#{character} : stephen strange
doctorofmagic · 3 months
Doctor Strange's disability: a (much needed) chronological review
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In view of recent ableism and drama on the other social hellsite involving Doctor Strange's disability, here's my response, based on *CANON* material. (link to the thread on said hellsite here)
Stephen disability is established since 1963, back in Strange Tales #115. The story is focused on a flashback which portrays his journey from the decay of his medical career because of a car accident to his path towards the mystic arts.
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Note that, in this very same issue, the Ancient One never says he would heal Stephen's *hands*, but perhaps Stephen would find the cure within. In other words, Stephen was supposed to heal his heart and soul from arrogance and egoism through magic, not a physical cure.
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Also note that there are limitations within every aspect of comic books' universes. In this case, we're talking about magic. Magic is not a miracle thing. It demands training and, most recently as established by v4, a cost (Doctor Strange v4 #4).
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Another clue that "magic can heal anything because it's fantasy" is not a valid argument within Marvel's magic world, as seen in The Oath. Stephen had access to the Otkid's Elixir, which could heal any disease, but the formula was lost in order to save Wong's life.
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One last example comes from Spider-Man Family #5 (2007), featuring Morbius and Spidey. It establishes that healing demands the exact same price when it comes to magic.
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Long story short, it's clear that the magic side of Marvel does not offer a solution to diseases through magical miracles. So this argument is totally invalid ~within~ this established universe.
Now back to Doctor Strange... No, he isn't using magic to heal his hands unlike some misleading accounts are claiming. In fact, there are several panels which show that he's actually in constant pain. Here's some examples:
- Doctor Strange - Sorcerer Supreme #48 (1992).
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- Captain Marvel v10 #6 (2019)
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- Doctor Strange v4 #1 (2015)
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He also struggles to hold a pen and write, relying on magic to do so, as seen in the Book of the Vishanti.
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Then comes the stupid argument I saw.
"Oh, but Google says his hands are healed!" is not a gotcha moment you think it is. We had FOUR MAIN BOOKS after that (Surgeon Supreme, DODS, Strange v3 and current v6). Allow me to clarify the details in chronological order.
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Stephen indeed made a "magic" gamble and healed his hands. That much is correct. But it's not all (panels from Doctor Strange v5 #19 - 2019).
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Waid continued this storyline in a new book called Dr. Strange (Surgeon Supreme), which would portray Stephen's duality as the Sorcerer Supreme and a brilliant surgeon. Except the book was cancelled at issue #6 (2020), leaving the character in a kind of limbo. Now enter MacKay.
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MacKay kept a little bit of the former storyline as seen in Death of the Doctor Strange #1 (2021). On top of that, his hands appeared healed. However, that lasted only until Kaecilius murdered Stephen and stole his hands.
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Stephen's temporal duplicate used a regenerative spell to bring original Stephen back through Kaecilius' body and the stolen hands. In here, we can see that his hands are scarred just like after the car accident (DODS #5 - 2022). OG Stephen died a second time with scars as well.
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Stephen is indeed seen writing in v6 but it's not clear if he's using magic or not. Besides, he's not working as a surgeon anymore. Moreover, MacKay considers Stephen disabled as seen in this recent issue of v6 (#7 - 2023): "My own connection to the aether, the magic of the world, the power of the Vishanti, the power of the Sorcerer Supreme... Gone. Without all of that? I am just an old man with useless hands and a blade in his stomach."
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In conclusion,
As of CURRENT DOCTOR STRANGE RUN by Jed MacKay and Pasqual Ferry, in the year of our lord Vishanti, 2024, Stephen Strange is a disabled character and no magic or ableism will erase that. Thank you very much.
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xia0ming56 · 6 months
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Hated that last episode so i drew this to convince myself i liked it
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arisfruity · 16 days
i've been reading so much ironstrange it's not even funny anymore but the thing that pisses me off the most is when authors will just...ignore??? stephens disability???? ironstrange get married and somehow stephen can wear a ring without trouble????
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he's literally struggling to put on a watch bro
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like the accident was his whole character arc how are you even getting rid of it???
i understand that writing a disabled character as a non-disabled person can be challenging, bc you don't have the same experience but it's really all in the movies and like...google.
his disability is part of his character, it's kind of jarring to see him without one
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artphotographyofmen · 10 months
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Doctor Strange by Peach Momoko
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moodboards-aesthetics · 2 months
Stephen Strange aka Doctor Strange
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strangesickness · 4 months
i was talking about stan and his OCD the other day but i didn't really talk about how the other losers would act about it. so!
please remember that OCD is a varied condition and not everyone with it is like what is depicted in this post!
at first stan keeps his obsessions to himself, he's pretty aware of what is a "typical" thought process and what is his brain being kinda weird
but eventually bill finds him having a panic attack over something seemingly mundane. young stan to me had obsessions that focused on the supernatural and "curses", so something like opening an umbrella indoors throws him into hysterics
and as soon as he realizes what he's doing he's humiliated, because like who the fuck cares? everyone knows that's just a stupid superstition, and he's so worried bill's going to think he's a weirdo or a coward
but bill is like. extremely reasonable about it, i think he's used to georgie getting upset over seemingly nonsensical things (the way kids do), so he's just used to treating things he doesn't understand with severity.
maybe there's nothing scary to him about opening an umbrella indoors, but its clearly upset stan and that's what matters here. he calmly asks him what he's upset about and reassures him that if it upsets him then its important
he gets stan to talk through it, bill brings up how richie always opens his umbrella indoors but nothing bad has ever happened to him because of it, which doesn't help a ton because OCD isn't typically very reasonable, but it helps a bit, and stan calms down enough that bill bringing up richie prompts him to go off on a rant about something stupid richie did at school while bill was gone
despite not having OCD eddie gets it, especially after he finds out that he isn't actually sick
eddie is the first person stan chooses to tell about the weird circles his brain runs in, because he knows eddie still carries around his fake inhaler
eddie isn't scared of the same things stan is, but he can understand being afraid of something he logically knows can't hurt him. they're pretty good at working each other out of panic attacks because of this
(the things richie says to stan here are things you should never ever say to someone with OCD unless you have their express permission, stan finds it funny and helpful, and as someone with OCD so do i, but many will not, and talking like this could make their mental state worse and is just generally an asshole thing to do!)
on paper richie is an asshole to stan about his OCD, he calls him unreasonable, tells him he makes no sense, he's worrying over nothing, etc.
he frequently makes fun of stan's obsessions, if stan says something he thought because of his OCD richie will repeat it back to him in a Voice
but by some miracle this does wonders for stan
if anyone else was saying this stuff it would make him feel like shit, but because it's richie it's hilarious (not that he shows it)
richie assigning characters to his obsessions has managed to completely discredit some of them, and stan is straight up Not Bothered by some of them anymore because as soon as the thought pops up so does richie's voice and he can't take it seriously
there's the scandalized mother who thinks stan is a horrible person for not appreciating his meals properly or something
there's the conspiracy theorist trying to convince stan curses are real
and there's the high school coach who acts like stan is a one man army and they're going to lose the entire war if stan doesn't fold his sheets properly
stan doesn't want to give richie credit for his improved mental state because the way he did it is ridiculous, but yeah, richie and his voices have definitely helped
bev is great at Not Talking About It and Being Normal About It
stan will say something extremely concerning (use your imagination, i don't want to provide an example lol), and bev is like "yeah thats fucked up." and then they move on
he never gets the feeling she's brushing him off or anything, she'd definitely Actually Talk About It if he asked, but sometimes he just needs to get the thought out there and then immediately move on
sometimes it is exhausting to actually talk about feelings, sometimes stan just needs to express that he's feeling something, be acknowledged, then move on
"i just thought [insert concerning compulsion he doesn't want to do]" "or we could skip class and build a snowfort before all these other assholes ruin the fresh snow at lunch"
stan never feels judged in the slightest when he's with bev, and it helps free him of some of the judgment in his own mind :)
ben is so so so good at listening, not only is he just the only nice 13 year old stan has ever met, he has one of those faces yknow?
he finds himself telling ben things it took him nearly a decade of friendship to tell bill
ben is clearly confused and concerned, but he never makes stan feel like he's unreasonable
stan usually only tells his friends about his specific obsessions when they've bottled up and are about to explode, or when he's in the midst of a panic attack
but with ben he feels like he can talk about the other stuff that comes with it, the impact his thought processes have had on his life
ben offers suggestions from time to time, not all of them stick, but the ones that do really help stan out
mike finds a way to keep stan from worrying about anything at all
stan could spend all day worrying about something, and then mike shows up and explains some new topic to stan and it's like stan wasn't even stressed in the first place
stan can't even count the number of times mike has gone through an explanation of the history of derry, or what various states are known for, or the tasks mike does at the farm, or the history of some obscure scientific/cultural phenomenon
stan genuinely loves hearing about anything mike wants to talk about, but he also just finds mike to be a really engaging speaker to the point he stops thinking about whatever was bothering him
it is very much a win/win situation
sometimes mike will manage to pull him out of whatever was worrying him and get him to talk about birds and the boy scouts and they always end up having a ton of fun :)
the losers love stan and he loves them <3
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nekojetto · 11 months
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Superior Ironman design for Supreme animatics project
You can really count this one as a "work in progress" x) I'm pretty happy with his face and expressions but not yet with the suit who is too much "detroit become human" style for now. Who is not ugly but I want something more originale for him haha! And I admit I didn't have the courage to end his armor for now x))
I was searching a bad guy who can be strong as Supreme in the same theme as "what if...?" serie and I heard about Superior Ironman story some month ago. So He suits perfectly for this role! He's not as powerfull as Supreme but I loved the idea of Magic vs science and charismatic Tony vs Zero social skill Stephen HAHAHA
So yeah he's basically a mean girl here x,)
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strrvnge · 2 years
Teacher’s Pet
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Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
Warnings: 18+ MDN, porn with(out) plot, oral (f receiving), power imbalance, slight daddy and doctor kink (I don't know if it even exists), Also I wrote this instead of sleeping so forgive any mistakes, tell me if I miss any
Summery: Stephen Strange is your tutor and you’re his student, only that today there will be a different kind of lesson
‘’I can’t do this’’, you said with a huff and let your hands fall on the sides. Stephen had been trying to teach you a new spell for almost an hour and for almost an hour you had been failing to do the movements right.
‘’Of course you can’’, he reassured you and got back into position to start again. "Lets-"
‘’No Stephen. That’s it I can’t, I can’t do it’’ You've always had trouble concentrating no matter how thrilling or mind-blowing the new spell was however you were dedicated and passionate about it so you always did it right after a few tries. Also you didn't want to disappoint Stephen.
You had always been interested in the notion of magic as a child, I mean who wasn't. But after some unfortunate events caused by some Avengers' mission that turned your life around you found out that magic wasn't that much of a children's story, it was real and there was a place where you could be taught. So you went for it.
Entranced and curious you always had a thirst to learn more. You were at the top of your class, with knowledge beyond it so when Stephen became the Sorcerer Supreme and took notice of your performance he decided to quench that thirst of yours. You knew it was a chance of a lifetime and soon you had moved into the Sanctum and you had a tutor. What you didn't expect was to develop feelings for that tutor so strong that you couldn't focus on your studies anymore.
"Come on Y/N! Stop whining and let's try again" You really tried to convince yourself it was a stupid school crush. He was older, illegally handsome, intelligent and you spent almost everyday together but then you noticed you couldn't stop thinking about him.
"No I- What are-" You looked at him as he walked behind you.
"Just let me show you. Is that alright?", he cut you off and your eyes widened
"Sure" you looked away staring at the wall so he wouldn't see the scarlet colour across your cheeks. You stood firmly on your foot terrified of the slightest step back as there was a high chance you would fall to his chest. You weren't sure how far behind you he was but you could smell his strong perfume, tingling your sensations.
"Don't forget how to breathe", he chuckled and you realised you've been holding your breath for too long.
"Good point", you whispered. Still from behind you he brought his hands in front of you and slowly, making with his hands the movements that you so much hated. "Just watch my hands"
You hummed in agreement as you observed his hands closely, the lines starting from his fingertips and then going down till all of them meet. You had noticed before-those long, skillful fingers could never go unnoticed- making you wonder what else they could go.
Yes you were desperate. Almost two years without sex of course you would think like that about fingers.
"You're paying attention aren't you?", he chuckled, snapping you out of your thoughts. Like a kid being caught with their hand in the cookie jar you gave him a guilty look and smile, realizing you had been staring at his fingers rather than the movement they made.
"Of course I am", you laughed awkwardly and abruptly turned around to look at him,losing lightly your balance you took a step back and hit his chest.
"Caught you" He had a firm hand on your side before lightly squeezing your waist to keep both of you still.
"Thanks", you said embarrassed
"Sure, just be more careful. Now let's continue" You nodded obediently and went to step away and take your previous position, however his firm hold held you in place, making your bodies press against each other. "
Pressing himself harder against you to come closer, his face rubbing your hair as he spoke to you, reminding the movements your hands were supposed to do.
"Like that?" You asked, finding it impossible focusing on the lesson rather than how his hold went further down your waist or how good he smelled.
"No Y/N it is nothing like that" Once more your hands fell on your side and you huffed and disappointed. "Weren't you paying attention when I showed you- Come on don't give me that look"
"What look?" You turned and looked at him confused, before realizing how close you were standing.
"The crying puppy look" Placing a stand of hair behind your ear, his fingers, your eyelashes fluttered as he stroked lightly the side of your face before he quickly pulled back. "Let's try again, hm?" He coughed.
Placing first his hand on your waist your voice hitched as he pressed his body against yours and gripped your wrists.
"You should do it now" He softly and you took a deep breath. He felt muscular against you and firm yet his touch on your wrists was so careful and gently, as if he was scared he'd break you.
Deciding to get over with it you started performing the movements he previously showed you, pushing aside any inappropriate thoughts.
"There you go" your jaw dropped slightly at the sudden sensation of something hard pressing against you. A soft whine escaped your lips as you realised what exactly that was; Stephen hard member pushing against your ass.
"You're doing so wonderful" he pressed you harder against his body, now his tip teasing your ass.
"Oh, Stephen-" your head dropped on his shoulder and with half open eyes you looked at him.
"You're the sweetest thing I've ever seen", he mumbled against your neck, as he traced kisses down your cleavage. "Tell me you want this too"
"Please more than anything" his cock twitched and he possessively his grip on your waist got tighter before starting kissing the side of your face.
"Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to keep my hands off you? Or should I mention how hard I get every morning? You have to use my shower because yours isn't supposed to work. You're such a dirty liar"
"It really doesn't work", your chuckle soon got lost under some heavy panting as he started sucking your jaw.
"Is that why you leave your panties in my bathroom? You know I have three pairs of thongs and fun fact they aren't mine" He couldn't count how many times he finished just by holding your panties. He was fascinated by them, their vibrant colours, the lace, the little bows on them.
"You're filthy" You joked and his teeth sunk down onto the sweet spot of your neck.
"Maybe" a small smirk curved on his lips, before his hand moved from your stomach down to your clothed core and then palmed it. "But I'm not the one who's wearing the shortest dresses when we're having lessons. Now that's really filthy"
"Jesus Doctor" Pushing past your panties he entered a finger in your core making you shiver under his touch. Your walls squeezed his finger, trapping it inside you. Moving away from your neck he quickly took his finger out of your pussy, making you gasp. Putting it in his mouth he sucked the sweetness off his finger.
"You sweet sweet thing" He hummed, still tasting you on his lips.
"Please need you"
"Go sit on the desk, sweetheart" He ordered, suddenly letting you go.
Hesitantly you walked to his desk before looking at him, any previous confidence now all gone leaving behind a shy little girl.
"Sit on the desk baby and spread those legs for me" He watched you walk across the rolm and then squeezing your legs together as you sat on the cold surface. Stephen approached you before sinking down on his knees, his hot breath heating your core. "Come on, show me what's between those beautiful legs?"
Pushing your legs over his shoulder and your skirt over your hips, he lustfully gazed over your mound before kissing your inner thigh. You jumped back the tick hair of his goatee tickling your soft skin.
He had been waiting for months for this moment, sitting face to face with your warm aching to be touched pussy, ready for him to suck its juices. He wanted to take you apart slowly, sensually tracing your body with his fingers and tongue, before taking you against that very desk and fuck you dump till you can't think of anything but his cock. But he couldn't. Not when he spent months longing to taste your sweet cunt, suck those pretty folds of yours dry.
He pulled you by the hips closer to his mouth, before kissing from your ankle up your inner thigh and then biting it. Shocked, you gawked at him who proudly looked down at the mark he had left.
"Let's take those awful panties off" Supporting yourself on the desk you hoisted your hips and watched as his hand got lost under your skirt and then pulled down a little pink thong. "You really wanted me to see this hm? I'm keeping those" With a dirty smirk on his face he stuffed it in his pocket, adding it to his collection.
"Now let's pay attention to this needy pussy" He doesn't waste time licking a flat strip up your pussy before latching into your clit, making you gasp loudly."Such a sweet cunt. All wet for me" his voice muffled in your tight walls.
"Please" you moaned, spreading your legs further for him to go deeper and help with the ingrowing heat. "Fuck, please Sir"
He groaned at the name, one of his hands leaving your hips to palm his hard bulge through his pants. "It's Doctor"
His tongue flicked against the bundle of nerves before sucking on your leaking juices, your eyelashes fluttered at the feeling.
You couldn't believe what was happening. Just a mess in a pretty dress with your so much older tutor between your thighs, eating you out like a starved man and you were letting him.
You were so dirty. Squirting on his face so desperately for him to pleasure you."Thats it make a fucking mess baby. Let daddy clean you all up afterward too"
Pulling his hair he shoved him closer to your pussy, his nose nuzzling on your clit in the process.
The combination of sweet burning feeling his tongue and lips left behind and the harsh rubbing of his goatee had you on edge.
His tongue flicked against your clit, his warm breath fanning over your wetness you’re so out of it, you can barely stay still. Your legs started trembling, your hips moving up and down, grinding down his face needy for release. "Fuck"
"My stupid, sweet girl. So fucking desperate for me. Are you gonna cum for me? Show me how well you can follow orders?”He already knew the answer to that, he could tell from your unsteady breaths and unfocused eyes. If he knew Wong wouldn't return back in a few minutes, he’d take you to his bedroom and try to see how well you'd take his cock now that he had stretched you all nice and open.
You looked at him with a pout as he beckoned for you to cum and massaged your little nub. He kept an eye on you, watching as you mumbled so shamelessly his name as you came undone, grinding on his face. "Yes, yes, yes"
He slurped all of your juices, your grip on his hair becoming more loose while you rode the last waves of your orgasm. Suddenly keys were heard and the large door of the Sanctum opened.
"Shit Wong's back", you cursed and Stephen raised his face for your pussy His beard glistening.
"You're the fucking pretty" He said still between your thighs but you wasn't sure if he was talking to you or himself.
"Come on" You stood up and fixed your dress before bringing a hand to his beard and whipped the evidence. He watched mesmerized as you licked your palm and then walked away with a smirk.
"Looking forward to our next lesson, Doc"
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shydaydreamer28 · 1 month
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Poor baby. He's freezing 🤭
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couldntbedamned · 6 months
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The Sharon Carter Fans greet you, Dr. Strange Fans.
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You genuinely can’t change my mind on this
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el-on-mars · 6 months
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That one twitter art meme with my favs
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age-of-moonknight · 21 days
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“What If Venom Bonded to Moon Knight?” What If…? Venom (Vol. 1/2024), #5.
Writer: Jeremy Holt; Pencilers and Inkers: Jesús Hervás and Geraldo Borges; Colorist: Ceci de la Cruz; Letterer: Ariana Maher
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taylorswiftt1 · 4 months
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Benedict Cumberbatch
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artphotographyofmen · 7 months
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Doctor Strange by Pasquale Ferrara
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lokidokieokie · 2 years
I'm Here, Whenever You're Ready.
Request from Wattpad: You have a very stressful day at work, and come home to your husband *cough* Stephen *cough*. He asks what is wrong, but you tend to handle things on your own and solve your own problems since your autopilot is to do things yourself, and assure him its fine. basically he just pampers you and stuff. Really fluffy<3
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Wife!Reader
Warning(s): Kinda self-deprecating reader, worried!Stephen, caring!Stephen, fluff (lots of it), kinda comfort-fic-ish, consumption of alcohol, descriptions of toxic work environments
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If there was one thing you thoroughly enjoyed about the clock hitting 5pm, it was definitely the fact that you could finally leave the workplace that had been spawned from hell itself. 
Today, your workplace and fellow employees had decided to be Thanos-sized pains in the ass and graciously blame every single problem in existence on you, and you only. 
When the coffee machine decided to short-circuit all the electrical appliances in the kitchen because Lauren had somehow managed to spill water all over the electrical sockets: “Y/n! That’s coming out of your paycheck!”
When David from Marketing didn’t get his figures in on time because he would rather ogle Maxine’s breasts than get this month’s profit and loss statement done: “Y/n! Get your act together and get me those figures, NOW! I expected better from you.”
And then there was the one thing that truly iced the cake. For a couple months now, Abigail (the bane of your existence) had been pushing the majority of her workload onto you, while she just sat at her desk and tried to look sexy for your boss, Nolan. 
Normally, it irritated you but you put up with it. You just wanted to get out by 5 without any fuss. But today, you had had enough. She had piled on four different accounts that all had five sub-accounts each. You could not get any of that done by 5. 
So, you did what any over-worked and super-stressed out employee would do. You went to your boss. 
“Nolan, there’s an issue I need to address with you.”
“What is it, Y/n? I’m incredibly busy.” You internally rolled your eyes; yeah, ‘busy’ sitting here and betting on the next horse race probably.
You explained the situation with Abigail and her workload and eventually made it to today’s problem. “They all need to be finalised by 5 and I cannot get that done on-time on my own, especially with all of the work I already have to do. Could you ask her to do her own work for once?” 
He shifted his head and stared at you with a look that screamed irritation on his face. 
“Are you really that useless that you can’t get four simple accounts in order? In the next four hours nonetheless? God, you're pathetic. Get those four accounts done by 3 or you’re fired.”
You stared at him, jaw agape and eyes wide open. 
“W-what? Nolan? That isn’t possible. Each of those has five sub-accounts eac-”
“I don’t care. Get it done and get out!” 
You quickly slipped out the door and got to work, ensuring that you glared at Abigail the entire trip back to your desk. 
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That was how you ended up seated in front of the Rotunda of Gateways, staring into the abyss with a glass of Prosecco in your hand; over-analysing every single mistake you had made in those accounts in the rush to get them done. 
Bringing the glass to your lips, you took another gulp of the sweet liquid and internally screamed. Why did your workplace have to be so toxic? Why couldn’t you work at some little business that was run by a sweet old woman who didn’t take advantage of you?
You were so caught up in your internal warfare that you didn’t hear Stephen come into the room. So when you felt his hands on your shoulder, you jumped and spilled wine all over your blouse. 
“Sorry, Darling. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You took a deep breath, “It’s fine, Stephen. Don’t worry about it.”
He made his way around you, crouched down and began to rub your upper arms. 
“Are you alright, Sweetheart? You don’t seem like yourself.” 
“I’m fine.”
You attempted to smile, but of course, Stephen saw right through it. Standing up, he grabbed your hand and began walking towards your bedroom. 
“Stephen, what are you-”
“Be quiet, Love. Just go along with it.”
With a flick of his fingers, water began streaming out of the tap into the bathtub; the water being the perfect temperature for the both of you to get in. Settled against Stephen’s chest, you slowly felt the stress begin to ebb away as you took in his heavenly scent. 
His hands made their way to your shoulders and began kneading your tense muscles. He continued his ministrations, every so often bringing his lips to your shoulder or cheek; reaffirming his love for you with every lowly whispering of how much he adored you. Slowly, your eyes began to close, fully immersing yourself in the pampering that your husband was subjecting you to. 
When the water turned cold and your fingers began to prune, Stephen helped you out of the bath, dried you off with a little bit of magic, and helped you into your red silk pyjamas. Scooping you up in his arms, he carried you to the bed and continued reassuring you of how wonderful you were, and how you were the epitome of perfection in his eyes. 
Laying you down on the mattress, you covered you with the blanket and tucked you in; giving you a lingering kiss to your temple. After cleaning up the bathroom, he made his way to the bed and laid himself next to you, draped his arms around your waist, and pulled you closer. 
“I know that something has happened, and I know that your default move is to try and cope with it on your own. But I need you to understand that it’s okay to rant about your problems to me. I’m your husband, it’s pretty much in my job description.”
You slightly chucked but shook your head. You were nowhere near ready to tell  him about or relive anything related to work day today. A stray tear slipped down your cheek at that thought. 
Pulling back slowly, he raised his hand and began to wipe your tears away, “But I also know how hard it is for you--as someone who bottles up all their emotions--to speak out about them.”
He paused and kissed your forehead, lingering there for a moment before continuing.
“But I just want you to know, that whenever you’re ready to talk about it, I’m here, and I’ll always be ready to be there for you.”
More tears slid down your cheeks as you snuggled back into his warm embrace. You knew that whenever you were ready, he would be there; and that made everything that little bit better. 
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A/N Look who’s finally getting herself together...ME! 
New content to come soon x
Taglist! @thewaithfuckingannoyme
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