#[Story] Untitled Gay Professors Story
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twobellsilence · 2 months ago
okay I have Names for the New Characters. But i Still can't think of a name for the story. why is this so hard
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transman-badass · 1 year ago
Badly Summarized WIPs Poll
Tagged By: Like three people on as many blogs but I didn't have the energy to do it until now, sorry y'all
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they’d be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
Let'sa go!
In order for the curious: Untitled Gay Short Story Collection 1; "Hollywood's Prince" [working title, Runner Owen au erotica]; Untitled Cthulhu Mythos/PSI Short Story Collection; Farewell Vesperos, book 1 in the Runner Owen series; Untitled Book 1 in PSI series; Lionheart
Tagging... @lockejhaven @writeintrees @forthesanityofstorytellers @governmentintelligence @dyrewrites @angelofthemornings @tousled-birdmad-girl @wintherlywords @rookfeatherrambles and anyone else who wants to do this! I just tagged a bunch of people on my activity page tbh
Reblogs adored ngl
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horizonmoonfics · 2 years ago
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Part of the Year of the Villain collab
Genre: Smut, a bit of angst and fluff
Pairing: Evil Prince!Wooyoung x Good Prince!Yeosang (ATEEZ)
Synopsis: Throughout history, there have been countless stories of battles between good and evil. Heroes and villains knowing fame in equal parts due to their involvement in these battles. But before reaching these points, whether famous or infamous, how do these stories develop? And what happens when the heroes and villains would rather cast aside their roles? What happens when Yeosang, the only son of the most powerful and famous good royal family, falls for Wooyoung, his assigned villain?
Chapters: 1/??? There will be some prequels coming up
Word count: 7.2k
Warnings: Yeosang’s parents are mentioned to be a little bit Homophobic (never outright discuss lgbtq stuff but it’s implied), kidnapping (more like forced teleportation though), Yeosang is In Denial about being gay for a little bit, oral (m receiving), anal (again, m receiving), mentions of poison and torture but it never actually happens, mentions of alcohol
A/N: I thought about making this all medieval-y but I wanted to have a soft aftercare scene and what I had in mind did not align with the whole lack of indoor plumbing thing from medieval times so. Fantasy world with tiled bathrooms. Anyways, I’m going to make this a whole series outside of the collab, so watch out for it! Thank you to everyone who worked on the collab, this was an awesome project and I’m glad to have met yall :D 
Taglist: @sanjoongie @bobateastay @toikiii @ani-untitled​ @defwoodz​ @flurrys-creativity​
The first thing Wooyoung did after graduation was throw a party. The second thing was announce to everyone attending that he was going to kidnap Kang Yeosang, Crown Prince of Aurora, the only son of the Kang family, the Good to his Evil.
Neither of those choices proved to be very great ones, but Wooyoung was more of an “act first, think later” kind of guy.
“How exactly are you going to kidnap him?” asked Wooyoung’s friend Seonghwa, taking a sip from his cup. “And what do you plan to do after you have him?”
“Not sure yet. Torture, maybe?” Wooyoung replied. Truth be told, the only thing he really wanted to do was shirk his responsibilities as the only son of the most powerful Evil family in existence, but that was a lot easier said than done. He really needed to start thinking before he acted. 
“Okay… well, let us know if you need anything, alright?” Seonghwa said before depositing his empty solo cup in the trash can and going to find his girlfriend, Yeeun. Wooyoung nodded, saluting playfully as the older man left, before sitting down and sighing. He knew Seonghwa wouldn’t be spreading the word about his plans, but he couldn’t say the same for anyone else. He was locked in, and it terrified him. After all, he had no plan, and it can be very difficult emotionally to kidnap the one person you’re in love with. Especially when you’re not supposed to fall in love with them.
The great thing about having powerful royal parents is that they can spy on whoever they want. So, Yeosang learned very quickly that he was to be kidnapped. No other details, just a quick “Wooyoung’s going to kidnap you” when his mother’s lady-in-waiting, Wheein, returned from the party. 
Thanks a lot, he thought, panic beginning to set in. He had just returned home from graduation, and already Wooyoung was scheming. Weren’t they supposed to wait a bit before starting their story? The Writers hadn’t even told them any details yet. Yeosang needed more time to prepare.
But this was reality, he guessed. Evil waits for no one, his professors had drilled that into his brain, so he needed to get a move on with protecting himself. After all: Wooyoung was a villain. He wasn’t supposed to be considerate of Yeosang’s mental preparedness. 
Yeosang decided to spend the next few days fortifying the palace to the best of his ability. He may only be Crown Prince right now, but his story would begin soon. He needed to get a move on. 
After the party, when everyone was flopped on the floor and drunk out of their minds, Wooyoung stared up at the ceiling. Seonghwa’s words echoed in his mind. Let us know if you need anything, alright? That was what Good people said to each other. Evil people just did things, thought about the consequences later, just like Wooyoung. They certainly didn’t talk about their secret feelings for their assigned heroes, like Seonghwa was unknowingly suggesting Wooyoung do. The red-haired man couldn’t even anticipate how his friends would react if he told them. 
So he figured he’d push it out of his mind. He wouldn’t tell them. He’d go through with the kidnapping, then figure out what to do after that. The only problem, he didn’t know how to get Yeosang. 
Wooyoung sat up. There was one way. An hourglass that Yeosang had given to them their freshman year at Gunhyeong Academy, where all major Good and Evil people went to prepare. The purpose of the hourglass was to summon one another on campus if someone got lost; they’d been roommates that first year. But Wooyoung had never used it before. It would be risky… really risky. He didn’t even know how the hourglass was supposed to work. Yeosang hadn’t thought to tell him what would happen when it was turned. But he could try it. 
He shivered—from the cold or his sudden nerves, he couldn’t tell. He stood up and crept to the stairs, picking his way around his friends and trying not to curse when Taehyun rolled over onto his foot. 
Somehow, he made it to the stairs and went up to his room. He picked up the hourglass from where he’d hidden it behind his books, about to turn it, and then realized: he had no plan. What would he do once Yeosang arrived? He’d have to wait a few days before turning it, would have to actually think before acting. 
But he had the beginning of a plan. And that’s what mattered. 
Something had shifted the night he found out he was to be kidnapped. It seemed that everyone else in the palace already knew of the news before he’d even woken up. 
“Yeo-yeo, dear. Can we talk to you for a minute?” his mother had asked before striding into the Great Hall and expecting him to follow. What ensued was an hour-long lecture about being calm in the face of a threat, and that Wooyoung wasn’t anything to be afraid of. But it didn’t really help. Yeosang knew Wooyoung better than they did, though admittedly not that well, but he knew that one should never underestimate him. 
He calculates every move, he thought as his father scoffed about how Evil is chaotic and unplanned. Wooyoung has plans for everything. I need to be prepared for anything, he thought. 
Wheein insisted that he wear his hourglass on a chain attached to his belt. She had a matching one and would know if he disappeared, so she insisted that he wear his. While she wouldn’t be able to bring him back herself, she could alert his parents, or anyone else, and send out a rescue party. The thought both comforted and worried Yeosang. Alarm bells were beginning to go off in his head at every little thing. This must be what it’s like to live in a story, he thought, instructing the guards by his room to fortify the windows. 
A few days passed with no signs of action from Wooyoung. But Yeosang was beginning to feel prepared. The palace was at maximum defense, and he had several plans of escape depending on the method that Wooyoung used to kidnap him.
The only problem was that the one method he didn’t anticipate was the one Wooyoung used.
“Everything’s set up,” said Beomgyu, waving an arm at the room Wooyoung had said to prepare. It looked nice. Too nice to be a prison cell. But Wooyoung didn’t want to make Yeosang uncomfortable. 
“Thanks, Beomgyu. I’d like extra men on this floor to make sure Yeosang doesn’t leave until I’m through with him, but they can stay at the ends of the hall while I’m in the room with him. Your help has been appreciated,” Wooyoung said. Beomgyu nodded, then left the room, leaving Wooyoung alone with his thoughts.
I wonder if he’d let me tie him to the bed, Wooyoung thought. He’d look so good like that…
He tried to push the idea out of his mind, but it was too irresistible. Part of his plan was to confess to Yeosang and see what came of that. Wooyoung wasn’t planning to torture him or anything, just keep him in this room. Their story hadn’t started yet; he couldn’t go too far. 
That night, Wooyoung picked up the hourglass and walked into the Yeosang Room, as Seonghwa had been calling it. It was right next to his bedroom, so it wasn’t a long walk, but every step felt agonizingly slow. He was nervous. Excited, so excited, but nervous.
When he entered the room, he took a breath and then locked the door. Looking at the hourglass, he turned the two containers of sand over, and the sand began to fall. But nothing else happened. 
As he was about to exit the room, defeated and thinking it hadn’t worked, something crashed onto the bed. Wooyoung turned around and saw a very flustered, terrified man on the bed, staring up at him. He smirked.
“Welcome, Yeosang.” 
The last thing he expected the hourglasses to do was just teleport him to Wooyoung’s location. One second he was pacing his room, wondering how he would be kidnapped, next he was falling onto a surprisingly soft surface and staring at his enemy. 
When Wooyoung left the room, it took a while for Yeosang to look around and gain his bearings. The room was surprisingly lavish, nothing like he’d expected. The bed was large and soft, with extra pillows. There were bookshelves, a dresser that seemed full, and a desk that doubled as a vanity. All of the furniture was painted black, but the walls were a deep red. A plate of cookies was on the desk, with a note saying, “Take as many as you want. You’ll be here a while. Breakfast will arrive at 9 AM.” 
Ignoring his better instincts, Yeosang took a cookie. It tasted amazing, nearly as good as Wheein’s baking. So he took a few more.
It didn’t take long for him to realize how much of a mistake that was. He began to feel drowsy, an odd feeling for 7 PM at night, and looked inside one of the cookies. It was blue. The color of a sleeping potion.
I should’ve known, he thought as he collapsed onto the bed. Sleep overcame him, and he was out in seconds. 
When Yeosang awoke, he was still in the same position as when he’d collapsed. He stared up at the black canopy over the bed and sighed. It really had happened.
Was this how his story was supposed to begin?
Evidently, he'd have to do something with Yeosang. Otherwise, what was the point of kidnapping him?
Wooyoung walked to Yeosang's room with a tray of blueberry muffins. He could not remember for the life of him what Yeosang liked for breakfast, so he just picked up the most generic thing in the kitchen and hoped for the best. 
"Knock knock," he said, knocking softly at the door. He opened it, walked in, and set down the muffins on the desk. Yeosang didn't move from where he was on the bed, still staring at the ceiling.
"Hi," said Wooyoung. He was starting to feel awkward.
"I brought you some muffins."
"...Oh. Thanks."
"Wooyoung. Why am I here?" Yeosang asked, sitting up. Wooyoung shrugged.
"Dunno. We'll see. I plan to keep you here for a few days yet, though," he said, picking up a muffin. He turned and left the room, leaving Yeosang sitting on the bed.
He didn't even try to escape, Wooyoung thought. The door was literally wide open. What is he doing?
He didn't dwell on that much longer, afraid he'd give himself false hope. He'd send Dami to bring food up next time. Maybe it would be less awkward then, at least for Yeosang. Wooyoung still wasn't really sure of what he was doing, and the butterflies that appeared whenever he saw Yeosang weren't helping. He needed to concentrate. 
Over the next few days, the routine was the same. Wooyoung delivered breakfast, exchanged greetings with Yeosang, and schemed for the rest of the day while instructing his friends to feel the older man. By the third day, he was still stumped. So, he decided to visit Yeosang once again… and maybe offer him something new. 
Turns out, staying in the same room for days on end will anger you considerably. Not only that, it was boring. There wasn't really anything here for Yeosang to do except think, and he didn't want to do that. Because his thoughts were… concerning to him.
See, Yeosang had been hiding something ever since he began attending Gunhyeong. Ever since the moment he met Wooyoung. He had been attracted to the villain from the very start, but refused to accept or even acknowledge it for years. He never told anyone, fearing what others (especially his parents) would think. He’d grown up listening to his parents repeat that the only union valid in Good’s eyes was one between a man and a woman, so he’d automatically rejected any romantic (and especially sexual) thoughts of Wooyoung for a long while.
But now that he was in the Jung palace, now that he was locked in a room next to Wooyoung's… now, all he could think about was that attraction. And that was terrifying. 
Yeosang looked up from the book he was reading, setting it down next to his place on the bed when Wooyoung entered again. He looks so smug. What does he have planned today…? Yeosang thought. 
Most of what Wooyoung did was just send him meals, ask how he slept, and maybe bring in a book or two if Yeosang wasn't satisfied with the existing selection. It was confusing. 
"You might be wondering why I have you here," Wooyoung said, sitting at the desk chair. Yeosang didn't reply.
"Quiet today, are we?"
"I don't have anything to say to you," Yeosang replied, staring at Wooyoung. The younger grinned. 
"Sure. Well, I feel like telling you why you're here anyways. Do you want to know?"
"Are you just going to tell me anyways?"
"Yeah," Wooyoung said. "I brought you here because I wanted to get to know you. And because I wanted to see if that hourglass actually worked."
"Seriously???" Yeosang asked, incredulous. Of all the theories he'd come up with, the visions he'd had of Wooyoung poisoning his food or stabbing him in his sleep, everything, he'd never imagined that this would be the reason. 
"Yep! So, what do you think?"
What did he think? He didn't have many thoughts. Just one.
“I… I think that I hate this. Yeah. I hate this. I hate you. Fuck you, Wooyoung,” Yeosang said, venom entering his voice. Wooyoung smirked. 
“Oh you hate me sooo much, don’t you. And look at you, you're swearing now! Am I that much of a bad influence? Damn. So, you hate me so much that you want to fuck me?”
“I don’t want to fuck y-”
“Ah ah ah, but you just said it! ‘Fuck you, Wooyoung,’ if I recall correctly?” Wooyoung said, getting up and walking over to Yeosang. Yeosang backed against the wall, gripping one of the sheets. 
“That’s just an expression, it doesn’t mean I actually want to fuck you. Why would I want to fuck someone who kidnapped me? And just to get to know me, too. Couldn't you have sent me a letter like a normal person? Why do you do things like this?" Yeosang asked as Wooyoung leaned over him. 
“Uh, because I’m sexy? It’s okay, Yeosang, you can admit you think I’m hot," Wooyoung said, standing up straight again and blowing a kiss at Yeosang. 
“I’m never going to admit that you’re-”
“I’ll let you out if you do.”
Yeosang paused, then tentatively asked, “You’ll let me out?”
“Sure. That’s what you want, right? Unless, of course, you want to stay," Wooyoung said, now looking at his polished black nails. He flicked an invisible speck of dust from them, then looked back up at Yeosang. 
Yeosang eyed Wooyoung suspiciously, unsure of whether or not to believe him. Still tentatively, he asked, “And if I don’t say it, you won’t let me out?”
“Nope! Plus, since my room’s right next door and the walls are thin, tonight you’ll get to listen to me jerk o-”
“OKAY, OKAY, I’LL SAY IT," Yeosang said, eyes wide. The second night he'd spent in the room, he'd been forced to listen to Wooyoung's moans through the wall and then pretend everything was normal the next day when breakfast was brought over. The experience was too awkward for Yeosang to want to relive. Although he didn't want to think about it, he would much rather have been the one making Wooyoung moan like that. 
Wooyoung laughed, head falling back. “Damn, so eager. Alright, let’s hear it.”
“I think… I think you’re…” Yeosang stuttered, suddenly flustered. Maybe listening to Wooyoung all night wouldn’t be so bad. That would be way better than having to admit-
“You think I’m…?” Wooyoung trailed off, raising an eyebrow expectantly. Fuck this, Yeosang thought. He knows Wooyoung would just find more ways to be cocky, knowing that Yeosang stayed willingly just to listen to him jerk off. He already can’t stand the eyebrow-raising, four years of it was more than enough. What more would he be expected to endure?
Yeosang sucked in a breath before saying, “Ithinkyou’rehotandtobehonestIwanttofuckyoubutIhateyousoIneverwill. Will you let me out now?”
Wooyoung blinked a few times before laughing again. 
“Dude, I couldn’t even comprehend that. Repeat it for me, please?”
Yeosang rolled his eyes. “Fine. I think you’re sooooo fucking hot, and I want to fuck you sooooo badly it’s killing me. Happy?”
“Sure. Let me go get the keys to the front door. You know you haven’t been locked in here, right?” Wooyoung asked, laughing when Yeosang’s jaw dropped. I could’ve just left, Yeosang thought. Why was I just staying here, then?
He let out a long sigh when Wooyoung left the room. Even though he meant to sound sarcastic, Yeosang really did mean what he said. He’d always wanted to fuck Wooyoung. It wasn’t his fault that they’d been forced into these lives, ones where they were destined to hate each other. And it sure as hell wasn’t his fault that Wooyoung looked so damn good in those leather pants… 
So much for getting to know him, he thought, retrieving the keys and walking back to Yeosang’s room. He opened the door again and gasped. It had only been about a minute, but Yeosang was missing. 
“Yeosang?” Wooyoung asked. Nothing. He left the room and paced down the hall, calling out for Yeosang again. Still nothing.
Then, a crash sounded from downstairs. He sprinted down the staircase, sliding into the kitchen, where the crash had come from. He found Yeosang and Beomgyu staring at each other, the Good prince with his hands up like he’d done something wrong. An empty but very broken flower pot lay at Beomgyu’s feet. 
Yeosang turned to Wooyoung, and blurted out, “I swear I didn’t break it!”
“Hate to come to his defense, but he didn’t; I did,” Beomgyu said nonchalantly. 
“I don’t care who broke it. What are you doing in here? I was going to walk you out,” Wooyoung asked. 
“I wasn’t sure you would… I figured I’d escape, but I couldn’t figure out how to get out without raising any alarms. And then I came in here, and he dropped the flower pot,” Yeosang said sheepishly. 
“Well, of course I did. I was surprised. Why is he out?” Beomgyu asked. 
“I’m letting him out.”
“WHAT?” asked Seonghwa as he entered the room. He stared straight at Wooyoung, then over at Yeosang, whose eyes somehow widened even more.
“I’m not repeating myself.”
“Why the hell are you just letting him leave?” Seonghwa asked, incredulous. 
“There’s not much else I can really do right now. Our story hasn’t officially started yet, so I’m just playing around right now. So I’m letting him go home,” Wooyoung said, shrugging. “Plus, I have some blackmail material on him. Might as well let him leave now before I find out more so I don’t have too much of an advantage later.”
Wooyoung took Yeosang’s arm and dragged him out of the room, running back upstairs to escape the other two men. He tugged Yeosang into his room, then slammed the door shut with both hands.
“So. I don’t think Seonghwa will just let us leave. You may have to stay here a few more days,” Wooyoung said, still facing the door. 
Yeosang sighed, then mumbled, “Sure.” 
Wooyoung turned to face him. “While we’re here… why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself?”
An outside perspective
The two of them spent the next several hours talking. They mostly talked in circles, never about anything important. Just the shallow bits one tells an unfamiliar classmate—which teachers you liked or disliked, your favorite color, who you spent time with. A lot of the time was filled with awkward silences, where the two men both tried not to think about how attractive the other was, but they had some moments of laughter between. 
Wooyoung called dinner up to them, and they eventually began reading books to each other while eating the chocolate strawberries that came as dessert. Neither of them thought they could leave, since Seonghwa and Beomgyu were still outside and probably guarding the front door, so they figured they’d continue passing the time.
One thing led to another, and they ended up sitting very close to each other on the bed. Close enough that they could feel each other breathe, could almost hear each others’ racing heartbeats. Close enough that they both ended up thinking about the what-ifs. 
Close enough that Yeosang didn’t bother trying to stop him when Wooyoung leaned in and kissed him.
Yeosang, a few minutes later
Yeosang gasped as Wooyoung’s fingertips trailed up his thigh, lips so close to his neck. A whimper rose in his throat, but he quickly swallowed it down, not wanting Wooyoung to have the satisfaction of knowing how affected he was. The younger man let out a shaky sigh, leaning in closer before pressing a kiss against Yeosang’s neck. 
“I know I’m not supposed to do this,” Wooyoung mumbled, voice raspy but muffled against the older’s skin. “But God I want you so bad. Always have. Probably always will. And I think this is the last time I’ll ever have a chance to see you like this.”
Yeosang closed his eyes, tipping his head back to allow Wooyoung more room. He hated to admit it, hated to even think about it, but he’d wanted Wooyoung too. Just as long and certainly with the same passion. 
“The best part of being evil is that I don’t have to care about what others think or want. I can take as I please, if I have the means to. I can afford to be selfish all the time. It’s a freedom that you don’t have, right? It’s the one thing I can hold against you. The one thing I can use to win. That’s all we’re supposed to think about, right? How to defeat each other?” Wooyoung continued, pressing another kiss against Yeosang’s neck. Hands settling against the older’s thighs, he nipped at Yeosang’s skin, drawing another gasp. 
“I don’t want to think about winning tonight. If nothing, this would be a loss for me. Having you just this once and then never being able to do it again. Getting a taste of what I’ve been yearning for all this time—” Wooyoung paused, a hitch in his breath before kissing Yeosang’s neck again. “Just finally getting you here, in my bed, in my arms. It’s all I’ve wanted for years. But I’ll only get you this one time. And then that’s it for me. I’ll have won the battle but lost the war, because I won’t be able to take it. Knowing that you’re just out of reach? I’ll lose everything. Because this is the only thing I want. This is the real reason why I brought you here. I wanted to have a chance with you… I didn’t know if it would work. But I wanted to try.”
Yeosang drew his hands up to tangle in Wooyoung’s hair. It was too much, his mind was reeling. The younger had a point: they’d never be able to do this again. They were supposed to hate each other, after all. Destined to battle until one of them won, died, even. That’s how these things worked. That’s what they were trained to do, what was written in the stars before they were even an idea. 
Desire battled with guilt in the pit of Yeosang’s stomach. He knew it was wrong to want Wooyoung like this. Wooyoung was supposed to be his villain. Heroes weren’t supposed to want their villains like this. Even in stories with love potions, those desires were superficial. It was selfish of him to want Wooyoung. It went against everything he was supposed to stand for. And yet, he didn’t want to stop. Didn’t want to let go. 
“What if we switched roles tonight? I know you want me, too. You’re not fooling me, Yeosang, I know how much I’m affecting you. And I know you’re supposed to be selfless. You can’t have a single want unless it serves someone else, right? But what if tonight, just this once, I’m the selfless one, and you can have your own desires. Maybe it’ll hurt less. You can tell everyone I manipulated you, convince yourself even, and I can try to shake it off and pretend that I let you turn me for a bit. We can pretend to everyone else that neither of us really wanted this. That we just got too far into each other’s minds and convinced ourselves that this was how we could win. Maybe if we pretend that we aren’t truly thinking, then maybe we can go on.”
Wooyoung pulled away at that moment. Yeosang looked at him, nearly sobbing at the sight of the tears pricking at the corners of the villain’s eyes. It hurt him, too, knowing the possibilities of what was happening, and knowing how much it would hurt Wooyoung later. Yeosang could go on. He could convince the Writers to help him find someone else and be happy that way. It was always supposed to work out for good in the end, wasn’t it? Wooyoung wouldn’t get that chance. This would be his one moment of happiness, the peak of his personal story. The one thing he truly wanted outside of what was written. And he was willing to give it up so that Yeosang could go on. Willing to allow it to happen, willing to lose his motivation, just for Yeosang. 
What was it that Yeosang’s professor always said? Villains have no feelings, no empathy toward anyone, no morals. They only want to serve themselves. 
But what if that was wrong? Yes, Wooyoung was still acting selfishly. He’d be serving his desires either way, pretending or not. But he’d be acting selflessly as well. He’d be serving Yeosang’s desires, too. Maybe the world wasn’t as black and white as Gunhyeong had made it out to be. Maybe there were gray areas. Heroes and villains are still human, after all. 
Wooyoung sniffled, then sighed. “We shouldn’t be doing thi-”
Yeosang surprised himself by leaning forward and kissing him. Based on the gasp that left Wooyoung’s still slightly parted lips, it must have surprised him too. But neither of them drew away. No, instead, they just pulled each other closer. 
Wooyoung still tasted like chocolate-covered strawberries, the very ones they’d eaten only minutes before this all started. His lips were soft against Yeosang’s, mouth warm as the older’s tongue slipped in. A soft sigh fell from his mouth before his hands reached out, searching for Wooyoung’s, holding them tight as their fingers clasped. He pulled away, looking into Wooyoung’s eyes.
“We can worry about the moral dilemmas later. I just want you right now,” Yeosang rasped, leaning in for another kiss.
“God, you’re going to be the death of me,” Wooyoung whispered right as his mouth met Yeosang’s. 
The two of them let go of each other’s hands in favor of wrapping their arms around each other. Yeosang let himself lean into Wooyoung’s embrace, holding tightly onto his shoulders while the younger’s hands roam across Yeosang’s body. 
If it was too much for him earlier, it was definitely too much for him now. He couldn’t think of anything besides Wooyoung: his hands on Yeosang’s chest, their mouths pressed together, the moans that had begun to tumble from Wooyoung’s mouth. But he wouldn’t lie and say he didn’t enjoy it. That he was willing to let himself be selfish this once. 
He clambered into Wooyoung’s lap, seating himself right on top of the red-haired man’s crotch. Wooyoung groaned into Yeosang’s mouth, pulling him closer and pressing his hips up. Yeosang began grinding on him, hands beginning to travel to Wooyoung’s waist to keep himself steady.
They kept going like that for a few minutes until Wooyoung stopped Yeosang to pick him up and lower him onto the bed. They continued kissing, slowly becoming more passionate as Wooyoung started grinding on Yeosang this time. 
Suddenly, Wooyoung pulled back. Yeosang whined, reaching for his arms, but Wooyoung kept them out of reach. 
“Have you ever tried anal before?” Wooyoung asked. Burning a bright red at the former’s boldness, as if they hadn’t been shamelessly grinding all over each other just moments before, he shook his head no. 
“Noted. Have you ever… Shit, I probably should’ve asked before. Are you a virgin?” Wooyoung asked again, pausing his descent back over Yeosang.
“N-no. I… There’s been one person,” Yeosang stuttered. It made sense that Wooyoung didn’t know about JiU, his former girlfriend. They’d never spent a whole lot of time together before she and Yeosang broke up. Still, Yeosang was even redder than before, just remembering what had happened that one time. He probably should’ve figured out that he wasn’t straight that night, but alas, he was still in denial at the time.
“Only one? Goddamn. I bet they were Good, too. Alright, well, time to rescue you from whatever purity-obsessed shit your parents subscribe to, I guess. Do you want me to ride you or do you want to have another first tonight?” Wooyoung asked, reaching out to caress Yeosang’s thigh again. He shivered at the contact, unsure of how to decide. On the one hand, the thought of Wooyoung fucking him into the bed was really tempting. On the other, he wasn’t sure if he was really ready for it. After all, his only sexual experience was that one disaster, and it hadn’t been with a man. Yeosang had never really considered the possibilities that he was currently facing since he’d never had a reason to.
“I’m not sure,” he said, looking away sheepishly.
“Why don’t we go slow then? I can suck you off until you decide if you want,” Wooyoung replied, leaning in to press a kiss to the top of Yeosang’s thigh. This time, the shiver that went through his body was one of happiness. He liked the thought of going slow.
“O-okay. Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good.”
“Ooh, so eager. Mkay. Just lay back—you’re already doing a great job of that—relax, and let me suck the soul out of you,” Wooyoung said with a grin before crawling to the edge of the bed and dropping to his knees. Yeosang snorted out a laugh, his nerves calmed for a second, until his heart rate jumped again at the feeling of Wooyoung’s tongue darting out to trace along the length of his shaft.
Yeosang’s head tipped back, a whimper escaping his throat. He tangled a hand in the sheets below him in preparation for what was to come, because that one touch was already the best thing he’d ever felt (besides the outline of Wooyoung’s cock underneath him when they made out earlier). 
Wooyoung looked up at Yeosang, smirking when he saw the older man’s state. He reached up to hold Yeosang’s other hand before closing his other in a fist with the thumb tucked in. 
Yeah, his past lovers may have liked the sound of him gagging, but that didn’t mean Wooyoung had any interest in doing it again. Not that Yeosang had to know that. 
Yeosang, surprised, nearly swatted away Wooyoung’s hand before realizing what he was trying to do. The moment of tenderness was shocking, still. He still was having trouble wrapping his head around the fact that yeah, Wooyoung wasn’t an entirely terrible person. But he was touched (and not just literally). Warmth spread over his face as his fingers entwined with Wooyoung’s, blushing even harder when the younger man winked up at him. 
“You ready?” Wooyoung asked.
Wooyoung didn’t say a word in response, or in warning, before sinking directly onto Yeosang’s cock. A long, loud moan tore itself from Yeosang’s throat, prompting Wooyoung to try and take him deeper. Yeosang let go of the sheets in order to thread his fingers through the younger’s hair, but gripped Wooyoung’s hand more tightly at the same time. Wooyoung hummed, sending shivers through Yeosang’s spine at the jolt of pleasure that results.
“Fuck, Wooyoung-”
Wooyoung lifted off of Yeosang with a soft pop, then used his free hand to wrap around his cock. He spat directly onto the tip, watching carefully as it dripped down the length of Yeosang’s shaft. Yeosang whimpered at the sight, hips jumping when Wooyoung’s hand began to move up and down. 
“Oh? You like that?” Wooyoung asked, an eyebrow raised. Yeosang nodded frantically, stuttering as he tried to respond.
“Can’t hear you, baby. Speak up for me?”
“F-faster. Please… it feels so g-good,” Yeosang whimpered, hips jumping again when Wooyoung squeezed a little bit. 
“As you wish.”
Wooyoung’s hand sped up as his mouth enveloped Yeosang’s tip again, another moan falling from his mouth. He sucked softly, a little bit harsher when they made eye contact, before lowering his hand towards the base and taking more of Yeosang’s cock into his mouth. He moaned, a bit of drool dripping down Yeosang as he did so, and took him even further in, hollowing his cheeks to coax another groan from Yeosang. 
“Wooyoung, fuck, feels so good. You’re making me feel so good,” Yeosang moaned, trying not to let his hips jump up too much. Another moan released from Wooyoung, the vibrations sending pleasure shooting through Yeosang. He let go of the sheets to reach for Wooyoung’s hair, whimpering when the younger man moans again. 
“You going to cum for me?” asked Wooyoung, pulling off of Yeosang with another soft pop. Yeosang started frantically nodding again, and Wooyoung let go of him. A whine fell from Yeosang, who tried to reach for Wooyoung’s now free hand. 
“Not yet, pretty boy. I haven’t even started fucking you yet. Don’t you want to wait for that?”
Yeosang’s eyes widened and his breath hitched. Really, the thought of Wooyoung doing anything was getting him excited, but especially this new one. 
“Y-yes. I… I want to wait for that,” Yeosang said, trying not to whimper. Wooyoung smirked, pressing a sweet kiss against Yeosang’s thigh before climbing back onto the bed. 
“So. Did you decide?”
Yeosang blanked. Decide what…? he wondered, wracking his mind for whatever it was he was supposed to decide on.
“Do you want me to ride you or do you want to try another first…?” Wooyoung began, raising an eyebrow. Yeosang blushed, unsure of what to say.
“Oh, baby, you didn’t decide? Was my mouth just that good?” Wooyoung teased, rubbing Yeosang’s left arm. “That’s okay. Why don’t we save the next few firsts for next time?”
Next time…? Wasn’t this only supposed to be a one time thing? Yeosang, confused, looked up at Wooyoung. “I thought we were only… that this was just supposed to be this once…”
Wooyoung winced, looking a bit guilty at the strain of sadness in Yeosang’s voice. “It is… but I meant in general. The next time you find yourself having sex. I would love for your next person to be me, but you’re right, we did agree it would just be once. And for this one time, I want to pleasure you in a way that you’re comfortable with. I want you to enjoy this, forget that it’s only one time. I don’t want you to regret any of your firsts, so I’m doing preemptive damage control and only allowing one today. Maybe that’s too Good of me, but I care about you too much to be selfish.”
There they were again, both nearly crying from the reality of this situation. Yeosang took a deep breath, then pulled Wooyoung in for another kiss. It’s deeper, more intimate than the others, and they’re both gasping for air by the time they pull apart. 
“You’re right, we should enjoy this. I… I want you to feel good too. Will you be able to? If we skip the other first?” Yeosang whispered, looking up at Wooyoung through his lashes. The younger nearly whimpered at the sight, nodding before pulling him in for another, shorter kiss. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I will, baby. Don’t worry about me, just lay back and let me make you feel good. Can you pass me one of the condoms on the bedside table?” Wooyoung asked, gently pushing Yeosang back down against the pillows. He nodded, reaching for a foil packet and handing it to Wooyoung. Yeosang bit his lip as Wooyoung ripped open the packet with his teeth, letting his gaze wander over the red-haired man’s body while he dealt with the condom. His breath hitched as he took in every little thing, from the way Wooyoung’s skin rippled over his abs to the muscles of his arms. It could very well be the last time they saw each other like this, and Yeosang didn’t want to forget a single detail. 
“Ready?” Wooyoung asked, sliding the condom onto Yeosang after he nods. Yeosang whined, the feeling of Wooyoung’s hand on him again nearly too much after the build-up of anticipation. 
“Let me know if you want to stop, okay?”
“I won’t want t-to,” Yeosang said, pulling Wooyoung in to kiss him. He tilted his head to get a better angle, gasping when Wooyoung cupped his face and kissed him harshly. Soft moans fill the room as they keep kissing, mainly from Yeosang as he let Wooyoung take over. A whimper escaped him when Wooyoung’s tongue slips into his mouth, his hands moving to thread his fingers through the younger’s hair. Wooyoung explores Yeosang’s mouth very thoroughly, pulling him even closer to get a better angle and moaning when he feels Yeosang’s tongue brush against his. 
Reluctantly, the two broke apart to gasp for air, eyes meeting. 
“Okay, let’s do this,” Wooyoung said, then positioned himself above Yeosang. He slowly began to lower himself onto Yeosang’s cock, a soft moan escaping his lips once the older was inside of him. 
“Wait, wait, don’t you need to prep-”
“No, I’m okay. I’m definitely ready for this, Yeosang, don’t worry. Plus, I love feeling stretched like this. Feels so d-damn good,” Wooyoung said, caressing Yeosang’s arm to reassure him. Yeosang nods, whimpering as Wooyoung sunk lower.
Both of them were very vocal messes when Wooyoung finished hilting himself on Yeosang. Eyes closed and head thrown back, Wooyoung started bouncing almost as soon as he met Yeosang’s thighs, moaning loudly. 
“W-wooyoung… oh my God…” Yeosang moaned, reaching out to hold onto Wooyoung’s hips. 
“I know… Fuck you’re so big,” Wooyoung whimpered, hands planted on Yeosang’s chest. A yelp escaped Wooyoung when the angle changed, Yeosang’s cock rubbing against his prostate. Both of them moaned even louder, Yeosang pulling Wooyoung down to kiss him. It was barely a kiss, more just the two of them panting and gasping into each others’ mouths, but the intimacy was still there. 
Yeosang had never felt this good in his entire life. It was almost overwhelming, just having Wooyoung like this. Feeling Wooyoung on his cock, hands on his chest, being able to just touch Wooyoung… it was almost too much. It felt perfect. 
He didn’t even realize how close he was when he came, hips jumping as his cock twitched inside of Wooyoung. Nearly screaming, a loud moan tore from his throat and his back arched while his eyes closed. 
Wooyoung whined as he watched, bouncing harder while trying to reach his high. As soon as Yeosang’s climax ended, he reached out and wrapped a hand around the younger’s cock, stroking it in time with his bounces. Wooyoung moaned, loudly, and came on Yeosang’s chest, whining from overstimulation as Yeosang kept touching him. 
As the two of them came down, Wooyoung’s arms went weak and he collapsed onto Yeosang. The older man put his arms around Wooyoung, holding him close and trying to ignore the sticky cum between them. 
It was peaceful.
He felt warm. Happy and content. He hadn’t felt that way in a while. Opening his eyes, he realized he’d fallen onto Yeosang, who was running his fingers through Wooyoung’s hair. 
“Yeosang,” he whispered. The older man hummed in response.
“We should get you cleaned up.”
“Maybe,” Yeosang whispered. “But I want to just lay here with you. I like it here. I want to cuddle.”
The loving tone of his voice melted Wooyoung’s heart. It made him almost forget what their roles were, what they were supposed to become. Maybe he could ignore it a little bit longer.
“We can cuddle later. Let’s go shower first. The bathroom isn’t that far away,” he said, sitting up. Yeosang’s cock was still nestled inside of him, so he slowly rose on his knees to get up before helping Yeosang off the bed. 
Both of them stumbled towards the door, sheets wrapped around them to cover themselves without worrying about the hassle that was their clothing, discarding the condom in the trashcan on the way out. Wooyoung guided Yeosang to the bathroom, turning the water on before helping Yeosang out of the sheet. 
He’s so pretty, he thought. I want to keep him here. He didn’t dwell on those thoughts any longer, stepping under the water and pulling Yeosang in with him. 
The two of them showered in silence, save for Wooyoung’s soft, simple directions of “turn” and “eyes closed” while he washed Yeosang’s hair. He liked this. Liked the way Yeosang hummed happily, liked how close the older man was to him, liked when Yeosang leaned closer as Wooyoung pressed a gentle kiss against his cheek. 
He wished they could stay like this. 
“Youngie,” Yeosang mumbled, his face now buried against Wooyoung’s neck. “I wanna help you.”
“Help me?” Wooyoung asked.
“Yea. My head feels soft. Wanna make your head feel soft, too,” Yeosang mumbled again.
“Soft…?” Wooyoung asked, wondering if maybe Yeosang had slipped into sub space. He’d never been able to make someone do that before, and had no idea what to do. He began to panic a little bit, but his nerves immediately calmed when Yeosang reached for the shampoo bottle.
“Yeah… my hair’s wet, so I can’t tell too well, but it’s soft. I like. It feels good,” the older man mumbled again, opening the bottle. Wooyoung chuckled, then let Yeosang stand on his own. 
Wooyoung turned.
“Eyes closed.”
His eyes closed. 
“Okay. Don’t fall over.”
“I’m not going to fall over, Yeosang.”
He really liked the feeling of Yeosang washing his hair. He nearly fell asleep, his worries melting away as he concentrated on Yeosang’s hands. 
They’d both really miss it when Yeosang had to go.
So that night, neither of them talked about it. They just held each other close, Yeosang cuddling against Wooyoung’s chest in a way that should have hurt but only made the younger smile. 
The rivalry would be a tomorrow problem. For now, they were just two people who loved each other. Even if that love shouldn’t have existed, it bound them to each other, and neither of them wanted to change that. 
To be continued…
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starlightstevie · 4 years ago
fic recs / may 2021
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Happy summer! I know I missed last month’s fic recs so hopefully I’ll make up for it with these brilliant fics. Hope you guys enjoy!
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warm water by @xbuchananbarnes​ Thor x reader: Thor comes home to find his love.
*passionate & burning by @peachyteabuck Thor x reader: You’re busy with working from home, but Thor has other plans for the day.
but i just wanna hear your voice by @blackberrybucky Thor x reader: Thor comes back after they defeat Thanos and tries to make things right with you.
*all there’s left to do is run by spacelabrathor Dothraki!Thor x reader: Horse warlord Thor finds you a captive in a raid of a desert village and gives you a choice. Freedom by a quick death or taking his hand and going with him, to be his. You choose life, and with it, a husband who is wild and fierce and more than you could have ever imagined.
*summoned by @darklydeliciousdesires​ Old God!Thor x villager!reader: The buffet of offerings, all of which shall placate, appease and satiate every whim and desire of the gods is laid out and ready, you amongst them.
ships in the night by @sugardaddytonystark Pirate King!Thor x Dora Milaje mermaid!reader: When Thor, the infamous Pirate King, lays down anchor in Wakanda, the last thing you expect is for him to ask for aid from your own king. You volunteer your assistance, leaving the home you’ve always known to set sail with King Odinson and his crew.
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*cut offs by @milaonthemoon Frank x reader: You get kidnapped and Frank has to get you out.
tired by @castawaybarnes​ Frank x reader: Keeping yourself awake waiting for Frank was getting easier once you got used to the bitterness of black coffee.
*ash painted lips by @sebbytrash Frank x reader: Frank is your lifeline, protecting you like only he can do but you harbour not-so-secret feelings for him that threaten to shake the foundation of this steady, necessary partnership.
scales of justice weigh the consequence by @inspiresimagine​ Frank x reader: the world is black and white until you find your soulmate. you’re a single mom in NYC accustomed to life as-is, but apparently, the universe has other plans. namely? frank castle.
*generosity by @pumpkin-stars Frank x reader: AKA: The five (or more) things Frank usually does when he fucks you, and the one time he does something different.
poltergeists for sidekicks by @bubble-tea-bunny​ Frank x reader: Frank’s lost count of the days he’s come home to you already fast asleep.
*frank + overstimulation by @honeychicana
*frank + rough sex by @sweeterthanthis​
*frank + breath play by sweeterthanthis
*frank + doggy style by @honeydulcewrites​
*frank + gun play by honeydulcewrites
*frank + gun play (2) by honeydulcewrites
*frank + gun play (3) by honeydulcewrites
*frank + overstimulation by honeydulcewrites
*frank coming home to you by honeydulcewrites
*untitled frank smut by @luciilferss​
*playing with frank’s hair by inspiresimagine
frank + praise by inspiresimagine
*frank putting you in a headlock while fucking you by @punani​
*nobody else but me by @allaboardthereadingrailroad​ Shane Walsh x reader: Shane knows exactly what you need.
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the comet by @mcubabydotcom​ Steve x reader: You and Steve witness a once-in-a-lifetime celestial event.
*the punishment by ozarkthedog Nomad!Steve x reader: You disobeyed Steve and now you must make it up to him.
*headinthequinjet by xbuchananbarnes Steve x reader: Steve’s having a hard time breathing.
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*shotgunning with chris by ozarkthedog
*cockwarming with chris by @buckyssimp​
*a teal crushed velvet ride by @ozarkthedog​ Chris x reader: You love Chris’s Teal Velvet Pants. He notices and decides to indulge you.
*don’t look away by ozarkthedog Chris x reader: Chris fucks you against a mirror.
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*keep the heat by ozarkthedog Andy Barber x reader: Andy fucks you in the coat.
*i don’t work jobs (i am a job) by @peachyteabuck Andy x reader: Andy needs to teach you that “staying at home” doesn’t preclude a little thing called “work.”
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*worst behaviour by buckyssimp Professor!Bucky x reader: Bucky notices you staring at him during class. 
*lipstick stain by @xbuchananbarnes​ Bucky x reader: Bucky could recognize that laugh anywhere.
bucky takes care of you by @buckyblues
*you better act like this dick belongs to you by buckyblues
*lazy day with bucky by buckyblues
*pegging bucky by buckyblues
*bucky tit fucking you by buckyblues
something new by @mxsamwilson​ Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes: Fellas is it gay to receive an intimate haircut from your boy? (ft Bucky being hopelessly in love with Sam but too much of an idiot to tell him).
*the magic word by @whateveriwant Bucky x reader: Bucky agrees to try something you’ve always wanted to do with him, but only under the condition that a certain word be employed if need be.
warm by @revengingbarnes​ Bucky x reader: “The fire alarm in our building went off and you rushed out without a coat. Wanna share my blanket?”
patterns by @xbuchananbarnes Bucky x reader: Bucky plays with your hair.
pretending to not feel alone by blackberrybucky Bucky x reader: Bucky, hopeless romantic, meets you, committed cynic. What could go wrong?
*bucky’s first time in 70 years by @luciilferss
*fluorescent adolescent by @ohbuckie​ College!Bucky x reader: Bucky fucks you on his bedroom floor.
*it’s a cruel summer by blackberrybucky Bucky x reader: You and Bucky are friends with benefits, but what happens when you realize you want more?
*sex on legs by @navybrat817​ Bucky x reader: Bucky looks good in anything.
ride with me by @jurassicbarnes Detective!Bucky x Biker!reader: When his best friend forces him to third wheel on a road trip, Bucky doesn’t expect for it to become so eventful, let alone find something, or rather someone worth staying for.
*going live by @ritesofreverie​ Camboy!Bucky x reader: Your new neighbour looks familiar, where had you seen him before?
*stranded by @honeysucklesteve Dad’s best friend!Bucky x reader: When your car breaks down on the side of the road and your dad can’t come rescue you, he sends the next best thing.
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if i could fly, i’d be coming right back home to you by blackberrybucky Sam x reader: Exile over, Sam comes home to you.
baby, i still see ya by blackberrybucky Sam x reader: Sam comes home, the future calling to him. He sees you again, and gets a little caught up in the past
*if you ever want to be in love by blackberrybucky Sam x reader: How your relationship with Sam falls apart and comes back together.
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taller than me by @kaitsukibakugo Katsuki Bakugo x Izuku Midoriya: Katsuki has found love with someone who years ago he never would have expected. Now Deku is his husband and he’s noticed something else he never thought possible: Deku is taller than him.
*would you like to stay forever? by kaitsukibakugo Pro Hero!Kirishima Eijiro x reader: Sparring with Pro Hero Kirishima Eijiro in his private gym at his home doesn't seem like a bad idea if you don't count the fact that you really, really like him.
how your bnha fave acts when they realize they’re in love by @inthorantine
*bnha love island headcannons by @doinmybesthere​
*first time bj headcannons by @shoutogepi
*the best pussy eater of mha by @dearestdynamight​
passing the night stars by @hoe-doroki Hitoshi Shinsou x reader: The party was neon and you needed darkness.
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*let’s talk about deku’s hands by @rat-suki​
*waking up deku by spacelabrathor
*deku comes home after a late shift by doinmybesthere
*slow stroke king izuku by @sems-diarie​​
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*champagne problems by @some-kindofgnome​ Katsuki Bakugou x reader: You were slipping between Bakugou’s fingers faster than ever now. Instead of letting it happen he clung to you even tighter. Instead of letting you go, instead of accepting that he’d driven this relationship into the fucking ground, he’d promised himself that he could still save it.
*presented by @tteokdoroki​ Dragon King!Katsuki x reader: On the twenty-first birthday of Katsuki Bakugou, an offering is made in his honour as he becomes chief of the dragons. Clans usually offer up sacrifices of berries or nuts, salts and fresh catches. But for those of Dargon’s blood, their offering is a mate... And that mate is you.
*domina by rat-suki Katsuki x reader: He’s just so hot when you get under his skin. You can’t possibly stop now.
*baby, i’m a haunted house by @ketslketslketsl​ Yakuza!Katsuki x reader: It’s been a long six months since you last saw him.
i’m a liability, get you wild, make you leave (i’m a little much for everyone) by @willowser Katsuki x reader: There’s no reason for Katsuki to be here. It’s all he can think, bitter, as he stares at the paint peeling from the door, exposing the wood grain underneath its thin coat. Old and distant, this house; too far from the city to make the trek worth it, for your job to make sense; too ancient to be lived in by the number 12 hero in Japan. If he closes his eyes, he can hear Lake Biwa from his position on your porch and the soft sway of the water almost calms down the storm that’s been building in him since he boarded the train, since he nearly snapped his phone in half.
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*we are the foxes (and we run) by @spacelabrathor shoyo hinata x reader: After everything, the end of the world and the chaos and destruction that reigned after society fell, it takes a lot to surprise you. And yet, when you come to the edge of the pit, a gasp wrenches from you like someone gripped it in their fist and yanked. Laid out on the bed of leaves at the bottom of the pit is...something. Someone. Or, Hinata falls into reader’s pit trap after the end of the world. This is the story of how she pulls him out, drags him to her bunker, and they grow together. 
*dark priest!Obiwan Kenobi by @mandosmimi​
you’re the former babysitter of zemo’s son by @helahades​
*mando doesn’t realize how big his dick is by @cptnbvcks​​
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thatwouldbee-enough · 3 years ago
WIP Game
Rules: post the barebones plot of your WIPs and let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them the most and then post a snippet/tell them something about it! Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs
Tagged by @echo-bleu 💜
I'm not doing ALL of them because that would take all day lol
Salt Water Calling (historical lams)
A merman AU in which John is a human dissatisfied with his life and Alexander is a mysterious sea creature who slowly builds up a connection with him. Some darker twists upcoming in this one.
Fate and the Fall (historical lams)
My bridgerton-esque AU! This one essentially follows the plot of season 2 of bridgerton, only instead of Anthony and Kate, we have John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton. Things also get steamy quicker than they do in season 2 of bridgerton because unlike those writers, I know what the people want.
A Better Place Since You Came Along (musical lams)
The little office AU that won't quit. Was supposed to be a one shot. Is now 69 chapters and still going. It follows Alex and John as they deal with post-college life, interning for Washington and falling in love in the process. John's father is a US senator in the south, so when their relationship is leaked to the public, things get complicated. Having proved himself valuable, when Washington decides to leave his company and run for office himself, Alex is offered a spot on his campaign staff. But can John and Alex's relationship survive as their lives go down separate paths?
Untitled (historical hamburr)
Aaron arrives to stay for a while at General Schuyler's house while he studies to be a lawyer. He isn't expecting to find out that Alexander's pretty new wife isn't the only Schuyler he's involved with. But Aaron's always been good at improvising, and this... this he can work with.
Untitled (historical whamilton)
Literally just professor/student smut
Gay Lighthouse Story (working title lmao- original work)
Growing up in a small, conservative town on the coast of Maine isn't easy for Blake, especially when he realizes his feelings for his best friend are more than platonic. He takes refuge in an abandoned lighthouse, a sanctuary away from his homophobic father. What he doesn't realize is his own story mirrors that of the past, a couple of boys who grew up in this very same town and who frequented this very same lighthouse. And one of them, it seems, never left.
Send me asks please! I love talking about my silly little stories.
No pressure tagging @aaronburrssexdungeon @burr-did-nothing-wrong @faceofpoe @these-violet-delights-fic @essektheylyss @binch-i-might-be
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princess-of-the-corner · 3 years ago
So re: Corner 10 stories and their Timeline.
I know some shit is very out of order because y'all dropped the Nemetrix Arc on me.
Iirc, that is a plot from Omniverse.
But here it's.... Prooooobably part way through AF. If we consider "Of All The Smoothie Shops" to be equal to the first episode of AF I mean.
Even tho lmao none of the rest of anything has been relevant to the AF plots haha.
But if "Of All The Smoothie Shops" is the beginning of the AF era, then we have had the Absorbing the Worst Parts arc and the Teenage Drama Arc, and the Time Again arc.
Next is the Headache Arc and then the Family Arc, but after that would be the Nemetrix Arc.
I need to go back and add in some of AF's actual plot because like. 1.) Adding in the entire plot of DNAliens and how Untitled Alien Team needs to get more members. Speaking of, "All That Glitters" would happen between "Of All The Smoothie Shops" and "Teenage Drama" because that's the "bitch I'm gay" episode.
God I haven't even worked Julie in yet. She should at least have shown up.
Don't even make me think about the Albedo plot rn Idk where it's going.
I also want the plot of someone from Kevin's crime days showing up to try and drag him back.
I need to toss Professor Paradox in there somewhere.
Speaking of Time Travel I need to have fuckery of these versions meeting the Powerswap Timeline. Mostly because I want to see a Ben vs. Gwen and a Jinx vs. Lucky Girl fight even though I cannot write fight scenes to save my life.
Plus I know having Rook is an Omniverse Plot too but I want to get to the very tired adult supervision struggling to keep these children from leaping face first into death.
Not to mention that while this story is mostly Ben 10 with Lilo and Stitch thrown in, I do want those two to have their own plots too so it's not as off balance.
In summary:
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goose-books · 4 years ago
goose-books content: a maxterpost
ahahaha get it because... ha...
anyway! i’ve had this blog for two years (!!) and so it’s about time for a masterpost. this post assumes some degree of familiarity with my projects; if you’re new here, i would start with my mobile projects post here and my desktop projects page over here! you can also find my published fiction here!
this masterpost contains any and all important posts i’ve made about my WIPs - ex. character intros, worldbuilding info, or excerpts! however, my tags also contain answers to ask games, doodles, and other shitposts/informal posts i’ve made about characters or stories. i won’t link these here, as not to clutter this page, but if you want more content, i encourage you to explore the tags! i also plan to update this post periodically as i produce more content.
enjoy your stay at goose-books productions!
(post last updated 12/2/21)
the beast sonnet (with commentary!) and the sequel (prequel?)
bodyghost (4-page trans-and-mental-illness-play)
duodecimal (~20k novella about a neurodivergent high school theater kid, his inconvenient crush, and his lesbian nemesis; loosely retells a subplot of twelfth night)
2020 year in review
The Mortal Realm
intro post / reintro post / page
nano announcement post with a fancy edit
bad powerpoint
character intros
aurum (boy king finding it harder and harder to maintain his disbelief in magic)
winter (plucky farm-girl-turned-heroine ready to outsmile the childhood trauma)
viridi (mysterious fellow from the woods. physically can’t lie but that doesn’t always stop him)
argentate (aurum’s late brother. let the dead rest.)
jada (bitter lesbian with a plant problem)
moon (genderfluid anarchist vigilante. also aurum’s best friend! oops.)
patch (viridi’s partner; castle court jester and local resident orphan)
rowan (viridi’s other partner; blacksmith’s apprentice and local force of chaos) (post coming soon)
lily (the author of the journals. oooooooo) (post coming soon)
"lies" (a short viridi excerpt)
an untitled argentate drabble
"be careful with words." (a jada & viridi drabble)
prompttober 2018
nanowrimo 2018 excerpts
"foolish" (a short story about patch gosling)
"the valley" (a short story that is literally just unrestrained summer fun)
and finally... aurum & argentate have a canonical plot-relevant birth date. so i celebrate it. every year
intro post / page
character intros
character roster posts (three of them!)
caelum finch (death-obsessed prophet who spent 14 years in isolation)
dawn andrews (college kid who refuses to be the chosen one)
marble lavinia robespierre (gay anarchocommunist who grew up in a magical cult)
shade jupiter joyeuse (would-be magical-cult-politician with a lot of bitter anxiety)
worldbuilding: dimensions, new york’s secret sister city, and milkshakes
nanowrimo 2019 excerpts
A Modern Tragedy (the podcast)
intro post / page
bad powerpoint
the opening monologue
a post about the process!
character intros
rahma (scattered little wlw lovecore romeo)
avery (anxious theater kid transbian juliet)
isaac (trans emo hamlet who’s Going Through It)
indrajit (feral theater kid macbeth with some kind of complex)
bitty (mercutio on roller skates with a can of monster energy)
reuben (very tired benvolio with the world’s ugliest cat)
amanda (punky OCD lady macbeth)
hawk (a quiet horatio who’s an english professor in the making)
ginger (soft little lesbian ophelia)
and finally, a uquiz! so you can find out who you are :)
intro post / page
character roster
scenes by act: one / two / three / four / interlude / five / six / seven
the city of dovermorry
the greenwood brothers siblings
the stayer sisters
ruby stayer & danielle caldwell
the missing mothers (and again)
rory and cressida hold hands gay rights
jasper and vee go stargazing
gracen has a gender, how about that
magic in darklingverse (and a follow up)
on witches
valentine van velt is dead
(aka: holden caulfield goes to exposure therapy)
“intro” post / page
valentine fast facts
love, h
(aka: butch4butch hamlet)
the basics
(aka: lesbian aeneid x julius caesar x game of thrones)
intro post / page
spadesplot aesthetic post
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cosmic-affinities · 5 years ago
First line game- WIPs
I saw this thing where you post the first line of all of your WIPs and I decided to expose myself and the sheer amount of WIPs I have, its mainly Bakudeku but I do have a few Drarry ones as well. If any of my shitty descriptions excite you drop a comment and it will get bumped up on my list of what to finish first (I won’t be posting any of the bkdk ones until the first one on this list is finished being uploaded, I have a promise to a friend that I must uphold) 
Along with that if you see the ones that have ‘(working title)’ next to them and you have a better idea for the title leave it in the comments! I give them all working titles so I dont have to click through a bunch of stuff named ‘Untitled Document’ on my docs.
Last thing, I’m posting this as a sort of accountability along with the ‘game’ so I will try to update this as each of these gets finished, if you are interested in being a beta for any of these feel free to send me a chat or post it in the comments (some of them are already beta-ed so I may or may not need another)
1) Fantasy Meets Reality- Bakudeku on AO3 “Midoriya! Bro, open up!”Izuku woke with a start, there was a voice outside his door and he was too tired to recognise it.“Izuku, what’s going on? Why aren’t you opening the door?” A second voice called out.To prevent any further yelling and knocking Izuku stumbled out of bed to his door and opened it, he did not expect to see Kit and Kirishima waiting on the other side.
This is the start of chapter three (Chapter one and two are already posted!) A quick run down, this fic has the bakugou from the fantasy AU (the end screen of the stain arc) come into the real world, i named him Kit to differentiate him from Kacchan. Basically Kit comes into the regular world and Kacchan has to see him and Deku interact!
2) Know Him Well (working title)- Bakudeku
“Dunce face, don’t you understand the concept of personal fucking space? Take a damn step back, you're basically slobbering on the damn nerd.” Katsuki pulled lightly at Kaminari’s collar, silently pulling him away from Izuku.
This is going to be a oneshot get together fic that shows how well Katsuki and Izuku know each other. Basically senarios present themselves to our main idiots where the rest of class A slowly realises that these two know each other surprisingly well, including mutual pining and some medling from their respective squads.
3) A Week (working title)- Bakudeku  A week.
Katsuki told Izuku how he felt and then ignored his existence for a week.
He kissed Izuku and decided to act as if it never happened.
This is a one shot based on a twitter thread I read that did not end the way i wanted it to so I asked permission to rewrite with a happy ending and they allowed me to. It is an angsty get together fic with lots of underlying and internalised homophobia and fear of what getting together could mean for our two aspiring pro heroes. Erasermic is a reassuring presence and a slight plot device.
4) Truth (working title)- Bakudeku  “Hey be careful there! You don’t want to fall over!” Izuku chuckled at the child he was holding onto, at least some good came out of his detour through the park.
“Oh my goodness sir! Are you ok?” A worried woman rushed over, seemingly more worried about the green haired stranger rather than the small child.
This is a one shot in which Izuku gets hit with a truth quirk and has to stop himself from being too forthcoming with everything he says. Get together fic that will hopefully give you second hand embarassment.
5) Izuku Withdrawl- Bakudeku 
“In addition to your normal schedule this week, you will also be paired up with someone from this class to work with a support course student to update some of your gear. This is as much an assignment for you as it is for the support course, when you become a prohero you will need to be able to communicate what types of upgrades you want for your costumes, if you can’t you will be stuck in broken or subpar gear which will only hinder you in fights. You will find your partner from your class and the support student you will be working with posted in the common area of your dorm and outside this classroom, now class is dismissed.”
This is a oneshot in which the pair get (purposely) hit with a quirk that makes it incredibly painful for them to touch, Bakugou plays it off as if it would not be a problem until they find out how often they truly casually touch. The quirk will wear off in (reportedly) 3-4 days and by the end everyone is noticing the increasingly irritable Bakugou snapping at everyone who dares to bring it up and the increasingly hurt Midoriya (makes more sense withing the confines of the fic) and get together that is truly painful for everyone involved.
6) The Frenchman and the Parselmouth- Drarry
 “Draco, darling, come help me with the laundry!” A voice echoed throughout the big house.
This is a multichapter eighth year drarry fic in which the two are roommates who create a tentative friendship until one morning Harry hears Draco speaking french (as you probably guessed from the title lol) and has a gay panic. The ensuing gay panic leads Harry to enlist the help of his favorite professor Remus Lupin (who also happens to be with his god father because fuck canon Wolfstar is alive and happy together) to try and figure out his own feelings and how to make them obvious to Draco. I really love this story and it will definitely be finished eventually but it needs so so much work because it started as a convoluted headcanon and then one major scene in the begining was changed (actually is in the process of being changed) and so it needs quite a bit of TLC before it is anywhere near ready to post. Let me know if this (shitty) description excites you and maybe it will get bumped up on my list of what gets finished first.
7) Loathing.... Right?-Drarry(with a hefty side of pansmione and blairon) on AO3
Draco woke slowly, later than normal, he and Pansy had stayed up a while longer, he wanted to avoid seeing Potter for as long as possible. As his eyes adjusted to the light in the room, Draco looked around, his eyes landed on Potter’s sleeping form, for a moment he allowed himself to indulge and raked his eyes over the fit body asleep across the room. He knew he shouldn’t be allowing this to happen, but Draco couldn’t help himself, this is the only time he let himself feel so strongly. The only time he let hope sink in, when Potter was unconscious and serene, unaware of the brooding next to him.
This is the begining of chapter four as the first three chapters are already up on AO3. This fic is (another) eighth year Drarry fic in which they are roommates, roughly based on the song ‘What is This Feeling’ from Wicked (mostly in the first three chapters tbh, if you listen to the song you’ll get why it doesn’t last for the entire fic) This fic has the golden trio paired up with the slytherin trio as dormmates and they all come to terms with their surprisingly more than friendly feelings towards their respective roommates, defintely focused mainly on Drarry but you still get quite a bit of the other two ships as well, I’m working hard on chapter four but I’m having a bit of a block at the moment 
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Rec List - Undercover as Gay
I got a message yesterday asking if I knew any fics where Illya and Napoleon go undercover as gay (either singly or as a couple). I wanted to say thank you for prompting me to finally do another rec list, especially one that happens to be about one of my favourite tropes. (Note: Honeytrap fic can be found on a separate list: here.)
Tumblr media
(From “The Hot Number Affair”, where Illya is, considering sixties stereotypes of fashion designers, pretty much canonically undercover as gay.) 
1.   Summer Holiday by cirnellie (word count: 7229)
Summary: “Napoleon,” said Illya, very slowly.
“Don’t say it, I beg of you.”
“Did you...really bring me on a vacation to a clandestine romantic getaway for homosexual couples?”
Comment: Napoleon and Illya accidentally go undercover as a couple on holiday. Pretty soon they actually are a couple on holiday. Completely adorable.
2.   The Gentleman’s Club Affair by cirnellie (word count: 1752)
Summary: Illya shut the door, then turned around and frowned at Napoleon. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m...ah, expanding my horizons,” said Napoleon distractedly. Was Illya wearing a nipple ring?
Illya squinted at him, following his partner’s gaze. The corners of his lips curled up. “My eyes are up here, Napoleon.”
Comment: I’m pretty sure that Illya pole-dancing overlaps with the interests of some of the people that follow this blog. (JackyMedan has also done a really cute (safe for work) illustration to go with this story. You can find the link at the end of the fic.)
3.   Your Lips, Your Lips (I Could Kiss Them All Day If You’d Let Me) by cirnellie (word count: 6331)
Summary: Five times Illya and Napoleon kissed in the name of U.N.C.L.E., and the one time they finally took some initiative.
Comment: In which saving the world involves more making out than you’d think and both Napoleon and Illya take a hilariously long time to figure things out. Includes some honey trap elements. (Warning: Attempted Rape – Non-Graphic and Off-page.)
4.  The Dromoland Affair by ashley_pitt (word count: 2875)
Summary: Napoleon goes undercover as playboy, with Illya playing the role of his bodyguard.
Comment: An established relationship fic, in which Napoleon’s role as a queer playboy is not that far from the truth.
5.  Untitled Fic by tiptoe39 (word count: 2997)
Summary: Napoleon and Illya go undercover in a gay club.
Comment: An untitled but lovely prompt response fic in which Napoleon’s heterosexuality lasts about ten seconds.
6.   The Canceled Vacation Affair by georgiamagnolia (word count: 10,884)
Summary: Their planned tropical vacation is out of the question when Napoleon and Illya are sent undercover to catch blackmail and murder suspects.
Comment: Napoleon and Illya pretend to be what they already are. This fic has a bit of a wistful undertone, as ‘pretending to be gay’ is the closest Napoleon and Illya can come to being open about their relationship.
7.   The Heart of Stone Affair by Sylvia (word count: 15,475)
Summary: Illya helps Napoleon through a mind-bending experience in higher education.
Comment: This fic is inspired by “The Cap and Gown Affair” with Illya going undercover as a college student with a thing for his professor and Napoleon being so ‘square’ that he accidentally eats a hash brownie.  
8.  The Hold Me, Touch Me Affair by TheRimmerConnection (word count: 23,286)
Summary: The old saying says 'you don't know what you've got till it's gone'. Naturally, Napoleon's discovery of just what it is that he has is only possible when it is taken away from him. 
Comment: I’m cheating with this one but I’ve included it because it’s a rare reversal of the common ‘couple discover their feelings through pretending to be gay’ trope. Instead, the boys realise their feelings through having to pretend to be intensely heterosexual for a mission involving someone who is so homophobic and paranoid that he keeps refusing to work with pairs of agents because they casually looked at or touched one other. Napoleon and Illya are only picked for this mission, when they’re the last ones left. Napoleon is endearing confused about why.
9.  The Flower Power Affair by sensine (word count: 15,244)
Summary: While undercover in Greenwich Village as free-loving hippies, will our heroes trip up or trip out?
Summary: Worth it for Napoleon being forced to dress as a hippy.
While I was poking around trying to remember fics that use this trope, I also found a couple of relevant ones that I haven’t read. I can’t really comment on them but I thought I’d include them anyway.
1.   Love Sought by spikesgirl58 (word count: 28,654)
Summary: Napoleon and Illya go undercover at a theatre to catch THRUSH. While there, they discover something about themselves.
2.  Sex, Lies, and UNCLE by Annehiggins (word count: 50,685)
Summary: The need to flush out a blackmailer forces Illya and Napoleon into playing the role of lovers. Then things get complicated. (This one is a modern au, although it was written in the mid-1990s so now it’s basically a historical au. Warning: Rape.)
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twobellsilence · 1 month ago
So I had a dream about my new OCs right. And I was like, Literally Posting Stuff about them here on Tumblr. And the only post I remember vividly was one where I went "I'm gonna make Anthony a Werecat to match Silvian's freak and give Raymond a Werebestie" and it's been HAUNTING ME all day.
On one hand, Silvian and Anthony sharing an universe with Dan and Ray could actually work and is kind of an interesting idea. I mean, realistically it wouldn't have any real impact and they'd probably never even meet each other, but I kinda vibe with it - sure, let's have an universe where regular ass people fall in love with non-human shapeshifters on the regular, that's funny. On the other... A Werecat. Like for me that's worse than using the term "werebestie" unironically. @ my brain this is NOT how I've raised you!!!!! Why would you come up with something so vanilla like in order for Anthony to TRULY match Silvian's freak on that respect he should be nothing short of a Were-biblically-accurate-angel and also I didn't plagiarize Kafka and made Ray a Werefly only for you to come up with the most inoffensive animal ever as his "werebestie" im ashamed of myself. I didn't even use the term match the freak correctly
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sightofsea · 8 years ago
idea for untitled gay friend group tv show: pilot episode deb gets fired from her cushy job as a professors assistant and ronny and Cassandra try to help her enact revenge cassandra bc she lives for the drama and ronny bc he doesn’t want to work with deb at the unnamed bar/coffee shop hybrid AT ALL meanwhile piper and Chris decide to see who can bag more straight girls, piper thinking this will be a safe fun deal because straight girls who use her to experiment want nothing to do with her afterwards, and she accidentally ends up with a girl whose ready to move in with her while Chris accidentally sleeps with the old professor’s daughter. anyway we later find out that deb is a dumbass and kept feeding the professor’s dog human treats (aka chocolate) whenever he was a good boy and accidentally killed the dog so he never wants deb back ever again but they don’t figure that out until after they’ve sent a flaming bag of dog shit through the professor’s window as revenge and realize just how inadvertently double cruel that was and long story short piper has to go into hiding while deb becomes the new employee at the combo bar and coffee shop ronny works at and that’s the pilot
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newyorktheater · 6 years ago
JoAnne Akalaitis
Mac Wellman
Jack Thorne
Mfoniso Udofia
Jessica Hagedorn
  Tom Hiddleston in Pinter’s “Betrayal”
In this eclectic opening month of the New York Fall theater season laid out below, legendary theater artists Mac Wellman (74),JoAnne Akalaitis (82), and Peter Brook (94) each get showcases for their work; Wellman a whole festival.  Three shows are opening on Broadway, including a Harold Pinter revival that marks the Broadway debut of Tom Hiddleston (best-known to movie fans as Loki), and a new play by Florian Zeller starring Jonathan Pryce and Eileen Atkins.  Off-Broadway, there’s a new play by “Harry Potter” playwright Jack Thorne as well as the latest installments in  Mfoniso Udofia nine-play cycle about  Nigerian-American immigrants, and a new musical by Filipino-born novelist Jessica Hagedorn.  .
The shows described below — on mothers, wives, or infidelity; on AIDS, anxiety or immigration; or on no other subject than theater itself — are organized chronologically by opening night, except the festivals and those shows that don’t have official opening nights.  Each title is linked to a relevant website for more information
Color key: Broadway: Red. Off Broadway: Purple, blue or black. Off Off Broadway: Green.Theater festival: Orange.Puppetry: Brown. Immersive: Magenta.
September 1
  Dream Up Festival (Theater for the New City)
The tenth annual Dream Up Festival continues,  presenting 25 shows through September 15.  One of its shows premiere today: Shirley Chisholm, Robert E. Lee & Me
  September 3
Felix Starro (Ma-Yi at Theatre Row)
A musical with book and lyrics written by Filipino-born novelist Jessica Hagedorn (“Dogeaters”) about a Filipino faith healer peddling hope to sick people in San Francisco’s Tenderloin Distric
September 4
Tech Support (59E59)
In this time travel comedy by Debra Whitfield, Pam’s world is soon turned upside down when, instead of providing assistance with her printer, the tech support guy offers her choices for different centuries
  September 5
Betrayal (Bernard Jacobs Theater)
The fourth Broadway production of Harold Pinter’s enigmatic play that tells the story of an extra-marital affair in reverse order.  It stars Tom Hiddleston, Zawe Ashton, and Charlie Cox, all of whom are making their Broadway debuts.
Boogieban (13th Street Rep)
The lasting effect of war on two soldiers of different eras, who go on parallel journeys.
September 6
Performance For One (Untitled Theater Co #61)
Edward Einhorn’s Untitled Theater Company #61, celebrating its 25th anniversary, presents this one-on-one theater performance (one performer, one audience member) in 10 minute slots at various venues across Manhattan. (See schedule at link)
The Ringdove (Mettachee at St. John’s)
Puppet artist Ralph Lee’s Mettachee River Theatre Company presents this show at Cathedral of St. John’s the Divine drawn from THE PANCHATANTRA, a collection of allegorical tales whose origins reach back over 2,000 years, to ancient India. The central characters are a crow, a rat, a turtle and a gazelle, whose adventures, behavior and relationships reflect many aspects of human nature.
Bad News: I Was There (Skirball Center)
JoAnne Akalaitis creates a site-specific processional performance exploring the monumental impact of the messenger character from classic drama.
  September 7
Sincerity, Forever and Bad Penny (The Flea)
Two of the five plays from The Flea’s “Mac Wellman: Perfect Catastrophes “festival.” In Bad Penny, “ “a man and a woman sit in a park. They appear to be a couple, but aren’t. The man is clutching a car tire. The woman has picked up a penny and put it in her pocket.” It gets crazier from there.  “Sincerity, Forever” is a comedy about a group of young residents from the fictional southern town with a prominent community of KKK members. Part of ”
  September 8
American Moor (Red Bull at Cherry Lane)
In this two-character play written and performed by Keith Hamilton Cobb,  an African-American actor in an audition room responds to the demands of a white director presuming to have a better understanding of Shakespeare’s iconic black character, Othello.
L.O.V.E.R. (Signature)
Lois Robbins’ solo show explores what goes on behind closed doors and between the sheets.
Play! and Theatre in the Dark: Carpe Diem (TINATC at Theater Lab)
The theater company that calls itself This Is Not A Theatre Company presents two plays in repertory — “Play!” an interactive homage to the importance of radical play for a healthy society, and “Theatre in the Dark: Carpe Diem,”  which takes place in the dark: Hear, smell, taste, and touch your way through this nourishing ode to joy
En El Ojo De La Aguja (The Tank)
The Spanish-language version (with English supertitles) of In The Eye of the Needle, a personal, social, and political exploration of conflict resolution (or the lack of it).
September 12
As Much As I Can (Joe’s Pub)
hundreds of gay and bisexual men from Jackson, MS, and Baltimore, MD contributed their stories to this piece about the AIDS epidemic now, which has a five-day run.
  September 14
The Talmud (Target Margin Theater)
Drawing from a century of kung fu films and a single chapter of The Talmud–a 5th century text of Rabbinic Judaism — the show explores “sacred wisdom and how ancient traditions survive the dangerous journey across generations.”
September 15
Darren Brown: Secret (Cort)
British mentalist and illusionist Derren Brown brings his mind reading, persuasion, and psychological illusion to Broadway for the first time.
  September 16
Wives (Playwrights Horizons)
From the brawny castles of 16th Century France, to the rugged plains of 1960s Idaho, to the strapping fortresses of 1920s India, all hail the remarkable stories of Great Men! — and their whiny, witchy, vapid, vengeful, jealous wives. Playwright Playwright Jaclyn Backhaus untethers history, and language itself, from the visions made by men.
All The Rage (The Barrow Group)
A revival of Michael Moran’s solo show about a crime he experienced as a child that made him set out on a quest around the globe to answer the question:How is it that one moment we might reach out in compassion and the next…kill?
Who Killed Edgar Alan Poe? ( RPM Underground.)
Subtitled “The Cooping Theory 1969,” the immersive show has the audience join   a new generation of the Poe Society at a cocktail party to commemorate the anniversary of the mysterious death of Edgar Allan Poe. Then a cc seance goes awry.
  September 17
Fern Hill (59E59)
Three couples in their golden years who are close friends gather at Sunny and Jer’s farmhouse to celebrate milestone birthdays that span three decades. Their companionship is put to the test, however, when a marital betrayal is discovered.
September 19
Novenas for A Lost Hospital  (Rattlestick)
A communal experience to remember, honor, re-imagine, and celebrate St Vincent’s Hospital. a medical facility founded in Greenwich Village in 1849 and shut down in 2010.
18 Stanzas Sung to a Tatar Reed Whistle (FiveMyles)
The dramatization through puppetry of a Chinese epic poem written by the woman poet Ts’ai Yen 2,000 years ago. It tells the story of a young Han woman who returns home 12 years after being abducted  by the victorious Tatars. The show is free, but reservations are required.
September 21
Why? (TFANA)
This piece written by Peter Brook and Marie-Hélène Estienne features actors Hayley Carmichael, Kathryn Hunter, and Marcello Magni, and pianist Laurie Blundell in a combination performance, lecture and bioplay about experimental Russian director Vsevolod Meyerhold, who was executed in 1940. The play asks: “Why theater? What is it for? What is it about?”
  September 22
Kingfishers Catch Fire (Irish Rep)
In this play by Robin Glendinning, Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty pays a visit in 1948 to the man who was his adversary during World War II, the infamous Nazi Herbert Kappler, in the Italian prison where Kappler is serving a life sentence for crimes against humanity.
September 23
Sunday (Atlantic)
In this play written by Jack Thorne (“Harry Potter…”), friends gather for a book group, anxious to prove their intellectual worth, but that anxiety gets the better of any actual discussion as emotional truths come pouring out
Runboyrun and In Old Age (NYTW)
Two new plays from Mfoniso Udofia’s nine part The Ufot Cycle,” which follows a Nigerian family who immigrated to the US.
  September 24
The Height of The Storm (MTC’s Samuel J. Friedman)
Jonathan Pryce and Eileen Atkins star in a play by Florian Zeller (The Father, The Mother) about a couple who for 50 years have been filled with the everyday pleasures and unfathomable mysteries of an enduring marriage, until suddenly their life together begins to unravel,
 Caesar and Cleopatra (Gingold at Theatre Row)
A rare revival of George Bernard Shaw’s comedy about these two historic figures who did indeed meet. “An early draft of the Eliza/Higgins relationship in Shaw’s Pygmalion.”
  September 25
Mothers (Playwrights Realm at the Duke)
In this play by Anna Moench, the moms at Mommy-Baby Meetup are used to competing — whoever’s the most devoted to her family, has the best-behaved child, and the most satisfied husband wins. But as the chaos of the outside world encroaches on their turf, passive-aggression falls by the wayside, and each mom will have to decide just how much she loves her child.
September 27
The Green Room (Sargent Theater)
A backstage musical illustrating the journey of four best friends in college determined to make it out of the Green Room and on to the Off-Broadway Stage.
September 28
Basic Principles of Incantation (Sinking Ship @ Greenwich House Music School)
A performance-based interactive theater game about linguistics and magic. Players take on the role of students of the Esoteric Arts at their first lesson conducted by Professor A. Sibly.
  September 2019 New York Theater Openings In this eclectic opening month of the New York Fall theater season laid out below, legendary theater artists Mac Wellman (74),JoAnne Akalaitis (82), and Peter Brook (94) each get showcases for their work; Wellman a whole festival.  
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twobellsilence · 2 months ago
OKOK I know how Silvian and Anthony are gonna meet and how they kinda just. Start doing things for each other and it escalates.
Anthony is gonna accidentally crash into Silvian on campus while carrying coffee and he's gonna stain his vest, right. And Silvian's gonna be like it's alright, it's a small stain and he's got wipes on his office anyway, no harm done. And they introduce each other bc they hadn't seen each other around, they're from different faculties after all, and they leave on friendly terms. Then some days later there's a particularly strong rainstorm and Silvian just so happened to leave his umbrella at home on accident, but oh what a coincidence! Anthony happens to be at the gate and ready to leave when he spots Silvian without an umbrella and offers to get him to his car, because he Did bring his. Then the next day Silvian asks around and learns where Anthony's office is so he can bring him a coffee as a thank you... Then Silvian notices Anthony's chess set and Anthony challenges him to a match, loses, and invites him over to the professors' chess club........ So on and so forth. The things they do for each other are gonns become more and more romantic until literally everyone around them except themselves is aware of the chemistry between the two and it really does come to a point where they stare at each other longingly, hands pretty much touching, while they think "man he's such a good friend :) i am going to completely ignore my body aching to crash my lips against his"
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twobellsilence · 2 months ago
nah man i have incorporated themes of chess into the protag and his love interest's developing relationship. Yes making Pinterest boards is one thing but ive done that for lesser ocs. But assigning the main couple a whole damn Theme and Metaphor????? this is it guys i lost this is a main story now
Okay guys I think I COOKED with a new story with new ocs. It has Everything. Middle-aged man yaoi. Religious undertones (not gonna lie i kinda killed it with the lore despite thinking about this only for one night). Monster loving. Academia. SLOW BURN YEARNING AND PINING AND HURT.
........ and i hate it because my sibling in christ (me) you already have Four stories you want to develop for real you can NOT MANAGE FIVE but i cant let this one being one of my Hidden Super Secret Personal Stories i just cant
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