xiaoxiongmaos · 2 years
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GIF colouring before & after
tagged by: @ashisland (thank you so much dear gabi ♡)
my style’s been pretty consistent with last year’s abozkdkfj i like warm tones so i usually adjust the colouring to be more towards reds, yellows and blacks + play around with gradient maps & curves until i’m somewhat satisfied!
tagging: @yjunies @hearttoshu @yngseung @leemarkies @innielove @loverbbh @seunglixes @ofkimtaehyung @thenamechapter @usertae @polaroidlove @wabisaba @song-mingi @seonghwaminho @ambivartence @roshinies @chanstopher @slowrabbitpd @wonjinist @hueningkai @limsejun @yeonjuins @letsstaywithstraykids @junhee @leenow (as always, no pressure!)
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redrose10 · 8 months
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Chapter 15!
This one has a lot of ups and downs. I really hope you guys like this chapter. We are getting closer to the end. As always I appreciate all the comments and messages.
Yoongi X Female Reader. CEO/Arranged Marriage AU
Summary: You were selected to marry the wayward CEO/Billionaire/Heir, Min Yoongi. You went into it with an open mind and heart determined to try and make it work. Yoongi on the other hand had no intention of ever letting you in let alone allowing himself to fall in love with you. Slowly you start to associate the smell of cinnamon and vanilla with the feelings of hurt and sorrow.
Word count: 4, 806
Warnings: (May get updated as chapters progress): Arranged marriage, cheating/infidelity, hints of smut (Probably won’t get very explicit but we’ll see how it goes), Sexual Assault, Brief mentions of death, Reader grew up an orphan, General Angst, Swearing
Tag list: @gimeow @kam9404 @viankiss @baechugff @gaby-93 @kayleefriedchicken @igot7fairlyoddparents @jalexad @drrookie
Entering the passcode into Jimins door lock was harder than you expected in your current state. You weren’t sure what was worse, the pounding headache from the hangover, the pain in your chest from having Yoongi break your heart again, or the nausea in your stomach from the guilt of sleeping with Woo-Sung.
It seemed like a great idea last night. You were upset and hurt and you knew Yoongi really didn’t like him so it seemed like the perfect way to get back at him. But when you woke up in his bed with your dress still half off of your body you felt an immediate sense of regret. You felt like you stooped down to Yoongi’s level. You knew you were better than that.
Dropping your bag by the front door all you wanted to do was take a hot shower and sleep off all of the feelings you were having. To make it worse you were supposed to go over to Yoongi’s later with Woo-Sung, neither men you wanted to see right now.
You felt like the universe was out to get you when you turned the corner finding Jimin and Yoongi sitting at the table talking and sipping on some coffee. Yoongi noticed you first eyeing you up and down with a smirk clearly liking your outfit.
Jimin noticed you next but he didn’t have the same reaction. Instead he snorted at your appearance.
“Rough night?”, he asked.
“Don’t want to talk about it.”, you mumbled beginning to walk away.
“And here I thought I had a terrible time being stuck at the office with your husband for eighteen hours straight, but seems you got me beat.”, he continued.
You stopped suddenly turning to face the two men.
“Wait you both were at the office all day yesterday?”
“Yeah we got there yesterday morning and found out we were about to lose the JYP deal so we spent all day and night in negotiations trying to save it. This tyrant over here wouldn’t even let me leave to go eat. Y/N, I had to starve.”, Jimin dramatically pointed over at Yoongi.
“I really hope you get an Oscar for that performance. I told you that you couldn’t go get lunch because Han from JYP was supposed to contact us back at any minute for a conference call. Did you forget that afterwards I ordered you a very nice steak dinner AND then got you late night pizza when you were still hungry?”, Yoongi rolled his eyes.
He then turned his attention over to you, “I’m sorry I didn’t call Y/N. I was just so stressed about this whole thing. That would’ve been a multimillion dollar loss so I had to stay really focused until we were able to save it.”
You nodded which only made your headache and nausea even worse. Suddenly you weren’t in the sleeping mood.
“Jimin can I talk to you about something please. Like right now. In private.”
The two men gave you a questioning look before Jimin pushed himself away from the table and followed you to your current room.
“What’s going on? You seem really off.”, he asked while you shut the door.
“Jimin I need you to be 100% completely honest with me. Did Yoongi leave the office at any point yesterday?”
You checked your phone to see what time Mrs. Chan had called as she said she’d seen Yoongi ten minutes beforehand.
“Were you with him at around three in the afternoon?”
He looked at you with a confused look.
“Yoongi got there at his normal time in the morning and that’s when he got the message that the JYP deal was falling apart. We spent the entire day in his office. Luckily he has that in suite bathroom or he probably would’ve just handed me an empty bottle. We were on a call with someone from JYP around 3. We finally left at about 2am and he wanted to come here and see you and then you weren’t here so we just stayed awake to wait for you. I was with him the entire time and he never left the room.”
You sat on the edge of the bed and pulled your knees up to your chest. “Oh no oh no oh no. I can’t believe this. Jimin what did I do? Why did I believe that crazy old woman?”
“Y/N what’s going on? What did you do?”
You shook your head, “I fucked up. I just ruined everything.”
“Hey hey just calm down. What happened?”
“Our neighbor called me yesterday to complain about Yoongi and Suri making out in the hallway of the apartment building. I asked her if she was sure it was Yoongi and she said yes. She could even smell his cologne. So I got really upset and did something so stupid. I went over to Woo-Sungs and got pretty drunk and ended up sleeping with him. I’m so awful. I’m not that kind of person. And Yoongi has been trying so hard to fix everything and change and I just went and blew it in one night.”
You expected your best friend to hug you, maybe wipe your tears, and offer some comforting words. You didn’t expect him to double over in laugher right in front of you though.
“What the hell Jimin? It’s not funny.”
“Yes it is Y/N. It really is. You really don’t remember anything do you?”
You shook your head. He took a seat next to you and continued, “Woo-Sung called Yoongi last night while we were at the office. He said you showed up to his place already pretty tipsy complaining about how your neighbor told you about Yoongi and Suri making out in the hallway. Before he could stop you, you grabbed a bottle of whiskey off the counter and took a few big swigs. You got pretty drunk off of it and then moments later you tried removing your dress, but only got the straps off when you tripped because your shoes were too big and then you started crying. Woo-Sung said he was waiting for his mom to stop by to drop off some stuff so he couldn’t leave and was just gonna let you sleep it off in his bed and then bring you home in the morning, but he wanted Yoongi to know about it. He even sent Yoongi a text later saying he owed him for having to sleep on the couch in his own home.”
“What?! So I didn’t actually sleep with him? And you guys knew about all of this? Then how did Mrs. Chan smell his cologne in the hallway?”
He continued to laugh at your expense, “Do you really think Yoongi would be so calmly sitting at the table if he came home at 2am to find you missing and he didn’t know where you were? Remember that one time you took too much cold medicine and were completely passed out? Well when you didn’t answer Yoongi’s call in the middle of the night he sent Jungkook to check on you.”
“What?! I knew I saw someone in my room that night, but I kept telling myself it was just the fever making me see things. I am gonna kill them both.”
Jimin laughed even harder, “He was just really worried because he knew how sick you were and then you weren’t answering him which was unlike you. In his defense Jungkook was only supposed to knock on the door to see if you answered. Jungkook’s the one that went rouge and broke in like he was James Bond or something.”
“Okay whatever. I’ll take that up with Jungkook another day.”, you huffed.
“So Yoongi knows everything and is okay with it?”, you asked.
“I mean sure he was kind of pissed off you ran to Woo-Sung right away, but I think he gets it. Yoongi is well aware of his past with you. And as far as Mrs. Chan is concerned, Suri wears the feminine version of Yoongi’s cologne. Some bullshit about it reminding her of him. I told Taehyung to discontinue it, but it’s a best seller and I think he’s a little scared of Suri to be honest. That old bat Mrs. Chan just probably didn’t notice the difference and assumed it was Yoongi. Suri also has a type so there’s a high probability that this guy she was with did look like Yoongi especially from behind.”
You stared at the ground somehow feeling better, but worse at the same time.
You definitely owe Woo-Sung an apology for your behavior. You wondered if your famous cookies would be enough.
A knock at the door interrupted Jimins giggle fit and when he opened it Yoongi appeared holding a hot cup of coffee and a bagel sandwich. Jimin got the hint and left to finally get some sleep while Yoongi took his place sitting down next to you on the bed offering the coffee.
“Here drink this. I’m sure you feel even worse than you look right now.”
Taking the cup you took a sip of the hot liquid. The caffeine instantly taking the edge off of your headache.
“I’m sorry Yoongi. I shouldn’t have acted out like that especially without talking to you first. I was just so upset and hurt and not thinking straight.”
He smiled, “No need to be sorry. I understand why you did it. Honestly, I’m mostly upset that he got to see you in this dress before I did.”
Playfully you shoved his shoulder.
“I feel a little hurt honestly. I went over there looking like this and he just put me to sleep without even touching me.”
“Well I mean I’m like one of the biggest assholes on the planet and even I wouldn’t take advantage of a drunk woman no matter what she was wearing.”
You nodded, “True, true. I guess that is a good thing. There should be more people like that.”
“Yeah there really should AND it might also have a little something to do with the fact that when he agreed to go along with this whole plan, I might have, kind of, told him that if he ever touched you I’d take his guitar and shove it down his throat.”
“Yoongi that wasn’t very nice.”, you scolded somewhat playfully somewhat seriously.
Feeling a sudden rush of dizziness you rested your head on his shoulder taking in the smell of his cologne which had pretty much all worn off at that point besides a faint touch of cinnamon.
“We really need to get you a new cologne by the way. You’re like a billionaire, but you only have one bottle. It doesn’t make sense.”
“You should pick one out for me. Something that you like.”
“Really? Can I?”
“Yeah, but maybe don’t get this one customized.”
He chuckled while you cringed at the memory.
“If you weren’t with Suri then who was she making out with in the hallway?”, you asked taking a bite of the bagel he was offering you.
He shrugged his shoulders, “Don’t know and don’t care. Hopefully she found some other poor soul to suck the life out of. But it does worry me that she might have something up her sleeve and this was all part of a bigger plan of hers. So we should definitely be on the watch for that.”
You finished off the bagel with some help from Yoongi before deciding that it was time for a shower and to get some sleep before Woo-Sung would pick you up to head over and put the rest of the plan in motion.
As you stood up you glanced over at the dresser where you had placed your ring the day before noticing an empty spot.
“Oh no! Where did it go?”, you said in between tears that instantly started falling. You dropped down on the ground feeling around hoping to find it.
“Y/N what’s wrong?”
“I lost it Yoongi.”
“Lost what? Your mind?”, he chuckled.
“Not funny. I lost my ring. I put it right here on the dresser before I left last night. I have no idea how it could be lost.”
Still crawling around on the floor you didn’t even notice that Yoongi had walked over and was now crouching down next to you. When he finally cleared his throat you turned around so fast almost knocking him over. He was holding up the ring you were currently crying over.
“I saw it when I came to look for you in here after getting back from the office. I didn’t want it to get lost so I put it in my pocket.”
“Oh thank goodness.”, you said trying to grab the ring, but he took it just out of your reach.
“Yoongi can I please have my ring back?”
“I think you should go ringless for now. It’ll be more believable to Suri if you’re not wearing it. Every little detail counts.”
You couldn’t stop the pout that formed on your lips and Yoongi couldn’t stop himself from finding it to be the cutest thing ever.
“Plus I thought maybe when this whole thing is over I’d propose to you again. You know like actually propose, like you deserve.”, he said helping you off the floor.
“Alright, but it better include a song you wrote for me or I might just say no this time.”, you chuckled which Yoongi met with a gummy smile and blushed cheeks.
“I wish you could stay here with me.”, you said watching him put on his jacket.
“I know. Me too, but I don’t want the she demon to get suspicious.”
You laughed at the new nickname for Suri before wrapping your arms around him.
“Just a little more time and then we can put this all behind us.”, he gave you a kiss and you watched him walk out the door.
When you woke up a few hours later your headache had disappeared and you were feeling much better. After getting ready you walked out to find the living room already packed. Yoongi and Jin were sat at the table arguing over what restaurant they should order chicken from. Jimin was at the stove making a large pot of coffee knowing it’ll be needed. You heard someone clear their throat and then you saw Woo-Sung sitting in the armchair in the corner of the room. Your cheeks instantly heated up with embarrassment.
Slowly you walked over to stand next to him.
“Listen Woo-Sung I am so sorry about last night. I was just upset and not thinking straight. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable and I’m sorry that you had to sleep on the couch.”
He chuckled before shaking his head, “It’s okay Y/N. I’m just glad you came to me instead of going some place where you could’ve been taken advantage of. Cause I mean you did look really really good last night. If your husband wasn’t so scary I’d definitely say we should try that again, but sober.”
Before you could reply someone grabbed your hand and started pulling you away. Without looking you already knew it was Yoongi.
He glared at Woo-Sung before mouthing at him to watch it.
“How are you feeling?”, he asked once you were comfortably sitting at the table next to him.
“Better I guess. How about you?”
“Exhausted. I think I only got like two hours of sleep.”
“Was Suri there when you got back?”
He chuckled, “Yeah unfortunately. I found out who her hallway friend was.”
“Seriously? How? Who was it?”, you gasped with wide eyes.
“Suri left her phone out on the table while she was showering and luckily I guessed her passcode in only two tries. I saw these text messages between her and some guy that goes by Woozi. There was a photo of him as the contact and he looks a lot like me. I could see how Mrs. Chan would get confused. They went back and forth about planning a meet up and making out in the hall as the neighbors were walking around. It seems she knew that one of the neighbors would end up calling you to tell you what they saw. I have a feeling that she’s still not 100% satisfied with the situation and wants to make sure that there’s absolutely no chance that you and I reconcile.”
“She’s crazy Yoongi. There’s no nice way to put it. What did you ever see in her?”
“She was an easy hookup. I thought she felt the same way that I did. I swear I never thought she’d get like this.”
Before you could speak Jin cleared his throat indicating it was time to get things started.
Jimin and Jin helped attach the hidden recording device to Woo-Sungs chest using some tape. His shirt hid it nicely and they ran some quick tests to make sure everything was in order. Yoongi texted Suri to let her know that he was stuck at the office again, but that you would be stopping by to grab more of your things. Yoongi was going to stay there with Jimin and Jin so that Suri would feel more comfortable talking to Woo-Sung.
Yoongi met you at the dork to help you with your coat and Jin met you not long after.
“So everyone has their story straight? Remember Woo-Sung, just try and get her to do most of the talking. Try and guide her into revealing that Namjoon is the father and that she’s been blackmailing Yoongi with it.”, Jin spoke as Woo-Sung nodded in understanding.
You gave Yoongi a quick kiss goodbye before heading out the door.
Standing outside the penthouse door you were confused whether you should knock or just go in or maybe have Yoongi call her. Woo-Sung gave your hand a light squeeze, “We got this.”Opting for option number two you entered in the passcode which thankfully still worked. Just as you were taking off your shoes you could hear a loud sigh come from the entrance way.
“Don’t you know how to knock? You don’t live here any more remember? Or is that too much for your little brain to handle.”
“Fuck off Suri. Yoongi said he told you I was coming over. I just have to grab a few things and then we’ll leave.”
“Well hello to you too you little bitc-. Kim Woo-Sung? What are you doing here?”
Turning around you saw that Woo-Sung had made an appearance which quickly got the attention of Suri.
He smiled and outstretched his hand, “Nice to meet you. I’m just here with Y/N.”
“With Y/N? What is someone like you doing with a poor waste of space like her?”
He awkwardly cleared his throat, “She’s actually quite lovely.”
You felt your cheeks heat up at the compliment as you walked back towards your old room. You really didn’t need anything so you grabbed a small bag and started filling it with random articles of clothing to make it seem like you took something.
“Come sit with me. Would you like any bring to drink?”, Suri asked flirtatiously.
He shook his head taking the seat next to her on the couch.
Back at Jimins apartment him, Jin, and Yoongi were all listening to the conversation in real time.
“This is so cool. I feel like a secret agent.”, Jimin quipped.
The two older men quickly gave him a look to silence him.
“I really hope this works.”, Yoongi replied. “It’ll be fine. We just have to get what we need.”, Jin said trying to calm his friend.
“So how did the two of you meet?”, Suri asked twirling a strand of hair around her pointer finger.
“Ummm we met a while ago at a party. You know, friend of a friend type stuff. ”
“Oh and are you two just now getting to know each other?”
“Yeah Y/N has been pretty upset lately. She has been going through a lot of stuff so we’ve really connected.”
“Mmhm I see.”
“Yeah so what about you? I heard from Y/N you’re pregnant with Yoongi’s baby?”
She giggled,”Yes I sure am. See the little bump? We are so excited. Yoongi’s been picking out names already and we’re going to start on the nursery once Y/N gets the rest of her crap out of there.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes so hard he gave himself a headache while Jimin and Jin couldn’t contain their laughter next to him.
“Congratulations. I’m sure Yoongi is super excited. He’ll have a little farmhand to give him some help.”
“I’m sorry what?”, she asked coughing on her sip of water.
“Yeah Yoongi told me a while ago that if he ever had children he wouldn’t want them to grow up in an apartment in the city with a dad who was never around because all he did was work. So he said he’d leave the company and move out to the countryside and buy a sheep farm for his family to live on.”
“Oh my God, Yoongi and these fucking sheep.”, you whispered to yourself after eavesdropping on the conversation the best you could from your room.
“No I don’t think Yoongi would do that. I mean why would he give all this up?”, she asked gesturing around the very large penthouse.
He shrugged, “Dont know. I just heard Jin complaining that he was going to have to drive his Mercedes in the mud to go visit Yoongi since he was was looking at farmland for sale the other day.”
“Well we are not going to live like that so I’ll have to say something to him.”
“Yeah probably should bring that up to him. Especially before he wastes the time and money to order the DNA test.”, he chuckled.
“What DNA test?”
“Oh well I just assumed that someone with as much power and money as Yoongi would require a DNA test for any kid being claimed as his. You know, just to protect his assets and stuff.”
“No Yoongi wouldn’t do that. He knows this baby is his. There’s no way he’d put me or the baby through that. And even if he did for some reason I’d never agree to it.”, she nervously chuckled.
“I mean I’m pretty sure he could get it court ordered if he really wanted to.”
“Wow, she went through all this scheming and conniving and never even thought about what would happen if Yoongi asked for a DNA test. What an idiot.”, Jimin chuckled.
“I mean we never thought about that either. We could’ve just requested that she get a DNA test and when it showed Yoongi wasn’t the father we could’ve just used that. We didn’t even have to go through this whole extravagant thing.”, Jin responded. The three men sat staring at each other in realization.
Yoongi cleared his throat, “This is a good thing though. Now we will have this recording as well to make sure she can’t twist it around.”
Suri was beginning to panic. She hadn’t even thought about the possibility of Yoongi requesting his own DNA test because she honestly believed Yoongi would just bow down and give in to her.
“Why do you care so much about a DNA test? It doesn’t matter to you anyway.”, she spat.
Woo-Sung put his hands up in defense, “I really don’t care. I was just asking since Yoongi is an acquaintance of mine and I care about his well-being. You’re the one that’s getting so defensive about it.”
“Sorry, it’s just the hormones or something.”, she said trying to calm herself down.
You had quietly moved to the hallway just out of sight of the two of them in the living room. This was taking a lot longer than you had thought it would and you weren’t sure that Suri was going to break. You weren’t sure where he was going with this, but you were done leaving it up to the men and decided to take matters into your own hands. You made your presence known by greeting the two of them.
Yoongi, Jin, and Jimin looked at each other in panic as they heard your voice through the speaker. They hadn’t gotten what they needed so you weren’t supposed to be there yet.
As you sat down on the chair opposite Suri and Woo-Sung she scoffed at your audacity to make yourself comfortable.
“What are you doing? You don’t live here any more remember. Don’t be rude.”, she glared at you.
“Yes Suri, I am aware of that. I left on my own. I just wanted to talk things out with you. Like adults.”
“There’s nothing to talk about. Things were great between Yoongi and I and then you showed up. But now we finally get to be a happy family. Me, him, and our baby.”
You fought back an eye roll, “I am happy for you and I hope you guys have a long happy life together. If you ever need anything just let me know. I am always here.”
Suri looked at you with suspicion, “Why would I ever need anything from you?”
“I don’t know. I mean one day when Yoongi decides he’s had enough and leaves and you’re left all alone you might need some help.”, you shrugged.
“That will never happen. Especially now that I’m pregnant.”
“Mmhm. I mean he already hardly comes home now that you’re living here. Who knows how many women he’s hooking up with just to get away from you.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re mad he left you.”
“Am I? Do you really think I care? I still get the benefits of being his wife without the emotional baggage that comes with it. You on the other hand? You’re just the other woman that he accidentally got pregnant. If that baby really is his.”
Suri scoffed, “Of course this baby is his. Who else’s would it be?”
“I don’t know. Could be the guy you were making out with in the hallway the other day. Woozi I think his name is? Could be any other guy in this country. I mean I was having a few drinks with Namjoon the other day and he said some interesting stuff that makes me think the baby could even be his.”
You could see Suri’s body tense up at the mention of Namjoon.
You continued, “He mentioned something about the two of you hooking up and now you’re suddenly pregnant. Seems a little suspicious to me.”
“So what? I hooked up with him. I’m an adult and can sleep with whoever I want.”, she crossed her arms.
“No no you’re right. You can sleep with anyone you want. Just like Namjoon can take you to court over the custody of this baby if he wants to and it sounds like he does.”
“He doesn’t have the guts to do that. He’s way too passive.“
“I don’t know. He seemed pretty set on it the other day. Said he was already contacting lawyers and everything.”
Suri was visibly upset. You were starting to feel kind of bad because you didn’t want the innocent baby getting stressed out. You just needed that final push to send her overboard.
“Namjoon showed me all the proof he has while we were drinking. It all looked pretty believable to me, but then again I’m not a lawyer.”
“What proof?! I destroyed the DNA test that verified him as the father. I deleted every conversation we had about it. Namjoon has nothing confirming he is the father other than word of mouth and that means nothing! Yoongi is going to be seen as the father of this baby no matter what and that’s that.”
“You’re right Suri. Guess you have nothing to worry about then. Come on Woo-Sung, let’s go. I want to get out of here before Yoongi gets home.”
Suri jumped up to follow the two of you,
“I know what you’re up to Y/N. You think you just got dirt on me, but no one will believe you. It’s your word against mine. And if you try anything I will make your life miserable. I’ve blackmailed Yoongi for years and I won’t even think twice about doing the same to you.”
“Okay Suri. Have a good night.”, you smirked as you walked to the door with Woo-Sung following closely behind.
“Well that didn’t go exactly to plan.”, he chuckled awkwardly once safely in the elevator.
You heard your phone go off from your pocket. Taking it out the screen illuminated with a message from Yoongi.
“Good job baby. We got exactly what we needed. Now hurry up and get back here. I have a special reward waiting for you.”
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oliviassblog · 10 months
ryan baker x fem!reader
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finally I been waiting for someone to ask for ryan
You and Ryan were in a warehouse running from whoever was chasing you.
This person has been tagging you in pictures and they have been killing people around town you had no idea who it was though all your friends suspected it was Ryan cause you both started dating and they don’t trust him that much.
But you didn’t listen cause Ryan was actually nice and at least he hasn’t ghosted you yet.
But you guys were running and heard footsteps getting louder.
“Get down!” Ryan said as he grabbed your hand and you two hid behind a car hoping the killer wouldn’t find you.
“Fuck what are we gonna do..?” You said quiet as possible. Ryan got closer to you to whisper “We just have to stay quiet and try to get the hell out of here.. we’re gonna make it”
You nodded but you were scared for your life and you were shaking tears were already streaming down your face.
Ryan grabbed your hand holding it tight cause he knew you were scared.
Footsteps get closer and you covered your mouth to not breathe loud and you saw Ryan trying to stay quiet to.
But the footsteps stopped you took your hand off your face thinking they were gone.
You were wrong because just then someone grabbed you by your hair and you screamed.
The killer had a right grip to your hair and was dragging you.
You were screaming for help Ryan quickly got up looking for something to beat this persons ass.
The killer the stopped and let go of you and pushed you on the floor they had a sharp knife in there hand you were so fucking scared.
The killer got on you and you tried to fight back and the killer stabbed you in your hip you screamed in pain.
“Fuck!” You yelled.
The killer was gonna stab you right in your face but you grabbed there hand trying to stop them you felt yourself getting weaker.
Just then Ryan came from behind and hit the killer with a medal rod he found the killer got off of you and let go of the knife.
Ryan grabbed the knife and stabbed him you looked at him and got up slowly whimpering in pain holding your fresh wound.
You saw Ryan just stab this guy and you knew that person deserved it.
Megan stopped cause the person was dead. He got up and had blood all over him.
He quickly turned to you “Fuck are you okay y/n!?” You nodded crying and he brought you in for a hug kissing your forehead.
“You saved me..?” You said looking up at him. “Yeah of course I did. I love you”
You smiled softly knowing he was the one “I love you too” you held him tight but looked back at the person you they had a mask you wanted to see who it was.
You looked to Ryan and then back at the person you bend down and took off the mask you couldn’t believe it.
It was your dad. Sheriff Newlon Eric. You gasped and looked back at Ryan he was also surprised.
You wanted to cry even more just then cops busted through a door saving the day.
You saw your best friend Jessica she went up to you “Oh my god you’re okay! Thank god”
You smiled and hugged her as she held you tight. “You okay?” She asked and you nodded.
She saw the body “Oh my god.. it was Sheriff Newlon.. your dad?”
You slowly pulled away from the hug as the ambulance came taking his body away and they went to help you with the stab on your hip.
But now.. it was finally over the only people left were you, Ryan, Jessica, Gaby, and Scuba but everyone else didn’t make it.
You were still surprised it was your dad but you lost everyone in your family even your mom.
But you still had the people you always loved someone like Ryan.
I HOPE YALL LIKED THATT I ADDED TO MUCH DETAILS BUT OH WELL?? imma need more requests of ryan more often cause he’s so pookie
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illvmiimoved · 1 year
Just Helping You Sleep.
Miguel O’Hara x AFAB reader (GN pronouns)
TAGS/INCLUDED: Lactation (not really nsfw though) * Dad!Miguel * Miguel is super smitten * if he’s Spider-Man is up to you * fluff * au where he had Gabriella normally so she isn’t literally dead
A/N: this is my first ever tumblr post so please have mercy LOL. What a first post am I right gang? Anyways happy reading ❤️
New account cause I screwed up 😭
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Miguel has had one thing on his mind lately.
Your tits.
It was weird as hell, considering the situation, but it was true. He couldn’t get those damn things out of his head no matter how hard he tried.
He’d be busy at work, then boom. Titty thoughts.
You’d had his baby recently, which didn’t help (and was also the cause of the recent boob thought influxes). The baby was a beautiful girl and light of Miguel’s life, Gabriella.
You were breastfeeding Gabri, which was the main cause. You not only exposed them more often, but it also made your boobs larger than they were originally.
Miguel was honestly pretty ashamed of getting horny of you merely feeding your child, but here he was.
One day, Miguel was sitting on the couch, watching the news with a beer in one hand and Gabriella in the other. She was snug against him and content, ‘till she began crying.
You had raced over to get her, cooing things like “Oh no, what’s wrong, baby?” And “Are Papa’s stupid news stories boring you to tears, my poor thing?”
You swooped the little girl from his arms, and popped your shirt open in record time to feed her. Miguel nearly dropped his beer.
You noticed his staring and asked if he was alright, and he just said something akin to “Yeah, Gabi’s just so cute when she eats.” Which was true, just not the reason he was staring so intently.
The second a drop of milk dribbled down your boob and down towards your torso, Miguel began to sweat in his wife-beater and had to literally leave the room.
Miguel has caught himself having extremely weird thoughts as of late. A lot of the time, he realizes he’s actually envious of his 3 month old daughter for being able to be that up close and personal with your chest.
Another one is when that drip of milk dribbled down your chest, he had to actually stop himself from swiping a finger under it to catch it on the pad of his finger, and taste it.
He had absolutely no idea what was happening.
He currently was sat on yours and his shared bed, doing some work on his iPad. His glasses were sliding down the bridge of his nose, so he pushes them up. You walk in from just finally getting your daughter down, palming your boobs uncomfortably and looking around the room.
He looks up from his tablet, “What’s wrong, querido?”
“I can’t find that stupid breast pump, and Gabriella didn’t empty me before she fell asleep. It fuckin’ hurts.”
He saves his work before shutting his tablet off, getting up from his spot to help you look around for the pump to alleviate your pain.
You sigh exhaustedly, “I swear to god if it’s in her room and I have to go in there and risk waking her up-“
Miguel sits back on the bed when he can’t find it and for some reason, his mind decided that yeah, this was a great thing to blurt out;
“Do you want me to help?”
You stop what you’re doing and turn to look at him comically slowly. You stare at him, “Eh?”
Miguel pales in the face when he realizes what he actually just fucking said, what he suggested.
“I just meant- uhm- Amor I didn’t mean-“
He shut up before he could make things worse than he already had.
You walk over and sit on the edge of the bed, staring at him, “Did you… are you suggesting you drink me dry?”
Miguel lets out a loud groan, “Don’t say it like that, cariño!” He covers his face with his hands.
You just snicker and crawl up to your spot on the bed. You shrug, “We can give it a shot. I don’t see why not. I won’t be able to sleep like this.”
“Are you serious?” He whips his head up to stare at you. His gaze only grows more shocked when you slip your shirt off, over your head.
You lean back and rest your head on the pillow. Miguel could see you really were tired, so he decided to just dive right in, crude as that sounds.
He leant down and latched on, and hoooolllllyyy shit man. It felt so good. It was unbelievable. He’d fantasized about this for weeks on end, and it was finally happening.
Hell, the milk was perfect too. It was in his top 5 beverages for sure. Not because it was from his beautiful and lovely spouse who he loves more than anything, his beautiful and lovely spouse who could breathe and he would propose to you all over again.
You let out a long breath from the relief and tangle your fingers in his hair. He lets out a low groan at the action.
He reaches one of his hands up to squeeze at the breast he wasn’t sucking, and it fucking dribbled out milk. He could have came on the spot. He immediately unlatched from you to catch it on his tongue.
He switches to the other breast, pretty confident he had emptied your other one. He lets out a loud groan against you when you tug his hair slightly. You let out a sigh yourself. It was super pleasant, having a big hunky man sucking you dry.
Miguel kept on working, focused on mostly helping you get to sleep. Sure he was getting unbelievably horny, but he knew you really just wanted your rest. Having a tiny baby who clung to you like Gabriella did was exhausting.
He pulls back and uses his big hands to feel your breasts, making sure they’re empty enough to let you get some comfortable sleep. Once he’s sure they are, he looks up at you with a lovey dovey smile. You hold back a snicker as you raise a thumb to wipe away the remaining milk around his mouth.
“All better?” He asks. You could feel his excitement pressed up against you under the covers and he noticed. He shook his head and pressed a kiss to your forehead, “Don’t worry about it, Hermosa. It’ll go away. Just get your sleep, Mhm?”
You nod sleepily and cuddle against his side. He lets your head rest on his shoulder as he pulls the cover over both of you.
He looks at you with the sweetest gaze, “You’re so beautiful.”
You smile tiredly at him and press a kiss to his cheek, then lay your head back on his shoulder. You felt yourself drifting off to sleep, not as uncomfortable as before.
He mumbles,
“You will let me do that during sex though, right?”
You burst out in giggles, nodding and kissing him.
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A/N: this was my first tumblr post ever so please give feedback if you want!! Thanks so much for reading ❤️
+ I did use spanishdict for the Spanish nicknames Miguel used, please lmk if I used them wrong or anything so I can fix them !
(the normal shit, don’t copy or redistribute this pretty please)
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firefly--bright · 1 year
Reiner Braun modern headcanons!!!
a/n : the jean one I did did pretty well as a post, so I decided to do for my babygirl too (19 yr old war criminal) :)
warnings : none!
tagging : @mrsnobodynobody
✿ main masterlist is linked in pinned post! ✿ enter my taglist! ✿ requests are open! ✿
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• loves animals. TO DEATH like if he sees any stray puppies or kitties, he will rescue them immediately. he'll pull over just to get out of the car and save the babes
• piggybacking off of that, he's also a foster dad for these pets. like he'd take them in. he has two cats and they're kind of on the old side (because he felt bad just leaving them at the shelter), one of them has grey and white fur and he's named her McFlurry (yes) and the other one is actually a cat you and him adopted together - an orange tabby that the two of you named calcifer (from howls moving castle :) )
• used to play like all sports during his entire academic life. he's played so many sports at this point like you'd think you know a niche sport that you didn't think he'd know the name of? he's played it. even rugby.
• hates the way his nose looks, but starts loving it more after you develop a habit of tracing the contours of his nose with your thumb (it makes him sleep too)
• loves to cook! he'd make any experimental recipies that he found from an obscure source on Pinterest. it almost always turns out good but if it doesn't then he tweaks it up until it tastes good.
• like jean, he's kind of not really into physical touch at first, but the more you show it, the more he falls in love with your touch.
• extroverted introvert. feels the need to be nice and be friends with everyone (literally knows everyone you've ever bumped into) but he prefers to stay in and not talk instead. he's glad he gets to sit in silence with you because he feels fully comfortable with that.
• strangers to friends to lovers typa guy (I have a fanfic idea for this but I'm too lazy to write it), like he's seen you before and because he feels the need to know everyone's names and stuff, he decides to befriend you. he's not boisterous or cocky or overconfident, he's actually really nice and down to earth. you start getting closer, he starts working at the same place you work at, which brings you even closer and he falls in love
• and he falls HARD like. when you ask him if he can remember the one point in time where he realised he was in love with you, he doesn't have an answer, because with him, its kinda like... he fell for you in a collection of moments. like you brushed his hair away from his face and he's like "oh that's nice" and then you gave him a thoughtful gift for his birthday, again, he was like "oh that's...super nice" - just little moments like that made him Realize™
• has a complicated relationship with his mom but they're on okay terms now, like apart from the usual motherly criticisms, they're doing pretty well!
• blushes like a damn tomato. he cannot hide if he's flustered for the life of him.
• he tries to hide it, but he LOVES being pampered. he loves it when you massage his shoulders, he loves it when you put those under eye masks on him, loves it when you draw a bath for him, etc. like at first he feels,,, kind of like a burden when you do those things for him, but he slowly starts to think that maybe, just maybe, he deserves this.
• super patient. if you're having a bad day or something, not only does he immediately take notice, he'll wait for you. he'll ask if you want to talk about it or if you just want him to be there, and if you say you want space, he'll give it to you and wait for you to come to him when you need him.
• he knows how to braid hair because of Gabi. when he was 17, he'd braid gabi's hair into two pigtails whenever she came over to their house for the summer. (he's her favourite cousin and vice versa but both won't admit it to eachother)
• loves to knit!!!!! his ideal date is literally just cozying up on the couch with some blankets and hot chocolate or soup and just. knitting. if you like knitting or crocheting too then bonus points!
• speaking of knitting, he also wears chunky sweaters that his mom made for him. warm toned, chunky and soft sweaters are literally all his closet is made up of. except in the summers, he wears loose fitting tank tops in the summer heat.
• religious note-taker. if you share a class with him, expect him to furiously take notes at a godly speed every class. and it's not even a messy handwriting, it's actually recognisable letters that are pretty easy to understand. he'd give those notes to anyone who missed class that day.
• people rely on him alot, and at first in highschool he kind of felt pressured by it, but he's grown into that role. he's a gentle leader.
• speaks german. you'll find him speaking in German to Gabi and his mom whenever they call <3
• speaking of calls, he only picks up if it's a loved one calling him. Gabi sometimes calls him just to annoy him after her school day is over and she's just roaming around the house. at this point Reiner knows all the gossip in gabi's middle school, being super attentive when Gabi talks about her school. like he knows ALL the lore.
• loves watching those relaxing vlogs. like those cooking vlogs with nice music in the background and captions instead of voiceovers. he loves those.
• has prescription glasses only for reading <3
• overthinks so hard. like even if he goes out of his way to talk to and know people more, he hates the after-conversation anxiety that comes with it.
• when he kisses you, he kinda hugs you. like his hands aren't on your waist, they kinda wrap around your back and shoulder and his hands are spread out so that he feels more of your skin.
• loves calling you dove or angel, cause that's exactly what you are to him.
• talks with his hands, very expressive with his conversations. it's very easy to know when he's uncomfortable/doesn't like someone he's talking to when his hands are crossed over his chest.
• he writes. like journals all his feelings out. just like his note-taking, he's very on routine about it. every night, or every other night, he'd sit down at his desk and use the pen he's kept especially for this journal, and describe the day in detail. it helps him alot :)
• he kinda does this small little,,, soft exhale when he smiles. like his lips don't quirk up fully, but you know he's smiling because of that small sound.
• full bellied laughter kinda guy. you crack a terrible joke and he starts out letting a small tiny laugh at it and then it turns into a chuckle and then the next thing you know, he's clutching his stomach and wiping the tears from the corner of his eye because he's laughing so much. which is so ???? you tell him it wasn't even that funny but to him it very much Was.
• his reactions are SOOOO funny. like you're telling him a story and he'll have visible reactions to it. he'll cover his mouth with his hand if he gasps, put his hand on his chest in surprise, scrunches his nose in disgust - like he literally cannot hide his emotions.
• likes jazz and classical music. no I will not elaborate.
• can't Instagram. he uses emojis unironically. he has one (1) post and it's you and him together, eating ramen from the same bowl (a pic that bert took to send to porco)
• even if he doesn't use Instagram that often, he'll always check if you posted. if you've posted something then he will make it his personal priority to spam comment the heart eye emojis. your entire comment section is Reiner sending 🥰🥰🥰 and 😘😘😘 and 😍😍 and all the diff coloured hearts.
• loves taking pics of you against the sunlight or like. infront of a beautiful scenery. he likes taking goofy candid pictures too, but the ones where you're just being lit up by the sun are his favourite because finally, there's an actual accurate picture of how he sees you.
• overall, the Reiner I have in my head in a modern a.u. is incredibly soft and will dance with you in the living room in the dark with no music playing because that's how in love with you he is.
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justabigoldnerd · 26 days
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Thank you so much @the-golden-comet for the tag!!
My Words: destroy, sense, withhold, underneath
Your Words: Budge, Proper, Trouble, Trunk
These are tough ones! Let me see what I can find....🤔
Destroy - "The X-Men From U.N.C.L.E."
He learned he could manipulate smaller things when he threw a rock at a tree out of frustration and it blew a hole straight through the trunk, showering him with splinters. Illya sat up in the litter and stared in wild-eyed wonder at the hole. Trembling, he felt around for another stone and held it in the torn palm of his hand. Goosebumps pricked his skin all the way down his arm, and the strange pulsing sensation he'd been chasing thrummed through his veins, centering on the rock.  After a few seconds, it subsided and Illya wiped the dirt and tears from his eyes and pushed himself to his feet. He sniffled and squared his shoulders, reeling back his arm. Aiming at a different tree, he threw the rock as hard as he could. This time, the hole it blasted through the trunk severed it in half, and the top flipped backwards in its fall to the earth. Illya's mouth went dry and he looked from the destroyed tree to his shaking, bloody hand.
Sense - "How To Cook A Wolf"
“Yeah,” Solo rasps, “Deal.” He scrawls his name in jittery letters, right on the line, then lets the pen clatter to the desk. He looks up at the man he once respected, even admired, with enough venom to kill him in half a second if Solo had fangs. Sanders only smiles wider in return, sharp like the straight razor that had knicked his carotid. A foreboding sense of dread settles deep in his stomach. “We done here?” “Yes, Solo, I think that means we're done here,” the older man drawls, overly pleased. He takes the agreement and tucks it into a manilla envelope, undoubtedly on its way to being locked in a safe only Sanders knows the location of.
Withhold - "Which Side Of The Wall Really Suffers That Cost?" (Had to write this one in haha)
He heard Waverly breathe deeply and the creak of a chair as he leaned back, taking in the information, “How certain are you?” “There is only one way to know, sir.” “Right. Yes. Have you told your partners?” “No, sir.” “Good, good. I fear they may muddy things a bit. It's better that we withhold this information from them, for now. Mr. Kuryakin, it's up to you whether you wish to risk returning to Moscow. If you choose to stay, you will be protected here in London, to the best of our abilities, but they will know your intentions. If you choose to go, well….,” Waverly opened a drawer in his desk and retrieved a thick file, offering it over the desk to Illya.
Underneath - "Quietly, It Slips Through Your Fingers, Love (Falling From You Drop By Drop)" (this is a finished work, but I could NOT find this word in any WIPs LMAO)
“Peril,” Solo muttered, the word taking an immense amount of effort. “Don't talk. Save energy,” Illya scolded softly, glancing down at where Gaby had unbuttoned Solo's shirt. He moved his and Solo's hands from the wound so she could move the fabric and shove strips of the rags into the bullet hole. “Illya,” he groaned in pain, and the world went quiet, save for the shallow sound of Solo's breathing. He shakily slipped his hand out from underneath Illya's where he had moved them to Solo's chest, only to switch their places and thread their fingers together–directly over his slowing heart. “I forgive you.”
Phew! This was tough!! I liked the challenge!!!
No pressure tagging @huggiebird @happybean17 @falling-into-peril @heytheredeann @pippinoftheshire
@bighandsforabigheart @kcscribbler @yallwildinrn @cha-melodius @thattripleabattery
@too-young-to-fall-in-love @times-up-alone-tonight @vnyu73 @nicijones
And an Open Tag for anyone who wants to join!!! 💕💕💕💕
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kairiscorner · 1 year
A one shot or fic where Gabriel falls in love with a villain. Miguel would disapprove but Gabi doesn’t care!
OOOOO anon. ily. platonically. THIS IS SO CUTE AAAAAAA i eat it up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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i'd let them eat my heart anyway. — gabriel o'hara x villain!reader
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summary: he was told to stay away from you, since you're his brother's archenemy or whatever, but all he can focus on is how kissable you are... word count: 550
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his brother's words of warning and berating entered one ear and exited out the other as he reminisced how quickly you could've shut him up and silenced him. yeah, maybe you were keeping him alive for spider man to save, or you were maybe... teasing him?
"gabri," miguel called out to him as he caught his younger brother gazing off into space, smiling like a doofus who was madly--oh no. gabri's eyes widened and a warmth coated his cheeks as he nearly stumbled over and fell from where he was leaning against. "ah, uh, yeah, mig?" "stay away from them, you have no idea just what they're capable of." he reminded his younger brother again as he nodded dismissively and still smiled to himself. "yeah, yeah, i got it, entiendo, hermano." he said as he walked away with a pep in his step as miguel sighed and muttered to himself how gabri, despite his intelligence and proficiency at anything technical, was extremely hopeless at anything romantic.
as gabri cleared up the mess on his work table, he heard a whooshing sound from outside of his laboratory. he whipped his head around to see just what dashed by, and before he could dismiss it as the wind, he was soon faced with you when he turned around. you grinned at gabri as his eyes widened, as his lips parted instinctively for you as you leaned closer to him. "ah, b-bella, i-" "shh... gabe, listen," you said as you pressed your index finger against his lips as he muttered an, "of course," as he got flustered in the face and stared at you with undivided attention.
"did spider man visit you tonight?" you asked him slowly and in a sultry voice, to which gabri shook his head profusely. you pursed your lips together and sighed exaggeratedly. "what a shame... i would've maybe kissed you if you gave me some information about him to work with, but i guess..." you trailed off as you pulled away from gabri, with him mumbling as he reached out for you and your tempting figure. "wait!" he exclaimed as you turned around and made him freeze up all over again. "i... i have some information on... on spider man..." he muttered as you grinned gleefully and was about to flatter him to get him to fess it up, but he stood his ground and told you that his information came with a price.
you groaned at the catch. "what price?" and so, gabri perked up and leaned closer towards you. "besame, hermosa." he said in a low, husky voice as he grinned as widely as you did earlier. he placed both hands of his on your hips, though he backed away when you showed him a dagger and brought it close to his nose as he inched closer towards you. "woah, that's hot." gabri teased as you rolled your eyes and reluctantly placed your hands on either sides of his face and gradually kissed him on his lips gently. "okay, info on spidey, now." you demanded as gabri lapped at his lips, tasting your lipstick as he chuckled. "one more, bella..." he pleaded with you as you grumbled and kissed him again, and... you two kept at it for a little more than two kisses that night.
a/n: he kept forgetting he had to give you info on miggy, so he kept telling you to kiss him so he remembers <33
tags !! @binibinileonara @miguelswifey04
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
Writing Share!
Let's go with a line from Supernova Initiative!!! Gabi's POV
The agent began, voice monotone and reeking of false sympathy, “He has lied to you -”
Gabi laughed, cutting off the woman's spiel, "Wow. Such news! You think I don't already know that?" She tilts her head with a puzzled smirk, "And that I already forgave him? You can't seriously expect me to side with the Junction instead of with the man who raised me. Are you forgetting that before he had to lie to me, you guys lied to him first?”
The woman on the other side of the metal table continued, face and voice unchanged, as if she barely heeded the girl's words. “Does it not matter to you that he is the one who killed your true family?”
Gabi rolls her eyes, looking at the woman with mock pity, "Aw. Cute try!" She taunted, eyes narrowing like razors, "And who lied to him about the mission, huh? Hm? You did. Who saved me from the aftermath, once he realized what had happened? He did. Your government used him to kill them - which means the real killers are your people. He was just your murder weapon.”
Her words were cold and precise, like an exacto knife cutting right through the woman's prepared droning of bullshit she didn't care enough to hear. "Would you be mad at the one holding the trigger with premeditated intent, or at the unsuspecting gun that fired the bullet?"
Tagging (gently): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @winterandwords, @eccaiia,
@the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart,
@ray-writes-n-shit @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess,
@forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix@i-can-even-burn-salad
@cauliflowermaterial @thepeculiarbird,
@clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes,
@starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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arsenalgbt · 1 month
Hi! I’m very intrigued by the Ben White / William Saliba pairing which you seem to captain! There’s something captivating about them but I feel like I need to know more.
What are some of your headcanons for them? Any moments or things about their in-real-life dynamic that stood out to you?
iktr I'm the ship's captain!!! in my head their name is bennyliba but idk if u can suggest a better name LOL ahjsjfajkfk headcanons........
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blink n u miss it
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my a-ha moment was: what if willo thinks "umm why does nothing I do seem to be right for ben?"
ya feel me? look at that tough love ben has for willo (I'm sure he does that to the others as well but I have my own agenda teehee)
and I'm biased af because have you seen willo's face card? bro be looking and sounding like a tank , but the moment he SMILES GRINS LAUGHS? that's a fucking baby darling like... I do baby voice when he's in my screen? so in my head; yeah it makes sense. boyish handsome willo with nonchalant sexy older ben? YEAH!!
ben deffo loves to tease willo; whether it's their minuscule age gap or maybe about some British culture willo is still learning about. willo has a crush first. is ben aware of that? ofc he is, he's used to people intrigued by his bitchy cold demeanour/his body/his face ayyyyyyyyy. willo might ask Aaron and reiss and Declan seeing they're British, for pointers. big gabi tries to help ofcccccc
(also ben was teammates with kalvin Philips so clearly he has a type teehee)
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moreee pics here
if you go to their pairing tag on ao3, 9 out of 10 fics are mine (1 is gifted to me so yes I am the captain). pls write bennyliba and gift it to me LMAO (I'm serious write it)
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Summary: Gabriela Cruz invests in a Victorian mansion in the middle of America where the rule of Buyer Beware is absolute. When her twin sister goes missing, a couple of federal agents show up. Lucky for Gabi, Dean and Sam Winchester are on the case.
Characters: Gabriela Cruz, Camila Cruz, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Ed Zeddmore, Harry Spangler
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, language, mentions death of family members, cursed object, mentions of blood + gore, sarcasm, twin dynamics, explicit sex
Words: 4,600
Author's notes: thank you, @brrose-apothecary and @stusbunker as always for the pre-reads and support!
I consider myself a strong, independent woman. I pay my own bills, put a little money away in savings every month, and I just recently took out a loan all by myself to buy an old Victorian mansion cum bed and breakfast in my hometown.
Which brings me to my first point — that most of the time, I think I’m rad as fuck. Then, once in a blue moon (literally, in this case), some guy finds his way into my life, and I personally end up winding back the advancement of women by a century for good dick.
It’s humiliating.
How, you ask? Well, let me tell you...
“When you said Victorian bed and breakfast, I thought it’d be all lace doilies and ornately carved wood. This place is sick!” 
Camila, my little sister by 15 minutes, had driven down from Minneapolis to help me move into my new home. We hadn’t seen much of each other in the past year because she was living with a man who considered our twin bond to be “unhealthy” (read: he’s a pissbaby.)
What he couldn’t wrap his tiny brain around was that Cami and I were not only twins, but we’d spent the entirety of our adult lives with only each other to call home. Our older brother was killed by a drunk driver, our mom by breast cancer, and our dad by colon cancer, all before we were old enough to vote.
Anyway, Camila told him he could stay in his glass box of a top-floor condo in the city while she popped down “just for the weekend” to help me unpack. Little did he know, she’d brought with her an obscenely priced bottle of pink Taittinger Comtes de Champagne 1973 from his wine cellar. 
“Camila Beatriz!” I cackled as I popped the cork.
She was living with a guy so worried about our “connection” that he never bothered to ask about her predilection to permanently borrow (her phrase, not mine) things from the men she dated.
“He’ll never miss it. Just pour.”
We sipped, kind of unpacked, nibbled on a fruit and cheese platter, and generally basked in each other’s presence. As we squeezed the last drops of pink bubbly from the bottle and the sun dipped below the horizon, I felt a chill. I assumed it was exhaustion, nerves, stress — whatever. 
“I’m tired, sissy,” Cami confessed. “Show me to my room, would ya?”
I did, giving her a long squeeze. “Thanks for coming, sissy,” I whispered in her ear. “Sleep sweet.”
I gave her a kiss on the cheek, and she kissed mine before I headed to my room to take a warm shower. Even though the chill never quite left me throughout slathering myself in lotion and wrapping up in my warmest pajamas, it didn’t occur to me that anything was off off.
Then, at midnight, when the third full moon of the season was at its fullest, I was awakened by a blood-curdling sound that seemed to hang in the air for hours after it was released.
I bolted from the warmth of my bed, flung my heavy door open, and sprinted down the hall to where my sister was supposed to be sleeping. What I found inside that room can never be erased from the darkest corners of my mind.
There was blood everywhere — on the floor, the walls, the ceiling. The room was frigid and vibrating. I felt a presence that turned me inside out, and I started to sweat and heave, regardless of the temperature of the room.
“Cami!” I called out to her, receiving no reply. “Sister!”
I rushed further into the space as whatever it was that I felt began to recede.
“Camila! Where are you?”
I searched and cried, but my sister was nowhere to be found.
The police arrived within minutes, and neighbors hovered on the edge of the property, haphazardly bundled in robes and coats like vultures at the site of carnage. There were hushed whispers of a ghost, a ghoul, or dark spirits.
An ambulance came.
Once the police had questioned me, I was examined by the EMTs and given a sedative. I was told I was in shock. Someone asked if I had any relatives or friends in the area who could stay with me. 
I shook my head. “Cami’s my only family.”
The sedative dumbed me down more than anything. I wasn’t able to sleep or relax. Before dawn, two FBI agents appeared on the scene. The local police were reluctant to let them speak with me, but they somehow persevered.
“Ms. Cruz?”
I looked up to find a string bean of a dude with puppy-dog eyes and a tentative, soothing voice. He introduced himself as Agent Gass and his partner as Agent Black. He asked how much time I’d spent in the house.
“Not even a day.”
Both men nodded. 
I suppose it should have tipped me off that they were not run-of-the-mill federales since they didn’t seem at all surprised by my answer or the situation the way local law enforcement did.
“You just bought the place, right?” asked the other agent.
Until he spoke, I hadn’t realized how tightly wound I was with fear and grief. The quality of his voice had a visceral effect on my senses, like a deep tissue massage or an epic fucking orgasm. 
This man’s voice, you guys...
I blinked rapidly, trying to clear my vision, then found that the face belonging to that voice was so beautiful I could no longer hold the tension in my body, and the tears began to flow.
(I know this sounds very dramatic, but I promise we won’t be spending much more time on the grim details. Also, don’t worry; Cami’s fine. I mean, she’s fucking traumatized, but it wasn’t her blood decorating the walls, is what I’m saying.)
The agents quickly bookended me. Agent Gass tugged a paper towel from the roll I’d left sitting on a side table the night before and handed it to me, muttering something about my nose and tears before Agent Black started talking again. 
“There’ve been reports of strange occurrences in this house for decades, but nothing violent.” He was so close that I could feel the rumble of each syllable like the hum of a lullaby or a stealth percussionist in the wild. “Have you witnessed anything out of the ordinary in the last 12 hours?”
I sniffled. “Besides all the fucking terrifying shit I’ve already told the cops?”
Agent Gass cleared his throat beside me. “We’re sorry, but we need to record our own findings. Do you mind telling us what happened?”
I rolled my eyes and blew my nose. “Fine,” I sighed, tossing the wadded-up snot rag into a nearby trash bag.
“It started when the sun set…” 
I recapped the evening’s events, groggily noticing once again that neither agent seemed nearly as taken aback as the local police.
“‘Blood-curdling sound’ — like a scream?” Agent Black’s question pinged in my brain while other parts of me continued to react to the sound of it. 
“I don’t know why I keep using that phrase... it wasn’t a scream, but... it woke me up, and I immediately knew something was wrong. I was chilled to the bone.”
Agent Black nodded. “You said you were cold before, so you took a shower. Was it the same kinda chill you felt when the sound woke you up?”
I shook my head, squinting to try and remember. “No... I- there’s cold chill and scared chill — I felt both at different times. I... I don’t know how else to describe it.”
Agent Black nodded, peeking over my head to his partner, and they exchanged a silent agreement.
I cannot stress enough how aggravated I am that I felt attraction at that moment. My twin sister was missing, and yet I couldn’t stop staring at his stupid mouth. At the time, I didn’t rationalize it at all, probably because of the drugs the EMTs gave me, but suffice it to say that Dean Winchester is a sorcerer. 
He pushed up from beside me, smoothing his tie and buttoning his suit jacket. “Thank you, Ms. Cruz. Try to get some sleep.” He made a subtle gesture to his partner, spurring him into action, then turned to survey the room with a narrowed gaze.
Agent Gass handed me a card. “Please give us a call if you think of anything else. We’ll be in touch.”
Well into the next day, my new home was under constant guard, filled by local law enforcement and various consultants. I didn’t see Agents Gass and Black again until two weird little guys with video equipment showed up. 
I walked out onto my side porch from the kitchen, wiping my hands on a dish towel, wondering what kind of new crew was on the case. By the time I made my way outside, Agent Black was there, hovering over the bearded guy with glasses.
“...I will shoot you, and you know I’m not fucking kidding,” he growled.
“Agent?” I asked, amused beyond reason at his violent threat and casually draping my dish towel over my shoulder. 
At this point, I’d been able to get some sleep and put a bit of time and space between my cognitive processes and the happenings surrounding Cami’s disappearance. So when that cocky little (there’s nothing little about Dean Winchester, OK, I’m being facetious) shit stretched those long, strong legs and climbed up onto my porch, I was fully aware and accepting of just how incredibly attracted to him I was.
He turned, his posture neutralizing and his eyes softening.
“Ms. Cruz. Yeah, hi...” He strode toward the porch. “Thought I’d stop by, see how you’re doin’.”
“Gabi, Agent.”
He grinned wide as he took the last step to stand in front of me, sliding his hands into his pockets and rocking to his heels and back. 
Such a little shit.
“Gabi… right.” He smirked, then glared over his shoulder at the newcomers. “These two botherin’ you?”
I peeked around him and shook my head before pulling back and looking him in the eye. “This’s the first I’ve seen of them. Coffee, Agent?”
He smirked. “Call me Dean.”
In hindsight, inviting him in for coffee was probably my first mistake. I could’ve offered coffee to him and those two boneheads from Wisconsin outside, but, as previously mentioned, I was busy derailing feminism. 
“How do you take it, Dean?” I asked, swiping one of the clean coffee mugs from an array of disorganized kitchenware yet to be shelved from the move. 
As I took the last two steps to my second-hand Nespresso machine, Dean remained silent, so I glanced over my shoulder before reaching for a coffee pod. He shook his head and blinked up from where he seemed to be mesmerized by something in the neighborhood of my hips.
“Black,” he answered with a lush, lopsided smile.
I nodded, then turned to focus on my task. “What brings you back this way? Is there something new with my case?”
“Uhh, yeah, actually — Agent Gass found some interesting things about the layout of this property on the county assessor’s website. D’you know this was a safe house in the Underground Railroad?”
“Yeah.” I turned and handed the agent his coffee. “That’s one of the reasons I bought it and one of the attractions of the bed and breakfast.” 
He thanked me for the cup, eyeing me closely. “So you’re aware of the secret passages in the home? In the room where your sister was sleeping the night she disappeared?”
I shook my head. “What? No. There’s no passageway in my sister’s room, only in the basement and the outbuildings.”
Dean shook his head, holding my gaze. “There’s a full network of passageways in the exterior walls of this house, Gabi,” he continued slowly and pointedly. “Your sister could be trapped. We’d like to take a look at the room again.”
(The next night, over a post-orgasmic cigarette, Dean told me all about another structure he and his brother had cleaned out and sealed off. Someone had erected an apartment building on the execution site of America’s first serial killer. Because Dean Winchester, in addition to being exasperatingly sexy and good with his hands, is a ghost and monster hunter with his brother not-Agent Gass, they come across this kind of thing all the time, I now understand.)
Five minutes after agreeing to let them explore the alleged secret passageways, Agents Black and Gass were sans jackets, rolling up their sleeves, and peering into the mouth of the Rosebud Suite’s small closet. 
“So...” I paused, absorbing the confirmation that all the things I feared went bump in the night and more are real. “What do you think you’re gonna find in there? A ghost? Vampires? My twin sister’s disembodied head?”
For the first time since meeting them, the agents looked at me in alarm. 
“Let’s not jump to conclusions,” Dean said, crossing the room to clasp a big, warm hand around my wrist and squeeze. “You’re twins?”
I nodded.
“Then if that twin stuff everybody talks about is real, you know she’s gonna be fine.” He smiled down at me with kindness. “All we know is that she’s missing, and we know the blood in the room is animal blood.”
Dean was right; I knew in my heart that Gabi would be fine, but as relieved as I should have been, I was suddenly much more disturbed on an entirely different level.
“Animal blood? No one told me this was animal blood. What the fuck is going on?!”
“That’s what we’re here to find out,” Agent Gass appeared at Agent Black’s side, and they exchanged looks before Agent Black continued.
“I dunno why the police didn’t tell you about the animal blood. Maybe they didn’t want to alarm you-”
“Alarm me? I’ve been walking around here worried Camila’s guts were all over one of my guest room walls. I’ve taken sooo much Xanax since Friday night. Is there anything else alarming I should know about?”
They looked at each other again for a beat before Dean shrugged.
“Those two little weirdos outside?” 
“They picked up readings that indicate the presence of a cursed object as well as confirmation of human life other than those of us in plain sight.”
I sighed, dropping my eyes to where Dean helpfully caressed my wrist.
“I feel like I’m in catechism... what’s a cursed object?”
I didn’t pull away because, like I said, his caress was very helpful.
“Just like it sounds. Somethin’, usually old, that’s been loaded up with black magic. If we can find it, we can cancel out the magic-”
“Black magic?! Who the fuck- wait, old?” 
Dean nodded, and sadly, he released my wrist.
“Oh, my god, the wine!”
The agents perked up at that and exchanged more silent looks.
“Gabi... where’s the bottle?”
When I say that I am unreasonably attracted to Dean Winchester, this is what I mean: watching him and the clean-shaven Ghostfacer pepper and ash an empty champagne bottle in a graveyard after telling me said bottle was “cursed” should have made me worry about their and my eternal soul like any other good Catholic girl, but no — I still took him to bed. 
Once we found Cami, of course.
“Cayenne pepper. Interesting.”
Dean unwedged the shotgun from propping his trunk of many wonders open before dropping it shut. “Not just for cookin’.” 
He shifted and swayed and sighed as he slid his hands into his pockets and fixed his crinkly, sparkling gaze on me with a lick of his smug smirk.
“Sam?” I asked about his gigantic younger brother, who was back at the house with the other Ghostfacer, rescuing my sister. “Does he have Camila?”
Dean’s face lit up, and his eyebrows popped. “Oh, yeah. She’s good. She’s talkin’ to the police.”
I sighed. “I’d like to go home now.”
I must’ve looked like a frightened and exhausted child at that moment because Dean’s entire demeanor softened as he reached out to pull me in for a hug. His clothes and skin felt and smelled warm, and I started to cry into his white button-up. 
“It’s a lot to take in, I know, but I gotcha, sweetheart,” he murmured, holding me close. “You’re fine, and so’s Camila.”
This. Man.
This gorgeous, brave, smells-like-you-expect/hope/pray- for-Axe-body-wash-to-smell (but it doesn’t) man, holding me like a fragile doll and calling me sweetheart is the only man I have allowed to witness a sliver of vulnerability since my dad died. So you can imagine the abject horror I felt at the increasing flip-flop from my guts and the heat pulsing even lower. 
I’ve experienced attraction, okay? I’ve had romantic and sexual partners, I self-lubricate at appropriate times. I orgasm.
But the way Dean Winchester made me feel was so alarming that I have since added that feeling to the stack of alarming things happening after Camila and I opened that bottle of wine.
He loosened his embrace but didn’t pull away completely, looking down at me with curiosity in his tender gaze. “Let’s go.”
Dean ushered me to the front passenger door, opened it, and helped me inside. We were quiet as Dean drove back to my bed and breakfast. The silence allowed my thoughts to dance until he pulled into the alley behind my house.
“They’re just wrapping up with the cops,” Harry said, sliding forward with his phone in hand.
The lights were on inside. Sam was standing in the middle of the kitchen, behind Cami, with one hand on the back of her chair. She was wrapped in a blanket, nodding her head at the men on the other side of the table, and Ed was in the corner, pocketing his phone.
It was all so clear, and I couldn’t wait to get out of the car and inside to hug my sister. 
“Whoa, gotta put the car in park, sweetheart,” Dean chuckled, doing just that.
I guess I really couldn’t wait.
And then I was sprinting to the back door.
Like I said before, Cami is fine. She’s shook, but alive and breathing and not bleeding. I’ve never felt so sick and relieved at the same time or cried so hard. That experience didn’t only bag me the sexiest, warmest, most loving man alive, but it also further strengthened Cami and my priorities for each other. 
Dean kicked the cops out, and Sam made coffee for everyone (which Dean spiked). At some point, the little Ghostfacer dudes squirreled away into guest rooms for the night, Sam and Dean lost their ties, and Cami fell asleep draped across my lap where we were huddled in the front parlor.
“Sammy’ll put her to bed,” Dean whispered, gently tugging me to my feet as Sam indeed lifted Camila in a bridal carry. “Which room you want her in?”
“The one adjoining mine, east wing at the end of the hall.”
Sam nodded, and Cami mumbled, burrowing into his massive chest. He turned and swept toward and up the stairs into the quiet darkness.
“Is it really over?” I asked the house itself as much as Dean. Thankfully, only Dean answered.
“Yeah, it’s over.”
I turned to face him, heaving a sigh. He watched me with that same inquisitive expression as the one from the graveyard, this time with his hands in pockets, sock-footed, sleeves neatly cuffed to his elbows, crisp white collar open at his throat — and he looked like he belonged there in the center of my parlor.
“Agent Black-”
“Yeah... about that...” He dropped his eyes for a beat before looking me in the eye with a renewed spark. “We’re not really federal agents.”
You might think that another surprise would send a person careening into catatonia, but not me. No. No, no, I laughed. I started laughing because it was fucking absurd — the whole thing was berserk, right? 
Cursed objects? Cayenne pepper as some kind of supernatural DEET? This remarkably handsome man existing? I was being Punk’d, right? Is that show still running? What is Ashton Kutcher doing these days anyway?
The answer to me being Punk’d is no. You might want to Google Ashton Kutcher because I still don’t know what he’s doing these days. 
Do I sometimes still stop feeding my chickens to look up at the clear blue sky and pinch myself in case this is all a dream?
The answer to that is yes.
“My name’s Dean Winchester. Sam’s my brother. We've been hunting ghosts and demons and-”
The good Catholic girl inside me stammered over that, and Dean nodded slowly, blinking even more slowly as he took a step and reached for me.
“I’ll tell ya everything,” he said with a tired smile and an easy clasp of my hand. “D’you mind if we get a few hours’ sleep first?”
I didn’t mind.
I led him upstairs. We peeked in on Cami, where Sam was watching over her, stretched out on the chaise in that room. They were both fast asleep. 
Dean followed me to my room, and I didn’t think twice about stripping myself bare as I made my way to my ensuite. Before I could conjure any pesky stranger-danger excuses, his hands were on me under the hot spray of water.
The next day, Cami dumped her boyfriend. I have a feeling she’d have done it even if the deadbeat had been assed to make the trip south during her 36-hour absence, but his ineptitude made it easy.
Turns out, the brothers Winchester are more than okay with Cami and my connection. Turns out, they’re more than familiar with that kind of connection too.
Dean molds himself to my back, pressing kisses to the side of my neck and the parts of my shoulder that are bared by my tank top. 
“Almost done? Sammy’s makin’ breakfast.”
I hum, letting him swallow me up. “Shower first?”
Ever since that very first night, Dean and I have showered together just in case the water’s cursed, and if it isn’t? Conservation. Right?
Plus, we really like giving each other orgasms.
Five minutes later...
“God damn, I love your mouth,” I sigh as water sluices over my shoulders and spirals my arms before filtering into his hair, where he’s burying his face between my thighs.
Dean’s let his hair grow lately, giving me a lot more to grab onto, not that he needs direction. (He has a beard, too, which wouldn’t normally be my thing at all, but because I know what’s under there, I’m good with it.)
He hums and licks and moans and sucks. The pressure’s always just right — never too much or not enough. I’ve never had anyone down there who knew as much about eating pussy as Dean Winchester. He’s good with his hands, his dick, and toys, too, but man, he loves giving head and is a mother fucking pro at it.
“Dean,” I gasp and flail, nearly busting through the shower curtain and toppling over the end of the claw-foot tub to my death.
Dean lunges up and hooks an arm around my hips, gathering me closer, and I explode.
“Mmm, such a good girl, Gabriela.” He licks his lips as he drags me into the tub with him. Water beats down on his back as he notches his hips in the place his face just vacated. 
I toss one calf over the back of the tub and watch Dean grip his hard dick to slip and slide along my slit. 
“Don’t tease me, Dean. Get inside.” I thrust my hips and reach for him. 
He cocks a brow, lifting my other knee to drape over the other side of the tub, punching the curtain, and slopping water onto the floor. “Honey, I ain’t teasin’; I’m goin’ easy on ya.”
“Pfft!” Now I’m panting like a dog with my ass suspended three inches above the base of the tub. “Who asked you to take it easy on me? I sure didn’t.”
Dean smirks, wrapping one big hand around one hip and steadily guiding himself inside. 
“Fuck.” I drop my head to the porcelain under me and clamp my hands around the edges of the vintage bath to take what he gives.
Every time.
Every time, he feels so perfectly hardhotsmooth, so thick, so heavy. 
And I can’t not stare because he is perfectly beautiful.
“You’re so beautiful, Gabi,” he whispers as he slides his other hand around my other hip and grinds into me.
We both groan, and my back arches all by itself.
He tells me I’m beautiful, and sometimes it feels like a lie — not because I think he’s dishonest but because Dean Winchester is the most beautiful man I’ve ever known.
He drags out slow, and thrusts back in hard and hot, swearing before biting his lip. 
“Fuckin’ perfect,” he mutters, tossing his head back into the fall of water before looking back down at me as he blinks water out of his eyes. Then he smiles wide and bright, almost like he’s laughing. “Hold on tight.”
I never take Dean’s warnings lightly.
He sets a hard rhythm, grunting with each thrust, and I echo.
“You look so good, baby — fuck me so good.” 
Dean’s a tough guy and everything, but he loves praise. I give him pet names and tell him how smart and strong he is. I am always sure to thank him for every little thing he does to help me. And he goes fucking crazy when I praise him for fucking me right.
“Give it to me,” I breathe, clenching around him. “I love your dick... so hard and thick — please, Dean.”
I can’t pretend with him, either. No praise I ever give him is lip service. I really do love his dick.
He pitches forward, bracing his hands on the edge above my head, stretched over me like a telephone wire, and that fucking shift-
“Hooofuck, I- ahh!” 
Dean arches and grinds up against my g-spot, pinning me in place until I burst.
“Yesyesyes!” Dean beats a hand against the side of the tub in time with my pulses and throbs around him. “Fuck, honey, yes.”
And then five minutes after that...
“All I’m saying is, if you want some alone time,” Sam actually uses air quotes. “Just say so, and we won’t wait. At the kitchen table. Directly beneath your bathroom.”
Dean rolls his eyes, and Cami and I stifle corresponding giggles.
“It’s not like I personally came down here and burned the toast,” Dean pretends to make sense as he folds a piece of bacon into his mouth. “Bacon’s good.”
He looks to me for agreement, and I nod. 
“It is good bacon!” Then I look at Sam. “We’ll be quieter next time.”
Cami guffaws. “No, you won’t!”
I playfully backhand her and shrug. “Probably not, but the bacon’s still good, and I love you guys.”
Sam snorts and shakes his head. “Yeah, OK, I love you, too, Gab.”
“Hey, don’t be gettin’ my girl mixed up with yours.” Dean mumbles around a mouth full of food as he stabs into his pile of fried potatoes.
I peek over at Camila and catch her looking at me. A memory flashes in my mind of pink bubbly and shivering myself to sleep and that awful fear that my sister was gone forever. Then, Camila blinks, and I’m filled with the warmth of knowing she would return to me and that we would both live happily ever after with the perfectly imperfect Winchester brothers from Lawrence, Kansas.
MJ's Master List
MJ's SPN Master List
MJ's Dean Winchester Master List
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redrose10 · 8 months
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Chapter 10 is here! I thought I was going to be able to post this yesterday but here we are. Comments and messages are appreciated. Even if I don’t always respond I do read them all.
Yoongi X Female Reader. CEO/Arranged Marriage AU
Summary: You were selected to marry the wayward CEO/Billionaire/Heir, Min Yoongi. You went into it with an open mind and heart determined to try and make it work. Yoongi on the other hand had no intention of ever letting you in let alone allowing himself to fall in love with you. Slowly you start to associate the smell of cinnamon and vanilla with the feelings of hurt and sorrow.
Word count: 1,922
Warnings: (May get updated as chapters progress): Arranged marriage, cheating/infidelity, hints of smut (Probably won’t get very explicit but we’ll see how it goes), Sexual Assault, Brief mentions of death, Reader grew up an orphan, General Angst, Swearing
Tag list: @gimeow @kam9404 @viankiss @baechugff @gaby-93 @kayleefriedchicken @igot7fairlyoddparents @jalexad
You and Yoongi both jumped up at Jimins revelation.
“What? How did they know we were here?”, you asked.
“I don’t know. Just don’t panic Y/N. I’ll handle it.”
“What’s going on?”, Jimin asked.
“A very long story but basically Suri’s brother Hwan assaulted me at the charity event and Yoongi punched him so I’m thinking this probably has something to do with that.”, you replied.
Jimin’s mouth dropped open, but before he could speak the bell rang through the apartment signaling someone was at the door and your stomach did a flip. Quickly you put your hand in Yoongi’s while Jimin answered the door. He came walking back with both Suri and Hwan and also the two police officers.
The older officer stepped forward handcuffs already out, “Mr.Min you’re going to have to come with us?”
“May I ask what this is about?”, he questioned.
“Mr. Min you are under arrest for the assault on Hwan Cho.”
The officer turned Yoongi around placing the cuffs on his wrists. You sprang forward, “No you don’t understand. Yoongi was saving me. Hwan was the one that assaulted me.”
The other officer stepped in, “Miss you can meet us down at the station. We’ll get a statement from you and we’ll go from there but since they got to us first Mr. Min needs to come with us right now.”
You continued to protest with tears forming in your eyes until Yoongi turned to look at you, “It’s going to be okay Y/N. Just call Jin and tell him to meet us at the police station.” You nodded watching as the two officers walked him out of the apartment with Hwan following close behind reveling in seeing his enemy in hand cuffs.
Jimin ran off with his phone to make some calls that he knew would be needed leaving you standing in the living room with Suri. She walked over until she was standing right in front of you. Her perfume smelled like a lighter more feminine version of Yoongi’s. It was heavier on the vanilla but it still made your throat burn.
She smirked while looking you up and down. “So I finally get to meet the famous Y/N in person. I don’t really know what Yoongi sees in you.”
“Get the fuck away from me. I’m not going to fall for your mean girl tactics.”, you scoffed.
“I like that attitude. Maybe that’s what he sees. He has always had a thing for being dominated.”, she quipped.
She adjusted the buttons on her designer jacket before continuing, “Look I know a poor little orphan girl like yourself is used to being on the loosing side of life, but that’s not how I live. I ALWAYS get what I want. I want Yoongi and I don’t care what or who I have to ruin to achieve that. He will not just throw me away like yesterday’s trash. I’ll make sure of it.”
“Do you really think he’ll want to be with you if you release that tape and ruin his life? Or after having him arrested like this? If anything he’s just going to hate you even more.”
“Oh please. Yoongi will pay off the right people and he’ll be walking free before the morning. I only did this as a warning so he can see that I’m not going to easily back down this time.”She walked over to the front entrance grabbing a hold of the door handle before turning around to look at you.
“Also, who said that mix tape is the only thing I have that could ruin him? If he’s even half as smart as I think he is he’ll know better than to cut me out of his life.”
She turned and walked through the door letting it slam behind her. You stood staring at the spot she now left empty.
Jimin came running over to you handing you a jacket, “Come on Y/N, I already called Jin and he’s going to meet us at the station. We should get going.”
Unable to really form words you nodded and walked along with him to the parking garage.
Neither you nor Jimin spoke on the ride there. When you arrived Jin was already waiting by the entrance.
“They’re working on booking him in right now. Once that’s complete they said they’ll let me have some time with him.”
You reached out for his hands desperately trying to get your point across, “Jin he was only protecting me. That other guy was the aggressor, Hwan assaulted me. Yoongi didn’t do anything wrong.”
Jin nodded, “We’ll get this figured out Y/N. I’m gonna talk to Yoongi and then we’ll get a statement from you as well.”
You could feel tears starting to form again and you were so tired of crying.
“Hopefully Yoongi can just offer some money or something and that’ll get them to drop all the charges. That usually works anyways.”, Jimin said trying to comfort you. “Yeah I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out.”, Jin said opening the door for you and Jimin to walk into the station.
“Sit here. I’m going to go get an update.”, Jin said before walking into the back office. You and Jimin took a seat on one of the benches to wait.
After about twenty minutes Jin came walking over and smiled, “Okay Y/N, you can come back and see him for a little if you’d like.” You nodded and quickly jumped up following after Jin. He stopped and turned to you, “Yoongi is in the seventh room on the left. Head that way. I’m gonna stop in here and make a couple phone calls and I’ll be in shortly to talk to both of you.”
You nodded and began walking down the hall. While you were walking you kept your head looking to the left counting the doors to get to the seventh room so you didn’t notice the person coming out of one of the rooms on your right until you accidentally ran into them.
Stumbling backwards you started profusely apologizing, “Oh I am so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was go- Namjoon? What are you doing here?”
You heard some whispering followed by loud giggles. When you peaked around his broad shoulders you were surprised to see Suri and Hwan sitting at a table sipping some coffee in the same room that Namjoon had just walked out of.
“I’m sorry Y/N. I have to go.”, is all he said before walking off towards the exit barely even looking at you. Suri smirked when she noticed you standing there speechless and stunned.
When you were finally able to make your feet move you walked down to the room Yoongi was in. He looked tired and beat down and you felt bad for him. You walked over and wrapped your arms around him and he returned the gesture even though he was slightly taken back by your willingness to hug him like that.
“How are you doing?”, he whispered.
“Umm so I just ran into Namjoon in the hallway. He came out of the same room that Suri and Hwan are sitting in.”
Yoongi’s face instantly turned red, “I knew I never liked that fucking guy.” You tried to sooth him, “I don’t know what he’s up to but I’ll try to find out.”
Jin walked in and you quickly noticed his facial expression wasn’t as chipper as he normally is. After everyone took a seat he cleared his throat, “Alright so I’m sure we were all prepared for this but after some discussions the police officers are willing to “misplace the evidence” causing the charges to have to be dropped on behalf of the police department pending a cash payment of course.” Yoongi rolled his eyes, “Of course they are. Just ask them their price and let’s get it over with. I’d like to get out of here as soon as possible.”
Jin looked apprehensive and began nervously rubbing the back of his neck, “Yeah I’ve already got it and it’s currently being taken care of by your accountant.”
“Okay so then why are we still here and why do you look so nervous then?”, Yoongi asked eyeing Jin.
Suddenly Jin pulled out his wallet, “I think it’s just because I’m starving. I haven’t eaten all day and I can’t concentrate. Here is my card, Y/N will you be a dear and go grab us something to eat please? There’s a great bbq place about ten minutes away. Have Jimin drive you.”
You looked at him confused at his sudden request. “What the hell? Jin no. You’re not sending her out in the middle of the night to get you food.”, Yoongi said furiously.
Jin gave Yoongi pleading eyes begging him to play along for everyone’s sake. Jin turned to you and smiled, “Here Y/N take the card. Get whatever you want for yourself and Jimin too. I’ve heard the strawberry milk shakes are to die for.”
You looked over at Yoongi and he nodded gesturing towards Jin’s outstretched hand.
Hesitantly you took the card and walked out of the room to go find Jimin and get the requested food.
“What is going on Jin?”, Yoongi asked getting more and more irritated.
“It seems that Suri expected for all charges to get dropped so she came prepared with something even more detrimental. She just dropped a pretty big bombshell on me and I thought it was best for Y/N to not find out about this right now, at least not from me.”
Jin took in a deep breath his fingers slightly trembling as he flipped through some paperwork, “Suri has something about you that she’s threatening to release to the media. It could really ruin your business but it will definitely ruin whatever you have going with Y/N. She said she will make it public unless you agree to her terms which I don’t think you’re going to like.”
“Okay and what exactly are her terms then?”
“She wants Y/N to not file any charges against Hwan for assaulting her. I advised that I think that it is possible but I would ultimately leave that up to Y/N.”
Yoongi nodded in agreement, “Of course as it should be up to Y/N.”
“Suri is also requiring that you either allow her to move into your penthouse with you or that you purchase another penthouse and you live with her there. She also expects you to continue a relationship with her as you have been until recently.”
Yoongi scoffed, “She has officially lost her fucking mind. I am not doing that under any circumstance. At this point I’d rather just let her release the tape and be done with it.”
Jin sucked in a quick breath, “Yoongi this much much bigger than any lyrics in a mixtape.”
Jin slid the photo he had been holding onto over to the other side of the table, “She gave me this and said you’d probably want to see it.” Looking at the photo in front of him Yoongi felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest, his breathing became rapid and no matter how hard he tried he felt like he wasn’t getting enough oxygen. The room began to spin as he looked around through blurry vision. He began shaking his head side to side mumbling, “No no no no…”
“Yoongi we need to get this sorted out immediately, especially if you want any chance of things to work out with Y/N.”, Jin said pointing to the sonogram lying on the table in front of them.
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Paulatim sed Firmiter (Slowly but surely) - Sunday afternoon
Only evening and early morning to go, and chapter 11 will be complete
Disclaimer: ANGST. Tears. Deeply personal for me to write, I'm gonna crawl somewhere now, but it had to be done, it's part of the journey, and even though is short, it took more of me than I imagined.
Tag: @glitterypirateduck @letsreadallday @jamesrifftapes @rileyslibrarian
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Sunday afternoon
Sgt. Vega’s room
‘‘Are ye eating well?’’
‘‘Yes, mam’’ Johnny smiled wide, his blue eyes looking fondly at the image of his mother on the laptop’s screen. Moira MacTavish was in his early sixties, but as sharp as ever. Her eyes, of the same colour as Johnny’s, examined her youngest critically.
‘‘Are ye sure? Yer cheekbones are pointy’’
‘‘A’m eating well, mam’’ He had to laugh. His mother would never change.
‘‘And when are ye coming back home, son? We miss ye’’
‘‘Ah dinnae ken, mam. We’re kind of busy over here’’ His smile widened, trying to appease his mother. But he had no intention of going back home soon. There was a limit to the amount of time he could spend in the company of his meddling sisters and partners, his insufferable aunst, uncles and cousins, and the incessant nagging of his mam. At least his father was the silent type, but there was also a limit to the amount of grunts and nods he could stand before wanting to scream.
‘‘Ye better bring Christine and that girl with ye then’’
‘‘Gabi. Her name is Gabriella, mam’’ He shook his head, chuckling.
‘‘Weel, a dinnae ken her, dae ah? Wait a moment, dear, need to check the oven’’
‘‘Maaam…’’ Johnny whined playfully, eyeing desperately the bathroom’s door. The shower had stopped a bit ago, and he was wishing, hoping, pleading desperately for Christine to come out already and save him. His mother could have worked for the MI6 with her interrogation skills.
As if summoned, the door opened and Christine stepped into the bedroom, drying her damp hair with a towel, wearing a loose black t-shirt that looked enormous in her, with the lower hem reaching mid thigh. For the life of him, he couldn’t remember where he had seen that t-shirt before, apart from on her body, but…
‘‘What are you doing?’’ Christine looked at him, curious, tossing the wet towel in the laundry basket, and yelped when Johnny grabbed her wrist and forced her to sit on his lap, wrapping one of his arms around her waist to make sure she wouldn’t escape when…
‘‘Back again, mah dear, what were we talking about?’’
Christine’s eyes widened and her left hand instantly went up to cover the left side of her face, turning to look at Johnny with fury in her eyes. Before she could protest more, Johnny’s mother cooed with delight.
‘‘Oh, mah babies’’
Johnny smirked and pushed Christine to face the laptop, happy to not be the only one on the receiving end of his mother’s affection. Still covering her left cheek, Christine tried to smile, keeping her face a bit turned to the left just in case.
‘‘Hello, Moi…’’
‘‘Dinnae ye dare!’’  The screen was mostly covered by Moira’s admonishing finger as she waved it right in front of the camera. Christine sighed softly, but kept her smile, her voice a bit shaky now.
‘‘… Mam. Hello, mam. How are you?’’
‘‘Am fine, mah sweet, but what about ye? Found a fine man already?’’
‘‘We’re working on that’’ Johnny laughed, and then complained when Christine kicked his shin with her heel, turning a bit to glare at him before facing the laptop again, her hand still firmly on her cheek.
‘‘Don’t listen to him, mam, how’s everyone?’’
‘‘Ye wid ken if ye came up here, we haven’t seen ye since more than a year ago’’
Christine looked hurt, listening to Moira babble about this and that, about the gatherings Johnny and her had missed since the last time they had been in Scotland for leave, and he just hugged her tighter. Circumstances had been less than ideal since the last time they had been home to allow them to apply for leave.
Johnny would never forget, nor he would forgive himself for the first time he had left on leave after becoming friends. She had seen him off with a smile, not saying anything, and only after he had been back for a couple of days he learnt that she had stayed at base the whole time. He had felt stupid, and thoughtless, because he knew by then that she had nowhere, and no one to go to.
That had been the last time. If they couldn’t align their leaves, he’d leave for a couple of days and then go back to keep her company. If they could align them, he dragged her up to Scotland to spend time with his family for a week or two before traveling somewhere else.
Thankfully his mother had embraced his friend right away as another of her children, much to Christine’s bewilderment. His sisters had welcomed her into the flock as well. Even his father, silent and morose as he was, seemed to approve of her presence with a deeper nod than usual. Heck, even the bloody cattle adored her.
‘‘I’m sorry, mam…’’ Christine muttered. She wanted to escape, to hide somewhere and not have to face Johnny’s mother, with her caring, motherly tone, her genuine concern. She didn’t want to have to explain why it had been so long since they had visited.
‘‘Nonsense, mah dear, s’alright… Ah see ye had yer fun like Johnny’’ Moira frowned, seeing the purple bruises on Christine’s face. ‘‘That’s not very ladylike’’
‘‘We’re in the military, mam… I do plenty of things that are not ladylike’’ Christine sighed again. She liked Johnny’s family, and secretely adored his mother more than anyone else, but the woman sure was tiring sometimes.
Still, it felt… good to have someone scolding her in such a motherly way.
‘‘Why are ye covering yer face?’’
Both Christine and Johnny froze, and he felt her start to shake in his arms, which only made him tighten his hold.
‘‘It’s… it’s nothing, don’t worry. How are the sheep?’’ She tried desperately to change the subject, but Moira was like a dog with a bone, specially when she felt she was being dismissed.
Johnny always marveled at how his mother managed to reprimand someone with such a stern tone, but also full of love. It was a gift. Magic. And it worked.
Slowly, Christine’s hand left her face and fell until it rested on Johnny’s arm, still trying to keep her face turned to the left. But it was enough for Moira to see the first bit of the scar curling the left corner of her lips, and now her eyes were full of concern.
‘‘Oh, mah poor, sweet love, what hae they dane tae ye?’’
‘‘It’s classified, mam’’ Johnny sighed, resting his chin on Christine’s shoulder and then kissing her scar, holding her tightly against his chest. Her skin tasted salty, and his grip grew tighter, feeling another of her tears wetting his nose. ‘‘We can’t tell ye anything except that something went wrong last September and Christine sustained some injuries’’
‘‘Ian, get lost for a bit’’
Johnny chuckled at his mother’s choice of words and nodded, ignoring the muffled Nonononono that Christine was muttering as he stood up and placed her on the chair. Lovingly, he kissed the crown of her head.
‘‘Am going to grab meh clothes and come back to get ye for dinner’’ Smiling, he looked at the image of his mother on the laptop screen. ‘‘Will call ye tomorrow, mam, love ye’’
‘‘Scram already’’ Her tone was loving, though, and Johnny laughed and left, closing the door behind him.
Christine stared at her hands on her lap, unable to meet Moira MacTavish’s loving gaze. Not wanting to see the pity she was sure would be there. Dreading to see compassion. She fought hard against the tears welling up her eyes, some of which had already escaped down her cheeks.
She was almost thirty, for fuck’s sake. Well, almost twenty-nine, but still.
She was too old to cry on a mother’s lap. She didn’t even remember if she had ever cried in her own mother’s arms. Only in her two grandmothers’.
She was almost thirty.
Too old to need mum.
‘‘Look at meh, sweetie’’
Sheepishly, Christine raised her head to find only love and worry in the face on the screen. The dam broke, and the tears started to fall freely.
‘‘They hurt me, mum…’’ She sobbed pathetically, like a helpless little girl, and Moira’s own eyes filled with tears, unable to do more for her than accompany her on the other side of the screen as she cried her heart out.
‘‘Oh, my poor, sweet girl…’’
In the hallway, Johnny waited for a bit until he could hear faint sobbing inside and his mother’s voice soothing coos. Satisfied, he finally left to do what he said he would.
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thefangirlfever · 11 months
The nightmare (a Miguel O'hara fanfic)
Summary: Miguel has a nightmare and reader comforts him.
Tags: Angst, soft and fluff, gender neutral reader, mention of death and trauma, I can fix him type of vibe (don't try in real life)
It was the middle of the night and you were sleeping peacefully, exhausted after your long day of work. That’s why you didn’t notice the movements on your right at first. But after a few seconds of Miguel gyrating, you felt the blanket slowly leaving your body as he pulled it toward himself. You let out a disgruntled noise and turned around. You couldn’t really see him but you definitely heard him saying in a pleading voice:
You froze in the dark, listening to his whimpering voice. You immediately knew what he had in mind for you have seen this scene on one of the screens in his office. Miguel was running as if all the fire of Hell was following him, holding her in his arms with the most wrecked expression you’ve ever seen on his face. And you were sure he probably watched one of his moments with her today. This nightmare would often happen after he let himself remember the time they shared.
Miguel suddenly moved, his whole body jolting as if he was falling, pushing the blanket out of the bed. His whimpers turned into sobs. You knew you had to do something, so you gently grabbed his shoulders in an attempt to calm him down. He shivered under your touch and opened his eyes. He was always in alert, even when sleeping.
In the dark, you couldn’t see his face but you could still hear his hushed breath, as if he had ran a marathon, a desperate attempt to run from his past, to save her. You didn’t dare to switch on the light, knowing you would see his distressed expression and that might make him feel worse. You began to gently rub his shoulders. Shivers ran across the skin of his arms. It was crazy how small he suddenly felt as he kept sobbing.
“I saw her again.”
His voice broke at the end of the sentence as you pulled him closer for a hug. Tears were running down his face and landed on your shirt as he nuzzled his face against you. His shoulders were shaking as he sobbed uncontrollably. He needed that moment to let go, to release all the tension, so you chose to not say anything at first. Miguel’s voice cracked as he tried to talk, his voice coming out hoarse and croaked as guilt tied his throat. This was torture for him to see her in his dreams so often, to live this moment he lost her all over again.
“I couldn’t save her.”, he said in a whisper after he stopped sobbing. Every time this dream came back, he thought he had already lost all his tears, but he would always find himself crying again, in the same desperate way, discovering he indeed had more tears to shed for her.
You bend over and leaned a kiss in his hair. What could you say to that? He had already saved her when he decided to take care of her, when he held her every night, when he treated her as if she was his own daughter. You hoped that he knew that deep down.
“You did your best, Miguel.”
“But that wasn’t enough. I lost her because I was selfish.”
“You saved a little girl even if she was not yours, even if you didn’t have to. What you did was the opposite of being selfish.”
The fact was that no one would have done better but you knew that whatever you might say, he would always find a way to dismiss it. He didn’t need you to reassure him. What he needed right now was to let himself feel, accept his sorrow. So, you didn’t talk more. Both of you stayed quiet, until he said under his breath:
“You know what’s worse? If I had the choice, I would do it again…”
You tightened your arms around him as you answered:
“And I wouldn’t stop you.”
It was a pretty short story to write but I really wanted to give it a shot. Thanks for going through and reading this. Here is a croissant for you.🥐
I have been inspired by this song, which is very Miguel-coded in my opinion.
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postwarlevi · 2 years
AOT characters favorite Halloween candy
Levi - Whoppers. He likes the weirdest stuff sometimes, and gets them all to himself.
Hange - South Patch Kids. First sour, than sweet. The most fun candy ever!
Erwin - Bit o Honey. Old school dad candy for Erwin. Also likes Mary Janes.... yep.
Miche - Runts. Loves the fruit explosion. Would pick orange as his favorite if he had to.
Eren - Snickers. Hangry Eren? Throw him a Snickers! Caramel, peanuts and chocolate does a body good.
Armin - Twix. Likes the crunch and can save one for later.
Mikasa - Smarties. Give her a roll and she'll pick them out one at a time and make it last.
Jean - Skittles. He likes both regular and sour. Green is his favorite, the lime version!
Connie - Candy Corn. He will argue with anyone who doesn't like it.
Sasha - Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. This girl knows what's up. Likes the big cups best but will take any!
Historia - Red Hots. She likes her spicy candy and has a high tolerance level.
Ymir - Three Musketeers. Fluffy, light mousse interior. It makes her happy.
Annie - caramel Ghirardelli squares. She wants the best or nothing at all.
Reiner - Lemonheads. A classic that lasts long enough that he doesn't have to eat a handful.
Pieck - Mounds. Loves dark chocolate and coconut. Will accept Almond Joy as an alternative.
Porco - Jolly Ranchers. Is addicted to them. Always has some. Watermelon and fruit punch are his favorites.
Niccolo - Peanut M&Ms. Doesn't care for other versions. Maybe it's the peanuts?
Colt - Kit Kat. Classic crispy wafer. Eats one at a time, cannot just bite into the whole bar.
Gabi - Nerds. Sugar. Sugar sugar sugar! Eats directly from the box. Prefers that to the rope.
Falco - Gummy Bears. Plays with them before he eats them by making gummy armies (don't tell Gabi).
If anyone wants to do another version with other candies or ones they hate go for it and tag me! I'd love to know your list :)
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justabigoldnerd · 3 months
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Thank you so much for the tag @cha-melodius !!!
Everything else is on hold right now because of a WIP based on the real life Operation PIMLICO that my brain has latched onto. It has yet to be named, so I might make a poll and have you guys pick from the options I have 🤔 Anyway, here's a snippet from that!!
“Is that what's been getting to you?” The gentleness in Solo's question made Illya's hands shake. The sun was setting in a cloudless sky, creating an ombre of blues and oranges. It reminded him of a painting Solo had shown him, the one that got him caught. He'd regaled how it was set to be the perfect crime, and how he would walk away with a stolen Monet under his belt and enough cash to keep him comfortable for a long while. A mole had done them in. Ratted out their crew and struck the match that was Solo's, well, solo complex. Until Rome, Italy, four years ago, and an impromptu water-rescue paired with being saved from an electric chair and a car chase up a mountain. “Yes,” Illya whispered after a too-long silence. He felt Gaby loop her arm through his and shuddered a sigh.  “Don't you want to visit home?” she wondered. “Is….complicated.” Not a total lie.  “The place or the people?” It was Solo's turn to wonder. “Both.”
“You could've told me,” Solo breathed, “I know a thing or two about complicated relations. Specifically your complicated relations.” “Not like this, Cowboy,” Illya curled in on himself as a second, more hidden truth clawed his tongue to ribbons.
No pressure tagging @pippinoftheshire @too-young-to-fall-in-love @times-up-alone-tonight @huggiebird
@yallwildinrn @heytheredeann @the-golden-comet @thattripleabattery @nicijones and anyone else who wants to join!!
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
Incorrect Quotes Tag Game!
Thank you for tagging me @rickie-the-storyteller (here)! I really like tags like this and haven't done one in quite a while! So let's go! (I'll go with the cast of Supernova Initiative for this one)
Rules: use this incorrect quotes generator to come up with incorrect quotes for your OCs!
(It is scary how accurate these got OMG lmao)
Gabi: Hey, aren’t you Jack Tithus? The most famous thief in the galaxy? Jack (narrows his eyes suspiciously): You a cop? Gabi: No. Jack (smirks proudly): Then yes, I am.
Deimos: I’m a multitasker! Also Deimos: I can disappoint fifteen people at once.
Artemis, acting tough: You guys don't want to mess with me. Cassiopeia: Yeah, Artemis will straight-up cry in public. Don't try him. Artemis: Exactly, I will straight-up - (Realizes) Cassiopeia (smug as all heck): Artemis, already tearing up: Cassie, why would you say that?!
Pax: Anybody got any crayons so I can color in my Ph. D.?
Deimos (ten years ago, babysitting Cassie for Jack): OKAY, YOU KNOW WHAT?! TIME OUT! GET ON TOP OF THE FRIDGE! GET UP THERE! (Kid) Cassiopeia: *Climbing* THIS HOUSE IS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE!!!
Meridian: I'm hot, I’m tall, I'm gay, and I'm on my theatre kid arc.
Vesper: Hey, Aleks, where are you going? Aleks: Well, it depends. When I die, probably hell. Aleks: But right now I’m going to get some fries.
Lyorna, looking at Jack: Okay, so I need to become a therapist faster.
Cassiopeia: Hey, are you okay? Jack: Yeah. Cassiopeia: 'Yeah.' You don't look okay... Jack (jokingly, about to change the subject so fast): Well, then stop looking.
Pax: I just got the best idea I've ever had in my entire life! *Later* Ethean, to Pax, disappointed and a bit impressed: That was the worst idea you’ve ever had in your entire life.
Jack: So, company is coming, I want this place looking like Disney On Ice in one minute! (frantically organizing the chaos) Cassie, if you haven't made your bed already, throw it away - it's too late to make it now! Get rid of the couches, guys, we can't let people know we sit!! The chairs need to be pushed in, there can't be any sign of living in this house - (On the verge of a mental breakdown, continues rambling)
The entire crew: (done with life)
Deimos: Vesper, is that... my mug you’re drinking out of? Vesper: No, it’s mine. Deimos: It... looks just like the one I have... Vesper (holding the mug like a gremlin): You don’t have one like this anymore.
The Director: I’ve been described as a ‘heartless villain’ and a 'sadistic bastard’, but I prefer… 'has alternative ways of having fun’.
Deimos, playing a video game: This game is so frustrating! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! Jack: OK... then I think it’s time to turn off the game for a little while. Deimos (with the manic energy of someone who chugged three bottles of energetics at once, utterly disheveled): BUT I'M HAVING FUN!
Aleks: You... you saved me. You're not a bad guy at all. YOU'RE A HERO, AN UGLY UGLY UGLY HERO! Noctus: Call me ugly again, and maybe I will eat you.
Jack: Just wondering, did you get any sleep? Artemis: Did I get any... leap? Jack (hella confused): A what now...?
Ethean: I'm trying to juggle family life and work life but I can't seem to find a balance. What do you suggest I do to keep everyone happy? Noctus (deadpan): Quit your job, kill your family. Seriously, I can't stand Pax any moment longer-
Vesper: Your problem is that you’ve got no common sense. Aleks: No, I’ve got plenty of common sense! Aleks: I just choose to ignore it.
Deimos: Did you miss me while I was gone? Cassiopeia (being a little shit with a grudge): Oh, you were gone? Wow. Didn't even notice.
Cassiopeia (at 2AM in the morning): I wish I could control wasps and bees to sting my enemies. Jack (who just wants to sleep): You’re too young to have enemies. Cassiopeia: You don’t even know.
Deimos: Hi- Vesper: Leave before there's a terrible misunderstanding between my foot and your ass.
Aleks: Do I sound smart, or am I smart? Noctus: You sound unbearable, to be perfectly honest.
Deimos: Fine! I don't give a shit! Jack: You seem to give a lot of shit for someone who claims not to give a shit.
Noctus: Pick a card, any card. Jack (smirks): Fine. Noctus: Wait, that's my credit card! Jack, already running away, looking over his shoulder: You said any card.
Deimos: And I’d love to be sorry for that, but we all know I’ve done much, much worse.
Pax: O darling brother, you love me, right? Ethean (suspicious): Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
Noctus (panicked): This should be illegal! Pax (having the time of his life): It is!!!!!!
Cassiopeia: But that’s censorship. Noctus: Well done. You are correct. You’re being censored. Now go away.
Jack, to Cassiopeia: I'm leaving for the weekend, so I hid 100 units in your room for food. Clean your room, and you will find it.
Meridian, putting their hands over Vesper's eyes: Guess who! Vesper: It's either Meridian or the cold, clammy hands of death. Meridian, putting their hands away: It's me! Vesper: Dammit.
Jack: Deimos likes to say ‘you can be part of the problem or part of the solution,’ but I happen to believe you can be both.
Jack: *dangling from a rope over a pit of fire* Remember when I said I’d tell you when we’re in too deep? Cassiopeia: *also dangling from a rope over a pit of fire* Yes? Jack: ...We’re in too deep.
Artemis, sniffling: Calm down, I’m probably not sick. It might just be allergies. Meridian: Okay, tell me this: are you like, really tired? Artemis: I have depression, robot-man, what do you think?
Aleks: I don’t care what anyone thinks about me. Vesper: Ok. Aleks: Wait, why such a muted reaction? Did that not sound cool?
Noctus (lying through his teeth, cause he actually does care): I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
Aleks, throwing a pokeball at Deimos: Deimos, I choose you! Deimos, not looking up from his book and catching it: You need an Ultra ball to catch this Legendary Pokémon.
Meridian: Are you tall enough to play basketball though? Gabi: Are you calling me short? Meridian: No, I'm calling you vertically challenged.
Pax: You need to be more careful! Ethean who was dragged into Pax's issue (and lost his entire career because of it): Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Deimos: You know, I used to play back in my gory days. Artemis: ... You mean glory days? Deimos: Ah, that too.
Artemis: SSSHIT- I BURNT MY LIP- Cassiopeia: ...Why the fuck would you even drink coffee with a METAL STRAW in the FIRST PLACE?? Artemis: BECAUSE WE WERE OUT OF THE PLASTIC ONES!
The Director: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
Jack: And what did we learn, Vesper? Vesper, begrudgingly: Tackling someone isn’t the correct response to being asked a simple question.
Ethean: What happened?! Pax: Do you want the long version or the short version? Ethean: Sh-short?? Pax: Shit's fucked. Ethean, facepalming:: Okay, long. Pax: Shit's very fucked.
Jack, opening a bottle of Hot Chocolate: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Cassiopeia: *aggressively throws a pencil at Deimos* Deimos, deadpan: Oh no. I’ve been stabbed. I’ve been impaled.
Kaelus (Lyorna's Dad): Don’t worry, I have a permit. The Junction: ...This just says “I can do what I want”.
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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