#[vine voice] that's my oPINION!!!!!
deanofsam · 13 days
i fear i’m not as horny as some of you… what if i just want them to keep doing their weird not-doing anything forever. what if it was enough for me that they remain by each other’s side for the rest of time. what then
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fcntasmas · 1 year
ik people want buck to walk maddie down the aisle and like i agree obvs as president of the buckley parents haters club but also. she unfortunately does have a dad she’s getting along with as of late. he's probably going to walk her down the aisle (pending actor availability lmao). so i'm fully on the buck-as-maid-of-honor train HOWEVER.
i actually made this post to say if it were BUCK getting married. maddie’s walking him down the aisle 100%
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gayemeralds · 2 years
sonic chronicles really did just kinda copy what was going on with archie. but i will say i think they did it better.
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thewiglesswonder · 2 years
Not to hate on anyone who likes soulmate aus but yeah…they’re kind of all just different flavors of a character finding out they’re destined to be with someone they initially don’t want to be with because they’re enemies/bffs/whatever and then Realizing they Do Want To Be Together. same story over and over again
Exactly. You know what’s even better than finding out that you’re Cosmically Destined to love this one person no matter what you may think or feel? Choosing to love that person. Knowing them and choosing them anyway. Fuck dude.
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abracazabka · 1 year
"you dont like jfabe?? but they're gay??" i see most clone high characters as bisexual, that is not the problem. the problem is abe. i don't want anyone to have to deal with him other than, perhaps, the human garbage that is topher bus. i did not forget how s1 abe treated joan, he and topher deserve each other...
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heirofnight · 16 days
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between you & i
pairing: azriel x reader
word count: 2.5k
summary: reader departs on a solo intel mission after ignoring azriel's warnings of danger. reader ends up captured, and guess who ends up coming to her rescue? you guessed it, a pissed off az. enemies to lovers. reader and az do not like each other. yum.
warnings: talk of injuries, being captured, abuse, minor self-deprecation.
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you currently found yourself in a bit of a ... precarious situation. to say the least.
your sweat-dampened hair was matted to the sides of your cheeks, your forehead.
holy gods, was it fucking hot in here.
you pressed the back of your head against the stone wall behind you, hoping that the cool brick would offer some reprieve against the sweltering heat.
oh yeah, by the way, the stone wall that you were sat against belonged to a cell. a cell that you were definitely, undoubtedly, locked inside of.
your wrists were bound in chains, your arms bunched behind you haphazardly. this really, really fucking sucked. rhysand would be so pissed.
you huffed out a breath, eyes cast towards the ceiling that was covered in vines, weeds, and moss. you zoned out, reflecting on the happenings that consequently landed you here.
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"are you absolutely sure that you'd rather travel alone, y/n?," rhysand had questioned you the evening prior, expression littered with apprehension and hesitation.
you'd rolled your eyes at his protective concern, a smirk playing on your lips.
"rhys, it's a singular little mission to the autumn court," you'd countered, "i'll be back in what - two, three days?," you'd continued, flicking strands of hair over your shoulders. you were hardly concerned - after all, you'd collected intel for rhysand countless times, and you'd always walked away unscathed.
you were a scholar, and this was a huge part of your job within the night court - the chance of running into trouble was slim-to-none. your task involved meeting eris within the outskirts of his territory, collecting confidential information on the inner-political developments occurring within the crisp autumn court for rhys. easy, peasy.
something you could have done blindfolded, hands tied.
which, now, considering your current circumstances, that part had literally come to fruition.
azriel had stood in utter stoicism next to the head of rhys' polished mahogany desk, brows cinched together, eyes hard.
"no, it's unwise," he'd uttered, voice cold and deep - the first words he'd spoken since you'd arrived for your mission debrief.
you and azriel were - well, complicated. while you didn't absolutely loathe each other, there was this very prominent undertone of thick, suffocating tension that had formed a barrier between the both of you. you'd both opted to tread lightly each other - civil when necessary, silent and aloof otherwise.
he'd never really seemed to give much of a shit about you, so this outburst was unlike him.
his words caused you to sit up infinitesimally straighter, eyes locked on his strong frame from across the room.
"and why's that?," you'd questioned, voice sounding bored, dismissive of his opinion.
"too much unrest across his lands as of late," he offered, shifting within his boots just slightly, "we aren't entirely sure who, or what, is patrolling that area. it's dangerous, i should accompany you," he'd finished, sounding as though he'd already made his mind up.
you'd scoffed at the suggestion, standing with the intention of taking your leave before azriel was able to convince rhys any differently.
"no, thank you, shadowsinger," you'd waved a hand in dismissal, waltzing towards the large, wooden double doors of the office.
"i don't need to be coddled, i think i can manage on my own just fine," you'd added, back turned to the two males.
it was azriel's turn to scoff in exasperation, and although you couldn't see him, you could hear his wings rustle in irritation. the thought made you smirk to yourself, reveling in the idea of getting a rise out of the normally impassive spy.
"now, y/n,-," rhys began, his voice laced with consideration.
"i'll see the both of you in a few days," you'd cut him off, letting the door shut behind you with a resounding thud, the sound echoing down the stone halls.
and that was that. you'd decided to depart first thing this morning, hoping to avoid either one of the busybody males just in case rhys had commanded azriel to travel with you, after all.
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you rolled your eyes, shuffling slightly against the cell floor as you thought of the verbal lashing you'd receive once you got back to velaris.
azriel would probably be present while rhysand berated you for this catastrophic mistake, and if you thought hard enough, you could just picture the smug smirk that would more than likely be adorning his polished features. az would be enjoying the fact that he was correct, sunbathing himself in your downfall, your failure.
the thought filled you with so much rage, so much embarrassment. it caused your skin to flush and grow even hotter, which was a feat in itself since you didn't think it was possible for the stifling heat to get worse.
you'd been captured by a lone group of autumn court rebels, who'd just happened to be traveling along the exact same path you'd taken to meet eris. you weren't sure what their plans were for you - a night court female. they knew who you were, they knew you were employed with rhys. if you had to guess, they were holding you hostage to use as some sort of bargaining chip.
regardless, it'd been twelve hours since you'd been tossed into this cell. you had not the slightest clue where you even were in relation to the court itself. you'd been blindfolded and jostled about, and your sense of direction had been destroyed in the process.
you were so, so thirsty. your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth, throat dry enough that it felt like you'd ingested hot coals each time you struggled to swallow.
you were nervous, yes. on edge. your feathers were ruffled. but you knew eris would report your absence to rhysand. it was only a matter of time before someone found you. and when they did, you'd be reprimanded endlessly. you'd probably never hear the end of it - never be allowed to depart on solo missions again. you'd probably be stuck with azriel, that self-righteous, arrogant -
your thoughts came to a screeching halt once you noticed that the cell had become dark. it was mid-afternoon, and barred holes in the wall had been allowing the afternoon light to filter into the small space. which honestly, with this heat, felt like an additional form of torture.
but now, a chill filled the darkened air. no light filtered through - not even a pin-prick of luminance could be accounted for. you couldn't see inches ahead of you. your spine straightened, your head perked up. and before you could make heads or tails of the odd infiltrating darkness, it had dissipated entirely.
you blinked several times, weary, exhausted eyes struggling to acclimate to the warm light.
but once you'd righted yourself, you saw it. saw him.
azriel stood before you, half of his body swathed in swirling shadows. his arms were folded across his chest, eyes narrowed in distaste as he took in the sight of you - battered, bruised, filthy, restrained. his wings rustled several times before pulling tightly into his back, clearly agitated.
his jaw ticked in anger, and he dropped his head to avert his gaze to the cell floor at his feet. his muscles flexed with tension, and he was pissed.
and while you assumed the anger was directed at you, at your stupidity, azriel was biting back the urge to level the entire autumn court for what those males had done to you.
you swallowed hard, throat burning from the action. you opted to not speak, fully understanding how monumental this fuck-up was. you hadn't even departed velaris with a weapon strapped to your body, completely void of protection. so, so stupid.
"how could you be so foolish," azriel sneered, his arms dropping to his sides, clenched fists flexing. his voice was so low, so cold, you'd finally understood how he was able to intimidate his victims to the point of broken resolve.
you looked down, ashamed, embarrassed.
"i didn't-," you started, voice hoarse.
azriel huffed angrily at the sound of it.
"no, you didn't," he cut you off, stepping towards you with a leveled thump of his boots. "you didn't," he continued, tone laced with contempt.
"you didn't think. you didn't consider how dangerous-," he paused, having to take a deep, steady breath to compose himself.
you continued staring at the floor, anywhere but him. you definitely didn't dare look at his face, his eyes as they bore into you.
"look at me," he commanded, voice growing harsh.
you averted your gaze from the floor, choosing to stare at the bright, barred window that was cut into the upper left wall instead.
"y/n," he growled, stooping down to your level to grab your chin between his thumb and pointer fingers. his grip wasn't harsh - probably due to him being careful of exacerbating any potential injuries - but it was demanding. "look at me," he repeated.
you caved, meeting his hard hazel eyes with hesitation. you tried your damndest to look as unfazed and unwavering as possible - as though being captured and beaten hadn't taken a toll on you. but when you met his familiar face, took in his features and realized you were being saved, you faltered. relief flooded your veins, overflowing until it reached your softening eyes.
unshed tears began to well up, and you used every ounce of willpower that you had left to not allow them to fall.
azriel's expression became tender as he took you in, as he studied your expression. he saw your bruises and scrapes up close now, and he dropped his head once more, shoulders drooping slightly.
"you could have gotten yourself killed," he croaked, anger still lacing his words.
"so, what," you deadpanned, voice rasping, "then you would have been right, about me - about this mission. about how foolishly incapable i am," you said solemnly, jerking your chin from his unfaltering grip.
he snapped his head upward, meeting your eyes immediately. his brows cinched, and you momentarily observed the splattering of freckles across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose - you'd never noticed them before, had never been this close to him.
he blinked once, twice - his long, thick lashes whispering across his skin as he did so.
"that's what you think this is about?," he questioned, voice breathless in disbelief.
you scoffed weakly, pushing yourself up further against the damp wall behind you.
"please, azriel. you've never been subtle about how incompetent you find me," your voice coated in disdain.
he let out a slow breath, shaking his head as he absorbed your words.
"no, y/n," he grunted, his hands moving forward to begin working at the cuffs around your wrists. you'd both needed to get the hell out of here, urgently. it had been hours since you'd last seen your captors, and you were both painfully aware of the likelihood that they'd return.
could azriel singlehandedly fight off an entire hoard of rebels? absolutely. did he want to dismember and mutilate the males that did this to you? abso-fucking-lutely. but more than that, he wanted to get you home, safe, and with madra.
you hissed as he began to work his deft hands around the harsh chains. they'd been pulled so tightly to your skin, that you'd already come to terms with the possibility of losing circulation to the limbs.
his eyes flickered up to your face at the sound of your discomfort, and he winced at the realization of causing you further pain.
"i've never thought that you were incompetent," he continued as he worked, using his words to distract you from the pain he was inflicting, "hotheaded? yes, confident to a fault? sometimes," he continued, and you scoffed at his jabs.
"azriel, just shut the fu-," you blurted, his words bristling your already raw skin.
"but," he cut you off, continuing on with his tangent, "you are also strong, brave - obviously. loyal to your court, to rhys," he went on, pausing for a moment, "and i've always admired you," he finished, voice lowering.
you went silent, considering his words. you became painfully aware of his close proximity, of his hands against your swollen wrists as he fought to free you.
his eyes flitted to your softening expression, gauging your reaction to his words.
and internally, you were realizing for the first time, that maybe you and azriel were more alike than you'd initially thought.
he finally freed your hands, and you groaned at the relief, at the blood rushing down to the stiff limbs.
he helped you gently, bringing your arms back to the front of your exhausted frame. you closed your eyes for a moment, taking deep, even breaths at the feeling of being free, being saved. by azriel.
"how did you know where to find me?," you croaked, peeking one eye open to look up at the male before you. he was crouched closer to you now, poised to catch you if you careened over.
"eris relayed the information to rhys - the general whereabouts of your planned meeting location," he began, eyes flicking over your entire body to scan for any other injuries.
"and rhysand sent you to track me down?," you questioned, assuming that it was a command from his high lord - a decision he didn't make.
"i didn't give him the chance to," he offered, swallowing thickly, "i was at autumn's border before eris finished his report," he cleared his throat, cheeks tinting the slightest shade of pink.
there was a slight pause.
"he didn't have a choice," he spoke, voice deep and gravelly. he met your eyes with that last statement, as if to make a point.
you sat up slightly, reeling with the words azriel had spoken. they blanketed the both of you, sitting heavy against your chest.
azriel had chosen to track you down, to save you? not only that, but it seemed like it was almost second nature for him. to seek you out, to rescue you.
you opened and closed your mouth several times, looking for the right words. nothing you'd come up with was good enough.
"let's get you home," he said softly, reaching under your limp frame to hoist you into his strong arms. you whined quietly, your body rebuking the movement.
"i know," he soothed, bracing you against his chest.
and then you were both wrapped in endless shadows and night.
cradled against your tall, strong salvation.
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things had irrevocably changed between you and azriel after that. you'd both known it.
and sure enough, from that day onward, he was your chosen partner on every mission you'd decide to embark on. and azriel had insisted the same.
choosing each other, time and time again.
and sometimes, when you'd both inevitably need to stop for the evening - finding reprieve in a shoddy inn after a grueling travel day, azriel would request a room with just one bed.
and what happened under the covers on those evenings - when your body would melt into his, his forehead pressed against yours, explorative hands learning each other -
well, that was just between the both of you.
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a/n: another one shot that just demanded to be written immediately. brought on by scrolling on tiktok lmao. hope u loved it! let me know your thoughts <3
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tirasamu · 1 month
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01. CRUEL BEYOND MY YEARS . . . you do the impossibleー you make dazai feel. that's why you're his, even if neither of you know it yet.
ft. pm!dazai + pm!reader, possessive behavior, descriptions of depression, oda, ango, and chuuya are there too, 2.4k w.c.
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Dazai knows he’s supposed to be in a meeting right now.
He yawns, hands behind his head in a makeshift pillow, overgrown legs hanging off the arm of the couch as he stretches out. The heels of his shoes graze his jacket, haphazardly tossed aside when he first came into his office and laid down.
Even with the sleep mask covering his face, blocking out the sun that pools into the top floors of the Port Mafia’s Headquarters, he knows it’s you who’s approaching his door.
He fights back a smile, something he rarely has the opportunity to do. He keeps his breathing steady and deep as he hears the familiar rhythm of your knuckles against his office door, knocking in a code. You both came up with it when you were younger, freshly sixteen against the hollow walls of his shipping container; your own shared secret. He hears the gentle creak of the old wood as you peek inside.
“Dazai?” he hears the soft sound of your footsteps as you come closer, then a sigh he’d recognize anywhere.  “Dazai. Take that thing off. It’s creepy.”
He remains still. He’s supposed to be asleep, after all.
“I see Mr. Executive is as busy as always,” you say sarcastically, but he can still hear the smile in your voice. You slip your thumb under the soft cotton padding of the sleep mask and slide it up his face, pushing his bangs back. The soft glide of your skin against his forehead leaves tingles in its wake, and it’s easy enough to ignore the burn of his one visible eye adjusting to the bright afternoon light when you’re hovering over him like an angel. “Don’t you want to say goodbye to me?”
A new mission. He sighs exhaustedly, as if was the one who was assigned. “How long will you be gone this time?”
“Not long, probably,” your hip presses against his as you sit on the edge of the couch. You rest your cheek on your hand, arm bridged over his stomach as your elbow props on the backrest. “Chuuya got assigned to it with me. Him and I make a good team.”
“You shouldn’t hang around him so much,” he tilts his head back. “You should be careful. He eats dog food, you know. He really is a dog, isn’t he?”
“Shut up,” you laugh, and the sound makes his heartbeat quicken without his permission. “I know that isn’t true.”
“It is!” he sits up on his elbows so he can meet your eyes, his own shimmering with mirth. “I even saw him do it. You trust me, don’t you?”
You flick his forehead, giggling as you stand back up and straighten your skirt. “You’re just jealous you don’t get to come on this mission with us.”
With us? Dazai swears he could be sick and die right there on the couch, as if there even was a ‘you and Chuuya’. The thought alone makes him nearly double over in pain. If anything, it should be him you were paired up with, and if you asked for his opinion, it was a joke that you weren’t by defaultー even if little assignments like this were below him now that he’s an executive. No one else knew you as well as he did, and no one else ever would; besides, he’d known you longer than that stupid slug. Mori's negligence on the matter makes his stomach churn and his skin prickle uncomfortably.
“Hey,” he grabs onto your jacket sleeve, where the cuffs are still a little too long and the fabric hangs over your wrists, before you can walk away. “Be careful.”
You smile at him brightly, giving him a thumbs up, but it barely fazes him. He watches you leave, gaze dark and mouth firm. Something bitter starts to crawl up his stomach, growing in his chest like thorned vines intertwining and tightening around his ribs.
When Mori first introduced you and Dazai to one another, you were both fourteen years old. The first thing he noticed when he saw you was that your clothing was too big, hanging awkwardly off your body. You’ve both grown since then, nearly identical black jackets and ties over white button-downs adorning your frames. The second thing he noticed was that you were different from him; he could tell from your eyes, bright and glistening.
He can't remember a time when he wasn’t burdened by the feeling of looking through a window, always a spectator. You were different; you had a seat at the table. Every bomb placed, every trigger pulledー you were there with him through it all, with the same fucked up feeling of adrenaline pounding through your veins, except you were attached to the world around you. You saw meaning in it somehow.
He wants to pick you apart piece by piece and study you under a microscope. He wants to understand just what it is about you that makes you so intriguing. What do you know that he doesn’t?
How are you so good at making him feel like this ?
He thinks about you on your mission, even when he tries not to. He flips through his paperwork lazily, pulling sheets from their stapled packets and folding them into origami shapes. He stares at his finger when he gets a paper cut on the edge of a report about some dispute in Kyoto, watching the blood dribble down his skin in small beads. He raids the infirmary for chemicals, slipping past the nurses and picking the lock to the medicine cabinet, pocketing bottles and extra rolls of bandages. He plays on his handheld console, sighing in frustration when his character dies again; if only it was so easy.
It's nearing the latest hours of the night when he decides to sneak into your office that he finds you again, back from your mission and chatting with Chuuya, whose arms are crossed as he leans against the edge of your desk. Dazai skims his eyes over you, noting with satisfaction that there seem to be no new visible injuries on you. He relishes in how Chuuya’s brows furrow when he sees him, and how yours rise in delight, Cheeks rounding in a smile. He throws his arms around your shoulders, your faces close enough for him to count your eyelashes as you tilt your head back to look at him.
“I hope you didn’t have too much fun without me,” he pouts, squeezing you against his chest. “Did you keep Chuuya on his leash during your mission?”
“Don’t talk about me like I'm not here, idiot.”
“Oh, there you are,” he eyes the aforementioned man lazily, as if he were a bug that landed near him. “I almost missed you because you’re so small.”
“I fell asleep right after we were done,” you giggle. “Chuuya had to carry me back.”
“Oh?” he tightens his arms. Dazai always thought you were the cutest post-mission, all sleepy and touchy; he always made sure he was around for those moments. “Did he?”
You’re talking, something else about the mission, but he doesn’t listen. Chuuya looks from you to him when he feels his gaze, eyebrow raising in a silent question. They screw up in irritation when dazai’s eyes narrow as his lips curl up into a cruel grin. He cranes his neck down, nose grazing your temple before he drags his tongue across your cheek.
“Ew, Dazai!” you try to shove him away, but he doesn’t go far, still clinging to you tightly. “What the hell? You’re so gross!”
He laughs in your ear, even as you try to pry his hands off his shoulders. You twist your hand around his wrist, tugging on it and glaring at him over your shoulder.
“Let go, Dazai.”
You’ve only ever looked at him like this when he woke you up in the middle of the night, knocking over one of your chairs after he broke into your apartment; you weren’t able to fall back asleep for hours, and when you finally woke up the next day, you realized he ate the last of the mapo tofu in your fridge.
He loosens his arms, stumbling when you shove him. The feeling of your hands pushing him away is nowhere near as warm as when you brushed his hair back earlier that day. There's no pretty, warm smile dimpling your cheeks either; just the dark wood of your office door grazing his nose, the sound of it slamming shut, and Chuuya’s annoyed glare still prickling his skin. 
His chest tightens. 
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The flickering light of Bar Lupin’s sign penetrates the foggy night air, like a lighthouse calling lost ships home. Ango and Oda are already inside when Dazai arrives. A cigarette dribbles loose curls of smoke into the air as Ango cradles his glass between his palms and Oda tilts his head back to sip his whiskey. The bar’s most devoted patron hops from Dazai’s seat knowingly, landing on his little white paws as Dazai sits down on the stool with a huff.
He rests his chin against his forearm, sighing into his elbow as the bartender places his usual in front of him wordlessly. The two older men look at the pouty pile of messy hair between them. Oda knows he’s waiting for one of them to ask, so he does. 
“Did something happen today, Dazai?”
“Yes,” he bounces the sphere of ice against the bottom of the glass, feeling his fingertip go numb. “She’s mad at me.”
“What did you do now?” Ango eyes him wearily from behind his glasses.
“How rude,” he says flatly, his voice sounding hollow without his usual playfulness. “Immediately assuming I’m at fault.”
“Aren’t you always?” he sighs into the rim of his glass, taking a long sip.
They both wait in silence before Dazai shoots up in his seat, his stool spinning slightly.
“How can that stupid slug touch what’s mine?”
“'Yours’?” Ango asks, a thin eyebrow raised. “People don’t own other people.”
“I didn't know you two were dating,” Oda says.
“We’re not,” Dazai sags back down, folding his arms and laying his head down so his eyes are level with his glass again. “That's gross.”
“You’re not?” Oda repeats. “…Then why are you upset?”
He feels the bandages around his eyes loosen as he turns his head away, squishing his cheek into his elbow. The cat licks his paws across the bar, before reaching up and rubbing his little face. He catches dazai’s gaze, looking at him with round, unblinking eyes.
His chest tightens again.
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The sun is rising, melting the black of the night sky to gold when Dazai arrives at your apartment. His hand freezes inside his pocket, fingers wrapped around his lock pick, glancing back to your door. He lets it go and knocks instead, beating his knuckles against the wood in your secret code.
You’re in your pajamas when you open the door, and he notices the bruise on your leg that was hidden under your work uniform. He looks at you like a lost puppy; ears down, eyes big, with his nonexistent tail between his legs.
“Hey,” your eyes dart along his body, and he knows you’re scanning him for injuries too. “You okay?”
He doesn’t reply, and you let him meekly slip past you into your apartment. Your blanket is pooled on the floor from where you were sitting at your coffee table, chopsticks and a bowl of stir fry waiting for you; the schedule of a mafiosa has your circadian rhythm flipped, eating dinner as the sun rises.
“Did you eat anything yet?” you ask him, sitting back on the ground.
His big brown eyes blink down at you in a silent answer.
You open the side of your blanket expectantly, scooting over to make space for him. You nudge your food between the two of you when he sits beside you. His stomach flutters as he thinks about you feeding him from your chopsticks, a hand cupped under his chin, your soft thumb brushing his lips as you wipe them clean. He ignores it, plucking a shrimp out of your bowl with his fingers instead.
“You can have the rest,” you bundle the blanket a little tighter around your shoulders, sighing softly as you lay your head down on his shoulder. “I made extra. I knew you’d come over.”
“You did?”
“Mhm,” you rub your thumb along the edge of his bandages where his palm and wrist meet absentmindedly. “I know you.”
You do, scarily so. You like your stir fry spicy, but you kept it mild for him. because you knew he’d come over. Because you knew he wouldn’t have eaten otherwise. Because he only ever gets a home-cooked meal when you make one for him.
“‘m sorry,” he mumbles, voice barely audible.
You tilt your head up and look at him, eyes heavy. He holds his breath as you lift your hand and cup his cheek, tracing the dark circle under his one visible eye with the pad of your thumb.
“Let’s go to bed,” your voice is soft in the way it always is when you’re tired. “We can still sleep a little before we have to go back to headquarters.”
He knows every inch of your apartment, but he still lets you guide him into the dark of your room, and he’s suddenly surrounded by everything that is so quintessentially you. He has it all committed to memory: the title of the book on your nightstand you swear you’ll finish, the delicate splay of jewelry on your dresser, the pajama shorts hanging over the side of your hamper in the corner.
You practically collapse, falling into your bed and splaying your limbs with a happy sigh while he carefully lies down, staring at the ceiling and keeping his hands to himself. It's after a few quiet moments when he feels something warm against him, and when he turns to look at you, his breath catches in his throat.
You’re so much closer to him than anyone else would ever dare to be. You curl towards him even in your sleep, like a sunflower growing towards the sun. Your arm reaches towards his, fingers loosely clinging to his sleeve, as if you wanted to keep him anchored to the bed with you. He could almost make himself believe you really wanted him there.
He watches the daylight fall over your face, just as delicate as the sheet you draped over your body, still thin enough to show off the contour of your legs. You look so relaxed, cheeks full of color with the shadow of your lashes resting against them.
You looked so alive. So human.
His chest tightens.
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belphegorey · 2 months
⌜corruption, satan⌟ angels were such lustful creatures ships ⎯ satan x gn!angel!reader tropes ⎯ subtle blood kink, sex, degradation, poetry reciting, literal corruption, scenting, implied master/pet thoughts
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To watch as darkness sunk into the pristine feathers that made angelic wings was glorious. He gorged himself upon the sight as you mewled above him. The blackness began right at the base of your wings, growing and tainting each layer with his every thrust inside of you. 
And never had Satan felt quite as powerful in his life. Your perfectly white attire tore beneath his talons, the hidden halo above your head stuttered in its glow. Every noise you made had his body curling upward to you, pushing himself deep enough to have you crying. 
Such sweet tears. Angelic tears. Only made better due to his knowledge of the cause. “Oh,” your body shuddered as you pushed your ass against him. It left him fully inside of your heavenly sex. The bare skin of your thighs stuck to his pulled down pants, just as flushed as the rest of you, “oh my!”
“You can do so much better than that,” like a true monster, his talons curled around your hips to control your pace. Such eagerness; it was almost as delicious as the taste of your blood that sparkled on his fangs. The bite mark would last a week at most. Satan was already smiling at the idea of watching you stutter and attempt explanations for what caused it, “or are those the only things you angels can say?”
The whimper you cried had his spine tingling in wicked glee. It took no effort to push your body against the table in front of you both. Your wings fluttered as another row of feathers tainted themselves black. He ran a claw down the skin of your ass, chuckling at the small beads of blood that slipped out. 
The only response you had was a desperate clenching around his cock. Such vile creatures. Satan couldn’t stand angels. Simeon was tolerable at best, the chihuahua was a noisy little thing and Raphael… not even demons would enjoy hearing Satan’s opinion of him. But; you. There was something so deliciously sinful hiding behind the pristine gowns and feathered wings. 
Temptation and desire. His (partial) Father would be so disappointed. “Please,” your tears slipped onto the book beneath you. The very one he found you reading. Its pages were already weathered from the countless times Satan had read it — the tear stains would become his favourite addition to the poetry within.. He teased his hand around your spine, making you moan as he crossed over the roots of your wings. Sin grew like vines beneath your skin, stretching around your back as it took over you further. The most blissful sight, “harder!”
It was pure comedic irony. 
He wrapped a large hand around your throat and squeezed, pushing you back against him as he thrust further inside of you. “What was that?” The tone of his voice was pure saccharine as he moved your body with ease. Your head lulled back and he could see your eyes — clouded in pitch black sin that had your skin glowing in the firelight. Sweat beaded at your forehead as those vines grew down your cheeks. Satan twitched his fingers tighter and you moaned through the shaking of your body. “Repeat it for me.”
“Harder, please!” Your hand stretched out to the other side of the table, nails clawing at the wood in pleasure. Both your legs shook around him as he thrusted in and out of you. The clapping of your ass against his hips formed the beat of your rhythmic moans. “I need you to fu… use me.”
An angel swearing, Satan could have sworn he felt the chill of ice wind brush through the entire Devildom. Your nails dug into the wood and your palm, he could smell the copper of blood drip onto the table. Satan couldn’t help his own need grow. He forced himself deeper inside of you at a faster pace, but not so fast that you would enjoy it completely. No. Satan wanted to hear more of those whimpers and pleas for more. 
Maybe if you say the right one he can let you cum and he would even fill you up, as a little reward. How funny would it be? An angel returning to their home, dripping in the seed of a demon lord. You’d be lucky to not be cast out immediately. 
That’s okay, Satan was sure he could find a use for you in that scenario. 
“Yes!” Your hands moved to touch around his own, fingers curling around his palms for air while also pushing them tighter. Such an oxymoron — did you want his pleasure or not? It wasn’t as though you weren’t enjoying it, he could see just how much as the tips of your wings finally shed to the slick black oil. Not a single moment of white goodness was left. “Fuck! So good, Satan!”
An angel with a penchant for dirty talk, too? Satan had to chuckle in your ear as he squeezed your body in his hands. Your halo tipped and fell from your head, clattering on the table with no fanfare. You didn’t even care. Your soiled mind was too focused on screaming more perverse words and feeling his touch. 
With a hand on your hip, Satan pulled you nice and close, your back flush to his chest. Your praise fell quiet beneath your whimper of confusion. Slow. The pace was torture even for himself, but Satan couldn’t help but revel in that delicious cry for more you echoed over and over. 
“Kiss by kiss,” he inhaled at your neck, grazing the bloody fangs on your shining skin. It no longer held the glow of angels, rather a faded darkness that he found himself tempted toward. You moved a hand back to fist at his hair, thrusting your ass against him for more. The shiver of your body against him was sheer delight, “I cover your tiny infinity,”
The words fell with ease as he moved down your neck. Blood and harsh kisses inked out his journey of your skin. Satan wondered if you realised what he was saying, or whether you had already gone too dumb to recall the very book you were reading. You weren’t meant for the Celestial Realm — no angel should read such words. 
And yet, as Satan recited them to you, your only response came as moans of bliss. “Your margins, your rivers, your diminutive villages,” the stuttering of your hips let him know that you finally realised. He smiled against the vines of desire growing beneath your skin, sucking at the concave of your collarbone.
“Satan,” you whimpered and clawed at his scalp. The fingers that he had found journeying beneath your cloak messed with his blonde hair, thumbing at the horns. You had to have been expecting some form of punishment, an angel to touch themself in Satan’s library? Unforgivable. He gleamed as you curled back to him further, sparkling tears pooling around your eyes, “Need you —“
His pace was near brutal, he realised. The slapping of your joined skins was blissful but the bruising against his hips would be a pain. The black feathers that now made your wings itches at his chest and made him rumble a growl. “And a genital fire, transformed by delight, slips through the narrow channel of blood,” 
With a sharp talon, he pressed against your stomach. He could smell the sweet iron tang in the air as it beaded out. Two short horns protruded from the top of your head, settling where your halo once occupied. What a beautiful sight. You suited black horns far better than any stupid halo. “Please,” such a cute begging voice you had. It captured pure innocence and lust in such a way he was sure his brother would grow envious. 
The clenching around him was almost intoxicating. It sucked him in tight and refused to let him pull out entirely. As if he would. “To precipitate a nocturnal carnation, to be, and be nothing but light in the dark.” Satan was already entertaining the idea of locking you in his room for eternity, it wasn’t like the Celestial Realm would take you back anyways. You were soiled goods. You were tainted. 
You were his. He let you collapse into his chest as you rode through your high. Light sobs left you, but you still moaned for more. What a good angel, but he would ensure you became an absolutely perfect demon. 
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© belphegorey 2024 ⌜18+ banner from @/cafekitsune thank you <3⌟
notes ⎯⎯ if you know what poem it is ily, and ignore the slightly wonky timeline satan just has a lot of internal thoughts blame him :)
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1800jjbarnes · 10 months
◇ 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟎: 𝐒𝐞𝐱 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 - 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 ◇
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Out Of This World
【Synopsis】 : You were gifted an Asgardian plant from Thor since he knew you loved greenery. Little did anyone know the pollen had some weird side effects when inhaled.
『W.C.』 : 3.17k
-> Genre: Fluff. Smut
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky x Assassin!Reader
[Warnings] : Swearing. Crying. Making out. This is slightly dub-con. Neck kisses. Hickies. Possessiveness. Slight toxic thoughts. Breast play. Begging. Dirty talk. Unprotected sex. Lots of emotion.
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“Hey so has anyone seen Peach? we’re about to leave.” Steve was walking around like a worried mother, trying to find you before you all were supposed to leave for this event thingy they had agreed to attend. You weren’t in the mood for parties or galas at any time of day or night. So you disappearing before one wasn’t a surprise.
“I’ll go look for her. She's probably in her room trying to find a place for that new plant Thor gave her from off planet.” Bucky rolled his eyes, knowing his best friend all too well, heading straight for your room which was situated on the same level as his in the compound. A couple of days ago, Thor had returned from his trip back to his home and had gifted everyone with something from there. So, of course, you are a planet lover. He brought you one of the exotic flowers. Bruce pestered on how ‘we don’t know what that plant could do. Is it even safe’ but Thor reassured everybody that it was fine. And that he had no clue what the plant was anyway. So with that, Bucky said he’d catch up with them and take his bike later with you rather than make them wait.
While this ordeal was unravelling, you were frantically holding the said flower in a beautiful pot that Loki had gifted you along with it. You had so many plants as it is that you’ve realized there was no room for the newest addition. A knock at your door startled you almost to the point of dropping the poor guy all over the floor. But luckily, your reflexes kicked in quicker than usual. “Come in!”
You knew it was most likely someone like Tony or Steve coming to parade you about ‘getting ready for the gala’ but you seriously didn’t want to go. It wasn’t like you hated your friends or the party per se. You just hated people in general. And why, you may ask? Because people are loud, rude, narcissistic, and most importantly, stuck up. Half the time, people love to walk all over you because of your job. Given that you and the others were Avengers, people only looked at you in two different views. Scum that brought danger to earth. Or these kinds of saviours, superheroes. God even. Something you didn’t consider yourself as. So either way, you didn’t want the interaction. So staying home it is.
“Give me one good excuse why you are still in your pyjamas running around like an idiot holding an alien plant and maybe, just maybe I’ll consider you not going to this lame party a good enough reason.” Bucky's voice brought you to a halt, your head snapping back down towards the little Kitchen/Entrance. Your nose was scrunched up, making Buck know you were trying to think of a lie. You were never good at them, always having a tell clear as the day. He just scoffed, slipping his shoes off so he could walk into your room. “So, what’s your excuse, Doll?”
“It’s uhh…” You half smiled, tip-toeing toward the large male. “I need to find a spot for my son.” You shove it in his face in an almost innocent manner. Bucky held in his chuckle, staring at the strange purple-looking plant. He had to tilt his head, noticing it was moving almost like it was breathing. Shaking off the weird thought, his gaze looked back up to your wide eyes. The sparkles in the corner of them made his heart flutter. You loved nature so much, from the simplest things like flowers and fruits to the weirdest in Bucky's opinion, Moss, Fungi, and vines.
“Son?” He had to chuckle.
“Yes, my son. Isn’t he pretty? I need to find a spot for him.” You brought the plant to your chest, inspecting him with such innocent eyes. Oh, what Bucky would give for you to look at him like that. You were perfect in every way. Even if you are shy, introverted. You smiled at everyone, making any of your teammates feel like they were the centre of your attention. But every time you gave him that same smile, he felt like he was the centre of your world. Like nothing else mattered but you two and your longing stares. Maybe his crush on you has gotten out of hand, and maybe he should just ‘man up’ as Sam puts it and tell you how he feels.
But he doesn’t want you to stop looking at him like that. Like he could do no wrong. That he wasn’t a monster, an outsider. Like he thinks he is. No, your smile would just say he was one thing. Human.
“Well, I guess you’ll need to name your son too.” Bucky steps a little closer to you, now both staring down at the plant with the beautiful purple and gold patterning on its petals. You hummed in response, beginning to think of all the stupid names you could give it, but then something strange began to happen. The plant swayed, but there was no breeze. Its leaves wrapped slowly around the stem, and then slowly, it squished itself down. What was it doing? You knew it was an alien plant, but this was definitely not something a plant should do… right?
“Has it done that before?” Bucky asks.
“No It’s onl―” Your words were cut off when a bright purple powder suddenly exploded from the plant landing straight onto your and Bucky's faces. From the reaction, you dropped the plant, making the soil go everywhere on the floor by your feet. You hissed at the pollen-like substance sticking to your eyes. you could hear Bucky also groan in protest, more likely from the same thing.
“What the fuck!?” Bucky yelled. “I’m going to kill Thor and Loki, I swear to god.” He manages to get the sticky purple dust out from his eyes, letting him open them to see you cowering with your fingers desperately trying to get the dust off you. “Honey, hey… come here.” His hands cupped your face, using his thumbs to gently wipe away all the dust he could.
“Why is everything purple?” You blinked a couple of times, noticing your surroundings were tainted in a violet-like hue. Bucky didn’t want to scare you, but he, too, had the same view. He helped guide you to the sink in the kitchen, putting the tap on so he could splash some water on yours and his face. The purple slowly went away, but the hue was still slightly there. Drying your face with some paper towel, you suddenly felt an odd shiver pour down your spine. You gulped, having a hot flush start to wash over you as if someone turned up the AC. You took a step back leaning against the countertop, trying your best to shake the uncomfortable feeling.
“Are you okay, Doll?” You looked up from the floor to see Bucky with rigged breathing. His nostrils were flared, and his mouth was slightly agape. He had a fire burning in him, making all his blood go straight to his cock. Eyes hazy, and voice deep and growled. He sounded like a predator coaxing his prey.
“I…I don’t know.” You had no clue how to explain with you felt, but all your mind could understand was that you needed something, someone to help get rid of the pain. A sharp stab pierces your chest, making you hiccup before falling onto the floor. Bucky was quick to meet you on the ground, gripping onto your arm, holding you up. His touch sent sparks to your dripping core. You needed him. “J-Jamie I need help…”
Your whimper made Bucky groan, shaking his head in an attempt to suppress his needs. He couldn’t think straight, only thinking about what your pussy could feel like. No, you’re his friends! His friend that he had the biggest crush on. But no, he can’t just pin you down this very floor and fuck the life out of you… right? “H-honey, please. Do you know what kind of plant that is?”
“Loki said uh, it…it was a samfar? Samfarir?” You tried to remember the conversation you had with Thor and Loki when they gave you the plant, but your mind kept wondering to… other things. you layed down on the cold tiles in the hope you could cool yourself down. Bucky had let go of you leaning against the cabinet along the wall. He sighs, raking his fingers through his damp hair. He knew what this plant was.
“Fuck… That fucking dick. It’s a sex plant.” Bucky's words made your eyes snap open, sitting up to look at him in a what the fuck did you say expression. “It’s a plant from his home planet that is supposed to help intercourse. But they stopped the practise cause of one downside.”
“What…What's the downside James?!” You sat on your knees, placing your hand on his hot thigh. Your innocent touch alone made his cock twitch. His eyes met yours and the temptation to kiss you was becoming increasingly difficult.
“You don’t have sex. You die.” He said it bluntly. “I found out from a conversation Tony was having with them. Asking if there was something to help boost his sex life. Typical…” He scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Now there was a stalemate cause lets face it as much as he wants to, he wasn’t about to ask if you wanna fuck. How would he even ask such a question? And plus his crush on you doesn’t help him in this situation. He watched you wiggle, feeling your pussy begin to drip through your shorts. God, he could smell you too. Everything was making his hair stand up. Your scent, your heavy pants, the way your eyes were glossed, practically begging him to do something, anything.
“If that’s the case…” you trailed off, scooting close to him, placing your free hand on his forearm. He suddenly jumped, pushing himself away from you, making you flinch. You didn’t want this either. You were so in love with Bucky since the first day you met, and you did not expect this to be the way you’d be intimate with him. But him pushing away from you hurt so much. You put your hands in your lap, feeling your heartbreak. Maybe he thought death was better than having sex with you.
“Hey wait I uh…” Buck saw the panic in your eyes, seeing tears start to form, moving back to grab your hands, making you look at him. “I didn’t mean…fuck. Uh. I don’t know wha…” Bucky cut himself off with a hitch. You look so desperate, your tongue sticking out to lick your lips slightly. His hands gripped tighter on yours, forgetting all of his past thoughts, past restraints. You and he can just talk later, right? “Fuck.”
He cupped your face, smashing his lips on yours. It was single-handedly the best kiss you’ve ever experienced. His tongue slipped inside quickly, attacking your own. He drew out moans from you that he thought he’d never hear. Your fingers intertwine with his jacket. He was forceful, pushing you down onto the cold hard floor, pushing his thigh between your legs so he could brush it against your core. The pressure was the relief you needed, bucking your hips without a second thought. Everything was happening so quickly, but neither of you cared anymore. “J-Jamess…”
Buck swallowed your words, biting down on your bottom lips before pulling away, drawing a sharp gasp of pain from you. There were no words shared. No, only your bodies spoke. Telling one another, you needed the other. Your hands ran up his biceps, digging into the leather on him. He kisses the corner of your mouth before slipping down towards your jaw, then neck, before stopping on your collarbone sucking harshly. His teeth grazed your shoulder, using his metal hand to help tug down your shirt slightly so he could sink his K-nines into your skin. He didn’t want this to be a memory by the end of it. He needed to leave evidence on your body to show you and himself that this was indeed real and it was happening. Your hips hadn’t stopped there slow grind against his thigh, making his light jeans deepen in colour from your wetness. His hand moved from your shoulder, gliding down to your hem. He tugged it at first, seeing how loose it was before getting his other hand to pull the opposite way, ripping the fabric in half.
“Pretty.” he sat on his calves, seeing the laced black bra you were sporting. Your chest rose and fell at each breath, making him bite his lip and eyes darken. You were more beautiful than he could have imagined. All his late-night wet dreams, fucking his fist at the sheer thought of you would never compare to what his gaze met with now. And he never wanted to let it go. You were going to be his whether you liked it or not. He took his shirt all as well before diving back into your kissing along your breasts before pulling down your bra letting your tits spill over the top. You did have time to say anything before he latched his mouth on your hard nipple, while his thumb rolled over the other.
You cried, feeling tears prickle against the corner of your eyes. You moaned his name over and over, trying to find any type of pressure to heal the ache from below. It was like his mind knew your body, noticing the sign of plea. He gave one last suck on your nipples before pulling away with an audible pop. Your eyes opened slightly to see his dark blue pair staring at you with intensity. It was like he was scanning your body, making sure to remember every scar, beauty mark, freckle, and stretch mark so he could reply this event later in his mind. His hand cupped your mould, feeling heat pooling from it. If it wasn’t for the plant clouding your judgment, you’d most definitely be embarrassed. But you didn’t, so all you did was buck your hips into his hand, spreading your legs more for him to have his way with you.
“Please. I’m yours, Bucky. Do something. Anything to me. Have me, however you want. Just please make it stop hurting.” Your words made Bucky stop for a moment. Even though this plant affected both of you, it seemed that his mind was clearer than yours. His enhancements must be helping him from completely losing his mind. His face was inches from yours, gripping your chin with his fingers, making you focus on him. He needed to confess before he continued, even if neither of you believed it and blamed the plant afterwards. He needed to tell you what he felt.
“I love you, Doll. I’ve loved you since you arrived as a new recruit. I’m so madly in love half the time I don’t know what to do without you being by my side. And I swear to fucking god, I’ll take you out and treat you like the queen you are afterwards but for now, I’m going to fuck you like our lives depend on it.” He sealed his lips on yours once last time before sitting up to pull your pants down.
“Our lives do depend on it.” you halfheartedly chuckled, groaning at the cool air blowing on your bare cunt. He threw your pants across the room, unzipping his and pulling them down enough to pull his cock out. You gulped at his size, knowing he must be big but he was…definitely big. He placed his hand on the base of his cock while the other snaked the back of your neck, bringing your bodies close together. Your breath was mixing together and your eyes never left his, brows knitting slowly as you felt his tip push against your soaked hole. “I love you… I love you so much.”
“Fuck.” he bottomed you out making you hiss at the pain since neither of you prepped. But the pain was short-lived as he started thrusting slowly. His head fell into the crook of your neck letting you wrap your arms around his broad back. Your nails dug in harder with each snap of his hips. His cock was hitting all the right places, feeling his pelvis rub against your clit perfectly and his balls hit your ass with each moan and gasp that slipped off your tongue. Everything was overwhelming yet perfectly balanced at the same time. You cried, not just from the intense pleasure but from Bucky's words previously. Your purple-hued vision slowly became normal, and your mind unfogged.
The plant's influence slowly left your and Bucky's system, leaving just your raw feelings for one another. Neither of you pulled away. Neither of you wanted to run. You were perfectly content in each other's arms. Locking your lips in a non-verbal seal of love. You were his, and he was yours whether either of you voiced that neither of you cared. You only cared for his body caging you on the hard cold floor while he only needed your cunt to keep squeezing him before you both were coming undone. It was sticky, messy, loving and raw. And it was just the way you both dreamed it would be.
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reidshearts · 7 months
Picture 1, summer lake party!
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You had just turned 16 when you had finally been granted permission to stay out later and attend one of the infamous lake parties hosted by head councillors and the older campers. Your older siblings in the Ares cabin had prepped you of the activities that took place and what not to do to embarrass the Ares name. For example when one of your brother, Aiden had snuck in weed and accidentally misplaced it before realising, after Chiron had caught them, the wood nymphs had stolen it and … well they were forbidden to tell the rest by Mr D!
After many hours of changing outfits with your Clarisse's opinions, you had decided on a pink floral two piece swim costume before layering a cute tank top and your favourite denim shorts.
You gave yourself some encouragement in the mirror before heading down to the lake after your siblings, not before hugging Clarisse goodbye seeing as she was too young to attend.
Noticing a few crowds already scattered across the area. You paused, realising the only people you knew closely had already begun to mingle and join their friends. Of course this wasn't a good idea, there was no point trying to fit in with your siblings friend groups, they would reject you after noticing you weren't like them. Not brave like Lena, as pretty as Clarisse but you were too emotional and sensitive no matter how many times you had tried to change. You would never have the confidence.
Preparing to leave you had turned on your heels before a warm hand took a hold of your shoulder, forcing you to turn around and an unfamiliar voice spoke.
"I am so sorry i didn't mean to startle you, just wanted to see if you were okay was all"
After realising this person had meant no harm you noticed it was Luke, a son from the Hermes cabin. Smiling softly you admire his soft features, from his onyx curls to his mesmerising jawline.
Luke chuckled breaking you from your stare, of course he had also admired you however he had learnt to be more subtle.
"Sorry your...", you clear you throat and decide not to continue your trail of thoughts, "Oh yea I'm peachy just going to head back to my cabin, get some beauty sleep yanno?"
"You only just got here"
"You stalking me Luke?"
"Nope, just observant but I think I've been more subtle than you, my eyes are up here sweetheart"
You turned your head trying to hide you growing smile however your plan failed when your eyes met his again.
"C'mon you have to actually be by the lake to say you came to one of these things!", Luke exclaimed before giving you his best smile, saved for his favourite people and holding out his hand for you take take.
You threw your head back with a huff giving in and reluctantly placing your hand in his. He had definetly then suprised you when you were suddenly launched forwards trying to catch up with his running further towards the lake.
Luke made his way with his hand in yours towards the furthest end of the lake where only few campers sat, slowing his pace as he got closer. You couldn't help but admire the lake as, forgetting it's beauty in the glowing sunset. Trees scattered the landscape and vines dripped from the high branches creating curtains that sun snuck through and highlighted rows of hyancinths and tulips. This was beautiful you thought.
You were truly magnificent Luke thought, his gaze admiring you and your actions. Your hands were still clasped together as Luke softly pulled you down to sit on the nearest picnic blanket with him. It was an intimate moment, both sitting side by side, thighs touching as you got lost in conversation.
Time slipped by and you both hadn't noticed how campers had began to make their ways back to their cabins, only a few including you two still stayed. The moon had now shone down reflecting light against the lake waters.
"I love the lake like this", you expressed, "the most peaceful it probably is all day" recalling the number of people who swam and splashed in it earlier the evening.
"Are we personifying the lake now?", Luke teased.
"No, doof you know what I mean"
"Like you wanna capture it and keep it in your pocket?"
"Yea, well maybe not my pocket but a pretty box would be nice", you replied with a soft grin, your features were lit up by the night sky.
"Well then why don't we", he suggested.
Before you could question him, he was already calling out to another camper who he had seen previously to have a polaroid camera with her. The girl wondered over with a grin, pleased to capture a cute moment between the two of you. Luke pulled you closer, hand around respectfully around your back and your head dropping onto his shoulder.
"Cheese!", the girl exclaimed and you gave your best smile hoping Luke was doing the same, "Awh that was so cute guys, here you go, keep it safe".
She handed over the polaroid photo to you carefully before skipping back towards her friend group. Waving it around in the air you impatiently waited for the picture to develop.
"Shit, we should probably head back, the last group is leaving now, ready?", Luke jumped to his feet while lending out his hand to you.
"Thank you kind sir", you replied letting him pull you up, holding the polaroid tightly in one hand and keeping his in yours as you wandered back through the woods. The walk wasn't long and seemed to have unfortunatley quickened as you both shared whispers, hoping to not wake the sleeping campers with loud voices.
Standing in front of your cabin with a blush and a honest smile was not how you anticipated the night to end when you first arrived at the lake. But you weren't disappointed.
"I had a nice time", Luke spoke, matching your smile.
"Me too"
Your hands were both still tightly strung together before you reluctantly let go, leaving a final squeeze.
"Night Luke"
"Night sweetheart", he gave you a brief kiss on your forehead before making his way back to his cabin, looking back twice as he watched you open the cabin door.
With one final glance over your shoulder you quietly shut the cabin door and head to your bunk. Thankfully not dropping the polaroid in your fingers you figured it had probably developed by now. Holding it up your smile only grew wider. You had a smile on your face in the picture and where you had expected to see Luke's also towards the camera it was not. His eyes glued to you, leaning on his shoulder, and had a soft smile, admiration only seen.
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lukolabrainrot · 21 hours
Calm theory anon here again!! Lord knows I'm exhausted of this little girl but I wanted to touch on what all we have seen since Italy Birthday trip and Lukes recent like. 1. It was reported by someone who took a photo with Luke at the airport that he was alone. Meaning he flew back by himself. Rumor that he left two days before 2. We got radio silence from the group for a while. 3. Rory unfollowed sienna then it was reported on by the fan pages and then he followed her back. 4. Sienna unfollowed Jack Vine (this is the guy that Luke stays with when he didn't have a house) then it was reported on by the fan pages and she followed him back. The last couple days she's unfollowed him again. 5. Charmaine reposted on TikTok about NDA👀 6. Rory takes a trip with his mom. 7. Sienna likes a post of Hannah Dodd and Nicola from fashion week. 8. Sienna hasn't liked any type of photos of A since early August nor did she like that last Luke post. Now with all this information I'm sure we all can come up with some conclusions. I do think that Luke set up some type of NDA which in my opinion was necessary. We have to remember that Luke's management team is actually a very well-known and establish team this was told to me by people in the PR field. He doesn't have newbies. Now I'm sure that pissed a lot of his friends off. It made them keep quiet about things that they might not have wanted to be quiet about. We clearly see something going on. Now Luke liking A stuff. it was 10 1/2 hours after she posted on her grid with a story posted after four hours of the photos being live. Now the posting to her stories of the grid picture is a new thing. That didn't start till after Italy. What does that tell me? She knows that his notifications for her has been probably turned off. So in order for him to see her photos, she would have to post it in her story which he most likely watches those. This particular photo wasn't liked until after Nicola posted at the concert. I don't believe in coincidences. He got a notification that Nicole posted. Then he went online afterwards watching Nicola story. Now who to say it's not part of his NDA that he has with her that. But as I was thinking about all of this today, one of the interviews that Nic and Luke came to mind. When they were discussing red flags. And one of the questions was keeping up with an ex. Nic said something like I feel that how you speak of your ex says a lot about you or something like that. Remember, Luke listens to every single thing that Nikola has said. She's the one person in this world that he remembers how they met down to the chairs they had sat on. So he would remember stuff like this. So it could be an NDA thing or it could be him trying to be civil with his ex. Regardless of the like which does not tell you anything. The only thing that tells me is she is desperate for that like. She has to put it in her story so that he will see it, she wants that like so bad that she's doing something she never had to do before. Why does she want the like so bad? Because she can control the fandom. Every time Luke likes this girls picture people spiral. it's like on a photo. He's not commenting on it. He's not giving her heart eyes. He's not sharing it to his stories. He liked the picture. We don't know the reason why and we will never know. All I'm saying there is a lot going on BTS that's clearly evident by how they're all moving. We just gotta wait for Nicola to speak more. Remember, her voice should always outshine this girl's voice. Nicola has given us all hints that something more is happening. Let's trust her please
As always, love your thoughts and theories!
Here are some additional theories/thoughts I have about the SM events from today. Disclaimer: These are just my thoughts and interpretations based on all the publicly available information I have seen recently. So please do not take this as 100% fact!
N didn't post her Chappell Roan story until almost midnight her time
L THEN preceded to like A's post approximately 30 minutes after N's CR story- which at that point was technically the day AFTER A made her post
So my little delulu theory is that N went home to L after the concert with her besties, they cuddled up and caught up, N posted her story, this made L log on to IG and prompted him to do his obligatory like of miss A's post after seeing A's story
Some additional notes/thoughts:
Even if N DIDN'T go home to L, all of the available information Calm Theory Anon and I have laid out here tells me this. L DOES NOT HAVE NOTIFICATIONS ON FOR A AND IS NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT SHE IS POSTING. L IS DOING THIS WITH N THOUGH.
He also liked A's post within a really short time of N's CR story. Now, the only thing this definitively says is that L/N were on their IG accounts around the same period of time. But this was around 12:30 AM their time. It was pretty late at night, and like it's just an interestingggg coincidence if L/N were separate and just both getting on SM around the same time at that time at night. We also know N tends to go on SM when she is getting ready for bed (N has said this). And she posted the CR story around the time she most likely was getting home from the concert. I think there are just a lot of signs/clues pointing that L/N were together around midnight their time. And L was NOT at the CR concert, so that means she would have met up with L AFTER the concert. And if she was meeting L after the concert at that time at night, they were probably with each other the rest of the night. So this is what leads me to believe that N went home to L OR L got the notification for N's story and got on SM and saw A's story. The timing of it all is just very interestingggg to me 🤔
Lastly, A had to essentially BEG L for this like. Why does L still have to like her posts? I have no definitive answer. My thoughts are it's some sort of contractual agreement. Regardless, these likes have no direct indication of L/A's relationship BTS. If I look at the full picture of EVERYTHING, all the signs indicate that L/N are spending more time together (or just since August decided to start publicly hinting to the fandom that they are spending a lot of time together). And all the signs point to L/A not being on good terms, and that there was some sort of rupture in L's friend group around the Italy bday trip.
These are just my thoughts though. What does everyone else think?
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thelovelyfawnsworld · 2 months
it has come to our attention that elain archeron had never said the shadowsinger’s name in the four books they’ve known each other. we conclude that the first time she utters his name would be a monumental moment like nessian’s. however, i like to imagine how she would say it, when she would say it, and what situation they’d be in when she says it. so hear is my imagination (head canon) for the scene:
(stay with me on this)
Cassian and Azriel were meant to depart tonight for their mission but Rhysand had asked Elain to use her power to see the future. The whole Inner Circle was there in the study, Elain sat in the middle while all of them surround her. Feyre had been worried what the repercussions will be after she uses her power to see Koschei’s schemes, after all, the last time she had used her power, she got abducted by Hybern.
Rhysand had promised her that he will never let anything happen to Elain. He’d make Mor stand guard next to Elain all time afterwards to make sure her safety is not compromised. But Nesta and Feyre also volunteered to look after her.
Elain looked around the study. Rhysand was standing in front of her, his hands inside his pockets. Feyre sat beside her mate while Mor stood behind the couch. Amren was leaning against the shelves while Nesta was standing just behind Rhys, her arms crossed against her chest, eyes laser focused on Elain while her mate stands behind her, hands rubbing Nesta’s shoulders. Cassian was trying to ease Nesta’s worry but it did not ebb away.
Finally, Elain’s eyes land on the male at the window, looking out with his arms crossed against his chest, blue siphons gleaming. He had not said a word since Rhysand asked Elain for help. He never voiced his opinion or concern and just kept far away from her. He had been like that for months now, always kept his distance, always kept his eyes away from her.
He had told her that what they almost shared that fateful night was a mistake. But with his actions, it would have been better if he had told her that it was her mistake. Told her he does not feel the same. Instead, he’d let her feel this torturous distance between them.
She turns to Rhysand who’s been waiting for her to start. Waiting for her to be ready. So she closed her eyes and finally unlocked the iron fortress in her mind, let those vines of sleeping flowers finally bloom. When she opened her eyes back up, her eyes were glazed over. it had turned into a milky color before it glowed, and then, Elain was out of this world.
Azriel finally turned to look at her. He had been clenching his jaw the entire time to stop himself from yelling at Rhysand, for putting Elain in danger. He wanted to take her away, to keep her safe, but he also knew that Elain had been training so hard these days and her sisters, even Mor, would not let anything happen to her. But still, it pained him that he had to depart tonight without ensuring that Koschei would never reach her like the Cauldron and Hybern did. It pained him to keep distance between them. It pained him to see her wistful glances across the room. It pained him as much as it pained her.
Elain felt herself fall, saw mist cover everything, the wind blew away the clouds of smoke and then she saw it. She saw flashes of future. She saw him being captured, saw blue siphons flicker before it turned dull, saw a chain locking on a tan neck, saw wings turned into ribbons, saw lashes against tattooed back, saw hazel eyes dilate before it glazed over. She saw his chest rise and fall for the last time. Koschei had won.
Feyre stood from her seat and Nesta rushed over to Elain when their sister started whimpering like a tortured animal. Nesta knelt in front of her most beloved sister, holding her hands on Elain’s lap as she shakes her.
“No, no, no,” Elain’s whimpers started as a whisper before it grew louder. Fat tears started falling from those glowing eyes, her chest started rising and falling in rapid succession. It looked like she was facing a nightmare she could not escape. Azriel had already taken a step forward before he could stop himself. He gritted his teeth as he forced himself to stay rooted to where he is.
Feyre stood behind Nesta, worry washing over her face, “Rhysand, what is happening?” Her voice shakes.
“Elain, what do you see? Tell us what you see.”
“Stop this. Get her out of the hell hole she went in!” Nesta snarled at Rhysand.
“Azriel,” Elain breathed before she released a sharp cry. It had shaken Azriel to the core when she said his name. It called something in him before he felt himself break at her sharp cry. It felt like a goddess had let out the sound that shook the very ground of Prythian. She wailed like she was grieving something greater than life. She wailed even as she sat ramrod on the chair, her eyes wet and glowing. Amren, Mor, and Cassian rushed towards Elain, completely covering the seer from Azriel.
“Elain! Come back. You need to come back. You need to get out of there!” Nesta yelled desperately, shaking her sister over and over again.
“Azriel,” Elain had gasped after she closed her eyes and opened them again so forcefully. Her brown eyes dilated, the whites in them turned bloodshot. She let the faces around her attack her.
“What did you see, Elain?” Rhysand had asked calmly.
“You’ll never make Elain do that again!” Nesta had said after she felt relief wash over her when Elain opened her eyes.
Her eyes searches wildly for that face. When she could not see him, she called out his name in a trembling panicking voice.
“Azriel,” she called out, not caring about the people around her. Not caring of what they think, not caring if they finally find out that she harbors feelings, forbidden feelings, for the shadowsinger. She needed him desperately. She needed to set her eyes on him, see that he is alright, feel that he is alright.
“Elain, tell us what you saw,” Amren commanded.
“Where is Azriel?” She turned to the small female, “I need Azriel!” She yelled, her tears continuously flowing down her devastatingly beautiful face.
“I’m here,” the shadowsinger had said, their friends turned to him before they parted when he finally started approaching her.
“What do you need, Elain?” He asked her as he passed Rhysand who had those violet eyes pinned on him. But his hazel eyes were on her and suddenly, he didn’t care. The world may burn and collapse, he’d never take his eyes off from the most beautiful face he’s ever seen in his entire immortal life.
He kneeled before her, just beside Nesta who was slowly standing back up. Elain threw herself at him, her slender arms circling around his neck. She buried her face at his shoulder, her arms tightening even more. His wings instinctively going around them, as if its sole purpose was to protect this female.
“Don’t leave, please. You cannot go,” She cried on his shoulder.
“Elain, Cassian needs him on this mission,” Rhysand tried to tell her softly.
Elain had raised her head enough to yell at the High Lord in front of her, “Send another Illyrian warrior. Send Mor, send Amren. I do not care!” She snarls like an animal ready to protect what it deemed its most prized possession.
“Elain…” Feyre said her name, not to reprimand her but to show her concern.
“Koschei won. He captured Azriel. And nothing… nothing you can do will save him.” Elain’s soft voice had said those words like a curse, an omen that needed to be heard.
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Hi! I have something new to show you guys.
Oil is Thicker Then Blood is my baby, and it's not ending. There's still more I wanna write and explore.
However, I haven't tried my hand at a human AU yet, and I wanted to, it's gonna be a side work, so probably not updated as often, but I hope you all enjoy it regardless. Since I had fun writing the first chapter! (Is rated as Mature! So nothings being held back here. It's pretty adult and pretty dark.)
Give me a Reason: Chapter 1- "Uzi Doorman"
Pale morning light bounced off blackout curtains not quite pulled tight enough to keep it at bay, the small tendrils of light broke through, drawing shapes of light on a deep purple blanket, bunched and tousled by a fitful sleep. A small body lay halfway off the bed, fair skin exposed to the bedroom air, eyes screwed shut and drool pooling out of their open mouth, a frame of violently purple hair rested of their head, the natural black only showing through at it's roots.
A soft snoring was the only sound in the dimly lit room, stuffed full of band merch, anime posters, and a touch of macabre, a fake human skull on their desk, a dreamcatcher in the shape of a pentagram hung on the wall, and purple L.E.Ds were spread like a vine growth, draped over everything, painting everything in a soft violet glow.
There were clothes and papers littered all over the carpeted floor, far more then could be accumulated in just one night of neglect, instead being a sign of something more chronic, the snoring continued, filling the space
Then, in an eruption of noise, the phone lying next to the mattress rung out it's morning tune, an 8 bit rendition of an anime opening that while may have been fun to listen to at some point, it's use as an alarm had made it's charm rapidly shift to hatred.
The body jolted awake, muscles all tensing at once as a very loud grunt escaped their mouth, they stretched and fumbled their way to grab the phone, missing several times before bringing it close to their face and quickly silencing the alarm.
“Uuuuuuggggghhhh.” A disgruntled cry left their mouth, and moth their arms ended up above thier head as the gazed at the ceiling in retrospection, wearing a black pair of boyshorts and a tee with a faded, nondescript band printed on the front. They looked at their phone, eyes a deep magenta as they squinted, looking at the time.
It was 6:30 in the morning, too early, in this person's opinion as they rolled their eyes before rolling over entirely before facing the black, grey wall.
“Uzi! Get up! You have school!” A voice called from behind her bedroom door, Uzi sighed deeply, nibbling on her lip as she tried to find the energy to get up and get ready.
She found it difficult to find, forcing her brain to send the correct signal to her arms and legs was like trying to pull teeth, but eventually, after much forcefull squirming she finally managed to sit up, her joints groaning in a way that shouldn't be normal for someone who's only 19.
She stood, groggy and irritated though what else was new. At a resounding 4,8. She yawned, scratching her head and only made her already impressive bed head look like a tangle of briars.
“I'm up!” She yelled through her door, voice montone despite her volume, while she heard no response, she seemed satisfied she'd been heard, and stepped over the mess on the floor to her closet, where she quickly picked out shorts, a purple tank top, and a hoodie made by one of her favorite bands “Dead Batteries.”
She was lucky to have a bathroom connected to her bedroom, so she made her way to it, stepping over more junk to take a shower for the first time in like 3 days, she hadn't been stopped by anything, not really, it had just been not worth the effort when she had nowhere to be.
She washed herself and her hair, causing just a little bit of the dye to come out in her hands, staining them pink, she rolled her eyes, oh well, she wasn't going to be making a good impression anyway, everyone already knew who she was.
She got dressed, throwing on her purple socks, boots, and beanie before walking out into the combined kitchen and living room of her house, her father, Khan, a bald man with a mustache, steely grey eyes, and age lines on his face was making breakfast, eggs, bacon, with a side of toast.
“Good morning! I made breakfast!” His voice was naturally deep, but right now it was loud and booming and immediately made Uzi wince at it's intensity.
“Thanks.” She offered quietly, sitting down and eating absent-mindedly as she looked over a the television they had mounted on the wall in the kitchen, it was turned to the news, and Uzi had to surpress another eye roll.
More Prostests at the JCJenson head office today, the popular technology company facing heated backlash after it announced a campaign to delve more into their recent exploration into artificial intelligence, despite the recent controversy after a government sting operation found human brain scans within thier internal documents.
“Dad, please watch something other then the news. It's nothing but rage-bait.” She hummed with egg still in her mouth, Khan didn't seem to pay any mind to his daughter however, as he was too focused on the television.
“Don't talk with your mouth fill honey.” Was all he said, and Uzi closed her mouth, breaking her eyes from the screen onto a new one, her phone, where she scrolled through pictures her classmates had posted over the summer.
Her eyes landed on a picture of Lizzy, self-proclaimed “Queen of Mean.” Of Copper High, though Uzi had to agree, the girl was always doing her best to make Uzi's life a living hell, this picture only continued that. Lizzy was pretty, gorgeous even, with her immaculate blonde hair and strangely florescent pink eyes, she was skinny, yet muscular from being on the cheer team. And the two peice pink bikini showed off her figure even more.
Uzi would think she was hot, if she wasn't such a bitch.
She only half finished her breakfast, scraping the rest of it into the cats, Salem's, bowl, who purred and danced around her legs in thanks, Uzi scratched the black cat's head, before finding her backpack by the door and slipping it on, it was faded, and while it used to have two cute little bat wings they'd since been torn off, leaving two little black scars where the wings should have been running down the face of it. It was whatever, it was just a backpack.
“I'm headed to school!”
Khan was still too busy looking at the TV, but Uzi left anyway, sighing to herself as she put black earbuds in her ears to listen to nightcore as she walked to school.
Her pace was slow, she was in truly no rush to get to her destination anytime soon, or really, at all, if she could get away with it, she'd simply ditch and then buy some mushrooms off Sam, her kinda freind/dealer. But she couldn't, not now. There was a reason she was still in high school at 19, that being one of them.
So she grit her teeth and bared it, stopping to stare at the school building, being a classic, flat roofed high-school made of red brick and tears before heading inside.
She wasn't late, couldn't be late. With her guidance counselor breathing liquor fumes down her neck about her attendance and very thin ice she was on with the rest of the schoolboard, so she at least attempted the bare minimum of being on time, and actually showing up.
She only had one more year of this anyway. Though west she planned to do after was up for debate. Probably somewhere between homeless and prison if what the police told her dad was true. Which it was.
She knew her homeroom, it was the same as last year, but her saving grace was that Lizzy and her best friend Doll wouldn't be here this year, as they had already graduated. So no more getting shoved into lockers and being blamed for shit she didn't do.
She did plenty already to get her in trouble, she didn’t need help, thank you.
She expertly weaved her way between the tall, sweaty high schoolers and walked onto her homeroom, Mr. Brown was sitting at his desk, looking over his itty bitty glasses to read the newspaper.
Who the fuck read newspapers in the year 2024? This dumbass man, apparently.
“Uzi. Didn't expect to see you again this year.” He said before she had a chance to sit down somewhere, she looked at him blanky.
“Bite me Mr. Brown, you know damn well why I'm here.” She snapped back, knowing that he knew why she was back, it had been him that had caught her high in class, and him that decided to call the on campus police on her, and got her suspended, and was the one that got her held back a year.
Granted, she was the one high, but if you thought she was going to take credit for her own behavior then you haven't been paying attention very well, now have you?
“And with that attitude, you'll likely be back next year.” He still didn't feel the need to look at her, taking a sip of his coffee instead, she felt a feral hiss claw its way out of her throat, but chose to just sit down, though she slammed her backpack down a little hard.
The room steadily filled in with students, a few she recognized from the year below her last year, a few more she didn't, most didn't pay her any mind which she preferred over the other options, the attention she got was usually negative.
A very tall figure caught her attention, someone she really didn't recognize, because she would have definitely remembered them. They were male presenting, had a shock of decently long platinum blond hair that went down to his shoulders. His eyes were amber, though so bright they were almost golden, and honestly, he looked like he was about to hurl.
His hands tapped together in what was obvious to Uzi as some type of self-regulatory behavior, and he looked to be trembling with anxiety, eyes scanning over the mostly filled room. They made eye contact.
A wide, sunny smile broke onto his face, she felt as though she was almost flashbanged by it, she blinked before she turned away from him, she really hoped that he wasn't in her class and was just lost, because she had a feeling she'd have to find some way to ditch this kid if he did.
“Nathaniel, go sit down, you're in the right class.” Mr. Brown spoke up, and Uzi quickly looked around at the empty seats, only to realize the only two were near her, the one in front, and directly beside her.
He found the seat next to her, making her curse a few more times internally, he looked around again, either trying to see if he knew anybody or maybe catch anyone else's eyes to speak to.
Before he turned back to her with another massive ass smile.
Double Fuck.
“Hi, I'm Nathaniel, but you can just call me N.” His voice was just as bright as his smile and Uzi kinda just wanted to keel over and die rather then interact with him, Jesus, he was like a walking sunbeam.
“Uh, Uzi.” She replied in a noncommittal fashion, though the one letter nickname intrigued her just a little bit, it reminded her of anime.
“Oh, like the submachine gun?” He cocked his head curiously, still smiling, Uzi didn't even really want to look at him, but she was appreciative that he knew that. Her mom had been really into guns, what can she say?
“Yeah.” She replied simply, giving him nothing to work with in terms of more conversation, not her fault, she hated small talk and eye contact, both of which he was trying to initiate.
“Oh, um sorry, I just recently moved here, I don't know anyone, I can stop talking if you want.” He suddenly turned sheepish, and he was doing the tapping thing with his hands again, Uzi almost winced, as much as she didn't exactly want to talk to him, he suddenly looked too much like a kicked puppy, and it was wearing on what little empathy she had left.
“Nah, I just don't talk much… you can keep talking.” She offered, she could at least do that right? Let him talk without the expectation of her responding? Yeah, that was fine, he was probably in just her homeroom anyway, and once he met some more people, he wouldn't talk to her anymore.
“Oh! Uh okay!” He glanced around again, before focusing back on her.
“I like your piercings! They look cool!” Uzi looked surprised for a moment, she didn't remember putting in piercings this morning, but she felt her ears and sure enough the two black studs and the small gauge were there. Oh right, she hadn't bothered taking them out.
“Thank you?” She really didn't know how to respond to that, she never really got compliments ever, especially not about her piercings, most people just told her they looked “unbecoming.” or “god awful.”
“You're welcome!”
“Morning class.” Mr. Brown began, standing up and addressing his class from the front of the room, N immediately turned his attention to him, making Uzi have a sigh of relief internally.
“I'll be passing out your schedules, make sure you read it and memorize it, most of you already know the layout of the school, so there's no excuse to be late to your classes.” He was always monotone, which was unfortunate because he normally taught history, making an already boring subject even more boring.
Uzi picked up her phone again, putting one of her earbuds in, on the side opposite to the one N was on, so he could still talk if he wanted, and began a scroll through Tumblr, there wasn't really anything new, but it was something to do with her hands, so that was something.
“Hey, uh… wanna see if we have any classes together?” N was turned towards her again, holding his schedule in front of him and again looking a little nervous.
Uzi groaned, not out loud, but internally, she wasn't creeped out, she knew what guys were like when they were being creepy, and this wasn't it, but he was being so friendly, it was putting her off, people weren't this friendly, not for no reason. She just couldn't understand what his was yet.
Next ->
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 12
Part 1 Part 11
Steve’s starting to like Eddie the Freak Munson. It would be a problem if he thought they’d ever get out of here. He can almost hear Carol’s derision and Tommy’s violence should Eddie deign to speak to him in front of witnesses. They’d snicker into their milk cartons about torrid love affairs and queerness being communicable, as if there was no other reason for Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson to be seen together. 
It would take minutes for Carol’s whispers to grow sharp, teeth bared into listening ears until Steve joins Eddie as person non grata to the Hawkins populace. Tommy would find Eddie opening his locker and slam his head into it, using fists and nails and slurs to make his opinion known. 
Steve misses them. 
But, he has Eddie now. Eddie, who says what he means. Who’s bandaged Steve up, pulled him off bathroom floors and grocery store aisles, and vine-filled alleyways. And he’s so goddamn distracting, Steve sometimes forgets how scared he is.
“Dungeons and dragons is like, for the creme de le creme, Harrington,” he says, pacing the length of his shoebox living room, gesturing wildly with one hand while the other throws his fucked-up dice up and down with surprising dexterity. “While you jocks are playing your sports ball, the rest of us are learning the ways of the blade.”
Steve laughs. “No, fucking way, man.”
Eddie spins, waggling his finger condescendingly in Steve’s face, towering over him where he’s seated on the Munson’s springy couch. “The blade is metaphorical, my liege, but the mettle we test and the bonds we strengthen are not!”
Steve leans back in his seat, slouching away from Eddie’s closeness. “You’re such a nerd.” He means it as a joke, but the way Eddie’s mouth twists makes regret curdle in his intestines. “So how does this work?” he asks, gesturing to the die now clutched in Eddie’s palm.
Eddie smiles, still leaning over him, dimples popping, before dropping to sit crisscross in front of Steve with alarming speed. He holds his hand out, throwing the die into Steve’s lap.
“Now, we’re talking Stevie,” Eddie says, flapping his hands, before shoving them beneath his butt and letting his bent knees flap instead. “It’s easy.”
Steve looks down at the die. It’s white and translucent, the red of the light from the windows turning it a soft pink. The edges feel almost sharp as he turns it over in his fingers, counting the sides. The numbers aren’t like normal dice, with the dots. They’re just numbers, slowly counting up, 1, 2, 3, all the way to twenty. 
“There’s a dungeon master, moi,” he says, gesturing with grandiosity toward himself, “who spins a tale for the rest of the party.” Steve nods along, like he knows what a party means, or what a dungeon master is. “Alright, you ready, Stevie?”
“What? Munson, I didn’t agree to–”
Eddie jumps up, making Steve startle back, barely keeping hold of the die. “Sir Steven, arrives at the front of a castle. It’s covered in vines, they’re trailing up the windows, making it impossible to see the glass that covers them.” 
Steve glances at the windows of the Munson trailer, the way the vines have blocked out more of the light, leaving trailing shadows like vines to cast shapes across the stained carpet. 
“Sir Steven unmounts his horse,” Eddie says, miming lifting his leg off an imaginary beast and jumping down to the ground. Steve can almost picture it. “What do you do?”
Eddie’s making an almost uncomfortable amount of eye contact, eye’s shining with more life than he’s shown in what has to be days. “I go into the castle,” Steve replies, voice lilting in question. Is there a right answer?
Eddie claps his hands three times, quick and quiet, grinning as he drops back down, this time on the coffee table,  leaning toward Steve. “Roll the die.”
Steve looks down at the die in his hand. He leans to the side, rolling it on the table by Eddie’s side. The clatter it makes as it bounces sounds loud in the absence of this world. It stops. Steve leans over at the same time as Eddie, Eddie’s hair tickling the back of his neck with the way it trails down. 
“A nineteen!” Eddie says excitedly. “The door knob turns easily, both unlocked and well-oiled enough not to make a sound despite its apparent age. You walk into the castle. It’s dark in the foyer, but there’s a candle inexplicably lit, beckoning you up the stairs. Your armored feet clack loudly on the worn-down wooden floors as you walk up them. You reach the candle, what do you do?”
“I pick up the candle?” Steve asks. 
Eddie picks up the die, putting it back into Steve’s hands. He rolls it. “Three?”
Eddie clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “Just as you pick up the candle, it’s as if a breeze rolls through the whole castle. You keep a hold on the candlestick, but the flame goes out. You freeze. Sir Steven, you’re practically shaking in your boots! And then, a voice, dark and grating snarls out of the darkness in front of you, ‘who dares disturb my slumber??”
Steve looks down at the die, that damning three staring back at him. “So, low numbers make bad things happen, and high numbers make something good?” he asks. 
Eddie waffles his hand back and forth, “sorta,” he says, pickup the die up off the coffee table and throwing it in the air again. “It’s more like, whether or not you complete that one action you list correctly. Like, a one is going to make you miss your target if you’re firing at something, yeah, but it doesn’t say anything about whether you should’ve been firing the gun in the first place.”
Steve digests this. “It’s kind of like sports stats,” he says, thinking aloud. “A high number of assists means you’re helping get the ball in the hoop, but it doesn’t say anything about how the game’s gonna go.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” Eddie replies. 
SIlence falls between them, the only sound the quiet slap of the die hitting Eddie’s palm. Steve waits. And waits. And waits. His impatience grows, “Well?”
Eddie snaps his eyes to Steve’s face, brow furrowed. “Well, what?”
“What happens with the sleeping dude?”
Eddie’s eyes open wide, more whites than pupil, as his mouth drops open, seemingly shocked by something Steve doesn’t understand. It takes him a second to continue, but he does.
Steve fights off some old magical wizard dude, destroying the castle and breaking the wizard’s curse in the process. He crumbles to dust. It’s kind of sad. He tells Eddie as much, only to get laughed at.
“He was tired, man,” he says. “All he wanted was for his nightmare to end, and someone to help him rest.”
Steve looks back at the vines crawling up the windows, and can’t help but empathize. 
“I don’t know man,” he says. “Sports seem easier.”
Eddie laughs. “Sports are boring, Harrington. What’s there even to like about throwing a ball through a hoop like a bunch of cavemen?”
“It’s like,” Steve starts, before stalling out. Staring down at his knees. He’s still thinking about the wizard and how sad and tired he must’ve been. There’s something to be said about a game that doesn’t leave you in a moral quandary, wondering if assisted suicide is okay if the dude is tired and old enough. 
“It’s like, when I’m swimming, or running the ball up the court, I’m so in my body that I’m out of it, you know?” Steve asks. “I don’t have to think about anything but the next step. Does that make sense?”
When he looks up from his knees, Eddie’s cheeks are rosy, and he’s holding a piece of hair in front of his mouth again. “Sure,” he says, voice almost squeaking out before he clears it, dropping it past his normal register, “That makes sense.”
Steve laughs. “Whatever, man.”
There are two feelings warring in Steve’s stomach. He’s more comfortable, here on a ratty couch playing a nerd game with Eddie Munson than he can ever remember being. He’s terrified of getting out, terrified of staying here, terrified of what waits for them outside these walls.
The feelings coalesce in his stomach, making him queasy. Or maybe he’s just hungry. He can almost smell the bacon frying on the griddle, can almost see Eddie in the booth across from him. 
Maybe they can play his nerd game while they wait for a coffee refill. Steve sighs, not thinking of Tommy and Carol at all. 
Part 13
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mintsbubbletea · 8 months
𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐨 - 𝐌𝐢 𝐂𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐨
Word Count: 1,455
Contains: Gender Neutral Reader, cursing, fluff at the end.
Proof Read and Edited
A/n: Reader has a plant quirk, I really love plants so I had to use it with my fav boy <3 Mi Cielo means my sky
Part 2
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Many people were taken aback when Mr. Aizawa revealed that someone in the class had a Plant quirk. They all looked around, expecting someone with green vines for hair like Shiozaki. But to their surprise, it was you. You didn't fit their expectations at all. With your H/C hair and reserved demeanor, you didn't act like the typical plant-based quirk user. You were more focused on your studies and hero work, not caring about what others thought.
Some might assume that your introverted nature was a result of your parents' lack of affection. However, that couldn't be further from the truth. Your parents were incredibly loving and affectionate, always coming to your room to hug you and share stories about their day. They acted exactly how parents should, and you loved them dearly. But as you grew older, you developed your own opinions and preferences. You didn't want to be touched or show affection to others. Thankfully, your parents understood and respected your boundaries.
Instead of physical affection, you expressed your love by surrounding their house with beautiful plants. You created a lovely garden in the back where they enjoyed their breakfast, and filled the living room with vibrant greenery. Your earthy and down-to-earth touch mirrored their own personalities, and they adored that about you. Your mother, who also had a plant-based quirk, encouraged this as a way for you to show your love. Sometimes, in return for their understanding, you would give them a heartfelt hug.
You couldn't help but fall for Sero, even though you never spoke to anyone in class. Your quietness allowed you to observe him closely, noticing his kindness, his great friendships, and his outgoing nature - all of which caught your eye. However, you couldn't shake the thought that school is meant for education, not for falling in love with a cute boy who has tape coming from his elbows. You felt lost and unsure of what to do, especially since you weren't close to anyone at UA, and telling your parents would only lead to endless teasing.
So, you decided to do something that felt right. You made him plants that reminded you of him. Arriving a few minutes early to class, you pulled out a small succulent from your bag and carefully placed it on Sero's desk. Quickly returning to your seat, the rest of the class entered. "Hey, what's this?" Sero exclaimed, capturing the attention of his friends. "A fucking plant?" Bakugo chimed in. Sero picked up the handmade pot and examined the little plant in his hands. "Yeah, it looks healthy," he said with a smile. "I wonder who put it here," Denki pondered aloud before taking his seat. "Doesn't Y/n grow plants?" Mina questioned. All eyes turned towards you, causing you to freeze as you just opened your bag.
"Nah, they hardly ever talk to us, let alone Sero," Kirishima remarked, causing everyone to turn their gaze towards you. You snapped your head in their direction, a tinge of annoyance evident in your voice as you asked, "Can I help you with something?" Tilting your head slightly, you watched as their expressions froze. "N-nothing! Sorry, Y/n," Kirishima quickly apologized, but Denki interrupted him. "Did you give Sero this plant or not?" he questioned, snatching the pot from Sero's grasp. "Uh, no. Why would I do that?" you scoffed, a hint of sarcasm lacing your words. "Just because I can grow plants doesn't mean I'll do it for all of you," you rolled your eyes before turning away from them. You could have sworn you caught a glimpse of disappointment in Sero's eyes, but you didn't pay it much mind.
The following day, you repeated the same action, except this time, you filled the pot with marigolds, one of Sero's favorite flowers, or so you had overheard. As you settled back into your seat, they all entered the room. "Again?" Mina questioned, while you noticed Sero's eyes widen. "No way?" he exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face as he practically sprinted towards the pot. "It's just a flower, flatface," Bakugo remarked dismissively as he took his seat. "It's a Marigold, my favorite among them all," Sero spoke gently, his fingers caressing the delicate petals. "Hey, little one," he whispered, and in that moment, your heart melted. The way he treated the flowers with reverence and spoke to them, acknowledging that all living nature had feelings, only made you fall for him even more. You turned your head to the side, hiding your flushed face. "Are you alright, Y/n? Your face is turning red-" Before Deku could finish his sentence, you swiftly used your quirk, shooting out vines to cover his mouth. "Shut it," you hissed, glancing back at Bakusquad to ensure they hadn't heard you or Deku. Letting out a sigh, you released him. "Sorry," you said coldly, averting your gaze and capturing the attention of Dekusquad as they exchanged curious glances.
Throughout the week, you delighted in placing a new plant on his desk each day, each one a reminder of Sero. It was impossible to resist the joy of witnessing his reaction and the growing curiosity of your classmates about the flowers he would receive. Today, you hurriedly entered the classroom and carefully set down a Lapageria, a plant you had only read about and seen pictures of. As you placed the pot on the desk, a sudden movement caught you off guard - white tape swiftly wrapped around you. "I knew it!" you heard a voice exclaim. Frozen in place, you found yourself face to face with Sero, a mischievous smirk on his face as his tape held you tightly. "Let me go, Sero," you snapped, determined to maintain your composure. "And why would I do that to my secret admirer?" he teased, inching closer to your face. "Who said I gave you all those flowers?" you spat, struggling to break free from his grip. "I simply walked in and the flowers happened to be there." You glared at him, boldly lying to his face. "I think you're lying~" he smiled, his confidence unwavering. "You can stop pretending now, Y/n. I know it's you."
You let out a defeated sigh, finally giving up the struggle. "Fine, it was," you said, averting your gaze. "I only knew it was you because you were the only person around when I mentioned liking marigolds." Your mouth formed an 'o' shape as you recalled that the Bakusquad was in the lounge area with Sero when he mentioned it, while you were alone in the kitchen. You tried to speak up, but all that came out was a squeak, leaving you speechless. Your face turned red as Sero laughed at your reaction. "I appreciate it, Y/n. I loved coming to school every day to see what kind of plant you grew for me. It made my day," he said softly. Finally gathering the courage, you looked back at him and spoke with a gentle smile, "I'm glad you liked them. These plants are like my babies, and I don't usually give them away without knowing if the person will take care of them." You paused for a moment before continuing, "And seeing you talk to them, acknowledging that they have feelings like we do, made me realize that you are the right person." You quickly shook your head, correcting yourself, "I mean, the right person to take care of the plants, not necessarily the right person for me. Although, I do like you and you kind of are the right person for me, but-" Sero interrupted you, placing a finger on your lips. "I understand what you mean," he chuckled, releasing you from his tape. "But I also think you're the right person for me." Once again, he left you speechless. He glanced behind him, hearing the sound of the approaching class. "Let's continue this conversation in my dorm. There, you can see how your 'babies' are doing," he smiled before leaning close to your ear. "See you later mi cielo" A shiver ran down your spine as the class entered, prompting you to quickly rush to your desk before getting caught.
As they all approached Sero's desk, Momo inquired, "So, which flower did you receive this time, Sero?" With a smile, he replied, "It's a Lapageria, also known as a Chilean bellflower." The sight of the stunning flower left everyone in awe. Ochaco chimed in, "It's absolutely adorable! I wonder who keeps surprising you with these beautiful flowers." Sero glanced at you, his smile gentle as he observed your blushing face. Feeling a mix of emotions, you turned your head away, concealing your smile behind your hand, as you rediscovered the joy of expressing happiness once more.
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ja3hwa · 11 months
♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟎: 𝐒𝐞𝐱 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 - 𝐂.𝐉𝐇 ♡
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Out Of This World
【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : You were gifted an alien plant from one of your friends that lived off the planet since you loved greenery. Little did anyone know the pollen had some weird side effects when inhaled.
『ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ』 : 3.17k
-> ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: Sci-Fi. Galatic Heroes Au. Smut. Fluff.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Enchanted!Jongho x Assassin!Reader
[ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs] : Swearing. Crying. Making out. This is slightly dub-con. Neck kisses. Hickies. Possessiveness. Slight toxic thoughts. Breast play. Begging. Dirty talk. Unprotected sex. Lots of emotion.
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“Hey so has anyone seen Peach? we’re about to leave.” Seonghwa was walking around like a worried mother, trying to find you before you all were supposed to leave for this event thingy they had agreed to attend. You weren’t in the mood for parties or galas at any time of day or night. So you disappearing before one wasn’t a surprise.
“I’ll go look for her, shes probably in her room trying to find a place for that new plant Wooyoung gave her from off planet.” Jongho rolled his eyes knowing his best friend all too well, heading straight for your room which was situated on the same level as his in the compound. A couple of days ago Wooyoung had returned from his trip back from to home planet and had gifted everyone with something from there. So of course you being a planet lover. He brought you one of the exotic flowers. Yeosang pestered on how ‘we don’t know what that plant could do. Is it even safe’ but Wooyoung reassured everybody that it was fine. And that he had no clue what the plant was anyway. So with that Jongho said he’d catch up with them and take his bike later with you rather than making them wait.
While this ordeal was unravelling you were frantically holding the said flower in a beautiful pot that Wooyoung had gifted you along with it. You had so many plants as it is that you’ve realized there was no room for the newest addition. A knock at your door startled you almost to the point of dropping the poor guy all over the floor. But luckily your reflexes kicked in quicker than usual. “Come in!”
You knew it was most likely someone like Seonghwa or Hongjoong coming to parade you about ‘getting ready for the gala’ but you seriously didn’t want to go. It wasn’t like you hated your friends or the party per se. You just hated people in general. And why you may ask? Because people are loud, rude, narcissistic and most importantly stuck up. Half the time people love to walk all over you because of your job. Given you and the others were galactic rangers, people only looked at you in two different views. Scum that brought danger to earth. Or these kind of saviours, superheroes. Something you didn’t consider yourself as. So either way, you didn’t want the interaction. So staying home it is.
“Give me one good excuse why you are still in your pyjamas running around like an idiot holding an alien plant and maybe, just maybe I’ll consider you not going to this lame party a good enough reason.” Jongho’s voice brought you to a halt, your head snapping back down towards the little Kitchen/Entrance. Your nose was scrunched up, making Jongho know you were trying to think of a lie. You were never good at them always having a tell clear as the day. He just scoffed, slipping his shoes off so he could walk into your room. “So, what’s your excuse, Honey?”
“It’s uhh…” You half smiled, tip-toeing toward the large male. “I need to find a spot for my son.” You shove it in his face in an almost innocent manner. Jongho held in his chuckle, staring at the strange purple-looking plant. He had to tilt his head, noticing it was moving almost like it was breathing. Shaking off the weird thought his gaze looked back up to your wide eyes, the sparkles in the corner of them made his heart flutter. You loved nature so much, from the simplest things like flowers and fruits to the weirdest in Jongho’s opinion, Moss, Fungi and vines.
“Son?” He had to chuckle.
“Yes, my son. Isn’t he pretty? I need to find a spot for him.” You brought the plant to your chest inspecting him with such innocent eyes. Oh, what Jongho would give for you to look at him like that. You were perfect in every way. Even if you are shy, introverted. You smiled at everyone, making any of your teammates feel like they were the centre of your attention. But every time you gave him that same smile, he felt like he was the centre of your world. Like nothing else mattered but you two and your longing stares. Maybe his crush on you has gotten out of hand and maybe he should just ‘man up’ as San puts it and tell you how he feels.
But he doesn’t want you to stop looking at him like that. Like he could do no wrong. That he wasn’t a monster, an outsider. Like he thinks he is. No, your smile would just say he was one thing. Human.
“Well, I guess you’ll need to name your son too.” Jongho steps a little closer to you, now both staring down at the plant with the beautiful purple and gold patterning on its petals. You hummed in response beginning to think of all the stupid names you could give it but then something strange began to happen. The plant swayed, but there was no breeze. Its leafs wrapping slowly around the stem and then slowly squishing itself down. What was it doing? You knew it was an alien plant but this was definitely not something a plant should do… right?
“Has it done that before?” Jongho asks.
“No It’s onl―” Your words were cut off when a bright purple powder suddenly exploded from the plant landing straight onto your and Jongho’s faces. From the reaction, you dropped the plant, making the soil go everywhere on the floor by your feet. You hissed at the pollen-like substance sticking to your eyes. you could hear Jongho also groan in protest, more likely from the same thing.
“What the fuck!?” Jongho yelled. “I’m going to kill Wooyoung I swear to god.” He manages to get the sticky purple dust out from his eyes, letting him open them to see you cowering with your fingers desperately trying to get the dust off you. “Honey, hey… come here.” His hands cupped your face, using his thumbs to gently wipe away all the dust he could.
“Why is everything purple?” You blinked a couple of times noticing your surroundings were tainted in a violet-like hue. Jongho didn’t want to scare you but he too had the same view. He helped guide you to the sink in the kitchen, putting the tap on so he could splash some water on yours and his face. The purple slowly went away but the hue was still slightly there. Drying your face with some paper towel you suddenly felt an odd shiver pour down your spine. You gulped, having a hot flush start to wash over you as if someone turned up the AC. You took a step back leaning against the countertop, trying your best to shake the uncomfortable feeling.
“Are you okay Honey?” You looked up from the floor to see Jongho with rigged breathing. His nostrils were flared and his mouth was slightly agape. He had a fire burning in him, making all his blood go straight to his cock. Eyes hazy, and voice deep and growled. He sounded like a predator coaxing his prey.
“I…I don’t know.” You had no clue how to explain with you felt but all your mind could understand was that you needed something, someone to help get rid of the pain. A sharp stab pierces your chest making you hiccup before falling onto the floor. Jongho was quick to meet you on the ground, gripping onto your arm holding you up. His touch sent sparks to your dripping core. You needed him. “J-Jongie I need help…”
Your whimper made Jongho groan, shaking his head in an attempt to suppress his needs. He couldn’t think straight, only thinking about what your pussy could feel like. No, you’re his friends! His friend that he had the biggest crush on. But no, he can’t just pin you down this very floor and fuck the life out of you… right? “H-honey, please. Do you know what kind of plant that is?”
“Woo said uh, it…it was a samfar? Samfarir?” You tried to remember the conversation you had with Wooyoung when he gave you the plant but your mind kept wondering to… other things. you layed down on the cold tiles in the hope you could cool yourself down. Jongho had let go of you leaning against the cabinet along the wall. He sighs, raking his fingers through his damp hair. He knew what this plant was.
“Fuck… That fucking dick. It’s a sex plant.” Jongho’s words made your eyes snap open, sitting up to look at him in a what the fuck did you say expression. “It’s a plant from his home planet that is supposed to help intercourse. But they stopped the practise cause of one downside.”
“What…What's the downside Jongho?!” You sat on your knees, placing your hand on his hot thigh. Your innocent touch alone made his cock twitch. His eyes met yours and the temptation to kiss you was becoming increasingly difficult.
“You don’t have sex. You die.” He said it bluntly. “I found out from a conversation San was having with him. Asking if there was something to help boost his sex life. Typical…” He scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Now there was a stalemate cause lets face it as much as he wants to, he wasn’t about to ask if you wanna fuck. How would he even ask such a question? And plus his crush on you doesn’t help him in this situation. He watched you wiggle, feeling your pussy begin to drip through your shorts. God, he could smell you too. Everything was making his hair stand up. Your scent, your heavy pants, the way your eyes were glossed, practically begging him to do something, anything.
“If that’s the case…” You trailed off, scooting close to him, placing your free hand on his forearm. He suddenly jumped, pushing himself away from you making you flinch. You didn’t want this either. You were so in love with Jongho since the first day you met and, you did not expect this to be the way you’d be intimate with him. But him pushing away from you hurt so much. You put your hands in your lap feeling your heartbreak. Maybe he thought death was better than having sex with you.
 “Hey wait I uh…” Jongho saw the panic in your eyes, seeing tears start to form, moving back to grab your hands, making you look at him. “I didn’t mean…fuck. Uh. I don’t know wha…” Jongho cut himself off with a hitch. You look so desperate, your tongue sticking out to lick your lips slightly. His hands gripped tighter on yours, forgetting all of his past thoughts, past restraints. You and he can just talk later right? “Fuck.”
He cupped your face, smashing his lips on yours. It was single-handedly the best kiss you’ve ever experienced. His tongue slipped inside quickly, attacking your own. He drew out moans from you that he thought he’d never hear. Your fingers intertwine with his jacket. He was forceful, pushing you down onto the cold hard floor, pushing his thigh between your legs so he could brush it against your core. The pressure was the relief you needed, bucking your hips without a second thought. Everything was happening so quickly but neither of you cared anymore. “J-Jong…”
Jongho swallowed your words, biting down on your bottom lips before pulling away, drawing a sharp gasp of pain from you. There were no words shared, no, only your bodies spoke. Telling one another you needed the other. Your hands ran up his biceps, digging into the leather on him. He kisses the corner of your mouth before slipping down towards your jaw, then neck, before stopping on your collarbone sucking harshly. His teeth grazed your shoulder, using his left hand to help tug down your shirt slightly so he could sink his K-nines into your skin. He didn’t want this to be a memory by the end of it. He needed to leave evidence on your body to show you and himself that this was indeed real and it was happening. Your hips hadn’t stopped there slow grind against his thigh, making his light jeans deepen in colour from your wetness. His hand moved from your shoulder, gliding down to your hem. He tugged it at first seeing how loose it was before getting his other hand to pull the opposite way ripping the fabric in half.
“Pretty.” he sat on his calves, seeing the laced black bra you were sporting. Your chest rose and fell at each breath making him bite his lip and eyes darken. You were more beautiful than he could have imagined. All his late-night wet dreams, fucking his fist at the sheer thought of you would never compare to what his gaze met with now. And he never wanted to let it go. You were going to be his whether you liked it or not. He took his shirt all as well before diving back into your kissing along your breasts before pulling down your bra letting your tits spill over the top. You did have time to say anything before he latched his mouth on your hard nipple, while his thumb rolled over the other.
You cried, feeling tears prickle against the corner of your eyes. You moaned his name over and over, trying to find any type of pressure to heal the ache from below. It was like his mind knew your body, noticing the sign of plea. He gave one last suck on your nipples before pulling away with an audible pop. Your eyes opened slightly to see his dark pair staring at you with intensity. It was like he was scanning your body making sure to remember every scar, beauty mark, freckle and stretch mark so he could reply this event later in his mind. His hand cupped your mould feeling heat pooling from it. If it wasn’t for the plant clouding your judgment, you’d most definitely be embarrassed. But you didn’t so all you did was buck your hips into his hand, spreading your legs more for him to have his way with you.
“Please. I’m yours Jongho. Do something. Anything to me. Have me, however you want. Just please make it stop hurting.” your words made Jongho stop for a moment, even though this plant affected both of you, it seemed that his mind was more clearer than yours. His enhancements must be helping him from completely losing his mind. His face was inches from yours, gripping your chin with his fingers, making you focus on him. He needed to confess before he continued, even if neither of you believed it and blamed the plant afterwards. He needed to tell you what he felt.
“I love you, Honey. I’ve loved you since you arrived as a new recruit. I’m so madly in love half the time I don’t know what to do without you being by my side. And I swear to fucking god, I’ll take you out and treat you like the queen you are afterwards but for now, I’m going to fuck you like our lives depend on it.” He sealed his lips on yours once last time before sitting up to pull your pants down.
“Our lives do depend on it.” you halfheartedly chuckled, groaning at the cool air blowing on your bare cunt. He threw your pants across the room, unzipping his and pulling them down enough to pull his cock out. You gulped at his size, knowing he must be big but he was…definitely big. He placed his hand on the base of his cock while the other snaked the back of your neck, bringing your bodies close together. Your breath was mixing together and your eyes never left his, brows knitting slowly as you felt his tip push against your soaked hole. “I love you… I love you so much.”
“Fuck.” he bottomed you out making you hiss at the pain since neither of you prepped. But the pain was short-lived as he started thrusting slowly. His head fell into the crook of your neck letting you wrap your arms around his broad back. Your nails dug in harder with each snap of his hips. His cock was hitting all the right places, feeling his pelvis rub against your clit perfectly and his balls hit your ass with each moan and gasp that slipped off your tongue. Everything was overwhelming yet perfectly balanced at the same time. You cried, not just from the intense pleasure but from Jongho’s words previously. Your purple-hued vision slowly became normal and your mind unfogged.
The plant's influence slowly left your and Jongho’s system leaving just your raw feelings for one another. Neither of you pulled away. Neither of you wanted to run. You were perfectly content in each other's arms. Locking your lips in a non-verbal seal of love. You were his and he was yours whether either of you voiced that neither of you cared. You only cared for his body caging you on the hard cold floor while he only needed your cunt to keep squeezing him before you both were coming undone. It was sticky, messy, loving and raw. And it was just the way you both dreamed it would be.
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