#[Muse;Méline SweetPea]
lunar-throne · 2 years
🖊️ ( INTERVIEW ) - receiver is an incredibly high profile celebrity and sender has asked them non-stop for an interview, however, the sexual tension is simply too hard to ignore and sender and receiver have sex while sender audio tapes the whole thing // sounds like an interesting scenario, but don't have a pair in mind
Thad ran his hands along his jeans nervously, he looked around the room to calm his nerves. It was his first interview since debuting in the theater, though he was sure that the interviewer was probably more interested in Mel.
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"Don't worry, there not as scary after the first few questions." She assured as she placed a hand atop of his, though he could feel the way her hands trembled.
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"You seem more nervous than me." He chuckled lightly taking note of the flush on her cheeks.
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solar-throne · 2 years
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“I do hope you don’t plan to take off without us.”
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“I’m only here for her, don’t get your stick ends crossed.”
[ @apricusnights​ ]
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teamvnla · 3 years
[ @rwby-prsm cont. X ]
Méline wore an off the shoulder sundress, black with an intricate lace overlay to maintain her Gothic aesthetic. Her general appearance was a stark contrast to her rather timid demeanor, the dark make up and piercings hit the nerves that bubbled in her stomach the moment she was face with a new social interaction.
She glanced up from her book surprised at the unfamiliar voice, this girl despite not being a member of the theater was around quite frequently though she stuck to herself mostly.
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"No, no, help yourself." She gave a soft smile as she moved her black sun hat that had been occupying the spot a moment again, offering it the the girl. There was a faint hint of an accent in her voice.
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solar-throne · 2 years
[ @prismaticmuses Cont. X ]
Mel had been finishing up some errands nearby, as proven my the bag full of groceries for dinner over her shoulder.
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“Well, they’re rather lanky and has wild white hair, I couldn’t see his eyes since he was wearing these odd glasses.” The person wasn’t necessarily threatening, though something about them just seemed off. Either way she wasn’t able to bring herself to turn a blind eye after she noticed, at the very least maybe her added presence could deter the stalker for the time being.
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solar-throne · 2 years
With an absence of quite a few theater members having left on the Kwailai trip and in-between shows, it left Méline with far too much free time for her liking. She really needed to get more hobbies that weren't work, though it was hard not to find her way to the Evergreen Theater.
Initially she had gone through her house organizing and getting through some general spring cleaning, though there was only so much she could do in her studio apartment. Which was what led her to her desicion to organize the costume room.
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"Jasper," She had noticed the presence only from the faint creek of the floorboard near the room’s entrance. It was unlikley that it was anything, but intentional. "How smart do you think Night is?" She asked tentatively, as she continued to separate a costume and fold it properly.
[ @apricusnights ]
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solar-throne · 2 years
[ @lion-hearth​ ]
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“I’ll be leaving for my trip back home soon, so I’m afraid I will be missing our next few meetings.” Mel commented as she sat down at their usual table with her cup of coffee, placing her copy of their latest book club read onto the table.
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“Though on the bright side that’s more time to decide on our next book, I believe its your turn to choose?” 
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solar-throne · 2 years
[ @prismaticmuses ]
They had just finished up the most recent theater meeting, going over updates for future shows and what would be needed, etcetera, etcetera.
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"Night!" Mel called out currently in the process of lacing up her boots, she gestured for him to come over. “Are you free right now? I found some old copies of Vénére stuff and a few other groups from that time, but I forgot them at…. If it’s not too much trouble would you like to come with me to get them?” She suggested though her voice quickly wavered worried that perhaps she was inconveniencing him. “Or-or I can just bring them next time?” She attempted to save her unintended rudeness, despite it only seeming that way to her.
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teamvnla · 3 years
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"We get to play the Ashley's together!"
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"This is going to be even better than when we did Villainous together.”
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“You’ve been really waiting for this show haven’t you?” Méline giggled softly as Lye was practically buzzing with excitement.
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teamvnla · 3 years
A large dock worker with an eyepatch takes a seat near Melanie with his tea. Not many others in the shop at present but his was a familiar face there and he was right on time as usual. 'Afternoon' he nods as he takes a sip. 'What's going on today?' (lion-of-vale, apricus verse)
Méline glanced away from the script she was going over her coffee sitting on the table rim marked from the dark lipstick she wore.
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”Ah, hello.” She greeted the familiar face with a soft smile. “Our castings at the theater were announced the other day.“ She responded with a slight gesture to script on the counter.
[ @lion-of-vale ]
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teamvnla · 3 years
[this is my Evergreen Theater members response to this]
[Group Text;Evergreen Theater]: Lye, this is an embarrassing question! [/text]
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A soft flush covers Méline’s cheeks as she thought back for the answer to Lye’s question.
[Group Text;Evergreen Theater]: I was a child in primary school, and there was an older student who would come to help with the younger students. She was kind ands smelled sweet, she taught me how to fold paper crane. [/text]
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Thad stared at the text as he lied back on the worn couch in his uncle’s apartment, turning the question over in his head.
[Group Text;Evergreen Theater]: i don’t think i have one? [/text]
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solar-throne · 2 years
There were almost no secret passage ways or hidden rooms in Antoine's quaint little cottage, almost. There was a passage way that led to the beach which his home overlooked, an quick escape from the home, though a winding cavern for the unfamiliar. Having a relatively normal home made it easier to soothe his paranoia when doing an initial sweep of the rooms to make sure no one had been there while he was away.
Antoine was a light sleeper, growing up in the conditions he had there was choice not to be. In an age of peace he had hoped this habit would fall away, though taking into account his current occupation it likely never would. All this was how he found himself jolting awake in the middle of the night at the whistle of wind through the cover of the hidden exit.
He sat wrapped in a blanket of shadow near the entrance of the tunnel, pick steady and aimed ready to fire at who or whatever opened that door.
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"Shit! That's not how you should be welcoming a guest!" The lithe man jumped back as he opened the door, he was thankful for Antoine’s self restraint in this moment knowing if he had been anyone else the pick would be hanging from his jugular.
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"Nicolas." Antoine gave a frustrated sighed tucking his pick away as he ran a hand through his hair. Nicolas Poirot, the youngest member of Réunion's council as well as a dear friend of the Sweetpeas.
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"No time for pleasantries, she won the vote. Renard de l'Ombre was crowned the guild leader." Nicolas got straight to the point as he closed the door behind him.
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"Brigette? Shit." He cursed, had it been anyone else he wouldn’t have cared. Brigitte however was a different story. His gaze quickly turned sharp to Nicolas. "Where'd you get this information from?"
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"I thought I told you to get out. To stop sticking your nose to deep." He took a step forward.
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"Someone had t-" Nicolas attempted to explain.
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"What will the people think finding put their councilman is rolling with thieves?" He asked through gritted teeth, though he knew he was to blame for Nicolas' involvement. He was the thief who trained him after all.
Both boys jumped going into defensive positions as a nearby lamp was turn on, basking the room in a soft yellow glow.
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"You're awake...."
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"You two have always been a noisy pair."
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"No way..." He gaped. "The scouts weren't mistaken, that means Jas is back too?" His gaze flickered back to Antoine for a moment.
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"Hello Nicolas, my how’ve you've grown." Mel commented with a warm smile of affection.
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"I don't mean to interrupt this lovely reunion," Antoine elbowed Nicolas to wipe off the lovestruck gaze he was sending the elder Sweetpea. "But we have a bigger problem at the moment. Our timeline may need to move up..."
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solar-throne · 2 years
Truthfully, Mel had been expecting a high security building or a lair hidden away behind a secret entrance. Not a cottage over looking the shore line, the rolling fields of lush foliage were the only thing separating them and the nearest neighbor, who Antoine had informed her was a shepherd. It was clear Antoine had left his home with the intention of being gone for a while, the various pieces of furniture had been covered up with cloth. The pair made quick work of removing the sheets, the windows had been opened to air out the rooms.
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“Last I heard Regis is living somewhere up in the mountains, he’s a novelist now, popular one at that. Can’t say I’ve read any of his books, he writes under a pseudonym as far as I’m aware.” He knew the first people his sister would want to hear about were her former bandmates, she likely read most information about the council by now anyways.
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“A pseudonym? I wonder if I’ve ever translated anything of his before...” She muttered thoughtfully as she continued her dusting, Regis had been the bassist for her band and in her opinion was the prettiest member among them.
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“Faye has been running a shop in Rêvasser, its small and out of the way, but she seemed content the last I saw her.” 
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“You still speak with her?” Fayette was the drummer for the band, the flamboyant girl would insist that her pair of ferrets were also members as well.
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“Yeah, I..uh I stayed with her a bit after everything that happened...” He cleared his throat, busying himself with his cleaning. 
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“Does she know... about y’know?” She felt nervous to say it aloud for some reason.
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“About Le Papillon? Nah, that’s a secret I’m pretty good about keeping...” He muttered, feeling his sisters gaze creeping up his back. He needed to change the topic quickly. “Maia ended up marrying Raphael, they live in the capitol. They got another kid now too.”
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“Really? They got married?” Mel face lit up at the news though she could feel a pang in her chest, Maia was the guitarist of the band and had been Mel’s best friend. The last time Mel had seen her was months before the final battle, Maia had left for the countryside after finding out she was pregnant. 
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solar-throne · 2 years
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“It just never ends does it? Had it not been here, it’d be elsewhere...”
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“You could always leave.”
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“When have I ever been one to back down from a fight?” An apologetic smile laying softly on her lips.
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“...I know...”
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teamvnla · 3 years
‘…I suppose its now or never..’ A smile quirked on his lips as he made his way to balcony he planned to slip out of to began his evening entertainment, he already had a plan for his distraction. With so many people watching the fashion show, it’d be a shame if something were to happen to the lovely outfits. He wondered how many were water proof. Though before he could start his fun, he felt an arm link with his own pulling it tightly to their body. The presence had been masked so well he hadn’t noticed them approach, which could only mean it was one person.
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“Soeur ainée!” He greeted, knowing that there was no worse person who could have caught him. “What a surprise, I thought you didn’t like public events like this.”
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“Oh, I do.” Her lips quirked in a smile, one that Antoine recognized from when they were younger and he got caught in trouble. “But, I have heard that theres been a moth infestation recently. So, I couldn’t help but feel concerned for the art.”
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“A moth infestation? Feels rather rude to the moth…”
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teamvnla · 3 years
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“…I haven’t been back in so long, I can’t help but wonder who they chose for the younger generation representative…”
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teamvnla · 3 years
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"Oh my, poor Thaddeus....I should wait for things die down some before going to visit....ah, or would that seem like I didn't care..."
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