#{ ofa paradox; au }
ignitionxbomb · 1 year
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ask me questions about a verse! (accepting) || @nuravity asked:
Okay, so how would Bakugo feel that when he prevents Deku from meeting All Might, he'd actually also prevent him from being a hero? (for OFA paradox verse)
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That depends... when it first finally happens -- when he's finally able to prevent Deku and All Might's meeting. He'll be thrilled that he was able to stop Izuku from gaining One For All. He's glad that he was able to finally keep the biggest self sacrificing dumbass he knows from having a Quirk that had been destroying his body whenever he first used it for months.
However, over time -- he'll start to question if what he did was truly for the best of Izuku or not.
Or if it was just selfish on his end because he only did it to prevent the other's death.
|| tagging @kibouhero since that is the Izuku for this AU ||
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ofxicexandxfire · 3 years
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@pikanari​ said: "Hey Todoroki, have you seen Bakugo anywhere?" Denki asked as he approached the dual quirk user. The electric blond had last seen the Bakugo go into his room but Kirishima and him checked it and he wasn't there. "Kiri and I can't seem to find him." //youknowwhatthisisforcyn ily :3
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Shouto had always been quieter than most of his peers, but ever since Midoriya had passed away, his newfound level of silence was deafening. He’d become more prone to anger and tears, and it wasn’t long before he allowed himself to succumb to cold numbness. 
Midoriya had been his best friend. Finding out that he had died such a cruel and lonely death felt even worse than when he found out that Dabi was his eldest brother. It was like someone had taken his heart and tossed it into a fire. 
When Kaminari mentioned Bakugou had gone missing, his eyes sparked with emotion for the first time that week. Instead of answering, he demanded, “When was the last time you’d seen him?” 
Immediate panic and dread filled Shouto. Bakugou had to be around here somewhere...! He couldn’t be gone...! Losing Midoriya had been horrible enough!
“I-I haven’t seen him since this morning...” he admitted with a shake of his head. “Have you tried calling his phone?”  
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ignitionxblast · 3 years
@kibouhero​ asked: 💤❗
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Katsuki had hated the fact his boyfriend had gone off on his damn vigilante mission. Though, now that Izuku was back, the blond wasn’t going to let him leave his sight. And that’s just what he was doing as Katsuki sat on the edge of the other’s bed as he slept, making sure that he didn’t try and leave again. Though, the blond himself should’ve been in his own room and resting after he had reopened the stitches in shoulder when he launched Four Eyes into the air.
Leaning back against the wall, Katsuki shifted as he drifted off to sleep -- knowing full well that if Izuku tried to move he’d feel the bed shift under him. However, the blond didn’t take into account that he’d fall into a deep sleep himself. 
Katsuki stared ahead as his boyfriend fought Crusty. The situation was similar to that as it was during Jaku City -- the only difference being the pain from the scar on his abdomen that he had from protecting Izuku in Jaku was now preventing his movement.
Looking on as his boyfriend was in the air above, fear and worry being the only emotions on his face as all he could do was look on. And it all happened fast as Katsuki’s eyes widened when suddenly All For One’s tendrils struck through Izuku’s body. The blond froze as the world around everyone seemed to be moving in slow motion.
Once the tendrils finally released Izuku’s body, letting it fall back down to earth. 
“IZUKU!!!” He called, snapping out of the shock as he used an explosion to propel himself forward in order to catch his childhood friend’s, his boyfriend’s, body before it could hit the ground.
That’s when Katsuki’s subconscious heard in the distance the sound of Izuku’s voice calling his name. 
       Calling for him to wake up. 
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Jolting up, the blond realized that he was no longer sitting and instead had been laying on the bed as he could feel his heart pounding rapidly in his chest. As he looked around, seeing his boyfriend next to him -- as he, no they, were still in Izuku’s room.
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“....Izu...” his voice was barely above the whisper... barely recognizable... as he wiped the tears that had formed in his eyes.
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musemilitia · 2 years
OFA Paradox AU for Katsuki
Mun Note: This is an AU that was / is being plotted with @kibouhero. And it is open for anon asks that are questioning Katsuki about shit that’s happening / has happened in his “Main Timeline”, or questions about his time jumps. Or you can ask me, the mun, if you have any questions about the AU in general.
Also, I am including my own Denki muse in this -- though, he’s primarily gonna be featured in the “Main Timeline” for now. (WILL INCLUDE LINK FOR DENKI’S INFO FOR THIS AU HERE.)
TAG: { one for all paradox; au (katsuki) }
Katsuki Bakugou (Bakugou Katsuki). Nickname: Kacchan. Hero Name: Bakugou (Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight). Age: DEPENDENT ON TIMELINE. Parents: Masaru Bakugou (Father), Mitsuki Bakugou (Mother), Significant Other: Izuku “Deku” Midoriya. U.A. Student; Class A (Hero Course). Quirk(s): Explosion; Time Loop (found after sneaking into the abandoned hospital); and later One For All.
After Izuku Midoriya dies in the final fight against AFO, Katsuki manages to break into Dr. Kyudai Garaki (Dalma Ujiko)’s lab that was hidden inside Jaku General Hospital. Though, following the events of the hero / villain war, the hospital had been shutdown and abandoned as no one wanted to be near the facility. And he had found, or more so just took, a ‘Time Loop’ Quirk that was contained inside to go back in time to try and prevent Izuku from ever meeting All Might.
MAIN TIMELINE: Katsuki and Izuku dated. Izuku is dead after fighting AFO. Katsuki ran off to the now abandoned Jaku General Hospital and got a ‘Time Loop’ Quirk in Ujiko’s secret lab. Katsuki himself looped back in time to try and stop Izuku from meeting All Might and getting OFA. 1st TIME JUMP: Katsuki ends up (jumping back into his middle school self’s body) after his past self had told Izuku to “swan dive off the roof”. And ultimately finds Izuku before the sludge villain (and eventually All Might) did -- so he was able to prevent their initial meeting via the sludge villain. 2nd TIME JUMP: TBA
~ Verse Notes ~
Jaku General Hospital wasn’t destroyed; it was instead left heavily damaged, and no one repaired it up.
Katsuki and Izuku were dating, and so Katsuki shut himself down for awhile before he decided to go and find if there was a time related Quirk in Garaki’s secret (and now abandoned) lab.
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bitegrip · 4 years
Has anyone ever talked about what would happen to katsuki if deku stays quirkless somehow?? If deku doesnt 'stay' in his life, pursuing other things??
this ask is so old lmao but the fandom is so huge now i’m sure this is a popular point of speculation, though i haven’t seen anything myself since i just like to stay in my corner w my selective content.
as for what i think, i actually have an au idea where this is the exact premise and bakugo ends up being chosen by am to inherit ofa at the end of his high school character arc. though deku doesn’t exactly leave his life, as he still seeks him out after he realizes what he needs to become a better hero & inherit ofa (that being selflessness (rescue), which deku still embodies, he’s just not a pro hero). but they do drift apart physically for a while. i haven’t fleshed this au out much tho, and it’s rlly only one possibility. i think in and of itself the question of “bakugo without deku” is paradoxical, since bakugo can’t exist as the character he is in canon without deku’s influence. honestly the only way i can envision something that is still true to canon is an entirely new storyline for bnha where bkg is the protagonist & deku never existed in the first place (similar to the au, but without deku as a resource for bakugo to learn selflessness from). in any case, bkg’s growth would be a lot messier without deku or a character like him involved.
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yamadadzawa · 4 years
wip roundup
I was tagged by @autisticmidoriyas! thank you for inviting me to share in your suffering Kes! 
There’s...many. Gonna separate the BNHA and the Haikyuu ones and reblog this to my Haikyuu tumblr after instead of doing two posts. I am only including wips that I have started some amount of writing on. 
1. Rebel in the Gray: the first fic I posted for bnha, that began with the premise “Aizawa and Izuku have to go on the run pre-UA”. Izuku witnesses the murder of a top 10 hero, by other heroes, and begins to uncover corruption and conspiracy within the hero commission. 
2. Terminal Velocity: the product of several ideas merged together (Izuku with wings, Izuku with a cat quirk of some kind, Izuku related to Hawks, Izuku raised by villains, Izuku adopted by erasermic). 
3. Anomalous Salvation: some time/dimension fuckery that results in Izuku gaining OFA from an Older Izuku...but not from his dimension. This anomaly leads to, you guessed it, salvation. For several characters. 
4. Try Different, Try Again: Izuku has AFO quirk, my version :) 
5. A Legacy Born of Shadow & Sun: a bnha x haikyuu crossover, with Izuku & his cohort of students as pro heroes, and the haikyuu characters as incoming hero students. Quirkless Shouyou, pretty heavy hints that he’ll be following canon Izuku’s path here. 
Bonus: Inko is alive and a good bean in all of these! 
6. Kindred Flame: Izuku has a fire and telekinesis quirk, and wants to become a hero despite knowing that his father is a horrible man. 
7. Untitled-Quirkless AU: pretty much what it sounds like, a mosaic of different ideas I have for a quirkless AU, with an emphasis on Izuku & Shinsou. 
8. Untitled (Fond Nickname: Big Boy): Not a ton I can say about this one without giving away too much of the premise before it’s posted. Time and dimension travel, Dad for One, war, second chances. Pain. Healing. The good shit. 
9. Untitled-Katsuki Swap: A 5 chapter fic, that I imagine will be around 30k, where 28 year old Katsuki is swapped with a 15 year old pre-UA Katsuki. 
10. Untitled-Accused Traitor: A short fic, also probably between 20-30k, and my spin on the premise of Izuku being accused of being the traitor after his notebook is discovered. 
Haikyuu: all of these are currently unposted but will hopefully be going up soon! (genuinely do not know why all of these ended up with parentheses in the titles, it just...happened) 
1. we will always find each other, even here (especially here): Hinata Shouyou can see ghosts. Like the Karasuno Volleyball Team. 
2. Love is (a paradox): A mostly Kageyama-centric fic about soulmates. Familial, platonic, romantic, you name it. I just think Haikyuu is full of all kinds of soulmates, and it’s fun to play with that. 
3. The trying, reaching, failing (winning): I’m obsessed with KageIwaOi Soulmate AUs, so I decided I’d write one. My twist involves...injuries. Again, Kageyama-centric. 
Well. There certainly could have been more. I’m sure that Haikyuu section will amass more now that I’ve decided to really start focusing on it. 
Ahhh Kes already tagged Red and Chaos...but I suppose you can consider this a double tag. @plusultrachaos @12redsky34 and how about @faelwenholdsthelight and @aroandanxious if you wanna! I’m horrendous at knowing who to tag for these things, so anyone else is welcome to do it and consider it me tagging them as well! 
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ignitionxbomb · 2 years
OFA Paradox AU
Mun Note: This is an AU that was / is being plotted with @kibouhero. And it is open for anon asks that are questioning Katsuki about shit that’s happening / has happened in his “Main Timeline”, or questions about his time jumps. Or you can ask me, the mun, if you have any questions about the AU in general.
TAG: { ofa paradox; au }
Katsuki Bakugou (Bakugou Katsuki). Nickname: Kacchan. Hero Name: Bakugou (Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight). Age: DEPENDENT ON TIMELINE. Parents: Masaru Bakugou (Father), Mitsuki Bakugou (Mother), Significant Other: Izuku “Deku” Midoriya (boyfriend). U.A. Student; Class A (Hero Course). Quirk(s): Explosion; Time Loop (found after sneaking into the abandoned hospital); and later One For All.
After Izuku Midoriya dies in the final fight against AFO, Katsuki manages to break into Dr. Kyudai Garaki (Dalma Ujiko)’s lab that was hidden inside Jaku General Hospital. Though, following the events of the hero / villain war, the hospital had been shutdown and abandoned as no one wanted to be near the facility. And he had found, or more so just took, a ‘Time Loop’ Quirk that was contained inside to go back in time to try and prevent Izuku from ever meeting All Might.
MAIN TIMELINE: Katsuki and Izuku dated. Izuku is dead after fighting AFO. Katsuki ran off to the now abandoned Jaku General Hospital and got a ‘Time Loop’ Quirk in Ujiko’s secret lab. Katsuki himself looped back in time to try and stop Izuku from meeting All Might and getting OFA. 1st TIME JUMP: Katsuki ends up (jumping back into his middle school self’s body) after his past self had told Izuku to “swan dive off the roof”. And ultimately finds Izuku before the sludge villain (and eventually All Might) did – so he was able to prevent their initial meeting via the sludge villain. 2nd TIME JUMP: TBA
~ Verse Notes ~
Jaku General Hospital wasn’t destroyed; it was instead left heavily damaged, and no one repaired it up.
Katsuki and Izuku were dating, and so Katsuki shut himself down for awhile before he decided to go and find if there was a time related Quirk in Garaki’s secret (and now abandoned) lab.
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ignitionxbomb · 2 years
Tag Dump 2 -- RP Things
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ignitionxbomb · 2 years
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Munday Meme (Accepting) || @pollicitatus asked:
8, 10, and 18.
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8) What are some similarities between you and your muse/muses?
Katsuki and I actually quite a few similarities between us... but a major thing is that we both have a tendency to bottle up our emotions until they just burst out. (It's why I will apologize immensely if I happen to erupt on someone who didn't cause me to get pissed off in first place.)
10) Would you be friends with your muse if they were real?
Depends .... we'd probably have a friendship similar to him and Shouto -- where I classify it as us as friends, but he won't. xDD
18) Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet?
I mean... I would like to explore the Fantasy AU -- but for that I'd have to also write up the info page before I even start writing in that setting.
But as for AUs that I have written up .... I'd like to explore his modern, villain, and even the ofa paradox aus. Though, with the ofa paradox one, that would definitely be more explored with anon questions regarding events that happened in his original timeline.
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ignitionxblast · 3 years
Me: *logs off to attempt sleep after the Overwatch League matches for last night ended*
Me; like an hour after logging off: *gets inspiration to work on rp things and in turn can no longer sleep* DAGNABBIT!!!!! *proceeds to log back online*
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ignitionxblast · 3 years
Note to Self: 
Do Not Answer things for the OFA Paradox AU before anything else because that AU brings out a VERY emotional and sad version of Katsuki. And now I can’t get him to focus on some other asks for his villain verse or main verse.
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ignitionxblast · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
How did you react to seeing Deku die in front of you? ((OFA Paradox AU))
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Unprompted Ask || OFA Paradox AU || Always Accepting
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“...fuck off....” He mumbled, trying to push the image out of his head of the memory that the anon brought back.
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“.....how I reacted to seeing his death in front of me?” He repeated the questioning, though it was clear that he was holding back tears. “I fuckin’ hated it...” He finally answered, before adding, “Because I fuckin’ knew it would happen since I know who De-- Izuku is. I knew he’d fight until he couldn’t any longer, and yet I couldn’t do a damn thing to help him.”
His hand instinctively touched his stomach of where All For One’s tendrils had stabbed into him when he had protected Izuku during the hero / villain war. The blond had wanted nothing more than for Izuku to beat the bastard -- and live -- and that Perfect Victory be a giant ‘fuck you’ to All For One.
“If Izuku hadn’t met All Might, and get that fuckin’ quirk, he wouldn’t have--” 
His words were cut off as he rubbed the back of his hand over his eyes to wipe away the tears.
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Katsuki didn’t hate All Might for giving Izuku One For All. He understood the reasoning for why it had to happen, but the blond did hate that it was Izuku to get it.
This was the whole reason why he had gone to the old hospital. Why he stole the Time Loop quirk from that fuckin’ doctor’s old lab. He needed to prevent that meeting at all cost. If All Might couldn’t meet his friend than Izuku wouldn’t have a quirk that makes him risk his life so damn fuckin’ much.
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ignitionxblast · 3 years
//When your Katsuki muse wakes up and instead of choosing normal violence.. he choses emotional violence :/ 
aka he decided that it’s time to reply to the OFA Paradox AU thread that @kibouhero and I are doing.
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ignitionxblast · 3 years
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“Oi, ya bunch of dumbasses, how about ya leave me something to answer before my mun gets her ass distracted with a fuckin’ game again.”
you don’t need to break the 4th wall, Katsuki. But also I need to go let a doggo out.. and get something to drink, but feel free to send Katsuki anons. They can be for ANY verse but the main ones that my brain is interesting in are main verse (pre or post war arc), villain verse, and the new OFA Paradox au that Cyn and I are doing.
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ignitionxblast · 3 years
//Alright, I updated my verses page to include BASIC info for a Yu-Gi-Oh verse for this boy... but also I did update the section for the OFA Paradox AU as well. 
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