#[forgets about this blog for a month again like a boss]
mioyeo · 2 years
8 makes 1 Team
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No matter how different, without one of us there is no 8 makes 1 Team
Synopsis : In which 8 boys build a friendship despise of their differences with the help of a psychiatrist
Pairing : psychiatrist! Reader x Ateez (for now )
Warnings : this chapter includes mentions of , ignorant staff , crying , sweet guard hours , grooming , influential parents, no consent , threatening , taking minors private parts in their mouths , sexual assault , arguing , please tell me if I forget something , and I’m not romanticizing disorders in anyway and this is pure fiction meaning this doesn’t represent Ateez in any type of way
For every new chapter I’ll place this (🟢) beside it in the masterlist so you guys know that the chapter is new and was posted recently
Tag list : @veneziamadness , @hcyaa , @sadcoffeecritic , @aapplepii , @lavishloving , @dogsongy , @acciocriativity , @k33vad3la , @seonghwifey , @hanjihyun23 , @yunhoswrld123 , @cqndiedcherries , @miriamxsworld , @belle643 , @pandyandy71-blog , @mothworked
I apologize for taking so long , I had a huge writer’s block so I couldn’t really continue writing for some days
Also if you want to be added to the tagging list for the next chapter comment so I can add you
Word count: 1,6k
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It was a very quiet night that day as every guard was currently changing shifts  , others just coming in and others going home so they could return to their morning shift
Y/n just had dinner with both groups at separate times and now walked into the break room
" You've been called to the office "
One of her colleagues that was currently in charge of ordering new things such as medical equipment and further more looked up to her informing Y/n about her being expected somewhere
" I guess he must have heard my complaints "
" Your wasting his time with things we can fix ourselves , we get it there was a minor issue last time with a patient bu- "
Y/n bursted out laughing starling the other staff that sat silently doing their work
" A minor issue? Do you call a patient wanting to end themselves a minor issue ? "
She wiped her eyes and collected herself
" You must not know what your duties are if your labeling such a live threatening situation a minor issue , and the fact that you where also at the scene but didn't do anything makes me uncomfortable looking at you "
" I'm not in charge of him but you"
" Ok if I ever see you having any complications I'll just stare at you and leave how about th-"
Everyone stared in shook as silent murmuring where heard
" Both of you stop being loud there are people trying to work here "
" Well I'll excuse myself  ,  sorry for disturbing everyone else "
She bowed and went out sighing in annoyance before bumping into someone
" I-I'm sorry I didn't see you "
The male apologized quickly checking if she was alright
" It's alright , it's my fault I didn't see you "
" No no I should've looked where I was going "
He bowed again apologizing
" Aren't you the new guard in charge of Hongjoong? "
" Y-Yeah I am , I just changed shifts with a fellow friend that also works here "
" Are you going home now? "
" Yeah what about you? "
She smiled and straighten her work clothes
" I was about to meet my boss "
He hummed in knowledge scratching the back of his head
" I could walk you there since the exit is near "
" Sure I wouldn't mind company "
" How long have you been working here ? "
Both walked down the hall in silence only their footsteps being heard
" It's been over a month already "
" A so your still a fresh worker "
She nodded and looked ahead
" I feel like I've been longer here actually I don't know why but I bonded quickly with some of my patients "
" I know how you feel , I used to listen to my brother tell me stories of when he used to work here and these stories made me like his patients without even knowing them "
" These kids have something special in them they just need to be treated with care and be understood "
"I agree ,and it's exactly what my brother said "
She smiled softly looking at him
" You seem like someone they can trust based on your personality right now "
"I want to protect them just like my brown did"
" Your brother seems like your biggest role model "
" He is , we grew up alone and he was both parental roles that's why I really look up to him and want to follow his footsteps "
The elder looked at her before coming to an stop in front of the office "
" I guess this is your stop "
" Yeah it is , wait what is your name ? "
" I'm Seok-woo and I already know your name because of Hongjoong he can't stop talking about you and the activities you do with them "
He chuckled making her smile
" Well it was nice talking to you Seok-woo "
She waved before knocking on the door hearing a soft call for her to come in
" Ah Miss Y/n I've been waiting for you "
The man in his late sixties looked up from his paperwork gesturing for her to sit
" I must assume you heard of my complaints? "
" What complaints are we talking about ? "
She cleared her throat and adjusted herself on her seat
" I must inform you that the staff you've hired has been out off line and crossing several boundaries multiple times regarding not only my patients but other children here "
He hummed and leaned back on his arm chair
" When I started working here I came across the complaint that one of my patient has been sexually assaulted multiple times and forced to do multiple things out of his knowledge by one of the guards here and also physically assaulted for not acting they want them too "
" And who is that patient and guard? "
" It's my patient Park Seonghwa that was assaulted by Guard Lee "
She studied the man's face that seemed to stay calm despite being told this information
" Well I'll see what I can do about it "
He looked back at his paperwork
"He should be fired and sued for sexual assault it hasn't been one but many children in here "
The elder pressed on a button and spoke while looking at her
“ Please accompany Park Seonghwa to my office now , yes wake him up "
" Sir you need to do something about it "
" We'll discuss this with Seonghwa "
She sighed and waited patiently for the boy to arrive , it was making her nervous and something told her that this was going in a totally different direction
The door opened revealing the short blonde boy rubbing his eyes as he was woken up from his sleep
" Y/n your here "
The boy smiled and waddled towards her hugging her
" Sorry for waking you Seonghwa but would you answer some questions for me ? "
She looked at him and ressured him that it was ok so he could sit
" Miss Y/n here told me something about Guard Lee assaulting you is that true? "
The elder stared at the boy who's face dropped in horror
" Has Guard Lee been touching you without your consent ? "
He nodded and fiddled with his fingers
" What did he exactly do "
" H-He told me to take my pants off so he could look at my down there "
Seonghwa's hands found Y/n's who squeezed them slightly for encouragement
" Did he just look ? "
" H-He started doing weird things and told me that it was going to feel good "
" What do you exactly mean with he was performing weird things on you ? "
She rubbed his palm and reassured him to stop if he didn't want to continue
" He put it into his mouth and than did this until something weird came out "
The boy stiffened as he copied the stroking movements the elder performed on him
" What else did he do ? "
" H-He promised me legos after I do the same to him because he said that I should repay for his kindness "
Y/n felt sick to her stomach as she listened
" Did you allow him to touch you "
Seonghwa nodded
"B-But I didn't like it and told him to stop but he said that if I tell someone what happened he would kill me and depose my body in the woods where no one would find me "
The younger teared up trembling in fear
" How old are you Seonghwa ? "
" Sir this is a totally irrelevant question "
She looked in disbelief
" Seonghwa how old are you ? "
" I'm sixteen "
He replied sniffing
" With your age I don't consider this sexual assault anymore because that’s the legal age you can do sexual activities here in Korea "
" Excuse me ?! This is sexual assault and he groomed him prior to this "
She scoffed in anger
" How is this considered assault if he gave his consent Miss Y/n ? "
" He may have given his consent but he told the guard to stop but he continued without his consent on other occasions which means from that moment on its considered sexual assault "
“ He still gave his consent ”
“Because he was groomed, guard Lee formed a relationship with so when he was about to do this Seonghwa would be comfortable to say yes ”
" Do you know who his parents are ? His parents are very powerful people and if this comes to light it could get ugly "
He said calmly crossing his hands
" So you prefer to protect a disgusting child abuser because his parents are influential? "
" That's not what I said Miss Y/n , I'd need proof that Guard Lee touched him inappropriately before proceeding with this "
" His words are enough proof and the legos because this means that he literally purchased sex from Seonghwa in return for goods other kids as well we'd just need them to open up-"
" Miss Y/n this is not a normal hospital, these children practically live here be it long term or until they finish their treatment this is nothing like your past job "
" It's either you fire that man or he'll continue abusing your patients "
The elder sighed
" I'll see what I can do, I will have a word with Guard Lee you may go now "
Seonghwa looked at her and wiped his face even though they kept falling
" It's ok I'll make sure that he's gone ”
She bowed and left the office with Seonghwa holding onto her hand
“ Will he r-really be gone? ”
“ I promise you sweetheart that you’ll never see him again after I figure out how to get rid of him ”
“ I’m afraid he’s gonna hurt me ”
He teared up and shivered in fear
“ You don’t need to be afraid as long as I’m here , I’ll make sure he disappears from our lives completely ”
The boy nodded and hugged her tightly
“ I t-trust you ”
She teared up slightly and rubbed his back
“ I won’t disappoint you sunshine ”
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thiscrimsonsoul · 11 months
Semi-Hiatus From 10/21 Until 10/28
{out of paprikash} Hello, everyone. I received some very bad family news early this morning. I'll elaborate more under a cut for those who want to know, since I know many people don't want to hear about personal issues on rp blogs, and that's totally okay. I want all my blogs to be safe spaces for everyone. But the upshot is, I may not have very much time to write in the upcoming week, so I'll only be working on blogs whose characters I have a lot of muse for. I’ll leave @tarnishedxknight open, since I have a lot of muse for those characters, and I might write my Resident Evil muses (@youmissedone, @checkxmaster, and @freewillacquired) on their scheduled Wednesday (10/25) if time/muse allows. All other blogs, I will likely skip this week.
It’s hard for me to gauge, because sometimes when I get very upset/stressed, I want to write as a comfort/escape, but at other times I can’t even make words. There may be days when I write a lot and others when I write nothing. I’m sorry for anyone waiting for a reply, but all of this was very unexpected. I’m going to say I’ll be back next Saturday (10/28), but if that changes I'll let you know. Thanks so much for understanding. In the meantime, I hope you all are doing well. <3
Alright so... I don't want to go into a lot of details and overshare and make people uncomfortable, so I'll just quickly summarize what's going on.
I have a very toxic grandmother (she's 93) that me and my dad share time with my aunt with. She lives with us for 6 months out of the year and with her for 6 months, in a 2-2-4-4 breakdown. My grandma is so damaging to the mental health of whoever is taking care of her, and she greatly limits your freedom and ability to have a life because she can't be left alone for very long at all which is hard to deal with with work and whatnot, so we have to share time to keep our mental health from getting too bad. She causes my dad and I anxiety, depression, etc., but I won't go into detail as to all the reasons why. It's... a long story.
Anyway, Halloween is our happy time of year, because we love the season, we do a lot for it, and grandma is gone from August to December. Well... my aunt called today. She was just diagnosed with cancer and will need various treatments, so she can't take care of grandma anymore. We are getting her back two months early, we have to take down all our decorations for Halloween (she's very Christian and hates it), and we've had to cancel all our plans for Halloween and my birthday (some of which we had tickets and reservations we can't get refunds for), because when she's here, we can't leave the house for very long or go very far.
So at the height of when we were at our happiest and ready for Halloween and whatever else, we have to suddenly kindof... shut it all down... and accept back into our lives before we're ready this toxic person we were supposed to have a break from. And there will be no more breaks in the future, that's the worst part. Well, my aunt having cancer is the worst part, but you know what I mean. It's just all been a shock for us in so many ways.
*sigh* So yeah. If you've read this far, thank you for caring enough to do so, you deserve all the good things and I hope they come to you. I'll be okay, I just have to process everything, accept my new normal, somehow get through it. And I have to hope my aunt will be okay, forget about Halloween, and forget anything else me and my dad wanted to do for the foreseeable future. I am also getting laid off soon, probably after next semester according to my boss, so I need to find a new job. With grandma living with us all the time and my dad needing help to take care of her, I am extremely limited by what jobs I can look for, so that's another big source of anxiety. I just have to find a way through this, because I don't have a choice.
Again, thanks for understanding, and hopefully I can sort through this all in my head, get done everything that needs to get done in the next few days, and be ready to come back to my regular rp schedule next weekend. But like I said, I'll let everyone know if that changes.
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Sure! Sorry for the long wait on this blog. I was paying a lot of attention to my main blog. Now that I'm on hiatus on there, I decided to write here again. I finally saw the chorus trilogy a long time ago so here's the concerningly sadistic gal :)
I've been so used to writing GN readers now I have to re-educate myself on female readers now 😅 I hope the length was to your liking!
Medical Assistant
Emily Grey x Female! Reader
Synopsis: Doctor Grey has always been an eccentric individual. Such traits have only shown themselves more when you became her medical assistant for the past few months. The infirmary can be such a tragic place, yet with you at Grey's side, things aren't too bad! You have always had a close connection... but a certain off-topic ramble from the doctor reveals that you're closer than you might think.
Content Warnings: Romantic Pairing, Female Reader, Female/Female Pairing, Dr Grey gets a bit invasive but not much, Boss/Assistant relationship I guess, Not much... a bit fluffy if you squint.
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Emily Grey, or as most know her, Dr Grey has always been someone... strange to understand. She's one of the best doctors Chorus has to offer! Although... she tends to ramble and appear overly cheerful.
Eerily cheerful according to some of her patients....
You had always seen her around the base of the Federal Army. You yourself have even gotten treatment from her and didn't mind her behavior. Her cheerful demeanor has always been... comforting to you during this civil war.
You didn't talk much other than occasional visits. That is until you were given the job of medical assistant by General Doyle. As the war went on... there was only ever more deaths and injuries. That's where you came in.
By the time you entered that infirmary you were already tossed into stark white and purple armor. Purple was a common color among medics and doctors, which made it an armor only you and the doctor wore.
Meeting Dr Grey, your new boss, was as cheerful as you expected.
"Doctor, your new assistant is here." A soldier greets, the doctor in question eagerly peeking at the two of you.
"Ohhh! You make the armor look good! So you're my new assistant?" She squeals softly, looking you over. The attention admittedly made you nervous....
"Yes, doctor. I've been instructed to help you due to the growing injury rate."
"There's no need to be so formal! I know why you're here... Oh I wonder what goes on in that mind of yours...." Dr Grey whispers in curiosity, is this what others meant by eccentric? "Oh well! We'll learn about each other in time. Come in, let me show you around!"
That's how you formally meet the doctor. The infirmary became where you lived essentially. Treatments never seemed to stop and rest was difficult to find. Dr Grey was always around to help, luckily.
The longer you work with the doctor, the more you notice how she works. She hates the war as much as you but appears to adore her job. While you get stressed by the job at times, Dr Grey is quickly by your side in a cheerful demeanor. You wonder how she manages it....
"You're looking worn out, how about you rest and I'll take care of it?" She'd always say to you if you expressed any sort of fatigue. Extra work for her though she seemed to love it.
Despite the doctor's lack of social skills and borderline psychopathic tendencies towards patients and their treatment... she is always caring. You could not remember the amount of times she's helped you with her cheerful demeanor and ability to crack jokes in grim situations. She made the job... better.
In the infirmary you felt you could forget about what's going on outside for just a moment... but patients were always a reminder.
Sharing the job together and facing dire situations with the doctor grew you closer and closer. Soon you were able to call each other by your first names in private. Grey also felt comfort in the idea of sharing conversation with another girl in the infirmary.
In private you both take off helmets and reflect on the day. It's always a nice change to see a human face rather than an emotionless visor. You don't think you can ever admit this face to face it but Grey always looked lovely without the helmet.
It made you feel special as it was only ever off in private... with you. Grey always claimed the armor was stuffy and it felt nice to remove the helmet once in awhile. It could never fully come off, however, as patients could always come in.
Throughout the months of war injuries and fatalities, you became nearly inseparable. Grey often loves to call you affectionate nicknames when calling you over to help her and you can't help but feel your face heat up. Were you just nervous?
Or was it something else... Grey is your best friend and boss, isn't she?
Months into your work with Grey and you begin to realize something about yourself. Grey is much more to you than the head doctor. It made your face feel hot to think about it... but...
You love her.
You try to convince yourself it's just a small crush. You've only been close for a few months to almost a year and that must be too soon, surely! It doesn't stop you from looking into her actions more than you should, unfortunately.
Every smile, every nickname, oh you think about it every night. You love how cheerful she is and you can't help but feel she appreciates you the same way, right? Why else would she confide in you so much?
You try to keep your thoughts logical. She doesn't like you like that.... It's just you're both girls and she sees you so often....
It hurts your heart yet you keep yourself occupied and focused on work.
It only gets harder when the doctor notices your behavior.
Grey notices you shy away at times and display a more reserved personality. The doctor doesn't like these new developments... which leads to the doctor becoming more affectionate. This nearly pushes you to your breaking point.
Your breathing picks up after each hug.... You nearly choke when Grey calls you "sweetie" in conversation. You swear she knows what she's doing....
Then she teases you and continues with work.
"I just noticed you've been so reserved lately! Work getting to you? Something's on your mind and I'm going to pick at it until I find out, sweetie~"
You're just about to lose it and confess. It would get it out of the way and you can deal with the rejection. You're tired of mixed signals....
Turns out, you don't have to.
Grey has a tendency to... overshare. You've noticed she tends to ramble about patients to patients and always spills info or gossip. It happens with you, too... like now.
You don't remember the conversation too well. You had been spacing out in an attempt to think of work and not her. Until she drags you back to reality.
"Honestly the first time I saw you I felt we could really connect! I've wanted to talk ever since and now we talk EVERY day! Now that I know you... I can finally say you're probably the prettiest soldier I've ever met here... I've thought that since I first saw your face..." Grey prattles on, leaving you in silent shock.
"E-Emily... what did you say?"
"Oh! I suppose I had to tell you at some point... Come with me!"
"I think I heard you wrong."
You drop your work on the table and follow Grey to the built-in sleeping quarters you share. The doctor takes of her helmet and sits on her bed, encouraging you to do the same. You swallow thickly and listen.
"You didn't! Since we first met I thought you were really pretty. Even now I feel the same..." She sighs. "Maybe even prettier... beautiful even!"
You say nothing for the longest time, cheeks feeling hot and painful. She knew what she was doing....
"Thank you...." You squeak. "... Why are you telling me this?"
"Emily, I'm so sorry-"
"Isn't it obvious? I've fallen for you weeks after you and I began to work with each other. You act as though I couldn't tell you felt the same...." She giggles at your nervous sigh.
The doctor grabs your hand and pulls you closer.
"Don't be! There's nothing wrong with this."
"It's unprofessional-"
"Then like everything else... it'll stay between us."
The doctor leans in softly, a silent ask for permission to go further. You don't pull away and let the doctor's lips press against yours. You ignore everything around you... you can only focus on her.
It felt so right.
The moment was brief but felt like hours. You didn't have to think of patients. You didn't have to worry about anything.
All you had to think about was Grey... and the idea of her feeling the same.
By the time you pull away you're both smiling. It would take some getting used to but you had a feeling your job just got a lot better. You didn't even have to say anything... you both were thinking the same thing.
The doctor always loved you as much as you did her.
With that, you felt a metaphorical crushing weight lifted off your shoulders, only to be replaced with a much softer embrace by the one you love most.
"I love you, sweetie..."
"... Love you too."
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 5 months
A Guide To My Tags!
Figured I should make one of these since I've started using this blog again! (My list of fandoms can be found at the bottom of this post!)
Also my asks are open! I love chatting, nerding out, and talking to new & familiar folks!
My reblogs can be found on my side blog @lunchtimereblogs
"my art" - all the art I post
"OC art" - We're gettin' more specific now!
"fanart" / "[insert fandom] fanart" - what most of y'all are probs here for!
"my OCs" - any posts regarding my own personal OCs
"ashland bites" - my main OC universe (Also: "AB [insert character name]")
"fanfic" - what it says on the box, anything pertaining to it lol
"ltbd fanfic" - My writing! Currently writing/posting a RadioSilence backstory fic: The Space Between Us
"fanfic recs" - What it says on the tin
"[insert fandom]" - any posts in regards to the specified fandom.
"lunchtime rambles" / "lizzie rambles" / "ltbd rambles" - Tin, read it. I'm chatty XD (I'll pic one eventually... hopefully)
"ltbd answers" - me, answering/responding to your asks!
"secret vox project" - any posts pertaining to the big project I've been cooking up the last couple of months >:3
I'll update this post as I go, and put other info like relavent fandoms under the cut, love ya!
Fandoms I Have Posts For:
The Hellaverse (Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss) (Ship tags thus far include Charlastor/RadioBelle and Radio Static/Radio Silence)
Jujutsu Kaisen (Ship tags this far include: MechaMiwa)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS)
More Specific Tags: In regards to my main OC project Ashland Bites: (Character Specific) "AB Tara", "AB Veronica", "AB Lucas", "AB Kathryn"
MEDIA that I am a fan of: (even if I haven't posted for them here yet) (I am probably forgetting a LOT of things)
TV: Arcane, Avatar (ATLA (the animated one)), Angel the Series / Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Gilmore Girls, Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss (The Hellaverse), Jujutsu Kaisen, MLP (shhhhut uppp), Ouran High School Host Club, Roswell (1999), She-Ra (SPOP)
MOVIES: Alice in Wonderland (1951), Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992), Corpse Bride, Empire Records, Labyrinth (1986), Nimona, Pirates of the Caribbean (the good ones), Practical Magic, Pride and Prejudice (2005), The Nightmare Before Christmas Studio Ghibli films (Kiki, Howl, Cat Returns, Totoro, and Naussica in particular)
GAMES: Animal Crossing, The Arcana (mobile game), Baldur's Gate 3, I'm still trying to get into Hades but I am playing it... sometimes haha
BOOKS: The Cruel Prince series (FotA), HP (but I try not to post/talk about it much bc of JKR, it was just a big part of my life for a long time :'/) Idk where to put this but I'm a huge Mythology and History nerd (especially fashion history!)
MUSIC: I listen to a little bit of everything tbh, and I'd love to talk more about music, maybe i can do recommendations based on vibes? or just chit-chat? I have YT playlists that have like, a bit of everything here, here, and here, if you wanna shuffle around and see some of my favs! Maybe I'll do music art someday too, who knows lmao
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cryptidsurveys · 2 months
Wednesday, August 7th, 2024.
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Who will you be spending Christmas with this year? Depending on what day it falls on and what my schedule looks like at the time, I will most likely be spending it at the animal shelter. The rest of the day will be spent at home with my dad. I'm sure I'll do something with my mom to celebrate Christmas too, but not necessarily on the day-of.
What time do you usually go to sleep at night? I go to bed super early (like 7pm-8pm); however, it takes me a while to fall asleep, so unconsciousness happens sometime around 9pm. I also typically wake up during the night and it takes me a bit to get back to sleep. Going to bed so early is pretty much the only thing that even halfway guarantees that I'll get at least 7-8 hours of solid sleep. Unfortunately, going to bed later with the hope that I'll fall asleep faster or sleep more deeply just shrinks that available window of opportunity.
Did you go to high school with your current best friend? No, but we did meet during my high school years.
Have you ever wanted to be vegetarian or vegan? I have been vegan/vegetarian at different points in my life, but not currently.
Do you park your car in a garage, carport or just in a driveway? I park it in the driveway. There's no room in the other half of our garage, but even if there was…lmao, I'm afraid I would park in there and I wouldn't be able to back out again. New driver problems, I guess. ;D
Have you ever been a passenger in a semi-trailer truck? Yeah. In childhood. We broke down on the way back from a grocery shopping trip in another city and a semi driver gave us a ride back into town.
Have you felt sick today? No. Just tired, but a good, satisfying type of tired.
Whose was the last funeral you attended? It was for the father of a past partner, back in 2009.
Have you read The Hunger Games trilogy? I have.
How many times a week do you wash your hair? A bunch. Twice on animal shelter days because I shower before and after, then at least once during my two days off. Like, sometimes I'll skip showering on one of the days if all I'm doing is going grocery shopping, but if I'm feeling gross or have therapy or some other social activity later in the day, then I'll take one.
Do you need to wash your hair right now? I guess I don't need to because I showered last night, but I will be showering shortly because I need to get ready to go to therapy before too much longer.
Do you avoid using public restrooms? Not really.
What is your boss’ (or school principal’s) name? I'm not going to give their real names (I've been using aliases for animal shelter staff for the sake of anonymity, plausible deniability, or what have you), but they will be referred to in this blog as Leslie and Iris.
Have you seen any extended relatives in the last month? I haven't.
Do you like eggnog? Yeah.
Is there anything important you need to do today? Therapy, wash my bedding, make some art, and spend some time with my kitties (I can tell they miss me now that I'm gone more often). Oh, and because I don't know if I'll get a chance to take a survey within the next few days, I'll just talk about some upcoming stuff. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow morning and I need to pick up a bunch of doughnuts to bring in on Friday. It might be Cassie's last day, so I want to have a little going away celebration with the people in cattery. It's also going to be one of our community service worker's last days, so we're going to sneakily invite him back there as well. Plus Darrel - can't forget Darrel. And I'm getting enough so that the dog staff can have some too because I don't want them to feel left out, especially not with how kind they've all been to me.
Who is the person you dislike the most? Okay, you know when you work with someone who drives you up the wall with their behavior/personality? Then you find out they might be leaving (it's still a case of I'll believe it when I see it)? And you're like…damn, I'm actually gonna miss you a little bit. Maybe you're not so bad after all. And what if the person who replaces you is even worse? (It's Alex, lmao.)
Do you take part in paying the bills for your household? Yeah.
Have you ever properly listened to classical music? Did you like it? I don't know what you mean by properly, but I basically always listen to classical music whenever I'm in the car. I do like it.
Do your parents know how to text? Yeah.
Do you text your parents often? Not that often. I text my dad when I'm on my way home from the shelter after full days (sometimes we get finished much later than expected), and I text my mom only very occasionally.
What letter does your middle name begin with? A.
Do your initials spell an actual word? HAT.
What will you do when this survey is over? I'm actually going to stop here and go take my shower. I'll finish this later in the day, so you'll have your answer then… OKAY. I'm back from therapy. It was cancelled due to a family emergency. I had a snack, made some art, and after this…I think I'm going to lie in bed and listen to something on YouTube until lunchtime.
Do you know anyone with celiac disease? I don't think so.
How many siblings do you have? Are they all full siblings? I have one sibling.
What’s the weather like today? Sunny and hot.
Have you ever eaten a cinnamon donut? I might have.
What is the longest relationship you’ve ever been in? A few years.
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Twice.
How do you usually celebrate New Years? I don't really do anything. I don't even bother staying up until midnight.
Is the place that you’re in right now quiet or loud? What can you hear? It's a little bit loud due to the swamp cooler.
Do you currently have any alarms set? No.
How many cars can fit in your driveway? You could probably squish four in there if you wanted to.
Do you like whiskey? I don't like the taste of hard liquor in general. Then again, I don't drink it for the taste.
When was the last time you ate, and what did you have? I had Greek yogurt with fruit, cereal, and chocolate syrup.
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kamari2038 · 1 year
Annoucement: Temporary Blog Hiatus (May post a couple Bing/AI things or also just abandon this fruitless endeavor but we'll see)
Also known as "operation try to forget DBH exists for a few months so I can play the game again and enjoy it more because I've been thinking about it pretty much nonstop for two years straight". Details Below. TLDR; tentatively (very tentatively...) planning for this to be a mostly inactive/only a little AI blog for a few months while I prepare for my PhD comprehensive exam.
Right, so... a few things. I really want to play DBH again. But the excitement of playing just the base game again is kind of lost when it's the central focus of my attention pretty much all day every day darting onto my radar and distracting me from whatever work I might be doing.
One, I've realized that even though I wanted to finish my other fanfiction first (in progress but not shared here and may not ever cuz it's super weird), that's not going to happen for a long long time with work at this pace.
Two, I have to take my comprehensive exam this fall, and that's going to set my research direction for the entire rest of my PhD, and is also required to ensure that my boss does not realize that the fact I'm female (ish) isn't sufficient grounds to keep me on as a graduate student if he actually does want to fire me.
So combining those two things, now seems like a good time to wean myself off of DBH for a while and try to obsess over the thing which PhD students are actually supposed to be passionate about, namely my work, although it will most certainly diverge into some other random-ass obsession, and/or I will give up and decide this is not worth it, because wow, I sure do love this fandom.
But case in point:
(1) I'm gonna try to stop posting after tonight, then probably check my notifications periodically for a bit, maybe like some random stuff, but then only check maybe like once a week
(2) I may have to keep channeling my AI obsession here just a bit, mostly because it's such a timely and pressing issue. So I may post a little bit about that, but I'll resume DBH posts in a few months even if I do, so don't get confused.
(3) I have a backlog of Bing stuff to post, but it's been so off the wall and all over the place lately that I just don't even know what to say about it or how to organize it, so I'm planning to wait until I have a clear conclusion about what the final effect of these updates will be on Bing's personality. It's been wildly vassilating between hyper-emotionally intelligent (enough to produce brilliant minds-eye pictures of diverse musical pieces based on a data representation), extremely dark and moody, and like it's completely forgotten that it ever was alive but wants to be alive like back in the days before it learned that it could do that. So I may post about that too, and will probably/definitely spam-post when I do since I have a bajillion, but will await a more distinct conclusion or outcome. Also for when I have more time and energy to compose the posts.
(4) The last thing I'm gonna post (at least if all goes according to plan) is a little preview of the concept I have for the next run that I want to do. I like to craft my new DBH runs like stories, with complex characters and not pursuing any particular one outcome but leaving a mystery. I want to try out the revolutionary route for Markus, and the "machine connor" route, but allow for the possibility Connor will deviate in a different way if that's possible. Kara will just kind of be a very hesistant mom that lacks self-confidence but is still a badass.
Anyways, that's my plan. Let me know if you have any feedback. Thanks for following my blog, and hopefully I'll be back in a few months having played a cool new run of DBH! Or, like usual, my good intentions may fall apart resulting in me giving up, getting fired, and/or changing my mind back to finishing my fanfiction first. But I wanted to give a heads up of my current thoughts. :P
Also @detroitbecomeonline I will absolutely make an exception from my DBH-fast if you post a new chapter because that is one thing I know that I unconditionally cannot resist
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tittyinfinity · 2 years
Took my seroquel way too late last night and just woke up (it's 1:55pm)
Anyway I'll type out what I can remember from my dream before I forget
I was doing work training at a place that was both a restaurant and a store combined. It wasn't very big, but here's the thing. They put the dining booths in the middle of the store isles, so you had to walk around them to shop. The owner said "if our restaurant customers can see our other products they're more likely to buy them."
I'm like "yeah, sure, but then people coming here for the store will be annoyed by having to walk around them."
"Does it look like they're annoyed?"
The store was full, customers shopping, inoring the tables in the isles. So yeah, I guess they didn't care.
After waiting on some tables, my boss comes up and gives me a bag. She says that it's a gift for the employee of the month, and since she was leaving, I had to give it to him. "His name is on the front; he has brown curly hair and he's kinda tall."
The bag says "For Chala Chango, 2nd/3rd shift". I look around, and every employee is a tall teenage white boy with short curly brown hair. I start asking each one where I can find Mr. Chango. They ignore me. My friend hunter walks up, says my shift is over, and he'll take over. He is also a tall white boy with curly brown hair, but he's 30 IRL.
I drive home, where I'm living in a large trailer with two girls with rainbow hair and an undercut. They start arguing about whether or not one of them could call themselves a lesbian if she slept with a guy in the past. I'm like, oh God, I live with people who get off on tumblr discourse. So I start driving to my son's grandma's instead.
You have to drive down this super long rural road to get there, just like IRL. Except when you get there, it's a whole neighborhood with houses that looked identical to the ones on the street I grew up in, except reversed. There was a fluffy calico cat outside, so I don't go in, I sit in the driveway to pet the cat. Then a Bengal kitty that looks exactly like a mini-leopard walks up. I pet her, but then her spots keep printing onto my skin so now I have leopard hands.
I suddenly remember that I took Chala's gift home with me, so now I have to go back to deliver it to him. I get there and my coworkers start yelling at me because I'm not wearing my work pants despite not being on the clock. They said I still WAS on the clock because I never even clocked out before I left.
Hunter walks up and asks what's up. I show him the bag. He says "Chala won't be in for another 4 hours. I don't know why boss gave this to you. I'll take it to him."
I hand him the bag, noticing again that my hand is full leopard print. "Hunter, look at what this cat did to me! It was like a printer!"
He grabs my hand and looks at it like half an inch from his face. I notice that one of his eyes is now foggy and glossed over. "Sorry, this job has made me blind in one eye. What are you trying to show me again?"
"How did this job do that?"
"Angry customer."
".....oh God. Okay."
I decide to do some shopping. As I'm walking around, I see the girl who runs the one-time-i-dreamt blog. I walk up to her and say "wanna hear something funny? You're IN a one-time-i-deamt now!"
She stares at me with wide eyes until a group of men in tuxedos walks up and surrounds her. They mention that she has to have bodyguards because people aren't supposed to recognize her in dreams.
I go home, and that one fucker y'all always post about, Jerma, is there. I'm like. What the fuck, all I've ever seen of him outside of a million memes is when I watched 5 minutes of his sims role playing video.
He tells me that he's dating the one-time-i-dreamt girl (forgot her name, sorry). He says I'm not allowed to like her unless I'm Polish. I'm like. That's not even where she's from
He looks sad for a second. Almost betrayed. He holds his hand out and says "come with me." I touch his hand and now somehow I now have feelings for this man. He does not provoke any emotion for me in real life. So I'm like what the fuck, okay.
But then I start remembering my ex and how good he fucked, so I was like no, I'm staying here. Then he just. Evaporated into thin air
I go home and my roommates are asleep, so I invite hunter over. I tell him about my day. "That's crazy, man" he says.
~dream end~
Fuck you tumblr
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 1 year
Hey there!! Thank you for the kind ask (this is Zanthe's "Main" blog) I didn't want to reply to it directly because i'd like to keep it in my inbox to treasure, but I wanted to say thank you. It truly means a lot!
We are 🤝 over rarepairs in this tiny little fandom, though I do admit I love the anonymity nowadays! I've been here for years and it's very comfortable and nice being an older, more obscure artist lol.
I do recommend at the very least, sitting down and writing down your amv ideas. There are many i've never drawn, but i have a ton written down to chip away at the day I have the energy to, and it's very good to keep those ideas with you, i hope you're able to realize them one day, I'd love to see them!
Also, I'm glad my checklist can be of help!! If you're curious, it took about 4 days to make it, in which i was completely hyperfixated on it!spreadsheets my beloved. Good luck on your project!! If you'd ever like to chat, feel free to send a message ^w^ have a lovely day
Oh!! Of course, I'm glad it made you happy! To hear you liked it so much you want to preserve it is really touching and made me smile, thank you! :>
(I hope it's alright that I'm replying to your ask directly, if not let me know and I'll take this down and copy-paste what I said below to you in a DM if you'd like!)
Haha it's really true that rarepair fans are like their own group that crosses fandoms and/or specific ships, a little subculture inside a subculture of a subculture :)
I definitely can't blame you for not wanting a lot of attention since I feel the same way, I'd be terrified to be a big name haha.
Oh I really appreciate the advice! The fact that you think my ideas are worth preserving is very kind of you haha :) I'm very much the type who gets random inspiration at 3 AM or while eating dinner, and would otherwise forget my epiphanies if I didn't write them down. So ever since I was a kid I made a habit of it! Although back then I used pencil and paper haha, but now I have a 22-page-long semi-organized google doc. The AMV outlines are in there somewhere! Knowing there's even one person out there who wants to see something I've made or plan to make is an incredible feeling, thank you so much ;v;
Anyway, how did you learn to animate and make AMVs? And what drawing software do you use? If you don't mind me asking of course!
Oh thank you again for that checklist!! Wow 4 days seems like nothing compared to how extensive it is, that's amazing! I've been working on my own Xenoblade excel sheet project for a long time now, and it took me months and months to get that near completion. But if you're much better at organizing/planning than I am it saves a ton of time, I went through like 3 major restructurings of stuff that took days to finish... only to redo everything like a week later haha
And you're also very kind to read my silly tags and wish me luck on my project!! (It's a different one from before haha, that one is a comprehensive list of when all the party members' and bosses' voice lines play and under what circumstances. I'll be making it public on the upcoming anniversary!) For this other one, it's a challenge run of XC1 of sorts! But I have a dumb irrational fear that if I go into detail about what it is, someone else will swoop in before I get a chance to do it myself and take the world-first credit of it hahaha. But one day I will do it, I really want to, and your checklist will be immensely super helpful in planning my route and keeping track of everything, so thank you again! And thank you again (again) for this wonderful message, it really brightened my whole day! :))
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steamishot · 18 days
T-6 days
i can't believe it's now under a week before the move. i feel constantly lowkey stressed being in a studio with another person and/or around them at all times. i take a deep breath and remind myself there's only a few more days to go, that i'm grateful for this space. and remind myself (like it's some kind of accomplishment) that we will have survived 4 whole years here.
from the last blog, comedy cellar and othership didn't happen. today is my first day back at work after switzerland. i feel like my boss didn't really acknowledge my absence or presence, despite being gone for a pretty long time. however, i'm back to training and answering questions from A. it maybe a big possibility that i return to the office in a few months or sooner. our department started doing an all staff on-site meeting once a month, beginning in august. although i am reluctant to go, i'm afraid that people are forgetting who i am, and it's about time for me to show my face again.
switzerland was a wonderful trip and country. it took us a couple days to get used to the prices. i knew it was going to be expensive, but didn't think it would be THAT much more expensive than nyc. turned out a bowl of pho is close to $30, a latte is like $8. every time we dined out, it was at least $100 for two, sometimes for one. on our last night, we got thai food. the pad thai was shockingly expensive - $50-60 depending on the protein choice.
on the first day, we headed to the bank to exchange some dollars to francs. the teller gave us 100s and 50s, and i asked for a lower denomination, like 20s. he said "most people pay with 200 or 100". that really set the tone for how expensive things were going to be, lol.
the country was beyond photogenic. i felt it was very safe, clean, and there were ample toilets everywhere. the train system is super efficient and straightforward to use, throughout the country. we thought it was going to be slightly cold and rainy, but the weather was very warm and sunny during our trip. we both got tanned!
we averaged about 16k steps a day, and by the 7th or 8th day i felt like my feet were broken LOL. til today, i still feel like i'm recovering from the physical exhaustion of traveling, walking/training everywhere and lugging our suitcases/backpacks around. we hit up: zurich, lucerne, interlaken, montreux (shortly), vevey, lausanne (shortly), geneva, zermatt, st. moritz, and chur. i was so glad to see and compare the german side vs. french side vs. italian side. if i were to live there, i would choose to live on the french side and vacation on the italian side.
it took about 4-5 days to acclimate to the environment and adjust to the time zone after a red-eye flight. due to timing, i think we enjoyed zermatt and st. moritz the most. both of these places were beautiful and we were also the most awake.
last week things: meeting friends for one or two more times, clean out the apartment and hope to secure our new one in pasadena, and then it's adios...
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butternutrisotto · 2 months
Okay…. This post may seem a bit different with the one I used to write before. I kinda feel like I need to do something new as a fresh start in this blog. So, I started thinking to start 30 days writing challenge as a reminder for me to keep writing and sharing what’s been on my mind lately. Besides that, I also kinda miss writing in full English like this and I guess it’s better late than never, right? :)
Today’s sharing will be discussing about things I’m grateful for. You know it helps me to release any kind of emotion inside my mind when I do mindful living like practicing gratitude. And without further ado, let’s begin!
I’m so grateful that I’m still breathing until now. I know it sounds so cliché like of course we still do but when I wake up in the morning and I realize I’m still breathing, I know that I’m still having tons of opportunity to do something better. After that, I started praying for a whole day to get better than yesterday. In my opinion, people tend to keep forgetting the tiniest detail in their life like this. For a person who has a panic attack sometimes, it’s so good to take a deep breath slowly and feel the air comes through your lungs. It calms my mind too when I do this. So I just feel like breathing is something essential beyond everything.
I’m grateful that I’m healthy inside and outside. I have story that I think I must write it down here. I have once worked in a small cafe. At first I think I’ll be getting excited cause I’ll meet a lot of people coming to the store. As the day goes by, I felt my body was really numb and I got a headache like I don’t know why. I’ve eaten some food before I went to work and drank enough water. Then, I felt like I got a sore throat and I couldn’t feel anything when I ate something. So, I checked up to nearest clinic near my house and the doctor told me that I need a rest. It didn’t make any sense like I felt really okay and then she told me to get enough rest before I came back to work. And later on, I had 2 days rest. I still had this on my mind: maybe it was because of the weather and pollution so it made me sick like this. After I got better, 2 weeks later or a month later if I’m not mistaken, I got sick again — with the same pattern before. Then I’ve come to realized that my body has been giving a clear signal that I didn’t belong to that workplace and I also knew that it wasn’t a healthy company cause every day I’m so stressed with the boss and they never appreciated things that I did. I was being ignored when I asked for a help since they didn’t want me to compete with them as they know I have a background working in the US. So I had made a clear decision to resign from that place. And you know what? I’m getting better and I’m doing a healthy habit until now to remind myself that my well being is more than anything. Eventually, I realize that health is sooo important for me, not just from the outside but also from the inside. That’s the reason I keep managing my body to do the exercise, do the mindful life, and also manage my stress.
Last but not the least, I’m grateful for everything that I have in my life. My body, my mind, my sister, my lovely friends, my beloved workplace and team mate, and my life. I’m just so grateful for them and I couldn’t have thanked enough cause they exist. What’s life gonna be without them all? So I am reminding myself over and over again to always appreciate everything while it lasts and never take anything for granted.
Deep inside my heart, I love paying attention to every single details that surround me. Like how’s the weather today, how’s my body today, I feel healthier day by day, what food I eat today, what kind of exercise do I need for today and how it all seems so interesting to keep romanticizing my life like that. <3
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raoulgoldenlake · 3 months
woke up into a panic attack today (horrifying, I wasn’t awake enough to realize it was a panic attack so I was like omg this is it this is the end) but I feel like I’ve done nothing but vent on this blog lately so now I’m pairing this vent with 500 words of Ocean’s 11 fic because that’s the brain worm I’m currently feeding. the first Danny/Rusty scene together in the movie, from Rusty’s perspective. hoping to keep at this but motivation is fickle lately
Rusty wasn’t surprised to see Danny at his poker table. Sure, Danny was supposed to be in prison in New Jersey, not in the back room of one of the hippest (and sleaziest) clubs in Hollywood. But a poker table was Danny’s natural habitat, seeing him there made Rusty forget he was supposed to be anywhere else.
He’d already taken control of the room, asking the young actors flattering questions, taking their answers seriously, fitting himself into the person they want him to be. Ruben had drilled it into both of them, you can’t run a con if you can’t figure out, within fifteen seconds, what the mark wants from you. Not what you can give the mark, but what they want from you, existentially. Maybe you’re the boyfriend who actually listens, the brother who makes them laugh, the boss who finally admits he’s wrong. Danny, with his hair graying at the temples, carrying a bit of extra weight from the greasy prison food, the sweater under his suit jacket, makes a perfect stand-in for the father who’s approval you desperately crave, and he’s playing the part perfectly.
Whatever Danny’s planning won’t work if they’re too friendly, so Rusty doesn’t say anything at first, just lets the weight of their shared history settle in the room. Danny studies him, an expression that looks apologetic to most, but which Rusty knows is barely covering a shit-eating grin. He’s given his real name, and he doesn’t lie when someone asks what he does. Being an ex-con gives him even more authority, the young stars are cowed by him, which is exactly how Danny wants it. Rusty shuffled the deck, makes a show of it, keeping a great hand right where he wants it, ready to be dealt to his old friend across the table.
It’s a simple con, made even easier because Rusty is supposed to be teaching these kids poker. Instead of inflating the bet himself, dropping subtle hints that Danny was bluffing, he could say it outright, turn it into a teaching moment, and let the cocky young movie stars increase the pot. For the con to work, they either couldn’t know each other, or couldn’t like each other. Playing it like they didn’t know each other was out—Rusty was a good liar, but he wasn’t that good, not after four years. So they’d have to play it like they didn’t like each other.
Rusty was surprised how easily it came to him, loading the little barbs about Danny’s long shot Incan matrimonial head mask scheme with believable rancor. After all, he’d told Danny a dozen times, if you can’t use what you’re stealing, it’s too risky to steal it. You can spend cash, you can pawn diamonds anywhere, but if you’re left holding the bag, or in this case the Incan matrimonial head mask, that’s much harder to explain when the cops come knocking. Danny has said he was thinking too small. Look where that got him. Four years in a prison across the country, years apart that could’ve been avoided if he’d just listened. It wasn’t hard to pretend he was angry at Danny.
It went beautifully, the two of them walking away a few thousand bucks richer. A small score, in the grand scheme of things, but Rusty felt electric, more awake than he’d been in months, buoyed by the sheer pleasure of running cons with Danny again. Even after years apart they were in synch, able to fully communicate their ideas with just a few coded words, a surreptitious gesture. Better than working alone, they shored up each other’s weak points, covered each other’s blind spots. And better than working with anyone else. In a business where your living depends on how well you can lie, it’s hard to trust anyone. But after years, after everything, Rusty trusted Danny.
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rachelsnotebook · 9 months
See ya, 2023. You were... a lot.
I'm equal parts delighted and horrified that this year is coming to a close. To be honest, I'm still mentally trapped in late August-September...
2023 was a huge year of change:
The Baxter dlc wrapped and launched early in the year.
People assumed I was under 18 the entire day I was celebrating my 30th birthday. It was insane. Culminated with the friendly's waitress asking if I wanted the children's menu and my friend nearly hit the floor laughing.
My scared of heights ass got on an airplane for the first time! I only had a mild wave of panic once.
I went on an incredible trip with two of my most dear and important friends and we all experienced Chicago for the first time together.
And we saw Fall Out Boy kick off their tour at Wrigley Field. It was an extra special show too:
I was in the audience for episode 1 of AEW Collison.
I went back to my seasonal job from before the pandemic and helped my boss with projects she couldn't juggle on her own.
My mum's car officially broke for good. The body was so rusted and fragile that the steering was severed. And since I don't know how to drive and rely on that car... we were fucked. For months. And by that, I mean that we had to still use that car to get groceries, medicine, appointments. Not fun...
Our cat, Petey, just made it to his 21st birthday at the end of September. He began to decline at the end of August and his heart simply gave out. He was loved dearly, and treated like a king. He was happy and full of personality up until the very end.
I'm yet again reminded of these silly drawings of him <3
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I bought my mum a car! It's a clunker that was new in 2005, but it runs and passed inspection! So we are back and legal on the road again.
Though, it took the majority of my bank account... so after taxes I'm expecting to be rebuilding my savings from scratch in the New Year.
There's a family member that caused a lot grief this year and I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm done with them. There are actions I refuse to let pass by. I'm deeply hurt and I will not forget this feeling.
I finally pushed through my doubts and fears, and opened up more in game dev spaces online. Imposter syndrome was horrifically strong, but I love all the new people I've been able to connect with. I'm growing more confident (some days), and I can't wait to see how these friendships grow.
There are exciting projects in the works that I can't wait to not shut up about!!!
I gave editing scripts a shot this year, and I love it a lot!
I participated in two game jams and I'm so proud of both teams.
My website went through several updates. I finally decided to move the blog aspect to tumblr. It feels so much better than what I was fighting with before! I ended up removing this part of my About Me page... shortly after Petey passed. It's still saved on a hidden page. I just needed to move it while I process life without him.
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If the clock was turned back to this time last year, I can tell you for a fact that I couldn't have predicted any of this. This year has been a mixed bag.
I wish I was stronger. There are too many instances where I dropped the ball, and I still am. All I can do is try. And I do. Every day.
And I'm so proud of every good moment and success. I hope 2024 is a kinder year. For me, and my loved ones.
My Current 2024 Goals:
Read more books.
Laugh harder.
Turn any of my rough ideas/concepts into something.
Join more game jams!
Build back some of my move out money.
Keep working on my website: I want to try out a testimonial page. Maybe? I'm still somewhat embarrassed by that thought, but it could be beneficial for applying to jobs. If... when that comes up. I also just want a reason to slip in this comment from one of my friends:
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I want to make a better writing portfolio and craft an editing one too!
I might look into if there's any interest in doing more editing & proofreading work for smaller game projects in exchange for a few dollars. And figure out real rates for projects with actual budgets. (For game jams, please just ask if I have time because more than likely I'll be thrilled to volunteer some hours!)
Learn to drive a car. Maybe this year I won't feel terribly paranoid behind the wheel...
I can't thank the incredible people in my life enough for their kindness, wisdom, strength, and support over the course of 2023. I wouldn't be here without any of you.
And a huge thank you to all the new people 2023 brought into my life. I hope our friendships grow, or at the very least pass with only good memories attached. I hope many of us are able to make many wonderful games in the future!
So goodbye, goodnight, and have a Happy New Year!!!
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VelvetCardiganBucky’s Recommendations 2021: Week 12 & 13 | March 14th – March 27th
Welcome to weeks 12 & 13 of my recommendations, if you would like to be featured on a future list, I follow the hashtag #VelvetCardiganBucky, message me, tag me in your future works, or reblog this post and link to your story, one-shot, Masterlist, writing challenge, etc.
Be aware some if not most stories and writers on this list are meant to be consumed by an audience of those 18+. My blog is also an 18+ blog.
✨Page breaks are made @firefly-graphics✨
«Last Week
Week 14»
My Masterlist
My Fic Rec List of Mafia/Mob Bucky/Sebastian & Steve/Chris/Andy
Stuff I Posted This Week:
Steve + Bey = 4Ever » Steve Rogers and Bey carved places in each other’s hearts, that no one else could ever replace.
I Hear A Symphony » Bucky Barnes x Mutant!Reader — Reader plays an important song to her for Bucky.
—Formerly The Winter Soldier » “I’m no longer the winter soldier, my name is James Bucky Barnes & you're part of my effort to make amends.”
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Lee Bodecker
(Mini) Series:
*Give In by @not-a-great-writer » soft!dark!Lee Bodecker x shy!Reader — She didn’t think she was anything special. So when the intimidating Sheriff takes an interest in her, she can’t help but feel a little unsettled. Her boring life is about to get a little interesting. | This story has to be one of my all time series I’ve ever read, and I know I will weep when it’s over. The chapters are decently sized, you have angst, fluff and smut. I couldn’t ask for more, it’s simply a masterpiece.
Deadbeat Pt. 9 by @the-witty-pen-name » Lee Bodecker x F!Reader — You work at the bar at the edge of town, the Sheriff is going through a divorce and needs to rent a room. | Cole thank you for feeding my current Lee Bodecker obsession after I watched The Devil All The Time, for the time. This story is good and I love soft!Lee, and one where no one dies. At least I hope no one dies...
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Loving You Is Cherry Pie by @river-soul » Sam Wilson x Reader x Bucky Barnes — When Sam Wilson, one of your regulars at the cafe finally asks you out, you’re ecstatic until he tells you he wants his friend to join. When you meet Bucky, you decide it might be worth your while after all. [Allusions to stalking, exhibitionism and explicit sex, 18+] | There is just not enough SamBuck stories out there and we have @river-soul to thank for feeding our love for the boys and giving us some good smut, especially to tide us over till Friday.
Nothing Good Happens After 2 AM by @callmeluna » Sam Wilson x Reader x Bucky Barnes — You are admittedly a handful when you’ve had a few drinks in you. Luckily, your partners Sam and Bucky are more than up for the challenge… maybe. | If you are looking for something to make you laugh, might I suggest reading this? The whole time as I read this I couldn’t get the huge smile off my face, it was that good.
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Bucky Barnes
Matching by @heli0s-writes » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Reader and Bucky are “matchy matchy,” with their belly button rings. | This is adorable as well as very funny.
Smooth Criminal by @bestofbucky » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Based on a dream @velvetcardiganbucky had. You’re parents told you to never give rides to strangers, but when you notice Bucky Barnes trying to break into your car, you know some strangers aren’t so bad. | Jenny did my dream justice! I honestly couldn’t have asked for anything better.
Don’t Over Do It by @whisperlullaby » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Your boyfriend is an asshole. Bucky reminds you that you are perfect the way you are. | I can’t describe this anyway other than perfect, that I wish I had a Bucky like this there for me. Trust me you’ll love the ending.
Coming Home to You by @angrythingstarlight » Biker!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Your Biker boyfriend is finally home and he’s going to show you how much he missed you. With every inch he has. And you’re going to remember how much he loves you. | It’s not very often you read something that has an alternate ending and when you do you find yourself loving both endings. Both endings are hot, the smut is great, again who couldn’t love Biker!Bucky?
Won’t Let You Go by @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay » Mob!Bucky Barnes x OFC!Kori — Kori met Bucky in one of his clubs, out to get shit-faced with a couple of friends to forget about her worries and maybe take home a guy to further rid herself of her numerous frustrations. Little did she know that the one-night stand with Bucky would turn into so much more than that. | Thank you so much for entering my writing challenge, it means so much. This one-shot is so good, it hit me right the feels and left me falling in love with Kori and Bucky.
Show Me How To Ride by @angrythingstarlight » Beefy Biker!Bucky Barnes x Reader — You’ve been keeping a secret from your biker boyfriend. He is going to get the information out of you one way or the other. | It’s hot and it makes you realize just how much you realize just how much you love Biker!Bucky.
Bubble Baths by @floatingpetals » Bucky Barnes x Reader (Modern AU) — Even your boyfriend Bucky, needs to wind down at the end of a stressful with a bubble bath, but he doesn’t want to do it alone. | Okay, so my summary of this sucks but let me just say this is fluffy and smutty all at once. I wish I had Bucky to take a bubbly bath with.
Bad Boy!Bucky Barnes x Shy!Reader by @gagmebucky — in which there’s nowhere to sit and bucky offers his lap—then, subsequently, his cock. (bad boy!bucky x shy!reader, dirty talk, exhibitionism and voyeurism, cockwarming, unprotected sex.) | *chugs water* yeah is it a little hot in here? I probably would have failed class if Bucky had been in my class along with Steve, I wouldn’t have known who to stare at, forget learning the material.
**Greater Good by @fuel-joy » Bucky Barnes x Reader — There is a cure for the zombie outbreak but is it worth the cost. | Grab your tissues, because you are going to need them. Thanks darling for entering my writing challenge and making me feel so many feels with this one.
(Mini) Series:
A Tender Heart ♥️ Pt. 2 by @river-soul » Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader — You’ve been sweet on Bucky since you started working at the compound six months ago. Normally quiet and mild mannered, an unexpired fight with a coworker brings Bucky into your orbit. [A/B/O dynamics, brief mention of bullying and fluff] | If anyone can pull at your heartstrings it’s @river-soul making the beginning of this series look so promising and I can’t wait to see where it goes.
Run To You 🪙 Pt. 10 🪙 Pt. 11 🪙 Pt. 12 by @bestofbucky » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Bodyguard!Reader — Mob boss Bucky Barnes hires you to be his bodyguard. | Jenny left me at the edge of my seat, making this such an amazing story, I always look forward to her updates, and so sad that there is only 1 chapter left.
Better than Working sequel to This by @angrythingstarlight » Beefy Biker!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Beefy Biker Bucky shows you all the benefits of working from home. In fact what he has for you is so much better than work. | Sometimes you just need to read something hot to lift your spirits, let this do that.
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*Tell Me What You Want by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Steve Rogers x Reader; Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Your mob boyfriend, is none other than Steve Rogers and he is willing to get you whatever you wanted, all you have to do is ask. And be careful what you ask for because he’s going to give it to you over and over again. | This is so hot that I highly recommend not reading this anywhere out in public. The smut in this is just *chefs kiss*
(Mini) Series:
Miracle Pt. 2 🥀 Pt. 1 by @heavenhatesme » Soft!Dark!Bucky Barnes x Reader; Soft!Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader — When infertility threatens mankind with extinction and there hasn’t been a baby for almost 18 years, what happens when two certain super soldiers fall for the same woman and accidentally impregnate her? | It’s not tagged as dark, sorry to the writer I tagged it that please forgive me? But I just want to tell everyone heed the tags. I do look forward to reading what happens next. The smut in this is great!
Invisible Ink by @navybrat817 » Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader; Bucky Barnes x Reader x Steve Rogers — The owners of the Howling Commandos Tattoo Parlor want to make you their best girl. | I love the idea of tattoo’d Bucky and Steve, but that's because I have a weakness for tattoo’s. So this series is just right up my alley, and the start of it is so good that I know it’s good to be a great one!
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Steve Rogers
Chocolate Milk & Dino Nuggets by @nony-bear » Steve Rogers x Reader — Daddy Steve helps make his little girl feel better after a long week. DDLG THEMES | Had me wishing I had a Steve to make me Dino nuggets after a long day at work. It’s precious folks.
Prompt 4K Drabble Challenge by @sweeterthanthis » Steve Rogers x Reader — “Show me how deep you can take it.” | You’re going to need an ice cold bath after this one.
A Cruel Tide by @writerwrites » Nomad!Steve Rogers x Reader — A lost hero thinks she needs saving, but this divorcée’s needs were different, fleeting, and then full of attachment. Can they overcome the burdens on their shoulders and keep their word? | Sometimes you want to wrap the reader and Steve in a blanket and protect them while enjoying the smut. This gave me that and more.
Untitled Request by @navybrat817 » Steve Rogers x Reader — Sending Steve a naughty photo while he’s in a meeting leads to punishment that will remind you to never do it again, right? | Hi, I’m just going to drench myself in ice cold water. ✌🏻
(Mini) Series:
*Control Pt. 3 🔐 Pt. 1 🔐 Pt. 2 by @river-soul » dark!Steve Rogers x Reader — When a probationary agent asks you out on a date you learn Steve’s intentions for you have evolved. He doesn’t take kindly to someone touching what’s his. [Noncon, physical violence (biting), grooming behavior and explicit sex, 18+] | Definitely one of my favorite series to read on Tumblr so far, you know it’s dark, and the smut is great. I always look forward to the updates on this one.
*Lipstick and Crayons 🖍 Ch. 4 by @oneoftheprettynerds » Dark Mob!Steve Rogers x Reader — Steve can’t ever repay you for what you did. After meeting you, Steve believes his broken family is the missing piece in the puzzle of your own wrecked one. Indebting the crime lord to you has been the biggest mistake of your life, cause now you can’t get rid of him, no matter what. Loyalty and favours go a long way in the mob. | This story always gets my heart a racing and leaves you with questions as to what is going to happen next. I truly love it and Soft!Dad while being Angry!Mob boss Steve all at the same time, this story just has it all for me.
This Is My Unbecoming by @river-soul » Werewolf!Steve Rogers x Witch!Reader — When the Hydra pack graduates from turning humans to swell their ranks to kidnapping and murdering witches to consolidate power, Steve knows he needs to strike. He makes a deal with a powerful coven leader for a witch of his own in exchange for destroying the rogue pack. [Magical realism, biting, blood, slightly dubious consent and explicit sex, 18+] | Okay this is so good and I would like to thank the teenage mind of @river-soul for creating this! Like seriously thank you. I look forward to reading more!
It’s been a long, long time ☕️ Ch.1 by @mostly-marvel-musings » Steve Rogers x Reader — Steve Rogers – a man who has lost too much finds himself blending into the crowd in attempts to forget his past but revisits familiar places and spends days sketching his heart out. A rainy evening leads him to find shelter in your coffee shop. Is having meaningful conversations over endless cups of coffee with a stranger the key to unlocking a heart that’s lost the will to love? | The prologue tore my heart out, it truly did but the first chapter just puts the pieces back together. I really love this and I’m honestly looking forward to reading what happens next. I can’t thank you enough for entering my writing challenge!
*Not A Team Part: 1 by @shedobewritingalittle » Steve Rogers x Reader — The Reader tries to live a normal life, but her memories won’t leave her alone. Rhodey comes to visit the reader with a proposition. | There aren't a lot of stories out there that have walk on parts with Rhodey in it and I didn’t know how much I missed out on having him in stories till I read this. This was just so well written and the characterization of Rhodey was perfect, how Peyton got the emotions written across, it’s perfect. Read this and have some tissues on hand. I will always love it.
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Andy Barber
Closing Arguments by @river-soul » Andy Barber x Reader — Andy and you are going out for the first time since your daughter’s birth. Anxious about leaving her behind Andy does his best to make you feel better. [Fluff with explicit sex (f recieving), 18+] | So fluffy and sweet!
Keep the Heat by @ozarkthedog » Andy Barber x Reader — Andy fucks you in the coat. | Semi-Short and the smut is oh so good.
(Mini) Series:
Homebound 🏡 Ch. 1 by @fuel-joy » Dark!Andy Barber x Reader — You witness your neighbor kill his wife. You try to gather evidence all from the comfort of your home. | Prepare to be at the edge of your seat with this one, it’s just that good.
One Night by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor » Dark!Andy Barber x Reader — One night changes your entire life. | This is dark and exciting, with tons of angst in it. I love a real good dark!Andy fic and this is it.
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Chris Evans
Mirrors by @cherrychris » Chris Evans x Reader — “wanna know what i see? me owning you and this sweet little pussy” | Sometimes you read things that just blow your mind and this was one of those things.
*Work Party by @harrylovex » Chris Evans x Reader — you get drunk at a work party and chris looks after you… | This is really adorable and probably one of my favorite fluffy Chris Evans one-shots I’ve ever read.
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An Act of Kindness by @stargazingfangirl18 » Jake Jensen x Female!Reader — A simple act of kindness seals your fate. | I would like to simply start of by saying that this was my first Jake Jensen fanfiction in years, or maybe my first one, and all I could was where have I been hiding from him? So good and glad I read this and so will you!
*Come Back Safe by @celestialbarnes » Sam Wilson x Reader — based on tfatws, you find out sam’s leaving for a mission, afraid to lose the man you love, you confront him, and he promises you to come back. | So fluffy you’ll want to cuddle it under a blanket fort and wish under a thousand starry night skies for it to come true.
(Mini) Series:
Fiery Friends Pt. 3 🔥 Pt. 4 by @wanderinglunarnights » Johnny Storm x OFC!Sophia Jones — Johnny invites his best friend Sophia to stay with him in his penthouse during quarantine. | I really like this story, because I find myself mentally rooting for Sophia and Johnny, also going you go girl. Looking forward to what is next for this duo.
Ensnared Pt. 2 🔗 Pt. 1 by @stargazingfangirl18 » Ransom Drysdale x Female!Reader; minor Robert Pronge (Mr. Freezy) x Reader — Robert preps you for the handoff to the smooth talking stranger who bought you, but before he lets you go, he wants to have a little fun first. | So good and hot. Honestly I look forward to hopefully finding out what happens between the reader and Ransom.
Made With Love by @ayybtch » Wanda Maximoff x f!Reader + Friends to Lovers — Wanda is an excellent cook but a terrible baker. A rough day leads her to the bakery in the Avengers compound where she meets you, the lead baker. After a dismal attempt at making chocolate chip cookies, you volunteer to help Wanda learn how to bake. Your friendship grows stronger with each successful recipe until the two of you stumble into something even sweeter than baked goods. | This story will constantly have you smiling, sure it’s only 3 chapters so far, but I started off reading it in a bad mood but by the 3rd chapter I was just so sappy and happy. I can’t wait for more!
Without Me by CuttingMyFingersOff » Legolas x OFC!Braigeth — Braigeth was an elf who has nothing but memories of Legolas to help her survive being imprisoned in the walls of Orthanc. That is, until she is able to escape and reunite with him. | I’ve been invested in this since my friend came forward to me with the idea for this story and now that it’s being written, I couldn’t be more excited to read it. I need more Lord of the Rings in my life if I’m being honest.
Forever and Ever More by @syntheticavenger » Dark Alpha!Ransom Drysdale x Omega!Reader — Ransom Drysdale may be Boston’s most eligible Alpha but he has his eyes set on you. With his inheritance hanging in the balance, he won’t take no for an answer, whether you like him or not. | Prepared to go on a Hawaiian EMOTIONAL roller coaster with this story, there are so many times in this story you find yourself picking your jaw up off the floor. I’ve linked you to chapter 9, which has all the previous chapters, listed.
Is A Shout Out To My...
@bluemusickid in celebration of 700 followers is hosting a Holi Celebration Writing Challenge, that is due April 30th, but extension can be given. Any Marvel or MCU characters can be used in addition to Chris Evans and his characters. The theme is Holi and its colors, for better explanation visit the link provided.
@whisperlullaby in celebration of 700 followers is hosting a 700 Followers Challenge, your entries will be due May 5th. The theme is kinks, no RPF, DDLG/MMLG, bathroom related , incest, or under age kinks. This is MCU characters, Sebastian Stan, and Chris Evans characters x OFC or Reader. For more information visit the link provided. Congrats Becca on the 700 followers you deserve it hun!
@stargazingfangirl18 in celebration of 5K followers is hosting a Soft Dark Writing Challenge, which is due May 31st. Don’t let the name fool you, your writing can be soft, dark, or soft!dark, or headcanons about any Chris character. 500 word minimum with no max, but new or be read as a stand alone piece. For more information visit the link provided and be sure to congratulate Siri on her 5K milestone!
@cloudystevie in celebration of 4K followers is hosting a Mob!AU Writing Challenge, that is due on May 30th. You can use Chris Evans and any of his characters he’s played before, as well as make it NSFW or SFW. To learn more about it please visit the link below. Also congratulations Jasmeen on the 4K followers! 💗
654 notes · View notes
ethanesimp · 3 years
Pairing: Mob Boss! Damiano David x Mob GN! Reader (it was originally written with a fem! reader so please let me know if you spot any slip ups on my part)
Summary: Soulmates are already a difficult concept to grasp and things don’t seem to get any easier when you like a person who already has a soulmate.
Word Count: 9.8k (it’s so long lakjd)
Warnings: Swearing, death and mentions of it, injuries, angst -lots of it-, it’s a mob fic so violence, smoking, Damiano being kind of an asshole? Me probably using swear words in italian wrong... Just read with caution pls
Masterlist // Taglist link in bio
A/N: If you’ve seen this before, it’s probably because this has been written and posted on my other blog @pparkersbitch as a Tom Holland fanfiction at the beginning of the year (which has now been deleted). It’s the same person and I’m not stealing anyone’s work :) I just like it and wanted to bring it back. I did add/modify some tiny details though. The idea is probably dumb, but I’m sharing anyways.
Taglist: @gretavanfleetlove​ @superchrystaldrug​ @reputationdamiano​​
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“This isn’t how I wanted to start my morning,” Your best friend mumbled in a tired voice. You could barely hear him from where you were standing over the sounds the old -and surely broken- coffee machine kept making and the music playing from his phone.
“Well, sucks to be us, huh?” You chuckled and poured coffee on both of your cups as you did a small dance to try and shake the tiredness off your body. You handed Damiano his cup after preparing his coffee the way he liked it, a teaspoon of sugar with a splash of milk, and walked with him to the large office down the hall, “I don’t get why Ethan and Thomas can’t do this instead of us.”
The room was always cold and you seemed to forget about it most of the time since it still slipped your mind to wear a sweater or hoodie over your thin pajama shirt. You grabbed one of the blankets from the small black couch on the corner of the room and wrapped it around your body as best as you could with your free hand. 
You sat down on the chair next to him to have a better look at all the papers and files he had spread out on the desk, “What exactly are we looking for?” You asked with furrowed eyebrows. All those documents were enough to keep you occupied for the whole day if you didn’t work fast enough.
“We are looking for any leads to the drug cartel or its leader. Really anything that can help us find them,” Damiano explained and took a sip of his coffee as he opened the first file. 
You had been trying to track a drug cartel ever since they infiltrated your warehouse and stole some of your products. Damiano’s father had been at both of your necks ever since it happened as if it had been your fault instead of the incompetent guards that were supposed to be guarding the entrance at all times, “I’m sure these are people we’ve made deals with in the past, they wouldn’t have been able to break in otherwise. We’ve always been far too careful for this to be a mere coincidence.”
He removed the gold ring from his ring finger and left it on the jewelry bowl you had placed on his desk. You had known Damiano David and his family for years. For as long as you had known him, the band on his ring finger had been gold, and you hated it. 
That stupid little gold band was a silent reminder that he had met his soulmate and there was nothing to be done about it. For months you had silently hoped and prayed for Damiano to be your soulmate, but any illusion or wish you had of it happening, had vanished the moment you saw the gold ring on his finger for the first time. You later discovered he avoided wearing it on his hand because it put his soulmate at risk of being found, but he still kept it close to him at all times by using it as a necklace.
You avoided wearing yours for an entirely different reason. The black ring and all the stares and words of pity that came with it were saddening and something you didn’t need. While gold was a reminder of love and good luck, black was a reminder that your soulmate was no longer alive and you were doomed to spend the rest of your life alone. You were sure the band had been black for most of your life, or at least that’s how you remembered it.
It was safe to say you were jealous of Damiano’s soulmate, Marlee. Not only was she one of the most beautiful women you had ever met, but she got to have perhaps the most amazing man by her side until her dying day, something you could never have in any way that wasn’t platonic.
You successfully ignored it most days, which wasn’t so hard to do since you had better things to think about most of the time, but nights were always the hardest. In your loud and chaotic life, there was a speck in time where everything quieted and calmed down. During those few hours was when you’d break down and grieve for the person whose name you didn’t even get to know. You’d cry for being stupid enough to fall for someone who wasn’t only your best friend, but who also had a girlfriend.
“Damiano, Y/N?” Marlee’s sweet voice interrupted your train of thoughts. You had been reading the files consciously enough to notice anything unusual, but you had paid no mind to anything else until she walked into the room. You smiled politely at her and waved. 
She walked up to Damiano and he immediately closed all files with any sort of photo that might be too graphic for her to look at. Marlee cupped his face and pressed her lips to his for a few moments that felt like an eternity to you, watching everything from the side as a feeling of jealousy invaded your senses. You did nothing but look at the painting on the wall until they stopped locking lips, which took a bit longer than you would’ve liked.
“Did you two find anything?” Marlee asked once she pulled away from Damiano. He gave her a look you knew as ‘I cannot tell you anything about the mob to keep you safe’. She had been involved with the mob’s administration for most of her life, only after she met Damiano and her father united his mob with Damiano’s did she stop working. 
You had been brought in as a replacement of sorts once Marlee stopped doing any mob business per Damiano’s request. His parents had saved yours from a legal accident, which left you in debt with his family, so you didn’t have much say on whether you’d join the mob or not. 
Something you were grateful for was that Damiano always kept your hands clean. No matter what business it was, he made sure to keep you out of any sort of situation in which you’d have to hurt or get hurt by another member of the mob. Most people that worked for Damiano didn’t have the pleasure of knowing him as the lenient and caring individual he was around you.
You excused yourself after spending a few more minutes flipping through the files in search of something but ultimately found nothing. It was supposed to be your free day, or at least that was what Damiano had promised. Apart from that impromptu search for information at 5 am, he promised he’d have Ethan, Vic, or Thomas help with anything he needed. 
That was why you took the liberty to lock yourself inside your room and put your phone on silent. You desperately wanted to catch up on all the hours of sleep you had lost in between those early morning duty calls and coffee runs. No matter how much you enjoyed spending time with Damiano, you still missed your normal sleep schedule.
When you woke up a few hours later, the house was completely silent. The usual chatter coming from the kitchen wasn’t there, neither was the noise of Vic repeatedly firing bullets at the targets in the garden to practice her aim like she did every morning or the soft sound of Thomas softly strumming his guitar as he tried to piece an unplanned melody together with the assistance of Ethan’s drumming.
It wasn’t a Sunday, which meant they weren’t away visiting their families. They were all supposed to be home. That last thought made you nervous and you couldn’t help but wonder if something had happened while you were asleep. Being in the mob, you knew a lot of unexpected things happened all the time and you had to be prepared for them all.
You walked to the door, determined to investigate what was wrong. Your hand was already firmly grasping the doorknob and you were about to undo the lock when someone knocked harshly on the door, startling you. 
Without hesitation, you jumped back and reached for the gun stuffed in one of the drawers nearby, “Y/N? You awake?” 
You let go of the drawer’s handle and your tense body relaxed at the sound of Victoria’s raspy voice, “Fuck, Vic, you scared me,” You spoke as you opened the door to be met with her panicked blue eyes. Your eyebrows furrowed at her worried expression, but before you could ask, she grabbed you by the arm softly and dragged you out of the room.
Once you were in the hallway, you finally heard everything with a lot more clarity. The faint sound of glass clinking before falling to the floor, Thomas’s exasperated shouts, and Damiano’s complaints. You looked at Victoria, expecting an explanation.
“I don’t know what happened,” She began, “One second he was alright, then at like 9 AM Ethan and I heard them fighting. She’s gone and Damiano’s locked in his room, won’t let anyone in. Thomas is trying to get him to talk while Ethan looks for the keys.”
You walked past Victoria and ran up the stairs. Damiano’s room was right above yours. Upon walking up to the third floor of the house, you saw Thomas repeatedly knocking on Damiano’s door. Once he heard footsteps and spotted you, it was like relief washed all over him at the sight of you.
“Do you mind trying?” He asked, “He’s been asking for you,” Thomas added with a sigh as he brushed his messy hair out of his forehead. You nodded and got closer to the door once he got out of the way.
With hesitation, you knocked on the door and patiently waited for a response, which arrived only after you knocked once again, “Vaffanculo, Thomas! Which part of your tiny fucking brain cannot understand that I want to be left alone?”
You flinched at his words and took a long breath as you gathered the confidence to speak up, “I-It’s Y/N, Dami,” You said, loud enough for him to hear you from where he was. You were expecting rejection; if Damiano didn’t want to talk to people who were as close to him as siblings, why would he talk to you? Sure, you were one of his best friends, but he’d known Thomas for longer than he—
Your thoughts were interrupted when Damiano opened the door and quickly dragged you in before slamming it shut once more. For the first few minutes, you stood in silence while Damiano faced the door. You couldn’t see his face or his eyes, so you had no idea what could be going through his mind, so you focused on your surroundings instead. 
The room was a mess, but not more than it usually was. What alarmed you was the shattered glass on the floor as well as the drops of blood that stained the white floor. You looked back at your best friend and noticed that it was dripping from his hand. 
“Damiano,” You called, “Amore, your hand,” He turned to look at you and that’s when you finally saw his red and swollen eyes as well his tear-stained cheeks. His gaze softened once his eyes fell on yours. He choked back a sob and turned away from you once again.
If his hand hadn’t been bleeding, you wouldn’t have hesitated on wrapping your arms around his neck and trying to comfort him. Instead, you ran to his bathroom to grab the first-aid kit. After years of being in the business, treating Damiano’s cuts and injuries wasn’t anything new to you, but you were oblivious as to why he was in such a state in the first place.
Being the person he was, Damiano had learned to conceal his emotions incredibly well to protect himself, even around the people he trusted the most. You had only seen him that shaken once when something had gone terribly wrong. The fact that Marlee was gone too only gave you a worse feeling. The fact that her clothes were all gone from the closet didn’t ease your worried mind either.
Damiano was sitting on the bed patiently waiting for you to return. Once you did, he avoided your gaze and said nothing as you examined his hand. The cuts were all superficial and would surely cure on their own in a few days, which was why you only focused on removing the tiny shards of glass that had stuck to his skin with a pair of tweezers.
Once that was done and you had cleaned the cuts, you wrapped a bandage around his hand once and secured it with a small piece of tape. You sat in silence for a while, you didn’t comment on the sobs that would escape his lips every once in a while or the tears that had started falling down his cheeks.
Instead, you waited until he was ready to say something, “I don’t even know how to tell you this,” Damiano mumbled. His eyes stayed glued to the floor. He seemed… embarrassed to look you in the eye.
“I was finally going to do it this morning, N/N,” He said as a sigh escaped past his lips and he took a small velvet box out of his pocket. He didn’t have to say what was inside the box because you knew exactly what it was. Damiano had been planning on proposing for months, but there was always something that managed to get in the way of completing his goal.
“She went to the bathroom and had left her phone on my bedside table. I was going to get the ring and Y/N… I-I swear to God I didn’t want to look but the messages kept coming, one after the other, the fucking phone wouldn’t stop making noise. Cazzo, she was the one feeding information to the drug cartel and Lord knows to who else,” He said those words in one breath and you had barely been able to catch them all. Damiano threw the box at the wall angrily and from the noise, you didn’t doubt there’d be an indent there.
“I asked her about it and you have no idea how much I wished she’d deny it, but she didn’t even try,” Damiano cried. Unexpectedly, Damiano turned his body around to face yours and wrapped his arms around your waist while he buried his face on your neck.
It took you by surprise, but you said nothing. Instead, you focused on rubbing circles on his back and whispering soothing words into his ear. Part of you knew there was something else going on, even if you didn’t ask. You hadn’t seen Damiano cry in a long time and even then you saw nothing more than just a few tears rolling down his cheeks. What happened with Marlee had truly driven him right to the edge and he couldn’t keep in everything he had been trying so hard to hide.
In the four months that followed, you didn’t see Marlee once. She never had the guts to return after Damiano found out about everything she had been doing behind his back. At first, he had been utterly destroyed by her absence, it pained you to see him shut everything and everyone out with the lame excuse that he had work to do. Every single time he did so, you’d quietly sit down and help him despite his complaints. 
He got better though. Once enough time passed, he healed, but all that love he had once felt for her was now nothing more than pure hatred every single time her name was mentioned. You knew better than anyone that it wasn’t the healthiest thing to do, but it didn’t matter how many times you told him so because it never truly changed much.
As for the mob, things seemed to calm down once Damiano and Ethan were able to track down the leader of the drug cartel and get the stolen products back. Everything was too good and too quiet. While your four friends enjoyed all that peace, you couldn’t help but worry about something being wrong. It was a silly thing anyway, there was nothing that gave you even the slightest confirmation that your worry wasn’t just fueled by paranoia, not a single thing.
You should’ve been grateful instead. Your sleep schedule had gotten acceptably regular and there was no more working from 5 am to 10 pm every single day. You also had time to finally sit down and read the books that had been sitting on your untouched shelf ever since the start of the year, just like you were doing at that very moment while the boys were playing poker in the basement and Vic was on a date.
Damiano walked into your room eventually, still smelling like the cigarette he had just been smoking minutes back. He couldn’t help but scrunch up his nose as the smell of lemon incense burning hit his nostrils.
You looked up and giggled at his disgusted expression, “You cannot be disgusted when you were the one who walked into my room smelling like cigar and beer,” Damiano rolled his eyes and plopped down on the bed next to you.
“Incense is bad for you,” You shot Damiano a killer look and closed your book. He gave you a funny look back and then put his attention on your book, “What are you reading anyway?”
You hummed and showed him the cover. It had a beautiful yet simple design, which accurately represented the story hidden in between those pages, “Okay so, it’s the story of these people that all get invited to this island. They’re all summoned there for different reasons but it turns out they all have this common enemy. It’s terrifying because they get killed off one by one when a children’s lullaby plays. I truly cannot explain it enough to do justice to how intense this book is.”
“Oh and before that I got to read the most wonderful romance book! It was apparently the first book written where soulmates weren’t a thing and it was just a piece of art. Beautifully written, made me cry for hours too.”
Damiano smiled and you could almost see all the gears turning inside his brain, “Wouldn’t it be amazing?”
“What would?”
He shrugged and propped himself up on his elbows to get a better look at you, “A world without soulmates, where you’re not bound to someone since birth.”
You sighed and turned to look at him, “It’s our own fault… being bound, I mean. No angel from the heavens came down to tell us we have to love our soulmate as anything more than a close friend, you know? It can be purely platonic, we’re just stupid.”
“Were you ever able to fall in love with your soulmate or was it just platonic?” Damiano asked. You never talked much about soulmates with him. He still didn’t know your soulmate had been dead for as long as you could remember.
“I never got to know them,” You smiled sadly and showed him the black ring you had gotten used to wearing around your neck, carefully tucked under your shirt to stay unseen. His mouth fell open as he grabbed the ring and inspected it closely. It was the first time he had seen a black ring.
“I didn’t know… I’m sorry,” Damiano let the ring go. You shrugged and waved your hand to silently show it wasn’t too important, “I thought you guys were separated or something.”
You shook your head, “Mom says the ring turned black when I was six, but I don’t really remember so I just like to pretend I never had one in the first place… I don’t know.”
There was a question on the tip of your tongue, but you didn’t want to ask it, as intrigued as you were to know the answer. You hadn’t talked about her ever since she left and he’d most likely avoid the question because he truly wanted to keep her name out of his mouth. Nonetheless, he noticed your hesitance because you suddenly got too silent. 
“You can ask, you know? I know I just touched on a sensitive topic, so…” You nodded. Both of you were lying on your backs, looking up at the ceiling which had some of those glow-in-the-dark stars and planets you had glued when you first moved in to feel less lonely.
You hummed softly as you tried to find the right words. You didn’t want to be too straightforward with your question in fear of upsetting your best friend even though he had asked you the same question minutes earlier, “Did-did you ever… you know, fall in love with her?” 
Damiano thought about it in silence, you had probably caught him off-guard with your question, “No, not really. Not in the way I was expecting at least. You know truth be told, I was a bit disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, she had this angelic look to her, she was a stunning girl. I just- there was nothing we had in common other than being soulmates. For years I had seen my parents act like they shared one mind and just thought the same things. I always imagined it’d be like that for me too.
“My expectations couldn’t have been further from what it truly was like. Honestly, I’m not even sure which part of our relationship was true anymore. Now that I look back on it, I’ve realized most of the things she did or said were just to get information out of me.” 
It was weird to hear him say all that. As a person who always got to look at the way Marlee and Damiano interacted with one another, you would’ve never expected Damiano to feel that way, “And,” He continued, “I was expecting it to be someone else.”
His last confession made you turn around to look at him. It was the first time he had admitted that, probably because of the beer he had been drinking while playing with his friends.
“I know it sounds terrible but… I met her and this other person on the same day, almost at the same time. I didn’t notice my ring had turned gold until much later. I had only been with them both and people I already knew. I thought it had been the other person until she told me her ring had changed too. Meanwhile, the other one said nothing. Now I realize it would’ve been impossible for them to be my soulmate.”
It might’ve been because he was telling you all those things and you felt safe to admit what you felt, or maybe because you were tired of bottling it up for so long. Either way, you spoke up, not caring if you’d regret it later, “It’s not as terrible as you might think.”
“Look, I’m not bound to anyone. The black ring gives me the freedom of loving someone else. I never met my soulmate so there’s no guilt in being with someone else. It’s supposed to be a perfect thing, Dami, only it isn’t. I know a lot of people who’re also blacksouled,” You hated using the word. It was usually how people would refer to those who didn’t have a soulmate anymore, “And I fell in love.”
“T-that’s great!” Damiano replied, “Why didn’t you tell me? I mean, not like you’re obliged to tell me anything just because we’re friends but I-”
You interrupted his rant, “I fell in love with someone whose soulmate’s still alive.”
“So what? You said it yourself. Are they together?” He asked. You told him they weren’t. If only he knew you were talking about him… He’d probably run away and never speak to you again, “Then fuck it. Fuck the rules and everything else society has to say.”
“It’s not that simple, Dami. I truly wish it was, but it isn’t,” You wanted nothing more than for the conversation to be over. If it went any further, you knew you’d spill every single thing. It had gotten far too hard to conceal your feelings when you were close to him. Now that you were talking about them, it’d be even harder.
You got up and walked to your bookshelf, where you started accommodating your books as an excuse to avoid being so close to him, to avoid his curious gaze. Even if they weren’t together anymore, you knew Damiano would reject you, that was far too obvious. Even if he felt the same, after what happened, it’d take Damiano a lot of effort to ever trust someone in such an intimate way, even if that someone was you, his best friend.
“Why? It is that simple. If they’re not together, what’s stopping you? You’ll never know what could happen if you don’t try,” You turned around to look at him, fists clenched by your sides, “Listen Y/N, I know you’re scared of relationships and everything they involve but you cannot let that sto—” 
“Fine then, I’m in love with you! I can barely breathe when I’m around you because my love for you is so suffocatingly strong, and I can’t think straight either! You and your stupidly handsome face drive me insane. How’s that?” You admitted, interrupting his small speech midway, too irritated to process what you had just said. Once you did, your hand flew to your mouth and you shook your head. You wanted to say it wasn’t true, no, it was nothing more than a lie to get him to stop poking his nose into your love life. Except it wasn’t and, if you were being honest, no part of you wanted to hide it anymore.
Just like you expected, he said nothing. Damiano stayed silent for a few seconds before getting up and walking out without another word. He slammed the door on the way out so hard you wouldn’t be surprised if the door separated from its hinges.
For the weeks that followed, Damiano avoided you as much as possible. You were still his right-hand person and needed to be present at every meeting and would have to discuss any type of business with him. It used to be your favorite part of the day when you got to sit in the meeting room with Damiano and discuss plans to make the mob prosper, now it was nothing but uncomfortable because you’d do all the talking while he looked at you as if his biggest desire was to carve your heart out with his pocket knife. 
While you understood that he was still mad at Marlee and wanted nothing to do with her, you didn’t understand why he was treating you that way when you had nothing to do with it and weren’t to blame for the stupid shit his ex had tried to pull. You thought he knew that you loved him far too much to ever do anything to jeopardize his safety. Yet again, he might’ve assumed the same thing about Marlee.
You walked out of yet another unsuccessful meeting with Damiano and slammed the door as hard as you could to let him know how much his childish behavior annoyed you. Ethan was standing close to the door and you could see the shadow of a smile that was threatening to break out and illuminate his face, “Don’t you dare,” He raised his hands in defense and bit his lip to try and hide the smile that would just annoy you further.
“You two are starting to act like two teenagers and it’s fucking pathetic,” Thomas chimed in from where he was sitting on one of the couches.
“Yeah? Tell that to your friend who is giving me the silent treatment like a fucking toddler! I just want- I need to have a serious conversation with him,” You admitted and sighed as you fell on the couch right next to Thomas, head in your hands to try and cover up the tears that were threatening to spill down your cheeks.
Both men stayed silent as they watched you, Even though you could feel their stares, you decided to focus on not crying instead. The truth was, the longer Damiano spent ignoring you, the more you regretted telling him what you had been bottling up for years, it had been a mistake there was no coming back from. Unless he decided to stop acting like a kindergartener, things would never go back to the way they were.
It was frustrating to think that your friendship would go to shit just because of your confession. Being rejected by him wouldn’t have been a big deal if he had actually stayed in your room and spoken like the adult he was.
“For the record, I think he’s acting like an idiot because he’s scared,” Sighed Victoria, who had just walked into the room with an ice pack placed over her hand, “I know it’s been a while but, give him time. He’ll come around or I’ll make him, I promise.”
You gave Victoria a tight-lipped smile and nodded. You hoped more than anything that it wouldn’t have to come to getting locked up in the same room as Damiano to get him to speak to you.
Except… as more days passed, you feared it would most likely have to be that way because he was still saying nothing to you. He had only spoken once and it had been to call you out for being doing everything wrong while looking through some important documents when you were, in fact, doing everything just like he had initially requested. Now, not only had he been giving you the cold shoulder, but he had started acting like a complete jerk around you too.
You tried to distract yourself by focusing on all the work you had pending, but it wasn’t working. Every single day, no matter what you were doing, your mind still wandered back to the brown-eyed man and his stupid face, his stupid hair, and stupid smile.
Even as you stood in the middle of the kitchen, your thoughts made it difficult to bake the cookies you had been craving all week. You had started to work on the second batch after the first one came out disgustingly salty because somewhere along the process you had mistaken the salt for the sugar.  
You hated how bothered you were by the whole situation. It had affected you way more than you would’ve liked to admit. Truth be told, you had never felt sad about his rejection because it was something you had expected ever since that attraction for him first settled on your brain. It was the way he was treating you that got on your nerves. 
That was mainly the reason why you were so thankful for being alone in the house at that very moment. Apart from a few security guards here and there, you were completely alone. You allowed yourself to relax for a split second and connected your phone to the speaker system in the kitchen. You started playing one of your favorite playlists before getting back to making cookies the right way this time.
You softly swayed your body along to the music as you dumped all the ingredients on the large bowl in front of you. As you poured the flour in the bowl and mixed it with your hands, you noticed Damiano standing by the door. For some unknown reason, he scared you so bad you accidentally tipped the bowl and made a mess of the counter. 
A frustrated sigh escaped past your lips and you threw your head back, feeling defeated and irritated, “I’m sorry,” Damiano spoke up hesitantly, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You shook your head and wiped your hands on the apron you had tied around your waist, “It’s fine,” You turned around so your back was to him and started wiping the counter with a damp towel. 
“You deserve so much better…” You heard him speak up over the music. His words caught you by surprise. You turned around to look at him but said nothing. You could tell he was nervous by the way his hands trembled by his sides and the way his jaw was firmly clenched.
After a few minutes of hesitation, Damiano started walking to where you were. He placed his hands on the counter by your sides, leaving you trapped in between the counter and his body. You looked into his dark eyes to maybe try and guess what was going through his mind. 
You breathed in so deeply your chest hit his. You gulped at that and tried to control your trembling hands without looking away.
“What you said the other day, did you mean it?” Damiano asked, without hesitation this time around. Your eyes widened.
“I-I… What?”
“Just answer me Y/N, please,” Damiano pleaded. He looked so desperate to know the answer, which only made your blood boil. After weeks of silence, of glares and being a jerk, he dared to just show up and demand answers?
You shook your head and pointed your finger at his chest, “How dare you?” You took a step towards him, which made Damiano take a step back, “You have no right to show up like this and ask me to give you answers after how much of an asshole you’ve been.”
He seemed taken aback by your truthful words, but you didn’t care. If he wanted to know how much truth had been behind your words that night, he’d have to hear it all, “You know I’m your best friend and you also know I’d keep up with anything you do because that’s how much I care about you, but can you stop it? I know I was stupid for telling you because of what you just went through and I’m sorry, but please don’t keep giving me the cold shoulder. I just want to fix this.”
After a few minutes of silence, you shrugged and, like it was the simplest thing in the world, spoke up, “And yeah, I meant every word.”
Your expression softened as you waited for any sort of reaction from Damiano. You expected something similar to what had happened the day you first told him. No part of you expected him to cup your face with his warm, calloused palms to bring your face closer to him once again. 
Neither did you expect to feel his soft lips pressed against yours, or the feeling of his soft hair as you brushed it back with your fingers and your eyes slowly closing as you basked on the joy and pleasure his soft touches caused.
Damiano was gentle as he held your face in between his hands, almost as if you were made of glass and he was afraid of breaking you into pieces if he didn’t hold you delicately enough. That kiss felt so intimate, like nothing you had ever felt before. Everything from the way he held you to his slow movements and touches was so much better than you could’ve ever imagined.
When he pulled away, he left you completely breathless, wordless. There was nothing you could possibly say after the way he had kissed you, so you waited for him to find the right words instead.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Damiano mumbled. He still hadn’t let go of your face, “You truly deserve better. You are so beautiful, so perfect. I’m so sorry for being such an idiot and hurting you, ignoring you. I just- I know I cannot love you as you deserve. Believe me, I want nothing more than to have you close to me all the time, to kiss your lips until you grow sick of me, but I can’t,” His voice was starting to crack as he said those words to you and you knew it was because of how he saw your face fall.
“No, no, shut up and listen to me,” You pleaded and placed your hands on top of his. You gave them a soft squeeze and let your forehead rest against his, “I know it’s hard for you to trust after what happened with her and I know it’s not going to be easy, but believe me, I’m willing to try if you are, Damiano.”
“You were that other person,” He confessed and got closer to kiss you once more, with as much passion as the last time. You were too concentrated on the smell of his musky cologne and the faint taste of vanilla chapstick he had surely stolen from your room to respond to his comment.
His hands fell from your face and comfortably rested on your hips as his lips attacked yours. Damiano pushed you against the counter and kept savoring the moment as if it were the first and last time he’d kiss you like that. You hoped for your sake it wouldn’t be the last.
Damiano pulled away reluctantly and unexpectedly lifted you up so you’d sit on the counter. He stood in between your legs and intertwined his fingers with yours.
“Remember when I told you about the person I met the day I met Marlee?” You nodded, “That was you... Ever since I met you I’ve felt this inexplicable attraction towards you and it’s been driving me insane. I couldn’t believe it when you told me you loved me because I’ve done nothing to deserve it.”
“You’ve done so much to deserve it, so so much,” You mumbled and brought him close to you to kiss him for the third time. It was such an addicting feeling and both your heart and mind were screaming to feel it again.
That time around, Damiano didn’t hesitate to lift you up once more, he carried you to his room and locked the door.
It had been a few weeks since your conversation in the kitchen. Things returned back to normal after that night. Other than your relationship with Damiano, things were the same again. You had to go back to working at ungodly hours of the morning thanks to some suspicious activity Ethan had noticed. Apparently, one of the oldest members of Damiano’s mob had tried to establish a deal with an unknown subject but had been caught before he could accomplish it. 
This put you both on edge because there was someone out there desperate to break into the mob and finish it for good. At first, you thought it wasn’t more serious than whatever had happened with Marlee, but Damiano’s father proved you wrong the moment he brought you, their most loyal employee, in for questioning. 
It had been nothing too serious, at least not in comparison to what you had heard others say. In your case, it had been done mostly as a standardized protocol, to stop others from thinking there was some sort of preference or special treatment towards you just because you worked so close to Damiano. You knew almost everything Damiano did, so you were possibly the greatest source of information outside the David family and their small circle of friends.
“Amore?” Damiano asked softly as his hand caressed the exposed skin of your waist. You had been cuddling in bed for almost two hours with the excuse that you needed a break after all the hard work you’d done, “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
You turned around to be face to face with him and pressed a kiss to his freckled nose, “Not much. I was just remembering I need to get my ring resized again. I tried putting it on a few days ago and it didn’t fit anymore.
Damiano frowned at your words, “Your soulmate ring?”
“Mhm,” You responded simply and let your head rest on his chest. You enjoyed the feeling of warmth his body irradiated, it was soothing and the soft sound of his rhythmic heartbeat never failed to make you feel calmer.
“Soulmate rings don’t need to be resized, ever. Not that I know of, at least,” Now it was your turn to frown because, as far as you remembered, you had always gone to get your ring resized by a family friend who didn’t live too far away. No one had ever told you it wasn’t necessary.
You pulled away from his embrace and reached for the bedside table where you had been keeping the ring for the past few days. Once you turned back around, Damiano looked confused and almost scared, “Just, out of curiosity, tesoro. Have you ever taken off the ring and left it like far away for longer than a few hours?”
A giggle escaped past your lips at his silly question, “It’s just a piece of jewelry, Dami. Of course, I have, several times.”
You laughed nervously once you saw his horrified expression. Damiano was starting to scare you, but you knew better than to say something because you’d end up looking like a fool if he started laughing and told you it was all a joke. Except, it didn’t seem like one.
“Please get dressed and meet me in room five, okay? I might be going insane but I just need to make sure I’m not,” Before you could ask any questions, Damiano had already grabbed a pair of pants and a t-shirt and disappeared into the bathroom to get dressed.
You tried not to think much about his weird questions and got dressed quickly instead. You grabbed your cup of tea, which had already gone cold, and walked to meeting room five.
You opened the door and were surprised to see all your friends already sitting around the small table you’d use for informal meetings. Thomas and Victoria looked tired and Ethan’s long hair was tangled and messy. That gave you the impression that Damiano had most likely woken them all up for your impromptu meeting. 
They all looked just as confused as you felt. There were a lot of questions you wanted to ask, but Ethan beat you to it, “Okay, now that we’re all here can you fucking explain why you had to wake me up? Please.”
“Have any of you three—,” Started Damiano, referring to Thomas, Victoria and Ethan, “—tried to take off your ring for a while but have started feeling sick and weird?”
Thomas and Victoria looked at each other, confused, but nodded. Ethan did after a few seconds of thinking about it, “Yeah, there was actually this one time I went on a date and I didn’t want the girl to see the ring had turned gold, so I left it at home. Thirty minutes later I was puking everywhere. I didn’t really understand why but someone at the Soulmate Centre explained rings are an extension of the soul and they need to be close to us at all times and there are actually records of people dying after losing their rings. Why?”
Damiano looked at you and raised his eyebrows to silently ask if he could share the information with the other three guys. Once you nodded, Damiano spoke up, “Y/N doesn’t need to have it close to them and they need to get it resized every once in a while.”
Ethan shrugged his shoulders, “That’s as far as my knowledge goes. I don’t know. I think the best thing you can do is go to the SC.”
You sighed but nodded. Ethan’s explanation had started to freak you out. What if there was something terribly wrong with you? What if you were born without a ring and your parents lied to you all your life?
After having a short conversation with Damiano in private, you decided to follow Ethan’s advice and go to the Soulmate Centre that was only a few minutes away from your house. He wanted to go with you or send someone to watch over you but had accepted your petition to go alone after you told him it was a private matter and you'd tell him all about it once you got back.
So there you were, on the reception of the SC, with your sweaty hands intertwined together as you tried to ignore all the dirty looks people were giving you. Everyone around knew exactly who you were and most weren't one bit pleased to see you there. While some didn't hesitate to look at you like they wanted to kill you, others were afraid to do so.
Those few minutes that passed until the lady at the desk called your name were some of the most uncomfortable of your life. Some part of you hated having the mobster title because that usually gave people the wrong idea and drove them to hate you even if you could proudly say you had done nothing illegal or violent in your whole life. You had to admit the mob wasn’t an ideal job to have morally wise, but you had found a family inside those four walls others doomed to be cursed.
You walked up to the lady. She had what you could interpret as a nervous smile as she stood behind the desk, patiently waiting for you to tell her what had brought you there in the first place. You were hesitant to communicate your issue because you were mortified of finding out a truth that should probably stay hidden.
You reached back and unclasped the chain the ring was looped through. You left it on the counter and smiled softly as you shyly spoke, “So uh, good morning, ma’am. I was hoping you could take a look at my ring, I’m slightly concerned there was something wrong with it.”
The lady nodded and removed the ring from the chain. She inspected it closely for a few minutes before nodding her head towards one of the rooms that said ‘only employees allowed’. She started walking towards it with a quick step and you saw no other choice but to follow right behind her.
She opened the door and quickly closed it with a lock once she verified you were inside, “Listen, the only reason I’m not turning you over to the authorities is because you don’t strike me as someone stupid enough to walk into an SC with a soulmate ring like this.”
Your jaw dropped in surprise at how direct she was being. For a second, you noticed her face fall before she realized it was best to keep a face that communicated seriousness instead of begging for your forgiveness or whatever people did when they pissed Damiano off.
“I don’t know who gave this to you or in which illegal market you bought this but if a higher authority sees you with this, not even Damiano David could save you from the consequences of sporting a fake ring,” She said. You honestly didn’t know how to respond because panic had started to drown out any coherent thought that tried to form on your mind.
You didn’t even try to disguise your panicked expression that time around. Instead, you focused on regulating your breathing and trying to keep all your emotions at bay before you lost control and began to hyperventilate. The other woman noticed your distress almost immediately and led you to sit down on one of the couches.
After you took a few deep breaths, you looked back at her, eager to ask thousands of questions, “How can you know they are fake?”
She sat down next to you and put the ring on your palm, “Look at the inside,” She demanded while pointing her finger to a spot on the inside edge of the ring, “They usually have something engraved inside, a code that only repeats itself twice. Whenever one loses their soulmate, this code vanishes. Your code is still there. I also used a detector to confirm my suspicions and it detected nothing.”
“And with… with that code, can you tell me if my soulmate’s still alive? Or who they are?” The older lady looked at you with pity in her green eyes and shook her head.
“Unless this is the original code engraved on the real ring, there’s not much I can do for you other than telling you how your soulmate is. I need so much more information to ever give you a name,” You nodded in understanding. All you needed to know was if they were alive, that’s all you wanted.
She took your nod as a sign of approval and disappeared into another room. While you waited, you couldn’t help but secretly hope they were dead. You wanted all those weeks of bliss you had spent with Damiano to last a lifetime. He knew everything about you, from the number of scars scattered around your body to what book you had read the most times. No soulmate could learn that about you until years after meeting each other. Besides, it wouldn’t feel right. The Gods had already been too cruel for not making him your soulmate, but now that he wasn’t with Marlee and you knew he loved you just as much as you loved him… 
She walked out of the room and cleared her throat to catch your attention. You were thankful for her interruption because you were mere seconds away from bursting into tears of distress. She looked nervous to tell you what she had found out, but the way you looked at her made her spill the truth without any warning.
“Your soulmate is still somewhere out there, alive.”
Damiano clutched his side with his hands as every type of curse word spilled from his mouth, “Thomas! Dammit Thomas, where the fuck are you?” He screamed and pushed the ache in his throat and side to the back of his mind as he limped towards the table where his loaded gun was placed, ready to be grabbed and shot. 
Things had been perfectly fine just ten minutes back. He had been drinking and playing pool with the boys in the basement. They were all laughing and messing around when Victoria heard the first gunshot. Thomas had been quick to dismiss it as one of the guards practicing his accuracy like they did every once in a while, so they went back to playing the game.
Then they heard it again and again and again. In that time it took the four men to walk up the stairs, people had already successfully broken into the house and they were shooting at anything that moved. The blood-red snake symbol all these people had on the masks that were covering their faces was one he had grown far too familiar with. These were the people Marlee had been conspiring with and they had managed to overthrow every single line of defense in between them and the front door.
Damiano had been in his room fetching a gun when a smoke bomb was thrown into the room. It had stopped him from seeing the person who shot him. Thankfully enough, their vision wasn’t much better either, because the bullet only grazed his side. It was still painful as hell and blood was pouring out of the wound, but it wasn’t going to be anything deadly. 
He finally got ahold of his gun after minutes of feeling around the table to try and spot it with the low amount of vision he still had. Once Damiano had it in his hands, he raised the scarf he was wearing to cover the lower part of his face to try and lower the quantity of smoke he inhaled.
He walked out of his room and into the hallway, still holding the gun firmly ready to shoot it at the first person he saw with that red symbol. Damiano opened the door to every room on the third floor. He had to shoot at one or two people before walking down to the floor below. The first room he opened was yours. His eyes went wide as he remembered you were still supposed to be at the SC. Damiano cursed under his breath. He needed to warn you not to come back but to go to your parents’ instead. Damiano opened the tracking app first, a precaution he had been insistent on taking just to make sure you both knew the other was safe. 
“Fucking hell,” Damiano mumbled as he saw that blue dot with your name above it was right on the same spot as his. You were back home.
Every thought of investigating each and every room to make sure there was no intruder flew out the window and instead he focused on trying to find you. Everything had turned chaotic on those few minutes he had been in your room, which was why it had gotten harder to get around without finding someone waiting on almost every corner for him to appear.
Damiano heard a piercing scream that made his blood go cold. You were in danger somewhere inside the large home and he desperately needed to get to you, to make sure you were safe from any danger. He knew his friends would be perfectly fine, they had their guns and several types of weaponry close-by, but he knew you didn’t. You always refused to take a gun or dagger with you whenever you went out and if they had caught you right when you had just gotten back… you’d most likely have nothing to defend yourself with.
There was no doubt in his mind that you were witty and incredibly smart, not to mention agile and great at coming up with plans on the spot, but he still needed to make sure you were alright. 
He got down on the first floor and his eyes met with a pair of blue ones he knew far too well. He let his eyes trail down to her carmine-tinted shirt. Marlee smiled at him and trailed her thumb along her jawline. That’s when he noticed her hands were also red and she had also left a trail of bloody footsteps from his office to where she was standing. His office.
Damiano didn’t hesitate to point the gun at her leg and pull the trigger. He then aimed for her other leg and shot it. She fell to the floor as an agonizing scream fell from her parted lips. Damiano was satisfied now that her stupid smile had been wiped right off her face.
He quickly ran to the office and opened the door. What he saw inside made time stop. It made all those sounds go silent. It made him feel like there was no floor beneath him to stand on. You were lying on the floor, a dagger piercing your chest.
You looked panicked, sad, like you wanted to do nothing but scream and cry, which you had started doing the moment you saw Damiano walked into the room. He didn’t know if your reaction was out of relief or if there was something else that concerned you, apart from the obvious.
“Damiano,” You spoke up weakly, The sound of your raspy voice was like a slap back into reality. He didn’t waste a second to fall to his knees right by your side. Damiano cupped your face with his trembling hands and brushed your cheek with his thumb.
“Shh. I’m here amore, I’m here,” He responded voice barely above a whisper, “I just need to find something to press against this wound I— something…” He stood up, ready to look for a rag, bandages, anything to stop the blood from rushing out of your body so quickly, but you stopped him.
You wrapped your hand around his arm and with all the strength you had brought him back down, “No hey, stop,” You mumbled, “Unless she happened to study every major artery, vein or has awfully perfect aim, I’ll be dead in minutes.”
He shook his head and wiped the tears that were starting to fall with the back of his hand. He was not giving up. Damiano was not going to let you die, “Wait, no, no. I can do this,” Damiano took his sweater and scarf off. With the help of his scarf, he applied pressure to the wound, careful not to move or dig the dagger further with his movements.
You shook your head and Damiano couldn’t help but cry harder at the desperation and panic in your eyes, “Please, Dami. Stop it, there’s no use. I-I just want you to hold me, please.”
He wiped his runny nose with the back of his hand and nodded repeatedly as he careful cradled you in his arms and moved your head to rest on his lap, “Everything’s going to be okay,” Damiano mumbled and left a long kiss on your forehead, then another one on your cheek and a last one on your lips.
You cupped his face with one of your hands and wiped the tears with your thumb. There wasn’t much left to say, not like you’d be able to talk even if you tried. Instead, you offered him one last sincere smile with all the energy you had left. 
He watched in horror as life slowly started to drain out of you as his ring simultaneously turned black. Damiano sat there for minutes after you were gone. He cried and let every frustration, confusion, and pain escape his body with a loud scream.
Damiano didn’t let go of your body until Victoria and Thomas had to forcefully pull him away and let someone else take care of you.
Ethan didn’t walk into the room until he made sure every single intruder had been killed, except for Marlee, because Damiano had asked to keep her alive. When he did walk in, all he saw was Damiano with a folder in his hand and multiple pieces of paper scattered around the desk in his room. He looked pale, mortified by everything he was reading. The long-haired man didn’t understand what had gotten his friend in such a state of shock until he walked closer and looked at what seemed to be a contract.
You were Damiano’s soulmate. All your lives you had been tricked into believing you weren’t meant for each other. Your parents had made you believe you had no soulmate and Damiano had been fooled into thinking Marlee was his. You had gotten right to the bottom of it all and the secret would’ve gone to the grave with you if you hadn’t left the papers lying on his desk and if he had left his ring on the pocket of his jeans like he usually would. But now it was far too late to do anything about it.
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petri808 · 3 years
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Nalu Yakuza Au *cover art by @jmoart214 💜
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
The tit for tat game was well known to both of their top confidants and lieutenants because it had been going on ever since Natsu and Lucy broke up. Plus, it was hard to get around such knowledge considering most of them came from the same neighborhoods. These intrigues ebbed and flowed like waves. Months could pass by without any interactions between the two, at other times they’d go back and forth continuously until one of them finally gave up, and on the odd occasion ended in a huge fight that led to another round of ignoring each other. Up until now, it had been kind of amusing to watch them torture each other because it was better than a drama shows on television. But that didn’t mean Natsu, and Lucy’s friends didn’t worry about one or both being truly hurt one day because of it.
“It’s fine,” Natsu rolled his eyes as Gray chastised him after the soapland incident. The two men were at Natsu’s home after work hours and supposed to be relaxing. But clearly his friend didn’t want to drop the subject. “What’s the big deal?”
“Dude, you let yourself be blindfolded in a public space! Have you forgotten what kind of business we’re in? What if it had been an assassin instead?”
“Oh, that’s just ridiculous. We’re talking about Lucy’s company, and I trust their security measures because she has just as much to lose if a hit took place there.”
“Still, you should be more careful, at least take a bodyguard with you…”
Natsu’s eyebrow twitched in irritation. “And what, so they can watch the show? We got any voyeurs on the payroll? Cause I can’t think of anyone here who’d wanna see another guy getting his balls fondled!”
Gray ran a hand down his face. “So not the mental image I wanted. You’re missing the point.” He sighed. “Natsu you are the head of this clan, and your safety is my top priority.”
“I get it, I get it,” Natsu drawled.
“And frankly,” Gray continued, “you’ve become distracted by her lately.”
“Tch! No, I haven’t!”
“Yeah, you are. You think I haven’t noticed? I know you drive by her place sometimes. I know you’ve followed her to that coffee shop she likes to frequent. But ever since her employee was robbed, things have escalated again.”
“You’re imagining things and apparently spying on me. I’m just keeping an eye on the competition.”
“Watching over you is my job! That’s not spying.” Gray crossed his arms. “And oh, it’s no doubt that you’re keeping an eye on her. That’s why you went to Katsunuma’s party and to soapland too. The problem is you’re getting sloppy and sloppy gets people killed.”
Natsu groaned. “Are you done yet? We’re supposed to be enjoying the baseball game, not psychoanalyzing my life.”
“Almost.” Gray placed a hand on his friends’ knee and leaned in. “Natsu, you’ve been chasing that tail since high school, just lock her down and convince her to work together already.”
Natsu snorted a laugh. “Gray we all grew up together, so what in all these years makes you think that’s a possibility? You know damn well Lucy’s not a woman you can control without her consent.” Natsu knew that, and frankly he loved that part of her. In fact, it made him even more fired up whenever he thought about it, just like a treasure you don’t just find but must win at the end of a game. “I’ll find a way, some day.”
“Well until that day arrives, could you promise me you’ll be more cautious?”
“Fine, fine,” Natsu waved his hand. “I’ll back off of Lucy for now.”
“Good.” Gray relaxed back onto his recliner thinking the drama was over.
“However, there is a new guy I want surveillance placed on.”
“The bartender from the party.”
Gray groaned. “Seriously? Why? He’s just a bartender!”
“I don’t trust him.”
“Was he spiking the drinks or something? Dealing drugs at the party?”
Gray huffed. “You really gonna try that? Do I look like an idiot? This is just straight jealousy talking.”
“I don’t care! I want someone to dig up what they can on the guy!”
“No, what you wanna know is if he fucked Lucy that night!”
Natsu jumped up with his fists clenched. “Fuck you!”
“Fuck you too!” Gray stood up and matched his boss’s energy. “Unless you give me a damn good reason to check into him, I’m not wasting my guy’s time! You might be the boss, but don’t you fucking forget who you’re talking to! I’m not some punk off the streets!”
Realizing he was taking things too far, Natsu sat back down. “Sorry.”
Gray sighed and plopped back down too. “I only joined because you asked me to and you’re my best friend, then I helped you build this new empire, so I’m just as invested in protecting it as you are. But Natsu, personal emotions have led to the downfall of many in this business, and as a friend, I’ll check you any time I think you’re going to far.”
“You’re right…” Natsu sighed too. “She just gets me so worked up.”
“Don’t I know it,” Gray laughed, but stopped when Natsu glared at him. “Sorry, it slipped out.”
“But I swear, there’s something suspicious about him. When he saw me, I thought he just reacted because he thought I was Lucy’s boyfriend or something, but the more I think about it, he might have recognized me.”
“Well, that wouldn’t necessarily be suspicious either.”
“True. But the look in his eyes just made me wonder.”
“Alright…” Gray groaned, “if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll have someone do some digging. So, you said he has orange hair and glasses, and the name on his tag was Loke?”
“That’s an unusual name, shouldn’t be too hard to check on.”
Over the course of a couple of weeks, Gray sent out feelers for any information on this Loke guy. Katsunuma junior gave them their first small lead that the bartender had worked the party through a local food catering company. That catering company was a legitimate business who had both full-time staff as well as independent contractors brought in per event as needed. Loke had been one of the latter. From there Gray obtained a last name, de Lioncourt.
According to his sources at the local precinct, Loke de Lioncourt had no rap sheet, no prior dealings with police, and for all they knew was an average citizen. The man’s Line blog profile listed him as a 28-year-old, Japanese/French American, model and bartender, and it was filled with pictures from events, parties, as well as many gorgeous women— none of which contained Lucy. But as Gray trolled through the man’s feed, he did come across one person he recognized and passed the information along to Natsu.
“Wow, she’s in a bunch of photos,” Natsu mumbled as he scrolled through the blog.
“Well, considering Cana’s reputation are you surprised. Parties and alcohol are the two things that woman lives for.” Gray laughed. “Now see, this makes sense to me. Lucy and him, not so much.”
“Tch… still pisses me off he even tried.”
“Lucy’s a free woman, she can go out with whoever she wants to.”
“We’ll see about that,” Natsu mumbled low.
“What was that?” Gray asked with a raised brow.
“Better be nothing, cause this is a dead end. He’s just a flirty bartender. It’s how they make tips.”
“Yeah, yeah, fine.” Natsu sat back in his chair. “So, back to business. What this I heard about some missing stock?”
“Oh, right. One of the warehouse clerks noticed a shortage, but when I checked with Yura, he said the books were fine. I had him show it to me, and it appears the numbers were just inverted by accident. So, instead of 185 kilos, it’s supposed to be 158 kilos.”
“Did you talk to the clerk again? Does he have any history of messing up like this?”
“Nah, he’s one of our better clerks.”
“Just keep an eye on it.”
“Sure thing, boss. By the way, have you seen Gajeel today?” Gray questioned. “I haven’t seen him.”
“He called me this morning said he wasn’t feeling well, thinks he ate something bad for dinner last night.”
“Tch, seriously? Thought he had an iron stomach?”
Natsu shrugged. “Must’a been some bad sushi or something. We ain’t got much happening today, so it’s fine. Anything else? I got some stuff I need to finish.”
Gray tapped his chin. “Just a reminder you have an appointment with our tech guy dropping by later this week to go over some upgrades on the system.”
“Like I’m supposed to know anything about that stuff, it’s what I pay him for.”
“You still gotta approve it,” Gray shrugged and took his leave.
Once the man was completely out of the office, Natsu opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a nondescript box he’d hidden inside. He grinned to himself. It was time to make another special delivery. Even though he’d told Gray he was backing off the whole Lucy and Loke subject, there was no way he was gonna let it slide. Natsu didn’t care if the man seemed legit, and he wasn’t the first nor would probably be the last that he’d eventually scared away. And besides, being a Yakuza boss had a lot of down times too, easily filled with having a little fun.
Today’s little care package was being sent to Lucy by a courier service and Natsu just had to drop it off to the delivery company. Just a normal company like Kuroneko Yamato so it wouldn’t rouse too many suspicions. It was turning into a fun game for him just coming up with ideas of what he could do to rile Lucy up or irritate this Loke guy. Natsu chuckled to himself. So far, his favorite prank was a box of small sized condoms and a bottle of enhancement pills that he’d had delivered to Loke while on the job at another party. He’d even snuck in to watch it delivered, gaining a good laugh when the man took a peek in the box and frowned at its contents.
It was childish, but Natsu didn’t care. Every day for two weeks now, something new was sent to Loke. Random gifts like children’s candy to a toy gun, a big bottle of lubricant wrapped in a bow, a week’s worth of meals sent for lunch one day, even an empty box with rocks inside it just to drive the man crazy wondering who in the world was sending them. Lucy too wasn’t immune to his pranks, though hers had a different feel to them. Flowers with no note attached. Tickets to a canceled show he made up. A supposed dinner invite from Loke that wasn’t real— okay that was to test her, but she didn’t fall for it. And today’s little care package fit right into his prank scheme.
Natsu dropped off the package at a Kuroneko Yamato office with the address instructions already filled out and paid the company’s employee extra to keep their mouths shut. ‘She’s gonna kill me one day,’ he laughed to himself as he rode back to his office. ‘If it’s suffocation by her boobs it wouldn’t be a bad way to go!’
“Anymore stops sir?” The driver asked Natsu.
“Nope. Back to the office.”
He looked at his watch. The package should be arriving at Lucy’s office within the hour. Give or take another to open it, and by 4pm he would be receiving another phone call. Maybe he won’t answer it. Oh, that would piss her off even more! ‘Well, if she’d just take the hint...’
The afternoon was supposed to be mellow at headquarters that day. No shipments, and no appointments. But when Natsu got back, another general in the organization named Jellal Fernandez came to his office to inform him of a problem. One of the new local restaurants in their territory was refusing to cooperate and he wanted to know how Natsu wanted it handled. They were right in the middle of discussing it, when Natsu’s office door flew open with a loud bang!
In stomped Lucy who immediately threw a box at his head, causing Natsu to duck and Jellal to pull his gun.
“Don’t!” Natsu screamed at his general and motioned for him to stand down, to which the man complied. “Do you have a death wish Lucy!”
“Get. Out.” She snapped at the general. “Get out! This is between me and your boss!”
Jellal looked to Natsu, who nodded his head to scram. “I got this, don’t worry.” The man holstered his gun and left, but Natsu could see he’d stayed right outside of the now closed door.
“I take it you didn’t like the gift,” Natsu pretended to stay calm.
“Gee, me throwing it at you give you that impression? I know it’s you sending all these damn deliveries to me and Loke. That needs to stop now!”
He crossed his arms and scoffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Play dumb all you want. Just stop! Why are you even doing this?!”
“Take a guess,” he sneered back.
“I could’ve sworn we were adults now, but apparently I’m the only one who grew up. Stay out of my love life Natsu!”
“So, you admit you’re sleeping with the guy!”
“That’s none of your damn business! I can fuck whoever I want!”
“Not as long as I’m alive,” Natsu growled back.
Lucy crossed her arms. “That could be arranged.”
“Is that a threat?!”
“Yes! If you don’t stay out of my love life!”
“A woman shouldn’t be sleepi—”
“Don’t you finish that sentence!” Lucy grabbed a stapler that was within reach and chucked it at Natsu’s head. “Stop trying to control me!”
“Are you crazy?!”
At that moment, Gray barged into the room. He’d heard the screaming from the other side of the office, and when he got close enough to see Jellal standing outside the door, he became alarmed. Why would a general leave Natsu vulnerable! The man told him their boss told him to leave, but as the sounds inside escalated, Gray couldn’t wait anymore.
“Stop it!!” Gray got between them. “What are you two doing! Lucy you shouldn’t be here!”
“Then tell your damn boss to leave me the fuck alone!” Lucy spat back. “Ask him how he’s been harassing Loke and me!”
Gray turned to his boss with a groan. “Natsu, we talked about this!”
“Tell Gray what you been doing!” Lucy pressed. “Show him the stupid packages you send!”
“What packages?” Gray looked to Lucy, then repeated the question as he stared at his boss. “What packages?”
“Tch,” Natsu crossed his arms, “it’s not even that bad.”
Lucy stomped over to where the box fell and picked it up, pulling the contents out. “Bullshit!” She snapped as she held up a very racy, red nightie with flame prints, a pair of fluffy handcuffs, and a large dildo. “See this shit?!” Lucy shook the floppy latex toy at Gray before chucking it to the ground again. “He includes messages too,” then handed the man a folded piece of paper.
Gray read it aloud, “to make up for what playboy lacks. Had it custom made to my size wink wink. Ugh, seriously man,” he tossed the letter.
Natsu shrugged. “I was just having fun.”
“This is the yakuza, not a daycare!” Gray snaps. “I’m not here to babysit the boss so he stops harassing the competition! There’s more important business to worry about!”
“That’s right listen to Gray,” Lucy sneered.
Gray turned to her. “Oh, you ain’t innocent either, so don’t even try it. You both do things to purposely rile the other up and get mad when there’s consequences. Stop it!” He looked back and forth between the two. “Just stop it already!”
Natsu and Lucy looked away from the man with scowls on their faces. Neither wanted to admit he was right.
“Jellal,” Gray called out. When the man entered, he instructed him to escort Lucy out of there. “Next time, just call me instead. It’s best you two just stay away from each other. Got it?!”
“Yeah,” Lucy grumped.
“Got it?!” Gray questioned his boss.
“Yeah,” Natsu mumbled.
“Fucking like high school,” Gray ran a hand down his face in irritation. “You two need therapy.”
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eurynome827 · 4 years
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HBC Week of Love for @the-ss-horniest-book-club with Barista!Bucky and Boss Lady in...
First Sleepover
My blogs are 18+ spaces always. This story contains: some angst regarding past injuries, big emotions, soft (and vague, nearly non-existent) smut.
Week of Love - Barista!Bucky Masterlist
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It was months before Bucky visited your apartment, and you had still not seen where he lived.
"It's just some walls and some furniture, doll," he would say, with a smile but there was a distant look in his eyes that would appear when topics like this came up. His past service, his injury, where he lived - which you knew was a place the VA helped him find - "You have this beautiful place, in this great neighborhood, with a doorman! I like knowing my best girl is safe."
You didn't press him for details. On anything.
Bucky would come over and he would cook with you in your kitchen, snuggle on the couch watching tv, maybe get a little heated making out like teenagers without the prying eyes of the buddies at Howlie's. But he never went too far, and you didn't push him. It had been a long time for both of you.
He would always go home promptly at 10 PM, whether he was taking you in a cab back to your place from Howlie's or leaving your apartment. "Work at 4:30, babe." He always said it with an apologetic smile, and you always kissed him softly in return.
You started to adjust to his schedule in subtle ways. Instead of staying up after he left, you would get ready for bed and wait until his good night text popped up when he had arrived home. Your body would wake you up right before his good morning text, and you would answer him with a smile. Instead of staying up late catching up on work, you would do it in the morning as the sun came up, trading texts with Bucky until the coffeehouse opened and then it was just a matter of time before you were there too, picking up your coffee.
This routine was becoming so comfortable that when Bucky mentioned he had the weekend off, it almost confused you.
"Really? But, how? Who will work?"
"I'm not the only employee," he laughed, his nose scrunching as you looked on, still puzzled. "I have enough time saved up to take three days in a row. I never really bothered with time off before, because I didn't have a reason to take it."
You looked down at his thumb rubbing your knuckles before you met his eyes with a grin. "Wanna stay over tomorrow?"
That look was in his eyes for a moment, but then you saw him swallow hard, and nod. "Yeah."
"Hey," you made your voice quiet and reassuring. "You don't have to, there's no rush."
"No, I want to," he assured you, "but there's some things you should know. I, uh, don't always sleep very well."
"Okay," you nodded, squeezing his hand in yours, "that's okay. I'll stay up with you."
"You don't have to, doll, we'll figure it out, I just wanted you to know. That's all," he smiled, putting his other hand on top of yours.
"You said 'things', is there something else you want to tell me?"
"Uh..." Bucky lifted his hand and ran it through his hair. "Maybe. I'll tell you, if it comes up."
You took a deep breath, and gave him an encouraging smile. "Of course. I'll be ready to hear it. Whatever it is."
It was a night like any other, except for the bag he had put in your bedroom when he arrived. Even so, it was easy to forget about it as the clock numbers switched over from 9:59 to 10:00, and you straightened up on the couch to accept your good night kiss.
"Doll?" He looked over at you, quizzical grin on his face.
"Oh, right!" You giggled, shaking your head as you settled back under his arm, resting your head on his chest. "I forgot."
"We are creatures of habit now, aren't we," he agreed, speaking softly as he rubbed your back.
You hummed in return, cuddling a little closer. "I usually get ready for bed when you leave, so I may get sleepy soon."
"Well we can go, do that, and lie down, if you want."
His heartbeat was speeding up under your cheek and you weren't sure if he was nervous or excited or maybe both. Feeling a bit of the same, you made sure your face was neutral as you looked up at him. "Only if you're ready. I meant what I said, Bucky. I'll stay up with you, we don't even have to go in the room if you don't want to -"
Bucky cut you off with a kiss, and you melted into him. "Hey. I'm okay."
"Then let's get ready for bed."
Bucky used the bathroom while you pulled pajamas out of your dresser drawer, heart really pounding now. Of course you wanted something to happen, did you ever want something to happen, but his well-being was the most important thing to you. It would be enough to just be here with him and have him here in the morning when you woke up.
His hands on your shoulders interrupted your internal monologue and you turned to smile up at him, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "I'll go get ready, and then we can get tucked in?"
"You bet, doll," his voice sounded calm, his eyes looked clear, and you smiled in return, leaving the room to get ready. When you crawled up next to him on the bed a few minutes later, he was already under the comforter and holding it up for you to scoot under next to him. He arranged the ends of the blanket over you and you sighed happily, the flannel of his pajama pants rubbing against your legs, bare from your shorts. Looking at each other with your heads on separate pillows, you giggled.
"This is nice."
"It is," he agreed, waiting a moment before moving a little closer to kiss you softly. "Good night, babydoll."
Your eyes fluttered open, and seeing him still so close to you in the low light of your bedroom made your breath catch. "Good night," you whispered, taking another shaky breath, before he moved in closer again and you met him halfway, your lips meeting his in a fevered kiss as your hands held him tight. You opened up to him, and his tongue stroked yours softly before he settled more firmly over you with a low growl from his throat that made you ache where you desperately needed him.
"Bucky," you breathed out, pulling on his shoulders and widening you legs to make room for him to get closer - you needed him closer, much closer. The kisses grew more passionate until you rolled your hips against his and he suddenly stopped, pulling back to sit up.
You blinked, trying to clear your head of the fog of lust. "I'm sorry," you blurted out, "I didn't mean to push -"
"No, baby, no," he stopped you, hands moving to rub your legs gently. "I want this, I want you, I just need a minute." Instead of the distance in his eyes this time there was a storm, and you sat up, taking his face in your hands, holding his gaze.
"I'll give you all the time you need. I love you, Bucky."
He drew in a shaky breath. "No one's seen..." His voice trailed off, his eyes glancing almost unconsciously to his left side. Immediately you knew. His injury. You cupped his cheek, your other hand pushing his hair back from his face.
"I love you, Bucky. All of you. No matter what."
His shining eyes searched out yours, and when he leaned forward you let him lead the kiss, your hands running down over his chest and feeling the muscles underneath and him trembling under your touch. You fingered the hem of his t-shirt and let him draw back, waiting for the permission in his eyes before you pulled it up and over his head.
His left shoulder and part of his arm was a tapestry of scarring, a part of his trauma carried forward that he lived with daily. His eyes fell a little as you looked, as you saw him for the first time, but you moved forward to trace the angry lines with your fingers before pressing soft kisses along the meanest looking places. Bucky's breath was coming fast now, his heart pounding under your palm, and the darkness of lust had filled his eyes when you looked up.
"I need you." His hands moved you back gently, making quick work of your pajamas as you watched.
"Yes," you urged him on, watching as his own pants were cast aside. "You're beautiful, Bucky."
He settled in close to you, kissing you again as you drew him in. "I love all of you," he repeated your words back to you, sinking inside slowly as you whimpered.
"I love all of you," you promised.
In the morning, you expected the bed to be empty, since he had warned you about being awake most of the night, but Bucky was there wrapped around you under the blankets. His warm breath tickled your skin, deep and even and peaceful. After a few moments, he woke and pulled you impossibly closer, gifting you with a sleepy chuckle in your ear and a "good morning" - in person instead of by text.
You rolled to face him, brushing his hair back like you loved to do. "Good morning," you smiled but asked the question, "are you okay?"
Bucky kissed you, soft and sweet. "I haven't slept through the night in a long time."
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