#[wanted to take some time out of my lunch break to answer heh]
thomasicism · 2 months
What are 3 things that define your muse for you?
🖌️; i really like this question so it's a lil long hehe <3
there's very little canon content to go off of given he's a side character, but if you know me from main, you know that one of my most favorite things to do is try to dig into a character's motivations and figure out why they act or speak the way that they do! i don't think i get it perfectly all the time, but i still try to give him as much depth as i can 🥰
1—poised, professional attitude... most of the time. canonically, we often see him carry himself in a very self-assured and confident manner fitting of a businessman. the only times we don't is when rafayel does something out of the ordinary that he has to keep up with, so we know that he has a side to him that's not always calm and collected, and he can get flustered and panicked. also interestingly enough, his dialogue tone is formal, but the word choice itself isn't suffocatingly so? i think this leaves room for a more casual, perhaps playful side of him to surface, enough to not be super intimidating~ his character is more complex than we give credit for <3
2—complex relationship with art and his profession. from that one anecdote it's my belief that although he's always had a genuine love for art, the years he's spent on it made him lose sight of that to focus more on its monetary aspect. it's after talking to rafayel that he realizes that, and subsequently takes a step back. imo he probably has some lingering insecurities about that, and he's taking his role as rafayel's manager as a learning arc to grow separately from being an artist before he's able to pick up a paintbrush again. i think it's a very central point to his character!
3—rafayel. none of y'all can change my mind about this, i firmly believe that rafayel is extremely valuable to his character and his growth as a person, despite the fact that they bicker so often. rafayel is a source of stress as much as a source of inspiration, as much as a source of comfort. he has admiration and respect for rafayel and belief in his abilities, and this affects the way he's able to seamlessly handle being his manager and the gallery—and subsequently the way he acts, too. he is, after all, more of a voice of reason in contrast to rafayel 😆
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anqelically · 6 months
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CHAPTER SUMMARY: You and your fellow first years are taking a break from training when an important question comes up— What were you guys going to eat for lunch?
CHAPTER WARNINGS: None other than this is a filler-ish chapter
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You didn't exactly find training to be a thrilling practice. It was necessary for you to train as a sorcerer, but there was something about training with Okkotsu that made you look forward to it. She'd show up with a bright smile, waving at him.
"Maybe I subconsciously want to be a teacher..."
Snapping out of your thoughts, you straightened her back. You were sitting with the other first years on the stairs near the training field because you all needed a quick break. All of you besides Maki, anyway. The Zenin took a break just for the hell of it.
You wiped the sweat off of her forehead and turned to Maki with a weak smile, "Nothing! Heh, I was just thinking about things."
"Those things were being a teacher. Piece of advice: don't. It'll turn out bad," Maki bluntly remarked.
Panda chimed in, "You're terrible at explaining science and math subjects, even if you understand them well."
"Y/N... this doesn't make sense. Should I ask Tsumiki?"
"Yeah, probably. Sorry about that, Megumi."
Inumaki nodded, "Salmon. Bonito flakes tuna."
You gasped in offense before you pouted, "I'm way better at jujutsu than teaching? You guys are so mean... but aren't wrong."
"At least you're self-aware," Panda shrugged.
For the 4 months you've been classmates, you've become extremely close as friends. Okkotsu noticed this as he observed his classmates, his hands supporting his elbows. In the 3 weeks he's been in the school, he was getting the hang of how things go.
Though, it was still hard in some aspects. He couldn't understand Inumaki at all besides for when the platinum-haired boy nods or shakes his head. Then there was Maki, who was just more hard-headed and blunt. Okkotsu couldn't even count the number of times he's felt shivers run down his spine within her presence.
When it came to you and Panda, however, he was fine with your presence. You had been kind to him from the start and the same applied to Panda. Panda just the comedian of the group, and you the mother.
"I think you're doing great, Y/N-san," Okkotsu scratched the back of his neck. "You're great at teaching me! And uh- nice too. The best teachers are nice. Wait... Well, that's just my personal opinion."
You all stared as he rambled, some words understandable and others in whispers. You were just plainly staring at him before your lips turned up into a smile. It warmed your heart to see him be supportive.
You gently elbowed Okkotsu's arm, "At least someone believes in me. Come on, let's show them I'm not so bad!"
"Yeah!" Okkotsu played along as you giggled.
Panda closely observed as you two grabbed your bamboo practice swords and went into the field. There was an unknown suspicion lingering in his gut that he couldn't place.
You and Okkotsu stood some feet apart with your swords drawn in front of each other. The boy's face washed over with determination while yours had stayed neutral.
You attacked first, swinging your sword down as Okkotsu blocked it by backing up and allowing your bamboo sword to hit the top of his. He moved his tool clockwise and tried to hit your shoulder when you blocked it.
"So how has transitioning to here been?" you questioned when you skipped back a step. "To your liking?"
"Um... I guess it's alr-ack!"
Okkotsu paused for a moment to answer, and that was enough for you to sweep him off his feet and point your weapon to his head. The ravenette was visibly surprised.
You withdrew your practice sword and held her hand out for Okkotsu. He took it after staring for a moment and looked down at the hand that held the bamboo item.
"Sorry for distracting you. I wanted to see if you can multi-task, but I guess you can't for now," you sheepishly scratched your cheek.
Okkotsu glanced up with a flush of embarrassment, "I-it's alright. Practice is practice, right? I can't free Rika if I don't practice... Can we try again?"
"Yeah, of course," you had nodded before you two went at it again.
You continued training and even had Maki join the fighting at times. It was when you and Okkotsu were panting on the ground that you both decided to call it off.
"Training doesn't work if you're doing it until you're that tired," Maki stood above you and looked down. "You'll be too exhausted to do any more tomorrow when your body is sore."
You tried to get as much oxygen into you system so your body would ache less, "Help me up?"
Maki held both of her arms out and you took them both. You dusted yourself off just in case there was any dirt on your clothes, then picked up the bamboo weapon.
"It's a Friday, right?" you asked your friends, to which they responded yes. "And it's lunch time?" They all nodded, one in confusion and the other three already knowing the deal.
"W-what?" Okkotsu jumped when Maki placed her hands on his shoulders from behind.
Maki's face was serious, "Don't let her win."
"Let her win...? What are you talking about, Maki-san?"
Panda joined in, "Just trust us. We need you on our side, Yuta."
"Salmon," Inumaki nodded.
"Are you guys teaming up on me?" You pouted, "That's unfair."
And that's when you and Maki stood in front of each other with determined faces. Okkotsu thought you were going to fight until...
"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"
...he realized that the situation wasn't all that serious. Okkotsu looked at Panda for any explanation but received none since the cursed corpse was paying attention to the match, which you won.
Maki cursed, "Argh, dammit! I knew I should've chosen paper."
You were then faced with going against Inumaki. You both showed your choices— scissors and paper. You began to gleam from another win.
"Lose and you're a day closer to death," Maki placed Okkotsu right in front of you, who told the Zenin to not scare him like that.
'Is no one going to tell me what's even going on!?'
You explained as if you had read his mind, "It's a friendly thing we do to choose where to go out to eat. We can all be indecisive at times."
"Ohhh," Okkotsu nervously chuckled, "then do I really have to die if I lose?"
"I didn't say I would kill you. I only told you that you'd be a day closer to your death."
"Isn't that the same thing?"
Panda began to complain, "Hurry up! I'm hungry!"
Maki pointed out, "You can't even eat, you walking stuffed animal."
"Does that mean Panda doesn't get to choose? Since he can't eat," the special grade sorcerer was curious.
"Hm, maybe we can do rock, paper, scissors to sort out where and what we'll eat?"
"I'm a panda so I can't go out unless you lot want to buy a cart of sausages."
"...Maybe we shouldn't do rock, paper, scissors."
Panda obnoxiously shook his head, "A common misconception! Everything I eat turns into cursed energy, so it's better for us all."
Maki sourly looked to the side, "It's so stupid. Panda doesn't choose because we'll end up on a sausage diet. It's disgusting."
"Not disgusting."
You then intervened so that the two wouldn't continue. You knew that if they did, Maki would get irritated enough to attack Panda, who they all silently agreed was her personal punching bag. Well, everyone besides Panda himself.
"Anyway, Y/N is still a bad option too. All this steak and sushi is killing me."
You deadpanned, "And all the junk food you eat doesn't?"
"At least there's more variety. Sweet, salty, savory. There's a whole lotta options I got compared to the same old sushi and steak."
"A whole lot of options that have much more calories and aren't as healthy," you pointed out. "If you won as much as I did, our bellies would grow huge with all the junk food."
"We'll burn it off with all this training we do." Maki paused in thought, "But the thought of turning out like Panda is horrifying."
"Wha-!? Why do you always drag me into it?"
“Easy target.”
“Tuna tuna.”
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WRITTEN: 02/19/2022
your average slice of life filler (of sorts) chap apologies😓
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
L.S.S.: Are you ready to answer some more asks, Mitch?
Mitch(5): Uh, yeah! I’m ready! … is, ah, everything okay, Sally? You seem a little… uh… 
L.S.S.: What?
Mitch(5): N… no, nothing! Ahah, I’m sorry! I’m just being weird… sorry… forget I said anything! [nodding]
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Mitch(5): Oh! Oh! Aww, that does sound cute!! Eheehee, I wonder if their bones would rattle together when they purred… but would it be like, just a skeleton, or would they have organs, too? Like, it’s all kept in place by invisible skin, and you can see all the guts moving and doin’ stuff, like how when snails swallow some food, you can see it goin down their throats and into their tummies…? Ahah, that would be SO NEAT!! I want a kitty-cat like that!!
L.S.S.: Heh, I should have known you’d like something like that…
Mitch(5): Mm-hmm! Sometimes, things that look really scary at first can turn out to be the best things ever…~! You just gotta give them the benefit of the doubt, ya’know…?
L.S.S.: …
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Mitch(5): Ah! Ah!! [indecipherable] Sally, you would look SO CUTE with your hair curly!! Can I do it, pleeease?
L.S.S.: Uh… yeah, I guess, just… be careful with the curling iron, okay?
Mitch(5): Don’t worry! I’ll be extra, extra, extra careful!! I’ll keep it on low heat, just in case… Oh, and we can use these ribbons to tie it up in bows… oh, oh, let me get my hair clips! Oooh, you’re gonna look so adorable, even more adorable than usual….~ [gasping] We should pick out an outfit for you, too!! I think some of my clothes will fit you, or at least a lot of my accessories will… Ehehe, I never thought I’d be able to play dress-up with my boyfriend~ Eheeeheehee, it’s like having my very own life-sized, talking dollie to play with… [giggling] This is gonna be so much fun…~
L.S.S.: …………..
Mitch(5): …. Ah- I… I’m sorry, I… we don’t have to play dress-up, if you don’t want to! I just… I know you wear dresses sometimes, but I guess my clothes might not really be your style… I’m sorry, I got all excited and got carried away…  
L.S.S.: No, it’s… it’s fine. You can dress me up if you want to.
Mitch(5): ………….
Ah…. Sal, ya’know, if… if you’re getting bored, er… if you wanna do something else, we can! Or…. you can go home, if you wanna… I know you’ve been over for a while, it must be getting… ah… well, I understand wanting to go home! You know I don’t go out much. It won’t hurt my feelings, if you just need some time to yourself… Everyone needs alone time, sometimes… [fidgeting]
L.S.S.: ……. 
Mitch(5): ………
L.S.S.: … No, I… I’ll stay. I’m sorry, I’m just a little… tired today…
Mitch(5): Oh… ah, well, we don’t have to do anything, if you’re tired! We have been doing a lot... I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel like you couldn’t take a break, or like we have always to be doing things when we’re together… 
L.S.S.: It’s not… let’s just take it easy today, okay?
Mitch(5): Okay! A lazy day together sounds really nice! [nodding]
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Mitch(5): Yum, this looks delicious! Thank you so much!! Gosh, we’ve been having some good eats the last few days, huh, Sally?
L.S.S.: Yup, we sure have, thanks to our friends, and thanks to all the experimenting we did in the kitchen the other day…
Mitch(5): [squeak] Eheehee, yeah, it sure has been tasty, especially with you there to help…~ 
Ah, I’d really love to have the soup for dinner, but I…. as nice as the pancakes are, Meadow, I kinda wanted Sally and I to make a batch of our own again… it was a lot of fun making them with you, Sally, and we still have some strawberries left, so…
L.S.S.: Uh, well… I don’t see a reason for them to go to waste. We can do both- Cinnamon pancakes for a late breakfast, then soup for lunch, and then we can make strawberry pancakes for dinner.
Mitch(5): Yeah? You don’t mind having the same thing twice…?
L.S.S.: They might be the same, but they’re still different…. What’s wrong with having both?
Mitch(5): You’re right! If you really like something, it’s nice to have it often, maaaybe with a few different ingredients thrown in to keep it interesting. Eheehee, I’m glad you don’t mind… I tend to eat the same things a lot, so…
L.S.S.: Oh, I know, you eat the same things almost every day.
Mitch(5): Huh? You’ve noticed…?
L.S.S.: Uh- yeah! You always have the same stuff in the fridge when i come over, so…
Mitch(5): Eheh, yeah, I’m a creature of habit… I’m glad you don’t think it’s weird…~
L.S.S.: No, I… do that, too… uh, let’s eat these before they get soggy, huh? 
Mitch(5): Okay! You wanna watch something while we eat? Your pick!
L.S.S.: Sure! A late breakfast in bed with you sounds perfect…
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todoscript · 3 years
you receive a love letter in your shoe locker from an anonymous admirer
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characters: bakugou katsuki, kaminari denki, kirishima eijirou, midoriya izuku, shinsou hitoshi, todoroki shouto
genre: fluff. very slight angst.
word count: 3.2k+ total, 400-700 per character
warnings: jealousy, possessiveness, feelings of doubt (mostly all fluff though)
author’s note: i’ve been on spring break so i found some time to write this! i absolutely love writing for these six (not like they’re my faves or anything pshhhhh—)
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he’s already fuming the moment you open your locker and hold out the pastel pink card, sealed by a shiny heart sticker with your name written in smooth calligraphy.
it doesn’t take much for him to realize some other dunce head is trying to make moves on his girl.
and he absolutely won’t stand for it.
he stomps over to you and snatches the letter right out of your hands as you’re reading it.
your complaints go ignored behind him while he inspects the writing with the most livid expression.
you know that ugly face he makes when it comes to his over-exaggerated anger? the one with his eyes all squinted and the corners sharpened upward?
that’s his face as he continues reading, growing more twisted at every mushy sentence this anonymous admirer had the gall to say to you.
at one point, he can’t stand to read it anymore so he crumbles the letter in his fist before igniting it into crisps.
you scold him for causing such a scene and letting his anger get the best of him, but bakugou is still annoyed about it regardless.
“tch, who the hell does this shithead think they are, trying to make moves on you when we’re already together?! i’m gonna kill them when i find out who it is!” he exclaims, hands instinctively sparking with heat that scares off the other students walking by.
you mentally facepalm at this. still, you go about reassuring him that you won’t be swayed and take his hand to walk to the dorms together.
“katsu, you know it’s going to take more than a love letter to make me leave you, right?”
“heh, damn right, it’s gonna take a hell of a lot more that’s for fucking sure,” he sneers, a confident smirk on his face as he knows everyone else never had a chance with you to begin with. they can keep sending those letters and he’d make sure to burn them before they could even reach your hand.
on the way back to the dorms, he makes a conscious effort at pda—arm wrapped around your waist while his eyes glare daggers at any extra that even so much as looks at you the wrong way—asserting his claim over you.
meanwhile, having bared witness to that whole scene, your secret admirer is trembling in the corner. they make note to never send you another letter again unless they want their life to flash before their eyes in a fiery explosion.
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surprisingly enough, kaminari takes the whole situation more positively than most people expected.
in fact, he’s actually prideful about it.
just as he’s about to head over to your locker so you two could walk to class together, sero pokes his shoulder.
“hey, did you see all those written love confessions in y/n’s locker?” sero whispers behind his cupped hand near kaminari’s ear.
the blond scrunches his nose, confused. “no. what love confessions?”
“the letters that were stuffed in your girlfriend’s locker.”
again, kaminari is still puzzled at this. he realizes there’s only one way to understand what sero means.
when he glances in your direction he’s met with you fumbling around with a pile of letters balanced in your arms. his vision zeroes in on the envelopes, deciphering the fancy stationary and pretty embroidery.
oh. they’re love letters.
“other people are trying to make moves on your girl. what are you going to do about it, kaminari?” sero chimes in with an important question and honestly, kaminari can’t exactly make out a solution. or rather, he feels he doesn’t need to.
sure, he should be a little annoyed over the fact that others are disregarding your relationship.
yet could he really blame them for taking such a liking to you?
you’re pretty, smart, nice—the whole damn package.
he’d be more shocked if you didn’t have any secret admirers lurking around.
kaminari decides to leave his friend’s question relatively unanswered and continues his trek to your locker.
“hey, pretty girl! whatcha got there?”
taken off guard by his appearance, you nearly drop all the letters in your arms.
“denki, you scared me!” you exclaim. “these? they’re just some love letters some anonymous person placed in my locker. don’t worry though! i don’t plan on returning their feelings.”
smiling at how quickly you reassure him, he crosses his arms behind his head. “nah i’m not worried, babe. i don’t feel threatened or anything. it only makes sense that my girl is popular after all!”
you’re pleasantly surprised by how rationally he reacts to the scenario. though, knowing his character, he can’t just seem to leave it at that.
“yep, seems like we’re quite the popular couple!” he grabs your hand, wanting to show each other off as you make your way to class.
the bakusquad sees this as another opportunity to egg him on.
“and just how many love letters have you received since the beginning of the school year, kaminari?”
the blond freezes at the question. kaminari bites back words, but begrudgingly answers.
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“heya, babe!” kirishima enthusiastically calls to you, approaching your shoe locker. “ready to go back to the dorms?”
“yeah! in just a second though!” you reply.
as kirishima comes closer, he sees you occupied with some envelopes in your hand.
“what’re all those?” he asks, pointing at the refined stationary curiously.
“ah some letters gifted to me from an anonymous admirer. something about wanting to make their feelings finally known, but i’m not interested in them,” you say, clearing up everything before a misunderstanding could arise.
“oh, that’s cool.”
you quirk a brow at how relatively chill he is at this revelation. you were expecting a bigger reaction at this, but kirishima just simply smiles his genuine, care-free smile.
you don’t think much of it though. shoving the letters in your bag to dispose of later, you walk side-by-side with him to the dormitories.
little do you realize that kirishima actually mistakens this as pure, platonic admiration rather than infatuation.
to him, if they had really wanted to profess their love to you, they’d do it in person where you could see and hear them. not behind fancy penmanship and some pretty paper.
after all, that’s what a true man would do!
but as the days continue to roll by, he’s starting to have second thoughts.
“y/n, i’m telling you, with the amount of letters you keep receiving from them, you gotta find out who this person is!” he overhears mina lecturing you at your desk, going through another pile of notes that were left in your locker from that morning. lately, you’ve been greeted by an astounding number of these things each time you visited your locker.
“mina, there’s definitely no need for me to go out of my way to find this person.”
“aw, but look at all the sweet things they said about you!” mina recites a line from one of many letters. she muses about how the writer sentimentally compares your aura to that of a dandelion wisp in the wind—free and lighthearted yet fleeting and out of reach.
“how romantic!”
you roll your eyes, indifferent, but one side-glance at kirishima from your desk tells you that he’s beginning to interpret the situation differently.
the redhead has to admit that all those things that anonymous admirer said to you were… pretty sweet.
kirishima has always been a man of action—an passionate believer that actions spoke volumes compared to words alone. however, after hearing all of that, he’s wondering how he’s able to compete in that aspect.
he seeks you out during lunch and asks you something beneath a lonely corner of trees.
“y/n, do those kinds of things make you happy..?”
you tilt your head, curious about what he’s exactly referring to. one glimpse back at his demeanor in the classroom earlier with mina gives you an idea.
“do you mean all those letters i keep getting?”
kirishima nods slowly.
“well… i have to admit, it is nice to know that i’m ‘liked’ by other people,” you phrase delicately. “but all those pretty letters and sweet words don’t mean anything to me if they aren’t coming from you. besides, i always thought it’s better to let your actions speak for you, don’t you think?”
hearing your answer, kirishima’s face lights up immediately. before you can properly react, a pair of lips meet your cheek.
you rub the warm skin where his lips touched, flustered for a moment. kirishima grabs your hand, walking you two back to the lunchroom with a newfound surge of conviction in his steps.
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“ooh, look midoriya, seems like someone else has a crush on your girl.”
as midoriya’s tidying up his red shoes and bringing out his slippers for class, his male classmates inform him of the pink envelope held in your hands.
midoriya looks over in your direction. he watches as you peel the letter out of the envelope and begin reading its contents.
he doesn’t miss the slight flustered look on your features, observing how you scan through the writing while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, glancing over your shoulder as if your secret admirer was peering at you from behind.
“you better hold onto her tightly if you don’t want her stolen from you,” one of the boys warns, more so as a joke, but midoriya doesn’t take their banter lightly.
“knock it off, guys. just because someone else likes her doesn’t mean she’s going to leave me or anything,” he says this with as much confidence as he can muster, but his demeanor betrays him.
when he goes past your desk in the classroom later, he can’t seem to meet your eyes.
“good morning, izuku!” you greet him mirthfully. however, midoriya fails to return the greeting with the same enthusiasm.
“g-good morning, y/n…”
it’s hard for you not to notice that something is up by the way he heads straight to his desk afterward without another word.
throughout class, midoriya finds it a challenge to concentrate on anything but that letter you received that morning. his mind stumbles into the hole of bad possibilities—ones of you leaving him, those sweet words from your anonymous admirer making your heart flutter more than he ever has.
“—zuku… ‘zuku… izuku!”
he gets pulled out from his thoughts by your voice and turns to see the concerned look on your face.
“you okay? you haven’t touched your pork cutlet bowl this entire time.”
he stares down at his food, untouched since he sat down. “oh sorry, i guess something’s just been on my mind today.”
your brows knit together. “it’s about the letter i got today, isn’t it?”
midoriya stares at you, debating whether to deny your statement, but knows it’s pointless to try when it must have been obvious.
you take his silence as confirmation and grasp his hand that lays flat on the table.
“izuku, look at me,” you tell him and watch as his eyes slowly trail to you. “you know i wouldn’t leave you over some silly letter, right? no amount of words they can say to me could ever make me think differently about you.”
at this, a comforted smile spreads on midoriya’s face. he nods and squeezes your hand as a sign he took your words to heart before chowing down on his food, the uncertainty inside him disappearing.
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“another one?” you inquire to yourself in disbelief, opening your shoe locker to discover a rose-colored envelope waiting for you atop your slippers.
“dang, y/n, that’s like the fourth one this week!” uraraka comments, peeking over your shoulder.
“ooh! i wanna see what they wrote for you this time!” mina approaches from behind. you allow her to grab the delicate letter from your fingertips.
she over-exaggeratedly clears her throat, unwrinkling the paper by pinching at the sides. “‘you are the one who brought me sunshine when i only saw rain.’”
“aw! how sweet!” uraraka clasps her hands above her heart, seeming almost moved.
though the girls are all smitten by the love poem, you bite your tongue, hoping to suppress the urge to gag in front of them.
your boyfriend shinsou is on equal wavelength as you, witnessing the scene unfolding so early in the morning. he’s grown tired of replaying this spectacle for the past four days now.
his eyes navigate to the note and envelope in mina’s hand. by the script and the use of the same stationary, shinsou can tell the love letters you’ve been receiving are all from the same person.
“damn dude, you got some serious competition.” overhearing the girls, kaminari jabs at shinsou’s sides teasingly. “so, you gonna do anything about that mysterious guy trying to go after your girl?”
the violet-haired boy shrugs. “why should i? it’s not like i feel threatened.”
kaminari whistles at his confidence.
shinsou says he doesn’t care about it, putting on a level-headed and indifferent facade. but that was honestly far from the truth.
in actuality, he’s a bit pissed.
what kind of person goes around sending anonymous love messages to someone who’s already in a relationship? what the hell do they hope to gain out of doing this?
shinsou more than trusts you won’t be swayed by them, no matter how many times those notes discourteously greet you every morning.
you never bring up the topic of the letters whenever you two are alone, not wanting shinsou to be bothered over it and create a hassle. all in all, he’s grateful for this, and also for the fact that you make a point of never taking any of those letters seriously and dump them into the trash bin whenever the chance arises.
however, he can tell by your body language that the whole situation bothers you and makes you uneasy.
so, during one incredibly early morning, he decides to do some scouting.
he plays off his odd punctuality by saying he left something in the classroom yesterday and wants to get there early to look for it.
lo and behold, he finds a male student hovering around the lockers—suspiciously darting his head back and forth to be on the lookout for any other students.
little does he realize he’s already been caught red-handed.
“hey you.” shinsou abruptly calls out to him and the boy nearly jumps. “what are you doing here?”
the boy panics at his question, fumbling with his answer while hiding something behind his back—what shinsou presumes to be another one of those cheesy letters.
“u-um, just want to get to class early!” he sputters.
“is there any special reason you’re standing in front of my girlfriend’s locker then? ’cause last i checked, the lockers for general education students were located on the opposite side.” shinsou emphasizes his words with a bite of malice, arms crossed.
“i just lost my way is all–” the student suddenly stops mid-speech, his words and actions forcibly coming to a halt. all thoughts are overturned in the presence of shinsou’s quirk.
“i’m going to make this quick and easy for you to understand. not only are you going to forget about this conversation, but you’re also going to stop handing my girlfriend those love letters.” shinsou bends down to the boy’s height, staring at the abyss in his expression.
“and i’d also appreciate it if you kept your eyes off what’s mine.”
it’s safe to say, your influx of letters had been effectively cut off after that day.
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todoroki is no stranger to finding love letters from avid admirers and fans in his shoe locker before and after classes.
in fact, an unprecedented number of them had begun taking up all the space there after his impressive performance at the sports festival.
when he started dating you, however, he had made a clear declaration that he wouldn’t be accepting anymore of them.
but to be on the opposite end of having to watch you unlatch the door of your locker to have letters and notes practically tumbling out, todoroki wasn’t exactly sure what to make of this feeling that made his stomach twist into knots.
he notices the alarming amount of them and concludes they’re all from various students in different grades and departments.
“y/n, you’re getting pretty popular,” uraraka says, eyeing the stack of envelopes. “must be your dance performance from the culture festival! i remember you did get a lot of cheers in the crowd.”
“guess all those cheers came with a lot of fanboys, huh?” the invisible girl, hagakure, teases.
you jokingly nudge at them to stop with the teasing, but pause when your eyes cross todoroki’s. he’s giving you a look you can’t decipher—one that edges between troubled and apathetic yet you can’t tell which it is.
you send him a nod, silently acknowledging his presence as he waits for you to finish your business so you could head back to the dorms together.
watching you dispose of the various piles of letters has todoroki contemplating about what uraraka and hagakure commented on. about how popular you were getting and how your admirers have been bold enough to profess their reverence for you despite your relationship status.
todoroki’s not entirely sure what to make of this information. he doesn’t linger on it for long though when you finally approach him, your sneakers slipped on and your backpack securely hanging off your shoulders.
“ready to head home?”
a smile finds his lips at your appearance. he softly utters his response.
during the small distance to the dormitories, todoroki reaches for your hand and intertwines your fingers together. as seemingly minor the gesture is at this point of your relationship, it’s a detail you mentally take note of.
usually, when it came to publicly displaying physical forms of affection, you were the one to initiate it. you have to admit, seeing the assertive side of todoroki is like a small breath of fresh air.
as you continue your short journey home, a couple of male students walking by greet you enthusiastically. though you wave back to kindly acknowledge them, you feel the grip on your hand tighten, followed by a slight tug closer to todoroki’s side.
that alone is enough for you to realize something is definitely troubling him.
“sho, is there something wrong?” you ask, steps still walking in tandem with him.
todoroki’s voice doesn’t waver in the slightest as he replies, “no, why would you think that?”
“you’ve been awfully possessive all of a sudden,” you note, “is this because of those letters from earlier?”
you quirk a brow, amused. “is that a yes or a no?”
now todoroki is silent. your steps come to a halt. not parting your laced hands from his, you turn to look him in the eye.
“it’s just… when i realize that there are other people looking at you the same way i do, i get… uneasy.” his gaze drops to the ground as he confesses this, hand squeezing yours. the uncomfortable churning in his stomach settles a bit now that the words are out, but he finds it hard to ease the atmosphere.
this is where you picked up from where he left off. your hand goes to his cheek, gently cupping it so you can tilt his head up at you.
“oh shouto, you have to know that you’re the only one for me and i don’t plan on looking at anyone else but you,” you assure him. todoroki stares into your eyes, and in them, he can’t find any hesitance or flutter of doubt.
at this, he lifts your twined hands and grazes your knuckles ever so softly against his lips, wondering whatever troubled him so much to begin with.
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nohoney · 3 years
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notes: and once again I ignore my wips for a spontaneous inspiration that struck me in the moment. A continuation for my stories Thunderstorms and Four Months!
warnings: 18+, mostly fluff and some smut (masturbation, sex video, slight daddy kink)
In this age of technology, you could just shoot him a text for small messages that he can read later on. But he also likes that you still rely on little handwritten notes sometimes to convey the same message.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✧
Bakugou fucking hates when it rains when he’s at work.
He’s confined to his desk, stuck at the computer compiling fucking reports instead of being out there in his element. It’s a little harder for him to warm up his quirk and activate it when it rains. And we’re not talking just a light drizzle, an actual heavy rain that leaves you soaked as soon as you step under it and even the weight of an umbrella struggles against the patters of water to protect you.
Thunderstorms, he’s not a fan of them.
He only appreciates them for the sentimental value of the two memories attached to them; when Bakugou fell in love with you and when he proposed to you.
That’s it.
Right now he just stares out the window to his office, giving himself a break from looking at the computer screen, eyes finding little patterns of the droplets against the glass. It’s gloomy outside, the occasional light rumbling from the sky above but no booming thunder that’ll startle the extras down below. But it is calm and quiet, serene even if there is some unknown villain activity in some other part of the city. Bakugou leans his cheek into his left palm, feels the smooth surface of his gold wedding band contrast against his skin.
And he thinks of you.
You who had stupidly ran through the rain for fun and made him kiss you, you who ran out from the comfort of your house during a romantic dinner to stand under the rain and he was forced to propose on the spot, you who has been his annoying but perfect wife for the past three years.
“Bakugou, you good man?”
He’s startled, jumping a little at not hearing Kirishima enter his office, glaring at him for catching him off guard while he was trying to relax. “The fuck you want shitty hair?”
Kirishima is unfazed, just flashing him a toothy grin and letting himself in. “Heh sorry, I knocked on your door but you didn’t answer. I noticed that you didn’t come in with a bento so I was wondering if you wanted to grab lunch instead? You in the mood for anything?”
He wants your cooking to be honest, he wants you to make that spicy stew he loves so much over warm rice and a side of miso soup. Normally the two of you trade off making lunches for one another, it was supposed to be your turn to make the bentos but you had some sort of work emergency that made you leave in a rush in the early morning. He came downstairs to find a note on his coffee mug, ‘Sorry baby, didn’t have time to make lunch! I’ll make it up to you! -(Name)’
At least the coffee was hot and you put the right amount of creamer into it.
“I don’t care.” Bakugou shrugs his shoulders and clicks the button on his mouse, his computer screen lighting up with the logo of the agency before he enters his password and the Home Screen pops up. “You choose, lemme finish a few things first and I’ll meet you in ten.”
“Sounds good, I’ll look up some places nearby!” Kirishima gives him a thumbs up before exiting. He greets some sidekick that walks by the door and his voice trails off as he walks away.
Bakugou types away on his computer, briefly staring at the reports and crime statistics from last year compared to the activity going on in the current quarter. It’s mundane and boring, he should be donning his hero costume and doing patrol instead of stuck inside the agency. He’s not exactly useless when it rains but it does take a little extra effort when it’s cold for him to be as efficient. A little rain never hurt anyone but it sure does piss Bakugou off.
His phone lights up with a notification and he picks it up to see what it is. He swipes up to unlock the screen, a picture of you that he took when the two of you went on a beach trip during the summer. You’re smiling back at him with your hand extended out, he can remember you calling him to come stand in the water with you. The sun was hot that day but the water was chilly, making you shriek in surprise when the waves came up to your shins and splashed you. It was a nice little vacation you took, though he would have preferred going to the woods and being at a lake instead. Bakugou had fun though smashing watermelons with you, relaxing in a hammock, and licking sticky shaved ice syrup off each other’s fingers as a treat.
“Do you want strawberry or mango flavor babe?”
“Okay just a little... ah shit, I put too much! It’s dripping!”
“Tch, you ditzy woman. Come here...”
“Katsuki what are you... ah...”
Indeed, a beautiful summer memory.
A rumbling outside that grabs his attention.
Bakugou is reminded once more of the dreary weather.
He swipes on the notification, just sees that it’s a reminder from his mother about having dinner next week. He responds with a simple ‘okay’ before grabbing his rain jacket and scarf. Kirishima is waiting in the lobby, decked out in a puffy coat and has an umbrella in his right hand. “So what’d ya pick?”
“Let’s get something warm, I was thinking either yakiniku or hot pot.” Kirishima says as the Bakugou walks out with him and opens the umbrella to shield both of them from the rain. “We could go left for yakiniku or right for hot pot, they’re both not too far off.”
Bakugou thinks on it a little and decides to go left, he’ll text you later about making soup for dinner. It didn’t make sense to him to have soup for two meals in a day, it was kind of madness to him.
“Alright, manly choice bro!”
Grilled meat sizzles enticingly before them, Bakugou being the one to cook the meats for himself and Kirishima. Pork belly for himself and beef fillet to start off Kirishima, he concentrates on the process of cooking the meat while Kirishima carries the conversation. He listens passively and makes the occasional comment, mostly just wanting to savor his lunch before heading back to the agency. This will probably be the highlight for today so he might as well enjoy it.
The last time he had yakiniku was a few months ago, you and him were walking through the streets on his day off when you had a sudden craving for barbecue. You were tugging on his arm towards this one little restaurant and although Bakugou wasn’t interested in having any, he let himself be dragged into the little eatery by you. Your craving was quelled and your only complaint was that he wouldn’t let you cook your own meat despite your insistence that you could do it for the both of you.
“Hands off woman.” Bakugou smacked your hands away when you tried to reach for the tongs to drop the meat on the grill.
“Katsuki, I can do it too!” You pouted.
“And I’m doing it for you so shut up.”
The two of you had a little argument inside your booth, you pestering why your husband wouldn’t just let you help grill the food. And he was silent at first, trying to concentrate on the food in front of him before he revealed his reason. “You remember last time we did this? You overcooked the meat and you didn’t want to eat it anymore so I had to eat it for you so it wouldn’t go to waste. So I’m fuckin’ cooking it for you so that we don’t have a repeat of that.”
He doesn’t know why you got all sentimental and sappy when he told you that; his view was that he had to do it for you to avoid food waste, you just thought it was sweet that he would do that for you to make sure that you’re well fed.
Bakugou wonders what you had for lunch since you didn’t have time this morning to make the bentos.
He hopes you’re eating well and didn’t choose something shitty.
The rain let’s up a little by the time they finish lunch but Kirishima says that the rain will continue for the rest of the day and get heavier towards the night.
Bakugou returns to his office, hanging up his jacket and scarf before returning to his desk. He notices a little sticky note over the paper calendar with your handwriting, your wedding portrait sitting right next to it in a simple frame. He takes the note and reads it quietly to himself, ‘Wanted to stop by to say hi but you were on lunch, have a good rest of your shift Dynamight! -(Name)’
He folds the note neatly and then opens a drawer in his desk, a little plastic container sits inside with all the sticky notes you’ve ever left inside his office for when you missed him. Bakugou’s sure that he should throw them away at one point but for now, he just holds onto the notes just because. It’s not making a mess and it’s not like there is such a terrible amount of them that it gets in his way so he just keeps them for the time being.
Looking towards his wedding portrait, he stares at it for a few seconds before his eyes go to the calendar and noting that you flipped the calendar to next year for some reason. Bakugou takes it in his hand and sees that you circled the future month in an orange marker but there’s no indication what you circled it for. It’s not your birthday or anniversary date or anything like that, he counted that the month you circled was almost seven months away from now.
He flips it back to the proper month before logging back into his computer again.
It’s still a few more hours until he’s finished with work and Bakugou once again takes a break from his computer, this time looking towards his wall where the couch is taking notice of an orange umbrella leaning against it with another sticky note on the handle of it. He gets up to take the other sticky note and it reads, ‘also if you can pick up a package from this address, thank you! -(Name)’
“The hell? Got me doing errands for her while I’m at work?” Bakugou grumbles as he folds the note up and puts it in with the rest inside the drawer. But he takes the umbrella and tells Kirishima that he’s going on a quick errand, walking in the direction of the address you had written down on the note. It’s a fifteen minute walk and it leads him to some fancy stationery store that he’s passed by a few times but has never been inside. Bakugou stops by the front desk in front of the elderly woman who seems to be the owner. “I’m here to pick up a package, my wife sent me.”
“Ah Dynamight sir, I was expecting you!” the shop owner smiles at him and turns around briefly, digging underneath the desk before gently placing a neatly packaged box before him. The wrapping is a cream color with twine neatly tied holding a little branch of white flowers at the knot and once again, another note with your handwriting on it but on a pretty piece of paper that was most likely from the stationery store.
Bakugou decided he’ll read it when he gets back to the office.
“Have a good day sir!” The old lady tells him, her smile wide and a knowing twinkle behind it.
Bakugou is careful in bringing the package back to the agency, making sure that no rain gets on it whatsoever. He sets it on his desk and plucks the note from the twine, ‘open when you’re finished with work, I’ll see you at home Katsuki! -(Name)’
“It’s for me? Fuckin’ woman could have just dropped it off since she was here earlier, what the hell?”
He wonders what’s inside but it says to open when he’s finished with work. And hero work does come first, even if it’s in the form of shitty, boring paperwork. So Bakugou carefully sets the package to the side and continues his work, letting the occasional person in his office in that needs him for something or getting up for a bathroom break.
It’s one hour left until he’s off the clock and the rain is coming down harder. Bakugou hopes that there’s no power outage before he saves these documents and emails them, otherwise he’d absolutely lose his shit. His eyes continue to glance to the package and as time ticks by, he can’t help but his curiosity grow stronger as his shift comes to the final hour before he clocks out.
He takes another break and looks out his window again and now that he really stares at the glass, he can see the faint of your handprint against it.
You and him fucked not too long in his office, almost ten days ago if he recalls correctly.
He came back and sat himself on his desk chair, dropping his gauntlets to the floor and ripping off his mask and throwing it on his desk. And you were following after him, shutting the door and asking if he felt alright. And Bakugou was okay, he was just upset over how boring his patrol was and that there wasn’t any action. “Fucking lame! Not even a damn pick pocket or nothing I could blow to pieces!” He growled and crossed his arms over his chest.
And you giggled at him, picking up a gauntlet and propping it upright before sitting against the edge of his desk. “Well shouldn’t that be a good thing? No crimes happening since you’re doing such a good job with apprehending? No shitty villains because they’re scared that Dynamight is gonna get them?”
“Tch! Just wanna have some action...” Bakugou huffs and kicks his feet out in a small tantrum of frustration.
“Alrighty baby, since you’re so bored I’ll do you a solid and I’ll become a big bad villain so that you got something to do.” You joked with him. “I’ll go rob the nearest bank, sounds good yeah?”
And Bakugou had rolled his eyes, told you that you couldn’t even write a bad check if you tried let alone try to rob a bank. “Like you could be a villain (Name), not my fucking wife.”
“Ooh okay, I get you. So we divorce, I become a villain, and then we fight and you’ll be happy since you’ll have something to do for patrol. That would be such a story!” You hold your hands up as if holding an imaginary banner, “Picture this caption: Dynamight’s ex-wife turned villain! How could this have happened? What was the trigger? Their unhappy marriage? Had his anger pushed her too far? The time he scuffed her favorite shoes-”
“How many times do I gotta say sorry about that? And shut the hell up with all that stupid crap, as if you could become a villain.”
“I’d be a big bad villain Katsuki.”
“Oh yeah?” Bakugou had stood up from his desk, stalking towards you until you had backed up against his window, caging you in against the glass and looking down on you like you’re his prey. He saw how you deflated, the faux confidence from before gone as you look up at him. “I’m still in costume baby, you really wanna be a villain? Could fucking arrest you right here and now, yeah?”
And Bakugou remembers how he put you on your knees, sucking him off right there in his office and in front of the window. Your needy little whines with his cock in your mouth and how he mocked and teased you. And then he stood you back up on your feet only to turn you around and look out into the city, his dick slick with your spit and pushing it into your pussy. And your hand pressed against the surface of the glass, trying to find something for stability or some kind of perch and finding nothing.
He fucked you right there, Bakugou could still remember the clink of your wedding ring against the glass too as you clawed at it. That snug little pussy of yours stretching for his cock, creaming all over him, and trying to milk him of his cum to fill your cunt. How you begged for it and for Great Explosion Murder-God Dynamight (yes you used his entire hero name) to pound you until you were stupid from too much dick.
You’re so fucking filthy sometimes.
Bakugou makes sure to go lock his door first before turning to his desk. He opens a bottom drawer and there’s a box of condoms with just a few packets left. It’s not for having secret office affairs and to ensure that a mistress doesn’t get pregnant— he’s loyal only to you after all. The condoms are there for convenient clean up for when he masturbates in his office. It’s not like he’s pawing at himself in his office that often but sometimes when the mood strikes, all it takes when he’s finished is to tie the latex and ball it up in a tissue before dumping it in the trash.
So he rolls the condom down on his cock and unlocks his phone, goes to a folder that has all your dirty pictures and videos. Nudes you’ve sent to him, nasty shots of his cum oozing out of your pussy, him jerking his cock off until he cums all over your face, coy little videos of you sucking on your fingers, and all the fucking sex videos.
He’s got a particular favorite of his, he’s holding the camera while you’re on your knees and spread out for him. You’re wearing a cute pink thong that’s pushed to the side and your ass bounces every time he thrusts forward into your cunt. The volume is on low and your breathy moans recorded in the video are only for his ears. Your whines, how you arched your back for him, when you yelp when he smacked your ass, and the occasional call of ‘daddy’ get Bakugou stroking his cock faster. “Fuck yeah baby...”
His favorite part of the video is when you reach behind and hold your ass cheeks apart for him, asking him to pound you harder. “H-harder please... fuck me more.”
“You beg so goddamn pretty for me, fuckin’ love it!” The recorded Bakugou says in the video.
“L-love you Katsuki, I l-love you!” You stutter out when Bakugou had pressed himself balls deep into your pussy. He remembers clearly when he did that how you came so much for him, the fluids of your orgasm dribbling down his cock and onto the bedsheets. And fuck he loved the way you shook for him, your body shuddering from the pleasure but begging Bakugou to completely fill you. “C-cum in me, wan’ your cum! Pussy nee’s it!”
And Bakugou times himself with the video, he’s watched it so many times but it never fails to ever bore him. He’s got the exact time stamp of when you whine and cry and cum for him memorized, stroked himself faster to reach that edge and fall off the cliff.
“F-fuck, fuck!! I’m cumming!” you cry out in the video, back arching and body tensing as that last orgasm hits you. And Bakugou cums inside the condom as he watches the recording of him pull his cock from your cunt, zooming in on your wrecked pussy and the quiet praise of, “You did good pumpkin.”
“D-daddy... love you...”
The video ends there and Bakugou catches his breath, putting his phone back on the table and leaning his head back to shut his eyes for a bit. He runs a hand through his blond hair and takes a deep breath, his chest puffing up and then deflating when he exhaled.
He discards the condom and goes back to work, only thirty-five minutes left.
And the package sits innocently nearby, teasing Bakugou as he reaches the final stretch of his last hour at work.
He clocks out on the computer but he remains in his office chair, finally pulling the package towards himself. He looks at the note again and wonders if he should fold it in with the rest or just keep it with the box. Bakugou decides he’ll think about that later, plucking the dainty white flowers out from the twine and setting it down carefully. He pulls the twine and carefully unwraps the paper, revealing a white box underneath. Bakugou undoes the flaps to the box and once again he sees another note written by you and he can’t help but be endeared whenever he sees you leave him messages this way.
In this age of technology, you could just shoot him a text for small messages that he can read later on. But he also likes that you still rely on little handwritten notes sometimes to convey the same message.
He takes the stationery and it reads a simple message that has him pinching his brows in confusion.
The note is set down and he pushes aside the tissue paper to reveals what’s beneath and Bakugou swears his heart skips a beat looking down at what was placed inside the package.
Then he remembers how you had changed his calendar, flipping it back to the month that you had circled and now he realizes what the meaning behind that was.
Hurriedly Bakugou packs up the note and little flower branch inside the box, which he now recognizes as baby’s breath from your bouquet when the two of you got married. He pulls on his coat and scarf, bringing the box with him along with the umbrella, rushing past Kirishima and telling him he’ll see him later. He’s in such a rush that he doesn’t see the knowing smile that his friend sports when he’s out the door.
Kirishima dials your number on his phone and waits for you to pick up. “Hey you were right, he ran out here like a madman.”
“Hehe, thanks Kiri for all your help.” You giggle from your end of the line.
“Well do I get to know what the surprise is? What’s got Bakubro all worked up? I helped take him out of the office so you could sneak into it and do all that stuff at the store!”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be one of the first to know!”
“Wait, why not the first? Know what?”
“Okay byeeee!”
And you hang up on Kirishima before he gets a chance to say anything else.
And Bakugou rushes home with the box sitting on the passenger side, the rain has let up thankfully as he drives back but as soon as he pulls into the driveway, the rain pours once more. The garage is slow to lift as Bakugou parks the car inside and once it’s inside, he damn near rips his seatbelt off to exit the car and brings the box with him.
The first place he rushes to is upstairs to the bedroom, it’s usually where you are when he gets home from work. “Baby? Pumpkin, you here?” He asks as he opens the door.
But the room is empty, the bed neatly made and the curtains drawn back but the lit candle suggests that you’re home.
And then he catches a bright orange sticky note on the door and it reads, ‘I’m downstairs dummy -(Name)’
You know him so well to predict that he’d blindly rush to the first place he assumes you’re at and leave a note for him to tell him otherwise.
So Bakugou goes down the stairs and sure enough, the sliding door is open and you’re standing at the porch, watching the rain with a blanket around your shoulders. And you look back at him, a sweet smile coming onto your face when you eye the box in his arms. “So... what do you think?”
“You fuckin’ serious babe?” Bakugou asks in disbelief, setting the box down on the couch as he approaches you. He can smell the rain as he comes closer to the backyard doors and he hopes that the blanket you have around you is enough to keep you warm. “You’re not kidding right?”
“You saw it yourself didn’t you?”
And Bakugou goes to you, taking you in his arms and spinning you around briefly before setting you back down and kissing you.
The package sits on the couch and there’s only three items inside that sit on the top of shredded ivory paper; a little onesie, a picture of an ultrasound, and a positive pregnancy test.
Your note reads, ‘Get ready Dynamight!’
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cornfarm · 3 years
nurse’s office debacle
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saiki kusuo x reader
word count: 0.5k
synopsis: you walk in on saiki using his powers. you’re somehow the best and worst person to find out. he panics. 
cw: n/a
genre: fluff
reader is gender neutral!
WOW i’ve been writing SO much recently, i have way too much time on my hands heh
i’ve been pumping through these fics like CRAZY but i just have so many ideas! i haven’t written fanfic in about a year and the fandom i used to write for was so limiting in ideas so i’m a bit off the walls cuz i can express more themes and settings :D
i’ve been thinking about potential ways to integrate variety in a reader character, and i’m a little bit into crystals myself so i decided to give y/n a crystal pendant as their like... “character thing”... you know? black tourmaline (which i definitely didn’t purchase), is actually a crystal that does what i say it does in the fic which is awesome! i’m actually using the same prompt in a longer fic that’s quite different from this one.
you can buy it from jewelers on etsy in case you’re crazy like me <3
You walk in on Saiki Kusuo apport the cough syrup in place of generic cold medicine in the empty nurse's office. You had been feeling a bit weary, and had used the lunch break as a chance to get some medicine. He didn’t see you were there until you met eyes.
You knew.
He doesn’t know why he didn’t know you were there. Stunned, he spots a small black pendant around your neck, it sticks out like a sore thumb on your uniform.
“Saiki, did you just-”
He lunges towards you, and with his hand clasp over your mouth, backs you against a corner, unable to escape. He closes the door and locks it with his telekinesis, effectively trapping you in the room with him.
You don’t move too much against him or try to speak, just staring up at him in both awe and horror. His eyes glare down at yours, unsure of what to do. If he wipes your memory, it might cause more problems, you already saw him do it, you might just replace it with something worse.
He was mostly flustered- he was using his powers because of you. He couldn’t say that, of course, but to say he had been keeping an eye on you was an understatement. He was interested in you, even if it was just a little bit, because nobody was interested in you.
Saiki noticed you dozing off in class, you were frequently tired, sure, but this time you were especially lethargic. He went to check if the school supplied any cold medicine that you could take, and they only had cough syrup. He decided that wouldn’t have been good enough and took initiative.
Anyways, back to the problem at hand, the fact he didn’t sense you standing in the room: the pendant around your neck was the only explanation for it.
Before he can ask, you reach up and gently pry his hand off your face, “Saiki, are you a-”
“Don’t say it.”
“I’m just confused, that’s all.”
He reaches at the rock around your neck, examining it between his fingers.
“What is this?”
“Uh, it’s um,” you stutter, “it’s black tourmaline, it’s a crystal- a friend got it for me for my birthday. It’s supposed to shield you from negativity and psychic attacks. To be honest I don’t really know what the last part means- I suppose it’s for protection.”
That’s the answer he wants, he suspected as much.
“I won’t tell anyone about your powers.”
“How can I be sure?”
“I don’t have anything to gain from it.”
“Yes you do, don’t lie.”
You bite your lip, frustrated at his persistence. He steps a bit closer, is he trying to intimidate you or is he nervous? You can’t tell.
“The truth is,” you begin, “I had a dream last night that this exact situation happened- it’s total deja-vu. I’ve never been to the nurses office either so it has to have been prophetic.”
Saiki doesn’t say anything.
“Maybe we’re meant to be friends”, you smile.
He was very nervous for two reasons. First, you can use this incriminating information as blackmail, holding him by the reins and having him under your thumb. Second, he got way too close to you, he can feel how warm you are, and how fast your heart’s pounding in your chest.
He’s overjoyed.
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
HQ!! Manager being protective when people insult their player
(ft. oikawa, hinata, tanaka, yachi, osamu, kuroo)
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Warnings: threats, physical altercations, bullying, public humiliation
I usually don’t condone the usage of violence, but I woke up mad today lmao
the pretty setter was getting ready to serve, his fangirls screaming in support while the rest of the team took a break.
to the side were a couple of guys staring in jealousy, “heh, his weak ass gets a big ego just because—”
they continued their insults and while they didn’t reach oikawa, his team members certainly heard it all
teasing oikawa was different when it came from them because they genuinely cared about him,, but for someone else to continuously bully the setter without reason?? it was infuriating
before any of them could kick their asses, their manager approached them.
(name) was perhaps the most polite individual they’d met; always patient and kind despite their antics
“ah, i can see the misunderstanding that oikawa is a weakling. he’s got a broken knee and constantly pushes himself despite the excruciating pain.”
the aura surrounding them suddenly turned dark and cold as (name) clutched the shoulder of the main bully with an iron grip
“what about you? shall i break your knee so we can find out if you’re stronger than him?”
at that moment, their gentle mannered manager had the eyes of a beast, unyielding as the guy tried to escape their grip
when they left, the players approached (name) who still glared in that direction. “woah we didn’t know you could be so scary (name)”
now calmer, they replied, “you’re my team, i would kill anyone that tries harm you.”
it was such a matter-of-fact that the males couldn’t help but laugh “haha you’re funny too”
“am i laughing?”
that day they learned their precious manager would deadass commit murder for them
extra: when oikawa found you defended him, he ran with open arms, “(name)-channnnn marry me!” squeezing the life out of you
competition hadn’t even started and people were already shit talking karasuno
“flightless crows” blah blah blah
as their third manager, you would be in the benches with yachi, supporting the team
however, hinata had gone to the bathroom and he wasn’t back. daichi had sent you to get him since the game was about to start
you found the team’s sunshine nearly corned by a tall player “aah you’re so short and you’re a middle blocker?? i’ll be looking down on you little shrimp!”
he didn’t get to say more because your leg swiftly hit the back of his knees, falling to the ground harshly.
no one and i mean no one messes with hinata without you getting a few hits in, regardless height
“oh look. you’re below him now”
mans was lucky y’all were in a competition, otherwise he wouldn’t have left unscathed
with that, you steered your baby hinata away from that asshole, throwing him a dirty look in case he wanted to try anything
if he did, you would not hold back. literally on sight
fyi hinata was totally not blushing the entire way back. everytime you approach him now he gets all flustered
everyone else is like ???
the ladies man, tanaka had encountered a group of attractive girls at the arcade so he decided to shoot his shot
when they declined, tanaka was prepared to leave them alone, respectful of a woman’s boundaries, but they decided to verbally attack him
“who’d wanna go out with you?” “yeah you’re so ugly, stupid baldie”
wrong move
unfortunately for them, you were also at the arcade, having heard how the entire conversation went down
you knew tanaka would never use violence against a girl, even if they were rude, but you would.
equal rights equal fights bitch
those girls never saw it coming, you grabbing the leader’s hair roughly and yanking it back, “you’re right, longer hair is much better”
you went feral; simultaneously slapping the others away when they tried to pull you off, your tight grip never faltering.
only when tanaka placed a gentle hand on your arm that you released her
“insult him again and you’ll be the baldie next time”
in short, tanaka now sees you as his personal deity. boy will adore you
the third years were gone now
kiyoko had left the team in your and yachi’s hands, with you mainly taking charge as the now-third year manager
the team all sat together for lunch (yes, tsukki too), they were waiting for you since you’d been talking with a teacher
a girl in front of you side-eyed yachi, watching with envy as the blonde sweetheart spoke with the handsome volleyball players
plan brewing in that toxic mind of hers, the girl pretended to trip, spilling her lunch all over yachi. the team didn’t have time to react, watching in shock as food splatted on her lap
sis even had the audacity to say “oh sorry didn’t see you there” as if she didn’t just purposefully throw her food on someone else
worry not, because you returned the favor.
as soon as she gave her faux apology, your food was already making its way down her head to her shoes
there wasn’t a part of her left uncovered
“my bad, i thought you were the trash” you did not look sorry at all
half of the cafeteria watched this unfold—tsukki even making some snide remarks. you grabbed yachi’s hand, guiding her to the restroom to help her clean off
from that moment on, people got the message to never mess with the volleyball team lest they face the wrath of their manager
osamu was your best friend, the reason why you joined inarizaki as their manager
currently, you were in home ed, making the assigned dish but it wasn’t difficult so your movements were lax so much that you couldn’t help but overhear the conversation going on in front of your table
at the mention of osamu, your ears perked up
“he was SUCH a jerk. i kept asking hoping he would grow tired and say yes, but nooooo. apparently osamu thinks he’s better than me”
some of her friends looks uneasy at her inability to take ‘no’ for an answer but the girl continued on her rant
the teacher stepped out for a moment. “HAHAHAHHAHA” the class turned to look at you, laughing like a maniac while you chopped vegetables with scary precision and inhuman strength
“you sure got some nerve, harassing someone like that.. especially my best friend”
that was the moment the grew knew she’d fucked up. she couldn’t even answer back because the teacher was back.
you made a point to ask the teacher if you could be partners with that girl for the next lesson, making her gulp in fear as you ran a finger across your throat
to say the least, she stopped talking for the remainder of the class
chemistry?? you and kuroo?? friends?? together in class???
a fucking chaos
just kidding. the two of you were actually really good students. the best, if you had to brag
despite being the teacher’s favorite, you were lowkey about it while kuroo liked to insert as many chem jokes as he could in presentations
it was kinda embarrassing and you subtly teased him, but never with malicious intent
during a lab, you got partnered with a bully. you tried to ignore him and continue working, but it kept getting worse.
the breaking point was dragging in kuroo to all of this. you’d rejected his offers of going on a date and when kuroo made a motion to ask if you were ok, the dude took it as a sign to talk shit
“seriously? him? he’s a fucking nerd. his jokes are lame and has shitty hair—”
your eye twitched. “oi you better stop if you don’t want me to burn your face off”
clueless in class, he didn’t know how to handle the material so you were doing all the work. he didn’t believe you
bringing in the acidic substance near his face is when he finally backed away, at which point you had already called the teacher and told them that he was playing around with dangerous chemicals
although it was the other way around, who do you think the teacher believed, their star student or the school bully??
lmao, bitch could ask his detention buddies out on a date now
kuroo: ??
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realcube · 4 years
random kisses with BNHA characters 💋
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characters: bakugo, dabi, todoroki & kirishima 
tw// swearing
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katsuki bakugo 
FJDBETIUSCA ok so i firmly believe that the first time you snuck up behind bakugo to surprise him with a lil’ kiss on the cheek, he was blushing so profusely and to hide it, he began wiping his face while muttering profanities
‘ew! what was that for?!’ he snarled, aggressively rubbing his cheek to appear as though he was wiping off the kiss but in reality he was trying to hide his furiously red blush 
‘awh, did you not like it?’ you pouted, cocking your head to the side at his negative reaction, ‘mina said it’d be cute.’
now he was stuck between a rock and a hard place 
neither of which were kirishima
he could say he didn’t enjoy it but not only would he be lying, it might upset you and that’s the last thing he wanted to do tbh
especially bc you were both a bit apprehensive about physical touch up until now so it definitely took you some balls to make the first move
however, he’d have to swallow a lot of pride to admit that he liked it 
so he eventually settled with muttering, ‘it’s whatever.’
perfectly executed, bakugo thought
you rolled your eyes at his answer, knowing full well that if bakugo didn’t like something, he’d make it a point to tell you - as he has done in the past
but the last thing you wanted to do was make him uncomfortable so you didn’t pull anything like that again for a while
you didn’t really mind tbh but bakugo definitely did
i mean, you gave him a teaser of your touch and now he was addicted, so it was cruel of you to just withdraw so quickly
he thought that you were taking a break bc you didn’t want to come off too strong but one night, you were just sitting beside each other on his bed and you didn’t even care to give him just a little kiss not even a peck
livid. he was livid.
did he have to make the second move? is that how this works? he didn’t really know
‘uh, are you gonna kiss me or what?’ he hissed, shooting you a forced glare
your eyes widened, ‘uh, sorry, what?--’
‘i’m not saying it again.’
you smiled, shuffling over to bakugo before placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, ‘okay, fine. anything my lil’ princess wants.’
‘OH FUCK OFF!’ he barked, playfully pushing you away slightly
‘okay, okay- i’m sorry!’ you giggled, leaning back in to briefly silence him with your lips, ‘that was a bit mean of me- if anything, i think asking for what you want is very manly.’
you stared at his displeased and gruff expression before realising that you should probably elaborate to fill the awkward silence
‘and what’s wrong with being a princess?- if you were one, i think you’d be cinderella-’
‘and you’d be the rat who makes me clothes.’ he let out a low chuckle at that comparison
‘i’m never going near you ever again.’ you grumbled, trying to scoot away from him but being prevented from doing so by his tight grip on your shoulder after he hastily slung his arm behind you
‘good!’ he scoffed while simultaneously pulling you closer
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literally didn’t even faze him at first 
you’d just sneak up behind him to pepper kisses on the nape of his neck and he’d simply turn around then offer you a bite of the burrito he was having
or you’d rush up to him while he was on his phone to press a quick kiss on his cheek and he’d just show you the meme he was looking at on his phone
no blush, no chuckle, no smile in sight 
HOWEVER something that does get him every time is when you kiss along his lil’ face staples or when you’d make the ‘mwah’ sound effect as you kissed him
he thinks it’s so cute 🥰
and after a while of you doing that, he’ll probably start doing it too lol
but only on the top of your head or on the back of your knuckle
he doesn’t hold your hand too often bc of his quirk and also he generally doesn’t find it practical but sometimes when you are just sitting next to each other — watching a movie or sumn — he reaches out for your hand and just showers it with kisses
on the tips of your finger, knuckles, nails, wrist, palm- literally everywhere 
oh and bites on you when he’s hungry and you’re making food-
that’s like his version of surprise kisses lmao
you’ll be daydreaming while stirring the pot of macaroni then he’ll sneak up behind you — silent asf  — and bite on your shoulder or take your hand to bite your knuckle
although they aren’t full on bites, like a nom not a chomp, if that makes sense, it feels really weird bc his teeth are sharp as hell
it scares the shit out of you every time btw
one time, you tried nibbling on his hand in a similar way that he does to you but you were almost sick 🤢
like his hands literally reek of ash and smoke 
you tried to play it off like it wasn’t an issue bc you didn’t want to hurt his feeling or whatever but like..he knew- and he felt bad that you felt obliged to kiss his crusty hands
but it also amused him to watch you try choke back a gag as your lips pulled away from his hand so yeah 🤠
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shoto todoroki 
every kiss he gives you is a surprise kiss bc you never see the bitch coming-
anyway, it’s impossible to surprise him with a kiss or hug or anything like that bc he just knows when you are nearby 
he’s on hyperalert 24/7
the only time you’d possibly be able to surprise him is when he’s extremely tired or..asleep
but you can try though and he’ll commend your efforts :))
if he’s sitting in the common area and you try to shock him from behind with a sudden kiss on his shoulder, he’ll just look at you like 🙂 ‘good morning, (l/n).’
the first time you ever actually make him jump with on of your kisses is probably like..3 years into your marriage WIUGFLREUIBL
anyway, he highkey loves it though
it ALWAYS makes him smile bc you try so hard at something so trivial
flashback to that one time you hid in the pantry for a good 10 minutes just so you could jump out and scare him with your affection
but he opened the door and after you jumped out at him, he was still like, 🙂 ‘oh, hi, (l/n). what were you doing in the pantry?’
he might try do something similar to you but with minimal effort
for instance, if you’re waiting for him to arrive at the park, mall etc for a date and he notices that you haven’t seen him yet, he’ll just creep up behind you before hesitantly tapping your shoulder, accompanied by the most monotone ‘boo.’ you’ve ever heard
honestly, he kinda wanted to snatch your hand up in his but he tapped your shoulder instead bc he didn’t want to scare you into thinking that some random guy just took your hand 
 anyway mans doesn’t discriminate w/ his kisses just show him affection and he literally doesn’t care if it’s ‘random’ or not, all kisses are equal in his eyes 
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eijiro kirishima
plz he is the ceo of random kisses 
definitely the sort of guy to creep up behind you and cover your eyes, ‘guess who!’
you sighed, instinctively covering his rough hand with your own, ‘i have no idea, eijiro. who is it?’
then he peppers your face in kisses,no matter who is around
the bakusquad will literally call him a sap till the day he dies and every single time kirishima will reply with ‘heh, okay.’
anyway, back to the scheduled programme 
if you just rush up to him at lunch, give him a kiss on the forehead then bolt off, he’ll be a bit flustered but overall very hyped
not even confused tbh like he won’t even ask about it lol
ALSO if you’re in a support course and he comes back from a trip and you greet him by tackling him to the ground with affection, he will melt
like he could’ve literally came back from fighting villains, horribly injuring himself or almost dying but powering through, then you show him some love and he’s like ‘my time has come’ then he passes away 😇 
but other than your initial burst of love energy when you first see him, you’re generally as gentle as possible with him when he comes back from a mission
which is the perfect opportunity to give random kisses bc he’s spent the last few weeks being on high-alert so now he’s just ..relaxed :)
oh and plz visit the dorm after school to surprise him, he will literally fall so hard- 😍
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rintarous · 4 years
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[ masterlist ] + LAST INSTALMENT FOR ME D: hope you all enjoyed them ! <3 ++ BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIRACLE BOY, SATORI!!!!! 
kageyama | kita | osamu | suna  
miracle boy tendou satori
the shameless fuckboy
this sexy ass mf 
bed monster is what people describe him 
rumor has it that he breaks beds on the daily 
people claim he’s a literal god at sex 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
this all started when he ran out of hair wax and entered school with his hair down
hair down!tendou hits different
next thing he knew bitches were lining up to him giving him gifts or bluntly flirting with him
since then he kept his hair down at all times
but when he doesn’t feel like,,, attending people’s needs,, he puts it up like usual heh
and ofc my dude enjoyed every attention he got
he’s winking left to right at any passersby who look at his direction
making that person simp for him
tendou tingz ✨ 
he loves seeing his fling walk awkwardly after the cute lil activity they did the night before
but the downside to being his fling, after your quick heaven, he ghosts on you
you might be wondering what do i mean by he’s the shameless fuckboy right?? well,,,,,
lets say he sees his ex fling out in the open, he’d shout shit like
embarrassing not only himself but the fling in general
but ppl think hes joking cs he lets out a loud ass laugh after saying that almost as if hes joking
which in his case.. he’s not 🤡
hes so shameless that he’d fuck with his flings in his dorm room that he shares with ushijima wakatoshi himself 
tendou has the top bunk so they fuck up there while ushjima has his earphones on full blast watching volleyball matches on his phone, completely ignoring the squeaking and shaking bed jesus christ
please send help to ushiwaka 2020
there are some days where tendou just feels,,, empty inside
despite having a line of fangirls wanting him
but he knows they just want him for his body and not who truly is
so when days like that ^^ happens, he just stays quiet and close off everyone around him
(also keeps his hair up lol)
during his emo days, you just somehow miraculously tripped over your own feet
in front of him
but thanks to tendou’s fast reflexes he caught your arm just in time before you kiss the cold hard floor
it took a big fat minute for you two to understand what was going on
tendou snaps out of his lil trance and helps you get back on your feet
“you okay there?” he would ask, his eyes filled with concern
by now you’ve realized what happened and you were now blushing to no ends
“uhh.. yeah thanks!” you blushed, rushing away from him and yet you almost trip over yourself AGAIN but this time you caught yourself 
tendou watches you walk away from him with a small smile
“she’s cute...” he thinks to himself before going back to his sulky mode 
the next day rolls in and he’s no longer in his emo mode so he’s back to being his fuckboy ass self
though the interaction with you is still lingering in the back of his head
so there he was,, minding his own business ya know the drill 
winking and flirting with anyone and anything 
yk fuckboy things
til you tapped his shoulder
he swirls around his chair to offer a smirk but a small gasp escaped from his mouth instead
its you !!! 
ok ngl this dude’s mood just went through the roof he’s so happy to see you again and the fact you reached out to him 
“i kinda feel bad for you know.. you witnessing me trip over my own feet and you kinda helped me and now i feel even more bad so can i buy you something from the cafe downstairs as a form of a thank you..?” you say, fiddling with your hands
which tendou noticed btw 
“so like a date?” tendou jokes 
was it getting hot in the classroom or was that just your face burning in embarrassment
“ah! n-no! of course not” you waved your hands around (see: midoriya)
tendou lets out a grin, “i’m kidding and sure. let’s just eat lunch together” he smiles 
lunch time rolls in and you and tendou walk inside the cafe the school had together
you were kinda skittish cs people were staring at you like some sort of prey
to which he tells you its because of him 
“it’s because of me haha sorry bout that” he giggles, ordering himself a latte and whatever you order
you knew about his reputation
that was mainly the reason why you ran away from him the day you tripped over your own feet but he caught you
but surprisingly he’s actually a really nice person !
he’s got that quirky personality with amazing humor that gets you laughing at anything he says
and he reads mangas too!!
though you only read my hero academia and bungo stray dogs,, you two still got along because of that
“who’s your favorite character in my hero?” he asks, his eyes sparkling
“definitely bakugo for sure” you say in awe, dreamily thinking about bakugo 
“i like the protagonist! deku is that bitch”  he shares, staring at you in the eyes
“what about in stray dogs?” this time it was your turn to ask
“hmm...” he thinks for a moment, “akutagawa” he answers
“holy shit same! but i like dazai too” 
in the end you two skipped classes and just stayed in the cafe til it was dark out either talking about mangas or just getting to know each other
this also means he walked you back to your dorm
“this is me.. hehe” you giggled, scratching the back of your head sheepishly as you two stop at the girls dormitory building
“see you around y/n-chan~ goodnight” tendou waves as he walks back to his dorm
after that tendou’s fuckboy habits have noticeably decreased
he barely talks or entertains his flings or girls who are after him in general
and his eyes and his overall demeanour would lighten up if he sees you or he talks to you
it was actually really sweet
“so no new chick on your radar these past few weeks?” you ask as you stared at him while eating your pasta
tendou sighs dreamily, “yep” he says popping the ‘p’ at the end
“that’s strange. aren’t you in your eye candy form right now?” you raised a brow, ruffling his already messy hair 
“i mean.. yeah i am in eye candy form” he winks making you giggle
his favorite sound
you resumed eating your pasta and tendou does the same til suddenly this bitch starts making beeping noises
“BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP” tendou beeps(?)
“what the fuck satori” you laughed out loud, almost choking on your food
“my chick radar detected a chick!” he exclaims, pointing his fingers around as if it’s pinpointing the target
then his finger stops at you
you turned around in case there was someone behind you til you realized it was only the two of you in the cafe
(you two skipped classes again)
“me?” you point to yourself in shock
“no i meant the ghost behind you. what’s up casper?” he says with the most deadpan expression, “of course it’s you!” 
“you’re really cute and i like being around you” he shyly confessed, ruffling his hair as force of habit when he’s nervous
you stared at him in shock, still not processing his confession
tendou takes a peek at your shocked expression on the corner of his eye, “its okay if you don’t feel the same i was just sayi-”
you shut him up by giving him a kiss on the cheek
“lucky for you, i like you too” you blushed
“you do?!” now it was his turn to be shocked
“no” you blep at him making him laugh
“didn’t think you’d take revenge on me you meanie” he pouts, tucking your hair behind your ear as you smile widely at your new boyfriend
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Zombie Killing 101
Panda’s Notes: Consider this a very late Tickletober contribution. This is my part of a little collab based on an idea by @rosileeduckie! However, it comes with a unique, and equally late, disclaimer:
While I wrote this scenario because I agreed that it’d be both hilarious and adorable with these fictional characters, in real life, it is rude and potentially dangerous to physically interact with the actors in Haunted attractions; unless that kind of thing is allowed, which nine times out of ten, it isn’t. If you’re the type to enjoy that kind of place, be aware that these actors are just doing the job they were hired and paid to do. Remember that it’s all an act. Keep your hands to yourself; respect the actors; and don’t disrupt the attraction on a subsequent run through.
[Read on Ao3!]
“Ready, Kanjou?” He asked a bit playfully when the small green alert light lit up.
She snickered, colorful sparkles lighting up in her hair before she pulled her hood up. She set her weight on Shinsou’s lower legs, looping the cord around its anchor again before Shinsou let himself fall backwards through the dark panel. There was a pair of shrieks and some sudden yells of curses before footsteps ran away. Kanjou pressed the yellow button to warn the next scare team of a potentially running group just as Shinsou lifted a hand up through the panel. She pushed herself up slightly, grabbing the cord and pulling down hard. She grabbed his hand once it was in reach, chuckling softly and squeezing his hand as he sat up.
“Feeling alright, Shinsou?” She asked as he rubbed his lower back with his free hand. “Want to take five?”
Shinsou did the best stretch he could with her still sitting on his legs, pulling his arms across his chest afterward and sighing. “Nah, I’m good for a few more, I think. We’re closing for lunch soon anyway.”
“Ooh, tough guy.” She teased, giving him a little punch in the ribs. “No wonder you’re gunning for the Hero Course.” Their yellow light clicked on beside them. “Think you can handle a couple runners?”
Shinsou chuckled softly as footsteps could be heard approaching their hall, stretching his arms up over his head. “Make sure you hold the line, Kanjou-chan.” He teased, letting his arms go limp as he fell back again. In the blur of motion, he could make out the forms of four students as they screeched and jumped backwards at the sight of him. He smirked slightly, a chuckle slipping out as he hung there, expecting them to scramble past like the other groups.
“Wait, hey…” One of them spoke, and he recognized that voice. “That’s Shinsou!”
Shinsou peeked one eye open to find four 1-A students standing below him. Kaminari he knew, and Mina he remembered from the Sports Festival; The other two… Well, he’d seen the four of them together before. The former two laughed a bit as they fully recognized him, Kaminari approaching to high five him before he could pull away.
“Nice costume, dude.” He giggled, running his hands over the fake blood spatters on Shinsou’s shirt.
“I cannot believe you’d scare us like that, of all people!” Mina griped, even though her smile gave her away. “I thought we were cool, man!”
Shinsou bit his lip for a moment, rolling his eyes before breaking character. “I only barely know two of you, y’know.” He said, half teasing and smirking as Kaminari looked offended.
“You know me better than that! We hung out plenty of times since then!” He argued, the light pats on Shinsou’s back turning into targeted pokes at his shoulder blades.
“Ack! H-Hey!” Shinsou yelped, trying to flail one hand at the blonde. “You guys, we’ve got to keep the line mov—Eek!” He cried out when Mina managed to jab him in the ribs.
“Oho! A certain zombie’s a little bit ticklish?” She teased.
He was trying to stammer out an answer as Kaminari zipped back in front of him. “A little? Heh, Mina, let me show you something. Give me a boost?”
Mina crouched down, trying to help Kaminari up onto her shoulders, and Shinsou shrunk slightly with a nervous smile.
“Kanjou?” He called warily, one hand reaching for the wire on his harness. “You can pull me up anytime now!”
Kanjou just covered her mouth, shoulders shaking as she snickered down at them.
“Oh my gosh, do you have Sparkle Cadet up there with you?” Kaminari asked excitedly, trying to peek into the dark ceiling as Mina was finding her bearings with him on her shoulders. Shinsou gave him a gentle—okay, maybe not as gentle as he could have—push when they got closer to him, and he felt Kanjou scooting backwards to stay out of sight.
“You guys really have to keep going; you’ve broken enough rules!” He insisted, his voice definitely not turning into a squeak when Mina regained her balance and glared up at him.
“Aw, but how can you expect me to leave when I see my favorite tummy?” Kaminari teased, bringing his hands up with wiggling fingers.
Shinsou blushed brightly, holding his own hands up defensively. “Pichu, wait! I—!”
He cracked the second those hands caught onto his ribs, the scribbling nails pulling squealy giggles through his thin shirt.
“Ha! There he is!” Kaminari taunted, pressing his thumbs in circles right along the bones.
“Oh, my Gods, what a cutie!” Mina cheered, smiling brightly and patting Kaminari’s knees as Shinsou flailed.
“The cutest! Especially right~…Here!” Kaminari threw his arms around Shinsou’s midriff, pressing his cheek against the dangling zombie’s stomach as his hands crept and scribbled along his sides and hips. “Ooh, he has abs now, too! What have you been up to, huh~?”
Shinsou giggled helplessly, squeals and laughs breaking out as Kaminari’s fingers danced. Not to mention his face practically buried in Shinsou’s bare stomach. This was borderline dangerous—well, from Shinsou’s perspective, at least. He brought his own hands up again, managing to rest them on Kaminari’s sides.
“Let go!” He insisted through his laughter, squeezing enough that the blonde started to squirm a bit himself.
“Ah, no you don’t!” Mina suddenly piped up, reaching up quickly to snatch Shinsou’s wrists and pull them away. “You ought to know zombies get grabby, Kaminari!” She laughed.
Kaminari snickered, glancing down at Shinsou’s nervous face with a smirk. “Thanks, Mina. Guess I’ll have to teach this one a lesson, huh?”
The hall was filled with frantic shrieks and bright cackles as Kaminari blew loud, merciless raspberries against Shinsou’s stomach. His fingers zipped and wandered up and down his ribs and waist without a care in the world beside keeping that huge smile on Shinsou’s face.
Meanwhile, Kanjou kept an eye on her phone as she recorded, occasionally glancing down to make sure her classmate wasn’t dying or anything. The walkie talkie on her hip crackled for a moment, and she grabbed it with a grin.
“What the heck happened, you two?” Their class representative half-whispered through the radio, sounding somewhere between worried and angry. “There’s still a couple groups to send through, and we know someone’s stopped at your station.”
She had to bite her lip to keep from giggling, “Uh, yeah, just a little bit of heckling going on.”
“Heckling again? Is that Shinsou laughing—?”
“I was actually going to call and ask…” She interrupted, trying to keep them focused on her voice. “Would it be cool if I sent this group packing?”
The class rep sighed, and she could practically hear their eyes roll. “I already told you that you don’t need my permission if they’re bothering you.”
The walkie-talkie buzzed faintly as she clipped it back onto her belt. It was a shame to have to cut the recording short, but they were on a schedule, after all. She took a deep breath, massaging her temples as her eyes glowed.
Mineta snickered as he watched the scene through his phone camera. “This is pure gold.” He smirked slightly as Shinsou cackled and squirmed.
Hagakure peered over his shoulder and nodded with a soft giggle. She flinched slightly as she noticed the already dim lights around them flickering. “Um… M-Mina?”
Mina was laughing along with the boys as she loosely held Shinsou’s wrists, and Kaminari let his fingers run circles up and down their friend’s ribs and sides. It wasn’t until the hall stayed dark for a few seconds straight that they even really noticed.
“What’s going on?” Kaminari asked softly, resting his palm on Shinsou’s stomach as he glanced around.
Shinsou just hung there and caught his breath, managing to keep his smirk in his mind for now. As much as he enjoyed Kaminari’s company, they’d kind of brought this on themselves.
At the opposite end of the hallway, four tall figures staggered through the entrance, clothes tattered and stained with blood. As they spotted the four students, one of them hissed loudly and lunged toward them with a quick, stumbling run.
Hagakure shrieked, and Mineta sprinted toward the exit, both of them awkwardly pulling their still-stacked friends away from Shinsou. The zombies ran after them, their footsteps not making any sound against the floor.
Shinsou finally sighed and chuckled, heaving himself up by the wire and taking Kanjou’s hand once it was within reach. He hit the red button to warn the next station while Kanjou was rubbing her eyes.
“You wanna take five~?” He couldn’t help taunting her a little, patting her back as she recovered. She just giggled and shook her head.
“Okay, I’m sorry.” She smiled. “Let’s just finish up.”
Kagaya Kanjou (UA Class 1-C: General Studies)
Quirk: Particle Effect—She can conjure small “particles”. (Hearts, symbols, lights, confetti, etc.) She can also temporarily attach particles to other living and nonliving things. Some of her particles can give minor effects, but most are just tactile illusions. She is able to create larger illusions, but it gives her vertigo.
-She applied to the Support Course, but she didn’t make the cut.
-Her “hero” name isn’t actually Sparkle Cadet, I just love Craig of the Creek.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Shaw’s Creative Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 创意之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
This date features S2 Shaw, but contains no spoilers for S2!
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[ This date was released on 13 May 2021 ]
Removing the VR headset, I rub my slightly sore eyes. Seeing the familiar modern furniture leaves me in a momentary trance.
MC: I finally cleared it - this game about the ancient times is pretty immersive.
Aside from completing missions, the game also has a rich plot written in a classical literary style. As a “workshop apprentice”, I successfully created a string of wood carved persimmons.
Rotating my aching wrists, it’s as though the sensation of carving products is still lingering on my hands.
MC: It’s a shame that I could only do that in the game...
Just when I’m about to continue grumbling, my phone suddenly rings.
Tapping the answer button, a familiar voice drifts lazily to my ear.
Shaw: Not a sound from you even during the weekend. What are you up to?
MC: I just played an immersive game, and it’s pretty fun.
At the other end of the line, Shaw makes an “oh” sound, then continues asking.
Shaw: Are you planning to stay at home today?
MC: Mm. I finally finished a big program, so I’m pretty comfortable playing games at home.
Hearing my response, Shaw’s tone lifts slightly at the end.
Shaw: It’s just a game. You can play it anytime, can’t you? The weather outside is great. Staying at home is such a waste. Why not take a stroll outside?
My gaze sweeps over the VR headset. While I’m hesitating whether or not to agree, a thought suddenly flashes across my mind, and I have an idea. 
MC: Shaw, why don't you accompany me somewhere?
Shaw pauses for a moment, his subtle breathing drifting over the phone along with the electric currents.
Shaw: Where do you want to go?
MC: I’ll keep it a secret first. You’ll know when you get there. It’s definitely a place you wouldn’t expect.
Shaw chuckles softly, and he seems to stretch.
Shaw: All right. Since you invited me with such magnificent hospitality, I’ll reluctantly keep you company.
Soon after, the both of us stand at the entrance of a wood carving studio. Shaw tilts his head, looking me up and down.
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Shaw: You sure we’re not at the wrong place?
I nod my head.
MC: How is it? I already said you definitely wouldn’t expect it. 
Shaw arches his brows, a somewhat surprised expression in his eyes.
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Shaw: When did you get a new hobby?
Not giving Shaw a direct response, I lift my hand, raising my phone to his face. The picture on the screen features the string of wood carved persimmons I made in the game.
MC: Look at this string of persimmons. I carved it bit by bit in the game. Looks good, doesn’t it? I plan to carve a replica based on this later.
Shaw leans closer to give it a sweeping glance, his expression a little subtle.
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Shaw: ...the object in the picture isn’t too bad. But do you like it that much that you must carve a string of persimmons?
MC: Don’t underestimate this small string of persimmons. Slow work yields fine products. The smaller something is, the more patience and carving skills are tested. Also, this is the first wood carving I made in the game. Furthermore, “everything will go according to one’s wishes” is a wonderful message and well-wish. Making it myself will feel very meaningful.
[Note] For the translation of “everything will go according to one’s wishes”, What MC says is “柿柿如意”, which is a pun based on the popular well-wish “事事如意” (“everything will go according to one’s wishes”)
“Persimmon” is 柿 (“shi”). “Everything” is 事事 (“shi shi”)
Shaw: But based on the level of complexity, you can’t make it without having a foundation in carving.
Predicting that Shaw would say this, I make a fist, lifting my head up confidently. 
MC: Don’t underestimate me. I think I’m naturally talented in handwork. If I can make it in the game, I might be able to in reality.
Hearing my “lofty aspirations”, the corners of Shaw’s lips hook upwards, and he elongates the tail of his sentence coolly.
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Shaw: Fine, I’ll wait and see. 
Probably because it’s the lunch break, only the boss is in the shop.
After telling the boss my purpose in coming, he very quickly prepares the wooden block and burin, then comprehensively explains some matters I should take note of.
[Trivia] A burin (刻刀 - “ke dao”)  is a handheld steel tool used for carving metal or wood
MC: Draw a design first, then trace a copy onto the wooden block, then...
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Hearing me mumble to myself, Shaw can’t help but arch his brows.
Shaw: It’s no use simply memorising the steps. You’ve got to get started to get the feel of it. 
...that make sense.
Very soon, I successfully draw a design based on the picture. However, I keep sensing that something’s missing when I look at the picture of the string of persimmons in my hand.
Darting a glance at Shaw, who occasionally looks at the drawing paper in my hand, I turn my body to the side, displaying the drawing paper in front of him.
MC: Shaw, didn’t you brag about being the “best in hand-drawn sketches” in your department? Want to take a look and make adjustments for me?
[Note] For those who are unaware, Shaw is the only graduate student in the archaeological department of Loveland University, so... of course he’s the best in everything LOL
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Shaw’s brows arch slightly. Grabbing a pen on the table casually, he starts making amendments quickly.
Shaw: Done.
Unexpectedly, with just a few strokes, the fullness and lushness of the persimmons are outlined, and the entire picture instantly becomes much more vibrant.
Once all the preparatory work is done, the next step is to saw the sides of the wood carving. Placing the wooden block on the machine, I test out suitable positions.
All of a sudden, Shaw presses on my hand.
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Shaw: Didn’t the boss mention that it’d be safer to place it a little beyond the peripheral line?
While saying this, he pulls on my wrist, causing the wooden block to shift to the side slightly. After verifying that it’s in the right place, he releases my hand.
Wood carving in real life is much more difficult than I imagined. The more I tell myself to be calm, the more my hands refuse to obey.
I take a deep breath - 
Shaw: Tch, aren’t you going a little too fast?
Right after he finishes speaking, my hand suddenly trembles, and I saw a small hole into the wooden block.
Shaw pauses for a few seconds, then bursts into laughter mercilessly.
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He leans over, pointing at the small hole, his eyes gloating over my misfortune.
Shaw: Heh. Did someone take a bite out of the persimmon? It’s actually pretty creative.
Faced with Shaw’s mockery, I pout without saying anything. Then, I mimic his usual tone and glare at him.
MC: Why are you laughing so loudly? My hearing is good, okay.
Shaw casually props himself on the table with his elbows. He turns his head to the side and watches me, eyes filled with interest and a smile.
Perhaps because we’re too close in proximity, I seem to feel his warmth encasing my surroundings.
Smelling the scent of peppermint at the tip of my nose, I subconsciously turn away, muttering softly.
MC: Stop crowding over here... it’s a little warm.
The corners of Shaw’s eyes lift upwards slightly, and he sweeps a gaze over my face. He chuckles, sitting down on the chair behind in a wilful manner.
Not long after, I painstakingly saw the overall outer shape of the wooden block. After that, I start using a chisel to carefully craft the outline and thickness.
Probably because I’m unfamiliar with the techniques, the thickness of both sides of the wood carving are very different despite me putting in a lot of effort into correcting it.
I steal a glance at Shaw who is behind. After some hesitation, I clear my throat.
MC: Erm, could you help me with a little something?
Shaw loosens his shoulders.
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Shaw: You want my help?
MC: Since you look like you don't have much to do, why not adjust the thickness of the outline with me?
Shaw doesn’t respond immediately. He folds his arms and leans against the wall, both legs placed casually.
Beneath the sunlight of the scorching afternoon sun, the corners of his lips tilt upwards, revealing a mischievous smile.
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Shaw: Someone made a solemn vow earlier that she could do it by herself. So, in order for you to experience this fully, I refuse.
I don’t even spare Shaw half a glance after this, heart sinking as I lower my head in silence, focusing on the wood carving alone.
Perhaps grasping some tricks, my actions are gradually much more proficient than before, despite slow improvement.
The doors to the shop are suddenly pushed open. A parent walks in with a little boy.
The boss greets the new customers. Shaw suddenly lifts his arm and waves, walking over to the boss.
Shaw: Boss, give me a burin too.
Thinking that Shaw was suddenly “pricked by his conscience” and is planning to help, I lift my head to look at him in anticipation.
Unexpectedly, after getting the burin, Shaw picks up the leftover linden wood that I had sawed off earlier.
He stands near the window, lifting his hand leisurely. Against the light, that head of bluish purple hair is even more eye-catching.
Shaw: It’s boring to wait. I’ll try it with you, and give you some competitive motivation.
He reveals a confident smile, his tone not at all humble.
Shaw: I’ll also show you what it means to be “naturally talented”.
Shaw deliberately sits down at a table that’s further away from me.
Seeing that my gaze continues to linger on him, Shaw lifts his eyes, asking teasingly.
Shaw: Why are you staring at me?
MC: ...you already know the answer. Also, you’re pretending to be mysterious. What exactly do you plan to carve?
Shaw: You want to know? All the more reason not to tell you.
With this, he lowers his head, the tip of the pen making rustling sounds. He’s likely drawing a design on the rough paper.
Pursing my lips with a “hmph”, I decide to throw myself into crafting the wood carving.
Just as I strive to painstakingly carve the appearance of the wood carving, the little boy who accompanied his parent here seems to be restless.
He runs around the shop, and finally scuttles to Shaw’s side.
Little Boy: Big Bro, your hair’s really cool!
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Shaw releases a “hmph”, paying no attention to the boy. But the little boy is fearless, and continues curiously.
Little Boy: Big Bro, what are you carving?
Unintentionally hearing this, I hurriedly perk up my ears, turning my body towards Shaw secretly.
Shaw glances at the boy from the side, placing the prototype wood carving on the table and leaning it from side to side.
Shaw: Make a guess.
The boy stares at it for a while, then exclaims excitedly.
Little Boy: I see it now - it’s a fish! Big Bro, did I guess correctly?
Shaw doesn’t deny it, revealing an expression which says “you’re pretty knowledgeable”.
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Shaw: [aww he sounds so affectionate] Little Imp, your eyesight isn’t bad.
Little Boy: But why do you want to carve a fish?
The boy doesn’t seem to understand, and is also slightly disdainful.
Little Boy: Fishes are so unimpressive. If it were me, I’d carve a big tiger. It’s the king of all creatures, and it’s so impressive!
While the boy speaks, he chuckles in satisfaction.
Shaw laughs, then purses his lips.
Shaw: A wooden carved fish is much more interesting than your big tiger.
The boy has an expression on his face which reads “nonsense”. Shaw casts a sidelong glance at him, scoffing softly.
Shaw: Forget it. You wouldn't understand even if I told you.
Little Boy: Who says I wouldn’t understand? I’ve already learnt many things!
The boy grumbles in dissatisfaction, his arms akimbo, pestering Shaw unflinchingly.
I try my best to control the smile at the corners of my lips, and suddenly have an idea. Clearing my throat, I pretend to be a bystander, inserting myself into the conversation.
MC: What this little boy said is correct. Young man, you can’t look down on others just because you’re older by a few years.
Little Boy: Hmph! That’s right!
My “encouragement” enables the boy to be even less willing to back down, and he purses his small mouth.
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Shaw: Oh?
Hearing my response, Shaw lifts his eyes, a mischievous smile curling the corners of his lips upwards.
Shaw: What is it? You also want to know?
MC: Since you started it, it’s only right for you to talk about it more.
Shaw: Since the both of you are pretty eager to learn, I’ll broaden your knowledge.
Next to the window, the rays of light are bright. Shaw arches his brows wilfully.
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Shaw: To put it simply, this is related to the history of “fish culture”. Since ancient times, fish have represented auspicious signs and well-wishes.
Little Boy: I know about this! Is this how people wish each other “may you have abundance year after year”? I heard my teacher mentioning it before. It’s because “鱼” and “余” are homophonic!
[Note] The well-wish the boy is referring to is “年年有鱼”, which is a pun based on the proper saying “年年有余”
“Fish” is 鱼 (“yu”), while 余 (also “yu”) means abundance
Shaw: In that case, your teacher only told you half of it.
Shaw fiddles with the burin in his hand, spinning it casually.
Shaw: Fishes are an embodiment of luck. Patterns of fish can often be seen on antiques.
MC: What’s the origin of wooden carved fishes then?
Shaw pauses for a second before responding.
Shaw: Over seven thousand years ago, the most ancient wooden carved fishes were in the Hemudu culture. Based on conjectures, they were likely used for praying and well-wishes.
[Trivia] The Hemudu culture was a Neolithic culture spanning from 5500 BC to 3300 BC, located south of the Hangzhou Bay in Jiangnan in Zhejiang, China
Shaw speaks indifferently, but the boy listens at the side, his eyes wide.
Little Boy: Big Bro, you really know a lot! You’re even more incredible than my teacher!
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The corners of Shaw’s lips hook upwards with pride.
Shaw: I guess so. Little Imp, remember to read more books and learn properly.
The boy runs away contentedly. My gaze lands on the wooden carving in Shaw’s hand that I can’t see quite clearly yet.
I didn’t expect the wooden carved fish to have the same symbolism as the string of persimmons. I tilt my head, feeling slightly emotional.
Time flows by as the seconds and minutes pass. Before realising it, the sky dims, and the studio lights are bright.
Swinging my hands which have almost lost all physical strength, I release a long sigh.
At the other side of the table, Shaw lifts his chin towards me.
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Shaw: Progress isn’t going smoothly? 
Looking at the half-finished product with uneven contours next to my hand, I shake my head a little despondently. 
MC: Looks like I won’t be able to finish it today, and would have to come back next time. Also, the actual wood carving is light-years away from what I expected...
Hearing my soft grumbling at the end, Shaw arches his brows.
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Shaw: Just by looking at it, the string of persimmons isn’t easy to make. But you dug this pit yourself, so I’ll wait and watch you fill it up.
Ignoring the teasing tone in his voice, I purse my lips.
MC: I definitely won’t give up. What about you? Are you done with the carving?
Shaw has an expression which reads “of course”, and he nods unhesitatingly.
Shaw: It was done a long time ago.
I’m stunned for a moment, both surprised and curious.
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One hand supports Shaw’s cheek lightly. With a stretch of his long arm, the wooden carved fish is brought before my eyes.
This is a bright coloured wood carving of a fish. It has a roundish head and a chubby belly, and looks extremely adorable.
I lift up the wooden fish sculpture with both hands, as though instantly struck by its adorable shape.
Shaw: Excellent workmanship with profound symbolism. Your goal has been overtaken by me.
Behind the table, Shaw arches his brows in satisfaction, casually twisting the burin, his pose utterly flamboyant.
Even though his carving is indeed not bad, the moment I lift my eyes and see Shaw’s insuppressible pride, I can’t help but remain silent.
With the sudden impulse to sing a different tune, I deliberately purse my lips, speaking calmly.
MC: It’s just like this I guess. In terms of exquisiteness, I’d give a passing mark at most.
The smile on Shaw’s lips retracts slightly. While looking at me from the side, he releases a “hmph” from his nose.
Shaw: You have the nerve to criticise me? Why don’t you look at your own standard. Also, this is my exclusive design. It’s much more creative than you making a duplicate from the game.
Hearing the unwillingness to back down hidden in his tone, I can’t help but smile secretly.
Shaw glances at me indifferently. He seems to catch the secret smile on my lips, and an indiscernible light flashes across his eyes.
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Shaw: Hey, shouldn’t you return it to me after touching it for half a day? You don’t like it anyway.
MC: Who says-
Almost making a slip of the tongue, I hurriedly change my words.
MC: Actually, on closer inspection, it seems that your carving is pretty okay.
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Shaw: Just “okay”?
MC: ...I’ll add one mark for its symbolism and origin then.
Pleased with this, Shaw rolls his shoulders, chuckling softly.
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Shaw: You still have some taste.
He crosses his leg over the other, his eyebrows suddenly furrowing. He seems to blurt out what’s in his mind.
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Shaw: But the head of this fish seems a little too round... Hm, it’s a little irksome. Looks like I need to make some corrections.
MC: No it isn’t? It looks just right like this!
Afraid that Shaw would snatch it back, I hurriedly fold my hands over the wooden carving, and notice a hint of slyness in his eyes.
He leans closer abruptly, instantly closing the distance between us.
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Shaw: Looking at your posture... What is it? Can’t bear to return it?
Specks of bright light reminiscent of daytime dance on Shaw’s bluish purple hair, outlining his expression and making it look even more triumphant.
I blink my eyes.
MC: Since you’re already done, I think I should observe it for a while longer, and have some “luck” rubbed off on me. I might even be able to quickly and successfully finish my wood carving too.
Shaw turns his head, the corners of his lips turning upwards relaxedly. A pondering smile surfaces in his bright eyes.
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Shaw: You’ve got taste. If you really like it, it’s not that I can’t give it to you.
My heart stirs, eyes widening as I look at him. But I have the feeling that there should be a second half to his sentence.
Shaw leans back relaxedly, stretching casually.
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Shaw: But I need to make up for the costs.
...just as I guessed.
Cradling the wooden carving in my hand, I lift my chin towards Shaw.
MC: Go on, what’s the “fee”?
Shaw lowers his head, pretending to deliberate for a few seconds. Then, he lifts his eyes, meeting mine.
Shaw: When you’re done with your wooden carving...
Shaw: It belongs to me. 
[Note] There are actually two ways one can interpret this line because it’s kept purposefully vague. It’s simply “归我”, which means “belong to me”. This means we can’t be sure if he’s asking for the wooden carving or MC herself :>
Shaw: How is it? Isn’t it very fair?
Light falls on the tips of Shaw’s hair, reflecting a bright and sly smile in his eyes.
Before I can react, he has already stood up.
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Shaw: All right, that’s how it’d be.
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🐟 Phone call: here
🐟 Support the cafe by dropping by the tip jar!
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intheticklecloset · 4 years
Breaking the Ice (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
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Come on, the title for this is so perfect! Why can’t they all be this easy? I have to be honest and say this is probably one of my favorite fics I’ve ever written. I actually wrote this story before the request came in, but it’s what they asked for, so here you go! Enjoy some ticklish Icy-Hot! ^^
Bakugou was angry with Todoroki.
Well, okay. To be fair, Todoroki couldn’t actually tell if Bakugou was angry with him or just generally angry at everything while staring intensely at him anytime he was in eyesight…all day long. Every time they ended up sharing the same space, the blonde’s eyes would lock onto him and glare until they went their separate ways again. It started that morning, happened all through class (Aizawa had to get after Bakugou a few times for being turned around in his seat like that), during lunch, and finally free time when they were released for the day.
Todoroki’s first thought was the school festival, when he’d tickled the blonde to hysterics right out in public where anyone could have seen them. But they hadn’t – at least to his knowledge. Had someone seen and said something to Bakugou? Was that why he was so angry? The longer the day went on, the more Todoroki thought it must be. He had no other reason to be so vindictive towards him.
Finally, after dinner, he couldn’t take it anymore. He stood up from the table, put his dishes in the sink, and turned back to his classmate. “Bakugou, may I speak with you when you’re finished?” Then, without waiting for an answer, he left the dining room and went back to his dorm.
Five minutes later, Bakugou was opening up without permission.
“Come in,” Todoroki said dryly, sighing. “Spit it out. Are you angry with me?”
“Furious.” The explosive teen closed the door behind him, still glaring. “You’ve managed to get your hands on me and make me lose my composure twice now. Twice! But you’ve never let me get my revenge for it.”
Todoroki was surprised, but he merely quirked a brow. “You never asked.”
“Well, I’m asking now.” Bakugou’s glare finally became something else for the first time that day – a wicked smirk. “No, actually, I’m not asking. I’m telling you. I’m getting revenge, Icy-Hot.”
“Wait,” Todoroki said quickly, but Bakugou was already moving, grabbing onto his shirt collar and pushing him backwards until his knees hit the bed and he was forced to sit down. “Wait, Bakugou!” The blonde grinned evilly and swung a leg over to straddle him, shoving his shoulders to the mattress. Todoroki’s mind went blank. “Wait, waitwaitwait – please don’t!”
Much to his astonishment and relief, Bakugou stopped his forward momentum and merely paused, frowning down at him. “What’s the matter? You can dish it out but you can’t take it?”
“It’s not that.” Todoroki shuddered a little. He’d never truly been on the receiving end of this kind of look from Bakugou before; it was disconcerting to say the least. “It’s just…I don’t…my family never really…did the tickling thing. I was never tickled growing up. I…I don’t even know if I am ticklish, and if I am, how much so. I…” Todoroki gulped and glanced away. “I know you’re rough and relentless, given what Midoriya has told me. I just…I don’t know if I can…”
Bakugou groaned. “You want me to take it easy? Are you serious?”
“Please,” Todoroki said quietly. “Just…until we know if I even am ticklish.”
“You’d better be ticklish,” Bakugou snapped, grabbing onto the half-and-half hero’s sides and digging in. Gently – but still with purpose. When the boy beneath him shuddered and brought his arms down reflexively, the atomic blonde’s grin became genuine. “Heh. Looks like you are.”
“C-Cahahareful,” Todoroki pleaded, his giggling quiet and breathy.
“You’ve seriously never been tickled before?”
Todoroki found he couldn’t reply for trying to process these foreign sensations shooting up and down his entire body, making him feel electric and wildly out of control with the slightest touch. He was aware his giggling wasn’t like the kind he’d heard from his friends, but he also found that he couldn’t control it to make it sound ‘normal,’ either. It just was, coming out in little huffs and chuckles while his body tried to squirm away from Bakugou’s hold on his sides.
“Tch, all right, newbie. How about here?” Bakugou switched to digging into his stomach, but Todoroki’s reactions didn’t change in the slightest. The blonde moved up to his ribs, even trying the spot that would make him lose composure in an instant if their roles were reversed. All the way until he grabbed Todoroki’s arm and pulled it above his head, the half-and-half’s reactions were the same.
But then Bakugou scribbled in his underarm, and the floodgates burst open.
Todoroki let out a yelp before exploding with laughter, clawing desperately at Bakugou’s arm with his free hand, head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut as sounds he couldn’t control spilled past his lips. “PFFTAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! GOD, NOHOHOHOHOHOHO, WAIT, THAHAHAT REHEHEHEHEHEALLY TICKLES!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA--!!” He couldn’t even get his tormentor’s name out, he was laughing too hard.
“Does it?” Bakugou smirked. “I couldn’t tell. Stop punching me.” He paused just long enough to pin his classmate’s wrists together above his head and resume tickling. “That’s more like it.”
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Todoroki’s laughter was potentially the purest sound Bakugou had ever heard. It was like a babbling brook, only intensified and much louder. “WAHAIT, PLEASE, BAHAHAHAHAHAKUGOU!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Growling at himself for being so nice, Bakugou did stop, but he kept Todoroki pinned down firmly as he caught his breath. When Icy-Hot pried his eyes open, they were lighter and brighter and happier than the atomic teen had ever seen them. More joyful even than the mimicked version of him that girl from another class had shown off to all those kids. It had taken everything in him to contain his laughter then. Now he couldn’t help but stare a little, awed by the transformation a simple tickling spell had cast on his friend.
“Seems like you’re pretty ticklish to me, Icy-Hot,” Bakugou teased with a smirk, beyond satisfied when he saw Todoroki’s cheeks flush pink in response.
“It appears I am,” he replied with a shy smile. “So much for taking it easy.”
“It’s not my fault your underarms are a hot spot. You’re lucky I’m being so nice. As soon as we’re done experimenting, I fully intend to destroy you for tickling me twice already. Once in public, even.”
Todoroki actually giggled at that, then averted his eyes. “Well, get on with it then, hothead.”
Bakugou’s brows shot into his hairline. “Getting arrogant, huh? Pretty bold move for someone who doesn’t know if the lower half is worse than the upper half.” With that, Bakugou scooted back just enough to access some new areas and then resumed his experimenting.
As it turned out, Todoroki’s hips were about the same level of ticklish as his sides and stomach had been, but drilling into his thighs made him spasm and laugh much like when his underarms were tickled. His knees gave almost no reaction at all.
Finally, Bakugou turned his back to Todoroki and straddled his calves, dragging his fingers up and down his soles. He was pleased to hear yet another yelp, followed by hysterical giggling and writhing. “Hmm…give me your feet, Icy-Hot.” Bakugou teased, pulling his classmate’s socks off so he could scratch and scribble along his bare skin. “I need to practice these pressure points.”
“CRAP, NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Todoroki’s laughter reached entirely new heights now that the protection of his clothing was gone. He flailed about on the bed like a fish out of water, shrieking and begging for mercy.
Unable to hide his enthusiasm, Bakugou grabbed the toes of his left foot and dug roughly into the space below them as well as up and down his arches. “Interesting!” he exclaimed mockingly as Todoroki threw his head back and screamed with laughter. “I added more pressure, yet this still seems to—”
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Todoroki begged, completely helpless and lost to his mirth at this point. He pounded the bed desperately, nearly falling off once or twice in his attempts to escape. “STOP, PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAKUGOU!! I CAHAHAHAHAHAHAN’T TAHAHAHAHAKE IT!!”
“Hmm. Good spot, huh?” Bakugou scribbled wildly for several more seconds, then finally stopped and climbed off of his classmate, who instantly curled into a ball of giggles, gasping for breath. The blonde smirked. “Oh, yeah. I’m going to have a lot of fun with this, Icy-Hot.”
Todoroki covered his face with his hands, but Bakugou still noticed how his blush spread to his ears as he said, “Yeah, me too.”
“What was that?”
Bakugou grabbed Todoroki’s ankle and started scribbling again. “I said, what was that?”
“GAH!! Bakugou, nohohoHOHOHOHO!!” Todoroki screeched, trying to sit up enough to push him away and failing miserably.
“Better tell me what you said.”
Bakugou let his foot go, but dove for his sides, pinning his legs to the bed in the process. “You looking forward to getting wrecked by me again in the future? You’re just like Deku.”
“Ehehehehehehehehehe!” Now that it wasn’t his feet being tickled, Todoroki didn’t seem to mind that he’d been thrust back into a giggling fit again. “Plehehehehehease, Bakugou!”
“Please what?”
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t tehehehehehehehease me like thahahahahat!”
Bakugou’s grin became pure evil. “Oh, don’t tell me teasing gets you, too? Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
Where Deku’s laugh would have either grown more frantic or gone silent entirely, Todoroki’s laughter remained the same while his attempts to escape doubled and his blush darkened about ten shades. “I see. Strong, silent Todoroki isn’t used to getting teased like this, huh? Too bad for you I’m not very merciful when it comes to fighting with words.”
“You seem to like this a lot for someone who didn’t even know if he was ticklish five minutes ago.”
“Agh, stahahahahahahahahap!”
“I will not stop.” Bakugou chuckled at the distressed noise Todoroki made. He shoved his hands back up into his underarms, grinning at the shriek that ripped from his friend’s throat. “Tickle, tickle, tickle~ Poor, ticklish Todoroki~ Can’t get away from me now, can you?”
“If you beg real nice for me, I might consider it.”
“The worst?” Bakugou laughed outright now, leaning down so he was speaking directly into Todoroki’s ear. “You like it.”
“Fine.” Bakugou relented at last, releasing his hold on Todoroki and sitting up again. “Good thing you’ve stopped when I needed you to, otherwise I wouldn’t be showing you any mercy now.”
Todoroki spent a couple of minutes catching his breath, trying to regain some kind of composure but ultimately giving up and letting out another giggle. “I really am ticklish.”
Bakugou smirked. “Yeah, you are.”
“I’m glad,” the half-and-half hero admitted, finally pushing himself into a sitting position beside his friend. “I was kind of afraid I wouldn’t be, and then I’d be the silent, stoic guy that nobody could break.”
“You want people to break you?”
“Well…I enjoy tickling people I’m friends with. It didn’t seem fair if they had no way to get back at me, or just help me cheer up and relax.”
“So, what? You want me to go tell everyone I found out you’re extremely ticklish? You know they’ll come at you like a pack of wolves.”
Todoroki’s blush returned, so red it matched the scar on his face. He struggled to hold back a smile.
Bakugou stared at him, then grinned evilly. “Oh, you do want me to? Tch, don’t have to tell me twice!” With that, he leapt off of the bed, bolted to the door, and flew down the hall. “Hey, idiots! You’ll never believe this!”
Todoroki, meanwhile, felt his heartrate kick into overdrive, and the smile he’d been hiding broke out on his face in full force. He giggled again, then slapped a hand over his mouth to stifle it. He didn’t know what he’d just gotten into, but he had a feeling the next few days were going to be exciting, full of new experiences and lots and lots of laughter.
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hanemiso · 4 years
Wish I Were Tohru
>>> a sohma yuki x reader <<<
genre: lil fluff, lil angst??
warnings: none
song: heather by conan gray
synopsis: you’ve been able to get close to the Sohma and become close friends with him. you have feelings for him, but you’re pretty sure he has feelings for Honda Tohru.
a/n: I love this boy and he needs love, I AM HERE TO SUPPLY LOVE 🥺❤️ honestly Yuki is my favorite from Fruits Basket, Haru being a close second and Kyo a close third!! I just don’t see enough Fruits Basket content on here so I thought maybe I’d make some, but this one is kinda shitty ngl. It was long but it just doesn’t feel like my best work. But, I’ve been working on this for a while, so I thought I’d post it anyway heh :)) I guess this means I officially write for Fruits Basket now!!!
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It all started the 3rd of December, when your feelings for Yuki made themselves apparent. On that winter day, you were freezing because you weren’t wearing a warm enough coat and Yuki gave you his sweater while you two walked to school. Your cheeks warmed up quicker than the rest of your body as he smiled at you and wrapped his sweater around your shoulders. With a close-eyed smile, he warmly said that it looked better on you than it did on him; those words struck a cord in your heart, and from then on you accepted the fact that you had fallen for the boy who had become your closest friend.
Of course, you got shit for it from his fan club and they relayed all the rules of the fan club to you during lunch. But after that incident, some of the girls from the fan club began asking Yuki for his sweater, to which he shot them down nicely. That small action didn’t go unnoticed either, and made you feel like he only ever did that for you, and made you fall even harder for the Sohma.
It’s been months since that instance, and you haven’t said anything to him about your feelings because you didn’t want to look like another one of the girls from his fan club desperate for his attention and love. But, seeing as you two have grown closer and you’ve gained enough confidence to do something about your feelings, you decided yesterday that you would confess to him today.
You walk up to him in the hallway during passing period, slightly shaking from nerves, and get his attention by calling his name. He turns around and smiles at you, earning you a glare from the class president who was talking to him earlier.
“Oh, l/n-san, hello!” Yuki greets warmly. 
“Hey Sohma-kun! Can I...” you start, but trail off as you see his eyes drift away from yours and land on someone behind you. You glance behind you and see Honda Tohru, your friend, walking down the hall with Uotani and Hanajima. When you look back at Yuki, you can see his eyes follow her figure as she passes, gazing softly. Seeing that makes your heart drop, along with your confidence level.
When he looks back at you, you shake out of your thoughts and quickly say, “uh, sorry, I meant to tell you I’m busy after school so I won’t be walking home with you guys today.”
A look of confusion crosses his features briefly, but is replaced with a smile as he answers with, “Oh, alright. I’ll let Honda-san know.”
You thank him with the best fake smile you can muster before quickly walking down the hall to your next class. When you’re far enough away, your smile drops, as does your gaze. You definitely took notice of how Yuki’s eyes seemed to brighten as he watched Tohru walk by, brighter than the blue sky. It was a look you were sure Yuki never bestowed upon you, but you understand why. Obviously, Tohru is very pretty; definitely a sight for sore eyes. She’s so kind and thoughtful, among other things, Her personality draws people to her, and you can understand why. And because you can understand why Yuki would gaze at her like that, your confidence plummeted and your confession got caught in your throat. But you didn’t want Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru to know your mood was gloomy, which is why you chose to walk home alone today.
They shouldn’t see you in such a down mood stemmed from jealousy; it’s not fair to them and it would only make you as mature as his fangirls. Jealousy is not a flattering color, after all.
On your walk home, the moment replayed in your head. Your brain kept trying to pick apart his facial expression, hoping to find some solace in the evidence of a misunderstanding. Finding optimism in the hopes of a misunderstanding, you walk along the street with your head held high, deciding to try again tomorrow.
But, oh how unfortunate you’d be this week.
The next morning, there’s news of chilly weather for the rest of the week, right when it was starting to warm up a little. It doesn’t matter much to you, seeing as you grab a nice coat this time to keep you warm. You walk out the door and see Yuki and Kyo standing in front of your house, waiting for you to join them on the walk to school. Their attention turns to you as you approach them, and they greet you. As you greet them back, Kyo shifts his stance a little to reveal Tohru standing behind him with a smile on her face...and Yuki’s sweater pulled over her uniform. The same sweater he had given you to wear in December. The sweater you thought he had only given you to wear.
And yet again, your confidence plummets into the floor. All you can do to keep your mood seemingly high is smile and remain silent on your walk to school. Yuki and Tohru are caught in a conversation the entire way, which Kyo sometimes comments on, but Kyo notices how quiet you’ve gotten and how you won’t make eye contact with any of them. He ruffles your hair, causing you to look up at him in surprise because he doesn’t do that unless he’s trying to lift your spirits.
“Do you wanna...talk after school?” He asks, turning his head away from you.
You smile, knowing he’s trying to give you support. Kyo was always like that; he does care a lot, but he doesn’t always know how to show it.
“Yes, thanks Kyo-kun.”
“Alright, spit it out.” Kyo says, leaning against the wall.
You sigh, turning your gaze to the ground as you try to explain everything to him. It all sounds really stupid to you when you say it out loud, like it’s not a big deal...but it feels like one. It feels like he’s messing with your emotions, but Yuki’s not the kind to do that intentionally. Once you’re done spilling your guts to Kyo, he continues to stare at the tree in front of him as your hands begin playing with the ends on your skirt.
“It’s stupid, I know. And it’s not like I hate Tohru-chan, I could never. She’s such an angel, I can understand why you’re both so drawn to her. In fact, it wouldn’t be surprising if Yuki was in love with her. I just...I wish...”
I wish I were Tohru.
That’s what you wanted to say. Jealously really is an ugly shade.
“Uhm, never mind, Kyo-kun! It’s nothing, I promise. I shouldn’t be complaining like this; I shouldn’t burden you with this nonsense, especially when it’s about someone you dislike.” You add quickly, concealing your true feelings with a close-eyed smile.
Kyo looks at you with wide eyes, surprised at your change of attitude. Sure, he doesn’t really care about anything that has to do with Yuki, but when it also concerns you, a close friend, he cares a lot. The fact that you tried to invalidate your feelings pisses him off, but he tries putting that aside as he faces your retreating form.
“W-Wait, y/n-”
“Uhm, let’s go Kyo-kun! I’m sure you don’t want to be here any longer than you already have to.” You smile at him, taking steps towards the school gates.
That fake happiness; the facade you’re hiding behind to mask your hurt feelings, it’s definitely becoming more transparent to Kyo as all the words you uttered about the issue swirl in his mind. If he’s being honest with himself, he’s at a loss for words. He’s never cared about Yuki or what’s going on in his life, so how can he possibly give advice on an issue concerning him?
As you both walk in silence in the direction of your homes, Kyo replays your words over and over in his head, trying to think of something to say to encourage you in some way.
“L-Listen, don’t give up so easily y/n! Just tell him how you feel, I mean you’ve come this far! You know how much I hate that rat, but he’s not...a bad guy. And if I’m wrong and he breaks your heart, I’ll break his stupid face for you!”
You look up at Kyo in surprise, cause you know that must’ve taken a lot out of him to say something semi-nice about Yuki. He doesn’t dare make eye contact; his head faces away from you as his shoulders tense and he balls his fists. Something about how reluctant he is to admit it makes you laugh, and your laugh causes his eyes to widen as he looks at you.
“What? Are you laughing at me?!” He exclaims.
You shake your head with a soft smile on your face, a genuine smile.
“Nope, nothing of the sort. Thanks Kyo-kun, I won’t give up on my confession! Yuki and I planned a study session for tomorrow, so I’ll plan to confess to him then!”
After you changed out of your uniform at home, you set off for the Sohma residence. It’s not a long walk from your house to Yuki’s, so you slow your pace a bit to take in the scenery and steel your nerves.
After talking with Kyo yesterday, you hadn’t exactly figured out how you were going to tell him, or even when. Lucky for you, the study session you both had planned a week ago was an early one; close to right after school, maybe about an hour or two off?
After trekking up those myriad stone steps, you knock on the door of the Sohma residence. After a couple seconds, you hear Shigure’s voice on the other side of the door as he slides it open.
“Ah, y/n-chan! Hello!” Shigure greets with a smile.
“Hi Shigure-san, is Sohma-kun here?” You ask, smiling back at him.
“Oh, Yuki-kun? He’s been gone for about an hour or so with Tohru-chan. I’m not sure when he’ll be back, but would you like to wait for him here?”
Oh. He’s out with Tohru. Even though you guys had plans. It’s likely that he forgot, but it’s not like you guys made these plans a while ago; it’s been a week!
Your smile falters a bit, but remains on your face as you answer Shigure with, “Oh, I see. Thank you for offering, but I think I’m just going to head home then! Have a good day, Shigure-san!”
You bow to him before turning around and stopping in your tracks. At the top of the steps stands Kyo, staring at you with confusion written all over his face. You walk up to him and smile before trying to walk past him.
“Wait, y/n, what happened? I thought you and the rat were studying today.” Kyo asks, causing you to halt.
You bite your lip, swallowing your emotions, before turning back to Kyo with a pained smile and answering with, “He’s out with Tohru-chan right now. It’s fine, he probably just forgot. I’m just, uh, gonna head home now. I’ll see you tomorrow, Kyo-kun!”
Kyo stands there in disbelief as he watches you walk down the steps. He’s pissed now; after he admitted the rat wasn’t a bad guy, he does something like this. To his close friend, of all people! Don’t you mean more to the rat than anyone else?
Kyo grits his teeth as he runs to the house to ask Shigure where Yuki and Tohru are. Shigure gives him the vague answer of a certain shopping district across the city, and Kyo sets out to find Yuki to set him straight. The image of your sadness seeping into your smile is burned in Kyo’s mind, making him even more upset.
Kyo makes it to the shopping district about a half hour later, running from shop to shop. He asks store clerks if they’ve seen anyone matching the descriptions of Yuki and Tohru, but each one says they haven’t. Hours pass before Kyo approaches the last store and sees the silver-haired male standing outside with Tohru by his side, looking like they’re having a grand time. Kyo runs up to the two and grabs Yuki by the collar of his shirt, causing Yuki to stare at him in surprise and annoyance.
“You stupid rat! How thoughtless are you?!” Kyo starts, tightening his grip on his shirt.
“Let go of me, stupid cat.” Yuki deadpans.
“Does y/n mean nothing to you?! How dare you treat her like trash!”
“What are you talking about?!”
“You ditched your study session with her today to go out with Tohru! Do you enjoy hurting her or something?! Cause you seem to be doing that a lot lately! Do you not care about her?! If you don’t, then why don’t you just say it to her face instead of making her sad every day!”
Yuki’s eyes widen as realization hits; he totally forgot about the plans he made with you today. The guilt he feels outweighs the anger swirling in his chest every time Kyo accuses him of not caring about you. He pushes Kyo off of him and hands Tohru the bags in his hands, all except for one.
“I’m sorry, Honda-san! I have to go!” Yuki apologizes quickly before sprinting out of the shopping district.
Yuki scolds himself for being oblivious to your feelings as he runs down seemingly endless streets. Yuki always cared for you; you were the one close friend he had before Tohru came into his life. Lately he’s noticed that thoughts of you are all that consume his mind at night, and the way he feels different around you than around anyone else. But, our poor Yuki has never felt this way before; he doesn’t know why he feels like this or what to do about it.
But when he heard that he forgot about his plans he made with you, and how that hurt you, he felt like the lowest of the low. How could he skip out on plans with you? How could he hurt you?
The sun begins to set as more tears adorn your notes. You weren’t really sure why you were so upset; it’s okay that Yuki is happy with Tohru. It’s not even a big deal that he forgot about your plans...so why did it hurt most to think he forgot about you? All these doubts begin swarming your head, causing more tears to fall, as you hear knocks on the front door.
You quickly wipe the falling tears as you walk to the door, trying to compose yourself for whichever visitor stood at your door. Your eyes widen as you open the door to see a heavily panting Yuki standing in front of you. You quickly plaster a smile on your face as you attempt to greet him.
“Sohma-kun? Are you alright? What are you doing here?”
“l/n-san, I’m so sorry! I completely forgot about our plans today and went shopping with Honda-san. I never meant to make you sad, I just-”
“Yuki-kun, can we...talk? Somewhere else? Let’s, uhm, go for a walk real quick.”
You grab a pair of slip-ons by the door and head outside, leading Yuki to a nearby kid’s playground. You both sit on the swings and silence envelopes you two as you gather your thoughts. Yuki stares at you as you stare at the ground, waiting for you to scold him or do anything to let him know you were fine.
“Yuki-kun...I still remember the third of December; me in your sweater, you said it looked better on me than it did you. Only if you knew...how much I liked you. How much I still like you. I remember how every girl from your fan club asked you for your sweatshirt, and how I felt special when you turned them down. But, I’ve seen the way you look at Tohru-chan when she walks by. And I get it, Tohru-chan is very beautiful. What a sight for sore eyes, brighter than a blue sky. And I’ve been noticing lately how your gaze on her lingers, and how your face softens when you speak to her. You gave her your sweater to wear, too...not that it matters, I guess. Anyway, as my feelings for you continue to grow, I begin to see...and understand, how and why you like Tohru-chan so much. I mean, she’s an angel! She’s so kind, thoughtful, and caring...I understand why you’d want her. And why you wouldn’t want me. I mean, why would you ever kiss me? I’m not even half as pretty. You gave her your sweater; it’s just polyester. But, you like her better. And I’m able to accept that, as long as you’re happy, Yuki-kun! I just...sometimes...I wish I were Tohru-chan.”
Yuki stares at you in disbelief as you continue staring at your feet, a single tear falling from your eye. He really is oblivious. His brain can’t even begin to compute the misunderstanding going on here. After all, he has feelings for you too. So, just how did it end up so bad, he wonders. He finds it so hard to believe you reciprocate his feelings, and that while trying to find a way to confess to you, he was hurting you instead.
“I-I love you, Yuki-ku-” 
Yuki’s body moves as if on instinct, kneeling in front of you with his hands caressing the sides of your face. He smashes his lips against yours, only realizing what he’s doing once he feels you kiss him back. He pulls away almost as quickly as he placed his lips on yours, a blush creeping onto his face. You stare at him with wide eyes as he collects his composure and wipes a stray tear from your eye.
“l/n-san, I...I love you, too. What you saw between Honda-san and I is a big misunderstanding, and I’m sorry not seeing how I was hurting you. I’ve been spending more time with Honda-san this past week because she was helping me figure out a way to confess to you. Shigure suggested making you jealous like the love interests in his romance novels, and I honestly don’t know why I listened to him; I knew it was a terrible idea. But, that’s why Honda-san was wearing my sweater yesterday. When I thought that didn’t work, Honda-san suggested getting you a gift, which is why we went shopping today. I was so caught up in trying to make you happy that I forgot we made plans today. And instead of making you happy, I made you cry. Love isn’t really a feeling I’m fond of; I’ve never really experienced feelings this intense before. It took me a while to realize you were the reason my heartbeat quickened; why my stomach did flips, why warmth would spread in my chest. But when I found myself wanting to be with you every waking hour, I panicked. Truth be told, you’re the person I hold closest to my heart. I don’t let people in...from experience. There’s so much darkness that doesn’t reach the surface, so many things I can’t say just yet. But I will tell you in time, because you’re the person I trust most, and I’m learning slowly how to let people in. In the meantime, the one thing I can say with certainty, is that I love you...and I want to make you happy, if you’ll let me.”
Yuki takes your hands in his and smiles warmly at you. Worried that words will fail you, you nod with a grin on your face. The night air sends chills down your spine as you gaze happily at the boy in front of you. Yuki takes notice of the goosebumps rising on your skin and smirks a little, pulling his hands away from yours to grab the bag on the ground next to him.
He hands it to you while saying, “I have a feeling this’ll come in handy right about now.”
You take the bag from his hands and open it, revealing a familiar sweater. You press it against your chest, smiling at Yuki. You look down at his sweater and realize he's wearing the same one; he got you a matching sweater.
“You just looked so cute when you wore mine...” He smiles shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I love it, Yuki-kun! Thank you!” You exclaim, throwing it on.
It was just polyester, but it now meant more to you than you thought it ever could.
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Sandrone | Voicelines
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Hello: “Sandrone, Number Ten, codename Marionette. Where, when, how. Go.”
Chat 1, Puppet: “Are we all not just pawns in the Divine’s game?”
Chat 2, Fatui: “I provide reconnaissance, I’ve no care for the other harbingers’ games.”
Chat 3, Idleness: “I can do whatever is needed of me. If that means standing here, then so be it.”
About Sandrone, Memories: “Memories are like ghosts that haunt me. And yet, I can barely remember their faces, masses of nothingness.”
About Sandrone, Puppet: “I am not the puppeteer, I am the puppet. Use me.”
When It’s Windy: “There is a distant memory here, like a whisper. It seems I cannot hear it clearly.” When the Wind Is Blowing: “Dandelion, dandelion, carry my words with your seeds on the wind.”
When It Snows, Forests: “There is familiarity. I cannot sense more.”
When It Snows, Foreign Country: “Ha. Just like home.”
When It Rains: “The perfect cover weather. Learn to use the shadows and you too will understand my preference.”
Good Morning: “Hi.”
Good Afternoon: “Apologies for earlier, I am not a morning man. Lunch? Fatui dollar.”
Good Evening: “Dark will fall soon. Fun.”
Good Night: “I do not sleep come night, I don’t suggest being like me. Sleep well.”
About Us, Marionette: “I am merely a moldable being, tell me. What do you need? I will become just that.”
About Us, Harbinger: “I’m told I’m the cruelest harbinger, personally I think it's Scaramouche. Please, give me your opinion.”
About Us, Memories: “You’re right, my memory is quite awful. How about you tell me some of your own instead?”
About The Vision; Vision: “My vision? Yes it does have an odd casing, doesn’t it? I never really understood it. But any power is welcome.”
About The Vision; Delusion: “Dendro and Cryo don’t have the strongest elemental reaction, but I can use both to shape the battlefield as I see fit.”
Something To Share: “I used to be an alchemist. Hard to believe, these days.”
Interesting Things: “Visions can be placed into new casings that are specially made. Of course, there are some casings that are naturally different, they are just rare.”
About Ohm: “The Medical Captain from Mondstadt? He’s oddly familiar..”
About Childe: “Fruit Tart gets on my every nerve, but unfortunately he’s the only harbinger I don’t greatly dislike.”
About Tsaritsa: “She trusts me more than my colleagues and yet I believe her ideals will lead to irreparable crossfire, it is the only thing I don’t agree with within her plan.”
About Venti: “I do not agree with what happened in Mondstadt, I do not believe violence was the answer within the nation of Freedom. Barbatos is a good God, he’d have listened to our pleas without the need for such cruelty.”
About Xiao: “The Adeptus? I’ve had the misfortune of being on the other side of his spear. But he had the misfortune of kissing my claymore.”
About Baizhu: “Just another person for me to manipulate, unimportant in the grand scheme of things.” Sandrone’s Hobbies: “Hobbies? I read.. Does that count?”
Sandrone’s Troubles: “My memory.. Please, I just want to remember.”
Favourite Food: “I quite like anything with berries in it. Nature is plentiful.”
Least Favourite Food: “Fish.. Ugh.”
Birthday: “A celebration of life? Why? Oh. Apologies. Happy birthday, then.”
About Sandrone i: “The strings of fate are under my control, and once I have no more use for yours, I will see to their destruction.”
About Sandrone ii: “This job is taxing, taking on different masks, different personalities. So dull.”
About Sandrone iii: “How do you know I used to practice alchemy? Oh.. I see. The art is dead to me now.”
About Sandrone iv: “I wonder… How different things could be. The stories have always held my fate and yet I can’t help but wonder why I can’t change it.”
About Sandrone v: “Traveler, you have helped me to remember where even I could not put together pieces. I will follow you no matter where your journey may lead. I promise, I will nurture your strings.”
Feelings About Ascension: Intro: “Hm, strength. But at what cost?”
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up: “The strings of fate grow stronger, who else can I control? The opportunities...”
Feelings About Ascension: Climax: “Fate is mine to grasp, I have no care for Celestia’s rules for me. This strength is mine and mine alone to use.”
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion: “While I wish to thank you, I find myself unable to find the words needed. May the Sun shine down on you for the rest of your time within my world.”
Battle Voicelines: Added to Party 1: “Marionette, reporting.” 2: “The threads of fate will stand no chance.” 3: “Let’s end this, quickly.” Elemental Skill 1(Vision): “Break through this.” 2(Vision): “Hey! Stay in formation.” 3(Vision): “Try this.” 1(Delusion): “Threaded.” 2(Delusion): “You’re done for.” 3(Delusion): “Just a prick.” Elemental Burst 1(Vision): “Frostbite.” 2(Vision): “Only frost treads”. 1(Delusion): “Cover your mouth.” 2(Delusion): “You’re mine. 3(Delusion/Vision): “Good luck with your destiny.” Idle 1. Chat: Idleness: “I can do whatever is needed of me. If that means standing here, then so be it.” 2: Chat, Puppet: “Are we all not just pawns in the Divine’s game?” 3: “Interesting isn’t it how we are all merely controlled by invisible threads?” Damage 1: “You’ll regret that.” 2: “Oh really now?” Low HP 1: -soft sigh- heh. 2: “Damn, good one.” 3: “I didn’t see this coming, hm.” Knocked Out 1: “I’ve finally remembered..” 2: “The wind whispers to me, his voice so sweet.” 3: “This was fated, wasn’t it?”
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mismess · 3 years
Jeremy went to pick up coffee.
Now Jeremy didn’t always drink coffee in the morning but this day he was asked to get some, so while he’s there he might as well indulge. He could use a boost of energy anyway.
So on his usual drive to work he took a small detour to a local coffee shop, he got two coffees, one medium roast with extra milk and sugar, one dark roast with milk and one sugar. He didn’t think to get more, he wasn’t told to get more so why would he?
This dark roast with milk and one sugar had to do with a call, a call he got early in the morning, around 6:30 am, which is too early and it probably woke up half the house, it was Scotty calling from work, Jeremy didn’t think Scott really registered what time it was, he sounded out of it, but still profusely apologized about his request for him to pick up coffee.
This leads back to a scene from earlier in the week, the coffee pot in the break room had been broken leaving the Fazbear employee’s caffeineless, which isn’t a problem for him but Scott seemed rather upset about it, he did recall him often having a cup in hand, might explain some of his jumpiness, perhaps Scott should cut back on the caffeine actually.
Just another unhealthy habit Jeremy thought to himself
But the thing is Scott almost NEVER asks anything of anyone, even if he probably should, so of course Jeremy agreed. He can’t turn down the one time he’s asked for something, even if it fueled that habit, it was the least problematic of them anyway.
So Jeremy picked up the coffee.
As he arrived at the pizzeria and walked inside, the main entrance opened up to a large open room, to the left were tables that costumers sat to eat pizza and watch the animatronic band perform, the flooring was black and white tile while the walls had star patterned wallpaper with colorful images of the band along on some of the walls, other walls had a few drawings from past costumers put up on display. To the right of the entrance he saw Fritz in their usual spot, in the prize corner near the games, while all their jobs were rather loose in nature and you simply go where you’re needed, that was their ‘main’ job, they take tickets and exchange them for prizes, Fritz was often leaving that post however to help a kid cheat at ski ball or something.
The place had been open for just around an hour, there was a couple of older kids lingering around on the arcade games but it was far from busy. Fritz didn’t take notice that Jeremy had arrived as they were messing with the little prizes behind the counter, such as the finger traps and those rubber poppers. He liked those poppers if he was being honest, and sometimes took one for his own enjoyment.
Jeremy walked past the prize corner and towards the break room, it always felt rude to talk to someone unless they were close enough to him, -what that distance was exactly he didn’t really know himself, depended on the mood and person-, or if said person directly talked to him first, and it felt silly to walk all the way up to someone just to say hello and turn away. So he stayed quiet. This sometimes labeled him as rude either way if someone expected a greeting and he didn’t supply.
He opened the break room door to find Scotty sitting at a table, slumped forward propping his head up with his hands while rubbing his temples with his thumbs, but when he heard the door he looked up, almost in a startled fashion, but that friendly crooked smile he always has on quickly replaced his nervous face.
Jeremy liked that crooked smile, it always leaned towards the right of his face, showing off his dimple on that side.
Underneath his smile however he looked tired, and it seemed like he just got more worn down with every day that went by. Scotty’s always been an overachiever when it came to work, he took long hours and probably did the equivalent of three people's jobs at the same time, but lately it seemed like it’s taken a toll on him. Jeremy’s tried to discourage this behavior in the past but that would usually just end with Scott finding a way to weasel his way out of those conversations.
There wasn’t much to the break room, it had a couple of plain tables strewn about with mismatched chairs surrounding them, a counter against the wall to the left of the entrance with a microwave sitting on it, the coffee pot formerly sat next to it as well, with a couple of cupboards above it that didn’t house much of anything besides a few cups, and at the end of the counter a fridge.
“I’m here.” Jeremy announced, giving him a quick smile
“Oh thank God! I have such a headache-” Scotty said as he shot out of his chair and walked over to Jeremy
Jeremy held out the dark roast with milk and one sugar to Scott
Scott took it and realized he wasn’t being very polite, “OH- Sorry, uh- Hello! How ya doing?” he asked, but quickly followed it up with another question “ Oh, how much was it?”
“Um. I’m fine. And you don’t have to worry about payment.” Jeremy reassured him
“Nonsense!” Scott said, reaching into his pocket “You are NOT paying for my addictions... Ah-!”
“- That’ll do!” Scott said while handing him a crumpled-up wad of spare change, just looking at it Jeremy could tell it was way too much for one dark roast with milk and one sugar.
Before Jeremy could say anything the break room door swung open again as Fritz walked in
“Ooooh, coffee!” Fritz said as they walked by Jeremy “Didn’t get me one~?” Fritz said in a tone that seemed playful, but Jeremy couldn’t quite tell if it was. He’s never been good at picking up tones very well.
“I didn’t know you wanted one, I’m sorry.” Jeremy said. He should have got more coffee, for everyone.
“Nah it’s ok, Jere, I’m joking, I’m sure Scotty called before I was even here.” Fritz said leaning on Scott’s shoulder while he sipped on his dark roast with milk and one sugar
“Wait a minute-” Jeremy started as he realized what time Scott really did call at “You did call from here right? Just how early did you get here?”
But before Scott was able to answer Fritz piped in instead "Dude, he’s BEEN here since 12 last night!” they gave Scott a friendly nudge, but as Scott pulled the coffee away from his mouth he gave out this nervous chuckle
“Wait- wait- Scott, you’re working the night shift?” Jeremy asked, he suddenly felt a sense of dread at the mention of it
“Um. Uh- Yeah, heh...” Scott said awkwardly
Jeremy hadn’t realized Scott had taken over the night shift, no wonder this man seemed more exhausted than usual.
“But you’re here during the day all the time!” Jeremy stated “Ok- Just how many double shifts do you take?”
“Uh- W-Whatever I’m a- asked..?” Scott said with a nervous grin, his shoulders raised up as if to brace himself, he put his coffee down on the table
“Scott-- God the night shift-- Do you LEAVE?”
“O- Of course! I can’t live here!”
“You say that like you would if you could!” Jeremy was obviously showing frustration in his voice, he didn’t mean to but the amount of work this man did stressed Jeremy out, and the night shift stressed him out even more
“Well- I mean- I’m not doing anything else anyway-” Scott started
“Well you should! Scotty you’re already working so many hours, do you sleep?! You have to realize this isn’t healthy-!” Jeremy was cut off by the break room door opening again
William stood in the doorway, his usual calm demeanor did not seem to be about him today, his brow furrowed and shoulders hunched in a manner unlike him “... What is going on in here?” he asked
“- Brought up Scott’s poor work-life balance, now the boys are fighting.” Fritz told him
William pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed “... Ok. I don’t care- There’s currently no employees out on the floor and a birthday party in an hour, can we stop the chit-chat and get things moving.” he snapped
“Yes, you’re right, William!” Scott quickly moved past William out the door on to the floor, obviously glad to find a reason to stop the conversation. William followed.
Jeremy took a deep breath as he watched him walk away “... You think Scotty works too much too, right?” he turned to Fritz, hoping he had an ally, fearing he might be coming off a little too overprotective.
“Oh definitely,” Fritz replied “He’s stubborn when it comes to work tho, you can’t get that guy to sit down. Seeing as you didn’t know he’s on the night shift I guess you haven’t seen his schedule, you should take a look, that thing is a MESS.”
Fritz walked out the door as well, leaving Jeremy alone with his medium roast with extra milk and extra sugar. He didn’t like the mood that was left hanging in this room, he felt bad for getting upset with Scotty, his problems wouldn’t improve just cause Jeremy got fussy with him. But Scotty always pushed these things aside, insisting they could “bring it up later” or “it’s not that bad” or simply just changing the subject, he didn’t know how to talk about it with him without getting fussy at this point.
It seemed like most of their recent conversations ended in frustration. Scotty grew a lot more distant after The Bite, and didn’t tell him about anything anymore, and if asked he would brush him off, he stopped having lunch with him or Fritz and usually spent most his time working or talking with William so any time for socializing was spent elsewhere. He missed his friend.
He didn’t want to just drop it but he didn’t know what more he could do, if Scotty didn’t want his help he can’t force him to talk to him or make him take less hours.
... The night shift...
Jeremy had sworn off the night shift after his first and only week on it, he didn’t like thinking about it, but the reason it was so bad was the animatronics weren’t right, they had something wrong with them, which is why they were scrapped. Those animatronics that seemed out for his blood weren’t in use anymore, and with them the problems of the night shift were gone. At least that’s what William said, Jeremy had no intentions of seeing that for himself, just the thought gave him anxieties.
But that means at least Scott would have the 6 hours to just sit down and relax, right?
He still didn’t think it was good, and Scott definitely should be taking more time off, but maybe Jeremy’s reaction was a bit unwarranted. He would apologize for his harsh tone when he got the chance.
Jeremy took both his medium roast with extra milk and sugar and the half-drunken dark roast with milk and one sugar and put them in the break room’s fridge, maybe they could drink them at lunch together later he thought.
and he got to work.
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biscuit-buddy · 4 years
kuzumochi. (18+)
Endeavor x Reader (Smut, Birthday Fic, 3.1k)
A/N: holy shit guys this got so much longer than expected i’m sorry if it drags at all i just had so much i wanted to get out! Also its 11:22pm so its technically still his birthday. ha. 
What do you get for the man who could already have whatever he wanted at the snap of his fingers? Being the number one pro hero meant that Enji already received truckloads of expensive things, tickets to exclusive events, and the newest technologies simply because of his status. You knew this because everything he received went through you after being thoroughly checked at security. Eight months as his personal secretary offered you a glimpse into his extravagant world and honestly left you with a small bite of bitter jealousy. Some of the things that passed over your desk could pay the rent in your measly apartment for the next year, and you were sure he never gave most of it more than a second glance. 
Your pen tapped lightly against your bottom lip as you stared at the pad of sticky notes on your desk, nothing more than illegible lines, dots, and scribbles covered the top one. With a sigh of frustration, you detach it from the stack, crumple it and toss it in the trash. Today was the first day of August, and the mental countdown to your boss’ birthday plagued your thoughts. While your job was comfortable as is, the cold treatment from the man you worked for grated on your every nerve. You’d think after nearly a year in his employment he’d begin to warm up to you, maybe even bother to remember your name. This was your chance to finally stand out to him if only you could think of something that the hero could possibly want for his birthday. 
As much as he’d probably like a break or a vacation, you were in no position to provide that for him. He obviously didn’t want for anything material either. Does he even have a sweet tooth? You wondered silently as the tapping of your pen resumed against your face. I can’t even imagine a guy like him eating a cupcake. You know what? Actually I can and it’s hilarious. I bet his mustache would burn the frosting and-
“Ahem” Well, speak - or think- of the devil and he shall appear. Endeavor himself stood at your desk with an impatient look on his stern face. The goofy smile you’d been developing at the thought of the massive man eating sweets was quickly wiped off and your back straightened at an uncomfortable pace. 
“Daydreaming on the job?” he asked, but you got the feeling he didn’t really want an answer, so you just bow your head in apology. In an embarrassed mumble, you replied, “Sorry sir, won’t happen again” and he gave a huff in response, not unlike that of a great dragon. You held back another smile at the fleeting thought of smoke puffing out of his nose in discontent, as he handed you a manila envelope stuffed to the brim with some kind of paperwork. 
“I need this hand-delivered to the Hawks Hero Office immediately. This is sensitive information I’m trusting you with.” You gingerly accepted the packet, but couldn’t avoid the brief touch of his massive hand sliding past yours. You noted briefly just how warm they were, though you shouldn’t really be surprised. Courier work isn’t exactly in your job description but lately, you’ve been desperate to suck up anyways, plus some fresh air couldn’t hurt. You stood and gave one more quick bow, “of course sir, I’d be happy to deliver it” He seemed content with your answer and turned to walk through the frosted glass double doors that led into his office without so much as another word. 
Honestly, that had gone better than most of your interactions in the past. Pleased with the slight development in your relationship you gatherers your purse and the envelope and headed for the elevator. Floors passed monotonously as you continued to float gift ideas around in your head, this was looking to be harder than you initially thought. 
Once the lift reached the lobby you made your exit, pushing past a crowd of workers who seemed to just be returning from lunch. They laughed boisterously and made no notice of you squeezing around them. Finally, you made it to the front door of the Endeavor Agency and swiped your employee ID  badge on the terminal next to the front door alerting the system that you had left the building. Fresh warm air tickled your skin as you made your way onto the sidewalk and began the trek to Hawks’ Agency. It wasn’t particularly far, only a few blocks away and the route was dotted with storefronts boasting all kinds of wares from cake to clothes to flowers.
In theory, one of the displays you passed should have given you an idea but once more you found yourself coming up blank as you approached your destination. The young man at the front desk smiled politely when you entered  “Hi there, do you have an appointment?” his eyes flickered between you and the computer screen in front of him. 
“Actually I’m here on delivery for Endeavor” you waved the yellow folder a bit to accentuate your statement “something about sensitive information?” This really wasn’t part of the job you signed up for. Face to face interactions with strangers is so damn awkward. Luckily the receptionist probably dealt with people like you all day and didn’t bat an eye before saying
“Of course, his office is on floor 22 but if he’s not in there, try the roof. I’ll let security know you’re heading up” and he began tapping at the keyboard with one hand while making a ‘go on’ gesture toward the elevator with the other. You thought about boarding but instead made your way to the staircase. I already walked this far, might as well make it a cardio day, and give myself a good excuse to order takeout for dinner. You were truly a genius, maybe it was time to apply at NASA instead of working your ass off for Mr. Hothead. 
Twenty-two floors was a bit more of a workout than you thought it would be, and when you finally arrived at the top you were mildly sweaty cheeks ruddy and more out of breath than you’d like to admit so you take a moment to calm down before opening the doors and walking past the security guard. He gave you a sideways glance but kept his mouth shut as you knocked twice on the office doors. 
The lack of a verbal response clued you into the fact that he was likely on the roof just as the receptionist had said, so you hung a left and let yourself sprint up one more flight of stairs. Once you made it through the door marked ‘rooftop’ you spotted the winged hero perched near the railing. You announced yourself so as not to startle him,
“Excuse me, Mr. Hawks? I’m here on behalf of Endeavor, he asked me to deliver this to you as soon as possible”
He wheeled around at the sound of your voice, and his eyes lit up with amusement at your disheveled appearance. “Hey, thanks! I was kind of expecting the big man himself but you’re certainly a nice surprise” he winked and took the folder from your hands “Nobody told me Endeavor hired such a cutie to be his secretary, ya think I have any chance of poaching you from him?” Despite your earlier thoughts about NASA, you had no intention of leaving your current position so you just laughed. 
“I’m flattered but unfortunately I’ve got some oddly placed sense of loyalty for him” 
“Oh I get it” he cocked an eyebrow “I would too if I was you, the guy’s a size queen’s dream after all. Gotta love the whole naughty secretary dynamic too”
You sputtered at his bluntness “Oh god no nothing like that I-”
“Aw, I’m just teasing kid, how couldn’t I when you come up here looking like that” He gestured to your flustered appearance and you immediately regretting taking the stairs moments ago “Besides, I’d be surprised if you got him to warm up to you enough to remember your name let alone bend you over his desk” He was spot on, you had to sigh at that. 
“You’re right there, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t even notice if there was an entirely different person sitting at my desk tomorrow” 
“Heh, yeah, sounds like him. But you know, his birthday is coming up maybe a gift will put you in his good graces” another effortless wink was shot your way and despite him being the one with wings, the attention really ruffled your feathers. It’s like he had a secret mind-reading quirk or something. 
“I thought of that, but I have no clue what a guy like him would even want. It’s not like shopping for your mom, where you can just give her a picture frame that says ‘Live Laugh Love’ and she cherishes it forever ya know?” Hawks snorts in amusement at your comparison. You’re right and you’ll defend that if he asks, but he doesn’t. 
“In that case, I’d be willing to let you in on a little secret, some little known Endeavor lore, a true exclusive if you ask me”
“I’m not a tabloid Hawks, just tell me already” this guy messes around a lot for being the number two hero, its an incredibly stark contrast from his only superior.
“Okay, okay, you gotta lean in though, he’d kill me if I leaked something so personal” you lean in closer as instructed and he whispers into your ear, “his favorite food... is kuzumochi” You pull back in visible disappointment. 
“That’s it?”
“Yeah, he goes crazy for the stuff. Honest to god I’ve seen him inhale an entire batch in like five minutes. You want him to notice you? Then this is the best possible way, trust me.” and for some crazy reason you do. This could actually work, if it’s really as much of a secret as the blonde claims, you’d certainly stand out among the other gifts he’s sure to get. 
You thank Hawks and turn to leave with a newfound confidence in this new plan, but not before he makes you promise to tell him how it goes after the big day. As you exit the winged hero’s agency building the work phone you were assigned chimes with a new email letting you know that you can go straight home after the drop-off, and your grin widens. Even better, now you have time to stop at the grocery store on the way home, the decision already made to go big or go home. You were bound and determined to make the kuzumochi from scratch, and it was gonna be the best damn thing your boss had ever tasted. 
The rest of the week dragged on in a painfully average way, the only thing keeping your mood afloat was the surprise dish you had been working on every night. You’d gone through multiple test batches, determined to get the flavor and consistency just right. The work paid off on the night of the 7th, just in time when you completed your best batch yet. With a content sigh, you washed your hands and packaged up the kuzumochi like a damn professional. Finally, you were able to take a long hot shower and climb into bed early with the anticipation of tomorrow bubbling in your chest.
Morning came quickly and your daily routine was done with care, then you grabbed the gift and began the short commute to work. Brain on autopilot, it seemed like no time at all until you were seated at your desk and logging in to the company’s computer system. The pristinely packaged gift was nestled into the corner of your desk, waiting for the perfect moment. 
This moment came just before lunch when a mildly scuffed up Endeavor breezed past you in a huff and headed straight into his office. This is it you thought Sure, he’s a little pissy at the moment but this’ll cheer him right up. And with that, you knocked once on the office door and peeked in. The sight of him slumped in the leather office chair in front of the massive floor to ceiling window, eyebrow cocked at your intrusion made your heart jump just a little. How can one man be so damn intimidating? You cleared your throat and began to speak with entirely false confidence.
“Sorry for barging in sir, I just wanted to give you a birthday gift. It’s not much, but I hope you’ll accept it” the whole situation reminded you of confessing to your crush with a box of chocolates in middle school, and it’s funny how some things never truly change. You presented the box to him and to your surprise he actually reached out to take it. 
His scrutinizing glare never let up as he untied the silky ribbon and lifted the lid, but once he recognized the contents his expression shifted quickly to one of surprise. 
“Is this... kuzumochi?” His gaze fell on you and it had nearly physical weight.
“Yes sir, I have it on uhm, good authority that it’s one of your favorites” should you admit that Hawks told you this bit of information? 
“I’m sorry? Its… well, it’s your birthday, right? I wanted to get you something that would stand out.” It felt silly to admit to his face. 
“And why would you need to stand out, Y/N?” You had to keep your jaw from hitting the floor when he so casually dropped your name, the name you were sure he hadn’t even known. He decided to let you mull over the question as he took a bite of your carefully crafted treat, you could hear a small satisfied hum in his throat and it gave you chills. He beckoned you closer, “it’s delicious, would you like a taste?” when you hesitated he added, “it would be awfully rude to refuse your boss on his birthday, especially after all the trouble you’ve gone to making these”
A heavy step carries you over to his desk, like lead weights attached to your ankles. As you approach he rises out of the chair, a new unreadable look replaced the one of irritation you had been so used to all these months. “Come closer,” he said when you stopped just short of the desk. He’d never spoken to you like this before, and it sent chills down your spine. A few more steps took you around the desk to where he stood, and you barely flinched when he placed a large palm on the side of your jaw, the other held a piece of kuzumochi near your mouth. His intent was clear, he was going to feed it to you by hand. “Open” he commanded softly and you couldn’t deny him if you wanted to, so you complied.
The sweetness melted over your tongue, you truly had outdone yourself here. And once the piece was securely in your mouth, a warm thumb brushed over your bottom lip where his eyes also happened to be resting, completely content in watching you chew and swallow. The intimacy of the situation wasn’t lost on you. You recalled something that Hawks had said about a ‘sexy secretary dynamic’ and once again he was right. When the taste had completely faded from your senses, you looked up to finally meet your boss’ eye. The intensity in them shook you to your very core.
“I’ll ask you again, why do you think you need to stand out?” at this, his hand dropped from your lip down to your waist “Were you hoping for some kind of special attention?” the depth of his voice made your thighs clench, knowing full well where this conversation was heading. He noticed the action and quirked his lips into the faintest smile, one full of mischievous intent. One large step forward for him pushed you back onto the sturdy wooden desk. “I can’t possibly disappoint my favorite little employee then, can I?”
You barely had time to brace your arms behind you before his hand moved over again to res on the top of your thigh, and the one that remained on your jaw guided you into a kiss. It began soft, Endeavor was no fool. He tested the waters, your willingness, before jumping right in. The second you started to kiss back it was full speed ahead. The man was experienced for sure, he knew exactly how to coax your mouth into a dance with his own. Once his tongue pushed into your mouth it was all over for you, you’ve become a slave to the feeling.
All too quickly he broke the kiss, and you had half a mind to whine at the loss of contact. When you opened your eyes you noticed he was leaned over towards the box of kuzumochi that started everything. Odd time for a snack but okay. And when he returned to face you he did have another piece in his mouth, as well as the red ribbon you used to tie it in his hands. Your mouths met once again, this time he pushed the food into yours with his tongue. While you’re distracted with the odd sensation of kissing and eating at the same time you hardly notice the way he pushed both your arms up above your head and deftly tied your wrists together with the ribbon. When he was sure they were secure he let them drop and find a home around the back of his neck.   
You swallow the kuzumochi just as he turns up the intensity, completely claiming your mouth with his own. This time, he pushes you even further back until you’re laid completely flat on the desk. His fingers rake up and down your sides while his hips press against yours. You can feel his growing excitement pushed up against you and the feeling has you nearly moaning. Nearly isn’t good enough got the number one though, and he starts trailing kisses down your jaw and further until he reaches the junction of your neck where he bites and sucks like his life depends on it. This finally brings forth the noise he was chasing, and when you go to cover your mouth from embarrassment is when you finally realize that your wrists are bound. 
Your boss’ attention is directed elsewhere though, as he reaches a hand under your skirt, past you panties, and begins to stroke your folds. You both realized how wet you’ve become at the same time, and now it’s his turn to moan. One large digit enters you as his mouth travels further south, now nipping at your collarbones and chest. Your wrists slip from around his neck and his free hand strokes upwards from your side to push your arms up over your head. Completely exposed to him he continues to ravish your skin and curl his finger in and out of your cunt. Quickly you come undone around his finger and he removes his mouth from you long enough to drag the digit along his own tongue. 
“You’re even sweeter than the kuzumochi, here” he pushes the finger into your mouth and you diligently suck the rest of your juices from it. “Good girl.” The praise itself makes you moan once again. When he’s satisfied with your work he begins to remove his pants and you finally get a glimpse of what you’re working with. You nearly get up and walk out right then, because the man is massive.
“Just relax, I’ll start slow” he reassures and stays true to his word. After a long moment of adjusting he’s fully sheathed inside you and you swear this is what heaven feels like. The moment he begins to move you know you were wrong. If that was heaven you must have finally ascended even further, to wherever gods go when they die. Endeavor fucks you hard and slow against his desk until your eyes are rolling back in your head and you can see every constellation on your eyelids. And when it’s over, you’re shaking like a leaf.
He pulls out, not giving a second glance to the fluids leaking out of you and onto the floor, and begins to untie your wrists. Both of them are red and raw from the friction of the ribbon, and he places a tender kiss on each of the marks. One more kiss on the bruised patch he left on your neck, then he’s hoisting you upwards in a sitting position. Still unsteady but slowly coming back down to earth, you feel a soft tissue wipe at the mess between your legs while a strong hand continues to keep you upright rests at your side. 
When you look up to meet his gaze, your confidence is no longer an act. “Happy birthday,” you say and for once he breaks out a genuine smile that makes him look ten years younger.
As he rests his forehead against yours he replies, “It’s not over yet” but before you can question his meaning the intercom system next to his computer rings and a voice announces “Mr. Hawks is on his way up, sir” and you choke. You did promise you’d tell him how things went. 
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