#{{ but i hope it wont stop you from wanting to rp anyways!
infinityyrp · 1 month
I just got blocked before I even had a chance to explain myself. Yes I do NOT do pedophilia of any kind, and YES I won't do anything under legal age of consent or under what has already been done in a damn TV show with vampires because sometimes that's required to fit the fuckin StoryLine(minus the smut during that time cuz I aint doing it). WE ARE ADULTS!!! OUR RL AGES SHOULD BE CONSIDERED IN ALL WE DO, If I'm 29 and wanna rp a 17-18 year old for the purpose of a StoryLine, I'm gonna do that. Just like an ACTOR OR ACTRESS will ACT as a 17-18 year old in a fucking vampire/supernatural TV show. Sometimes younger but I will NOT go younger than 18 the majority of the time unless it's a flashback or something! FYI, If you'd ask, you'd know that.
And TO ME anything under 17 is considered DEEP pedophilia. Am I wrong? 17 is the legal age of consent almost anywhere BUT I WONT ROLEPLAY SMUT or any ROMANCE UNLESS THE CHARACTERS ARE 18+ (for me i prefer 21+). Or both 17 at the time and only fluff will take place. NO SMUT.
ROLEPLAY SHOULD BE FUN— Your IRL morals should NOT effect a fuckin fictional story and I stand on that. If that's the case, why do we read dark romance novels and shit? Ridiculous to think that way but okay.
I have a CHILD. I am NOT gonna roleplay no child grape shit, cuz that's not my M.O, which I also stated in my ad. NO SMUT will be played with my UNDERAGE CHARACTERS. And I don't HAVE any underage characters anyway LMAO. Sometimes my characters ages range from 18-25 DEPENDING ON THE STORYLINE, if we wanna really get technical. But aside from flashbacks my character is usually set at age 21.
Also MINORS DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME! no one under 21+ and I PREFER 25+.
You wanna jump to fuckin conclusions without asking questions first. Sometimes this roleplay community is hella toxic.
I don't know how anything in my ad was considered a kink for age play? Thats SICK. Again, I have a child and you falsly accusing people of kinks is wild, especially at our grown ass age. You could have had an adult conversation with me instead of running your mouth then proceeding to block me before i had a chance to reply.
You're assuming, and that's literally making an ass out of yourself.
Don't worry boo. I don't wanna follow someone like you anyway. You thought you ate. You did NOT. good luck finding a rp partner. And I was kind enough to not put your info publicly, because you don't deserve any type of hate that may come your way. You have preferences just like the next and I respect that. But what I do NOT respect is a mf assuming shit about me and my kinks when you don't know me at all, never written with me before and none of my kinks were even stated in my ad. LMAO
GEt your facts straight before coming at me with assumptions that you didn't even care to let me elaborate on. (Don't worry I fixed it in my ad now though to avoid another person like this.)
Anyway, I'm a cool ass person and a great writer and I hope to get more great partners soon!
I wish this person luck on their search, just like I wish all of us luck on our searches!
The roleplay community can be toxic,and for the most part it is, but we shouldn't let that stop us from enjoying writing. There's a partner out there for all of us though! I hope we find exactly what we are looking for! ♥️🤞🏼✨️
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coolocgod · 1 year
Ya know what im remembering random smol and night stuff so imma ramble about it XD
So, one time me and night were playing an undertale game and we were roleplaying i was smol!frisk(a different au of underrooms) and night was normal grillby, smol and grillby were chilling and smol may or may not have almost drank alcohol grillby stopped him tho, and after a bit our other brother who we nickname dave joined us he played as sans, grillby asked sans to finally pay his tab and it was very expenive and smol said he would pay it for sans, and smols thought process was "im gonna steal money from my brother and hope and pray he doesnt notice" and night went ooc and private chatted me "IM NOT GIVING SMOL 2500 DOLLARS(i think that was the amount i forgot XD)" AND I HAD TO TELL HIM SMOL WAS GONNA STEAL MONEY FROM HIS BROTHER XD, and then night started to rp as sans!night aka just normal night, and he walked into grillby's AND SMOL IMMEDIATELY KNEW HIS BROTHER WAS MAD AT HIM XD anyways time to kinda repeat the dialog *night walks in* smol: hii brother...... night: smol..... smol: yeah? night: why are 2500 dollars missing? smol: UHHHHHHH night: smol...... smol: ....im just gonna....run.... *runs out of grillby's* night: GET BACK HERE SMOL smol: NOPE NOPE NOPE *runs into sans and papyrus's house* night: *CHASING* smol: FRIK *runs into papyrus's room and finds out theres an attic* haha night wont find me up here night: *CLIMBS UP AND USES A BONE ATTACK* smol: FRIKKKKK *gets out of the attic and tries hiding in the bathroom* night: smol i dont want to fight you i just want to know why you took money smol: ......okay fine.....*explains why he took the money* night: YOU COULD HAVE ASKED smol: LISTEN YOU WEARNT THERE SO I JUST STOLE IT night: *uses a gaster blaster* smol: OW....that did....half my health.... night: make that all your health smol: wait what..... night: *uses that one slam attack* smol: OW....YEP IM RUNNING *runs all the way to waterfall and hides*
Anddd thats where the rp ended XD anyways onto a shorter rp that happend way before this and night hated smol for a bit, so we were playing presitation experience and me and night were roleplaying in it, and the host controlled smol and made him smack night and night IMMEDIATELY TRIED TO KILL SMOL and for the rest of that night smol tried to apologize to his brother and night kept making threats of committing homicide and then i went to bed cues it was a school night XD anyways imma make more of these posts later but my arm is starting to hurt XD
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akito-sohma · 3 years
Hey yall, guess who’s back after two years. Alot has happened in that time but the short of it is im dying to rp akki again. I have alot of complicated feelings about coming back and alot of drama revolving around why i left, if you are interested in that feel free to read under the cut. Otherwise it’s great to see all of you who are still active and I hope you still want to interact! 
Well if you’re reading this ig that means you want the drama! lol. Just to be clear im posting this drama speal for explanation not to spread drama, I wont be naming names for a reason! If you know someone im talking about please keep it to yourself and dont go around spreading info behind theirs's or my back :) I just personally like understanding what's happening in a community, so id apricate a post like this if I was in my mutuals shoes. ANYWAYS! lol
Around the end of 2017 I was going through alot of personal issues which dragged on for the next two years. In short I was removed from my mother’s care due to abuse and placed with my cousins family. This is the same cousin who had been sexually abusing me since I was six. It took my two years to run away from them. During this time I tried to stay active here. Writing akito was such an escape and the same family Id found online was honestly what kept me from un-living myself during those years. 
Of course it wasnt perfect, there was alot of drama going on behind my back with another akito rper and my personal life trauma bled into my interactions here as well, which i think caused awkward threads from time to time. My cousin also was trying their hand out at rp, and made a couple appearances here- another source of tension. 
I struggled feeling truly accepted here. It might have been just me, or it might have been the unspoken drama going on behind my back. At the time I was 17 and brand new to rp, unlike most of the other writers. I often felt like everyone was better friends than they were with me, and that it wasnt safe to be myself if i wanted my mutuals to like me. Everything felt both welcoming and fake, if that makes sense. There was only about 4 mutuals I knew who I  thought liked me as me. 
Another thing I was going through was an eating disorder and it was getting pretty extreme. One of my closest friends from tumblr ended up leaving me due to this. I still dont know why. It seemed like when I needed them most, my friends left me one by one. I think this was the finial straw in becoming deactivated. I just didnt feel like I belonged here so I left for a year. In that time my personal life did smooth out and I ended up getting into a much safer and healthier place both physically and mentally. 
So I came back and tried rping again! At first it was pretty nice, but after only a month or so I learned about some pretty toxic drama that had been being spread about me behind back since the beginning. What hurt the most wasnt that someone was starting drama about me just bc i rped the same character as them but rather that my mutuals / this persona had never just come to me to work out the issue in private. 
All my fear and anxiety and feelings of not fitting in came back from before and I ended up deactivating permanently for another year. 
Now here I am. 
Ive tried to talk to my mutuals from before and smooth out / get clarification on some of these issues but have only been ghosted in response. Tbh I still have alot of negative feels and fear around coming back. But I love akito, i love fruits basket and I love writing with people. I dont want drama from others to stop me. I want to be healthily and strong and happy. Ive blocked everyone involved in the previous drama and am ready to move forward. 
I have an amazing boyfriend now and hope to make some amazing friends and mutuals. 
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moonlightchn · 3 years
Hello this is (not) JYPe and today I bring you a new and more annoyed version of dont be an asshole.
this is a not so kind reminder that
1. what happens in and between others chats/relationships and admins is NOT your business unless it affects you directly. STOP complaining about people giving more priority to others and maybe try to look at YOURSELF and figure out if its YOU who isnt giving out enough. you will NOT get priority EVER on an rp if you •don't collaborate on plot. •dont interact. •only pop up when your character needs something. •KEEP DISAPPEARING AND NOT SAYING ANYTHING TO ANYONE!!!
you dont seem to understand how actually important dash is to some people, which is really easy to see actually by just checking interactions with the people you're so jealous about. and no one forces you to be there! no one forces you to be here 24/7 at all, for that matter. but if you want something you gotta give back. you gotta communicate. you gotta SPEAK UP AND BE CLEAR.
2. YOUR PROBLEMS W/SOMEONE ARE YOURS!!! NOT ANYONE ELSES!!!! Stop dragging people into your petty bullshit teenage imaginary dramas (look up a new hobby if this is something you enjoy doing too). grow some ovaries (balls if you happen to be of the few males around) and FUCKING TALK TO THE PERSON!!!! nor I not anyone else AT ALL appreciates it when you go talking shit to others, making up serious as fuck accusations about them, or simply HARASSING people out of misunderstandings. if you have an issue with me talk to me or suck it up. if you go to my friends or absolutely anyone else about it I wont appreciate it and it makes you look bad. this applies for both admin and bot issues.
on this matter, TALK TO ADMINS ABOUT YOUR BOTS. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING FROM A BOT VOICE IT OUT TO THE ADMIN!!! if you feel a certain WAY about a bot VOICE IT OUT TO THE ADMIN!!! Remember we're all just people, no one here reads minds. if you feel you're not as important to someone as someone else is, ask admin what can be changed. don't just sit back and let it explode when the admin REACHES OUT TO YOU.
you can NOT blame people for things when you do NOT bring up the issues.
3. ffs STOP comparing your bots to others ESPECIALLY relationship and development wise. and this comes from a place in which MY bot, especially Chris has been brought up a fucking lot lately uh. I have talks with admins. I work out plots even if they're never actually done in rps. I plan for the future. I give insight. i discuss situations and limits. THATS HOW MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS ARE BUILT AND MADE TO WORK OUT. half of the shit that happens between chan and felix (for example) has never fucking been done on rp. stop going after others because of what you THINK they're doing. my dms have been dead af except for s/o's and SOME people I've TALKED AND SETTLED PLOTS WITH. I havent even had time to reach out to my yns in the last few months so sit the fuck down
in addition,
IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE WITH CHRIS YOU COME TO ME. I am his admin. IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT CHRIS YOU COME TO ME. I am his admin. IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE WITH HIS RELATIONSHIPS, you suck it up, it's not your business anyway. BUT if you're gonna be petty and go after irene,
I ask you to come after me too. very kindly. so we can talk. :)
4. and please please PLEASE stop expecting relationships to grow out of FUCKING thin air. work up to it or sit down. coming at admins DEMANDING things, or COMPLAINING about things, or THREATENING with doing things is petty, uncalled for, and just overall WRONG.
figure out YOUR bot first.
istg some of yall just really feed off others energy, you really suck the life out of others through screens. I hope at least you're using it for something decent in the yknow REAL WORLD.
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twoblueheartslocked · 4 years
Seblaine Para- Present Day(Early February)
Para: Kiss Me On The Mouth and Set Me Free
Rating: PG-13.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Present Day- Early February, Friday. About one month after- (Hold Onto the Memories, They’ll Hold Onto You)
Location: Brooklyn, New York
Info: Sebastian asks Blaine to let him take him on a real date. Blaine can’t help but let his insecurities get to him. Sebastian opens up about his past and Blaine makes a little progress. The two of them get closer.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse(Physical, mental and some sexual), anxiety, depression, drug use, alcohol use, cussing, death(parents).
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Notes: Some canon events remain in place while others have been changed. Some things may even be out of order. You can consider this sort of canon divergent AU. A few changes are that Blaine’s parents are different from the show (His mother is Filipina), he didn’t cheat on Kurt or date Dave and Sebastian is younger than Blaine. Feel free to send a message if you have any questions!
Extra Notes: Under Cut because of length and sensitive content.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine stared at himself in his little bathroom mirror, his fingers trying to bring some life into his dark curls. He’d gotten a haircut hoping the shortness on the sides would help, but he was still unsatisfied. It seemed, to him, that no matter what he did with himself he always looked like he was about to fall over from exhaustion. Maybe because you’re exhausted, Blaine. You’ve done nothing but work, school and then work some more with a little side of anxiously waiting for your phone to go off so you can maybe talk to Sebastian.  If you’d just let yourself sleep longer than four hours and stop fighting your medication and perhaps let it do its job then maybe, just maybe, you'd look like a fucking human being for your first date in well over a year.
He huffed at himself before turning away, sick of looking at his face. He and Kurt had been broken up for over eight and a half or so months now, since May the year before and Blaine hadn't been on a proper date in… over a year and a half. Things just sort of stopped with Kurt- dates, kissing, sex- (which he supposed he was fine with even though he would have taken any gentle touch he could get at the time) everything stopped except the ridicule and the bruises, that is. Needless to say, Blaine didn’t know how to do this anymore. And this was Sebastian. Someone he used to be so goddamn comfortable with. And now? He didn’t know if he even knew how to kiss properly without feeling shame and god, he couldn’t even imagine sex. Would Sebastian want that now? Would he be able and willing to wait? Blaine was human, of course, and the thought of Sebastian still made his heart race and his skin feel itchy with so much desire, but every time he thought about it he became clammy and panicky and he froze up. It didn’t help that he thought about it often and in turn got upset about it just as much.
He wanted nothing more than to impress the other man, to show him that he was still someone important, someone that he could maybe love again (had Seb ever?) or even just spend time with. Someone worthy. But, looking in the mirror, he didn’t feel like that person. He felt stupid and desperate for attention from Sebastian and he wondered if maybe he should cancel before he made a fool of himself… He could picture Sebastian’s faelike face when he got the text; he’d bite his bottom lip and pretend he was fine and throw himself into school work or go out anyway but Blaine knew it would upset him. He sighed because he didn’t want to cancel, he wanted to see Sebastian so bad. So made his way to his tiny bedroom, sat on his bed and opened his small nightstand. He found his anti-anxiety med and forced himself to take a half of one with the bottle of water he kept next to his bed. He didn’t want to take it all because of how drowsy it made him, but he knew that if he didn’t he might regret it. He could do this. He could date again. Besides, it was Sebastian. The boy he’d loved so fucking much in such a short time. Blaine could be good enough for him. Right?
He huffed, annoyed with himself, and shook his head before running his hand down his face. He was tired of worrying and second guessing himself. He pulled his phone from his pocket; 5:23pm. He took a deep breath and stood up, looking down at himself and just hoping that his soft, fitted, heather black sweater, one he’d spent too much money on paired with his nicest jeans was good enough the place they were going. He didn’t feel as if it were but… He turned and got into his closet nook for his pea coat. He might as well get some fresh air while he waited the last few minutes, maybe the chill would calm him down. A mix of excitement and pure nerves went through him as he waited wondering which car was Seb’s.
Breathe in, breathe out. You’ve got this, Blaine.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian hoped that Blaine wouldn’t cancel. Of course, he would understand if he had to, Blaine had told him a little bit about his past.  He would be upset and he would probably make a terrible decision to hide from the creeping feeling of sadness and disappointment but he would understand. Blaine hadn’t canceled yet, though and it gave him the little thread of hope that he needed. Sebastian planned everything perfectly, he thought it might help the other man feel a little less anxious. He had made reservations at the Sushi place and secured a driver for the evening so that they didn’t have to rely on Uber  or cabs(he figured he shouldn’t take his own car out in case he drank too much which he was wont to do these past few years.)  As long as traffic was on his side, everything would run smoothly. 
He blared music as he got ready and kept finding himself smiling. He took a long shower (though he was sure nothing physical would happen), obsessed over his hair in the mirror (his perfectly imperfect swoop of bangs), picked out his most expensive cologne (Fucking fabulous by Tom Ford), and stood in his walk in closet trying on different outfits a little longer than he would ever admit. He settled on a dark blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and dark cuffed jeans with his classic, clean white Vans. Sebastian wanted to look his best but also didn’t want to come across that he was trying as hard as he was. He added a silver watch to the look and obsessively lint rolled his shirt before one more spray of cologne.  He threw on a grey wool jacket and grabbed his wallet and decided that he was finally ready. 
Sebastian smoked a cigarette before the car arrived so that he wouldn’t drag the smell of smoke along with him. He thought he vaguely remembered Blaine liking the scent but second guessed himself, it had been such a long time ago. His mind was giddy with the excitement of ‘what ifs’ but he couldn’t fight the nervous tug that sat inside of his belly.  Seb wanted this to go well, no, he needed this to go well. He needed Blaine to trust him again and he needed to prove his patience. 
The car pulled up to the curb on Blaine’s apartment and of course he was standing outside waiting. Sebastian rolled down the window and admired Blaine for a second because he always looked so lovely with his big eyes and curls and fitted clothing.  He jumped out of the car to open the door for him.
“Hey B! Hop in.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s heart and stomach fluttered when Sebastian stepped out of the car and opened the door for him. He looked so damn good in blue (it brought out the little blue flecks in his green eyes) that Blaine forgot for a moment that he needed to move to get into the car and he blushed as he got in. And when Seb scooted in after him, sitting close, a  ghost of his former smile found its way to his face and his breath caught in his throat as a whiff of Seb’s scent washed over him. Sebastian smelled like an intoxicating mix of flowers and leather and of course, the smoke that seemed to faintly follow the other man around. They had met up in person a few times over the last month but each time Blaine felt more and more out of sorts around the other man and sitting next to him in the back of the car, close and with nowhere else to go, Blaine simultaneously felt excitement and fear as they made their way towards the restaurant. He wanted to scoot closer and lean into Seb so he could just breathe him in and rest his cheek against his shoulder like he’d done when they were young but he also felt like maybe he didn’t deserve to be able to do that. 
Sebastian was here, and he’d been so sweet and patient and what the hell had Blaine done to deserve any of that? He’d broken his heart and now Sebastian was acting like Blaine was worth all of this when really he ought to drop him. And again Blaine wondered if maybe this was all a big joke at his expense. That maybe Seb might take him out a few times and get him attached and needy and happy and then he’d laugh and tell him to fuck off…
Blaine made himself take a deep steadying breath. Stop it, Blaine. This is Sebastian, not Kurt. He wouldn’t do that to you. He’s always been good to you, always treated you like you were worthy, and he’s already forgiven you for what you did. He’s already told you he wants you in his life and that he would have dropped everything to help you. Let him do this. Let him make you feel worthy even if you don’t feel that way. He swallowed and looked up at Seb as they rode. His ghost of a smile slipping back over his lips as he bravely reached out and touched the back of Seb’s hand, letting his fingers cover and then gently squeeze the hand that had once been his to hold whenever he wanted. He practically ached with the memory of the first time he’d reached for it.
“I’m really happy I get to spend the evening with you.” His words were soft and just the simple touch was doing something to him and he wanted to link their fingers like they had a couple of weeks ago on his couch but he refrained and let his hand slide away, tucking it under his thigh as if to keep it warm.
The driver was good and they made it to the restaurant in record time. It was a sleek place with a minimalist setting that offered semi intimate seating for a higher price, which of course Seb had paid for leaving them tucked in a little nook. The prices were making Blaine's mind race and he could feel the panic rise up in him as he looked the menu over and tried to find the cheapest thing. He had to take a deep breath and remind himself that Sebastian wouldn’t have picked it if he didn’t know what the prices were. And what's more, he wouldn't have asked Blaine out if he didn’t want to treat him to something nice. He was pulled from his racing thoughts as the server asked them what they wanted to drink. He asked for green tea and nodded when asked about Sake because Sebastian wanted it and Blaine wasn’t going to tell him he didn’t know if he should drink or not because he had just taken his medicine but surely a few sips wouldn’t hurt him. 
He spent a good five minutes wracked his brain on what he could order, honestly it all looked incredible, but his nerves and his memories of harsh words about what he would eat wouldn’t stop and finally he just looked up at Seb and let out a little laugh and a shrug.
“I have no clue what to order. I haven’t been out for sushi in such a long time… Maybe Miso first and,” He paused and looked up at Sebastian for his question, his eyes wide. “Do you think, well, do you think we could do one of those meals, you know, um- where they pick it for you?” He wracked his brain trying to remember the damn word, and why the hell couldn't he get through a sentence without stumbling over himself like he’d never spoken before. He swallowed and bit his lip. “I think it’s called Omakase?” His eyes found the option on the menu and then his heart sank because it was too expensive and why had he suggested that? He went from looking for the cheapest thing to blurting out the most expensive. He blushed as he looked down to hide it and shook his head.
“Oh- I, well, maybe not. I forgot how expensive it is and how long it takes to do. ” He worried his bottom lip, trying to find something else. He knew it was silly to be daunted by a simple, small menu, but fifteen or so options suddenly felt like five hundred and he wanted this date to go well so badly. He shifted in his seat and took another steadying breath as he tried to calm down. This is Sebastian, Blaine. You know him. You’ve seen him a few times over the last month, you don’t need to panic. He tried to tell himself this was just like the other three times they’d talked, but something about it was different. Maybe because Sebastian had put the word date on it and he felt like he was already failing at it. He tried again, determined to be a good date for Sebastian. He had promised Sebastian that he’d do better for him. That he’d try not to drag himself down all the time.
“Unless that’s something you’re actually interested in? The length of time doesn’t bother me.” He offered up a small smile and attempted something like flirting. “Besides, I don’t need to be anywhere else. My night is all yours.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian ordered a bottle of sake and sparkling water. He glanced up from his menu occasionally to look at Blaine as he scanned his own.  Seb liked to catch him in little moments like this, where he chewed on his bottom lip or tugged at his shirt sleeves or smiled to himself, moments where nobody else was looking were the moments that the other felt the most confident now. It used to be that he could see Blaine’s confidence so easily, how he carried it on his shoulders with his head held high. Now, there were tiny, tiny glimpses that would peak through when he made him laugh a little or blush. He was going to get that side of Blaine back, maybe it would take months or years but he’d do it. 
He looked up from his menu and nodded. “Let’s do it. Why not? You only live once, right?” Sebastian grinned and took a sip of his sake. God, he had missed Blaine smiling at him, looking at him, talking to him. Even just that small closed mouth smile was enough for his stomach to flip like he was 16 again. “All mine? I like the sound of that.” Sebastian wanted to brush his leg with his foot or touch his knee under the table but didn’t want to scare the other man away. “Could I touch you, B? Like, your calf or knee?” He hoped he didn’t sound creepy and fought the cringe that wanted to display itself all over his face. 
When their waitress came back Sebastian ordered two Miso soups, two ginger salads, vegetable dumplings and shrimp tempura to start with. He also asked if they could do the Omakase experience. Seb loved food but sometimes just forgot to eat because he was so busy with school or too tired from staying out too late or passed out on his floor, or even worse, somebody else’s bed. He figured that he and  especially Blaine deserved a big meal, deserved to feel lavish for a little bit. 
Sebastian looked around the restaurant.  It was very nice,  all dark wood and amber lighting and ornate floral arrangements. He always ended up in places like this, always picked at expensive plates if he were in the mood to eat and not just drink all of the place’s most expensive wine. “Remember when we used to go to McDonald’s at like, midnight for fries and shakes? I miss the little things like that.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let out a little laugh- Sebastian had ordered all of this food on top of eight courses of the chefs choice and Blaine wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to eat it all. It simply wasn’t possible. But, Sebastian was smiling at him and he looked happy so who was Blaine to argue? Seb could take it all home with him if they didn’t finish it, and Blaine was sure they wouldn't. He nodded, his face heating up a bit at what he’d said. 
“Yeah, I mean, the night’s yours. I, uh- there’s no one else I’d rather be with.” He took a drink of his tea, hoping Sebastian wouldn’t notice the blush creeping up his neck and into his face. He swallowed hard at Sebastian’s question, not knowing what to say. His body wanted him to touch him, wanted him to let Sebastian take away everything he’d been through; the pain, the neglect, away with his slender fingers and capable lips, but his brain kept screaming at him that maybe the good touches would turn into bad ones, and maybe Sebastian was just as hateful as Kurt- he just hadn’t figured it out yet. He also wanted to just tell Seb that he could touch him whenever he wanted, wherever- but his mouth wouldn't let him. He had to tell himself that Sebastian wouldn't hurt him and he needed to believe it, but he was scared and he felt exposed. 
He had spent so long vying for attention and wanting to be touched gently or even roughly if it were asked for, that he would have taken it from Kurt if he had offered, but all he offered were sharp pinched fingers and nails and shoves and harsh hisses in his ears and all of that left marks he could still feel. And now Seb was here, offering him what he’d wanted and he was afraid to take it. Terrified to let it happen.  But, god, his heart wanted to just let it happen. He just wanted to cling to the love and desire he’d felt four years ago and remember how good he used to feel with Seb. He swallowed hard, his hands feeling clammy and heavy on the table. 
“I-.” He took a deep breath and nodded slowly, his jaw setting as he talked himself through the simple question.  He was in control now. Blaine got to say what happened to him. He had stood up for himself and he had taken his life back and now he got to choose how he lived it. He was in control…
“Yes, y-you can, but-.” He made sure to look directly at Seb as he spoke, making sure he heard him even though his voice was soft and a little unsure.  “Could you maybe warn me? Well, that sounds bad- I just mean maybe, um, make sure I can see your hands first before you do? I don’t know if that makes any damn sense but I feel like if I see you coming I might feel calmer.” He swallowed, trying to keep his tone even. “And my neck, I- want, well- maybe just ask about that or any touch from behind?” He hoped he wasn’t asking too much. But, Seb’s face was attentive and he looked like he was really trying to take everything in. “I want to try with you, okay?”
He blinked back the onslaught of emotion as courses of sushi and the like started to come in and he found himself smiling a little again at the memory of McDonald's. “Yeah, I remember how many strawberry shakes you drank over a five month period.” He shook his head as memories fell down between them. “Do you remember our nighttime rides where we’d pretend we didn’t know how to sing so we could shout the words of the music at the top of our lungs to the stars? And the way you looked in my sweatshirt, the competition one with my name on it? It used to thrill me to no end to see you in it, you know? God, I was so fucking happy...I-.” The guilt of feeling happiness over the months of their relationship started to creep in.
Suddenly then the bad memories came, the ones where after he’d spent the night naked and wrapped up in Seb having gotten their most intimate and Blaine was so close to telling him how he felt, only to come home to the most devastating news. A swell of sorrow threatened to take him down as he thought about all the bad memories and how their relationship had come falling down in the crash of a car that brought the loss of his most vital people and he almost let the sorrow take him. But, looking up at Sebs' open and beautiful face, the face that was giving him a second chance, forced Blaine to fight through it. He told himself he was allowed to remember things fondly, he didn’t need to feel guilty for having something pure and good once. It didn’t mean he missed his mom or dad any less. He could still smile. Loss and Kurt hadn’t taken it all away.
“I don’t remember ever getting that shirt back, by the way.” He thought about it for a moment and no, he really didn’t think he had. “I also remember that you used to steal cigarettes out of your mom’s purse and the way you’d try to hide the smell with too much cologne.” He couldn’t help but smile and found himself lost in each intricate bite, talking about the memories. “It never worked, and the forbidden smoke always followed you around like your own little bit of magic. Still does.” 
Before he knew it and hour had went by and Blaine had eaten too much, more than he had in months, and the mix of expensive food and the little sips of sake and the process of letting himself relive happy memories with someone that made him feel things had him feeling some type of way and he could feel the air on his teeth as he gave Sebastian a real smile.
“Do you treat all of your dates this good, Seb? God, I envy the boys that got to spend time with you over the last four years. I really do.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian nodded, “Yeah, of course. I can do that.” He lifted his hands and held them in front of himself so that Blaine could see them. “Just like this? Do you need to touch them first?”  Seb flexed his fingers and set them back in his lap. “We can try later? I think the food’s on the way.” He took a big swig of his sake and refilled his little ceramic cup. He hoped that he could muster the patience for this and that his self conscious demons didn’t make him run away or do something he’d regret because this was going to take time and he really wanted it. Sebastian knew himself and he tended to make bad decisions to keep himself from being happy or facing the fucking music. The music being Blaine and all of the unresolved shit between them. He was going to do this and he was going to be a good...well, they had never said boyfriend before but what were they now? What would they be? 
“ I loved that sweatshirt.” Sebastian popped a dumpling into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. He had thrown the sweater away one night when he was heartbroken and teenaged which is one of the worst combos known to man. He really regretted doing that on cold nights when the ache of being Blaine-less hung heavy on his heart and he missed the smell of his cologne and hair gel and the taste of his cheap cherry chapstick. “I don’t have it anymore, I’m sorry.”  
Seb’s stomach dipped when Blaine spoke about the smoke. Blaine had a beautiful way with words where he wasn’t just trying to use lines or fake it, he really meant everything he said. His words always sounded poetic and fell gracefully into perfect little romantic sentences that always made Sebastian smile or roll his eyes playfully or just want to kiss the other man all over until he forgot all of the bad things Kurt had done to him. “I think I remember you being really into that. Are you still?” He bit his bottom lip and quirked his head. 
He could have choked on his water when Blaine mentioned ‘other boys’ in such a wistful way when there was nothing wistful or romantic or dreamy about the way Sebastian had been spending his time the last four years. The last four years had been filled with binging on alcohol and snorting things and passing out  in unknown places and making his mother cry and fucking men he didn’t even know the names of and kissing bartenders and asking strangers for lighters and getting drinks bought for him by married men and just being such a fucking loser in the midst of Parisian lights that he could hardly stand himself.
“This...is all just for you, B.” Sebastian shrugged his shoulders and fought the itch to order another bottle of alcohol to drown all of the words fighting to bubble up and spill all over their expensive meal. “There is absolutely nothing to envy.” He took a deep breath and looked around the restaurant. Thankfully they were in a private area. Seb figured that he should get it all out in the open. It was only fair, Blaine had been very open and vulnerable with him. “So, the truth is that I’ve been a fucking wreck. I, uh, ran off to Paris before I  even finished the school year after...everything.  I took a gap year because I was so fucked up all the time. There were...a few times that my mom had to come scrape me off of the fucking bathroom floor and Hunter had to come save me a few times,too.” 
Seb shrugged and pushed around a piece of tempura with a chopstick. “And the boys were just boys. I...I can’t remember like, half of them and I hate admitting that out loud. So, no. You don’t need to envy them or me. We both got stuck, B and it fucking sucks.” Sebastian lifted his hands so that Blaine could see them before he laid his hand on the table in case the other man wanted to hold it. “I wish more than anything that I had just...forgot myself enough to just be there for you.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine felt relief wash over him when Sebastian told him that he could do that, a small smile came to his face as the other man held hands up to show him that he meant what he said, he nodded wondering again if he was asking to much or he was being a little crazy, surely he could handle a sudden touch from someone he wanted to touch him, right? He was struck with a memory of Sam, after he’d been living in the apartment for a few months, coming to visit and clapping him on the back to show him that he thought it was ‘awesome that he���d moved to such a cool place’, he remembered the rush of panic and the way he’d frozen up and how many times Sam had, unnecessarily, apologized and he realized that no, it didn’t matter if he wanted to be touched, there had to be some structure to it. He really hoped Sebastian was being honest. He could see some struggle happening on his face and he wondered what he was thinking. Was he thinking that Blaine Is too much work? He couldn’t blame him for that.
A pang of hurt pricked at his heart over the fact that Seb didn’t have his shirt anymore. Had he thrown it away? Of course he threw it away, Blaine. You broke his fucking heart. Blaine was suddenly a little embarrassed that he’d clung to the teddy bear for so long when Sebastian hadn’t wanted to cling to what he’d given him. And again, he wanted to kick himself because he’d been the reason Sebastian’s pretty face was pitiful and red and his tears had broken Blaine’s heart into a million little pieces. The echo of Seb’s yelling at him to leave still echoed in his ears and Blaine wanted to cry just thinking about it even though he was here now and right in front of him being so damn honest So yeah, of course he had gotten rid of the shirt. He tried to keep his face as passive as possible when he spoke, swallowing. “I guess I kind of figured that. I can’t blame you.”
There were so many emotions swirling in the air above them, so many memories and Blaine thought that if he squinted, he might be able to see them and reach out and take the bad ones away and hold the good ones close. But, didn’t you need the bad ones sometimes? Weren’t they what shaped you and made you who you were? All the good and the bad and the in between ones. Even this memory of Seb smoking-  which Blaine should hate and shouldn't have condoned at all because it could kill Seb in the long run and Blaine should have been a better boyfriend? and tried to help him stop, was one that he kept close But here he was still not so secretly thrilled by it. He laughed a little, wondering if he’d been that obvious in his secret pleasure of the scent. “Only because it was on you, Seb.” His stomach flipped over the way Seb said that it was all for him, but the happy sensation was short-lived as he watched Seb’s face change and his demons started to come out to meet Blaine’s. He’d heard stories, and Kurt had him convinced that Sebastian was happy, his photos on Instagram always seemed happy, then again, so did his own. How many times did Seb hurt himself? What did Seb mean by fucked up? He remembered how drunk Seb had gotten at his house and wondered if that was part of his past. Had there been other drugs? Had he been hurt by any of those strangers? Blaine couldn’t stomach the thought of Sebastian, head lolling and passed out in some random place. He didn’t like the picture of Sabine, so confident and strong, sad and scared for her son. And Hunter, smarmy and charming, trying to wake Seb up and afraid that he might not.  
He watched as Seb held his hands up and then sat them on the table and Blaine wanted to cry because even though Sebastian was opening up about his own issues he was still considering him and it made him want to reach out and pull Seb into his arms and take away everything that had happened over the last four years. He settled for reaching out and taking Seb’s hand in his and squeezing it tightly to show he had him. He’d done this part a few times now and each time he felt a little more confident. 
“You were there for me, Seb. You were always there for me, I just… I couldn’t let you do it the way you wanted to and it’s all my fault. I feel like I’m the reason you, well, you h-hurt yourself and I hope you can forgive me. I want you to know that I’m here for you if you ever want to talk about it. Or if you just want to, I don’t know, sit with me and just be- I’ll be there. I w-want to do this, I want to keep seeing you.”
He jumped as their server showed up with the bill, setting it in front of them and coming far too close to Blaine. He reluctantly let go of Seb’s hands and he took a deep breath and watched as Sebastian paid the check, which was no doubt way too expensive.  He watched, wanting nothing more than to continue their conversation as their leftovers were boxed and brought back out. He reached for Seb’s hand as they walked out into the chilly February air and made their wait to the waiting car. He’d suggested that Seb come up so they could continue talking. 
His apartment was warm and the glow of his fairy lights made the room seem ridiculously romantic and as Blaine poured them each a glass of wine it stuck him suddenly that maybe Sebastian wouldn’t be able to wait for him. How long would it take for Blaine to get to Seb’s level? Sure, Seb had told him that his sex life wasn’t all good, but he was used to a certain kind of way and here was Blaine asking to see hands before he could be touched. Blaine had once been a person that loved being touched, loved being intimate and close, especially with Seb and Kurt had robbed him of that. He sat down on the couch and handed Sebastian his glass before turning his body so that he was looking up at the other man.
“First off, I want you to know that I’ve had an amazing time with you. Even with all of the emotions. I really can’t wait to relearn each other's lives and I hope you want that too.” He bit his lip, and took a deep breath, afraid to wait too long or he’d panic and not be able to say it, “I want to do this...whatever it is we’re doing. Dating? I-I don’t know. But, I also want you to know that I understand if you can’t wait for me.” He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “I know that it wasn’t all good and that you didn’t enjoy every person you were with, but I also know that you’re used to a certain speed of things and I don’t know how long it’s going to take me to get there, so if you n-need to go out with other men to, um, get what you need, I-I can’t be mad at you.” He felt the opposite way, he didn’t want anyone else to touch Seb, but how selfish was that? 
“I won’t be mad. I’ll understand.”
Sebastian's POV:
Sebastian felt relieved when Blaine held his hand. He shook his head and took a deep breath because of course Blaine wanted to place the blame on himself. “It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t create the hard wiring inside of my brain. You really don’t need to blame yourself for this.” He made sure that the other man was looking into his eyes as he spoke, “I stand by what I said when I said that we both did some questionable things in the end. We were kids and you went through something so,so terrible. Thank you. I want to keep seeing you,too.” 
He accepted the invitation to join Blaine inside of his apartment. Seb helped him put the leftovers in his fridge and told him that he could keep them. He laid his jacket on the back of one of the bistro table chairs and made himself comfortable on the couch. Sebastian had only been in the apartment one other time but to him, it seemed like it was always warm and inviting if small. He took the wine glass and resisted taking an immediate sip. Instead he swirled the liquid around and watched the other man as he spoke. “I do want all of that.”  Sebastian could feel his face change, his mouth frown and his jaw tense up as his hand squeezed the stem of the wine glass.  He took a deep breath and blinked a few times, sat up a little straighter and took a giant gulp of his wine. Calm down calm down calm down do not say something shitty. 
Sebastian was sure that Blaine wasn’t actively trying to shame him and it was clear that he had chosen his words carefully. He couldn’t help but feel like he was on the outside of Blaine’s group of friends again, hearing the rumors and slut shaming words of the New Directions even as he proved to be a faithful partner to the other boy. Felt the sting of random strangers calling him names when he was at the club or the muttered words of family members at holiday dinners or the nasty DMs he received on social media. 
“Yeah well, I don’t need any of that.” Sebastian took another deep breath. “Look, I’m really trying here but this is a little embarrassingly sensitive to me. I just want you and I can make myself be good for you.” He scrubbed his hands over his face, suddenly overwhelmed and exhausted from all of the words he had given Blaine that evening. “I don’t need anybody else or to hook up every night,” Seb muttered through his hands on his face. “I never did. I chased you in other men for four years and I can’t believe I’m fucking admitting this out loud.”  He leaned back into the cushions and stared at the other man, “I can just masturbate, you know.”  He hoped it would lighten the tense air a little bit.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s heart sank and his stomach twisted into terrified little knots as he watched Sebastian’s whole face change. He shook his head, his first instinct to reach out and take hold of the other man's wine free hand again and squeeze it like he could soothe the words he’d said with his redundant touch. He blinked, his eyes blurry because he could tell that he’d hurt Sebastian’s feelings and that was the last thing he wanted to do. He could feel tears threaten and this part wasn’t about him so he blinked again to keep them back. His brow furrowed and a fierceness to show Seb that he was good swept over him.
“You are good, Seb.” He shook his head, his words determined and full of conviction. “You were good for me then and you’re just as good for me now. Even after you stopped talking to me when not a single one of my friends, save Sam, believed that it was me who left. They all thought it was you who’d left, and when they tried to talk you down, I defended you. It pissed me off so much that they’d never know how fucking good you were for me and how much I-I cared about you.” he stopped himself from saying loved, he was robbed of getting to tell him that when his mom and dad died and he thought it would be inappropriate to do so now. Even if it were true, even if it never went away.
He cocked his head to the side and squeezed Seb’s hand even tighter at his admission. “I’m so fucking stupid for letting you go…” He  mumbled, his eyes big and pained and he again wanted to pull the other man into his arms and make him feel better, take away his embarrassment and tell him that he was here now and that he wasn’t going to go anywhere, “I should have told you that night on the phone what he did. I should have left right then, or I never should have left you at all. Then you wouldn’t have had to chase me in random people. I just wasn’t strong enough then... But, I’m trying now and I’m here and I want this so badly, okay?”
He took a deep breath, both of his hands still holding Seb’s, his fingers wrapped around him for fear that he’d float away. He felt like he couldn’t breath as he struggled to get the next words out. “I said I wouldn’t be mad at you if you wanted to keep up your lifestyle because I’m messed up, Seb. Kurt messed me up. He… ruined so much of what I used to love.” He licked his lips, blinking back the rush of tears again and he was angry at himself for not being able to talk about Kurt without crying.
“He just turned on me one night, grabbed the back of my neck and shamed me for talking too much at a fucking party, ripped the hair from my scalp a few times. And then it turned into withholding hugs, and then sex and then he’d refuse to kiss me. And when we did have sex he’d never let me be in any kind of control in the bedroom, you know what I mean? He always had to say what happened and how. He’d use it as a bargaining piece and “rewarded” me like a goddamn dog if I did what he w-wanted. And I accepted it because I wanted to be touched s-so badly, anything I could get that was anything close to nice. And then one day he just stopped, the only thing I got was hateful fingers digging into my skin and his nails drawing blood and having to wear long sleeves in the summer, and words that brought me down until I flinched every single time someone came near me. T-that hurt was the only touch I got for a year and a half. He didn’t even kiss me in front of people for show anymore.”
He swallowed hard, and tried to be proud of himself for getting it all out, but he could feel the shake start in his hands and work its way up his arms and then all over. He felt vulnerable and raw and exposed in a way he hadn’t let himself feel in a long time. Even with his therapist. “So, I’m scared. What if I start and I freeze up? I want this so goddamn bad, Seb, I’m just so fucking scared. I feel like I’ve forgotten how to do it all and I want you to be happy. It's been a year and a half since I’ve been kissed, Seb. Don't you remember how much I used to love doing that? What if he took that feeling away?” He paused, his chest tight and breath coming in quick gasps. “God, he even deleted my memories of you… Had me convinced you didn’t want me at all.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian sighed and let Blaine clasp his free hand. “Please don’t call yourself stupid.” It did feel good to hear that Blaine had defended his name when he wasn’t around. “Okay, I believe you. I want this,too. We’ll make it work.” He knew that dating Blaine was going to be a lot of work for the both of them. Blaine was going to have to work on his self confidence and trust and Seb needed to think before he spoke and to stop filling the lonely hours with useless vices. 
He set his wine glass on the table so that he could place his free hand on the other side of Blaine’s. Sebastian was quiet and listened because what else was he supposed to do? He hated Kurt, hated that any of this had happened at all. Sebastian chewed on his bottom lip and could feel his skin burn with anger. He was quiet for a few moments as he tried to process the right words to say. “That’s disgusting. You didn’t deserve any of that.” Sebastian ran his thumb over the other man’s knuckles and hoped that it seemed comforting. “ I’d love to kiss you. I’d love to do everything with you. And if you freeze up, well, you freeze up. We stop. We...watch a movie or go get cheap milkshakes or you can take a walk or a shower.” He shrugged, “You’ll get it back, B and I’ll be happy. We’ll be happy.”
Sebastian’s eye brows furrowed and his mouth was a set line. Kurt didn’t know shit about his life, he never had. He was always judgmental of Sebastian and how he carried himself and how he performed and how he spoke and basically anything and everything he did. “Fuck that guy, okay? He had no clue. I still have the pictures.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine cursed himself for using the word stupid again, he’d made a promise to himself that he wouldn’t do that to himself anymore. He nodded, sniffling a little as he tried to keep it together. Everything felt like so much right now, he felt cut wide open and still so exposed that he didn’t know what to do.  Sebastian was here and he was being so sweet, despite Blaine hurting his feelings. His words sounded like heaven and Blaine wanted to experience it all, he wanted to just be normal. 
He wanted to go back to the pool where he’d boldly kissed Sebastian, his fingers tangled in his hair. Or back to the basement where he’d gotten to touch him for the first time to the soundtrack of a horror film. He wanted to go back to every time they’d kissed or touched, back to the night they’d gone the furthest, how good and close they’d felt with their noses bumping and Seb’s legs tangled around him. He wanted to go back to right before the morning came and he’d had to go home to the worst news he’d ever gotten.  
His skin felt itchy with a desire he’d not felt in such a long time, not even the very few times he’d managed to touch himself under the covers of his new apartment before the shame would overtake him. Sebastian wanted to kiss him. Sebastian wanted him. Not just emotionally but physically. He hadn’t been wanted in anyway in such a long time and he, again, didn’t know what to do with it. His heart skipped a beat at the mention of their memories and how Sebastian had kept them, he wondered if he had looked at them often or did he forget about them like the sixteenth birthday card Blaine had given him that he’d stuffed in a book only to discover it later.
“Maybe you could show them to me sometime.” He bit his bottom lip, “And maybe we could make a few new ones in the future.” He took a deep breath, turning over the words I’d love to kiss you. I’d love to do everything with you. And if you freeze up, well, you freeze up. We stop.  Over and over in his head. Sebastian was right there, all Blaine had to do was ask and he’d get something he’d been wanting for a long time. He felt like a child for a moment as he tried to summon up the courage to ask for it and tried not to second guess himself. Kurt had taunted and taken things away for so long that Blaine was struggling to believe it. But Blaine knew Sebastian, even if it had been years, he knew that Seb wouldn’t have said it if he didn’t mean it and that this wasn’t a pity thing. The other man wanted to do this just as much as he did.  
He swallowed hard as he let one of his hands slip from Sebastian’s and slide up to rest against Seb’s cheek, reminding him of New Years and the fleck of ash that got to kiss his snow cold face. Blaine’s life was his, and he was in control. And again, he heard Sebastian’s words like echoes ricocheting off of his brain and into his chest.
I’d love to kiss you. .And if you freeze up, well, you freeze up. We stop. 
“Could you k-kiss me?”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian blinked a few times. Had he heard that correctly? Blaine had asked for a kiss and he felt equal parts excited and proud.  He hoped that his breath didn’t stink and that his lips weren’t dry and that the other man wouldn’t regret the decision to ask for a kiss. Seb gently let go of Blaine’s hands and maneuvered his body so that he was sitting cross legged on the couch across from him. He displayed his hands in front of him and waited for Blaine to nod.  
“I’m gonna place my hands on your face,” Sebastian’s voice was soft as he gently cupped one of his cheeks in each hand. He ran his thumb over Blaine’s cheekbone, “I’m gonna kiss you now.” Seb wanted to give him the chance to say no if he decided that this was too much. He leaned in and gently kissed him once and then gave him a second, slow open mouthed kiss.
Blaine’s POV:
Breathe in, breathe out. You’ve got this, Blaine.
Blaine’s heart thumped hard against his rib cage. Every single one of Blaine’s nerve endings seemed to be ignited as Sebastian’s lips pressed so completely against his. He froze for the briefest moment as their lips touched and a part of him wanted to stop, and was trying to convince him that this wasn’t for the best, that Seb was lying. But the way Sebastian's lips felt against his and the press of his fingers cupping his face lightly, made Blaine stay. His toes curled against the hardwood floor as the kiss deepend a little and his hand clenched into the front of Sebastian’s shirt as the other man's lips gently moved against his. Sebastian was kissing him sweetly and Blaine felt like he was floating.
He was overwhelmed with the feeling of it as he forced himself to pull away before the worry could possibly take hold of him again, and he basked in the way Seb had shown his hands for him, and had spoken the words so softly and and gently cupped his face like he did once upon a time, making him feel like someone important. Blaine wanted to cry with the intensity of it. He gave the other man a watery smile instead and swallowed down the new wave of happy tears as he pressed his face into the crook of Sebastian’s neck, allowing himself to breath him in for just a moment, something he’d been wanting to do since he’d seen him again. The smell of leather, and smoke and cold filled his senses.
He could get used to this. He wanted to get used to this. Wanted to let Seb kiss him and touch him and maybe more. Wanted to do the same in return and show Seb how good he really was. And maybe he’d be okay, and maybe he’d have bad moments at times, but right now he was happy and sated in a way he hadn't thought he could feel again. He let out a little laugh and wondered if it felt as good to Sebastian but he was too shy to ask. He bit his lip, ducking his head in embarrassment at how good something so seemingly small felt to him.
“That… that felt incredible.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian felt too many things. The familiar feel of Blaine’s lips, the scent of his cologne triggering memories, his hand in his shirt reminiscent of the first time they touched each other intimately. They pulled away, his eyes closed for a moment before he saw Blaine’s small smile. He let him rest his head in his neck for a moment and he wondered if he remembered how sensitive he was there.  Sebastian had thought of this moment a million times when he was all alone at night in his bed, when the alcohol or the drugs or the high from being with another human wore off. He’d stare at the wall or the ceiling and think about kissing Blaine, wonder if he would ever get a second chance, if he’d ever be able to take that chance.  Now here he was, on a second hand couch in a small Brooklyn apartment kissing Blaine sweetly. This wasn’t how he thought any of this would have happened but he was glad it was happening. “I’d say.” 
The two of them cuddled into the cushions of the couch, sitting close, and talked for a little while longer. Sebastian would offer up his hands and Blaine would play with his fingers and he even showed him some of their old photos that he had stored deep in his phone. Suddenly it was midnight and Seb figured he needed to excuse himself for the night. The two of them lingered in the doorway as he put on his coat and his shoes. “I had a wonderful night. Thanks for coming out with me. We can do it again soon, yeah?” 
Sebastian even got to give Blaine a kiss goodbye. This one was just as slow and gentle but just a little bit longer. They said their goodbyes and Sebastian  jumped in the car and watched the other man’s brick building fade as he rode away into the New York night. He wondered if Blaine was watching the car. He hoped that he was. 
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jedward5ever · 4 years
Jacob and Edward
hey guys. just a little something. Jacob and Edward if you’re into that. 
setting: cullen’s house they’re studying or smthn bella hasnt moved in yet
edward: so what did you get for number 5?
Jacob: uhhhhh…..i didnt do it
edward: ok. why?
Jacob: i don't really get this whole math thing...can u explain?
e: oh that’s okay. well first of all this is biology. so in question 5 they’re asking what is the first step of glycolysis, do you know what glycolysis is?
J: uhhhhh i turn into a wolf sometimes
e: *startled, looks away.* uh? ok well glycolysis is basically when glucose is split (glucose is sugar and like……. sweet) and the final product is two pyruvate molecules
J: *turns into a wolf* aaaaawooooooooooooo
e: *slaps him across the wolf face, once then twice* what the FUCK are you doing. you cant do ths in my house and u broke my antique glass table i stole from bulgaria
J: *turns back into a person* sorry bro i do that sometimes when im nervous
e: ………. *lights down spotlight on edward for brief monologue* i… i  feel so guilty i slapped him to be or not to be? then i should aboiplogize *lgihts back on*... hey jacob im sorry is lapped u….. why r u nervous’
J: its ok bro…..im nervous bc...no i cant say it...its embarrassing
e: *caresses jacobs’ face where he slapped him* its ok. im sorry. sometimes i let my anger get the better of me
J: its ok ...its just that….i..i….
e: *starts getting mad* speak the fuck up. what are u saying
J: *mumbles something*
e: *starts meditating to calm down* what.
J: i said…..i���.l...ll
e: what the fuck r u trying to say *flexes his hands ina nger*
J: i love y- *dies of unknown cause*
e: Hi, I’m edward cullen. im trained in first aid. can i help u? *no answer* hello? are you awake? bystander *points to alice* please contact ems adn let them know someone is about to be Turned *bites jacob*
J: *becomes a vampire but also still werewolf* bro……
e: ok. so do you understand glycolysis now?
J: yeah i do thanks bro that helped a lot
e: no problem, now onto question 6. wait. this isn’t a bio question. it says…. no i can’t read this filth
J: what does it say man
e: it… it *face turns red then green then purple* it…. ugh this is disgusting. you read it
J: i didnt want to tell u this bc i thought you would make fun of me but…..i cant read...
e: u fucking illiterate bastard. fine ill read it *clears throat* fuck i didnt copy pzste it hold on
Lmssoaooao dw ok it wont let me but *jacob x edward fanfiction*
J: dude…...thats in the textbook????
e: yeah. its fucking disgusting. how did they know everything about us… actually wait it look s like someone wrote this by hand…
J: thats so weird…..who would have done that….so gross….
e: lemme check whose textbook this is. *flips to front*................................................................. *looks up at jacob with golden orbs and squints his eyes* it says its ur textbook
J: thats c-c-crazy bro ,,,,, i cant even read hahaha how could i write that hahaha
e:....... you fucking liar. yeah u can read. is this seriously how u thin k of me? of us? ur sick in the fucking head. i woulc neve.r;..... never fucking do that with u
J:....is that...is that realy how you feel?
e: *inexplicable rage* obviously u weirdo stupid werewolf dog *starts choking jacob*
J: *actually likes being choked* oh no…..oh no…..don't do this…. e: *notices hes into it* AHRHGHGHHGHGHHG (in rage) *choke slams him into the broken glass table* YOURE SO GROSS
J: *thinks* he will never love me the way i love him...maybe i should just end it all…..
e: *freeze frame…. lights down spotlight on edward again...  monoglogu* wait…. what the fuck……… is that smell? i just realized i cannot read his mind? what the fuck is going on…………. *slideshow in the background with informational voice: it turns out that one of jacob’s sperm containing renesemee was i dont know hanging out which was already pyscihologucally connected to bella and stole bella’s power of smelling good and no thoughts then transferred it to jacob making him have those powers* *spotlight end* jacob…….. why the fuck…. cant i read ur mind… why do u smell so good…
J: i didnt know u could read minds….maybe i just don't have thoughts…..
e: everyone has fucking thoughts.l…… but i cant… read urs…
J: i don't know…….has that ever happened before?
e: no… *intense eye contact*
J; *blushes and looks down* im sorry im different
e: *looks away cus jacob looked away, then  accidentally looks down* bro… is that….
J: no bro… its not what it looks like!!!
e: *stares at him then throws up to the side* i cant believe this… ur a nasty dog but i cant help but feel….. attracted to u
J: youre...attracted to me……
e: I dnt’ know why……. dont worry i cant get it up i have no blood
J: wait….we cant fuck??? Im out of here *turns to leave*
e: wait. there is a way…… *flashback on the slideshow to when edeawrd drank jacobs blodo to vampirize him this slideshow is viewable by edward and jacob*
J: well tell me,,,how do we fuck?????
e: u tell me
J: i don't know youve been a vampire longer than i have
e: bruh. so????? i follow the christian beliefs
J: stupid idiot we cant fuck then
e: *looks away* i guess. not like i wanted to anyways
J: you know what? I don't have to deal with this *turns to leave* call me when you want some dick
e: *when jacob is more than like 10m away suddenly intense pain hits them both* theres… something i forgot to tell u. when i vampirized u….. iut basically means ur bonded to me for like 1 month….
J: so youre telling me….im stuck with u for a month….and we cant fuck
e: well yeah more or less
the end
LOL EXCELLENT STORY it was honestly amazing great twists and turns, the tensini was high cant wait to see where this goes hope rob enjoys <3
setting: school assembly, principal andrew is doing a presentation on how to stay safe from these mysterious killings….. (vampires and werewolfs)
jacob and edward sit next to each other cus they cant be 10m apart.
e: ugh. u again.
J: stop talking as if this isnt ur fault
e: *whispering* ur the one who fucking died for no reason
J: ok and?? You didnt have to bring me back
e: *roll eyes* u know exactly why i had to
J:.........what do you mean…….
e: *looks at him with golden orbs then looks away* shut up. principal andrew is talking..
J: *is listening to every word andrew says bc he is so amazing but keeps looking at edward*......
e: * is listening and doesn’t notice j acob looking at him, then speaks to jacob without looking at him* look… they’re talking about killings… is this ur fucking tribe’s doing?
J: what the fuck no way its your stupid fucking family we keep our end of the agreement
e: *inhales sharply, then grips jacob’s leg with vampire strengthz* dont u fucking talk about my family like that u stupid mutt *people begin looking in their direction*
J: *is kind of turned on but would never admit it* stop being fucking gay people are staring
e: *notices people are staring and releases jacob, embarrassedly* just shut the fuck up and listen. *andrew begins talking about A CURFEW… they cannot leave their houses or some shit like basically e and j have to be together*
J:wait….how the fuck are we supposed to stay in our houses if we cant be away from each other….im not about to live with your weird incest family…
e: *enraged again, grabs the back of jacob’s neck at the pressure point* what the fuck. did. i say. about. talking. shit. about. my family. take that  back right fucking now
J: *smirks* what are you gonna do about it…..be more gay?
e: *even more rage* i am not fucking gay —- cut off by andrew: Edward, Jacob, what the fuck are yall doing? *everyone turns to look, spotlight on them*
J: im sorry mr andrew….its just that edward attacked me…..hes so in love with me and he keeps assaulting me...im not gay though
andrew: oh thank god (he thought they were gay). edward, jacob immediately separate.
J:uhhhhhhhh i think we have to talk though…..sort this out with words…
e: *is extremely embarrassed to have everyones attention on him* Yes sir, andrew. i mean principal andrew. *grabs jacob by the scruff of his neck and drags him to the hallway and then slams him in to the lockers like bullies in the 80s* why the FUCK did u embarass me like that
J: bro you embarrassed urself…..you were all over me….just say youre into me itll be easier for both of us
e: ALL OVER YOU? *slams him again*
J:yeah like ur all ove me right now you cant keep your cold dead hands off of me
e: *moves back as if burned, walking away backwards while also throwing up, but then he is too far and they are both in intense pain*
J: dude calm down lets talk about this shit….we gotta make a plan
e: *refusing to come closer, so still are in pain* …...plan… for … what
J: the fucking…..cerfew…. Idiot…. Come back…..
e: *doesn’t come back, vomits once more* no… u fucking… smell…. what do … u mean…. the curfew…
J: were you not….listening to andrew… we have to stay inside our houses….but how can we do that if we cant be apart from each other
e: *looks away angrily* ….. we… will have to… stay apart… in pain… i guess…
J: you’re so fucking stubborn you did this to me and now youre making me suffer too
e: … i… don’t… care…. *walks even further, causing them more pain*
J: were only like 20m apart….and it already feels like this…..you think we can handle more thN THIs forever???? Youre so fucking stupid
e: *glares at him but doesnt come closer* shut. the … fuck up…. you fucking…. dog…
J: *steps closer* make...me…..
e: *doesn’t see him coming cus eyes are closed* shut…. up… stop… talking…
J: *steps closer* i said…...make….me
a/n: how fucking close are they now huh  uhh like 3 ft apart ok
e: *smells jakob cus he stinks and opens eyes* GET AWAY FROM ME
J: make me *smirks*
a/n: LMFAO THANKS i need to formulate a perfect response lemmet hink of course take all the time you need
e: what the fuck do you mean make me? i will launch u across this hallway wolf boy
J: do it then…..
e: *grabs him by the neck again and slings him*
J: *dies*
e: *notices.( a/n: sigh) spotlight… on …. edward… monoglogue: i-........i cant believe i fucking killed him again…. the pain is gone but… literally wtf….. i…. grrr. *edward looks into the distance, pondering. then silently goes to jacob.* i have to save him. *begins cpr and mouth to mouth breathing*  
J: *was never actually dead only pretending like romeo and juliet* *smirks*
e: *notices the smirk, then realizes he was alive the whole time* what the FUCK jacob? *slaps him across the face* you dirty bastard
J: so i guess you don't hate me that much huh?
e: *slaps him again* i thought you fucking died. i couldn’t let andrew discover a dead body in the hallway. and. and anyway i was going to eat you afterwards so yeah take that
J: yeah thats so believable…… just say you love me...i wont judge you *gay slur*
e: *is about to rage again* im literally. fucking straight. i love…. va-vgagag gaggaga *starts vomiting* WHAT THE FUCK DO U WANT FROM ME
J: dude...its 2020...its ok to be gay...you don't have to pretend to be someone youre not,,,, i aceppt you
e: *once again, he can’t help but be attracted to jacob bc of the science i explained in the previous thing, stares depeply into jacob’s orbs* what… do… you… want… from …. me … u fucking… dog
J: *stares back into edwards orbs* i just….i just want you to be happy…
e: *looks away* i am… happy. away from you.
J: *looks away from edward looking away* if thats really how you feel…...fine...ill take the pain….
e: *once a fucking gain. spotlight. monologue* in all my 118 years…. ive caused so much pain and destruction… should i really put this on poor jacob’ why did i see children see i mean sayy omg on poor jacob’s shoulders. no i cant.* no. no. we can. stay together. *teeth clenched* for. the curse, of course. so. you don’t have pain. not that. i . like u.
J: fine...for the curse….whatever helps you sleep at night..
e: *touches jacob’s shoulder (only cus theyre so close) and pushes him back* yeah. you can stay at. my house. i guess
a/n: (u have to say no so ed goes to jacobs werewolf hq)
J: no way i cant be around all those incesty vampires its creepy as fuck you come to my place
e: *gasp* what the fuck. youre literally a VAMPIRE too. i…. i dont wanna go to ur place…
J: physically im a vampire but mentally im still a wolf and i will not be around so many dead sister fuckers
e: ….. i don’t wanna be around u stinky werewolves…. Unless….no.
J: what man???
e: *is disgusted firstly, by werewolves, and the way jacob speaks so heterosexually irks him* nothing. can’t we, like. get a hotel room.
J: that might not be a bad idea…..but im poor remember
e: *facepalms then says annoyedly* fine. we’ll go to ur fucking wolf den. but u have to make it up to me.
J: ……...how?
e: *rolls eyes* i don;’t fucking know. u tell me. it better be good cus i will never get that werewolf smell off of me.
J: i mean…...we could like…..if youre down…….
e: *squints at him* what.
J: we could……..you know…. ..
e: *understands, slaps him across the face for millionth time poor jacob probably has permanent hand prints* EW.
J: like i don't want to because im not gay but id do it for you
e: … you know. i used to be able to read ur mind up until  a few weeks ago. so i do know what the fuck u thought of me…. what u thought—- *nearly vomits again*
J: but that was a long time ago...before we got close….now you made me straight
e: *extremely offended* what the fuck? you dont think im hot anymore?
J: why does it matter???? Youre not gay right
e: *hits him again* im not FUCKING gay. and it matters. b ecause, because,m because because because bcuae buse bcueacuab euacaubeucae BECAUSE. everyone thinks im hot. and if ur around him[edward] for the next month, u also need tot hink im hot.
a/n wtf is him oh of course a/n: edward is refering tohimself in third person
J: maybe if you were nicer to me id like you more...stop fucking hitting me and vomitting
e: *looks away in shame, then sighs shakily brings his cold vampirical hands to jacob’s bruised face* look. my hands. are so.. fucking cold they will heal ur bruies *doesnt look him in the eyes*
J: *doesnt make eye contact* thanks….i guess…
e: *keeps using vampircal cold hands to heal, then they accidentally make eye contact, edward looks away*
J: you don't have to look away…..
e: *glares back at him just to prove a point* fine.
J: *stares into edwards orbs with kindness and love* ……….
e: *stares back and recognizes what jacob is feeling, whispers* ur fucking gay
J: maybe…..but so are you…….
BREAKOUT ROOM ENDINGWHY THEY HAVE A COUNTDOWN. OK THIS SCENE ENDS HERE NEXT IS JACOB’S HOUSE ok it was really good today honestly excellent a/n are a perfect edditon  except im losing my ability to type and spell we at 3k words BRUH LMOAAOAOA i love us ok bye
dun dun dun dun (tear in my heart). LMAO listening to it oh good u start bruh its ur hosue
setting: jacob’s den thing, also we need to have my immortal descriptions
J: so make yourself at home i guess…..
e: *carrying black bag with mcr pins on it , looks around in disgust* ….. u live like this?
J: yeah man sorry im not rich like you are
e: *is definitely thinking something offensive towards native people but disguised as against werewolves as stephanie meyer always does* ok…. so where am i sleeping..
a/n HUIHBUFOEWGEUI did i lie  absolutely not
J;well like……...theres only one bed…
e: *mutters* could this get any more cliche. *notmutter* k. well im definitely not sleeping next to you. mind if i amazon prime a (whatever those fake small bed things are called)
J: if you want but theres not much room,,,,whatever,,,,,,*is disappointed*
e: *ignores jacob, typing on his phone to order the thing*
(Now Jacob’s family comes in I forgot their names but they’re here) billy is dad i think
J: oh hey guys this is edward he has to stay for a bit
Billy: *smells his ugly vampire smell* did you bring one of them….into my home????
edward: *visibly uncomfortable and surrounded by the werewolves, whispers to jacob* what the fuck… i didn’t know your whole pack was gonna be here…
J: *whispers back* this is our headquarters man….i didnt think theyd be so early thought *soeaks to fam* im sorry but a lot has happened….its necessary
a/n: k so im billy now? If u want
billy: *stares at edward for a while, assessing him.*
edward: …
billy: *sniffs him, then decides its ok* well then. if you say so jakey boy *claps edward on the shoulder* no biting ok?
edward: .
J: haha yeah….so were gonna go to my room now…..come on lets go
e: *glad to leave* yeah lets go right now
(The fam watches them go and its so awkward)
(in jacobs room)
J: so that was terrible but we’ll just stay up here as much as possible so that doesnt happen again
e: ugh that was so embarrassing… that was like when i introduced my ex gf to my family…. *realizes what he said* EW , not that WE are like that cus ewww gross *slaps jacob out of embarrassment*
J: *uncomfortable bc was slapped but also jealous of ex and sad ed don't like him like that* no man i get it….it happens all the time...cuz i bring so many chicks back here...not that we’re like that…..
e: yeah, obviously. *hand twitches in urge to slap him, but stops himself…. is upset because jacob brings back so many bitches and is jealous. so he goes to face the wall in anger* i need to ….. do./.. my chemistry homework
J: yeah whatever...i gotta do stuff too,,,,,im really busy….*looks down*
e: *is doing the chemistry homework standing up and super fast cus he’s been to high school for over 100 years, mutters* this is so easy ugh
J: why are you even in school anyways like you could be anywhere why do you want to learn the same shit over and over again
e: ………..Well if you woudl really like to know, it’s not the same thing over and over again. the school system has changed a lot since 1918 so it is actually pretty refreshing. i also like seeing how the trends change but are basically the same so yeah i do enjoy going to school, i don’t wanna work everyday because that’s different everyday plus school is easy for me and i get so many bitches cus im sexy.
J: yeah thats cool i guess *mad bc he gets so man bitches* but like if you get so many bitches...where are they???? Why do you hangout with me all the time???
e: *gasps, backhand slap now* OF COURSE I HAVE BITCHES. DID YOU FORGET I CAN READ MINDS. EVEN TEACHERS WANT ME. AND I KNOW THAT YOU DID TOO, AT one ponitn… .gerkgorjgopjfpwjgwprjgpwojgwo *slaps jacob again so he can’t see that edward is blushing*
J: yeah i did like you…….*turns away so edward doesnt see him cry*
e: *not even looking in his direction cause he’s embarrassed* um. ….. *stomach growl*.... oh….
J: oh do you need some fucking blood or something
e: *disgusted that he is being perceived* ugh. im a vegetarian, so i need to…. go hunting… probably
(but they on sacred land or smthn)
J: first of all thats not what vegetarian means idiot and second of all you cant fucking hunt here its sacred and so are all the animals that live here….so  now what???
e: *rolls eyes and is for sure thinking racist things* ugh. lemme call alice maybe she can bring me some stored blood… *calls but there’s no service* what the FUCK…. i hate this place… lemme amazon prime some blood…
J: oh sorry you cant ubereats your fucking blood...and youre so addicted to your phone...maybe try living in the moment lke the rest of the world
e: *zones out for a second at the mention of ike aka the character someone in kelvin yo’s story plays in super smash bros, then jolts back to reality* i am living in the moment. you know whats happening in this moment? im fucking hungry bruh and i need blood. so u better get me some before i fucking start feeding and then ur dads gonna be mad
J: you. Cant. feed. Here. why is that so hard to understand….lets just fucking leave and you can go hunt or whatever
e: *eyes flash with anger and turn whatever the colour is when they are hungry* im. hungry. NOW. *starts doing whatever hungry vampires do like intense breathing*
J: dude…..calm down….*nervous*....we’ll get you some blood or whatever *backs into a wall*
e: don’t tell me to fucking calm down *supa hungry rn, then attacks jacob by slamming him OUT of the wall, yeah u read that right, the wall is broken now how sad* GIMME BLOODDDDDD *edward tries to bite jacob*
e: *too hangry to hear him, bites into jacob’s neck with his fangs. out of his neck comes this disgusting sloshy black thing cus he no have blood* UGH WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS YOU TASTE DISGUSTING *spits it out onto the grass, then sees its black and calms down* waht the fuck………… *looks at broken wlal* huh….
J: oh are you back now???? Yeah i don't have fucking blood and you tried to kill me and my house….what the fuck man it always comes down to you killing me….i don't think i can do this anymore……
e: …….look. it’s not my fault. honestly you’re exaggerating things. i was hungry. i can’t help it and you should have known better than to be around me. and im still hungry. so.
J: wow so we’re victim blaming now????? No man i said i cant do this…..you never think about me
e: *rolls eyes uncomfortably, then notices jacob’s neck is still bleeding* well. im not. victim blaming. but. you’re still. bleeding. so  my vampircal saliva is actually. healing . u.m . proertries. so umeme asmdaosmdsomaodmw. let. me . help . uoi. iok omo kok
a/n you ok man? i told u im losing brain cels
J: how can i trust you????? Everytime i trust you i die…….
e: *rolls eyes and then puts his hand on jacob’s face (like his face not the side of it)* just let . me . do my. fucking job *licks him*
J: *flinches but gives in* youre so fucking gay...if you wanted to makeout you could have jjust said so...i would have said no tho
e: *slams jacob’s head into the ground so powerfully that there is a jacob shaped crater in the ground* IM FUCKING HEALING YOU. *the bite mark has healed, slams jacob into the ground again* YOU STUPID FUCK IM NOT GAY
J: *dies*
e: *mad, spits on the ground next to jacob* i know ur not fucking dead. ur a vampire and a werewolf for fucks sake. get up.
J: *still dead*
e: you can’t just use the dead card everytime u want me to be nice to you. cause i wont. i literally wont.
J: *just a fucking corpse*
e: *stares at his dead body for a bit.* jacob. get the fuck up.
J: *not alive*
e: *hears billy’s wheelchair coming up* spotlight monolgoeu: well fuck. i can’t let him see i just killed his son for the third time. fuckfuckfuck what can i do i don’t have time to hide the body so… so ….. ok well hes a corpse and im a corpse too so this won’t be that weird
*continuing edward monologue*
e: yeah … its totally not weird…. its cause i because because because because because because because because i need a cover thats why im doing totally not gay *kisses jacob*
(billy comes out from behind the house)
J: *obviously wasnt dead, wakes up, kisses edward back* oh hey dad
Billy: *supportive of his gay son* hey i thought i heard a fight *looks up* what the fuck happened to the wall
e: *sees jacob isn’t dead anymore, thinks that his kiss brought him back to life like in snow white, shocked* …….hhhh…….. wall?
J: sorry i don't know how that happened shits crazy ya know
Billy: *nods wisely* i do know…...well you boys have fun *leaves*
e: *stares at jacob in shock* …..do you….. remember… what happened before u died?
J: *does but wants to fuck with edward* wh….what? i…...i...d..died??????
e: *rolls eyes* yeah u fucking did. i brought u back though.
J: how…..???
e: ugh *hits him* obviously i just bit you to … bring u back.. to life….
J: so im already a vampire…...but now youve made me a double vampire??? Or does it cancel out and im human????
e: i dont fucking know. i— *remembers the curse and hopes jacob does not bring it up because the curse should double since jacob is double vampire* but don’t worry about the curse. obviosuyl .
J: oh does it double now that im a double vampire???
e: NO. and anyways. im still fucking hungry. so. be a good host and get me some mf food
J: yeah just let me check my fridge for some fucking blood…...idiot…..lets go somewhere so u can be a fake vegetarian
e: hmph. well let’s see if u can keep up. *runs away at vampire speed into the woods*
J: *turns into wolf and uses wolf and vampire speed and follows* awoooooooo
(the curse not acting up meaning theyre within 20m of each other)
e: *looks behind and sees jacob can keep up* slowpoke
J: who tf u callin slow *runs so fast that he almost next to edward*
e: *getting tired cus he is low on blood therefore energy* grrrrrrr
J: look we’re off sacred ground now go catch a deer or something
e: . im tired. u get something for me.
J: so now im ur personal chef?????? No get ur own shit
e: ive killed u three times already. dont make it a fourth.
J: *mumbles* whatever *leaves and smirks knowing he only actually died once* *gets a fucking deer or some
k anyways continue
J; here take this eat up
a/n: god i forgot how fucking ugky tina’s voice is fucking right
e: *bites into the deer, drinking the blood and makes direct eye contact w jacob* nomnomnom
J: feel better now?
e: *disgusted and spits blood at jacob’s feet* nomnomnomnom
J: *looks away cuz this is gross* the shit i do for u……
e: *slurps disgustingly* nomnomnom nom nOMnomON griwjodk
a/n wait lets hope we together obviously no omfg these bitches are talking im not speaking to u im puttig yall on mute good
J: *vomits cuz the noises r gross* could u be a little more quiet?????
e: *puts down the deer* dont fucking vomit in front of me and my food
J: your food is so much more disgusting than my vomit
e: then don’t look at me. *keeps drinking*
J: *rolls eyes*......
e: nomnomnomnom… *puts down again* i said dont fucking look at me.
J: *says nothing but keeps looking*
e: *slurp* u want some then?
J: absolutely not
e: *rolls eyes* i know ur a carnivore, come here
J: nah i don't want that shit youve fuccking destroyed it its disgusting
e: *the deer isnt destroyed like literally one puncture, but edward gets mad at the accusation, so he rips off the backlegs of the deer* i know u want some *throws the legs at jacob*
(catch it with ur mouth PLS Like a wolf)
a/n LMAO like throw drink but then u swallow it all dark blue hell post  YES
J: *catches it with his mouth perfectly while making intense eye contact* …..
e: fucking mutt…. *goes back to drinking the blood* nomnomnomnomnom
J: *eats deer leg like it chicken wing* this shit isnt even good….
e: ur the one who hunted it.
J: whatever tommorow we going to mcdicks
e: what the fucks a mcdicks
J: bro…….youve never had a shit burger……..
e: why would i eat shit … in a burger…
J: of course your small mind could never understand….ugh
e: *spits blood in a perfect arch that lands right on jacobs shirt* dont call me small minded ever again
J: dude what the fuck…..and ill call u what i want
e: *finished drinking* no the fuck u won’t. *gestures to deer* u gonna eat my leftovers or what
J: i will not...and what the fuck r u gonna do about it???
e: do about what
J: me calling you small minded idiot
e: *slaps him* shut the fuck up
J: *turns the tables and slaps edward* it doesnt feel so good huh???
J: yeah ok but i slapped you once and youve slapped me at least a billion times so it adds up….funny how you can give it but not take it….weak…
e: *thinks about how he could say a few things about that last phrase but doesn’t* i’ve literally killed u so many fucking times *raises fist* i will do it again…..
J: *steps closer* do it then
e: why… the fuck … do you ALWAYS provoke me… kNOWING you will die? *pushes him back*
J: because i know you need an excuse to make out with me every once and awhile *smirks*
J: bro you didnt think i was actually dead did you…...i thought you would have known better by now *still smirking*
e: *speechless and wishes he could use his mindpowers on jacob but it doesnt work* ………..
J: yeah so maybe you should try being nicer
e: absolutely not. once this month is over im moving to korea
e: *continued* and im never speaking to u again.
J: yeah right you always say that shit…..but then you come crawling back
e: *rolls eyes* i’ve literally never done that. ur schizophrenia’s acting up because weve never had any fucking relationship before this……. i DONT LIKE YOU
J: uh huh but you always bring me back to life and make out with my corpse so what does that mean???
e: first of all, WE ARE BOTH CORPSES. so its not weird. second, i dont wanna get in trouble for killing a werewolf. so thats that. *turns away and starts walking back to the house but its the wrong direction*
J: yeah thats a likely story…….you know thats not the way home right…*smirks*
e: obviously ….. i was tricking u….. *goes the other way*
J: *rolls eyes and still smirks* so what do you wanna do when we get home
e: nothing *hes still going the wrong way but this time a different wrong*
J: well whatever….how long are you planning on going the wrong way before you ask me for help?
e: buddy.. this is the right way *shows map on phone*
(............ how can this be??????? ARE THEY IN a diffeernte realm)
a/n LMSOAAIOOAAO faerie realm
J: no i swear……..it……*turns in a circle confused* we definitely came from………
e: so what the fucks going on? is this one of ur stupid pranks bc ur native or whatever
J: can you stop being racist for two seconds this is weird….whatever maybe i messed up….lets just follow your phone…
(they follow the directions on the phone but they find that theyre just going in circles eneding up back to the dead dear…. a strange mist is rising*
e: uh…………….. what the fucks going on……….
J: uhhhhhh…….this has never happened before…...what the fuck do we do,....
e: wait. do u hear that……..
(from in the mist they hear something coming……………. its this really hot woman coming out, her name……. bella swan)
bella: …… *in sexy voice* hello boys
J: uh…..who the fuck are you….
b: *tosses her head back and laughs, long luscious dark locks of dark of hair of brown falling behind her, then opens her blue? brown? idk her orb colour and stares at them…. she notices edward’s extremely strong gay aura so doesnt go to him. looks at jacob* im bella. bella swan…. youre in my swamp….
J: ok…...but we’re lost...so could you help us out….?
e: *uncomfotable.*
bela: hahhahahah… of course…. *walks up to jacob and touches his face* but the thing is….. humans who come into my territory….. must …… how tf do i say this….. they need to gift me something…. or else u are cursed to work as my servant forever.
J: well we’re not human...hes a vampire and im half werewolf half double vampire…..so that wont apply to us right??
b: *gasps*..... HAHAHAHAHAHHA…… you truly don’t know who i am? bella swan (shes part swan ig) collects HALF WEREWOLF HALF DOUBLE VAMPIRE boys……. jacob….. *licks lips* you will be my prize
e: hhhhhhhhhh
J: so like….if i fuck you….can you tell us how to get home??
bella: *slaps him across the face in the same way that edward does* FUCK ME? hahahahha you’re fucking stupid. i knew it. all of u are. i don’t want u like that buddy, i need to use ur dna to make skins. *grabs him and tries to bring him into the mist*
e: wait…. u can’t
bella: y?
e: um……. bc….
J: *is kind of turned on bc bella slapped him like edward and pavlovs dogs ya know* ……….
e: *was about to say to bella that she cant take jacob, but then realizes he has no say in what jacob can or can’t do…. plus… jacob looks really happy with bella….. but still…. he can’t just let jacob get fucking killed again… even if he’s into it* um. bella. maybe? um u could take me as well?
b: no ur fucking gay i don’t want u. jacob wants to come w me , right jakey? (how does she know his name?)
J: *dream like* yeah…….wait…...did i tell you my name?
bella: *eyes widening in delight* NOOOOOO YOU DIDNT!!!!! LUCKY GUESS!!!!! NOW THAT I KNOW UR NAME……. *turns to edward* u know what happens when fairies know ur name right? *smirks* e
e: *also kind of into that smirk bc pavlovian response* wait… no… JACOB U IDIOT
bella: i feel some homosexual tension between yall …. how about this *curses jacob so that he is like idk evil and will kill edward so then bella wont have to fight him and then can kill jacob le8ter*
J: *eyes rolll back into head like tik tok boy* *lunges at edward* ……
(famous last words by mcr starts playing straight from bella’s mouth for some background music) a/n YESSSSSS
e: *dodges jacob* JACOB. STOP SNAP OUT OF IT
J: …………*jumps at edward again*
e: *barely dodges his snapping jaws*
(in the background …….but can I SPEAK is it hard understanding…….. im incompletel)
J: *keeps jumping at edward with impossible amounts of force and energy* ……
(a love that’s so demanding…………. IEIODAIOJEWIOADJIOA WHWYY cann ii get WEAKK!!!! I AM NOT AFRAID OFtikwpoerkwopk)
e: *doesn’t want to use force to stop jaconn, but he’s forced to* jacob *does the thing whjere girls try to stop the guy from fighting* jacob its me! stop!!!!!!!!
bella: omg so cringe stop pls
J: *stops for a second but then goes back to fighting* ……
(awake and unafraid asleep)
e: *gets scratched by his werewolf claws, stares at the blood then gets mad* JACOB U STUPID FUCKING MUTT LOOK WHAT U DID TO MY PERFECT SKIN *restrains him with both arms*
J: *when yelled at fully stops but then shakes head and goes back to rage* …..
b: *notices that jacob stopped* omg… wtf *curses him stronger*
(the song is now… hmmm….. u decide… nanananananaanana LOL ok)
J: *goes at edward so hard knocks him over*........
e: hmmmm,......  jacob i don’t wanna fight u STOP
(na na na na so many security sto every enemy)
J: *stops for half a second blink and youll miss it but then goes back with even more anger*..
e: *thinking: wtf i do’? i cant fight bella to stop him cus then itll be 2 v 1 ./../….///.. .wait…. * *remmebres jacob;’s expression when bella slapped him,..... what if i…. what if* (jacob comes at him again but edward waits UNTIL he is close enough adn then slaps him across the face extremely hard that like he slams into a tree behind him* U STUPID FUCKING DOG
j:  *slides down tree and colapses on the ground….almost unconsiodusio* …….e…..edward….
(na na na is over and fades slowly bc  bella closes her mouth)
b: waht the fucking fukc did u fucking do u stupid sparkly gay boy????///// THAT WAS MY NEXT SKIN
e: *ignores her and goes to jacob* jacob…… r u ok…
J: *opens eyes slowly* ye….yeah…..i *inhales sharply bc pain or smth* im good…..
e: *checks him for wounds*
bella: *comes up behind edward and grabs him by the head then yeets him backwards* I SAID THATS MY SKIN STAY AWAY FROM him
J: EDWARD *tries to get up to fight her but stumbles*
b: stay down. that’s an order u dog
e: *comes back running* NYAHHHHHHHH
(bela and edward engage in a super epic battle u can imagine it however u want ok…..)
J: ………..
(they r far away enough that jacob can’t hear them….)
b: bro why r u fighting so hard to save ur friend or is that even a friend
e: *blushes* bro not right now
b: no seriously
e: …..
b: *thinking oh….* ew so yall r like that?
e: ….
b: *sigh* fine… u can have him… but under one condition
(what is this condition lemme think)
b: welcome to paradise…. dun dun dun dundu ndund a gunshot rings at the station………… ok i found it: u owe me ur firstborn child
e: ok (?)
(that’s how bella gets renesmee u decide how that happens)
e: *goes back to jacob* helo
J: are you ok…….what went down??????
e: nothing we totally didnt like f u ck or anything wtf why would u even ask that
J: *thinks wtf did they fuck….get kinda jealoudssss* oh…...so can we leave??
(the mist rises)
e: ok…. can you even walk?
J: yeah im fine *tries to stand but winces and leans against tree*
e: *is worried, but rolls eyes anyway* le,me call an uber
a/n Are they waiting for the uber or at home alreafy? first of all, use a/n, second up to u
(jacobs room)
J: ok im fine stop worrying  
(the whole werewolf clan is surrounding jacob who is lying on his bed, edward is standing facing the corner awkwardly and covering his nose)
biylly: No son. you were attacked by some fucking fairyand  i dont mean him *points to edward* like this is serious shit…. we should call a doctor… but who….
e: *quietly*……. i know… a doctor
a/n laksaodjjefiureyueryhu
J: who…….
e: *turns to face the gang, wich includes seth who i thnk is sexy* um……. carlisle…
J: wait your dad….leader of your incest clan….went to med school???
e: *hand twitches wanting to slap him, but can’t do so in front of his family, so restrains himself* ahem. yes. and we’re not an incest clan.
Billy: i aint bringing you to no vampire doctor we have to find someone else
J: no…..its ok…..i don't even need a doctor….
seth: *is a niner* dude… ur not even okl…. (what were his injuries again?) ur like body is like broken in multiple places…. but. *glares at edward* we can’t have more of Them in here……
e: *rolls eyes at seth* so what the fuck do u propose we do huh niner
seth: ……………… well if u really wanna know, i took grade 9 biology and also first aid….. i’m basically a doctor
a/n i really forget what happened to jacob but lets pretend hes basically dying (when isnt he)
J: uh no thanks seth…..really guys im ok….ive had worse….at least im alive…….
e: *still wants to slap him so bad but cant so instead slaps himself*
billy: wtf… *back to jacob* listen son. ur literally fukcing dying *gets emotional now* ….. we need to do something… *looks at seth* son… *(seth isn’t his son?) will u treat him?
seth: *smirks* ya of course billy…. *turns to jacob* listen ….. we can’t have u dying here…. us alphas need to look out for each other.
J; uhhhhhhhhh well like im kind of more beta…….but…...are you sure you know what youre doing????
seth: yea h jacob ur definitely an a**a wtf ok . so first i need to see ur injuries…. where r u hurt?
J: basically everywhere…..she kind of fucked me up….but its cool
e: *still doesn’t know what to do so goes back to facing the wall*
seth: okay well… im gonna need u to like… ahem…. u know…. .disrobe…
J: oh...yeahok….*glances at edward who is still facing the wall**starts to take off shirt revealing 12 pack abs*
a;/n: lMFAO
(collective gasp as they see jacob’s injuries)
e: *begins slamming his head into the wall*
billy: oh my god son. …… this is horrible
seth: alright uhhhhhhhh *is overwhelmed* um …. ,... well u have… um ….  ur bleeding… and ur ribs are briken… so i gusss…… polysporin? edward can u pass it to me
e: *still staring at the wall* no
J: dude why are you always so difficult….plus after seth heals me hes gonna have to check you for a concussionos…..wtf r u doing????
e: *rolls eyes and turns around, but hes hit his head on the wall so hard that blood is dripping from his head into his eyes, blinding him (da blood from da dear ofc* he doesn’t need to fucking heal me. and i’ll get the polysporin. where is it?
J: in the bathroom i think…...down the hall to the left…
e: *goes to get it, blindly obviously and yeah he got it* *hands the polysporin to who he thinks is seth but he can’t actually see who he’s handing it to*
J: man are you ok??? Like maybe sit down for a bit…...thats not seth thats my dad
e: *angirly moves so hes handing it to seth, but in the process slaps seth in the face maybe not so accidentlly*
s: OH my fucking GOd  *mutters* i fucking hate vampires stupid fucks *begins putting polysporin on jacob*
J: uhhhhh is this gonna work…..like my ribs are broken...maybe we should call edwards dad….*looks down knowing they gonna be mad at the idea*
e: *has reverted to sitting in the corner staring at the wall blindly so not actually staring ig*
billy: shut the fuck up jacob. seth is doing an awesome job. looks better already kid
seth: *smirks, looking in edward’s direction* yeah im doing awesome
J: but like…….whatever….if youre done leave edward and i alone for a second…
seth: *finishes bandagnig jacob up* ok. .. but if u need anything… .anythng,... just call ok buddy?
billy: *leaves*
J: so i think i need a real doctor now
s: no u don’t im all u need *leaves*
J: i definitely need a real doctor now…..can you call your dad?
e: he’s not my dad…. and i cant.
J: bruh why not u said u would earlier
e: *can’t really remember due to insane brain damage* uh…… well he’s in italy now. so . ……….. i mean… yeah.
J: dude come here let me see your head
e: no
J: not in a gay way in a im actually worried about your health way
e: *doesn’t actually know where he is in the room bc he refuses to wipe the blood from his eyes* um………………. fine….. *starts walking then trips on jacob’s textbook* wtf….
J: come here sit down *reaches over and grabs his arm guiding him to the bed* here dumbass *wipes blood away from his eyes* does it hurt really bad??
e: *flatly* im a vampire . nothing hurts me. *looks at his bandagings * what the fuck did he do. *rolls eyes* this is unacceptable… *under his breath* stupid dumb fucking niner idiot who fcuckgirn ais trying to one up me i kwjeoijfdoijdeow grrr
J: sorry i didnt hear that last part whats up?
e: oh my god just stfu and *tyler tehecreator voice* elt me do what i need to fucking do *violently rips his bandages off* lemme do it properly because carlisle is in….. china… like i siad
J: uh you said he was in like france or something...also this fucking hurts can you stop being so angry???
e: *no reply. begins piecing his ribs back together w surgical tools he pulled from his pocket* dont move
J: yeah whatever…...why do you have all this shit….nerd…
e: *bc jacob’s ribs were literally sepeareted from what is it called in the centre of the ribs forgot, but his heart is exposed* stfu…. why is ur heart still beating……. *grabs his beating heart*
J: bro what the fuck….don't do that whats wrong with you….maybe bc im still half werewolf???? idk…
e: *eyes change colour….. he goes very still*
(they are both covered in jacob;s blood)
J: uhhhhhhhh edward…..youre scaring me man…...maybe you should go...or just say something please…
e: * eyes r still that whatever colour, but goes back to work silently, and releases the heart* ………………………….. *finishes and starts sewing the skin back up, then looks jacob in the eyes* u rlly should stop begging me bruh,........ it onlymakes me hungrier
J: oh uuhhhhhh sorry????
e: *bandages are finished, assess his work….* ugh finally ur better…… *slaps him* ive been waiting to do that
J: dude wtf…..why are you like this
e: ………….. well i need to do my english project if u don’t mind *goes to face the wall and closes his eyes*..... ……… …
J: you know you can like sit down right…..you don't have to stand t=in the corner
e: *sighs audibly then moves backwards with his eyes still closed and sits on the corner of jacob’s bed but he’s basically just hovering over it*
J: youre so fucking dramatic….youre stuck with me for like two weeks or something so you should probably get used to being around me
e: *opens his eyes and glares at jacob* it’s one month first of all. and i don’t want to get used to you. you fucking stink and ur covered in blood.
J: *smirks* i thouht you liked blood...and you smell like shit too you know
e: *smells himself* no i dont’ smell like i shit
J: *smirks* you do to me...ugly vampire smell
e: you really should respect me more…. im the one who fixed ur fucking ribs not like seth who used fucking POLYSPORIN
J: its ok….you don't need to be jealous of seth…..i don't like him like that
e: what the fuck>>??? im not jealous of him i literally never said that…… isn’t he ur fucking brother?
a/n hes not lmao edward doesn tknow that
J: wtf????? U thot he was my brother???? Not all native american werewolves are related asshole
e: yall arent….. then why tf are yall in the same tribe huh riddle me that
J: i……...we….how do you think tribes work?????
e: u tell me
a/n I GOT JUMPSCARED BY ROBS VOICE SO HARD LMAO  LOL CAN HE STFU IDC AT ALL ME TOO YALL SHUT UP i straight up dont care this sucksnot interested in yalls feedback for us stfu with the “no one is left out” GUESS WHAT U WILL BE LEFT OUT IN LIFE THATS HOW IT IS ESPECIALLY IF UR FUCKING UGLY LIKE SOME OF YALL stfu with math bulshit 6 is divided by 4 simply will it to be TINA STFU LOL YES HAHAHA we will excluse ourselves “andie doesnt count” how dare u sigh there is no feedback they could possibly give us LMAO RIGHT ugh fuck this and i don't need yall yall can be a group if u wanna we always do anyways yall back to work stfu
J: we….just like hangout…...we aren’t related…….at all……
e: ……….oh……………………………………. well i had no idea thats how tribes work
J: you could have just asked…..
e: *doesn’t reply and goes back to work on his english project*
J: *rolls eyes* youre so fucking lame can u not be a nerd for 5 minutes???
e: *throws pencil like a dart and it sticks in jacobs forehead* LITERALLY WTF DO U WANT ME TO DO HUH. I DONT WANNA FUCKING BE HERE. BUT WE CANT GO OUTSIDE CUS ITS NIGHT (flashbacK: andrew’s curfew for who fucking knows why)
J: *dies*
e: *rolls eyes* i literally know ur not dead cus the curse is still on
J: *still dead*
e: *sighs* ……. * thinks about fall out boy specifically how whats his name never eununciates anything* helloooooooooooooo wake tf up ugly
J: *dead*
e: this aint a scene its a godamn ahms rahce , like why does he say it like that
J: idk man but its a banger tho
e: disagree its so fcuking annoinyg. ahms rahce ahms ahms and like when he says down he doesnt even say down its like dawhhhh
J: i mean yeah but its a classic….and his voice….iconic….
e: *shrugs* yeah ur right…. you know………………. back in the 60s i used to be in a band…
J: oh shit deadasss? Were yall any good????
e: *slaps his uninjured leg* obvioisl;y we were fucking good…. we were really popular too…. *sigh* i had so many bitches
J: *mad kind of bc bitches* well if u were so popular would i know any of your songs??? What was the band called???
e: ……….well ….. *pulls out guitar and drum kit and like every instrument and begins playing them* it goes alittle like this….. here comes the sun dododododood here comes the sun … .
J: wtf that shits sucks….ive literally never heard that before
e: *rolls eyes* obviously it sucks now , but back in the segragation days,,,,,,, this shit was spectuacualr.. ….. and btw, this is the BEATLES … which by the way,,,,,, i was in
J: wtf i have never heard of yall….u named ur band after a bug thats so weird…..ur shit is trash man
e: *slaps him but this time on the face* shtut he fuck up and stop talking shit about my band… ive literally never seen u do anything of worth in ur what…. how fucking old are u,.... like 16 years of life
J: i get so many bitches u would not believe
e: *rolsl eyes* LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL……. u know i can read everyone’s minds right? everyone  and i mean everyone wants me at school….. like no one is thinking about u
J: *angry* maybe thats true but they only want u bc they think ur hot….if they actually got to know u no one and i mean no one would ever even look at you….youre disgusting and terrible and honestly not even that hot up close
e: *rolls eyes* listen old sport =..... when ur my age…. and also immortal… and sexy….. relationships with humans dont fucking matter. i dont need them to like me, cus guess what ? they re gonna fucking die anyways or ill proabbly eat them… they just need to think im hot. and by the way, i am fucking hot up close….. *tilts his head to remind jacob of their first talking or whatever encounter at edward’s house…….*
J: *angerily silent*.......
e: *starts laughing* like……..  i didnt even do anything and u were like….. .ahahahhahahahahhahahah
J; *still silent* …………………….
(momentarily silence, until edward notices his hands are still really bloody… )
e: *to himself* ugh…. this is gross……. *starts licking the blood off his hands* mmmmm
J: *makes disgusted face but still doesnt say anything*........
e: *finishes cleaning his hands and wipes it on jacob’s sheets* hmmm….. *checks phone* holy shit my amazon order is here…..
J: *mumbles* go get it then……
e: *goes to the downstairs or whatever and it should be ok bc its within like 20m but as soon as he gets to jacob’s door they both feel intense pain* wtf……… im not….. even…… 20m…. away …. from u ….
J: …...stupid….double….vampire...shit…..
e: ….. *comes closer to esase the pain* ugh…. im so…. fukcing… mad… u sfuckign idit…… *punches hole in jacob’s wall.* …. ok u need to come with me downstairs so i can get my package
J: i literally cant fucking walk selfish idiot
e: grrr.r…… i need…. my mf.../.. amazon prime bed thing……… fine…. *throws jacob over his shoulder* u dont need to walk
J: ahhhh wtf...ur so fucking weird...this is gay man
e: its literally not so stfu *goes downstairs to get his package*
(billy and other wolf members: :|
J: what the fuck is wrong with u u could have gotten someone to bring it p for u wtf
e: *rolls eyes and bends to get the package* …. i have amazon prime^2,,,,,, the package will explode if it doesnt recognize my fingerprint *scans his fingerprint* and my eyeball *scans eyeball and gets package to go upstairs*
J: i hate rich people so fucking much what is wrong with you
e: *throws jacob back onto his bed and rips open the package with his vampire teeth* fuckign finally
J: ok can we get some fucking sleep now???? This day has been way too much
e: *looks him up and down* yeah for u maybe…. vampires dont even need sleep *sets up bed, its literally huge and takes up most of jacobs room*
e: *slaps him* stop fuckign questioning me…. i need it to relax in…. and watch tik toks…
J: what the fuck….you know what i don't care…..good fucking night….
e: *doesn’t reply and gets settled in his huge bed and opens tik tok and watches them at high volume no headphones*
J: BRUH CAN U GET SOME FUCKING HEADPHONES WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU e: *looks up to jacob across the room* i forgot them at home… holdup lkemme amazon prime some new ones
J: bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just like turn the volume down
e: *exhales through nose at a funny tiktok and doesn’t hear jacob*
J: what. the . fuck. *puts pillow over head and tried to sleep*
e: *is now standing on his bed attempting to learn a tik tok dance but hes super tall so his head keeps slamming against the ceiling* renegade rengage
Sorry bro ok bye
(now is morning)
e: *been watching tik toks all night long*
J: *has not slept at all* bruhhhhhhhhhh
e: *has learned every dance possible, now is 2nd after charli damelio in popularity* stfu im working
J: i cant do this…….we need to figure something else out…….
e: *puts his phone downe for the first time in hours* *sighs* …….. jacob,.... u need to understand this…… *sad music begins to play, lights down, spotlight on edward* *ewdward looks out the window wistfully* im….. im a father  now jacob….. i dont have time to “figure things out”...... fatherhood was thrown into my life….
J: wtf…….u r literallykt not in ur childs life at al…...do u even pay child support…..rich bitch…...ur not a father…...u just fucked a girl…….
e: *rolls eyes* first of all, she’s half vamp half faerie like she literally doesnt need money to livem, second that wasn’t just any girl that was bella swan………. i feel terribly guilty jacob,...... i should be in rmeumememeueneneseeeses’s life
J: bruh…...so ur like in love with bella now????? And wtf…….what r u gonna do raise her now???? Nah i don wanna be part of this
e: dude… im not in love with her… it’s just my duty as a father………. And who said ur gonna be a part of this? ……… *thinks* maybe i should get married to her?
J: u literally just said she don't need u so why u acting different???? Also im gonna have to be a part of this bc we cannot be more than 10m apart idiot
e: that’s literally temporary………………………………..
J: oh so ur just gonna wait til this is over….shes gonna hate u
e: *slaps him* u don’t know that…… plus it’ll be a good way to pass a couple centuries…..
J: bro but i DO know that….my mom left us or died or sometihng…..and like….if she came back into my life now….id hate her……
e: yeah but ur a fucking werewofl us vampires and feareires dont think like that….. why are u so against this?
J: honestly do whatever u want……...ill be fine as long as youre away from me……
e: well…….. good… glad we’re on the same page *goes back to his bed to watch tiktoks*
J: *sighs and lies on bed staring at the ceiling* *thinks* this is probably a good thing….edward has brought me nothing but pain….
e: *doesn’t scroll on the tiktok whe’s watching so the sound keeps playing over and over again and hes thinking……: why….. do i feel so guilty? i thought it was about renesueme but…………... *out loud* uh. /…… .were we supposed to um go to mclonad’s or something?
J:.......oh yeah….i guess…..if you wanted to….
e: *suddenly annoyed* it was ur fucking idea to go……….
J: bro whatever chill…..lets go then….
e: ok……. like we dont have to go if u dont want to…. its just u mentioned it…..
J: no like we can go….anythings better than hunting with u….
e: ok but do you want to go or u just saying that cus then its a fucking waste of time
e: *slaps him* dont use that attitude with me ,...... u fucking dog
J: *rolls eyes* what the fuck ever…..ur driving
e: i didn’t bring my car with me stupid…….
J: well what the fuck r we gonna do then?????????
e: …… dont u have a car or smthn……. or we could run there
J: im poor remember????? And im also still injured>>>so like wtf now
e: (flashback: new moon, jacob literally has a motorcycle) …./…. dont u have a motorcycle or a truck helllooooooooo
J: ur so fucking insensitive…….we had to sell those to buy groceries…….fuck you…..
e: *under his breath* i guess no sharing motorcycle drivigng…. *sigh* ok uber eatss?
J: yeah whatever…….oh wait….seth has a motorcycle i think….maybe we could ask to borrow it…..
e: *annnoyed* ew…. i dont wanna use seth’s motorcycle……
J: bruhhhhhhhhh y r  u always so fucking difficult
e: im not difficult bruh
J: u fucking r
e: fine. use fuckings seth’s motorycycle from him hes ugly anyway
J: alright sick
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sweetlipsandroses · 5 years
Thanks for the memories! Follow Forever
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Hey all! I just wanted to thank you all for a great year and following me for so long. happy New Year to you all! 
Anyways I wanted to thank all of you especially those who have been here me for a while. I love you guys so much.
Lovely ones: You guys have been with me the longest, and I have to admit that I could write endlessly with each of you. (Also thanks for dealing with me constantly popping in with more ideas) 
@naughtyxstories @nottobecrossed @xsweetxhallelujah @champagne-coca1ne-gasoline  @roundtablemuses @crimscndawn (wont work why?) @scvcnt @untamedgoodoleboys​
Amazing cuties: These are new faces who I’m so excited to have more interactions with or recently chatted with who I would recommend following!
@weakenedtrees @mxgicum @dreamxdoms  @somethingsaresimplymagick
Admire from afar : People who I just love having on my dash but haven’t had the honor to really write much with. Please stop by if you wanna chat! :) 
@ittybittylittlebit-hot @wingsandahalo @welshwritings @underpressurc @thehoardoftheirdarkestdesires @a-museing-rps @ssvperboy
I’m probably forgetting a lot of people but thank you to all again for a good year. Let’s hope 2020 is the same!
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bluebirdofusa · 4 years
┏━ ॢ:🌱:ॢʚ   ҉ɞ ミღᘛ❪ ะ:t_rex: ะ ी❫ᘚღミʚ  ┇𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓣𝓸 𝓙𝓾𝓻𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓬 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭┇ʚ:🦖 :ɞ ┗━ ॢ:🌱:ॢʚ   ҉ɞ ミღᘛ❪ ि ะ:💙:ะ ी❫ᘚღミʚ   ҉ɞ ॢ:🌱:ॢ┈┛                   ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙                    ✧  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ✧                        :🌹 :   ︙  ︙  ︙  :💗 :                                           ✧  ︙  ✧
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〔:🐉:〕 ɞೋ✧▭▭▭✦ -ˎˊ The Park is loading  ̗̀✧ु•ʚ◌๑ ๑◌ɞ•✧ुˎˊ˗ ✦▭▭▭✧◦ೋʚ〔:🐉:〕ɞೋ✧▭▭▭✦
¸.  :💛:  ¸. 💎 .  :👑: ° :   ﹢     ˖ .Loading Completed! Enjoy the ride • . ﹢˖:👻 : · . 。 :💜: ゚ *  ¸ .    :💥:˖      ° :   ﹢     ˖ . • . ﹢˖:💫:
*Welcome to Blue's Paddock! Please be careful & proceed with caution. Keep hands & feet in vehicle at all times to avoid getting eaten or worse. She will be arriving soon so be on the look out for her & her sisters. Enjoy your ride at Jurassic World! See ya soon*
╭───»°•*๑◦:🚧 :❞ೃೀ:🦖: ೃೀ ❝:🚧 :◦๑*•°«───╮ ✧೫̥͙ೃೀ【Rules of the Paddock】๑ ╰───»°•*๑◦:🚧 :❞ೃೀl:t_rex:  ೃೀ❝:🚧 :◦๑*•°«───╯
#1: No harassment, bullying, childish insults, hacking, unnecessary name calls, insulting religion, LGBT insults, no judging I don't care if its the internet or not that's no excuse! No judging or insulting those who DO NOT support LGBT its uncalled for, rude & disrespectful. I don't judge you so don't judge me.
#2: Criticism must be spoken wisely without the need to be harsh or cruel. Its not that hard you just make it seem hard. Dont use the excuse of freedom of speech or opinion either. That's called abusing your rights to freedom by massive insults and unnecessary bullying so think before you speak words hurt. So unless you wanna be responsible for a suicide or death of someone REFRAIN from this please.
#3: Negativity is not welcomed either. I love everybody for who they are & I want to see them blossom & express themselves idc if they don't like me or hate me. My love for everyone is powerful than hatred. So i will spread positivity and conquer your negativity.
#4: LGBT; i do not hate you for being LGBT but I don't want you to judge me for not supporting because I really don't care for your gender. Your personality & talents mean alot to me & I love how understanding & friendly LGBT people are. I have friends who are LGBT and I care for them alot & try my best to be there for them. I give them advice, comfort, & lots of care because its who I am. So anyone who shows hatred, resentment, negativity for them get off my page!
#5: Be respectful, kind, caring, loving, & other things
#6: DO NOT ASK THE ADMIN OUT. I am not into online dating idc if you beg, whine, cry, fuss I will say no until you stop bothering me. Trusting people online is hard especially if you don't know what what they look like, what they are doing, and they can pretty much lie & tell you things about themselves that aren't true & I'm not having that. So find someone else.
#6: No stealing my edits or screenshot them. If you borrow or request an edit from me BE SURE TO CREDIT ME otherwise I won't make you any more
#7: Last but not least HAVE FUN
ೃೀ ू:🍇:ुೃೀ ┋ ७ू ◌ಾಿʚૂ( Things You'll See Posted )ૂɞ◌ಾಿ७ू:🌴: ೃೀ ू:🍇:ुೃೀ
Raptor Squad
Blue Speaks
Raptor Edits
Jurassic World
Admin Marianne
Shout outs (maybe depends)
Rp Stories
Blue x Owen
┋೫ ʚ:🌴:ɞ ೫⋮ ღThings You Wont Seeღ:🔥: ೃೀ ू:🍇 :ुೃೀ ┋*:🔥:- ̗̀
Name calling
Childish insults
And many other things
┋*:🌹 :- ̗̀ೃೀʚ❪Beta Raptor Blue❫ɞೃ*:🌸 : ೃೀ:🍇:ुೃೀ ┋*- ̗̀ ॢ〖:🍁:〗 ॢ ೃೀ❥ リンドゥラ.* ¸.      ¸ .    .   :❄️ :️° :   ﹢     ˖ . • . ﹢˖:👻 : · . 。 :🎗: ゚*¸ .     :🌹 :˖      ° :   ﹢     ˖ . • . ﹢˖:🤠: ╭
*The names Blue as you've guessed I'm a velciraptor but in human form, please don't ask how is too long a story & I'm not gonna waste my breath explaining so you'll find out eventually. I am the beta raptor meaning the female leader of the Squad the male leader is known as an Alpha. My Alpha is human but he had the talent & skills of a leader which is why I made him Alpha. I have three siblings they are Delta she is a teal raptor with navy blue on her eyes, Echo she's a brown raptor with black stripes, and then there's Charlie she's an olive green raptor with black stripes. I'm the eldest of the three, Delta the second eldest, Echo the third eldest, & the youngest is Charlie. We used to live on Isla Nublar but we were taken somewhere else due the volcano erupting we fled to Isla Sorna where a woman by the name of Alina takes care of us. (This is different from how the movie went so don't judge) that's it about me on to the admin.*
╭ೃೀ๑˚₊‧✩ੈੈੈੈ∙─⊰┊❪:🌈:❫┊⊱─∙ੈੈੈੈ✩‧₊˚๑ೃೀ╮          :🌹:➾ ๑°ღ:.◦❀Admin Marianne❀  ╰ೃೀ๑˚₊‧✩ੈੈੈੈ∙─⊰┊❪:🌈:❫┊⊱─∙ੈੈੈੈ✩‧₊˚๑ೃೀ╯ 〔:💐:〕➯┇ (゚ε^):🌸 : ───°•°❮:🕊 :❯・゚•◦۪۪̥ै:👑 :੭ु ゚•・❮:🤠 :❯°•°───       ೃೀ೫ stalk time ೫ೃೀ     ───°•°❮:💋 :❯・゚•◦۪۪̥ै:💥 :੭ु ゚•・❮:💙:❯°•°───                       ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙            :💗 : ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙:💫:                 :🐬: ︙ ︙ ︙ :🐊:                      :🐉 : ︙ 🌹                           💐
Hey y'all my name is Marian I am a 24 year old special needs woman that has Severe Borderline Anxiety & Hearing Impairment. I was born in South Carolina with a great outgoing, devilish, kind, friendly, & loving personality but I'm a hot tempered firey redhead who don't take sh** from nobody. I'm a down to the bone country girl that has a strong bond with Jesus & I'm proud of it too. Don't like me? You can kiss my country a**.
Other than that I'm actually a sweetheart with a kind forgiving soul so you make a mistake I'll forgive you for it but that don't mean I won't forget it tho. I have many people who see me as a mother/sister figure so I'll treat everybody as if they are my own children even if they aren't related to me or I don't know them cause its who I am. I love everybody for who they are not what they aren't. You are who YOU are & that's what truly matters. Its the heart that counts not what's on the outside
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this profile and y'all have a nice day
\`·.:💖: ✎... ❝ ʟᴏsᴛ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴅᴏᴇsɴᴛ ᴇxɪsᴛ.❞:🌙:
༴.       ༚   :🕊 :         .     ༚  :🌫 :️. I•˚̣̣̣͙     ❍。
•:💗 :•̩̩͙         :🌹 :         .     ༚        ·  •.   ✶˚  .
༴.                          .     ༚:🌷:
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thegenteelblackhole · 6 years
Fanfest Reactions and speculations
My personal thoughts on fanfest and what was revealed/not revealed and some speculation on what i think is going to happen in 5.0. Under a cut because I have thoughts and they might turn out to be spoilers so, you have been warned.
   First of all...  Viera and Hrothgar since those are the big talking points of the keynote.    I’m personally not UPSET, OR ANGRY about the decisions to do two single gender races currently. Female Viera are iconic, and the community wanted more beast like races so in true XIV form they hearkened back to another game and gave us Ronso (whoops, Hrothgar). 
   I do think it was an odd decision though, to focus on two races at once where resources could have been devoted to giving us a fully realised race. But i also acknowledge there were probably things going on behind the scenes that we’ll just never know; maybe they weren't allowed to have male Viera show up for the first time in XIV, maybe it’s so they have hyped up content later down the line. IDK. The “LORE” scapegoat is lazy and they wanted a way to justify it that wasn’t “we just can’t with the tech”, but honestly I would rather they be honest from the outset that there are limitations and what that means for development. But I am glad that we’re getting SOMETHING and I have a fantasia saved to turn my main into a female Viera.     I am a little disappointed that helmets can’t be used on them at launch, but I assume they will update this as development continues and it might ship with a patch. I just want my Bonewicca casting helmet tbh, and the Astro AF2 headgear. not much fussed about anything else since it mostly gets covered by hair anyways.     Hrothgar, again I just don’t care enough? I, personally, like that willowy supermodel aesthetic that the Viera got goin’ on. Never played a beastly race in any other MMO so I’m not going to start now. It feel like they’re trying to listen to the community and what they want but it maybe didn’t fit their ideas and so we’re left with a kind of hamfisted attempt at a bestial race. Again, if they just said no it and were honest about it then fair play to them. 
Now the really exciting things....
DANCER!    I didn’t want another healer, and I still don’t see a niche for one so a ranged physical DPS is great. I love their look and the chakrams are so cool (bladed fans tho too pls? They can be thrown...I guess?). I never played XI but looking at designs, I’m so glad they moved away from that Spanish inspired look to a more Arabian (?) themed one (I’m thinking along the lines of belly dancers and what they wear). I hope women get some pants though, and if not that Thavnairian sets exist.    I’m curious as to how they’re going to be unique compared to BRD and MCH since bard is already a great support with their songs. I haven’t really played much of MCH so I can’t comment. Also curious as to whether or not they’ll share BRD/MCH gear since that might influence future designs of gear. But I still have some older level 60-70 BRD gear so that’s totally fine by me. I’ll probably be a but behind MSQ and level DNC first so I can go through the MSQ with it. 
MSQ!    I couldn’t have predicted this if I’d have tried, I figured we would progress along the war storyline and it would be pretty predictable up until that finished. But HECK! We’re going to Novrandt and it looks super cool. I have a lot of questions about the place, and whether or not we’ll see RP characters from Novrandt popping up or maybe travel is only for the WoL. I’m glad what Arbert (I think) talked about during the 3.X series is being revisited in a major way and that their sacrifice wont be in vain. Super glad we’re going back to a bigger picture Hydaelyn Vs Zodiark plot. I’m debating character progression internally right now and that’s about that....?     Minfillia being back isn't heartwarming, and her eyes are that pupilless texture that means she’s still Hydaelyn’s emissary or whatever she was. She’s fulfilling her promise to help the Warriors of Darkness I hope, and I hope that means that Hydaelyn does want BALANCE and not solely light. I think thought with us becoming WoD that it means we’re going to be put into contact with Zodiark, and it’ll be interesting seeing how the two deities compare.     Y’shtola being called master Matoya is weird too, and I have a couple of theories on it. One, Y’shtola took the name to honour her late mentor since Matoya apparently never had children. Two, Y’shtola and Matoya somehow became one (Tola absorbed her power/essence/aether) and there’s a dual personality going on there. Which might also explain how she’s a THM/BLM now. One is more likely, but we’ll see. 
FFXV Crossover Event   Ehhh....I’m just disappointed honestly. I wanted Luna and Aranea’s hairstyles, maybe even Aranea’s costume as a glamour, weapon glamours etc. They just gave us  the Regalia and a Costume/Hairstyle. It’s MEH. I know they’re on a time crunch now, so probably not the best time to be planning an event also but they might have waited for the anniversary of the game and then gave us the event with some more things? I can still hope for cash shop items but it’s a vain hope. 
LIVE LETTER    Dad of Light is pure and wholesome and I wont fault SE for shilling it hard to the Japanese audience, in Japan. The rest of the Live Letter was lacklustre and honestly I think it served as more justification to the gender locked races. They couldn’t really tell us more about the patch in a few days since everything they would tell us would just be pointless and in patch notes. They can’t reveal too much about the expac beacause of Mays Live Letter... It was just meh. But that’s okay. 
OVERALL THOUGHTS    I got what I wanted from this Fan Fest, but I know a lot of people didn’t for various reasons. Be kind to each other, and be kind to SE who are still giving us a great game at the end of the day. If it bothers you that much, then stop giving them your money. It’s really that simple. 
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pcttigrew · 6 years
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its bee back again with the ball of insecurities and sass that is peter pettigrew wyd 
did someone just say they saw KEIYNAN LONSDALE on the hogwarts express ?? never mind — it’s just that SEVENTH year GRYFFINDOR, PETER PETTIGREW. he’s pretty INTUITIVE + FACETIOUS, but one of the portraits whispered to me that he’s also FOOLHARDY + SELF-DOUBTING. anyways, i hear they PLAN ON entering the tournament!
(    laughter breaking the stillness of a suburban summer night, coughing on whiskey and cigarettes, running a restless hand over close-cropped hair, the soft ticking of a grandfather clock, bruised knuckles stuffed in the pockets of scuffed jeans. the golden rays of the late afternoon sun. quick glances seeking approval, a cheeky grin once it’s been earned. dog eared comic books in a cardboard box under your bed, feet dangling over the edge of the roof, staring down the stars, wanting to be a hero but not quite knowing how.   )
been playing pete for over 4 years now but this is my first time playing him with a keiynan fc so be gentle sjflkdsjf
PETER PETTIGREW. born in sheffield, england to a muggle father and a magical mother. he lived in a small brick house with old fashioned furniture. his family has always been catholic so he dressed up and went to church every sunday. he was an only child, and it showed – his parents adored him and coddled him from the moment he was born.
perhaps because of this, or perhaps because he was a wizard, he didn’t really click with the muggle kids in his neighbourhood. he was more a mama’s boy, helping his mother dust and vacuum and fold the laundry and set the table for supper every day. his parents were worried that he wasn’t a very social child, and that he wouldn’t make many friends at hogwarts. they even considered holding him back a year, but ultimately decided against it.
but lo and behold, when he went to hogwarts he made friends! remus, sirius and james to be specific. and it was gr8 and they brought out this whole other side of him that he’d never shown before
this mischievous, snarky boy who’ll “yes ma’am” and “no ma’am” your mum to her face but just as soon make a “your mom” joke when she’s out of earshot. his smile is either shy and endearing or the cheekiest lil shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen. he’ll laugh at the worst of jokes. fluent in sarcasm. he’s great at seeming more innocent than he is ( a power used for pranks now, but much darker things later ). and yeah, he’s an enabler - his friends do stupid stuff and he doesn’t stop them. but so what? he’s a teenage boy.
his room is surprisingly neat. would never admit it but he kind of likes cheesy cliches ( he’s watched gone with the wind with his mum enough times he can quote it off by heart ). he wants to be a dashing hero like in the dog eared comic books he still has in a box under his bed. wants to sweep a girl off her feet. wants to be something more than the sidekick, at least once. sometimes he’s trying just a bit too hard to impress other people because he cares a lot more about what other people think of him than he likes to let on. slightly self conscious because he had a growth spurt over the summer – he used to be really short but now he’s all long limbs and stupid grins and dimples and he’s grown quite attractive but doesn’t realize it thank god. and hey – that’s just part of his charm. because he is charming. he just doesn’t realise it compared to james and sirius.
he compares himself to james and sirius a lot. peter has always been prone to insecure thoughts and nervous tics – during exam season his nails are always bitten down to stubs and his skin breaks out. and in the times he’s feeling particularly unhappy with himself he looks to his friends. and this can go either one of two ways – either they make him better and build him up. and really he should be able to do that himself but he’s always been dependent on other people. always. first his parents, then the marauders. OR he’s feeling insecure and he looks to his friends and sees how much better they are than him. how unattainable their status is. and he feels like a useless burden, dragging them down. those are his bad days. but they’re relatively infrequent – at least for now.
he has ways to dispel these thoughts. for one, he drinks. not the best coping mechanism, granted, but whiskey burns his throat and the inside of his chest like the fire he always wished he had burning inside of him, and it makes him feel stronger and it makes him feel braver and his friends are drinking with him and soon they’re all laughing and doing stupid shit together and then the alcohol washes away any doubts peter has. and it’s good.
and sometimes he gets into fist fights. he’s gotten better at it over the years, ever since sirius taught him that your thumb isn’t supposed to go inside your fist. he feels strong when he fights, he feels a reckless sort of freedom that’s as close to confidence as he’ll ever get. and sometimes he picks fights he knows he can’t win, but hey, that’s part of the thrill, right? because he also knows that his friends can bail him out, and he also knows that the black eye he’s going to have in the morning will make him look tougher, and people will fuss over him and ask questions. and it’s good.
if you asked peter what the most important thing in the world is to him, he would say his friends. and he would say his family. not once would it ever occur to him to say himself, or his own health or happiness. and i’ll get into this more later, but when the war begins, peter doesn’t betray his friends for himself, at least not at first. in a weird, twisted, misguided way, he does it for them. but again – i’ll get into that later.
he puts a lot of value on interpersonal relationships. and sometimes, that’s a good thing because he values those relationships and cherishes them, and he’s a wonderful friend and very intuitive. he can always tell if someone’s upset, and he’s a great listener. but also sometimes it’s a bad thing how much value he puts on those relationships. because he builds his own personal value off of them, and off how much people like him and support him. like i said – he’s always been dependent. he doesn’t know any way else to be.
and deep down, peter is an optimist. it’s his fatal flaw. how? because no matter how badly things are going, he thinks to himself that it’ll all turn out fine, in the end. something will happen, in the end. someone will save him, in the end. for instance – he has no idea what he wants to do after hogwarts. and sometimes that worries him, but most of the time he pushes it to the back of his mind. he can think about that later. it’ll turn out fine. and when the war starts, and he gets deeper and deeper involved with the death eaters, he refuses to admit how much it scares him and how big of a problem it’s becoming. because in the end, it’ll turn out fine. it always does for the good guys. he never considers that he may not be one of the good guys.
this is far far in the future and almost definitely wont happen in this rp but just to talk abt the motivation behind his betrayal --- he gets involved with the death eaters when it’s looking darkest for the order. and victory is looking certain for the death eaters. so he joins them because he has this stupid, stupid, naive hope that if he joins the death eaters, he can convince them to spare his friends when they inevitably win. he does it for them. and deep down, he knows that that’s not gonna happen, but he pushes it to the back of his mind. because it’ll all turn out fine.
[ TW CANCER, DEATH ] this year is the year his insecurity complex starts to come into play – when everything starts to unravel. it’s a slow process, and it begins with peter’s father. see, peter’s father is dying, but he doesn’t know it yet. no one does. it’s during a doctor’s appointment, a month from now, that william pettigrew will be diagnosed with stage ii pancreatic cancer. he won’t make it. he will die before peter graduates from hogwarts.
peter’s mother will not deal with it well. she will retreat into herself, mourning the death of her husband, and peter will be forced to spend most of the summer after his last year caring for her, while struggling with his own grief. suddenly, peter will go from the doting, loving support of both parents to the support of neither.
so he’ll turn to his friends, desperate, seeking validation and support, but they’re each starting their own lives. there’s a war starting, they’re all beginning their own independent lives but peter – remember, peter has always been dependent. and suddenly, his insecurities are making a surprise comeback. the golden years at hogwarts, what peter will later realize were the best years of his life, are gone, and so is the carefree boy peter used to be.
but anyway. that’s the canon future. but like, au rp, triwizard tournament, who knows what’ll happen?? could order!peter emerge???? will peter be able to deal with his growing insecurity complex in a healthy way??? stay tuned folks
either way though, right now peter is just a normal teenage boy, impulsive and goofy and self-conscious, excited about the tournament like the rest of the school, dreaming of glory and adventure
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voraginous-blog · 6 years
==>Vriska: Visit Dave.
((Long log RP where Dave and Vriska talk about things and just be generally cute. @1neffabl3))
[10:21] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] arrives almost exactly fifteen minutes later, appearifying with a bag of sweets to go with their coffee. She looks frustrated and tired, but gives him a smirk anyway when she steps from the platform. --
[10:21] AG: I got snacks.
[10:22] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] turns quickly towards the platform when the transportalizer goes off, giving Vriska a small smile. Two coffee cups in his hands, he walks towards her from the kitchen gesturing one at her. --
[10:22] TG: i see. thank you. i forgot about the snack part. got two cups of coffee. you need cream in yours?
[10:23] AG: I'll drink it str8 this time. What did you want to talk a8out?
[10:24] TG: i just wanted to talk in person about the the stuff that we talked about. like the me being real thing, and the dirk thing, and everything pretty much. i just wanted to see you, too.
[10:25] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] takes her coffee with a heavy sigh, sipping it while eyeing him over the rim of the cup. --
[10:25] AG: It's not that deep.
[10:25] AG: None of it is.
[10:27] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] takes a sip as well, then another, exhaling nervously after swallowing the coffee. --
[10:27] TG: i know its not /that/ deep, but i still just wanted to talk about it. im curious. i know curiosity kills the cat, but satisfaction will bring it right back.
[10:27] TG: im the cat in this situation.
[10:27] TG: did you talk about this whole thing with sollux?
[10:28] AG: No. I only warned him like I warned you.
[10:30] TG: about whats going on in a day?
[10:34] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] brushes by him with a nod, her lips pursed when she glances back at him after sitting down on the nearer couch. --
[10:34] AG: Dave that's also not that deep.
[10:34] AG: Your 8rother is an asshole and he's messed with the wrong person. I don't want you thinking I'm trying to white knight you or something.
[10:35] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] purses his lips together in return, taking another sip of his coffee and leaning against the kitchen counter with his elbows. --
[10:36] TG: its a little deep. youre putting your life at risk here, you know? i think thats pretty deep.
[10:36] AG: It's not!
[10:36] TG: i dont think youre trying to white knight me. i just feel bad as us being together was the instigator for the fight happening, and part of me feels guilty. but i already mentioned that.
[10:38] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] scoffs at his wording, rolling her eyes over her coffee cup again. --
[10:38] AG: Now you're looking too deeply into it.
[10:40] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] rolls his eyes back at her, taking another long sip from his cup. He opens his mouth to reply, pauses, and shuts it, mulling over some thoughts in his head. --
[10:40] TG: how am i looking to deep into this?
[10:42] AG: He pro8a8ly.
[10:42] AG: Thinks that this will 8e some grand gesture of how humans are 8etter than us to 8egin with.
[10:43] AG: He's pro8a8ly just using you as an excuse so he doesn't look 8ad over it.
[10:43] AG: He o8viously h8s us, Dave.
[10:44] TG: i know he does. he makes it very clear whenever you guys deign to step on his toes about anything. i dont know why. hes ranted about it before but i never know what to say, or how to reply. i always have the words fall out of my throat when he talks about that kind of stuff.
[10:44] TG: if it was some grand gesture though, i dont think hed use me for it.
[10:48] AG: You think he's actually 8rave enough to just kill one of us to prove a point?
[10:52] TG: i dont think he would, but he might fuck one of us up real bad.
[10:56] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] crosses her legs, the cup resting in her hands against her thigh. The only sounds from her for a while are the quiet taps of her claws against the stoneware as she tries to keep it together. --
[10:56] AG: Dave I... listen. I really sincerely think he plans on just killing me outright and if he does, I pro8a8ly had it coming for taking his 88. 8ut if he does I really don't want you to do anything stupid.
[10:56] AG: You have to make sure Sollux doesn't.
[10:58] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] furrows his eyebrows with a long sigh and finishes the rest of his coffee, setting the empty mug on the counter with a soft 'clink' of ceramic on marble. He hesitates for a brief moment before walking over and sitting on the couch next to Vriska. --
[10:58] TG: i dont know if he has the guts to kill you outright, though. has it been determined if youre allowed to use your abilities?
[10:58] TG: i wont do anything stupid.
[10:58] TG: ill try to stop sollux, but i dont know if ill be able to.
[11:01] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] looks at him for a moment before dropping her gaze to the cup. --
[11:01] AG: I won't use my powers 8ecause I don't need to.
[11:01] AG: I already called him a coward for hiding 8ehind his god tier.
[11:02] TG: his god tier is probably the only reason he thinks he can take you at all.
[11:09] AG: I don't know.
[11:09] AG: I haven't even talked to Nepeta a8out it yet.
[11:10] TG: i think you should at least tell her its going to happen.
[11:10] TG: is it tomorrow?
[11:10] AG: I think the day after tomorrow, since it happened this morning in earth time.
[11:13] TG: then id tell nepeta tomorrow, if you can.
[11:13] TG: she needs to know.
[11:14] AG: I know.
[11:14] AG: 8ut I don't want her getting angry with me.
[11:15] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] shrugs, her lips pursed again. --
[11:16] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] shrugs at her shrug, putting his hands on his knees afterwards and fiddling with the fabric of his jeans. --
[11:16] TG: i think shed be more angry if you didnt tell her, or told her at the last minute.
[11:16] TG: i know that she probably doesnt want you to fight, but if you told her why she might be more understanding.
[11:18] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] scoffs again, softly. This time more to herself. He can't see the frown tugging at her lips through the curtain of her hair but it's deep and full of pain. --
[11:18] AG: How could he say things a8out you like that?
[11:18] AG: Do you even care?
[11:22] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] eyebrows furrow deeper at her question. It took him by surprise, that's for sure. He takes a few moments to collect his thoughts, his brain whirring at a mile a minute. --
[11:22] TG: i think at this point im just used to it, thats all. it doesnt even register until its too late, and im already upset.
[11:25] AG: Fight 8ack.
[11:25] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] speaks the words softly, almost nothing but a whisper. --
[11:29] TG: how? with words? with phsyical fighting?
[11:30] TG: im weak, vriska. dirk knows exactly what buttons to push to make me back off. i can try to fight back though ive just.
[11:30] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] pauses, closing his eyes thoughtfully. --
[11:30] TG: never thought about it.
[11:32] AG: You aren't weak, stupid.
[11:32] AG: Don't 8e a coward.
[11:32] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] looks up finally, glaring at him. --
[11:32] AG: I don't fall for cowards.
[11:36] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] falls silent at her words, eyes wide. --
[11:36] TG: fall for?
[11:39] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] clicks her tongue, standing suddenly. --
[11:39] AG: It's not that deep.
[11:39] TG: i know its not that deep but. just surprised.
[11:39] TG: i wont be a coward anymore.
[11:40] AG: Stand up to him then! Tell him you're pissed a8out what he said!
[11:41] TG: now?
[11:41] AG: Whenever.
[11:41] TG: soon.
[11:41] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] sighs. --
[11:42] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] looks over at Vriska with a worried look. He clasps his hands together and wrings them anxiously. --
[11:42] TG: i. in the morning.
[11:42] TG: i promise.
[11:42] AG: Don't do it for me. Do it for yourself.
[11:42] TG: im doing it for myself.
[11:43] TG: youve just given me the kick in the ass to do it.
[11:43] AG: Good!!!!!!!!
[11:43] TG: im. sorry.
[11:43] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] sighs. --
[11:45] AG: For what now?
[11:45] TG: im sorry for being like this tonight. i dont mean to be like this. im nervous about confronting him (as i always am), im nervous for YOU, im nervous about a lot of things. i just. can you stay the night tonight? you dont have to if you have things to do.
[11:49] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] blinks, her arms crossing under her chest. --
[11:49] AG: If you want me to I will. For as long as I can at least.
[11:50] TG: i do want you to. thats why i asked, silly.
[11:50] TG: you dont mind?
[11:50] AG: Nah. It 8eats sitting around in my quarters stewing all light.
[11:50] AG: Just.
[11:50] TG: you can instead stew here, with me.
[11:50] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] looks him in the eyes with a steady gaze. --
[11:51] AG: Don't read into it too much, okay?
[11:51] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] returns her stare, nodding at her request. --
[11:51] TG: i wont read into it at all. pinky promise.
[11:52] AG: Okay good. I wouldn't want you getting too attached right 8efore I might not 8e around anymore.
[11:53] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] smiles slightly, moving to sit right beside him. --
[11:53] TG: i mean, it might be too late for that, considering im asking you to stay and keep me company, but dont read into that too much, alright?
[11:53] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] returns her smile with one of his own, reaching up and freeing his hair from his ponytail, shaking it free. --
[11:58] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] chuckles softly, leaning over to wrap her arms around him tightly. --
[11:58] AG: I hope it isn't too l8.
[11:58] TG: too l8 for what?
[11:58] AG: Attachment.
[12:00] TG: i hope its not either.
[12:00] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] tentatively places a tiny kiss on her forehead. very tentatively! --
[12:01] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] glances up at him, a sincere smile stretched across her lips. He should consider himself lucky, being one of three people to have ever seen it. --
[12:05] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] smiles back when her smile stretches across her face. She looks absolutely radiant. His cheeks are tinted a subtle red in the dim light of his apartment. He places another kiss on her forehead, firmer this time. --
[12:09] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] laughs softly, reaching up to poke his nose. --
[12:09] AG: 8y the way.
[12:09] AG: You're too warm.
[12:14] TG: you like how warm i am. im like a sexy version of a hot water bottle.
[12:14] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] kisses the tip of her nose at her poking his! --
[12:19] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] rolls her eyes, shoving him away without much force behind it. --
[12:19] AG: Don't get ahead of yourself.
[12:20] TG: ahead of myself how! why are you booing me. im right! im the sexiest water bottle youll ever meet.
[12:20] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] winks! --
[12:20] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] scoffs loudly, throwing herself against the couch with a groan. --
[12:20] AG: Oh gr8, now he's putting on airs.
[12:21] TG: me? put on airs? how very unexpected! theres an impostor in the house.
[12:22] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] continues winking before breaking off into a fit of laughter. --
[12:27] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] groans as she slides off the couch onto the floor, acting as if she's dying from his antics. --
[12:27] AG: Gross, you're too much. I take it 8ack I'm going 8ack to the ship.
[12:27] TG: no you arent. my antics are just enough for you. this is the perfect primetime entertainment to fill up your night.
[12:28] AG: Oh no, I'm getting up as soon as I can gather the strength to go.
[12:28] TG: the strength?
[12:30] AG: I'm dying.
[12:30] TG: of?
[12:31] AG: Em8arrassment.
[12:31] TG: embarrassed? of what? how charming and wonderful and cool i am?
[12:31] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] slides down from the couch next to Vriska, running his hand through his hair with a smile. --
[12:32] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] pouts at him. --
[12:32] AG: You keep saying words I just can't quite understand.
[12:33] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] sneaks a quick kiss on her cheek. --
[12:34] TG: what words would you understand to convey how cool i am?
[12:36] AG: Ones usually starting with an N and ending in erd.
[12:37] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] plants her hand on his face, pushing him away gently. --
[12:37] TG: you cant trick me. that just means nerd!
[12:38] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] pushes him even farther. --
[12:38] AG: Exactly.
[12:39] TG: hey.
[12:39] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] blinks in surprise. --
[12:39] TG: did i say something wrong?
[12:47] AG: No you're just 8eing a huge nerd.
[12:48] TG: YOURE being a huge nerd. its huge nerd city right now, population us.
[12:48] AG: I shouldn't have 8een counted in this census.
[12:49] TG: you did because youre just as big a nerd as i am, if not bigger. our nerd auras rival each other in strength every day.
[12:50] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] groans again, hiding her face in her hands. --
[12:50] AG: Em8arrassing...
[12:52] TG: it isnt. no need to be embarrassed. youre among friends and fellow nerds.
[12:53] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] extends a hand out for her to take, if she'd like. --
[12:54] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] grumbles, taking it with a devious expression playing around her lips. --
[12:55] AG: Well if you say so.
[12:56] TG: whats that look for?
[12:56] AG: What look?
[12:56] TG: that look!
[12:57] AG: This is my regular face.
[12:58] TG: your regular face isnt as devious as this one.
[12:58] AG: So you say.
[12:59] TG: i do say! what are you planning, vriska?
[12:59] AG: Nothing!
[12:59] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] stands up, brushing herself off. --
[12:59] AG: Why do you think I have something planned?
[12:59] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] shrugs, looking up at her from his spot on the floor. --
[01:00] TG: a devious face usually means a plan, but i could be wrong.
[01:01] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] blows him a kiss. --
[01:01] AG: It might.
[01:01] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] blows her a kiss back with a smile. --
[01:01] TG: give me a hint?
[01:03] AG: Nope!
[01:03] TG: vriska! 8(
[01:03] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] stands up quickly, crossing his arms with a pout. --
[01:04] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] shrugs, turning away with a flip of her hair. --
[01:04] AG: You'll find out when you're older.
[01:04] TG: im plenty old, vriska. arent we about the same age?
[01:04] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] pauses. --
[01:05] TG: are you really leaving?
[01:05] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] glances over her shoulder, frowning a little. --
[01:05] AG: No I'm not.
[01:05] AG: 8ut I'm tired.
[01:06] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] nods, biting his lip, before gesturing to the bedroom. --
[01:06] TG: you can always go to bed, if youd like. i dont know if you use beds? some trolls do, right?
[01:06] AG: I do.
[01:07] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] offers her hand with sarcastic daintiness. --
[01:07] AG: Lead the way, sir knight.
[01:07] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] smiles and gently takes her hand, leading her towards the very soft, plush bed in the middle of his bedroom. A few candles are flickering on his bedside table. --
[01:08] TG: here you are, my thief.
[01:08] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] snorts, throwing herself into the bed without much thought. --
[01:08] AG: Ah sleep.
[01:08] TG: you want me to go to bed with you now or slide in when youre asleep? i can write until i hear snoring.
[01:09] AG: I don't snore!!!!!!!!
[01:09] AG: Do what you want, asshat.
[01:09] TG: you definitely snore. 8;)
[01:09] AG: I do not.
[01:09] TG: prove it! im the only one thats able to hear it right now, and boy, do i definitely hear it.
[01:09] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] smiles! --
[01:10] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] rolls her eyes, burying her face in a pillow as she flips him the bird. --
[01:11] AG: I don't snore 8ut you sure do!
[01:20] TG: proof! i need solid proof of this!
[01:21] AG: Oh no I just know you do. It's pretty 8ad.
[01:27] TG: i can 100% guarentee that mine is much more palatable than yours. youre sawing wood all night long, vriska.
[01:27] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] smiles, his tone teasing. --
[01:29] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] clicks her tongue, shaking her head against the pillow. --
[01:29] AG: You wound me.
[01:30] TG: im just teasing. we both snore at the same volume.
[01:30] AG: Or may8e neither of us snore.
[01:31] TG: hm. that could be the case, but then my teasing would have no weight!
[01:32] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] sits down on the bed with a soft sigh, running a hand through his hair. --
[01:32] TG: its sleep time for the both of us, i think.
[01:38] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] nods, glancing up at him. --
[01:38] AG: Good idea.
[01:39] TG: im full of them.
[01:39] AG: De88a8le.
[01:39] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] smiles lazily, mussing his hair with a yawn before leaning over and giving her a cheek kiss. --
[01:39] TG: no de88 here. just facts.
[01:39] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] turns her head at the last moment to make it a kiss kiss, and then smirks. --
[01:40] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] blushes! --
[01:40] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] pats the bed. --
[01:40] AG: Come on, I'm tired.
[01:41] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] nods, wiggling out of his shirt and pants to slide on a pair of pj pants, before sliding under the covers next to Vriska. --
[01:41] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] wiggles over to rest against his chest. --
[01:41] AG: Goodnight Dave.
[01:41] TG: goodnight vriska. leave me a note if you leave before i wake up.
[01:43] AG: I will.
[01:43] TG: thank you. sleep good.
[01:44] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] closes her eyes, dozing almost instantly. --
[01:44] AG: I will...
[01:44] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] smiles softly, giving the crown of her head a soft sleep before passing out himself. --
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lachalaine · 6 years
shit, the emotional and soul-breaking avalanche went off. tbh, luckily. we could sense how it weighs you down and your emotions; it seeps through your words. and im proud and happy to read through your anger outburst, that you cut a hole into your facade like man you tried to keep up the good mood for us all while still battling with those heavy exceptions and roles in your own life hidden from tumblr. listen, we know you dont to want to turn your blog into some sadness pool or a place filled with your personal problems but it had to be done and its good you finally did. we wont judge you or blame you for your troubles, we strengthen you back as good as we can. im sorry your mom lost your job. when you wrote about your even worse mood drop i hoped it didnt happen bc you told me if it would happen it would happen around the end of july. if you need any support in the next months im here for you. you might not or wont tell me but still, im at your side. and though i hope for your mom for things to get better, i hope for you in the first place. its not unreasonable of you, neither towards your mom,your brother not unfair towards that friend you broke up with. you are important, your self-worth and mental and physical health just the same.
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Oh, Scaley, you have no idea how thankful I am to have you.
Thank you so much for this message. It made me cry again as soon as I read it. Though it’s the kind of tears that I think I’ve needed for a good while now, so I’m grateful to you, thank you. 
I hadn’t expected all the emotion to hit me like that at all tbh, and you’re right - it really is an avalanche. I just got the idea this morning and thought I’d try it, and then it just kept getting longer and was entirely unfiltered and I was scared of posting it. Scared I’d be drawing more negative energy on here when I had told myself to stop. But I needed it, and I’m glad I did. And heck, it’s kinda funny in a way – because whenever the avalanche hits me, I always get at least one message from someone that’s read it saying they’re proud and happy that I finally lost my chill. And it’s… amusing, honestly – and reassuring too.
I was hoping my negative moods hadn’t come across as often as I’d felt like it did, so I’m relieved that people don’t think it’s like that all the time on here, because that’s all it’s been feeling like on my end and I was worried that it was too obvious. Though I’m pleased too – about as much as you, I think. I feel like a really heavy weight was lifted off and I feel like… people know me a bit better now, even. I know I talk a lot to people but I don’t really say much about myself, and I didn’t realize how much I was hiding until I went full meltdown mode on there. Though it feels good because now I don’t feel like I’m pushing people away anymore from the worst sides of my personality and now they now what I sound like when I lose my temper too and I was afraid of showing that but no one immediately dumped me afterwards and even showed me support so –
I’m thankful for all the understanding that was given to me for this, and just the time spent to read through it. I think I really needed it. Especially because like ---- I wanted to tell you guys. So that maybe you’d stop worrying so much, because I could see people were concerned but I was scared of saying anything but also I’ve been that friend that’s had to sit back and watch as another friend hid their problems from me and it’s frustrating and only more worrying in the long run and you guys don’t deserve that !! Regardless if it was a personal issue, it’s not fair – particularly because you guys were only trying to help. And I feel like I put too much of a veil on here and don’t let anyone see past the veil and adbhadbhahda I DON’T WANNA BE FAKE EITHER. 
And I feel like I have been a little bit, with all the constant attempts at happiness even when I don’t necessarily feel it and it just – doesn’t sit right with me. So I figured this was my best shot at just getting it all out and it turned out okay, all things considered. I guess I just – wanted someone to listen, but was too afraid of doing it one on one because I get. Terribly awkward about that. I just end up skipping the conversation and trying to shift it to someone else and making them try to smile and sadashdah I’m not good at opening up, in all honestly!
Though I’m… really glad I found a safe spot with you guys.
Thank you for always noticing my efforts as well, Scaley, and for your kind messages and well wishes. Thank you for always being my constant and strongest supporter no matter what, even if I may be late getting back to you sometimes. Thank you for reassuring me that I’m not being unreasonable nor unfair either. I just needed that comfort from someone else, in truth, not just me trying to reassurance myself but being uncertain anyway. That friend thing was weighing on me for a while as well, because I realized only too late how heavy things were in the months leading up to the breakup and I think the way I was being treated by him had only compounded to my problems, so I’m glad you mentioned that. Because I wanted to take care of myself too from now on, and I couldn’t do that with him around. And I worry because perhaps that makes me seem callous and cold that I don’t regret the loss of friendship, but my life is honestly... just better off within him, really. And thank you for helping me realize that, as your words have always helped me to see things clearly too, tbh, so it mean a lot! I always save your messages because they always do wonders in making me feel better, and honestly, you even remember things about me all the time, I’m so !! I don’t know how I deserve you!
Because you’re right! I was actually expecting something like this to occur but not this soon! My mood drops honestly always happen in June or July because the closer it gets to my birthday, the worse I feel about myself. Which isn’t to say I hate my birthday because I love it a lot !! I’d celebrate the whole week of it if I could!! But then I’m also --- I always feel bad because people do nice things for me and I feel unworthy of it around this time of the year. Which is also why I don’t talk about my feelings I guess, because then people go out of their way to worry about me and I feel bad and like I don’t deserve it. So it’s a thin line to cross and it’s never fun – though I’m hopeful that because the bomb has gone off so early, perhaps I may not have the same problem later on in the month.
I can at least hope. Because I’d actually want to enjoy my birthday this time and not feel bad about myself, if at all possible tbh aaaaaaah !!
The next few months may be harder or easier, idk yet – but I promise I will try my best to be more open to people, including you, and try to reach out more. Honestly, Tumblr RP is the one place I can try to forget all the stuff that drains me IRL, and that’s why I love coming back here so much. You guys really do make me happy all the time, and I know things would have been much worse if I didn’t have this outlet and you guys to depend on to take my mind away from everything else. 
My smiles and laughter with you guys isn’t a lie. Meeting you all is one of the best things to have happened to me in a long time, and for that I’m very grateful – so thank you very much!
I hope things get better for my family and I too. I’m just trying to think of all the good stuff that makes me smile and focusing on that instead, and I’m hoping that before I know it – maybe things won’t feel so hard anymore after a while. And you are a large part of all that good stuff, and I adore you for that, Scaley!
Thank you for sending this message to me and taking some time out of your day to make me feel better. I’m already feeling so much lighter and not so shut in anymore, and that’s a big improvement after the last couple of weeks. I hope to feel marginally better soon. 
I love you, Scaley and you’re the best! And I hope things are going well for you too! I’ll be back on Discord to scream at you soon, I promise. Thank you so much and stay safe, I miss you !!
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halfasith · 7 years
you guys know me too well. I used to play the joker at what was maddcg, I used to be a kilgrave at evilpriick, I used to be highly in the teen wolf fandom as teamcaptainalphawerewolf, I spent the beginning years of my time in the rp fandom as a stefan salvatore....my last venture was in the star wars fandom as kylo ren ( darkdestined ) and I played a padme amidala and so much more....
for the past blogs I’ve dubbed myself MURDERCORPSE, maybe that will ring bells....
i’ve had ups and downs here---in real life and with people on here.
BUT this time is different. I’ve always manged to do well and keep my distance from all the drama this place spawns never making friends, keeping things strictly rp “business” on here.
My life has changed DRASTICALLY. One month ago, I came out to my parents as a lesbian and I got kicked out and disowned. I’m now a homeless 20 year old lgbt youth in socal---with no money and no car. Everyday I wake up terrified of what’s going to happen to me next. I’m living with my aunt who took me in....but that doesn’t stop the nightmares, it doesn’t fix my often times crippling anxiety, and the voices in my head telling me maybe I CANT do this, maybe things WONT get better.... 
And then I managed to see Wonder Woman. And I reminded that I’m more than just this husk trying to survive. I love comics and reading. I love DC Comics, I’ve grown up watching JLA, JLAU, BTAS, YOUNG JUSTICE....etc. I’m still me somewhere underneath all this pain and fear....
I may not have my proud collection of comic books anymore ( my parents won’t allow me to come and get my things, or give me my car ), I might not have all the dceu movies special editions anymore....
But now I have this community....and I’m discovering my strength and hope through Bruce. Bruce who has suffered, bruce who has gone through the unimaginable time and time again. Bruce who has lost and lost, just to get back up, wake up and fight again. Bruce who made a family of his own, Bruce who learned his only way to cope to be productive, to not let his tragedy happen to someone else. Bruce who may not have healed all his wounds but has learned to live with the scars and the brittle aches that reverberate in his bones incessantly. 
I hope with this blog, it’s different. I can’t afford to isolate myself any longer. I need community, and I hope that through me learning about and digging into this character.....I learn something about myself and find a new love with bruce wayne. 
thank you for reading this, and I hope we can be friends. 
if you guys want to help in anyway I have this personal spiritual blog in which I do readings and such in which you can tip...or there’s a link to my paypal. I’m honestly not asking for anything. I just need to know I’m not alone more than anything, I really can’t afford to isolate myself when I know there are those out there who have had similar experiences.....
my family continues to terrorize me even after kicking me out and not allowing me to have anything. their goal is to prove to me that I’m nothing without them. which is not true. and that’s what I’m trying to prove. 
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axolotiels · 7 years
5 Things About Me, tagged by @weavingmemories​ :0
my wallet
spare usb cable
prolly a phone? idk
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom:
Posters/pictures all over the walls
bird floof... I just cant ever get it all up
like 5 flat pillows that serve as one (1) pillow altogether
lots of gemstones and owl statues
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life:
Get an actual like... Cintiq tablet
have Very Large Dogs for company... friends too but people leave and dogs do not
have a steady job?? lmao
live somewhere COLD and not buggy... Canada seems nice if I can't brush up on my German well enough
theres the obligatory 'I want to create' but... if I set high expectations I just panic myself because I Am A Child
5 things that make me happy:
fall!! halloween!! chilly weather!!
getting sucked into a universe, not even a plausible one, just one you really like
sharing ideas with people and there just being this cavalcade of 'YEAH AND THEN' for like 20 minutes
Listening to the same 5 songs on repeat; lately its been Saturnz Barz, Doncamatic, and now the Radio New Vegas track,,
Alice Liddell,, Madness Returns,, it's such a pitch perfect character study, I wish it were a film so I didnt have to suffer through the buggy platforming lmao (that being said if that game were a person I would let it kill me)
5 things I’m currently into:
Rick and Morty (almost a year and a half, dammit, back into Hell)
Animorphs (peer pressure peer pressure peer pressure... but for real a couple of my friends were into it so I thought 'why not' and I dont regret it at all)
Portal, of course!! love my robots
Fallout.... namely 4 and New Vegas
Gorillaz... that new album... HOO
5 things on my to do list:
catch up on all my guff
properly organize the Shadow of Vegas rp; by extension, clean up my Courier 6 a bit
print more stuff for my wall
idk go outside more even though its 90 and muggy
actually write for Kick in the Head!! make more Portal content @me ffs
5 things people may not know about me:
I have misphonia/schizophrenia
once on a German quiz I accidentally said 'I am eating book' instead of 'I am eating bread' and the teacher still pesters me about it to this day; on that same token I was at a friend's for dinner and he has a German exchange student there. out of reflex when speaking to adults I answer with 'ja' or 'nein', and when I was asked if I wanted a napkin or something I said 'nein' and he got Very Confused, boy looked like he got dumped into cold water
the open spots on my persona's face are based on some bad acne scars I have because I cant stop scratching my face
I have a ton of dreams where stephen merchant just passively shows up; he doesnt even do anything, he just shows up and looks around with that buggy eyed look he does and poofs back to wherever he came from, its really disconcerting/concerning
my anger runs very surface-level but as far as romantic feelings go I just dont know how to handle them so I just kind of suppress them and hope that it wont kill me (it will)
I made the text small to take up less space but that did Not Help, wow
anyway! i tag @actingwithportals, @ouroborosasunder, @darknutter, @lemonlotl, and @lunawolf237yeahstuff
Dont do it if ya dont want though ;0
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lanyard09 · 8 years
Emoji Prompt
@dark-demons-tears-rp this is for you! i loved yours! Hope you love mine!! <3
Leonardo: He would never ever share his Dangos but for Nÿx, he'd let her have them all. Or of course watch and tease her as she eats the treat he made for himself. "Do you enjoy balls in your mouth love?"
Lori: She LOVES her cold stone creamery birthday cake ice cream with chocolate chip, but when her beloved dragon wants some, she’ll give him but making a mental note to order a pint next time she was in the mortal realm.
Lori: Hadn’t forgotten her own but she didn’t remember telling Jabb. So whatever he does to surprise her, she’s gonna be super grateful. “Jabberwock! I love you but I don’t need more lingerie! You always tear it anyway!!”
Leonardo: He will be shocked but happy. He and his brothers never settled on a date so they just said the week after Lori’s would be good. He’d be grinning behind his mask, enjoying his present: Nyx in their playroom for begging for him.
Leonardo: He’d welcomed the peppermint tea Nyx so graciously brought to him. He loves hot tea. Any tea really. And to be honest, it’s been awhile since he’s had a good cuppa. So he’ll pull her in and hug her tight as he sips the drink, thanking her.
Lori: It can only mean one thing when Jabb brings her hot chocolate, the cruel red sea is about to crash. She will never know how he knows but no matter the weather, the hot coco will help get through the roughest parts. Thank god her husband can reheat her cup at will.
Lori: The blonde tends to be in awe at a lot but when she sees that her husband has made her favorites, it’s like she has fallen for him all over again! “Devilishly handsome, a smile to kill my heart, is a bad-ass dragon, AND can cook?”
Leonardo: He would eat it happily and gratefully. And he would fight anyone who tried to take his wife’s cooking away from him. IT’S ALL SO DAMN GOOD!! He will be in a food coma for a good hour after eating everything up. “I have died and married an angel.”
Leonardo: He isn’t scared of anything. His training made him face every fear in the book and on-line. He’s a trained ninja, jump-scares don’t even make him blink. Try as Nyx will, he wont budge from his calm smile as he listens to her voice.
Lori: This girl? Oooooo boy. She is a scardy cat through and through. She cant even make up a story. She HATES horror. So when Jabb tries to scare her, best believe she is running away screaming like a banshee. FIGHT or FLIGHT? OH HELL NO!!! BBBYYYEE!!
Lori: How she let him talk him into a scary movie, she’ll never know but that girl has made herself a fort of protectiveness! Withing her couch cushion and pillow fort, she’ll hide and tremble at all the gore and murders. Her hand will wiggle out to hold her beloved’s but she’s gotta stay in her fort.
Leonardo: Again scared? Hardly! He’d point out the shot wasn’t in focus and that the boom mic is in the reflection. He’s been through so many horror movie marathons with Mikey that he knows pretty much every movie there is. But his arms would stay securely around Nyx. She was his lifeline after all and there is cuddling in movie watching.
Lori: Would be giggling as she falls to one knee dramatically in their bedroom, “Oh dragon! How can I wait for a knight I do not love? Don’t you see? I’ve fallen for you!” She’d laugh at his shocked face but stand and kiss his ring that was given to him by her. She’s got her beloved ring on her left ring finger but she thought she could try her luck of proposing.
Leonardo: Oh boy, it’s happened already but a quick summary: He is nervous as hell!! Like there’s a .001% chance she could say no. But he goes through with it, showing off the ring he chose for her. Of course she says yes! No one had seen a truly happy Leonardo until that moment. He can’t stop smiling for the rest of his life.
Lori: Is already prego with his child but: If she could have surprised him, she would. She’d be almost romantic about the reveal, planning it for a day where it was just the two of them. “So where could we put the nursery?” She’d ask this when they plan the layout for their joint floor in the castle. She’s wait for his question and grin at him, “Well I mean your heir will be coming in 9 months so you might want to decide now….father to be.” I dont think their eyes would stop crying for quite some time.
Leonardo: Losing a prank off by Mikey, Leo has to prank Nyx. It doesn't go over well but Nyx does laugh at his attempt of the humor. (Note: if she turned it around on him, he’d fall to his knees crying. He’s always wanted a family of his own and having his wife pregnant...it’s a miracle to him.)
Lori: Being a romantic at heart and being failed in the boyfriend department, this girl would just swoon at any kiss Jabb is willing to give her. She can’t believe he is hers. Like bonded and a married in every way possible. But as she looks at him, lips swollen from a stolen kiss, she’s gonna grin and blush like mad. She’s not use to being loved this much. To this day she is still adjusting.
Leonardo: Getting random kisses from Nyx just makes his day so much brighter. He could be irritated by his training and one kiss from her and it all disappears. If hearts could be in his eyes, they would be when she’s around. But when it comes to those neck kisses, better believe she is being picked up and taken to their playroom. She can’t make him horny and get away with it. Not on his watch.
Leonardo: He would do this in secret and never ever tell anyone he did. He’d hug Jabberwock once he found out that Jabb paid for the ring on Nyx’s finger when he didnt have to. He would choke back a sob as he whispers a thank you before disappearing.
Lori: Would always hug Nyx when they are near. “Lo! You just saw me in the other room!” “I CANT HELP THAT I MISS MY SIS! NOW GET OVER HERE FOR A DAMN HUG WOMAN!!!”
Lori: Being called a dolphin because of the way she swims. Literally this girl can’t get enough of water. In her youth, she would only come up for air in small breaths. She loves the ocean and sea though she’s never been so going to a aquarium with her beloved is like the best thing ever. She’d never let go of his hand for anything, always in awe and looking at him happily.
Leonardo: Being a turtle he’s always curious to watch the turtles at aquariums. If Nyx took him there, he’s be lost in watching his normal counterparts. He’d not move. At all. He just cant stop watching them and comparing himself to them. “They have the same eyes as me..”
Leonardo: Would laugh at his demon wife high on the kitchen table pointing to a normal spider as it carried out its day. "Really? Spiders? That's what you're afraid of?” He’d capture the spider and set into the gardens before calming his wife down.
Lori: She doesn’t seem to like them but like Leonardo she’d be grateful when Jabb doesnt kill it but let it free. The fabric of the clothing in her hands might have nail holes from her death grip.
Lori: When Jabb presents her with any number of flowers, she’s gonna tear up. “This (these) is (are) for me?? Thank you!” Needless to say, Jabberwock is gonna get a acquainted with all his flowers as Lori thanks him in the garden..Without panties on.
Leonardo: Is not use to getting flowers. He’ll accept anything from his wife. “Oh I see you are giving me another one.” (“Huh?) He’d wrap his arms around her and breathe her in lovingly, “Ah! You are the most beautiful flower in the garden, wife.”
Leonardo: A zen garden. For him? No way. He’d be precise and creative when helping her. And when the project is done, He’d use it straight away to show just how much he loves it. But trust me, when he’s done, he’s gonna find her and mess up their work. The lines will be blurred with Nyx’s back marks.
Lori: Is already spoiled but having time with Jabb, alone, is more than she could dream. They plant her old state’s flower and a few crops so she can always have a piece of her past with her future. “Think Junior will like seeing corn?”
Leonardo: Is like Jabb. He loves to watch Nyx sleep. She looks so precious as she curls into his chest. You can bet her hair is played with a lot as he watches her. When she has a nightmare, he’s right there to hold her, whispering calming things to her, “Get them Nyx. Don’t let them in. I’m here. I’m here.
Lori: She loves, just LOVES, cuddling Jabb. He is her heater and she could not ask for more. But on the few times, he falls asleep before her, she cant help but look at him. He’s so handsome and she likes to try to memorize every scar on his face that he shows to her. Like Leo though, Lori is gonna run her hands through his hair. It’s so soft and it seems divine and she’ll drift to sleep, one hand on his cheek, and the other in his hair.
Lori: Stargazing? She has never! And thankfully Jabb can tell her everything she wants to know. Cuz the girl has endless questions. Like a child, she’ll trace the stars with her finger, trying to connect them. But after so long her hands are gonna wander. Jabb might be in mid lecture and cut off with his wife kissing her way down his chest to his pants.
Leonardo: When Nyx tells him of her origin with the stars, he’s gonna love them more. He’ll watch the stars as he listens to her, never really interested until now. When she is finished, he’ll pull her onto his chest and kiss her into next Tuesday. And with this couple, hot making out always leads to hot sex :)
Leonardo: Loves water so naturally rain makes him calm. It’s the noise that makes him. And finding out that Nyx shares the same joy? Who needs comforting? They will both be out and dancing. A kiss in the rain? PPFFFTTTT Oh hell no, Nyx better be ready for hot sex in the rain, cuz the rain isn't the only thing that will drip down her thighs if he has anything to do with it!
Lori: So quick secret here. Lori has a fear of thunderstorms so she and Jabb will be snuggling in their room for the storm. If it’s an all day thing? Well sleep, eat and some loving, but that bed wont be left. And for once Jabb will be worn out with their….uh….sexual activities.
Lori and Leo: Yeah I mean I think all 4 would tease the shit out of the other in the couple. I mean...like having them begging for more and then playing as innocent as possible….which with all of them….not so much. LOL
Leonardo: He has to smile as she uses her magic to shield him. How sweet of her. And he would tell her over and over. “You dont have to love. But thank you. Don’t catch a cold.” He’d tell her over and over. But it warms his heart that she cares so damn much for him.
Lori: “Jabb…..what are you doing?” “Shielding you both from the rain.” With a large wing spanning over her head, she can walk in peace without being drenched. Secret time again. Though scared of thunderstorms, Lori cant help but love the rain. She will stare at it and listen to the calming effect for hours.
Lori: Would squeal as the cold hit her back, “NYX!! IMMA KILL YA!” She’d turn and be throwing them right back. Win it comes to tit for tat, Lori always brings it. So Nyx will have quite a battle on her hands. Friendly of course. :)
Leonardo: Would laugh and then see who it was. A smirking Jabb. Oh hell no. Though the demon buries him, Leo doesnt give up so easily. He’ll plow through until he collapses from exhaustion.
Leonardo: A wet Nyx? SIGN THIS TURTLE UP! That shower water would turn cold but nothing could be further. It’s hot, hot, HOT!!!!!!!! Like her body on his!!
Lori: After crying and screaming, Jabb will be her savior and she would be all over him when the cof baby mouse is gone. “You saved me baby!” Followed by multiple kisses all over his face.
Leonardo: Saved? Sure. He’d let her save him from the ‘huge’ mouse. Even though he didnt know it was there until she screamed bloody murder first.
Lori: Is the luckiest girl in the world to have found this demon. With a sigh, she’ll sink in and watch him, “Join me love. Your tub is big enough for us both.” It will be a soothing time for them both. Cuz they need it bad.
Leonardo: Will churr happily as he sinks in. His eyes will lock with Nyx and he will smile like a devil. “You are amazing...aaaahhhhhh.” A relaxed Leo? Call a doctor he must be sick?! His only cure?? Nyx joining him for some relaxing time.
Lori and Leonardo: Will be so honored and overjoyed. A portrait of either of them?? Seriously??  That shit would be framed and glorified! “Oh yeah that portrait? It was done by wife/husband/sister/pain in my ass.” (Can you guess who is who?)
Lori: Sucks at so many sports. So she will pretty much she will fail immediately, whether she misses the ball or completely trips over her own feet, she will fail. BUT she will laugh and keep trying! How else is she gonna learn for Junior?
Leonardo: Is gifted….not like that!!! Well.. yeah but!! He can pretty much do any sport Nyx challenges him. And no, unlike Jabb, he’s playing for the gold. Even if its against his wife, he wont hole back. So enjoy the comparativeness cuz hes bringing it!
Leonardo: Stops in his tracks. That voice was coming from his wife? That heavenly sound was coming from Nyx?? He will always ask her to sing for him. He loves her voice and it just soothes him to no end.
Lori: Will be wide eyed shocked. Like for real. That baritone panty dropping voice is from Jabb?? No way! She will melt when he sings for her, eyes shut to get the tingles his voice gives her.
Leonardo: Will keep it locked away forever. Bedside drawer. He will reread it so many times, he could recite it to her. And he does. He loves her honeyed words and loves to make her blush with them. Will he use it in the bedroom? Of course hunny!! that turtle will kiss down her throat slowly, making her tell him what the note said. If she gets some wording wrong, the slow torture becomes slower until she isn't coherent anymore.
Lori: Note in hand, this girl is gonna find Jabb and tackle him with love. She’ll kiss him over and over, crying at his words. “You are the sweetest man ever!!” Like Leo, she’s gonna keep it close. If Jabb is away at a meeting and she is lonely? She’ll read it and smile. He does love her huh?
Lori: Still not use to being given gifts, she’ll be surprised, “Oh Nyx! It’s wonderful! Thank you!!!” She could not be more thankful and the giver will be showered with thanks and praises.
Leonardo: Will not accept them from Jabb. He’s done to much for him. Nope. He can’t. But from Nyx? Hes gonna treasure it, no matter how small or large it is. “Nyx. Thank you. I love it.” And he isnt lying at all.
Lori: Can not believe he is doing this in the middle of the market and screaming it to prove a point. She will blush and blush and blush some more. Oh boy! But she does smile happily, pulling him down and kissing him for the world to see. That’s how Jabb introduced Lori to the surrounding town by his castle.
Leonardo: Will be shocked. Nyx is openly affectionate but publicly telling the whole realm she loves him? He’d never expect it. She’d be embraced so quickly that her head would spin as he dips her low and kisses her. Yes, he was hers and she was his. And that thought always made him smile.
Lori: Would laugh loudly, “Nyx! Of course we will be friends! We’re better than that though! We are sisters!!” The raven haired beauty would be hugged to death by her sister.
Leonardo: Will laugh in Jabb’s face regardless if it was a dare or not. “More like thrown together family Jabb.” He can’t even like pretend. It’s Jabb. He is always messing with Leo.
(oh wow. this took forever but i loved it!)
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Here is what I am going to do even you cant stop me but I’d love you to call me a bitch-and boss me around regarding..
I’m writing 2 blogs- 
because i want you to know that while I am at work my only job
is doing what you tell me to do. here is the situation
I brought a BUNCH of my cute clothes, combined with utter sluttery- just a filthy slut bag.
I am going to but not limited to: put on something absurd like a little tyny skirt- that I can show the bottoms of my ass cheeks- a slutty as fuck shirt- ripped up panty hose
I’m going to do something ive done before- but never this far the reason I am doing it for you is
because I Want to show you- you can boss me around, I Want you to humiliate me=  so today throughout the day i am going to go out the back door- when there are a bunch of people (not my boss he wont catch me-wearing this
im gonna walk out their- start with 10 feet maybe 20 but you dont HAVE TO DO THIS obviously
But i would: sell my family into literal slavery- maybe even execution
for you to call be a bitch- just a bunch of mean stuff- tell me im being a coward
I want to humiliate myself for you and I will- ill write your name 
and i worship you on my ass- or wherever you tell me
if you want to play- and it could just be a few things throughout the day
if you have a thought- and want to utterly dominate me (and i will be doing this all anyway- but  for you to write something like
“you fucking worthless coward little bitch? you only walked 20 ft? i wand you to write my name *or queen or whatever” and be like zella you filthy whore
I Want you dressed like that with my name or the words “i will go anythin for my queen”
Tell me to do anything and i will- in this situation tell me to walk up to a group of people- dressed like an utter slut- and tell them stuff like
“There is this girl- she is my queen- if she asked me to lick her toes id beg for her to go stomp in mud first. I want- and beg her- to find me one day- push me to the round and piss all over me. ill ever “have” her- but thats ok- I’m just happy to be available if she need say me eat her asshole all day every day
if she want’s me to humilate myself- I will go the extra step- I Want nothing more than my mommy demands( I can refer to you as queen and or mommy
honestly id love to pretend your my mommy- and your bossing me around- incestuaslly just making me your litte lbitch for life
but this will just be for today. just remember I will do it anyway- I know for 100 I will write some version of your name on my ass- and walk around outside- maybe hang out during my lunch break- anything you want me to do i will fucking do
if you don’t want to thats totally fine- ill just humilate myself more
and ill still post it here- leave you with a password
i wont be offended if you never watch the things- and i am doing them for you- just to prove how much- you could make me your little fucking absolute bitch
id love to be abused- but i understand if this is too much
so ill just post the blog-with videos of me doing even more humilating shit
You’ll have the option to if youd ever like to see zella
being your little bitch without you even asking her too
i want to- it turns me on- even if you dont ever watch it
ill know i did it- 
so if you like to RP and are into utter domination at all
I want you to- im going to do it to myself no matter what- for you
I want to prove- you could tell me to bass you a pipe, you could tell me to take care of your enemies and i would destroy them methodically from the inside and then still- destroy them slowly- if someone even accidently fucked with you
I would dedicate my life to making sure every single second of their is a paranoid delusion- they will kill themselves to escape my words but even then- ill imprint so deeply that whenn they are dying from suicide theyll realize i will unleash all info ever-make some up to
to make sure anyone whos ever loved them
will cringe in disgust that they ever existed
Ill do whatever the fuck you want
and throw myself away- im serious
because your my queen
If you tell me to fuck off I will fuck off
but ill write cryptic beautiful stories “fiction” inspired by you
i will make millions- they will be best sellers
and i will give you
for nothing.
sound fun? i hope so, 
Now, what would you like your little slutty bratty but fucking submissive to your every whim.
in return I want nothing
I Want to do things for you JUST because you want me too- or on this case
you tell me to not do any of it- all ill do is not send recordings
but il lwalk 50 feet- with my cock out and shake it around 
SO, if you’d like at any point just hop on messenger
if you think of something i can do- im going to go take videos now
I cant dream of anything more wonderful
than you bossing me, call me any thing you want
defile me
i love it
the ohter blog- is going to be shorter- with images - but a password
the only person allowed to see either- is you
if you dont even read or check them out? fuck yeah
id even love that- 
Im gonna go do some freaky dirty lil slutty girl shit
im doing it- for you- I Wat to be marked - you own me today
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