#{{ characters: aiden graves
dragoness05 · 22 days
When I Think the Sbg Gang Will "Die"
these are just my headcanons for the order i think they'll die in, and why i think so
(also i would just like to say ahead of time that the lack of good colors for them sucks)
Tyler We saw this, it happened a while ago, but why was he the first? I could just be reading into this too much, but one of the things about Tyler that really stood out to me was how protective he is of the people he cares about. Being the first to "die" would make him feel weaker, which would also make him doubt whether he could really keep the others safe like he wanted.
Aiden Also happened already, but we've all seen that what made him so reckless (not necessarily when he died, just in general) is that he was clearly neglected as a child. Regardless of whether his parents cared about him or not, it feels like they didn't really know how to raise a child, and they ended up leaving him alone a lot. This made him reckless and borderline suicidal.
Taylor I'm not really sure if I think that her or Logan die next, so I just put her first because why not. Taylor is the most pacifistic out of all of them, but Tyler getting hurt made her reckless, which has been making her put herself into even more danger. She's become a lot more likely to charge into a fight without hesitation, and this means that she is a lot easier to hurt than before.
Logan Like I said, idk whether Logan or Taylor will die next, so this is just the order I put them in. Logan is their "sniper", so he's used to shooting from afar. Even in the facility, he had his guns, so he didn't have to fight them with close-range weapons, meaning that it would be harder for him to adjust to fighting them without a gun.
Ben He’s the caretaker of the group (yes I did write family by accident), so watching the others “die” and being unable to protect them would hurt him a lot more than dying first. Unlike Tyler, who was definitely shaken by the fact that he died first, meaning that maybe he couldn’t protect the others, Ben wouldn’t be as affected if he died earlier, as he wouldn’t really be using that to decide his strength. However, watching the others “die” would make him feel useless, as if he couldn’t help anyone. Also, I don’t think he’ll use his voice, unless someone is in grave danger and he has to warn them, but even then it’s not likely.
Ashlyn Okay this is just a given, as she’s definitely the biggest character out of all of them, but also, there’s the fact that she blames herself for everything that’s happened to the others, even if there wasn’t anything she could have done, so watching everyone “die” would make her suffer both mentally and emotionally. Personally, I think that there’s a chance that she’ll actually die, and not just in the phantom world, and tbh, I think it would be really interesting to see how the others would react to her permanent death.
okay i didn't really finish this (aiden, logan & taylor's are all incomplete) but i know that if i leave this in my drafts it's never gonna see the light of day so here
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blackberrywars · 1 year
♥️Lambert/Aiden Fic Reclist!♥️
For anybody and everybody interested in Lambert, Aiden, and/or their relationship! I've been obsessed with these two since the start of the pandemic, and they inspired me to start writing my own fic, so making a reclist has always been an idea in the back of my head. Plus, it's come to my attention that the tag can get crowded sometimes, so, Laiden fans, this one's for you.
Parameters: I've decided to divide my recs based on common story types that explore Laiden both in and out of canon. Other ships are allowed, but the focus is Lambert/Aiden. Additionally, I put a cap on 3 fics max per author. These are not arranged in any particular order beyond the categories.
♥️Lambert's Revenge/Aiden's Death or Return♥️
(i know dead people, and you are not dead) by @brighteyedjill (Explicit/5,940/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Lambert finds Aiden after ten years of torture, maimed and broken. They retire and learn each other once again, mind, body, and soul.
I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory by CamilleDuDemon (Mature/2,327/Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death)
Aiden dies on a beautiful sunny day, while Lambert waits for him in their usual meeting place. Witchers cannot love and witchers never die in their beds. If only neither of those were true.
No Grave by @blackberrywars (Mature/2293/No Archive Warnings Apply)
A shameless self-rec, because I'm very proud of this fic. To the tune of Hozier’s Work Song, Aiden crawls from her almost-grave, determined to see her baby wolf again.
Fair Trade by Anoke (Mature/40,373/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Karadin sells Aiden to a mage, and he becomes an experiment, trapped in his own head while searching for a way out. It's a series, and this is the part where shit gets ugly.
Very Dark Magic by @bomberqueen17 (Mature/23,683/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Aiden is once more getting tortured and mind-controlled by a mage, but luckily enough and via the power of psychic beams, Keira and Lambert find him. And Lambert's pissed.
Roses Fall but the Thorns Remain by @t4tlambert (Teen/1,458/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert holds Aiden's medallion in his hands, and he knows what it means. He pays for the privilege of having this last piece of his lover, and falls apart for just a moment.
No Grave Can Hold My Body Down by @t4tlambert (Teen/14,414/No Archive Warnings Apply)
A fellow Hozier-lyric-title user. Aiden crawls out of his grave and is found by Eskel, who begrudgingly decides to not piss off his little brother and does his best to keep his Cat alive.
Fortunes of the Fearless by @tumbleweedtech (Teen/627/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert is a vicious bastard, and Aiden is lucky enough to be around to appreciate it, even if Lambert's victim is long dead and drowned.
Survival by @kitdubhran (Teen/1,278/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Aiden wakes up in enough pain that he kind of wishes he hadn't. But he does wake up. And we all know who he's gonna go find.
♥️Getting Together & Being Together♥️
Intent by tnico (Teen/18,551/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert does everything in his crotchety (open to interpretation) power to get Aiden to reveal his devious plans and fuck off, except all he wants is to be by Lambert's side. Incredible characterization, funny as hell, and awesome research footnotes.
Bad Blood (Runs True) by @fairytrashmother (Teen/8,368/No Archive Warnings Apply)
The Tournament never happened, and the Cats and Wolves are actually trying to make peace. A young pup and a young kit might just solve their problems
Silver for Monsters by @crimsonherbarium (Explicit/108,559/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
A canon-compliant look at the development of Laiden with awesome cover art and plenty of angst in later chapters. Lambert is slow to trust, so the burn follows thus.
Lacebound by @heronfem (Mature/39,391/Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Lambert and Aiden as young witchers in winter, lacebound by the fucked-up system they live in, and soon, lacebound to each other. Extremely nuanced politics, people, and circumstances, but also something like a college AU, if Bombs 101 was a class
Denial by tnico (Teen/16,989/No Archive Warnings Apply)
This fic quite possibly wins the award for bitchiest Lambert dialogue in existence, and no one loves it more than me and Aiden. They go a-curse-breakin' and have a grand old time together. More awesome research footnotes
Therapeutic Effects by @laurelnose (Teen/900/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert finds Aiden purring himself back to health, and it's mad cute (but also hilarious because Lambert is Lambert)
Fuck Off: A Love Story (In 5+1 Parts) by @skaldingrayne (Mature/17,080/Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Despite all his efforts to appear the contrary, Lambert is just a bit too noble (and then a bit too horny and a bit too in love) to let this mangy Cat die by his own stupidity. He's still gonna bitch about it tho.
i won't say i'm in **** by @purpurred (Mature/5,848/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Keira arranges for a Cat to fulfill one of Lambert's more private fantasies, and Lambert takes it in the worst way possible. That doesn't mean he can stop thinking about the way Aiden held a poisoned knife to his throat.
ease me of its fever by @inexplicifics (Mature/5,226/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Omega Lambert has spent so many years saying absolutely-the-fuck-not-i'll-rip-your-cock-off that it's more than a little difficult to say yes. Aiden is so, so patient.
mountains that are stacked with fear by @xianvar (Mature/11,171/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert, being Lambert, assumes the beautiful love confession he found in Aiden's bag was actually a prank, and lashes out accordingly. He gets his shit together, and his Cat, eventually.
♥️Meeting the Family♥️
Lambert's two orens' man by Ledgea (Teen/1,861/No Archive Warnings Apply)
One part in an incredible series about the slow development of Aiden and Lambert, but it's just a fun bit of Eskel getting to see his baby brother happy
Hide and seek by Ledgea (Mature/6,617/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert sneaks Aiden into Kaer Morhen, and his whole cohort of bastard pups work hard to cover his ass while causing as many problems as witcherly possible; part 1 of 3
a promise to keep by @all-hail-the-witcher (Teen/983/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Tooth-rotting fluff of Aiden in Kaer Morhen, appreciating the effects of good, regular meals on Lambert's physique. Cutagen biscuits are made.
Winter with the Caravan by @damnbert (Teen/14,229/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert goes home with Aiden for a while, and all the other Cats take the opportunity to take the absolute piss out of them both (and maybe do a little matchmaking on the side)
Lambert's Family by @freudensteins-monster (Teen/5,901/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert hides his biological family until he finally feels safe enough not to. They might be growing up around him, but they still welcome him home every year, and they welcome the Wolves and Cats too.
Did he who made the Lamb make thee? by @tumbleweedtech (General Audiences/1,461/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Being the (asshole) older brothers that they are, Geralt and Eskel constantly rib Lambert about being the littlest wolf, and that his mysterious cat must be pint-sized to match. Lambert is happy to prove them wrong.
♥️Good Old Fashioned Smut♥️
wild green wonder by elizabethgee (Explicit/42,554/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Laiden smut in just about every configuration you can think. Sweet and tender, rough and wild, this one has it all. If you like a dom!Aiden and repressed sub!Lambert, this is stellar
Lambert's (Not-So) Mysterious Vial of Oil by @on-a-lucky-tide (Explicit/11,291/No Archive Warnings Apply)
The Lambert-kicks-ass-at-alchemy headcanon applied to sex. He receives (heh), and then passes his glorious knowledge of lube onto a his student, Aiden
Sweeter Than Pride by @blackberrywars (Explicit/2524/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Another self-rec for the f/f lovers. Lambert is a sweet brat and earns herself a spanking so good she cries. Aiden freaks out a little, but after it all, they fall asleep spooned together
An Evening of Frippery by @bard-llama (Explicit/3,105/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert being a power bottom whose gender is "mind your fucking business," but who nonetheless looks fantastic with his exquisitely tailored skirts hiked to his waist
I Like how the day sounds through this new song by Lynge (Explicit/9,222/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Some porn with plot where Aiden forces Lambert to confess to petty theft and also his deep and abiding romantic feelings (in that order).
Problem by elizabethgee (Explicit/1,977/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
In a fic I've just now realized has the exact same premise as one of my wips, Aiden is obsessed with Lambert's thick ass thighs and will do anything to ride them
Cut You Clean by GreenBird (Explicit/4,203/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert loses a bet and has to let Aiden shave him. It has some... interesting effects on him.
Thicker than Water (and Other Poetic Bullshit) by @kushielsmercy (Explicit/2,835/No Archive Warnings Apply)
A mini-character study of Aiden and Lambert through the lens of some filthy blood-play. They're both far more possessive and codependent than they'd want to admit.
Puppies Don't Talk by @damnbert (Explict/8,725/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Very kink-heavy fic of Lambert going fully into subspace and getting to be taken care of for a while. He can't bring himself to really ask for what he wants, but puppies don't talk anyway.
all dressed up (with no place to go) by @childoffantasy (Explicit/6,707/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert fulfills the redhead contract of wearing green and killing it dead, and there's just enough room under his pretty skirt for Aiden to crawl right up it
Thief's Reward by @inexplicifics (Explicit/1,592/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Maybe Lambert shouldn't reward this handsome Cat for stealing his kill, but it's been awhile, and he might as well get something out of the bargain (it's orgasms. and 60% of the corpse profits)
Dichotomy by @tantumuna (Explicit/25,054/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Extremely kink-heavy fic where Aiden and Lambert switch to see whose methods can get Aiden pregnant the fastest.
Kneel For Me by @alllthequeenshorses (Explicit/2,269/No Archive Warning Apply)
Lambert can only really let go with Aiden, and as soon as he can, it's a freefall. Aiden's there to hold him tight. It's some kinky reunion smut, come get a helping.
Catch and Release by @top-notch-swords (Explicit/9,570/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Aiden is deeply possessive and more than willing to manipulate the situation to remind Lambert exactly who he belongs to. Filthy alley sex and a little codependency that they should probably talk about but actually just fuck about
♥️One-Shot Roulette♥️
A Logical Conclusion by @heronfem (Mature/18,674/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Essentially the thesis of Laiden shippers, seeing Lambert's prickly ass and knowing the only logical conclusion is that he must have loved Aiden very deeply, even across space, time, and AUs
Wheel of the Year by @crimsonherbarium (Explicit/20,717/No Archive Warnings Apply)
A series of Lambert and Aiden celebrating the holidays on the outskirts of society, but finding twice the joy for it. Lots of smut, but also sweetness and angst.
You and I (and what we get up to) by @iwillpooponthefloor (Explicit/19,396/No Archive Warnings Apply)
ABCs of Laiden that focus on them as a team of two. They pull off contracts, schemes, and each other, from time to time.
Purr For Me by @round--robin (Explicit/8,407/No Archive Warnings Apply)
A whole bunch of short and sweet snapshots into Laiden. I couldn't put them on this list, but Robin has a lot of other fics combining Laiden with other ships.
♥️Modern AUs♥️
A Beginners Guide to Exploiting the Kaedweni Tax Code For Fun and Profit by @heronfem (Mature/167,193/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert and Aiden get accidentally married and decide to make it work for the tax benefits. And then they fall in love. And work through trauma. And get a cat. And it's gorgeously written.
What Happens at Waffle House by Anoke (Teen/1,993/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
The rituals are intricate, and Lambert's sometimes involve mutual combat with the Waffle House line cook. Somehow, the feral gremlin gets a date out of it.
All those wonders sit in wait for us by Theladyknight23 (Teen/14,847/No Archive Warnings Apply)
My fellow fem!Laiden crusader with a delightful modern take on witchers as a combination between truckers and pest control workers. Americana themes and the best additional tag ever: "love is like bread."
The Bark that's to Your Bite by @theimpressionablelizard (Explicit/12,976/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Where Lambert is Deadpool pre-mutation and he falls in bounty hunter love with Aiden, who I personally imagine looks like Dev Patel from the Green Knight. A little romance, a little co-worker wolves, and lots of swearing.
Three Cats Walk Into A Bar by @halehathnofury (Teen/2,607/No Archive Warnings Apply
Inspired by the lovely @whyzowl's art, it's the Wolves + Ciri dressing Lambert up to get him laid, and Aiden taking the bait.
Helpless, Feckless, Far Too Young by @keirametzbrassknuckles (Mature/14,605/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
The Wolves are a traveling group after a death in the family, and Lambert is so fucking sick of them acting like nothing is wrong. He meets Aiden, and they get on like a fairgound on faire. Written by my personal mistress of angst.
Once, Again by @brighteyedjill (Mature/4,521/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Aiden has to save Lambert in a time loop without explaining anything, but we all know Lambert doesn't trust easy. Sometimes the simplest solution is the right one.
The Art of Living by Ledgea (Explicit/25,636/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Lambert loving people as the story of an art gallery, a skill honed from his cohort to his brothers to Aiden, The Damn Cat, when he makes his appearance.
Fields of color by @witcherscrane (Mature/2,057/Major Character Death)
In the wake of Aiden's death, Lambert follows a beautiful illusion with a smile on his face. His brothers help him find rest.
Give Us A Smile by @etcorsolus (Mature/2,945/No Archive Warnings Apply)
A 5+1 of Aiden making Lambert smile. Textual adaptation of that one post "look at you! you're so handsome when you're not being a bitch."
The Basics by @kushielsmercy (Mature/375/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Aiden gets possessed, and Lambert has a choice to make. Ambiguous ending.
Ashes in His Mouth by Faetality (Mature/3,924/Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Fear makes humans cruel. It makes them not care who gets tied to the stake, so long as they can breathe easy while the victim drowns in smoke. Or, Lambert suffers, and Aiden watches.
remember me as i was not as i am by @all-hail-the-witcher (Explicit/40,248/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Aiden has been dead for a very long time, long enough that Lambert has long since forgotten his face. It's just in time for a beautiful man with green eyes to break in through his window and ask for his services.
Deafening Silence by @wolf-and-bard (Explicit/13,230/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Destiny is a stubborn bitch, but it hasn't Lambert, who doesn't give a rat's ass that he's never meant to see Aiden again.
A Spot of Blood by MsThunderFrost (Explicit/3,440, No Archive Warnings Apply)
How the phrase "Pops didn't raise a quitter" turns into a "sex sent me to the ER" story for Lambert, because he's a stubborn bastard who would rather injure himself than communicate.
Let me say a few things outright, because I want zero drama.
This reclist is for the benefit of Laiden fans, and is not meant as a criticism of any other ship or fic.
The fics chosen for this reclist are only ones I have read. It is by no means comprehensive, and definitely favors older fics, since that was when I was deepest in the fandom.
I actually had to cut this short because I hit some kind of content block limit, which. Oh welp. If anyone wants me to remove their fic from this list for any reason, PM me and I'll do it asap
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tafferling · 8 months
Dying Light 2: Game Story Rewrite
I have been tempted (and have since given in to this temptation) to write out one of the alternate Dying Light 2 story campaigns that'd been knocking around in my head ever since I started playing the game.
It sticks to the characters we already know, but aims to- I dunno. Add Taff flavour, I guess.
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Dying Light 2, an alternate main campaign story, by Taff.
While this is not Latchkey Hero, a lot of the main plot rewrites in this does draw from what I cooked up for Monsters, We. So, if you don’t want spoilers for the MW endgame, skip this.
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The player character is either Aiden or Mia Caldwell. Because who hasn’t wanted a little more versatility? We start by choosing which one we’d like to play.
The Caldwell siblings are Pilgrims (I love the Pilgrims, okay? The world needs more Dying Light Pilgrims, please send me your Pilgrim OCs so I can give them platonic smooches) and they’re currently doing what they do best: helping people move across the territories. Specifically, you’re escorting a troupe (actors and musicians) from New Paris, who’re headed to Villedor to perform.
You get to know the siblings in the introduction, and see how they interact with not only each other, but the people around them, too. My aim here would’ve been to establish a relationship between Aiden and Mia, giving what’ll happen later more meaning. We learn about the Pilgrims, how they hold a fearful sort of respect from others, and just how good they are at this.
We even get a bit of combat! Defend against a bunch of biters. Fend off a banshee before nightfall. And, hey, we might even get to know some of the troupe a bit better! We’re having a great time.
Once we reach Villedor, we find out that there’s a bit of trouble brewing right now and that the troupe won’t be able to get to its actual destination (The Fish Eye), since there’s a blockade up. We don’t much care, we are getting paid already and we don’t plan on staying. So we stash them at the second best place, the Bazaar.
After that, our plan is to pick up some more work and then be on our way. Explore time! We find out that there are two different types of safe zones/holds in Villedor: Some which require a biomarker to get into, some which do not. The Bazaar, for example, has a no biomarker zone and a main only biomarker zone. We also find out that a lot of people here are infected. In our initial exploration, we get to go anywhere in Old Villedor except into holds that require biomarkers and places which have been sealed by the GRE.
We can do a few side quests! If we pay attention, we’ll also pick up on how there’s trouble brewing in Central Villedor, and also how, oof, be careful, newcomers, lotsa new people who come to Villedor just straight up vanish. Until one quest pops up for another escort. A man who’d like someone to help him get to New Paris. Fair. We’ve just been there, we can do the trip again, no sweat. Aiden and Mia agree and take the man (Dylan) back the same way they’d originally come in.
Things don’t go well.
We’re attacked by masked men (Renegades), who are trying to get something back from Dylan, who is wounded gravely at the start of the ambush. Aiden and Mia fight them off, but the noise attracts attention they don’t need (Volatiles!). It is clear they can’t do much, but before they run off, Dylan gives them something and tells them to take it and go and not let Waltz have it (whoever that may be, our two Pilgrims are not clued in).
As we try to escape, we’re eventually overwhelmed and both of our Pilgrims are (drum rolls) bitten. But before the GAME OVER screen can roll in, a set of Renegades and Waltz show up, ultimately saving their lives. Which may sound neat at first, not so much when we get punched out and dragged off. When our player character comes to again, it’s a vague affair at first. A bit of swimming in and out of it, really, where we realise we are in a lab (spooky) and have been injected with something (cue the OOOOOOOooOOO!). But never you fret! After overhearing a conversation that they’d be taken back to Central Villedor since they haven’t died and something something they have potential, our player character frees themselves. They get their sibling too and try to escape. During this escape, we see hints that some of those “vanished newcomers” may have met their end here, wherever here may be.
We also get our stuff. Which includes the GRE key (no one bothered checking our backpack, wee!).
But, once again, things do not go well. Waltz’s goons chase us, and while our player character manages to escape, our sibling sacrifices themselves and, for all we know, has just died. We want to do something about this, but we have our first full blown seizure, which leads to us falling to what everyone assumes is our death.
All of this is followed with an Oh no, am I turning? sequence, which ends similarly to the original intro of the game, where we are about to get lynched by a mob. Hakon to the rescue! Except this time the rescue is somewhat motivated by how we’ve already made some friends previously: the troupe! They recognized us and they are what we find after Hakon jabs us with our first inhibitor.
Afterwards, this version of the story follows the Bazaar VS PK story line, somewhat, with our player character motivated to reach Central Villedor to get revenge. Why revenge and why not have our sibling recaptured? ‘cause revenge can wait a little and it won’t feel so weird when we get side tracked by side quests.
To get to Central Villedor we must help Aitor solve his murder mystery of their slain commander and to do that we have to get a biomarker (which we can do since we have a GRE key). As we solve the mystery, we find out that the conflict with the bandits and whatnot and the PK’s hand being forced to suspect or even attack the Bazaar was being orchestrated by someone else.
Who, we aren’t sure.
There’s choices to be made of course! Some siding with the PK, or with the Bazaar, and all the while we also have our troupe friends to report back to and help with little side quests. Hey, we may even have a little devil and an angle in our troupe who try and sway us towards specific decision. Plus, Hakon, of course (who, by the way, is telling us he has an idea of where to go once we are in Central Villedor so we can get our sweet SWEET revenge). We also meet the usual suspects of the Bazaar, including Sophie, Alberto, and Co.
And in-between our chores, we are on the hunt for those inhibitors and like to jab ourselves with them like the dumdum we are. SURELY nothing bad can come out of this?!
Now that we have a biomarker, we can access other regions in Old Villedor. More exploring! And, eventually, we get the choice to help the PK see the Bazaar was innocent (and give the Bazaar their water tower back), or we claim the water tower for the PK cause we have a crush on Aitor (why else would you do this?!), OR we can cause absolute mayhem and botch the whole deal, leading to a war between the Bazaar the PK, which the PK narrowly win.
Then off we go into Central Villedor. Escorting our troupe, of course. Gee, maybe we get an LI in there?! I’m thinking too much about the troupe now. Down, Taff. But, seriously, there is someone in the troupe who is defo trying to win us over to “troupe life” maybe and sway us away from all the revenge talk. We aren’t having it though. We loved our sibling.
(No one blows up the windmill, btw. That thing is too damn pretty to die. Taff has spoken. Oh and we probably had another turning scare at some point and are figuring out that something may not be entirely right with us.)
Once we’ve survived some tense escort mission shenanigans (HEY those can be fun if done right, I promise), and as we are nearing the Fish Eye, we get into an argument about our desire to Do Revenge, which leads to use pointing the troupe to the Fish Eye and the fucking off with Hakon.
Cause we trust Hakon.
Hakon who has become a bit quiet now that we are alone with him.
Hakon who is getting a bit weird.
We are not happy. Especially since we are facing what seems to be a trio of WAY TOO strong people who remind us far too much of volatiles. Gee. Anyway, we manage to get away! Mostly thanks to the timely intervention of a crossbow woman (Lawan).
Fast forward, we end up at the Fish Eye, with Lawan giving us a bit of exposition about Hakon (who she was tracking when she spotted him near the Fish Eye), about Waltz and how he does some really creepy science stuff with young people.
We reunite with the troupe and get to know the Fish Eye. We meet Frank.
The Renegades attack.
Our valiant defense of it goes down just like in the game, which introduces us to the PK and properly begins ACT 2. ACT 3? Look, I am not counting. Also, I need a snack, be right back.
[one snack later; beware, Monsters, We. spoilers ahead cause all of this is ripped right out of my fic]
This act is all about Bringing back some light! The right (or wrong) people have noticed that we have a GRE key and are floating the idea by us that we should take our shapely ass over to the solar farm (ex “Tesla competitor” car factory) and do Villedor a solid. This is a big one, because we get to pick our team to do that. Do we go back to the Bazaar and bring Alberto and Co (if we didn’t botch Old Villedor), or do we go with the PK, organized by Aitor, and bring Tolga and Fatim? I mean Mitaf and Aglot, sorry.
Either way, Lawan comes with us.
As we gear up for this venture (which will not be an easy venture) we begin to also unravel some of the mystery around Waltz. The name X 13 is being floated by us at this point, too, which we begin to ask around about and are told to go get friendly with the Carriers (can I PLEASE rename them to Couriers?) since they hoarded a lot of communications and maps.
Anyway. POWER PLANT. Depending on how we left Old Villedor, our efforts at the power plant are challenged by either: The Renegades (if we prevented a war between the PK and the Bazaar) or the Bazaar (if we botched Old Villedor and the PK beat down the Bazaar).
This is when the “Renegade Mini Bosses” start showing up: Daylight proof volayouths. 20-somethings turned into weapons by Waltz.
During that particular fight, we experience another turning scare, but we’re good. Heheehehe. Yeah. We’re good. :sweating:
Then, after we’ve made it, cause, of course we made it: LET THERE BE LIGHT! This time, racing up to the top of a skyscraper is payoff and Lawan’s joy something we can relate to. We’ve seen Villedor dipped in darkness. Now we see it come alive with way more lights than our Pilgrim has ever seen in their life. It’s an emotional moment, ya’all.
We get a little hear to heart with Lawan, where she reveals some more about Hakon. This is driven by the VNC tower light coming on and her briefly recounting how Hakon betrayed the Nightrunners, the very people who took in Lawan when she was a child. She was a kid back then, but she will never forget the loss Frank (and therefore her family) suffered and she will always blame Hakon for it. Hakon was, in effect, outcast after this, and eventually fell in with Waltz. A lot of people do these days, mostly out of desperation.
After that:
The Courier quest line is turned into a bit of a main quest line this time around, at which end we find out what X 13 is: a massive GRE vault. And Waltz and his Renegades are looking for it. If they are able to crack it open, Villedor is in for a BAD time. Not only will he have all the supplies he needs to keep his operation running when it comes to turning people into whatever it is he is doing, but also because: guns. There is absolutely going to be a stockpile of them in there. Even working together, the PK and the survivors wouldn’t stand a chance against the Renegades.
And thus, the race is on!
To get there first, we need intel. And intel needs communication.
VNC tower time!
Frank and Lawan think its a terrible idea, but the PK are happy to help us; this one goes down pretty much identical to the original climb. I loved that mission, and hanging out with Rowe and his group was absolutely necessary to give the PK some much needed depth which they kinda lost after you lose track of Aitor.
The difference is though that Lawan doesn’t come after us. I felt her easily catching up with Aiden cheapened not only the player’s accomplishment, but the death of Rowe’s squad and the death of the Nightrunners. We do get help from Frank though, which is a big deal, since at that moment, Frank is facing his demons. He is going back to that day when his men died – and in doing so, he saves our life.
We celebrate.
We’re almost feeling at home, really. Our troupe performs at the Fish Eye. We get to see it all, and yeah, we still want revenge, but maybe we’re home?Maybe this is better than revenge? Maybe we don’t have to go back out onto the road (and how can we, we are infected, we are screwed anyway, we can’t go back to our old life, can we?).
Maybe this is good.
If you like romance, maybe there’s a bit of romance there (someone from the troupe? Lawan? BIG SHRUG! You choose!).
The next day the hunt begins: For X 13 and Waltz. This leads to us crossing paths with Hakon again (and a fight not unlike the one in the church in the game). Though this time, the fight ends in a revelation: Hakon tells us that (DRUM ROLL PLEASE) our sibling is alive! Yeah, I know you all saw this one coming.
We then get to choose to kill him or to let him live, but not before he tells us where they are.
And we see red.
Heeding no warnings, we head into what could easily be a trap (as Lawan tells us, cause Hakon is a bleeding liar, don’t trust him), but we don’t care. We go. We HAVE to go. Lawan, since we’ve grown on her, comes with us.
Surprisingly – it is not a trap. Not really. Not intentionally. We find our sibling, but they aren’t altogether themselves anymore, much as any of the other volayouths we find. They also aren’t leaving with us – and as we try and break them out anyway, Waltz gets in the way.
Forced to abandon our sibling, Lawan manages to get us to flee and come back later, with Waltz and one of his other volayouths chasing us. We manage to kill the volayouth, but Waltz is too much – but thankfully, Lawan is crafty, and she manages to get us out.
Except now its night. And we are kinda in the middle of nowhere with no UV light and– oh no, you know exactly where this is going.
We (as in you, the player, not Lawan) turn.
Look, Veronika was sweet, but I had absolutely 0 emotional connection to her. Let this moment matter.
We kill her.
Unless! We allowed Hakon to live, in which case he realized just how harebrained we were and shadowed us, swooping in at the last second to jab us with an inhibitor, saving Lawan’s life.
The happiness we were so close to his absolutely shattered now. Regardless of whether Hakon helped save Lawan or not. What happened, happened. There is no coming back from that.
If Lawan is dead, we do not go back to the Fish Eye. We crawl into a hole after we come to and hope to die.
If Lawan is alive, we also do not go back to the Fish Eye. We refuse, even though both Hakon and Lawan insist.
It’s not until Waltz contacts us and says he will trade our sibling for the key and the location of X 13 that we spring (or crawl) back into action.
It is decision time.
We can now choose to either: (a) give up, betray all our friends, and leave Villedor with a half-feral sibling, or (b) return to the Fish Eye and go to claim X 13 for Frank or (c) go to Missy and claim X 13 for the PK.
(a) If we betray our friends, the game ends here and the credits are us returning years later to find Villedor in the worst shape it can possibly be in.
(b) If we go to the Fish Eye, and Lawan and Hakon are alive, Frank will put the Nightrunners back together and they come with us to X 13. If not, we go alone and it will be a lot harder than (c). In this case, Matt leads a squad (which includes Aitor) after us and what happens in that confrontation depends on how we handled Aitor and his situation in Old Villedor. Either Aitor sides with us and turns on Matt, or the Nightrunners stay behind to hold off the PK. If the Nightrunners have not reunited (Lawan is dead), we have to fight the PK alone.
(c) If we go to to Missy, Aitor and one of his squads will come with us. No one challenges us.
Assuming (b) and (c), we manage to claim X 13 in what I would hope is an epic battle. One where we fight through Renegades, volayouths, and, eventually Waltz, who has brought our sibling along and pits us against them. We fight both Waltz and our sister or brother, kill him, and are left to choose to subdue or kill what’s left of our family.
If we claimed X 13 for the survivors, Frank has taken a reluctant leadership position and oversees things from the Fish Eye. If Lawan is alive, the Nightrunners have been reestablished for good. They control Villedor’s firearms and the supplies coming out of X 13..
If we claimed it for the PK, the PK control Villedor’s firearms and the supplies coming out of X 13, though the outcome itself depends once again on how we handled Aitor’s situation. If we have Aitor on our side, Matt is overthrown after being overzealous and Aitor takes charge and the survivors and the PK enter a reasonable time of peace. If not, Matt brings Villedor under a militant rule (before he dies).
If we have killed our sibling and/or Lawan, we leave Villedor, unable to cope with what we’ve done.
If, however, Lawan is alive and we subdued our sibling, our own credit is us looking for a way to help not only our sibling, but all the other volayouths still out there. Including ourselves.
EDIT! I forgot to mention that NG+ has you have guns.
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monochromeruby · 2 months
Why Riya should (and deserves to) win All Stars
Back on my bullshit… Here we go…
Reason 1: She definitely worked the hardest.
Out of the final four, Riya has definitely done the most. She made game moves, thought about her decisions logically, and had her eyes on that BAG from beginning to end. She had eyes on her from the beginning and she still stuck around to the final four. She played her pieces and used her cards, and truthfully, she was probably the only character that kept 👏her 👏head 👏in 👏the 👏 game👏
Reason 2: Compared to the other finalists, Riya is a clear deserving winner.
Ally also worked hard I’ll admit, but Riya had done more power plays I’d say. She had her act together near the beginning and end, and I’ll defend Ally to the grave, but comparing her game and Riya’s… Riya did more. (Not to mention that it was Riya that made her start playing the game more fiercely…)
Connor… love… do you know where you are? I feel like he’s lost half the time. Not to mention he rejoined.. he was literally gone for 40% of the game… His arc has mainly been worrying about Riya and he’s been letting her use him all the time. He’s made no game defining moves, only really binding the heroes together (which did nothing near the end), and using the totem (that he wouldn’t have used if it weren’t for Grett…)
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And Jake… oh god… IHATE THIS TWINK.
Jake has done nothing but piss me off the whole season.. He starts bitching at James because of his jealousy, then fights with Ally for no fucking reason, same with Aiden, has his FACE lodged between Tom’s CLEAVAGE 24/7/365 and then at the visceral moment where he needed to get his ACT together, he goes and done fucks it up, and Ashley gets eliminated. His game has been nothing but emotional thinking, and he’s probably the least deserving winner. Let’s be honest with ourselves, the only reason he’s still here is because he’s a fan favorite and a writer’s pet.. He only gets his act together because SOMEONE ELSE has to tell him to. He’s like a chihuahua that barks at other dogs minding their DAMN business and then someone has to reel in his retractable leash so he can stfu. PLEASE… Jake had done literally nothing except ruin his own game and then cries about it.. please get him off my screen forever..
Reason 3: We just need more of her.
“Riya already made the finale why do we need more of her???” NO SHE DIDNT!!!!!!!
The Riya that got to the finale in season 2 was not the Riya we have now. 95% of Season 2 was a completely different character until the very end. Now in All Stars we’re seeing the Riya that was only shown in the last few episodes. She’s a completely different character. She’s not the “villain again”. She wasn’t the villian for the majority of season 2. Now we get to SEE her as the villain for the whole season instead of just a few episodes. We’re being fed a girlboss and you’re being picky???? What is wrong with you???
Reason 4: It would be perfect for her arc.
Riya’s character has been about how she acts differently on camera but worries that her real relationships are drifting apart. Hold my hand. Picture this with me.
Riya wins. She gets the 3 mil. But literally nobody celebrates. They just kind of look at her as she realizes that she won at the cost of her relationships with those she cared about. Like??? Wouldn’t that be a perfect way to end her arc??? That would probably be the best way to wrap her up. If she gets eliminated, then it would just be like “haha, you did bad things, here’s your karma.” Like YAWWWWN. But if she won???? It would be perfect for her to realize that winning wasn’t everything, and that the people she hurt and lost are permanent. This comment on yt sums up what I’m trying to say:
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And Reason 5: If she loses, what will that do for feminism? Nothing. Do you hate woman? Is that it? You disgust me. (This is a joke)
So all in all: Riya should win because she’s the best player out of the four, and I want a winner that actually WORKED to win. Not only that, but it’ll be the perfect end to her character. Her losing would just be a bland close to her book.
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thatbiologist · 1 year
G’eth Character Name Bank
First Names
Masculine Names
Alfred, Andrew, Arlo, Arthur, Balthazar, Barry, Ben, Benedick, Bernard, Burchard, Cedric, Charibert, Crispin, Cyrill, Daegal, Derek, Digory, Drustan, Duncan, Edmund, Edwin, Elric, Evaine, Frederick, Geffery, George, Godfreed, Gregory, Guy, Harris, Harry, Horsa, Hugh, Humphrey, Iago, Jack, Jeremy, John, Kazamir, Kenric, Lawrence, Leoric, Lorik, Luke, Lynton, Lysander, Madoc, Magnus, Maukolum, Micheal, Miles, Milhouse, Mordred, Mosseus, Ori, Orvyn, Neville, Norbert, Nycolas, Paul, Percival, Randulf, Richard, Robert, Roderick, Stephen, Tennys, Theodoric, Thomas, Tristan, Tybalt, Victor, Vincent, Vortimer, Willcock, Willian, Wymond
Feminine Names
Adelin, Alice, Amelia, Beatrix, Beryl, Bogdana, Branwyne, Brigida, Catalina, Catherine, Claudia, Crystina, Deanna, Desdemona, Elaine, Elinora, Eliza, Enide, Eva, Ferelith, Fiora, Freya, Gertrude, Gregoria, Gueanor, Gwen, Gwendolyn, Hannah, Hegelina, Helen, Helga, Heloise, Henrietta, Igraine, Imogen, Jacquelyn, Jane, Jean, Jenny, Jill, Juliana, Juliet, Katie, Leela, Lettice, Lilibet, Lilith, Lucy, Luthera, Luz, Lyra, Malyna, Margherita, Marion, Meryl, Millie, Miranda, Molle, Morgana, Morgause, Nezetta, Nina, Novella, Olwen, Oriana, Oriolda, Osanna, Pamela, Petra, Philippa, Revna, Rohez, Rosalind, Rose, Sallie, Sarra, Serphina, Sif, Simona, Sophie, Thomasine, Tiffany, Ursula, Viola, Winifred, Yrsa, Ysabella, Yvaine, Zelda, Zillah
Gender-Neutral/Unisex Names
Adrian, Alex, Aiden, Arden, Ariel, Auden, Avery, Bailey, Blaire, Blake, Brett, Breslin, Caelan, Cadain, Cameron, Charlie, Dagon, Dana, Darby, Darra, Devon, Drew, Dylan, Evan, Felize, Fenix, Fernley, Finley, Glenn, Gavyn, Haskell, Hayden, Hunter, Jace, Jaime, Jesse, Jo, Kai, Kane, Karter, Kieran, Kylin, Landon, Leslie, Mallory, Marin, Meritt, Morgan, Nell, Noel, Oakley, Otzar, Paris, Peregrine, Quant, Quyn, Reagan, Remy, Robin, Rowan, Ryan, Sam, Samar, Sasha, Sloan, Stace, Tatum, Teegan, Terrin, Urbain, Vahn, Valo, Vick, Wallace, Waverly, Whitney, Yardley, Yarden, Zasha
Surnames, Patrilineal - First Name (Patrilineal Surname)
Ace, Allaire, Appel, Arrow, Baker, Bamford, Barnard, Beckett, Berryann, Blakewood, Blanning, Bigge, Binns, Bisby, Brewer, Brickenden, Brooker, Browne, Buller, Carey, Carpenter, Carter, Cheeseman, Clarke, Cooper, Ead, Elwood, Emory, Farmer, Fish, Fisher, Fitzroy, Fletcher, Foreman, Foster, Fuller, Galahad, Gerard, Graves, Grover, Harlow, Hawkins, Hayward, Hill, Holley, Holt, Hunter, Jester, Kerr, Kirk, Leigh, MacGuffin, Maddock, Mason, Maynard, Mercer, Miller, Nash, Paige, Payne, Pernelle, Raleigh, Ryder, Scroggs, Seller, Shepard, Shore, Slater, Smith, Tanner, Taylor, Thatcher, Thorn, Tilly, Turner, Underwood, Vaughan, Walter, Webb, Wilde, Wood, Wren, Wyatt, Wynne
Surnames, Townships in G’eth - First Name of (Location)
Abelforth, Argent Keep, Barrow Springs, Barrowmere, Bedford, Brunhelm, Bumble, Casterfalls, Dunbridge, Falmore Forest, Folk’s Bounty, Frostmaid, Fulstad, Heller’s Crossing, Hertfordshire, Humberdale, Inkwater, Little Avery, Marrowton, Mistfall, Mistmire, Morcow, Necropolis-on-Sea, Otherway, Parsendale, Piddlehinton, Port Fairwind, Redcastle, Ransom, Rutherglen, Saint Crois, Tanner’s Folly, Tavern’s Point, Wilmington
Surnames, Geographical Locations in G’eth - First Name of the (Location)
Cove of Calamity, Deep Woods of Falmore, Eastern Isles, Eastern Mountains, Foothills, Frozen Peak, Lakes, Maegor Cobblestones, Northern Mountains, Southern Isle, Tangle, West Coast, Wild Wild Woods, Woods of Angarad
Surnames, Nickname - First Name the (Something) 
Bald, Bastard, Bear, Bearded, Big, Bird, Bold, Brave, Broken, Butcher, Bruiser, Careless, Caring, Charitable, Clever, Clumsy, Cold, Confessor, Coward, Crow, Cyclops, Devious, Devoted, Dog, Dragonheart, Dreamer, Elder, Faithful, Fearless, Fey, Fool, Friend, Generous, Giant, Goldheart, Goldfang, Gouty, Gracious, Great, Hag, Handsome, Hawk, Honest, Huge, Humble, Hungry, Hunter, Innocent, Ironfist, Ironside, Keeper, Kind, Lesser, Liar, Lionheart, Little, Loyal, Magical, Mercenary, Merchant, Messenger, Old, Orphan, Pale, Polite, Poet, Poor, Prodigy, Prophet, Proud, Reliable, Romantic, Rude, Selfish, Sellsword, Scab, Scholar, Shield, Shy, Singer, Sirrah, Slayer, Slug, Small, Stoneheart, Swift, Tadde, Talented, Tart, Tenacious, Timid, Tiny, Tough, Traveller, Trusted, Truthful, Viper, Wizard, Wolf, Wyrm
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scrunkly-week · 1 month
the character graveyard — a creator's lament
a wall of snow keeps you hidden, it's true.
my hands tainted. I buried you all myself.
some of you live, just barely, breathing through a straw in your graves. an illusion of existence.
some of you never had the chance. your lives extinguished before you could fully form.
your god has not forsaken you, I plead.
though I am god and she is merciless. by circumstance, not design.
I come to acknowledge you. you forgotten ones, the ones I hid, the ones who died by my hand and the ones who fizzled from existence before I could reach them. I gather you here today. to recognise you. mourn you. immortalise you.
I raise my chalice to each of you.
here's to the faceless ones. the ones I never named. the ones who had nothing but a name. a vibe. a role. a disembodied something. you hadn't enough love or care. I'm sorry.
here's to the fleeting ones. ones who existed in passing. to assist another's narrative. to enhance the world.
lindsay, erin bray, lynn clerke, jarrod holman. alli, nicole, cam, daniel, alisha. javin daxar, ellin daxar, dalen daxar, damon daxar, kara quillan, zaiden. daron ferris, charlie reid. lennard rose, elisabeth rose, elli. deyan thomson. lucia. sophie, caleb. jeremiah, chris, lukas, troy jackson, zach, linda, mr. woods. kere lockhart. aric jeweller. andrea, stefano. reece, john, demetrius rodriquez, seth reeves. aria, aaron, william, matthew, gaeldon, jonah. julia. sigrae, cassirean, king pyrest of emberia, hakan. dayell, carr kepnar. conrad, mr. stevens, steph, lilian maxwell, evie, vida, erica, david, olivia, andrew, dexter badd, marianne, charles wickham, katherine wickham, james wickham, raiden, calvin, darlene. therese matton, henri matton, geneve matton, madeline matton, mathieu matton, talon debois, lloyd hawthorne. morgan hawksley, aaron hawksley, marcus walters, cassidy donaldson. evan callaghan, mildred callaghan. arthur drover, sybilla drover, harriet drover, vera dustinborough, victoria darkwood, bethly violet, eliphalet lushington, emma. erysibe, kirkos. guiletta lanese, donato lanese, ottavio lanese, benedetto lanese, pietro lanese, vincenzo lanese, matteo lanese, annetta fornari, stefano fornari, adriana fornari, carlo fornari, francesco fornari, augusto fornari, adele sozzi, bettina aliotti, ciro, salvatore sallucci. edmond wickerman, rosalind wickerman, elias starling, hubert cornell.
here's to the strange ones. the 'I made you just because' ones.
scalene, nikia goodrich, ami ruff, riesa gentry and co., zachary bliss, janae lombardi, dawn watts, jay spear, lea cantrell, danny light. cardinal, scar. harmony/chaos. leighton, josh. nick joyce, rosalinda joyce, jasper joyce. emilee, ashli, nadine kathy hemingway.
here's to the old ones. the ones I left behind as I myself grew older.
timothy, kimberly, ash, connor. zoe. gabey mal'lie. raina hardin. zariah mika rose. karli hayes, shaun roberts. bella davis. milaa lockhart. mabel. queen heresa. tāne miller. victor.
here's to the ones who never reached anything past the development stage.
iris. olive. phoenix mars, rose earthen, gem airborne, luna moonbeam, leon king, mattias grey, venus greenwood, scarlet rust, sage bluest, amalthea browner, rialta silverton, jupiter violet. princess seraphine of emberia. the assassin, prophet, serenity. valentino, theokles, fabiola fornari, blair aiden hawksley, james robert callaghan, ruby starling.
here's to the ones I invested my time in, who I write one or two prose pieces and umpteen handfuls of rambles for, only to leave you by the wayside to crumble to dust.
vivian edwards, lucille matton, luciana lanese, alaric joseph drover, alexander wickerman, jinx the kea, hamid, sahar.
here's to my future creations, who may inevitably fall under one of these categories.
the wall of snow may keep you hidden. but I promise, you'll never be forgotten.
Submitted by: our lovely friend, Bee
☆ this is hauntingly sweet and I utterly love it !! What a good way to pay your respects to all of these characters <3 I raise my chalice alongside you, to toast to their lives
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lunasilverpelt · 10 months
Misc. stuff first.
I'm uh nonbinary and use all pronouns. Also panromantic asexual. Yea.
Might be reblogging some Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss posts. I overall enjoy the series..es but completely understand the criticisms, I will be tagging every post with the series names so yall can block the tag. I'm open to discussion of criticism as long as you ain't straight up like attacking me lol.
SIDE BLOGS (that I actually sometimes use)
@the-rayman-show Fake Rayman CLH roleplay blog*
@rayman2beachball Rayman roleplay blog based on my playthroughs of the games*
@putting-vox-in-places Putting in places blog for Vox from Hazbin Hotel
@cherry-grave In character blog for a reverse version of Lydia from Beetlejuice The Musical
This list will constantly update
NAMES!!! (* for common ones)
Luna* (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Discord (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Aiden (What my real name would've been if I was born AMAB)
Jester (Haha yea)
Rat (My lil bro told me to put this on the list I'm gonna stab him :3c)
Fruity (Nickname from a friend)
Pam (A friend's nickname for me, also an oc or two)
Charles (I just like the name)
Prince (Also just like the name)
Benrey/Benry (Half-Life VR But The AI Is Self-Aware)
Tommy Coolatta (Half-Life VR But The AI Is Self-Aware)
Barney Calhoun (Half-Life)
Gordon Freeman (Half-Life)
Kaufmo* (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Caine (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Monster (Friday Night Funkin)
Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin)
Theodore (A few things but mostly Pizza Tower)
Noise (Pizza Tower)
Pizzano (Sugary Spire)
Oswald (A few things. Primarily my Pizzahead interp. and Oswald The Lucky Rabbit)
Bon (The Walten Files)
Mortality (The Walten Files)
Pumpkin Rabbit (The Walten Files)
Funtime Freddy (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Clemens (Headcanon name for the Crying Child from Five Nights At Freddy's)
BonBon (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Spring Bonnie (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Pitbon (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Anti Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog/Archie Comics)
Super "Fleetway" Sonic (Sonic The Comic/Fleetway Comics)
Garfield (Garfield)
Jon Arbuckle (Garfield)
Odie (Garfield)
Kevin McCallister (Home Alone)
Marx (Kirby)
Jevil (Deltarune)
Spamton (Deltarune)
Berdly (Deltarune)
Kris (Deltarune)
Petaly (Fan-made Deltarune secret boss)
Flowey (Undertale)
Adam* (Hazbin Hotel)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Niffty (Hazbin Hotel)
Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
Mammon (Helluva Boss)
Dexter (Spooky Month)
Skid (Spooky Month)
Shotgun Man/Sam [Headcanon name] (Sr Pelo)
Rayman* (Rayman)
Raymesis (Rayman)
Fake Rayman (Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix)
Ramon (Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix)
Paper Mario (Paper Mario)
Luigi (Super Mario)
Doopliss (Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
Dewey Finn/"Mr. Schneebly" [false name]* (School Of Rock)
Lawrence Betelgeuse "Beetlejuice" Shogoth (Beetlejuice/Betelgeuse)
Pom (Pikmin)
Roger Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)
Joka* (Klonoa)
Gourmet (MAGO)
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kurtisthesnivy · 10 months
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So about six years ago, I created a homebrew system for a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon tabletop game. It didn't quite pan out, so I migrated to a heavily homebrewed version of DnD 5e (also designed by yours truly.) Until about 4 months ago, I was running two different campaigns as well as a handful of smaller adventures. I can't take full credit, my boyfriend has been a massive help with running games and coming up with homebrew. Over the last half decade, I've kept a record of all of the characters that have played in our games. And as a celebration of finishing such a long journey, here's all 72 characters that have been played in PMDnD. 
Also, I recorded the timelapse of the whole process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0b3rYlGvFU
All characters in rough order of being drawn 
Xaio, Oshawott Rogue (old system) 
Byron, Nidoran Mercenary (old system) 
Qyzen, Litten Fighter (old system) 
Tobu, Oricorio Black Mage (old system) 
Argaveus, Scyther Zealot Barbarian/Blood Hunter 
Tovu, Togedemaru Grave Domain Cleric 
Issac, Riolu Gunslinger Fighter 
Lest, Arcanine Pyromancer Sorcerer 
Dolon, Sylveon Life Domain Cleric
Blaze, Charizard College of Swords Bard 
Skye, Zoroark School of Illusion Wizard 
Ludwig, Dartrix Oath of Redemption Paladin 
Noelani, Floatzel Life Domain Cleric 
Roger, Monferno School of War Magic Wizard
Joshua, Hakamo-o Gunslinger Fighter 
James, Toxicroak Arcane Trickster Rogue 
Micheal, Pachirisu Ancestral Guardian Barbarian 
Koishi, Oricorio Dancer Bard 
Clay, Lycanroc Battlemaster Fighter 
Grace, Comfey Totem Master Fighter 
Gabriel, Auroros Hexblade Warlock 
Elena, Floatzel Horizon Walker Ranger 
Allen, Scizor Way of the Kensai Monk
Haku, Zoroark Assassin Rogue 
Alex, Weavile Thief Rogue
Stella, Chesnaught Fortune Teller Astrologian 
Iona, Cinccino College of Valor Bard/Trained PKMN 
Akira, Kekleon Alchemist Artificer 
Shift, Eevee Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer 
Justin, Sceptile Oath of Ancients Paladin 
Arin, Roserade Pact of the Deep Warlock 
Zhang, Smeargle Eldritch Knight Fighter 
Firokhan, Houndoom Way of the Kensai Monk 
Camilla, Gardevoir Divine Soul Sorcerer 
Hyargrum, Alolan Marowack School of Necromancy Wizard 
Lilliana, Audino Spiritmaster White Mage 
Koko, Thwacky Dawnbringer Warlock 
Aiden, Lopunny Path of Wild Magic Barbarian 
Dex, Sableye Echo Knight Fighter 
Jae, Banette Order of Scribes Wizard 
Minet, Cinccino Way of the Kensei Monk 
Ergin, Houndoom Arcane Trickster Rogue 
Audra, Manectric Circle of Wildfire Shaman 
Tristan, Goodra Cavalier Fighter 
Kasi, Frogedier Way of the Dragon Monk 
Mobius, Decidueye Gloomstalker Ranger 
Rook, Krokorok Inquisitive Rogue 
Jack, Decidueye Drakewarden Ranger 
Guinness, Haxorus Path of the Totem Barbarian 
Kadmos, Sceptile Way of the Kensai Monk 
Pluto, Delibird Oath of the Ancients Paladin 
Meryl, Golurk School of Abjuration Wizard 
Penicillin, Meganium Life Domain Cleric
Cleo, Ampharos Celestial Warlock
Quin, Quilava Drakewarden Ranger
Rheda, Hisuian Sneasel School of Illusion Wizard
Rian, Zangoose Path of the Beast Barbarian 
Lucas, Delphox Knowledge Domain Cleric/School of Divination Wizard 
Rubix, Typhlosion Arcane Archer Fighter/Soulfuse 
Henry, Kecleon Storm Sorcerer
Floss, Delibird Spiritmaster White Mage 
Cassandra, Absol Celestial Warlock/Soulfuse 
Calvin, Archeops Oath of the Crown Paladin 
Ballard, Azumaril College of Whispers Bard/Hexblade Warlock 
Adachi, Toxicroak Way of the Open Palm Monk/Barbairan 
Zeish, Lucario Swashbuckler Rogue/Celestial Warlock 
Sol, Charizard Gunslinger Fighter/Artificer 
Thalnor, Charizard Oath of the Ancients Paladin 
Ariana, Nidoqueen College of Swords Bard/Fighter 
Clade, Absol Hexblade Warlock/Soulfuse 
Jace, Luxray Battlesmith Artificer
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scholar-of-yemdresh · 8 months
This Post.
I'm finally doing it! A list of Adult (20s+) Nonbinary/Genderqueer/Transneutral and Trans men rep in SFF books(no romantasy). This will only be limited to main or major characters.
I've not read everything on this list, so some information could be inaccurate or missing e.g I might not know that a character is actually a POC or 40s+. I will also advise to check content warnings because some of the books listed here can get pretty gnarly.
Will occasional be updated
Keys: 🏳️‍⚧️=Trans Author,✊🏾= Author of Colour,🌈=POC,🧓🏾=40s+, ♂️= Trans man , ⚧️= Nonbinary,🎨=Comic
Claude from The Chatelaine by Kat Heartfield ♂️
Tarquin Mercator from The Devoured Worlds by Megan E. o'keefe ♂️
Yari from Master of Poisons by Andrea Hairston ⚧️🧓🏾🌈✊🏾
Sol Katz from Dead Collections by Issac Fellman 🏳️‍⚧️♂️🧓🏾
Rosie from Persephone Station by Stina Leicht ⚧️🧓🏾
Rafe from Viscera by Gabrielle Squailia🏳️‍⚧️♂️
John Wyndham from The Affair of the Mysterious Letter by Alexis Hall 🏳️‍⚧️♂️
Casey Ravel from the Ballad of Perilous Graves by Alex Jennings ♂️🌈✊🏾
Ardent Violet from The Starmetal Symphony by Alex White🏳️‍⚧️⚧️
Gyen Jebi from Phoenix Extravagant by Yoon Ha Lee ⚧️🏳️‍⚧️✊🏾🌈
Shock Pao from Shock Pao by Ren Warom ♂️
Firuz-e Jafari from the Bruising of Qilwa by Naseem Jamnia 🌈✊🏾🏳️‍⚧️⚧️
Iktan from Between Earth and Sky by Rebecca Roanhorse ⚧️🌈✊🏾
Chih from the Singing Hills Cycle by Nghi Vo ⚧️✊🏾🌈
Brennus from Wolf Among the Wild Hunt by Merc Fenn Wolfmoor ⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
Dex from Monk & Robot by Becky Chambers 🌈(?)⚧️
Anima from In The Watchful City by S. Qiouyi Lu ⚧️🌈✊🏾🏳️‍⚧️
Eolo from The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie ♂️
Ridley from No Gods,No Monsters by Cadwell Turnbull 🌈✊🏾♂️
Enae & Qven from Translation State by Ann Leckie⚧️🌈🧓🏾
Penfield R. Henderson, Aiden Chase, Blithe + others from Future Feeling by Joss Lake 🏳️‍⚧️♂️
Ilan from The Faithful Dark by Cate Baumer♂️
Various from The Tensorate by Neon Yang 🏳️‍⚧️✊🏾🌈⚧️♂️
Alex Easton from What Moves the Dead by T.Kingfisher⚧️
Edie from Hammajang Luck by Makana Yamamoto⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🌈✊🏾
Nameless Man from The Four Profound Weaves by R.B. Lemberg🌈🏳️‍⚧️♂️🧓🏾
Arén from A Promise Broken by S.L. Dove Cooper♂️
Erígra Lilún from The Unbalancing by R.B. Lemberg 🏳️‍⚧️⚧️
Claire|Claude from Baker Thief by Claudie Arseneault ⚧️
Dianthus from The Fate of by J.E. Lynn ⚧️
Asa from The Forgotten Lyric by Carolina Cruz⚧️🌈
Sal Hernandez from It Took Luke by Mark Bouchard & Bayleigh Underwood 🎨⚧️🌈🏳️‍⚧️
MCs from Time Will Devour His Children by Otava Heikkila🎨🏳️‍⚧️♂️🧓🏾🌈
Jonah from Dominion of Blades by Matt Dinniman♂️
Tet Sang from The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho♂️or⚧️🌈✊🏾
Marcus from Lesser Known Monsters by Rory Michaelson♂️🌈
Scorn from Emergent Properties⚧️
Misery Nomaki from The Genesis of Misery by Neon Yang✊🏾🏳️‍⚧️🌈⚧️
Taigan from The Worldbreaker Saga by Kameron Hurley⚧️🌈
Leiander from The Stones Stay Silent by Danny Ride♂️🏳️‍⚧️
The Plauge Doctor from The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw⚧️🏳️‍⚧️✊🏾
Aleph Null from Test by Christopher Sebela & Jen Hickman🎨⚧️
Joel Lodowick from My Heart Is Human by Reese Hogan🏳️‍⚧️♂️
Jules from Finna by Nino Cipri 🌈⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
Dax from Shatter Minds by L.R Lam🌈♂️
Scout from The Last Gifts of the Universe by Riley August⚧️
Avery Ryu from Dead Space by Kali Wallace🌈⚧️
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r3d-m3dic · 6 months
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hi call me Lukas or Peter!
Fiction kin of Peter Maximoff, and Lukas from MCSM.
Fiction hearted as well, of my own OC, Gilla Hazard, and not my OC, Kurt Wagner from X-Men :3
he/they pronouns!
Do not bring politics on to this blog please. I will occasionally break this rule.
Transgender, Galaxian, Xenogender (Specifics + Pronouns), omnisexual, grayasexual, demisexual, pseudosexual encephaloromantic and ambiamorous. :D
These all have links to definitions if your curious!!
I take art requests and userbox requests.
I don't do commissions.
Autism, ADHD, OCD, and potentially depression.
I get hyperfixations! They will change.
hyperfixations, in order from my earliest memory of hyperfixating, under the cut
(Also, there are blinkies at the bottom that could cause eye strain, or trigger epilepsy)
Jurassic Park (Summer 2022)
Ghostbusters (Halloween time, 2022)
TF2 (Beginning of 2023 to halfway through summer)
Night at the Museum (Ending of summer 2023)
The Stanley Parable (Some point during NATM hyperfixation)
MHA (End of summer, into fall 2023)
Spiderverse (Fall 2023)
COD (End-ish of fall 2023 to end of November? Or October.)
LOTR and The Hobbit (December, January, February 2024)
SCP (March-April. Then May, ended.)
Pacific drive (Some point during SCP hyperfixation. It has ended.)
One Piece (April)
Generation Loss: The Social Experiments (May. Came back on June 16. Ended the same day)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (May)
That's not my neighbor (June-June)
Stray (June-June)
Minecraft Story Mode (June-August 3rd)
Deadpool (August 3rd-uhm.. August 11th?)
Xmen (August 9th-Now)
I also like Godzilla, The Beekeeper, Wobbledogs, raft, phasmophobia, and many other things I can't remember.
Favorite Characters
Jurassic Park: Ian Malcom and Lowery Cruthers
Ghostbusters: Egon Spengler
Tf2: Medic
NATM: Jedediah and Octavius
Stanley Parable: Narrator
MHA: Denki
Spiderverse: Spider-Noir, Hobie Brown, and Pavitr
COD: Graves
LOTR: Boromir
Hobbit: Kili
SCP: Dr. Alto Clef
Pacific Drive: Tobias
One Piece: Zoro
Genloss: Episode 1 slimecicle
SCU: God Bizly
That's not my neighbor: Francis Mosses and Angus Ciprianni
Stray: Jacob. Yes, the bartender.
Minecraft Story Mode: Aiden and Lukas!!!
Deadpool: Colossus and Deadpool
Xmen: Nightcrawler, Gambit, and Quicksilver
Here's some stuff to help in how to not spoil stuff :D
I haven't watched past season 2 i believe in MHA.
I haven't finished Pacific Drive, but it already got spoiled
I have read volume one and two of One Piece
I've finished LOTR and The Hobbit :)
Watched both spiderverse movies entirely :)
Played all of the modern CODs.
Watched the entirety of NATM
Read all the tf2 comics, watched the official and bunch of non official SFMs. I have watched Emesis blue! Very good.
I have played Stanley Parable.
Have watched everything Jurassic park. Played Jurassic World Evolution 2. I've also played the entirety of Jurassic World Aftermath
Have watched all of the Ghostbusters movies.
Kinda hard to spoil SCP since there's no official story :)
Read the 1st two mangas of one piece
Watched all of genloss :3
Don't care for SCU spoilers. Have watched hardest difficulty, natural disaster, and 100 days. Not sure what the SCU even fully consists of lmao.
Can't really spoil that's not my neighbor? I watched slimecicle play it 👍
Seen all of Stray
Seen all of MCSM
Watched all 3 deadpool movies
Don't care for spoilers with the xmen movies
I'm definitely clef irl guys.
my artstyle is up to change. currently it's more chibi.
I'm a hoarder, my cardboard collection is insane.
please interact! I'd love to talk to the Tumblr sillies.
My discord is commander_graves.
please dm and ask before sending a friend request tho, so I know who you are :)
bye bye enjoy the silly
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cadybear420 · 2 months
25, Evie + 21, Dick (<- can be nsfw embarrassing or not :D)
Ask list here!
25) The name you chose for your OC, why did you chose it?
Honestly, "Evie"/"Evelyn" are just names I've always really liked. The fact that Evelyn has the meaning "desired child", fitting with my headcanon for her parental backstory, is actually a coincidence.
In my original first playthrough of OG HSS, I named my MC "Cady Heron" because Mean Girls is my favorite high school movie. My username comes from Scott calling her "Cady-bear". But when I started making an official character out of her, as much as I did like "Cady" and "Cady and Aiden" had a nice ring to it, I did want to give her a more personal name because this is my favorite title and MC on the app.
21) Any embarrassing secrets your OC demands you take to the grave but you will share anyway?
Dick is too shameless to feel embarassment. It might take a while to think of something that he'd genuinely be embarrassed about.
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masonhawth0rne · 4 months
What I read in April!
Many times this month I have thought "oh no! I've not posted April's reading list yet!" and then I continued to not post it.
But now is the time.
The Hungry Earth, Nicholas Kaufman ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Heiress of Duniyasar, Derin Edala ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Obsidian Island, Aiden Powell ⭐️⭐️
From the Depths Anthology, Ed. Mike Ashley ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Wheel of the Infinite, Martha Wells ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Community Minded (ss), Carmilla Voiez ⭐️
Conversion Therapy (ss), Carmilla Voiez ⭐️⭐️
Their Heart a Hive, Fox N. Locke ⭐️⭐️
City of Bones, Martha Wells ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Meeting Infinity, Ed. Jonathan Strahan ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Rosemary & Iron, Dorian Valentine ⭐️
Bridging Infinity, Ed. Jonathan Strahan ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Reach for Infinity, Ed. Jonathan Strahan ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Infinity's End, Ed. Jonathan Strahan ⭐️⭐️
The Beetle, Richard Marsh ⭐️⭐️
The Forty Hour Train Murder, Derek Des Anges ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Oedipus the King(sp), Sophocles trans. David Greene ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Cold Fire, Dean R Koontz 😡
The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich(nf), William l Shirer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
So this month felt pretty slow, but I actually did get through quite a few books. Where I really got bogged down was Cold Fire by Dean Koontz, but we will discuss that in a moment.
This was my first reading of Oedipus the King in any form, and I have to say that it was a fantastic experience. Even getting the book was a really nice experience. Not that there are many occasions where getting a book is a bad experience. Anyways. I had decided to stop by the local Collective Bookshop in town after work, because I had seen their posts on the facebook community groups about how they were raising funds for the next year of their operation, and I thought well, I could be part of the community and go buy a cup of coffee and maybe a book or two. So I did! It's a weird sort of space up some stairs from the main road, and I think it probably used to be an apartment or something because the layout is not very shop-like. Which is nice, the different rooms each have some seating space, and every wall is full of shelving which is full of books. Different genres in different rooms, artwork on the tiny bits of wall not obscured by books, and a decent space for small community events like book launches, art shows, and video game nights. I found a very nice copy of Oedipus the King, and my sole complaint is that it is a standalone play, and now I really want to read the other two Oedipus plays that Sophocles wrote. I also found a paperback of Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves, which I haven't gotten around to reading yet. But y'know. Soon.
Oedipus the King is one of those plays that as I was reading it, my latent theatre kid pathology started waking up. I could imagine how I would stage it, and the kind of casting that I would want to do, and how many fun ways you could use the chorus for dramatic effect. I even know which local theatre group I would trust to do the staging with enough flamboyant set dressing and costume design. I read it on the train to Sydney, now and then reading aloud some of the most killer lines for the friends I was travelling with. If you like reading plays, do give this one a go, the dramatic irony is delicious, and just about every character has some ripper smart arse lines.
And from there, we'll have to discuss something less fun. Cold Fire by Dean Koontz. Now, granted, the first three quarters of this book are very fun. It's an action-movie-like plot with some pretty cool set pieces, and characters that are fairly cardboard cut-out-y but in a way that works just fine for an action thriller. Unfortunately after all of that run-up, the book entirely fails to stick the landing in a way which retroactively makes the whole thing awful. The plot is essentially that there is a man travelling around the USA (and around the world), showing up in random places just in time to save random people from random events where they otherwise would have been killed. He then leaves without sharing his identity or sticking around to talk to reporters about his deeds, and so for a long while, this goes under the radar as a bunch of unrelated local interest stories. Until one day he happens to perform one of these rescues while a journalist is already on site, interviewing someone else, and witnesses the whole event.
The journalist corners the guy, gets his name, and they part ways. She then goes back to her unsatisfying job, writing about small town stuff, and she gets an idea. Maybe she should investigate the guy, and find out what he's really up to. So she finds a whole bunch of news reports that can be linked back to him, and starts putting together a timeline of the crazy rescues he's been doing. Meanwhile this guy is off rescuing some people as usual, and so on and so forth. Eventually the journalist decides to track him down at home, and finds his house, starts canvassing people who know him to find information, and then she shows up at his place and demands to be let in with the threat of writing a big story about what he's been doing. So he lets her in, and at this point the story falls apart.
Cold Fire sets us up with a few options for what might be happening, some of which are very cool, some of which are a bit goofy, and then it goes with the goofy option, with a side order of misused psychological terminology, and a baffling about-face from action packed set pieces, to a sedate tour of a small town, including a long slow interlude at a retirement home. Apparently, the main guy is a psychic, with DID (not that what is represented here resembles DID, but we'll get to that), and one of his alternate personalities is eeeeevil, and has been doing all of the horrible scary things that the protags have been stressing out about. Such horrible scary things as: feeding death threats and psychic torture directly into the journalist woman's mind, while they're supposedly falling deeply in love over the course of three days, and she sets out to 'cure' his DID with the Power of a Good Woman.
The thing is, the 'DID' in this story sure does read a lot more like maladaptive daydreaming. Apparently after the trauma of watching his parents be murdered as a kid, this guy got heavily invested in a sci-fi novel about a kid who speaks to an alien living in a space ship in the pond on his family farm. He then psychically then manifests his own 'alien presence' on his grandparent's farm, but adds the figure of an evil alien who wants to do bad and naughty things. The character 'gets messages' from the 'good alien' which are how he gets the information on how to perform his daring rescues, and he has nightmares about the 'evil alien', and is afraid that the 'evil alien' is going to show up and do...something bad. The alien 'personalities' aren't taking over so that the guy can get through a truamatic time, they're fantasies that he has the power to make visible because he's a psychic.
Anyway, the whole thing's a moot point because after a long, boring conversation at the retirement home, the journalist loves him hard enough to exorcise the mental illness out of him or whatever. It sucked, and at that point I was so annoyed at the experience of reading this book that I had to put it down and do some vigorous pacing around my office.
Did I mention that the 'evil alien' (the main dude) psychically tortures the journalist woman and threatens to kill her? Like a lot? In graphic detail? And she decides that she needs to marry this guy? Immediately?
A more interesting reading experience was The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, by William L Shirer. The author had been a journalist, posted in Germany for the duration of WW2, and after the war had access to files and documents that the US seized after the fall of the Reich. It is a very interesting book as an artifact of the time it was written in, and as a recount of first-person experiences of the author being a reporter in that time and place. The of-its-time of it has bizarre moments, though. For instance there's a vibrant homophobia which pops up at various points throughout the book. It was striking how often the author was able to rightly point to examples of Germans being 'duped' by what he thought of as obvious propaganda, and outright fabrications, but then that he turns around and does the same thing with his own prejudice. It's an interesting example of reportage which makes use of the writer's own experiences, but I probably wouldn't rely on it for strict factual accuracy for events outside of the author's personal experience.
I'll finish off here with an honorable mention for The Hungry Earth. It wasn't the greatest book I've ever read, but it was fun! It is what I would call a 'fungal horror', and it is actually a fairly shining example of its genre. Finally. I think fungus has such a great potential for horror writing, but it seems like every time I find one, it ends up being bad in weird and uncomfortable ways. Usually to do with gender. If you want to have fun, fungal body horror, check out The Hungry Earth.
And that's that for that.
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ao3feed-gravescest · 3 months
Three Coffins One Sacrifice
https://ift.tt/jpTVeQt by CherryVoid Three siblings are confined in their apartment after conveniently being the only ones in the family to "fall ill," with their parents and elder sister abandoning them there. Stranded without food, trapped, alone, and desperate, they face limited resources and a grim determination to escape their former home. The quarantine not only unveils the true rot behind the Graves facade but also exposes them to phenomena beyond their understanding, such as demons, black magic, and incredibly foolish cultists. As days turn into weeks, the siblings struggle to flee from their lockdown and regain a relatively normal life, though sanity has long since faded, as none of them truly hesitates to commit heinous acts to survive... like cannibalism!   Or   An AU where Andrew and Ashley have two additional siblings, and they discover that their blood is more intertwined with the occult than they could have ever imagined. Words: 1880, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: The Coffin of Andy and Leyley (Visual Novel) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/F, F/M Characters: Andrew Graves, Ashley Graves, Julia (The Coffin of Andy and Leyley), Nina (The Coffin of Andy and Leyley), Andrew Graves' and Ashley Graves' Mother, Andrew Graves' and Ashley Graves' Father, Entity (The Coffin of Andy and Leyley), Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Aiden Graves Relationships: Andrew Graves/Ashley Graves, Andrew Graves' and Ashley Graves' Father/Andrew Graves' and Ashley Graves' Mother, Nina (The Coffin of Andy and Leyley)/Original Character(s), Julia (The Coffin of Andy and Leyley)/Original Character(s), Andrew Graves/Julia (for plot device), Ashley Graves/Original Character(s) Additional Tags: Tags Contain Spoilers, Nina DIDN'T DIE!!, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sibling Incest, Cousin Incest, Bad Parenting, First Love, Yandere, Cannibalism, Eventual Smut, Blood and Gore, Heavy Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Unhealthy Relationships, Codependency, Sibling Rivalry, Protective Siblings, Eventual Relationships, Period-Typical Homophobia, Kidnapping, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Character Death, Extremely Dubious Consent, POV Alternating, Child Neglect, Past Child Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Jealousy, Possessive Behavior, Platonic Relationships
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freshie44 · 3 months
Disventure Camp All Stars Episode 12 Spoilers
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Let get into it.
For a spin let talk the elimination. I was right about Tom and hey leaves on a good note. But with his elimination the field grows tighter meaning we should have good finale. HOPEFULLY. But I really like that it went down to tiebreaker. Good challenge and I think it was executed very well. Gabby story Grett meant it was doubtful they would eliminate her over Tom. But let talk the contestants
Yul & Riya: are still Yul & Riya, just waiting to be led to their grave for the game. Ally: I held out for a bit but let all be honest with each other. IN what world does Ally win with the plot lines going on? Gabby & Grett, Conner & Alec, Jake's growth, Riya and Yul's comeuppance. She is here for numbers and only sticking because she in no active feud beyond Villains vs Heroes. The only time she getting focus is when it time for her elimination.
Gabby: I think she going to help facilitate the Yul elimination and Grett face turn (maybe?). This episode at least calmed my fears that they'll Mal this but let see if that remains true.
Jake: Made some peace, let see if he can keep that going. With some growth maybe I won't be miffed if he wins the big one. But like still that early game ain't winning him any favors.
Grett: I like the stuff with Gabby, keep this up and when Yul goes down she'll have some serious momentum that could land her in the finals.
Aiden: He has one more week until I lower him next week. I'm bias, I like him, he deserves defeating Riya with Conner. But .... he not getting focus, it doesn't feel like he the protagonist of the story. More of side character ... and I would like to see him get a push but I don't think it's coming.
Alec & Conner: I get to double on this one, because I got a feeling. What kind of feeling? That these 2 are the final 2, that they're going to do Villains vs Heroes as the final storyline for the rivals. The best villain of this season vs the best hero of this season. They are the two leaders of each alliance. While in a real show both would rarely make it to the finals. But this is a cartoon so we don't have to play by those rules now do we? I think Alec will S1 Heather this and ride a sea of immunities to the finals while Conner will fight and scrape his way to make it in the finals.
But that my opinions so feel free to comment and stuff. Previous Episode | Next Episode
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queerblue · 2 years
🏳️‍🌈 Here's some of my favorite Queer books!
The Fever King/The Electric Heir by Victoria Lee (Jewish, Bisexual MLM leads, huge TW for sexual abuse).
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao (Chinese, Disabled protagonist, Polyamorous Bisexual F/M/M throuple, look up TW).
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas (Mexican, Trans Man protagonist, Trans, Non-Binary, Gay, Pansexual, Queer characters).
A Dowry Of Blood by S.T Gibson (Bisexual Polyamorous M/M/F/F vampire polycule, look up TW).
Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell (Bisexual/Queer mlm leads, Queer, Trans, Polyamorous friendly society).
Heartstopper by Alice Oseman (basically the entire main cast is queer. Look up TW).
Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey Mcquiston (Gay, Bisexual mlm leads).
One Last Stop by Casey Mcquiston (Sapphic, Queer leads).
Mooncakes by Wendy Zu and Suzanne Walker (Sapphic witch lead, Non-Binary werewolf lead, Lesbian grandmas).
🏳️‍🌈 Some Queer books I want to read:
Prince Of The Sorrows/Lord Of Silver Ashes by Kellen Graves (Queer mlm Fey leads, Trans/Queer friendly society).
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri (Indian, Lesbian leads).
The Unbroken by C.L Clark (African, Sapphic leads).
In Deep Waters/So This Is Ever After by F.T Lukans (mlm leads).
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ateneablack21 · 1 year
Drag me to my grave (By Atenea_Black and Valeriiia_RG in A03): Chapter 1
After some technical malfunctions in the Season 12 Reunion set happen and delay filming, Jaida, Gigi, Jackie, Crystal, Heidi, Nicky and Jan stay in the building while the other queens go outside to grab a coffee and explore the city. But, unfortunately, that ends up being the worst decision of their lives when an attacker starts trying to hunt them down one by one. Will they be able to survive this massacre?
Well, it all depends on the choice you make! After every chapter readers will have to vote for two options that can save or condemn one of the queens lives.
So, what are you going to choose?
Chapter 1: Voting closed:
Jaida, Gigi, Heidi, Jackie, Jan, Crystal and Nicky stay behind in the filming location of the S12 reunion after some technical problems.
Hiiii! Before you start reading this we wanted to explain the dynamic of this book The dynamic of this book is different to the one of a normal book as when each chapter ends we will be giving you two options to vote in the comments for (you have to say which you prefer) which will determine the fate of the characters (if they will end up surviving or dying).
Every chapter there will be a decision to make and you’ll be given between 48 and 72 hours after the chapter is published to make the vote. After that, we will close the voting and write the next chapter with the decision that you guys took.
You can only vote one time per chapter, so please don’t comment your vote more than one time. Feel free to ask any questions you need or to comment what your thoughts and theories are as well!!
We wanted to give some credits to the fic “Seven Little Queens” by Aphistas (in A03) as we took the idea of the dynamic of the book from them. If you like this kind of stories we really recommend you read this one, plus it’s also from the Drag Race fandom, featuring Bianca, Courtney Act, Adore, Trixie, Katya, Pearl, and Violet Chatcki as the protagonist of the story.
With all that being said, hope you enjoy!
When they applied to Drag Race, they all knew it was going to be a life-changing experience. What they didn’t expect though, was that that life-changing experience was going to bring a worst one with it. And if they had known that before-hand… They would have never applied in the first place.
Season 12 of RuPaul’s Drag Race was at its end, and all the queens of the season had come together for one of the last times for the Reunion. The season's twelve contestants had been in touch since they finished filming everything, not including the finale, and were excited to see each other again. They may have fought, but they liked one another just the same and had ended up forming a beautiful friendship with each other.
When they saw each other they all hugged or exchanged greetings, talking about how their lives had changed since they had last seen each other. They had already talked about it over the WhatsApp group, but, it was better to talk about it in person as well.
Upon arrival, the producers gathered them all together, informing them that there had been some problems and that they would have to delay filming for a couple of hours. They told them that one of the main cameras had stopped working and that they had to leave the studio to go to were they kept the other cameras, which could take a while. They were free to stay in the studio if they liked or go outside to visit the city, they just had to be back in 2 hours.
Brita, Aiden, Dahlia, Rock and Widow decided to go to a nearby café together while the rest of them decided to stay and make sure that they were ready for the filming of the reunion. In a room near the recording room, there were 4 tables where they could leave their things according to the producers, so the seven remaining queens walked there, talking the whole way. Nicky, Jaida, Gigi and Crystal took the table closest to the door, while Jackie, Jan and Heidi placed their things on the adjacent table.
It wasn’t long before Jan excused herself to go to the bathroom, saying that she was going to take advantage of the free time they had to fix some of her makeup, the rest continuing with their conversation as she left the room.
“So… Are you excited for the finale?” Jackie asked the top three.
“To be honest, I thought I would be nervous, but I’m just eager.” Gigi answered, taking out a small bag containing the makeup she might need to touch up and leaving it on the table.
“I'm pretty confident. After all the work I've put into the lipsync I'm sure it's going to turn out great.” Jaida said while she fixed the position of her wig as it had moved slightly during her journey to the filming location.
“Yeah. It’s exciting to think that in no time one of us will be crowned as the winner.” Crystal talked, moving seats so she could seat closer to the rest of the queens.”
“I a-“ Heidi started to say, shutting up suddenly and starting to look around, making the rest worry.
“Hey, are you okay?” Nicky questioned as she placed a hand on the other’s shoulder.
“I- I thought I had heard something…”
"It's probably just the strain of the journey here taking a toll on you, don't worry.” The French queen reassured, squeezing Heidi’s shoulder lightly to try to soothe her friend.
The future Miss Congeniality nodded a little more calm, all of them resuming their conversation about the finale and what they expected from it.
Jan had found the bathroom rather quickly, even though it was a bit far from the room where she was before, her fast pace had allowed her to get there sooner.
The bathroom was rather big, with a giant mirror, 8 stalls and 5 hand washing basins. Wanting to go back to the other room as soon as possible, as she didn’t want to miss any important conversations, she quickly took out the makeup out of her bag, starting to fix the little errors she hadn’t been able to fix back in the hotel before coming here.
She was finishing up when, suddenly, the lights went out, leaving her in almost darkness, the only thing illuminating the room being the emergency lights that flickered every few seconds.
"The producers are going to be pissed." The queen said under her breath, chuckling slightly as she imagined the faces of the producers when they knew they had to fix another problem before they could shoot the reunion.
Having left her mobile phone with the rest of her things in the room where her sisters were, the one with the blonde wig started walking towards the exit of the bathroom in the dark, taking care not to bump into anything as she made her way out. She left her makeup there, intending to fetch her mobile phone to put the lantern feature on and continue touching up her makeup.
While this happened, the lights where the other six queens were also turned off, everyone looking at each other, as much as the emergency lights let them, the confusion clear in their faces. How did the producers find such a shitty place to film? Even the emergency lights didn’t work correctly, flickering and basically leaving them more time in the dark than the time they could see their surroundings.
“I’m gonna call Jan, check if the lights in the bathroom also went out.” Jackie informed, taking out her phone and marking her fellow queen’s number, only to realise that the other had left her mobile in the room.
"I'm sure she'll be back soon, you can ask her then." Gigi said, walking to where the door was so she was able to see when the other queen came back.
Meanwhile, Jan found herself doing just what Goode had said, finally out of the bathroom and starting to walk down a corridor. 
Suddenly, the queen heard a sound behind her, swiftly turning around to try and locate the source of the sound. She looked around her, the only thing in sight being a nearby plant. After spending a few more seconds searching for the source of the disturbing sound, Jan finally gave up, trying to convince herself that it had been just a figment from her imagination, turning around again to head back to where the other queens were.
“It was nothing, I just imagined it, I’m sure” she whispered to herself as she started walking again.
The queen continued her journey, taking deep breaths to try to calm her growing nerves: It had only been her imagination, so she had nothing to worry about. After all, she-
Jan cried out in agony, feeling a sudden sharp pain in her back and fell to the ground. The pain she was feeling was like nothing she had ever felt before, the sensation making desperate screams come out of her mouth without her permission.
Her screams were so loud that they reached the other side of the building, where the other queens were. They looked at each other with fear and concern before quickly following the desperate screams, worried about their fellow friend. They would have liked to try to believe that it was just their imagination, but, unfortunately, they could clearly recognise Jan by her screams.
Without turning her body around, Jan looked backwards, suppressing a sob when she saw a big black-haired man with a sickly grin holding a bloody knife behind her, the queen quickly realising that the blood in that knife was hers. The one with the blonde wig couldn't stop the tears starting to fall down her face, her make-up smearing. The man laughed as he watched the queen begin to cry, advancing towards her as she tried to crawl away from him.
“Help!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.
“Nobody’s going to help you, little bitch. I’m going to end you, and as soon as I do that, I’ll end your stupid friends too… One by one. And nobody is going to be able to stop me.”
“Please…” Jan pleaded “I’ll do whatever you want but please don’t kill me.”
“Oh, but killing you is all I want, darling.” He laughed “There’s no stoping this.”
The attacker raised his arm, preparing to deliver a fatal stab in Jan's back...
Option 1: Jan crawls away from the attacker.
Option 2: Jan turns around to face the attacker and defends herself.
Final notes:
We hope you liked it!! 🥰🥰🥰
What did you think? Tell us all about in the comments!!
Remember to vote for the option you think is best for Jan’s survival! (Just say something like “I vote for Option 1” or “I choose Option 2” with the choice you think will be the best!)
Happy Pride Month!! 🏳️‍🌈
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