temsikfates · 2 years
Ok so I decided to make a post for the main relationships in this blog. If I forgot someone, just let me know! I’m not gonna add the AUs here because it would made things even more messy than they already are adskjdkj
Yomiel (Shades)
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Jowd | fourminutesbefore (Friend)
“I guess I can consider Jowd my friend, despite all the shit I did to him. He forgave me and we both are trying to deal with the awful memories from that terrible timeline. I owe him a lot. I feel like I’ll forever owe him for everything I did. He says he forgives me, but I don’t feel like this is enough. I think my debt to him will never be completely paid, but I’m trying my best.”
Cat!Sissel | catofkismet/phantompets (Best Friend)
“My best friend in the entire world is a cat. Call me crazy, but that’s the truth. He’s the only one I can talk to about my traumas from the past timeline and he’s been helping me a lot.”
Missile | fourminutesbefore/phantompets/ghostlymissile (Friend)
“I’m not a dog person and honestly, dogs makes me feel nervous, but this particular one? I like him. He helped Sissel to avert my fate, so I owe him my life too.”
Apollo Justice | taiyodoroki (Friend)
“Apollo is really nice and we have a lot in common. First, he appreciates red. Got my respect. He also loves cats and is a nerd so thumbs up. He is also very nice to me.”
Apollo Justice | aptlyattorney (Friend)
A lawyer I met when I was talking about cats. I ended up telling him about my secret because he seemed to know I was lying. Must be a lawyer thing I guess, since it’s part of their profession to detect when someone is lying or hiding facts. He seems nice and has a good taste for suits.
Koven | spiritkat (Friend)
“I’ve met this kitten accidentally and I already love him. He reminds me a lot of Sissel and he’s also willing to help me. I can’t have enough kitty friends, the more the better!”
Kamila | fourminutesbefore (Unofficial niece figure)
“Kamila…. What do I have to say about this poor girl whose life I tormented so much in a past timeline? I feel terrible for what I did to her. I’m trying to atone for everything I did to her. She seems to like me, I guess. Guess I’m an awkward uncle figure to her, apparently.”
Selena Dean | hackerdean (Pupil/Unofficial niece figure)
“Met this girl one day in a coffee shop while waiting for a client to show up. She seems to be into programming too and likes cats. We have a very nice chat. She seems to look up to me as a mentor. Guess I got another awkward niece figure.”
Connor | bambino-muses (Friend)
“This is the Android that was sent by CyberLife to work with the detectives in the PD. Really innocent. Sissel is very fond of him and I like him too. I’m really curious to study about his programming.”
Cabanela | nooothinglikeme (Grudge)
“Ah, the inspector… He still annoys me a lot. I haven’t forgiven him, but Sissel says I should try to forgive him and move on. And even though I know she’s right… I don’t know if I’m ready yet. The inspector should also forgive me, this go both ways. I dunno how the fuck he found out about the timelines, but it seems it has something to do with the multiverses I recently found out were real.”
Kaname Date/Saito Sejima | psyncin-in-the-restrain (Awkward Friend)
“Met this guy while walking on the streets once. Seems to be a new detective in the precint, working with the local detectives. Said he came from Japan and seems to be working on a big case. He’s a bit of a werid guy and I had a weird feeling about him. Maybe it’s me being paranoid or just my trust issues alerting me to be careful, but I’m definitely curious about him. I guess I can consider him a friend now. He’s nice towards me and Sissel and he respects our relationship, so I guess I can trust him.”
Manipulator Yomiel (Shard)
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Seluna | garounthropy/silenthcwl (Close Friend/Crush)
“We started out in a bad mood, but then we turned out to be friends. She reached a hand out to me when no else would. She’s… been doing a lot for me. More than anyone else ever did. I guess I am developing feelings for her, but I think it’s just my grief that’s making me project Sissel on her… I’m still confused about my feelings for her, but I hope this doesn’t ruin our friendship.”
Cat!Sissel | catofkismet /phamtompets (Best Friend)
“My best friend. He’s been beside me for years and has been my only companion and the only one I could talk to. Too bad cats can’t talk. I love him so much…”
Apollo Justice | taiyodoroki (Friend)
“I like this kid. I’ve been trying to teach him how to shoot people. He’s shot that inspector twice. I’m proud of him.”
Jowd | fourminutesbefore (Enemy/Victim)
“Ah, Jowd, I hope you’re enjoying your spot in your prison cell. I make sure to visit you everyday to see if you’re suffering properly. I’ll make sure you pay for what you did to me.”
Cabanela | nooothinglikeme (Enemy/Victim)
“This bastard inspector always like to get in the way of my plans. I killed him once and I’d kill him as many times as needed.”
Alfendi Layton | twiceminded (Victim)
“This one’s an interesting case. He’s intriguing. He reminds me ot that bastard inspector in white, and he’s also a man of the law so another reason for me to dislike him. Right now, I’m just toying with him, seeing how far I can push him…”
Bluemiel | fourminutesbefore (Enemy/Victim)
“This one’s a shameful alternate. I can’t even consider him an alternate. How can he not feel the need for vengeance for the people who destroyed our lives? He’s weak. He’s pathetic. And I hate him.”
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Alma | celebratorysoul (Close Friend)
“Alma’s the adorable wife of Detective Jowd. We have much in common and lots of interesting stuff to talk about. She’s helped me distract myself and feel better when that terrible incident at the park happened.”
Larry | itsgottabethebutz (Friend)
“We met once in a very hot day and we drank a limonade together. Despite initially flirting with me, he quickly understood I’m engaged and he’s really nice towards me! We’re both artists and I love it! Larry is a very fun guy to be around and very respectful too. I really want him and Yomiel to be friends too. Yomiel needs more friends in his life to distract himself.”
Kaname Date/Saito Sejima | psyncin-in-the-restrain (Friend)
“A very nice guy I met in a Market Fair! He also is an awkward friend of Yomiel’s. I guess an awkward friend is better than nothing! He’s a really nice guy and I really want to get to know him better. I really hope Yomiel can get along with him. Saito seems so lonely and he could use a friend, same to Yomiel. Just hope Yomiel stops with his silly jealousness towards him.
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Clive Dove | clivedoveplblog (Second Best Friend/Classmates)
“Clive is my other friend besides Sissel. It’s weird how we came to be friends, but I like him. He loves to tease me, but since it’s in a friendly way and not in a mean way like the bullies, I don’t really mind it. He’s a bit mysterious sometimes, but he’s fun to be around.”
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Clive Dove | clivedoveplblog (Friend/Classmates)
“Clive is Yomiel’s friend, so he’s my friend too. He spends more time with Yomiel, but we also do some shenanigans together.”
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crossed--fates · 4 years
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@nooothinglikeme​ said:  Hey, Shaaard?
He’s too tired to start an argument so he just shrugs and greets the Inspector.
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“Ah, it’s... you. Yes? What do you want?”
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inalbisangelos · 4 years
@nooothinglikeme​ answered:
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Just one, baby?
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Maaaybe more than one. Seem like it’s the only thing I’m good at.
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nexusofmuses · 4 years
with @nooothinglikeme from here
Sissel does not break eye contact. This is absolutely a challenge. He holds his hind leg up higher, and then slowly lowers it, only to hop up on all fours and strut a circle around the inspector, rubbing his black fur against his white coat
‘Ha. Take that.’
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fourminutesbefore · 4 years
nooothinglikeme replied to your post: “Ahh, I miss when I used to banter with my little group! ♪”:
Wanna share some memories?
Why not, whyyy not? Here’s a standout memory for you!
One time we went up to a hill to test Lynne’s shield, see if she could project it like a hamster ball. She ended up rolling down the hill and running Yomiel over with it. Busted his nose up pretty good but he pulled through! Though I might call it settlin’ a petty score of miiine!
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celebratorysoul · 4 years
With nooothinglikeme from here:
Alma’s face is betraying her again as she pictures Jowd obliviously going through his days at work while the rest of his entire district creates a gossip firestorm behind his back about the so-called chicken girl. Her eyes dance as she points out, “They might think you decided to toss all that love you’ve been throwing your oblivious best friend and rival at some other charmingly oblivious soul...oh dear, I’m feeling rather sorry for the poor girl! No, perhaps ‘Paola’ - that’s her -  should be let down gently, you’re right.”
She ponders, while gently toying with his hair and destroying his hairstyle in a small revenge. Since he can’t feel it he won’t know until he looks in a mirror, right?  ...So probably about 20 seconds after she lets him go, but clearly the only answer to that is not to do so. Logic, and she beams at him as she says, “No, I think your only recourse is to either come up with someone else who can outshine the sun (and we all know there is no other such person imaginary or not, Cabs dearest) or you’ll have to settle for the likes of such poor mortals as Jowd and me, and your colleagues can mind their own business.”
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guilty-love · 4 years
The nation's beeest... 
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If you say it, it has to be true!
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nooothinglikeme replied to your post: “I am filled with such anger tonight at what...
Wanna talk about it, or talk about something else, or absolutely not?
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... Where do you want to start?
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Caaan’t say the same.
Since when did you become unlucky enough to lose your life? I’m sorry that I can’t take the credit for it this time around, Mister Inspector. Are you still haunting stuffed animals?
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hosttrick · 4 years
nooothinglikeme liked your post: @hjoenk​ “Oh, it’s you.” 
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haha at least i cant lose a white coat i dont have
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professorunaging · 4 years
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“That seems to be the case... though I will admit it also isn’t unusual for me.”
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inalbisangelos · 5 years
@nooothinglikeme {x}:
Hey there, handsome. He pats the sparklebeast’s big fluffy head and smiles back, perfect but distant, tired.
“Nope. Some days I miss my body. Feelin’ anchored somewhere.” Feeling other people close to him.
Uriel’s ears fall flat on their large head while a sad whine escapes their throat, a cavernous sound  that makes their whole frame shake and rumble. As happy as it makes them hearing Cabanela open up so easily, it hurts them to the core to know what he’s enduring.
“You brave soul… condemning yourself to a limbo to protect the innocents,” they coo, shifting their wings’ position to literally ‘hug’ the inspector close to their body. “Let me find a way to fix it-- please?”
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itsgottabethebutz · 4 years
(whispering) thanks for bein' the voice of reason
Larry could have sworn that he’d heard a voice beside him—he jolts awake, only to find nobody there.
He sighs and sinks back into the beanbag chair, throwing an arm over his face. Was Larry really so starved for positive affirmation that he dreamed it?
(Fat lotta good that did...)
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fourminutesbefore · 4 years
nooothinglikeme replied to your post: “¦ Been a little while, hasn’t it?”:
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Got anything to say beyond that, old friend?
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celebratorysoul · 4 years
With @nooothinglikeme​ from here:
Alma listens, taking (real) deep breaths. She can’t help but feel he’s humoring her a bit, but she can’t deny that what he’s saying are truths. Cabanela and Jowd live dangerous lives and she’s already been the collateral for it once with no desire to do it again or to see her daughters wrapped into it (although Lynne is choosing it for herself, but that’s another entire kettle of fish). Safety and freedom at a price Cabanela chose--she understands. She does. And the deep content she’d felt when Jowd, at last, admitted to what she’d known he felt for so long, and the things that came after--she wouldn’t change those either. There is so much to love about this life they’ve built, but someone else has paid the cost.
She rubs her forehead, then leans forward and and rests it against Cabanela’s chest, wrapping her arms around him again, but around his waist this time. Even she finds her own anxiety tiresome and this entire light-heartedly begun discussion has devolved into an unexpected exploration of deep worries, but he’s stolid and real against her face. For now, she nods against the fabric of his shirt, letting herself be more or less persuaded--forget half full, her cup does indeed runneth over. She has almost everything she ever could have asked for (her mind carefully dances around the empty spot of the soul connection. The glass remains unbroken). Her convictions stand, however, and the question he brought to her still remains. ‘Paola’, or what she represents, is a different kind of freedom than the freedom of the dead, or the undead. Cabanela has the latter, but she doesn’t know how to grant him the former. Perhaps a ‘Paola’ is the only price she can pay for what he’s done for their sake, but Alma still has reservations.
“Neither Paola nor I...or Jowd, for that matter... can give you anything you could actually eat or drink. I’d go out and dance with you any day - and I’d give a lot to see you do the same with Jowd - but I know it’s not the same for you now, so help me understand. What would you do with a Paola if you had one? If these powers are freeing, I want you to feel free. Otherwise, what’s the point?”
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guilty-love · 4 years
Ah, Inspector Cabanela, one of my most favorite men alive.
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He has style, he has taste and he is great in what he does. He’s a bright, sparkling person, just like me, with a smile brighter than the sun.
I feel... like he’s a kindred soul. I see a lot of myself in him, to be honest, which makes me think a lot about the hardships he must have endured so far. We never really talk about it, probably because I don’t want to be nosy aber... I would be happy to get to know him better.
It’s rare to meet people that I feel like I have known for years upon the first meeting.
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