demondads · 5 months
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"And that's as close to a full board as you can get on this one! Congrats, Miss V, for being a real charmer! Have an apple cider, on me."
Of course he can summon drinks into his hand. Why not, right?
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hellstoofull · 5 months
@clvric / liked for a charlie
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Ok, so, it had been an admittedly rocky start to this whole redemption plan of hers but things were going well! Angel and Sir Pentious were showing some real promising signs and even Husk was a lot more friendlier than when he was first... conscripted. The only real problem was the fact that Extermination was moved up and they only had a few months until Heaven came back down looking for blood.
You can do this, Charlie, they'll see reason... right?
She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the front doors opening and turning she realized it wasn't Angel, Alastor, or anyone who was a regular... it was someone new.
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"O-oh! Wow, oh my gosh, ok!" Her excitement had gotten the better of her for the moment but she took a breath, smoothed her outfit out, and brushed some hair over her shoulder before approaching the stranger.
"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! My name is Charlie! Are you familiar with our services? I can explain if you'd like to hear us out!"
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hashtag-bitch · 5 months
@clvric / sc
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"Lookin' for somethin' in particular? Or are you just browsing?" The Overlord asked as she looked the other up and down with a hand resting on her hip. She was usually busy directing this model and that and checking out what sorry excuses for clothes her employees had come up with, sometimes they hit the mark but it was like pulling teeth getting to that point.
Today was fairly calm, with no Val freakouts, her employees were actually doing some decent work for a change which left her with some free time so why not grace the customers with her presence?
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olliesmultimuse · 6 months
@clvric has liked here for a Gale starter.
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"I'm Gale of Waterdeep, it is a pleasure to meet you." Gale introduced himself, smiling kindly while enthusiastically shaking the other stranger's hand. "Thank you so much for helping me get out of there, it was getting a bit stuffy in there."
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needlenxggin · 1 year
@clvric asked: " vash ?? i... i need to tell you something... " she's fidgeting with her jacket zipper, eyes focused on the ground, this wasn't going to be an easy thing to talk about.
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Looking up the blonde raises a brow at the display a bit of concern rising in his gut as he wasn't quite used to seeing her like this. "Yeah? What's up? Everything ok?" He asks with his concern easy to hear in his tone. Shifting in his chair slightly he pulled another one out for her before offering her a smile. "Just take your time, ok?" It was clear she was beyond nervous with whatever this was.
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the-smallest-star · 8 months
" ... did you have a wife before ?? " she was probably treading on very thin ice with this, given how much vox seemed to just not want to try & avoid it before, she had no idea why at the time. & it's been bugging her ever since. but little context clues were being given here & there, & she found it hard to ignore. vox just looked so sad when he provided her aid, & it's stuck with her for a bit. even if she couldn't stand him at times; her empathetic nature just couldn't let this go. " was she... ever pregnant ?? "
Vox froze up. Not even like a small freeze. Sharp sparks flickered from him, before he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
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"... don't ask that again. Ever."
That was his living past, no longer him. He was Vox, CEO Of Vogitek. One of the terrifying three V's.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 11 months
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"Some of you were to be expected, the others? I'm flattered~"
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playful smack across the back. " if you're gonna crush anything between your thighs; never do it for free. " eav, i don't think that's the point-
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He's only going to react to that with a look not of understanding, but of even more confusion. "I'm not gonna have anyone pay me-- I'm not gonna do it at all-- Why would anyone want that in the first place?"
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peoplcshope · 11 months
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It was always nice coming back to this timeline, No Androids, no Zamasu..just utter peace. Not to mention his father and Goku along with their friends are at their prime so there was never anything to worry about here. So, with his sword settled next to him he leans against the tree and takes in the splendid sight of nature. "What a beautiful day."
liked for a starter / @clvric
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halfxspider · 11 months
@clvric: she'll make him some coffee
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A surprise but he appreciates it. "Thank you."
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oflostinfound · 1 year
here comes this short tiefling, albeit rather hesitantly. " um... i heard through vash about this summer ball you're hosting... ?? he insisted i ask you about it, haha... " the poor woman is so nervous.
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ You're a friend of Vash? ❞
The small daemon questions, her ears perked from the sounds of the tiefling approaching her. Wide goat-like eyes glancing over the stranger as a warm smile would cross her lips,
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ I see word is getting out- yes I'm hosting a Summer Ball to celebrate the upcoming season! ❞
She digs around in her little hip-bag, pulling out a small card to hand to the other,
|| 🔷 ||: ❝ It's next month, on the sixteenth! There will be games, food, drink if you are old enough, and a competition for one of Seven royalty titles from my home realm. I hope you'll join us, I know Vash is going so- ❞
She giggles softly,
|| 🔷 ||: ❝ I mean if he told you to talk to me I would hope that means you're coming. ❞
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demondads · 5 months
@clvric liked for a starter
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If there was one thing he had gotten out of his long conversation with Charlie, it's that Lucifer really, really needed to get out more. So... fuck it, why not take a walk? What were these sinners going to do, pick a fight with the rule of Hell? No, actually, most of them seemed to run screaming.
A great deal more satisfying reaction than Alastor's was, if he was being totally honest with himself. Did that make him an asshole? Eh, whatever.
Honestly, some of these sinners looked rather... strange. He had never really bothered to stop and take a good look at the wide variety of forms his subjects took down here. A little more chaotic than angels, weren't they? One in particular caught his eye.
"You there, purple lady!" he proclaimed, marching up to the woman leaning on his cane as he shot her a confused, investigating look. "Pardon the rudeness, but are you a sinner or an imp? I honestly can't tell! Especially with all the, ah, demon hybrid lovechildren you see these days, hah! Where are the rules, am I right or am I right?"
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brokentoys · 1 year
@clvric sent . . .
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he's just a lil guy
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Pretty accurate! This mouse lookin mf.
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sinfulnxggin · 1 year
(¬‿¬) revenge
(¬‿¬) to strip him down.
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"Y-yeah, that's fair..." And we're back to being shirtless again.
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needlenxggin · 1 year
" you're not a cow !! you're a golden retriever !! " she means this in the best way
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"Well, I'd rather be a cute fluffy dog than a cow any day of the week!"
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"Wait... NOT LITERALLY!" He's now looking over his shoulders for any anons.
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the-smallest-star · 10 months
ღ for.. vox?? she's curious 👀👀
Inbox me a ‘ღ’ and I’ll rate you with the following:
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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"Is your curiosity sated?"
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