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loulouwrites · 9 months ago
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summary: alfie's eldest son is sick - he won't leave his bedside. warnings: illness, swearing, thoughts surrounding the death of a child, melancholy, unedited, angst, violence, discussions regarding the death of a child word count: 1.5k a/n: a lil drabble form the home series! i'm honoured by the love people have for this family. i know i'm not the most active on here but i just wanna say if anybody wants to talk to me (about anything) don't hesitate to hit me up! (i am still putting my taglist together but I completely forgot about it when I wrote this - forgive me pls)
It had been going around for a while now.
Some illness spreading around London that had children dropping left, right and centre.
Some children barely got a sore throat, and those that did were usually better after a few days, but he had heard the stories of the unlucky few, the children that had been bed bound for weeks before silently passing in their sleep.
He hadn't thought much of it at first - he found stories about other people's children mind numbingly boring - even the saddest accounts he had heard had barely registered in his mind.
When Benjamin had started coughing one morning, he had rolled his eyes, insisting he wouldn't get out of school that easily. His wife - who was gentler and kinder than he could ever be - had laid her hands on her son's cheeks, instructing him to go back to bed with a kiss on his forehead.
It had caused quite a tiff between the couple.
"You're too fuckin' soft," Alfie had told her, pointing an accusatory finger in her face.
"And you're too fucking hard on him," she had spat back, smacking his hand away.
She had been right, of course.
When Alfie returned home that night, the house was eerily quiet. No children greeted him at the door, even Bubbe the dog had barely looked up from her bed by the fireplace.
He had found them in the master bedroom, his wife had pulled up a chair next to the bed, and was dabbing a damp cloth on his son's forehead.
He would never forget the way Benjamin looked lying on the bed, his face pale and his hair sticking to his forehead, the wheezing breaths he took being the only sound in the room.
"I sent the children to my mum's," his wife had said, sitting with her back to him, her eyes completely focused on her little boy lying in the bed. "The doctor said it's highly contagious so they shouldn't be around him - or us."
He could tell she had been crying, her voice quiet and shaky.
Alfie didn't say anything in response, because what could he say? He stepped further in the room, moving to sit at the foot of the bed, his eyes trained on Benjamin's limp body.
"He's fucking boiling, Alfie," she choked out a sob, "he's so hot but he won't stop fucking shivering, I don't know what to do."
Alfie watched as his wife's body shook with sobs, putting her head in her hands as he sat on the bed, silent, confused, and so very scared.
"He'll be alright," his voice held no conviction, almost as shaky as her's was. "He's a tough lad-"
"No, he isn't," she cried, lifting her head from her hands to look at her husband. "He isn't. He's sweet and gentle, he isn't tough."
"Love," Alfie shook his head, leaning forward slightly, but she cut him off.
"It doesn't matter anyways, it doesn't matter how tough he is - or isn't - kids have died, Alfie, they've died from this."
She stood from her seat, pacing the room as he looked on helplessly. He had seen her scared before, he had seen her sad and everything in between, but nothing compared to how she looked now. Her hair was a mess, her makeup had smudged, and there was already dark circles beginning to form underneath her damp eyes.
"Listen," Alfie rose from the bed, placing his hands on her shoulders to keep her in place. "He's going to be fine."
"You don't know that," she whispered, hanging her head.
"And you don't know he won't be," he bowed his head to meet her eyes, "but we're going to do everything we can do to help him, yeah?"
"Yeah," she sighed.
That had been hours ago.
It was almost three in the morning as Alfie sat on the chair beside the bed, a dimp lamp casting a soft glow on his son's pale face. His wife had fallen asleep on the bed next to Benjamin, and the room was silent apart from the occasional raspy breath from his son.
This was all he could do.
All he could do to help his son was to sit by his bedside and watch him breathe, watch for any sign that Benjamin was struggling, and to press the damp cloth to his face whenever a shiver broke out of his body.
He had never felt more useless in his life.
If it were any other situation, they would know what to do. If Benjamin had cut his knee when he was playing, his mother would be able to patch him up and make him feel better, if he had gotten into trouble at school, Alfie could pay the teacher's a visit to make sure it never happened again.
But this was completely in the hands of God.
Alfie wasn't a particularly religious man - not in the common sense of the word, at least. He was proud of his identity, he enjoyed the community and sense of belonging it gave him, but he fell short when it came to the believing part of his religion.
He had always thought God was something people used as a comfort in their darkest times, or as an excuse for things not working out the way they had wanted it to, it was never particularly real to him. Yet, as he sat at his son's bedside, with nothing to offer him but a damp cloth, he found himself bowing his head, and silently praying to God that Benjamin would be okay.
He hoped this would be the first time God listened to him.
The doctor had arrived early the next morning, prodding and poking the sick child and humming to himself.
Alfie stood by the doorway with his wife, both of them shuffling slightly on the feet as they waited for the doctor to finish his assessment, their patience wearing thinner with every passing second.
The doctor sighed when he turned to face the parents, a frown on his old and battered face, his beard moving as he scrunched his mouth.
"I see no improvements," he had spoke, and Alfie had to grasp his wife by her waist when he body began to collapse, another sob racking her body.
"What does that mean?" Alfie asked, his hands still secure around his crying wife.
"It means that you should prepare for the worst."
"No, no, no, no," she whispered, her legs giving way for the second time.
"If he recovers it will be a miracle, I've seen stronger boys succumb to this illness."
Maybe it was the doctor's tone of indifference when he spoke, maybe it was the feeling of his wife's body shaking uncontrollably in his arms, maybe he was just looking for somebody to take his frustration out on, whatever possessed Alfie in that moment to let go of his wife and grab the doctor by the collar, slamming his body into the wall, was as fierce and raw as the fear gripping his heart.
"Now you listen here," Alfie growled, his face inches away from the doctor's. "My son will not die. You know how I know that?" the doctor shook his head, his face reddening in fear. "I know that because you are going to fix him. If you don't, it'll be your body they wheel out of here."
The doctor's eyes widened, and Alfie was sure he was about to start crying. "Mr Solomons, there's nothing I can do, I would if I could-"
"You will," Alfie roared, pulling the doctor back slightly only to slam him back into the wall harder. "You will find a way."
Just as Alfie pulled his arm back, his hand curled into a fist, his wife's voice called out to him.
"This won't help Benjamin, Alfie. Just stop it."
Alfie released the doctor, who gasped for breath, his face pale. He turned to his wife, his face softening. "He can't die."
She walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "He won't die," she muttered into his chest, "you won't let him."
It was nearing nine o'clock at night when Benjamin started to stir in the bed. His mother had yet again, fallen asleep at his side, and Alfie was sat in the uncomfortable chair by the bed.
"Dad?" He whispered, his voice weak.
"I'm here, mate," Alfie said, his voice catching in his throat. "I'm here."
"I don't feel well."
"You're not well, mate," Alfie leaned forward, placing his palm on Benjamin's forehead, which was already beginning to cool.
"I told you I wasn't just trying to get out of school," Benjamin choked out, and Alfie let out a hearty laugh, startling his wife awake.
"Oh, thank God," she breathed, sitting up and cupping Benjamin's face in her hands. "Thank God."
"You might catch it, mum," Benjamin groaned when his mother bent down to pepper kisses on his face.
"Still sharp as ever, I see," Alfie muttered, the tension in his body seemingly disappearing.
"We need to ring the doctor," his wife said, and Alfie shot her an unimpressed look in response. "A different doctor," she conceded. "Though him being awake means the worst is over."
"What did I tell ya?" Alfie grinned. "Tough as nails, this one."
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jessiemeows · 1 month ago
Lost & Found
Chapter 2: Companionship and Sunsets
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A/N: Hello! I wanted to say the first 2-3 chapters are a little slow and are basically retellings of what happens amongst the Amaya/Astarion universe that I created. The next chapter though is when their story begins to officially start :) Pls go easy on me, I don't have any proofreaders and I tried reading this a thousand times to make sure the grammar and spelling are good lmfao. ALSO! Love and smut won't be introduced till later chapters, right now its going to be painfully obvious that Amaya and Astarion are crushing on one another. So in other words it's a slow burn. OH, one more thing, I haven't posted much but I am pretty much done with the next chapter, I have to add in a few things that I forgot I wanted added in so maybe(hopefully) I'll post it by the end of the week? I plan on reading it and adding in more stuff tomorrow night, and then I have to get over my fears of posting it for a few days by rereading it 500 times lol.
Pairing: F!Durge, OC (Amaya), Tiefling, Selunite Cleric X Spawn Astarion
Rating: 18+!!! mentions of violence, blood, corpses, death, basically durge things if you know how that character is
WC: About 2300
Previous chapters: Prologue | Ch 1
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The wreckage of the nautiloid stretched behind them as Astarion trailed a few steps behind Amaya. He watched as his new companion led him in what seemed to be an increasingly familiar pattern.
"Any idea where you're going, darling?" He said with his voice filled with amusement. "Because it seems to me we're walking in circles."
Amaya's shoulders tensed. "Yes, I know where I'm going." The words came out clipped, and Astarion suppressed a smile. Perhaps he shouldn't have been so harsh earlier- the knife to her throat, shoving her into the dirt but, what was done was done. And if he was being honest with himself, he didn't particularly care.
"I'm looking for someone," she continued, her voice softening. "She can't be too far from the beach. Unless she's dead, but I..." Her words trailed off into the now cooling evening air.
"And who might this mystery person be?"
Amaya twirled to face him, walking backward with surprising grace. "A half-elf who helped me on the ship. I don't remember her name, but I think she's a cleric, like me."
"Ah, clerics." Astarion clicked his tongue. "I've never much cared for the gods. Rather exhausting business, all that worship and devotion."
Her expression turned thoughtful. "True but, I don't know why I worship Selûne, to be honest. When I woke up on the nautiloid, I had only faint memories of her, but I could feel her presence, feel my magic flowing from her." She turned to walk beside him, their steps falling into sync. "Her presence felt light and hopeful, which was nice compared to..." Her voice faded, and Astarion caught the shadow that passed across her face. He chose not to press.
Instead, he studied her with new interest. "You don't remember anything?"
"Just my name- Amaya Othzál- and fragments that keep surfacing. The details are..." She shrugged, offering a faint smile. "Hazy."
"Must be the tadpole's doing."
"Or I hit my head really hard." Her giggle was soft and musical, and Astarion found himself oddly charmed by the sound.
"Yes, that would certainly explain a few things about you," he scoffed playfully, rolling his eyes but unable to suppress a low chuckle.
Amaya then halted suddenly, causing Astarion to collide with her, nearly losing his footing to almost knock her over. "Do you think by any chance you could not stop so abruptly," he hissed.
"There's a wounded mindflayer," she whispered, pointing ahead.
"Better it than us," he remarked coldly. "But do be careful near that thing."
Amaya then approached slowly, her divine magic radiating a blinding light at her fingertips. Astarion watched as she hesitated to kill the abomination, kneeling before the creature within seconds.
"What in the hells- what are you doing? Get away from that thing!" Astarion then yanked her backward by the arm, breaking the creature's hold.
Reality crashed back, and almost immediately Amaya brought her boot down on the monster with crushing force. "Death is too good for it," she then turned to Astarion with apologetic eyes. "Thank you."
"Just don't do that again," he muttered. Amaya nodded.
The two had walked on for several more minutes completing a full circle back onto the beach when suddenly, Amaya bolted forward. "Wait! I think that's her!" She sprinted toward a prone figure in the sand. "How did I not see her? She was so close." Dropping to her knees, she checked for signs of life. "She's breathing- just unconscious."
The half-elf stirred at Amaya's gentle touch. "Y-you're alive," she mumbled, blinking in confusion. "I'm alive. How is this possible?"
As the women spoke, Astarion hung back, only half-listening until he heard his name mentioned. Amaya was recounting their earlier encounter while the half-elf—Shadowheart, she called herself- cast a healing spell. Shadowy magic knitted Amaya's wound closed, though the skin remained angry and red.
"You kept him around after he tried to kill you?" Shadowheart's green eyes bored into Astarion.
"He's infected, just like us." Amaya glanced at him with those big and round yet unusual eyes of hers- deep red and glowing, but it was as if the color itself was wrong somehow. The bridge of her nose had started to burn in the sun, making her constellation of freckles stand out even more. "I would've done the same, I think."
"Well, it's all in the past now, isn't it?" Astarion drawled. "We should be moving forward, shouldn't we..." Astarion awaited for the half-elf to give him her name.
The half-elf's response was as cold as winter. "It’s Shadowheart."
“Shadowheart. Let's go now.”Astarion scoffed at the half-elf giving her an equally challenging stare back. Rolling her eyes at Astarion, Shadowheart then carefully wrapped Amaya's wound. "Thank you so much," Amaya said.
“Anything for the person who saved my life.” Shadowheart said, smiling at Amaya her eyes lighting up. “Now let's get moving, lead the way.”
After looting a couple of dead goblins, their path led them to roadside cliffs overlooking what appeared to be temple ruins. As the party approached, a strange rune carved into the ancient stones caught her attention. Amaya paused, "There's something unusual about that rune," she murmured, cautiously moving closer to investigate.
“Amaya, do be careful,” Astarion warned. He had no desire to rescue her from another predicament as he had with the mindflayer. Ignoring the warning from him, Amaya reached out and faintly touched the rune with her fingers, causing her to recoil in pain. Amidst the eerie glow of the rune, a hand abruptly materialized, causing the trio to jump.
“A hand? Anyone?” cried a disembodied voice from the sigil.
Astarion's eyes remained fixed on Amaya, whose complexion grew pale as she stared transfixed at the spectral limb before her. Without any warning, she swiftly slapped the hand.
"Ow!" the voice exclaimed. "Perhaps I should have clarified—a helping hand? Anyone?"
Astarion couldn't contain his laughter. In their brief time together, he'd sensed a kindred spirit in Amaya's mischievous nature. After Amaya interrogated the sigil, she managed to use what was left of her divine magic and successfully pulled out a man. The sudden recoil from the conjuration caused the tiefling to stumble and fall, crashing directly into Astarion, he quickly reached out and grabbed ahold of her waist before she could hit the ground. 
“Hello, I’m Gale of Waterdeep!” the strange man said while dusting off his deep purple robes as the trio surrounded him.
In the corner of Astarion's eyes, the setting sun caught his attention. The sky blazed in a brilliant transformation, shifting from molten gold to soft coral to dusky rose- colors he had not truly seen in nearly two centuries. The fading light painted the landscape in an ethereal glow, turning the mundane into something magical. 
Only half-listening to the conversation behind him, Amaya boasted to the wizard, "I took control of the ship, landed it safely, and saved the day." Astarion couldn't help but snort at her words.
"That vast, burning wreckage behind you somewhat contradicts your story, but here you stand, so who am I to argue?"  the wizard responded sarcastically back at her with amusement.
Lost again in the sunset, a gentle touch on his shoulder startled him from his reverie. Amaya stood beside him, her unusual red eyes reflecting the sunset's dying embers. "Are you coming? We're setting up camp here for the night." She studied his face with quiet curiosity. "Do you like the sunset?"
"I'm used to the busy city," he lied smoothly, "so it's rare to see it like this." The truth- that he hadn't properly watched a sunset in two hundred years, caught in his throat.
"It is beautiful," Amaya murmured, her words trailing off as she gazed at the painted sky. Then, practical as ever: "But you should set up your tent before darkness falls, unless you fancy fumbling with poles in the pitch black." She turned away with a small smile, heading toward a flat patch of ground. Astarion sighed and followed, his feet dragging slightly in the dirt.
Gale, who seemed to be the ever the show-off, had his tent erected in minutes through a series of precise magical gestures. With another flourish of his hands, he conjured a blazing fire in the center of their makeshift camp. The flames cast dancing shadows across the clearing as twilight deepened around them.
"I hate to be bossy," Gale announced, though his tone suggested otherwise, "but I'm designating myself camp cook. Our supplies may be limited, but I promise to make something satisfying for us all."
Shadowheart's response was laced with sarcasm. "Fine, Gale."
Amaya chuckled at their bickering as she scanned the campsite, her smile fading when she noticed Astarion's empty tent. "Hm," she murmured, concern creasing her brow before she pushed the thought aside.
Inside her own tent, Amaya carefully arranged her few possessions. One particular possession made her smile, an old stuffed bunny-somehow preserved in her bag of holding took pride of place on her thin mattress. She found herself imagining ways to make the space more homely: perhaps some hanging plants, or a few cozy blankets. 
Changing quickly from her tattered armor, she borrowed a pair of black trousers from Shadowheart, cinching them with rope to fit her smaller frame. Her dark red underclothes would have to suffice as sleeping attire for the night. As she folded her armor, several gold-plated medallions caught her eye. Most were too damaged to read, their engravings worn smooth or broken, but one bore a partial image- half a skull surrounded by droplets. The symbol tugged at her memory, but like so much else, remained frustratingly out of reach.
Night had fully settled when Amaya joined the others by the fire. Crickets sang their evening chorus as torchlight flickered between their four tents. Gale offered her a bowl of dried fruits and meat with a gentle smile, which she returned gratefully.
"Where's your pale friend?" Shadowheart's question cut through the peaceful silence.
Amaya toyed with a piece of dried meat between her fingers. "Oh, he set up his tent and wandered off somewhere."
"I'd be careful with him." Shadowheart's green eyes bore into her with intensity.
"You don't trust Astarion?"
"Trust is a rare currency, Amaya. I'm not sure I would spend it on someone who drew a knife on me moments after we met." The words fell between them like ice.
Gale choked on his food. "He did what?"
"It's fine," Amaya insisted, though her head began to pound. Dark, unsettling thoughts from earlier crept back, visions of severing Gale's hand and slitting Astarion’s throat caused her to shudder. Amaya then pushed the thoughts away, fighting a wave of nausea.
"Fine," Shadowheart conceded, her gaze fixed on the flames. "But I'm watching him."
An hour had passed, and there was still no sign of Astarion. Shadowheart had already retreated to her tent while Amaya tried to focus on Gale's lecture about ceremorphosis, but her headache made it difficult to concentrate. His words blurred together as she stared into the fire.
"Now we have tadpoles slithering through our heads like carnivorous foeti. That's not abstract."
"I'm not too worried," Amaya offered weakly. "We'll find someone who can help."
"That's the spirit! Let's be up with the lark- find a healer before the wee one gets hungry. Oh, hello Astarion!"
Amaya turned around to find the elf had changed into simpler attire: a light blue shirt with ruffled collar and low neckline, paired with well-worn brown trousers and ornate shoes. The clothing showed signs of careful mending, a stark contrast to his earlier pristine outfit.
"Ah, yes. Thank you," he said as Gale thrust a bowl at him, his lip curling slightly at its contents. "Sorry for disappearing. I needed a walk."
"Nonsense!" Gale waved off the apology. "It's been a difficult day. But this wizard needs his beauty sleep, or I'll be absolutely insufferable tomorrow. Goodnight to you both. I should check if Shadowheart's still awake..."
As Gale departed, Astarion settled beside Amaya, setting his untouched food aside.
"Not hungry?"
"Not particularly," he replied tersely.
"I only ate half of mine because I felt sick," she offered. "So you're not alone." Despite his prickly exterior, she found conversation with him came naturally. While she felt a connection with Shadowheart too, something about Astarion's presence put her at ease.
They both started speaking at once, then stopped. "Oh, sorry- you go first," Amaya insisted.
Astarion paused, choosing his words carefully. "So, we're resting here? Turning in for the night?"
"It's no feather bed, but it'll do." She hugged her knees to her chest, pushing dark curls from her face.
"I suppose." His crimson eyes darted around the clearing. "I'm not sure what I expected, really. This is all rather new for me. My nights usually involve bustling streets and bursting taverns. Curling up in the dirt is... a little novel."
"I could make you some tea with calming herbs," she offered. "Help you relax."
"Ah, no- tea isn't really my drink." He tapped his temple. "I'll be awake anyway, processing all this. You sleep, I'll keep watch."
"Thank you, that helps. But first- what do you think of our new companions?"
A wicked grin spread across his face. "Ha! Well, we've picked up a wizard who managed to get stuck in his own portal- hardly a promising introduction. And then there's someone whose parents hopefully meant well by naming their child Shadowheart. Rather ominous, don't you think? Unless she chose it herself, which would be even more concerning."
Amaya couldn't help but laugh. "I suppose you’re right but they are all we have currently," She stood, brushing off her borrowed clothes. “You’ll have to excuse me now, I should pray before bed. Have a good night and try to get some rest yourself.”
"The pleasure is all mine. Sweet dreams," he murmured, watching her silhouette move through the moonlight toward her tent.
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hyunjilicious · 2 years ago
dog walkers [hwang hyunjin x reader]
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Summary: it wasn't enough that Hyunjin already missed you beyond words, but then he also had to sit down with Felix and reminisce about one of your guys' best dates and make everything worse. (FLUFF) 2.2k + texts
Warnings: none except for hyunjin being absolutely adorable and this being completely self indulgent and not edited ❤️ (also pls ignore the fact that halfway through this I forgot how time zones work, just go with it. Thanks 😖)
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"What's my ideal date…" Felix hummed, scrolling through one of the online quizzes his phone recommended. It was the middle of summer, the intolerable heat of Seoul's July forbidding any of the boys from leaving the house. 
"Yeah.." Hyunjin chimed in, his phone instantly falling down onto the couch they were both sitting on. "What is your ideal date? I never heard you talk about it before - about dates in general"
"Probably because I've never been on one," Felix shrugged. "I mean, I have… but just like.. casual dates. I've never actually been on a 'let me take you out' kind of date"
"Casual dates count too!"
"All we did was sit down and talk. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change that memory for the world, but now that I think about it, I kinda wanna go on crazy dates too. Like you and Y/n used to do"
Just the sound of your name brought a smile to Hyunjin's lips. The memories flashed before his eyes at lightning speed, from the first time he saw you, 3 years ago, to the last text you sent him, which had been that morning. "I miss those"
"Which was the best one?"
The enthusiasm in Felix's voice somehow made Hyunjin sad. "Urgh, don't make me do this. I already miss her so much"
"Don't pretend talking about Y/n is not your favorite thing to do"
Again, he couldn't help but smile. "Not when she's on the other side of the globe"
"You're just grumpy today" Felix shook his head. "Do you want me to show you a picture of her? Maybe it'll cheer you up"
"Pff, yeah right" Hyunjin threw an eye roll and pointed his phone in Felix's direction. On the lockscreen there was a picture of you two hugging in front of a blossoming tree. The sun was setting but the gentle and warm artificial light from the fairy lights made it so that both your wide smiles and the flowers around you were perfectly contoured and visible. "I have her as my wallpaper"
"Aww" Felix pouted, grabbing the phone and bringing it closer so he could examine the details a bit more easily. "And it's such a nice picture too."
"Yeah, it is"
"Come on, tell me about your best date. I know you're dying to talk about her"
He wanted to refuse. He knew he should've refused because just the thought of that night filled his heart with so much pain. It was now that he finally understood the true meaning of the word bittersweet. But it was too late, his heart rate already picked up and before he knew it, he was settling better against the cushions on his corner of the couch, feeding off of Felix's radiant and awaiting smile. 
"Ok, but I'd like to start by apologizing to all the other dates we've had, because I feel like an asshole just choosing one-"
"But you know exactly which one it is"
"Yes'' Hyunjin laughed with no hesitation. "Ok, so I don't know if I already told you about this date. I might have, it was the best day ever"
"I don't think so," Felix dreamily shook his head. "I think I'd remember"
"It was right after Y/n got accepted into the programme at work. The day I realized she's leaving. Like she's legit leaving. Like I knew she'd leave, there was no doubt in my mind she'd get accepted, she's the best at what she does, but reality hit me when she showed me the email"
"I remember the email," Felix laughed out loud. "You called me crying, remember?"
"One eye crying happy tears, one eye crying sad tears" 
"Leave me alone" Hyunjin exclaimed with a fit of giggles, knowing damn well there was no way to deny it. That whirlwind of emotions was still familiar to him, he was still going through it, one day so proud of you his heart could burst, and the next, so pained by your absence that he could just drop everything and hop on a plane. "I was going through something. That was what made us come up with these ideas for the dates. We always had fun staying indoors and doing absolutely nothing together, but when I realized she'd be leaving for two whole years I kinda freaked."
"Yeah, exactly! Like the other person being there is enough, but if you can do something different, why not do it?"
"Yes. And the first date we had after this was the best day of my life"
"I remember you made a list at one point? The planetarium, you wanted to go hiking, all that stuff-"
"Yeah, well, the first date wasn't so-" Hyunjin trailed off in search of the right word, "Date-y"
"What did you guys do?"
"We decided to walk dogs"
"That's such a Y/n thing, I love it!" Felix laughed, his head thrown back as he clapped his hands. "And no, you haven't told me about this one, I'm pretty sure"
"It means I was saving it for the right moment"
"How many dogs did you walk?"
"Yeah… about that. Y/n posted an ad somewhere, mostly as a joke. We didn't think anyone would actually ask us to walk their dogs, especially because it was on a Saturday. Like during the weekends people actually have time to do this… so we just said ok to every person that contacted us and before we knew it, it was Saturday morning and we had 9 dogs to pick up"
"Yes… I know"
"How did you-"
"Don't ask… please don't ask. They all pooped at least twice and it wasn't just small dogs… every one of them was pulling in different directions and ok, I'm totally used to sticking my hand in Kkami's mouth to take out whatever gross thing he found on the ground and decided to chew, but I wasn't familiar with all these other dogs! Other chihuahuas are fine, but any dog bigger than a beagle? Never doing that again"
"Jesus Christ" Felix was hardly able to contain his laughter, the mental picture being just what he needed. "Only you two could've had this happen"
"It was her idea!"
"I'd be surprised if you didn't jump up and down in excitement when you heard it"
"I might have, but still, I'm not the one who thought 9 was a reasonable number"
"How did you even get to the dog park?"
"We took the car, obviously."
"As if you and Y/n in a car alone with 9 dogs is so much better"
"Hey, we got it done, that's what matters"
"How is this your best date, I don't get it"
"Maybe it was the trauma we went through together. It brought us closer. No, I'm kidding. But it actually was very fun. Once we got to the park, I swear it was like heaven. They were so, so sweet and adorable. And we didn't even have to sweat. All we did was sit down on the grass while they chased each other and played around us. I've never had my face licked so much. We were literally covered in dogs. And at one point-" Hyunjin said with glee and sat up from the couch to exemplify. "- I'd just say turn around and they'd all turn around! Or sit, and they'd all sit. It was like a little dance, they were so happy. It was the best"
"Ok, I take it back. It actually sounds nice" Felix agreed. 
"But then we had to take them all back" Hyunjin sighed, his smile slowly fading off his face as he sat back down. With his legs now gathered to his chest, he continued to speak. "I was starting to get attached. And most of the people that asked us to walk their dogs were older people, you know. And when we brought the dogs back, they were so nice. We obviously didn't want to accept any money, but most of them refused to let us go just like that. One lady gave us flowers from her garden, and I actually painted them. I'd show it to you but I gave the painting to Y/n. And others also gave us pie, and fruits. And like you could tell some of them didn't have much, but they still wanted to share it with us"
A little frown settled on Felix's face as he blinked a few times, "I would've cried" he said sincerely, his eyes not showing even one glint of sarcasm. 
"Oh, we did," Hyunjin nodded with a giggle. "We cried on our way back. Not ugly cried, but we cried"
"It counts"
"Yeah.. and by the time we were done with the dogs, I don't remember what time it was exactly, afternoon anyway, we didn't really know what else to do. We initially planned to go to a restaurant and eat, but we were already full. So we settled for a walk, and we found online this garden in the center of the city - thought it would be nice to go check it out. But when we got there, there was a wedding going on"
"A wedding?"
"Yeah, and the problem was that we didn't realize it was a wedding.. we thought it was just busy so we just strolled in not even bothered by the fact that everyone was dressed in suits and fancy dresses. And so we went towards the back of the garden, where there weren't that many people. It was gorgeous, by the way. You have to see it too, it feels like a different world."
"So you crashed a wedding"
"Well… technically yes, but when we realized what was going on, the bride and groom were very nice about it. They hadn't rented the whole thing so we could've been there for a whole different reason. Like we could've just been there to eat or something but we didn't know. They offered to let us stay if we wanted to dance or something, which was probably just them being polite - we obviously didn't, but we did take some pictures! I mean their photographer took them for us-"
"Your lockscreen!"
"Yes, exactly. And then we left. We stayed there for like 10 minutes maybe? So it wasn't that big of a deal, but we interacted with so many nice people that day. Like, how often does that happen? I don't know, it filled me with joy"
"I can tell, it sounds like a really nice break. Especially since it was the first date like this"
"Yeah… it was very nice. After that we just did a little bit of shopping, went home, cooked together and went to sleep. Like, nothing major happened, but it's still one of the best days of my life. And Y/n was so happy. She didn't stop smiling the whole day. And until then she had been so stressed with work, but that day she was so relaxed, and I got a full day of Y/n just being herself around me, with literally no worries in the world. And I think that's what makes that day so special, because others have technically been more fun, but as time passed and the day she was supposed to leave started approaching, she stopped being so.. I don't know, free. Um… yeah, I don't know what I'm saying-" Hyunjin stopped himself to take a deep breath. "I'm rambling"
"No, I know what you mean," Felix reassured him. "I miss her too."
"What time is it?" Hyunjin asked but was also the one to tap his phone screen to check. When the picture of you two in the garden popped up, both of them smiled. "It's almost 5pm"
"Got any plans?"
"Yes, pester Y/n until she gives me attention. But she's usually working at his hour so I don't want to bother her… too much"
"Send her a selfie" Felix suggested, "It'll make her smile"
"No, I look horrendous. All I've done today was sweat"
"Come on, you could send her a picture of your pinky finger and she'll still find something nice to say about it"
"Yeah, she would," Hyunjin giggled, "somehow…"
"Just like you would, about her pinky"
"Hey, she has very nice hands. And I'm not just saying that"
"I know you're not"
Shortly after, the topic of conversation swiftly shifted. They left the couch in search of food, and neither of them refrained from complaining when they realized there was none left and they had to cook. It was a daily occurance, the complaining and the cooking, but today it was different. While Hyunjin did his part, he moved a bit slower, showed less enthusiasm and his usual jokes were at best delayed, but mostly absent. 
While they both knew the reason, they didn't want to address it. Felix knew his friend would come to him and speak up if he needed someone to listen to him, but he also knew that wasn't enough. Maybe that conversation really wasn't the best idea.
The day drained itself pretty slowly, especially because the only person he wanted to interact with was busy and on the other side of the globe. He wasn't in the mood for anything else and thought he'd go insane, so there was only one thing left for him to do. 
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thaliajoy-blog · 7 months ago
Okay so I'm finally watching the second season ! Episode 1 !
- I'm having fun and the dialogue is not making me grit my teeth like so many séries these days it's already something
- D'Arcy and their acting...😭😭😭 the grief is hitting me too
- Alicent first scene...this is mostly funny & bizarre I'm waiting to see the rest. Alicent you adorable little hypocritical trapped mouse.
- Aegon pretty funny too in his nonchalance & utter lack of competence.
- Otto funny in his tired attitude. He's not even liking what he almost killed an entire family for in cold blood. He didn't even plan to educate politically his grandkids and now he pays for it. Also he's very sexy.
- Oh Larys the creep. I missed your voice. And your overtly manipulative nature.
- Hugh ?? 👀
- Aemond is just there and proposing vague strategies (does he know shit about it ? Maybe ? he studied philosophy after all)
- Alicent vs Otto most interesting thing happening rn
- Oh yeah i forgot Alyn is there ! Also Corlys is sad. Well. Make me care about it more pls.
- Mysaria !!!
- Daemon Targaryen common moves (anger & violence against women smarter & cooler than him)
- Oh vow Jace is acting the shit out of that grief too 😫🫠😭
- Oh both Alicent and Aemond calling each other angry (with a pointed hesitation before saying the word)...the work there isn't too showy but with Aemond also distancing himself from his mom...okay it's there. He's not processing Luke death yet but something is happening with his relationship to his family (which is already messed up). Also they are set up as both mirror reflections (do not have the main seat, upstaged & outranked by either Otto or Aegon) & opposites (wants peace/wants war).
- Aemond talks about Alicent "speaking with two tongues" and there, shot of Criston remembering he had his own tongue in Alicent's nether regions that very morning, triggering his instinct to protect her.
- Criston misogyny moment ! (Wait did he go off to fuck Alicent ?)
- Gosh that look between Helaena & Cheese (? Which one is it ?) before he says "no, she's telling true"...fucking haunting. Why did you do that ? It's all in that look.
- fuck she's still in the room while ou happens...I don't care the panicky finger pointing & her going away with the girl while it's happening is worth the "your mom wants you dead" of the book. It did happen lowkey too quickly but the acting was fucking on point.
- the grotesque of happening upon your mom going at it at this moment...set up and pay off
Final opinion : it was fine really. I'm tired of seeing people who just can't stop screaming into the void about how much they hated the last episode of this show they swore they'd never watch again two years ago because it's not book accurate, the costumes are hideous & the writing gives them headaches. Every week.
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forjongseong · 1 year ago
knock, knock!
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nanaaa, its been so long ahh 🥹 i’ve seen that you’ve updated your carmesí series and GODDD it was that good?! beforehand, i know i’ve missed out on a lot so i had to backtrack and read from where i was up to before 😭😭✋🏼 (didn’t remember what ep but then i remembered i wrote it down in my notes and i’m sooo glad i did ssjdhsis) i just wanted to start off with how are youu? i hope you’re doing well, eating well, drinking well, taking care of yourself well! i’ve been offline n online here and there and i miss a lot of my favourite people on here, including you </3 i’ve missed my v v talented tante sm :(( i hope we can talk again 🫶🏼 (in fact, jays been hitting different lately and the recent ep made it sm WORSE. its raining heavily down there girl, let me breathe lord have mercy)
OKAY SO,— ouh the butterflies the fucking butterflies. who doesn’t want husband! secretary jay hello??? the way hes so incredibly ARGHHGGHH i can’t even describe how hubby he is like i want him like this is so bad for me pls. and the way hes always comforting his beloved wife and just genuinely loving her, taking care of her throughout the ep got me GIGGLING KICKING MY FEET i had to put my phone down to calm MYSELF down. god when can i have a man like him. “You look very fuckable, husband.” PLEASE. WHEN DOES HE NOT???? you always devour w the spicy scenes it got me.. ykwim.. and don’t even get me started w that little present he got her like i had so much fun reading that part bye.
the way he shows his love for her— the way they show it to each other through everything i might cry (i did) my heart instantly melted, i love everything about them 🥺🥺 and the ending omg!! 😭✋🏼 i was so excited for them ☹️ (although i already knew it was bound to happen i was so happy) i’m horrendously downbad for this man 🧎🏻‍♀️ its insane how talented you are and the amount of hard work you put into the series i could never??
eh tau ga, pas mereka di jakarta buat gda, yk i was supposed to be in indo at that time but pasporku abis bodooooo 😭 i need to renew it asap sihdjwhdjsvm i wanted to cry like i watched the live & videos and everything and all i thought to myself was I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THERE ughrugrjugu theres still a next time, (maybe LMAO) but we should go together and meet up one day 🥹🫶🏼
ahh i know this feedback (its honestly just me yapping and ranting ab how much i love the seriesjanishaid) doesn’t seem like a lot but i hope yk i’m still a sucker for the carmesí series forever n ever ‼️ i’ll keep rereading every ep if i have to (i will bae dw) i’m proud of you nana!! i’ll be cheering for you from afar always <3 🤍
who's there? BOYNEXTDOOR--
so glad to see YOU in my inbox after experiencing a major loss of moots going on hiatus and never ever coming back coughORIcough anyways!
I don't blame you if you had to backtrack because it took ME a long time to reread everything because I literally forgot where I left it?? and then I didn't wanna repeat or write similar smut scenes so I'm like... what...?? BUT I'M SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE
props to YOU for having it written in notes omg notes app is superior I use it for everything! but you making notes of my fanfic just makes me feel important 🙏 I hope you're doing well too! still in Brisbane I assume?
GLAD YOU LIKE THE PRESENT! that TOY is based on a real life device I have seen and I am considering buying BHAHAHA but I don't have a partner to use it on me so I am sadddddd when is Jay gonna be my partner irl you know what I'm sayin
it's okay, I didn't watch GDA either, and I went to PS in the afternoon only to find out Jake and Jungwon went later in the evening lol definisi ga jodoh, but glad Jay didn't make an appearance anywhere otherwise I will be jumping into Sungai Ciliwung
I don't mind ANY type of feedback even if it's just you yapping! thank you so much for being such a loyal reader of carmesi a.k.a carmesimp since day 1. your support means A LOT to me! and don't hesitate to drop by my ask box any time you want.
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micksslut · 2 years ago
the bride and the driver
charles leclerc x fem reader
summary: the story of how the jilted bride and the unlucky driver ended up comforting each other on a lonely night.
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word count: 3.2k
warnings/mood: angst (?, fluff, sad charles, sad reader, reader is jilted by her fiancé, mentions of monaco 22 gp, charles is the cutest human, reader doesn't eat well for a while. this is a google translator shit, that's a real warning, so please don't hesitate to tell me if there are mistakes of any kind in the one shot 😭 (i think that's all, but tell me if I forgot something pls!).
notes: hI, this is my first one shot on tumblr, and i must mention that it's also the first of my writings that i publish in english, bc i speak spanish. so please i ask you for a little patience. 😭
i hope you like it, please don't be a ghost reader!!!!
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The calm sound of the waves, the dark night and the full moon in front of you, were not able to eliminate the memory of what you had experienced a few hours ago.
     The only thing you could remember was that church aisle you had entered where there was no groom waiting for you.
     The looks of pity from your so-called friends, from the priest and from your parents and his was something you would never forget.
     The way your smile transformed, the way you turned and ran for your life and refused to look back.
     It was like a dagger that stabbed into your heart over and over and over again, but it wasn't enough to kill you, like he were just hitting you in the hope that you would die alive alone, slowly and agonizingly.
     How dare he take everything you've ever dreamed of from you? Your dream life, your dream wedding, your future dream family. Everything you've dreamed of since you were a little girl.
     He was the perfect man, and yet he dared not only stand you up at church, but destroy your life as well. You had loved him so much until it had started to hurt you, until you knew you would do anything for him and he had only to ask for it, perhaps not even ask for it, you would guess it and bring it to him as a subject bearing royalties to his king.
     And the funny thing was that you hadn't shed any tears until you had reached the beach. Instead, you took a single gardenia from your bridal bouquet and dropped the rest along with the long skirt of your beautiful wedding dress down a random lonely street in Monaco and kept the short skirt, the one you were meant to wear to the ballroom dance with your husband. You took the bottle of wine and the bottle of tequila that were going to be served at your wedding reception (the same ones that you had been told were the best in Monaco, so you didn't want to leave either of them to anyone else) and you went straight to buy a pack of cigarettes and headed to the loneliest beach to be found in the beautiful little country.
     You took another drag on your cigarette, hot tears running down your cheeks and staining your face. A shuddering sigh left your lips as you hugged your legs.
     You sobbed, thinking that under different circumstances, you would be at your best friend's apartment with her getting drunk next to you and telling you what an idiot your now ex was.
     But that was the thing. You didn't really have any friends. You knew nothing beyond him. For almost four years, all you knew was him.
     Your so-called friends were part of your guests, but you couldn't go to any of them because you knew they were their friends too; You had met them through him, and despite the many times he had told you that over time they had become more your friends than his, you knew that was not true. Actually, you were now considering that maybe they knew about your ex fiancé's plans to leave you...
     And your family? Well, they weren't that supportive either. Starting with your cousin with whom your ex fiancé had cheated on you and for whom he had left you. And continuing with your parents... Because of them you met him in the first place, so surely if you went to them the first thing they would say would be "What did you do to make him leave you?" And as much as you tried to explain, they would see you as the culprit and tell you to beg him to come back to you.
     "Do you mind if I sit here?" a boy's voice startled you.
     "No, go ahead" you immediately sniffled and wiped your face as best you could.
     You looked at him, he was wearing a black sweatshirt and blue jeans, with his head covered by its hood.
     He sat on the sand in the same position as you resting his arms on his knees and when he noticed your gaze on him he smiled gently at you, he was very handsome.
     "I'm Charles, by the way" he extended his right hand to you and you accepted it after a few seconds, because when you looked at him and the dim yellow light of the lanterns illuminated him,  you realized it was that Formula 1 driver: Charles Leclerc. But you weren't going to say anything to him, you didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
     Then you introduced yourself and you both fell into a comfortable silence, for although you were sitting on a beach and their eyes were on the blue sea, their minds were elsewhere.
     "You're probably wondering why I have a veil and a wedding dress and smeared makeup," you suddenly commented, making Charles look at you.
     "Actually yes, but it would be impolite to ask when I don't know you" he admitted and you laughed without humor, taking another drag of your cigarette.
     "Well, i was abandoned in the church" you rushed to say and he was silent for a few seconds, trying to process what you had said, not because of the fact that you had revealed to him that you had been abandoned, in fact he already imagined it from your appearance, but because of the fact that you had been abandoned.
     He couldn't help but wonder, how could someone abandon a woman like you? He didn't even know you but he knew you were the most beautiful woman his eyes had ever had the pleasure of seeing.
     "I don't know if it's any consolation to you but I'm so sorry" he mentally slammed himself at how stupid it sounded.
     "It doesn't really work for me, but thanks," he laughed awkwardly at your frankness.
     "What an idiot" Charles commented, not knowing what to say.
     "Yes, right? I mean, we had the perfect life guaranteed, financial stability, emotional stability, children, a happy family…" your voice came out at the end like a whisper, unable to continue. "And he just... He just left me, and he left me for my cousin, that's the worst" you laughed almost maniacally taking a shot of the tequila in your hand.
     "I don't even like tequila, I swear. But I need it like shit. I need tequila as much now as I needed him."
     He fell silent. Any word had been caught in his throat when he heard your broken voice and how broken you were.
    What were you supposed to say to a bride who had just been dumped at her wedding in front of so many people?
     He would hug you, but Charles didn't want you to think he was a nut who went through life hugging sad strangers.
     You pressed your cigarette against the tequila bottle, putting it out and leaving the bottle in the sand.
     "I…" he was about to say when you suddenly stood up, making him think you were going to leave, but instead you asked him a question.
     "Do you like my dress?" You smiled at him without any happiness on your face.
     He got confused and it was obvious, so when he didn't answer you repeated the question.
     "Do you like my dress?" this time you didn't allow him to answer because you spoke again "I said if you like my dress" you started to get upset "I said if you like my dress" you repeated it once and twice and Charles had his heart broken "I said if you like my…" your voice cracked again and the boy immediately stood up wrapping you in a hug, he didn't care when you hit him lightly on his chest with your hands in an attempt to get him let you go, Charles knew you needed that.
     You finally let yourself sob into his chest, wrapping your arms around his torso, finding comfort in his arms, in the hug that you had desperately and silently needed since you had left that damned church.
     "It's beautiful, and you too" he told you in a whisper.
     "You're lying, I look gross" you answered with your choked voice and you felt him shake his head.
     "No. You're beautiful and he was an idiot to leave a woman like you" Leclerc was sincere and you almost smile.
     "I just don't get it, Charles. I swear I've dedicated myself to him and our relationship for the last few years, I've done everything possible for him" you remembered how you left your friends when he asked you to, how you didn't wear the clothes you liked because he didn't like it, how you didn't listen to the music you liked because he didn't like it "I don't understand what I did wrong. I loved him so much" your voice sounded hoarse from the hours you had spent crying and his heart squeezed to hear you like that.
     "You didn't do anything wrong. It wasn't your fault" he assured.
     "Damn, I was going to be a very pretty wife, even..." you sighed between tears at the memory that made you feel more and more ridiculous "We were even going to dance with Lover by Taylor Swift. It's what I've always wanted since that fuckin album came out" you laughed, but there really wasn't a hint of amusement in your voice.
     "I am sure that one day you will be an excellent wife, and you will have your dance with Taylor Swift in the background with the person you love and who loves you in the same way or more" you finally smiled a little.
     "But now I'm here... venting on the first stranger who was nice to me. I'm sorry. You're so cute, you must think I'm terribly pathetic" you lamented, and the fact that he might think you were pathetic made you want to cry all over again.
     "Don't say that. I don't think that. But if it makes you feel any easier, I'm hugging a stranger in a wedding dress, so…" you let out a laugh and the Monegasque's heart sped up.
     "You know, I didn't choose this dress, or the veil, or even the damn bouquet of flowers. My ex mother in law chose it..." you said more calmly after a few seconds, but still with a broken voice thinking about how weird it was to call her like that "I thought that's how all mothers in law were, but she... I starved myself for a week to get into this damn dress" you shed another tear, thinking about how insecure that woman made you feel about your body, and the times she asked the designer to adjust the dress to make you look slimmer.
     "God, that's not fair. It was your wedding…" Charles muttered. He was surprised at himself for how angry he could be with people he didn't even know. Hearing how excited you were about your wedding and having it ruined for you like that was horrible. "How can someone be so cruel?"
     "I don't know, I wonder the same thing" you closed your eyes tightly while trying not to continue crying.
     "Hey, hey. Calm down, okay?" Charles separated from you taking you gently by the cheeks and wiping your tears with his thumbs while you looked at him. "I know it's not going to be like the perfect wedding you wanted, but…" he licked his lips nervously and you looked at him confused, releasing him, missing his touch as he reached into his front pants pockets to pull out his phone.
     You were going to ask what he was doing while browsing on his phone, but your words got stuck in your throat when you heard the melody you knew very well playing on his phone.
     Your heart skipped a beat when the intro of Lover by Taylor Swift played on his phone and a smile spread across your lips. You closed your eyes shedding a couple more tears, but neither of you knew if its were from sadness or happiness.
     "I have no idea how to dance it, but if you teach me... You can still dance Lover tonight, even if it's with a stranger."
     You nodded several times, unable to say anything. He wiped away your tears once more and linked your right hand with his.
     "Can I?" he asked you, referring to if he could hold you by the waist, looking at you with those puppy dog ​​eyes that you were now sure you adored.
     "Of course" you smiled softly, and Charles was sure he would do anything to see you smile again.
     Your breath caught for a moment when he ran his hand around your waist. His too.
     You weren't going to deny it, he was probably the most handsome boy you'd ever seen, and he was also the only person who had been nice to you in the last few days. He just won your heart. And you his.
     You started teaching him the basic steps, inevitably laughing when he messed up, delighted to hear his laugh too.
     You had rehearsed the dance so many times that you knew it backwards and forwards, but now you were sure that with the man you were going to marry it would not have turned out as well as it did with Charles.
     The song ended with laughter, and you two fell lying down into the sand with bright smiles on your faces.
     You turned your head to look at the boy.
     "And why were you here? I don't seem to be the only one who cried tonight" you mentioned.
     He sighed looking away. "I'm a professional driver. Today was my home race and... everything went to shit" You wouldn't lie, you were surprised by his honesty about his profession. You always thought that famous athletes preferred to stay in line with that; but you had just told him that you had been stood up in church about to getting married, so the fact stopped surprising you almost immediately.
     It was funny that you had so much confidence in a boy you had just met, and that he had you. But it felt cute.
     "The home races are very special for you drivers, right?" you asked.
     "They are. I'm the only driver from Monaco on the grid, and it seems like every year I just manage to disappoint everyone." Leclerc pursed his lips into a fine line, and you saw the defeat in his eyes, and also the way in which it crystallized.
     "I don't think you will. I don't think everyone always has perfect races, there are things that just can't go right sometimes, and that's not great, but that's what there is" you knew you weren't the best at consoling, but you made an effort.
    "But not every year, and not at home races" Charles complained.
     "And why was it shit?" you asked and he sighed again.
     "My team made a terrible stop to change the tires" he answered, without going into technicalities of the sport, he didn't know if you had any idea what he was talking about.
     "So why do you think they're disappointed in you? It wasn't your fault, Charles." you repeated the words that the Monegasque had said to you earlier.
     "It just seems like I'll never be able to give them a good run in my own country. They even call it 'The Curse of Monaco.'" He sat back in his previous position, bringing his hands to his face to cover it in frustration.
     You sat up too, and your hand reached behind his back, stopping before you touch him, not quite sure whether to hug him or just give him a shoulder squeeze.
     "And did you talk to your team?" You finally decided to bring your right hand to his right shoulder and give him a gentle squeeze.
    "Yes, but I can't be too hard on them..." he cleared his throat as his voice cracked slightly at the end of the sentence.
    "Because you know these things can happen" you guessed.
    "Something like that"
    "Then why, if you're not so hard on them, why are you so hard on yourself?" you asked, and Charles seemed to have been given the hardest question on some math test.
     "I... don't know." you two looked at the waves of the sea rising.
     "How about we don't try to say any more words of consolation tonight? Let's pretend we've known each other for years, and let's just be two old friends catching up on each other's lives" He looked at you pleadingly and you nodded.
     "That's great because I think I can do a better job making you forget this than giving you words of comfort. So what do you think about going to buy two liters of chocolate ice cream and eat it until we can no longer?" you rested your chin on his left shoulder and Charles glanced at you as a smile formed on his lips.
     "I think my coach is going to kill me if he finds out, but it will be worth it" it was your turn to smile and you moved away from him to take the gardenia from your bridal bouquet and you put the flower behind his ear while he looked at you as if you were one of the stars that shone in the sky; maybe that's what you were for him.
     "Gardenias look better on you than on me" you smiled at Charles and you took the bottle of tequila again, taking a sip and offering him a drink which he gladly accepted.
     "I'm afraid I'm going to miss him forever, Charles," you admitted, while now leaning your cheek on his shoulder, looking at the full moon.
     "Maybe you'll miss him for a while, and that's not bad, you were with him for a long time. But you won't miss him forever" he assured you, and you knew from the way he said it, that he was speaking by experience "Things happen for a reason. And I'm sure you'll soon realize that not marrying him was the best thing that could have happened to you."
     "Well, you're really good at comforting people, I already felt threatened by your talent, so we better go get that ice cream before it gets too late" he burst out laughing and you stood up doing the same, taking your white sneakers and offering him a hand.
     "Does this unlucky driver want to spend the night with this jilted bride?"
     "He wants" he smiled at you and took your hand as he stood up, and Charles looked at the bottle of wine stuck in the sand.
     "Won't you take it?"
     "Oh shit. Right. Take it, we'll open it there. My ex sister in law bought it, she said it was the best wine in Monaco" you laughed as he bent down to inspect it, nodding "So I didn't want to leave it to them."
    The driver smiled at you. Lord, maybe he could already be falling in love with you, wasn't that amazing?
     You gave him a squeeze, so that they would leave there and nodded, being sure that from now on he would follow you to the end of the world if you asked him to.
     And that's how the story of the jilted bride and the unlucky driver began.
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what do you think??? 🦋💘
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buckleyx · 3 years ago
pls write something very angsty with buck from 911 where reader is an empath and could sense he was saying things behind her back so she starts pulling back from him as a coping mechanism then it's fluff at the end bc the 118 gets him in a room to talk and comfort her xx
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the gif i used is not mine! all credit goes to the owner!
Author’s note: WE HIT 500 FOLLOWERS. I still can't believe it. Thank you, thank you, thank you! If you have any ideas on how we can celebrate please let me know!! I would love to hear them. <33 But first thank you lovely anon for your request! I hope you like it!!
Summary: You realise Buck has been talking about you behind your back so as a responds you distance yourself from the firefighter.
Evan buckley x gender!neutral reader
Warnings: Mentions of friends with benefits and shitty past, swearing and angst
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You had gathered some gear from the truck, neatly putting them back on their assigned places as the team moved upstairs to prepare dinner. Normally buck would stop by after calls, to check up with you. Since you were a medic and he a firefighter it was sometimes hard to catch up with each other durning calls. So he made it his routine to see you after.
But the last few days was different, instead of comfort you got the cold shoulder. Only a glance durning interventions followed with nothing. Not even a word.
You and Buck never made anything official. You didn't call what you two had a relationship. It was more flirting and occasionally hooking up. But still you would lie if you told him you didn't care about him. Hell you had had crush on him since the first day you started. But admitting that to him? Never.
"Are you coming Y/n? It's pasta." Hen smiled, knowing the sound of pasta would make you weak. "Pasta?" You repeated, perking your head up from behind the truck. Hen laughed at your reaction before heading back upstairs.
You finished your restock, responded quickly to Marjans text about a new relationship in the 126 that finally was confirmed and headed upstairs.
You smiled at your phone as you could physically feel her excitement through it. You were grateful for the close contact you still had with your friends in Texas, you shared everything with each other, especially if there were new couples.
With your phone still in hand you entered the kitchen. The silence was loud when you walked in. It felt like you walked into something that you weren't supposed to see. The air was uncomfortable, nerve racking to be precise. Everyone looked at you, waiting for your reaction as Buck studied your face.
It was clear.
You weren't supposed to hear what just had been discussed.
"Everything alright?" You asked hesitant, standing dead in your tracks.
Hen and Chimney shared a look before returning back to their dinner. "Everything's fine." Bobby smiled, giving Eddie some pasta before sitting down.
Now it was just you and Buck.
He looked at you. The same look he would give you durning calls. The silent look that asked if you were okay. The look filled with care. You may haven't talked to him lately but his lingering glance never went unnoticed.
You gulped, feeling too uncomfortable to take place at the table. You just walked in on them discussing you and they expect you to join them and pretend nothing had happened.
"I'm sorry Bobby, I forgot." You lied, taking a step back. "I need fo fix up my uniform, the sleeve ripped durning our last call.
"Oh don't worry about it Y/n. We can take a look at it after dinner."
"No, It's fine. I'll do it now. The bell can go off any second and imagine having to show up with a ripped sleeve." You joked uncomfortable, not waiting for a response before running off.
You hid in the locker room. A million thoughts racing through your head, trying to understand what just happened or what you did wrong.
A slight knock interrupted your thoughts. Hen peeked over Eddie's shoulder before pushing Buck in the room. "I'm sorry Y/n, but Buck has some explaining to do. " She apologised before closing the door. You were still sitting with your back to do door but you couldn't deny Buck's gaze burning in your back.
It was yet again, just you and him.
He sighed defeated, sitting on the other side of the bench. Back to back you sat in silence. His back slightly brushed against yours. You hated feeling this distanted to him. You hated feeling like a stranger.
"I'm sorry Y/n." He whispered. His voice broke with emotion. You played with your hands, trying to distract yourself. He did you dirty you reminded yourself. He physically ghosted you. How could you do that to someone you care about?
"I was asking the team for advice earlier." He admitted. "I'm sorry if that's why there was such a weird vibe in the kitchen. I never meant to make you uncomfortable."
You rolled your eyes, leaving out a sarcastic chuckle. "You never meant to make me uncomfortable?" You mocked. "You basically cut me out of your life and I had to pretend it was all good." You turned around to face him but he was already looking at you. His eyes were filled with sadness, tears on the brink of falling down.
"I-I'm sorry, Y/n. I truly am. Its just-... I never." He paused, trying to recollect his thoughts.
"I never felt this before."
"Felt what?"
"This." He pointed at you and then back to him. "The feelings I have for you are so much stronger then anything I have ever felt before, Y/n. And I-I dont think I can do it." He cried, biting his lip to try and stop the tears. But his attempt hadn't much succes.
"Buck, I don't understand."
He paused, whipping the wet stains of his cheeks. "It's me. I can't be loved Y/n. It's impossible."
You grabbed his face, tilting it up so his gaze met yours. Words almost failed you, you were thrown off guard by his confession. You thought he was mad and didn't want anything to do with you, never in a million years you thought it was because he loves you.
He leaned in your touch almost melting away in it. "Evan. You need to talk to someone."
"I know." He whispered, avoiding your gaze. It wasn't typical Buck to talk so openly about his feelings but you were so damm proud that he was trying.
"I mean it Buck. Your past is eating you away." Your thumb caressed his cheeck as your other hand brushed away some hair that had fallen in his face. "I love you, Evan. I mean it. And I'm not leaving you behind."
911 Taglist: @roseelone @skz-enhypen @sydneysaldana @bxbyyyjocelyn @teenwolfgirl90
My requests are open! :)
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Main Taglist: @onlinevampire1898 @reality1escaping @musicsavedme98 @zombiedixon89 @ladamari68 @angelofbowersgangwifey @incendiotriaaa  @embonbon @pansexualmommamess @mykookieme-blog @sluttyreader  @fairyhope028 @alexxavicry @alexloveskili @one-sweet-gubler @attackonnat @strangersomeone @ahookedheroespureheart  
Let me know if you want to be added for future work! <3
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enhadiares · 3 years ago
ignore the first ask i sent pls i forgot the name lmao: heeseung, hogwarts au, friends to lovers trope 🛐
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Thank you for participating and I hope you like it 🥳✨
%...Member : Heeseung
%...Trope : friends to lovers
%...Au : hogwarts au
%...Prompts : 1)“are you sure this is legal?”
2)“fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit. fuck.”
34)“i don’t even know why we’re doing this.”
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It was night time . You were in deep slumber. The cozy bed , the peaceful night and the cool wind coming from your window making you feel even more comfortable. But someone had to ruin it for you. You heard some rapid knocks and faint wishpers out of your room. You stirred in your sleep and a frown formed on your face. Just when you thought the knocks stopped they became louder and aggressive. You woke up terrified.You were half asleep but you still tried to find a weapon to protect yourself. You found your wand and you went towards your door . You were hesitant and scared but decided to open the door and confront the person there. You opened the door and were ready to speak up but just as you opened the door a tall figure came in and locked the door.
You were going to scream but the person quickly covered your mouth with their hands . "Shhh it's me hee". Ohh it's just Heeseung. Heeseung is your best friend since your first year here. You met him in the train and quickly became friends. He was very sweet to you. You helped him in his studies and he helped you know some Muggle things. Yes he was half-muggle. But that didn't stop you from being friends. Years passed by and it's your 4th year here. You were inseparable . Back to the present . You relaxed after hearing his name and he took his hand away from your mouth. You hit him on the shoulder and said "are you nuts? Why would you knock at my door so late and that to so aggressively - you scared me". He chuckled at your frown and pout which he found the cutest. "I'm sorry but I wanted to show you something" he informed. You checked the time and said with disbelief "Show me something at......... 3 a.m.?" you couldn't believe it. "Yes , let's go quickly" he held your hand and started to drag you out. You panicked. "No no no hee you know it's against the rules to go out in the night , what if someone catches us?" "Nothing will happen , just trust me" he replied nonchalantly. You being a Hufflepuff were so scared to break the rules and the fear of being caught wasn't helping. Heeseung is in Slytherin.You noticed that hee brought you to the entrance . "Hee what the heck , we are roaming around at night which is against the rules and now you are taking me outside? breaking another rule? No I can't do this" you tried to escape from his grasp but his hold only got tight. "Trust me nothing will happen angel" here he is again with that nickname which brings butterflies in your stomach. He told you to close your eyes and when you did he chanted a spell. When you opened your eyes you were met with the dark night . You came out! "How did you learn that?" You asked surprised. You weren't taught this yet. "I have my ways , now come on" he once again started to drag you . You panicked again after seeing that he is taking you near the forbidden side. "Hee are you sure this is legal? What if any perfects or maybe worse what if the professors find us?we would be doomed" you cried."calm down angel you worry alot" he told you. "I don't even know why we're doing this" you said while looking around to check if anyone else is out or if anyone spotted you. "We're here angel" he informed and your head snapped forward. You were fascinated with the view you were met with. The sky looked so beautiful filled with millions of stars . The moon shining ever so brightly lighting up the place making it seem unreal. A quiet 'wow' left your mouth. All this time Heeseung was observing your reaction. He wanted to bring here from so long to show you the breathtaking sight. "It's beautiful isn't it?" You asked still watching the sky with wide eyes and jaw dropped on floor. "It is" Heeseung replied while watching you. You turned to face him but stopped after noticing how close you guys were and how he hasn't left your hand yet. "I'm sorry , I can't hold it back anymore" he said and before you could reply he pulled you towards him by your waist and placed his lips on yours.
You were shocked but kissed him back after you realised the situation. Your crush and best-friend was kissing you!! You closed you eyes and brought your hands to his neck. He smiled into the kiss. You broke the kiss and he rested his forehead on yours while smiling. "I love you angel" he confessed. "I do too hee , very much" you replied while hugging him to hide your blushing cheeks. He giggled and asked "so will you be my girlfriend?" "Gladly" you replied and pecked his cheek.
Just then you heard shuffling form the bush and then came out Draco from Slytherin . He is always jealous of Heeseung. "Ohh who do we have here - l/n and Lee . What would the professors do if they find out about this hmm?" He add smirking. "fuck.fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit.fuck" you wishpered. "Calm down angel , I'll handle him" hee reassured you. You trust him so you watched him handle this on his own. "Yeah and what will you say malfoy? Why you were also out with us and caught us by accident? You too broke rules malfoy - remember that" Draco's face fell upon Heeseung's words."I'll get my revenge you Lee , just you wait" he said and stormed off after realising that he couldn't do anything. "Let's go cuddle" Heeseung said and you guys sneaked towards your room since you had no roommates at the moment
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moonexyue · 4 years ago
A Poet's Poem .02
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□ warnings: gun, blood, stalker, dark (just in case).
■ Toji Fushiguro x reader fic • part 2
□ pls do not plagiarize my work in any way :(
■ okay but 5 notes omg- TYSM IT MEANS A LOT FR
■ I'm kinda back...sorry I forgot I had to write this after leaving it in my drafts half done for months ✌🏻
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"Did my heart love till now? Foreswear it, sight! I ne'er saw true beauty till this night."
The sound of your doorbell ringing scattered around. On a tiring Friday night, when you just came back from work maybe not even a proper 20 minutes ago, made you frown at the ringing sound. Dragging yourself to the door you sighed opening it. Nothing you could see than a bouquet of Yellow Lilies. You stared down at it. Hesitant at the first couple of minutes, you decided to pick it up anyway. Checking carefully you saw a small paper card hanging onto the side of the bouquet. Swiftly locking the door, you ran towards your room and locked the door up. You looked around in fear, the fear which you just got reminded of again after looking at the small card. Settling down on your bed, you took deep breathes to calm down your very self.
"𝐻𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑔𝑢𝑛'𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢, 𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑠. 𝑇𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 𝑖𝑡, 𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑤. - 𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑙, 45 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑡."
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It was a beautiful Saturday morning, but you were too occupied to admire that. Walking to your very destiny with the address provided to you, you looked around to check if you're on the right way. The small card which held the address, didn't have any specific time or day mentioned for you to visit. It was half way pretty useless. But being terrified about having a gun residing in your own very rented apartment without a proper license did haunt you pretty well, maybe more if it's owner stood by your door and accused you of '𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨' it.
After a couple of minutes of more walking, you reached your very destination. Walking in, you looked around the place. You stood on the entrance for two minutes figuring out what to do next, which, well, ended up with two more minutes. You might have gone for more two minutes until the receptionist noticed you and you happen to make an '𝘦𝘺𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘺𝘦' contact.
"Good morning Ma'am, how can I help you?"
"Uh, well, you see..."
You kept thinking what to say or maybe, how to say that you are here to return a gun but to whom specifically? Well, you don't know and how would you even with the not so useful small card you found with the bouquet.
"Are you here to return the gun, Ma'am?"
Oh yes no wait how does he knows!?
You stared at the very receptionist who had a mischievous smile, perfectly complimenting his features. He leaned forward, his arms placed on the counter supporting his physique as he maintained the eye contact with you.
"I hope you liked the lilies."
"If you were the person who left the address at my door, then, I want to return the gun, please."
The very receptionist smiled, portraying a playful aura. "You can keep it, it doesn't really matters when you will return it and well, it will be a pretty good excuse to meet you often here."
The audacity. That's what you thought. Spending days with this very metal in your locker which caused more fear every passing minute and when you got the chance to get rid of it, you're being hit on by it's very owner, hope at least he's the very owner.
You sighed, taking out a nicely wrapped small parcel and placing it over the counter. "The gun's inside it, take it back, I'm not really interested in keeping something which caused horror to me for days. I hope you will understand, thank you." You gave a not so genuine smile before walking out of the very place.
You did hear the person saying aloud 'wait' but you didn't stop and walked away, more like ran away. Slowing down with a proper distance from the hotel, you looked back to check, to check what specifically? Well, you didn't know, your intuition just made you do so.
And there was the receptionist, meters away from you but still properly visible, holding the very parcel you gave him. Both of you stared at each other across the street. There were no words, no movement, nothing other than both of your gaze meeting each other's. The man, slowly started walking towards you, decreasing the distance with each step he took.
You stood there, not moving. The man was now standing before you, maintaining the eye contact he had with you since the moment you turned around to meet his eyes. Feeling he wanted to say something, you waited.
A sigh left his mouth. "If you aren't busy then maybe we can have some tea - coffee, as a token of thanking you for keeping the gun with yourself for long enough, only if you want to.
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