#[Tags TBA]
kanabiveil · 21 days
no fancy icons yet as i am on mobile still (about to take the forbidden devils nap i will regret)….. but please like for a starter! no cap yet!
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(this is a rework of my original pinned post)
Hello Tumblr, my name is ather and after having come to this app since I’ve kind of always wanted to come here, always hated Twitter, and I was on this app via the website before I made a Twitter account so at the time I made this account I had a vague understanding of Tumblr culture via my brief experiences as a young teenager and OzMedia.
This post will 100% be updated at a later point in time because right now I cannot list all the fandoms I’m in but I will list a few
Fnaf (the first one I joined)
Undertale (& the AUs)
Baldis basics
Glitter force/precure
The DCA fandom
Gacha life (debating on whether I should leave)
Smiling critters
Cult of the lamb
Garten of banban
Sanders sides
Island of the slaughtered
As of making this post, I am 19 years old, & I’m an Agender biromantic asexual. I have autism and ADHD.
I like drawing and coming up with alternate universes, so just a heads up there
AUs I have created so far (this will be edited as time goes on to include older ones and new ones when I come up with them):
*if there isn’t any color, you can’t really find them on Tumblr yet
** I should clarify that some of my sun and moon show AU were submitted anonymously to dca prompts.. these were created before I joined the fandom.
Important. Please read!
#Bloodless passion au
#Swap shuffle au
#Dad eclipse au
#actor au (name pending)
#mer reincarnation (mermay au)
#bloodlets au (inspired by potatotato-26’s droplets AU)
#the clipse brothers au
#editor l & e au
#eclipse mystery dungeon au
#Magical boy blood moon
#papa sun & kid bloodmoon au (name pending)
#Aquarium au
#harpy au
#siren sun human moon au
#scarlet scales au (Mermay au)
#into the dream plex
This one doesn’t have a name yet.
If any of you want, here’s a link to my old pinned post (practically the first one I made)
I also have an AO3 tumblr account that was made in may.
One of my side, blogs, specifically for sending my mutuals cat pictures
My first ask blog.
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musezieren · 2 months
Bhaal: You know, for a guy who just never got over being a slave and now over compensates you really are full of yourself Bane: Oh, fuck off you little bitch Bhaal: Just saying, is that the reason you made some ex-slave and whore your Chosen? Bane: hA... HAHA... Oh you fucking piece of shit... you know what? I'll go and give my blessing for his dumb romance with your kid! Bhaal: IT'S NO ROMANCE Bane: Oh, it is! Ha, I'll fucking give him a raise... maybe another pet Beholder or something for every time he makes your kid moan like a bitch Bhaal: My child will slaughter him, fuck that dumb plan... Bane: :) Okay, whatever... If you do I'll go fuck them myself hahaHA like the time I stole one of your cults, remember? Bhaal: I'LL END YOU Bane: Try it :P Myrkul: Why... why am I in this chat?
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sceyth · 1 month
  ➖ for @kinomorebi ,
his steps were quiet, quieter as she came into view, quieter as he neared. all of him almost darkness, black boots almost as black as his shadow, his body almost lost to the absence of light he left in his wake. it bloomed in his chest the closer she was. desire. a flower that festered like fungus and fed on his marrow. the more of himself he gave to that feeling, the more it gave back. had he walked the few inches left to reach her, or crossed it through air?
some sudden fear flashed hot in his mind. a fear that seared so intensely, it cauterized itself. a sudden ache in his temple, as if the place of a flesh wound forced close. 
he put a hand on her shoulder—"boo."
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izahare · 2 days
Chapter 01 - Meetings Past
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Aizen: We're nearing the patrol that put out the call for help, Captain Suzunami.
Suzunami: You heard him, Urahara. We'd better hurry!
Urahara: Sure, that's fine. But why am I being dragged along on a Squad 5 rescue mission?
Suzunami: You were the only one available who could keep up with Aizen and me.
Aizen: This is an emergency, Captain Urahara. We hope you don't mind.
Urahara: Fine, but I'd rather leave this kind of stuff to you young folks and just devote myself to my research.
Aizen: Training young people is one of the duties of a captain, though, sir.
Urahara: I just create things. I'm no good at training people.
Suzunami: All right, that's enough griping. I sense hollows nearby!
Aizen: Six of them... No, seven? So many in one place!
Suzunami: Too many for the patrol squad to try and handle alone. I hope we make it in time!
Urahara: Where's that Yoruichi when you need her anyway?
Suzunami: No!
Aizen: All five patrol members, dead. At least they managed to lure six of the Hollows into this vacant lot and minimise the damage. They didn't die in vain.
Urahara: I don't get it, though. Hollows don't usually operate in groups. But here they all are together.
Suzunami: We can think about that later. Right now, it's time to avenge the deaths of our men.
Urahara: Yeah, we have a score to settle. Let's move! We still have to figure out where that seventh Hollow went, too.
(kill a hollow)
Urahara: Great. All we have to do now is keep it up.
Suzunami: Right.
(battle won)
Urahara: That ought to do it!
Urahara: Well that takes care of that.
Suzunami: Aizen, you stay here and stand guard.
Aizen: Yes, sir.
Suzunami: Urahara, you come with me. We'll go look for that other Hollow.
Urahara: Sure. I'll bet that one's the leader.
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MC: Fujimaru
Fujimaru Kudo: Aaagh!
Matsuri Kudo: Fujimaru!
Strange Hollow: Heh heh heh. Well, aren't you the little hero? Think you can protect your sister, do you?
Matsuri Kudo: ...
Strange Hollow: What an interesting pair of souls. You're what they call "twins", aren't you?
Matsuri Kudo: ...
Fujimaru Kudo: M-Matsuri...
Strange Hollow: I'm quite the connoisseur of rare and unusual souls, you see. So I just know I'm going to LOVE devouring yours! I'll start with the eldest. Would that be you, or is it your half-dead brother there?
Matsuri Kudo: Here they come!
Strange Hollow: Tsk! The Soul Reapers are coming! And I sense overwhelming spiritual pressure from them, too! Remember my name! Mad Eater will be back someday to make a snack of your souls!
Suzunami: Darn! It got away!
Urahara: I don't sense it anymore. 
Urahara: Huh?
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Matsuri Kudo: ... 
Suzunami: The Hollow got him, eh? 
Matsuri Kudo: He's still alive. 
Suzunami: ...
Urahara: (Hmm, those wounds... I don't think the poor kid's gonna make it.)
Matsuri Kudo: He's still alive! 
Urahara: I'll leave it up to you, Captain Suzunami. What do you think? 
Suzunami: ... & Matsuri Kudo: ... 
Suzunami: Urahara, you take care of the girl. I'll carry the boy.
Urahara: ! & Matsuri Kudo: !
Matsuri Kudo: Oh, thank you, sir! 
Suzunami: Don't you worry, little girl. Your brother's going to be just fine. 
Matsuri Kudo: Thank you! 
Urahara: (I dunno about this. I mean, even if an Emergency Relief Team were right here, I still don't know if they could save him.) 
MC: Matsuri
Strange Hollow: Heh heh heh. Nowhere left to run, you tasty-looking little tidbits!
Fujimaru Kudo: Uh oh. & Matsuri Kudo: ...
Fujimaru Kudo: (I have to make sure Matsuri gets away!)
Matsuri Kudo: Don't try anything stupid. We can still buy some time here.
Fujimaru Kudo: But Matsuri!
Matsuri Kudo: I can hear them. They're out there killing off Hollows. Don't give up now! We still might get some help here!
Strange Hollow: I can hear you, juicy little ones!
Fujimaru Kudo: Hey!
Matsuri Kudo: Fujimaru!
Matsuri Kudo: Unh!
Fujimaru Kudo: What did you do to my sister?!
Strange Hollow: You little bite-sized souls are too smart for your own good! The souls of twins are so rare, I was going to take my time and enjoy you, but now it looks like I won't get that luxury. Hmm? Tsk! The Soul Reapers are coming! And I sense overwhelming spiritual pressure from them, too! Remember my name! Mad Eater will be back some day to make a snack of your souls!
Suzunami: Darn! It got away!
Urahara: I don't sense it anymore. Huh?
Suzunami: ... & Urahara: (Those wounds on the girl that boy is holding... they look fatal.)
Suzunami: Did the Hollow get her, son?
Fujimaru Kudo: Gimme your sword!
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Suzunami: What?! & Urahara: …
Fujimaru Kudo: I'm gonna make it pay! I'm gonna go make it pay right now!
Urahara: Oh, boy. Kids these days!
Fujimaru Kudo: Please! Lemme use your sword!
Suzunami: No. Your sister just risked her life to save yours. You're not just going to go throw it away now, are you? 
Fujimaru Kudo: But--
Fujimaru Kudo: Then, you've gotta save her!
Suzunami: ... & Urahara: ...!
Suzunami: Urahara, you take care of this boy. I'll carry the girl.
Fujimaru Kudo: ?! & Urahara: ?!
Fujimaru Kudo: Do you think she's gonna be all right?!
Urahara: (I dunno about this. I mean, even if an Emergency Relief Team were right here, I still don't know if they could save her.)
Suzunami: Don't you worry, young man. Your sister's going to be just fine.
MC: Fujimaru
Graceful Woman: He's going to be all right now.
Gentleman: His color looks a lot better. He'll probably wake up soon. 
Anxious Girl: I hope so! 
Fujimaru Kudo: Nnh... 
Graceful Woman: Oh my! 
Fujimaru Kudo: Hmm? 
Graceful Woman: Good morning. 
Fujimaru Kudo: Mmm... So sleepy. 
Matsuri Kudo: Wake up, Fujimaru! You can wake up, can't you? 
Fujimaru Kudo: Huh? Oh, it's you, Matsuri. 
Matsuri Kudo: Hey, c'mon! Snap out of it! Wake up and thank Lord Seigen and Lady Konoka properly, will you?! 
Fujimaru Kudo: Huh? Lord Seigen? Lady Konoka? 
MC: Matsuri
Graceful Woman: She's so cute, sleeping like that.
Gentleman: So she's going to be all right now, is she?
Matsuri Kudo: (Nnh... What? I...) (Huh? Where am I? Hey, wait a--!) Where's Fujimaru?!
Graceful Woman: ... & Gentleman: …
Matsuri Kudo: ...? Huh?
Fujimaru Kudo: Morning, Lady Konoka. Morning, Lord Seigen.
Graceful Woman: Oh, Fujimaru. Good morning!
Matsuri Kudo: Fujimaru?!
Fujimaru Kudo: Huh? Well, look at that! Matsuri is awake!
Matsuri Kudo: Is that all you can say?! Why don't you try filling me in on what's going on here?!
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(Talk to Matsuri)
Fujimaru Kudo: What happened to me? Where are we?
Matsuri Kudo: You were attacked by a Hollow. You almost died. But then Lord Seigen and Lady Konoka saved you!
Fujimaru Kudo: Oh, wow… But, hey, thank goodness you’re all right, Matsuri.
Matsuri Kudo: You big dummy! Try worrying about yourself instead of me for a change.
Fujimaru Kudo: No way. You’re my little sis.
Matsuri Kudo: Aw, c’mon. We’re twins. That “older/younger” thing doesn’t mean a whole lot in our case.
Fujimaru Kudo: Of course it does! I’m always gonna be your big brother.
Matsuri Kudo: Yeah, yeah.
(Talk to Fujimaru)
Matsuri Kudo: Go ahead, Fujimaru. Explain what’s happening!
Fujimaru Kudo: Do you remember stepping in front of me and getting attacked by the Hollow?
Matsuri Kudo: Of course. And you’re all right?
Fujimaru Kudo: Yeah. Lord Seigen showed up right after that, and the Hollow ran away.
Matsuri Kudo: Oh… thank goodness.
Fujimaru Kudo: Thank goodness?! I thought you were dead, you know!
Matsuri Kudo: But I’m okay now, so it all worked out, right?
Fujimaru Kudo: But you could’ve died! I don’t care if we ARE twins. You’re still my little sister. You can’t go before me!
Matsuri Kudo: All right, all right! You don’t have to get all weird about the “big brother” thing!
(Talk to Suzunami)
Player Twin: I, uh…/I…
Suzunami: If you’re going to thank anybody, thank Konoka and your sister/brother. I just brought you here as part of my duty as captain
Player Twin: Captain?
Suzunami: That’s right. I’m Seigen Suzunami, Captain of Squad 5, of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.
Player Twin: Seigen Suzunami?
Suzunami: And this is my home. You’ve been asleep for an entire day.
Player Twin: It’s only been one day since that Hollow attacked me?/A day? I’ve only been asleep for a single day?
Suzunami: That’s right.
Player Twin: Huh. It seems like I’ve been asleep for a lot longer than that./It feels like I was sleeping for a lot longer. 
(Talk to Konoka)
Player Twin: Um, Lady Konoka, was it?/So you’re Lady Konoka?
Konoka: That’s right. Konoka Suzunami.
Player Twin: Konoka Suzunami?
Konoka: Yes. It’s nice to meet you, Fujimaru/Matsuri Kudo. How are you feeling? Do you have any discomfort?
Player Twin: No, nothing at all. Huh, I wonder why it doesn’t hurt. I think I remember that Hollow really doing some serious damage to my back./Oh, that’s right! That Hollow got me… but I don’t see any trace of it anywhere now!
Konoka: Yes, it healed up nicely, don’t you think? I did my best so it wouldn’t leave a scar./I couldn’t leave any scars to mar a pretty young lady’s body, now, could I? I’m glad it healed so nicely.
Player Twin: Hey, you’re right. So you’re the one who healed me?
Konoka: That’s right.
Player Twin: Th-Thank you./Th-Thank you very much!
Konoka: That must have been such a frightening experience for you! But you can relax now. You’re safe. The only thing you have to think about now is getting better.
Player Twin: Yes, ma’am. So, what is this place?/And where am I?
Konoka: You’re in the Seireitei. This is the Suzunami mansion.
Player Twin: Seireitei?
Konoka: The Seireitei is the central area of the Soul Society, where the Soul Reapers and nobility live.
Player Twin: Does that mean you’re a Soul Reaper?
Konoka: No, no. I’m not a Soul Reaper.
Player Twin: Nobility, then?/So you’re nobility?
Konoka: Well, I suppose you could say that. Although we certainly live a modest existence here.
Player Twin: Huh./Oh, I see.
We owe our lives to Lord Seigen and Lady Konoka. Who knows what would’ve happened if they hadn’t rescued us. But mainly, I’m just glad that Matsuri is safe and sound. This is Lord Seigen’s estate, and Lady Konoka is his sister. I was seriously injured, but Lady Konoka healed me somehow. I wonder how she managed to do that in a single day. I still can’t believe it.
I owe my life to Lord Seigen and Lady Konoka. The two of them saved me. This is Lord Seigen’s estate, and Lady Konoka is his sister. It seems Lady Konoka saved me from the brink of death. But I can’t understand how I could recover like this in a single day. It’s like a miracle or something. Still, I wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for my brother, Fujimaru. No matter what, I can always depend on him. 
Urahara: I can’t believe it.
Fujimaru Kudo: Lady Konoka, can I have some more apples?
Matsuri Kudo: I want some, too!
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Konoka: Okay, but make sure you share! Here you go.
Matsuri Kudo: Mmm, yum! & Fujimaru Kudo: I love apples!
Urahara: Wow!
Konoka: So, what do you think? Good as new, right?
Urahara: I’ll say! The picture of health, after only two days! How did you do it, Konoka?
Suzunami: Urahara.
Urahara: Oh. Well, I guess some things are better left unexplored. But I do have a suggestion, if you want to hear it.
Suzunami: A suggestion?
Urahara: What do you think about taking these two in?
Suzunami: Here?
Konoka: Of course! That was my intention from the beginning.
Urahara: Really? You’re sure it’s all right?
Konoka: You don’t mind, do you, Seigen?
Suzunami: Well, allowing Rukon District residents to live in the Seireitei is technically prohibited… But if that’s what you want, Konoka, I’m more than willing to go along with it.
Urahara: Hey, that’s great! You kids, you like Seigen and Konoka, don’t you?
Matsuri Kudo: Of course! & Fujimaru Kudo: They’re great!
Konoka: Good, then. It’s settled. You can live right here with us!
Matsuri Kudo: Yippee!
Fujimaru Kudo: Yeah! We get to stay with Lady Konoka!
Urahara: (Good. I guess that takes care of that. For now, anyway.)
Fujimaru Kudo: Are there any more apples?
Urahara: You wolfed down all of those apples already? Between the two of you?!
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Fujimaru Kudo: Yeah. I’m still hungry, though.
Matsuri Kudo: Yeah, me too!
Urahara: (Hmm. A good appetite is a sign of strong spiritual power. In that case…) Hey, kids. I’ve got a proposal for you two.
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MC: Fujimaru
Matsuri Kudo: So…
Fujimaru Kudo: Hmm?
Matsuri Kudo: Do you really think we can be Soul Reapers? Mr. Urahara said he was sure we could do it, but I dunno.
Fujimaru Kudo: Yeah, I know, huh? Soul Reapers…
Matsuri Kudo: He said if we become Soul Reapers, we can keep right on living with Lady Konoka and Lord Seigen. But do you really think we’ll ever be able to fight Hollows and stuff? I mean, us?
Fujimaru Kudo: Sure we will! I know we can do it! We’ll live with Lady Konoka and Lord Seigen, and we’ll find a way to thank them for helping us.
Matsuri Kudo: Yeah, I like the sound of that. Okay, let’s become Soul Reapers, then!
Fujimaru Kudo: Yeah!
(Who knows?)
Fujimaru Kudo: Who knows? Maybe. But as long as there’s a chance, I think we have to try. If we go back to the Rukon District, we won’t be able to repay Lady Konoka and Lord Seigen for saving us.
Matsuri Kudo: Yeah, you’re right. We’ve got to give it our best try!
Fujimaru Kudo: Right. Let’s do it. For them!
(No way.)
Fujimaru Kudo: No way. At least, that’s my first reaction. But I’d do anything for Lady Konoka and Lord Seigen. I’d even risk my life.
Matsuri Kudo: Yeah. We have to repay them for saving us.
Fujimaru Kudo: We can do this! We’ll become Soul Reapers and stay here with Lady Konoka and Lord Seigen!
MC: Matsuri
Fujimaru Kudo: So Mr. Urahara wants us to be Soul Reapers, huh? Do you really think we can do it?
Matsuri Kudo: Gee, Soul Reapers…
Fujimaru Kudo: He said it’s the only way Rukon kids like us could live in the Seireitei. But I dunno if I can picture us being Soul Reapers, fighting Hollows and stuff. Think we can?
Matsuri Kudo: Sure we can! It’s for Lady Konoka and Lord Seigen! I know we can do it! We have to repay them for saving us!
Fujimaru Kudo: Yeah… yeah, you’re right! We have to do this!
Matsuri Kudo: Let’s do it! Let’s be Soul Reapers!
Matsuri Kudo: Maybe… No, we HAVE to! Unless we don’t, we won’t be able to repay them!
Fujimaru Kudo: You’re right. We can do it if it’s for Lady Konoka and Lord Seigen!
Matsuri Kudo: Let’s do it, then! No matter what!
(No way.)
Matsuri Kudo: No way. At least, that’s what I want to say, but… We have to repay Lady Konoka and Lord Seigen for saving us!
Fujimaru Kudo: You’re right. We HAVE to do it… Yeah, let’s do it!
Matsuri Kudo: Yeah, let’s be Soul Reapers!
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Several years later… I became a Soul Reaper along with my sister Matsuri/brother Fujimaru. I wanted to keep the oath made that fateful day…
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blondreapr · 2 months
⸻ ❝ Grim Reapers must remain neutral between God and humans. they are strictly forbidden from intervening in or influencing human affairs. Their principal job is to check each dying soul's Cinematic Record, or kaleidoscope of memories, one by one, to determine whether they deserve to die. ❞
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↳ 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆 is portraying &. writing as 𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐙𝐀 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐃 from the KUROSHITSUJI ( black butler ) franchise. this character is an original concept. this blog supports multi-fandom, multi-verse &. au writing.
navigation links ~ ! ⸻ * about . * rules . * ask memes . * carrd .
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𝐈 . any transphobia will result in a block. this includes racism, homophobia, antisemitism, and any sort of other discrimination against minorities. be a generally courteous person, not an ignorant loudly proclaiming prejudice.
𝐈𝐈 . activity is sparse. real life comes first. with that in mind, be aware my silence is due from external means. tumblr writing is not my obligation, it is a side project and/or hobby.
𝐈𝐈𝐈 . i openly ship. if i have an idea for romantic chemistry, i may reference it. however, i will not push it upon another, nor would i appreciate others pushing their characters onto me.
𝐈𝐕 . no, you are not spamming my inbox. always send prompts or memes. i wholeheartedly welcome it. so long as there is no anonymous hate sent, my inbox is open to all.
𝐕 . i am an adult. i presume most of my followers are. please act your age; any drama, vague-posting, will result in an instantaneous block. this isn't twitter, you're not a vigilante seeking justice. resolve your issues privately.
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destiniesfated · 1 year
+ @tragidies ( soulmate au )
the world makes more sense when you’ve found your soulmate, that’s what he’s heard anyway. he’s not sure why things are the way that they are, or why his soulmate is picked at the hands of the universe, or the gods, whoever it may be. he hoped for a while that it would be noctis, if not because of his crush on the man then maybe just because that was his only friend. he'd sat for hours, for as long as he could remember, pining over the other. praying to the gods that whatever his fate may be, that he'd end up with him someway, somehow. but when the words appear on his skin long after he’s come in contact with him, he knows it can’t possibly be. and gods, how he'd waited each day for those words to appear -- for them to match anything the other had said to him; so he could cling to whatever hope he'd had left.
prompto isn’t really well versed in soulmate stuff, never took the time to learn more about it. he’s not sure how it works, but he’s been paying close attention to who says what to him. ever since he'd spent hours inspecting every inch of skin after meeting noctis to make sure that it couldn't possibly be him -- he'd took it upon himself to go out of his way to introduce himself to every person he possibly could. then he'd go home and do his routine inspection, only to be left markless. until the day finally came where the words appeared, a sure indicator that he'd be meething this soulmate relatively soon. pleased to make your acquaintance. he traces his finger over the words marked along his skin, soft sigh falling from his lips. this couldn’t be just anyone, could it ? no, surely it was someone prompto would know when they met. though, he tries not to think too much about it as he walks through the citadel with noctis, only stopping once they reach the kitchen to grab breakfast after training. ❛ ‘sup, man ? ❜ prompto hums, offering ignis a warm smile when their eyes meet. he'd learned a lot about ignis over the time him and noctis had spent together, and secretly he'd been jealous of the man for how much time he really got to spend with the prince. ❛ what's cookin', good lookin' ? ❜
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pentaghest · 1 year
❛ what are you looking at? ❜
CASSANDRA WAS NOT BLIND, NOR A DUNCE. She could admit to herself that Kassandra was an imposing, yes, but very conventionally attractive woman. Tall, statuesque, almost, hard muscle from years of labour with long hair and olive skin. Her appearance was one of a warrior, which was admirable, but what impressed the Seeker the most was the strength behind it.
She had felt that strength in the chasm herself. The kiss replayed in her mind like a recording; lips pressing against one another as if they were warring, passionate enemies instead of reluctant allies. It had been badgering her ever since, lurking around the corner of every thought that she had. It was especially insistent now under the hot Hinterland sun. It was a rare moment of rest in camp, the Seeker lounging under a tree in the shade. She had been observing the other warrior train with interest, noting the bizarre style in which she fought. It wasn't until the heat began creeping up on them that the problems began: Kassandra, smashing another training dummy, the hard lines of her muscle glistening with sweat in the sun.
Cassandra hadn't realized she had been staring until the other woman had called her out. She blinked in confusion, momentarily speechless, before offering a delayed response. "... What?" She asked. Kassandra's question hung in the air for an awkward moment. The Seeker cleared her throat.
"My apologies, I had simply noticed—" Cassandra paused, parsing her words, sifting for something to say besides I had noticed how you look in the sunlight. "... Well, I was wondering—where did you learn to fight? I have never seen a style such as yours."
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snagorre · 1 year
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“ Hi. ” :)
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multimusinqs · 10 months
does my blog show up as mature for anyone?
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paradisals · 2 years
callahan & odette // @seraphicists​​
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there   are   very   few   things   in   this   world   that   callahan   felt   truly   passionate   about.   not   I’m   a   cynical   I   hate   everything   type   of   way   because   he   enjoyed   most   things   life   had   to   offer,   but   real   passion   was   rare.   he   was   passionate   about   claudia   and   riley,   soccer   and   now   his   secret   relationship   with   his   coach’s   daughter.   everyone   who   met   callahan   assumed   the   guy   had   his   whole   life   together.   he   seems   confident   on   the   outside   but   the   truth   is,   he   never   really   felt   sure   of   himself.   meeting   odette   at   this   certain   time   in   his   life   truly   felt   like   fate   for   the   athlete.
practice   had   ended   about   an   hour   ago   and   everyone   had   already   left   for   the   day.   callahan   stayed   behind   to   kick   the   ball   around   and   practice   some   kicks.   he   was   pleasantly   surprised   when   he   saw   a   familiar   figure   walking   towards   him   on   the   field.   a   boyish   grin   he   didn’t   even   try   to   hide   occupied   his   sharp   features.   he   had   to   be   careful   however   because   he   wasn’t   sure   if   his   coach   was   following   behind.   “   what   are   you   doing   here ?”   he   couldn’t   hide   the   excitement   in   his   tone   and   he   had   hoped   that   if   coach   was   here   that   he   didn’t   hear   callahan’s   blatant   excitement   over   seeing   odette.
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frcstdfae · 1 year
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His sister being out of his life for so long felt like a stab in the chest. She had missed so much since getting out of rehab and then bouncing away to wherever the wind took her. So to see her back again, standing in front of him as if she had never left. “Mai, hey,” he spoke quietly, shuffling from one foot to the other before he was opening his arms for her. The last few weeks having been hard on him, sending him down a path he didn’t want to go down again. “Thank you for coming when I called,” he whispered quietly. “I didn’t know if you’d be able to.”
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I will say. Carnage CAN get possessive.
Do with that what you will.
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br1ghtestbulb · 1 year
i feel like the major difference between the pair after their electro accidents is that max feels it is something he has become and francine feels like it is something that was done to her
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zeninot · 1 year
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what enlightenment does to a mf
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amputeer · 2 years
i took a nap but . . . dylan loses his hand and has to walk it off for a couple hours, can't really stop &. fully process the shock or the reality, and then he winds up alone with one person that he doesn't have to waste energy trying to impress and doesn't have to worry about being judged by, and one of the first trains of thought available to him is the very real and very scary possibility that this life - changing injury is gonna make him less socially appealing, less romantically wanted . . . dylan the man that you areeeeeeeeeee
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