#[ch]: clary fray
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saltyfrenchfrys · 5 months ago
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Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 2,7k
Summary: Ash kills his first demon.
(ao3) (ff.net)
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johnmurphysgirl · 10 months ago
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Fifteen year old Clarissa Fray is about to have the life she knows turned upside down. Normality, a thing she often took for granted, but never truly had. Things escalate pretty quickly inside the local night club, Pandemonium, when Clary witnesses a murder of a demon committed by three out of the ordinary teenagers.
Valentine is on the search for the cup and with it kidnapped Clary’s mother for its whereabouts, sending Clarissa on a ghost chase in search of her missing mother and the cup she had stashed away so long ago.
The kicker? Clary knows nothing. A high warlock put a block on her memories. What luck, as Jace would say.
: ( literate, semi-literate, novella, young adult, fiction, supernatural )
16 + , standard book lore, lgbt+ friendly, realistic face claims (real notable people from actual media, no models). We offer a variety of channels, custom channels you can request for, great staff, and a wide availability of both canon characters, and original characters.
Wish to join the shadowhunters and have the potential to run into Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Alec, or Simon? Here’s your chance!
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28onlythebrave · 3 years ago
happy birthday to the little girl that stopped a big war !! such an iconic and underrated character… i started this journey with u and i can’t wait to see u get your happily ever after <3
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dreamygifshouse · 4 years ago
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KATHERINE MCNAMARA as CLARY FRAY (Shadowhunters) & MADELAINE PETSCH as CHERYL BLOSSOM (Riverdale) & ABIGAIL COWEN as BLOOM PETERS (Fate: Winx & her story) crackship  ↳  you’re not on your own, you’re part of us, you have me and that’s not gonna change. I hold you and whisper, but everything can heal. We are daughters of fire, playing with fire, fire protects us. Clary you’re daughter of the sun, Bloom, you’re daughter of dragon and Cheryl you’re phoenix. 
trigger warnings: fire, dark & red eyes, arch 
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stylesthebestest · 5 years ago
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nellcrain · 6 years ago
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Female Awesome Meme ❀ [3/5] Female Characters Who Are Unfairly Hated — Clary Fray “If being a Shadowhunter means that I have to be dead inside, I’m not sure I want to be one.”
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arthrurian · 6 years ago
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N E P H I L I M ; clarissa fairchild
“You're asleep, dreams moving behind your restless eyelids. I wish I knew what you were thinking. I wish I could slip into your head and see the world the way you do.”
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officiallynuts · 6 years ago
Can you write more about Alec's and Clary's friendship?btw I love your writing!!
A/N: Oh wow, that’s so sweet, thank you! And just for you, sweet anon, of course I can more Alec/Clary friendship! They’re one of my fav friendships from the books/show. One Clalec brotp fic coming right up!
(Note: I do not own the characters, all credit goes to Cassandra Clare for creating the wonderful Shadowhunter world)
Words: 1, 282.
Having to visit Alicante used to be like a family holiday for Alec, now it was only business. Cabinet meetings, Shadowhunter ‘parties’, the worst. He was stuck in a room without a bunch of old-fashioned Shadowhunters who thought they knew better because their family was older. But they didn’t, the world was changing after all. Downworlders and Shadowhunters alike became friends, after so many years of hatred. But even then, that bad blood ran strong in some. It wasn’t something that could just be erased overnight, Alec knew that. But he was trying. Trying to make the world a better place, their world a better place. With peace and unity between all.
Even if some of the old Shadowhunters were whispering behind his back as he stayed with his companion of the night. Sadly, Magnus had his own Warlock party he needed to go to, and his siblings suddenly had missions on their plates. So he was stuck with the little one. Clary Fairchild. Who’s face seemed to be getting as red as her hair.
“Relax, Fray, you’re about to burst a vein if you don’t chill out,” Alec muttered to her quickly, tilting his head down to talk to her.
“Calm down?! Do you not hear what they are saying?!” Clary shot back, her voice rising just a bit as she looked up at him. “They wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for the Downworlders helping us win a war that one of their own started!” She yelled out, making sure her voice was heard. Angry murmurs followed suit.
“Yes, I know.” Alec reached out to take her elbow. “You know what Magnus always says, decades of hate isn’t something that could change in a blink. It takes time. They’ll see we are better united then we are apart.”
“Right, like we’d take advice from a warlock loving-” One of the older shadowhunters started with an angry huff. He knew he was going to say a slur, just to get a rise out. Show the others how angry the famous Alexander Lightwood could get. But he wasn’t prepared for Clarissa Fairchild to come to his defense.
“Finish that sentence.” Clary shot out with a glare, taking quick steps to him. But the hand still on her elbow stopped her. “I fucking dare you!”
“Clary, stop.” Alec hissed to her. “Watch yourself. He’s not worth it.” He chided, groaning to himself. He knew bringing her would be a bad idea. But the others were so adamant about it. He knew what his siblings were up to. Wanted them to spend more time together, be friends. If they could.
“No, damn it!” Clary shook her head in anger. “You should be ashamed of yourself! There is nothing wrong with loving a Warlock, let alone loving someone from the same gender.” She scolded, her arm shaking in Alec’s grip. She always hated the looks Alec got just because he was gay. Even at the Institute, some didn’t take him seriously. She hated it. Hated them for it.
“You know, I expected that kind of outrage from you, Clarissa Morgenstern. Like father, like daughter, right? Or are you just like your brother? They both carried so much… hatred for us. Why shouldn’t we believe that you aren’t just like them?” The man shot back in disgust, shaking his head as Clary went to jump at him in anger. “My point has been proven!”
“I’d shut your mouth if I were you,” Alec suddenly spoke up, finally managing to pull Clary back. He stepped forward in her place, keeping her behind him. “For she is not a Morgenstern.”
“She is by blood. Blood is everything. Or have you forgotten that, Lightwood?” Alec narrowed his eyes slowly as he watched the man before him.
“She may be Morgenstern by blood, yes. That can’t be changed. But the heart is what matters the most. The heart chooses the family. And Shadowhunters love fiercely and only once. That goes for family too. Or did you forget that?” He asked mockingly at the end, raising an eyebrow.
“Fine. What is she then? What are you?” The Shadowhunter huffed in defeat, knowing that his answer was going to be the end of the argument.
“Lightwoods. And do you know what Lightwoods do?” Alec asked, not expecting an answer. But a voice pipped up just for input.
“Break noses and accept the consequences?” Clary asked from behind, Alec could hear the amused grin in her voice. He snorted back as a reply.
“Well, yes. But also,” Alec started, looking around them to all the Shadowhunters watching. Waiting for his answer as they held their breaths. “Lightwoods protect their family. The family will always come first with us. brought together by chance, chosen by heart. Blood be damned. Everyone has blood. Half of our blood comes from the same Angel. The heart chooses the family, the loved ones. And Clary Fairchild has been chosen by the Lightwoods. So, if you have anything to say about her; you’ll have to go through me first.” Alec finished his little rant with a nod and a court 'goodbye’ before steering Clary out of the room.
“And me!” But Clary always had to have the last word. She just got to turn around to glare at the Shadowhunters watching them. “Got anything to say against Alec, you’ll have to go through me first!” She warned before finally turned around and stormed out of the room. Alec sighed before following her.
“Well, that went well.” Alec murmured into the empty hallway, shaking his head as he crossed his arms. “You shouldn’t have said anything, Clary.”
“What, and let them bad mouth you for choosing love over honor? No way!” Clary laughed and turned to look at him. “I don’t regret a thing. They needed to be yelled at. It’s the twenty-first century for crying out loud! Not medieval times!” She yelled out, shaking her head.
“Clary.” Alec sighed and shook his head. “Look, I appreciate what you did. But I can take care of myself. It’s best to just ignore them, okay? That man, he’s dying of old age. And that frame of mind of our world will die with him. Just wait it out.”
“Oh, like you waited?” Clary raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. Then she suddenly started to smile again. “Told you you’d come to love me.”
“What? No.” Alec made a face and turned to walk down the hall. “You’re insane, Fray.”
“Lightwood, according to your heart,” Clary called out teasingly as she was quick to follow him. Taking big, fast steps, to catch up to his long legs. “I’m a chosen Lightwood?”
“More like chosen Lightworm,” Alec muttered, keeping his head down so he wouldn’t look her in the eyes.  He knew he would crack if he looked at her.
“Makes sense.” Clary hummed with a grin, reaching to take out her stele when they reached a door. “I am worming my way into your heart.” She teased. Alec couldn’t help but snort, rolling his eyes as he finally looked at her.
“Just make the portal already. I’m ready to go home.” He ordered, keeping his mouth still. But his eyes betrayed him. They were showing signs of fondness as Clary mock saluted him.
“Ay, ay, big brother!” She cheered as she turned to the door, creating the portal. “Oh man, Jace is going to be so happy when he hears this! Next up, getting you to like Simon!” She laughed before stepping into the portal.
“As if.” Alec chuckled quietly to himself, waiting for her to go through first. To make sure she went through with no problems, then he followed afterward.
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jadamel · 6 years ago
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Clary Fray | Shadowhunters Episode 12 | Season 3B
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28onlythebrave · 4 years ago
@beclynn-herondale and me relate so hard to this
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saltyfrenchfrys · 1 year ago
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Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 2k
Summary: Sebastian has the chance to confront his sister years after her death.
(ao3) (ff.net)
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herestoimagination · 7 years ago
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28onlythebrave · 3 years ago
my clarissa adele fairchild now and forever
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saltyfrenchfrys · 2 years ago
I just saw this and... holy shit!!!😭
Thank you so much for this gorgeous illustration!!! You did an amazing job bringing that moment to life. All the colors and details are wonderful and Clary and Ash are perfect too!!
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Clary and Ash in Stranded Souls by @saltyfrenchfrys
I read this fanfic some months ago I think? Idk I’m not good at keeping track of time, however I really love this concept as I’m a sucker for a canon divergence story. I tried to imagine what they would look like in this universe bc I mean there is basically an apocalypse/evil regime ongoing and they have to hide and fight for their lives. If you don’t know what this fanfic is about it is basically what would happen if Clary went into the portal to Thule with Ash instead of Annabelle. It’s short but I see a lot of potential and it’s cute and in character and I love it!!!
Dear Author, I don’t if you have an account on Twitter and Instagram! If you do tell me and I’ll tag you 💖
Here the link to the first part of Stranded Souls
Tag List : @arangiajoan @spooky-drusilla (if you’re you want to be added tell me!! And if you change your username pls tell me)
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daisyjohvson · 7 years ago
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moodboards :: e2! acacia davis
❝You think you can save the city and beat Zoom? Aww that’s so cute.❞
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officiallynuts · 6 years ago
xiii. “I don’t love you, I’m just passing the time.” - Clary/Alec friendship. I need that banteeerr and sass
A/N: Omg yessss, I love their banter. From hate to friendship, this is how I like to think it happened ‘behind the scenes’ or ‘between the lines’ depending on either book fans or tv fans lol 
(Note: I do not own the characters, all credit goes to Cassandra Clare for creating the wonderful shadowhunter world)
Words; 1,523.
Alec was a light sleeper, he had to be. In case anything were to happen to the Institute, he needed to be the first person to act. The first person to jump out of bed and find high ground, armed and ready for anything.
So it was no surprise that he woke up, hearing a door squeak open in the middle of the night. Followed by light footsteps going down the hall. Not heavy like Jace’s, if he had to wake up that early he would drag the rest of the Institute with him. But also not sharp noises of heels hitting the tile in quick steps, Izzy wouldn’t dare walk the halls barefoot. Nor at her normal height, for anyone to see. Which meant the steps belonged to one person. Clary Fray.
Not hearing any more steps following hers, Alec sighed as he pushed himself up. If no one was going to follow her, make sure she wasn’t doing something stupid, that meant he had to. And so he did, keeping a good distance and let her lead him to the training room.
What he saw, made him worry just a little. He and Clary weren’t friends, per se, but he knew destructive actions when he saw them. Barefoot, not-wrapped hands, wide and angry punches. Feet so spread apart, one wrong move and she’d fall with a twisted ankle. Clary had just gotten started and she was already attacking the punching bag like it personally offended her.
It was at that moment where Alec felt bad for her. She was plucked out of her ‘perfectly-mundane’ world, into the shadow world with everyone breathing down her neck. Waiting for the moment she slips up so they could brand her as her father. Alec knew that feeling, being compared to family. Expected to be just like his parents, down to every nook and cranny in his life. And he was already slipping. As was she.
“Ugh!” Clary grunted out as her body fell to the tiles. She truly had slipped. Red hair flying everywhere as she landed on her side. Alec watched as she sat up and brushed her hands together, only to hiss. Her knuckles were bleeding too.
“You lost your center, spread your legs too far that your balance went all over,” Alec spoke after a moment, walking more into the room before stopping at a table, picking up a roll of gauze.
“Yeah, no shit..” Clary huffed, lifting her head a bit to glare at him. “What are you doing here? Come to throw more snark at me about my height or how I’m not a Shadowhunter?”
“Take out your stele, activate your iratze,” Alec ordered, ignoring the question. He waited for Clary to do so, which she did with a sigh, then knelt in front of her an held out his hand. “Right hand.” He kept ordering, raising an eyebrow when Clary just stared at him.
“What are you doing?” She asked after a moment, slowly putting her smaller hand in his.
“I know for a fact that Izzy probably hasn’t taught you how to properly wrap your hands before training,” a nod in agreement, “And Jace babies you already, he probably does it for you,” another nod. Alec let out a small huff, followed by a fond shake of his head.
He loved his siblings more than he loved himself. But he knew them well. Izzy, his headstrong baby sister, was all about women-power. And he admired her for that. He wouldn’t go against her in a fight. But since Clary came, she took her under her wing. Showed her the ropes so fast, Clary couldn’t keep up. Izzy was just so excited to finally have another girl around, she forgot to slow down.
And Jace. Arrogant, cocky, but smothering Jace. He fell head-over-heels in love with Clary the moment he bumped into her, as much as Alec used to hate that part- he was grateful. He hasn’t seen his parabatai happier in a long time. But he defiantly had been baby-ing Clary. Doing everything for her, not letting her have the chance to truly learn.
That’s where Alec came in. After all, he helped train his siblings so it was going to be a breeze. He was patient, unlike Izzy. But he wouldn’t go easy on her, unlike Jace. But first…
“Watch closely, and copy what I did, and do your left hand.” Alec murmured as he slowly wrapped her hand with the gauze. Not too tight, but not loose. She could still move her wrist, only now with proper protection.
“Easy enough.” Clary murmured as she took the rest of the wrap and followed the steps Alec took to slowly wrap her other hand. Alec fixed it up just a bit before standing and moving to the punching bag, lowering it. It was sprung up high to accommodate the taller Shadowhunters. It needed to be lower for Clary.
“What are you doing?” Clary asked again as she stood up. This time, wanting a real answer as she frowned at him. “You don’t need to help me, Alec.”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Alec huffed and looked around the bag to narrow his eyes. “Wanting to make sure that the next time you go on an unauthorized mission with us, you don’t get killed.”
“Careful there, Alec.” Clary suddenly started to smile as she crossed her arms. “With words like that, people are going to start thinking that you do love me.”
“I don’t love you,” Alec made a face at the comment. At the idea. Yuck. No, he couldn’t stand her. “I’m just passing the time.” He defended before holding the bag still. “Now find your center. Hands up to your chin. And hit with your fists, not your knuckles.” He started, waiting as Clary let out a laugh before following his orders.
They spent a good portion of the night together in the room. Alec watching Clary, stopping her to give her pointers, breaks, or to just throw her off guard to make sure she was still paying attention. And surprise, she was. She was doing great, Alec could almost say he was proud.
“So, teach,” Clary gasped out with a grin a while later. It was coming up to three A.M. and the night patrollers should be coming back now. “How did I do?”
“Not bad..” Alec breathed out, going to the mini-fridge where the water was kept. He took out two bottles and tossed one to Clary, nodding in approval when she caught it. “For a two-thirds of a Shadowhunter.”
“Two-thirds? I thought I was only half a Shadowhunter.” Clary gasped again, smiling around her water as she chugged down half of it. “Dare I say, Alec Lightwood… Am I growing on you?”
“Not even in your dreams. Now get out of here.” Alec snorted at first, shaking his head. “Get some sleep, Fairchild.” Clary smiled with a nod at that, turning to walk out of the room. Only she paused and turned back to him. Suddenly, she grew nervous.
“Same time tomorrow?” Clary bit her lip as she spat out her question, quickly. “Can this be a regular thing?” She was anxious. Getting Alec’s approval on all her right moves, right steps, was something she didn’t know she wanted till now. Finally, she understood why Jace and Izzy listened to their big brother when he took command. And why they were such good fighters. Because they had their big brother to show them the ropes. Clary longed for that. She wanted Alec to teach her. Be the big brother.
“Do you still want to be a part of this world?” Alec asked back after a moment. He didn’t wait for a reply. “It’s hard work. Long hours. Practically no free-time, thanks to all the demons and your father. And you’re behind on everything a Nephilim should know by your age. You have a lot to catch up on.”
“I’m a fast learner.” Clary defended, lifting her head to catch Alec’s eyes. “Teach me, Alec. Please. Teach me everything you know.” A pause of silence followed. Then a sigh and a nod.
“Same time tomorrow. And not a moment later.” Alec ordered, holding his finger up to give her a look. “And please, wear the proper gear so you don’t get hurt while training.”
“Yes, of course! Thank you, Alec!” Clary let out a squeal of happiness as she jumped out to hug the man tightly. “Thank you, thank you! You won’t regret this. I promise to be the best student ever!” She looked up at him with a grin, then suddenly she was letting go of him and running out of the room. Hopefully to finally get some sleep.
“Oh, damn it..” Alec sighed, shaking his head as he covered his mouth. Covered the smile that was starting to form seeing the girl so happy over something so small. “Keep that up, and you just might get me to think of you as a little sister.” He muttered to himself, waiting a moment before walking to his room. To, finally, sleep.
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