#[Quella -drabbles-]
soulsxng · 10 months
@arcxnumvitae and @fatestouch replied to your post:
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"It is not an issue of having grown tired of my position, or anything of the sort...though it would likely be a lie if I were to say that I were not feeling somewhat drained."
There's a small hum, and Sivel finally lifts his gaze from the mage pools to regard Ranadi and Alsina, who had eventually begun with a steady (albeit nervous) stream of questions. Why he had brought this up. When he had begun to think about it seriously. Would it be temporary, or permanent? Who would replace him, and what he would be doing, instead?
...What had happened to make him want to abdicate in the first place?
"I love Vasyri...I do. And I love my people just as deeply. But over these past few years, I have come to wonder if, perhaps, I have done all that I am able to for them. Vasyri deserves someone with a fresh outlook on things. Someone who does not look at potential alliances and associations that could benefit us, or end up overly focused on how things might go wrong. Someone that does not feel compelled toward the need to do things on our own, even if we do have allies, so as not to potentially open ourselves up to further threats."
"I think about my home, and I think of what I need to do so as to not fail them again. How I do not think I could stand to see any of my people suffer as they did in the past. And no matter whether I realize that or not, I am never able to shake myself from being almost as overprotective of them as I am of all of you. Of my family..."
"That makes any growth or evolution difficult, if not outright impossible. I know that, and yet...I find that, more and more, I am unable to justify the risks necessary to see much worthwhile change take place. So...while I do not necessarily believe myself to be a poor leader, I feel as though things have grown to be stagnant."
"And all of that is without mentioning the ire that so many outside of Vasyri view me with. I worry that, as long as I am Luminary, the stigma attached to myself and my deeds will continue to weigh Vasyri as a whole down, as well."
He talks through everything in a soft, even tone. It's obvious to both Ranadi and Alsina that this is something he had put a good deal of thought into, since a year or two ago, when he had commented half-jokingly about it to the pair of them.
"Besides...I miss it. How things used to be, when we were younger. Being able to go wherever we fancied at a moment's notice. Exploring and experiencing things with our claim-- something that I have never had the opportunity to do with Ania or Cyrus even once. It feels like, by becoming Luminary, I somehow came to believe that I had to give up so much of myself that, even in my earlier years of ruling, I would never have imagined doing. As if I gave up a part of my culture, pieces of who I am, moments with my loved ones...I look at the person I have become on occasion, and oftentimes, I do not like what I see. What I turned myself into, simply because I thought it was for the best of everyone involved. Because I thought that people would be more impressed, or more intimidated."
"...I do not intend to leave Vasyri forever, nor is this something I intend to rush. I want to be sure that whoever I pass this title onto, they are going to be the right fit. I still want to be around here and there to offer my support and assistance, and to teach people where I can-- both the new Luminary, and whoever else may want to learn from me. And when I'm not doing that, I think I would like to start by going along with Ania, Cyrus, and Sivan on one of their expeditions. After that, maybe I will take them on a trip to some of the spots that mother and father used to bring us when we were younger, with Naya and Nesimah...perhaps Quella. Both of you as well, if it is something you would be open to? It would hardly be the same, otherwise."
"Going back to my abdication, however. As I said, it is not something I intend to rush. I...am coming closer and closer to the conclusion that it is simply my time to take a step back, is all."
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readingoodbooks · 1 year
«Stavi dicendo la verità?» - Dungeons & Dragons (FanFiction Library Daily Drabble)
«Quindi… stavi dicendo la verità?» «Chi credi che io sia, Aasimar? Una bugiarda, forse?» L’elfa, una ladra scout di sangue nobile, scosse la testa, esasperata. Come sempre, il fatto di aver scelto una professione tanto osteggiata come quella del ladro la rendeva automaticamente un essere di cui diffidare senza pensarci due volte. Persino tra i suoi compagni, con i quali aveva combattuto contro…
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littlepierrot · 1 year
Drabble da 300 parole partecipante all'ultima settimana del cow-t 13, missione 6.
Titolo: Luna Piena
Fandom: MHA
Pair: BKDK
Katsuki stava in piedi davanti all'entrata della tenda nuziale. Al suo interno avrebbe incontrato l'omega scelto dai suoi genitori e che dopo quella notte insieme sarebbe stata la sua sposa.
La cerimonia era semplice nella sua tribù. Mordere un omega durante una notte di luna piena per essere sposati.
Nulla di troppo complicato, se non ché Katsuki odiava l'idea di unire a sé chicchessia. Sarebbe stata sicuramente una palla al piede. Una squallida comparsa degna forse di quell'unica scopata a cui era costretto. Dopotutto lui era l'erede, il futuro capo tribù. Il suo compito era generare una nuova discendenza. Sperò che almeno l'omega che gli avevano trovato fosse fertile, così che rimanesse subito gravida e lui non dovesse più preoccuparsene.
Prese un profondo respiro, ancora fuori dalla tenda e volse gli occhi alla luna piena alta nel cielo. La fissò con odio, come a darle la colpa, e poi scostò il drappo di stoffa che celava l'entrata.
Subito fu accolto da un buon profumo che gli fece venire l'acquolina e scorse la sua futura sposa in mezzo alla stanza. Stava in ginocchio in mezzo a un nido che sicuramente aveva passato a sistemare durante tutto il giorno. Almeno era un lavoro preciso e curato. Non avrebbe accettato niente di meno da chi doveva condividere con lui il resto della vita.
Si avvicinò.
Non vedeva nulla del suo corpo o volto, celato da innumerevoli veli e monili.
Lentamente si tolse di dosso le pelli che portava in vita, rimanendo completamente nudo di fronte all'omega. La vide sussultare e abbassare il volto celato e questo lo fece ghignare.
Entrò nel nido con passo sicuro, attento a non spostare nemmeno un cuscino.
Con una mano gli sollevò il velo e spalancò gli occhi.
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aven90 · 2 years
27 Drabble, 1 Natale: 26
27 Drabble, 1 Natale: 26
Le drabble sono storielle di 100 parole sul Natale. Auguri, intanto! Aria di festa! Capodanno Una volta sorpassato Natale, c’è da dire che le persone rivolgono l’attenzione a quella convenzione sociale che è il Capodanno.“E dai Mario, non fare l’asociale nemmeno quest’anno e mettiti a fare il trenino con noi”“Ma trenino cosa, che devo ancora digerire il cenone della vigilia”“Eh,…
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faceglitchsworld · 2 years
I had an amazing idea today. I've decided to make a little playlist dedicated to self indulgent stories (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
Every time I listen to these songs I have the inspiration to write some self indulgent drabbles or I just daydream some plots in my mind.
Some of these songs are romantic, some of them are melancholic, some are just jazzy but all of them are very inspirational to me (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
So, here's the playlist, maybe they can inspire you too 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
Oh yeah, I've put some Italian songs in the mix, I hope you don't mind
Oh, and expect many ballads, slow ballads to be exact
You and Me-Gomak Boys
Hoppipolla-Your Ocean
Sigur Rós-Hoppipolla
New Trolls-Quella carezza della sera
Carpenters-Close to You
Fabio Concato-Non smetto di aspettarti
Frank and Nancy Sinatra-Something Stupid
Fabio Concato-Buona Notte a Te
Paolo Conte-Sparring Partner
Carole King-It's too late
Evermore-Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver
Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong-Cheeck To Cheeck
Bon Iver-Holocene
Sufjan Stevens-To Be Alone with You
Bon Iver-Skinny Love
Never-All The Luck In The World
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iruka-week · 3 years
Iruka Week 2021 Masterpost
Here’s the final list of works posted to Iruka Week 2021. Thank you to everyone who participated, and to those of you who have supported the creators by liking, sharing, and commenting!
✨ Stats ✨
In total, you all created:
Art: 67 Poems: 2 Videos: 2 Drabbles (100): 46 Ficlets (100-1000): 42 Fics (1k+): 39 Total works: 194 Word Count: 196,533
That’s so much amazing, new Iruka-centric content, and we’re absolutely thrilled by your enthusiasm!
Below you’ll find the works split into days, and then further separated by media type. We hope you enjoy browsing all of the fantastic fanworks!
In case viewing everything on Tumblr isn’t your thing, we put together a 61 page Google doc with everything in, which you can view here.
Day 1: Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Scars
Artwork and Physical Crafts
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sweetysamaa Overworked & Sleep Deprived
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Iruka-Simp Scars
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animetrashmuffin Scars
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katedoesart Scars
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ultramarinetwix Scars
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Iruka-Simp Overworked & Sleep Deprived
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anniemaar Scars
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dayonnight Overworked & Sleep Deprived
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yamivdum Scars
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microrockets Scars
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radkoko Scars
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rocketpunchhh Scars
Fics and Meta
Exam Week by FreakyPseudWriter Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Umino Iruka/Reader General Audiences | 1/1 | 1342 Summary: There are some weeks Iruka absolutely dreaded, as they were stressful, hard for the mind and body, and mostly filled with lots of tears from his students. Exam Week. Not to talk about the sleep deprivation and the many, many tests he had to correct. No miracle he lived off of coffee, but that his state would lead to a happy ending... He would've never guessed.
Sensibile al tocco by RainbowLSparrow Scars | Mizuki/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 636 Summary: " Aveva sempre avuto un rapporto conflittuale con la sua cicatrice. Non ne faceva un problema estetico, quello per lui non era mai stato così importante. In fondo a Konoha non era di certo l'unico ad avere cicatrici, era probabilmente molto più comune di quanto facesse piacere ammettere. Il suo problema era quello che quella cicatrice significavano per lui. "
Sensitive to touch by RainbowLSparrow Scars | Mizuki/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 643 Summary: " He had always had a conflicted relationship with his scar. He didn't make it an aesthetic problem, that had never been so important to him. After all, in Konoha he was certainly not the only one with scars, it was probably much more common than he was pleased to admit. His problem was what that scar meant to him. "
Solo un'altra correzione e poi vado a letto! by RainbowLSparrow Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka/Yamato | Tenzou General Audiences | 1/1 | 679 Summary: ""Ruka... Per favore, vieni a dormire!"" Era già la seconda volta che veniva a chiamarlo, ormai era notte inoltrata e sapeva che Kakashi questa volta non avrebbe accettato un no come risposta. ""Correggo solo un altro compito e poi ti giuro che vengo!"""
Just one more correction and then I'm off to bed! by RainbowLSparrow Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka/Yamato | Tenzou General Audiences | 1/1 | 718 Summary: "Ruka ... Please, come to sleep!" It was already the second time he had come to call him, it was now late at night and he knew that this time Kakashi would not take "no" for an answer. "I'll just correct one more paper and then I swear I'll come!"
Even When Overworked by tmo Scars, Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Mature | 1/1 | 500 Summary: The Mood can hit at any time, even when you're tired and overworked. But who could refuse Iruka, really?
Incense and Bubble Baths by lazy___mastermind Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Umino Iruka/Reader Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 2912 Summary: You were having a rough few weeks and just needed to wind down. Iruka knew this. So, when you got home to turn in for the end of the work week, your boyfriend of two years already had the perfect you-tailored evening planned.
Tracing stories. by JustAnotherFool Scars | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 1422 Summary: Scars are stories embedded on skin. On a too hot night, Kakashi finds himself tracing Iruka's stories.
Hatake to the Rescue... and Dinner? by Jubokko Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 1530 Summary: Years worth of training kept Iruka from faceplanting. Fatigue, however, caused one hand to shoot out and grab hold of something to keep himself from losing balance. Unfortunately, as full awareness returned to him, he realized that the “something” that he’d taken hold of was none other than the collar of Kakashi’s flak jacket. The stupid jounin was blushing again. “What—the hell are—you doing?” Iruka wheezed. "You ask me on a date, then try to run away before you can hear my answer? How rude!” Kakashi seemed to squirm under Iruka’s scrutinizing glare. “Well, I—uh—” [Or—Iruka has a long day and waltzes out of a restaurant without his dinner and flak jacket. Kakashi seizes the opportunity to ask an important question... and completely loses his cool]
wounds heal, but scars remain by MagnusTesla Scars | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Sometimes at night, the pain is too much.
got me sleep deprived by jessicamiriamdrew Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 270 Summary: “You work too hard,” Kakashi says, and settles down next to Iruka on the kotatsu. “It’s the weekend; you should come to bed early.”
the perfect cure by stupidbadgers Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 211 Summary: iruka is overworked and sleep-deprived, but the perfect cure for that is being wrapped in his lover's arms
I'mperfect by JKirin Scars | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Do our scars make us imperfect?
Early Morning Reminiscing by irukapng Scars | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 952 Summary: Some scars are easier to heal than others.
In Need of Rest by vulcanhighblood Scars, Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 3989 Summary: Iruka is spending too much time taking care of other people and not enough time caring for himself. Kakashi decides to do something about it.
Introspection by kaoruhana Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/ Maito Gai (Implied) General Audiences | 1/1 | 3362 Summary: Iruka muses on the fact that the kids he once knew as pre-genin at the academy are all grown up, getting married, and starting their own families. He tells himself that he’ll find someone to settle down with too. Except, that’s easier said than done with his already packed schedule which becomes even busier when the Rokudaime gives him one more task to do. But Iruka doesn’t care. Not when it’s all for the kids anyway.
Role reversal by R_4_L Overworked & Sleep Deprived General Audiences | 1/1 | 1143 Summary: Iruka finds himself hospitalized and Kakashi is by his friends side. This time Kakashi is giving the lecture, he just needs to make sure Iruka hears it.
scars by roymustaangs Scars General Audiences | 1/1 | 213 Summary: He had them all over his body; on his chest, his legs, his nose. He was a ninja. This was bound to happen.
internal inferno by NianaiBell Scars General Audiences | 1/1 | 494 Summary: not all scars are visible
you drew stars around my scars by MelanatedRavenclaw Scars | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Mature | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka didn't know where he would be if he hadn't met Kakashi. He had been in a dark place, but Kakashi had patiently shown him there was still good in the world.
Come to Bed by llsilvertail Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka needs sleep.
It Never Goes Away by llsilvertail Scars Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Even after it's over, it's not gone.
Will Release Ever Come? by mandapandabug Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Explicit | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka comes home from work to find a randy lover who wants to worship his body all night long. It sounds romantic, but how much can one man take!?
easy on my mind, this time by NianaiBell Overworked & Sleep Deprived | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 1726 Summary: Self-care keeps Iruka prepared to deal with the multitude of roles he takes on in his village. Sometimes he just needs a push in the right direction.
Day 2: Bonds | Folklore & Mythology
Artwork and Physical Crafts
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sweetysamaa Folklore & Mythology
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anniemaar Folklore & Mythology
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microrockets Bonds
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rocketpunch Bonds | NSFW
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cosrune Folklore & Mythology
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yamivdum Folklore & Mythology
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dayonnight Folklore & Mythology
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happymonger Folklore & Mythology
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helenasugar Folklore & Mythology
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animetrashmuffin Folklore & Mythology
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radkoko Folklore & Mythology
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Iruka-Simp Bonds
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Iruka-Simp Folklore & Mythology | CW: Blood
Fics and Meta
Best Man Duty FreakyPseudWriter Bonds | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto, Umino Iruka/Reader, Umino Iruka/Original Character(s), Minor or Background Relationship(s), Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 1127 Summary: In the moments before his wedding, Iruka has a heart-to-heart-talk with Naruto.
Il calore di un abbraccio by RainbowLSparrow Bonds | Umino Iruka & his students, Sarutobi Hiruzen & Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 665 Summary: " Per Iruka il sentire caldo o freddo, non era solo una questione di temperatura, Iruka ricavava calore dalla vicinanza con gli altri, dalla felicità che gli procurava il condividere del tempo con gli altri. "
The warmth of a hug by RainbowLSparrow Bonds | Sarutobi Hiruzen & Umino Iruka, Umino Iruka & his students General Audiences | 1/1 | 687 Summary: " For Iruka, feeling hot or cold was not just a matter of temperature, Iruka drew warmth from being close to others, from the happiness that sharing time with others gave him. "
Queen of the Nile by tmo Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Explicit | 1/1 | 500 Summary: They were women legendary in their own rights. Most thought of them as rivals, others as friends, but their bond remained a mystery to all but them.
Oji-san by kaoruhana Bonds General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Boruto calls Iruka Ojii-san for the first time.
the ties that bind us by MagnusTesla Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: A slight tug at the bond that wraps itself around Iruka's soul is all it takes to know his mate is safe and sound.
bonds by roymustaangs Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 1379 Summary: Destiny could work in interesting ways sometimes.
Dolphin of the sea by RainbowLSparrow Folklore & Mythology General Audiences | 1/1 | 496 Summary: " He loved his position as a spirit of the Naka River. He had once been a dolphin, he was part of the great Ryujin's court. "
Delfino del mare by RainbowLSparrow Folklore & Mythology General Audiences | 1/1 | 485 Summary: " Amava la sua posizione di spirito del fiume Naka. Un tempo era stato un delfino, faceva parte della corte del grande Ryujin. "
Friends to Family by JKirin Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: They are more than friends – they are family.
Time by Jubokko Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 614 Summary: Closing his eyes, Iruka dug into the pocket of his bathrobe and withdrew a small, velvet box. He didn’t need to see the inside in order to know the familiar pattern inscribed on the ring. It had been burned into his flesh for decades, just as it had been on Kakashi’s, binding them together—two unwitting souls divided by pain and conflict for so long. Too long. Iruka breathed, fingers tightening around the box. Today could have—would have—been the happiest day of his life. When the tears began to fall, silently tracing down his cheeks, he did nothing to fight them."
you are the one i was meant to find by MelanatedRavenclaw Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Soulmate AU where one feels intense pain when they are near their soulmate for the first time.
אמת by jessicamiriamdrew Folklore & Mythology | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: The letters are scarred into Iruka's forehead, hidden under jutsu.
bonds that hold you by stupidbadgers Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: a quiet moment of happiness
sea shanty for shinobi by NianaiBell Folklore & Mythology General Audiences | 1/1 | 2570 Summary: Kakashi didn't think this mission would involve vengeful sea spirits today. Thankfully, there's Iruka.
The Transformative Power of Love by mandapandabug Folklore & Mythology | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: There's a fable of an aquatic mammal that becomes a beautiful human. So what if Kakashi embellishes this tale to fit his own love life better?
A Pocket Full of Pixies by llsilvertail Folklore & Mythology | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Pixies are capricious creatures. One quickly learns to not piss them off.
The Tying of New Bonds by llsilvertail Bonds | Mizuki & Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Old knots are untangled and new bonds are forged.
wreck me like you mean it by kageillusionz, mytsukkishine Bonds | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Explicit | 1/1 | 5331 Summary: Iruka gets wrecked by the Hokage.🥺
Day 3: Edo Tensei | Fake Dating
Artwork and Physical Crafts
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animetrashmuffin Edo Tensei | CW: Blood
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dayonnight Fake Dating
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sweetysamaa Edo Tensei
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nki-stories Edo Tensei
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radkoko Fake Dating
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animetrashmuffin Fake Dating
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Iruka-Simp Edo Tensei
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Iruka-Simp Fake Dating
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microrockets Edo Tensei
Fics and Meta
Hold Back the River by mandapandabug Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto Teen And Up Audiences | 8/8 | 41390 Summary: Naruto has been annoying his two favorite sensei about their (non-existent) love lives ever since he found love with Hinata. They decide to indulge Naruto and pretend to date because Iruka wasn't ready to date anyone for real. Turns out, Kakashi's enemies were just waiting for the opportunity to get revenge. Too bad they weren't really dating... or really in love... were they? It takes a long time to get there, but Iruka finally sorts out his feelings and maybe he's ready for something real. Luckily Kakashi is patient and a smitten-kitten.
Fake it 'til you... by FreakyPseudWriter Fake Dating | Umino Iruka/Reader, Umino Iruka/Original Female Character(s), Umino Iruka/Original Character(s) General Audiences | 1/1 | 5964 Summary: Flying doesn't bother you. Most of the time, you tend to your job, writing emails, planning appointments for your boss, or simply sleep the flight away. Though, on this flight, your seat neighbor is obviously scared to death by the prospect of leaving the ground, to the point you have to intervene. Everything to save your most comfortable flats from halfway digested food.
love's a curse by MagnusTesla Edo Tensei | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka's not mad, no. They're all wrong. Can't they see that his love knows no bounds?
Just Go With It by tmo Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/2 | 500 Summary: Their best-friend vacation accidentally turned into a boyfriend vacation
Goodbye by NKI_Stories Edo Tensei | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Tears ran down his face as he refused to let go.
kiss me like you mean it by roymustaangs Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: For Iruka Week 2021, prompt three: fake dating!
Make No Promises You're Unprepared To Keep by vulcanhighblood Fake Dating General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: He'd always known it would end. He just didn't expect it to hurt this much.
on one condition by stupidbadgers Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 241 Summary: iruka is tired of his friends butting into his dating life, so he does something about it
Doing The Research Early by mandapandabug Edo Tensei General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Kabuto heard Iruka was an expert in seals. While he was in town, he may as well try to pick his brain for information on... future ventures.
Il padre che non sono potuto essere by RainbowLSparrow Edo Tensei | Namikaze Minato & Umino Iruka, Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 662 Summary: "Grazie per essere stato per Naruto il padre che non sono potuto essere!"
The father I couldn't be by RainbowLSparrow Edo Tensei | Namikaze Minato & Umino Iruka, Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 676 Summary: "Thank you for being to Naruto the father I couldn't be!"
Why aren't you? by JKirin Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka asked an upperclassman for help but is now regretting his decision, or is he?
seeing home once again by mytsukkishine Edo Tensei | Umino Iruka & Umino Kohari Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 479 Summary: Iruka meets someone dear to him during the war.
forever, maybe by MelanatedRavenclaw Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka expected bringing a date to this wedding would get his friends off his back. What he did not expect was to fall for his date.
half empty/half full by NianaiBell Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 996 Summary: Kakashi has a plan. Iruka has a headache. Naruto can't dance.
contracts by jessicamiriamdrew Edo Tensei | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: “What’s a little Edo Tensei among friends?”
They were fine with it by RainbowLSparrow Fake Dating General Audiences | 1/1 | 861 Summary: " Iruka had been to many parties in his life, but it had never happened to him to find himself in a situation like this, of course, there is a first time for everything, but he really hoped to be able to spare this one. "
A loro andava bene così by RainbowLSparrow Fake Dating General Audiences | 1/1 | 806 Summary: " Iruka era stato a molte feste nella sua vita, ma mai gli era successo di ritrovarsi in una situazione di questo tipo, certo c'è una prima volta per tutto, ma sperava proprio di potersela risparmiare questa. "
I Love You Both by llsilvertail Edo Tensei | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi & Umino Iruka, Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: The hardest part is the final stand.
Everyone Will Know By Lunchtime by llsilvertail Fake Dating | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka doesn't get paid enough for this.
Dead Drops and Sake by Jubokko Fake Dating Mature | 1/? | 1922 Summary: Iruka and Kakashi are sent on a mission to retrieve information from a spy stationed in the Hidden Sound. Much to Iruka’s dismay, said mission has rather… unfortunate requirements.
Day 4: Fūinjutsu | Any AU
Artwork and Physical Crafts
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microrockets Any AU
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radkoko Any AU
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katedoesart Any AU
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animetrashmuffin Fūinjutsu
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Iruka-Simp Fūinjutsu
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Iruka-Simp Any AU
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microrockets     Any AU
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rocketpunch Any AU
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dayonnight Any AU
Fics and Meta
Project Work by FreakyPseudWriter Any AU | Umino Iruka/Reader General Audiences | 1/1 | 1846 Summary: Working on a project for a course you're barely interested in is already bad enough, but knowing you have to work on a project with the absolute gorgeous, kind, gentle Iruka... Needless to say, you can't really concentrate on the matter at hand.
To Be Trapped With You Forever by mandapandabug Fūinjutsu | Shiranui Genma/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka and Genma have been training together for months now. Somehow today is different. Today Genma didn't feel bad being trapped by Iruka's fuinjutsu at all. In fact he felt elated.
Sur un nuage by sweetysamaa Any AU | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 284 Summary: Iruka souffre. son chirurgien est en retard.
On a cloud by sweetysamaa Any AU | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 268 Summary: Iruka is in pain. His surgeon is late.
lurking beneath my skin by MagnusTesla Fūinjutsu | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Doesn't Kakashi realise that this is one beast he cannot tame?
home run by roymustaangs Any AU | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: For Iruka Week 2021 prompt 4: any au! I chose a baseball au because I love baseball and I think it'd be interesting to see them playing baseball!
Yamato-san by kaoruhana Any AU | Umino Iruka/Yamato | Tenzou, implied General Audiences | 1/1 | 1100 Summary: One of Iruka's kindergarten students is the mayor's son. This student has a stalker. So Yamato-san, is assigned to become Iruka's undercover TA to catch him. Told in Eleven Drabbles of 100 words each.
like any good shinobi by stupidbadgers Fūinjutsu | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 250 Summary: a nice soak is all iruka wants
JŌ'real Photoshoot by JKirin Any AU General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Behind the scenes of the photoshoot for JŌ'real Shinobi Hair Care ad as featured in Jō-gue!
who can stop me if i decide that you're my destiny? by MelanatedRavenclaw Any AU | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: The day has come and Iruka has to choose from the array of eligible suitors to rule beside him. It wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't already in love with someone else.
Restart by RainbowLSparrow Any AU | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Hatake Kakashi & Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 312 Summary: " He had done it for love, Iruka. He wouldn't do it for any other reason than that. He would have never leave home, with his boyfriend and his little brother. "
Ricominciare by RainbowLSparrow Any AU | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Hatake Kakashi & Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 310 Summary: " Lo aveva fatto per amore, Iruka. Non lo avrebbe fatto per altri motivi se non quello. Non sarebbe mai andato via di casa, col suo ragazzo e il suo fratellino altrimenti. "
the fine art of ink spots by NianaiBell Any AU General Audiences | 1/1 | 2496 Summary: Iruka runs a perfectly respectable tattoo parlor. His clients didn't seem to get that message.
Lace and Paperwork by Jubokko Fūinjutsu | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Mature | 1/1 | 3068 Summary: Iruka's fingers brushed against the Hokage robe, skin, and then a very… silky something. He froze on the spot and gently set down the pen he’d been holding. “Kakashi... are you wearing anything?” A grin split Kakashi’s face, clearly visible from beneath the mask. “Maa—course I am, Sensei.” “Lace doesn’t count.” Kakashi raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” “Kakashi.” “The robe counts.” “Kakashi!” Iruka spluttered, feeling heat rise in his face. “Good god—we’re in my office!” [Iruka has to do some last-minute paperwork over vacation. Unwilling to let their evening be completely ruined, Kakashi brings his surprise to the Academy office]
Is This the End? by llsilvertail Fūinjutsu | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: We give up many things for our countries, our lives are one of them.
Disengage, Parry Riposte by llsilvertail Any AU | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka teaches and Naruto learns.
Stuck In The Middle With You by tmo Any AU Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 500 Summary: As an apprentice blacksmith, Kakashi hadn't ever expected to find himself deserted on an island with a filthy pirate.
Day 5: Missing Nin | Pranks
Artwork and Physical Crafts
Iruka-Simp Pranks | AMV
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animetrashmuffin Pranks
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Iruka-Simp Missing Nin
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nki-stories Missing Nin
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microrockets Pranks
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radkoko Missing Nin
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happymonger Missing Nin
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dayonnight Missing Nin
Fics and Meta
Don’t come near! by jinxkirin Missing Nin General Audiences | Poem
Tough But Fair by SpellCasterLight Pranks General Audiences | 1/1 | 1078 Summary: "I am Naruto's teacher, and while he is on The Academy grounds, all my pupils are entrusted to me by the village to look after them and well," Iruka shamelessly took the empty parental seat beside Naruto then. "We are on The Academy grounds so I am technically his guardian."
Everybody Loves a Good Prank by FreakyPseudWriter Pranks | Umino Iruka/Reader, Umino Iruka/Original Female Character(s), Umino Iruka/Original Character(s) General Audiences | 1/1 | 1305 Summary: Iruka has no idea why someone is playing pranks on him. Though, he can't help but to feel intrigued, as the pranks are pretty elaborate and seem to have his delight in mind...
Iruka, a nukenin ? by sweetysamaa Missing Nin | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 1586 Summary: Irukas has suddenly dissapear. Why ? For sure Kakashi had something to do with it.
Iruka, un nukenin ? by sweetysamaa Missing Nin | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 1603 Summary: Iruka a disparue. Pour sur que Kakashi a quelque chose à avoir avec ça.
always looking over my shoulder by MagnusTesla Missing Nin | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka and Kakashi tried to make things work in Konoha, to love their village in spite of all her flaws.
#couplepranks by tmo Pranks | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 500 Summary: Iruka is the best boyfriend, according to his TikTok
All That Glitters Is Sometimes Gold by mandapandabug Pranks | Maito Gai | Might Guy/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Gai is just trying to see Iruka when he gets caught in a trap made for someone else. He's hoping to make the best of it and Iruka is happy to comply!
twinkle twinkle big star by roymustaangs Pranks | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: It was a harmless prank, really.
Kidnapped, missing, or...? by hkandi Missing Nin | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruko, Hatake Kakashi & Uzumaki Naruko General Audiences | 1/1 | 2456 Summary: Naruto swears that Iruka has become a missing nin, and drags Kakashi into looking for him. Kakashi has some other plans in mind, and it looks like now they include helping Naruto learn how to actually gather intelligence and information...
i laugh like me again by stupidbadgers Pranks | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 247 Summary: iruka rarely had time to plan out a good prank, but when he did, no one was safe. not even kakashi.
erased by jessicamiriamdrew Missing Nin | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka won’t be used by Konoha again.
Trying not to see the sea while standing on a raft by RainbowLSparrow Missing Nin | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 472 Summary: " For years Iruka had kept his eyes closed. He had been faithful to Konoha with all of himself, he had only seen its greatness and never its mistakes. He couldn't understand how he could have done it, it's like trying not to see the sea while standing on a raft. Impossible! "
Cercare di non vedere il mare stando su una zattera by RainbowLSparrow Missing Nin | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 459 Summary: " Per anni Iruka aveva tenuto gli occhi chiusi. Era stato fedele a Konoha con tutto se stesso, aveva visto solo la sua grandezza e mai i suoi errori. Non si capacitava di come avesse potuto farlo. è come cercare di non vedere il mare stando su una zattera. Impossibile! "
and the world will wait while you're here by NianaiBell Pranks | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 584 Summary: Iruka hasn't stopped being a trickster. His pranks just look a little different now.
Pranks by RainbowLSparrow Pranks General Audiences | 1/? | 350 Summary: " How many jokes they had played on him over the years... They were very creative in that, they were up to all sort of things. "
Scherzi by RainbowLSparrow Pranks General Audiences | 1/? | 323 Summary: " Quanti scherzi che gli avevano fatto lungo il corso degli anni... Erano molto creativi in quello, ne combinavano di tutti i colori. "
Day 6: Family | Jutsu Gone Wrong
Artwork and Physical Crafts
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Iruka-Simp Family
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sweetysamaa Family
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animetrashmuffin Family
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katedoesart Family
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microrockets Jutsu Gone Wrong
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radkoko Family
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animetrashmuffin Jutsu Gone Wrong
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dayonnight  Jutsu Gone Wrong
Fics and Meta
What Makes Iruka So Special? by mandapandabug Family | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 2421 Summary: It is their weekly Ramen dinner and Naruto has had something on his mind for a while: how come Iruka had such a similar story to many of the "villains" of his story, and yet he was so good? Iruka had faced the death of his parents, his only family, and been alone most of his life, but he didn't turn to evil means. Even when it was revealed that his "best friend" had betrayed him and used him his whole life, Iruka was still open and kind. What set him apart? Naruto wanted to get to the bottom of it, but he isn't so great with words and expressing himself. Iruka on the other hand is just grateful to still get to be in Naruto's life at all, even though he's an annoying little brat still, Hokage title or no.
Good Jutsu Gone Wild by mandapandabug Jutsu Gone Wrong General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Had it been a good idea to work with Naruto on a new combo move? No. No it had not. Since when had the boy gotten so strong?!? Now their Swirling-Burning-Inferno-no-Jutsu (trade mark: Naruto) is on a crash course for their village and they are helpless to stop it. Luckily a certain lazy pervert was in the area.
The Photographs Under the Hutch by kaoruhana Family General Audiences | 1/1 | 6560 Summary: It strikes Iruka then that in depriving Naruto of the knowledge of his parents' identities, the village did Naruto a grave injustice. And did the Yondaime and Kushina-san a great disservice. Iruka has never thought twice about what it must be like for Naruto who doesn’t know anything about the identity of his parents save for the last name he carries. But now, in his apartment, when Naruto shyly asks if there is something he can do to honor them, the way Iruka does his, it really hits him that Naruto is a lonely child who has been... left behind by the village. No, not left behind, but...neglected by them. Iruka can never imagine going a day without lighting the incense in front of his parents’ photo and bowing to their photo in the morning. He can’t imagine how Naruto must feel to be deprived of such a thing. “I think you don’t have to worry about your parents Naruto.” He whispers. “But, if you want, we can see if we can make a little memorial for them so that you can honor them too.” And as he says it, Iruka realizes that he means it. He will somehow find a way to give Naruto this small thing when so much has been taken from him.
i only have eyes for you by stupidbadgers Jutsu Gone Wrong | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 247 Summary: there are many reasons to be wary of small children
Failure and Success by FreakyPseudWriter Jutsu Gone Wrong | Umino Iruka/Reader, Umino Iruka/Original Character(s), Umino Iruka/Original Female Character(s) General Audiences | 1/1 | 2063 Summary: Iruka had never been this embarrassed. Hell, usually he would've been able to do this jutsu in his sleep! But no, today he had to fail and of course, today you were on shift in the hospital...
Family is a two-way street. by JKirin Family | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: Iruka is supposed to be the one supporting Kakashi, not the other way around. Right?
family means no one gets left behind or forgotten by roymustaangs Family | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: They'd both wanted this for a long time and it was finally time to make it official.
I Will Be Here, Don't You Cry by MelanatedRavenclaw Family | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 903 Summary: Naruto has a bad day at school and Iruka and Kakashi try to figure out what to do next.
unintentional catboy by MagnusTesla Jutsu Gone Wrong | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: In Konoha, Iruka is known as a master at seals, but even a master sometimes makes major fuck-ups.
A Place To Rest by vulcanhighblood Family | Uchiha Itachi & Umino Iruka, Uchiha Shisui & Umino Iruka, Uchiha Itachi & Uchiha Shisui & Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 10052 Summary: Umino Iruka finally gets out of the hospital after his first C-rank mission ended... badly. Unfortunately, the healing wound in his abdomen turns out to be the least of his worries when he finds out he's no longer welcome at the orphanage. Fortunately, he has a Genin teammate who knows just the place for him to rest and recuperate.
Konoha's Sublime Green Tree of Prey by JKirin Jutsu Gone Wrong General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: How do I even write a summary for this? 🤣 🤣 🤣 Read the title – make a guess LOL
Iruka: The Free Diving Mouse by kaoruhana Jutsu Gone Wrong General Audiences | 1/1 | 3109 Summary: Iruka’s eye ticked. At this current moment in time, he very much wanted to yell at Kakashi, scold him even. And he really wanted to drag Kakashi in by the ear to one of his lectures, particularly the upcoming one he is supposed to give on the use of proper hand seals tomorrow, and remind him why one should always be careful of what hand seals are used when trying new jutsus. Which is what he will classify this as. Because the jutsu to substitute someone with a log should not turn someone into a mouse.
Wearing Your Scars by mandapandabug Scars, Kekki Genkai | Hatake Kakashi & Umino Iruka Teen And Up Audiences | 9/9 | 23850 Summary: Iruka had a secret. His parents always told him he was lucky; he could grow out his hair and hide the rough scar. He was of Konoha and shouldn’t have to bear any burden of their sins. What were their sins? He wished he had asked, but he was a rambunctious 10-year-old and was happy to just run freely about the village. He made some friends, but his parents were loners. They didn’t like Iruka to be out late or with people he had not introduced to them specifically. Now he understands their trepidation. Now he wishes he had more information. Now it is too late.
Sunshine by tmo Family | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Mature | 1/1 | 500 Summary: He was supposed to be their sunshine through the clouds after trying to get pregnant for over a year.
Iruka-sensei's Post Academy Lesson Plan by NianaiBell Jutsu Gone Wrong | A slight moment of KakaIru at the end, Team Seven - Relationship General Audiences | 1/1 | 2856 Summary: Even if they aren't technically his students anymore...Iruka's willing to help them out. Just this once.
Snuggling with an Uncle-Grandpa (or Two) by kaoruhana Family | Umino Iruka & Yamato | Tenzou General Audiences | 1/1 | 1434 Summary: Iruka smiled as he realized that their bed would be invaded soon. He loved Metal and Sarada both, but there was a special place in his heart for the little girl. Yamato teased him and said it was likely because she was a cuddler. A small part of Iruka agreed. There was something special about being one of the few that Sarada always sought out to cuddle with. Knowing that she, as a tiny child who needed protection, sought out him when it was naptime or she was sleepy, made love swell in Iruka’s heart. Sarada wasn’t yet a Shinobi, she didn’t understand how important it was to be able to trust someone to relax in their presence and sleep when they were around. But when she’d first toddled up to him two years ago, arms outstretched, and had fallen asleep on his shoulder, Iruka knew it was special. And that Sarada was precious. And that he would do everything in his power to show her that. And if that included cuddling up with her and having her small body wriggling its way under the covers of the futon he shared with Yamato, snuggling up against his side, he would welcome it.
And in return I ask for nothing, just a smile by RainbowLSparrow Jutsu Gone Wrong Teen And Up Audiences | 1/2 | 6825 Summary: "It took them a long time that evening to put Iruka to sleep. He refused to listen to anything they tried to say to him, he collapsed in a corner of the room and ignored them. They tried to feed him, but he refused the food. They had to. wait until he was too tired to resist to be able to take him to bed. Kakashi and Naruto had stayed close to him, had tried to console him, but apparently, the wound for that Iruka was still too fresh to think of anything but everything he had lived through. In the end he cried himself to sleep."
E in cambio non chiedo niente, soltanto un sorriso by RainbowLSparrow Jutsu Gone Wrong Teen And Up Audiences | 1/2 | 6595 Summary: "Ci misero molto tempo quella sera a mettere Iruka a dormire. Si rifiutava di ascoltare qualsiasi cosa provassero a dirgli, si era accasciato in un angolino della stanza e li aveva ignorati. Avevano provato a farlo mangiare, ma aveva rifiutato il cibo. Avevano dovuto aspettare che fosse troppo stanco per opporsi per poterlo portare a letto. Kakashi e Naruto erano rimasti vicini a lui, avevano provato a consolarlo, ma a quanto pare, la ferita per quell'Iruka era ancora troppo fresca per poter pensare ad altro se non a tutto quello che aveva vissuto. Alla fine aveva pianto fino a quando non era crollato."
Day 7: Kekkei Genkai | Free Prompt
Artwork and Physical Crafts
bargeld Free Prompt | AMV
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animetrashmuffin Free Prompt
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katedoesart Free Prompt
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blepsoo Free Prompt
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Iruka-Simp Free Prompt
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radkoko Free Prompt
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microrockets Free Prompt
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dayonnight   Kekkei Genkai
Fics and Meta
Golden Rays by JKirin Free Prompt | Poem
Making Lemonade From Lemons by mandapandabug Free Prompt | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: When Iruka pranked Kakashi with a very public proposal on their mission, he didn't expect the man to agree! Even more, he didn't expect him to immediately drag him to the court house. If it weren't for the mission and the citizens present, Iruka wasn't sure what he would have done. But maybe it isn't so bad after all.
The Simple Things in Life by FreakyPseudWriter Free Prompt | Umino Iruka/Reader, Umino Iruka/Original Character(s), Umino Iruka/Original Female Character(s) General Audiences | 1/1 | 657 Summary: It's the first day of vacation for Iruka, and he couldn't spend it in a better way.
Iruka's boyfriend by sweetysamaa Free Prompt | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Mature | 1/1 | 1021 Summary: Iruka has a boyfriend. He feels terribly lonely though. Why ?
A Rose A Day Keeps The ANBU Away by coolgirl3890, mandapandabug Kekkei Genkai | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Original Female Character/Original Female Character Teen And Up Audiences | 1/1 | 3345 Summary: Tiger is tired. The headmaster was mad at the Hokage for some stupid reason or another (what else is new) and the Hokage was taking it as well as usual. He decides to make his elite fighting force operative deliver apology flowers. Is this really the best use of resources? Luckily for Kakashi, the number one rule of ANBU is don’t disobey your Hokage.
nothing is ever lost by stupidbadgers Free Prompt | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 245 Summary: as the sun crested the sky though, life seemed to come back to the two men
secret sharingan by MagnusTesla Kekkei Genkai | Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Uchiha Sasuke & Umino Iruka General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: In the wake of his grief, Sasuke discovers he isn't as alone as he'd believed.
The Turn of the Screw by tmo Free Prompt Explicit | 1/1 | 500 Summary: The children had been doing strange things but that was excused by the grief of losing their parents. That was why Iruka had been hired, after all. To take care of them. And take care of them he would.
Beneath the Scar by R_4_L Kekkei Genkai Not Rated | 1/1 | 2848 Summary: Iruka gets injured by Mizuki while trying to save Naruto and while he’s healing his new scar catches the eye of Kakashi for a completely different reason. Scar itch while they heal right? But what if there was something underneath the scar something new? Iruka may have a rare family kekkei genkai and Kakashi is the first one to find out and help him through it.
Blooming Sunset by JKirin Kekkei Genkai | Umino Iruka/Yamato | Tenzou General Audiences | 1/1 | 100 Summary: When hair gets in the way there is only one thing to do... A YamaIru soft moment ❤️
and I know it's going to be a lovely day by NianaiBell Free Prompt | Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto General Audiences | 1/1 | 1500 Summary: In a life post-war, there is good news to share
82 notes · View notes
Una drabble qualsiasi su Marti che si lamenta perché mi mancaaaa
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"48, 49, 50." Nico finisce di contare, dopo aver lasciato un bacio su ognuna delle punture.
Cinquanta, non cinque!
30 sulla gamba sinistra e 20 sulla destra, nonostante si sia cosparso per tutto il giorno di Autan... Basta dimenticarsi di rimetterlo dopo l'ennesima doccia della giornata ed ecco che viene subito assalito, mentre la pelle di Nico continua a essere liscia e immacolata come quella di un bambino nonostante lui non usi nulla. Dove sta la giustizia, a questo mondo?
Sicuramente non a casa loro.
"Scusa, ma me sa proprio che ne hai saltate un paio. Ti spiacerebbe ricominciare?"
5 notes · View notes
giulia-liddell · 5 years
Il malvagio piano di Fiorello
Parole: 1609
No beta, we die like men
Fandom: Sanremo RPF (Non ci credo che ho davvero scritto questa cosa)
Ship: Amadello, side Bossille/Domille, mentioned Ferro e suo marito
Note autore: Doveva essere una drabble, è diventata una one-shot... Dal fondo del trash, vi prensento la fanfiction amadello ufficiale! Yay! Non ho idea di cosa ho scritto perché non ho riletto una parola... Potrebbe essere piena di errori e salti di logica, ma va beh... Godetevela in tutto il suo trash!
Fiorello si sta preparando nel suo camerino. Questa è l’ultima serata, la grande finale, l’epica conclusione del settantesimo festival di Sanremo e tutto è andato secondo i piani.
Fiorello sorride al suo riflesso nello specchio mentre si sistema la sua elegante e luccicante giacca. Gli mancherà un po’ indossare abiti così sfarzosi una volta finito il festival, ma al momento gli interessa solo quanto bene gli sta questa giacca e quanto renderà migliore la serata che sta per iniziare.
Qualcuno bussa alla porta «Signor Fiorello, tra cinque minuti sul palco!» annuncia un tecnico aprendo appena uno spiraglio per farsi sentire. «Certo, certo. Grazie.» risponde Fiorello e improvvisamente sente che gli tremano le mani. Era completamente calmo fino ad ora, ma adesso, con la realizzazione che la serata sta davvero per cominciare, l’agitazione ha cominciato a salire. «Ce la puoi fare. Sei uno showman. Sarà una passeggiata per te.» si dice guardandosi un’ultima volta allo specchio. «È andato tutto perfettamente secondo i piani fino ad adesso e così sarà anche stasera.»
L’Ariston è pronto per la finale, il palco sembra più luminoso che mai, file di vasi pieni di fiori decorano ogni angolo libero e Amadeus sta salutando il pubblico. Fiorello si incanta un momento a guardarlo e si lascia scappare un sorriso “Quella giacca è orrenda…” pensa “Ma minchia, gli sta da Dio…” e prima che possa ritornare del tutto alla realtà sente il suo segnale e deve correre sul palco per il suo sketch di apertura.
Fiorello sorride con il suo miglior sorriso da showman, ma è ancora disorientato e assorto nei suoi pensieri. Non riesce proprio a concentrarsi. Amadeus se ne deve essere accorto perché gli lancia un’occhiata un po’ preoccupata e poi cerca di coprirla con una battuta «Ah, niente costumi stasera?» chiede con quel sorriso a trentadue denti e Fiorello è abbastanza sicuro di aver visto una traccia di rossore sulle guance del suo Ama’. «Ah, no, no… Stasera dobbiamo essere molto seri, Amadeus. È la finale dopotutto, è importante, non c’è spazio per le sciocchezze.» risponde Fiorello facendo del suo meglio per rimanere serio fino alla fine. L’espressione confusa di Amadeus è abbastanza per confermargli che ci è riuscito. Amadeus si riprende e annuncia la prima esibizione prima di ritirarsi velocemente dietro le quinte insieme a Fiorello.
«Fiore, senti, tutto okay? Ti ho visto un po’… Troppo serio… Stai cercando di nascondermi qualcosa? Uno sketch particolare? Mi vuoi fare qualche scherzo?» chiede subito Amadeus con gli occhi pieni di preoccupazione e Fiorello deve fare del suo meglio per non mettersi subito a rassicurarlo. Si costringe a ricordarsi il suo piano e risponde con il tono più freddo possibile «Sono molto serio, Amadeus. Sei il conduttore, dovresti capire che questa è la serata in cui bisogna essere seri, o forse hai dimenticato come fare il tuo lavoro?» Amadeus resta senza parole e Fiorello pensa che forse ha esagerato, ma adesso è troppo tardi per tornare indietro, così decide di non aggiungere altro e si allontana.
Amadeus è un professionista, in fondo, e riesce ad affrontare il resto della serata senza farsi distrarre troppo dalle parole di Fiorello, ma lui lo osserva bene, lo conosce, sa che nel fondo della sua mente Amadeus ci ha rimuginato tutta la sera. Ma il conduttore continua a comportarsi come le altre sere: accoglie i suoi sketch con entusiasmo, ride ampiamente alle sue battute e continua a chiamarlo “ciurì”. Il cuore di Fiorello si scioglie ancora ogni volta, ma deve mantenere la sua apparenza seria e posata: non ricambia il soprannome, non ride tanto quanto le altre sere, si tiene sempre ad un passo o due di distanza e si comporta con la sua solita amichevolezza solo con gli ospiti e gli artisti. In particolare con Tiziano Ferro da il suo massimo: se qualcuno dovesse spiegare il significato di “gay” userebbe sicuramente qualche immagine di Fiorello e Tiziano in questa serata. Ogni limite che si può oltrepassare, Fiorello lo oltrepassa, ma sempre mantenendo le distanze da Amadeus.
Nel backstage Tiziano lo prende da parte per un attimo «Non stai esagerando un po’? Vic mi ha dato il permesso di aiutarti con il tuo folle piano, ma… Insomma, Fiore non credevo che arrivassi a tanto…» il cantante sembra genuinamente preoccupato e Fiorello è un po’ commosso «Tranquillo Tiziano, ho tutto sotto controllo e il bello deve ancora arrivare.» risponde lui sorridendo con aria di sfida, mentre Tiziano sgrana gli occhi «Oh no. Così mi spaventi sul serio, Fiore.» Fiorello ride «Beh, puoi dire a Vic che si divertirà molto…» Tiziano lo guarda male per un attimo «Rosario, Vic è in sala stasera, faccio un po’ fatica ad andare a parlargli, non credi?»
La serata continua a scorrere e Fiorello può vedere la confusione crescere sul volto di Amadeus di minuto in minuto. Si sente un po’ in colpa, ma solo un po’. Adesso sta per esserci l’ultima esibizione, quella di Achille Lauro, e l’attenzione di tutti è al massimo. Fiorello si affretta a raggiungere il giovane cantante nel backstage.
Achille sfoggia un meraviglioso costume da diavolo ispirato a quello di Elton John: ha davvero superato sé stesso stasera con la sua sfida a tutti i boomer di Sanremo, non solo un vestito provocante, non solo un vestito ispirato ad una grande icona LGBT, ma un vestito che richiama il Diavolo. Fiorello si sente fiero come un genitore. «Pronto, Fiorello?» chiede Achille mentre finisce di controllare il suo costume, Boss Dom è accanto a lui che lo aiuta. «Sono nato pronto, caro Achille. Vuoi due?» rilancia Fiorello e Boss Dom sorride compiaciuto «Stavamo aspettando questa occasione da quando siamo stati selezionati per il festival. Sarà epico.» Fiorello annuisce e sono tutti pronti per partire. Un attimo prima del loro segnare Achille da un bacio a Boss Dom «Dovresti risparmiarti per dopo.» lo prende in giro lui e Achille risponde a tono «Scusa, non potevo resistere.» Fiorello continua a sentirsi un genitore fiero, ma anche un po’ un terzo incomodo.
Ed ecco il momento decisivo. Achille viene chiamato sul palco e arriva accolto da scoscianti applausi. Il suo costume fa davvero effetto. Fiorello segue a ruota con una specie di vestito addosso e il pubblico è visibilmente confuso dalla sua presenza. La musica parte e Fiorello divide il microfono con Achille, dando tutto sé stesso. Ed ecco che al ritornello si toglie il vestito per rivelare la tutina semitrasparente da Freddie Mercury che Achille ha indossato la prima sera. Boss gli sorride e Achille gli si avvicina per mettergli il rossetto. Fiorello continua a cantare e a saltellare di qua e di là, il pubblico è sempre più confuso, ma non può evitare di essere anche entusiasta: è una performance meravigliosa. Purtroppo finisce quasi troppo presto. Le ultime note scompaiono e Fiorello si appoggia ad Achille esausto, ma con un sorriso soddisfatto. Il pubblico si alza in piedi per applaudire, Fiorello riesce a vedere che Vic, il marito di Tiziano, sta già ridendo come un matto. Adesso bisogna vedere se tutto si concluderà come previsto.
Amadeus torna sul palco confuso, estasiato e rosso come un peperone. Fiorello se la ride tra sé e sé. «Achille Lauro, signore e signori! E Rosario Fiorello! Wow! Eh… Non sapevo che questo sarebbe successo… Ma wow! Le sorprese della diretta, eh?» si avvicina ai due artisti e continua a lanciare occhiate a Fiorello che non muove un dito per rimettersi qualcosa addosso e coprire quella tutina. «Rosario… Rosario, ciurì, non mi avevi detto di questa cosa… Da quanto…? Non so neanche se vale come esibizione dato che hai cantato anche tu…» Amadeus è disorientato e non sa più cosa dire, lo ha pure chiamato per nome… Fiorello è un po’ intenerito. «Ma, Ama… L’esibizione non è finita.» risponde sorridendo come lo Stregatto. Il momento è arrivato. «Ah no?» Amadeus non riesce ad aggiungere altro per un momento «Che cosa c’è adesso?» aggiunge ancora incantato da Fiorello. Lui si avvicina, afferra il bavero del conduttore e lo bacia.
È uno di quei momenti in cui nessuno capisce cosa stia succedendo, c’è solo una gran confusione e un sussulto che coinvolge tutto il teatro, poi l’orchestra inizia a suonare una musica romantica. Se avessero detto ad Amadeus che l’ultima esibizione di Sanremo 2020 si sarebbe conclusa con Fiorello che se lo limona in mondovisione vestito da Freddie Mercury, non ci avrebbe mai creduto. Eppure eccolo qui, tra le braccia di Fiorello, del suo ciurì, con svariati segni di rossetto intorno alla bocca.
Quando Fiorello lo lascia andare sono entrambi senza fiato per un qualche momento «Fior… Fio… Fiore… Credev… Credevo che non mi sopportassi più… Insomma da come mi hai trattat…» Amadeus cerca di parlare, ma Fiorello lo interrompe con un altro bacio, molto più casto, che dura appena un secondo. Amadeus sa che dovrebbe condurre il dannato settantesimo festival di Sanremo in questo momento, ma per come Fiorello lo sta guardando, può andare tutto al diavolo: il festival, l’Ariston e la Rai. «Volevo farti ingelosire un po’… Per tastare il terreno vedere se avevo una chance… E stasera volevo sorprenderti… Quindi il miglior modo era tenerti lontano, farti credere che non ci fosse assolutamente niente, che le scorse serate fossero state solo show. Ma nemmeno io sono uno showman così bravo da fingere tutto quello: era davvero tutto per te, il vestito da Don Matteo, il vestito da De Filippi, la canzone che ho cantato ieri… E avevo detto di aver messo la tutina di Achille, no?»
I microfoni sono ancora accesi. Tutti hanno sentito tutto. Tutti hanno visto tutto. E adesso all’Ariston regna un silenzio di tomba. L’unica cosa che si sente è Vic, che continua a morire dal ridere.
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mbcorvo-author · 5 years
“An experiment”
This excerpt is brought to you thanks to @withered-rose-unbreakable-lotus​‘s prompt she sent me for my “100 followers drabble challenge”.
I spent many days trying to come up with something and after some internet, after watching some videos friends spammed to me, I was able to write!
The original is around 1860 words long, but I decided to translate & share with you a shorter part that included the prompt I was given.
The prompt was:  "I never wanted this to be/end this/that way"
(you can find an extra snippet here *click*)
“An experiment”
Probably her brother was in one of those rooms...but which one? She couldn't waste time checking every door, and wasting time could mean rising the risk of stumbling into one of the assistants - or if bad luck wanted, the Doctor themself! - while searching. A broken scream of pain stopped the train of thoughts of Kelsie. Even if the sound was muffled and vaguely distorted by the basement's echo, she was sure that it was her brother's voice. She was quickly moving again along the big corridor trying to understand from which door the pained screams were coming from and in the end, she found it. Her trembling right hand moved the tiny piece of metal that covered the little rectangular opening in the metal door and she saw him. «REESE!» she exclaimed, both relieved for having found him and scared for the situation they were in. Too focused on the finding of her brother to notice that it was very odd that the heavy door of that little laboratory wasn't locked.
She entered the lab and rapidly went towards her brother that was tied to what looked like a metal table. «Oh my god!» shrieked, hands covering her mouth while she stared wide-eyed at her suffering brother «Oh my god, Reese! What they have done to you?!» she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Reese was strapped to that table, drips with mysterious liquids connected to an arm that was no more human... or rather, at a closer look that arm has never been human. Some stained bandages were covering a portion of the shoulder and the chest of the brother, maybe they grafted it onto him? Atrocious! Other scars were scattered on what was uncovered of his body, what else they did to him?
The young man's eyes were glossy with fever and the sclera had an unhealthy yellowish shade, glazed look forcefully facing towards the ceiling while his laboured breathing was sometimes interrupted by pained cries. «Reese! Reese!» said her reaching him and moving away his bangs that were stuck to his face because of the fever sweats «Calm down, it' me Kelsie» she murmured «I'm sorry, I'm really fucking sorry... I... I only wanted to find a safe place, a place where they could get you healed...» sobbed, barely able to hold back tears «I never wanted this to end this way! I'm sorry Reese!».
Reese seemed to come back to his senses feeling his sister at his side «...scape...» uttered faintly with a scratchy voice «...elsie...o away...» «We'll go away together, don't worry!» exclaimed her in response «I'll untie you right away and we'll go away in a blink» she tried to give her voice the most optimistic and calm tone possible while moving and starting to fumble with the thick straps that kept her brother trapped. He whimpered and stirred in his constricted laying, shaking his head «No... Kel... scape...» uttered with an anxious voice tone while his sister was trying to free him. «Quiet, quiet, I think I figured it out,» said her, faking a happy tone, finally being able to untie the human arm from the restrains «Here we go! Now I'll finish untying and-» «RUN» croaked her brother, using all the air and strength that was left in his body, losing again consciousness.
The young woman didn't even have the time to say anything that the thud of the heavy door made her jump. «Well, well, well...» said a voice that startled Kelsie that was standing still like she was petrified «What are you trying to do, little mouse?» «Doc!» gasped the young woman turning towards the door, her hands grasping the border of the metallic table where was her brother. Tense as she was, she was barely able to stutter something to the Doctor that meanwhile was moving slow steps inside the lab.
«Well?» the Doctor commented, tilting a bit their head to the side to be able to observe her better with their only eye «Little mouse forgot how to speak?» teased. Even with the white mask covering their face from the nose to the chin and the red hair covering their right side of the face, it was easy to perceive from their voice the not-so-reassuring grin that was stretching their lips. He was walking slowly, one hand tucked in the pocket of the white lab coat they constantly wore, while the other was caressing lightly the top of another table on which were kept many tools.
Kelsie started to walk too, moving on the side since her bother's table was right behind her back. «I-I wanted... I wanted to see Reese» babbled the young woman finally regaining enough courage to talk, courage that she then took in both hands to continue «What have you done to him?! Why you have reduced him this way?!»
The Doctor's look moved towards a vial that they picked with their free hand, observing the dense liquid inside it «What have I done to him... mh...» mumbled like he was lost in thought, slightly stirring the vial to make the liquid swirl «An experiment» commented, plainly, putting the vial back in the small tube rack.
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Italian version under the cut!
Questo estratto vi è offerto grazie allo spunto che @withered-rose-unbreakable-lotus​ mi ha mandato per il “100 followers drabble challenge”.
Ho trascorso molti giorni cercando di ideare qualcosa e dopo un po’ di internet, dopo aver guardato qualche video che amici mi avevano spammato, sono stato in grado di scrivere!
L’originale si aggira sulle 1860 parole di lunghezza, ma ho deciso di tradurre e condividere una parte più breve che include lo spunto che mi è stato dato.
Lo spunto era: “Io non ho mai voluto che questo fosse/finisse così/in questo modo”.
(potete trovare uno stralcio extra qua *click*)
“Un esperimento”
Probabilmente il fratello si trovava in una di quelle stanze… ma quale? Non poteva perdere tempo a controllare ogni porta, così come avrebbe potuto rischiare di incappare in qualche assistente – o sfortuna non voglia, il Dottore stesso! - mentre cercava. Un urlare strozzato di dolore riscosse Kelsie dai suoi pensieri. Anche se il suono era ovattato e vagamente deformato dalle eco dei sotterranei, era sicura che quella fosse la voce del fratello. Tornò a muoversi rapidamente lungo il grande corridoio cercando di capire da quale porta provenivano quelle urla di dolore e alla fine la trovò. Mano destra tremante andò a spostare la striscia di metallo che copriva la fessura che fungeva da spioncino nella porta di metallo e lo vide. «REESE!» esclamò, a metà tra il sollievo per l’averlo ritrovato e lo spaventato per la situazione in cui si trovavano. Troppo concentrata sull’aver ritrovato il fratello per rendersi conto che fosse strano che la pesante porta del piccolo laboratorio non fosse stata chiusa a chiave.
Entrò e si affrettò a raggiungere il fratello legato a quello che pareva essere un tavolo di metallo. «O mio dio!» esclamò portandosi le mani a coprire la propria bocca, occhi sgranati che osservavano il fratello sofferente «Oh mio dio, Reese! Cosa ti hanno fatto?!» non riusciva a credere a ciò che vedeva. Reese era legato a quel tavolo, flebo con misteriosi liquidi collegati a un braccio che di umano sembrava non avere più nulla… anzi, a guardare meglio quel braccio non era mai stato umano. Delle bende sporche coprivano parte della spalla e del busto del fratello, che glielo avessero trapiantato addosso? Atroce! Altre cicatrici costellavano ciò che si vedeva del corpo del ragazzo, cos’altro gli avevano fatto?
Gli occhi del ragazzo erano lucidi di febbre e la sclera aveva una malsana colorazione tendente al giallognolo, sguardo vitreo forzatamente rivolto verso il soffitto mentre il respiro affannoso era di tanto in tanto interrotto da versi di dolore. «Reese! Reese!» disse la ragazza affiancandolo e scostandogli dalla fronte la lunga frangia che gli si era appiccicata per via del sudore causato probabilmente dalla forte febbre che aveva «Calmati, sono io, Kelsie» gli mormorò «Mi dispiace, mi dispiace un casino… io… io volevo solo trovare un posto sicuro, un posto dove potessero rimetterti in sesto...» singhiozzò, trattenendo a fatica le lacrime «Non ho mai voluto che andasse a finire in questo modo! Mi dispiace Reese!».
Reese sembrò iniziare a tornare in sé e accorgersi della sorella al suo fianco «...appa...» bofonchiò fiocamente con la voce ridotta a un raspo «...elsie...a via...» «Andremo via insieme, non preoccuparti!» esclamò lei in risposta «Ti slego subito e ce ne andremo via in un attimo» cercò di mantenere un tono di voce il più possibile calmo e positivo, mentre si spostò iniziando ad armeggiare con le spesse cinghie che tenevano il fratello intrappolato. Lui mugolò e si mosse in quella sua posa costretta, scuotendo il capo «No… Kel… appa...» bofonchiò con tono più agitato mentre la sorella cercava di liberarlo. «Tranquillo, tranquillo, forse ho capito» fece lei fingendo un tono allegro, riuscendo infine ad liberare il braccio umano dalle cinghie «Ecco qua! Ora finisco di slegarti e-» «CORRI» gracchiò il fratello usando tutta l’aria e le forze che gli rimanevano in corpo, perdendo nuovamente i sensi.
La ragazza non fece in tempo a replicare che il tonfo della pesante porta della stanza che si chiuse la fece sobbalzare. «Bene, bene, bene…» disse una voce che fece trasalire Kelsie che era rimasta immobile come pietrificata «Cosa stai cercando di fare, topolino?» «Doc!» esclamò la ragazza voltandosi in direzione della porta, mani che si strinsero sul bordo del tavolo di metallo su cui si trovava il fratello. Nervosa com’era, era a malapena in grado di bofonchiare qualcosa alla volta del Dottore che intanto muoveva lenti passi nel laboratorio.
«Beh?» fece il Dottore, inclinando appena il capo da un lato così da adocchiarla meglio con il suo unico occhio «Il topolino ha dimenticato come si parla?» la punzecchiò. Nonostante la maschera bianca che gli copriva il volto dal naso al mento e i capelli rossi che gli nascondevano il lato destro del viso, si poteva facilmente intuire dal suo tono di voce il ghigno poco rassicurante che doveva star stirando le sue labbra. Avanzava lentamente, una mano infilata nella rispettiva tasca del camice bianco che indossava perennemente mentre l’altra accarezzò leggermente la superficie di un tavolo su cui erano presenti diversi strumenti.
Kelsie iniziò a muoversi a propria volta, spostandosi in laterale avendo alle proprie spalle la via bloccata dal tavolo con il fratello. «I-io volevo...io volevo vedere Reese» balbettò la ragazza ritrovando finalmente il coraggio di parlare, coraggio che quindi prese a due mani per proseguire «Cosa gli hai fatto?! Perché lo hai ridotto così?!»
Lo sguardo del Dottore si era spostato su una provetta che aveva afferrato con la mano libera, osservandone il denso liquido all’interno «Cosa gli ho fatto...mh...» borbottò quasi sovrappensiero facendo oscillare la provetta per muovere il liquido al suo interno «Un esperimento» rispose, semplicemente, andando a riporre la provetta nel piccolo porta-provette.
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Vigilia e biscotti
by TheRealJeanGenie
"Mentre la mezzanotte rintoccava, Emma faceva piani su quella deliziosa Lizzie Bennet e sul granitico Mr. Darcy."
Words: 100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Italiano
Fandoms: Emma - Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Emma Woodhouse, Elizabeth Bennet, Fitzwilliam Darcy
Relationships: Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy
Additional Tags: Crossover, Drabble, Continuity What Continuity
from AO3 works tagged 'Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen' https://ift.tt/2QnjVcF via IFTTT
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soulsxng · 1 year
🎥 Alsina
@thewolfisawake | 🎥
When she agreed to let her introduce her to the Eszenra's, after her own family had essentially cast her out, she hadn't expected to be met with a Claim so...large. Most Vasyrus traveled alone, or in pairs. Maybe groups of three, or occasionally four. Her family was even considered odd, in that they tended to travel a set path. Each smaller Nyra Claim meeting with another at what were more or less set intervals, to trade information and such.
She had heard the Eszenra's were especially strange in how they traveled...or, more accurately, how little they traveled. Maybe it was because there was already seven of them. Eight, on occasion, considering her uncle had mentioned that it wasn't uncommon for him to travel with them, as well.
...So Alsina herself would make nine. Would they really be willing to do such a thing?
While her uncle spoke to his friends-- evidently the elder two Eszenras, Temiron and Sevinya, a young man approached her. His wings thrumming in a way that was meant to be disarming. Likely because her own were buzzing behind her in a far more anxious drone.
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"I know you are nervous, but...try to relax. I have yet to hear the full story, so I admittedly do not know yet what ails you. However, I can assure you that whatever it is, all of us will do what we can to help you...for however long you choose to stay with us."
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"...If I'm allowed to stay with you in the first place, you mean. That is what my uncle is discussing with your...parents, I assume?"
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"Hm? No, they discussed that a few days ago. If anything, they are already working on the plans for how to help you. Or catching up. Morastalla has been close with my parents a long time now, so they have a habit of getting carried away talking when he is with us. It may take a while, so...why not let me help you settle in? My name is Sivel."
He went on to point out each person, and teach her their names. Tell her a bit about them, and what she could expect from them. Patient and kind, when she still had trouble settling down, and sharing stories with her to help calm her down. Ranadi did the same, when he came over-- and Nesimah, shortly after.
Soon, Naya and Quella joined them as well, and before long, Alsina found her own voice joining with theirs. Sharing stories and experiences of her own. Talking about anything and everything that came to mind.
Though she seemed to click best with the first two that came over-- Sivel and Ranadi-- they were all easy people to get along with.
Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad. Perhaps her family forcing her away had turned out to be something good, after all?
She supposed only time would tell...but at least now, she could be hopeful.
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ao3feed-elioxoliver · 4 years
Il coraggio per restare
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UuUSHE
by Giocchan (Bacinaru)
"«Resta» gli sussurra sulla nuca. Oliver chiude gli occhi. Sospira. Ce la mette tutta per non lasciare che il groppo in gola gli incrini la voce. «Elio, domani è il giorno del mio matrimonio.» Entrambi sanno che quella è l'ultima volta."
Words: 402, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Italiano
Series: Part 3 of WAOFP Drabble Events
Fandoms: Call Me By Your Name (2017)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Oliver (Call Me by Your Name), Elio Perlman
Relationships: Oliver/Elio Perlman
Additional Tags: Post-Canon
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UuUSHE
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ao3feed-cmbyn · 4 years
Il coraggio per restare
by Giocchan (Bacinaru)
"«Resta» gli sussurra sulla nuca. Oliver chiude gli occhi. Sospira. Ce la mette tutta per non lasciare che il groppo in gola gli incrini la voce. «Elio, domani è il giorno del mio matrimonio.» Entrambi sanno che quella è l'ultima volta."
Words: 402, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Italiano
Series: Part 3 of WAOFP Drabble Events
Fandoms: Call Me By Your Name (2017)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Oliver (Call Me by Your Name), Elio Perlman
Relationships: Oliver/Elio Perlman
Additional Tags: Post-Canon
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/23398042
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aven90 · 2 years
27 Drabble, 1 Natale: 21
27 Drabble, 1 Natale: 21
Le drabble sono storielle di 100 parole sul Natale. Auguri, intanto! Aria di festa! Pandoro Non c’è Natale che può passare senza l’annosa disputa: Panettone o Pandoro?Mi ricordo di quella volta che il giudice Torrone batté il martelletto sul suo banco.“La corte riconosce come dolce natalizio…”Si sospese, perché aveva sentito il parere di entrambe le parti e della giuria. Ma, ahiloro, la…
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free-as-abird · 6 years
Seguito della piccola Drabble “Onde” postata qualche settimana fa:
ora tocca a Martino.
spero vi piaccia!! 
La prima volta che Niccolò è entrato nell’aula di Radio Osvaldo, al piano superiore del Liceo Kennedy, Martino ha sentito solo il silenzio. Il rumore dei suoi pensieri e delle persone attorno a lui improvvisamente hanno cessato di esistere.  Ricorda di aver trattenuto il respiro, mentre la figura di Niccolò si muoveva sicura tra i banchi, fino a sedersi su uno di questi, dando le spalle alle ragazze. Martino assorbe ogni particolare che Niccolò gli concede, dal naso dritto, ai capelli ammassati confusamente sulla  testa, alla bocca piena. Non ha mai provato nulla di simile. La calma nel cuore, il silenzio attorno a lui, come se tutta la sua rabbia verso se stesso e verso un mondo che non capisce, fosse scomparsa. È un attimo che svanisce con la voce di Silvia, che da inizio alla riunione. Martino porterà dentro quella sensazione, custodendola come un prezioso segreto tra lui e il suo cuore.
E anche adesso che lo sta guardando, sente quella sensazione riapparire.
Niccolò si muove sopra di lui, ha gli occhi chiusi e le labbra umide leggermente aperte, il suo respiro affannoso gli colpisce il viso e Martino, proprio come quel giorno, non riesce a distogliere lo sguardo.
Sono soli in casa. È un pomeriggio di maggio, l’aria fuori è già calda e dentro la stanza di Martino tutto ruota attorno ai loro respiri affannati. Le mani di Martino stringono le spalle di Niccolò ad ogni scossa di piacere. Le mani di Nico invece, non stanno mai ferme. Percorrono una strada immaginaria più e più volte, con un desiderio  che Martino si sente addosso e nonostante il suo cuore batta furiosamente, dentro di se sente la calma. È una calma che esplode nel suo petto silenziosa come le ciglia di Nico che sbattono contro la pelle sudata, mentre cerca di aprire gli occhi e ricambiare lo sguardo di Martino e quando succede, Marti sente ogni fibra di se sospesa per aria. È  un amore così grande che fa quasi fatica a respirare e allora lascia le sue spalle e si aggrappa ai suoi capelli scuri, avvicinando il viso al suo. Le loro fronti si toccano e Marti gli sorride prima di baciarlo.  È un bacio scomposto e a mala piena riescono ad essere in sincrono, ma a nessuno dei due importa. Le mani di Nico si stringono ora sulle sue cosce, mentre il ritmo sale e Martino pensa solo ad una cosa, nel silenzio di pace che sente: Lo ama. Così tanto che non sa più dove mettere tutto l’amore che prova .
“Nì.” Sussurra e gli occhi di Nico ora non lo lasciano un momento. Si sente sopraffatto dall’emozione e da quanto ami essere se stesso con Niccolò al suo fianco. “Nì”  ripete e da come lui lo guarda sente che è diverso questa volta. E’ intenso e dolce, come se fosse la prima volta che fanno l’amore. “Ti amo” mormora ed è una confessione appena udibile, nascosta tra i sospiri.
Niccolò chiude gli occhi di scatto e nasconde la testa nell’incavo del collo di Martino, il suo corpo pressato contro di lui quasi come se gli volesse togliere il respiro. Nico trema e Martino si sente un uomo vivo.
L’euforia ci mette il suo tempo a scemare e loro rimangono sul letto, ancora uno sopra l’altro, in silenzio. Martino non si aspetta che Nico parli, perché è perfettamente consapevole che non c’è bisogno di rispondergli. Niccolò sposta la testa dal collo del ragazzo  e la posa sul cuscino, per riuscire a guardarlo. Sta sorridendo e ha il viso tutto rosso, i suoi occhi verdi sono lucidi e  Martino crede di non aver mai visto niente di più bello in tutta la sua vita.
Grazie se avete avuto la pazienza di leggere <3 
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I still have 3 drabbles left to write from last week and one day I will write them. Not today, though. Probably not tomorrow either, ‘cause I have to do stuff for school and then maybe try to add a bit to “Quella volta che...”
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