#[headcanon tag]
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ghost headcanons
going back to my roots so here's some hcs specific to my characterisation of reboot simon riley
⤷ eats enough for two grown men, in part due to the way he was treated while being held by the cartel. not knowing when his next meal would be has become eating whenever he can, out of habit. carries extra weight, not that he's conscious of it. he knows he looks good.
ADDITIONALLY: hilariously strong. mass moves mass, sure, but he's a big guy. a physique like that takes regular upkeep. probably lifts as a stress-reliever.
⤷ heavy stress-smoker. a pack a day, more when under pressure. isn't choosy about the brand if he's pressed for time, but he prefers Regal King Sizes when they're available. tried quitting and it made him feel like shit, so he picked the habit back up.
⤷ not dyslexic, but had difficulty with comprehension in school as a result of low attendance in formative years (canon family issues); his ability to read is far from perfect, and as an adult it continues to frustrate him. he's markedly better at kinaesthetic and verbal learning.
⤷ low support needs autistic. as it isn't typically the 'done thing' to discuss, especially not when simon was growing up, i don't think he would understand it. he displays a lot of benchmark traits used to diagnose asd (blunt, tendency to speak in a 'disinterested' flat monotone unless experiencing extreme emotion, does his best work when given direction and structure). this is just a personal hc, but interesting to think abt nonetheless.
⤷ mildly touch-averse. i don't believe he'd be particularly touchy-feely besides, but people touching him when he can't keep them in his eyeline sets him on edge.
this was lowk really fun. might do more. suggestions welcome i cry as i shake my empty cup of change like a victorian street beggar
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iloveamberfreeman · 3 months
billy and stu and cats
what if billy and stu didn't die and instead got two little cats and called them giggleshit one and giggleshit two
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2manyturbos · 1 month
Anyway so headcanon time and I will start using general tags to get them in front of the fandom because like the character I write, I need validation
Honestly I think Turbo and the twins (who I didn’t give names yet lol) generally got along outside gaming hours. He absolutely got on their nerves due to being.. himself.
However, Turbo was also their little clique leader, being the most outgoing and also by virtue of being the player character. They “ruled the arcade” like a bunch of mean girls. They literally acted like unruly edgy teenagers; vandalism, pranks, figure eights in GSC, general obnoxious behavior.
The twins, similarly to Turbo, saw the rest of the arcade as beneath them. After all, they were part of the most popular game as much as Turbo. Turbo was the meanest among them, but all three of them were menaces.
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totalswagisland · 4 months
i imagine as a little kid duncan tried to give himself a mohawk and it ended up looking shitty. that or his dad made him buzz his hair as a kid and the mohawk was a bit of rebellion against that. but most importantly duncan grew that mohawk to make himself seem taller
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maidensfantasy · 8 months
ned sees a lot of himself in jon; solemn, dedicated to their duty (and to the people they love), the odd ones out in their families. ned is a second son and in the background of his family’s loud personalities, sent south to foster in the vale and overlooked time and time again; jon is the bastard of winterfell and by default treated differently than his father’s trueborn children, sent north to the wall when there was no place for him at winterfell. They are both overshadowed by their elder brothers who have bright personalities and promising futures, but while jon and robb got along as brothers i can’t imagine ned and brandon had that deep of a bond.
i feel as though ned had a rocky relationship with brandon, resenting him for his station and his lack of regard for ned half the time. that resentment soon turned into guilt after brandon’s death, though ned’s been nursing the feeling of not being enough compared to him or deserving of brandon’s birthright well into his thirties. jon dreams of wielding ice and becoming lord of winterfell as a child, but with it comes a great sense of shame when jon realizes that by extension he would be stealing robb’s birthright. this leads jon not feeling worthy or deserving of longclaw, another father’s sword.
That brought a bitter twist to Ned’s mouth. “Brandon. Yes. Brandon would know what to do. He always did. It was all meant for Brandon. You, Winterfell, everything. He was born to be a King’s Hand and a father to queens. I never asked for this cup to pass to me.” —Catelyn II, AGOT
Afterward Lord Eddard would declare that Jon had proved himself a true Stark, and place Ice in his hand. Even then he had known it was only a child’s folly; no bastard could ever hope to wield a father’s sword. Even the memory shamed him. What kind of man stole his own brother’s birthright? —Jon VIII, AGOT
ned raises jon alongside his heir, and gives jon advice on how to deal with vassals and smallfolk when he will never actually rule. ned likely meant for jon to be the kevan lannister to robb’s tywin, his most trusted advisor and right hand man when it comes to ruling. ned was once supposed to be that for brandon as his brother, and now sees jon both as penance and as a do-over for what could’ve been his and brandon’s relationship.
… but then somehow he was back at Winterfell again, in the godswood looking down upon his father. Lord Eddard seemed much younger this time. His hair was brown, with no hint of grey in it, his head bowed. "… let them grow up close as brothers, with only love between them," he prayed, "and let my lady wife find it in her heart to forgive …" —Bran III, ADWD
ned wishes for there only to be love inbetween jon and robb, because while ned had loved brandon, their personalities were far too different and the distance between them too great to facilitate a close relationship. he doesn’t want that for robb and jon, he wants robb to have a confidante to keep him level-headed and for jon to feel to an extent included and loved, something ned felt lacking in as a child. he feels so guilty for how he thought of brandon and now that he’s dead it’s all ned can do to look at robb and jon and wonder if it could’ve been different.
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hyperfixationtimego · 10 months
korekiyo would lose his absolute goddamn mind over the whole goncharov phenomenon btw. he gives extensive lectures on analyzing why it’s apparently inherent human nature to “yes, and” your way into silly, nonsensical inside jokes like that, and nobody in his class gets any rest for like a solid month after he first finds out about it.
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buubonita · 5 months
Cat names sounds so cool in japanese,,,
Nekomare / Nightmare
Kiraneko / Killer
Maddaneko / Murder/ Dust
Horaneko / Horror
The bad nyan trio, yk?
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coeur-de-fruk · 2 months
Hey! Hope you don't mind me asking, is France chubby? I'm just curious, I've followed you for a while and I noticed how you usually draw him. He's really cute :)
Thank you anon!
I don't really hide that fact but yeah, I intentionally made France chubby (or in this case plus-sized) for many reasons. While I don't want to get too personal, I do believe that the country of love and beauty does deal with some imperfections of his own.
If you didn't notice in the chronology I made for France, he's seen with an average figure in his youth, but becomes more curvy as he gets older. Bodies change as you age, sometimes people are just born that way; like me for instance who is also plus sized! I do like experimenting with the idea of nations having to change their forms however they please throughout the time they've been around.
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I guess you could say that eventually, France did learn to love himself
Unfortunately, I have gotten a lot of comments in the past of people not being so happy with how I portray France, some of them used the excuse that he is "too hairy".
Thankfully I don't get them as often anymore, and it warms my heart seeing how much people have grown to love a thiccer France.
A takeaway everyone should have from this is that every shape is beautiful <3
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verg-of-tears · 7 months
That meme of Vergil owning a ton of shampoos VS Dante who uses 12-in-1 is blatantly inaccurate tbh. Have you not seen how sexy stylish dante insists on being in literally all the other games? You think that's possible with a 12-in-1 ??! That man has a collection of serums, oils, and masks for sure.
Meanwhile you know what keeps Vergil's hair up? The grime and oil. He hasn't used shampoo in 20 years and he's not about to start now.
The real answer: Nero is the 12-in-1 guy.
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beforecreation · 2 months
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Beerus makes it no secret that he enjoys food and fighting, but there's a few things lesser known about him that he thoroughly enjoys: Music and dancing.
While he's no singer, he appreciates various sounds of music, and given something has a good beat and/or vocals, he can easily find himself moving to the rhythm, maybe even humming along to it all. It's not something he's ashamed of, and is not bothered if he's the only one dancing. He's even spared planets for a few generations because he enjoys their music live that much.
Building on that, he has actually taken it upon himself to learn many different dance styles, and is pretty talented a dancer despite how long he's been alive. The real trick to getting him to dance is catching him in a mood to do so, and on a very rare occasion, he may actually indulge someone in a dance battle, but he doesn't put much value into the idea of a "winner" in those sorts of fights.
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graves headcanons
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he makes me patriotic for a nation i don't even belong to that's the philip graves effect AMEN. lil general post before i start getting specific (thank u lovely anon for suggesting this). taking this as an opportunity to also plug the fact i make character playlists sometimes and graves has one !!
⤷ despite being outwardly easy-to-talk-to, he finds it difficult to maintain long-term friendships due to an inability to be consistent. - this is directly related to his work. graves is a career-man first and foremost. he considers his interests and how people can further his goals first, and who they are as people second. most friendships are short-lived as a result.
⤷ textbook type A personality- finds it difficult to cope with not having some measure of control, or ability to direct a situation. on company teambuilding days, graves' team always wins.
⤷ likely a divorcee. was raised on the idea of a stereotypical, american nuclear family, and a white-picket-fence existence. settled down right out of highschool with a girl who was nice enough. arguments over his lack of effort in the relationship due to work were a major precursor to the divorce. - graves had wanted a family one day- kids, a house, the whole nine yards. after the divorce, and his relationship with his own father, he isn't sure if he's fit for it.
⤷ lived in a traditionally southern baptist, "spare the rod, spoil the child" household, where physical discipline was commonplace. he doesn't talk to his father, who was the primary perpetrator of the discipline (graves will still call it discipline, not abuse) often, as a result. - graves was raised actively in the church until his dad deemed he was old enough to stay home (12-14 years old). doesn't much believe in god anymore, but he misses the revival cookouts.
⤷ has a difficult relationship with his parents for a multitude of reasons. his parents are still married, having stayed together for philip, and because while philip was growing up, divorce wasn't looked kindly upon by their church. his father regularly works long hours most weekdays, and isn't often present. he feels guilty he isn't there more for his mother, who he genuinely feels some obligation to look after unlike his dad. visiting when he can is his way of dispelling the guilt in the back of his mind that he's a bad son.
⤷ not tortured with religious guilt, but due to where he was raised and the culture surrounding queer people in the deep south in the eighties and nineties (when graves would've been growing up, if we take his age at an approximate 40-42), likely didn't acknowledge any same-sex attraction he felt until he was well into his mid to late twenties atleast. was likely one of the boys picking on others in highschool for being queer. it took him a long time to come to terms with the fact he could be anything but straight, and he doesn't discuss it openly.
⤷ his music taste likely revolves around old americana, country, rock and gospel (you can take the boy out of the gospel choir but you'll never take the gospel choir out of the boy). - artists he'd frequently listen to might include johnny cash, ralph stanley, hank williams, willie nelson, marty robbins, bruce springsteen, elvis presley, guns n roses, ac/dc.
there's more graves content coming so look out for that yall :3
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iloveamberfreeman · 1 month
Small jaime headcanon
Lowkey I feel like he never puts his phone on DND
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snorpdawg · 11 months
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A lousily made collage detailing my headcanons for the cast’s nationalities because I enjoy getting my silly little black hands on everything I like
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totalswagisland · 3 months
owen headcanons pls lol
hell yes. owen my friend owen
full name: owen andrew macguinness (i also have ideas for his parents names as well, which ive decided shall be maureen and donald (donnie) macguinness)
if you couldn't tell by the last name, i hc owen and his family as irish catholic! owen doesn't strike me as a very religious person, but i thought him going to catholic school as a kid was funny. i also decided to keep johnny and gavin as his younger brothers. i really liked his confession in the second aftermath it was so so funny. he's so delightful
i also think his parents had him take stepdancing classes when he was a kid. he was the only boy in the class, but he loved it a lot anyways (partially inspired by his little jig in sea shanty, partially me projecting)
i think much like eva he'd be a really nice friend to have over. like he seems like the type of guy to be respectful to people's parents and crack jokes that are oddly good at lightening tension. just a nice kid to have around.
i also think his dynamic with the killer bass boys trio in the "guy's alliance" was pretty fun too and i wish it was explored more in fan content. him and dj being similarly goodhearted and sweet, him and geoff as the party boy duo, him and duncan as the guys who get really damn far in every season....
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derelictlovefool · 6 months
Misc nsfw hc's (trans man!reader)
Small hc's I wrote a while ago bc I had brain worms
Characters: Sharky Boshaw, Jacob Seed, Eli Palmer, John Seed, Jerome Jefferies, Joseph Seed
Contains NSFW content, minors do not read!
Sharky is a submissive bottom, he loves being under you and feeling your full weight on him when you fuck him. He's down to take anything you give him, whether you're using your fingers, strap or a butt plug or your tongue he doesn't care he is gonna take it like a champ and say thank you after.
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He loves doggy style, having your strap buried inside him, your chest pressed up against his back while you stroke his cock with one hand and hold his hip with the other. He loves the sensation of you thrusting into him while you jerk him off, it's overstimulation heaven especially after you've made him come a couple of times.
He gets shy if you do missionary but he loves how you kiss him while you fuck him and the way you hold his wrists beside his head. He whines about it but he's super into when you make him come all over his stomach and then lick it up, it's super hot.
The closet he gets to topping is whenever you suck him off, especially if you make him brace himself on the wall and let him fuck your face when he gets close. And even then after he comes he wants you to press him up against the wall and take him from behind.
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Jacob couldn't bottom if his life depended on it, he is always the one giving and using your body like his personal cocksleeve. He could be swayed to taking your strap if it was your birthday but the chances are very slim, He's a top and he likes making you get off and seeing how undone he can make you.
He is a big fan of edging so he'll have you on your back, get you close and then just stop, making you beg for him to move while he presses lazy kisses to your collar bone. If you beg good enough he'll go to the next extreme and fuck you until you're crying from the overstimulation.
He'd love taking you in his truck or somewhere public, he enjoys seeing you try to keep quiet while he's hitting all the right spots inside you and whispering the nastiest things in your ear. He's also a fan of doggy style and will just fuck you on the ground whenever he feels like it.
His typical style is rough, hard and dirty, making you his little plaything for a few hours and turning you into a mindless mess but he can do gentle and sweet sex. It's a more vulnerable thing though and usually saved for anniversaries and other important dates.
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Eli doesn't discriminate and he's happy to be taking or giving in bed, he loves the way you feel inside him and he loves the feeling of being buried inside you. He's not really rough but he can man-handle you like the best of them and he really enjoys having you on his lap while you ride him.
If he's taking he prefers missionary so he can see you as you thrust into him, just the sight of you sweaty and panting above him drives him nuts. And getting to kiss you while you also jerk him off is always a bonus.
He likes taking it slow when you go at it, lots of touching and kissing before one of you gets too excited and flips the other over and takes charge. He gets really horny when you're the one to take charge, something about you pushing him into the mattress and ripping his boxers down really gets him going.
He's a weak man for you so when you tease him it's very effective, he will rut against you until you shimmy your pants down and let him slip his cock inside you. If you squeeze in between him and his desk and grind your ass on his crotch it's only a matter of time before you're bent over it and getting fucked.
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John is a service bottom with a twist and that twist is that when you frustrate him enough he'll tie you down and fuck you like an animal. He loves watching you ride him, he loves burying his face between your thighs and making you come undone with his touch.
He also loves restraining your hands and making you confess your flifthiest sins while he fucks you, going from long slow thrusts to quick deep ones that rock your entire body. He doesn't care what position you're in as long as he can watch your face twist into blissful pleasure and pain.
He'll lose himself when you take charge, becoming a babbling mess chanting your name like a prayer while you thrust into him. He'll beg you to do your worst to him, cling to any part of your body, bite your neck when he comes and rut against you uselessly in between sessions.
John can switch from cruel sadomasochist to subby brat in two seconds and he will give you whiplash if you're not ready for it. If you indulge both sides you'll be his personal god and he'll worship you any chance he gets, his main goal is to make you come as much as humanly possible.
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Jerome is a sweet man and he just wants to make you feel good and take care of you, body worship is off the charts with this man and he'll make every sexual encounter feel like a religious experience. He loves running his hands over your body and kissing every inch of you before fucking you nice and slow.
He may unintentionally cockwarm as he gets carried away kissing you and singing you praises but it just makes it better. His thrusts are always deep and hit all the right spots every time and the drag out is slow and sensual, he really works it up and makes you want it.
He's not opposed to letting you take him, he'll happily suck off your strap and get himself ready to take you. He only asks that you be gentle and if you can do that he's happy to lose himself to the feeling of you inside him, he might enjoy it so much he can't keep his hands from jerking himself off while you thrust into him.
He will happily engage in some sinful activities in the church, as long as it's empty. Either one of you bent over the podium while the other fucks them is always an experience. He may start reciting certain bible verses and likening you to angels while you fuck, he can't help it when his mind gets all foggy.
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Joseph does whatever his heart tells him to in the moment so it's a toss up on whether he'll be taking or giving in the bedroom. Sometimes you can tell from the look in his eye or the way he grabs you but mostly he takes you by surprise every time.
If he's feeling like taking he'll start by kissing you all over your body and sucking you off/eating you out, rutting his hard on against you and whimpering your name when you touch him. He'll go into any position you put him in but he does like being able to hold the back of your neck and look into your eyes while you fuck him.
He'll prattle on about how god brought you both together and how his body and soul is yours to take and he'll choke on your name like it's a prayer to hard to swallow. He gets embarrassed if you make him come on himself but can't complain when you clean him up with your mouth.
If he's giving he likes to press his body flush against yours and really enjoy the feeling of being inside you, he'll unintentionally edge you and himself because he wants it to last. And then when you both come undone he thrusts into you like a wild animal until he can't hold himself up any longer.
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hyperfixationtimego · 11 months
Do you think Korekiyo has a wide knowledge of meme culture or is more of a hermit?
okay okay okay I love this ask so much
my personal take on it is that he is VERY knowledgeable about memes but ONLY the outdated ones because he has to know EVERYTHING about them before he starts using them. the poor guy is a walking anachronism of language. all he knows are dead memes. everyone hates talking to him /hj
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