#` mateo | convo.
sunlitaura · 2 years
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guardian-angle22 · 12 days
I hope you don't mind me venting but the more w find out about this season the less I'm looking forward to it. First, no Grace. Now they're not only going to have a large part of the season be cop/ranger related, but the new guy is significant enough to warrant a whole mini article in a 12 episode season!! We didn't even get a hint about what was going on for Nancy and Mateo this season and they're supposed to be mains! And with them promoting a spinoff it looks grim for the actual firefighters.
No worries, anon. I don't mind the venting. I definitely understand the frustration. Especially when it comes to Grace not being around. I truly don't think the show is going to feel the same or have the same heart without her. Am I still hopeful that I personally will enjoy it? Yeah. However, I would understand if people jumped ship once they heard about Sierra. She is incredible and deserves all the praise in the world for what she brought to this show and there will be a giant hole without her there.
As far as the article goes, I do think something to keep in mind is they're probably trying to plant this spin off possibility in the minds of fans early as a way to incentivize people to tune in and watch the entire season and make sure they have good viewership behind them when trying to pitch this. I don't necessarily think that it means this new guy is going to be getting the same amount of importance as the main cast of characters. (it's absolutely a concern and a fear for me in particular, obviously, but it's not a guarantee).
So while I do wish we got more information on characters like Nancy and Mateo first, or even just more information on the others, I think this press release promo is a strategic move for ratings.
Now here's a hug for you and anyone else feeling similar about this new season. I wish we were all just excited and had none of these fears we're now thinking about, especially since this is our last premiere to enjoy together. But just know that whatever you are feeling, even if it's not excited at all, it's still valid!
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danielxkwon · 2 months
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"Doesn't get any sturdier than this." After having hired a company to fix up his wall, the last thing Daniel expected was to get a friendship out of it. He'd spent plenty of time talking with Mateo while he was working that when they had ran into each other later on in town, they had bonded over Dae helping him out getting baby essentials. Now, he stood admiring the nursery the man had put together, even though the baby was with the mother at the moment. He shook the crib, but there was no movement. It had been some years since he had a baby himself, but things did seem to get more modern these days. "How old is he now? Couple of weeks? How's it feel?" @mateoxtorres
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quentinxjames · 2 months
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"Well, would you look at that." Quentin smiled, having spotted the main with his new addition a few minutes ago, but waited for him to be closer before he stood up and limped over to him. The first few weeks after the surgery had been hell, but he found that walking helped ease it more than sitting still. There were more distractions, but half of those weren't at his disposal with Julieta back at work, so the park would do. Resting his weight on his cane, he stood still as the watched the man, stroller pushed out in front of him. "Fatherhood suits you, Mattie. Congratulations." @mateoxtorres
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bridgeportbritt · 7 months
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Private Luxury Campground | Cypress, SimDonia | 3 Days Until the Wedding
Gianni: Kyle! The final groomsman arrives.
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Kyle: Hey, guys! How's it hangin'?
Gianni: Well, due to your proximity to infancy, you missed plenty of fun adult shenanigans yesterday, but we have some age-appropriate activities in store for you today, bud.
Kyle laughs: Gee, thanks. Where's Grayson?
Lawrence: I think he went for a jog, but he should be headed back soon. We should probably get started on the day's festivities.
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Grayson to himself: Let me make sure I have everything packed...
Phone rings
Grayson: Hello?
??? through phone: You have a collect call from Strangerville Correctional Facility. Do you accept the charges?
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vcronicavance · 7 months
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"Oh, firewhiskey man," Ronnie said with a bright smile, "You look very handsome tonight. How have you been, Mateo?"
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nelxruiz · 9 months
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Nel hated hospitals. Loathed them. She had spent months in the same room after she broke her back that she had avoided it at all costs afterwards. But there was no avoiding it now. She clung to Mateo's hand as she sat in the uncomfortable paper dress, her legs dangling from the examination bed as they waited for the doctor. It was a mix of nerves from being here as well as healthy nerves, finally getting to see the thing growing inside of her. She wasn't showing like Sarah was, and they had gotten pregnant around the same time. What if she had a false positive? "What if it's bad?" she voiced her fear out loud, looking up at him, anxiety clenching her chest. @mateoxtorres
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drewxjackson · 6 months
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"You got all the lights?" Andrew called out to Mateo, standing at the front door of the building in order to lock up at the end of the day. These days, Andrew had a hyperfocus, which helped in getting the work done quicker, but anyone who knew him would recognise it as Andrew distracting himself from something important. Still, if it got the work done, he figured no one would complain about it. "Got plans for the night? I wanted to check out that axe throwing place if you feel up for it?" @mateoxtorres
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thebookoflcve · 6 months
"You have read the lyrics to this right?" Mateo asked with a feign neutrality. They were literal dogshit but he couldn't offend the artist. Carter Talbot wasn't his usual client but Mateo never turned someone away if they had something to say. @stardcwn
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alactairwatcon · 1 year
👟 - go for a walk/jog/hike - @matecriveracgden
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"I don't know, man. Something about going for a walk on a hot day like this is surprisingly helpful," Alastair said, "You'd think it would be the opposite but it beats lying around in the heat."
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crescentcrowd · 1 year
Event: The 20K Basket Opening  Location: The Town Green Closed For: Mateo @mateoangelortegarivera
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Luna riffled through her Barbie basket, Twizzler in her mouth (reminding her that Red Vines were superior) as she hunted for the reason she was ever interested in this auction. The piece of foil was quickly discarded as she got to the heart of it: the gel pens. With a childlike glee she pulled out the notebook and got to doodling as she sat in the grass. Happily humming through her doodles she remembered that she was supposed to do something else after buying this thing. Looking around, she caught sight of the wolf who made her gel pen basket. She whistled to get his attention and beckoned him over. "Hey, you! What are we supposed to do after this?" If she could just take her gel pens home and leave she'd be fine with that, frankly.
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xtinyslip · 7 months
Don’t do anything I would do, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. There’s a little gray area in there. That’s where you operate @fcdcdmcmories
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"ummmm?" gideon wasn't even sure whether the male was talking to him at first. he figured that he was one of the friendlies that he'd been told about but that didn't mean he was just going to hand over his trust. with how people seemed to like throwing his trust back in his face and making him regret ever trusting them in the first place. well, he wasn't so keen to keep giving it out. especially now he was right back under pederson's care. "so what are you telling me to do exactly?" gideon had been sat with his back against serena's door. no, he didn't think she needed protection but what would it hurt if she got it anyway?
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liamxalvarcz · 2 years
❓ - our muses take part in a pub quiz
“Part of me is wondering whether we should just give up now.” Liam chuckled, looking down at their answer sheet that was more than a little sparse. “I don’t get it, we’re both smart, I feel like our knowledge of both wizarding and muggle culture is pretty extensive.” Liam explained, rubbing a hand over his face, trying not to let his competitive side come through too much. “Either our heads are just not in it tonight, or this is the hardest pub quiz, ever.”
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danielxkwon · 3 months
"What do we think, is it fixable or do we need to redo the entire wall?" Dae-Hyun asked, having watched the man as he had come along for an intake. He just needed a quote to send to his insurance and then everything could be set in motion, but he was still bummed about the entire ordeal. Of course, it was damaged by a candle so he didn't blame his neighbours, it wasn't like anyone held a constant atch on their candle after all, no matter how much someone pressed them on safety. "I'm sure the insurance will cover whatever it needs to be, but I can see it happen they'll stall if it's the entire wall." Would that be a bad thing, however? He was happy enough at the inn. @mateoxtorres
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Insomniac Darling HCs
For Mazzy💕💕 Hope I did the experience of insomnia justice! My sleep schedule isn’t the best but I’m not sure it counts as insomnia 🥹💕
Mateo is probably the best choice if you want somebody who can stay up with you and find ways to distract you. He will take the chance to cuddle and watch videos (especially ARG videos, and drama channels on YouTube) or movies with you in a heartbeat~! Of course Mateo’s also one for parties on the weekends, and to go out to bowling alleys or restaurants with you on any day of the week~! Mateo will also try to comfort you and lull you to sleep if you want, but might just fall asleep on top of you immediately, and then you’re trapped there awake like when a cat or puppy falls asleep on your lap.
Hana’s sleep schedule isn’t the best— she often goes to sleep late and wakes up early, then takes naps throughout the day. It isn’t difficult for her to change her sleep schedule to match yours more closely, either. She’s good to stay up and hang out with you, doing whatever you like. If you’re wanting to be comforted to sleep, Hana will try her best, but she might get a bit squirmy and hyper and wake you up more;; 🥺👉👈
Cyrus also has trouble going to sleep. He often stays up thinking about life, and sometimes reading or drawing. If you come to him for comfort for not being able to sleep, he’ll probably be able to relate the most. His go-to is honestly just to lie down in the dark and stare at the ceiling when he gets frustrated with reading and sketching, but he’ll also get up and do things with you if you like. With you, Cyrus likes to bring blankets and snacks and go stargazing with you. He also likes to talk about anything and everything with you, if you’re up for those late night convos that can go from absurd to deep in a matter of minutes 🌙✨
Ace is secretly thrilled if you have a hard time sleeping at night— this means you’ll be awake at the best time to go exploring in the town! So if you’re more in the mood for an adrenaline rush than to try sleeping, he’s a solid choice!
Unless it really stresses you out— then Ace will feel guilty for thinking about trying to drag you out for a night on the town. He’ll be taken aback and a little confused when you come to him late at night, teary-eyed, asking for comfort and cuddles, but he will definitely hold you and stay awake for as long as you need. He’s not the best with verbal comfort, but he’ll try. Like Hana, he might also struggle to not fidget and wake you up more…
Hunter is one of the wolves that can comfort you while you try to sleep, or stay up with you and do whatever you like. Hunter loves it when you come to him for help or company. On the one hand it makes him feel bad when you’re all stressed out and tired… on the other, he likes getting the chance to take care of you and just spend more time with you.
If you’re the kind of person who wants to get up and do things when you can’t sleep, Hunter’s also a good choice. He loooves a good nighttime hike. He’ll guide you and make sure you stay safe, stargaze with you, and carry you back if your legs get tired 🥹💕
Mason is probably one of the best to go to if you want to be comforted and held while you try to sleep. He’ll let you have a nightcap like he does, if it’ll help, and will also try singing a lullaby if you want him to. His voice is usually deep and gruff, but when he sings so lowly it’s… soothing 🥹. He’s just so warm and easy to let your guard down around, holding your face and wiping away sleepy or frustrated tears, and whispering soothing words to you while you try to rest. Like Mateo, he might also fall asleep fairly quickly, with you trapped in his arms.
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ramblingdisaster73 · 2 years
The wedding planning sneak peak yesterday gave me lots of feelings! I'm super excited! I'm already sure I'm going to enjoy it a lot from beginning to end!
But as much as seeing Carlos all stressed out is gonna be fun, I'm a little concerned about it too. I need to see him be happy, at least for a bit, about this journey, and to see him actually together and 'a team' with TK, since we haven't actually SEEN that since before the kidnapping. I need a sweet moment between them and Carlos to smile for real at least once. I hope we're getting that either at the start of the episode or at the end when things with the parentzillas have calmed down and before shit hits the fan with Marjan (assuming they're gonna realize something's wrong with her in this episode).
I think the lunch scene may have some potential for at least some of what I'm looking for. I also hope we're getting the beginning of Carlos unravelling his need for control, even though I think this is not the right setting for it to be actually solved or at least delved into more.
One last thing, what is your opinion on the tuxes? What do you think would suit them?
When Nancy started downing her drink – I was like, you know what – not a bad idea. I will be joining her in drinking my way through tonight’s episode (and by drinking my way through it, I mean I will have a wine cooler since that is about all my tolerance can handle these days). Paul lived through a brief convo with Owen about the Tarlos wedding and said “I’m out, I will be over by myself reading at a safe distance from anything resembling a wedding – Mateo and Nancy were bribed with Champagne or sparkling cider (or at least Nancy was – Mateo lives for Owen’s antics).
I need to see Carlos look like he WANTS to get married. I know that wedding planning and getting divorced and recovering from a drugging/kidnapping is a ton of stress. But – at some point, you should look like you actually want to do what you are planning on. What you are subjecting yourself to so much additional anxiety for. It wouldn’t take much – just a genuine smile, one that isn’t tinged with unease. That’s all, I am pretty easy that way. I don’t doubt their love or relationship – I just want them to show us Carlos being happy for more than 2 seconds before or after a crisis or admission. They have shown us a lot of drama for them already this season – can we see them truly happy for 1 scene before their wedding? They make a good team – just show us that they are happy too. Even the stills in the loft when they are talking to Andrea look more like they are pitted against each other than on the same side, which I think is more of a blocking/staging thing than anything else because we know that TK says his father has gone insane – but still gives the illusion of them not being a team.
I would have loved for the wedding/wedding planning to be about the characters that are getting married, not their parents. Maybe we will get that after this episode – but I am keeping my expectations on the Tarlos wedding being truly about Tarlos very low as of this minute (this could easily change after seeing tonight’s episode).
Unfortunately, it happens all the time. I have had countless meetings with Brides and Grooms where they just need someone to vent to about how controlling and ‘helpful’ their parents are being. I always try to remind them that their wedding is about them, not their parents while knowing when to pick your battles.
Most parents (in my experience) do things out of love and wanting things to be perfect for their child’s ‘big day’ (Which is where I think both Owen and Andrea are at) and others want to make the wedding about themselves (which is super weird to me). But, they aren’t truly ‘helping’ if they are making the entire experience more miserable than necessary for their children. Most of the worst weddings that I have worked in any capacity have been with parentzillas – all but like 1.
I also think that Owen feels a little extra pressure (self-imposed, but extra all the same) to make TK’s wedding perfect because Gwyn can’t be there in person (I do think that they will find some way to incorporate her though – I wrote a fic about this exact thing with them reading a letter that Gwyn had sent to Andrea). I think being TK’s surviving parent is something that Owen does take seriously when it comes to the emotional stuff (not so much with work related stuff – but since they are first responders – it makes sense), or the ‘big moments’ that she will be missing. One thing that I have never doubted when it came to Owen & TK was that Owen loves his son deeply, he may not always make choices that show that clearly, but he does love and want the best for his son.
I think that wedding planning while mentally recovering from the kidnapping would be an excellent way/time to show Carlos that he doesn’t always have to be in control – that other people can take some of the load too (Which is kinda what Owen learned in 4x06) it is easier to share the load and be honest with what you need than to try to be the one to keep it all together. I am hoping that they go in that direction with Carlos – but not sure if they will go there yet.
This season has done a great job of showing us the saying “You marry your parent” is very true for TK. Not that Carlos and Owen are the same person, but at their cores, they have a lot of similarities, #1 being their total love for Tyler Kennedy Strand.
I hope that by the end of the episode tonight we get both parents realizing that their sons are perfectly capable of choosing their tuxes, centerpieces, etc. – but would welcome their input/assistance.
TK and Carlos would both absolutely want their parents to be involved in the planning of their weddings – this makes sense for both men. Carlos has always wanted a closer relationship with his parents, one where they were involved in all aspects of his life – not just the easy ones. TK literally became a firefighter to be closer to his father, so obviously he would want Owen involved. But at the end of the day, they know that it is still TK & CARLOS’ wedding. That is what I would absolutely love to see (while having a maybe 10% chance of it happening).
I am wondering how much of Marjan we will be seeing tonight. I originally thought it would be more at the end to set up 4x09, but I have been rethinking that she might be in a lot more than I thought. Which is weird since the article that came out after 4x05 said when we saw her again it was basically a whole mini Marj movie episode (which is why I had thought she would only minimally be in this ep & they like to be misleading).
I do think that there will be a lot of humor this episode (and potentially a death at a rescue – I am getting dad dies at the scene vibes, but would be happy to be wrong). I am sure that the cast will be killing us with their facial reactions – Ronen & Rafa are amazing with this. I wonder if the lunch scene will be before or after the tux scene – either way I can’t wait.
For their tuxes – I am a believer in wearing what fits you (your personality & body). My wedding dress was purple (I don’t mean it had purple accents – it was purple) which is my favorite color. I see TK in something a little less traditional, BUT – I do think that the romantic that TK is, would also love going traditional if that was what Carlos wanted. Carlos is very much more traditional than TK, and I think the black & white tux fit him & his character well – but I can also see him going with something a little bit less simple.
While TK still regularly wears his loud button downs, he wears more solid colors than he used to (kind of like he didn’t need to be so loud as he became settled in life) while Carlos has branched out to 30 snap button downs in every color. They have been embracing elements of each other’s styles over the course of the seasons, but I think that this season shows us this the most.
I do wonder if the tuxes we see in this ep are the final ones, because if so, why show them to us now? So, they may end up with something a little more modern / less classical. But then thinking that makes me think of this batshit timeline, which makes me think that they already bought or rented these tuxes. With rentals, you only get them a couple of days before the event – so in both cases it would seem like these tuxes are final.?!
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