#[phallus indusiatus]
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starry-tiger · 27 days ago
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Funguary 2025 - 1: Veiled lady
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drfirsnogayny · 28 days ago
Funguary 2025 Day 1
🌿 Week 1 👰‍♀️ Phallus indusiatus aka Veiled lady
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No one knows who her husband is or if he actually exists, but she likes to dress like a bride. She also likes bamboo tea (given the alternative name, bamboo mushrooms).
Next day 🍄 All days
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cmarani · 18 days ago
anglicky Veiled Lady nebo-li Zahalená Dáma, česky Hadovka, někdy taky Síťovka
alias Funguary organizované @feefal je tu a já se (se skluzem) účastním :3
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Více info pod čarou:
Edit aka proč je to nakreslené takhle. Jmenuje se to zahalená paní, tak samo, že potřebujeme zahalenou paní. I když dle houby zahalenou do rybářské sítě a ne do závoje. Klobouk houby je taky dost malý, aby jsme paní kreslili klobouk, a vlasy jsou too mainstream, takže šátek! Plus hlavním úkolem šátku v historii dámské módy vždycky bylo zahalování, takže to sedí. A když už máme šátek, tak můžeme mít i abayu. A bo má houba dlouhou úzkou nohu, tak bílou abayu a hubenou paní. A rybářskou síť přes ni!
No ale teď k houbě samotné:
Chytré stránky praví. Jde o houbu z rodiny hub smrdutých. Tato preferuje kraje tropické, takže v Evropě ji nenajdete. V Číně se hodně používá při vaření, od polívek a masa až po saláty, dá se běžně sehnat, ale prý to není nejlevnější ingredience, co jsem z článku pochopila. Taky se o ní říká, že má afrodiziakální schopnosti, ale zdrojem je jedna fejková "studie" a možná babské rady, takže bych tomu moc nevěřila.
No ale! Jak vypadá houba samotná a první verze kresby, která byla zrušena z důvodu "hadovka má bílou nohu, ne hnědou".
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mycoblogg · 2 years ago
FOTD #045 : veiled lady! (phallus indusiatus)
the veiled lady mushroom (AKA bamboo mushroom, bamboo pith, long net stinkhorn, crinoline stinkhorn, & bridal veil) is a saprotrophic fungus in the family phallaceae, the stinkhorns. this species is found in DR congo, nigeria, uganda, zaire, brazil, venezuela, costa rica, tobago, mexico, indonesia, nepal, malaysia, india, southern china, japan, taiwan & australia :-)
the big question : can i bite it?? yeah !! in eastern asia it is considered a delicacy (& an aphrodisiac), despite its rotten smell. it also holds medicinal properties.
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p. indusiatus description :
"mature fruit bodies are up to 25 centimetres (10 inches) tall with a conical to bell-shaped cap that is 1.5–4 cm (1⁄2–1+1⁄2 in) wide. the cap is covered with a greenish-brown spore-containing slime. a white mesh skirt surrounds the thick white stipe."
[images : source & source] [fungus description : source] [request : source]
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2t2r · 8 years ago
Les 12 plantes qui puent le plus
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/les-12-plantes-les-plus-odorantes-du-monde/
Les 12 plantes qui puent le plus
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strohsylvia · 1 year ago
My two current favorite fungi/mushrooms 😊 🫶🏻🍄
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make-this-into-a-pokemon · 1 year ago
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Phallus indusiatus
The weird looking lace dress thing could make into one of those grass type women™️ pokemon.
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odivanvelasco · 1 year ago
Cogumelo Comestível Phallus Indusiatus
Cogumelo comestível são alguns fungos de valor nutricional e medicinal usada também na gastronomia e na culinária. Veja este que encontrei no Cerrado. Este post tem como objetivo registrar a ocorrência dessa espécie no Cerrado do Distrito Federal, Setor Noroeste de Brasília, em janeiro de 2024. Além disso, presto informações básicas sobre determinada espécie encontrada, esclarecendo que há…
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crescentmoonsandroses · 28 days ago
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Funguary Day 1: Veiled Lady
Also known as phallus indusiatus, the basket stinkhorn, bamboo mushrooms, bamboo pith, the long net stinkhorn, the crinoline stinkhorn, and the bridal veil. It's edible, often used in Chinese foods, and considered a delicacy and an aphrodisiac in eastern Asia. The cap is covered with a spore-containing slime that attracts flies and other insects, which eat and disperse the spores. Their fruit bodies emerge during nighttime, and they're short-lived, typically only lasting a few days.
I think she's some kind of phantom bride. People catch glimpses of her in the forest, but when they try to follow her, she's nowhere to be found. Nobody knows what she is or who she might be marrying. No-one has ever seen her face.
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sophie-frm-mars · 4 months ago
You all probably know I love mushrooms
Okay I just wanna tell you about the veiled lady mushroom this motherfucker is so cool
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So firstly there's the name, phallus indusiatus - yes there's a whole family of mushrooms called phallus and yes it's because they look like dicks, that's great on it's on but indusiatus means "wearing an undergarment" or underskirt because of this beautiful white skirt the mushroom has with this lattice pattern. That means its name is literally just dick in a skirt lmao it's the girlcock mushroom it's so good she's called the veiled lady but she's from the phallus family
Anyway its biology is cool too
obviously the lattice is the most striking thing about it visually and what it gets both its latin and common name from, and I think on an aesthetic level it's nice to just appreciate that such funky shapes exist in nature. that's one of the joys of mycology in general imo
So mostly mushroom skirts form from the hood tearing away from the stem as the gills expand, but the veiled lady lets down the skirt from inside the head, which means its grow timelapses are soooo gorgeous and dramatic
but the usual growth pattern for mushrooms where the gills expand allows the gills to let out the spores. so where are the gills? where are the spores? The veiled lady uses the same strategy as fruit trees for its spores and makes a slime that bugs eat to get them to spread the spores, so it doesn't need gills in the same way, and instead letting down the latticed skirt lets lil guys crawl up to get the slime!
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sophiamarquinn · 27 days ago
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Happy first day of Fungurary! This mushroom is a Veiled Lady (phallus indusiatus), aka a stinkhorn. These names are in reference to its veil-like appearance (as shown in the reference image) and its stench of rotting meat. If they weren't already easily to smell from afar, they can also be spotted at a distance, growing to 10 inch (25 cm) tall. Interestingly, this fungi is used for medicinal purposes and cooking in China, where it is called Zhu Sun.
Fun fact: A common misbelief is that the odor of a Veiled Lady can make a female-human experience a spontaneous org*sm! You can read more about it here.
I decided to add a d6-table to the challenge, so every day I will roll a d6 and create my piece in that style. Today was abstract, a type of style that I am completely unfamiliar with! It was fun to give it a shot anyways.
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leithvit · 10 months ago
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First art for mermay challenge where all themes based on fungus🍄‍🟫
Day 1. Phallus indusiatus
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hatska · 10 months ago
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Mermaids inspired by mushrooms🫴✨✨✨
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notapervertjustabugbear · 6 months ago
Can y'all both read Common? I found this book on mushrooms and I wanted to share it bc some of them are really cute and tiny.
*offers the book, a bookmark in place on an entry for Panellus stipticus. There's a sticky note, with loopy handwriting saying "it glows like Torbek!! :)"; another tab reveals Phallus Indusiatus, with a note "elegant like Ms Carli! ^-^"*
The second mushroom reminds Torbek of something...
Really? Of what?
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Your mushroom, obviousl-
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rosiewalks · 28 days ago
Funguary day 1: Veiled Lady
Funguary (fungus + February) is an event hosted by @feefal. I participated last year by styling dolls as mushrooms, and had so much fun that I'm doing it again this year! My intention is to post a new picture every day in February. A few pictures will be from last year, with the repeat mushrooms.
All the reference pictures that you'll see this month are from Wikimedia Commons, under the Creative Commons license.
Phallus indusiatus is commonly known as veiled lady, bridal veil, or crinoline stinkhorn, among other things.
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ILY Rapunzel is wearing SH Natasha's shirt and skirt, SH Eliza's cage skirt, with a netted overskirt made out of a garlic bag.
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cosmicdevilart · 1 year ago
Phallus Indusiatus
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