#[and she did appear a lot in the preview for ep 2 so excited to check it out]
aellyne · 2 years
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whencallstheheart · 4 years
Hi, I finally got to watch Ep. 1, even though I still don't like the final scene, I have a little more hope for Elizabeth and Nathan. I found that it still takes her breath away when he leaves. That being said, I would say that I laughed in the scenes between Bill/Molly, Bill/Clara/Fiona and Lee annoyed by the fact that Jesse is wearing the same plaid pants. I also think from the ep. 3 summary that Lucas is going to try Hickam's solution against Henry's advice.1/2
I also believe that we will still hear about Allie's father, especially in her future adoption. In the end, I enjoyed this episode more than I thought,Bye,2/2
Hi, regarding Abigail's return, if it happens in season 9, I think she won't be able to be as important as she was before she left. Indeed, they have developed the other characters so much that the series has become a choral series. It's no longer a story of 2 or even 3 characters with secondary characters like in seasons 1 to 5 (Jack/Elizabeth/Abigail), it's a more balanced series with established characters with their own storyline
That's why I like it more now. If they want Abigail to come back, I hope her story will be linked to Henri's. Bye.
It’s only episode 1.  We still have a lot of back and forth with the love triangle to deal with as the season unfolds.  Elizabeth is obviously very overwhelmed with it all.
There was a good mix of the more angsty scenes and funny ones.  I really enjoyed Bill in the episode with all the ladies.  It’s nice to see him lighten up.
The plaid pants were such a highlight.  Lee was so bothered by it which was hilarious.
Yes, it does appear that they use Hickam’s technique based on the previews and episode stills we’ve seen.  Should be exciting!
Hope Valley is very crowded these days and we haven’t even met the Canfields yet.  The love triangle “loser” will most likely be getting a new woman for next season too if Hickam and Fiona become a thing and she’s not available.  It wouldn’t leave room for Abigail to take over like she did before.  There is part of me that wouldn’t mind her coming back just so we can have Henry and Abigail again.  They were great and he made her character tolerable.  I would prefer she didn’t return, but I think the odds probably favor a return at some point if Hallmark is on board.
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narashikari · 6 years
Kamen Rider Zi-O Episode 1
So... um, that happened.
Honestly... the season’s not off to a great start for me. I already got a lot of question marks just based off the spoilers I got, but watching the actual episode made me utterly confused. But it did have a lot of potential and I really hope it gets exploited throughout the series.
Anyways, onto the review.
1. First: the theme song. Admittedly I wasn’t too keen on it when I heard it first, but upon re-listening and watching the visuals, I like it better. It’s not quite as catchy as Be the One or Excite or even W-B-X ~W Boiled Extreme~ was for me so it might take a few episodes for it to make my toku playlist (and yes, I have one. I listen to it on my commute home!)
2. Our main characters:
Sougo... might get some getting used to.
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As Cam Watanabe would say, “Ladies and gentlemen... the defender(s) of the universe.”
His apparently honest reply of wanting to be a king almost borders on megalomania, which makes it utterly hilarious but also a little grating when it got repetitive. Like, I get it kid, you’re basically a human Simba. You just can’t wait to be king.
He does seem to have good intentions though, and good-hearted like most of the other Riders. Which kinda made me scratch my head as to why anyone would think he’s possibly the demon king. Aside from the fact he’d be 68 by the the future character’s time and probs not in any condition to fight unless timey wimey shenanigans is involved?
There’s also this... kinda below-the-belt shot
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It’s an in-your-face way to him apart from Sento, who’s a genius, albeit amnesiac, physicist (probably). It’s inevitable that we draw comparisons between them especially since Sento does appear in the episode... but it’s still a little too straightforward. 
Geitsu... is totally my type.
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The first thing I said upon seeing him is “Wow, he’s cute!” 
I feel like he’s kinda like Takeru from Shinkenger- this totally intense, duty-driven guy who feels the weight of the world on his shoulders... but has a hidden side of him that’s a total dork and adorable. I mean, seriously. 
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How subtle does he think he is, trying to hide a giant red robot ala Super Sentai out in the open like that? And looking around the corner like that kinda looks cute imo. I hope we get to see both sides of him equally!
Also, i love his last name. Myokoin. 明光. It means bright light. So poetic. 
Tsukuyomi... is fucking awesome!
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HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE WE HAD A BADASS LADY COMPANION IN KAMEN RIDER? Like... Drive, maybe, with Kiriko, who totally should’ve been a Rider herself?
She catches SENTO AND RYUUGA off guard for fuck’s sake!
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(Sento’s face is pure gold, btw. I wish I could’ve seen Ryuuga’s. Heh.)
I really hope she lives up to her potential and stay as badass as she is in this episode!
Woz... is he supposed to be an expy of Double’s Philip with a creepy servant vibe added?
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Seriously. The hairdo, his clothes, the giant book he’s lugging around... that’s definitely a callback to Philip. Even his matter-of-fact way of speaking resembles Philip’s. Except when he goes into his creepy-servant-mode... then he kinda reminds me of Sebastian from Black Butler. The servant who’ll do anything for you... in exchange for your soul!!
And yeah, I also got some kicks out of that monologue he spouts when Sougo first henshins. Speaking of henshin...
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So, this commander just chooses a random person fated to die to become an Another Rider? And one who couldn’t be more different from Sento, too. There goes my theory about the Another Riders being parallels to the actual Riders.
I get the feeling each of the commanders will have different reasons to choose specific people to become Another Riders, but it’s too early for me to really speculate.
(Also... does anyone else also feel a Philip vibe to this guy? Or maybe Micchy? Is it just me?)
4. Also speaking of henshin: The suits for this season... are a little meh for me. Their suits being based off metal watches are kind of a hit and miss for me. I don’t particularly enjoy wearing metal watches so seeing them on a Rider suit is a little jarring, but I see why they went with the aesthetic. That said, I like the kana on the visor and how it’s not as blatant as Shinkenger’s or Kingranger’s kanji was. And the actual henshin pose is pretty awesome and fun with how it incorporates the belt’s rotating mechanism.
5. I will say... It was NOT a good idea to go straight into the Build tribute right in the first episode.
Don’t get me wrong; it’s not that I didn’t want to see Sento and Ryuuga again. In fact my reaction to this scene...
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...was basically to literally scream and joyfully squeal so hard the bed shook. (Yes, I am a shameless fangirl. Sue me. I love me some Best Match boys.)
But I think it would’ve been way better if they focused more on establishing Sougo, Geitsu and Tsukuyomi and showcase their dynamics for an episode or two prior to jumping into the tributes/cameos. Honestly I felt like Sento and Ryuuga’s cameos (brief as they are) kinda disrupted that.
However on the flip side...
6. SENTO AND RYUUGA ARE BACK (just for the first two weeks BUT STILL)
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Like, isn’t Zi-O supposed to be in the post-Build finale, no-Sky-Wall world Sento created? So why does Sougo show up in the Buildverse pre-Build finale? Did Geitsu accidentally throw them into another timeline instead of just the past? Or, maybe... is it possible that the Zi-Overse is just the Buildverse’s distant future after Sento recreates the universe without Evolt*, and Sougo just travels that far back?
*I don’t really know how to explain this theory succinctly, I might make a separate post about it another day.
I suppose the weirdness might be because Zi-O probably started pre-production long before Build wrapped up, so the Zi-O crew didn’t really know how Build would’ve ended. Though with Build’s director involved in the episode, I’m not sure why it wasn’t discarded when he came on- he should’ve known that this would be very odd airing right after Build’s finale.
Also, the fact that Sougo travels to before the finale means that Sento and Ryuuga’s cameo is from before they eloped ran off together... in this ep at least, since we haven’t seen the bit where they were wearing Satou Tarou gear and handing the Build and Cross-Z Ride Watches in the previews. So maybe the next episode will explain all the timey wimey shenanigans. And maybe tell us what those two did after riding into the sunset together like a couple out of a shoujo manga 
8. All in all, I’d say I’m definitely apprehensive about continuing this season. The whole anniversary thing is already making me nervous since a) I’m only familiar with the post-Decade series and b) I have the tendency to compare such series to Gokaiger. Not to mention I’ll always compare it to the likes of Build and Double (the first season I watched and the first season i finished respectively). 
However, it is just the first episode and there are a year’s worth of episodes, tributes and Rider cameos to wait for so I’m also excited for the season! Hopefully Sougo and co. will live up to the hype and the legacy the other Heisei Riders left behind!
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blueberryjam1201 · 3 years
King’s Affection ep 17
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Everything what Hyun said...
Everything what he was making Ji Un aware of…
Every reason, why he is holding love for Hwi just for himself…
They didn’t listen, she said she will overcome all difficulties....
Results of greediness are appearing….
Father Jung is finally opening his eyes. You can see he do care about his son but that doesn’t mean he will be suddenly family man. He is doing everything according to his own pride.
I really liked the scene when he was kneeling on the Yoons grave. You could tell he is suffering from losing very close friend.
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For some reason I felt down when Ji asked him if he will report everything about the uncle to Grandfather. It’s like he doesn’t have trust at all from his son. That chat between them was a little awkward considering father just saved their lives, but Ji is still building a wall between them. I understand after everything, however from last 2 episodes I’m on fathers side. He is changing and you can see it.
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Quick fanservice 🤩😝
Bodyguard in this episode is giving us a little vibe like “candidate for boyfriend” style!
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We all knew it will happen sooner or faster. She wasn’t the queen we had seen in previous episodes. Here she was a totally different person. Desperate, upset, heartbroken…powerless but doing her best to survive somehow. She was investigating the rumor and almost till the end didn’t believe it until she saw on her own eyes. Her chat with Ji Un was giving such a desperate vibe of a pure person. Despite the jealousy and all emotions she felt, she done a right thing in my opinion. She didn’t make any scene in the daytime, no scandal or whatsoever – anything what could destroy King or Ji, no. She took Ji Un and have a chat just between them….
I admire her…she is doing her best to survive
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I really liked the scene with Hyun and his brother. They don’t sound like siblings at all. And Hyun is a master of perfect answers. Even when his own brother was looking for an argument, he always has something to say what (almost)always finishes the conversation. Also is so sharp witted.
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In Ji x Father chat about marriage… I am so happy father finally revealed he knows. I Was waiting for him to tell Ji Un that King is not only woman but also Demi, the maid from childhood. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen….
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The last scene was heart breaking. I know it may sound weird, but Hwi/Dami/Park Eun Bin is crying so beautifully…it hits straight into my heart, And Ji Un’s fake poker face was saying A LOT! I could feel how hurt he is inside when he is saying all those things to Hwi…
Summing UP:
This episode had, for me at least, different vibe than others. Much darker and deeper. The music was making it more dramatic.
Preview… I watched it like 4 times to understand what is happening. For example we had King and Queen conforting each other for some reason and totally different voices in the back, I think it was maid and Queen saying sorry about spilling some secrets. Also Ji was in the palace so will it be only for moment or he will not move on with marriage? Let’s see tomorrow, I’m very excited and unfortunately it’s last 3 eps so I’m trying to enjoy every minute ❤
Anyway! It was long but anyone who reached end of this post - I really hope you like it! And please leave a heart if you did ❤
Also, everone are welcome for discussion, what are your thoughts about last episode?
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akemilena · 7 years
Ryusei Post Office
from Ryusei-go Radio Station DJCD with Murata Taishi (Shino) and Saito Souma (Yamagi)
I’m so sorry for the wait, it’s finally here! This is the mail part of the radio CD. The topics they talk about include: eps 45 & 46, Yamagi’s feelings, Shino’s feelings, Yamagi’s butt, the famous next episode previews, and more! It’s long but it’s really interesting.
Also, since radio is pretty difficult to translate, please excuse any awkward sentences!
You can find the translation of the same CD’s Ryusei Letter here.
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Both: Ryusei-go Radio Station!
Murata: Hello everyone! From the TV anime Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-blooded Orphans, voicing Norba Shino, I’m Murata Taishi!
Souma: And, hello everyone! Voicing Yamagi Gilmerton, I’m Saito Souma!
Murata: Yes! This CD is… not! Mobile Suit Gundam IBO’s radio show, Tekkadan Radio Station, but Ryusei-go Radio Station, with the Tekkadan members Shino and Yamagi! Yaaaay!!
Both: Yaaaay!!!
Souma: Shino…!!
Murata: Yamagi…
Souma: *laughs*
Murata: Yamagi…
Souma: No no no, it wasn’t that rough…
Murata: Yeah it wasn’t like that…
Souma: *rough voice* Yamagi…
Murata: *laughs*
Souma: Well then! Shino came back to us.
Murata: Right! Of course, if it’s not these two…
Souma: That’s right! Last time we already appeared as guests in Tetsuradi’s radio CD volume 5… we did many things already, but apparently that was really popular…
Murata: It was? Thank you very much~
Souma: And that’s why this time, thanks to everyone’s passionate requests, we got to release this Ryusei-go Radio Station CD as an individual CD!!!
Murata: We did??? We are releasing it???
Souma: We’re releasing it!!
Murata: We released it~ Thank you very much!!
Souma: That’s right~
Murata: For real?
Souma: Last time, the other two (Kawanishi and Terasaki) were hosts and we were there as guest.
Murata: Yes yes yes.
Souma: But this time it’s just the two of us.
Murata: That’s right, it’s really just the two of us doing this. Is this fine? Can we? Thank you~
Souma: The anime already ended, and a lot of things happened.
Murata: A lot of things happened!
Souma: So we can look back on everything that happened, and I think we also got a lot of mails from everyone, so while reading those mails too…
Murata: But I was really surprised, when episode 45 ended and I looked at twitter, I was like “eh?! We’re doing it!?”
Both: *laughs*
Souma: That’s true! I didn’t know anything at all either.
Murata: When I was thinking about what to write on twitter, in that moment I saw that on my timeline and it was like “eh what wait there’s too much info!!”
Souma: *laughs*
Murata: It was really something amazing.
Souma: This is the age where you know things through SNS.
Murata: Yes it is.
Souma: Well then, let’s get started! Ryusei-go Radio Station!
Both: “The sustenance of life is on the radio!”*
Both: Ryusei-go Radio Station!
Murata: Ryusei-go Radio Station! First we start with this corner:
Both: Ryusei-go post office!
Murata: In this corner we introduce mails we got from the listeners.
Souma: The listeners’ corner, right?
Murata: Yes, that’s it. Apparently we got a HUGE amount of mails.
Souma: It seems we got a lot!
Murata: A looooot.
Souma: But a looooooooooot.
Murata: Yep.
Souma: I’m so happy!
Murata: Right.
Souma: I’m really thankful. Then let’s read them non-stop.
Murata: Then, first. Pen name: Saramu! Saramu-san? Thank you very much.
Souma: Thank you.
Murata: “Murata-san, Saito-san, hello!”
Souma: Hello.
Murata: “I love Shino and Yamagi-kun so much so when I heard they were going to release Ryusei-go Radio Station I got SUPER excited!”
Souma: SUPER excited? Thank you very much.
Murata: “I REALLY LOVE Shino and Yamagi-kun’s relationship, so when Shino… passed away… in the anime I was really shocked. I think this is going to drag for like three years.”
Souma: *laughs* That’s a lot!
Murata: It is!
Souma: It’s a lot…
Murata: “When you two acted that scene, what were your feelings? I’d love to hear that.”
Souma: Saramu-san is going to drag this until like the Tokyo Olympics…
Murata: It’s a really long span… Is her heart going to last? Is she going to be okay?
Souma: Well, we kind of… vaguely… were ready for it, right?
Murata: Of course, it’s a show where you don’t know when you’ll die, Gundam.
Souma: But how was it when you actually read the script?
Murata: When I actually read it… you know, that thing. In this show, there’s a cast list.
Souma: There is.
Murata: We got that cast list first, and there’s written like, how much you talk this week? The word count.
Souma: Yes.
Murata: If it was like always, Yamagi wouldn’t have too many, and Shino quite a lot. But in this week, it goes up suddenly…
Souma: The sentence count shoot up. *laughs*
Murata: It really did. *laughs*
Souma: “Ah, something will happen” I thought, honestly.
Murata: You’d guess that, yeah. And in addition, after the recording of episode 44, the sound director was grinning…
Both: *laughs*
Souma: He was indeed grinning.
Murata: Yeah. I thought, “his smile is kiiiiind of different than usual”. And this was the result.
Souma: You know… When I was checking the script the day before, it was so painful… well… There’s a Tekkadan SNS group, right?
Murata: There is.
Souma: I usually don’t say anything in that group…
Murata: That’s true! In that… account?
Souma: Yeah it’s an account… and Hosoya-san, before I started checking it he sent a “Yamagiii…” and I thought “eeh??? Me???” but no! It was Shino!
Murata: That was totally misleading.
Souma: It was. But seriously it was so painful, I sent “I can’t finish checking this”…
Murata: Right.
Souma: It was so shocking… but Shino’s yell in the real take was really a yell from his soul.
Murata: It was… Well, it’s the moment when he goes so I thought I had to put it all there, but I put so much I ended up lacking oxygen.
Souma: It was really cool. Rather than cool, it was like “ah, this is really what feelings are”.
Murata: Right, it wasn’t something beautiful… I put it out of my whole body.
Souma: Amazing…
Murata: But after that, the yell went on so long, and Souma-kun voiced his reaction after I finished, so it wouldn’t overlap.
Souma: Of course, I couldn’t overlap such a wonderful scream.
Murata: In this anime they tend to use test takes a lot.
Souma: Yep they tend to use the initial impulse.
Murata: There are times where the test take is better.
Souma: There are!
Murata: It’s the established practice so maybe this time they used the test take.
Souma: But you know, we did this together for a year, and precisely because of that, I knew “Ah, Murata-san will put out all his feelings, so I’ll listen and wait”. Well, you can’t react if you don’t listen.
Murata: That’s right.
Souma: That’s why, I had a lot of fun too. It’s kind of nice that it’s so natural. It’s not like I’m doing an effort.
Murata: It’s not like you’re attending to me.
Souma: It’s like “ah, so it’s like that, okay”. It was a weird feeling, it was painful but it was fun.
Murata: You’re right! As actors, we feel that a lot. Those kind of interactions feel good, but at the same time, the scene itself is a bit…
Souma: Yeah. Let’s go to the next message then. We got this one from Mei-san. Thank you very much. “Murata-san, Saito-san, nice to meet you!”
Murata: Nice to meet you.
Souma: “Yamagi, who supports Shino and the other pilots as the maintenance crew. I’ve been supporting him since the first season, so in episode 46 I was filled by a lot of emotions and cried out loud. So Murata-san, Saito-san, do you have any scene where you cried that has remained in your heart?”
Souma: This is… difficult… there are a lot.
Shino: Right… and when we arrived to 45, that was…
Souma: I cried at home with that, and aside from our scenes, there are a lot… For example, Naze…
Murata: Naze-san, right…
Souma: Naze’s scene was…
Murata: With Amida-san, together…
Souma: That was painful…
Murata: It really was. And at the same time, those feelings towards that boss, like “That goddamn guy!”
Souma: RIGHT! That guy!!
Murata: He’s really helping with the plot!
Souma: No, really…
Murata: Souma-kun, are you crying?!
Souma: I’m fine! I’m fine, I’m fine.
Murata: Feelings overflow.
Souma: There are a lot of scenes, and you make new discoveries if you look back.
Murata: Everyone, please watch it again after a while.
Souma: Yes!
Murata: Then, I’ll read the next one. Pen name: Sudachi-san.
Souma: Ah, sudachi is delicious.
Murata: Right. “I started watching from season 2, and in episodes 45 and 46 Shino and Yamagi’s relationship and feelings were described, and paired up with your passionate acting, it made me cry a lot. Honestly, I was a bit surprised Shino had realized about Yamagi’s feelings, so now I’m watching season 1 again and thinking where did he realize. Is there any moment where you two think that he might have realized?”
Souma: Ah… I… Yamagi thought Shino hadn’t noticed.
Murata: That’s right.
Souma: That’s why with episode 46, I was like “Eh?!”
Murata: The shocking truth.
Souma: The thing is, if Eugene knew, that means Yamagi’s feelings are super obvious.
Murata: *laughs* Right!
Souma: He even said “You just now figured that out?”
Murata: Yeah, Eugene said that.
Souma: So, what do you think? About Shino. I guess it’s difficult to say, though.
Murata: Right. Um, I think in season 1 he hasn’t realized yet.
Souma: Right.
Murata: You know, Shino is very tolerant, so he accepts everything, in the good sense and in the bad sense. That’s why, since they were together a lot even in season 1… hm… I wonder where…
Souma: But pinpointing it exactly is a bit difficult…
Murata: There wasn’t any moment where it was pictured directly… but you know, the last moment of season 1 was amazing. Souma-kun’s “Shino!!!”
Souma: Shino!!!
Murata: He was so worried. And if you think he was taking care of the Ryusei-go as the maintenance crew too… I think it was progressively.
Souma: Ah, I see. It’s not something that happens suddenly one day. But you know, what I think is amazing is… in episode 45, in the recording, it felt like Shino hadn’t noticed Yamagi’s feelings at all, but when I watched it airing and I saw Shino’s face, and the way he combed Yamagi’s hair saying “let’s drink the two of us someday”, I was like “wait?”
Murata: Right.
Souma: I thought, “this guy is showing his manhood”
Both: *laugh*
Murata: Like, he’s attacking now.
Souma: He’s Shino-san now.
Murata: *laughs*
Souma: I thought that. I think it’d be nice if everyone thinks about it and comes to their own conclusion. But really, it makes you curious…
Murata: Right!
Souma: Shino is really cool… No, but he became very cool! He was cool at first too though.
Murata: He became more like an adult.
Souma: Yes, that’s it. Also, he was no match for Zack-san.
Murata: What was that?! What happened?!
Souma: *laughs* I’m really curious about that.
Murata: He was desperately hiding it.
Souma: Okay, so here, from Hanya-san. Thank you very much. “Murata-san, let me ask you something!”
Murata: Sure!
Souma: “When I read Murata-san’s words in interviews and events, I felt a lot of love not only towards your own character, Shino, but for Yamagi too.”
Murata: *laughs*
Souma: “What do you like about Yamagi?”
Murata: Wait, wait wait.
Souma: “Saito-san answered what he liked about Shino in another radio episode, so please, Murata-san, answer it too.”
Murata: Hmm, I see. Me personally, you mean.
Souma: Murata-san himself, yes.
Murata: About if I’m pouring too much love into Yamagi.
Souma: It was a message about that, yes.
Murata: *laughs* That’s, well…
Souma: This is turning into the same development as the last time we went to the radio. Well, so how is it? As a personal opinion.
Murata: Personally, as Murata Taishi, he’s very brave, after all. He’s not like “look how much I’m doing for you”.
Souma: That’s true.
Murata: He’s modest, let’s say. He’s very pure, the purest Japanese. And that’s how I want him to stay, personally. He’s like, hmm, stepping back? It’s not too good though, this is an age where woman also are stepping forward, but he’s like supporting from behind.
Souma: I see.
Murata: He’s a boy though.
Souma: *laughs* Well, well.
Murata: Well, well, well.
Souma: But you know, until the end, there was a theory that Yamagi was actually a girl, between the viewers.
Murata: Eh? Really? There was?
Souma: And I was like “Eh? Then, me…?”
Both: *laugh*
Murata: “I was casted, but…”
Souma: Like, “Could it be I was voicing a woman?”
Murata: Now that you mention it, his silhouette when he was looking at the Flauros was… very… you know… like a girl.
Souma: Um, his butt…
Murata: Yes!!!
Souma: His butt looked so… soft…
Murata: It did.
Souma: Right.
Murata: Right.
Souma: What does it mean?
Murata: Sunrise-san, what is this??
Both: *laugh*
Murata: Well, it was very nicely drawn.
Souma: In Orphans, you know, there are Yamagi’s feelings towards Shino, and also the Turbines people. There are many shapes of love.
Murata: There are.
Souma: There are no prejudices or discrimination, it’s just “this is how it is”, they’re written completely normally, and it’s amazing.
Murata: This is also why it became popular, too.
Souma: Definitely.
Murata: Well, let’s go to the next one. Pen name: Suzu Castella-san.
Souma: Thank you very much.
Murata: “Yamagi liked Shino, right?” Eh…? What kind of beginning is this? (this doesn’t make sense in english, but the way he read it in japanese sounded ambiguous)
Souma: Ah, that Yamagi…
Murata: …liked Shino.
Souma: It sounded like “I like Yamagi/Shino, right?” or something, well I’m sure there are people who like it.
Murata: Right. Well, could be. “I thought that might be the case, but I was really surprised to hear it directly from Shino’s mouth. And then, after knowing this, I thought Yamagi would’ve liked to talk more with Shino. So here, a question: what do you think Shino would say if he had survived and they had fulfilled the promise of drinking together?”
Souma: What would…
Murata: Yep! They made a promise, after all.
Souma: But you know, I don’t think Yamagi would dare to get to the core of it.
Murata: Right, that’s…
Souma: Because if he did, you’d think “then what was that from episode 45…” Everything until episode 45, I mean.
Murata: Right, his hidden feelings.
Souma: But Shino would probably interact with him like always.
Murata: You’re right. He wouldn’t do anything dangerous.
Souma: No, but you know, Shino always says “let’s go to a place with lots of pretty girls”, but if he were drinking seriously with Yamagi, he would never ever say that.
Murata: Yep yep.
Souma: But in the first season he would have. At the beginning of the first season, for better or for worse, he had no delicacy.
Murata: Right *laughs*
Souma: Episode 45’s Shino would never say it.
Murata: It’s like a push and pull. But this is something I’m really curious about.
Souma: Right! I know it’s beautiful precisely because it’s not shown, but still… we want to see it too!
Murata: Right.
Souma: Even if it’s an “if” series.
Murata: An “if” series, or a spin-off. So, Sunrise-san, please…
Souma: Well, for now, we need everyone to buy it.
Both: *laugh*
Souma: Okay, next, from Hitomi-san. Thank you. “Souma-kun, Murata Taishi-san, welcome back, Ryusei-go!”
Murata: *laughs* I’m back. I know I can’t say it with my own name, though.
Souma: He’s Murata Taishi now.
Murata: Yes I am.
Souma: “The previews for the second season were the seiyuu’s ad-libs, and Murata-san’s “I will definitely protect you” and “Or I should carry you in my arms like a princess” were very shocking. It didn’t say who was it directed to, but I was convinced it was to Yamagi. I thought Murata-san joked about the “carry like a princess” but surprisingly Yamagi appeared like that in the following episode”.
Both: *laugh*
Souma: “That’s our Murata-san. Please tell us about the details on how this ad-lib was born.”
Murata: The details?
Souma: You just did a proper preview, right?
Murata: Yep. It was like a complementation. Suddenly Yamagi was dragged into the cockpit, and Shino was like “my bad”. But the process until then wasn’t shown, so I thought, why not do it in the preview. It was on my own though, without asking the writer or anything *laughs*
Souma: No, but that’s their fault for letting us improvise.
Murata: Right! I was so surprised!
Souma: Because it was written like, “Next on Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans, subtitle, from now on ad-lib”
Murata: Who came up with this, seriously?!
Souma: Right. But honestly, I was glad, actually.
Murata: *laughs* I see.
Souma: And people called me the “preview performer”, you know.
Murata: *laughs*
Souma: But really, that “ta-da da da! … Idiot” was amazing.
Murata: That was so good. It felt like an answer. We won’t say who, though.
Souma: He’s only saying that “should I carry you like a princess”.
Murata: Right. I’ll say this because I can say it now, but I thought really hard about it for a whole week!
Souma: Yes!! Because that’s like a call up notice!
Murata: Right!!
Souma: Like “Uwah, I’m neeext?!”
Murata: Yes!! It’s like going to the battlefield.
Souma: Because if I think of one and then I get told “no, another one would be better”…
Murata: It happens.
Souma: If I don’t bring like three or four patterns I get very anxious!
Murata: Right!!! The one just for laughs and the serious one.
Souma: Let’s say the one just for laughs first, and if it goes through then great, if not “ah, then I’ll do the safer one”
Murata: Yeah yeah. We’re going to the limit. We thought about them like script writers though.
Souma: We do things just for laughs, but seriously. That’s important.
Murata: Yep. Thank you everyone for the mails. And that’s all for Ryusei Post office!
 TL note:  “The sustenance of life is on the radio!” is a reference to the show’s catchphrase “The sustenance of life is on the battlefield”. They say it in the radio show every time.
And for those interested, here’s a few news!
First of all, Ryusei-go Radio Station CD 2 has been announced!!! The first CD was super popular so we got a sequel. It will be included in a special 2-disc CD which also will include a radio CD of the Earth Branch with Mika (Kawanishi Kengo), Takaki (Amasaki Kouhei), Chad (Ishiya Haruki) and Aston (Kumagai Kentaro)
Tekkadan Radio Station ended a few weeks after the anime, but now it’s got a revival and it airs once a month with Kawanishi and a monthly personality. July’s is Yamagi (Saito Souma). You can listen to it from July 30th onwards here (it’s region locked though)
New Gundam IBO T-shirts will be released soon. The characters they’re based on are Mika Orga, Eugene, Akihiro, Shino, and Yamagi!! It’s really amazing how Yamagi’s become important enough to be in the same level as the main characters. That’s thanks to the fans’ love for sure.
The staff ran a poll some time ago to decide which Tekkadan characters would get an image perfume. The winners were Orga and Shino (Murata Taishi was wearing Shino’s today), and apparently Yamagi and Mika were 3rd and 4th respectively, so they’re getting one too. Again, Yamagi is amazing.
Aaaand that’s all! I hope you enjoyed it, and I recommend 100% buying this radio CD because the quiz part was super fun too. Feel free to send me any comments/messages about it, I’d be really happy!
Thanks for reading!!
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kpoprambles00-blog · 6 years
CLC (씨엘씨) - No.1 (8th Mini Album) [COMEBACK REVIEW]
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2019 already seems to be the year of underrated artists finally hitting it big in some shape or form. It started with Chungha, and the trend has (thankfully) continued with CLC. These girls have been on the go for 4 years, and after the addition of two new members and a drastic concept change, they've FINALLY got their first music show win alongside some mainstream success. And it's about damn time, if you ask me! CLC have been a group I've kept an eye on since the start; I vividly remember listening to "Pepe" when it came out, and falling in love with Yeeun's rapping pretty much instantly.
But that was then - what about now? Does "No. 1" live up to the calibre of their past albums in terms of quality? Let's take a look and see!
This song is so good I couldn't wait to cover it - and I didn't! I've already talked about it in my winter comeback review. But every single point I made in that review still stands; "NO" is a fantastic dance-inspired track that shows just how far these girls have come. Every single member of CLC is at her most confident here, and it shows. It also helps that Soyeon's composition and lyric writing skills are excellent, and she managed to help create a super successful song for CLC. Good on her! Good on CLC too - I feel like they've finally reached their full potential with this concept, and I can't wait to see where it takes them in the future.
Since I've already talked about this song, though, I figured I'd draw some attention to a REALLY good dance cover I came across on YouTube recently! (Cause why not?)
[Unfortunately I can’t include the dance videos in this post because of the video limit! Here’s the link though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdMOU7zjWn8]
I've never heard of RISIN', and I'm not sure how popular they are, but if this is the standard they have in the rest of their covers, I may have a new favourite cover crew. And I'm someone that likes accuracy in cover dances - hell, it's why I like East2West so much. These girls are talented as hell, and I'll definitely be checking their other stuff out! 
Back to CLC, though. Now we're getting into what is (normally) unfamiliar territory for me. CLC have always been a group whose title tracks I've loved, but I never normally listen to their side tracks. That's a habit I normally reserve for my bias groups only. But hey, starting this blog has helped me broaden my horizons a bit; I listen to a lot of full mini albums and EPs now, including this one! So what do I think of "Show" as a song itself?
...okay, since when were CLC's sidetracks THIS good, 'cause if I'd had known sooner, I would've listened to them ages ago.
Like jeez. I wasn't expecting much from "Show", but after liking the short preview in the highlight medley, I got excited to hear the full thing. And aside from the bubbly/wub wub sound effect during the verses that I really don't like (seriously, who let 2012 Skrillex into CLC's recording studio), it's certainly an impressive song! It's got some real momentum to it, and it was the sort of song I heard potential in the minute it started up.
The melody is catchy, the choruses pack a huge punch, and all of the members sound fantastic. Especially Yeeun, and that's not just because she's my bias - I feel like she REALLY stands out here. Her raps have momentum in and of themselves, and when you pair them with a great song like this, everything comes together to make a damn good track. Eunbin's spoken adlib towards the end and Seunghee and Sorn trading high notes are probably my other favourite parts here - there's a lot of great elements to "Show".
The lyrics are... surprisingly sexy, actually. But what makes them interesting to me is that there's this strange sense of vulnerability in them as well - yes, this girl is confident, but there's a layer of delicacy underneath that most people don't see because they can't get close to her. They're very refreshing!
Before falling in my sharp gaze I want you to hold onto me for a little [longer] [...] Now in this feeling, [we can] be more honest with each other
What surprised me most about "Show", though, was that we actually have a choreography to look at as well! But is it as good as the song itself?
[Unfortunately I can’t include the dance videos in this post because of the video limit! Here’s the link though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSUhJC_0Wuw]
I'd say it is, actually. It immediately reminded me of Melody Day's routine to "Kiss on the Lips" - graceful and elegant, yet with a great deal of complexity hiding underneath. The formation changes are silky smooth, and it's honestly a really well put together routine! Every move flows into one another and nothing feels disjointed, which can be hard to achieve when you've got so many position changes. It's very impressive, especially for a side track - they didn't have to go all out on a routine, but they did and it makes me insanely happy.
Overall, "Show" really managed to surpass my expectations. Like I said, if I had known CLC's side tracks were as good as this, I would've checked them out ages ago! After listening to it for the first time, "Show" got me thinking - "if the rest of the songs on "No.1" are as good as this, I'm in for a treat!"
Yeah. Looks like I WAS in for a treat, after all. Let me just say that slow songs/ballads are not generally my thing; I'm much more of a fan of the upbeat, energy-fuelled title tracks. It's why I'm always so trepidatious when listening to an artist's side tracks. The ballads always tend to feel like letdowns to me. But I'm glad to report that that's not with the case with "Breakdown". Not at all, actually!
To sum up my thoughts, "Breakdown" is a GORGEOUS song. It's a smooth R&B track, which I wasn't sure if CLC would be able to pull off. But yet again, my expectations were met and surpassed almost immediately. This, to me, is what "Where Are You?" should've been - and I don't mean any offense with that! I like "Where Are You?" for what it is, but I really prefer this style of ballad overall.
"Breakdown" has a little bit of a sexy vibe to it, and it ends up working in its favour if you ask me. The shattering glass was a great choice as well, since it conveys how broken the relationship the girls are singing about has actually become. They're tired, and very much ready to move on - the song's slow pace conveys that excellently. On top of all this, the brief key change doesn't feel out of place or jarring in the slightest, and THAT'S a major mark of quality to me.
The lyrics are, as you'd expect, focused pretty heavily on a breakup. And yet... they're very impactful. You immediately get the sense that this girl has tried to change herself and her appearance to meet her partner's expectations. She thought that was the problem; what she didn't realise what was the relationship itself was flawed, not her or her appearance. Now that the entire thing is over and done with, she's finally able to rest easy. They're a class above what a song like this would normally have in terms of lyrics, and they're a really welcome surprise. A change of pace is always good!
I just thought I was tired of [my] long hair [I] just [cut] it off and [changed] the atmosphere Knowing that I'm different because of you, [...] I have nothing to say
"Breakdown" really sets the standard for what I look for in ballads. It's not just a nice slow song to serve as a change in mood for the album; it's got some real depth and interesting features to it. If these are the kind of ballads CLC are going to have, I'll listen to every single one of them if they're as good as this!
It's rare for me to like a side track more than the title track. When it does happen, I'm grateful for it nonetheless, but it's incredibly rare.
"Like It" is not only title track material for CLC, it's... honestly just as good as "NO". I like it even more than "NO", personally! "Like It" has got a huge sense of presence, and that's mostly thanks to the commanding bass and brass elements that are scattered throughout the instrumental. That little whistle melody is also incredibly addictive, and it just adds a cherry on top to what is one of my new favourite CLC songs. This is one of those songs that had my jaw on the fucking floor from start to finish, honestly. It never once falls into the trap of feeling overcrowded or messy, either - the choruses feel just right, and all of the instruments and elements of the instrumental work together perfectly. It's a real knockout for me.
The lyrics are nothing to gloss over here either! They're again very confident and kinda sexy, yet full of this sense of curiosity at the same time? They're very commanding, which is only fitting considering how powerful the song itself is. I like them a lot! (No pun intended.)
My greed is ample, [I'm curious about] this emotion You're one and the same - tell me, be honest [...] If you want me, don't stop
But as if THAT wasn't good enough as it is... we have choreography to look at here, too. WE'VE BEEN BLESSED, Y'ALL.
[Unfortunately I can’t include the dance videos in this post because of the video limit! Here’s the link though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJbDVjkgZTw]
Blessed, indeed. This is fucking great! Those choruses go way harder than they have any right to, let's be honest. Every move matches the song's energy and momentum beat for beat, and I really don't think I could ask for much more here. A fantastic song, some good lyrics, and a great dance? I'm very much happy with that.
I hope CLC come back with a song like "Like It" in the future, 'cause if they do, I'm there day one. This is one of the best side tracks I've heard in a while! 👏👏👏
To close out the album, we have "I Need U" - an uptempo dance track that's completely in English! That surprised me, honestly. Of all the groups to do an all-English track, I didn't expect it to be CLC; I mean, yeah, Sorn speaks English pretty damn well, but I wasn't sure if the other members would be comfortable with it. Yet here we are!
And hey, the song's not half bad either. It's full of some bouncy synths and guitar melodies that sound pretty good when combined together. I do feel like the choruses are missing a slight bit of punch, but that gets fixed within the song's closing moments thanks to some additional brass elements and adlibs. It's quite funky, which I like! There's a great sense of energy and catchiness throughout, and the song itself is a lot of fun.
The lyrics are pretty standard love song faire, albeit with some nice details thrown in here and there. They're pretty repetitive honestly, but that works in the song's favour. It's not meant to be overly complex or deep - it's just a good time. And I'm alright with that!
I got lost in your eyes from the first look It's a universe full of explosions Feel excited, we're rising, the earth shook
I feel like "I Need U" was honestly a great way to wrap up the album! It's a nice closer, for sure. And hey, when the album is as good as this, I was almost disappointed to see it end. "No.1" really managed to surprise me in more ways than one, and it has me excited to see what CLC will do from here on out. It can only be up from here, surely. My fingers are crossed for them - they were successful this time around, and I hope it continues! So long as we keep getting some good mini albums (or even a full album) like this, I can't wait to see where their success takes them.
COVER IMAGE SOURCES: CLC PNGs: PufffyCake on deviantArt Background: mycutegraphics.com No.1 and CLC 8TH MINI ALBUM logo PNGs: MissCatieVIPBekah on deviantArt
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Soundtrack of the Week 22/06/2017
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This doesn’t look like an album review...this doesn’t look like an album review at all. What is going on, sir?
This is a new thing I would like to implement into this blog called “Soundtrack of the Week” where I give a look into some of what I have been listening to over the course of the week. I felt like doing this as a way to give some kind of exposure to my hip-hop tastes, to preview any future content I would like to review and most importantly, to show projects or songs that I would either recommend people to listen to or to move as far away from as possible.  So, without further ado, here is the Soundtrack of the Week
Joyner Lucas- (508) 507 2209 Released: June 16, 2017 Label: Atlantic Records
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Last Friday (June 16, 2017), quite a few highly anticipated hip-hop projects dropped. While the world was focused on the release of Pretty Girls Like Trap Music from 2 Chainz and the rather unorthodox singing album Beautiful Thugger Girls from Young Thug, one other project was released that was spectacular. This project was the latest project (which I believe is an album) from Massachusetts M.C. Joyner Lucas. Over the last year, Joyner has been making a name for himself, releasing freestyles over the beats of Panda and Mask Off (the latter at which he takes shots at Lil Yachty and Logic...which was interesting) as well as appearing on the Tech N9ne track Sriracha (which also features Logic...damn Joyner).  This project (at least in my mind) has definitely proved that Joyner Lucas is a rapper to look out for. With impressive displays of intense lyricism and powerful storytelling, (508) 507 2209 is a must listen! (and the subject of a future review)
Concept: 4/5 Production: 3.5/5 Lyrical Content: 4.5/5 Flow and Delivery: 4/5 Repeatability: 4/5 Did I enjoy this project? Yes I did Songs to Recommend? Ultrasound, Lovely, Keep It 100, Winter Blues, Just Like You, Literally, I’m Sorry and Forever
Final Rating: 4/5
Joyner Lucas- Keep it 100 A song that personifies the story of a single hundred dollar bill as it is passed from one interesting character to the next.
Joyner Lucas- I’m Sorry A song that displays the lamentation of a man in his suicide note and the toll his death takes upon his best friend.
Royce Da 5′9″- The Bar Exam 4 (Hosted by DJ Green Lantern) Released- June 20, 2017 Label: Self-Released
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I will make something very clear...I LOVE ROYCE (No homo). Ever since I first heard him and Eminem together on Hell: The Sequel, Royce Da 5′9″ has become one of my all-time favourite rappers. Since 2011, he has dropped nothing but straight fire and this mixtape is not an exception. 
The fourth installment of The Bar Exam series, Royce is doing something we don’t really see much in hip-hop these days; a mixtape of freestyles on other people’s beats. This sounds weird to say but newer rappers don’t do this anymore so to see an OG (and one of the best rappers on earth) releasing a mixtape filled with freestyles on some of the biggest hits over the last few years, its a breath of fresh air and definitely worth a listen. (It is 28 tracks long though...which is a lot)
Concept: 3/5 Production: 4/5 Lyrical Content: 5/5 Flow and Delivery: 4.5/5 Repeatability: 4/5 Did I enjoy this project? Yes I did Songs to Recommend? C Delores, N My Zone: Mask Off, Combat, Gov Ball, Chopping Block, I Got The Keys Freestyle, Wait a Minute, Beats Keep Callin', Let’s Take Them To War, Magnolia Freestyle and Still Waiting
Final Rating: 4.1/5
Royce Da 5′9″- Beats Keep Callin’ Freestyles over Bad and Boujee & Lockjaw (with the mixtape version having a beat switch to FuckWithMeIKnowYouGotIt in between)
Royce Da 5′9″- Let’s Take Them To War Freestyles over Moves & No Hook
Vince Staples- Summertime ‘06 Released: June 30, 2015 Label: Def Jam Recordings, ARTium Recordings and Blacksmith Records
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Vince Staples is another artist I have only started to listen to over the last year but he is quickly rising to becoming one of my favourite rappers in the new age of hip-hop. He is a rapper that speaks a lot of social issues in his songs, more specifically the issues that affect black Americans and how his own personal experiences in the hood of Long Beach, California are reflective of this. 
While some artists tend to sugarcoat these experiences to ease listeners into these issues, Vince is point-blank, he holds no punches and expresses his views with no filter. So much so that a mother posted an 11-minute video on YouTube called “Norf Norf Rant” where she would read the lyrics of the single Norf Norf and burst into tears on camera. This was my first real exposure to Vince Staples (as well as features on the Jhene Aiko song The Vapours and ScHoolboy Q song Ride Out) and frankly, I’m always pleased to know that hip-hop still offends middle-classed people even with it being placed in mainstream culture (even though Norf Norf is not even offensive when you compare it to the trap songs on the radio).
Anyway, Summertime ‘06 is a meaningful debut for Vince Staples and while it didn’t go platinum, it is an immense depiction of the life of black teenagers in America and it is certainly an underrated project. This album, alongside his EP, Prima Donna has got me excited for his upcoming album The Big Fish Theory...which comes out tomorrow (June 23, 2017)
Concept: 4/5 Production: 4/5 Lyrical Content: 5/5 Flow and Delivery: 4/5 Repeatability: 4/5 Did I enjoy this project? Yes, I did Songs to Recommend? Lift Me Up, Norf Norf, Birds and Bees, Dopeman, Jump Off The Roof and Senorita 
Final Rating: 4.2/5
Vince Staples- Norf Norf A strong summary of a young black male living in the “Norfside” of Long Beach, California while the video depicts the fate of wrongfully arrested black males. (How offensive is that?)
This week has been a week of deep storytelling, calmer, more hypnotic beats and straight up freestyles. Next week, I can tell I will be listening to a lot more Vince Staples as well as mentally preparing for the Jay-Z album dropping next Friday...Am I even ready for that???
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Appearing before The Dramacourt: While You Were Sleeping Eps 9 and 10
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
***Disclaimer***: This analysis based on Canadian law. This is also NOT LEGAL ADVICE for anyone and this drama is FICTIONAL.
Whether the mother-daughter relationship is believable.
Whether you can charge someone as abetting driving under the influence (DUI).
Whether the best way to get a coworker to take over your night shift is to offer to set them up on a blind date.
Whether Woo Tak’s theory makes sense.
The Rule(s):
Maybe. It depends on the facts of the case.
Depends on how desperate the coworker is.
Yes. Its totally logical and makes sense.
RedRosette J: This episode was really really slow and was totally filler. Honestly, there was no need spend an hour on resolving Hong Joo’s “should I or should I not got back to work” issue. It could have been resolved in 30 minutes or less. What I did like about this episode was how it showed that the characters are all intertwined in some way. The coffee shop girl to the chicken shop guy (who is Kang Ki Young in an awesome cameo as the “Chicken Killer”) to our lead characters. It’s a weird six degrees of separation situation. Other than Hong Joo’s work issue, Woo Tak desperately trying to figure out the connection between the Dream Scooby Gang, the introduction of the Chicken Killer, and a super creative way to include a Subway PPL, nothing else of much significance really happened.
Seeing your death may be pretty scary
Trying to convince your brother to do something like…
…and it doesn’t work
When you are dead serious about getting your money’s worth of chicken
Starring: Kang Ki Young as the “Chicken Killer”
When you’re questioning your life choices
When you a boss and  you know it
The curse of the night shift
Something is wrong in this scenario
RedRosette J: There were some romantic moments where Jae Chan decided that he was going to be there for Hong Joo and there was some hugging and stuff but honestly, I’m still not sold on the romance and it seemed like he was just waiting for it to end. Also, Yoo Beom is back to being a lawyer as if none of his reprehensible acts from last week happened (Ugh!). At least the previews for the next episodes were a little bit more exciting: read courtroom drama.
Changing the future like…
What’s the point of ties if not to wipe of smudged eye makeup?
Yup. Still an ass.
Issue 1: Whether the mother-daughter relationship is believable.
RedRosette J: One of the most believable things in this drama is the mother-daughter relationship between Hong Joo and her mother. They are BFFs in addition to being mother and daughter and I love that she believes that her mother is her rock and her safe space. Her mother, likewise, stands and watches guard over Hong Joo. I love that she’s a very observant character and only intervenes when she feels like there is a genuine threat to her daughter. I think this type of relationship is really believable and really legit. I love these two! #motherdaughtergoals
Issue 2: Whether you can charge someone as abetting driving under the influence (DUI).
RedRosette J: This issue that the prosecutors were arguing about is a bit tedious. In Canadian law, there isn’t really “abetting DUIs” that someone can be charged with. I’m not sure whether the Korean Penal Code has something like this, but according to Canadian law, something that they might charge this person under might be Criminal Negligence. Section 219 of the Canadian Criminal Code states that a person can be charged for doing something or even omitting to do something which shows a “wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of other persons.” This would likely mean that some sort of argument would have to be made to say that the fact that the person who gave the driver the keys and told him how to avoid the cops is behaviour that amounts to this “wanton or reckless disregard”. Obviously, other facts will have to be assessed such as a the casualties resulting from the accident and such.
However, the Chief Prosecutor’s argument that charging this person would be too harsh because he was far too removed from the causal chain of events is not likely to hold up: i.e. he didn’t even drive and all he did was give the guy the keys. In a test for negligence, you have to ask “if not for the acts of someone, would the outcome have occurred?” Arguably in this case, if not for the guy giving the keys over, the accident might not have happened. I’m not too sure if this was an issue of the translation, but Jae Chan tries to describe the same remoteness issue (the whole if not for thing…) to Hong Joo when she asks him whether he decided to vote on the issue or not. He says something like it was because he did such a trivial thing that such an awful outcome came about. As to whether this argument would work requires a deeper examination of the facts and events that happened and its all very complex.
Issue 3: Whether the best way to get a coworker to take over your night shift is to offer to st them up on a blind date.
RedRosette J: If they are desperate enough, this seems like the best incentive. I really really want to see Jae Chan follow through on this and watch his awkward and weird coworker go on this blind date LOL!
Issue 4: Whether Woo Tak’s theory makes sense.
RedRosette J: This was not the theory that I was leaning towards, but it works. It also made a lot of sense in the way that Woo Tak explained it. Feelings of extreme gratitude and indebtedness caused them to have dreams about the person who saved them so that they would be able to repay the debt by saving that person’s life. Makes total sense if you follow the chain of logic. Hong Joo saved Jae Chan so he dreams about her and Jae Chan saved Woo Tak so he dreams about him. The bigger question now is whether the coffee shop girl is going to start dreaming about Hong Joo too because she saved her and she felt the burning (even though she didn’t actually burn). Hmmmmm…..
You sure it wasn’t a girl who saved you brah?
  RedRosette J Aside: Here’s more of Jang Hae In’s cute face:
Conclusion: Appeal Dismissed.
Rating: 3 = MM. Okay. Fine (Too draggy. Please stop with Hong Joo’s pity party)
File No: While-You-Were-Sleeping-EPS-9&10 Appearing before The Dramacourt: While You Were Sleeping Eps 9 and 10 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read 
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rbeatz · 7 years
Lost Lake Festival Artist Preview
Lost Lake Music Festival will be opening its gates in a week and with so many amazing musical acts converging on one place at the same time, it would be all too easy to get lost in the sauce. So as the festival creeps closer here are some of the absolute can’t miss acts of the festival.
Playboy Manbaby
Let me put it this way, I was only interested in leaving my home in New York City and traveling back to the arid Arizona desert for this festival because Playboy Manbaby is playing it. Though I haven’t seen every band on this bill I have seen a lot of them and I feel confident in saying Playboy is going to blow them all off the stage. Lead singer Robbie Pfeffer brings enough energy to power a small country and when his compatriots are rocking as hard as him it’s hard to imagine a more explosive act on any stage. Playboy is going to be on the Piestewa Stage at 4 p.m. on Friday which means frankly I may be at home on Friday night by 6.
Coming up under the wing of Lost Lake headliner Chance the Rapper NONAME is one of the most exciting hip-hop artists in the world right now. She’s been a well-known rapper and slam poet in the Chicago scene for the better part of a decade but really caught on nationally after appearing on Chance’s Acid Rap mixtape. The 27-year-old will be hitting the Echo Stage at 5 p.m. on Friday, so it’ll leave 15-minutes to make it over from Playboy Manbaby at The Piestewa Stage.
Broods may be the most well-traveled act on the bill coming all the way from their home in Nelson, New Zealand to play Lost Lake Festival’s mainstage The Camelback Stage. Broods have been getting music fans excited with their signature tunes their debut self-titled EP dropped in January of 2014. They are somewhat of an outlier, genre-wise, compared to every other band on the bill but that only makes them so much more enticing.
Calexico is one of Tucson’s best and brightest infusing some authentic regional music into their indie rock sound. They are one of the only bands on the bill that is going to be playing a sound akin to the tunes that have been coming out of the Arizona desert for over 100-years. They are going to be rocking out the Piestewa stage at 6:45 P.M. Friday.
I covered music in Phoenix for a lot of years and the only time I recall Luda coming through was when he hosted a Super Bowl party. Now I’m not saying that the king of the south has never rolled through Phoenix before, I’m just saying if he did I don’t remember when. The man is a bonafide hip-hop legend with some of rap music’s biggest all-time hits in his catalog and he’s taking the Echo Stage at 8:15 P.M. Friday.
If you like music that was made in the 90’s go pay homage to the group that all of those bands were copying. Even the great Kurt Cobain said he just wanted Nirvana to sound like The Pixies. They are rock legends who have earned the admiration of pretty much all of their contemporaries and to this day they are still one hot ticket. Their last show in Phoenix saw them at downtown’s Comerica Theater and Lost Lake Festival will see them on the Piestewa Stage at 8:30 P.M. on Friday.
KONGOS is a platinum-selling rock band and hero’s in the Phoenix metro area. They honed their skills at a bar less than 5-miles from the festival grounds called The Lost Leaf and now as a band, they seem to only roll back through the Copper State for the biggest of shows. They are an easy band to catch live because of how often they tour but catching them in their hometown is a rarity, and keep those ears open for a secret show like they did at The Rogue Bar in Scottsdale when they were in town for the inaugural Summer Ends Music Festival. KONGOS take the Piestewa Stage at 4:30 P.M. on Saturday.
Superjam ft. The Dap-Kings
There is no one single thing that makes Bonnaroo the best festival in the country, but on a list of things that do Superjam would definitely come in pretty high up on the list. It’s a one of a kind jam session that blends groups who probably otherwise may not even know about each other together on one stage, and this one is going to be lead by the legendary Dap-Kings. Sharon Jones was a gigantic loss for the entire music-loving world, but the Dap-Kings are going to do their best chug on without their leader. Superjam will be popping off right after KONGOS on the Piestewa Stage at 6:30 P.M. Saturday.
Huey Lewis and the News
If you didn’t know Huey Lewis and the News were still playing out live then you are in exactly the same boat as me. Frankly, I thought their last hurrah was being on the “American Psycho” soundtrack. But the famed pop-rockers are still out there in the world mixing it with live shows and for the opportunity to hear Sports live in its entirety it is definitely worth spending the hour between 5;30 p.m. and 6;30 p.m. on Saturday at The Camelback Stage.  
The Roots
?uestlove is without a doubt one of hip-hop’s greatest ambassadors to mainstream America and there are many who would claim Black Thought is the single greatest M.C. of all time. Mix that together with a wildly talented and entertaining live band and you give me one good reason why the roots are not an absolute can’t miss at Lost Lake Festival? They will be rocking the Camelback Stage at 7:30 P.M. Saturday.
The Killers
Legendary hits, sold out stadiums, and a headlining slot on pretty much every other festival that has ever happened, The Killers have earned their place among the perennial major festival headliners and they’ve done it through consistency. The Las Vegas natives have been bringing high level shows to their fanbase for more than 2-decades. The Killers will be shutting down Saturday night at Lost Lake on The Camelback stage at 9:30 P.M.
If you’re coming into Lost Lake from out of town or if you’re one the literal millions from inside the Copper State that has no idea what the Phoenix music scene is all about no band on this bill will give you a better sense of what Phoenix sounds like than Fayuca. They have been making their signature mix of punk rock with Latin flavors for more than a decade and their current lineup may just be their best one yet. Fayuca may not be topping the bill at Lost Lake but they are definitely a can’t miss for anyone who cares to find out what the music in the region is really like. Fayuca is going to be opening the Camelback Stage Sunday afternoon at 12:45 P.M.
Futuristic and his stalwart DJ Kode Break are 100 percent guaranteed to make it lit. They have done nothing but grow in stature and popularity since releasing 2015’s Rise and coming in hot after being one of the only hip-hop acts on the Vans Warped Tour Futuristic is sure to want to show out for his home crowd. Futuristic takes the stage at 3:30 p.m. on The Camelback Stage.
Murs, along with his stalwart teammate DJ Foundation is a member of noteworthy hip-hop collective The Living Legends and a Tucson hip-hop staple. Murs is an intricate lyricist who has used hip-hop to branch out into other mediums like comic books. He is another real sprinkle of Arizona culture into Lost Lake and he is hitting the Echo Stage at 2:45 P.M.
Danny Brown
The residents of the Arizona desert like to define themselves as rugged individualists, which is a concept which should be right up Danny Brown’s alley as a man who is constantly lauded for his individuality. Brown is on the Camel Back Stage at 5 p.m. on Sunday and if all the reports are right he is going to put on one hell of a show.
Run The Jewels
Who would have thought that two 40-year-old underground rappers linking up would become one of the most entertaining hip-hop shows in recent memory? In a genre notorious for phoned in live performances EL-P and Killer Mike bring their A-game to every stage they touch and they have gained quite the formidable reputation doing it. Both M.C.’s have had successful solo careers in hip-hop but neither ever climbed as high as they have together. RTJ will be storming the Camelback Stage at 6:45 P.M. Sunday.
from rBeatz Radio http://ift.tt/2xBCT3u
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