#[mun was honestly surprised too xD]
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silverwingborn-moved Ā· 9 months ago
@helluva-hazbins xxx)
After Luciferā€™s proclamation, Silver has returned to her book with an amused smile. She must admit, she enjoys that Lucifer sounds rather taken off-guard. Perhaps a sense of her own pride to be had in the feat.
Itā€™s her turn to be surprised when he suddenly appears leaning against her chair, Silverā€™s attention drawn away from the book. Lowering it, the woman replies with a chuckle. ā€œIā€™ll admit, I did not foresee us matching that well. Quite the surprise, we have many interests and preferences in common.ā€
A playful smirk forms on her lips. ā€œIf theyā€™d been tarot cards it could be considered fate~ā€ A light tease~ It is an enjoyable game she must admit. Still, Silver finds it most surprising Lucifer participated in filling hers out at all. Perhaps to stir a bit of fun and flustering, she would not doubt that.
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wintereign Ā· 2 months ago
( X )
You're one of the few RWBY blogs on this platform that still follow me, which is amazing. Some followed me back and gave me a chance, before unfollowing me without saying a thing. Then there's ones who I have spoken with, wrote something up with them, and then they unfollow me.
You are a fantastic writer, your Weiss Schnee is amazing. I love her, and I wanna love her more!
And you're a chill mun, friendly to talk with and we've generally had a good time together! (I hope xD)
Here's to 2024!
2024 is almost over | always accepting
Honestly, I'm surprised people are still following me with how flaky I've been towards the end of this year. Or just honestly in general. So the fact that every single one of you is still here? Is amazing to me. Ya'll are troopers, truthfully. But also, I'm chill if people want to unfollow or still stick around. I'll admit, I used to be very stingy about my follower count and what not. used to be, back when I first really discovered tumblr rp was a thing. Now, I don't care nearly as much, just as long as people are interacting with me and what not.
But I appreciate you and that you enjoy my portrayal!!!! I'm very adamant about keeping personalities attached, and I spend more time focusing on word choices than having fun and making sure my rp's sound like my character. Am I putting way too much effort into my portrayal? You could say that. Is rping about having fun? Yes, it is. But I also think way too much about characters and have them be essentially what canon developed? But with Weiss now being an OC. I can delve a bit further and give her more depth, which I'm looking forward to doing in the new year.
Anyway, rambling about how I portray character's aside, thank you for sticking around with my flaky ass and I hope to continue talking to you in the new year and get more interactions going!
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roscvcins Ā· 2 months ago
get to know the mun ! repost, donā€™t reblog.
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ā€”ā€”ā€” BASICS ! ā™”
ZODIAC SIGN : Libra sun and Virgo moon, never figured out what my ascending is hhh
TAKEN OR SINGLE : single pringle not rly lookin to mingle but open to the possibilities XD
ANYTHING ELSE? : Fluent in mandarin, read mostly in mandarin, and would write in mandarin if that's easier for someone!
ā€”ā€”ā€” THREE SERIOUS FACTS ! ā™”
I can be slow to warm up sometimes. It's not that I don't like you or I don't want to get to know you, but sometimes I get caught up in my own head regarding other people's boundaries and then I'm overly careful and come across reserved or distant. If you give me permission and assure me of that permission, I will be in your dms yapping NONSTOP.
I love pitching you aus at 2 am. Sometimes things just pop into my brain, and the later I pop into your dms the wilder the au, honestly. I've pitched people everything from slight canon alterations to straight up cyberpunk. Related to this, I also really love long-winded plotting. I like developing extended universe things and fleshing out our characters within the au or setting we have decided on.
I'm very much about matching energy and balancing what we plot. I am so very happy to fulfill your wishlist items and I hope you'd be willing to look over mine! After all, rp is all about what we want to do with our muses, both of us. It's only fun if everybody is having fun!
ā€”ā€”ā€” THREE RANDOM FACTS ! ā™”
I have been drawing for 10 years! Well, 10 plus if you really want to count the earliest attempts, but seriously and digitally, 10 years.
I play (WILDLY HOMEBREW) dungeons and dragons and dm a (also probably wildly homebrew) call of cthulu campaign for my musical theatre groupchat. We're looking to start a (ABSOLUTELY GOING TO BE WILDLY HOEMBREW) vampire the masquerade game too but honestly we've been stuck halfway through the last dnd session for two months bc somebody had to go and now none of us have coinciding free time and at this rate we're never going to finish any of the campaigns XD
When I'm gone from dash for long periods of time, I'm most likely sewing. Hobby I picked up from the cosplay (Tm) days, which is really not surprising.
ā€”ā€”ā€” EXPERIENCE ! ā™”
It'll be a decade officially in Jan. 2025 that I've been doing tumblr rp!
My first tumblr rp blog was in L.es M.is playing E.njolras. Historically I've written for a lot of broadway fandoms (some of which branched into classic lit and some nostalgic lit), and this particular blog that I am currently on first started as a kdrama blog, became a cdrama blog, and then took a turn straight into "obscure cnovels only Ro reads because they aren't really fully translated" land.
I was doing deviantart notes rp long before all that though. I'm from the 1v1 OCxCanon you write someone I want to write against I'll write someone you want to write against era. Not my proudest moments / best writing but...I remember having fun as a 13 year old, so really, that's all that matters, probably. If I cringe about it now maybe it's cause I'm now a killjoy adult , etc. etc.
It's really cool to me that I've got rp friendships coming up on like...8 years now. When I think about it it's crazy that it's been so long, but also it feels like time has hardly passed. If we make rp friends we'll probably be rp friends forever. People come out of the woodwork from years ago and I'll welcome them back like no time has passed. I'll probably even still remember all our plotting because I'm NOSTALGIC and I mourn my inactive comrades by rereading our old stuff.
ā€”ā€”ā€” MUSE PREFERENCE ! ā™”
My own muse type is fragile but vicious and beautiful and venomous and overall morally gray bois who would sell you to the devil through sending you to hell by their own blades for complicated and painful likely circumstantial reasons, after much internal conflict. Conversely though, it is also genuinely Good-Hearted, understanding, sunshine (if sometimes overly mischievous) ladies who are ultimately unafraid to chase the fate they want and remain true to themselves and their values despite sometimes questioning if they're asking for too much when they stand up for themselves, putting up with a lot and having a tinge of abandonment issues.
The muse type I'm generally a sucker for across my own muses and other people's muses is tragically unhinged. I love me a tiny bit of unhinged in a character. There's so much meat to an unhinged character and a lot of juicy dimension to get into. Plenty of potential too, for basically any genre of plotting.
I find myself writing a lot of female ocs recently! Don't know if that's just how the way the plotting falls or if I'm just like...hanging on like that.
ā€”ā€”ā€” FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT ! ā™”
FLUFF : Fluff is soul food! I love a good soft thread (especially after some heavy angst hhhh). I personally enjoy the idea of acceptance and care when it comes to fluff. There's something quietly intimate about fluff that I enjoy picking out of my threads, and I enjoy letting my muses be cared for and caring for others! There's also development to be had here tbh, and I enjoy the contrast of quieter emotions and expression.
ANGST : Angst is my bread and butter. I think I enjoy angst more than I enjoy any other genre of writing, and I have a sneaking suspicion it's about emotional intensity. I think both the hurt and the comfort come from and are big emotions, and I think development most frequently comes from big emotions. So, in general I think I tend to be able to wrangle the most development out of angst threads and therefore the most satisfaction. I'm generally not here for hurt no comfort! Though I do also sometimes enjoy killing a random character off and just...seeing how the pieces grow back together.
SMUT : I feel like I've gotten laxer/how I feel about it has changed a bit as time has passed. Reassessing, I think I'm not entirely opposed to writing smut, actually? Maybe not on tumblr though. I overthink what I post on tumblr a lot, so if I'm actually going to write smut I think it has to be somewhere I feel like it's less likely to accidentally shove it in someone's face. Also, I'd need a ridiculous amount of rapport with the other mun to feel comfortable and not super embarrassed. So! That's how that goes.
PLOT / MEMES : I'd love for it to be both, actually. I think memes can create plot hooks, and on the other hand, plotting can inspire memes. The caveat is that you have to be willing to talk about it in the end, I guess! I think having context for an idea, a verse, or something between our muses, and then sending a meme about it is like the flexibility and spontaneity we need to keep a plot fresh sometimes. Like if you've hammered out all the details, throwing a meme into it makes it a little less rigid, you know? And on the other hand, if we have no real concrete ideas for a muse relationship or plot, throwing a meme into it could spark the correct questions to ask so that we can arrive at some kind of plot, and give us some inspiration to jumpstart where we want to take a dynamic. So bottom line is: please do both! If we can talk about it and spin it out more in the end, that's all that really matters.
tagged by : stole it from the tag cause I wanted to do it tagging :
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hiddentuliplodge Ā· 6 years ago
Who is your favorite undertale character?
The mun blinks in surprise, happy that someone was interested in the things she liked. She hums, holding her chin as she thought it over.
ā€œ Well my favorite non-skelebro undertale character is Asgore, heā€™s just so pure and fluffy and I wanna hug him. But my favorite of all the skelebros... ā€œ she pauses, blushing a bit as she rubs the back of her head. ā€œ Is probably Fell Pap. He acts tough, but I can tell heā€™s a big sweetie. ā€œ she chuckles a bit, changing the subject.
ā€œ But I treat all the guys and gals here like my best friends, they mean the world to me. ā€œ
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kazeofthemagun Ā· 4 years ago
ā™› - Alchemic-elric
Send me a url and I'll tell you the following:
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šŸ”® my opinion on;
character in general: Oh boi~ Ed is one of the most unique characters I've had the pleasure of getting to know. I enjoy the series he is from a whole lot - hell I just got the manga - and watched most of the animation available, aside from one of the movies. Edward Elric hits the comedy and badassery vibes splendidly. I also like how his personality isn't the stereotypical quiet "genius kid" - he is a whole explosive barrel of surprises with compelling character flaws. His color pallete is satisfying (because that plays a big role for me) and represents him very well. Ed is definitely up there among the chars I'd love to meet IRL, lol. He's a presence that inspires due respect, seeing as he had endured so much so early and even as a young teenager he's kicking ass left and right and is more capable than most adults - while still retaining flaws you would expect from a kid, helping to cast him in a more relatable light, even if it is hard to relate to the kid prodigy aspect itself. I love to see his growth throughout the series, as he makes his way through all the obstacles and trials life throws at him and his brother. ^^
how they play them: Kira plays Ed amazingly. For me, FMA is a fandom I follow on the side among other things, but I started chatting to the mun and followed, and started to read some of the stuff they write on the blog and I have to say? Honestly, when I think of Ed I think of yours. His speech patterns, (also, Ed is finally allowed to say the fuck word cuz it ain't monetized media lmao) his emotional complexity (researched so well btw), all the little tidbits that make sense in a canon perspective, like the explained workings of the automail, how it affects him and how he maintains it, the love of cooking much like the love of alchemy, gosh there's just so much, so much love poured into this muse, I know he's a huge part of your life and it shows. I know how it feels to have a fandom/character you are so passionate about, for me its obvs FFU and also God Eater but you're making me delve deeper into FMA again and appreciate it with this enhanced perspective now, which comes from hanging around your blog. As I said, your Ed now lives rent free in my head and that's what I see when I look at canon Ed now, lol. And that means YOU DID A DAMN GOOD JOB WOOOOO!
the mun: You're awesome, how tf do you write so much?? So many threads?? So many people! Ahh! Hahah, teach me. (jk on the teach part obvs - I'm just gushing about the amount of writing energy haha) Chatting to you is always fun, I love to see how excited you are about the fandom and your boi. I learned of you through Kumo and became interested in your main, which was a good choice to make and I get to enjoy writing scenarios from time to time and seeing this alchemy boi react. >:)) Also whenever Cloudy shows up and starts arguing with Windy I laugh out loud. I appreciate you throwing him at me sometimes, despite being involved in so. MUCH. STUFF. already like holy shit! XD I admire that. Both the boundless creativity and still interacting with followers unrelated to your main fandom. So much nice all around. Ty for being a fun part of the dash as always ;)
šŸ”® do i;
follow them: Yes!
rp with them: Not this blog
want to rp with them: Depends - I am always open but fandoms may not mesh too well. Characters may or may not. All in all am open to try but I'm perfectly good interacting OOC and with asks ^^
ship their character with mine: obviously not
šŸ”® what is my;
overall opinion: Very positive! I highly recommend @alchemic-elric to all my followers who'd like to look into the FMA fandom! :D
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sasorikigai Ā· 4 years ago
( (Follow Meme) I honestly got shocked and surprised by the follow and still can't believe it to this day. You are definitely a Senpai when it comes to writing and while I haven't played Mortal Kombat in forever or kept up with the lore too much, but you play two of my absolute favorites and the way you write is honestly so amazing and on such a godtier level. I get intimidated sometimes but I also love reading all your interactions, their amazing. You're amazing and so are your muses!! )
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Tell me why you followed me and what made you stay. || @swordsxandxshadowsĀ || accepting
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I may be one of the more recent fans when it comes to Mortal Kombat and its krazy lore, but ever since the inception of this blog circa end of March 2019, Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi) and Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang) have been my unparalleled and uncontested two-tops. They hold so many complexities and dualistic facets when it comes to their characters, but in the end, they are two good-hearted people who struggle with the most human emotions; and they carry them like salt in the sea, for some memories never leave their bones to become inseparable part of them.Ā 
And as a mun who is immensely interested in delving into all the cerebral aspect of how they function and tenaciously endure as survivors out of anything else, it has been an absolute joy to write as them, and I have to thank all the current mutuals, old and new, active or inactive, to thank for. Without them and all the good challenges I have faced and still face due to their talent and all - I appreciate and adore every one of our interaction.Ā 
Thank you so much for reaching out! Besides MK, Samurai Jack is one of my all-time favorites that hold nostalgia in my heart (it was one of the series I learned English with, and through @sonxflight and with my interaction with Dari as a fantastic mun, I can only say that I have all the good things when it regards the animated series) and I really look forward to the interaction with your Aku with any of my muses!! And donā€™t ever feel intimidated by me, because I am just an introverted potato who struggles off and on with my writing XDĀ 
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thecursedhellblazer-arc Ā· 5 years ago
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Anonymous asked: ā€œ OTP(s) for your muse? ā€
Shipping Questions meme || Accepting !
(( I feel like I need to make a distinction here between the ships I have for John as a character in general and the ships I have for my version of him (as my muse). I promise Iā€™ll keep it short ^^ā€ ))
((Ā ā€œCanonā€ wise, my fave ship for him is HellStar (John / Lucifer Morningstar, from the Netflix show), at least from what concerns the DCTV/DCEU adaptations. Then I have this crackship Iā€™m kinda attached to, which would be John / Damien Darhk. Donā€™t judge me, thatā€™s what LoT 5x07 did to me. ))
(( Basing myself more on the comics universe/Justice League, my soft spots goes for a past, messy relationship between John and Chas (when they were younger, before the Newcastle clusterfuck and Ravenscar) and the odd bond John and the First have ongoing (yep, I do ship them...even if in a weird way xD). I also like John/Zatanna, but only as part of his background. I think they work much better as ex-lovers turned to friends. ))
(( Speaking of my Constantine (as the muse written on this blog), Iā€™ve found myself with a much broader range of ships...which was kind of a surprise because I tend to be selective when it comes to this sort of stuff. Itā€™s really linked to the way my RP partners write their muses and to their unique take on them, more than on the characters themselves. Listing them: ))
@imthebatmanā€‹ā€‹ā€˜s Bruce Wayne: the very first ship of this blog. It totally caught me off guard, but I adore it. Just as I adore Palps. Obviously. I even made a moodboard for them and, trust me, that means a lot xD
@thedemonconstantineā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€˜sĀ Chas: we are so going for the pre-Newcastle complicated attraction between John and Chas. Itā€™s going to be a background thread for ourĀ ā€œpresent timeā€ ones, but Iā€™m eager to play it out. The comics donā€™t really explore that part of Chas and Johnā€™s shared history and thatā€™s a real pity. Something needs to be done about it u.u
@angelluxiā€‹ā€‹ā€˜s Lucifer: look at me finally going after one of myĀ ā€œcanonā€ ships xD Kidding aside, I love their portrayal and, since the mun low-key ships them too, we decide to give them a try sometimes. Honestly looking forward to it, and to explore all the other shades of their relationship too.
@areswriitesā€‹ā€‹ā€˜s Klaus Hargreeves: we just writing together, but honestly? Weā€™re both of the idea that these two could turn out to be super interesting together...and I sure as hell dig them. (Pssst, hey, Ares, yep, you. Iā€™m willing to ship John with some of your other muses too if you want xD)
@smoakinnā€‹ā€‹ā€˜s Felicity Smoak: we basically just discussed shipping (literally yesterday) and we both agreed that John and Felicity could have a very nice bond, a friendship that slides into romance, given the right time. We plotted out a few basic interactions and they turned out amazing.
@ceolenaluthorā€‹ā€‹ā€˜s Lena Luthor: alright, we didnā€™t really talk about it, it was mentioned in a meme the mun replied to, but from how we have started their interaction, I could totally see it happening, if the chemistry evolves in the right way!
(( There are another couple of people Iā€™d be interested in shipping with, but it hasnā€™t come up and iā€™m socially dumb, so...I donā€™t know how to ask. ))
(( Oh, does it counts that in my thread with @perfectedingbadideasā€‹ā€‹, my John and their John have talked about (and not just joking about it) to shag each other? I mean, at some point in the comics he does say that he would have sex with himself, given the chance, so...Maybe weā€™re just enacting canon xD ))
(( In any case, the main concept is that I discovered that I loveĀ shipping with John. Of course, I wonā€™t ship him with literally everyone, but I find myself much more open-minded to the whole thing than I usually am. So, if you want to discuss shipping, come at me! ))
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thalsianiii Ā· 5 years ago
Why aren't we Roleplaying? ā–  - I had some ideas, but I was wary that you wouldn't like them. ā–¼ - I donā€™t think you like my muse. ā–¶- I wasn't sure if you like me as a Mun. ā—‡ Other: I think I'm learning that it's nothing really personal, but its probably a lot of pressure for someone to write an excellent antagonist like you and be accepted, and you've put up with a lot of bullshit along the way. Not sure if we'd mesh well in Rp, but I think you're valid, and I like reading about Percival.
If you have ideas, I wanna hear said ideas! Honestly Iā€™m probably down for it. I know I talk a whole lot ofĀ ā€œFuck casual RP give me death and destruction,ā€ but thatā€™s definitely kind of hyperbole on my end. I donā€™t hate casual RP. I do it with people already. I just couldnā€™t survive if thatā€™s ALL I did.
And Saf, my dear mutual Saf, if I didnā€™t like your muse OR you, I wouldnā€™t follow you. I gotta like both to follow someone. Or at least like the muse and have nothing against the person behind them. I unfollow and block people so casually. If I donā€™t like the character, I wonā€™t follow it! So since weā€™re here, being mutuals, you can rest assured that I do, in fact, like you and Saf. :)
But yeah, never anything personal. Honestly this past year has been pretty big on the whole personal growth thing. Iā€™ve calmed down a lot and donā€™t go off on as many unpopular rants as I used too. I look back and I can so easily see why people hesitated to be around me. I still hold a lot of my old opinions, I just donā€™t feel like they need to be shared anymore. Just too much trouble xD
Youā€™d be surprised tho. I mesh pretty well with most people. At least, I like to think so!
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geometragic Ā· 5 years ago
š“š‡š„ ššŽš’šˆš“šˆš•š„ & šš„š†š€š“šˆš•š„; Ā š˜”š˜¶š˜Æ & š˜”š˜¶š˜“š˜¦ - š˜”š˜¦š˜®š˜¦.
Fill out & repost ā™„ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OCs still can make it somehow work with their own lore and lilā€™ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multimuses pick the muse you are the most invested Ā in atm.
Tagged by: The amazing @illdivineā€‹ ! Thanks a bunch for tagging me ! ^^ Tagging: @extravachanceā€‹ @grandordergirlā€‹ @kimintsugiā€‹ @royaltywrittenā€‹ @daitokuā€‹ @pragmarageā€‹ @tenirasā€‹ @deviilscryā€‹ @foolslaughā€‹ @wrathleadā€‹ and anyone else whoā€™d like to do this meme ! ^^
My muse is: Ā  canon / Ā OC Ā / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom? Ā YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered hotā„¢ in the fandom? Ā YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? Ā YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated? Ā YES / NO / IDK
Were they relevant for the main story? Ā YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main character? Ā YES / NO / THEYā€™RE THE PROTAG (( He was one of the poster boys for Sengoku Basara 4, so...that counts for something, right ?Ā XD I donā€™t think that Sengoku Basara really has a protagonist, though. Just a bunch of different characters. ))
Are they widely known in their world? Ā YES / NO (( Iā€™m puttingĀ ā€˜yesā€™ if only because Mitsunari, who never remembers anyone, remembers who Katsuie is. XD I think that, in general, some characters know Katsuie and others donā€™t ? ))
Howā€™s their reputation? Ā GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL (( Bad in-universe, somewhere in between neutral and bad in the fandom. ))
How strictly do you follow ā€˜canonā€™?Ā ā€” Iā€™d say that I follow canon pretty strictly ! Though I do add my own headcanons. ^^ I need to update some of my pages so that theyā€™re more in line with canon, though. Especially Katsuieā€™s modern verse, now that the Basara Academy anime has been out for over a year... XD
Sell your muse! Try to list everything that makes your muse interesting (in your opinion) to make them spicy for your mutuals.Ā  ā€”Ā  Ā Katsuie comes off as really normal and very chill at first, which lets him easily have a first meeting interaction with most muses without angering them / fighting them / killing them / etc. But the more you delve into his thoughts and the things he does, you can see how warped his mindset is when it comes to certain subjects / people. ^^ And heā€™s a depressed emo kid, so I'd imagine that a lot of people on Tumblr would connect with him over that. XDĀ 
Now the opposite. List every reason why your muse might not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom think?).Ā  ā€”Ā  Ā Back when SB4 first came out, Katsuie got a lot of flak for his creepy obsession with Oichi, which is admittedly pretty bad. Since sheā€™s, you know, married, and Katsuieā€™s willing to go so far as to kill Nagamasa, her husband, for a chance (?) to be with her. Not to mention Katsuieā€™s anime route, where he gets himself kicked out of the Oda clan, destroys his own hopes and dreams in the process by killing everyone in the Azai clan (Nagamasa, Oichi, and Maria), and finally gets mercy-killed by the former shogun. Yikes. ^^; Iā€™m honestly surprised that, in my five years roleplaying Katsuie, no oneā€™s sent in anon hate to me because of Katsuieā€™s behavior. (Unfortunately, a former rp partner of mine once got anon hate years ago for shipping Katsuie and Oichi. ;u;)
š–š‡š€š“ šˆšš’ššˆš‘š„šƒ š˜šŽš” š“šŽ š‘š š˜šŽš”š‘ šŒš”š’š„? ā€”Ā  Katsuieā€™s actually my very first muse ! ^^ I started writing him at the end of my senior year of high school. I think Iā€™d been into Sengoku Basara for a year or two at that point, and Iā€™d been reading translations that people were making for SB4. Iā€™d also been following Sengoku Basara roleplayers / ask blogs (there were several active ones around back then), and I really enjoyed reading their interactions, so I wanted to pick a Sengoku Basara character so that I could roleplay with them, too !Ā I tried writing for a couple of potential muses in private to test them out, but it felt most natural to write for Katsuie, so I went with him as my first museĀ ! I probably chose him because Iā€™d gone through a bunch of not-so-fun stuff in high school, so I saw Katsuie going through a bunch of not-so-fun stuff in the Oda clan and sympathized with that.
š–š‡š€š“ šŠš„š„šš’ š˜šŽš”š‘ šˆšš’ššˆš‘š€š“šˆšŽš š†šŽšˆšš†? Ā ā€”Ā  To my knowledge, Iā€™ve been the only one roleplaying Katsuie semi-consistently over the past five years ?Ā Heā€™s just such an interesting character to me ā€”ā€“ itā€™d be too sad to close this blog and not see anyoneā€™s Katsuie interact with other peopleā€™s muses anymore. ;u; Itā€™s something Iā€™ve been a little worried about recently because I know Iā€™m going to be more busy in the future, since Iā€™m (hopefully) going to finish up my research this year, get my masterā€™s degree next year, and then go straight into a serious full-time job. I donā€™t want to give up rolepaying, but if I get too busy next year... >.<Ā 
Also, playing the mobile game Sengoku Basara: Battle Party every day helps ! And my rp partners are awesome. ^^
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Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could help them get more comfortable with you.
Do you think you give your character justice? Ā YES / NO / IDK
Do you frequently write headcanons? Ā YES / NO
Do you sometimes write drabbles? Ā YES / NO
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? Ā YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal? Ā  YES / NO
Are you confident in your writing? Ā YES / NO
Are you a sensitive person? Ā YES / NO
Are you good at accepting criticism about your portrayal?Ā ā€”Ā  Yeah, Iā€™d say Iā€™m pretty good at accepting criticism !
Do you like questions which help you explore your character?Ā ā€” Ā  Yeah !Ā Iā€™m happy to answer whatever questions everyone has about Katsuie ! ^^
If someone disagrees with a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?Ā ā€” Ā  Yeah, because itā€™s interesting to see how other people view Katsuie !Ā From my point of view, if someone disagrees with one of my headcanons on Katsuie, it means that theyā€™re interested enough in him and have thought about him enough to have their own opinions on him. Itā€™s so so so so difficult to get anyone interested in muses from a series as niche and JP-only as Sengoku Basara, so Iā€™d honestly be happy if someone cared enough about Sengoku Basara and Katsuie to disagree with me on my headcanons for Katsuie, as strange as that sounds. XD
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?Ā ā€” Ā I think my answer to this question would be basically the same as the last one. I probably wouldnā€™t change my portrayal at this point, though ? Iā€™ve had it for a long time and Iā€™m actually really happy with it. ^^ Probably the only reason why Iā€™d change my portrayal is if someone found / made more translations of the games that Katsuie is in (SB4, Sumeragi, Sanada Yukimura-den, Batopa, etc.) and I found canon details in the new translations that really clashed with details in my portrayal. In that case, Iā€™d change my portrayal to match with canon.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?Ā ā€”Ā  Thatā€™s fair, honestly, especially when it comes to things Past!Katsuie / Kaioh has said and done, and even just things Default!Katsuie has done. Katsuieā€™s a really messed-up dude, and his views on things can be really twisted sometimes. And hey, if someone hates Katsuie, at least that means that they care about him on some level, right ? XD Apathy is the one thing that really kills my muse.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?Ā ā€”Ā  Sure ! If they can find them. XD I edit my drafts A LOTĀ before I actually publish them, so usually I manage to catch all my mistakes, although the occasional mistake slips through every so often. Hemingway Editor is honestly a lifesaver when it comes to finding simple spelling errors and helping me write my sentences so that theyā€™re a reasonable length and donā€™t have too many adverbs / phrases written in passive voice / etc.
Do you think you are easygoing as a mun?Ā ā€”Ā  I think so ! ^^ I just want to roleplay my muses and have a good time watching them grow and form relationships with other muses, thatā€™s all. If thereā€™s something I donā€™t like, I know to mute / unfollow / block / etc. and move on. Lifeā€™s too short to get involved in drama.
š˜›š˜©š˜¢š˜µā€™š˜“ š˜¢š˜£š˜°š˜¶š˜µ š˜Ŗš˜µ, š˜¤š˜°š˜Æš˜Øš˜³š˜¢š˜µš˜“ š˜§š˜°š˜³ š˜§š˜Ŗš˜­š˜­š˜Ŗš˜Æš˜Ø š˜°š˜¶š˜µ!
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chiisaikintsukuroi-moved Ā· 5 years ago
Ship Bias *grins*
Send ā€˜Ship Biasā€™ and I will share up to 5 Ships I have a bias for for my muse!
((Look here you!! XD Alright letā€™s see if I can even make it to 5 to start with!
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EdxEnvy - munā€™s OTP right here, 10/10 donā€™t even have to ask. Itā€™s definitely not a fave of MOST people Iā€™ve met, for varying reasons, but I love it. Part of it may be that a few other ships I have out there are with technically enemies(theyā€™re FUN okay?) but Iā€™ve always just enjoyed it. Both of them are tied for my favorite character in both animes, and the manga, and I humored the idea once and was hooked. Quite a few muses for Envy have actually hooked up with Ed here, some of them sadly no longer active on here but @enviouscore lately has been super sweet and Iā€™ve gotten to watch their Envy and Ed start getting cozy together. There have been some intense ones though, and some weird ones, but Iā€™ve loved them all.Ā 
EdxAble - Surprise OC bias! @thehighclassbadass and Ed have probably been the longest consistant relationship on here, and I love these two nerds. TO BITS. They are adorable, theyā€™re awkward, Iā€™m pretty sure they use all of their self control up on the other so they have non left for themselves, and itā€™s great. Able and Ed are actually the only marriage Ed here has so far too. They support each other, they give each other a hard time, there are moments of pure shennanigans between them, and itā€™s just way too much fun.
EdxRoy - A ship Iā€™m actually neutral towards personally, but when it has happened, holy shit itā€™s adorable. Honestly this is a bias for even platonic ships because Roy and Ed bantering back and forth all day is fantastic. Most of the Royā€™s that Ed here has interacted with so far have been platonic and friendly(and in one case, a reluctant haunting with spinning spoons to communicate). To date, only one has actually moved from friend to crush toĀ ā€œoh shit I want to date himā€ and that would be @actualflamealchemist. So kudos for being the first Roy that Ed will blush around!!
EdxSayaka(PMMM) - SURPRISE CROSSOVER. This ship was actually born off of tumblr, only on Skype and then some in Discord with a friend. It was a massive crossover RP just between the two of us(whoā€™s origins were actually waaaaaay back on Gaia Online) and we had a ton of characters played between us. She happened to have all the Madoka Magica girls, and I ended up with about a third of the cast of FMA, including Ed here. I fell in love with this ship, it was super sweet, and it happened completely without any planning, which honestly are my favorites. It was super sweet, they were supportive of each other in ways they needed, and I really miss it some days.
EdxEd - Okay, look.....I have no excuse here, I didnā€™t expect to go for this ship. It was like this ship Iā€™d only heard of in myth and legend. And then one day it was suggested, and sorta just fell into my lap. And it was AMAZING. Ed has only paired up with copies of himself on here a few times, most of them are just weirdĀ ā€œwtf why are you meā€ kinds of threads where nothing else happens and they just become friends. But every single Ed muse Iā€™ve ever seen on here has been different from the next, in multiple ways. Some I see pull more from one sorce or the other(Mine is actually more heavily based on the 03 anime, honestly), some I see with a laundry list of in depth headcanons, and then thereā€™s all the AU varriants... Thereā€™s just SO MANY, itā€™s hard not to find a few that seem to just work out. Again, definitely not a ship for everyone.
((holy cow I made it!!! guys everything else is gonna be just cool ships I think of sometimes if you send more. I think Iā€™m all tapped out for a bias list XD
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crossed--fates Ā· 5 years ago
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@nooothinglikemeā€‹ sent:Ā  Nooothinglikeme for the meme? (Can't send logged in asks from mobile sorry)
Send Me Your URL And Iā€™ll Tell You:
My Opinion on:
The Character(s) in general: Even though Cabanela is not my favorite character from GT (my faves being quite obvious lol) I still enjoy his character a lot because he is a funny guy indeed! And his determination towards his friends and people he cares about is really sweet. At first (and I guess like many) I thought HE was the big bad of GT but I was really surprised to find out he wasnā€™t. He has many flaws of course (but then, who doesnā€™t?) but he also has a lot of qualities in him and I admire his determination a lot. How they play them: I think your interpretation of him is really on point! You really capture his personality well and I admit you play him so, so well that my inner Yomiel really feels annoyed at him at times xD but thatā€™s a good sign! If youā€™re managing to annoy my inner Yomiel, youā€™re playing Cabanela right, so points to you! I guess I could never write him so well (even in fanfics I still struggle a lot with his personality) And I love seeing him interact with other characters on the dash. The Mun: Eva, you seem like such a WONDERFUL person from what I see here and on discord, but Iā€™m still too shy to talk to you u////u Youā€™re a veteran on Tumblr RP and in the GT fandom and I think you know a lot more than me (I joined GT fandom in 2014 for I was kinda isolated from the majority of the fandom for the majority of time) so I look up to you A LOT and youā€™ve been around tumblr a lot more than I am, so... I look up to you a lot. And youā€™ve been one of the first blogs I started to follow when I decided to start rping on tumblr in my first Sisselcat blog @sissel--thephantomcatā€‹ so... Iā€™m really glad to have met you! And I really love to talk more to you about GT or just stuff in general because you seem so awesome!!!Ā 
Do I:
RP with them: Yes! We have some interactions from time to time and despite the hostility between our characters, I really enjoy that. Want to RP with them: BUT OF COURSE! I understand that Cabanela has his reservations about Yomiel (and honestly, I donā€™t blame him) and Yomiel also has reservations about Cabanela, but like, I still want them to... come to respect each other and understand each other. I donā€™t mean likeĀ ā€œOMG LETā€™S MAKE THEM BE BFFsā€ because I honestly believe thatā€™s not entirely possible, seeing how these two characters have so many differences and different opinions but because I believe this could be a huge development for both, but mostly for Yomiel. But of course that depends on you, if you want to do this because Iā€™ll never force anything on you. And of course, you also have a Jowd! I know I interact with Henā€™s Jowd more but if you ever want your Jowd to interact with my Yomiel, heā€™s always open! I feel like Jowd could help Yomiel a lot and vice-versa because they understand each other... Anyway, Iā€™d love to interact more but Iā€™m always unsure about what to do since our muses are so stubborn so... If you have any ideas, just come to me! (and Iā€™ll try doing the same, despite my shyness)
What is my:
Overall Opinion: EVA, youā€™re an AMAZING writer, seriously! Iā€™ve read some of your fics and your writing and characterization are SO ON POINT, I LOVE READING YOUR STUFF! And I feel like youā€™re a veteran on both the GT community and the RPC so I look up to you as myĀ ā€œsenpaiā€ LMAO I really really love to interact more, itā€™s always so interesting seeing your stuff on my dash! And of course Iā€™d love to talk to you more because you seem amazing and holy shit, I know you ever since I started with my sisselcat blog and yet I havenā€™t talked to you much, how is this possible??? I really want to be your friend too xD I mean, I know both our muses can be complicated for interactions but... maybe we could do stuff with your Jowd and Yomiel instead? IDK LOL THATā€™S UP TO YOU! But my discord is always open in case you wanna talk and discuss stuff ^^
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shieldisntalife Ā· 5 years ago
šŸ„œ - Whatā€™s the nuttiest thread youā€™ve ever had? šŸ - How many ships have you considered but rejected for your muse? šŸŽ - If you had to chose a new faceclaim for your muse, who would you pick?
Munday Meme || Accepting!
šŸ„œ - Whatā€™s the nuttiest thread youā€™ve ever had?
Oh my goodnessā€¦I hate to admit that I probably canā€™t remember! I had some great crack threads on the old blog, but after taking a year off, a lot of them have faded into fond but vague memories.Ā 
šŸ - How many ships have you considered but rejected for your muse?
Honestlyā€¦probably at least half a dozen, if not more, that I actively know of. One of the occupational hazards of writing a (really darn cute) male muse is that a lot of people tend to be interested in shipping, but for my own comfort level and because I have a stubborn muse, I tend to be a very selective shipper. I have to have chemistry between the muses, a really good connection with the mun, and then it has to be the typeĀ of ship Iā€™m interested in writing. I always say that Hunter could have really dysfunctional, adrenaline-fueled ships with manyĀ muses, but Iā€™m more interested in writing the redemptive ones.Ā 
šŸŽ - If you had to chose a new faceclaim for your muse, who would you pick?
This is really hard, because for me Nick isĀ Hunter, and so much of who Hunter is comes from Nickā€™s choices in portraying him - his nonverbals, body language, facial expressions, even the elements of Nickā€™s own personality that come through. But after Googling English actors XD and considering carefully, I think Iā€™d go with Theo James. His age is right, build is similar, eyes would do the job with emoting that Hunter needs to have. Plus, DivergentĀ is one of my guilty pleasure movies, so I know Theo can pull off the combination of lethal, competent, irritable, and vulnerable that Hunter also needs to have. (Hunterā€™s not nearly as brooding and complex as Four, but there are definitely some similarities!) Theo would give Hunter a different feel than Nick, but it would be one I could work with. :)
For the record, the YouTuber Joel Wood was my runner-up, because my hubby has been watching scads of Joel and Lia videos lately and it always surprises me how much Joel makes me think of Nick. But resources for iconning would be slim, plus Joel is too young and smiles too much to be a proper Hunter stand-in. XD
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chendetroit Ā· 6 years ago
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ā€”ā€”ā€” Ā BASICS!
NAME!: lexiĀ 
PRONOUNS!:Ā  she/her.
ZODIAC SIGN!: scorpio
TAKEN OR SINGLE!: Deeply Committed to being the embodiment of disaster
ā€”ā€”ā€” Ā THREE Ā FACTS!
1!: Iā€™m a chronic dumbass and my stats increase with alcohol and encouragement. Iā€™ve attempted to surf on a bonfire before and Iā€™ve yet to reach peak idiocy.
2!: I really love animals. I just absorb any and all facts about them and am super fascinated. I often wonder why I didnā€™t do anything in zoology but I also have so much fun in anatomy class so oop. I have an acute adoration for cows, seals and dogs though specifically for some unknown reason xD
3!: Iā€™m not good with facts uhhhh... I enjoy cooking and baking ? I love to make things. Even more so when I surprise myself and it actually turns out decent xD I love the whole process but Iā€™m one of those people who hate cooking with others in the kitchen
ā€”ā€”ā€” Ā EXPERIENCE! ā™”
PLATFORMS USED!: I use tumblr and since my hiatus, Iā€™ve started to use discord too which has been really fun :) the amount of channels and easy to navigate AU potential is amazingĀ 
ā€”ā€”ā€” Ā MUSE Ā PREFERENCE! ā™”
GENDER!: -side eyes my one (1) muse and barely-there OC- Female I guess. Theyā€™re easier to get into the role of for me but I did roleplay Link briefly which was fun and I really enjoyed it C:
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)!: I donā€™t really have an opinion on this ? Iā€™ve yet to see someone with a FC that I didnā€™t enjoy
MULTI OR SINGLE!: single honestly, I spend enough time trying to keep my muse together here than alternating between other muses! x3 though I wouldnā€™t be averse to adding one or two more but that would be my limitĀ 
FLUFF / ANGST / SMUTĀ Iā€™m honestly more... versed in fluff and smut ? thatā€™s pretty much the extent of what Iā€™ve done on this blog. I donā€™t have much experience writing so doing angst is something Iā€™m occasionally self-conscious about (lol like Iā€™m not self-conscious of my other writing too) simply because Iā€™m worried about sounding too dramatic.
PLOT / MEMES!: I love both, simple as that! I love plotting things with my rp partners or finding a way to twist a meme. It always produces something fun and interesting and that just attests to how great my partners are :) I also adore when I get random starters in my inbox too, it never fails to pique my curiosity and make me excited trying to figure out what ideas the mun has in store x3
I literally just stole this bc Iā€™m so late oopsie
I wonā€™t tag anyone bc I donā€™t know whoā€™s done it or not so if you see this, do it and tag me fools, I wanna see! >3
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crossyourheartspreparetodie Ā· 6 years ago
Plot twist: it was Twinkie who placed the fart pillow there, Allen only took the blame because he knew Nanodick would punish him severely. The act made Twinkie reconsider if he should always do to what his dad tells him and starts to think on his own. Nanodick assigned Twinkie to influence Allen into being a puppet too, but little does he know Allen pulls harder than he pushes and soon Cross gets a super reliable informant and Link a loving family :)
Actually, when Twinkie got older, he did start to push back,only because he didnā€™t like Little Dickā€™s homophobia and treatment towards hissiblings. Why? Because newsflash heā€™s gay. I fucking knew it the moment I sawhim interact with my brat. The kid is also a part of the schoolā€™s dance team,although that couldā€™ve been Little Dickā€™s doing because ā€˜football is such aheathen sport and so is hockey meh meh meh mehā€™. That doesnā€™t automaticallymean someone is gay, donā€™t get me wrong, but with everything else he does, heisā€¦well he is definitely something. Anyway, away from Linkā€™s sexuality.
The brat did start to push back against Little Dick as hegot older and god did, I get such a fucking rush from it, let me tell you. Ican remember the very first prank that kid wanted to do. So, apparently LittleDick yelled at his little sister Tewaku wasnā€™t keeping up with her grades inschool (poor girl was having a stressful year, and everyone knew it.) Twinkieis very protective of his siblings, so he wanted revenge. He didnā€™t know how togo about it though, so guess who popped up on front of our house looking forthe materials and training to pull off a good prank? I was quite skeptical thatTwinkie could handle it and even the brat told Twinkie that he could do it forhim if he wished. After Twinkie described to me what happened that made himwant to take his revenge on Little Dick the Tormenter it was all ā€œYes, my son,you are ready. Let us teach you the art of pranking.ā€
So, what prank did he use? Putting a strong laxative inLittle Dickā€™s drink/food. He chose a cupcake and his reasoning was ā€œHe putTewaku through so much emotional and physical pain to please him, so I willgive him digestive distress to give him a taste of the pain sheā€™s been through.ā€This kid was not messing around. He wanted pain. I think I almost cried becauseā€œOh my god this brat has come so far!ā€
Oh, you shouldā€™ve seen the poor boyā€™s reactions when thelaxative cupcake was complete. He was a nervous wreck, but the brat and I wererooting so hard for him. No way in hell weā€™d let him back down. So, after a lotof training to keep a straight face and reminders that ā€œYou can do this.ā€ ā€œHedeserves it.ā€ ā€œWeā€™ll both take the fall for you dude, just do it.ā€ He did. Itwas glorious and God was Twinkie on Cloud fucking Nine. I had such an amazingrush of pride for the kid, we ate like champions that night and I think thebrat fell further in love with Twinkie as well.
As for the plot twist of the brat taking the fall forTwinkie in the past when it came to prankingā€¦I could see it. I didnā€™t ask thebrat over who did the pranks, but honestly, I could see the brat doing that forTwinkie. It is also not a surprise at all that Little Dick would try and getTwinkie to make the brat all ā€˜prim and properā€™. The brat is his own person andhe is very strong willed though. I donā€™t know what he did to remove the stickfrom Twinkieā€™s ass that was probably put there because of Little Dick, but itdoes a man proud to see someone like Twinkie finally rebel and break out of hischains.
The bratā€™s friends have become like family and not because Iā€™mgood friends with Tiedoll. Without the brat I mostly stayed on the outside, butwith the brat I have to participate in taking care of his friends (sleepovers)now. So yeah, weā€™re one big, dysfunctional, happy for the most part family,with a lot of trauma but weā€™re working through it. It was an automatic responseto take Twinkie under my wing, I wouldnā€™t call us a ā€˜loving familyā€™ because webicker a lot, but he doesnā€™t seem to mind. Sorry for the long ass response onceagain. I thought the long ass story telling was more Tiedollā€™s speed, but maybeit goes for everyone with kids. I donā€™t know. Hope you have a great day kid andfeel free to stop by whenever!
(Mun: I really like the plot twist idea and I so see it happeningXD. So much yes. I crave ā€˜stand-in dadā€™ Cross to Link. Itā€™s my jam.)
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sozotohakai Ā· 6 years ago
meet the mun
Repost do not reblog !!
Tagged by: @weiwuxiian (thank you!) Tagging: @xueyaangĀ @shensheng-aoman @ask-cross-marian @avellaturortem @crowleiii @manadcampbellrpblog @crystallizecrimsonbutterflyĀ @illusiive if you want to, and anyone else who wants to!
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LAYER ONE: THE OUTSIDE - Name:Ā Chris - Eye Color: Ā Brown - Hair Style/color: Varies, I tend to prefer mid-length hair, with layered cut style, and theyā€™re naturally dark brown, Iā€™ve dyed them with strands of copper or strands of auburn in the past, Iā€™ve felt like letting them be just their natural colour but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s possible Iā€™ll dye them in one of those again in the future. - Height:Ā 5ā€²7 (170 cm) - Clothing style:Ā Uh. That is a good question :ā€™) Casual I guess, I love most jeans/tight pants that are either blue or black, I love my tops to be fitting though not too tight but I have various kind of tops I like (from tank top to short sleeved shirt to long sleeve ones), I do have a weakness for button up shirts though. Boots are also my faves kind of shoes. - Best physical feature:Ā I guess, my overall figure?
LAYER TWO: THE INSIDE - Your fears:Ā I think my overall, big fear is the fear of physical pain, but itā€™s translate most in fear of drowning, of sharp objects pointed at me or near me in someone elseā€™s hand, fear of heights, and fear of stingy insects. I think I do have a phobia of wasps and bees and the likes though, like, I used to be deathly afraid of every insects, even butterfly. Iā€™m still a bit uneasy when anything insects gets close to me, but I only really fear afraid when I know it can sting (or if I donā€™t know if they can, like if Iā€™m surprised by buzzing but canā€™t see it, or if I donā€™t know the insects). I tolerate bees? By that I mean I just freeze and repeat like a mantra itā€™ll die if it strings it wonā€™t easily sting you. But wasps? Nah man, Iā€™ll hide behind anyone I know or I flee. If you ever see me make a sudden, wide off-way from a straight line, you know I heard or saw a wasps or something insect-y. Like. At least you know iā€™m the best radar for them. At least, it is the fear of being stung by then, rather than of the insects themselves, so Iā€™m okay with just seeing them and/or hearing them if they canā€™t access me. Although the sounds make me tense like BUZZING-oh its okay XD - Your guilty pleasure:Ā I see a cat, I hope I can pet the cat, I wonā€™t bother the cat but if thereā€™sĀ  cat and cat willing, Iā€™ll pet cat. Same with dogs, though cats feel calmer so easier to be around. Also tbh food? Iā€™m weak to good food, or just anything tasy enough for me, which is pretty much anything (that isnt overcooked or the very few tastes I wont like). - Ambitions for the future: In all honesty, being able to continue with the life iā€™ve created. Take care of mom, visit&see my brother every weekend, spend my way between writing and working on little things and my hobbies. I do wish to be able eventually to travel and meet my online friends (and/or welcome them here). And tbh I have zero wish to get known, if I get some fanbase and just enough to contribute at home, iā€™ll be the happiest. The only real dream for future I have is a shared one, mom and my bro (and I) kind of hope weā€™ll one day be able to live in a house together, either those houses that can be split in smaller houses (like three small flats making up a bigger house), or simply that it has enough rooms for each of us to have a personal space.
LAYER THREE: THOUGHTS - Your first thoughts waking up: Vary, half the time it can be some leftover dreams so itā€™s like, finishing a thought from a dream (including at times literally thinking oh iā€™m dreaming ohhhh iā€™m waking up), sometimes itā€™ll be the slow realization of a sound, most often thereā€™s also hearing if mom is awake (or not). Then I can daydream a bit. - What you think about before bed:Ā Most often, daydreaming to sleep.
LAYER FOUR: WHATā€™S BETTER? - Single or group dates: Not sure tbh, I guess both depending on people and context? - To be loved or respected:Ā  Respect. You can love without respect; but respect is a form of love in itself. Like Iā€™d honestly much prefer someone who respect me but doesnā€™t feel much of anything, that someone whoĀ ā€œlovesā€ me but doesnā€™t have respect. Of course, if Iā€™m loved and respected, thatā€™s the best. - Beauty or brains:Ā Either one or both. I honestly see people as whole, so I can seeĀ ā€œdetailsā€, but I also see the whole. Probably both is the most correct reply, though beauty has a bit less impact on me than brains, but beauty is subjective so. - Dogs or cats:Ā Both, though I do have a preference for cats, cat-energy is like... calm. I mean they can be no calm at all, but their overall energy feel calmer than dogs. But I love both.
LAYER FIVE: DO YOU. - Lie: I myself tend to be truthful, although I can also simply omit truths if voicing them has no real impact or need, mostly itā€™s like, if something doesnt feel important to share, I wouldnā€™t really think of it, but if asked or if the subject comes to it, it might pop into my head. So basically I donā€™t lie (unless Iā€™d have a pretty good reason life safety), Iā€™d mind my words with hurtful truth (if they have to be voiced), and I donā€™t really care if iā€™m lied to, as long as itā€™s not malicious. - Believe in yourself:Ā I think? Iā€™m secure in myself now, so yeah I guess thereā€™s this implicit confidence I know myself enough. Like I can have insecurities, but I guess I believe in myself to handle it so. - Believe in love: I do, I believe in all forms of love, including at first sight, though I also believe it needs work to remain love, and the loves that donā€™t have a real label (like, thereā€™s romantic, platonic, queerplatonic, and then those loves you canā€™t really place as any of the three but could be any of the three). And I believe friendship love and family love are just as strong as others, but I kind of believe more in family of the heart than of blood? And that its basically luck when you have a heartā€™s family thatā€™s also blood family. Like they are part of your heart family, and the fact youā€™re blood related is just a secondary detail. - Want someone: I do feel like it would be nice to have a partner (or partners, Iā€™m neutral about exclusivity), but Iā€™m going out of my way to look for one. Thatā€™s why I also feel like if I ever have someone, itā€™ll be a friend, someone I know and we think okay we could be partners too. Iā€™m not ruling out meeting someone that gets me doki-doki but yeah, Iā€™d still want to know them better first. I easily crush, but I donā€™t easily fall (and I easily friendship crush too and confused crush sooOOO).
LAYER SIX: EVER? - Been on stage:Ā Not really? Presentation yes, but nothing else. I mean one time a presentation took the form of a small sketch but. Yeah no real stage. - Done drugs: No. - Changed who you were to fit in: I donā€™t think so? I adapt, but thatā€™s part of myself. But I donā€™t change the other parts? Like Iā€™m quiet naturally, I can become chatty about cetain things (especially if I feel comfortable, which is harder in person), and Iā€™m not going to shut up nor am I going to speak up if I donā€™t want to. If I can see people arenā€™t listening, iā€™m also not going to bother trying. The same kind of logic is applied to anything, I can notice what works and doesnā€™t work in a given setting, but I only adjust if I want to and if itā€™s not going against who I am.
LAYER SEVEN: FAVORITES - Favorite color: Blue, green, silver, gold, white, black. - Favorite animal: Foxes, cats, felines&canines in general, horses. I also blame WWX and LWJ from making me coo harder at bunnies now. EDIT: Yo Iā€™m an idiot whose brain didnā€™t work, but I actuall love wolves as much as foxes, they need to be properly mentioned and I dont know why I forgot :ā€™D - Favorite movie: I canā€™t say I have faves in movies? There are movies I enjoyed, but none I consider faves, unlike animes/mangas or games. - Favorite game:Ā Tales of Symphonia, Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, Skyrim, Tales of Vesperia, Breath of the WIld, Pokemon games (X/Y so far my favourite with weakness for FR/LG).
LAYER EIGHT: AGE - Day your next birthday will be:Ā July, 2nd - How old will you be: 27 (I still mind-freeze because part of me still feel like Iā€™m, what, 24? Not quite anymore at the 20/21 stage, but not really past my mid-twenties) - Does age matter: Not really, itā€™s people personality and their ability to handle the world, as well as how they interact with it. In a sense, its the age you feel like that matters more, but to yourself. Like yeah you can care about the number ages of people around you, but its how they are and feel and act that end up mattering more.
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AskingDescendants Task 002: About theĀ  Mun
Name/Alias:Ā Ruby
Pronouns: She/her
Which characters do you write currently?:Ā Cora, Princess of Hearts (asktheprincessofhearts), (Spawn of) Sarah Sanderson ( ask-salem-siren), and Katie Norrington (askascarlettletter)
What got you into Descendants?:Ā I had had a seizure and was feeling kind of down and mopey, and wanted to distract myself.Ā  Iā€™d read an article about Descendants coming out a few months before and ended up googling it and watching it.Ā  I was okay with the first film, but I LOVED the second one.Ā 
Favorite color:Ā Red
Favorite food:Ā Oooh.Ā  I love spicy food.Ā  Also Oreo cheesecake XDĀ 
Favorite book(s) and character(s) from it: I hate answering this question!!!! um...I love Harry Potter obviously (favorite character being Hermione).Ā  I also love Phantom of the Opera (with favorite character being Christine).Ā  I love too many books to pick one honestly.Ā Ā 
Favorite movie(s) and character(s) from it: Bram Stokerā€™s Dracula (Mina), Titanic (Rose).Ā  Thereā€™s a lot, but those are the two that Iā€™m thinking of off the top of my head.Ā  Also, Iā€™m a musical theatre lover, so I do love musical movie adaptations (except POTO. I despise movie POTO with an undying passion).Ā Ā 
Whatā€™s the coolest thing youā€™ve ever done?: Iā€™ve technically performed off-Broadway! (surprise!)Ā 
Corazana (Cora), Princess of Hearts
Parent(s)/Movie: Queen and King of Hearts/Alice in Wonderland
What makes this character special?: Well, sheā€™s my first character, so Iā€™m sentimentally attached to her.Ā  But I also tried to make her morally gray in some ways.Ā  A lot of theĀ ā€œDescendantsā€ characters almost seem over-powered in film universe to me (*cough* Mal), and I deliberately tried to write Cora with weaknesses and insecurities.Ā  I also made her not magical on purpose.Ā  What I do like, though, is that despite her faults sheā€™s a loyal friend and utterly determined to get what she wants.Ā 
How are you and this character similar? Dissimilar?: I realized AFTER I wrote her for a little while that Coraā€™sĀ ā€œslipsā€ are sort of inspired by my own epilepsy.Ā  Obviously, I donā€™t have violent psychotic episodes and/or homicidal tendencies, but the whole idea of being defined by a medical condition and being in fear of something happening to you at any time (thatā€™s totally out of your control) is inspired by my epilepsy, accompanied by people judging you for it.Ā  Cora is also very stubborn (much like me), and cares deeply for her friends.Ā  Unlike me, Cora actually likes caffeinated drinks (I donā€™t), and sheā€™s I feel, in many ways, braver.Ā  Stuff that I am very reserved with or would take a lot of time deliberating over Cora just does.Ā  This impulsivity is a big difference, and can have both positive/negative results.Ā 
Whatā€™s the hardest part about writing this character?: Cora likes to get on a soapbox and rant a bit and when she does she can come off as snobby.Ā  Itā€™s also very hard not to write her as super kind all the time- I have to remember that just as in real life, people arenā€™t perfect; not everyoneā€™s going to like her, and sheā€™s going to have her moments.Ā  So writing her negative aspects is more difficult for me, as is writing it when sheā€™s mean to other people (even the Alice characters).Ā 
What do you see this character doing in the future?: I really hope she gets to achieve her dream one day and become the next Queen of Hearts and ruler of Wonderland. I also hope that she comes to accept that her slips donā€™t mean she is inherently flawed or broken; theyā€™re just a condition that she deals with.Ā  And if she and Cole get married, I hope that theyā€™re happy together (I think they will be- she may also find a way for King Candy to disappear).Ā  And that Cora will someday actually be able to cook something for him without messing it up!Ā 
(Spawn of) Sarah Sanderson
Parent(s)/Movie: Sarah Sanderson/Hocus Pocus
What makes this character special?: Sarah is my firstĀ ā€œevilā€ character.Ā  Sheā€™s struggling between the role sheā€™s been told sheā€™s going to fill her whole life (that of a witch serving Satan- thatā€™s whoĀ ā€œthe Masterā€ is, by the way; I just never refer to him by name as the witches inĀ ā€œHocus Pocusā€ call himĀ ā€œMasterā€) and maybe being someone else.Ā  She doesnā€™t quite haveĀ her own identity, and itā€™s very intriguing playing someone who has not only never developed their own identity, but never been given a chance to.Ā Ā 
How are you and this character similar? Dissimilar?: I did not sell my soul, nor did my parents sell mine for me.Ā  Iā€™m not a witch.Ā  I also really like being friends WITH people who are nice to me, not for what theyā€™ve done/can do, so the concept ofĀ ā€œno friends unless they are part of the covenā€ is alien to me.Ā  Sheā€™s also much more manipulative than I am.Ā  We are similar though in that we both hunger for approval from our parents, and in some ways, may never get it.Ā Ā 
Whatā€™s the hardest part about writing this character?: Trying to balance herĀ ā€œmeannessā€ and inherent evil quality with the little spark of light in her thatā€™s like,Ā ā€œI donā€™t know who I am, but I wanna find out.ā€Ā  I donā€™t usually write evil characters so itā€™s tough for me to keep her squarely in that category, which I really want to do.Ā  I also feel super guilty anytime she says something rude (which is a lot).Ā 
What do you see this character doing in the future?: No idea!Ā  She doesnā€™t either.Ā  Iā€™m hoping she does find a home though and realizes that she doesnā€™t need her parents/auntsā€™ approval to be happy.Ā  She can be her own person.Ā  Whether her own person is staying evil and serving the Master or freeing her soul and learning different magic styles remains to be seen.Ā Ā 
Katie Norrington
Parent(s)/Movie: Scarlett (ā€œThe Redheadā€) and James Norrington/Pirates of the Caribbean film series/rideĀ 
What makes this character special?: Katie is the first character whoā€™s an amalgam of ride and movie canon.Ā  Sheā€™s also...like, completely, 100% different from me.Ā  Itā€™s a new experience writing someone who is so different.Ā  Every time I write her I feel like itā€™s a challenge and I learn something new about her (and me).Ā Ā 
How are you and this character similar? Dissimilar?: As I previously said, weā€™re totally different!Ā  Sheā€™s very confident, kind of entitled, and relatively fearless.Ā  I am none of those things lol.Ā  I guess you could say weā€™re both pragmatic, but thatā€™s if you HAVE to find a similarity.Ā Ā 
Whatā€™s the hardest part about writing this character?: That weā€™re so dissimilar.Ā  I never know her motivations or how sheā€™ll react to something- often, the reaction I end up writing is different from what I think she would do.Ā  Itā€™s like she taps me on the shoulder and goes,Ā ā€˜Hey, mun, thatā€™s wrong.Ā  I wouldnā€™t do that.ā€™Ā  Itā€™s a novel experience.Ā 
What do you see this character doing in the future?: Iā€™d like to see her roam the seas somehow, though whether itā€™s respectable (like her father would want) or as a rogue pirate queen (like her mom would want) is unknown.Ā  Sheā€™s new!Ā 
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