#{i'm wheezin}
that-angry-noldo · 2 years
Results for a prompt "Finarfin":
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my boy teleri'd so hard he became a fish
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avernusfuries · 5 months
Seems the big bad tiefling might have a thing for the Little vampire Ass-tarion
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I'm sorry have you seen his hair? Completely blindsided by gorgeous curls. Not normally my type, but phew boy.
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feraecor · 8 months
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"If you dislike my name, you'll have to take it up with my mother. She might take some exception to your extreme dislike for my name." Satan's name has negative connotations? Nooooooooo! Scandal!
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keepscrollinghun · 2 years
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liecoris · 1 year
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@ofcryptid said:
she's a ten but i want to shake her around by her neck in the not fun way. (from spencer)
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「You wanna choke me~ You really know how to make a girl wet, huh~?」
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【 mukuro's a ten but... 】 ♡ 【 accepting 】
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nopointic · 10 months
okay but when all seems lost and mizu is literally on their back and you think oh shit the weird claw army is finna END them WHOOOOOOOOOSH mizu starts taking off the armor and CLICKING THE WEIGHTS INTO AN EXTENDABLE LONGER STAFF SO NOW HER WEAPON IS NOW A NIGINATA AND we the viewers see that she learned that from her loser ass husband mikio who told mizu they were a monster after they beat them in a fight and
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talokanda-forever · 1 year
Oh, so baby Huerta is hilarious like Papa Huerta. I'm wheezin'!!🤣🤣🤣
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littlestarbigsky · 9 hours
anotha fic to add to my ponyboy with breathing problems series😚
pt. 1
pt. 2
(again, not a chapter fic but they all exist in the same worlds)
anyways here’s johnny helping pony with his asthma :)
"hey, curtis! get over here!" their teacher shouted, and johnny watched as ponyboy jogged over half-heartedly, doubling over on the sidelines to catch his breath. their teacher clapped him on the shoulder, motioning for him to go over to the bench before walking over to the rest of the class.
johnny sighed sadly, starting to wheel himself over to the bench. he knew pony wouldn't be able to run much anymore, at least not like he used to. the doctor had been perfectly clear that it wasn't safe for him anymore. it had been hard enough having to quit track, but wheezing like this in school was just embarassing for him.
they had been running benchmark tests in gym class, just to see where everyone should be placed. pony had always placed in the top of the class without even trying, but he'd recently been having problems with pushing himself too hard. and maybe he always pushed himself a little too far, only now it was pretty obvious how badly it was hurting him.
"you alright, pony?" johnny asked, his wheelchair skidding to a halt beside the bench.
pony didn't respond. if johnny didn't know better, he would have thought pony hadn't heard him at all with how quiet he spoke most of the time. but he did know better, and he knew full well that pony had heard him, he was just too caught up in his frustration and being angry with himself that he had ignored johnny.
johnny huffed, "you don't gotta ignore me, pony..."
again, pony stayed still, aside from his chest still heaving, trying to keep his breathing under control. now that johnny was so close to him, he could hear pony wheezing, and it made something in his chest clench. he had seen pony's asthma get bad before, but darry and soda had been there.
johnny reached over to one of the pockets hanging off the side of his wheelchair that two-bit's mama had made for him and fished around until he pulled out ponyboy's inhaler, which darry had made johnny promise he’d keep handy. they spent enough time together that everyone knew i couldn’t hurt.
"here, you're wheezin'," johnny nudged pony's arm with the inhaler, but pony just turned his head to look the other way, scrubbing a hand down his face.
johnny tried again, starting to worry but also losing his patience, "come on, pony, please. you're just gonna get worse if you don't use it. damn it, i'm no fan of how much we got goin' wrong with us either but we gotta do what we can. i know you're angry, but ignorin' me ain't gonna help much."
"i'm sorry..." pony's voice was so quiet, if johnny hadn't already been so close, there was no way he would have heard him.
both of their voices had gotten pretty quiet since the fire. the doctor said it had something to do with smoke inhalation, and johnny supposed that made sense, but it was still different. it was different not being able to hear pony’s loud, raucous laugh when two-bit messed with him. it was different that they had to pound on the table if they wanted to talk during dinner.
johnny sighed, beginning to regret yelling at pony, even though he had every reason to, "shoot, pony, you don't gotta be sorry. i just want you to take care of yourself, that's all."
pony nodded, and johnny didn't push for him to say anything else. he knew words and talking were sometimes harder after he had trouble breathing.
"plus," johnny continued, handing pony his inhaler, which he finally took. "darry and soda'll skin me if somethin' happens to you."
pony chuckled lightly before taking a puff from his inhaler, holding it for a few seconds, and then breathing out slowly.
"there ya go," johnny smiled, patting his shoulder while he took a few more steadying breaths.
their gym teacher jogged over a few minutes later, right after pony had taken his second puff, "you okay, curtis?" pony nodded. "and what about you, john, you doin' okay?"
"yeah, we're cool," johnny answered, not meeting his eyes.
"alright well listen, you two are free to go for this class, i'm gonna divide everyone up to play dodgeball, but if you want to just head to the cafeteria, that's fine, too."
johnny enjoyed school much more now that the teachers had to give him special attention. it was a nice change of pace for him, but his grades had gotten better since people had started to treat him like a person.
the teacher walked away, leaving them alone. johnny watched him leave before pony tuned to him and smiled.
"what do ya say we hop down to the dx and bug soda for a pepsi? he said last night that they're working on a t-bird today."
johnny nodded and started wheeling himself alongside pony.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
Jercy merman au where Percy gets turned human against his will and Jason first meets him crawling around on the beach angrily yelling that he wants his tail back and cursing the "disgusting useless sticks" that replaced it
Jason doesn't know mermaids exist and just thinks Percy is insane, or under the influence of prohibited substances, or both
Dear I've started to suspect that you have a penchant for peculiar and unique merman AU.
As in, I can't PLEASE-----I'M WHEEZIN CRACKLING DYING WITH LAUGHTER RIGHT HERE JAHSJDKAHKDA 😭😭😭 Not Jason thinking Percy is under prohibited substances asjahjkahdakad---
I dont even care if it's jercy at this point it's just purely comedy like how did you come up with this-----
Their love story would be legendary. if Jason gets over his "this guy lost his mind" that is... Ngl if I see someone crawling around on the beach and shouting he wants his tail back, i’m calling the police. and the asylum. maybe. 
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mxkokopuff · 1 year
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batmanshole · 7 months
DJ seasonal allergies: ey, if i'm not sneezin', i'm wheezin'!
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faggotmox · 2 years
Claudio/Yuta hurt/comfort? *hugs*
ranger requests [ @sarahcakes613 ]
It had been three hours since Wheeler had gone missing. Claudio could concede that 'missing' was a strong word. It just wasn't like Wheeler to be...absent. Their group was a living, breathing thing. Each wrestler was just a different piece. They were so tightly knit that to Claudio it was alarming that he didn't know where Wheeler was at, and it was strange that the others didn't seem concerned.
Regal seemed to think the young man just needed time to himself, although admitted it was a little odd Wheeler didn't let anyone know where he was located. It wasn't a requirement of any of them. Mox was constantly at large, whereabouts unknown. But they could find Mox most the time. And Wheeler wasn't Mox. Bryan had nervously said that Wheeler was probably somewhere to avoid him. The interview seemed to have rocked Bryan some so Claudio gave him a pass. Wheeler probably was avoiding Bryan, and rightfully so. Since everyone was mad at Bryan already Mox had brought Eddie over for the prolonged period of time to help Mox recover after his match against Gage then Hangman. Normally they'd go to Eddie's place. Mox had shrugged at Claudio questioning and concern, saying Wheeler just need breathing room. Eddie, who still glared at Claudio, actually agreed with him and suggested Claudio check the gym or wherever Wheeler went running.
Of course Wheeler wouldn't be in their home gym. Someone would have noticed that. So Claudio went to the local gym they all used but Wheeler was nowhere in sight so Claudio tried the running paths that Bryan and Wheeler took but there was no sign. If Wheeler would just answer a text that he was okay then Claudio would stop his search. As the Swiss man sat in his car thinking about where to check next, he decided to keep on Eddie's train of thought.
There was an old school boxing gym that Mox took Wheeler too a lot. It was their thing, their place. Claudio wasn't a boxer and neither was Bryan so they stayed away. The place looked old school as Claudio parked in the lot of five cars. The place seemed to be closed because it was Sunday but Wheeler's car was there. Claudio relaxed and considered going home. Maybe Wheeler was just caught up in his work out. Maybe he was too caught up...
The front door was locked but the backdoor wasn't which was how Wheeler must have gotten in. The place was huge and dark. Claudio could tell there was an upstairs but where he was at was just boxing rings, a lot of different style bags and other things boxers used. The hefty sound of punches being thrown drew Claudio into the gym and towards the heavy bags. Fast feet made noises on the floor around the bag. Heavy, leather mitts punished the bag.
Wheeler looked terrible. The first thing Claudio noticed was how pale the young man was, and how sluggish he was moving. Wheeler thought he must have been moving fine because he tried to dance around and throw his punches but exhaustion weighed every movement down.
"Oh, Wheeler." Claudio sighed, accidentally just loud enough that it startled the other man.
Exhaustion won out and an out of it Wheeler turned sharply and his legs gave out. The mats below weren't enough cushion and Wheeler groaned as he fell. When Claudio approached Wheeler threw his hands as if he didn't recognize the larger man. It took a moment but Wheeler let his arms drop, and his body slump to the side.
"You haven't stopped." Claudio observed but Wheeler nodded like it was a question.
"Gotta...gotta be able to...go...and go..." Wheeler could barely speak through the wheezin of his lungs.
"You need to come home, Wheelerli." Claudio knelt in front of the other man to start undoing his gloves.
"I'm not done." Wheeler said viciously as he tried to jerk the gloves back.
"You are absolutely done." Claudio's hand came up to lock onto Wheeler's shoulder. "You're done because you've almost thrown your shoulder out. Because your a few more rounds away from hairline fractures in your fingers and knuckles. Because you're about to pass out because you haven't been drinking water. You're done."
It wasn't often that Claudio got commanding. Even as a dom, as Wheeler's Dom, he was soft and guiding. It upset Wheeler to be told those things. That was why Claudio said them. Wheeler was ignoring his pain and not in the way the BCC prompts. No, simply put Wheeler was trying to hurt himself. Trying to harm himself.
They made it back to the house, Claudio sending texts for everyone to clear out. Of course Wheeler knew that Claudio scared everyone off and it annoyed him. It pissed him off. As Claudio unwrapped the bloodied taping under the glove Wheeler winced.
"Why did you scare everyone away?" Wheeler spat. The boy was in a mood.
"To give you privacy." Claudio's voice was back to normal. A calm current. Something to hold onto. "You hurt yourself today, Wheelerli. That's something I have to tell his Lordship, but it is not something everyone gets to know."
That made Wheeler shut his mouth in a snap. Carefully Claudio took care of him. Everything from bandaging his raw hands and setting a sprained to making food Wheeler would eat and then cleaning him up, and forcing down water. By the time Wheeler realized he felt better Claudio had them comfortably in Mox's bed. The bed Wheeler felt safest in, not that he had any idea how Claudio knew that.
It took a while and maybe Wheeler was being a little fighty. He kept wiggling out of Claudio's arms to sit up and then getting up. The bandages around his hands from where he beat himself raw did nothing to detour him.
"Wheeler." Claudio's voice took on that strict Dom tone that made Wheeler stand straight up. "Come to bed now." Reluctantly Wheeler joined the large swiss man in the large bed belonging to Mox. "On my lap. We have much to discuss."
Both Bryan, Wheeler, and Mox struggled with the necciary face to face direct covnersations they sometimes had to have. His Lordship gave Claudio the advice to have the others sit on his lap so they knew they weren't in trouble, they had reassuring physical contact, and knew they weren't exactly in trouble.
Normally Wheeler was the of them, but this time it was a struggle to get Wheeler into position. When the younger man eventually dropped himself into Claudio's lap, his head fell forward to the Swiss man's shoulder. Small shuddered quacked over Wheeler's small form.
It didn't take long for Claudio to spring into action, offering words of comfort and affirmation as well as gentle reassuring touches. It spilled over Wheeler's exhausted sobs that he felt replaced by Daniel. That he wasn't good enough and never was. It took a long time for Claudio to calm the youngest stable member down. Once he did Wheeler eased some, seemed to accept Claudio's kind words with more ease.
By the time Mox got home and into bed with the pair Wheeler had slept a few hours and come out of whatever spiral he was in. Quietly Wheeler told Mox about what Claudio did to help, and that he wasn't totally better but he was starting to feel good enough or close to it again.
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icybreaths · 1 year
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Girl I'm dyin' an' yer back 'ere wheezin' about ANAL?!
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Have you ever wondered what was that joke, uncle Vernon told in the HP2? I'm still wheezin' on
A business man has an appointement with a big japanese businessman in a big city. He arrives the day before and makes a japanese call girl come to his hotel room. They sleep together all night long, he's on fire, the girl screams very loudly. At somepoint, she starts yelling "Tanikita ! Tanikita !". The guy doesn't speak japanese but assumes that it is some kind of compliment.
The day after, he goes to his appointement with the japanese businessman who suggests they go golfing. When they arrive at the ninth hole, the japanese makes a hole-in-one. Recalling the japanese call girl, our guy says "wow ! Tanikita !"
The japanese businessman looks at him and says "what do you mean, "the wrong hole ? ""
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eggmarmalade · 2 years
I'm coughin I'm sneezin I'm weak and I'm wheezin
I'm utterly failing to pack all our shit into boxes we move one week tomorrowwwwww
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arsuf · 3 years
It doesn’t matter who wins Eurovision...it matters that UK is last as always
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