#{ I suck at making promos but I think I did pretty good here!! }
nitrowyverine · 2 days
I think I write dating sim/VNs/etc reviews now? Anyway,
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This VN piqued my interest, so I gave the demo a shot! This review will follow the same general format as my Obscura/Touchstarved review, except there's 7 (!!!) romance options.
Since I totally loved this game, I'm going to put the conclusion promo up here too: if Lost in Limbo interests you, consider playing it Here, Here on steam, and/or backing it Here!
My (long winded) thoughts are below:
(Banner image courtesy of the Ravenstar Games tumblr account pinned post. Individual character pics courtesy of tumblr posts from the studio. Individual posts are linked in character titles.)
Gameplay design thoughts:
the plot immediately sucked me in, I'm pretty invested in whatever the hell is going on with the protag, the realms, the lords, etc. I think the setup/land are deep enough to draw me in, but not so intimidating in it's depth that I'm afraid to explore more.
I always enjoy a little bit of nightmare fuel in my games, so the voidbound are perfect. They're so gross and horrible, but not just a stock zombie/nightmare creature design. Whenever the voidbound pop up, it makes the back of my neck itch, which is perfect.
I have no idea whose route I'll pick first. Usually I have one candidate that I can pick out as number 1. This game however? I go back and forth all the time, since I love all of them. I do think I have bias for Ara/Gael/Amon/Envy, maybe?
I really want to design an MC to doodle for this, but I feel like I don't know enough about other people in the realm. (Mostly, I'm assuming that standard humans don't have pointy ears? how close to our reality is the regular world?) I might say "screw it" and design an MC anyway (with some speculative clothing for once they get cleaned up)
The backgrounds have been great set pieces so far. Sometimes I catch myself just kinda staring into space at them. They've got a fantastic flavor.
Misc. Thoughts written during a replay
Fun touch to have Evie's rock image from the beginning fortune shop scene line up with the 7 LI's color schemes.
Each of the VA's does a lovely job with their voices. I've been turned off of certain dating sims because of bad voice acting, but the acting in this game is superb so far. It really helps set the richness of the story.
I have a theory that the LI's (and possibly people in Limbo in general) experience pain differently. The characters seem largely uninterested in the MC's stabbed, weakened state, beyond a "Oh that sucks....we'll clean you up later" mentality. I wonder if they have different pain tolerances, or are just less attached to such things. (Then again, Amon and Raeya have full missing limbs/eyes, so they probably have a decent perspective on pain altogether)
What does wielder/non-wielder mean? Xal says the MC "Can't wield, can't see." What do the LI's see that we don't? Ara mentions that the MC seems "Completely normal". Many mysteries.
I need those monster forms like crazy oh my goodness. Please devs PLEASE SHOW THE MONSTER FORMS
Now, to the lovely love interests!
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I only just noticed he also has a few freckles, *chefs kiss* (Waaaiit do all of them have little freckle skin textures??? Oh this is a glorious day.)
It's hard not to love a big friendly guy. I was honestly relieved when he first showed up, because I did Envy's route first, and I was thrilled to see a friendly face in the big dark scary woods.
This does not mean, however, that I'm not excited to see what this guy turns into when he's mad.
I like that he has pity for MC when they first show up, but I do worry it makes his resolve weaker. I'm not as confident that he could handle society/reality breaking down as well as the others. Can he put aside his affable nature for when shit hits the fan?
Question: What level of fight had to happen for Amon to lose his eye? He's already huge, and has some sort of telekinetic powers. My theory is that he was taken by surprise, maybe by someone close to him.....(Envy I'm looking at you)
RIP Amon you would have loved Hawaiian shirts
Conclusion: Most likely to be the camp counselor who hurts his back from always giving piggy back rides. Least likely to keep his composure during a badly timed pun/dad joke.
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I'm fighting for my life whenever shes on screen good LORD
Similarly to Amon, I GOTTA know the story behind her prosthetic arm. Its so rad looking, but how did she lose a whole arm? (I am also considering that she was also not born with one)
Playing the demo again, she makes a specific comment about the monsters having not "infected a limb" of the MC. My bet is that's how she lost her arm.
I wish I could have spent 1:1 time with her, but it wasn't offered in the demo. I'd love to have like, a sit down discussion with her about history. (Well I'd be fine getting lectured about history and drinking tea and hanging out)
Out of everyone's motivations, I think I understood Raeya's the most. Even if she was against MC, I think her concerns are completely valid. If an alien fell out of the sky from a different reality to earth I'd ALSO be taking every precaution
She and Amon have matching ear chains, that's adorable....
I hope I can take her on a nice date and spoil her and let her relax in the full game, pretty please. Nothing bad will happen right???
Conclusion: Most likely to gently remind the waiter that you said NO pickles with your order, thank you very much. Least likely to admit to being the one who farted in a crowded room.
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every other line from him is "UGGGHHH" and i love that for them.
After playing, I think I've finally realized that I've got a soft spot for grumps. just grumpy lil friends with their pouty faces
I want (vivi's) Envy's nails SO BAD. I need him to do my nails because theirs are perfect. Envy, envy PLEASE
They pretend not to care, but are already getting attached to the MC by the end of the demo. I can't wait to see what they're like when they actually DO get attached
Elephant in the room, what could he have possibly done to get himself demoted so severely? Everyone seems to be fine with him being demoted except Amon, who sheepishly vouches for him when he can.
I just wanna wrap him in a blanket burrito like you do with a spicy kitten. and then give him little smooches
Conclusion: Most likely to be they guy who gets one drink at a party and sits in the corner with the dog/cat all night. Least likely to allow their partner to willingly boop their nose with any regularity.
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Old man yells at cloud? No....old man IS cloud.
The dev's tumblr has mentioned that he's a pathetic old man, but for now at least, I am afraid of his authority and power. since hes like. yaknow. the big god of this world
The VA did some fabulous work for his voice. I definitely got actual chills in certain parts. 10/10
Okay, so WHAT is this guy's deal with mirrors? He looks great, why is he worried about it. I sincerely doubt he's just 52 though, if he's a god. (as a note for all these interests, I have a feeling that the ages are their physical ages, and not their actual ages. Or at least, age relative to ours. I think they're much older in our years than in their years.)
We also didn't get any 1:1 time with Pride in the demo, so I'm fascinated to see what alone time with Pride would be like. Is he quiet? a chatterbox? Just a guy??? does he only play piano and not talk to you. (power move)
Conclusion: Most likely to show up WAY over-prepared for Parent-Teacher conferences. Least likely to understand and survive the cinnamon challenge.
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Certified CUTIE PIE
We got a pretty clear demonstration of everyone's powers in the demo, except for Ara. Unless it was too subtle for me to realize, I'm not actually sure what her cool powers are yet.
If she DOESN'T have plant powers I'd be very surprised.
I keep wanting to think things like "I have to protect her" or "keep her safe at all costs". But then I remember she's likely absolutely terrifying, and I honestly should be actually afraid for anyone who gets in her way.
I would like to remind/inform everyone that so far, she is the only member of the cast who is visibly armed at all times. (Raeya doesn't count even if her arm claws look really really sharp.)
If I have to pick anyone to party with, it's probably Ara. I know she'd throw an absolute rager, but would also make sure you stay hydrated. I wanna hold her hand too. Please?
I'll go butch for her, i'll do it if thats what she wants. I'm weak
Conclusion: Most likely to be able convince you to give her your kidney. Least likely to let you skip a bloodthirsty game of monopoly because you "Have a headache"
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where did he find pants long enough for him.
Okay. So its HIS fault that Amon has the deepest V-cut since time immemorial. Do you think Amon and Gael had an extensive argument about the minimum amount of clothes Amon has to wear at any given time? Because I do.
His powers certainly did not. Awaken anything in me. Nope.
he has the shortest and most perfect arc from stranger -> friendly -> ???? -> BETRAYAL
I am MASSIVELY curious about his dissociation/spacing out during the demo. He was 8 million miles away in the tower for some reason, and I HAVE to find out why. I just KNOW this man is doing some questionable shit with good intentions and I can't wait to find out what it is.
So, he has SOME issue with touch. No idea what it is, but I can't wait to find out what it is. Also noting he's the only one with full-coverage gloves in the cast. Interesting...
Conclusion: Most likely to cry after being sent those sad FB/insta animal stories. Least likely to let you open your own car/carriage/etc door under any circumstances.
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He looks so soft. I have to bully him, in a good way. (Like grim from Date with Death)
I am fascinated as to why he would lie for MC. That's such a great hook to his character. What does a guy who so desperately wants to be left alone have to see to stick his neck out for a stranger?
I will do it, I will be the one to tuck him in when he is too eepy. I will carry him to bed and kiss his little head good night
Wait, if he can "Figure something out" by touching it, he could be like, the worlds greatest doctor. Xal please get off the couch and help me diagnose mystery ailments in a medical sitcom
Conclusion: Most likely to injure himself rigging up a Rue Goldberg machine to scratch his back. Least likely take it easy on you once he learns how to play super smash bros. (He's a fox/falco main)
What the Ravenstar team has already been able to accomplish is incredible. I'm worried that with 7 whole love interests (with a possible two more on the way if the kickstarter goes well), i'm worried the devs are taking on a whole lot of work. I think they're fully capable of taking this on, but I hope they don't burn themselves out in the process.
I'm pretty happy to see the kickstarter is moving along, but there's always the chance that something happens, and/or the kickstarter goal isn't met. BY THE TIME I FINISHED WRITING THIS IT GOT FUNDED LETS GOO!!! I still hope this project makes it all the way to completion beyond the kickstarter. Things can always happen, so Ive got my fingers crossed for the Ravenstar team!
I loved the demo, and I have now backed the project! The team is trying to hit stretch goals now, so share Lost in Limbo with your buddies! I crave content for this game like nothing else.
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infernalfated · 5 months
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❝ Don't follow your COMMAND. ❞
❝ But I will FIGHT & I will STAND! ❞
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therealcocoshady · 8 months
Recovery - Chapter 9
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Eminem x FemReader (Y/N) fanfiction
Summary : After relapsing, Y/N wakes up next to Marshall. She confronts Cassie and has an anxiety attack.
Tags : Angst, Comfort
CW : Bullying, Alcohol, Drugs, Relapse, Anxiety attack, Mention of masturbation
When you woke up, you were feeling groggy and nauseous. You groaned at the memory from last night. You felt some stirring beside you. It was Marshall, laying next to you on top of the covers. 
Hey, he said in a raspy voice. How are you feeling ? Better ? 
Mmmmh, you moaned. 
He groaned and yawned. 
How about we try some words ? He asked. How are you feeling, Y/N ? 
Ashamed, you mumbled. 
You stared at him as he rubbed his eyes. You couldn’t help but think that he looked perfect, even in the morning. He was pretty damn sexy, only wearing gray sweatpants with no shirt on. He scratched his beard before looking at you. 
Did you sleep here ? You asked. 
No, I slept in the garden but decided to come back here before you woke up, he said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. Yes I slept here. I wanted to make sure you were alright. 
Thanks, you said. You could have slept in your bedroom, you know ? Instead of here with me. 
And risk finding you dead in a puddle of your own barf ? Nope, he groaned. I don’t feel like having forensics in the house on a Sunday morning. The press would have a field day, though. 
Oh my God, the press…, you murmured as you remembered the flashing camera from last night. 
I called Paul after you fell asleep, he said. He’s going to try and get the picture deleted. He gave me so much shit about it. 
I’m sorry, you whispered as you took your face in your hands. 
You were embarrassed. There was so much that you needed to apologize for. 
It’s fine, he shrugged. It’s Paul anyway. He gives me shit all the time. That’s kind of his job, you know ? 
I’m so sorry I ruined your night… 
You didn’t, he said in a softer voice. I mean, I could have done without the worry, for sure, but my night pretty much sucked anyway. 
Why ? You asked. 
I hate that kind of events, he shrugged. I was there because the Lions PR Team wanted me to do some promo shit. I was supposed to meet someone there to talk about that but I ended up swarmed by drunk people bugging me about the album. And then, I had to take some ho to my place, he chuckled.
God, I am so embarrassed, you whined. 
About what part exactly ? He grinned. 
All of it ? You said. I mean, you had to help my grown-ass to undress and shower and you held my hair while I threw up. That’s pretty damn embarrassing. 
He chuckled and looked at you. 
Yup, he simply said. 
I’d say the outfit and kissing people was pretty embarrassing, too. And… Oh my God I danced, too, you whined. 
Oh yeah. That was some dancing, he grinned. 
Just kill me, please, you whined. 
He let out a laugh as you buried your face in your hands. Suddenly, the idea of digging a hole and dying there was quite appealing.
It’s fine, he said with a chuckle. I mean, you got some good moves. Didn’t expect you to, to be honest. 
Yeah, I don’t know about that… 
It wasn’t that bad, I promise. You put on quite a show on the dance floor. 
God, I made a fool of myself, you sighed. 
I don’t think you did, he said earnestly. Everyone there was doing the same thing anyway… But yeah, that was a bit foolish. I mean, it’s just not you, Y/N. 
You nodded softly. 
I don’t deserve you being so nice to me, you sighed. 
Me being an ass to you wouldn’t help matters, he shrugged. Besides, you already know what you did wrong. You’re a grown woman. 
I thought you were going to kill me, back there, you whispered. 
Dramatic, much ? He chuckled. I mean, yeah, I wasn’t really pleased with you. I was mostly worried, though… 
I thought you were doing good, you know ? He explained. You were sober for, what… Four months ? 
Yeah, going on five, you said with a hint of sadness. And now I threw it all away…
Slipping… it happens, he said. What matters is that you’re able to dust yourself off and try again. 
Easy for you to say, you mumbled. You’ve been sober for fifteen years. 
He scoffed and shook his head. 
You’re not the only person it happens to, you know ? He sighed. I’ve tried to quit a few times before I managed to stop for good. I’ve slipped-up and relapsed a few times. Even after rehab. 
You did ? You asked. 
Yeah. So I’ve been there and I know how you feel. I just wish I would have known you were struggling, he said. 
I wasn’t struggling, you said. I mean… There were times lately, when I missed drinking, but that’s about it. I think that… I have been feeling a bit lonely, mostly. 
You didn’t tell me that, he pointed out. 
Does it matter ? 
Of course it does, he said softly. You matter. 
You let out a small “aw” and blushed. He sat up and stroked your shoulder. 
So, what happened last night that led you to this ? Walk me through it, ok ? 
You sighed and proceeded to tell him everything. How happy you were to see Cassie, how generous and kind she was to you and how much you didn’t want to disappoint her or let her down. How her calling you a dud made you want to gain her approval so badly. You also mentioned that, regardless of the fact that you had messed up, you looked up to her and you wished you could be more like her but only seemed to get as sociable when you were under the influence. 
This girl is a bully, he scoffed. 
No she’s not, you replied. 
That’s high school mean girl 101, Y/N, he said. You do realize she used you as a prop, right ? She played with you like a doll, she dressed you up in that skimpy outfit, ignored you when she wanted to flirt with people and used you to arouse men, either by kissing you or suggesting threesomes…
Well, if you put it like that, it does make her look pretty bad, you mumbled. But she’s my friend ! 
She's not, he groaned. Talia is your friend. Jamal is your friend. I am your friend. This girl ? Nope. 
You sighed. Maybe he was right on some level, but you didn’t want to hear it. After all, Cassie had been there for you numerous times. 
Well, I have to see her today, you said. I still have stuff in her hotel room. 
I’ll take you, he offered. But first, we should discuss what you’re going to do. 
That’s fair. What am I going to do ? 
First, you’re going to tell Talia and Jamal as soon as I take you home. They’re your roommates and they deserve to know that kind of thing. Lying about it would be a shitty idea anyway, he said. 
Talia’s going to kill me, you said. 
She’s not, he said softly. Then, first thing tomorrow, you’re going to a meeting and calling your sponsor. 
Meetings are on wednesday, you said. 
I’ll get you an appointment with a therapist, then. You need to see someone. The earlier the better. If today wasn’t Sunday, you’d be there already. 
You nodded, but tears were welling in your eyes. 
I can’t do it, you said as you choked on your words. Marshall, I just… I can’t. I can’t face people and tell them I fucked up. 
Hey, he said softly as he took your hand in his. Yes you can, and you will. Shit happens. Do you remember what I said when I took you to the observatory ? 
That I’m not alone ? 
Exactly. Your road to recovery doesn’t have to be a lonely one, he reminded you as he stroked your cheek. I got you. So do Talia and Jamal. The others at the studio too. They love you. 
They do ? You asked. 
Yeah. Everyone thinks you’re great. They keep going on about how cute you are. Especially when you fall asleep on the couch, he chuckled. 
Thank you, you whispered as you let your head roll on his shoulder. I love them too, you know ? 
He kissed the top of your head and decided to get up. 
Get up, Dobby, I’ll make you breakfast, he said. 
Are you really going to call me that ? You groaned before letting out a yawn. 
Yep, he said with a smile. You were right, you do look like a house elf in my tee-shirt. 
I wouldn’t have pegged you as a Harry Potter fan, you said with a grin. 
My youngest was obsessed with the movies and books for a while, he chuckled. She’d be so proud of me right now. Anyway, breakfast in ten minutes, ok ? 
You nodded and took some time to stretch as he walked towards the door. 
Oh, and, Dobby ? You’re much hotter in my clothes than in last night’s dress, he added with a wink. 
He left the room and you were speechless. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks. 
Have you seen my phone ? You asked Marshall when you walked in the kitchen to the smell of pancakes. 
No idea about your phone, but your purse is on the table, he said. 
You grabbed your phone, that was inside your handbag and checked your phone. You had about fifty notifications. Had you been sleeping that long ? Had the world ended without you knowing ? Was someone dead ?
From : Unknown. “Hey. It’s Jared. Loved meeting you tonight. When are you free for dinner ?”
From : Talia. “Is that really you in the picture with Em ???” 
From : Talia. “Hand holding and stuff ?!?! What is happening ??? I thought you were with Cassie ???” 
From : Talia. “CALL. ME. BACK. I need to knoooooow !!!” 
From : Talia. “If you call me back I promise I will let the questionable outfit slide. We need to talk about your fashion sense tho…”
From : Talia. “I know the two of you are probably busy right now, but call me back when you can ??? I hope he is ravishing the shit out of you right now :)”
From : Unknown. “I just saw the pictures online. I didn’t realize you were with Em ! Sorry I suggested that date. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful at all…!” 
It didn’t take too long to figure out the photos had been published. You quickly went online and saw a bunch of headlines. You also received messages from people you hadn’t seen in a long time. It was as if, suddenly, they remembered you. You knew it was no coincidence.You clicked on an article titled “Eminem in love ?!”. 
“Eminem is known to be somewhat of a recluse and very private about his personal life, but he was spotted leaving a fancy fundraising event in Detroit yesterday night, holding hands with an unknown woman. No smile on his face, as usual, but his jacket on her shoulder and the hand-holding says it all ! The rapper was reportedly holding her tightly and keeping her close when they exited the party and hopped in a car, accompanied by his bodyguards. The news has fans in a frenzy and desperate for details. We do not know the name of the woman, who wore a stunning Sandro dress and Jimmy Choo accessories (no doubt gifted by her wealthy beau). It is the first time the Rap God was spotted with a woman since his divorce from ex-wife Kim, with whom he shares three children.”
Fuck, you mumbled under your breath. 
What’s wrong ? He asked as he placed a plate in front of you. 
You gave him your phone. He took a minute to read the article and groaned. 
Guess Paul was too late, he mumbled. I’m sorry about that, Y/N. 
I’m sorry, you said sheepishly. 
I don’t care, he said. I mean, I’m used to dating rumors, you know ? It just sucks for you… 
Well… My phone is buzzing with people congratulating me, you giggled. And at least I don’t look wasted on the pics. Although I think it just cost me a date. 
What date ? He asked suspiciously.
A guy named Jared asked me out yesterday, you explained. He’s a football player. 
Jared Goff ? The Lions quarterback ?! 
Yeah, him. Anyway, he just texted and apologized for asking me on a date and hitting on me, you said. 
Sorry for accidentally cockblocking you, he chuckled.
Maybe that’s karma ? You said with a shy smile. Anyway, I don’t think I would have said yes. I wasn’t really myself last night, after all. Poor guy would have been disappointed
He chuckled and you ate breakfast. 
You know, maybe it’s for the best, he commented between bites. Maybe you should hold back on the dating thing. You’re going to have to focus on recovery anyway. 
I guess, you groaned. That’s unfair though. 
How so ? He asked. 
I can’t get drunk, I can’t take pills, I can’t even smoke a fucking cigarette and now I can’t get laid ?! You blurted out. 
You could tell he wasn’t expecting that statement, as he almost spilled his orange juice. 
Classy, he grinned. 
I’m serious, though, you pouted. I’m feeling lonely. I want affection. I want hugs…
He smiled as he put an arm around your shoulders. 
That’s easily remedied, he said softly.
… and I want sex,you continued. 
Aaaand we’re done, he chuckled as he let go of you. 
How did you do it ? You asked. How did you manage to stay abstinent ? Also, when did you start dating again ? 
You’re 27, for God’s sake, do I really have to explain to you how masturbation works, Y/N ? He groaned as your face reddened. 
But it’s not the same, though, you said. I want contact, I want intimacy. Maybe I should get a friend with benefits…
Right, he chortled. Good luck with that. 
You don’t think I could get one ?! You asked in an offended tone. 
Oh, believe me, after the show you put on last night, I know you could get absolutely anyone, he chuckled. But a lot of people seem to think you are spoken for, now. By yours truly, no less. 
Until you put out a statement, that is, you replied. 
Yeah, I’m not doing that. 
What ?! You asked in disbelief. 
A statement will get people talking. Saying nothing and waiting for the thing to die out is probably the best option, he explained. Besides, I wouldn’t be offended if people thought I was with you. I don’t really mind, to be honest. 
So, you’re not worried that it would cockblock you ? 
Nope. If anything, people might be leaving me alone on the subject for a while. I’m not really into dating anyway, he shrugged. 
Are you some sort of asexual hermit monk ? you asked teasingly. 
I think we’ve established that I’m not, he said with a smirk. Unlike some people, though, I know how to keep it in my pants. 
Oh, I can keep it in my pants, you said as you rolled your eyes. I just don’t really want to. 
Right, he chortled. 
Anyway, do you know if Porter is seeing anyone ?  
He froze as you asked the question and dropped the glass he had in hand, causing it to shatter on the floor. 
Shit, he groaned. You’re not serious right ?!
Relax, I’m joking, you giggled. You should see your face, though. It’s hilarious. 
You’re impossible, he said, rolling his eyes. 
You chuckled and helped him clear the glass pieces on the floor. 
Anyway, I get how you’re feeling. But just be careful, ok ? You need to be safe and healthy. That should come first. Not your sexual urges. To answer your question, I didn’t date for a couple of years after getting sober. I just focused on my family and music. Also, I have found that exercising really gets your mind off… You know, he said with a grin. 
I’ll keep that in mind, you chuckled. 
And if you need hugs, I’m here, he said with a smile. Just hugs though. 
You giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek. 
Thanks for being so amazing, you said. Thank you for being here. 
Anything for you, Dobby, he chuckled. 
Anything ? you smirked. Really ? 
Oh, man… Why do I feel like I’m going to regret this ? He sighed with a grin. 
Well, I do look amazing in that Saint Laurent jacket…, you began. I mean, the pictures in the article prove it. 
Not happening, nope, he said as he shook his head. 
Can’t blame a girl for trying, you giggled. Your closet is full of great pieces. 
I’ll tell you what, he said with a smile, if you’re good and put in some work towards your recovery, I might let you borrow some stuff. 
Really ? You squealed. Even the jacket ?
Yeah. Even the jacket. For every sobriety milestone, you get to borrow a thing for my closet. Except for my sneakers and a few pieces of jewelry. The rest is fair game, he said. 
I’m going to crush recovery, you said cockily. 
Don’t get ahead of yourself, Dobby, he chuckled. You need to stick to therapy, go to meetings, and mostly, you have to call me or anyone else before you fuck up. Not after. Understood ? 
Yes, sir, you giggled. Totally unrelated, but is 10 hours sober a milestone ? 
Go and take a shower and get dressed, he said as he shook his head. I think I have the clothes you left here last time around there somewhere. Then, I’ll take you to the hotel, ok ? 
An hour later, you knocked at the door of Cassie’s hotel room. Marshall was waiting for you in the parking lot. He offered to go up with you, but you figured that you needed to have a talk with your friend, one on one. As much as you didn’t want to believe what Marshall was telling you about her using you, you wanted things to be clear. 
Hey chérie, she said with a smile as she opened the door and let you into the suite. Last night was sooo fun. I do have a bit of a hangover, though. 
Oh yeah ? You asked awkwardly. 
A guy I met took me to an afterparty, she explained. I ended up coming back here in the morning with a couple of people. They just left. 
Oh, did you…? 
Yes, we fucked, she giggled. 
Speaking of which… Can I talk to you ? 
Of course, she shrugged. 
You sat on the couch and your anxiety levels started to rise. You didn’t quite know where to begin. 
What, you mean to tell me that you got laid by Eminem last night ? she chuckled. 
W-What ?! No, absolutely not, you said. 
Relax, she said. I saw the pictures online, but I figured nothing happened. If that’s any comfort, I don’t think anyone is going to believe it anyway. No offense but… You couldn’t get someone like that. 
You furrowed your eyebrows. Was your friend seriously implying that you weren’t good enough for Marshall ?! You sort of knew that already, but it stung. 
What do you mean by that, Cass ? 
What ? Just the truth, Baby, she shrugged. Men like that, they like beautiful, interesting girls. Not that you don’t look good, but… You’re sort of plain, you know ? You see what I mean, don’t you ? 
I don’t, you said. 
Whatever, she said. I just think you’re not the type to hang out with someone like that. Even as a friend, you know ? I didn’t mean to hurt you. You know that. I’m just being honest here. I’m your friend. 
Is that why you basically dragged me into a threesome with him ? Because we’re friends ? 
Oh God, you really haven’t changed, have you ? she asked with a laugh. 
You bit your lip. 
Seriously, you were always so sensitive, Ms Goody Two Shoes. I flirted, it was a joke, alright ? We had kissed earlier because you were being initiating. You’re the one who told me you were horny, remember ? I don’t see what the big deal is. Nothing happened. Even if it did… You would have had a great experience, she said as she rolled her eyes. 
I wasn’t initiating, you muttered. 
You said you were horny, she pointed out. 
Only because of the stuff you gave me, you squealed. 
I gave you this because I knew you wouldn’t have a great time otherwise, Y/N. And guess what ? You had a great time. You danced, you flirted…You were finally acting normal. 
I was drunk. 
What’s the big deal ? She sighed. It happens to everyone. You were drunk, so what ? No one died. 
I just… What I mean to say is… I don’t feel comfortable with what happened last night. It doesn’t sit well with me. It’s not who I am, you know ? You tried to explain, while keeping your composure. 
Maybe you should ask yourself the right questions, Y/N, she scoffed. 
Meaning ? 
Is this really who you want to be ? A 27 year-old dork who is still in school, single, living with two roommates, with a sad social life ? You could do so much better with your life. 
In this instant, she managed to break your heart. Recovery and yesterday’s fuck-up aside, you were pretty proud of who you were. Granted, you didn’t have a lot of friends, a boyfriend or a glamorous job. You weren’t a homeowner either. But you always thought you were doing pretty well, especially considering the hand you had been dealt. 
Is it what you think ? You asked as your voice broke. That I’m not good enough ? 
I didn’t say that, she defended herself. 
I thought you were my friend, you muttered. 
I am your friend, Y/N. I want you to thrive, she shrugged. You should be thanking me. Honestly, do you have a lot of people in your life who want the best for you ? 
I do, you said, feeling extremely defensive. I have Talia and Jamal, I have Marshall… 
For how long though ? she asked. 
What do you mean ? 
I’m just thinking that, if you weren’t such a dud, maybe you’d have more people around you, you know ? You’d have more friends. People you meet would stick around. You’d have a boyfriend. Hell, maybe Simon wouldn’t have left you. 
You swallowed dryly and got up. You decided this was your cue to leave. 
I can’t take this anymore. Goodbye, Cassie, you said as you grabbed your things before exiting the room. 
Y/N, wait… 
Tears were streaming down your cheeks when you got to the parking lot. As he saw you come, Marshall immediately got out of the car and engulfed you in a hug. 
What’s wrong? He asked. 
I’m fine, you lied with a breaking voice. 
Bullshit, he sighed. You’re crying. What happened ?
You didn’t talk. Instead, you simply looked in his eyes. As you stared at him, you were reminded of Cassie’s words. “For how long ?”. Suddenly, something hit you and you felt scared. You realized that you were playing a dangerous game. In a matter of months, he had become a constant in your life. Most of the time, not a week went by without you seeing him at least twice. You texted all the time, whether it was to talk about your day or simply to exchange silly jokes. He was always there for you but, as thankful as you were, you were scared of the day he wouldn’t be around anymore. It would come eventually. Maybe Cassie was right. Maybe there was something about you that made people want to leave. And, let’s face it, she was definitely onto something when she said that girls like you usually aren’t interesting enough for people like him. He walked into your life unexpectedly, but you feared the moment he would walk out. He kept on gazing at you, waiting for you to talk, but you couldn’t. 
Talk to me, he said softly. 
I have to go, you whispered. 
Go where ? I don’t understand, Y/N. 
You took a step back and muttered an apology before starting to walk out of the parking lot. At that moment, nothing made sense anymore. You realized that maybe you had been wrong all along. Maybe you were in fact a 27 year-old failure. If so, why bother people ? They would be better off without you, right ? Hell, it wasn’t just about Marshall. It was about all your friends. Maybe you should do them a favor and leave them be. 
You were still wearing your heels from last night, as you obviously didn’t have any spare pair of shoes at Marshall’s place and had not taken the time to change since retrieving your stuff from the hotel room. Your feet hurt but you kept on walking.
Y/N, Marshall called as he followed you. 
Please leave me alone, you said. 
I’m not leaving you alone when you’re crying and just had a slipping episode, he said as he grabbed your arm. Just come with me, ok ? We’ll talk. 
Get away from me !!!! You yelled as you pushed him. 
He looked at you, taken aback. It was the first time you yelled at him and you could tell he was not expecting it. His eyes were full of questions. But what exactly could you say that would actually make sense ? 
I’m sorry, you whispered. I just… I have to… 
You were panting and slurring your words. It was all too much. The only thing you wanted was to get out of here, but as seconds went by, it was clear that your body would not cooperate. You felt a pain in your chest and your heart was pounding. Despite your attempt to move, you were unable to. To make things worse, your eyes were wide open but you couldn’t quite see. It was all a blur. You were feeling trapped. You were on the floor, your hand on your chest. 
Y/N, Marshall said in a soft yet alarmed voice. You need to breathe, ok ? 
I… C-can’t, you stuttered. 
Yes, you can, he reassured you. I’ll help you. I’m going to touch your hand. Is that alright ? 
You tried to nod, to the best of your ability, but your body felt so stiff that you weren’t sure if Marshall could see your reaction or not. Regardless, he got closer and gently took your hand in his before placing it on his chest. You could feel his heartbeat. 
Now, you’re going to try and inhale through your nose and take in as much air as you can, ok ? Can you do that for me ? 
Don’t speak for now. Just inhale. As deep as you can, he directed. And then, exhale slowly. 
Your first tentative attempt to breathe deeply was a complete failure. You thought you were going to end up choking. Yet, after a while, you managed to breathe a bit more normally, slowly. Your hand was against Marshall’s chest, his own breath guiding yours. One of his hands was on your back, gently holding you. 
That’s it. You’re doing so good, Y/N, he encouraged you. 
Mar…, you began. 
Shhh. Just keep breathing for now, ok ? 
As minutes went by, you were shivering, but thankfully, you were breathing properly. 
You’re safe, he said gently. It may not feel like this right now, but I promise. I got you. 
You closed your eyes as he wiped the tears from your cheeks. You stayed like this for a while, unable to tell if it was seconds or hours. Eventually, you came back to your senses. 
Do you feel better ? He asked. 
Yes, you whispered. I’m so sorry. 
What the hell are you apologizing for ? He chuckled. Having a panic attack ? Yeah, you better apologize for things that are out of your control… 
You let out a small, exhausted laugh. He kissed the top of your head and you went back to the car. Your body was stiff and tense. 
Let’s get you home now, he said gently as he started driving. You need some rest. 
Can we… not ? You asked anxiously. 
What’s wrong, Y/N ? He asked. 
I don’t know, you replied. I just…
If you’d had any tears left, you would have cried. Instead, you just choked on your words. You took a breath and tried to speak more clearly. 
I don’t want to face them, you explained. Especially Talia. I can’t disappoint her like this, you know ? 
They’re your friends, he said. Sure, once you come clean about what happened and the fact that you used again, they won’t be too pleased. But you’ll be fine. Because they love you and they care about you. 
For how long, though ? You blurted out. 
What ? 
They would be better off without me. Everyone would be better off without me, you said. I’m a failure. I stall people. Who wants that ? 
You’re only saying that because you slipped and you’re tired, he replied as he shook his head. Is that what your friend told you ? Of all people, I don’t think she is the one you should listen to. 
No, I figured that myself, you said. But as much as I am mad at Cassie right now… She got a few things right. 
Oh yeah ? About what ? He scoffed. 
I’m a failure, you simply said. 
That’s not true.
No, Marshall, you don’t understand ! She said I'm a 27 year-old dork who is still in school, single, living with two roommates with a sad social life. That is absolutely true. She also said that… It doesn’t make sense why someone like you would hang out with… someone like me. She’s not wrong about that either. 
He shook his head and scoffed. 
I hang out with you because I like you, Y/N, he said. And because of everything else she said. 
What do you mean ? You asked with a confused look. 
Let’s dissect, ok ? You’re 27. That’s a fact. I don’t have to have an opinion about it. Same goes for the single thing. As for the rest… I think it’s great that you are still in school. It shows that you are driven and that you are full of ambition. You’re getting a fucking PhD, for God’s sake. Not a lot of people can do that, you know ? You’re the smartest person I know. Most of the time, when you talk about your work, I don’t understand a word of what you’re saying. But I see how passionate you are, and it’s fucking inspiring. And you are a dork. But  it’s fucking great. I love that about you. I think that’s the cutest and funniest thing ever. I’m a dork too. There’s nothing wrong with that. And you do have friends. You have us. You have me. You might not be the most sociable person I know. That’s true. But that’s fine. I like that you’re not the loud type anyway. And it’s cool that you live with Talia and Jamal. I’d even go so far as to say that I like it, because otherwise… I wouldn’t have met you, you know what I’m saying ? 
You stared at him and nodded. 
Don’t let her get into your head, he continued. You’re absolutely amazing. There isn’t a thing I would change about you. Meeting you is the greatest thing that’s happened to me in the past year. You’re a ray of sunshine. Every time you walk in the studio, you make everyone’s day better, just by being you. You make those silly jokes, you put up with us and, most importantly, you get us. You’re not one of those groupies who think of us as stereotypes. Especially me. You’re so genuine, it’s refreshing. So don’t let anyone change that. You are exceptional. You are brave, strong, and beautiful, inside and out. 
You couldn’t help but think it was the most beautiful thing anyone had ever told you. Sure, you’d received compliments before, but never to this extent. Hell, none of the people you had dated had never made such a declaration. You could tell by the look on his face that he meant every word he had just said. 
I’m scared to lose my friends, you finally said in an emotional voice. Especially you. 
You’re not losing anyone, Y/N. Especially me, he chuckled as he brushed your face with his hand. Don’t you worry about that. You’re pretty much stuck with me. 
You giggled softly before curling on the car seat and watching him for the rest of the drive. You felt comforted, grounded by his presence. It was a good thing, too, because you weren’t too sure how the conversation with Talia and Jamal would turn out.
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eepyslut · 8 months
So i did something because that promo got my brain reeling. It's my first time posting something i wrote so if u dont like it, stfu and d*e 🥰😚
"Becks..." a harsh slap landed on her ass making her moan as she corrected "daddy please" rhea whimpered face buried in between pillows as her hands scratched the bedsheets.
Becky was pounding her and after her 3rd orgasm rhea was turning into a puddle, one of her legs hoisted up in the bed and one still standing on the floor giving the man a gorgeous view and even a better angle to pound rhea's messy cunt with viscous intent.
"What is it baby? Too much for your pretty pussy to handle?" Like she cared, rhea loved when she got toyed with, her little submissive that liked to play pretend at being the alpha was now coming back to her true nature, a dumb messy snatch for daddy to put her dick on.
"Mmhm... t-too..." the build-up to another mind shattering orgasm was starting to leave her in that fuzzy little mindset where she let becky do anything she wanted with her body "too sensitive" she mumbled, her eyes shut aand her mouth hanging open.
"You're sucking me in princess, if you didn't want it your cunt wouldn't be so greedy" if it was possible becky fastened her pace hitting rhea's spot over and over again.
"Daddy... fu-fuck please i..." it was too much and too good her mind scrambling to form sentences as Becky pulled moans and whines out her "i-im... please" it was getting so hard to think.
"You gonna cum?" Becky chuckled mockingly "again?Going to make another mess on daddy's cock?" Rhea frantically nodded too lost to talk at this point "yeah? You gonna be a good girl, gonna wait until i give you permission?"
She wanted to speak up, really, but her brain was focused on the pulsing feeling of her cunt, zeroed on it, too worried about following daddy's instructions to respond. The best she could give her was a pitiful whine a pleading little sound becky knew all too well.
"Its okay sweet girl, just a little more" a wicked grin plastered on her face as one of her hands sneaked in between rhea's legs to play with her clit.
Rhea's body tensed, taut teetering in the edge of her 4th orgasm while becky played with her. A silent scream as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, waiting to be unleashed.
"Cum for me darling" with one more harsh trust she bottomed out just playing with rhea's clit to help her ride out the waves "there we go, good girl"
Tears fell directly onto the pillow ass her brain went numb, the pleasure making her see stars "soo good baby, such a good girl for me" Becky kept circling her clit until she went lax, body slumped against the mattress.
Her mind was fuzzy. Lost going back and forth in between consciousness and sleep. A feeling of emptiness half waking her as backy pulled out of her. "Gonna clean you up, love," that made her whine, too sensitive emotionally and physically to be left alone.
"No? You dont want daddy to leave you?" Becky started peppering kisses all over her back, "my poor baby, so tired." she sat beside rhea playing with her hair for a few minutes. "Come here," she dragged rhea's body on top of her, giving her the chance to hide and relax in the crook of her neck.
"Thank you, daddy," rhea mumbled against her skin, an effort to show becky she was okay before going back to the limbo in between sleep and earth
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addisonacres · 9 months
That's a wrap.
2023 is on its death bed and I'm both happy and sad about that. Personally, this year has sucked on so many levels and for so many of my loved ones. But four months ago I published my first title under Addison Acres and so my foray into the world of M/M publishing began.
It has not been easy. It was a hell of a learning curve, and I still feel out of my depth some days. It's hard bloody work. I work full-time and I also study part-time so it's not like I can sit and write all day (as much as I wish I could). I needed to take the leap though because if I kept on saying 'I just don't have the time' then it was never going to happen.
I've published 2 shorts and a novella on Smashwords and I think I've done okay with them. To date I've sold 768 copies. Yes, some of them have been freebies (Draft2Digital counts those in total books sold) but hey, I'm pretty happy with those numbers. Have I made millions of dollars? Pfft, no. Have I made thousands? Yeah, nah. But I've made a about $700USD so far.
Yeah, I don't have a problem talking about stuff like this. I know a lot of people are very hush hush about money but one thing I've discovered coming into this gig is that there's very little data to measure against. Who knows if this means I've been successful? I fucking don't! But maybe another indie author will see this and go 'Hey, that's similar to what I managed' or 'I made more than that so I'm doing really well!'. So yeah, I'm happy to throw out my figures if it'll help someone else. I'm not raking in the cash, and I haven't had my first title become a crazy best-seller and I'm suddenly playing with the big kids. I'm still very much a baby in this industry, finding my way.
Ultimately, yes I got into this publishing gig to make a few extra bucks. The cost of living has sky-rocketed and my job does not pay well. I adore it though so I needed to do something to supplement what I make. This isn't going to pay off my mortgage but it's paid for a new water pump for our rainwater tank and a delivery of hay for the alpacas. I've also re-invested some of my royalties into my writing. I've purchased the Atticus software and I got a bundle of photos from Depositphotos to use for book covers.
There's still a lot I need to do. I have yet to set up a newsletter, which is much to my detriment. I feel like I need to have a NL magnet first (which is the term used for a free story readers get when they sign up for your newsletter). I feel like no one will sign up for nothing so I've not set one up yet, but I have no idea what to write for the magnet...
I've been doing a lot of promo work on FB with joining release parties and giveaways but it's hard work. The marketing side of things takes up a lot of time, which yeah, I don't have a lot of. I did set up an Instagram account but I've hardly used it as it's very, very full on and I haven't really had the spoons. I know I need to invest more time in that, and I will try in the New Year but we'll see how full the cutlery drawer is first.
I also made the choice to do Tumblr instead of Tik Tok. Probably a very stupid choice since BookTok is huge and people get a lot of exposure on there. Why didn't I? Well, firstly, I'm really not very good at making videos and editing them. It's so very time consuming. Secondly, I like Tumblr. Is it a dumpster fire? Yes. Am I a bin chicken masquerading as a human? You betcha. So, yeah, I feel comfortable here. But I know I need to invest in more time here also.
Anyway, next year is a new year. I am currently working on a project that I've told no one about because I feel if I do, I will jinx myself and my motivation will fuck off to the moon. So, there is something in the works for publishing maybe in February. I'll be looking for beta readers once I've gotten it finished so if you're interested, hit me up.
I've also created a new logo because I haven't really done that and I figured I really should. I've made 4 variations to use for different situations and I really like it. It's pretty.
Tumblr media
Anyway, I've rambled enough. Just wanted to do a little wrap up for the year and to prove that I'm not dead lol
Enjoy the final days of 2023 and I shall catch you all on the flip side.
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fwhimmy-week · 2 months
i was gonna ask this in messages but tumblr absolutely nuked my sideblogs messaging tab AS i was sending them??? idk ANYWAY
well first of all- how do you get people interested? i was thinking of making an interest check form but have never made one before and was wondering what questions to put on it
oh rip your messaging tab. that sucks.
as for getting people interested: my form of interest check was a poll i did on my main (since i don't mind having people know what events/accounts i run.) it only had four options, all of them pretty general [link here!]
i had two yes's, participant and non-participant, to get an idea of how many people would actually make something, so that's a good thing to put on the form! obviously if the event your running is for a lesser known ship/duo/character, there's gonna be more no's and maybe's then definite yes's, but don't let that discourage you. I even had to tell myself "don't get caught up on the numbers, focus on the fun. focus on if I WANT to do this, not how much attention it will get." before making this event!
Another good question would maybe be the timing of the event? Especially now that we're in the latter months of the year. (Summer break is ending for any American still in school, the holiday season is getting closer, etc etc.) A lot of things are either gonna be giving people more time and other things giving them less time. This was probably a question i should've asked myself, in all honesty. Do try to make it happen at a time that's both good for you AND others. Don't be afraid to delay or push the event back a week, either. Life often gets pretty unpredictable
You could also ask for inputs on theme! Especially if your like me and suck at this stuff. Or you could be like fwhimmyweek #1, and just have daily themes based off the character(s) themselves.
I would also asks what type of art is most likely to be created, assuming you allow multiple types. Bigger events (think treebark week) are more likely to get more varied stuff (writing, stimboards, webweavings, etc) while smaller events like this one may only get art and a few fanfictions here and there
I would also leave an open response question, for any ideas or suggestions people have!
Actually getting people interested is the hard part. All i can say is promote the hell out of it, on here, in any discord server you can, with friends if you can too; but sometimes that only gets you so far. I saw an increase in followers and mentions of this event when it actually got going. (And it was, a little amusing to be honest, seeing mcytblrsource and other accounts in my reblogs post-event.) Sometimes just running it once will be what gets more attention.
(if you don't know what mcytblrsource is: they keep track of fandom events. i'm not sure what tags they check, but it's probably somewhere on their blog. Or they might allow asks. Getting them to see it, sooner or later, and tagging with #mcyt event could also work in your favor)
also! promotional images leading up to it! post your full event pfp and header, if they're both original pieces. my promo posts for the week before the event helped a little, and the header art is like the most popular post on this blog. so they both definitely did something.
that's all i can think of right now, hope it helps!
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kimtaegis · 10 months
I don't think I have ever hyperfixated on something this long other than bts.. I've always had interests that stayed with me for a long time but then for a few months I kind of stopped because there was no content or I got into something else... But with bangtan it has been a constant interest for years. And it really sucks that they have to go, even though Jin is coming back in 6 months.. I will be forever grateful for them for how they handled their solo era. I know lots of people simply couldn't keep up with all the content (me included, I still have a few things I need to watch when I'll have time) and/or burned out because of how much we got but at the same time, time flew by so quickly. I mean Jin left a year ago and it doesn't feel like a year? At least to me.
I'm a little bit afraid of the future though because while I know they recorded a lot of content for us, I feel like it'll be different and fewer than a solo album promo. Now I'm not trying to say that they didn't do enough for us before anyone misunderstands! I just want to say that I feel like because the content will be different and nobody here to idk randomly go live, time will feel slower than it did in the past year :( I'm also really curious if I can keep my hyperfixation throughout this period or if I'll also take a break for awhile. Bangtan has never really stopped before so it felt like there is always something to do or watch.
it’s very valid to worry about how these next few months will go; as you said yourself, both them and us fans never experienced such a period of time before. it’s so normal to be a scared of the unknown, of the future in general, in my opinion! but as I try to vehemently tell myself these days: we have no choice but to find out eventually, and however it will go, time will pass anyway (yes it’s this infamous quote that has been going around social media but it’s so true!).
maybe we as a fandom will finally be able to slow things down to actually enjoy and appreciate the content we get during that time more (I feel like everything has been incredibly fast-paced which took away a lot of my enjoyment, actually) but also the content we received so far. also what namjoon said in his letter today is something I try holding close to my heart; it really is a comfort to have something to look forward to. they won’t be back forever, this is all temporary, and life will inevitably go on. repeating this to yourself about a hundred times a day actually helps a little! ….. and it’s gonna be insane once they all come back. just imagine that pure joy. it’s worth waiting for.
if they have been such a constant in your life, this little time apart will only make your heart grow fonder, I’m sure of it. a hyperfixation isn’t the healthiest thing, pretty sure we all secretly know that (yet here we are), so hey, this could be a pretty good opportunity to dabble into various new things, or to go back to old loves of yours, or to just concentrate on something else entirely. your heart is so big, there’s more than enough space for your persistent love for bts and fresh and new beloved things that you might come across!
that comfort-giving, fondness-inducing, seven-butt imprinted corner in there (taps your chest sternly) will always be there if you want it to!! 🤍🤍🤍
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gethooked · 8 months
Here's my thoughts from tonight's dynamite
Hook vs Samoa Joe main event, ok I'm totally not nervous at all. This video package feels like it's a ppv. Ok but Hook's voice 😍 he needs to talk more. His slow walk oml.
Christian Cage vs Dustin Rhodes where did this match come from. I hate how Christian walks and I don't know why. Nick Wayne though 😍. Dustin's theme reminds of his Goldust theme. I honestly think Christian is going to win. Christian got yeeted over those steps oml. I feel like Dustin has been wrestling for 100 years, but I might actually cry when he retires. Hopefully he has a match for his retirement match. Not Nick trying to cheat. Yes Dustin, yambag jones, yambag city like Taz said. Dustin beat Nick's ass. Yess, get Nick out of here. (I love you Nick) Christian taking Adam's move 🫨 what did I say Christian was gonna win.
Who's house? Swerve's house! The way Swerve laughs is so weird to me. Renee looks sooooo pretty tonight. Did Swerve quote Harry Styles or am I going insane. Swerve's house!
Just looking at S🤮mmy passes me off. From what I've heard about Jericho recently I don't like him. A pizza cutter? Maybe he will cut your hair. Sydallllll!!!! Sydal beat Jericho before? Never knew that. At least we get to see Sydal.
Orange Cassidy and Trent with Chuck say whatttt... since when was he back. Hopefully OC and Trent win. Oh wait Penta and Komander... this match is gonna be a banger. Trust me I know bangers. Cero Miedo! I love that Rey's back too. Classic OC. I think my dogs like wrestling because whenever wrestling is on they have to wrestle to. They even do their own promos. Ok sorry back to the actual match. I hate picture in picture I get distracted by the commercials. So far I've been right about the winnings for 2 matches. Let's see how many more I can get. Bruh the undisputed kingdom can suck a fat one. Roddy shut the fuck up. Why are YOU trying to tell him what to do. Belongs to you? Bitch what? I agree with the other fans. OC another match?
Hangman you look different, did you dye your hair? Grow a mustache? Again Renee is sooo pretty. He doesn't think about Swerve? Yeah right. Hangman never threaten HOOK like that again.
This might make me cry. Rip Jay. Rest in Heaven. Poor Mark, he already looks emotional. #DemBoys period girl!! Good for you! The love Mark has for his niece is so cute. Now I'm gonna cry for real. The fact that Jay was a family man breaks my heart.
The bucks? What the hell happened to their faces. Nicholas and Matthew is crazyyyyy. Hypothetical he's using that word to much fr. Stiiiiiiiinnnnngggggggg. #changetheworld the shade towards cm punk is my favorite thing. Sweetheart is crazy.
Bullet club gold. Honestly I only like Jay. Mogul embassy? This match is gonna go crazy. I loveee Prince Nana. I think Toa missed. BCG won, knew that was gonna happen. We love Bowens btw. Scissor me Daddy Ass.
Wardlow? Adam Cole? Get off my screen sellouts.
Toni on commentary? Oml i love her but her gimmick gets irritating after awhile in my opinion. Deonna vs Anna? Deonna has to win. If I see anyone make comments about Deonna I will personally beat you the fuck up. What does virtuosa even mean? Yes Deonna as you should. Toni's faces are sooo funny bro. Poor Luther. Right in the what? Poor Taz. They must have been watching a telenovela. (I'm mexican I can make that joke)
Top Flight vs Private Party? I want Top Flight to win, butttt I think PP is going to win since Marq Quen is back. Idk I just hope both teams have fun. I loveeee PP's theme. Aww he gave away his durag. Same thing with TF's theme. I've been loving Darius' hair braided. What did Taz call them? I love when Zay does that little scream. Wasn't Darius on the ropes? Andretti? We love him too.
Hook vs Joe? Bae's gotta win this. Come on Hook. Hook looks so majestic. I'm gonna cry my poor Hookie. Joe you didn't have to actually have to kill him.
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here friend and I don't know about you but I'm so, so tired. Amazing how the rush of excitement I got at seeing the promo pics for an actual dramatic emergency could instantly be taken out by a 7 second promo. I feel like KR got the news well before the official announcement and said "I'm going to turn this finale into everything I want", and basically decided to push everyone but Buck to the sidelines and make them observers while pairing him with her failed self-insert. And ugh, the only thing equally as bad as the prospect of L being involved in saving everyone is the prospect of the emergency just being like a quarter of the episode and us wasting the rest of the time on wrapping up Buck's many, many, many storylines. I know we don't know for sure this is what would happen, but KR has given us no reason to think it won't. Frankly I think we should let ABC know that should they, in taking over 911, choose to retcon anything (or everything) from the last two seasons we're okay with that, and no questions will be asked.
And yeah, I can definitely agree that while Buck taking over during a crisis would be a nice way to get closure on his doubts from episode 1, the path there (if one can call it a path, which implies it goes somewhere) makes absolutely no sense. I don't even want to think about how they are going to shove Natalia (I think she's around next episode?...still) and a baby into the whole mess. I honestly would have easily taken 50% less Buck this season if they had just taken the time do the leadership arc well and have this grand emergency to show that off.
So while I'm kind of resigned on the finale for OG, I have a bit more hope for the LS one, though I too am hard side-eyeing the "earn the wedding" comments. Who exactly has to earn this wedding? The audience? They make the effort to tune in regularly despite some pretty shitty writing choices, I think they're owed a debt. The characters? Not sure how two people being in an long-term relationship and seeing each other through hardships hasn't earned them a wedding. We'll see what happens, but at this point its the odds are 50/50 that this "tragedy" will involve either a hospital or a crime scene (or both)
Hi my friend! I have been under the weather this week and ended up being out of town all day today so I am *literally* tired, but also I am WITH you on my excitement for the finale getting sucked away by half that promo being of L and her once again butchering line delivery on something as minimal as "mayday" 🙄 I already got my hopes up for a good firefam feels focused episode and got let down by 6x11 SO HARD, so I'm just going to operate under the worst assumptions that way I can, hopefully, end the episode with a "could have been worse I guess". Although I went into 6x17 with zero expectations and the show still managed to let me down anyway soooo 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
I'm sure KR knew something was up, the negotiations were *rough* last year so I'm sure they were all told to prepare. And since it's something the show usually does, wrapping up nicely each season, it won't feel out of place, however I'm also worried the emergency won't be that long. Seasons 2-4 all had a cliffhanger in the penultimate episode to get people to tune in to the finale but 6x17 did NOT give people a lot of reason to HAVE to tune in. At least s5 made the effort of showing that firetruck crash like 8000 times over the week and making it look like Bobby was in danger, even if it was just a 5 min emergency that ultimately didn't do anything at all or affect anyone. They couldn't even be bothered to give a promo until Friday and without a cliffhanger, what's the hook to draw everyone in for the finale? Because you know those casual viewers are scouring the internet for news about the show, hell, most of them probably figured with no promo that 6x17 WAS the finale! Madney got engaged which is usually a season finale thing so I wonder how many of them though that was it!
"I honestly would have easily taken 50% less Buck this season if they had just taken the time do the leadership arc well and have this grand emergency to show that off." 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 SAAAAAAAME. They should have spent less time trying to turn everything about his storylines into a joke and actually delved into HIS emotions more. Instead we got the whole sperm baby now being about some rando characters we don't even know or care about's emotions for some reason?! His death being turned into "haha funny math skills for ONE episode only!" And this whole death doula thing where we haven't even heard them actually really talking about anything and what we did see was her being DEEPLY insensitive and unempathetic for her line of work, and then a parade of Buck's awful choices to remind everyone of them for??? What reason exactly? To give her a reason to leave? When after what we've seen we....didn't even need her in the first place? Like, WHAT has she actually said or done that has actually been meaningful or addressed Buck's death? We saw some of the aftermath in his talk with Eddie at the cemetery but what purpose besides giving Buck another LI he met on a call is she actually serving? Anything important could have been imparted by a victim at a call, and that triggered Buck to talk to someone in his firefam (OR HIS THERAPIST FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST!), and given us a peek into Buck's head about it. Instead we have wasted all this time on what? An excuse to bring two of the most audience hated characters back? WHAT?! Like, literally, who allowed this to happen? WHOMST in that production team looked at this absolute mess that KR presented as an idea and said "yeah, that works!" ?!?!?!?! Sorry, I'm too grouchy to try and make sense of this, it's just SO stupid and such a waste of time, the ONE thing KR is good at.
As for LS, I still haven't gotten to watch last week's episode. I'm hoping to watch it tomorrow but at this point I'm just watching that show with an "eh. This might as well happen I guess" because I'm out of energy for much more than that. I've seen some of the spec floating around but mostly I'm just excited that we were all right and Paul is officiating. Bobby is gonna be sooooo jealous. But for real, WHAT is this idea on shows that characters have to "earn" happiness and that always meaning that someone like, dies, or they have to be miserable in 98% of the episodes to get one or two happy scenes before the next tragedy strikes? Because I think the WRITING should have to earn the payoff and neither show has managed to do that this season.
Here's expecting the worst so we aren't TOO disappointed, while holding space to be happy if Andrew manages to get around the nonsense KR insisted on to give us a decent emergency because I doubt we'll get a satisfying wrap up for anything else on the Buck or Eddie front. Maybe we'll get extra lucky and the backlash after this week (and on that TVLine article, seriously what did they expect with that question?) will get L's scenes cut as much as possible again. For old times sake. Pretty much every article comment space, review space, and SM space I've seen has been pretty clear about KR needing to be gone so here's hoping ABC is taking notes! At the very least, their promo team can't possible be worse, right?
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arklayraven · 1 year
NB is my 1st OM game but I def think Solomon is supposed to be hella *side eye* y'know? I saw someone say that he feels kinda pre-season 1 bc before he saw that MC had magic potential he was p callous esp for anything he didn't think he'd directly benefit from? Also crack theory based on a NB promo w the VAs (pic w text "Solomon & the Attic"), og!Solomon was Attic'd and nb!Solomon copied over some of his memories. Explains why he's so attached to MC but used Barb's pact like That after getting Asmo's pact. Also explains why Barb is so mad at him?
Tangent but Asmo hate makes me so sad bc I'm also platonically flirty plus I am going to steal his gender I was neutral on him until I finally got him blushy on Surprise Guest then I was like "well princess asmo you are now going in my pocket. yoink"
Oh yeah, he is. Was written like that in og OM too but its even more apparent now in NB.
Mhm. Solomon is known like that I feel...Like unless he feel he can gain some benefit from it all. He won't really care about the person and situation.
I honestly hope this theory becomes canon now because it'll not only help clear up og!Solomon problems he supposedly caused and done in NB...But I'll be able to kinda learn to like (tho forgive might not happen. some things are just unforgivable to me personally) Solomon again. Since that means he did in fact feel bad for his past actions over Asmo and all. And did in fact try to make up for it all...
But it would suck to know nb!Solomon pretty much ruined it for him with new players who never played og OM to know the full story and all...Because as of rn when it comes to Asmo, and even Barbatos...Solomon is painted in a very bad light now.
Oh agreed! I'm not that platonic flirty like Asmo and you tho myself. lol but do like the idea and support of being platonically affectionate with friends and all. if I ever get the chance to irl that is...But it's sad people really throw so much hate to Asmo for just being who he is. Like if people actually tried to understand his character better (and platonic love/affection too it seems as well). They would see he's one of the most sweetest caring brothers of that family, and from the game too. Yeah he has some poor writing here and there, thanks to the devs poor treatment of him. But once you get past the clear bad writing...You'll see Asmo is such a good character who deserves much love and appreciation.
omg similar for me! I think what made me fall for Asmo instantly was seeing his cute smile along with his adorable giggle. it was like being hit by a ray of warm sunshine and I needed to see him smile and giggle more ever since. And of course protect that smile, joy and heart of his too. pff
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peregrintook · 2 years
would you recommend trop now? 👀
Listen.... LISTEN ANON!!!!! 😭
Do you want the short or the long answer?
The short one is yes.
The long one is .... under the cut. 😂
The long one I think is still basically yes but it depends so strongly on what you want from it!
Do you want a faithful to canon lore accurate Silmarillion (first/second age) adaption? And is that the only thing you want and will you be upset fi it is anything different? Then probably don't watch it.
But. BUT!
If you're open to some changes and some creativity then give it a CHANCE.
Because I was so sceptical and so critical and pretty much convinced I wasn't going to like it and I'd only watch the first episode just so I'd be able to complain about it later.
And don't get me wrong there are still a bunch of things in there that I'm not really happy with but.. honestly the things they did right make up for it.
First of all it's absolutely visually stunning. The costumes, the locations, it's GORGEOUS. Lindon especially, and Khazad Dum, and Numenor, and if middle-earth means as much to you as it does to me then you will WEEP seeing these locations on screen.
And then the characters!! Sure, I can't say I'm a big fan of rop Galadriel (yet) but - listen, this is only season 1, she may yet get a whole lot of character development. BUT THERE ARE SO MANY OTHERS.
You all know I'm absolutely obsessed with rop Elrond. Even though when they released the promo pictures of the cast first I was like ??? Who this ??? This not Elrond ??? BUT YES HE IS. This Elrond is so wise and so good and so noble and so calm and just so COMFORTING. KIND AS SUMMER INDEED!!! Seriously, give Robert Aramayo one minute of your time to convince you of his acting skills and you'll never doubt him again. This man knows what he's doing.
But moving on to less obvious opinions - Durin!!! He has a huge heart like. Pats him on the head this short man can fit so much love. He's just so GENUINE and soft and good and loyal and brave and mischievous and WONDERFUL. and so is Disa! Am I still annoyed that she doesn't have a beard? Yes, a bit, but look she has a LITTLE bit of a beard, and anyway she doesn't need one. She's amazing. She's wonderful and lovely and wise and kind and good and fiery and passionate and supportive and accepting and she's a mother and a princess and a resonator and a friend and a mediator and I just love her SO MUCH.
And Arondir is wonderful too, I'm SO annoyed that his character (and actor!) are getting so much hate just for his skin color and because he's an original character, like ??? It doesn't MATTER, he's LOVELY. Sure he doesn't look like your generic white skinned long haired PJ movies elf but he doesn't have to! He's BEAUTIFUL and he's an elf and he's a wonderful character with so much love and compassion and goodness in his heart, he just wants to save as much of the world as he possibly can, he just wants to do GOOD.
Which reminds me - Nori!!! Nori is very similar to Arondir actually, I think, just more innocent and naive - understandably because she is MUCH younger, but still - all she wants to do it do something good, something that matters.
If you haven't noticed a theme by now, let me point it out to you: there is so much goodness in this show. And I find that so fucking refreshing. Because after GoT and all the "ThE nExT GoT" we got over the last few years I have been getting seriously tired of grimdark pessimistic "blabla this is realistic because everything sucks and nobody is actually good everybody is ultimately selfish" bullcrap. No offense to GoT fans, I know that's not ALL got is and I'm sure the books are better about it (I haven't read past the first one because I don't do well with too many POVs!), but there's just been this increase of demand or expectation for violence and cynicism and bitterness (and also lots and lots of sex for some reason) in high fantasy lately - and ROP doesn't do that. ROP says we're here to be good to each other. We're here to treat each other kindly. We don't want to give the darkness even a chance, not out there, and not in ourselves. We care about each other and we work together and that is how we win, ultimately.
I think this theme is strongest in the arcs of Durin and Elrond, and Nori, and Arondir so far - which is why they're my favorites - it's less apparent in Galadriel and Halbrand and Miriel's part of the story yet, but I have a feeling it will be eventually. Galadriel is already learning, she's already changed from episode 1. She'll get there. And look at the Harfoots - going from "you're going to the end of the caravan and if you can't keep up that's goodbye then i guess" to "what's the point of living if we can't live good"?? FUCK, MAN. SHE'S RIGHT. What WOULD be the point??
GOD I could go on but I have to get something to eat so I'll stop here but feel free to comment because I'd LOVE to discuss rop with you all!! <33
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wrestlezon · 2 years
aew dynamite 2/8/23 liveblog containment zone
ooo starting it off with mjf new jacket. put that on the list of mjf outfits oh hes fighting takeshita right, its all coming back to me omg he got black and pink briefs too
[ mjf vs takeshita ]
takeshita dont fall for the handshake!! HE FELL FOR IT NOOO its cool seeing a rare MJF Match™ hes doing all the bits. ref shield im anti-spraytan. come on dude just dont have it wow the crowd is loud. what are they saying? lets go nashville nashville sucks??? BITING... unhinged takeshita is cool. im a little mad i got the uh. wrong ddt tickets for march though -_- ok i lied im pretty mad. im obsessed with how mad i am. im not going to get over it forever what a good bit that lead into the deadlift german suplex. takeshita is soooooo strong mjf so smug. your hubris!! ok im gonna need to see that midair corner flip thing again. what the. how did he end up on his feet so smoothly and nonchalantly hes doing a lot of this "psyche!!! IM FINE ACTUALLY!!!!!" stuff. its fun i like it. ARMBAR!!!!!!! BITING i think mjf is a good wrestler. i like to see him wrestle, which is rarely, because he rarely wrestles. takeshita bare knee attack. rolled ref shield part TWO his knee attack is silly looking im sorry aha! knee damage revenge!!! unless hes doing some sort of pretending-to-sell thing like how hes been doing this whole time ok takeshitas powerbomb thing ruled senton!! i am so scared every time i see one ok thrusting armbar? real mad he lost to garcia in the tumblr babygirl tournament huh
lmfao the catcall from the crowd when he put away his ring oh! its danielson omg takeshita bladed from the ring??? hes all blooded now LMAO NOO THE CAMERA CAUGHT THE BLADEPASS...
[ samoa joe video promo ]
samoa joe is just like "im gonna beat you up wardlow" joe i have to say thank you for giving wardlow a haircut
[ the bunny vs jamie hayter ]
the bunny!! she had a big match a while ago she had to cancel due to illness or injury, right? itll be cool to see this match hayter's hair buns look cool. theyre like lil animal ears. nekomimi ringrope leg choke :)c what is britt baker doing with this gatorade sign. advertisement? LMAO "how did u like that jamie" taking turns doing apron combat ohhhhhh thats a hayterade sign i get it now oof the bunny had hayter land right on her face huh that ended fast... <:( i hope shes good
[ backstage with saraya and toni storm ]
dang saraya pulling out the babygirl nice ok thats like 4 babygirls in short succession. cmon dont wear it out ladies youre gonna need to learn how to spraypaint Ls if youre gonna make this your thing. distance and speed im just being a hater u_u they will have to win me over from square one
[ backstage with mjf ]
hey nice its an mjf interview lmao ok the blood on the armwraps buddy? sick and twisted mjf hes damp. hes talking about picking up girls in his car but im kinda distracted by how he kinda looks like wolverine with his hair and beard where is this going mjf oh i see. he is telling a story about how he is a real scumbag badguy, criminal style im sorry hold on im not doing my part as an audience member and believing his fake story. give me a second to internalize it
[ ricky starks vs the JAS gauntlet ]
oh he has to fight all of them in succession? that would explain why this angelo parker match was short i dont know if they explained it on commentary i was still trying to suspend my disbelief enough to be angered at mjf's story about being evil and unforgivable matt menard got mopped up i love garcia :) i dont love sammy guevara but hes making garcia suffer and i can appreciate that part nooo i love rickys spear dont counter it with a headlock. garciaaaaaaa whoa stood up into big powerbomb. ricky is so strong i will say this every time someone slowly lifts another person up. sorry wait what the hell??? why do they have to do this to ricky. god
[ backstage with the acclaimed ]
bowens a little somber here
[ backstage with danielson and takeshita ]
uh oh. they locked him in is danielson gonna walk out with door fragments because thatd be cool his. tracksuit we've reached critical babygirl calls tonight. no more babygirl. dont ruin babygirl for me oh he just shouldered down the door regular style. thats fine too aubrey you could count slower. whats mjf gonna do? enroll in referee school and come back in time to count him out??? danielson appeared that was a really loud chair dropkick oh no hes blee-- DONT LICK THAT AUGH THANK YOU AUBREY blood on da camera lens its hard to pay attention to this match between the action and also the active commentary i can only ever pay attention to one at a time omg that tumble off the apron rush stop taking a shower during your matches lmfao mjf and taz are just chit chatting right now mjf is in casual chat mode its funny. hes not doing his mjf voice as much danielson looks sooooo red and pink right now. wild. good color what a match
oh mjf is so mad hes fighting off all the security!! good. nice
[ backstage with the uh. impractical jokers ]
i hate the impractical jokers btw. i cant handle that much secondhand embarrassment. so i am not enjoying this crossover i am enjoying the distant match happening in the background i didnt have time to get lunch before dynamite and my friend had connection issues during so we're just barely behind enough to skipping through the commercial breaks. im so hungry
[ ar fox + top flight vs the elite ]
wait is this the main event. this is going to be a hella long match dante with the verticality the three flipmasters are here and theyre fighting against the young bucks, also flipmasters. i dont think kenny is a flipmaster? but he sure can wrestle ive been informed that the acclaimed match also exists. im sorry acclaimed i forgot. to be fair im just afraid of them losing the belts lmao ar fox following through to senton on nick(?) back to back jumping outta the ring attacks those kinds of corner backflipping slams, i never know who is the one taking the brunt of the damage there HOW does dante just gain altitude while being horizontal matt jackson with the triple pin god lmao YES top flight teamwork moves :)c and then the elite win. well it wasnt gonna turn out any other way
[ hook video promo ]
this is an extremely quiet video oh its just a "hook is a cool guy" video
[ stokely backstage ]
hes mad at hook!? LMAO HOOK ok i get it. i like this
[ main event time! acclaimed vs gunn club ]
wow we caught up to live yo listen the gunns are in so much glitter right now lmao excalibur criticizing himself during pip... schiavone is right youll get another chance to pronounce picture in picture king i am zoned into this match. or zoned out of it. no reports man bowens really getting into it time for everyone to just lie down for a bit OH NO!!!!!!! THE REF GASP!!!!!!!!! BILLY GUNN OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no way billy goes back to them. they hit him with a belt yeah!!! kill them acclaimed!!!!!! slow count ref debuff NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
billy gunn holding bowens' hand............
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murderyn · 3 days
14. When did you start making graphics? 6. A graphic you’re proud of 3. 3 reasons why you make graphics 10. 3 things you don’t like about graphic making
☆ Ask the graphic maker ☆
14. When did you start making graphics?
tbh i'm not sure?? i've always liked playing around making things and edits. i think i may have started by making my own icons back....... 2014? and from there i started making other things. and i've def improved. i found some of my old icons a bit ago and apparently i didnt know what 'aspect ratio' was or how to keep it locked lol
3. 3 reasons why you make graphics
1. i like making pretty things? im minoring in graphic design at uni so lol that should explain a few things.
2. one of the reasons i started making gifsets and posting them on my main gif blog ( @noblcedits ) was bc i wasn't seeing gifs of characters i wanted or moments i wanted or face claims i wanted. ngl a lot of the gifsets on that blog are of ian anthony dale cos i wanted to be able to reblog fc stuff for jeremy.
3. i like being able to give gifts to my friends and i can't actually give actual gifs? so a pretty edit or graphic or promo works for that.
10. 3 things you don’t like about graphic making
1. sometimes it feels like there's a 'if you make a lot of graphics or care about aesthetics then you don't care about writing' attitude? maybe that's entirely in my head tho. bc function should always come before aesthetics. no point in having somethig pretty if no one can read the fucker (to paraphrase my graphic design teacher), but still sometimes i feel that vibe. but i know that's likely just a me thing
2. honestly continuing from that but on the opposite hand, if you don't partake in the latest style of graphics it also feels like people are judging you??? again this is probably in my head. but the trends of super tiny icons? actually, super tiny anything lol. they make me ???? and i dont want to partake in that specific trend and i feel Judged tm for that. again tho, i doubt anyone actually is judging anyone for that.
3. and for one actually related to the MAKING of graphics. the ugly stage. i hate it lol. every graphic goes through the ugly stage. and this stage also ends up killing a lot of my graphics cos i cant get it out of the ugly stage and then makes me feel like i cant make anything and all my graphics suck oh wow look at it its so ugly- (but when you get it out of the ugly stage? its so good!)
6. A graphic you’re proud of
right off the bat i'm just gonna link to this, this, these, and ESPECIALLY this one. but i'm also gonna talk more. lol. tbh a lot of my old promos for different blogs i'm super proud of, or backgrounds. i LOVED making backgrounds for blogs. i dont really do that anymore cos.... i feel that the amount of people who actually go on blog sites vs the dashboard view is slim. but here's a two i'm proud of, under a cut:
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they're v dramatic
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Lol this poor guy xd
Oof lol, bro needs a van xD
Oop o.o
LOL nice cover though lady ngl!
Aaron like "slay :D. ID :)?" LOL love him xD
OOP guess he got the fight after all xD slay Aaron lol :D
OOP money o.o gosh
Hmm could that be related?
Don't brush it off Harperrr- okay good lol
I mean couldn't Lucy do it?
Oof xd sorry girl 😬
Having been recently watching season 4 this is weird that she's not with Tim lol
Hopefully she's gonna be able to come to terms with some of the detective stuff while she's out here :)
Welp hopefully she's okay o.o now forgetting I know xD
Oof poor Celina xd 😭
She's just a little stupid <3 we love her but she's not all trained yet xd :)
Yeeah he is lol
Nice that y'all care though lol
Nolan just standing there xD
Ahh nice
Hmm interesting
Or could just be random I guess :/
XD but yeah fair that's good :) lol
Yeeep I figured that was it xdd
LOL "Phone call. On the phone" XDD
Okay okay slay Aaron
Yess be more interested in that! It shows good priorities :D
Yeeahh slay Aaron :D thank you Tim :))
Lol yeah xD love the train thing slfhdl
LOL "Nope" sorry Aaron xD
Oogh gonna have to notify him :((
Oof on his lunch break xd yeeah not a lot of time
Might wanna be in a room anyway lol
Oh maybe he already knows?
Ope no o.o
Aww :((
No D: poor guy <3
Yeeah makes sense xd
Okay that does make it seem (whether it was or not) like it was that question lol (if you get along you probably interacted recently)
Aww that's nice but it sucks :(
Okay good he has an alibi, so they don't have to be suspicious of him really at all
Okay but yeah you do want her killer to be found xd
Yeahh gotta check it, especially since he left quickly lol (though I don't think it was him and I think he was telling the truth there)
I mean yeah it seems suspicous
Ooh or another test?
Yep lol
"That's two I's" 😐 "Nevermind" XDD
Lol xD
I mean I don't think he'll aaactually do it lol
I think Aaron can do it :))
Girlie I.o
What are you doing Aaron lol- oh right looking her up
Ahh same prison o.o
Ahh and in the prison gang o.o 😬
Ahh yup lol
LOL Aaron's look xD oof slfjd
Aww poor lady :((
Ayy slay Tim already did it :D bro knew
Oop 25 seconds o.o
Oh gosh are you missing something xd
Okay hopefully not
Sirrr don't doubt yourself xdd
I mean you can't get all of them on the first try lol
Hopefully you didn't miss too much but xd
Lol those are wild xD
Oope o.o?
Could that have something to do with the case?
Or just because at least it would be interesting lol?
Ahh those are the reasons o.o ooh slay nice Nolan
Oof poor lady xdd
Nahh you know something at least lol
I mean I doubt you always knew
Oop o.o
Oh gosh from the first victim o.o D:
Yeeah that's pretty incriminating xD
Ohh yeah that's a good question lol
(okay now I can stop pretending I don't remember that that was in the promo lol)
Oh gosh xD
Oof poor lady :/ it'll be okay
Ahh well she might 👀! I bet it'll be useful
Lol xD
Ahh to build rapport
Hmm yeah
Oh I forgot to ever say it but
Hi Gray :D!
Yeah Nolan don't sell yourself short :))
Ooh slay guys :O!!
Hopefully Celina doesn't embarrass herself again lol or get embarrassed xd
Aww hey Lucy :/
Oof :(
OOF sorry Lucy D' that sucks xd :(
I like that Tim sounds like he believes that too (I'm sure he does), that she deserves it :')
Oof xd
Yeah it happens :'/ :) it sucks but yeah <3
Hey yeah :D!
I bet she will be eventually this episode
And idk if it'll be good o.o xD
Especially if her and Tim fight as I heard theories of xd or have some kind of issue
LOL "don't be greedy" xD
Ahh yeah it's rough
Lol glad we're not just ignoring that o.o xD
But glad he's not bitter lol
Yeah it did :)
SLFKGHD o.o "not a moment's hesitation?"
Yeeah fair xD
Yeah it is his duty lol
Hey you better not be affronted you said that too xD
LOL SLFJGHSDK NOLAN O.O careful you've been framed for things and hid evidence before xD
Lol idiots <33 love them 🥰🥰
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stuffromymind · 1 year
Canada’s Top 20 Bands (Excludes Solo Acts)
I stumbled on this list but it pissed me off so much, I was gonna share it with some friends but the email got outta hand soooo...
This list is hurting, definitely in the wrong order, but it's TOTALLY invalidated by #20 and #8.
20: Simple Plan: F-. The plan is quite simple: "Let's SUCK!". Pedo Pop. They sang love songs to 10 to 14 year old girls at their gigs. I met Bob Rock, who produced one of their albums, at a bar once during a set break. I went up to his table, said hi and asked: “Can I buy you a drink Bob?”
“No thanks, I’m good.”
“Okay, I just thought you might be hard up for cash since you took a gig working on Simple Plan’s last album......”
The whole table burst out laughing, Paul Hyde, (his partner and lead singer in The Payollas/Rock&Hyde), burst out laughing, slapped me on the back and said: “OH HE GOT YOU BOB! Good one mate!”
Bob smiled at me and said: “Fuck you, man.”
He gave me a wave later that night as he walked out to his black Escalade, smiled and said, “Have a good night.”
He knew I was right.
I’d need money for lung transplants for an orphanage full of kids who grew up next to a trash incinerator before I’d help to unleash more Simple Plan on the world. Seriously.
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19: Saga: C.  The fashion says it all. Bar band who wrote mostly ok songs. I don’t remember any. They weren’t bad... just..... “eh?”
Nice Eddie VH, “No Bozos”, shirt for stoner dude, Mr. Zebra Pants. I think the guy beside him mighta been dealing with a chubby. The dude playing pocket pool, who came directly from his shift at the car wash? That’s rock.
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I’m making this up as I write.....I’m going to bet that the guy in the white suit is the keyboard player. I’d bet on it. I’ve always been able to walk into any venue and spot the keyboard player immediately.
No lie. This just occurred to me.
In fact, I’m gonna go on a hunt and see if I’m right. brb............
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HAHAHHAH!! I knew it! I don’t know how I always know, but I DO!
18: New Pornographers: ?. Respected by their peers. Not my kinda thang.I couldn’t even I.D. one of their songs if you played it to me. Def other bands that should bump them from this list.
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17: Sum 41: B. Was better than a lotta pop punk, (damning with faint praise), but $$ and substances made them flail. Their first album and promo clips were catchy as Hell. Got pretty metal AF towards the end though, dammit. They were good enough to record with Iggy Pop so you can't say shit, really.
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16: Metric: D+. Considering the bands that are missing here? Geddafuckatta here! Never failed to leave me vigoursly unimpressed.
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15: April Wine: B-. Had some undeniably good songs. Worked a gig they played in the 90s. Mercer on drums may have been a reincarnated Viking. Hella nice guy. Good dudes. Unlike Trooper who were unrepentant, 'rawk star' pricks.
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14: Triumph: B+. Def had some memorable melodies. Killer musicians. Not my cuppa tea ultimately. Rik Emmet could rip. Watched him play a solo album show in a university cafeteria, from 10 feet away, 5 years after their famous US Festival gig in front of 300,000. Crowd was smaller. A bit.
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13: Cowboy Junkies: C. Nice. If you like whispering and don't belch too often or have a cat that likes to purr, (you'll miss hearing the songs if you do). If you like dynamics or being conscious? Best in small doses.
They tried to rock up their sound.  Kinda like getting nuns to dress in lingerie and work the pole in church: Didn't take. 
I did have a crush on Margot though. Quirky is cool... 
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12: Loverboy: 1st Album: A. After that D+. "Hey! Ballads make money! Cheese is tasty! Let's crank out soft fromage!” Large mistake. Almost as large as Mike’s bandana.
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11: Barenaked Ladies: B. Yeah, talented. Yeah, apparently put on a good live show in the early days. Yeah their Bruce Cockburn cover that got them started is quite exswellent. But tried too hard to be "wacky!" and I could never stand Page. Just.....no.
Just one of those people that utterly rubs one the wrong way through no intent of their own.
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10: Voivod: A-. A minus only cuz I just don't digg'em. Trailblazers, original, inimitable: Yup. Just not for me. Jason Newstead played with them for a while, (the nicest Metallicat), so that's says sumpin'.
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9: BTO: A. I can play a snippet of 4 of their songs that I guarantee anyone with ears and a few ounces of skullmeat between those ears will recognize at least one of them. Not many bands can say that. Plus, one of their biggest songs was a joke song by Randy Bachman making fun of his brother's stutter, (which is honestly kind of a dick move but it works).
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8: Nickelback: F- - -  Times Infinity. Are you fukking kidding me?! Whoever* made this list eats a bowl of dirt with cheese for breakfast, a plate of shit with cheese for lunch, and a block of mouldy cheese garnished with melted cheese and seal vomit for supper. He has no taste.
Canada and Oilberta should apologize for this stain. If the logic is, “Popularity = Greatness”, then the author of the original list should be in the local dog park on his knees with a fork 'cuz 3 trillion flies say shit is good eating.
I mean, what kind of DICK kicks out a member of the band you all started in highschool and then sues him for his royalties? A dick like Chad, that’s who.
I saw them open for Big Wreck in a bar in 98 when all we knew is the ‘Guy who looks like Jesus is a hack and the band is 4th rate Nirvana.” That was our appraisal.
When they broke world wide and Big Wreck didn’t? I gave up on the music industry and any chance there’s a Sky Friend. Chad Croaker even made Ian Thornely’s songs sound generic as producer. That is some Hellspawned, evil “talent” right there.
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7. Skinny Puppy: A. Never been a rabid fan but is one of those bands you might not be aware of, but that bands you love totally love them! Kinda like there's no Nirvana without Pixies sorta thing: No Ministry without S.P.
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6: Blue Rodeo: C at outset. Don't much know 'bout last 30 years of output, honestly. They wrote a classic song called “Try". Every band would like to write one song that hits like that.  #6 Though? Nahhhhh.
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5. The Guess Who: C. I'm sorry. I just can’t stand their "hits". Burton, in the 60s before they made it big - was a rawk star twat to 2 members of my family and everyone else in the joint. I met him 3 decades later, introduced by a radio DJ who liked my band.
He was SO deep in his gambling addiction, plugging Twonies into a slot machine like it was the Titanic and he was trying to stop it sinking, that he didn't even look up. Just said, "Hey how's it going?", while staring at the screen and pulling coins from his plastic bowl like an automaton.
At least this lead to B.T.O. which should be WAYY higher than The Guess Who.
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4. Arcade Fire: C-. Yeah, No. I've tried. If you needed a group you can sum up in the phrase, "Up their own arses”? This is your band.
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3. Tragically Hip: A+. If you don't own Fully Completely, (recorded at Abbey Road)? You're a dick. Were they WAY overrated as a live band? Hell yeah! Except for Gord pushing his imaginary lawn mower around the stage, doing laundry and being generally odd -as I recall from the 1994 Another Roadside Attraction tour with Danny Lanois, Midnight Oil and The Pursuit Of Happiness- the band was Nyquil for the eyes. They rocked your ears but visually, they’d have been the ideal live band for Ray Charles or Helen Keller.
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2. The Band: A. Another of those bands that if you erased them from existence, another 40 bands would vanish instantly. Don't own any of their music but you can't deny talent and influence.
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1. Rush: A+. Well, duh. I will say that Ged's vocal style kept me away for the most part till their last 3 albums when his tone and timbre changed/dropped from the registers he resided in and he started projecting less from his schnoz.
They're each cool, down to earth blokes and most exswellent Hoser ambassadors. Would have liked to have met Neil.... wish I'd mailed the letter I wrote after I read his Ghostrider book. They don't deserve to be on the same list as Simple Plan and Nickelhack, speaking of which:
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* "A Chicago native, Jeff Mezydlo has professionally written about sports, entertainment and pop culture for nearly 30 years....If he could do it again, he'd attend Degrassi Junior High"
That explains it! A meathead, jock himbo! Nickelhack's core fanbase.
Fuhk me running!
This list should have included:
Big Wreck, (Never put out a bad album in 2 1/2 decades). Ian Thornley has pipes for days and can flay the skin from your skull with his guitar playing.
Headstones, (You won't find many rock/punk bands with more pointed, well written lyrics delivered with more piss 'n venom). Hugh followed me when I was on Twitter. Like minded, nice guy’d who prefer people at a distance I guess. I especially enjoyed seeing him on the last tour deal with an iZombie staring at his device, front row:
“Okay! You got your picture? Put your goddamn phone away!”
iZombie just smiles at his screen while pointing his device/appendage at Hugh’s face. Hugh simply SWATS the phone away, sending it slamming to the floor. Show continued. Aces.
Red Rider/"Tom Cochrane & Red Rider", As Far As Siam....Neruda. Come on....
Danko -Fecking- Jones. Hello? Degrassi boy puts some of the stains he chose on this list and not Danko? Twat. Stood 4 feet away at a small club in a backwards part of the country many moons ago. I was spitting the words back as loud as the PA. caught Mr. J’s eye and a smirk a few times. Ripping live band. They’re Big in Europe.
Any and all of these just mentioned instead of #20 and #8, and a few others should be on any “Best Canadian Bands list. Seriously.
The author, like I said: Himbo, jock, Fuh. Kup.
If you wanna see the original commentary of the sports writer and teen drama fan?
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jin0 · 2 years
Oh lord that soft ass Dylan morning sex/forgive me sex one made my kitty purr. 🥵
It also got me thinking.. just think about having a a rough week at work and Dyl was gone for promo and he comes home and you’re just visibly overworked and kinda teary eyed so he draws you a bath and carries you to bed and just spends hours eating you out/making you cum/squirt, and just telling you how perfect and amazing you are. Yes we love us a soft ass Dommy every once in a while 😜
i love me a soft dom who KNOWS how to take care of his girl ??
you'd been a brat the whole day and he intended on handling you but suddenly you get really quiet and he doesn't pay attention to it until he notices that you've been quiet for a LONG while and he finds you hiding in your room, on the verge of tears ??
he doesn't need you to speak to immediately lift you up and walk you both into the bathroom ?? he's undressing you pieces by pieces while kissing your eyes, cheeks, jawline and lips.
"why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling good sunshine ?"
you're not responding, only purring at gis kisses but he doesn't let you stay silent, stopping his kisses and staring straight at you.
"i didn't want to... i was fine until now..."
"your definition of fine is really interesting. because when i find my girl sitting on the floor, on the verge of tears, i don't think that she's fine."
"well your mind doesn't go far enough on the philosophical scale like mine does. that's a you problem."
he'd spank you for being a brat, he know what you're doing, you're being a brat to deflect but he knows you. a good bath in his arms did a good job. but when you both come out, still wet and warm from the bath, he's not done with you.
you're laying on the bed in your robe when he kneels in front of you and parts your thighs. you're confused but also very aroused very fast.
you try to close your legs tho because you're a brat and you wanna play the big girl. only resulting in him spanking your thigh.
"be good, little mouse. daddy's gonna take good care of you, you just gotta stay still and enjoy."
enjoying is exactly what you do, with your hand pulling on his hair and your hips rolling around his face. you'd been soaking his entire face wet with your cum and still needed to give him more.
dylan always knew best when you were a brat and here you were, desperately trying to get his tongue to go further into your soft cunt. you walls were so tight around his tongue, he felt like you might rip his tongue off.
he'd never mind tho, not when you were being so receptive and obeying his commands so well. he didn't even need to keep your legs parted, you were doing that on your own, riding his face all while moaning his name.
with his lips wrapped around your clit, he sucked and swallowed your juices greedily. your poor pussy was trembling so hard, he knew what was coming as soon as he added his fingers to the mix, rubbing your clit softly.
"d-dylan ! oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck ! p-please more ! more, more, more ! please baby ! more !"
the moment he feels you squirt on his face, he's finally satisfied. wrapping his mouth around your clit, he let your juices pour into his mouth and swallowed more and more and more.
you could never recover from that orgasm, not when he was still torturing you, licking and sucking on your clit and folds.
"that pussy's to die for little mouse... if you needed me to go down on you, just needed to tell me. i'm always ready to have a taste of that pretty cunt. fuck, you've got my whole face soaked... now i need to get your pussy filled. we're not done yet baby."
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