#{🐝} in character.
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fairytwles · 2 months ago
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he is literally three apples tall
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 7 months ago
🐝✨An EleGanT CrEaTuRe✨🐝
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boiling-potato · 4 months ago
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BP: "And thank you Mel~!! So sweet as always!" (⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠˙̫̮⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠)🌸💕💕✨
Also, I know they said "everyone" but I can't really draw everyone's oc that joined (as much as I want to qwq) but I still want them to be included so @gachaclubideas @aesopsbaby @justafriendlystranger @n0vatsu @2laffy2 @ry4nn2 @edgywithaheart @dackychansworldofhoshino you guys want to, feel free! ^^
And Mel, so sorry for the incredibly late reply!! I got really busy cause exam is coming up again and they're bombarding us with worksss ಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ
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arrayoflightarchives · 4 months ago
Kagehina yap because I can't get them out of my brain even tho I need to go to bed bc I have a full day of lectures tomorrow,,,
(be warned yall that this is a long one, which is why I've put the big explanation under the cut)
Okay so Kagehina shouldn't be getting together before Brazil Arcc. If you wanna write them before then, go ahead I love a good bit of hs kghn or long-distance kghn as much as the next person. However, for their characters at the end of HS, I feel like they need to have the Adlers v MSBY match before they should be in a relationship:
The end of 3rd year:
At the end of their third year, Kageyama is still not fully open with Hinata, let alone anyone else. I'm not saying that you have to be completely open with everyone before getting into a relationship, but I think for their dynamic, he needs to learn to be more open with his emotions than he is at that point before you can have two personalities like him and Hinata in a relationship together.
At the end of third year, Hinata is still nowhere near Kageyama's skill level in volleyball. Again, I'm not saying that they need to have equal skill levels to be in a relationship however, Hinata does have a major inferiority complex about this specifically when compared to Kageyama and I don't think that, with he skill level he is at in 2015 (when they graduate). He can't catch up with Kageyama by becoming a skilled player in his own right without going to Brazil, we know this, but going to Brazil also develops his personality as well as his vb skills. He is now more confident and has learnt a lot and so he is able to be on what he considered equal footing with Kageyama (what he considered is the important part here bc of his issues with comparing himself to Kageyama, which we see the whole way through the story).
Now flip to post Brazil:
At this point, Kageyama has begun to open up a bit more by spending time with his teammates, mostly on Adlers, but you can assume JNT as well - we just don't see much of that bc Hinata is the protag, and he's busy sulking over Kags not visiting him atp. Like we can see this in small things like him showing Ushijima the photo of Hinata and Oikawa. He is now more open than he was in hs but he hasn't talked to (at least not much more than maybe like a couple two message interactions) Hinata in a couple years as far as we know. Because of their whole soulmate thing because Kageyama is still somewhat alone because of his skill level (see Kazuyo's promise)
At this point, Hinata is finally confident in his skill level, I mean, he was practically unknown and got into the MSBY D1 starting line-up. However, I think it's important to note that atp he has not beaten Kageyama so although he has definitely improved - he's earned the title of Ninja Shoyo, which is his own compared to the little giant (I can also yap abt that honestly) - he doesn't know whether he has caught up with Kageyama who, for all he knows could have improved just as much as he did in the time they were apart. Hinata might now have many brain cells, but he knows enough that it's silly to think that Kageyama has not improved at all while playing with the JNT and being in VL D1 since high school.
Post-Adlers v MSBY match:
Kageyama has now opened up. This bit is less about opening up to those around him (although he has, see "took you long enough") and is more about him being open with his own emotions. Obviously, he's not suddenly fixed years of emotional repression in one match, but he's chosen to open himself up to Hinata (see being happy/smiling at losing a match) and therefore also open with the audience (we finally see his backstory - that idea is not mine it's from this post it's rlly good u should read it). At this point, I feel like he is ready to have a healthy relationship with Hinata while still working through his other issues. He isn't going to be magically perfect now, but still, he's at a maturity point where he would be able to be in a relationship with someone as competitive as him and Hinata are together.
Hinata has now won against Kageyama. He now knows and feels confident with his skills as a player of his own right and worth, and so now his competition with both people like Hoshiumi and then especially with Kageyama is not going to be him seeing himself as the small junior high version of him who got beaten in 30 minutes still trying to prove himself, but the amazing Ninja Shoyo who is an amazing all-rounder and a wing spiker (the position he's wanted to play in order to be ace which he didn't get a chance to play before). He has grown as a person already while in Brazil, but this win is simply confirmation that he has done what he went there to do. He can trust that he made the right choice to leave Kageyama and the trust and dynamic that they had created (which was a major worry of his through the first part of the Brazil arc - with the homesickness and seeing Kageyama in the Olympics) and is better for it. this game proves it all to him, and he can welcome Kageyama and a possible relationship with him now that they are equals, rivals and a team at the same time.
Finally, onwards:
We finally see that they are together, whether you want that to be as teammates and best friends/platonic soulmates or as romantic soulmates it's up to you, but we see that they have improved both in vb and in their relationship together (see one of my fav panels to ever exist with their fist bump in JNT uniforms).
They are on the same team together, except stronger, when they go to the Olympics together. And then when we see after that, they still have a strong dynamic with them both declaring they're going to win in the Ali Roma v ASAS São Paulo game which makes me think that they keep in contact a lot better than they did while Hinata was playing beach - only bc there seems to be less of the tension that is there when they meet before the MSBY Adlers game.
Anywaysss that pretty much concludes my yap on why they shouldn't get together until after the Brazil arc. I could probably say a billion more things about this, but this was the best way to get any sort of coherence from me about this. I will probably do more yaps so if people want, feel free to ask me questions in my ask box or in the notes!!!!
(Also I hope yall appriciate the colour coding, I chose the purple over the blue cause I felt it was more Kageyama coded, at least on my phone it is)
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the-bar-sinister · 3 months ago
Let's hear it for plucky teen girl sidekicks doing their best. Round of applause please. They work so hard supporting the grumpy heroes and always get called annoying. but I love them.
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t-u-i-t-c · 10 months ago
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miraculous-lesbians · 2 days ago
i absolutely love your account !! (i tried to send this from my mlb sideblog but apparently you can't send asks from sideblogs 😭)
Oh my gosh thank you so so much! I know I don’t post enough on this account, but I’m hoping to change that soon! I really want to work on my Post S6 Chloe fic (Titled “Long Live the Queen”) once life stuff calms down!
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mel-loly · 6 months ago
-The Mels!✨💛🐝
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tokoats · 3 months ago
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i have new f/o since i’ve gotten into a transformers hyperfixation, i LOVEEE bumblebee if you could tell hehe :33 (especially in tfo and in the live action movies), it also took me a bit of thinking to put together my s/i, halo, for tfo. plus i still need to get the hang of drawing mechs >_<…
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bugisawesomeasf · 1 year ago
you fuckers are really hating on travis when hes literally a he/him lesbian, also the wilderness is literally a metaphor for girlhood do you really think it wouldve let him survive if he wasnt at least a little girl coded ?
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moonyasnow · 3 months ago
My OCs' JoJo Stands!
To anyone from JoJo fandom finding this: Hi :) I'm Moony! (they/them) My main fandom is something else (Twisted Wonderland) but I'm also a really big JoJo fan and have made Stands for 7/8 of my OCs! Hope you like them!
And for everyone else who kinda knows me already:
Not including Lisle because he didn't exist yet when I made these! The order of this goes in ascending order from how interesting I think the stand is, so ending with my favorite!
Also gonna be some spoilers-ish for: Part 3 (maybe??? I mention the name of two stands Part 5 (some character names, 2-3 fights I think?, and two Stands) I just wanna cover all my bases 👍
I might do another post with a bunch of my HCs on how they'd get along/not with canon characters (specifically in Part 5 since it's my favorite, but maybe some other misc characters I can see them having interesting relationship dynamics with) but for now here are their Stands!
(also Myzery if you're reading this, the reason I didn't tag you for Veronica is bc you don't watch JoJo and would have no idea what's going on 🥲)
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Stand Name: Blackbird
Ability: Broken Wings
Info: Stand gives user the ability to create feathers of any size, shape and color they'd like, so long as they can be found in nature. User can, for example, form the feathers into the shape of a shield, or a parasol, or a pillow. The second, more often used ability lets user create a full suit made of feathers, along with a pair of big actual wings on her back. Just think of White Album's suit but made of feathers instead, with thin, translucent feathers in front of her face as a kind of visor. This way, she won't be seen by non-Stand users, since the feathers cover every inch of her body. It has a physical form in the suit, but it, much like Thoth, White Album's ice-suit and Hermit Purple's vines is not a humanoid Stand and instead in the form of a tool.
Method of Activation: at user's will
Limit: it, just like its user, is weak to sunlight. The Stand can only be in use for around 30 minutes while under direct sunlight, after which it will literally start to melt and burn. So the best use of this Stand is at night, with a suit made of black feathers.
Range: 5m
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First of all; I'm gonna be 100% transparent and say that both his Stand, as well as Spike himself actually, originated from this fic!
The basic gist of it is that, it's a fic where a male reader (bordering on OC) was one of the Stardust Crusaders, later went on to have a thing with Bucciarati, and later had to leave to help the fight in Part 6. I think I've changed Spike enough that he and the character in this fic are no longer the same, but the description of how the Stand looks (maybe also how it works??? It's been a while; I don't 100% remember) is lifted directly from this So I wanted to give credit! (btw please read it, it's so good)
Stand Name: Skillet
Ability: Spikes
Info: Can make razor sharp spikes appear anywhere the Stand touches. Can also throw spikes like bullets. Whenever user gets too angry, shows up unprompted and snarls at the target of Spike's ire.
Method of Activation: At user's will
Limit: If not careful, could harm allies, and user himself, with spikes, too. A real double-edged sword.
Range: 2-10m (Stand can only go two meters away but the spikes can show up as far as 10 meters away if Skillet makes contact with the same surface— such as the ground)
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Appearance description:
The Stand itself has deep red skin, wears a spiked blindfold over its eyes, and even though its mouth has been sewn shut with something that looks like thin metal wire, it wears a muzzle. Two giant spikes go through its hands, as well as through its entire torso just below the collar bones, and it has sharp, black claws instead of fingers. There are spikes coming out of its head, too.
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Stand Name: Good Charlotte
Ability: record-making, poison
Ability Name: Chronicles of Life, Chronicles of Death
Info: For the ability 'Chronicles of Life', if Stand has a piece of something— DNA from a person, a piece of an object, etc— it can analyze it and find out about its history, after which it will produce a historical document, its shape depending on the time and culture the object came from. Once created, a document can not be destroyed through killing the user, but can be burned or destroyed in the same way as any other book, scroll or tablet. User can also wish for the Stand to hone in on a specific angle when making a Chronicle. For the ability 'Chronicles of Death', the Stand has sharp quills it uses to write with, and if user chooses, Good Charlotte can shoot the quills like projectiles at a target. The ink the Stand uses is poisonous to living things when wet, leading to a slow but painless death that looks and feels like falling asleep— it usually takes 10 minutes to work to its full effect.
Method of Activation: At user's will
Limit: It records details you might see written down in a historical document or an old myth or legend, meaning more mundane details are often ignored unless user tells it to specifically hone in on a specific angle. The smaller the material Stand has to work with, the more incomplete the Chronicle will be. And as far as the poisonous ink goes, the ink dries very quickly, meaning a subject would need to be no further away than maybe two meters for the ink to actually poison them, so ranged projectiles are not poisonous. And if the poison is extracted within 10 minutes, the subject will only be asleep for a few hours before waking up again.
Range: 1m
I don't have any art for this one, so here's a description instead:
Red, black, white and gold colors cheme
Skin is a vibrant deep red color and its body looks a bit like a metallic ball-joint-doll, lower arms being a white color with black fingers, and lower legs white with black feet. Two golden, pupil-less eyes, no mouth or nose. Wears a monocle with many lenses over its left eye, each lense added giving an enhanced zoom-in effect. It wears a darker red toga with a gold and black same-komon pattern. On the back of its head, it wears a big, golden bow.
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Stand Name: Copycat
Ability: Persuasion
Ability Name: Copy That, Copycat
Info: User can persuade a subject to stop being mad at and/or like them more, and the mirror on Copycat's face shows the faces of the people currently being affected. In this state, user can much more easily persuade someone of almost anything so long as the user has a somewhat believable story, and during it Copycat whispers in their ear. And when its mirror is in use, Copycat will imitate the body language and personality of whoever reflected in its mirror it's standing the closest to, letting the user take notes on what kind of behavior would work best to truly persuade the person in front of them with. It's a Stand that's very good for reconnaissance, buying time, can function similarly to a bribe, or could potential lower a subject's guard somewhat. Though, it's not very useful on its own in combat, since when someone has decided to kill you, getting within two meters of them is not a good idea. If she was ever separated from Copycat, like what happened with Fugo and Purple Haze in the Illuso fight, it would try to search for her, then sit down on the ground, hug itself and tremble if it couldn't find her. If it found someone Irina knows who isn't actively hostile, it'd try to jump toward them and cling to their leg.
Method of Activation: Subject looking into Copycat's mirror while within a meter of it.
Limit: Only works on up to 10 people at a time, and the potency decreases the more subjects the ability is split between. If subject(s) has been outside of Stand's range for an hour, the effect wears off.
Range: 2m total. The Stand itself cannot travel further than one meter away from her body, and can affect someone standing at most a meter away, so a total of two meters.
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Copycat has a lot of potential to grow. Right now, its user is extremely timid, and feels way too guilty about using its abilities at all to feel confident in its use.
But if she were to become a bit more confident, a bit more willing to use that power, Copycat could become a truly scary stand— one that can puppet people's minds to its user's ends.
Just like Giorno said in the fight against Cioccolata, a Stand is someone's unconscious will given form, so if someone feels guilt or hesitancy about using their ability, it acts as a form of brake.
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Stand Name: Mother Knows Best
Ability: Listen to your mother
Info: Stand causes subject to misremember instructions they've been give, instead remembering a distorted version of often very strange things to do that, if precisely followed, will lead to the best possible outcome. Stand can be used on both user or unrelated subject. Can also be used for some light combat. If Mother hits a subject on request of the user, that person will get the same horrible, dizzying headache and nosebleed as when its instructions are not followed. If Stand is upset and has given subject headache, anyone who touches the Stand will get the same headache.
Method of Activation: Subject needs to be given advice or instructions by someone, and Mother needs to touch them.
Limit: If the instructions of Mother Knows Best are not very precisely followed, the outcome will be disastrous, and Mother turns red in anger, also giving the subject who disobeyed the orders a severe, dizzy headache and a nosebleed. Ability can also only be used once every 12 hours, whether that be on the user or another person.
Range: 3m
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At first when she discovers her Stand, she's very unsure about the instructions it gives her, and might end up not following them exactly because she doesn't trust herself, which just ends in her getting a nose bleed and a horrible headache. And she's a bit on edge whenever she sees it because she feels like it's judging her all the time— watching her for mistakes just like her mother used to.
She needs to learn that this is her ability, and to trust her own powers in order to make the best use of Mother Knows Best.
At some point she named her Stand 'Mother Knows Best', though usually she just shortens it down to 'Mother'.
She's really good at flower fortunes— and the crazy part is that her flower fortunes are right every single time without fail.
When she or someone else asks a question, her Stand activates and makes her misremember the question as something else but also related. Then she asks the person who asked the question to turn around while she consults the flower. She started doing this because a pair of invisible hands— well, invisible to all but her— picking off the petals one by one and whispering 'yes' or 'no' to her as it picks them looks creepy to most people.
Then she turns around and says the fortune.
Just as an example, if they asked if they can see their crush tomorrow, Mother Knows Best might rearrange the question to make her hear 'will (crush) eat rotten fish today'. Then when Junia turns around and says that yes, (crush) will be eating rotten fish today. The person asking might think it's weird and not trust it. Then the next day, their crush is nowhere to be seen. And the day after that, when they see each other again, the crush tells them they had to stay home the day prior with food poisoning— the fish they had for dinner was apparently rotten.
Since she herself isn't actually aware of her Stand, she never does this consciously— in her perspective, it just happens every time she does a flower fortune.
But, her mother has told her that her flower fortunes are a waste of time, so she doesn't do it a lot anymore, even though she thinks it's fun.
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Stand Name: Crane Wife
Ability: Paper
Ability Name: Unraveling, Curses
Info: A medium-range combat Stand made entirely out of origami, looks like a simplified 3D paper version of the user, wearing hakama pants, a crop top and it’s hair up in a ponytail. Though the face has no eyes, nose or mouth, only a pair of eyebrows to let you know how it's feeling. It's also possible for two spots on the Stand's cheeks to be dyed into two perfect circles of reddish pink if it— and by extension the user— is feeling flustered. This is its most common form, a small origami crane being the second most common. The ability 'Unraveling' allows it to fold itself up to a maximum size of 100square feet, into any shape without getting any thicker, making it able to fit under any gap. The paper is extremely durable and not easily cut through, but also incredibly sharp— sharp enough to let the Stand use a sword made of the paper. It's an incredibly powerful Stand, and if no water, fire or strong wind is present, it's almost unbearable. Almost. It's a Glass Canon of a Stand: incredibly powerful at the cost of being incredibly easy to harm once something gets close enough. And also the ability 'Curses' lets the user cut off a small part of the stand and ascribe an effect to it, then fuse it to a subject's skin, after which it lasts for 30 minutes, then falls off. The effect is to make the subject experience some type of pain— anything from feeling as though the part of the body it's attached to it is on fire, frozen, being put through a meat-grinder, etc. though it does not actually harm the subject in any way. Curses also takes a toll on its user, as it has to sacrifice large amount of energy to tear off a piece of the Stand. Its worst weakness is fire— fire will instantly set it aflame, and user could die if Stand is not put out. It's an off-white color and cannot be dyed, and thus quite easy to spot. It is possible to write on, but the writing disappears if Stand is called back. It's a surprisingly talkative Stand; whenever Veronica tries to hide or lie about her emotions, it comes out of its own volition and voices her emotions for her, unless she tries very, very hard to keep it from doing so. It can be anything, from cussing someone out, to giving them praise. Or, going over to someone Veronica secretly really likes, laying down on its stomach, kicking its feet in the air with elbows on the ground, hands holding its face up, two reddish pink circles on its face, just staring at them.
Method of Activation: At user's will
Limit: Weak to fire, water and winds above 40mph. The body itself is also not very stable. A glass canon, basically— if she is hit in battle, that's usually it.
Range: 30m
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The left is the Combat/regular form, and the right is the Scout form (the little origami crane)
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Stand Name: Oh Hello
Ability: Necromancy
Ability names: Wormwood, Danse Macabre
Info: The ability 'Wormwood' lets the Stand take the corpses of any non-human animal and twist them into Frankenstein creatures that do the user's bidding. The user can choose to see through the eyes of one creature at a time. The creatures can also be just the unaltered corpses of animals, but the less altered they are the likelier it is they will be disobedient, though it is easier and takes less time than creating one from scratch. The creatures can do things like spy for their User, attack the User's enemies, collect things for the user, bury things, or simply act as companions; pets. The creatures 'live' until one of their organs are affected. User can create however many creatures they want, however, the more they create at once the less smart, cooperating and refined— and thus easier to destroy— the creatures will be. Any corpse will do, but use fresh ones for the best result— the creatures will continue to rot while they're reanimated, and at a faster rate than if they were left untouched. The ability 'Danse Macabre' allows user to give a group of Creatures the same order and have them all act at once— normally, the more Creatures the user gives orders to, the more energy it takes. But Danse Macabre lets user give one singular order to the entire army. Though, it automatically gives the same order to every single Creature, meaning no other orders can be performed at that time. Wormwood can also choose to reanimate just one singular bone— though it won't be able to do anything. For a Creature to be useful, they must be able to move, which means the body must have the muscles and bone structure necessary TO move.
Method of Activation: User touching the corpse of an animal.
Limit: The creatures only 'live' until the next sunrise after they were first created— after that they fall apart into bloody bits of gore and then turn to dust.
Range: 3m
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Oh Hello is a hulking, dark blue blue, robotic torso with a cute white and brown cartoon dog head with a halo above it. It sounds like a dog. Its small, adorable cartoon mouth shaped like a sideways 3 isn't its true mouth. If you get close enough to it, its true mouth opens, and it's giant, filled with razor sharp teeth.
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And here are the songs their Stands were named after!
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Here's the website I used to make the parameters
Annnnd here's some miscellaneous art!
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Tagging my moots who I know like JoJo >:3
@bunniehunn @faefum @gingacat
(if I forgot someone PLEAAAAAASE LET ME KNOW. I need to have you all on a L I S T so I know who I can yap about JoJo with 👁️👁️)
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campwillowpeakvn · 6 months ago
Timeloop AU: How would each counselors and the killer react to finding out that the mc is time looping back to their first day of arriving at the camp through being killed by the killer, or trying to escape from the camp each time?
What would each of them do to help (or impend, in the killer's case) the MC through their emotional and psychological turmoil of trauma, with them up to their 20th loop now?
Malik rolling his sleeves up cause he's already seen Higurashi AND Madoka Magica
"Ok guys... so here's the deal......"
"We're all fucked"
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bees-official · 29 days ago
Im like 2 steps away from becoming a valorant player please help
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stinkrascal · 5 months ago
im so sorry for the person im gonna become in 12 days
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cz3rqv · 1 month ago
warning: nosebleed‼️
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I love my characters, but oh, who would I be if I gave them a peaceful life? 🥹😭
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fairytwles · 2 months ago
i fear if i ever told yall who my least favorite yellowjacket was it wouldn’t go well
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