#[it was funny XD
nevis-the-skeleton · 1 year
Hi Nevis :D
I found your Transformers story requests on AO3. And I thought I may as well give it a go and give you a prompt (this is my first ever prompt by the way).
I am slightly worried that you might find it a bit intimidating by its sheer length. But then again, you can just pick apart the bits that resonate with you.
My favorite Prime character is Knockout, and to be fair, a lot of his and Starscream's character development is intertwined.
Without further ado:
Episode 11 'Speed Metal' and future episodes
'What if' when Knockout was lining up on the dirt race track in the episode intro, another rather flashy illustrious, Mustang pulls up besides him. The door on the window lowers, a pale skinned woman with jet black hair pops a gum bubble as her scrutinizing gaze devours his entire frame. A smirk begins to creep up the side of her mouth and then into a full blown out grin, she whistles and then states, "Man, those are some seriously sexy steel belted radials. I'm diggin the gold trim too, brings out a fine contrast to that cherry red sheen."
Knockout in all of his astonishing vanity and pride, is hapless but to reply, " Dhow, why thank you! I believe there is no such thing as to over in gross in the finer detailing of my esteem- my car's esteemed, appearance." The woman's grin appears to widen again.
Let the race begin.
Together, they tear up that dirt track like hellfire. An intricate dance that no other competitor can compete with, they are essentially, left in their dust. Not only can that human dish out a fine complement, but she can also drive too! This is far too exciting! There is no foul play, there is, just only skill. Dedication of their whole lives to the craft of driving. It is, simply beautiful.
Knockout engages his turbo on the final bend to the finish line, he catches her off guard with his sudden burst of speed and takes the lead. A cherry red blur crosses the finish line first. She pulls up besides him after crossings the finish line second and congratulates him on his pristine driving ability. He begrudgingly admits that she's the finest driver he's encountered (on this mud ball). They part ways after a few more praises to the flashy finishes of the others car.
In subsequent future races, Knockout is astonished and yet bemused that she turns up in her car for every other race. The two grow to become familiar acquaintances and develop an exceptional rivalry on the racetrack.
Starscream notices Knockout's increasing absence on the Nemesis and discovers his little covert frolicking with the humans. Especially with Knockouts' 'human femme'. He despises this, and sets out to make it his personal mission to separate Knockout from this human and ruin her racing career.
This however, with each attempt, always manages to spectacularly backfire on him. Instead of separating Knockout and the human, his actions only helped to draw them closer together and allow them to develop a strengthening friendship.
I also give you permission to use my Tumblr name, being anonymous or not really doesn't bother me.
Hope I have an intimidated you too much 😅.
Good luck darling
galbrandy xx
Interesting ^^! I prefer to warn that it will not be a ship, because I do not do Transformers x Human, but I see a friendship between the two X). I'm also thinking of adding Soundwave to Starscream's schemes, because surely he too preferred KnockOut to do his job, rather than spending his time with this human XD. Thank you for your request ^^!
KnockOut loved racing, he found it much more rewarding and exciting than his job as a doctor. He didn't hate his job, of course, but he still had a preference, a much more forbidden one.
The sports car didn't see why he would waste his time doing something he wasn't interested in, especially since Megatron's coma. Everything was in constant tension, especially with Soundwave and Starscream constantly arguing over whether to unplug the leader of the Decepticons or not.
Well, arguing was a big word, since the Communications Commander never had much to say to convince the Seeker not to. Basically, even if the jet didn't admit it, he was listening to the spy plane. And that surely more than he listened to Megatron.
The red robot was on the starting track, ready to start, then he saw a new vehicle arrive, a royal blue and yellow car. He had researched about earthling vehicles, and easily recognized that it was a Ford Mustang. Very good choice of vehicle.
The car pulled into the starting track beside him, and KnockOut saw the window roll down. The woman behind the wheel popped her chewing gum, before smiling. She brushed a lock of her black hair away from her eyes, and peered at the Decepticon, then whistled in admiration. The Velocitronian moved his rear-view mirror to better see the human who had whistled at him, and the latter's smile widened, before she declared:
"Dude! That's a fucking good car! I see you have good taste! Good choice of paint too! Gold and red is always a great mix!"
The doctor huffed a laugh, and was not insensitive to the compliment. He decided to answer this human, who deserved his attention a little more than the other pitiful members of her species.
"Well thank you! But I still think it's rude of you to scrutinize my appeara – the appearance of my car!"
This amused the human who laughed in turn. The flag was soon raised, and everyone started revving their engines, ready to win this race! The Decepticon laughed at these pathetic beings, who didn't stand a chance against him anyway. Let the race begin!
KnockOut wasted no time in overtaking the others, and laughed at his more than easy victory, when he heard the loud sound of an engine rumbling behind him. He moved his rear view mirror to see the Ford Mustang following close behind.
The woman quickly came up to him, the two following each other around the bends, heaving the road in a torrent of dust and sand! The Velocitronian felt the feeling of real racing welling up inside him, as it was the first time in a long time that he had found a real opponent. It seemed to him that the great desert plains of Velocitron were redrawn in the clouds of sand, bringing KnockOut back to lost times.
It didn't take long for the finish line to appear, and the Decepticon revved up, drifting around the final corner. The human gave a start of surprise and admiration, and could do nothing to prevent the Aston Martin from crossing the finish line.
The woman approached, and parked next to him, before opening her window. She looked a little disappointed, probably because of her second place, but her gaze was also shining with admiration and respect. She sincerely applauds KnockOut, before saying:
“Wow! You are awesome! I rarely see drivers like you! You were clearly born for this!
- You're not bad either. answered the doctor. You're one of the best drivers I've met since I've been here!
- It's a pleasure!"
The human smiled defiantly, then said:
"Watch out for your beautiful finish, because the next time we see you will eat my dust!
- That's what we are going to see!" smiled the Velocitronian.
The two soon separated, and the Decepticon already wanted to meet her again for a race.
Time passed, and it wasn't long before KnockOut's wish came true. The human and he saw each other often in underground races, their rivalry growing with each victory of one and the other. The red robot was not ashamed to consider her a friend, because she was the only one who allowed him to have fun on the road.
The doctor grew increasingly absent on the Nemesis, and it didn't take long for Starscream to notice. The Seeker was quick to confront Breakdown for answers, but even KnockOut's partner didn't know where that cursed doctor was spending his nights.
The jet took him in tail, and was more than perplexed when he saw him taking the ground bridge for coordinates that had no interest. Starscream frowned in confusion, really not understanding KnockOut's behavior.
“< Weird… >”
The Seeker jumped with a scream, before quickly spinning around to face Soundwave. The Communications Commander just tilted his head gently, as Laserbeak hovered above him.
"Primus… Soundwave… You can't appear like that behind people… I already told you that…" the jet stammered, putting a hand on his chest.
The spy plane drew a smiley face on his visor, feigning an innocent look. Starscream sighed, but wasn't particularly upset, it was impossible to get upset against Soundwave anyway. The Seeker quickly focused on their current problem, and crossed his arms as he looked at the ground bridge, before saying:
"Send Laserbeak, I want to know what is so important to KnockOut that he ignores his medical duties!"
The Communications Commander nodded, before opening a ground bridge on the same coordinates, and signaling his minicon to accomplish his mission.
KnockOut won the race again, and laughed in his victory, before exclaiming:
"That's 10 for me, and 8 for you!
- No way! defended the woman. It's 9 for me, you forget our friendly run, you literally saw the aft of my car the whole way!
- How vulgar you are!
- How weird you are!"
The two laugh together, then the Decepticon asked :
“By the way, I would like to know.
- Yeah?
- What is your name?
- My name?
- Yep.
- Why would I tell you?
- Why not?
- I don't even know what you look like, you never get out of your vehicle when we see each other.
- I like to keep my anonymity.
- Pffrr!"
The human laughed, before huffing, and sitting down on the hood of her car. She gazed for a time at the stars, seeing a large bird piercing the clouds, before returning her gaze to her running mate.
“If you want to remain anonymous, I don't see why I shouldn't.
- Oh ! Come on!
- Nope! Unless you give me your name!
- It's KO.
- That's not a name!
- It's a nickname!
- Ah! The agreement is not fulfilled, I don't give you my first name!
- Come on! I'm not gonna call you "Hey" every time we see each other.
- Hm… True!
- Ah!
- In any case, I will not give you my real name.
- Rho…!"
The woman laughed, then got back into her car, before KnockOut called out to her:
“Wait, how do I call you then?!
- You can call me Liberty!"
Starscream raised his wings in anger as he stared through the screen at what Laserbeak was seeing. He banged hard on the operating table of the computer, and cried out:
"So that's what he does instead of his fragging job?!"
Soundwave took the jet's hand away from the machine, shaking his head, indicating that he wanted the hardware to work. The Seeker sighed in annoyance, but it was mainly against KnockOut. This idiot was wasting his time befriending a human, instead of doing his job! There was reason to be angry!
“There's no way I'm letting this go! I have every intention of keeping him away from that accursed human! declared the flyer.
- < Proposal > < . >"
Starscream turned his attention to the Communications Commander, while the latter displayed the image of the human that Laserbeak had photographed, before displaying a cross on her.
The Seeker smiled, easily understanding the idea of ​​the spy plane. He nodded vigorously, flapping his wings. He quickly thought of a plan, and wasted no time in coming up with one.
“You are right, Soundwave! The best way to get KnockOut to stop messing around is to get rid of that human! I also intend to make him give up the urge to continue these stupid races!"
When the sports car arrived at the new race, he quickly noticed that the atmosphere was strange. He greeted a few drivers, who all stayed in their vehicles, and who didn't even deny answering him.
The doctor thought that they were particularly rude, and that he was going to be happy to humiliate them on the track. We were not disrespectful at KnockOut without taking the risk of tasting bitter defeat!
He found the mood really heavy, but it quickly lightened when Liberty stopped beside him. The brunette opened her window, and made a sign to the Velocitronian, before exclaiming:
“Hey! Hello, KO!
- Liberty, hi!
- Ready to eat my dust?!
- Talk for you!
- That's what we're going to see!"
The human popped her chewing gum in warning, before an arrogant but no less endearing smile appeared on her face. She revved her engine as the countdown ticked down, and she was the first to go!
KnockOut followed her not far behind, when he noticed the drivers behind them getting into a triangle formation. The Decepticon quickly sensed that something was wrong, and his doubts were confirmed when some cut out of the way, to go faster!
“Hey! This is cheating!" the Velocitronian was indignant.
A lot of things may have been allowed on the track, but certainly not going off the road. Even on Velocitron it was immediate disqualification! His Spark jumped into his spark chamber when he saw Liberty being surrounded by two vehicles, and violently jostled.
Starscream smiled, and crossed his arms, as his wings rose smugly. The main room was lit by light from the computer, which broadcast what was happening on the track, courtesy of Laserbeak. The Seeker scoffed, while Soundwave watched in silence, then the jet sneered:
“Bye, bye, vermin!"
KnockOut froze when he saw Liberty's car being pushed off the road, straight into a ravine!
"NO!" shouted the Decepticon.
He sped towards the human, and raced down the ravine with her, under the shocked gaze of Starscream and Soundwave. The Seeker tensed, and squeezed his wings, before screaming:
“What the frag is he doing?! »
The two Commanders froze when they saw the doctor begin his transformation into robot mode, and put their hands to their faces as KnockOut pulled the human out of the vehicle.
Liberty couldn't hide her shock, as she was held back by a giant robot, which had the exact same colors as KO's car. The sports car landed as best as he could, and picked himself up without a problem, before dusting himself with his free hand, complaining about his poor finish.
He quickly put the woman down, who still hadn't said anything, which made him quite uncomfortable. He scratched his head, a little embarrassed, before leaning towards her and asking:
“Uh… are you OK?"
Liberty ended up screaming in terror, which startled KnockOut, who clearly didn't expect it, even ending up being offended by the human's reaction.
"Oh ! Come on! I don't think my appearance justifies such a reaction!" the Velocitronian got a little upset.
Starscream and Soundwave had a rush of hope that this would end the ridiculous friendship between these two, and the Seeker found the strength to look at the screen again, after the disaster the doctor had caused in revealing himself.
The brunette looked around her, before laughing and running a hand through her hair, reflecting her nervousness. She took several steps, never really knowing where to go, before scanning the surroundings again, and saying:
"OK! OK! I see ! It's a hidden camera, right?!
- Would you have preferred…? KnockOut asked.
- You were a car not even five minutes ago!
- Yes and?
- And… And holy shit! What the fuck!
- Language...
- Yeah, well, you'll excuse me, but I have every reason in the world to swear! My racing buddy is a fucking robot that turns into a car!
- So, already, I'm not a robot. I'm an alien."
Liberty tried to say something, but she couldn't come up with anything coherent. She pinched the bridge of her nose, and sighed heavily, before murmuring sarcastically:
“Oh yes…! It makes so much sense…!"
KnockOut raised his optics to the sky, then ended up saying:
"Besides, I saved your life, you should thank me!"
The human decided to look at the Decepticon, and found a trace of his very particular smile, before saying:
"You're right.
- Of course I'm right!"
The brunette laughed at that, and added:
"You're KO, there's no doubt!"
The two resumed a much more animated discussion and without the slightest ounce of fear on Liberty's part. The fact that the human discovered the truth about KnockOut had ultimately strengthened their bond, especially thanks to the fact that the Transformer was ready to reveal his secret to save her.
Starscream had his elbows resting on the computer desk, his head buried in his hands. Soundwave, him, could not hide his dejection at the situation, a hand resting on his forehead.
When KnockOut returned from his getaway, he didn't quite understand why his Commanders looked so dejected, but he didn't ask himself any more questions. As long as they weren't hurt, it wasn't his problem.
The doctor continued to visit Liberty, and with much more freedom. And, all of Starscream's and Soundwave's attempts to separate them always proved fruitless, often going so far as to strengthen the two riders' already stubborn friendship.
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lil-melody-moon · 2 years
Okay so, a funny thing happened! I had a longer break today between lessons and since I had no one to talk with and there are those comfy sunbeds in the chill zones at my university I went there, took one and just laid down, chilling. The only mistake I did was playing System's songs on my earphones. I swear, I only listened to them for 30 minutes, but I was so fucking sleepy after it. I don't know what is in their music, but it's so calming for me that I can fall asleep like a little baby. Or perhaps this is because of Serj's vocals?
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troythecatfish · 6 months
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mushramoo · 11 months
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i love them all dearly btw
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daydreamerwonderkid · 2 months
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So happy to be done with another ye olde af WIP.
Meme reference under cut
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sourloverboi · 1 year
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mxliv-oftheendless · 4 months
So if yall didn’t know, in The Hobbit book, Thranduil had the Dwarves locked up for approximately weeks, and Bilbo was just invisible and wandering in the palace the entire time, vibing miserably.
My headcanon, therefore, is that the Mirkwood Elves now have a local legend about a ghost haunting Thranduil’s palace, never seen but generally thought to be harmless. Thranduil scoffs at the idea, but has been seen glancing around at the dark corners of rooms. Legolas fully believes in it and is known to say hello out loud when he enters an empty room, in case the ghost is nearby.
It’s not until Legolas joins the Fellowship that he figures out that the supposed ghost was actually an invisible Bilbo the whole time. He never tells Thranduil, because he thinks it’s funny to see his regal father unnerved by the idea of a ghost.
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rann-poisoncage · 1 month
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jofish42 · 1 month
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viejospellejos · 2 years
Arte 😍
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actual-haise · 1 year
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mewtwo365 · 3 months
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this is a little out of order but i saw an internet quote from the physical dracula daily book and had to draw it - that Lucy was playing out an Otome dating sim while Jonathan is having the worst time of his life XD
i hope you enjoy this silly drawing, and have an AWESOME day!!
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drama-glob · 8 months
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As someone who had to weld in high school, I can attest to the importance of safety goggles. ;) Poor Egg Boi. >_< It's still funny though. ;) XD
*Also, aww to Sir Pentious sticking his tongue out as he works! It's just like Fizz when he's happy or in the zone when performing. ^_^<3<3<3<3
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troythecatfish · 5 months
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finemealprompt · 5 months
DP x DC Prompt #9
When Phantom joined the Justice League, he wasn’t prepared to be approached by Batman of all people. He had been warned to not take everything Batman says to you personally, but that he was a great hero.
Batman had a request. A simple one, at least according to Batman. He asked Phantom to meet an anti-hero who had come back from the dead and had some … nasty side effects.
Phantom, intrigued, agreed. Batman set a time and place, and Phantom showed up. But, Phantom thought Batman had said the one in the red helmet was the undead.
He doesn’t understand why everyone freaks out when Phantom approaches the vigilante with half a cowl dressed in black and red. This boy reeked of death, did Batman seriously not know?
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apparently-artless · 7 months
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laios being laios ╮(︶▽︶)╭
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