#\\Honestly if you have a weak stomach I can see that being a deal breaker
urbanumviolentium · 2 years
I wonder how many people will bounce off Chainsaw Man because of the um... iconic “Chu~” scene.
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queenjunoking · 4 years
Wolf Taming Ep 30
CW: Noncon - Shock Collar - Pain - Petplay - Drugs - Kidnapping  - Manipulation
This was the most annoying mare I’ve ever had to deal with and she wasn’t even awake yet. She was a giant, none of our usual gear fit her. Some of the stablehands took her measurements but we didn’t know what to do with most of them yet. We could have several of the items ordered fairly quickly, many of the shops we ordered from would have something in stock that could be altered. Some kept unusual sized clothing on hand for extravagant prices. I had Mimi call several of the nearby shops to see if we could get lucky, Mistress Eos was always willing to pay the price for whatever she wanted as long as she could get it right away.
Mistress Eos had particular tastes. Her newest mare would probably be used as a racehorse, she had the body for it. After her first week of breaking she’d probably be moved into the program to learn to run in her new gear. It took time to learn to run in the hoof-heels with your arms bound behind your back.
She had strong legs which was good, apparently she was an athlete before she was captured. Her bust was rather unimpressive. Good for a racehorse. But if Mistress Eos went on the workhorse route she’d probably receive a low dose of the hucow enhancer. Which meant until she made a decision we couldn’t get her a uniform to cover her top.
The main question came down to her stamina. Each pony had their customary first marathon on their first day. It was simple. A 25 mile treadmill course. It wasn’t so bad. Some portions would alter the treadmill’s angle. Some required certain speeds to be either reached or maintained. It really wasn’t that difficult but the ponies always seemed to have a problem with it. Most collapsed before the end. Which was fine, we’d just chain them up until they dragged their feet across the finish line one step at a time. It didn’t matter if it took all night, most of the newcomers weren’t even allowed sleep on their first night. 
The recipe for breaking them was simple. A painful exhausting marathon followed by not being allowed rest followed by another day of running. It helped weed out the useless ones. Those ones got moved into the cow barn if they had the body type for it. If they didn’t… well there were much less pleasant positions to be in. That new filly turned out to be useless. She barely made it 10 miles before she collapsed. Even threats couldn’t get her to move again. She didn’t have the body to be a cow. She might have been a good maid, but Eos only allowed demotions, not promotions. Once you were in the barn you never got to leave.
That particular filly was being designated a stress-relief pony for the stallions. She’d get her first injection of Succubus tonight. She’d get to learn first hand the modifications done to stallions and hopefully she could accommodate those modifications. Stallions were kind of a funny thing, they weren’t really ponies exactly. It was window dressing. They were rarely used for work. They came here to stay fit while they underwent their modifications. Once they were done here they were mostly installed in places to train slaves how to pleasure people or for medical testing.
That filly should count herself lucky. If she had been less lucky she would have ended up as a “thing.” Something reserved for only the most worthless of slaves. A table. A chair. A urinal.
God I hope this stupid thing would become a urinal. The thought of getting to piss down the throat of Z’s stupid emotion support pet was delicous to think about.
I don’t know what Z saw in this thing but nothing made me feel happier than thinking about what she must be going through right now. Z was volatile, I’m honestly surprised she didn’t try to attack Eos. I could only imagine it would get much worse now that she didn’t have her little pet to invest her attention into. I knew enough about that bitch. She crumbled if left on her own with nothing to do. She needed to have something to preoccupy her or she'd get lost in the dark place in her head. I still remember the day she attacked another master because she was allowed 3 days off as a breaker. The fragile filly couldn’t live with the downtime and pulled a knife on someone who bothered her. Unfortunately Briar bought them off. If she hadn’t Z might have gotten kicked out and Mistress Eos could have bought her.
She was the source of the only black mark on my record. I dreamt of whipping her while she begged for forgiveness. The memories of the dream alone made me wish I was allowed to touch myself.
But if Z loved this stupid horse I would do everything I could to sabotage it's progress. I wanted Callidora to be reduced to a worthless object. I wanted Z to see what she became. I was sure it was going to be the thing to crack that ice queen exterior and expose what a worthless bitch she really was.
“You two!” I snapped at one of the stablehands. They stood at attention, scared to be the object of my attention.
“Y-yes Stablemaster Jude?” They both stammered at the same time. They had learned since last time.
“One of you go get an enema bag, we have to get her prepared. The other go get a half level of the hucow formula and the microchip. It’s good we get her prepped in case Eos wants to continue down that path. If she does the results will happen faster. If she doesn’t then the effects will go away after a few days.”
“Yes Stablemaster Jude!” They started to walk off to go get the supplies. Not fast enough for my taste.
“Now!” They squealed and ran off, one slipping and falling into the mud. Her uniform was all dirty now and she’d be paying for that tonight. Clumsy bitches don’t need to sleep. Two days should teach her a lesson. “Bunch of worthless slaves…”
“Stablemaster Jude?” I turned around to see the pink monstrosity hobbling into the barn. Even after all this time she could barely walk unassisted, let alone walk on the uneven ground outside.
“Did you finally finish the simple task I asked you to do an hour ago Mimi?” I hated Mimi, Eos always dotted over her. But she was the only person here aside from me who could use the phone, every other slave she owned was conditioned to get violently ill from hearing various sounds phones made. It made sure they couldn’t call for help. 
“I’m sorry Stablemaster Jude. I have located one shop that has hoof-heels in Callidora’s size. The purchase has been approved and they will be here within the hour. There were no hoof-mitts available but Mistress Eos has said she wishes for Callidora to be placed in an armbinder harness. Arms bent.”
“Dismissed Mimi.” She awkwardly made a curtsy and slowly made her way back to the house.
I sat back for a few minutes and watched as one of them finally returned with the enema. I heard Callidora make some noises as she filled but she unfortunately was still asleep. I watched them shove a plug in her as the other returned with 7 needles, three for each breast and the chip. I injected them one by one, getting little reaction from the unconscious mare aside from some disgruntled noises. There wouldn’t be any noticable effects yet aside from some soreness. I looked for the squishiest part of her neck and chipped her. I was stunned to find out she didn’t already have one. Z thought this horse was a dog. There was only one reason Callidora wasn’t chipped and it brought a smile to my face.
Z was running low on money.
We waited ten minutes before one of the stablehands removed the plug. Several others started to clean the floors. It was standard procedure for new ponies. Soon they would be on Ambrosia and this would never be a problem again.
There was nothing to do but wait for the idiot to show up with the canner’s new gear. I may as well have some fun. 
“You three!” I pointed to three random stablehands.
They stood at attention. “Yes Stablemaster Jude?” I smiled. This is what Z didn’t understand. I saw the footage of Callidora. She was sloppy. She was out of control. Callidora was going to get to learn about the importance of efficiency and control.
“Her.” I pointed at the stablehand that had fallen in the mud. “Strip her. Put her in the whipping brace. She can wait there for a few hours before I have some extra time, she’ll be getting 10 lashes and a day in the hole.
“No, no please. Please Stablemaster Jude please I’m so sorry I can do better. Please have mercy on me. A different punishment at least I beg you. My body is weak, I won’t be able to keep helping out in the stable after that many lashes.” She fell to her knees in front of me. 
I kicked her in the chest and sent her sliding backwards. “No? Did you just fucking say no to me you worthless bitch? 20 lashes. 3 days in the hole. If you can’t fucking work in the stables after that it’s not my problem. Broken overflow is sold to Lady Flora.”
Her eyes went wide as the three grabbed her and dragged her off, doing the best they could to silence her screaming and begging. Such a lovely sight. I never liked her anyway. I’m sure she’d enjoy being a statue.
I was supervising the clean up as a meek man approached the barn. "Greetings Stablemaster. We came as fast as we could. We had a bridle hood with binds, a harness and hoof-heels in her si-" I walked up to him and just took them from him. "-oh! Ok. Well try them on and make sure they fit. Otherwise we can make some adjustments.”
"Flip her!" A couple of stablehands carefully turned Callidora off of her stomach and onto her back, letting her legs drape off the table.
I slid the boots into her feet. They fit well enough. The angle was fine. She’d get used to wearing them like every pony did. I tried the bridle, another perfect fit. It took some struggle from myself and a few stablehands but we managed to get her harness on. It was the only thing we left on. Her arms were loosely chained behind her back, didn't want her to be free and hurt herself.
"It fits. Please go to the house to finalize your payment." I waved the man off. Billing wasn't my area, Mistress Eos had people for that. I would be money that despite how long ago Mimi had left the barn the man would get to the house before she did. Such a pathetic creature.
"Put her in her stall. Alert me the second she wakes up." Four stablehands awkwardly lifted her and awkwardly carried her into her stall in the stable.
Stalls weren't roomy. They were mostly meant to stand in and wait. They may as well be long closets. A regular sized mare might be able to lay down but Callidora was much too big to ever do that. But ponies didn't get special accommodations. That was her new home. Well, for now. I was going to make it my duty to be sure she would fall as fast and as hard as possible. She wasn’t worth a place in Mistress Eos’s stable. But for now this is where she’d stay until I could get her a place in a hucow crate or in a urinal.
I looked up at the plaque above her locked stall door.
Stall 27.
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crewhonk · 5 years
The Best Life
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In which you tell your favourite people (what could be) the best news in the world
Words: 3.6K
Pairings: Bucky X Reader, Maria Hill X Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff X Steve Rogers
Warnings: Fluff, mostly. Pregnancy. 
Can I request a Bucky x reader where he jist found out she's pregnant and they already chose that Steve is going to be the godfather but they want 2nd one and Bucky just walks up to Sam and casually hands him an unwrapped baby onsie with i ❤ my goddad sam. And reader is just recording the whole thing?
He had come home to you Thursday night tired and worn from his instruction of new recruits and a few hours spent in the lab with Shuri who had been making visits to New York every three months. It was nice to see her. 
But he had eventually come home and thrown his keys into the little bowl you had beside the door, toed off his biker boots and stretched his arms over his head before picking up the kitten who was already halfway up his thigh. He placed the baby kitten on his shoulder and she immediately buried herself in his neck, purring loudly and tickling him with her whiskers. 
You had just gotten a cat only a month ago, and while at first, James was nervous about something so small being so close to his metal arm, she didn’t seem to care much, always preferring it over his flesh arm for some reason. 
Cats, man. 
But you had been in the kitchen, pulling a pan out of the oven and turning off the timer, squawking when he had wrapped his thick arms around your waist and pulled you close. You swear, even after two years and one engagement, you would never be used to how quiet this man was. 
“Hey Sweetheart,”  He mumbled, grumbly voice sending a shiver down your spine. You felt your eyes roll into the back of your head and you went lax in his arms, humming when he nipped your neck lightly. Stupid hormones. 
“Hey, handsome.” You whispered back. swaying with him. 
“How’s my best girl today?”
“Pineapple? She’s fine. Found her sleeping in your slipper this morning.” You joked, pulling away and placing the oven mitts into the drawer. He rolled his eyes and smacked your hip lightly while laughing. 
“You know what I mean.”
“A little anxious, honestly.” Your voice had gone quiet and Bucky’s smile slipped off his face. Oh, god. He knew you were too good to be true-- he knew this wouldn’t be able to last. His eyes flicked to your finger and he sighed in slight relief when he saw the glittering ring on your left hand. 
“Why’s that, Love?” He asked, backing you up against the island and placing his hands on your waist. You put your hands on his chest and jut your chin forward, hoping he would take the hint and kiss you already. 
He hummed again and leaned forward, but just as his lips were about to meet yours, his eyes caught the title of the website that was open on your laptop just beside you. 
Pregnancy: Month by Month Guide-- Month Two.
“Y/N.” His voice was weak and shaking. 
You opened your eyes and pouted when you saw how close he was to kissing you. God, your lips hurt looking at him. You looked up to his eyes and saw that they weren't on you, but on some point behind you and you felt an ice cube run down the centre of your back.
“I can explain--” You rushed before he cut you off by picking you up and crashing his lips to yours. He remembered a time where all he wanted was a kid, and God oh, God he hoped this was it. 
“Are you pregnant?” He whispered, tears beginning to leak from the corners of his eyes. You refused to meet his gaze, scared of his reaction. Neither of you had spoken about having children all that much, but he had always said he would be nervous about it-- afraid. 
“I-- yeah. I’m two months, I think? I was scared to tell you.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, and he hooked one finger under your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. His eyes were swimming with tears and his mouth was set in a hard line. 
“Why, in any world were you scared to tell me you were pregnant?” He cooed, brushing your hair off your shoulder and cupping your cheek. He was always so gentle with you and Pineapple, and your heart fluttered at how much of a softie he would be with his baby. 
“You said you would be scared of them— of hurting them. I’d never want to make you uncomfortable.”
He pulled you to him and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. His torso shook with his attempt to keeping his cries quiet. Oh my god, his heart was about to explode in his chest. 
“My baby is inside’a you?” He asked, his voice small and hopeful and your own eyes welled with more tears at his warm, small smile. “I put a baby in you?”
You wrapped your hand around his wrist and held his hand against your face, looking up at him through your lashes and nodding. He dropped his smile and stepped away from you and your heart sunk. You were so scared this would be a deal breaker. 
Instead of running from the house, however, he turned around and bent over, scooping Pineapple into his arms and running around the house with her over his head, laughing and screaming and being an overall ball of vibrating joy. 
“Pine! I’m gonna be a daddy! You’re gonna be a sister, oh my God” His voice was loud and happy and you clasped your hands over your mouth and laugh as he jumped on the couch, using the springs to help him jump from one couch to the other, the cat howling in his arms. He let out another hoot, dropping the cat and turning to you, holding a hand out to you and beckoning for you to join him. You let out a small laugh-cry and walked over, not even having to climb onto the couch before he pulled you up to jump with him. 
“We’re gonna be parents, Doll!” He shouted, fists in the air and looking down at you with the most joy in his eyes. When he looked down at you, he dropped to his knees in front of you, holding your hips and pressing his forehead against your slightly swollen stomach. 
“Hi, baby.” He whispered, and you sobbed. This moment right here is what dreams were made of. “‘M gonna be the best daddy for you. I’m gonna teach you about the stars and I’m gonna let you teeth on my fingers, and I’m gonna rock you asleep every night and we’re going to have the best life.” He looked up at you and smiled, kissing just above your belly button and winking. 
“And don’t tell her, but your Ma is the best. She’s so nice, and she’s so beautiful and she is probably the bravest woman I’ve ever met. Even braver than your auntie Nat. She’s smart too— way smarter than me.” He stage-whispered, and you ran your hands through his long hair. It had fallen out of the braid you had given him this morning and it was wavy and soft and still smelled like the shampoo he used last night. 
You sunk down to sit across from him, and you kissed him sweetly. You were both still sniffling. 
“So you’re not mad?” You whispered, and he scoffed and placed both of his large hands over your stomach. You sighed as the coolness of his metal hand cooled your hot skin. 
“I’m the happiest man alive, right now.”
It was another week before you drove down to the tower, seeking the expertise of one Dr. Helen Cho after Bucky made her swear to keep things private. He only wanted the best team on your side, and you kept your fond smile on your face as he guided you through the compound— as if you hadn’t been here countless times before. 
“Babe I know where Cho’s office is.” You laughed as he followed you into the elevator, pressing the button and pulling you close to his side. 
“I know but now that I’m a dad I gotta be the leader.” He smiled, kissing your forehead when you laughed at him. 
“Tough man, huh?” You grinned. 
“You got it, Ma.”
The cold gel spread across your stomach and you gasped, not expecting the sudden temperature change. Bucky’s hand curled around your own, his leg bouncing anxiously and eyeing the gel suspiciously. 
“And it won’t hurt the baby?” He asked Dr. Cho for the millionth time, noting how uncomfortable you had been at the temperature. She smiled kindly at him and pressed the machine into your lower stomach. 
“You can be assured that it’s perfectly safe, Mr. Barnes.” She assured, looking at the screen and adjusting the probe. “The ingredients are Propylene Glycol, Glycerin and Phenoxyethanol. Propylene Glycol can be used in bread, and it can be used to keep the foods your cooking moist. Glycerin is super common— it’s in a lot of creams and moisturizers and Phenoxyethanol is used in most shampoos and conditioners. They’re all pretty big and scary words, but they’re all harmless in the gel.” She smiled at Bucky. “You can be assured that Mom and babies are safe.” 
There was a pause of silence while Bucky stared blankly at the doctor. 
“Babies?” He whispered.
“If you look, there's the head of baby one, and there’s the head of baby two! They’re facing each other.” She smiled, watching as both of you paled dramatically. 
“We’re having twins?”
“We’re having twins.”
After you and Bucky had cried about two babies for a full hour, you both decided that you needed to make a plan.  
“We’re gonna need two sets of God Parents,” Bucky said, stepping out of the en suite bathroom running a towel over his head and another low on his hips. You looked up from your phone and almost drooled at the sight of your fiancee. His rugged body was thick, and all built and hulking and you pressed your thighs together, setting the next mornings alarm and setting it on the side table. 
Pregnant people shouldn’t have to wake up early. It should be considered a crime against humanity. 
“Sam and Steve, obviously.” You said, voice sounding far away as he dropped his towel and turned, giving you a full view of his perfect ass. You coughed to cover a moan. 
“I want Natasha to be a Godmother.” He said, pulling boxers over his thick thighs and a sleep sweater over his head. 
“I want Maria to be the other.” You replied, opening your arms for him and sighing happily when he curled up in your arms, metal hand pressed to your stomach and rubbing it soothingly. Your heart fluttered as his gentleness. 
“Absolutely.” He hummed, looking up at you with shining eyes. 
“What?” You whispered, fingers drawing patterns over his shoulders through his sweater. 
“I love you, Ma.”
“I love you, Daddy.”
He lifted his head, smirk ready pulling across his lips and lifting himself to hover dangerously over you. 
“Daddy, huh?” His voice has lowered considerably and your legs wrapped around his thighs, pulling him closer and fisting his sweater. 
“You heard me.” You smiled, shrieking when he leaned forward and bit your nose playfully. He stopped, pulling away with a devastated expression. 
“What if I hurt them.” He asked seriously and you threw your head back and laughed loudly. 
“Baby. You may be a super soldier but even you couldn’t do anything to hurt them. Now get inside of me.”
“Yes ma’am.”
You walked into the compound six weeks later wearing a large fuzzy sweater and leggings. You were three months now, and while your stomach wasn’t entirely noticeable, it would soon be very difficult to hide, so you decided that today would be the day. You held Bucky’s warm hand in one and held four separate gift bags in the other. All of them were yellow, with green tissue paper tickling your knuckles and they swung beside your side. Bucky nodded at the receptionist who flushed happily at the superheroes attention and you smiled kindly, for you had been in her place only years before and now you were here, your baby daddy pulling you into an elevator and into his chest. 
“‘M nervous.” You whispered, curling on arm around your waist and brushing your thumb over the part of your stomach that had started to curve. Bucky looked down at you and smiled, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear and kissing you sweetly. 
“Me too. I wonder who's going to cry the most.” He laughed, standing fully when you reached the HR floor. You rolled your eyes and smirked, intertwining your hand with his and pulling him down to Maria’s office at the end of the hall. 
“Sam. Totally it’s gonna be Sam.”
“I’m gonna bet on Natasha.” Bucky smiled. 
Maria was the one who had first hired you and had taken you under her wing. You and Maria had become impossibly close, her dry humour and kind smile matching with your own. You had spent many nights at the others house, and you would be quick to call her family before you called her friend. 
You knocked on her door and pushed it open when she asked who it was. When she looked up from her tablet, a smile lit up her face and she eyed the bags in your hands nervously. 
“What’s that for?” She asked, nodding towards your hand. You put the bags that didn’t say her name on the ground and held the other out to her to take. She did so slowly, never dropping her guard and looking at the both of you with a suspicious smile. 
“Just for my favourite bridesmaid.” You shrugged, resting your hand on your chin after sitting down at the chairs across from her desk. “Open it.”
Maria tugged the green paper and set them neatly on her desk, rooting through the bag and pulling out an adult-sized beanie. It was a black hat that had one heart on the rim and she smiled, pouting her bottom lip and holding it to her chest. 
“This is so cute! I’ll have to wear it when we go out this Friday.” She said, mentioning the monthly get-together you, Sam, Maria, Steve, Natasha and Bucky had together at the local pub. 
“Yeah, about that. There's another one in there for you.” You smiled and she squinted her eyes at you before reaching in and pulling out a smaller, matching one. She looked at you and frowned. 
“Whose this one for?”
“I figured you’d want t match with your God baby this winter.” You shrugged, watching her expression change from confusion to understanding to excitement. 
“Wait, are you kidding me?” She asked, holding the beanie out and looking down at it. 
“It’s for real.” Bucky smiled, leaning against the doorframe. She looked from you to him and back to the hat before standing up and pulling you up into her arms, jumping up and down and high giving Bucky over your shoulder. 
“Whose the Godfather?” She asked, smiling and looking at Bucky before taking her own hat and pulling it over her head. 
“Steve and Sam.” She pulled back and frowned. 
“Two of them? Wait, oh my god. You’re having twins? Oh my god I’m gonna throw up.”
The boys were next, and you found them easily in the gym sparring and training in the middle of the mats. It was only when Steve suplexed Sam onto the ground under him that Steve noticed that you and Bucky were standing there watching with amused grins. 
“It’s nice to see someone kick his ass. He deserves it sometimes.” Bucky said, smirking at Sam’s squawk and bringing Steve into one of those infamous hugs. 
“Haven’t seen you both in a while, we miss you guys around here.” Steve smiled, pulling you into a friendly hug and smiling at Bucky. “You been hiding him from us?”
You shrugged and smiled. “Well, you take him for a month so I decided it was my turn to have him.” Sam had eventually pulled himself from his shame puddle on the floor and kissed the top of your head. Bucky used to be jealous of you and Sams relationship, but ever since his world had been flipped upside down he knew that you were here for good. 
“You’ve been doin’ us a favour honestly,” He smirked, clapping Bucky on the shoulder. 
“Yeah, well, I’m gonna have to keep him for a little bit longer.” You smiled up at him and Bucky held out the gifts to them both. They needed no coaxing to tear into the gifts, all three men were toddlers in human bodies and they both pulled out matching, tiny onesies. 
‘i love my god dad, sam’, ‘cap is my godfather’. 
“Wait, what.” Steve’s voice was quiet, and Sam looked down at you, his chin wobbling and pulling you into a tight hug. 
“Careful, you might hurt the babies.” You laughed, squealing when Sam picked you up and spun you around, laughing and crying at the same time. Steve pulled you out of Sams' arms and swallowed you into a bear hug, being careful about your stomach but swaying with you and whispering small praises into your ear. 
Sam was crying into Bucky’s shoulder now, and Bucky looked particularly frightened about the situation at hand, making you and Steve laugh and lean into each other. 
“So, you got good swimmers, huh?” Sam said, eventually pulling away and wiping his face into the collar of his work out shirt. “At least we know you’re not a flop in the sheets.”
“Oh I wanna take it back, where’s Clint.” 
“No takesies-backsies. My baby is gonna be the coolest kid on the block.” Sam said, puffing out his chest and smiling like the cat who got the cream. 
“Yeah, okay. Go back to your shame puddle on the floor and humble yourself for a second okay?” Steve said as if talking down to a toddler. “My baby is gonna have THE Captain America as an uncle.”
Natasha was the last one, and you and Bucky found her in the common room, curled up under a blanket and watching some cartoon on the big screen television. When she saw you both walk in, a smile split over her face, and she threw the blanket off her lap and hugging the both of you before pulling you to sit with her. She paused the show she was watching and smiled at you excitedly. 
“Okay, so I found a florist who can get all the plants and flowers you wanted and they’re a small local business. The girl on the phone said that she was already on plans and sketches for your wedding. She sounded so— what’s wrong?” The smile fell off her face at you and Bucky’s matching stone cold expression and you turned your body towards her own. 
“Nat,” You began. “You’ve been there since the beginning in the Red Room. You pulled me out of my bed and took me with you when we escaped and I will never be able to repay the favour.”
You and Natasha had been in the Red Room together, and seventeen year old her had broken the cuffs that bound six year old you to your cot and had taken you to Australia where both of you had navigated life together, growing and learning through your service with multiple global governments and each other. 
You had been repaying her your whole life— taking bullets and making her your maid of honour and letting her have full reins of the wedding planning. She was your guardian angel and it was about time you gave her this. 
“I hope this is a good ‘thank you’ gift.” You whispered, leaning into Bucky who had begun to rub your back. He could tell how close you were to tears— not only because of the hormones but because of how important this moment was for you. 
Natasha pulled the green tissue paper from the bag and pulling out a soft, fluffy blanket. It was pink, Natasha’s favourite colour and she pulled a note from the blue ribbon that tied it together. 
“You don’t know me yet, but Mom and Dad have already told me a lot about you. I’m really excited to meet my hero in person! See you in October!” She read out loud, trailing off and starting to shake. She looked up at you, her back slouched and tears already welling up in her eyes. 
“What is this?” Her voice was small and quiet and she looked rapidly between you and Bucky, bottom lip trembling. 
“You saved me, Natasha. Not only from the Red Room, but you saved my life. You’re the reason you’re holding that blanket and note right now and we felt it was the only feasible thing for you to be one of our babies God Mother.” You said, your own tears welling up in your eyes. 
“I’m gonna be a God Mother?” She cried, looking tentative and scared and hopeful. 
“Only if you’re okay with it,” Bucky said, his voice gentle and Natasha let out a loud sob into her fist. When words failed her, she hugged the blanket close and nodded, sobbing into her hands and dropping her head into your lap. When she had begun to settle down, she slid off the couch and pulled your sweater up with your permission, pressing her lips to it and holding your hips. 
“You’re gonna have the best life, babies. Me and your momma and your papa are gonna make sure of it, okay?” She whispered, lips brushing against the skin of your tummy, making you cry and Bucky run his hands through the redheads hair. 
Yeah, these two babies were going to have the best life. 
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Live Wire --The Dirt--13
Summary:  Wren Ledden, Tommy’s best friend from high school, has had a rough life, and she intends to keep the nitty gritty details of her suffrage to herself until the day she dies. Only Tommy has gotten her to open up about a small portion of her troubles, and it’s only Tommy who she trusts with her life. That is until her life gets turned around sneaking into a concert one night…the same night Motley Crue is born.
Warning! This chapter contains attempted physical abuse. Please be cautious when reading if this triggers you.
A/N: Idk if the slow pace is killing anyone or if you’re liking not having time jumps, so let me know because I’m debating adding a time jump, but I don’t really have to. Please respond with any feedback!
Previous Chapters: Masterlist 
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Nikki grumbled as he rolled over in bed, the uncomfortably cinched leather pants from last night still clung to his legs, and slowly, last night returned to him. Vince’s dumb ass shooting coke in the bathroom, Wren angrily disposing of the coke he and Tommy were snorting, him yelling at her, her storming off to her room after slamming a man into the ground, and him going to bed shortly after, still fuming.
As he attempted to stand, his brain pounded against his skull and a straining pain pierced through his eyes. A groan escaped his lips as he felt the alcohol and cocaine hangover in his gut and head. The only solace from his pain was the intoxicating aroma of coffee that drifted through the crack under his door. Slowly, Nikki stood and made his way towards the kitchen, silently hoping he wouldn’t encounter a soul. As his sock-clad feet fell along the carpeted hallway, his frustration with Wren grew as his presence in the living room brought back all the anger he felt the previous night. He knew she was already awake. The lingering aroma of coffee had woken him up, and at first it was comforting, a sensuous reminder of her—mint and coffee either together or apart always led to him thinking of Wren—but as the image of her fist colliding against that man’s face flooded his mind, Nikki couldn’t control the boiling in his blood.
He couldn’t put his finger on why it bothered him so much. He knew Wren was hot headed, that she has reacted violently out of anger before, and that her ability stand her ground had even been something that he admired about her. Why was last night different for him? Why did the smell of coffee leave a hardened knot twisting around in his stomach? Why did he not want to see her? As Nikki found his way into the kitchen, he poured himself a bowl of cereal and lingered in the crevices of the apartment where he hoped she wouldn’t see him.
Suddenly, all of Nikki’s other senses began to overpower those of smell, and he was able to push the scent of coffee from his mind. As he scanned the kitchen, guilt fell over him as he realized Wren had cleaned up the mess he, Tommy, and Vince along with their guests had made the night before. His hands shook slightly as he held the bowl, a side effect from the anxiety he felt as well as the craving he had to drink in order to forget his frustration with Wren and hers with him. His ears could hardly pick up the steady patter of water through the wall behind him as well as the high-pitched squeak that follows when someone turns off the shower. Quickly, Nikki placed his bowl on the counter and desperately searched the apartment for any trace of Tommy—maybe it was him and not her in the shower. Maybe she was gone already. Be serious, where would she have to go? Where would you have to go?
Wren shoved a towel along her limbs and sighed in frustration as she realized the towel wasn’t drying her, rather it was pushing all of the residual water from her skin to the floor. Fuck it, she thought as she examined the puddle around her feet and quickly tied her hair up in the towel, one of the other assholes who live here can clean it. She slipped her legs into her shorts and pulled them up to her waist before she shoved her arms into the sleeves of a t-shirt and shimmied it down her body. She stepped out of the bathroom and wrung the ends of her hair out in the towel, paced past her room and through the apartment to hang the towel over the banister outside to dry. Only upon re-entering her home did she realize she was no longer alone.
“Oh, hey,” she said softly upon noticing the flattened mop of raven-dyed hair poking out from the kitchen.
“Hey,” Nikki offered apathetically in return. He didn’t turn to face her, look her in the eye, or even speak her name. Wren held her tongue. Don’t over react. He’s a dumbass who got wasted last night. He’s just hungover, she tried to reason away Nikki’s obviously sour attitude, but on some level, she was even more angry with him now than she was the night before.
“What time were you wanting to work on some new stuff? I have to call the Roxy at some point today, but that’s all I—”
“I’m not feeling it today.” Whether or not he meant for that simple sentence to cut down any semblance of civility Wren was upholding, Nikki succeeded in pressing a button he knew would cause her to self-destruct.
“You’re ‘not feeling it’,” she mimicked with a tinge of venom in her voice. “What does that mean?”
“It means I’m not in the mood,” Nikki hissed in return as he threw his plastic bowl in the sink and allowed the spoon to clink and clang around in a fury.
“Probably because your dumbass decided to do coke last night,” Wren hissed under her breath as she lowered herself onto the armrest of the couch and folded her arms across her chest.
“Why is that such a big fucking deal to you?” Nikki gasped as his voice raised in aggravation.
“Why is it such a big deal for you?!” Wren snapped in return as she narrowed her eyes and furrowed her brows at him. Both Wren and Nikki glared at one another with their jaws clenched, eyes narrowed, and noses pointed directly ahead. Tunnel vision enveloped them as they spouted insults across the room, and neither noticed Tommy had emerged from Wren’s room wearing nothing by his underwear and a hesitant expression as he examined the scene before him.
“It’s not,” Nikki grumbled as he defiantly took a step forward.
“Then cut that shit out! The band isn’t nearly successful enough for you to fuck it up for us!” Wren snapped.
“For me to fuck it up? I’m on that stage every night playing, what are you doing?!” Wren pursed her lips and sighed heavily in retaliation of Nikki’s words.
“Hey, come on, man. Knock it off,” Tommy’s voice was barely enough to cut through the bellowing from either of his closest friends.
“I’m getting you gigs! I’m marketing you sorry, coke shooting fucks!” Wren jumped up and shouted in response to Nikki’s jaded comment.
“It’s just coke! It’s not amphetamines or fucking heroine! So get that stick out of your ass and back off!” Nikki shouted his hostile words across the three feet that separated them.
“Dude, leave her alone,” Tommy immediately stated as he stepped between the two.
“Come on, Tommy,” Nikki grumbled at the lanky teen pretending to be a barrier between him and Wren. “Clearly she doesn’t need you, or anyone to fight her battles.”
“Yelling at her doesn’t do anything but make her even more mad! You’re just pissing her off to have her pissed off, Nik!”
“Is that what you’re in a mood about?” Wren scoffed as she poked her head out from behind Tommy.
“You made me look like some weak punk!” Nikki countered with fury in his eyes. “You made me look like I need a girl to fight my damn battles when I was headed over there to help you.” Wren folded her arms tightly across her chest and met Nikki’s eyes once Tommy had fallen back to stand beside her.
“I’m not going to pretend to be weak and defenseless to boost your ego! You were piss drunk and fucking high! You could barely stay standing let alone do any real damage to that asshole,” Wren huffed as she paced towards the front door, grabbed her sneakers, and jammed them onto her feet. “Fuck this. I don’t have to sit here and listen to you bitch at me for dumb shit you can’t even vocalize to me because you’re too high at the time to process your emotions,” she grumbled as she tied her laces tight against her feet and swung the door open before taking off down the steps and through the street in a light jog.
Tommy lowered his eyes and pursed his lips so that he was glaring an Nikki. His long brown hair was stringy with sweat from last night’s performance, he needed a shower, and he was expected to be at a girl’s house in less than two hours, yet there he stood, grimacing at the oldest person who lives in their apartment for being a dumbass.
“Get off my dick, Tommy,” Nikki groaned in irritation at the look on Tommy’s face.
“She’s only pissed because she gives a shit about you, you dumbass,” Tommy stated as he punched Nikki in the arm hard enough to make him realize how much of an ass he was being. “She’s pissed because she gives a shit about all of us, about the band,” his voice trailed off as he continued to explain to Nikki the way Wren’s emotional reactions work. “You were a dick, asking her what she’s doing for us. She’s doing more than either you or I could and you just shit on that! I told you from the beginning, she’s a deal-breaker. You don’t get to treat her like shit when she’s just trying to protect Mötley. Wren is choosing to be here, choosing to help Vince with vocals, to help write with you, to help us fucking make it. She could be finishing her Bachelor’s degree somewhere on a full-ride scholarship, but she’s here. She doesn’t fucking need us. We need her!”
“So, I’m not allowed to have a problem with her every now and then? I’m just supposed to get over it if she does something that pisses me off?” Nikki scoffed.
“Yelling at her only makes things worse for both of you. Just talk to her. You’re twenty-three, Nikki. Do you honestly mean to say that a twenty-year-old girl is more capable of responding like an adult than you are?” Tommy sneered as he retreated to Wren’s room to grab a change of clothes from the dresser.
“Wren’s nineteen, just like you,” Nikki’s voice traveled through the rooms of the apartment and into Tommy’s ears.
“No, she’s twenty. Yesterday was her birthday you asshole! You need to make this right.”
***      ***     ***      ***      ***     ***
Wren carefully counted her paces as she ran in order to make sure she was breathing in and out on opposite feet. In school and sports, she hated running, but sometime during her last year of high school, she began to see running as something therapeutic. She cherished her alone time, but often hated to be stuck with her thoughts for longer than a moment. Running seemed like the only solution at the time; not only does she get to be alone and distracted from her thoughts, but she also gets to have the sensation as if she’s running away from her problems. She knew that she would have to go back to the apartment at some point and that like herself, Nikki has no where else in the world to be. It was inevitable that they’d cross paths again in the next ten or twenty minutes, but at least by then she’ll be too tired to fight with him.
After going south on Clark street, cutting behind the Whisky A Go Go, turning south again on Hilldale avenue, and running along the Sunset boulevard until she passed the Roxy, Wren turned around. She still had to call the Roxy, and although she was already at the venue, she didn’t want to represent the band as a sweaty jogger. Still not quite ready to end her run, Wren decided to lengthen her route by continuing north on Hilldale until it intersected with Ozetea Terrace, and then turn right and head south on Clark street.
As she grew closer to the apartment, Wren could make out a vehicle parked along the back side of the apartment building. A black, 1975 GMC pick-up truck was barely visible, and Wren decided to quicken her pace. It wasn’t uncommon to notice strange cars in strange places in Los Angeles, but due to her time living alone on the streets, she was privy to the any danger that could that present itself from that situation. As she approached the stairs leading up to her apartment, Wren noticed the silhouette of a man leaning against the building. He was of relative height and weight, yet everything about him was too familiar. Hazel eyes poked out from strands of long, mousy brown hair that fell over his face, and his hollow cheeks seemed to fill once Wren had finally returned to the building.
“A friend told me where I could find you.” His voice brought back memories of not being able to breathe, of being thrown around, hit, and overpowered. A small, weak, ‘no’ fell from her lips as Wren dashed for the stairs. “You’re not getting away that easy this time!” he growled as Wren hurried to leap up the steps three at a time. She could feel his slender and grubby fingers graze her leg as she took her last two leaps and strides up the stairs and sharply kicked back in defense.
After flinging open the door and closing it shut behind her, Wren cursed her roommates for deciding to take the locks off the door for the party last night. “Tommy!” Wren called out and quickly scanned the room in search of her friend. Quickly, the footsteps outside grew heavier and heavier as Clay came closer to catching her. Heart pounding and tears threatening to spill from her eyes, Wren sprinted through the apartment to the very last room, Nikki’s room. She opened the door and slammed it shut and hastily attempted to turn the lock between her shaking hands. “Nikki I--”
“What do you want? An apology?” he hissed without even looking up from the guitar he held in his hands.
“Please, Nikki,” Wren pleaded as her shaking hands caused the already loose door handle to jiggle uncontrollably.
“I’m not just going to forgive you for--” Nikki’s voice faltered when he finally brought his eyes to the woman before him. Her normally porcelain features were phantom white, her eyes were coated with a heavy veil of tears that she refused to let fall, and he could feel the anxiety and adrenaline that pulsed within her veins as if they were his own. He’d never seen anyone look as terrified as she did in that moment, and her fear put their spat into perspective. She needed him and that was all that mattered. “Wren, what’s going on? What’s wrong?”
“He’s here,” she panted through deep breaths.
“Who’s here? In the house?” At his words, the pair could hear a fist begin to pound on Wren’s bedroom door.
“I told you I would find you,” Clay hissed as crashing sounds began to occur around the house. He was moving around, searching for her, invading all privacy of their home.
Nikki noticed Wren had frozen the moment she heard his voice. She stopped trying to lock the door, she stopped shaking, she almost stopped breathing in an attempt to be so quiet she couldn’t be found. Throughout the silence of the room, he could hear the steady rise in the sound of footsteps as the man neared where Wren had run to for safety. In a swift movement, Nikki hurried towards Wren, grabbed her by the arms, and pulled her away from the door. As he pushed her behind him, he could feel her fingers tighten around his and the shakiness of her hands from earlier manifested in her grip. He knew she wasn’t capable of letting go of him in that moment, which would make fighting this asshole fairly difficult, so he was careful to keep his bass within reach. As both Nikki and Wren watched the door knob turn and the door creep open, they each tightened their grasp on one another; one in desperate need of support, and the other assuring he wasn’t going anywhere.
“There you are,” the intruder sighed as he locked his sights onto Wren. “Come on, you know we have some unfinished business to get back to.”
“You need to leave,” Nikki stated firmly as he glared at the man before him. He couldn’t have been older than twenty-one or twenty-two, but the small scars on his face made him appear older.
“And what are you going to do about it?” Clay huffed at Nikki, indifferent to his presence.
“Get the hell off this property and stay the fuck away from her, and in return, I won’t kill you where you stand.”
“Really, Wrenny? You’re going to let this guy speak for you?” Clay scoffed as he peered past Nikki and at the sweaty, broken woman behind him.
“Leave me alone,” Wren stated, and although her voice was firm and unwavering, her hands trembled within Nikki’s. At her words, Clay began to make his way forwards. Step by step, he closed in on Wren, even with Nikki acting as a human shield between the two.  Nikki pulled his hand free from Wren’s grasp and threw a solid punch in Clay’s direction. His knuckles cracked when his hand collided with the side of Clay’s face, and Nikki let out a brief shout.
“Run! Go!” Taking heed of his instructions, Wren managed to slip past the two men just as Clay’s fist made contact with Nikki’s face.
“Nikki,” she called out, only to hear him repeatedly yelling for her to run away. Wren tried to take off in a sprint, but not even a second after Clay punched Nikki across the face, he shoved him against the bed and turned to chase Wren. Throwing himself after her in a full-fledged dive, Wren felt her body collide with the ground as another body was pressed against hers. A hand found her breast while another groped along her stomach and ribcage as she writhed beneath the weight of his body and the weight of his torment. As quickly as his body landed on her, it was shoved away. Wren scurried away from where she lay and retreated back into the safety of Nikki’s room to try and keep herself from breaking down. Her breaths were choppy and incomplete, her heart thumped and pounded as if it were that of a racehorse after a derby, and her stomach was emptier than it had ever been, yet it churned with the urge to vomit.
With each passing second, Nikki’s hands began to ache more and more as they took turns striking each side of Clay’s face. Right and then left, right and then left, right, left, right, left; one after the other, Nikki pounded into Clay’s skin until he begged for mercy. Wren saw nothing. She didn’t see Nikki brutally beat Clay for attacking her, she didn’t see him retreat from their home, she couldn’t even hear Nikki’s screams as Clay ran from the apartment and down the stairs to his vehicle. She had her back pressed against the wall and her side pressed against the mattress on the opposite side of the room as the door, attempting to hide from the initial line of sight as she scraped the tears from her eyes and tried her hardest to steady her hands. For a long time, she could feel nothing other than the beat of her own heart and the deep inhales of her own breaths, or at least until Nikki entered the room.
Bloodied, beaten, and bruised, Nikki made his way to where Wren sat. His arms wasted no time in snaking around her back, his head hurried to rest on her shoulder, and his chest ached to be against hers. All he wanted was to reassure her that she was safe. His insecurities from earlier were moot, his anger with her and hers with him had all faded away into dust. Without thinking, Wren crawled closer to Nikki so that she sat on his lap and clung to him as if her life depended on it. A smile crossed his lips and he held her even closer than he had before. Every now and then a hot tear would connect with his skin, but slowly, her tears stopped, her breathing stabilized, and they were simply holding each other. All Nikki wanted was to stay in that moment, and so he held his arms tightly around the woman he never wanted to let go of, and prayed with all his might to anyone who would listen to please not take her away.
Continued Reading: Chapter 14 
Tags: @prettyyoungandbored, @hot-young-runningfree, @crue-sixx, @oskea93, @dancergirl5527​, @thatonemoviefan​, @motley-queen​, @american-satanxx​, @infernalrats​, @gothpanda​
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Isn’t This What You Wanted?
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Denki Kaminari, Hitoshi Shinso
A/N: I keep starting then restarting my little t-fics and lately nothing seems very well written. So I busted out of my block a bit to make this small fic. Also, why is there so little lee Shinso online? Like he’s a bean, he deserves attention too. 
Description: After being awoken by his friend, Shinso accidently uses his quirk on him. The male’s foggy brain debates whether or not to take advantage before guilt takes over and he has to deal with the consequences. 
Shinso paused, afraid to move. Crap, had he just? Oh well. He leaned back into the class Pokemon awkwardly before shyly placing the other’s hands on his abdomen. Maybe he should just let his friend go? It was an accident and frankly hardly anyone remembered when they were under his control. But…. he was also really sleepy and feeling a bit down. He was too shy to just ask such a favor from his friend. 
But he’d also hadn’t been even cuddled like this in years! Damn it, he didn’t want the other to be mad! Hitoshi only had a few friends and he didn’t really want to lose any of them. But his heart craved more physical affection, he’d never felt so touch starved. Why the hell was this guy so loving?! “Hey um…. Could you,” the mind controller paused. He didn’t need to ask when he was using his quirk, just demand. But he didn’t want to be a total ass, even if Denki didn’t remember this…. He would. Shinso’s face heated up before he leaned into the other’s ear. “Could you…. Maybe… lightly scratch my stomach?”
Like hell he was about to say that word. The other’s face didn’t change, no reply was given, but fingers started to lightly scratch at his stomach. The taller arched his back a bit, giggling softly. “EEEhehe! Nmmmhahehehehe!” He leaned back into Kaminari’s chest more, body threatening to twitch and flail. 
It didn’t feel as nice as he hoped it would have. Barely blinking eyes just staring at him, a blank expression, no talking, no true interaction. It kind of sucked. He really couldn’t go through with this. “Aha! Alright, alright! Cut it out!” The fingers did as told, just waiting on the stomach. 
Man, he already felt so guilty! “I’m sorry Denki,” he sighed before releasing his quirk. Life came back to golden eyes as the smaller blinked a few times. Pulling his arms back, he rubbed his eyes. “Man, must have spaced out there for a sec. My eyes are super dry,” he groaned. 
Should he tell him at all? Hitoshi glanced over, his blush increasing before he sat up, back against his pillows. “Oh hey, you alright,” Denki asked casually as he glanced up to see the other trying to cover himself with his blanket. His face was turning a harsh red now.  
“‘M fine. You really shouldn’t just wake people like that you dork.” The other shrugged before flopping down beside his friend. “What’s the worst that could happen? You deck me one? We have Recovery Girl.” What?! “First of all, don’t say things like that! She’s a person, someone who offered to help people at our school, not a machine that can just do whatever for you,” Kaminari cut him off. 
His hands were raised in surrender. “I-I didn’t mean it like that man! I’m sorry.” The puppy dog eyes came out as his face fell. Oh. Shinso felt his heart tug slightly. Damn it. “And…. me decking you…. Is less likely then…. Myquirkactivating.” Huh? The other glanced over. “What did you say?” Denki couldn’t understand him, he spoke way to fast. 
Shinso refused to make eye contact as he looked down with shame. “My…. quirk.” Okay…. That’s part of the sentence. “What about it?” Okay, just get it over with, like ripping off a band aid. 3.... 2…. 1…. Now. “I accidentally used my quirk on you.” When? The smaller sat back a bit, moving away from his friend. “When?” 
Why couldn’t he just get mad and leave?! “When you woke me up. You startled me and without thinking, when I asked what you wanted and you replied…. I used my quirk on you.” Oh. That was a little unsettling, but Kaminari brushed it off. “Well hey, accidents happen!” He glanced to the clock. It hadn’t been over five minutes since he came to wake his buddy, had Shinso let him go right after? 
How long had they been talking? “Did… did you do something to me?” The taller made eye contact as he rushed up with a small amount of panic. “Of course not!” Well…. Not really? “Not…. not anything mean anyway.” So what, he just made him lay down and snuggle or be quiet? Regardless, the idea of someone else having control of him wasn’t a nice one, he could kind of see why Ojiro was weary to be the guy’s friend. 
But if Kaminari could talk Ojiro into giving Shinso a chance, he could remind himself he trusted the other! There was yet to be any reason not to. “So…. what did you do to me?” Denki had the right to know and Hitoshi knew that. Not wanting to cause any anxiety he started to speak. 
“I…. I kind of…. Made you,” think of the bandage, “tickle me.” Ew, gross, okay. The other cringed at his own words slightly before glancing up to see the other’s shocked face turn to one of confusion. Man, he looked so cute! Tired face, messy hair, large pajama shirt… just… cute. So Shinso may have had a little crush on the guy too, alright? 
He openly was flirtatious with him, gave him physical affection, and texted him everyday. Sure, he wasn’t the most ideal friend for the introvert, but he was making him become more social and opening him up in a way; Brining him out of his shell. 
He’s the only person to ever… truly do that. Monoma tried but the guy’s obsessive side was kind of a deal breaker as it was rather annoying. Kendo was night but they were more acquaintances and Tetsutetsu was too much like that rock guy that fawned over Mr. Egotistical Maniac. That probably didn’t help the swelling ego size, but hey, that was none of Shinso’s business. 
But what was, was the fact he may have just ruined a beautiful friendship and he just want to reenter his shell and never come out. “You…. made me what?” Hisotshi growled under his breath. “Don’t make me repeat it.” So Kaminari did here the other correctly. “Um…. why?” Why? Why couldn’t he just leave and never talk to Shinso again?! 
The taller’s face was bright red at this point. “Your just…. So clingy, physically affectionate, guess I got grHEE!” He covered his mouth before glancing up at the other. Of course, Denki just wore that fucking, loving smile of his that complimanted his caring eyes. “If you just wanted me to tickle you, you could have just said so man. I don’t mind. It’s not like it’s something kinky, right?” Right?
Kaminari wasn’t a kink shamer but…. He’d rather think of tickling as a fun bonding activity, not as… something a bit more mature.  
Shinso gave a shy shake of the head. He wasn’t prepared for this! He was prepared for heart break and to be miserable. To be bullied and everything along those lines. “Whahahit! S-Sthahahop!” The smaller sat on the taller’s lap, both hands kneading into his sides. “Why? I thought you wanted to be tickled,” Kaminari giggled. 
“Honestly I’ve been meaning to find out if you were ticklish or not anyway. It’s a nice weakness to know of your friends. You just never struck me as the ticklish type. I figured you’d just turn the tables on me, heh.” He wasn’t really paying attention to what he was saying, but it didn’t seem to matter as Shinso couldn’t even bring himself to uncover his mouth and use this new found information. 
Rather, he kept jolting and bouncing around, giggling helplessly behind hands. “Denki,” he whined. The other rolled his eyes before trying out some new areas. “How about your tummy, huh?” Oh man. “Dhahaon’t chahahall it thahaht!” They weren’t children anymore! But his demand fell on deaf ears as  the smaller moved into his ear more. 
“But I thought you wanted this. DIdn’t you?” That little shit was teasing him! Shinso shrieked more before shoving a Denki and trying to curl away. He didn’t get far as fingers started prodding at the crevices of his underarms. His limbs started to come to life as the flaided about, his laughs becoming breathless as he shook his head. 
“Aw! Dude this is awesome!” A hand came up to gently slap at the offending hands before it was lifted over head, fingers scribbling into the hollow without hesitation. “Tickle, tickle, tickle!” Shinso didn’t think his face could get any redder. He screamed into his pillow as he thrashed about, laughing like a mad man. 
Finally, a hand came out and tweaked the smaller’s waist, earning a yelp an a needed break from the “torment”. “Evil,” Shinso grumbled before crashing back into his pillows. Another hour of sleep sounded good right about now. Kaminari, however, wasn’t having it. He pouted before snuggling closer. “Upppp!” Fingers prodded at the taller randomly. “Come one man, Ojiro’s going to think we blew him off or something. Get up.” Nope. It wasn’t happening. 
Kaminari huffed before getting back on his knees. “You know…. I never tested out your feet… or legs, or that much of your upper body.” While waiting for the taller to reply, Denki let out his own squeal of surprise before falling on top of his friend, giggling softly. “D-Don’t!” 
Shinso smirked a bit, a “heh” escaping his lips. “Yhahahour shahahuch a jeheherk!” Kami was still giggling and trying to pry the one hand that occasionally would squeeze his hip off. “Oh, I’m the jerk, huh?” Hitoshi pulled the other back up to lay beside him, spooning him from behind as his hands wandered the hypersensitive tummy. 
The poor boy was losing his mind at the moment, shrieking and flailing about. He didn’t even notice the small kiss placed on his cheek before his attack stopped. Relaxing into the hug he had from behind, he glanced up at the other before smirking. “You know…. I think any girl would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend.”
The taller just chuckled. “Why can’t it be a boy?” What? Oh. Kaminari’s face flared up before he hid into the other’s arms, earning a hearty laugh.
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What Do You Want From Me? Ch 9
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Lance Tucker x Reader
Words: 1873
Warnings: Sickness
A/N: Some more Lance/reader interaction. What could possibly be going on with these two?
You were sitting in a coffee shop, sipping on a cold caramel frappe, waiting on your two thirty interview. After your last interaction with Lance, you contacted his agent/manager and told her you were resigning. She asked you if you would interview and hire a new PA for Lance since you knew the demands of the job and were the best person to find the right fit for his personality. You agreed with the condition of no contact from Lance until you made the decision to hire. That was two weeks ago and so far, you hadn’t had any luck.
Reading over the resume again and waiting for Hailey to arrive, you were surprised when someone who was not Hailey pulls out the chair in front of you and sits down. Giving said person your best resting bitch face, you glared hard at them.
“I'm sorry.” Claire says, giving you her best frown.
“For what? For not telling me the entire story about Jase? Or could it be forgetting to mention that he's a dominant?” You ask her coldly.
“Both. I should have told you he was the governors nephew from the start. But would it have changed your mind?” She questions you.
“It could have been a deal breaker. Being with him brings a lot of unwanted attention…not something I’m too fond of.” You take a sip of the frappe. Ugh, this is so gross cold.
“How's it going with him anyway? You haven't updated me. The sex as good as I've heard?” She has always been a thirsty bitch.
“Wouldn't know. I asked if we could take it slow, given the revelation of him being a Dom, and everyone wanting a piece of him!” God, she's irritating.
“I thought you'd be ok with that. I mean, you've worked for Lance...all you do with him is submit.”
Oh, she's done it now!  
“Seriously, Claire?!! What the fuck does that even mean?!” Your raised voice grabbing the attention of some of the patrons.
“Shhh! It just means you have to be a little submissive to have worked for him for so long. He's no easy task.” She says softly, trying to avert the stares you were now receiving.
Maybe she's right. Maybe on some level you were a submissive, but definitely in not a ‘yes, master’ way.
“Claire, I know you're trying to help, and I won't deny that I need to get on with my life, but don't you think I should do it on my terms? When I'm ready? This whole thing with Lance has really put a strain on me and-”
“You slept with him!”
Absolutely did I not just give that away!
“I…didn't say that.” Who the fuck are these people I surrounded myself with?
“You didn't have too!”
I'm pretty sure I gave nothing away.
Claire sits back in the chair and crosses her arms, “then answer the question. Did you sleep with Lance Tucker? And because I know you so well, if you stay silent or deflect, I'll automatically know you did.”
To do list: drop Claire as a friend, effective immediately!
“Why does it matter? Lance is in my past. See?” You hold up the resumes in your hand.
“God, I honestly hate that man! I can't believe he finally got to you!”
Well, that's a curiously odd statement to make.  
“Claire. I'm moving on. I promise. Please, no more talk of Lance, or Jase, or anything that has to do with sex. Actually, let's not talk. My interview should be here any second, and I think you should go.”
She glares at you, but knows you have work to do. “Fine. Text me later! Love you!” Claire gets up and leaves the coffee shop.
Thank fuck! You’re not sure how much more of her you could take.
 A few short moments pass when someone else is standing in front of you. “Hi…are you Y/N?”
You look at the girl and smile. “I am, are you Hailey?” She gives a shy smile and confirms her identity. You look at your phone and notice she's ten minutes late and offers no apology for her tardiness. She's also a cute, young blonde, which is exactly Lance’s type. Sorry Hailey, no rose for you. “Shall we get started?”
Two weeks later, you were able to find someone to replace you as Lance’s PA. You contacted his agent to send her the resume and job application to run the usual checks. Mindy was going to do well with Lance, and you couldn't be happier with your choice.  
The only problem now, was making contact with Lance. You told his agent you would see Lance to give him his keys and the details on Mindy. Also, on her first day of work you would accompany her to give her the basics and lay of his house. Lance will take one look at her and will scream to the heavens. You’d be there to make sure she stayed.
You had sent a text to Lance to work out a time to meet him. He answered back and had agreed on nine am the next morning. Obviously the sooner the better.
When you woke up the next morning, you weren't feeling well. Maybe it was just nerves from seeing him again or could it be from the finality of it all? Three years of being Lance’s whipping post is about to come to an end. Definitely a good reason to not feel well.
Grabbing a muffin and a coffee on the way to his house sounded like a good idea. Hopefully the caffeine will get rid of this fucking migraine, you thought as you went inside the little coffee house you frequented.  
Opening the door, the harsh smells of the coffee beans made your stomach want to regurgitate, and you felt overcome with nausea. Great! Stomach bug. I don't have time for this today. You slowly made your way to the counter, ordered your banana chocolate muffin and Carmel latte, and rushed out the door, deciding the coffee house was off limits until you were over the bug.
Pulling into the driveway, the clock read seven minutes before nine. Sometimes you hated being punctual. You looked at the half-eaten muffin in disgust and threw it back in the bag. It tasted horrible and the coffee was too sweet. Fucking newbies! Lance better have coffee ready
You walked into his house and a feeling of nostalgia took over. Three years was a long time to walk away from. You'd miss this place but couldn't do this anymore. The broken heart would heal but seeing his face daily while it healed wouldn't help. This was for the best... you just had to make yourself believe it.
“Hi.” Lance says but doesn't smile.
“Coffee!” Your excitement for the dark substance made Lance chuckle. He opens the refrigerator and pulls out a bottle of your favorite hazelnut creamer and places it next to the coffee maker.
“It's fresh…figured you'd want some. Uh, I can make you breakfast? If you're hungry, that is?” You start to pour the coffee into a mug.
“No thanks, I had half a muffin from the coffee house. Tasted like ass! Mmmmm!”
The moan you let out is illicit, but Lance’s coffee is so good. He only buys the expensive shit, in the rare case he entertains guests and as of today…that’s what you were.
“How've you been?” Lance asks you, and you're not sure if you're ready for this yet. Not enough coffee for a conversation that may need you to be on your toes.
“Good, I've been good. How about you?” You direct the question back to Lance.
“I'm ok. So...I... uh, I wanted to apologize for my behavior at the charity event. I'm really sorry.” Lance genuinely looks apologetic.
You think back to that night and realize you may have been a little harsh to him as well. “Since you said sorry, I should as well. When I ran into you, I said some things that were pretty awful, and you didn't deserve that. I'm sorry. In my anger, I attacked you. I wanted you to hurt like I did. I shouldn't have let it get the best of me, so I apologize for my own actions.”
Lance leans on his counter. God, he looks good! Why am I still conflicted about everything?
Maybe it's because he's being so sweet right now, you just want to hug the shit out of this man.
“Oh…I just remembered….’future wife’ huh? Do I detect a hint of jealousy?” You ask him, assuring yourself he'd play it off.
Lance walks over and stands in front of you, “I meant it. It may have come out in a fit of anger, but I meant it.” Lance leans down to your ear whispering, “I refuse to believe this is the end of us!” He kisses your cheek and backs away.
Who is this man? You ask yourself totally shocked at his statement. If you were one hundred percent honest with yourself, this is what you've always wanted. This is not the Lance Tucker you've grown accustomed too. Where the hell is the Lance you knew?
“So, you have stuff for me?” Lance is staring at you with a smile.
“Yes!” You come out of your state of shock. You grab the file you brought with you and start going over the details of his new PA, Mindy. Lance is actually paying attention for once and not interrupting. Subject displays abnormal behavior. Further treatment and evaluation is recommended before giving final analysis.
“Do you have any quest-” was all you got out before bolting to his bathroom.
“Y/N? You ok?” Lance runs after you and finds you in the bathroom vomiting up the awful muffin.
“Lance…please...go!” Panting between heaves, but he's having none of it.
He grabs your hair from your face and rubs your back, whispering something to you that you can't make out. When you feel you've finished, he grabs a warm washcloth and gently wipes down your face, cleaning you up. You feel too weak to fight him off, the vomiting taking a toll on you and all you want to do is take a nap.  
“Can you walk?” Instead of answering him, you just close your eyes and relax in the floor. “Nope, not here!” Lance gets to his feet, puts his arms around you and scoops you up bridal style off the floor. He takes you to his room and places you on the bed and under his covers. Lances leaves long enough to get you some apple juice and a bottle of water.
“Beautiful, can you sit up?”
You do so, and Lance hands you the juice, which you gladly take a drink of. “Thank you, but I should go…”
“No, you should rest, and when you wake…they'll be soup waiting.” He smiles at you.
“Chicken noodle…from the deli?” Hoping he knows they have the best chicken noodle soup ever!
“Is there any other kind? Now rest.” Lance leans down and kisses your forehead before he stands to leave the room.
“Lance…” You say right before he exits the room, making him stop and turn around. “Thank you...for that. You didn't have too.”
 Lance gives you a genuine smile. “I'd do anything for you.”
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fantasyizlife · 6 years
My Savagez pt 9
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My Savagez Part 9
Paring: Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield x reader (AU)
Summary: Tom, Haz and Y/N are in a loveship built so uniquely by your own three beating hearts no one could break it apart. But what happens when buried past don't stay buried? Will your love survive? Will you survive? How much of their past is going to test and take from each of you? Only time and endurance will tell.
Side note: Loosely based off of the movie Savages
Word count:9679
Warnings: fluff-little bit/ angst-yeah but angst Tom=smut-start and ending 
**Sorry this took so long to come out,hope you enjoy almost 10k of 95% Tom**
I’m going to be thirsty and ask for feedback on this story, if it’s not received well I’ll move onto other fanfics I’ve started including head cannons or request, we shall see I hope you enjoy!  
The next day I woke up alone and followed the trail of white rose petals down the elevator, through the open living room and up another set of glass stairs that lead to a door labeled Captains Quarters. I opened the door to a very different scene that fit Toms ambiance. His room was mixed with light and dark brown woods with a ring of golden light that circled the ceiling. He also had a sky window encased in golden light. He had a tall bookshelf that was stocked with titles that surprised me. From Harry Potter and Goosebumps to Angela's Ashes and The Gifts of Imperfection. I picked up the acoustic guitar tucked away in the corner and smiled feeling like I just discovered a whole new Tom I didn’t know existed. I looked around finding his collection of snow globes from around the world. I picked one up that had a small boy holding up a shield at a black dragon that was breathing its fire at the boy. I shook it up and watched the glitter float towards the dragon coating its black scales in shining beauty, the flames faded into hearts changing the globe in front of my eyes. I sat down and marveled at it’s magic “How the hell?” I whispered doing it again. “That's my favorite, be extra careful” Tom said from the door making me drop the globe into my lap after it fumbled down my arms. He let out a loud laugh as he sat next to me and took it from my hands. His brown curls were loose and soft around his face.
“Your an ass!” I shouted punching his arm hard. He tapped it hard letting me know it was made with more gorilla glass than the breakable kind. His smile was big as looked at me.  
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it, I never let anyone in here and to find the most beautiful woman in the world holding my most favorite memory in her hands made me feel squishy, so I had to stop all that” he laughed “My mum bought me this when we went on holiday to Universal Island. I’m a Harry Potter lover, I mean who isn’t right?” I looked away and shrugged my shoulders. “STARLING, tell me your a lover too! That's like a must or you have to get off this boat straight away” I bit my lip as he looked at me wide eyed “This is a deal breaker y/n, wait until I tell them!”  
“No TomTom! it’s not that I’m not a fan, I’ve just never read one of the books or seen a movie”
He got up grabbing a thick red book and read the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
“We shall read these together luv, and then we will watch the movies, you’ll love it, promise!”
We sat there for awhile just talking about the surprises I found in his room. He had learned to play the guitar when he small thanks to his dad. His mum insisted he learn the piano but he secretly hated it. He also took ballet and other dance classes as he grew up. I didn't bother asking him what kinds because Haz had already told me and I wasn't too good at hiding anything from my savagez. We walked up a short flight of stairs and into the control room that steered the boat. “Wow you really are a control freak" I smiled as he explained what most of the buttons and levers did. He trapped me against the wall with a sinful smirk “Starling you have no ideal, but you'll soon see" he said seductively looking at my lips. He met my eyes as I smiled at him not feeling intimidated the least. “Sure we will TomTom" I winked and he tried not to smile, he tried so hard and failed as I moved from under him. I went back down into his room and he was quick to follow me. I looked around for my bags as my stomach growled.
“Have you ate yet? We could grab something” he said watching me look around for them.
“Did you hide my bags from me TomTom?” I asked looking in the bathroom. He started laughing and pulled me into him. “Stop calling me that y/n" he kissed my neck and groaned at my response “Why don't you like me calling you that my TomTom?” I said innocent
“Actually it makes my cock twitch and want to dirty things to you right on the spot" he said biting my ear and making my knees weak “Oh, in that case I'm so so sorry TomTom, forgive me" I whispered back as he pinned me against the cold glass. He looked me up and down all of two seconds before his mouth collided with mine. He wasted no time making quick work of my shirt and bra. He unzipped my jean shorts and pulled them down just enough to let his hungry hands slide down my back and grab my ass hard. It was so rough I stood on my tiptoes to ease the slight pain. It's exactly what he meant to do as gripped harder making me arch my back up and into him. He took my naked breast into his mouth and sucked pleasing painful as he bit the hardening pebbles my nipple had turned into. HOLY FUCK this was the Tom I haven't seen and it was such a turn on. I closed my eyes gripping his brown curls tight and let out a moan as he touched my pooling wetness with the tip of his finger still gripping my ass. He stopped sucking my breast and I waited for him to give the other one the same treatment. I was so worked up I hadn't noticed he stopped until I opened my eyes. “There you are” he said watching my eyes grow wild for him. Tom removed his hands from my hair and held them above my head. He didn't kiss me or go back to my aching left out breast. I reached to kiss him and he moved his lips just out of reach. He ran his knee up my bare legs and pressed it into my heat. I let out a whimpering whine that pleaded him to touch me. “I've missed you and I'm gonna show you just how much y/n, but first I want to show you what will happen every time you call me TomTom" he kissed my neck as his hard chest brushed up against mine. The fabric on his shirt was adding to my ache. He licked and sucked my flesh hard as he let me grind on his leg. “Kiss me, please Tom" I panted and he bit my other breast that he had ignored making me yelp in pleasurable pain. “This is where you beg TomTom to do it. It's the only place you can say my name like that, tell me you understand?” he asked looking into my eyes. His irises were wide making his eyes so dark chocolate they looked black. I shook my head frantically and his jaw twitched as he let go of my hands and held my hips still. He could tell from my breathing I was going to explode right there. “Don't cum unless I say so pretty girl, tell me you can do that for me y/n" I closed my eyes trying not to slip off that ledge. Why and how did Tom do this to me every time?
“I don't understand TomTom, why can't I..cant I..” I trailed off as he blew on my wet nipple and released my arms. I fisted his hair as he pulled my shorts and soaked panties down to the floor. I stepped out of them and he blew on my naked dripping sex. “You smell like you need to be fucked" he said with power in his voice. I pulled his face away from me not able to stay in control like he wanted me to. My core went into hyper drive. He stood up quick and pushed me against the glass.
“Tell me this pussy is mine to fuck” he said looking into my eyes as they glazed over. “Yes, yes it's yours to fuck Tom, only yours to fuck" My eyes rolled into my head as I felt the wave rolling down fast. I was going to cum just from being admired by him. He made me feel so sexy.
“I love how responsive you are for me y/n, fuck I've missed you. I've thought about how tight you grip my big cock and it makes me cum fast every time” Tom growled as he pinched my sensitive clit. My mouth opened in the shape of an O and he kissed me hard as he slipped his rough fingers inside me deep. He used his free hand to wrap my leg around him as he cupped my sex hard and stilled his hand stopping my throbbing core. He held my release hostage.  
“Tom, please..please, I need to cum” I cried out unable to stand another moment of it.
“I tell you when to cum pretty girl" he said kissing me again. I was pinned against the glass and my orgasm was being held hostage. I was going insane. I reached between us and undid his shorts. He couldn't stop me unless he released me and he fucking knew it. He smirked at me two steps ahead as his big dick sprang free. My eyes widen at how thick and long he was I honestly forgot. I swallowed hard and his face softened a little.
“I'll go easy on you, I promise” he said starting to loosen his grip on my sex. I held his strong arm in place and shook my head no. He raised his unruly eyebrow at me as his eyes met mine. I controlled my breathing and held onto my own release as I smirked at him.
“Please don't TomTom, I need you to fuck me, please fuck me the way you need to" he blew out a breath and slipped his dripping fingers out of my sex. I pulled his shirt off and pulled his wet fingers into my mouth. He didn't hold back like the first time he prepared me to suck his cock. Tom grew hungrier as I sucked faster and bit harder. “You think your ready pretty girl?” he asked biting my ear and kissing my neck where I could feel his love bite.
“Let me show you" I whispered back as I slid my body down his. He leaned over before I got to my knees and turned my face to look at him
“Bed now y/n, not like this" he turned away from me and stood on the other side of his bed, the one furthest from me.
I hopped onto the bed and crawled my way to him. He was losing his shit as he started to stroke his cock looking at me. “What am I going to do with you y/n, your driving me crazy" he said as I kissed his rock hard abs and licked my way down to his hands that gripped his length. He held it tight as I nipped at his fingers “Y/N don't make this impossible. I won't be able to hold back. “Give me what I can handle, I trust you TomTom" He wrapped my hair with one hand and held under my chin, splaying his fingers across my throat as I opened my mouth and flattened my tongue against his shaft giving him a wet highway to drive himself into. He did just that going slow until he hit the back of my throat making him groan. He pulled his hips back slightly and came back faster as I hollowed out my cheeks. He went all the way in and I didn't flinch.
“Oh shit, you're lips look  beautiful wrapped around me y/n" he worked his hips a few more times and a could taste his precum. I don't know what came over me but I rolled over on my back and pulled him back to my lips. He hissed as he entered my mouth and watched his dick make my throat swell. He traced his fingers over my throat filled with him as he pulled out slow.
“Wow, sexy girl, this is going to make me cum so hard" he moaned gripping my breast and dipping back down my throat. His precum made me gag in this position and I clenched my legs closed at it sent bolts of electricity to my already dripping sex. He forced my legs open and pushed his fingers inside me tapping my g-spot as fast as he fucked my mouth.
“Cum with me y/n, fuck..I'm so close" he moaned as he feverishly fingered me and rubbed my swollen nub. I gasped for air as he pushed me over the edge giving me sweet release. He used the extra room to fill me up with every drop of his sweet salty warmness. The way he moaned my name made me feel like a sexy kitten and no longer a shy woman with him.
As soon as I rode out my wave he was on top of me kissing me deep as he moved us to the top of the bed. He put his fingers between our tongues so we could enfuse our taste together. It drove me wild and I pulled him down on me smiling as I felt him still hard. He kissed my face and trailed down my neck before he looked me in the eyes. I knew what he wanted to hear and I loved saying it.
“Fuck me TomTom, please fuck me" I whimpered as he looked into my soul
He buried his face in the crook of my neck and lined himself at my entrance
“Tell me if I hurt you, just promise” he panted not wanting to say anything more. He needed me.
“I promise” I said sexy as I fisted his hair making him look at me. In one swift primal thrust he was fully inside me resting at my core. My eyes went wide and he withdrew all the way out and slammed me harder. I pulled at his hair hard to absorb the pain that was turning into pleasure. I bit his neck with my teeth and it seemed to make him fuck me harder. He watched me arch my back trying to absorb some of the fullness I felt. I wasn't sure what I was feeling but legs started to shake. He lifted my leg and rested it on his arm without missing a fast and furious thrust as I felt my core grip tighter. My eyes closed tight as I tried to learn what my body was doing. Tom bit my nipple hard and moaned my name like a fucking song. I watched him with wide eyes as my body felt like it exploded and was on fire. Wave after wave I felt come over me. Tom took to me screaming his name like a standing ovation as he rubbed my overly sensitive and now numb clit. FUCK! How many times could he make me cum? I could hear him pumping in and out of me and felt how wet the bed was. Tom slid his hands to my neck around the back of my head pulling my hair making me arch my breast to his mouth. He bit them hard as our hips collided.
“I’m going to cum inside you y/n, so deep inside of you” he growled as he accelerated his speed. I watched this beautiful man come undone and as he thrusted deeper than ever and his body became stiff. He laid his hand flat against my lower abdomen and pressed down as he felt himself throbbing inside of me. His eyes were looking at me brand new and I could feel the shift of his heart as it filled with pride and love. He stayed inside me until we both breathed normal.
“I’m an animal with you y/n” he smiled “I want to mark you, I want to possess you so completely so thats theres no separation between us” he slipped out of me and pulled me into his arms. We laid side by side his forehead against mine. Tom kissed me soft before taking a deep breath.
“I want more than that too. Will you show me how to love, no matter how hard it might get?”
I shook my head yes and tried to speak. My voice hurt from screaming Toms name so loud. He smiled at me and kissed my neck sweet. “I never want to hurt you, please don’t give up on me, I promise I can be what you deserve” he closed his eyes and kissed my face.
My throat burned but I wasn’t missing this moment “I won’t not ever TomTom” I whispered.
He slapped my ass hard making me yelp. Now my throat hurt and my ass. Not to mention everywhere else he had been just moments ago. It made me feel complete.    
The next day we got dressed and went to the kitchen together. The yacht seemed to be empty but I knew that wasn’t the case. I sat on the most comfortable chair I could find, if walking hurt I didn’t want to know what sitting on this swollen kitty would feel like. Tom whipped up an omelette and toast for us. After we ate we went out on the deck to get some sun. That's where everyone was. They stopped talking about whatever it was as we sat next to them. Haz told Tom to check his email real quick and get up to speed. I could feel Harrisons eyes all over me as Tom pulled my legs onto his lap, Tom grew anxious for a moment and hide it just as fast as it rolled in. They started talking about docking the boat to refuel at a military base somewhere called Midway Atoll and taking bets on who would be jumping the farthest from second deck this time. Harry insisted he held the record but Tom was quick to defend his title. I tuned them out as I took in the sun on my skin.
“Y/N can be the judge today, that way there's no second guessing the real champ” Tom offered.
“What if she breaks your record Tom? Will you admit it then that you were beat" Harry laughed while punching his brothers arm.
“No way will I let her even attempt it, she’s not leaving this boat!” he replied running his rough thumb up and down my calves. I eyed him like he just had challenged me.
“You can't stop me if I want to Thomas” I snickered pulling my legs away
“Wanna bet Starling?” he asked cocky staring me down as I sat up not looking away. His eyes were telling me to drop it. HAH, like hell!
“You don’t own me Tom, what's the big deal anyway?” I retorted feeling the storm starting in his eyes. I still hadn’t looked away.   
The rest of the guys went quiet and Haz cleared his throat trying to warn me. But I knew what I was going for. He asked me to show him how to love me, love is also respecting each other.
“Are you afraid of getting beat by a woman TomTom?” I asked sliding away from him.
“Not at all love, Haz has beaten me plenty of times” he winked trying to not come off like the control freak that he was being.
“Is it too dangerous for me TomTom, I mean I do have a vagina. Could it put me in more harm's way?” I asked in a high pitch voice to accent my irritated tone.      
Tom smiled at me as he pinched the inside of my knee making me yelp.
“Stop calling me that Starling, we went over this, remember?” he smirked.
“Humm, I do remember you telling me not to do it, but we didn't actually have a talk” I winked “Its your name, take it or leave it TomTom" I said slapping his hand away from me because I knew what was coming. He was quick to catch on and grabbed me by the waist as I tried to get away. He carried me inside as he slapped my ass hard reminding me how sore my sex was. I'd have to fight him on this later for my own sake.
We went back to his quarters and I took a shower. The cold felt good against my hot skin, he really had left some painful love bites. I gave Tom the silent treatment as he got in behind me.
“Y/N, please don’t be upset with me baby. I just want to keep you safe. I’m I a monster for wanting that?” he said kissing my back.
I turned towards him and motioned for him to turn around so I could wash him. I guess it was time to show him lesson one in loving. Tom let me wash him as we stayed silent. I was still upset about the way he had acted in front of everyone.
“Tom, I know you want to keep me safe but being protective over me verses treating me like an object is a lot different.” I said more assertive than intended. “If I want to yacht dive like everyone else, than it’s my choice. Even if you get pissed off about it. To me, it’s not worth fighting over and I can tell you are closed off to the subject just because you say so. That makes me frustrated.” I let out a puff of air as he turned towards me. His dark eyes that told me he wasn’t changing his mind and I was in fact pissing him off. Might as well go for the gold!
“And me calling you TomTom, you seriously have to tell me why you don’t want me to call you that in front of others” his eyes shot daggers into mine. I stood there with my arms crossed as he washed his own hair. His eyes had fire in them and I wasn’t backing down, hell, I was it’s fucking fuel!
“You can’t call me TomTom in public because that shit distracts me from  being me. Hearing you say my name like that makes me come unglued and not sexually, I want to be anything for you but what I am. A killer. A highly trained lethal weapon who has to be aware of everything around us because of the life I was handed and made myself shine in, i'm a beacon of destruction and your my lighthouse in the storm that guides me home, so when you say my name like that I forget who I am and I can't protect you if I forget to be that person even for a fucking minute outside of this bedroom. So i'm sorry if its take it or leave it, I'll gladly give it up to to keep you safe” he had a look of regret mixed with the will to win this his way. I ALMOST understood it.
“My first 24 hours alone with you and we have to fight, seriously?” he said determined “You're not leaving this boat y/n, and it’s final. Stop arguing with me or shower elsewear, it’s decided” he sounded so annoyed with me but I kept pushing not understanding this control he wanted.
“Tom, were talking. Not fighting. I’ve said my part, now it’s your turn to talk. I’m not letting this go, your treating me like a fucking child. What if I do leave this boat, you going to ground me?” I said assertive as I watched the vein in his neck pulse, his lips pressed into a hard line. He shut me out as he turned his back to me and I felt my emotions get the best of me. I had been ignored most of my life since I lost my mom and this was an ugly reminder of what it felt like. Tom was hard headed sure, but this was something I couldn’t understand from him.  
“It’s not open for discussion y/n, somethings you have to fucking trust me on, sorry I’m not soft like Harrison, perhaps you’d like him to explain it to you. Bet you’d listen to him, so go, run to him” he said sharp. He wanted to be hurtful with that and so I let it cut me. I swiped my tears away feeling so angry.
“You asked me to show you how to love me, I’m trying my best but you won’t even talk so let’s try later, TOMTOM!” I spat out throwing my arms up in surrender. He was under my skin with this. Was he always going to be this crazy over control? Even on a topic meant to be not so serious. He punched the shower wall with his fist as I slid open the glass door and grabbed a towel. I still had no idea where the hell my bags were so I figured they were still in Hazes room.
I stomped out of Toms room and across the large lounge area where you could still hear echos of them all talking outside. I passed the kitchen where I could feel his sky blue eyes catch my quick movements. I pulled the towel tighter around me as I waited for the elevator doors to open. FUCK! Why an elevator in a yacht? I struggled to hold my tears in. If I knew where the stairs were I would have taken them because I knew Haz was now standing behind me wondering why I was dripping wet all over the floor and going to his room. It was the first moment I wished I was alone again. At least I couldn’t hurt myself the way I had just been hurt. I shook my head as he got closer. The doors opened and I rushed inside hitting the close button. Haz stuck his arm in the closing door and I wanted to scream at him. I wiped away the tears once again, so angry at my emotions. To my surprise Haz didn’t ask me what was wrong. He walked down his hall and held open the door.
“Thank you” I choked out in a whisper as I brushed past him. I was mentally all over the place and I didn’t see my bags so I snapped “Where is my stuff? Bad enough I have to live out of bags but it’s worse not knowing where they are. I should have never came here, it feels like I’m living with the so called stranger who fathered me except I don’t have a door to hide behind. I’m leaving when we stop to refuel. This was a big mistake, I’m such an idiot to believe in love, it’s not for me” my lips trembled as my vision got blurry and I broke all the way down. I sat on the bed and pulled my knees to my chest. Haz knelt down in front of me and kissed my feet as he wrapped his arms around my naked legs.
“I’m sorry I didn’t bring your bags to you, I mean I tried, but you guys hum..sounded occupied. And that morning I was rushing around to make sure I got it all before you woke so you wouldn’t feel odd about packing it. I just got carried away with the stupid petals and before I knew it you were walking out of the elevator so I just stayed out of the way so you could be surprised, please don’t leave us yet. Give Tom a chance to grow into this. He needs you y/n, just like you need him.” I peeked at Harrison and he smiled so sweetly. I looked by the door and seen my stuff was neatly waiting for me. Then I thought about what he said that shocked me.
“You did the flower trail? You led me into Toms room? No wonder he seemed surprised to see me...WAIT you heard us?” my face flushed red hot as I laid back on the bed. I stared at my reflection in the mirror hating myself in this moment. I had a giant love bite on my neck and three more across the tops of my breast. That was only what I could see, I knew there were more. I covered my face feeling like a whore. I felt the bed dip beside me as his soft fingers removed my hands from my face. I refused to look at him. I was so messed up with all of this.
“Why Harrison? Why did you lead me to him after all we shared? I don’t understand it” I sniffled
“The same reasons he led you to me our first night on this yacht, you and I needed each other. Same as Tom and you need each other now, y/n. You can’t tell me you haven’t missed him” Haz moved my wet hair and kissed my forehead. “I won’t pressure you on what ever happened to make you this upset, but just know I’m here for you if you want to talk. Were all in this together y/n and once we get to our home things won’t be like they are now. You’ll be seeing us together more times than you’ll probably want” he laughed tilting my head towards his face. I covered my neck and he swatted my hand away. “If you think I didn’t see that huge hickey the moment you two came up for air you need to think again angel” I looked away from him and he pulled me right back. “No hiding from me, remember our promise, and don’t worry about this either, it actually made me hard seeing you with it” he smiled against my neck and kissed my hickey. I wrapped my arms under his and listened to his heart beat strong and steady.
“I’m sorry I snapped at you Hazzi, I love you. I think that might be what is in Toms way”
He shook his head no and looked me in my eyes. “Trust me, Tom don’t see me as in his way, he loves you just the same but in a different way, give yourself some time to figure each other out, same as we did. Go take a bath beautiful, well be docking in a little over an hour. I'll go take your bags to his room. You let me know if you need anything else" Haz smiled as I tried to process his words.
“Honestly I need a giant picture of Margarita all to myself. I'm really rattled, I'm sor..” he cut me off with a quick kiss and got up grabbing my bags.
I went to the bathroom and took a long warm bath. I got out to a freshly picked outfit, all black with a bikini to match. A very large and tall picture of blue Margarita was on his bar with a note. “See you soon angel"
I plucked a glass from the counter and sat in the hammock enjoying the view and the silence. All I could think of was the way Tom had treated me. It was so much more than not allowing me to do something because he said so or for safety reasons. It was how cold he became when I tried to talk about it. The way he turned his back to me, the way he told me to go to Haz for an explanation and the most painful one was why the hell he didn't want my dumb nickname to be said in public. The more I sat and stewed the more I drank. It wasn't until I seen the shoreline pass by the window that I realized I had drank the entire picture. I felt the yacht slowing to a crawl and I stood up. I went to the bathroom and touched up my makeup and fixed my hair to help cover the hickey. My mood hadn't been fixed by Haz or the booze. If anything I wanted my answers even more. This was going to be a fun fucked up day! I grabbed my phone and slipped it into my back pocket of my shorts. I ventured through the hall finding the door that hide the stairs to the second level.
I heard Haz and Tom talking before I seen them. They were looking at something and talking in hushed tones. I tried sneaking by but Tessa and Monty wouldn't let that happen. I felt Tom's eyes on me as I stopped by the wide open doors to love on them. I stood up noting that bending over was not on my list of graceful things to do while this buzzed. I walked past them both looking at our new stop wondering where we were. I snapped a picture and turned towards the guys. “Do they have leashes? I wanna walk them on the beach” I slurred out surprising myself at how drunk I sounded. I rested my back against the cool railing meeting Toms darkening glare. I started to laugh as I asked the puppies to go for a walk. They were all barks of yes and their little bodies shook as their tails wagged back and forth. Tom called their names and they ran to his side thinking this was a game. So I asked them again to go for a walk and they ran back to me. “Let's go find your leashes, one of your daddy's is a control freak, I’m sure TomTom has at least one we can borrow!” I watched in amazement as they both went to Toms side and sat there without a sound from him, Tessa even started to whine so he would pet her. “Traitors, I’ll just have to go alone” I smiled as the boat came to a full stop. Haz was at my side in a heartbeat as the motion suddenly jerked my body sideways and I lost my balance almost smacking the railing if it wasn’t for Haz. Perhaps I was past buzzed, drunk was more like it.
“Hey angel, do all three of us a favor and just sit down until we see the boat is secured, yeah?”
I opened my mouth to argue but I knew he was right. I gave him a heavy sigh and rolled my eyes. He smiled at me and nodded in Tom’s direction. “He’s seriously stressing, it’s why they ran to him like that, please just try” Harrison whispered as he squeezed my hand. He sat across from Tom and I strolled over to where they sat with our two fur babies. I could feel his blood boiling from where I stood.    
“You think it's safe for you out there or to jump from this deck drunk?” Tom said still angry. I huffed out a laugh as I sat next to him. I glanced at Haz who gave me encouraging eyes. I rolled mine back at him. Why does he want me to kiss ass with meanie Tom?
“Nope, I plan on sitting right here and watch everyone else have fun. It's not worth fighting Tom. You win! Me and my vagina will sit on the sidelines” I smirked.
“I'm going to call Z, she should have more news. You keep her safe Haz, she wont understand it from me" he said not looking at me as he abruptly got up and walked away.
“Stop throwing Haz in your control issues, it’s starting to piss me off” I shouted standing up  
“I'm not thinking of jumping anymore TomTom, I AM going to jump and just like Harry said, I'll own the record” I laughed taking off my shorts and shirt as I tossed my phone down. I walked to the railing as fast as I could before he could stop me.
His eyes went wide as I straddled it. I never seen him move so fast as my other leg went over. I moved closer to the back and I could tell by the rise and fall of his chest he was livid. Oh he was past livid I noticed watching his jaw twitch. His eyes darted everywhere around me, assessing how he could get the upper hand and gain control. “More like obsessing” I slurred to myself.
Tom came closer looking at me and I took more steps from him. He caught on that the more he came towards me the more I moved away.
“Get your ass off of the fucking side of this boat y/n. NOW!” Tom roared as Harrison stood next to him. Haz put his hand on Toms chest as he started to charge at me. I held one hand up only gripping the rail with my left hand. I could see Sam, Harry, Tuwaine and Jacob join us. Great now we had an audience. Sam and Jacob dragged barking Tessa and Monty away.
“You stop and I will too" I said looking him in the eyes with my liquid courage and a smirk.
“Y/n, please get down. Then you and Tom can talk about it” Harrison pleaded.
“Oh so now you don’t think I can handle myself either Hazzi?” I retorted “Harry since your strategic intelligence, please analyze the height from this jump to the bottom of the North Pacific Ocean” I asked glancing down then back to Tom as he stood unwavering in his demand to me.
“And fucking tell her the facts Harry, all of them so she understands the risk involved” Tom said growing more turbulent. Harry pulled out his phone and in a few moments answered
“The ocean off the side underneath y/n is 250m an estimated 820 feet. We are currently 24m or 79 ft above the water surface. Take in factors such as water temperature currently 59 with trade wind and currents at a normal flow brother, I’d say y/n is good to go” Tom shot Harry a look and he threw his hands up in self defense “That's the facts, it’s all factual” he said nervously
“Except you didn’t factor in that I could have went to the Olympics if my life hadn’t changed. I was on the Junior National Championship team and qualified to compete at zone regionals” I cheered to myself adjusting my feet and controlling my breathing.  
“EXCEPT you didn’t factor in she has alcohol in her bloodstream and is inebriated” Tom said with his blood seething. He must have seen it coming because he charged at me the moment I pushed off for my tallest back dive ever.
I was surging off of adrenaline when I surfaced for air. Holy fuck did that feel good. That drop and shock of cool water did sober me up fast but I was for sure doing that again! I looked around unsure where to swim to until I heard the door open where we had parked the mini boat the first night. Harrisons sky blue eyes were filled with relief and regret as he watched me swim to him. “Not cool angel, not at all” he said pulling me out of the water and wrapping a towel around me and looking pissed himself.
“Hazzi, tell me that wasn’t beautiful! I’m doing it again” I said looking at him trying not to smile at how excited I was. He shook his head and hugged me hard kissing my wet face.
“It was beautiful but now we get to deal with Tom’s fury and sorry angel, he’s right” he whispered as Toms yelling voice got closer. He was launching at Harry for encouraging me. Harrison squeezed my hand and led me inside the large living area foyer. He hit a switch that made the fireplace come alive. Sam set a tray of drinks on the table and set bottles of liquor next to it. I looked at him and he was unreadable. I wanted to lighten the mood from my so called mistake.
“Is the debriefing room or the war room?” I said under my breath to Sam as he grabbed a glass.
He barely broke a smile but winked at my joke making him look more like my Tom than I had realized before. Tuwaine laughed loudly and handed me a tall glass of my ciroc and ice.
“It’s a bit of both darling, call it the Situation Room and believe me I’m rooting for ya” he smiled
Haz sat on the edge of the couch as Tom stopped at the bottom of the stairs and all eyes were on Harry as he went into the dark office and pulled out an envelope walking it to Tom.
“Go make sure Jacob is good and then get us the fuck home, like now” he commanded
Tom held up the envelope and walked over to me. I took a long drink and met his dark eyes.
“Did you enjoy your little stunt Starling?” he said airy waving the envelope around
“It did feel good daddy not going to lie” I replied contemptuous taking another gulp. He had me on edge again. I wasn’t built for this. He put the envelope on the long glass table and shoved it hard so it slid fast and I had to grab it. “What's this my eviction papers for disobeying daddys rules?” Harrison stood as I finished my drink and came to my side in a defensive manner.
“No Tom this isn’t how she should find out, we did not agree to this shit” he yelled grabbing the envelope from me. Haz balled his fist and I watched wide eyed as Tom did the same.
“This is between me and her mate, so fuck off with doing it anyother way, she needs to know this isn’t a game. She needs the facts, let her have them” he said so uncompromising.
“She isn’t built like us Tom or have you not seen that since you let her inside your heart?” Harrison said ripping the envelope in pieces and throwing them everywhere.
“You’ll..fuck we will both lose her if you keep carrying on like this Tom, please back off” Harrison said walking over to him “She’s already at risk, don’t make her fear us too” he croaked out
I picked up a big piece of what looked like a picture of the island we met on, they were all pictures. I felt like I was going to lose my grip as the next torn picture showed me shopping.
“What is this?” I whispered dropping my glass still half full. It shattered against the strong glass table and brought their attention to me. “Tom is this what I think it is?” I said shaky holding up a piece of what looked like us on that jet ski after he took me from Haz.  
“Sam go get me another set ready and take them to my room, me and y/n will be waiting”
He came over to me and one look told him how my brain was overthinking this already, little did I know how wrong I was and had been. Tom scooped me up and carried me towards his room.
He set me on the bed and took off my nearly dry bikini. He disappeared into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I was on autopilot as I followed his advice on washing the salt water of my skin. He stood in the bathroom as close as he could to comfort me. He called Haz and asked him to make us some dinner. I agreed on whatever Tom had to say, I was numb and scared. I shut the water off and stepped out into Toms arms that held a towel. I jumped as there was a knock on his door. He gave me a sad glance and went to the door before they knocked again.
I stood in the bathroom afraid to move until I heard Harrison and Tom talking softly. I walked over to the bedroom and Haz smiled at me shoving the envelope in Toms chest and worked his way over to me. I looked around wondering where my stuff was and Haz read my mind.
“I put it all away angel, do you want some lotion?” he asked going into the bathroom. Tom stood against the window and crossed his arms looking at the envelope. The look he had was scaring me more than anything. He looked vulnerable and confused. Then his mood shifted to anxiety and hate as I jumped at the knock on the door again. He tossed the envelope on the bed and stared at it like it was full of poison. Haz opened the door for Harry who brought the pizza. They left together and Haz assured both of us things are under control. They were freaking me out.
“TomTom” I whispered unsure what to do. I needed clothes. I needed answers. I needed him.
He snapped out of where he had been and his face softened looking at me. He removed his clothes right down to his boxer briefs. He grabbed the pizza and put that on the bed before he grabbed my lotion and came over to me. He was so quiet and not like himself it made me want to shake him. He sat on the bed and lotioned my legs working his way up. He said nothing. I turned in his face and dropped my towel giving him the best view of my ass he ever had. That earned me a small laugh and he pulled me onto his lap as he finished the rest of my skin. He held me against him tighter than I’ve ever been held. My heart shattered as I felt his chest heaving against my back. He was holding in his emotions and failing. He didn’t fight me when I moved his arms and got in bed with him. He even came to me as I held out my arms for him.
“I’m sorry Tom, I shouldn’t have acted like a child. I should have known you were doing what was best for me, for all us” I said hating myself for seeing him as the man who bossed me around the last two years of my life before I left forever. He shook his head against my chest and pressed his eyes in a painful way to stop himself from breaking down.
 “You have no idea that every minute you're with me I worry if I’m putting you in harms way do you? By falling in love with you y/n, I made you become my most valuable asset to the worst people in the world. They have a target aimed at my brain, and now my heart....your the target on my chest. And now they linked you to me and Haz, yep you Starling are the number one most sought after treasure. You have no idea how many people we have killed and how many more want to make us pay for it. Until you came we had nothing to lose but each other, a price anyone of us were willing to pay. Now look where we are...your the only person we’d give this up for. I didn’t want you jumping because yes it's dangerous but mostly because you'd be seen again with us. We had to drop the shield as we crossed into The United States border and that gave our enemies a shot at our current location. I didn’t want anyone, including myself to scare you by telling you that because I promised to keep you safe. I don’t want you to worry, I want to worry for you. Based on the pictures they have pieced it all together anyways. That new envelope has even more evidence from the small stop we made. Were the creme de la creme of assassins y/n, and you will be the way the only way they could ever take us both out” he sat up and grabbed the envelope then pulled me between his legs. “I’m sorry I fell in love with you y/n, I shouldn’t have been so selfish to drag you into this life. I couldn’t let you go. I just should have been stronger” he kissed my shoulder and I felt his tears fall down my chest. I took the envelope and tossed it across the room.  
“TomTom” I whispered straddling him and holding him against me as he let his guard down for awhile. He squeezed me so tight and cried silently in my arms. I played with his brown curls and kept my lips on his face. Seeing him like this cut me deep angry even, he shouldn’t have to feel this way because he ....wait he said he fell in love with me! I held his face in my hands and kissed his eyes as I dried his tears “I love you my TomTom, and if loving you puts me in danger it’s where I want to be, my choice, not theres. You’ll just have to teach me to be a female version of you. Make me a fearless, sexy, strong, smart, loyal and loving protector, just like you. I want to be the bitch they fear too! I won’t stand by and do nothing while they try to take everything from us. I will protect whats mine” I said looking him in the eyes as he smiled at the thought.
“Say that again” he growled trying to sound sexy and not laugh as he gripped my ass hard.
“Thats alot to repeat or do you want me to tell you that I love you Thomas Stanley Holland?”
He shook his head and smiled biting his lip as he started to grow hard under me
“I love you my TomTom, and nothing or no one will stop me from loving you, ever”
He kissed me so deep and passionate I forgot whose air I was breathing. He left my lips and kissed down my neck before looking me in my eyes “I love you y/n, you’ll forever be mine”
Tom shifted me against me the headboard and removed his boxers. My mouth instantly watered at the memory of how he tasted last time. He gripped his big cock with his powerful hand, his arms flexed with pulsating veins as his other strong hand trailed his skin, slowly upwards over his abs, over his chest and then he ran his fingers through his hair as he bit his lip for me. My eyes were all over his body. I touched between my legs and felt how wet Tom had me already.
“That's my job baby, don’t touch my kitty unless you ask first” he said making me look at him. That fire in his eyes was back, my TomTom was back. And he looked hungry for me. He moved my hand away and I grabbed his cock with both hands bringing him forcefully into my mouth. He had no time to react to my surprise attack and the motion of it made his cock dive into my mouth and his weight thrusted him deep. My head hit the headboard giving his cock an instant kickback and he straddled my legs and gave me what I wanted first. He gripped my face with one hand and pinched my nipple with the other as he fucked my mouth relentlessly.
“Look at me while I fuck your mouth y/n” he hissed as I took all of him and gripped his perfect ass, encouraging him to do exactly this. I looked at him wide eyed and moaned at the sight of his face. His mouth was hung open in pure ecstasy. His brown eyes were wild but not for lust, they were wild in amazement. He held my face tighter as he moaned my name so perfectly.
“Fuck y/n...fuck your such a good girl for your TomTom” he reached behind him and pinched my clit hard making me release my grip on his cock, I had to focus to keep taking him like that. I pushed his hand away and looked back at him as he rocked his hips back and forth knowing he broke my rhythm. “Don’t worry sexy girl, I’ll give you what you want, just say it y/n” he pulled out and rubbed his soaked tip on my lips and tilted my head to him “Say it for me, please starling”
“Feed me TomTom, I need to taste you...now” I begged pulling his ass into his trust as he went deeper and faster for me. I could feel core building as I tasted more precum as he talked to me.
“Look how your body belongs to me y/n” he said through his teeth trying to hold on just a little more “Your legs open wide on instinct everytime I go deep, you want me in both places don’t you baby?” he said sounding proud of the way he was right I hadn’t noticed it until he thrusted harder and sure as my mouth opened up my legs did too. I moaned in amazement as he showed me a few more times. Now I was confused and dripping, wanting him inside me. He pulled out and sat back on the bed. I felt punch drunk off of him. In one swift motion before I had time to think he pulled me on top of him and slipped his big cock inside my dripping sex. He held my hips tight as my eyes shot open. I instantly protected myself by holding my arms stiff against his strong thighs, keeping myself from sinking lower. He smiled at the challenge and laid all the way back forcing me forward onto his hard chest. He moved his hands to my ass and pushed himself in and out as he kissed my escaping protests of no wait..and oh wows into OH FUCK!
“Always trust me baby, I got you, I can tell what you need y/n” he groaned as I arched my back feeling the wave coming in fast, too fucking fast. He lifted my body up and fucked me faster from underneath. This was different and felt fucking wonderful. My body wasn’t adjusting to his full size because my weight wasn’t on him, he just kept fucking my tightness until it let him in.
“Please don’t stop Tommi, please don’t stop” my dry mouth screamed as I exploded all over him. He rubbed his rough thumb in circles over my nub making me spiral into another orgasm. I pressed my hands against chest wanting all of him inside me. After a few seconds of fighting me he held my hips tight and worked his cock upwards just slower as he hit my core. My body was in a frenzy and I was going to cum again, i wanted it now. “Fuck me TomTom, please fuck me” I panted working my hips back and forth as fast as I could as he filled me completely. I could tell he was being easy on me so I asked for it by demanding it. I held my face just above his as he opened his glossy eyes. He was so close to cumming inside me but I wanted more.
“Punish me for jumping off the boat today, show me how mad you were daddy” I taunted him. His eyes flashed dark as he sat up and gripped my neck and wrapped his strong arm around my back and gripped my shoulders. He forced my body down as he thrusted up. The pleasurable pain escaped my lips as he repeated this movement over and over again. He bit my breast as I cried his name in pain and exploded twice more. Fuck I felt alive with him.
“Is this what you want daddys sexy kitten?” he said rough spreading my legs wider, surprising me with more cock. I screamed yes Tommi yes as he brought on another wave. My limbs could barely hold onto him anymore. My eyes lit up as he spread my sex to my ass and rubbed circles around it. I gripped his hair knowing he wanted this but I was still afraid. I locked eyes with his and could see he was silently begging me.With a quick nod from me he kissed me full of unbridled passion and slipped his wet finger inside. We both moaned out different curse words as he let me get used to the sensation as I rocked my hips against his. Tom pushed a little deeper. I shook my head no and he kept his finger right there and picked up the rhythm moaning my name like I’ve never heard before. Possessive maybe? Whatever it was, it was hot as fuck and I loved that he was right. I watched him as he closed his eyes and fully let go.
“Mine, tell me your mine, all fuckin mine y/n” he begged needing me to say it, so I told him truth “I’m yours TomTom, no one makes me feel like this but you” he opened his eyes and told me what I already knew, Tom loved that he was the first of my everything, he fucking thrived off of it.    
He went still and held me in place as he came undone inside me.
Tom and I ate cold pizza and he read to me Harry Potter as I laid against him listening to his words vibrate off his chest. In between his soft tone and strong heartbeat I drifted off to sleep...
**If you truly want to see more of this twisting story let me know with a like and a reblog! Seriously to those who like it...Thank you!!! It means a lot!If this flops and I leave it as is I’ll let my tags know.  Until next time happy reading and hugz!**
A big thank you to @madmadmilk who made me brave enough to even want to write after one tiny kiss in Domino!
Requested tags: YOUR ALL SPECIAL TO ME!!!
 Requested tags: @tom-hollands-eyelash  @eggsyhazcoffeewithpeterman @hollandfangirl @frootloop311 @fallingforspidey @smexylemony @wheelbarrel-art    *there were a few more and I’m sorry tumblr is being dumb and showing me old messages vs new. I did try :( 
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russellthornton · 8 years
Why Can’t I Get a Girlfriend? 25 Mistakes that Ruin Your Chances
If you’re sitting on your couch covered in Cheeto residue thinking, “why can’t I get a girlfriend,” well, let’s start with putting the Cheetos down.
Most men who want a girlfriend – but can’t get one – tend to point the finger at women. I get it, it’s easy. Hell, I do the same thing when it comes to men. I hate to break it to you, but, at the end of the day, it’s you. It’s sooo you.
No, it’s not that women are blind or that they don’t like nice guys – we have eyes. We know. But there’s obviously something that isn’t latching on too well to women. It could be something small – you chew with your mouth open or yell at old women crossing the street. You know, small things. But these things can be changed, and with a little work, you’ll be able to ditch the “why can’t I get a girlfriend” sob story and get some solid dates.
How to get out of the “why can’t I get a girlfriend” mind frame
So, have you gotten my message yet? It’s not the women. You just need to start looking at yourself. That’s really hard to do for some people, but if you want to stop wondering “why can’t I get a girlfriend” then you have no choice.
#1 You’re actually not even trying. If you’re whining and complaining about not having a girlfriend but then spend your time not approaching women, well, what do you honestly want me to tell you? That one day some girl will walk up to you and give her hand to you in marriage? If you’re not trying, well, that’s your first problem. [Read: 15 tips you absolutely need to know]
#2 You want Miss Perfect. Yeah, and I want a young Brad Pitt, but I can’t wait for that to happen, can I? Exactly. I know you want this hot chick with perfect boobs, a juicy ass, and a personality to die for.
She may exist, I’m not saying she doesn’t, but it’s a rare find. Why don’t you look for someone who’s real instead? You know, someone with flaws because you’re not Mr. Perfect.
#3 You’re not independent. It’s cool to live with your parents, I mean, I still do. However, at some point, let’s say your late twenties, you’re going to want to branch off on your own. Why? Because it’s a sign of growing up which women find very appealing… unless you’re Italian, then you can live with your parents until death.
#4 If you’re rejected, you quit. Rejection is a part of life. You probably got denied a job or a college that you wanted to go to. That’s also rejection. It’s happened to you before, so being rejected by a woman isn’t much different.
But your mistake is that you take it personally, and you allow it to prevent you from talking to other women. That’s the issue. You have to take it as a speed bump and keep driving. [Read: Asking a girl out – How to overcome your fear of rejection]
#5 Mr. Nice Guy. Being a good person is a good thing. This may sound dumb, but women don’t want someone who is too nice. We perceive them as being weak. We want you to be nice, but we also want you to have balls and be able to stand up for yourself and us. Kindness is good, however, being a pushover is not. [Read: Nice guy syndrome – 16 reasons why girls find you really boring]
#6 It’s all about you. You, you, you. Every conversation starts and ends with you. Actually, people can’t remember a story that you didn’t put yourself in. That’s not a good thing. It’s dull, and you’re boring. You’re boring the people around you with your narcissism.
#7 You need a shower. You stink… like physically smell. Take a shower, use some soap, get a haircut – you know, clean up. I would just try this out first and see how things go. Maybe it was just a small hygiene issue. Get that resolved, and you’ll be good to go.
#8 You’re self-conscious. If you’re worried about looking like a fool or saying something stupid, well, you’re missing out on your chance to talk to that cute blonde over there. We’re all self-conscious, so what? You’re gonna let every girl walk by you because of your hairline? [Read: How to overcome shyness – 16 ways to transform your life]
#9 You’re the shy guy in your group. You may be the shy guy in your group of friends. Which isn’t a bad thing, but unless a girl is more aggressive, you probably won’t talk to her. That’s a problem. If you’re shy, try to at least make some small talk to get something going.
#10 You want her to make the first move. Yeah, what a dream that would be, right? Some girls have no problem making the first move, however, many let the guy do the work. If she doesn’t make the first move, you’ll have to. Get used to it.
#11 You don’t know how to balance work and play. Your issue may simply be that you’re always on a business call when you’re on a date. That can be quite the turn-off, trust me. You need to have a balance between your work and personal life because no girl wants to come second after a cell phone. [Read: What women find attractive – 16 traits that instantly draw girls]
#12 You stay at home and play video games on Friday night. Video games are fun, but you won’t find the love of your life playing WOW by yourself. Go out with your friends, it’s the only way to meet new people. Go to house parties, go to clubs, just make an effort in going out and meeting new people.
#13 You don’t show that you like her. Maybe you really do like her, however, you never expressed it to her. So, now you two are really good friends. Yay! Well, if you want a girl to understand that you’re interested in her, you’re going to have to show it. That, or run the risk of being just in the friend zone. [Read: How to let a girl know you like her without really telling her]
#14 You have an emotional wall built up. You’ve been hurt in the past, or you’re inexperienced, so now you have this giant wall built. If you want to have a girlfriend, you’re going to have to allow that wall to come down. Is it scary? Hell yes. But you have to do it if you want something real.
#15 You want to have the perfect life before having a girlfriend. You want the house, the car, the amazing job… I get it. But if you’re waiting for those things to happen before you get a girlfriend, it’s not going to work. You can’t try to plan life while it’s happening.
#16 There are wrong places to meet women. If you’re going to a men’s only gym, you probably won’t find the lady of your dreams there. You need to go to some places where the type of woman you want will be. If you want someone athletic – go hiking, swimming, or to a sports class. [Read: The best places to meet women who are real girlfriend material]
#17 You’re an over-thinker. Aren’t we all? I mean, there’s not one person I know that doesn’t over-think about something. What you need to do is to re-focus your thoughts and not become obsessed with finding a girlfriend. Or else all you’ll meet are the wrong women.
#18 She’s the wrong type of girl. You’re looking at the wrong type of girl. You have this image of some badass chick, but at the end of the day, that’s not what you actually need. Sit down and figure out what you really want in a woman, and then go out and find her.
#19 You move things too fast. Oh, you like her. You really, really like her. You want that second date tomorrow, and then you want her to meet your mom on Saturday. Whoa… just cool it down there. You want everything, however, you want it way too fast. You’re scaring her. You’re actually scaring her. So, take it down a notch and just go with the flow. [Read: 25 biggest dating deal breakers for women]
#20 You think you’re special. You’re not special. Sure, you may have a six pack or a pretty face, but so what? You think you’re the only one? We all have stomach muscles, get over yourself. This whole “I’m special” attitude is making women literally roll their eyes in your presence.
#21 Shitty social skills. Yeah, that’s right, you have shitty social skills. Maybe you’re just an asshole, but the point is, why would she spend an ounce of her time with you if you treat her like shit? Riddle me that, fellas. [Read: 11 bad social habits that make you completely undateable]
#22 Everyone else is the problem. You can’t get a girlfriend because it’s everyone else’s fault except yours. Sure, this sounds minuscule, but this spreads over the other areas of your life. You have to take responsibility for yourself. Who wants to date a guy who blames everything on everyone else?
#23 You haven’t done anything for yourself. We women don’t need you to go to university or do a marathon because of us. We want to see that the guy we’re interested in does things for himself. If we don’t see someone growing as a person, we’re not interested in getting involved. It looks like you’re unmotivated and lack self-respect. [Read: How to be the hot guy – 20 rules to instant hotness]
#24 You don’t care about women. This isn’t a bad thing, I mean, unless you hate women… that’s something different. I suggest therapy. This could simply mean you’ve been hurt in the past and are now numb or you’re not ready. But if you don’t care about women, then this is a decent reason why you don’t have a girlfriend.
#25 You’re boring. If your only hobby is washing your car or looking at yourself in the mirror. Get a hobby. Read a book or watch a film – do something that you’ll be able to talk about. If you’re boring, no one will want to hang around you.
[Read: How to get any girl to like you – 18 secrets to impress any girl]
Now, I don’t want to hear you say, “why can’t I get a girlfriend” anymore! You read the list, just put in some elbow grease, and figure out what’s up.
The post Why Can’t I Get a Girlfriend? 25 Mistakes that Ruin Your Chances is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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