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mbcorvo-author · 4 years ago
Here it is. The thing I quickly wrote trying to get back into writing... It's not good, nor perfect, but you know what? I'll share it anyway because yes. And also because I can delete it anytime if I change my mind about sharing it.
In the drabble, I used this prompt by @givethispromptatry aaand...that's it.
You can find it under the cut!
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The Devil's sweet words
He took out the small black velvet bag from the closet, opening it to pick the golden ring carefully stored inside. He ran the pad of his fingers on the engravings that decorated the item, before moving closer to his... what? Friend? Partner? He still didn't know how to label the human, so he didn't.
He walked closer to the human that was sitting at the computer. The other was attempting at writing something but always ended up deleting everything he wrote. The demon caressed affectionately the human's arms, and lifted his left hand, slipping the ring on his finger. He left a soft kiss on the ringed hand with his too warm lips, then he wrapped his arms around the human, in a delicate back hug. The human sighed, but even this time he didn't stop the other from his doing, eyes still staring at the blank page in front of him.
He took the human's chin and delicately tilted his head backwards and kissed him again, a simple kiss on the lips this time that the human allowed and reciprocated. "You know that I won't become one of your spouses," the human said, breaking from the kiss, fingers already running and toying with the ring on his finger but not removing it. "I know," he commented, resting his chin on the other's head "But I told you many times that I like you, so this won't stop me from trying." the demon shrugged lightly, planting a kiss on the top of the human's head. "Also, I know that you don't dislike me being...how you said it that time?" a thoughtful expression appeared on the devil's face, then his usual smile returned "Ah, yes. Me being 'all flirty and seductive' with you". This time he bent his back more and left a kiss on the right side of the human's neck. "Mh...can't deny that can I?" a stifled laugh escaped from the human's lips. "Yes, you can't take that back." smiled the demon, "Anyway, how are you?" The human let out a big sigh "Fucking miserable. You?" "...Suddenly very concerned," he replied. The demon stopped hugging the human and moved to turn the human's desk chair towards him, taking him by the hands.
The human sighed, a tired and sad expression on his face, but let the demon make him get on his feet, looked at him taking his place on the chair and then let himself get pulled towards the other, a soft blush appearing on his pale face when he sat on his lap. Strong arms of the demon again enveloping him in a hug. "What happened? I'm fucking sorry for not having been able to stick around as often as I'd loved to..." The human lightly shook his head "Don't worry, it's... it's just the usual stuff." he replied, "Some days are hard, some days are easy... and right now I feel like I'm falling again and soon I'll be scraping the bottom." The human adjusted himself better on the demon's lap and rested his head against the other's shoulder. He relaxed in the demon's embrace, his high body temperature almost comforting at that moment.
"Everything will be alright, honey." the demon murmured "And you know that I'll always be available if you'll need help." he caressed the human's back "And if I won't be able to, there are the others that could help." added, after a pause. "I won't bother you or the others for this thing... it's... it's just depression. And..." the human sighed, pausing as if to find the right words to express what he was thinking "...and I don't like you seeing me at my worst, right now. Nor I want the others to see me in this state. It... it makes me look... unworthy and pathetic." this time he let out a sob.
The demon looked back down to the human, again making him move his head but this time to make him look in his face. "Stop saying that. Stop saying that you are pathetic or are unworthy." The human lowered his gaze, breaking eye contact with the demon.
"Hey, look at me," the demon said, maintaining a soft tone on his deep husky voice. The human shyly lifted back his gaze to meet the demon's fiery eyes. "You aren't pathetic, nor unworthy. If you were, then we would have left you or ignored you. No, scratch that! If you were pathetic and unworthy as you claim to be, we wouldn't have reached out to you at all!" he stated "So, you don't have to worry. We might not fully comprehend humans' troubles, but we can try to understand. And we can recognize if someone is worthy of our attention or not." The demon moved his left hand to wipe away a tear from the human's cheek "So stop saying bad things about yourself," added sweetly. The human moved his head in a little nod, silent tears still running down on his face. "You're an amazing person, my love. Don't ever forget it," he murmured, removing the human's glasses to dry his tears. "If you'll forget it, I'll be here reminding that to you. I'll make everyone remind you that."
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azurefishnets · 5 years ago
Poppy, Violet and Magnolia for the ask thing~
Thank you for the ask!
Poppy: What color was your childhood home?
We moved around a lot so I had a bunch of childhood homes. Let's see if I can remember them all!
Fall River (2) - ragged, unpainted wood siding which eventually got fixed up and painted dark gray. My parents worked for a guy that flipped houses and this was just one of the projects.
Everly (3) - Tbh the only things I remember about living here were the giant magnolia tree outside that I climbed at every opportunity and my cat, who was named Caroline and was a beautiful calico...I don't remember the house color, sorry.
Market Road 236 (5-6) - I think this was brick painted almost white. Also this was the place I cut my own hair in the backyard. It was Bad. I digress.
Craven (7-11) - Pale yellow, a standout in my childhood house colors! This house was right in front of a dairy farm so it was also, inevitably, colored with the smell of cow.
Mareston (12) - Apartments. Plain, unpainted brick with white siding. Not a lot to say here.
Crawford (13-16) - Top floor was white, bottom floor/basement area built into the side of a hill was dark green on the walls you could see. It also had a really nice red-wood deck.
Mason (17-18) - A duplex painted pale blue. This place had the most wonderful gable windows where I used to sit and read. This one was probably my favorite to be honest.
Violet: Do you like where you're from? 
As you can probably see from my above answer, I hardly know where I'm from anymore. I've lived in the same place for most of my entire adult life and there's good and bad about it... I don't know, I have no particular attachments to any of it. It's OK. I wouldn't go back to my childhood area but I don't particularly want to stay here either.
Magnolia: Favorite kind of candy?
I like fruit flavored candies lately, like gummy bears or, better, candied lemon. I like my candy soft and chewy... hard candies only when I'm thirsty and don't have a drink (although I normally wouldn't have either in that situation...) I also really like caramels, especially these ones made by the Morinaga company in Japan with dark brown sugar. But those are a very special treat as I have to order them (and when I do, it's by the case!)
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charlie---writes · 5 years ago
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In Which Fate Has A Speaking Role 
[page] [tag] [my writing]
YA Urban Fantasy
Progress: 4th Draft, 106k
3rd Person POV
Standalone Novel
Tags: found family, friendship, lgbt+, britain, magical realism, magicians, witches, world walkers, seers, shapeshifters, other worlds
Fate demands a sacrifice; no one is willing to let it happen.
Every few decades, a world walker is sacrificed. However, it's only been nine years and Fate is back. With the very balance of the worlds being threatened, it's time to fight.
The first stage has already begun. However, the chosen seer, Marcia, is not willing to play her part. She's joined in her rebellion by three other unwilling pawns: there's Isaac, an old friend overwhelmed by a family secret; Elsie, a photographer, intrinsically unusual, the girl of the woods; and the magician, a nameless runaway.
Time begins to run out and it becomes harder to know whether their actions are their own or Fate's. How do you stop what is destined to come?
Thought I should probably reintroduce my WIP after all this time... I’m going to post about the characters next! Hopefully in the next week. Thanks all! As usual, if you’d liked to be added or taken from my tag list just send me a message or respond somehow on this post :)
@mvcreates, @wordsofpaintandsmoke, @alessia-writes, @yourundead, @aurumni-writes, @bad-carrot, @cjjameswriting, @letterstomidnightkids, @dreamswithadashofspice, @endlesshourglass, @maskedlady, @stories-by-rie, @skyfootsteps, @soul-write, @norwegianamericanwritblr, @chaotic-titania, @omgbrekkerkaz, @akane022, @mgcorvo-author, @katerinarevel
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kira-desomma · 6 years ago
First Line Tag
I was tagged by @mgcorvo-author to post the first line of my WiP, Sea Glass Soul! Thank you so much :) Here it is: 
Damp, salty wind brushed the sand in one direction, and that was everywhere.
I tag @thespooniewrites @cogesque @writingwordsanddrawingpictures and @pen-for-sword and anyone who sees this and wants to try! :D 
You can read Sea Glass Soul here. 
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emmafenton · 6 years ago
10 Words/Phrases Tag
Inspired to do this by @mgcorvo-author -- I’m so excited about this :)
Rules: List 10 words/phrases that have something to do with your work(s) in progress and then tag 10 people to do the same.
Doing this for The Hunted Queen (sequel to Throne of Shadows):
Questing Road-trip
Invented Mythology
Deals with Demons
Elaborate Disguises
Found Family
Lady Knights
If you see this post and you’re like, “I really want to do this,” boom, consider yourself tagged -- and please tag me so I can see the 10 words/phrases you’re using to describe your WIP!
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mbcorvo-author · 4 years ago
I started this a few days ago but I cannot think of some plot to put behind it to continue this thing... so I guess that it'll remain a simple 2k words drabble lol
I don't even have a title for this! The file was named "guywhotalkedtotimetraveller" so I guess that it'll be the title for the time being?
Inspired by this prompt by @writing-prompt-s
(also I hope it's understandable enough, I'm trying to write directly in English instead of translating every time but English is not my language;;)
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The guy who talked to the time traveller
"I'll be what now?" Thomas said, a puzzled expression on his face, staring at the man standing at the entrance of his cubicle. The man that looked like an FBI agent out from some spy movie huffed and rolled his eyes. "You'll be interrogating someone for us." "A-and why me?" Thomas asked "I... I'm just a mere pencil-pusher here, I'm not... like... okay, I'm a Government employee but- but I do not work for that- that kind of... department," he stuttered, nervous under the glare of the stranger, fixing the glasses on his nose. "I... I- you maybe... dunno got sent to the wrong building, maybe?" The FBI-like man moved a step inside the cubicle, staring down at the bumbling clerk sitting on an old desk wheelie desk chair. That guy was trying hard to not appear intimidated by him. And failing at that. He shoved the manila folder in the clerk's chest that jumped at the sudden movement and clumsily grabbed the folder with all the files inside it. "Then this is a promotion for you, congrats." he said in a flat tone "Now get up and follow me."
Thomas opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again, but he still didn't have the words, so he closed it again and got up from his chair, clutching the manila folder to his chest with his right hand The man in a dark suit huffed something under his breath, then stepped out from the office cubicle, followed by the nervous employee. He started walking down the large room towards the corridor that leads to the elevators.
They walked in silence, Thomas nervously stealing glances at the man escorting him. Only once closed in the elevators, the employee finally gathered enough courage to speak up. "Uh, so-" he started "From... you..." he mumbled, "You look like an FBI guy..." "I'm not." "Then...uh...what...? Who are you?" "Agent Bancroft, from the Bureau for Research and Assessment of Special Threats" "Oh." the employee fell in a silence that lasted for a long couple of minutes before he spoke again, "And what's that? Never heard of it." he asked, "Sounds like something coming out from... from dunno a- a comic book. Like the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defence from Hellboy... or- or also the SHIELD from Marvel comics. Or!" he lifted his free hand "The Men in Black!"
The man pinched the root of his nose and took a deep breath. The higher-ups couldn't have possibly found someone more pathetic than this pencil-pusher even if they tried hard for aeons. He understood that they wanted someone low-profile, not important and easily replaceable, but this guy was too clueless and... well, surely didn't look like he was the right person for the assignment they wanted to entrust to him. "Yeah," Bancroft said after that long pause "Let's say something like that." "That sounds pretty cool," a weak smile on Thomas' face, "I'm Thomas Bohnam, a low-level employee in the..." he stopped, "Oh, wait, you already know. Haha-" a short dry laugh, while he ran his free hand on the back of his neck.
The elevator finally dinged their stop at the ground floor, and Agent Bancroft exited as soon as the doors opened, followed suit by the clerk clutching the manila folder. They walked through the building hall and left it, the agent walking towards the nearby parking lot. "So uh- where... where are we going now?" "You'll see when we'll be there." he stopped near a black SUV with tinted windows and opened one of the back doors. "And... and why do I have to interrogate someone for your Bureau?" Thomas asked, getting in the car followed by Bancroft that proceeded in closing the door. "Orders," he stated. He gave a quick nod to the agent in the driver's seat, who promptly started the engine and drove out of the parking lot, taking the road leading to their destination. "So... are we going to be... like... dunno, sort of colleagues?" "Probably" "And who I-" "I gave you some of the files." Bancroft interrupted him, pointing at the manila folder, "Up to you if you want to read them now or when we'll be there." "Ah." he completely forgot about that folder, even if he held it in his right hand all the time.
The drive to where they were supposed to be - probably the Bureau headquarters, guessed Thomas - was at the same time long, but not that long. Maybe some strategic tactic to confuse outsiders and keep the exact location unknown? That would also explain why the tinted windows in the back seats didn't let you see anything going on outside and why they lifted a similarly tinted screen to separate them from the driver. Thomas was not supposed to know where they were going.
When they stopped and left the car, they were inside what - to the clerk's eyes - appeared to be a plain empty hangar. Agent Bancroft and agent Leavitt - the one that was behind the wheel - started walking towards one of the ends of the hangar, while Thomas was looking around trying to figure out where he was.
"C'mon! We don't have all day, buddy." exclaimed agent Leavitt, their nasal voice echoed in the empty building. Thomas jumped, clutched the folder to his chest and started walking, picking up the pace to reach the two agents that - meanwhile - stopped in front of what looked like a reinforced door with a keypad and another panel probably for some type of biometric scan, Thomas imagined.
Thomas nervously fixed his glasses on the nose and lowered the gaze onto his battered black Oxford-style shoes. His anxiety was starting to rise again. The agents called for his attention again and ushered him inside what to the simple employee's eyes looked like another elevator with really high security. And that started going down. "So... uh- underground?" Thomas commented, breaking the silence and trying to distract himself, "Th- that's cool. It's kinda... like the bureau in Hellboy and... and the MiB headquarters," A glare from agent Leavitt shut Thomas up. He shuffled a bit, fixing his wrinkled white button-down inside his black pants, then his grey tie around the neck. Thomas still had his little badge pinned on the chest pocket. He wondered if to keep it or remove it, but the elevator reached the floor of their destination, and the clerk's attention was back on the two agents leading the way in a large and anonymous corridor.
He clutched again the folder to his chest while following the two agents leading the way in that underground floor with corridors too similar to each other. “Bancroft, Leavitt!” called a voice unknown to Thomas, who lifted his eyes back up to look in the voice’s direction. The owner of the voice was a man in his fifties (or so Thomas assumed), with salt and pepper hair and a serious expression on his square-ish face, that was walking towards the three of them. “Boss” replied Leavitt, halting their walk followed by Bancroft. “Finally you’re back, why did you take so much time?” the man asked, stopping a few steps from the trio. “Bohnam here was a bit… skittish about being assigned a task outside his field of work” replied Leavitt, moving a hand to gesture at the nervous clerk between them and Bancroft. “But I was able to convince him, in the end.” added Bancroft “As you can see, boss”. “Ah, good, good.” nodded their boss, eyes then moving onto Thomas, “I’m Gibson, Head of this section of the Bureau.” he quickly introduced himself “I’d explain you some more things, but we don’t want to get too behind schedule,” and saying that he turned around and started walking, followed by Leavitt and Bancroft and - a beat later - by Thomas.
“I need you to lead this interrogation with the suspected time traveller we are keeping into custody and-” “A what?” exclaimed Thomas, not realizing of having interrupted the higher-up. “...A time traveller. Did you read the files, did you?” he asked, turning his head a little to glance at the clerk. “Uhhh… well, actually… I barely remember what I read because I had a panic attack and words started to not make any sense.” Thomas confessed, lowering his gaze. Gibson sighed, rolling his eyes. “Whatever. You’ll have time to check everything while you're interrogating him.” and on these last words, he stopped near a plain black door on the right of the corridor. On it, there was only a little label with ‘2-C’ written on it. “We’ll be in the adjacent room, listening and monitoring the interrogation.” added Bancroft, before following Leavitt and Gibson through another door.
“Oh, shit” Thomas exhaled. His anxiety was starting to rise up again, but he tried to put on his best work persona and at least appear calm. He removed his nametag and shoved it inside his breast pocket while picking from it his cheap ballpoint pen with the chewed bottom. A big breath and then he entered the interrogation room.
The room was plain: grey walls, a supposedly two-way mirror on one of the walls, a metal table that was screwed to the floor, two simple chairs and on one of them - on the side opposite to the door - there was the time traveller. For Thomas’ eyes, the time traveller looked like any other normal dude… probably on the side of having a bad taste in clothing. Or maybe it was himself the one with bad taste, but surely the man in front of him looked like he did not know how to match colours… but, also, he didn’t understand a single thing of fashion so-
“Finally someone showed up!” grunted the alleged time-traveller, stopping the random train of thoughts that was running free in Thomas’ mind. “Ah- ehm-” Thomas cleared his voice “Yes. Hello.” he said, walking towards the table and sitting on the free chair. He put the manila folder and the chewed pen on the table, nervously fixed his glasses on his nose before starting to speak again “I was appointed to conduct this interrogation. Or you could see it more like an interview if it makes you feel more at ease.” a weak smile on his lips. “Name’s Thomas Bohnam and you’re” he lowered his gaze and opened the manila folder “Stardust… uh- how is your last name pronounced? Anyway, from what I see you’re a time traveller? That sounds very interesting, I’d honestly never thought that time-travel could be possible and-”
Thomas lifted his gaze back on the time traveller, finding him frozen and staring at him wide-eyed. It looked like Stardust also paled a little. “Something is wrong…?”
“W-what… What did you say? Y-your name, what did you say it is?” stammered the time traveller. “Thomas Bohnam, why?” he repeated, a brow lifted and tilting his head on one side, confused by the weird reaction from the other guy. Thomas jumped a little when Stardust slammed his hands on the table, swearing and then quickly standing up making his chair fall on the floor.
“Fuck! Fuck!” the time traveller repeated, running his hands on his face and hair, walking back and forth on his side of the room. “Fuck! Of all the people I could accidentally meet while in this Era, I had to find Thomas fucking Bohnam!” Thomas was shocked by the reaction of the time traveller that was freaking out after discovering who he was. But why? Why this strong reaction? He looked in the two-way mirror, hoping to see some kind of signal but obviously, he could only see the reflection of what was happening in the room.
“Ahem” he cleared his throat again, trying to get the time-traveller’s attention “Why… what…” he stammered before shutting up for a moment, trying to find the right words to say. “What is the problem? We’ve met in the future? Or maybe you’re confusing me with someone with the same name? Homonymy is not that rare…” “The problem?! The problem?!” the time traveller exclaimed, turning towards Thomas. “The problem is that you-” then he cut himself off and swore again. “Can’t talk. How the hell am I supposed to know what could cause a goddamn paradox? I can’t say jack shit.” he huffed, lifting the chair from the ground and returning to sit on it. “God. Can’t wait to tell the others I’ve been in the same room as that motherfucker.” he muttered, crossing his arms.
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storyteller-shealie · 6 years ago
First Line Tag
Tagged by @sweetcatminteareblog
Rules: post the first line of a WiP and tag as many people as there are words in the quote.
“Every hero is somebody’s villain.”
So, 5 people: @dragoneran @dotr-rose-love @writer-jessicac @mgcorvo-author @marie-writess
(Feel free to ignore if you’ve been tagged with this already / simply aren’t in the mood to do this!)
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bookishdiplodocus · 6 years ago
Bold relationship tag
I was tagged by @mgcorvo-author, thank you!
I will do this for Lucas and Dot (formerly called Emma).
height difference | mutual pining | first kiss | first love | wedding | in-jokes | Lgbt+ | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing world views | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kids | want kids | grow old together | relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date | share a jacket | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies | cooking for each other | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike rides | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts
Tagging: @goddessofnothingatall and @stephrawlingwrites. - @therska​, there is no romance in your story, is there? If there is, you’re tagged as well.
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editronchi · 6 years ago
Rules: tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better
Tagged by @dotr-rose-love, thank you <3
Nickname: Edit 
Gender: mostly female 
Zodiac: Aquarius
Height: 170ish cm
Sexuality: queer
Hogwarts house: Slytherin.
Favourite animals: Dogs, probably
Where I’m from: Norway
Dream trip: Anywhere really, I just love traveling. I am looking forward to Thailand next summer though, we’re planning to rent a car and just experience as much as possible. 
When I made this account: January 14th this year
Why I made of this account: I wanted to get engaged in the writing side of tumblr to see what other people are writing and to get more engaged in my own writing. 
Followers: 164
Tagging: @demiholden (bc I don’t know you at all), @magsiswritingnow, @writergurll, @amongwriters, @somedeadmagic, @itslmdee, @thewordreaper, @wordsofpaintandsmoke, @joeys-piano, @mgcorvo-author
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charlie---writes · 5 years ago
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In Which Fate Has A Speaking Role
[page] [tag] [my writing]
Excerpt: Chapter 47 [213 words]
[for context: Laurie is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns]
“Wait,” they called ahead. 
Isaac stopped dead and turned. For a split second, he looked directly at Laurie.
“We’ll miss it.”
“Isaac, I don’t care about the cinema.”
He seemed hurt but didn’t reply. As the sinking feeling became harder to ignore, Laurie’s memories jumped back to the night before. How could they have thought that Isaac was okay after that? He was still wearing Laurie’s shoes and jacket because he’d literally turned up outside the tea shop barefoot, shivering. Isaac started walking; the day was beginning to darken as the sun threatened to set.
“I know you’re not okay,” Laurie said. They tried to ignore the echo of that statement being declared by Ava so many times that past year.
“What do you mean? We’ve got to get to the cinema.”
Isaac stopped dead. Frozen. Back turned. A deep breath hunched his shoulders.
“I hate my name.”
“Do you?”
He thought for a moment. “No, I don’t.”
“Then why did you say that?”
Laurie moved closer, but Isaac started walking again. Instinctively, at the first threat of movement, Laurie grabbed Isaac’s arm to turn him back.
Isaac’s eyes flashed immediately with anger; he tore himself away.
“Isaac, talk to me.” Laurie began to follow, catching up only to fall behind. “Please.”
This chapter was a rollercoaster of emotions and I thought I should share some of them... Tis only short--all the stuff I’ve written recently is very spoiler-y since I’m coming to the end of this draft. Hope you enjoy! As always, don’t be afraid to be added to or taken off my tag list, thank you :)
@mvcreates, @wordsofpaintandsmoke, @alessia-writes, @yourundead, @aurumni-writes, @bad-carrot, @cjjameswriting, @quilloftheclouds, @letterstomidnightkids, @dreamswithadashofspice, @endlesshourglass, @maskedlady, @stories-by-rie, @skyfootsteps, @soul-write, @norwegianamericanwritblr, @chaotic-titania, @omgbrekkerkaz, @akane022, @mgcorvo-author, @katerinarevel, @themillionthdraft, @vanishedschism, @irisjaye, @zmlorenz, @ladywithalamp, @frankensteinn, @starlitesymphony
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emireviews · 6 years ago
Last line tag
I was tagged by @worldbuildng (thank you!) and this is from a short story I just wrote which can be found here
She opened them and saw a brand new world.
Tagging: @sanguinewritings @mgcorvo-author @abalonetea @cirianne @marewriteblr @tiredbard & @little-horror-girl-love (if you want to do it, as always, let me know if you don’t want to be tagged)
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mbcorvo-author · 5 years ago
“An experiment”
This excerpt is brought to you thanks to @withered-rose-unbreakable-lotus​‘s prompt she sent me for my “100 followers drabble challenge”.
I spent many days trying to come up with something and after some internet, after watching some videos friends spammed to me, I was able to write!
The original is around 1860 words long, but I decided to translate & share with you a shorter part that included the prompt I was given.
The prompt was:  "I never wanted this to be/end this/that way"
(you can find an extra snippet here *click*)
“An experiment”
Probably her brother was in one of those rooms...but which one? She couldn't waste time checking every door, and wasting time could mean rising the risk of stumbling into one of the assistants - or if bad luck wanted, the Doctor themself! - while searching. A broken scream of pain stopped the train of thoughts of Kelsie. Even if the sound was muffled and vaguely distorted by the basement's echo, she was sure that it was her brother's voice. She was quickly moving again along the big corridor trying to understand from which door the pained screams were coming from and in the end, she found it. Her trembling right hand moved the tiny piece of metal that covered the little rectangular opening in the metal door and she saw him. «REESE!» she exclaimed, both relieved for having found him and scared for the situation they were in. Too focused on the finding of her brother to notice that it was very odd that the heavy door of that little laboratory wasn't locked.
She entered the lab and rapidly went towards her brother that was tied to what looked like a metal table. «Oh my god!» shrieked, hands covering her mouth while she stared wide-eyed at her suffering brother «Oh my god, Reese! What they have done to you?!» she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Reese was strapped to that table, drips with mysterious liquids connected to an arm that was no more human... or rather, at a closer look that arm has never been human. Some stained bandages were covering a portion of the shoulder and the chest of the brother, maybe they grafted it onto him? Atrocious! Other scars were scattered on what was uncovered of his body, what else they did to him?
The young man's eyes were glossy with fever and the sclera had an unhealthy yellowish shade, glazed look forcefully facing towards the ceiling while his laboured breathing was sometimes interrupted by pained cries. «Reese! Reese!» said her reaching him and moving away his bangs that were stuck to his face because of the fever sweats «Calm down, it' me Kelsie» she murmured «I'm sorry, I'm really fucking sorry... I... I only wanted to find a safe place, a place where they could get you healed...» sobbed, barely able to hold back tears «I never wanted this to end this way! I'm sorry Reese!».
Reese seemed to come back to his senses feeling his sister at his side «...scape...» uttered faintly with a scratchy voice «...elsie...o away...» «We'll go away together, don't worry!» exclaimed her in response «I'll untie you right away and we'll go away in a blink» she tried to give her voice the most optimistic and calm tone possible while moving and starting to fumble with the thick straps that kept her brother trapped. He whimpered and stirred in his constricted laying, shaking his head «No... Kel... scape...» uttered with an anxious voice tone while his sister was trying to free him. «Quiet, quiet, I think I figured it out,» said her, faking a happy tone, finally being able to untie the human arm from the restrains «Here we go! Now I'll finish untying and-» «RUN» croaked her brother, using all the air and strength that was left in his body, losing again consciousness.
The young woman didn't even have the time to say anything that the thud of the heavy door made her jump. «Well, well, well...» said a voice that startled Kelsie that was standing still like she was petrified «What are you trying to do, little mouse?» «Doc!» gasped the young woman turning towards the door, her hands grasping the border of the metallic table where was her brother. Tense as she was, she was barely able to stutter something to the Doctor that meanwhile was moving slow steps inside the lab.
«Well?» the Doctor commented, tilting a bit their head to the side to be able to observe her better with their only eye «Little mouse forgot how to speak?» teased. Even with the white mask covering their face from the nose to the chin and the red hair covering their right side of the face, it was easy to perceive from their voice the not-so-reassuring grin that was stretching their lips. He was walking slowly, one hand tucked in the pocket of the white lab coat they constantly wore, while the other was caressing lightly the top of another table on which were kept many tools.
Kelsie started to walk too, moving on the side since her bother's table was right behind her back. «I-I wanted... I wanted to see Reese» babbled the young woman finally regaining enough courage to talk, courage that she then took in both hands to continue «What have you done to him?! Why you have reduced him this way?!»
The Doctor's look moved towards a vial that they picked with their free hand, observing the dense liquid inside it «What have I done to him... mh...» mumbled like he was lost in thought, slightly stirring the vial to make the liquid swirl «An experiment» commented, plainly, putting the vial back in the small tube rack.
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Italian version under the cut!
Questo estratto vi è offerto grazie allo spunto che @withered-rose-unbreakable-lotus​ mi ha mandato per il “100 followers drabble challenge”.
Ho trascorso molti giorni cercando di ideare qualcosa e dopo un po’ di internet, dopo aver guardato qualche video che amici mi avevano spammato, sono stato in grado di scrivere!
L’originale si aggira sulle 1860 parole di lunghezza, ma ho deciso di tradurre e condividere una parte più breve che include lo spunto che mi è stato dato.
Lo spunto era: “Io non ho mai voluto che questo fosse/finisse così/in questo modo”.
(potete trovare uno stralcio extra qua *click*)
“Un esperimento”
Probabilmente il fratello si trovava in una di quelle stanze… ma quale? Non poteva perdere tempo a controllare ogni porta, così come avrebbe potuto rischiare di incappare in qualche assistente – o sfortuna non voglia, il Dottore stesso! - mentre cercava. Un urlare strozzato di dolore riscosse Kelsie dai suoi pensieri. Anche se il suono era ovattato e vagamente deformato dalle eco dei sotterranei, era sicura che quella fosse la voce del fratello. Tornò a muoversi rapidamente lungo il grande corridoio cercando di capire da quale porta provenivano quelle urla di dolore e alla fine la trovò. Mano destra tremante andò a spostare la striscia di metallo che copriva la fessura che fungeva da spioncino nella porta di metallo e lo vide. «REESE!» esclamò, a metà tra il sollievo per l’averlo ritrovato e lo spaventato per la situazione in cui si trovavano. Troppo concentrata sull’aver ritrovato il fratello per rendersi conto che fosse strano che la pesante porta del piccolo laboratorio non fosse stata chiusa a chiave.
Entrò e si affrettò a raggiungere il fratello legato a quello che pareva essere un tavolo di metallo. «O mio dio!» esclamò portandosi le mani a coprire la propria bocca, occhi sgranati che osservavano il fratello sofferente «Oh mio dio, Reese! Cosa ti hanno fatto?!» non riusciva a credere a ciò che vedeva. Reese era legato a quel tavolo, flebo con misteriosi liquidi collegati a un braccio che di umano sembrava non avere più nulla… anzi, a guardare meglio quel braccio non era mai stato umano. Delle bende sporche coprivano parte della spalla e del busto del fratello, che glielo avessero trapiantato addosso? Atroce! Altre cicatrici costellavano ciò che si vedeva del corpo del ragazzo, cos’altro gli avevano fatto?
Gli occhi del ragazzo erano lucidi di febbre e la sclera aveva una malsana colorazione tendente al giallognolo, sguardo vitreo forzatamente rivolto verso il soffitto mentre il respiro affannoso era di tanto in tanto interrotto da versi di dolore. «Reese! Reese!» disse la ragazza affiancandolo e scostandogli dalla fronte la lunga frangia che gli si era appiccicata per via del sudore causato probabilmente dalla forte febbre che aveva «Calmati, sono io, Kelsie» gli mormorò «Mi dispiace, mi dispiace un casino… io… io volevo solo trovare un posto sicuro, un posto dove potessero rimetterti in sesto...» singhiozzò, trattenendo a fatica le lacrime «Non ho mai voluto che andasse a finire in questo modo! Mi dispiace Reese!».
Reese sembrò iniziare a tornare in sé e accorgersi della sorella al suo fianco «...appa...» bofonchiò fiocamente con la voce ridotta a un raspo «...elsie...a via...» «Andremo via insieme, non preoccuparti!» esclamò lei in risposta «Ti slego subito e ce ne andremo via in un attimo» cercò di mantenere un tono di voce il più possibile calmo e positivo, mentre si spostò iniziando ad armeggiare con le spesse cinghie che tenevano il fratello intrappolato. Lui mugolò e si mosse in quella sua posa costretta, scuotendo il capo «No… Kel… appa...» bofonchiò con tono più agitato mentre la sorella cercava di liberarlo. «Tranquillo, tranquillo, forse ho capito» fece lei fingendo un tono allegro, riuscendo infine ad liberare il braccio umano dalle cinghie «Ecco qua! Ora finisco di slegarti e-» «CORRI» gracchiò il fratello usando tutta l’aria e le forze che gli rimanevano in corpo, perdendo nuovamente i sensi.
La ragazza non fece in tempo a replicare che il tonfo della pesante porta della stanza che si chiuse la fece sobbalzare. «Bene, bene, bene…» disse una voce che fece trasalire Kelsie che era rimasta immobile come pietrificata «Cosa stai cercando di fare, topolino?» «Doc!» esclamò la ragazza voltandosi in direzione della porta, mani che si strinsero sul bordo del tavolo di metallo su cui si trovava il fratello. Nervosa com’era, era a malapena in grado di bofonchiare qualcosa alla volta del Dottore che intanto muoveva lenti passi nel laboratorio.
«Beh?» fece il Dottore, inclinando appena il capo da un lato così da adocchiarla meglio con il suo unico occhio «Il topolino ha dimenticato come si parla?» la punzecchiò. Nonostante la maschera bianca che gli copriva il volto dal naso al mento e i capelli rossi che gli nascondevano il lato destro del viso, si poteva facilmente intuire dal suo tono di voce il ghigno poco rassicurante che doveva star stirando le sue labbra. Avanzava lentamente, una mano infilata nella rispettiva tasca del camice bianco che indossava perennemente mentre l’altra accarezzò leggermente la superficie di un tavolo su cui erano presenti diversi strumenti.
Kelsie iniziò a muoversi a propria volta, spostandosi in laterale avendo alle proprie spalle la via bloccata dal tavolo con il fratello. «I-io volevo...io volevo vedere Reese» balbettò la ragazza ritrovando finalmente il coraggio di parlare, coraggio che quindi prese a due mani per proseguire «Cosa gli hai fatto?! Perché lo hai ridotto così?!»
Lo sguardo del Dottore si era spostato su una provetta che aveva afferrato con la mano libera, osservandone il denso liquido all’interno «Cosa gli ho fatto...mh...» borbottò quasi sovrappensiero facendo oscillare la provetta per muovere il liquido al suo interno «Un esperimento» rispose, semplicemente, andando a riporre la provetta nel piccolo porta-provette.
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starlitesymphony · 6 years ago
Bold Relationship Tag
@writingonesdreams tagged me, thanks! Ha this’ll be fun...
(For Ash/Maddox in Ark of the Timelost)
height difference | mutual pining | first kiss | first love | wedding | in-jokes | lgBt+ | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing world views | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kids | want kids | grow old together | relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date | share a jacket | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies | cooking for each other | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike rides | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts |
Tagging - @toboldlywrite @twelveoclockinsomnium @mgcorvo-author @mvcreates @madammuffins @wisedom-for-an-eye @woodhouse-jay @nightskywriter @arieswriting @flynnswritings @writingonjupiter (Feel free to pass :)
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bookishdiplodocus · 6 years ago
Last line tag
I was tagged a while ago by @goddessofnothingatall, but I didn’t have a last line then. And now I do:
“I’m the only one who looks after you.”
It’s a line spoken by the Librarian, who’s starting to use emotionally manipulative arguments to convince his voters to choose him.
Tagging @stephrawlingwrites, @therska, @pheita, @mareebrittenford, @heywriters, @unwriter-sc, @pens-swords-stuff, @pat-writes, @rktho-writes, @mgcorvo-author, and @goddessofnothingatall and @writingwordsanddrawingpictures if they have new lines. Feel free to ignore!
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sassypandacandy · 6 years ago
Bold Relationship Tag
Thanks @mgcorvo-author, I’ve never done this version! In honor of my upcoming book (After/Effects, March 24!) I’ll use my favorite canon couple from the book: Mia and Fahd!
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Rules: Bold the things that apply to the relationship, and italicize the things that almost-kinda-sorta apply.
height difference | mutual pining | first kiss | first love | wedding | in-jokes | Lgbt+ | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing world views | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kids | want kids | grow old together | relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date | share a jacket | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies | cooking for each other | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike rides | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts | 
Tagging: @power-of-ages-writeblr @zmlorenz @desperatlytryingtowriteabook and @diseonfire!
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charlie---writes · 5 years ago
Tag List
Since I went MIA for over half a year, I thought I should probably check to see if people still wanted to be tagged ahead of me starting to post more original content. (Finally!) In case you’ve forgotten what I write, here are a few links!
In Which Fate Has A Speaking Role: WIP Page #my writing, #my poetry Treasure Troves, a nature poetry chapbook on Wattpad
Please like/reblog/comment if you’d like to be on my tag list.
I’m going to be posting a WIP Intro soon since my only one is over a year old now and drafting has definitely changed some things! After that, I’ll probably start posting more excerpts and hopefully get back into writing poetry. On that note, just a reminder that if you’d rather only be tagged in WIP stuff or only poetry, that’s cool with me, just ask :)
Thanks all!
@katerinarevel | @zigortega4life | @scribbles-to-feed-the-void | @aurumni-writes | @endlesshourglass | @starlitesymphony | @reininginthefirewriting | @the-real-rg | @cjjameswriting | @human-nonsense | @alessia-writes | @soul-write | @maskedlady | @ashesconstellation | @dreamswithadashofspice | @skyfootsteps | @omgbrekkerkaz | @letterstomidnightkids | @mgcorvo-author | @if-only-we-could-read-it | @yetmorestories | @focusdumbass | @yourundead | @simplelinesunfashiond | @akane022 | @ohnoitsthebat | @mvcreates | @quilloftheclouds | @purpleshadows1989 | @fierywords | @lottieiswriting |  @dahladahlabills 
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