#{ hammer them home 🔔 shigeru — replies 🔔 }
galeforged · 1 year
👤 + shigeru can spill the beans about Miki as a treat (your rules don’t apply to me)
via Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character (closed but the rules did not apply to her)
"Come on... you know I had to ask at some point," behind a cheeky grin did come KĹŤtarĹŤ's tongue-in-cheek chiding, directed towards Shigeru much like the flask of water he was waving about. "Wouldn't you rather I be the one asking you about it? Instead of... I dunno, you getting teased for it by one of your subordinates or... Captain Iba, maybe?"
All the Lieutenant received for a response was another grumble from the fussy 7th Division officer... who then all but snatched the bottle right from his hand. A hearty swig saw the man down a good portion of H2O, before he let out a loud and hearty sigh. Part of it came from his own exasperation from KĹŤta's inquiry, thought their lengthy sparring did leave him exhausted.
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"Giggle even once, an' I'll gut ya 'fore it's game on again." That was all the warning Shigeru gave before he casually tossed the battle back to RyĹŤhei. It's a good thing that ShĹŤrĹŤ Kanraku was already well within arm's reach...
"Ha! Good one."
The remark was met with the clank of sword within sheath as Shigeru grabbed the hilt by his side, earning him a jolt from KĹŤtarĹŤ sitting by his side.
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"O-okay, sheesh! Message received, no jokes, Lieutenant's honour and all that..." His hands were already raised, palms out defensively until the blade was, after a terse few seconds, finally let go. With remnants of the anxious grin on his face melting into a more sympathetic simper, KĹŤtarĹŤ resolved to ease off on Shigeru's case. After all, it was rare to see him open up to his sensitive side. "So... Captain Fuyuno, huh?"
"Hm." Only an affirming grunt and a nod followed while Shigeru gazed off to nowhere in particular.
"What is it about her, then?"
Now that earned KĹŤta something of a proper smile from his friend. Good, no threat of imminent violence.
"A coupla things, I guess... Bein' real friggin' patient with my ass is already a big plus tho'," Shigeru laughed, albeit sardonically as it came at his own expense. "But yeah, she's... fantastic, really. Short enough that you'd end up losin' 'er in a pile o' pillows, but she's got the right kinda attitude ta not take sass from anybody. Puts a lotta work into her looks and the results just speak for themselves like... I can't focus for shit when I end up thinkin' about 'er. Not the fairytale-like hair, not her pretty-lookin' face, and her voice straight up makes me melt, especially when she's actin' all playful. She humoured me with a sparrin' match once, an' I walked away from it wantin' to learn KidĹŤ, an' from her, too! Me!"
Upon hearing all of that, Lieutenant RyĹŤhei couldn't help but let out a low whistle. Subtlety, sadly, never was Shigeru's strongest suit, so his feelings towards Miki were never the best hidden. Upon hearing him spilling his guts out, however... perhaps he didn't give his friend enough credit.
"Alright, so you're not just infatuated..." KĹŤtarĹŤ observed, murmur cut short with a few sips of water on his end. "So after all that, and you're still not taking initiative? Whatever happened to the courageous and all-boasting Gushiken-sama from before, huh?" Though his words spoke of admonishment, he ensured the concern in his tone came from a genuine place all the same. Not entirely out of fear of retaliation of some kind though, heavens no... though, curiously, the 13th Division reaper seemed to glance back towards the entrance to the square they were sparring within.
"I ain't... good at this romancin' stuff. Ne'er bothered before since... well, 11th Division grunts don't often appreciate dames the way they oughta be appreciated, and that reputation sticks, try as Cap'n Zaraki might to change that. Some of 'em even go out an' buy their own fun for a night, if ya catch my drift. Not that anyone really caught my eye much either, anyway..."
KĹŤtarĹŤ could say something in reference to Shigeru's partial blindness, but, oath-bound not to crack wise, he kept mum.
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"Then Cap'n Fuyuno comes along, an' now I'm worried if I'm even good enough for a proper lady like her, y'anno? Never mindin' the fact she's a Cap'n. I don't... wanna risk makin' 'er look bad in that station, not for associatin' with a brute like me. That, an' I can't keep gettin' frazzled ev'rytime she bats eyes at me. Not settin' a good example as 3rd Seat if I don't get my act together..."
To hear Shigeru admit as much, complete with a disparaging sigh on his part, only brought KĹŤta to smile upon hearing that.
"Isn't the fact that you do worry about things like this all the more reason for you to try? You know, something about being your best self? To me, it just shows that you're being conscientious of her," he suggested. "Besides, if you weren't capable of that sort of maturity in the first place, I doubt Captain Iba would've taken you under his command."
"Ya think so, eh?"
"I know so! Give yourself more credit, bud." With a well-meaning pat onto Shigeru's shoulder, KĹŤtarĹŤ... then slowly rose to his feet.
"Ya ready for round two, then?" Shigeru already made to reach for his zanpakutĹŤ, taking the lieutenant getting up as his cue.
"What? No, no! I'm just getting ready to run, that's all. You can thank me later," came KĹŤta's clarification in kind, spoken all too dismissively while he ensured Hai'iro Ranmaru was properly sheathed by his side. ShihakushĹŤ seemed all nice and orderly on his person too... so, with that, he turned back towards the training square's entrance as if he were expecting someone.
"Wait, the hell d'ya mean by-?"
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"Captain Fuyuno! He's all yours!" And without any further prompting, he vanished with a burst of shunpo. What better way to get Shigeru's proper thoughts out in the open than with a hint of deceit?
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galeforged · 2 years
🔥 for meninas to shigeru. but i'm too lazy to log in :>
@lasmenina via Send “🔥?” and my muse will admit whether they find your muse attractive or not. (open!)
"Think I remember a pink Sternritter throwin’ a buildin’ around o’er her shoulder... That her, the one with the cuter name?" Reiō, he could still remember how quickly she and her little friend group really up and slaughtered most of the 11th Division. The lightning one, the eating one, the zombie one, and then... pink. Pink and powerful. You don’t just forget a display of strength like that.
“Ah mean, sure, she’s hot, from what I’m rememberin’. Tall, pretty face, busty, real prim an’ dainty-like... but her power’s scary as shit more than nothin’ else. It ain’t easy forgettin’ how she and her lil’ gang killed most o’ my squad with no effort, though Ah did bust up some Quincy skulls too durin’ the war... so it ain’t like my hands’re squeaky clean either.”
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“Who knows. Maybe appreciatin’ her finer points’ll be easier since we ain’t hostile now?” Not like he would go out of her way to look for her, but wilder things can still happen...
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galeforged · 2 years
🔥 for kotaro or shigeru, your pick!
via Send “🔥?” and my muse will admit whether they find your muse attractive or not. (open!)
"...look, there're two kinda folks who'll answer this sorta question: folks who know she's pretty an' are honest 'bout it, and liars."
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"As fer me... Catch me lyin' about 'er bein’ a bombshell and dismissin’ the work she puts into her looks, and you ought as well just ruin my other eye fer good measure. I'm half-blind, sure, but I ain't a total moron."
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galeforged · 2 years
“If I throw a stick, will you go away?” /ykw one for shigeru too for oc unity
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“Do I look like some sorta fuckin’ puppy to ya-?!” he barked. “You buzz off! How about that?!”
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