#(( How to ship with Scotty on this blog: A Guide ))
thecursedhellblazer · 5 years
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Anonymous asked: “ OTP(s) for your muse? ”
Shipping Questions meme || Accepting !
(( I feel like I need to make a distinction here between the ships I have for John as a character in general and the ships I have for my version of him (as my muse). I promise I’ll keep it short ^^” ))
(( “Canon” wise, my fave ship for him is HellStar (John / Lucifer Morningstar, from the Netflix show), at least from what concerns the DCTV/DCEU adaptations. Then I have this crackship I’m kinda attached to, which would be John / Damien Darhk. Don’t judge me, that’s what LoT 5x07 did to me. ))
(( Basing myself more on the comics universe/Justice League, my soft spots goes for a past, messy relationship between John and Chas (when they were younger, before the Newcastle clusterfuck and Ravenscar) and the odd bond John and the First have ongoing (yep, I do ship them...even if in a weird way xD). I also like John/Zatanna, but only as part of his background. I think they work much better as ex-lovers turned to friends. ))
(( Speaking of my Constantine (as the muse written on this blog), I’ve found myself with a much broader range of ships...which was kind of a surprise because I tend to be selective when it comes to this sort of stuff. It’s really linked to the way my RP partners write their muses and to their unique take on them, more than on the characters themselves. Listing them: ))
@imthebatman​​‘s Bruce Wayne: the very first ship of this blog. It totally caught me off guard, but I adore it. Just as I adore Palps. Obviously. I even made a moodboard for them and, trust me, that means a lot xD
@thedemonconstantine​​​‘s Chas: we are so going for the pre-Newcastle complicated attraction between John and Chas. It’s going to be a background thread for our “present time” ones, but I’m eager to play it out. The comics don’t really explore that part of Chas and John’s shared history and that’s a real pity. Something needs to be done about it u.u
@angelluxi​​‘s Lucifer: look at me finally going after one of my “canon” ships xD Kidding aside, I love their portrayal and, since the mun low-key ships them too, we decide to give them a try sometimes. Honestly looking forward to it, and to explore all the other shades of their relationship too.
@areswriites​​‘s Klaus Hargreeves: we just writing together, but honestly? We’re both of the idea that these two could turn out to be super interesting together...and I sure as hell dig them. (Pssst, hey, Ares, yep, you. I’m willing to ship John with some of your other muses too if you want xD)
@smoakinn​​‘s Felicity Smoak: we basically just discussed shipping (literally yesterday) and we both agreed that John and Felicity could have a very nice bond, a friendship that slides into romance, given the right time. We plotted out a few basic interactions and they turned out amazing.
@ceolenaluthor​​‘s Lena Luthor: alright, we didn’t really talk about it, it was mentioned in a meme the mun replied to, but from how we have started their interaction, I could totally see it happening, if the chemistry evolves in the right way!
(( There are another couple of people I’d be interested in shipping with, but it hasn’t come up and i’m socially dumb, so...I don’t know how to ask. ))
(( Oh, does it counts that in my thread with @perfectedingbadideas​​, my John and their John have talked about (and not just joking about it) to shag each other? I mean, at some point in the comics he does say that he would have sex with himself, given the chance, so...Maybe we’re just enacting canon xD ))
(( In any case, the main concept is that I discovered that I love shipping with John. Of course, I won’t ship him with literally everyone, but I find myself much more open-minded to the whole thing than I usually am. So, if you want to discuss shipping, come at me! ))
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