#Uzi is a delinquent
dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Hi! I have something new to show you guys.
Oil is Thicker Then Blood is my baby, and it's not ending. There's still more I wanna write and explore.
However, I haven't tried my hand at a human AU yet, and I wanted to, it's gonna be a side work, so probably not updated as often, but I hope you all enjoy it regardless. Since I had fun writing the first chapter! (Is rated as Mature! So nothings being held back here. It's pretty adult and pretty dark.)
Give me a Reason: Chapter 1- "Uzi Doorman"
Pale morning light bounced off blackout curtains not quite pulled tight enough to keep it at bay, the small tendrils of light broke through, drawing shapes of light on a deep purple blanket, bunched and tousled by a fitful sleep. A small body lay halfway off the bed, fair skin exposed to the bedroom air, eyes screwed shut and drool pooling out of their open mouth, a frame of violently purple hair rested of their head, the natural black only showing through at it's roots.
A soft snoring was the only sound in the dimly lit room, stuffed full of band merch, anime posters, and a touch of macabre, a fake human skull on their desk, a dreamcatcher in the shape of a pentagram hung on the wall, and purple L.E.Ds were spread like a vine growth, draped over everything, painting everything in a soft violet glow.
There were clothes and papers littered all over the carpeted floor, far more then could be accumulated in just one night of neglect, instead being a sign of something more chronic, the snoring continued, filling the space
Then, in an eruption of noise, the phone lying next to the mattress rung out it's morning tune, an 8 bit rendition of an anime opening that while may have been fun to listen to at some point, it's use as an alarm had made it's charm rapidly shift to hatred.
The body jolted awake, muscles all tensing at once as a very loud grunt escaped their mouth, they stretched and fumbled their way to grab the phone, missing several times before bringing it close to their face and quickly silencing the alarm.
“Uuuuuuggggghhhh.” A disgruntled cry left their mouth, and moth their arms ended up above thier head as the gazed at the ceiling in retrospection, wearing a black pair of boyshorts and a tee with a faded, nondescript band printed on the front. They looked at their phone, eyes a deep magenta as they squinted, looking at the time.
It was 6:30 in the morning, too early, in this person's opinion as they rolled their eyes before rolling over entirely before facing the black, grey wall.
“Uzi! Get up! You have school!” A voice called from behind her bedroom door, Uzi sighed deeply, nibbling on her lip as she tried to find the energy to get up and get ready.
She found it difficult to find, forcing her brain to send the correct signal to her arms and legs was like trying to pull teeth, but eventually, after much forcefull squirming she finally managed to sit up, her joints groaning in a way that shouldn't be normal for someone who's only 19.
She stood, groggy and irritated though what else was new. At a resounding 4,8. She yawned, scratching her head and only made her already impressive bed head look like a tangle of briars.
“I'm up!” She yelled through her door, voice montone despite her volume, while she heard no response, she seemed satisfied she'd been heard, and stepped over the mess on the floor to her closet, where she quickly picked out shorts, a purple tank top, and a hoodie made by one of her favorite bands “Dead Batteries.”
She was lucky to have a bathroom connected to her bedroom, so she made her way to it, stepping over more junk to take a shower for the first time in like 3 days, she hadn't been stopped by anything, not really, it had just been not worth the effort when she had nowhere to be.
She washed herself and her hair, causing just a little bit of the dye to come out in her hands, staining them pink, she rolled her eyes, oh well, she wasn't going to be making a good impression anyway, everyone already knew who she was.
She got dressed, throwing on her purple socks, boots, and beanie before walking out into the combined kitchen and living room of her house, her father, Khan, a bald man with a mustache, steely grey eyes, and age lines on his face was making breakfast, eggs, bacon, with a side of toast.
“Good morning! I made breakfast!” His voice was naturally deep, but right now it was loud and booming and immediately made Uzi wince at it's intensity.
“Thanks.” She offered quietly, sitting down and eating absent-mindedly as she looked over a the television they had mounted on the wall in the kitchen, it was turned to the news, and Uzi had to surpress another eye roll.
More Prostests at the JCJenson head office today, the popular technology company facing heated backlash after it announced a campaign to delve more into their recent exploration into artificial intelligence, despite the recent controversy after a government sting operation found human brain scans within thier internal documents.
“Dad, please watch something other then the news. It's nothing but rage-bait.” She hummed with egg still in her mouth, Khan didn't seem to pay any mind to his daughter however, as he was too focused on the television.
“Don't talk with your mouth fill honey.” Was all he said, and Uzi closed her mouth, breaking her eyes from the screen onto a new one, her phone, where she scrolled through pictures her classmates had posted over the summer.
Her eyes landed on a picture of Lizzy, self-proclaimed “Queen of Mean.” Of Copper High, though Uzi had to agree, the girl was always doing her best to make Uzi's life a living hell, this picture only continued that. Lizzy was pretty, gorgeous even, with her immaculate blonde hair and strangely florescent pink eyes, she was skinny, yet muscular from being on the cheer team. And the two peice pink bikini showed off her figure even more.
Uzi would think she was hot, if she wasn't such a bitch.
She only half finished her breakfast, scraping the rest of it into the cats, Salem's, bowl, who purred and danced around her legs in thanks, Uzi scratched the black cat's head, before finding her backpack by the door and slipping it on, it was faded, and while it used to have two cute little bat wings they'd since been torn off, leaving two little black scars where the wings should have been running down the face of it. It was whatever, it was just a backpack.
“I'm headed to school!”
Khan was still too busy looking at the TV, but Uzi left anyway, sighing to herself as she put black earbuds in her ears to listen to nightcore as she walked to school.
Her pace was slow, she was in truly no rush to get to her destination anytime soon, or really, at all, if she could get away with it, she'd simply ditch and then buy some mushrooms off Sam, her kinda freind/dealer. But she couldn't, not now. There was a reason she was still in high school at 19, that being one of them.
So she grit her teeth and bared it, stopping to stare at the school building, being a classic, flat roofed high-school made of red brick and tears before heading inside.
She wasn't late, couldn't be late. With her guidance counselor breathing liquor fumes down her neck about her attendance and very thin ice she was on with the rest of the schoolboard, so she at least attempted the bare minimum of being on time, and actually showing up.
She only had one more year of this anyway. Though west she planned to do after was up for debate. Probably somewhere between homeless and prison if what the police told her dad was true. Which it was.
She knew her homeroom, it was the same as last year, but her saving grace was that Lizzy and her best friend Doll wouldn't be here this year, as they had already graduated. So no more getting shoved into lockers and being blamed for shit she didn't do.
She did plenty already to get her in trouble, she didn’t need help, thank you.
She expertly weaved her way between the tall, sweaty high schoolers and walked onto her homeroom, Mr. Brown was sitting at his desk, looking over his itty bitty glasses to read the newspaper.
Who the fuck read newspapers in the year 2024? This dumbass man, apparently.
“Uzi. Didn't expect to see you again this year.” He said before she had a chance to sit down somewhere, she looked at him blanky.
“Bite me Mr. Brown, you know damn well why I'm here.” She snapped back, knowing that he knew why she was back, it had been him that had caught her high in class, and him that decided to call the on campus police on her, and got her suspended, and was the one that got her held back a year.
Granted, she was the one high, but if you thought she was going to take credit for her own behavior then you haven't been paying attention very well, now have you?
“And with that attitude, you'll likely be back next year.” He still didn't feel the need to look at her, taking a sip of his coffee instead, she felt a feral hiss claw its way out of her throat, but chose to just sit down, though she slammed her backpack down a little hard.
The room steadily filled in with students, a few she recognized from the year below her last year, a few more she didn't, most didn't pay her any mind which she preferred over the other options, the attention she got was usually negative.
A very tall figure caught her attention, someone she really didn't recognize, because she would have definitely remembered them. They were male presenting, had a shock of decently long platinum blond hair that went down to his shoulders. His eyes were amber, though so bright they were almost golden, and honestly, he looked like he was about to hurl.
His hands tapped together in what was obvious to Uzi as some type of self-regulatory behavior, and he looked to be trembling with anxiety, eyes scanning over the mostly filled room. They made eye contact.
A wide, sunny smile broke onto his face, she felt as though she was almost flashbanged by it, she blinked before she turned away from him, she really hoped that he wasn't in her class and was just lost, because she had a feeling she'd have to find some way to ditch this kid if he did.
“Nathaniel, go sit down, you're in the right class.” Mr. Brown spoke up, and Uzi quickly looked around at the empty seats, only to realize the only two were near her, the one in front, and directly beside her.
He found the seat next to her, making her curse a few more times internally, he looked around again, either trying to see if he knew anybody or maybe catch anyone else's eyes to speak to.
Before he turned back to her with another massive ass smile.
Double Fuck.
“Hi, I'm Nathaniel, but you can just call me N.” His voice was just as bright as his smile and Uzi kinda just wanted to keel over and die rather then interact with him, Jesus, he was like a walking sunbeam.
“Uh, Uzi.” She replied in a noncommittal fashion, though the one letter nickname intrigued her just a little bit, it reminded her of anime.
“Oh, like the submachine gun?” He cocked his head curiously, still smiling, Uzi didn't even really want to look at him, but she was appreciative that he knew that. Her mom had been really into guns, what can she say?
“Yeah.” She replied simply, giving him nothing to work with in terms of more conversation, not her fault, she hated small talk and eye contact, both of which he was trying to initiate.
“Oh, um sorry, I just recently moved here, I don't know anyone, I can stop talking if you want.” He suddenly turned sheepish, and he was doing the tapping thing with his hands again, Uzi almost winced, as much as she didn't exactly want to talk to him, he suddenly looked too much like a kicked puppy, and it was wearing on what little empathy she had left.
“Nah, I just don't talk much… you can keep talking.” She offered, she could at least do that right? Let him talk without the expectation of her responding? Yeah, that was fine, he was probably in just her homeroom anyway, and once he met some more people, he wouldn't talk to her anymore.
“Oh! Uh okay!” He glanced around again, before focusing back on her.
“I like your piercings! They look cool!” Uzi looked surprised for a moment, she didn't remember putting in piercings this morning, but she felt her ears and sure enough the two black studs and the small gauge were there. Oh right, she hadn't bothered taking them out.
“Thank you?” She really didn't know how to respond to that, she never really got compliments ever, especially not about her piercings, most people just told her they looked “unbecoming.” or “god awful.”
“You're welcome!”
“Morning class.” Mr. Brown began, standing up and addressing his class from the front of the room, N immediately turned his attention to him, making Uzi have a sigh of relief internally.
“I'll be passing out your schedules, make sure you read it and memorize it, most of you already know the layout of the school, so there's no excuse to be late to your classes.” He was always monotone, which was unfortunate because he normally taught history, making an already boring subject even more boring.
Uzi picked up her phone again, putting one of her earbuds in, on the side opposite to the one N was on, so he could still talk if he wanted, and began a scroll through Tumblr, there wasn't really anything new, but it was something to do with her hands, so that was something.
“Hey, uh… wanna see if we have any classes together?” N was turned towards her again, holding his schedule in front of him and again looking a little nervous.
Uzi groaned, not out loud, but internally, she wasn't creeped out, she knew what guys were like when they were being creepy, and this wasn't it, but he was being so friendly, it was putting her off, people weren't this friendly, not for no reason. She just couldn't understand what his was yet.
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capnsaltsquid · 28 days
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If I have just one image to remember Murder Drones by, it will be these two delinquents sharing earbuds while booing Uzi's presentation as V gets ready to chuck a random student's head ...
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... that she had recently relieved its owner of. Yeah, that was a fresh kill.
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... Uzi kept the head. You can see it during movie night. Y'know, while they're watching the popular online series "Murder Humans":
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w3t-c4t · 6 months
Mamas here au redesigns for the cousins :3
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Extra info:
Uzi is 17 Doll is 19
Uzi has more bat features and doesn’t hide them bc she thinks they’re cool
Doll has moth features and prefers to hid them bc it’s easy to hid in a crowd if she needs to (she’s a delinquent)
Doll lives with Uzi and Kahn
Uzi is very untrusting of other worker drones and really only trust the DDs bc they’re “lab rats” according to Kahn
Doll only trust Uzi and Lizzy
Doll likes jump style/industrial dance
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The soundtrack to a movie about a sad rich girl and her delinquent bf, in no particular order
나쁜놈 ("Bad Man") by Mighty Mouth ft. SOYA
Skin Deep Friction by SUI UZI
Last Summer Whisper by Anri
Summer Holiday by Night Tempo
O Fortuna by...someone in the 13th century who is lost to time
Dijurido by The Seatbelts
Cheek to Cheek by Eriko Tamura
Lotus Flowers by Origami Girl
Vector Graphics by Cascade
Glass no Sougen by Momoko Kikuchi
Gone by SUI UZI
Dreaming of You by Kotonaru Way
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
Joe Rogan, Bad Bunny Top Spotify’s Most-Streamed Podcast, Music Lists 2020
Joe Rogan, who got here aboard Spotify in a splashy deal earlier this yr, ranks as the corporate’s No. 1 world podcast, with Dangerous Bunny heading the music streaming rankings.
The tech firm has launched its annual “Wrapped” report, summing up tendencies in audio. See rankings under.
Rogan led the sphere on the general “hottest podcasts” roster, forward of TED Talks Every day, the New York Instances’ The Every day, The Michelle Obama Podcast and Barstool Sports activities’ Name Her Daddy. On the corporate’s lately launched Group Classes co-listening function, Name Her Daddy got here out on prime. Style-wise, “society & tradition” was the most well-liked, adopted by comedy and “way of life & well being.”
Rogan solely managed the No. three place within the U.S., the place NPR Information Now could be the highest podcast. Comedy is the most well-liked U.S. style.
By way of music streaming, Dangerous Bunny edged Drake to be the most-streamed artist. His album, YHLQMDLG, was the most well-liked album to stream on Spotify.
Within the U.S., Juice WRLD was the most well-liked artist, Spotify mentioned, and his album, Legends By no means Die, topped the album chart.
Spotify 2020 Wrapped International Prime Podcast Lists
Most Widespread Podcasts
The Joe Rogan Expertise
TED Talks Every day
The Every day
The Michelle Obama Podcast
Name Her Daddy
Most Widespread Podcast Genres
Society & Tradition
Way of life & Well being
Arts & Leisure
Prime Podcasts Streamed by way of Group Classes
Name Her Daddy
Gemischtes Hack
The Every day
Crime Junkie
NPR Information Now
Spotify 2020 Wrapped U.S. Prime Lists
U.S. Most Widespread Podcasts
NPR Information Now
The Every day
The Joe Rogan Expertise
Name Her Daddy
The Michelle Obama Podcast
Most Widespread Podcast Genres
Society & Tradition
Way of life & Well being
Prime Podcasts Streamed by way of Group Classes
Name Her Daddy
The Every day
NPR Information Now
Crime Junkie
Up First
Spotify 2020 Wrapped International Prime Lists
Most Streamed Artists Globally
Dangerous Bunny
J Balvin
Juice WRLD
The Weeknd
Most Streamed Feminine Artists
Billie Eilish
Taylor Swift
Ariana Grande
Dua Lipa
Most Streamed Albums Globally
Story continues
YHLQMDLG, Dangerous Bunny
After Hours, The Weeknd
Hollywood’s Bleeding, Put up Malone
Positive Line, Harry Kinds
Future Nostalgia, Dua Lipa
Most Streamed Songs Globally
“Blinding Lights” by The Weeknd
“Dance Monkey” by Tones and I
“The Field” by Roddy Ricch
“Roses – Imanbek Remix” by Imanbek and SAINt JHN
“Don’t Begin Now” by Dua Lipa
Spotify 2020 Wrapped U.S. Prime Lists
U.S. Most Streamed Artists
Juice WRLD
Lil Uzi Vert
Put up Malone
Taylor Swift
U.S. Most Streamed Feminine Artists
Taylor Swift
Billie Eilish
Ariana Grande
Megan Thee Stallion
U.S. Most Streamed Tracks
“The Field” by Roddy Ricch
“Blinding Lights” by The Weeknd
“Blueberry Faygo” by Lil Mosey
“ROCKSTAR (feat Roddy Ricch)” by DaBaby, Roddy Ricch
“Life Is Good (feat Drake)” by Drake, Future
U.S. Most Streamed Albums
Legends By no means Die, Juice WRLD
Everlasting Atake (Deluxe) – LUV vs. The World 2, Lil Uzi Vert
Hollywood’s Bleeding, Put up Malone
After Hours, The Weeknd
Please Excuse Me For Being Delinquent, Roddy Ricch
Extra from Deadline
Better of Deadline
Join Deadline’s Publication. For the most recent information, observe us on Fb, Twitter, and Instagram.
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from Growth News https://growthnews.in/joe-rogan-bad-bunny-top-spotifys-most-streamed-podcast-music-lists-2020/ via https://growthnews.in
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
American Music Awards 2020: The winners list
The Weeknd and Roddy Ricch had been the main nominees for this 12 months’s American Music Awards with eight nods apiece.
The present was filled with star energy. Together with nominees Taylor Swift, Girl Gaga and Ariana Grande, there have been performances from Justin Bieber, Dua Lipa, Jennifer Lopez and Katy Perry.
This 12 months’s ceremony featured a number of new classes, together with new rap and hip-hop honors and several other new awards for Latin music.
Taraji P. Henson hosted Sunday’s broadcast on ABC from Los Angeles’ Microsoft Theater.
Here’s a listing of the awards with the winners’ names in daring.
Artist of the 12 months
Justin Bieber
Publish Malone
Roddy Ricch
Taylor Swift
The Weeknd
New artist of the 12 months
Lewis Capaldi
Doja Cat
Lil Child
Roddy Ricch
Megan Thee Stallion
Collaboration of the 12 months
Cardi B that includes Megan Thee Stallion, “WAP”
DaBaby that includes Roddy Ricch, “Rockstar”
Dan + Shay that includes Justin Bieber, “10,000 Hours”
Girl Gaga and Ariana Grande, “Rain On Me”
Megan Thee Stallion that includes Beyoncé, “Savage Remix”
Favourite social artist
Billie Eilish
Ariana Grande
NCT 127
Favourite music video
Doja Cat, “Say So”
Future that includes Drake “Life Is Good”
Girl Gaga and Ariana Grande, “Rain On Me”
Taylor Swift, “Cardigan”
The Weeknd, “Blinding Lights”
Favourite male artist – Pop/rock
Justin Bieber
Publish Malone
The Weeknd
Favourite feminine artist – Pop/rock
Dua Lipa
Girl Gaga
Taylor Swift
BTS, becoming a member of the American Music Awards from South Korea, gained favourite pop/rock duo or group Sunday night time.
Favourite duo or group – Pop/rock
Jonas Brothers
Maroon 5
Favourite album – Pop/rock
Harry Kinds, “Advantageous Line”
Taylor Swift, “Folklore”
The Weeknd, “After Hours”
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Dua Lipa, who gained favourite pop/rock music for “Don’t Begin Now,” appeared from London.
Favourite music – Pop/rock
Lewis Capaldi, “Somebody You Cherished”
Dua Lipa, “Don’t Begin Now”
Publish Malone, “Circles”
Roddy Ricch, “The Field”
The Weeknd, “Blinding Lights”
Favourite male artist – Nation
Kane Brown
Luke Combs
Morgan Wallen
Favourite feminine artist – Nation
Gabby Barrett
Miranda Lambert
Maren Morris
Favourite duo or group – Nation
Dan + Shay
Florida Georgia Line
Previous Dominion
Favourite album – Nation
Luke Combs, “What You See Is What You Get”
Blake Shelton, “Absolutely Loaded: God’s Nation”
Morgan Wallen, “If I Know Me”
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Dan Smyers, left, and Shay Mooney of Dan + Shay settle for the award for favourite nation music for “10,000 Hours.”
Favourite music – Nation
Story continues
Dan + Shay that includes Justin Bieber, “10,000 Hours”
Maren Morris, “The Bones”
Blake Shelton that includes Gwen Stefani, “No one However You”
Favourite male artist – Rap/hip-hop
Juice WRLD
Roddy Ricch
Favourite feminine artist – Rap/hip-hop
Cardi B
Nicki Minaj
Megan Thee Stallion
Favourite album – Rap/hip-hop
Lil Child, “My Flip”
Lil Uzi Vert, “Everlasting Atake”
Roddy Ricch, “Please Excuse Me For Being Delinquent”
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Megan Thee Stallion accepts the award for favourite rap/hip-hop music.
Favourite music – Rap/hip-hop
Cardi B that includes Megan Thee Stallion, “WAP”
DaBaby that includes Roddy Ricch, “Rockstar”
Roddy Ricch, “The Field”
Favourite male artist – Soul/R&B
Chris Brown
John Legend
The Weeknd
Favourite feminine artist – Soul/R&B
Jhene Aiko
Doja Cat
Summer time Walker
Extra: The Weeknd sports activities bandaged face at AMAs, Twitter has feedback for ‘Too Late’ singer
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The Weeknd accepts the award for favourite soul/R&B album for “After Hours.”
Favourite album – Soul/R&B
Doja Cat, “Scorching Pink”
Summer time Walker, “Over It”
The Weeknd, “After Hours”
Favourite music – Soul/R&B
Chris Brown that includes Drake, “No Steerage”
Summer time Walker, “Taking part in Video games”
The Weeknd, “Heartless”
Favourite male artist – Latin
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Becky G accepts the award for favourite feminine Latin artist.
Favourite feminine artist – Latin
Favourite album – Latin
Anuel AA, ”Emmanuel”
Unhealthy Bunny, “Las Que No Iban a Salir”
Unhealthy Bunny, “YHLQMDLG”
Favourite music – Latin
Unhealthy Bunny, “Vete”
Black Eyed Peas and J Balvin, “Ritmo (Unhealthy Boys For Life)”
Karol G Nicki Minaj, “Tusa”
Favourite artist – Different rock
Billie Eilish
Tame Impala
Twenty One Pilots
Favourite artist – Grownup modern
Lewis Capaldi
Jonas Brothers
Maroon 5
Favourite artist – Up to date inspirational
Lauren Daigle
For King & Nation
Kanye West
Favourite artist – Digital dance music
Favourite soundtrack
Contributing: The Related Press
Comply with Gary Dinges on Twitter @gdinges
This text initially appeared on USA TODAY: American Music Awards 2020: The winners listing
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/american-music-awards-2020-the-winners-list/ via https://growthnews.in
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