killian to suppress his own snort.
“We’ve got the best spot, you’re going to love it,” Henry assures, completely ignoring Robin’s comment as he grabs Killian’s hand to forcibly force him into a seat. “Have you seen the parade before? I mean, probably not in person - even Mom and I have only done it once when I was, like, five or six, and we missed half of it because we couldn’t get close enough. But we watch it on TV every year! Do you?”
It’s a lot to keep up with, but Killian does his best. “I’ve only seen a little, so this will be like my first time watching it. They don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in England, so Liam and I usually just enjoy the day off and don’t do much.” Honestly, he thinks Liam might sleep through the parade most years, but Henry doesn’t need to know that. Such blatant lack of festivity might break the lad’s heart, he suspects, if the current level of enthusiasm is anything to go on.
“We’ll just have to show you then,” Henry replies decisively, nodding to seal his declaration.
Henry proves to be quite the narrator, providing commentary on seemingly every float or balloon that passes by. Killian is particularly impressed by the balloons, floating far above the street in an almost otherworldly spectacle.
“Spiderman’s my favorite,” Henry offers, “but Mom likes Snoopy best.”
Killian turns just in time to see the woman in question shrug. “What can I say, I like the classics,” she explains. “Except the pilgrims. Those inflated heads are friggin’ creepy, and always look like they’re about to tip over.”
(She’s got a point.)
In the meantime, Henry’s mind finally catches up with some of Killian’s earlier words. “Wait,” he says, “you and your brother don’t celebrate Thanksgiving?”
“So you’re not having a Thanksgiving dinner?”
“Not everyone does, Henry,” Emma reminds her son.
“Yeah, but he’s alone on Thanksgiving. That just seems wrong.”
“I don’t know, lad, I wouldn’t call this big crowd alone,” Killian reasons.
“Yeah, but what are you doing after this?”
The lad’s got him there. “Ah… well, I was planning on going home and heating up a bit to eat. Maybe order some Chinese takeout, if I can find a place that’s open.”
Henry stares at him at those words, wearing an expression Killian can only describe as being one of pure horror. “You can’t!”
“I’ll see if I have the makings for a deli turkey sandwich, if that makes you feel any better,” Killian offers to a stunned silence.
“Or you could just come to dinner with us,” Emma offers.
Killian’s head snaps around to meet her eyes. “Oh no, Swan, I couldn’t possibly intrude,” he protests, but Emma’s already waving off his attempts.
“Really, it wouldn’t be a hassle. Granny usually makes enough to feed 20,” she explains. “I mean, let me give her a call to make sure, but I don’t think she’d have a problem with it. If you want to come, that is, I don’t want to pressure you into anything,” she hastens to add, but there’s no need for that.
“I’d be honored,” he smiles.
God, what was she thinking, inviting Killian to Thanksgiving dinner?
Well, she knows what she was thinking, totally focused on making her kid happy and wiping that horrified look off his face. Plus, you know, it wouldn’t exactly be a hardship, inviting Jones to dinner. He’s pleasant company, and chatty enough to fit in with all the rest of the maniacs crammed into Granny’s. Plus, he’d already know everyone, Ruby and Mary Margaret from the show and Granny from Emma’s birthday party. It certainly wouldn’t be the fiasco she’s currently inflating it into.
Granny had been more than agreeable to Killian joining them. “Of course he can come,” she said. “He’s a sweet boy. Hell, invite some of the other Thanksgiving orphans in the show if you want, Lord knows we’ve got enough to feed them all. As long as they bring booze to share.”
With Granny’s blessing, Belle had graciously accepted the extended invitation along with Killian, and Emma suspects that if Scarlet ever checks his phone and sees that his little crush is coming, he’ll join in too. Robin already has plans, taking Roland to Thanksgiving with his maternal family - “It’s the least I can do, now that his mother’s gone” - but there’s tentative plans to swing by later for pie, if timing permits.
The plan is to serve the meal at three, so all attending have been sternly instructed by the lady of the kitchen to arrive between two and two-thirty, drinks in hand. Of course, all attending just means their unexpected guests - Ruby and Emma are both expected earlier to help with the meal as needed, though in Emma’s case that mostly means putting stuff other people made into the oven and setting the table. When Granny runs out of things for Emma to stir - seriously, even Henry is trusted to do more in the kitchen - she’s banished to the dining room to act as a welcome committee for whenever their guests arrive.
Honestly, it’s a little too much time spent with her own thoughts. Emma invited Killian for the same reason she invited everyone else - she didn’t want him to have to be alone on for the holiday. That’s it. She doesn’t need to be worried for this, like it’s some date; it’s just a bunch of friends having dinner together. As friends.
That doesn’t keep her heart from jumping into her throat for a moment when Killian shows up at precisely 2:04 in the afternoon with a full bottle of red wine under one arm and an already opened bottle of rum under the other.
“I hope that’s alright,” he says. “The wine was a gift, so I’m not sure how good it is, but the rum is my own so I knew that would be palatable.”
“Yeah, that’s great. We can put those behind the counter if you want. Or back in the fridge, though I don’t really think either needs it, but hey, what do I know? Though they’re probably pretty cold already from the trip here — ”
“I promise, the counter is fine, Swan,” Killian laughs. As he moves to leave them on the laminate top, he leans in to whisper in her ear. “Relax, love. Don’t overthink it.”
“Easy for you to say,” Emma mutters, but Killian doesn’t hear her, already moving to greet Granny where she’s poked her head out of the kitchen.
“Thank you for permitting me to join your undoubtedly spectacular Thanksgiving feast, Mrs. Lucas,” he says with seemingly every ounce of formality he possesses. It’s funny to watch, Emma has to admit, especially knowing Granny and Ruby will disabuse him of that notion shortly.
“Enough of that,” she tells him briskly. “Now set down those bottles and come help, we need an extra set of hands.”
Emma can breathe easier with Killian in the kitchen as she turns back to setting the table. It doesn’t hurt, either, that the rest of the afternoon’s guests start trickling in not long after. Belle manages to arrive not ten minutes after Killian, cheeks pink from the chill, and Scarlet shortly after 2:30 with a case of cheap beer in hand.
Shockingly, it’s Mary Margaret who leaves them waiting the longest, everything but the bird itself already having been set on the table before she finally shows up. Her delay is easily excused, though, as she arrives hand-in-hand with David Nolan and red, chapped lips.
“I knew it!” Ruby crows from the table before smacking Henry in the arm. “Pay up.”
“Are you teaching my kid to bet, Ruby?” Emma calls, trying to infuse her voice with disappointed incredulity.
“Please, it’s five bucks,” she dismisses. “And it was his idea, for the record.”
“Hey Mom, do you have five bucks?” Henry grins across the table, causing a loud guffaw from Scarlet and what Emma thinks was a muffled snort from Killian. Figures.
“Hey, you got yourself into this mess, kid, you can get yourself out of it. This is what you get for betting that Co-Captains Obvious weren’t dating.”
“Oh, I still thought they were dating,” Henry clarifies. “I just thought that they’d hide it until New Year’s.”
That gets the whole table laughing, even Emma, as Mary Margaret tries to sit down with as much dignity as she can muster and a barely suppressed smile on her face. “If you all are quite done,” she says primly, “then yes, David and I have been seeing each other for the last couple of weeks. And I’m very happy about it.” She takes the moment to smile at her paramour, the picture of lovesick serenity. “And he is too. Now, can we start dinner before everything gets cold?”
“Don’t think you’re getting off that easy, girlie,” Granny warns, the affection clear in her voice. “But we’ll put it aside for the moment. Serve yourself, everyone, I’m the cook not the waiter.”
As the room dissolves into laughter and conversation, everyone attempting to grab for their favorites, Emma leans over to whisper in Mary Margaret’s ear. “I am happy for you, you know, all bets aside.”
“Thanks, Emma,” the pixie-haired brunette beams back. “I’m happy too.”
Emma probably shouldn’t be surprised, but despite all the last minute additions, it still feels like a proper family dinner, not the hodge-podge of people it technically is. Of course, Killian is right in the middle of it all, trading innuendos with Ruby, patiently listening to Henry tell about seemingly every past Thanksgiving he’s ever celebrated, and gently ribbing David and Mary Margaret - but mostly David - about their budding relationship. Honestly, she could picture another holiday spent in his company, would welcome it in fact.
(With everyone else too, of course. Purely as friends. Because when you stumble across a good thing, why mess with it?)
Killian misses Liam’s first call that night, too busy trying to wrestle the mountain of Thanksgiving leftovers Granny sent him home with into the fridge, and almost misses the second, the device buzzing precariously close to the edge before he executes an impressive dive to snatch the phone off the counter in time.
“Hello?” he manages to gasp out, slightly out of breath from his dramatic grab.
“Am I interrupting something?” Liam asks, amusement coloring his voice. “I just wanted to call and congratulate you on the parade again, but do I need to call back later? Or tomorrow perhaps?”
“No, no, not really. It’s fine. What’s up?”
“‘Not really’? Not to pry, but I thought you were set up for a quiet day in after the parade. Did you have plans I didn’t know about?”
“Not that you knew about, no,” Killian hedges, “but I ended up having a late lunch with some people from the show.”
“Oh? Anyone I know?” Liam asks, a little too genuinely. The bastard probably already knows exactly what happened without even being told. Some days, Killian wonders if there’s some kind of psychic power associated with being a big brother.
“Oh, you know. Belle. David and Mary Margaret - they’re dating now, as it turns out. No one is particularly shocked. Will Scarlet put in an appearance - he’s the one who’s got his sights set on Belle. A few others. Anyhow, did you have an eventful day?” Killian attempts to breeze right over the fact that he spent his holiday with Emma’s family, essentially, but doubts it was very effective an effort.
“Oh no no no, little brother,” Liam redirects, laughing right over Killian’s muttered protest of younger, Liam, younger. “I see what you’re doing. A few others? One of those ‘few others’ wouldn’t happen to be your lady and her boy, would they?”
“Still not my lady,” Killian reminds Liam. Honestly, it’s getting a little old - especially since Liam was one of the voices telling him that maybe it wouldn’t be such a brilliant idea to ask Emma out in the first place. “But yes, they might have been there.”
“Might have been?”
“Ok, they were there. In fact, Emma was the one that invited me. They always spend Thanksgiving, and most holidays I think, with one of the costume assistants and her grandmother. Happy?”
“Quite.” It’s impossible to miss the smug note in Liam’s voice. “So, tell me,” he continues, “how was Thanksgiving dinner?” It’s so easy in Killian’s mind’s eye to picture Liam leaning forward with his chin propped in his hands, the universal sign for sarcastic attention. Wanker.
“No. I’m not telling you if you’re going to be a horse’s arse about it.”
“Oh c’mon, Killy,” Liam wheedles, but Killian’s having none of it.
“No, I’m serious. I appreciate your advice when I need it, but not when I have to deal with your relentless teasing the rest of the time! It makes me not want to tell you things, honestly.”
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry,” Liam concedes. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I’m sorry, younger brother,” he emphasizes, as if to underline just how genuine he’s being. “Would you like to talk about your day - or at least the dinner part of it? I’m a willing ear if you want it. Otherwise, I’d love to hear about the parade.”
Killian considers telling Liam no, flat-out, but the truth is he kind of does want to rehash the day, share his excitement and enthusiasm over his first real Thanksgiving (not the vaguely British facsimile he and his brother half-assed, to borrow a phrase, their first few years on this side of the pond). That doesn’t mean he’s going to make it easy on his brother; no, after the teasing he’s been subjected to, he deserves a little taunting of his own - at least by way of leaving Liam in suspense for a while.
“The parade was amazing, Liam, every minute of it. Watching it on TV doesn’t give you any idea of the sheer spectacle of it all,” Killian says, gushing a little bit despite any intentions he might have had about acting like an adult on the phone. It’s far too late for that; the grin stretching his face at the mere memory of the day’s festivities is proof positive of that. “I must have looked like a fool in the crowd afterwards, just grinning like a madman, but Gods, Liam, I’ve never seen anything like it. Even for New York standards, the crowds were huge, and everyone was just buzzing with excitement. I swear, I’ve never experienced anything like it.”
“Well you were amazing, Killian,” Liam replies warmly. “I’m so proud of you. I’m tempted to go find a YouTube video of the performance and email it to everyone I know, like some kind of obnoxious parent.”
“Well, that seems a bit excessive,” he comments dryly, “but I take your point. It really felt like we were one organism today, you know? All moving as once to execute the best performance we could.”
“Trust me, Killian, it showed. I’ll be shocked if that appearance doesn’t exponentially increase the buzz around the show.”
Killian could drag this out, describe each balloon in detail, exactly where and how they prepared inside of Macy’s, precisely how cold it was to the tenth of a degree with excruciating attention to which specific fingers and toes felt the chill, but he takes pity on Liam instead. He’s behaved, even though Killian knows he’s dying to hear about dinner. “Somehow, the Swans found out that I was planning to go back and microwave a meal in my apartment - Henry insisted we watch the parade together - so they invited me along to their own plans. Which kind of spiraled out into inviting several of the other Brits without plans. It was truly lovely, Liam,” he exudes, really getting into the recounting. “I swear, Mrs. Lucas cooked enough food to feed half of Manhattan. Henry swears she does this every year, and likely didn’t even have to cook any extra when Swan called about extra seats at the table. Though I doubt that last part.”
“Sounds like a regular feast,” Liam comments, chuckling.
“Oh, you have no idea. I missed your first call, and nearly the second, because I was trying to stack all the tupperware I was sent home with into the fridge. What do they call it? Fridge tetris?”
Liam barks out a laugh at that. “Aye, I think that’s the technical term. That much food?”
“That much. And Mrs. Lucas was sending it home with everyone, I wasn’t a special charity case. The whole affair was so lovely, really, I’ve never seen — ” Killian stops abruptly. “No teasing, you promise? Even if you think me some kind of ridiculous lovestruck fool?”
“No teasing,” Liam swears. “Even if you’re carrying on like a lovestruck fool. I’ll sit here and listen attentively and supportively, I promise.”
If they were having this conversation in person, Killian would toss his brother a skeptical look, but since that’s not an option, he plows on ahead. “I really understood the whole thing first-hand for the first time, you know? I mean, you can hear about how this is a holiday for families as much as you want, or see it on television or in the movies, but it doesn’t really sink in until you’re sitting in the middle of it. There was so much sheer affection at that table, Liam. And I’ve never seen Emma so at ease.” He pauses for breath, taking the opportunity to collect his thoughts. “I’m aware that that doesn’t really mean much, considering our relatively short acquaintance, but still. She was comfortable, in a casual way I haven’t previously associated with her. Like that was her place, in some kind of deep and emotional and cliche way. Does that make sense?”
“She looked at home,” Liam supplies, putting the words right in Killian’s mouth.
“Yes! Exactly. I know I must sound silly - this is where the lovestruck fool bit comes in, so please, contain yourself - but it’s nice, being able to discover these new sides to Swan that I don’t see every day. Charming. Wonderful. Some other word more expressive than nice.” Killian stops himself before he gets too far. “I’m babbling.”
“A little bit.”
“Kind of you to downplay it.”
They both laugh at that. Technically, the comments break Liam’s vow not to tease him, but their spirit certainly doesn’t, so Killian lets it pass.
“So you had a great day?” Liam asks.
“The best. Enough about me, though, what about you, how was your Thanksgiving? Sorry I didn’t call earlier.”
“Don’t worry about it, brother. My day was much more low-key than yours. Dropped by to have a few beers with a couple other ex-pats from the film, but that’s about it. Honestly, watching you in the parade was the highlight.”
Killian blushes at the words. “You don’t have to say that,” he mumbles, but Liam can probably hear the smile in his voice anyway.
“I only say it because it’s true,” his elder brother promises.
“Thanks, Liam.”
Conversation turns towards more general topics eventually, not that Killian minds. He loves these calls with his brother, even if he was a bit late to this particular one.
“Christ, it must be getting late for you,” Liam finally says. He’s not wrong - they’ve been on the phone for almost an hour, and in that time it’s gotten quite dark outside. “I’ll let you go - I’ll have to be up early tomorrow anyways.” It’s a half-assed excuse and they both know it, especially since Killian is pretty sure he’s the only one who has to work tomorrow.
“Are you sure?” he asks, even though he’s sure of the answer. Big Brother Liam, still trying to make sure little Killy goes to bed on time and brushes his teeth.
“Go on. We’ll talk later,” Liam replies, absolutely certain. Who is Killian to argue with that?
“Alright, well, Happy Thanksgiving, Liam.”
“Happy Thanksgiving, little - younger brother.”
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jayther · 2 years
The correcting feature of typewriters is not what I thought I was really taken aback when I learned how this works. Links 'n' stuff The Engineer Guy's video explaining the Selectric mechnism (It also has way better high-speed footage!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRCNenhcvpw Technology Connections on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TechConnectify The TC Subreddit https://ift.tt/MwLrsia This channel is supported through viewer contributions on Patreon. Thanks to the generous support of people like you, Technology Connections has remained independent and possible. If you'd like to join the amazing people who've pledged their support, check out the link below. Thank you for your consideration! https://ift.tt/eVkmnRb Oh, and look at these wonderful patrons! Philipp Saß, Kenneth Perronne, Mark Lewin, Victor , Jared Fry, Nathan Bergey, Steve Davis, Keiran Hillcoat, David Lefton, Chris O'Dea, Tyler, Jason and Katie Corradino, Alex Gartrell, Spencer R, William O'Driscoll, Sam Ellis, Christian Bikle, Christian Czekay, Andrew Backer, Jonathan Tunnell, Forrest P, FrenchSword , Mike, David Green, Marie and Peter, Kevin Rogers, Ian Greig, Jaye Martindell, UbiquitousChris, Luke Hogan, Brian Alvarez, Kevin Marty, Bram , Paul Adamski, Anders Madsen, Josh Jones, Chrono , Pietro Gagliardi, Kornel , Becca Roughton, Romans Bajevs, Fernando Martinez, David Carpenter, Density, Joseph Shivak, Ben Douglass, Brentton Paulus, Nicholas Bellamy, Noah Kantrowitz, Lauren Nodonly, Paul Schermerhorn, Colleen Dunseath, Tashlin Familiy, Lellius Rose, andritolion, Adi , Christopher Berger, Nathaniel Kren, Simon J, Chris Dion, RICHARD CROWLEY, EmpiricalFox, Alex, Thomas Schenck, Clark Marx, Sierrajulietalpha, Rambling Nerd, James Cooper, ​, Joe Athman, Stewart Smith, Timothy Conard, Ron A Goldberg, Jon S., Mike Dean, Kyle Van Essen, Trevin Beattie, Joris Lankhorst, Dennis Hulsman, Ryan Gordon, Buddy DarDar, Steve Washington, Stainless, John F. Woods, Lianne Schroeder, Stuart Young, Sugarschild, Emerick Touilloux, Kate Bates, William Carpenter, Seren Ward, Tyler Dare, Steve Stuart, Axel Kingsley, Nuck, RangerMankin, Yuriy Taraday, Michael Kelly, Aaron Nichols, Paul Z, Anthony Castelli, Tony Drake, Zachariah Elliott, Jacob Jernigan, Isaac Oxendale, kyle, Ryan the Human, Sean King, Martin Wilson, Rad , Syswrek, Brian Roediger, Andrew Newton, Kas, S. C., Randall, Ian Washish, Neil Sly, Connor Crowley, the-alchemist , Neil Enns, Lettow , Brian Place, monoirre , Roland Roberts, Kurt Yun-Doyle, Jaap van Muijden, Anatoly Tishaninov, Dan Coster, Tyler Young, naota3k , James Hartnett, Laketri, Logan Koch, Patrick Neary, Andrew Larson, Trevor Powell, Zachary Boe, Dan Stark, Danny Griffin, Cale Sugg, Philip , Tristen Locklin, Spirit Bear, GigaDan , Simon , Rick Walker, Amir Omidi, Robert Gilbert, Christopher McKeen, Sophie Wagner, Marc Chametzky, Matt Nunes-Spraggs, Blythy, Cameron Duncan, Madellyn S, Javier Marinkovic, Dahip95, Five-Toed Sloth Bear, Kevin Copeland, ZeosPantera, Joseph Schmigel, Harald Dehner, LegoZEV via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YE0U018Copw
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Why investors should still love stocks like Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google: Morning Brief
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This article first appeared in the Morning Brief. Get the Morning Brief sent directly to your inbox every Monday to Friday by 6:30 a.m. ET. Subscribe Monday, August 8, 2022 Today's newsletter is by Brian Sozzi, an editor-at-large and anchor at Yahoo Finance. Follow Sozzi on Twitter @BrianSozzi and on LinkedIn. I stunned my co-anchor Julie Hyman on Friday when I expressed optimism about the path forward for movie theater chain AMC late last week. It’s not that AMC is going to be a rip-roaring growth stock over the next 25 years or that it has done everything right the past two years. Rather, there is now a solid theme behind a company such as AMC that could drive better fundamentals during the next 12-18 months: Specifically, people are increasingly eschewing Netflix and Roku (as seen in each’s poor quality second quarters and outlooks) and are returning to theaters to watch some very good movies. Against the backdrop of that theme, AMC is likely to build on its encouraging second quarter for attendance, sales, and profits — which could be supportive of the stock price. AMC CEO Adam Aron will be on Yahoo Finance Live on Monday morning, and we obviously have lots to chat about. Patrons sit in a nearly empty AMC theatre while they wait for the first screening on reopening day during the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Burbank, California, U.S., March 15, 2021. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni But more generally, it's worth it for investors to consider a few themes of their own as markets eye up the final few months of the year. Thematic investing is once again being dusted off by Wall Street as a key differentiator, as most investors believe they have sense of how the Federal Reserve and economic concerns play into the outlook. “The market has been deservedly focused on a mix of macro risks and influences this year," Citi strategist Scott Chronert wrote in a new note to client. "As we move closer to recession resolution, the longer-term growth profiles associated with many themes may provide some performance edge, particularly on the heels of year-to-date valuation corrections. A new trading environment on the other side of current concerns may mean stock-specific valuation catalysts may be more closely tied to fundamentals give a lower expected macro growth profile and lesser central bank accommodation." Chronert outlined six compelling investment themes: Automation/Robotics, Internet Driven Business Models, Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Market Consumer, Top Brands, and Net Zero. Specific stocks highlighted in the note included: - Apple - Meta - Nvidia - Amazon - Microsoft - Disney - Google - Netflix - General Motors You may notice an abundance of tech stocks on this list and be wondering why, given the notion that “tech stocks can’t do well in a rising interest rate environment.” But this group of stocks not only operate in industries that cover the bulk of these themes, but have also had superior sales/earnings growth the past five years, a reasonable (current) valuation, and improving investor sentiment. Apple CEO Tim Cook poses in front of a new MacBook Airs running M2 chips display during Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Jose, California, U.S. June 6, 2022. REUTERS/Peter DaSilva To which I will say three things. First, thematic investing is a relatively long-term venture — that is, the idea here is not to buy one of these stocks with an eye to flipping it by the close of trading. Secondly, Chronert’s work highlights how thematic investing tends to work in an array of economic and rate backdrops. The key takeaway: thematic investing tends to outperform an equal-weighted basket for the S&P 500. And lastly, is it really etched in stone that tech stocks always suck wind as rates rise? “Tech stocks are not as tied to rates as a lot of investors think," John Hancock co-chief investment strategist Emily Roland said on Yahoo Finance Live on Friday. "We have looked at the data and the relationship is not actually that strong. We have seen it in recent times be correlated, but what happens in an economic growth slowdown is you want to own companies that have more durable profitability, have more earnings stability and have more cash on their balance sheets to deploy. You are going to find that in technology companies." Happy trading! What to Watch Today Economic calendar - No notable reports scheduled for release. Earnings Pre-market - Barrick (GOLD), BioNTech (BNTX), Dominion Energy (D), Elanco Animal Health (ELAN), Energizer (ENR), Novavax (NVAX), Palantir Technologies (PLTR), Radware (RDRW), Tyson Foods (TSN) Post-market - 3D Systems (DDD), ACADIA Pharmaceuticals (ACAD), Allbirds (BIRD), American International Group (AIG), Groupon (GRPN), Lemonade (LMND), Marriott Vacations (VAC), News Corp (NWSA), SmileDirectClub (SDC), Switch (SWCH), Take-Two Interactive Software (TTWO), Tanger Factory Outlet Centers (SKT), Upstart (UPST), Vroom (VRM) Original Article Here: Read the full article
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squidsavior · 2 years
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@energeticsand​ |  ۞ !!
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Piled high were books that haven’t been sorted away. And will never be touched by anyone, who dared to venture deeper into the Floor of General Works. On the top floor of the library, below the Floor of Religion where ominous clocks tick from the remains of the Record Team. When what used to stand was a corporation that collected energy from monsters formed by human fear.
“Ah, another one from the Outskirts. Unless you’re actually from the City or some weird dimensional rift from a book.” The voice sounded like it was tired and gruff. Like they woke up from a nap. A beer can rolls off, into the depths of the floor where it seemed like an endless pile of books.
“Ignore that… that was nothing. So, what brings you the Floor of General Works? Since you look like you ignored the introduction of the lobby from Angela.” A man walks forward, adjusting their gloves.
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“If you’re to kill someone. I wouldn’t be surprised, we are all a disgrace to the City.” ‘A machine with a heart is not welcomed in the City.’ Hearing that from the Arbiter makes his blood boil. From the palm of his gloves, he pulls out a black sword that matched the black suit he wore. And points it at the stranger, and slowly puts it down. “I am a Former Grade 1- ugh forget that stuff. I don’t need a fancy introduction… my name's Roland. Patron Librarian of the General Works.”
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