#[Diablo;The Devil's in the Details]
firsthumandisaster · 2 years
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| 🌌 | “Vash?” Diablo’s tone was low and quiet, he knew something was wrong. He knew as soon as Greenie had gone into that City that something was going to happen. He was distant, and Diablo could barely feel anything familiar of him.
“What happened?”
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....how do you all feel about calling a Predator/Yautja "Lucifer"?
Like...I'm just wondering. Because I have seen you folks give these guys what seem like genuine alien like names. And here I am giving my own Predator the name of the fallen angel that essentially rebelled against God. And the story of whether he becomes the devil or just works with Satan. The funny thing maybe my big reason why I'm sticking with that name is despite it's important religious meaning.
I legit think Lucifer is one of the sickest fucking names in history. Like...calling a Predator that would be like, "Holy fucking shit." And I mean...the original Predator was called "El Diablo" meaning "The Devil".
Also...I'll admit that yeah...I'm still developing my own Predator and he is essentially my Yautja main in Predator Hunting Grounds.
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I wish I can get the Jungle Hunter mask soon. But Captured's mask works fine. Especially if I still go with the idea of a "Disgraced Prince" angle for him. I question if I should draw him. Yet I just think he would essentially be a "Rebooted" version of what Diablo could've been...but with some changes. It's some secret stuff I'm not gotta reveal. Or I'll reveal it when I feel more comfortable about it.
I kind of wish Hunting Grounds had more custom options like...changing the underwear? That sounds weird. I mean like changing little details on their armor that isn't just colors. Or even choose which faces with a different body. I'm kind of getting off topic.
But yeah, what do you guys think? Anyway, here's what he would look like with the Jungle Hunter mask whenever I'll be able to get it.
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Giving these dudes skull warpaint in this game is so fucking genius. I'm surprised the films haven't done it yet. But I'm glad they haven't yet too.
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originalaccountname · 6 months
Fun BSD French translation details and choices - Episode 18 (by someone who does not understand Japanese but thinks the differences with the English translation/subtitles are fun)
General notes:
Margaret uses the informal "you" (tu) with Hawthorn, but he uses the formal "you" (vous) with her. Hawthorn also uses more formal talk than the rest in general, therefore he sounds more proper and old-fashioned than Margaret does.
Both of their abilities are once again literal translations: La Lettre écarlate (The Scarlet Letter) and Autant en emporte le vent (Gone With the Wind/Taken Away by the Wind). I confirm that these are also the French titles of their respective literary works.
The title of this episode, already in English, wasn't translated at all. Hope you can read English alright, French viewer sjkdfhskdfjh
Hawthorn uses the formal "you" with Akutagawa, so at this point I would think it fair to say Hawthorn use formal talk with everyone.
The way Naomi's actress delivered her line about Haruno getting to see Mii-chan soon was so unnecessarily funny?? I love her.
Chuuya uses the informal "you" with everyone once again.
Ok, about Chuuya: his ability is described as "manipulation de la pesanteur", which, while technically correct, is kind of the equivalent of saying that Chuuya manipulates weight instead of gravity. SURE weight is directly linked to gravity (unlike mass) and "gravité" and "pesanteur" are sort of synonyms, but... His one-liner is "Qui veut se battre contre la pesanteur?!" (who wants to fight against gravity/weight/heaviness?!) and it doesn't... it doesn't do it at all (they changed it to gravity in season 3 or 4 because someone finally realized how uncool that sounded)
Today's quote:
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Hawthorn: Puis-je savoir quel est votre nom? (May I ask your name?) Akutagawa: Le Diable en personne. (The Devil himself.) Eng: May I ask your name? // Diablo.
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addaxus · 2 years
Some spicy stuff here👀
A Western Papá Bruno AU
It’s been awhile but for good reason. I know I’m shuffling more AUs than I can keep up with but this one drew me in so fast! This person came to me with this AU idea that I was already drawn into. They asked to remain anonymous so I’m keeping my word.
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I was like heck yeah I’m so down!
Here’s small summaries of each major age in the timeline so far:
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A 15 year old Bruno has a massive falling out with Alma and leaves the Encanto. He becomes an outlaw to survive; using his precognitive powers to out-draw and out-shoot other gunslingers. His skills, deeds, and the superstitions of others earn him the nickname “Bruno the Brujo.”
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By age 21 Bruno turns to the drink to cope with his increasingly painful visions. This has the unfortunate effect of turning him into the notoriously violent and intemperate outlaw known as “El Ojos Diablos” (The Devil’s Eyes).
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By his early to mid 30’s, El Ojos Diablos has hit his lowest point. His gang attempts to betray him while they sleep in their hideout so they can claim the large bounty on his head. For their troubles they all end up biting the bullet. Wounded and near dead, he is found by a woman, Maria, and her brother, Alonzo.
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By the time he reaches 35, Bruno has been brought back to health, wed to Maria, has gained the trust of her brother, and has a baby, a daughter, Mirabel that same year. He’s a renowned horse breeder and rancher at their farm trying to live a normal life. Some time later, Maria dies of pneumonia. From the start of her birth, Bruno has struggled to father Mirabel after seeing her in a terrible vision where she guns down someone with a shotgun.
There’s so many more details but that all comes later when it’s been sorted out. This AU IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT!!
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defensivelee · 8 months
Six Lives Won't Make You Happy: Heraldry
I have held this document for a while now, intending to draw references for it, but I have not gotten around to that because the writing for it was done and my brain was like, "DROP IT. IT'S DONE." So, who knows when I'll have those!
For now, have this reference guide to the coats of arms used in the world of Six Lives because I adore heraldry and its highly specific rules. Six Lives heraldry follows a lot of our own heraldry, so if you don't know that, I have hopefully explained much of it here to the best of my abilities :]
If you don't want to read on Tumblr, here is the PDF! Otherwise, go under the cut for my comprehensive worldbuilding rant. It's not necessary to read to understand the history of this world, you might just be left in the dark about a few background details but that's about it.
The nobility and royalty of the devils have had a huge impact on the world’s history in Six Lives. They are the ones, for the most part, that started wars and divided territories in the beginnings of recorded history, and though they remain distant figures in the present time, they are central to the religion that affects the daily lives of most people. Even the country where our story takes place, La República de los Altos Diablos, takes its name from the highly-ranked devils that created it.
But what’s a noble without a coat of arms? Though arms lie mostly in the background of the main story, they are still a crucial feature of religious celebrations, to show which ancient devil, exactly, and what kingdom, is being venerated. The heraldry of the Four Kingdoms has some similarities to our own, but it does still come with its own rules and conventions.
It is important to note that most humans, even nobility and royalty, do not have their own coat of arms, as they believe it would be downright heretical to pretend they even come close to the divinity of the devils. There are only two kinds of humans that would have a coat of arms: the Allies and the Overlifers. However, the Allies merely take their coat of arms from the devil that lies dormant in them, sometimes adding their own minor modifications to distinguish themselves from the previous Allies. The Overlifers, on the other hand, believe that they themselves are the true authorities of humanity and the Four Kingdoms, and thus have their own coats of arms, separate from any devil ancestor.
The coats of arms for notable dwaallicht spirits do not hold the same meaning as they would for devil nobles. They are often designed by humans to use either for religious celebrations or as warning signs for more heinous spirits. It is extremely rare for a spirit to rise up in the ranks of the Four Kingdoms by itself and gain its own coat of arms.
General Guidelines
-The tinctures used are generally the same as our own.
-The blazons follow our rules of vocabulary and grammar, excepting some differences and extra words.
-Sable (black) is considered a metal due to often being present on a devil’s hard horns and claws.
-The rule of tincture is only halfway abided by. No color is to be placed on color, but metal can be placed on metal. This is because devil horns often include black and white together, and can be decorated with gold jewelry.
-The word gules (red) can also refer to any hue/shade of pink. In illustrating from a blazon, red and pink are used interchangeably. For this reason, they cannot both be present on the same coat of arms at one time; it has to be one or the other.
-A field (background) of pure argent (silver) is not allowed. This is because the color on its own has come to be associated with the extinct angels. Variations including argent are allowed.
-The names of the four colors generally stay the same throughout the blazon but change if they are used for the field. This is due to the Four Kingdoms historically rotating their reigns of humanity depending on the traditional four seasons. Instead, the names of these seasons are used to describe the color of the field. Azure (blue) becomes winter, purpure (purple) is summer, vert (green) is spring, and gules is autumn. This rule does not apply if the field is not a solid color.
-Furs are called scutes here, but generally look the same. 
-Ermine is referred to as adder and is instead interpreted to look like the tongues of snakes.
-Vair is referred to as gharial and is instead interpreted to look like the scales on a crocodilian.
-The ordinary charges (geometric divisions of a field) used are the same as our own, exempting the cross.
-Any indented ordinary is not referred to as such. Instead, it is blazoned as dents bared and is thought of as the sharp teeth of a devil.
-A wedge of any kind and position is not referred to as a pile, but a griffe. They are thought of as the claws of a devil.
-Any form of a cross as a charge is not referred to as such. Instead, they are always diagonal and blazoned as saltires (diagonal crosses).
-The marks of cadency to distinguish between family members are the same as our own, exempting the cross moline. Instead, a saltire is used.
-Marks of cadency are used equally by all genders rather than just the sons.
-At least three mullets (five-pointed stars) in any form are always present on a devil ruler’s coat of arms. An heir apparent to any throne must have at least two.
-Only pierced mullets may be shown on the arms of dwaallicht spirits. This is to represent their inferiority to the devil lords.
-No more and no less than six mullets are always present on an Overlifer’s coat of arms.
-It is considered heresy to show any humans or humanoid figures on a coat of arms. Only animals are allowed.
-The supporters to a royal coat of arms are either deer, dragons, lions, or griffins to signify membership of the royal house of the Northern, Southern, Eastern, or Western Kingdom respectively. No other animals may be used as supporters.
-However, other animals are allowed within the escutcheon (shield). These are often animals that the bearer personally has features of (i.e. King Louis XIV’s leopard paw could warrant a leopard in the escutcheon), but can also be an animal associated with their dwaallicht spirit servants or favorites. This also applies to other devil nobility.
-Most human-like dwaallicht spirits are associated with and able to shapeshift to a certain animal. If the spirit has a coat of arms, that animal is the only one shown (i.e. a black dog for the Duke of Monmouth, a white fox for the Earl of Albemarle). These animals are only allowed to be sejant (sitting) or passant (walking).
Features Unique to the Four Kingdoms
-A lion sable armed and langued argent (a black lion with white claws and tongue) is always blazoned as simply Ferocity or mother of all beasts. In ancient times the phrase long may she sleep was added, but it was phased out in later centuries.
-Any animal shown on the coat of arms of an Ally is always collared and blazoned as such (i.e. a lion collared passant) to represent how the dormant devil is permanently bound to the Ally and vice versa.
-Any animal shown on a spirit’s coat of arms is always collared to signify the complete and desired submission of the spirits to the devil lords.
-Any animal with its eyes closed that is not lying down is sometimes referred to as ignorant (i.e. a lion passant ignorant).
-A charge always used in the arms of an Overlifer is a bordure Vita-marked. This is a border all around the escutcheon in the pattern of the Over-marks on the bearer’s face. The name comes from the now outdated term for an Overlifer, when they were known as the Vita-marked.
-Any royal animal (deer, dragon, lion, or griffin) shown on the coat of arms of an Overlifer is specifically meant to represent one of the Four Kingdoms and is always shown with either its tail tucked in between its legs or muzzled. This signifies how the Overlifers believe themselves to be superior to the devils.
-The muzzle upon an animal may be shown in any way from a simple ribbon tied around its mouth to an actual muzzle made out of wire. In the blazon, it is merely referred to as silenced (i.e. a lion rampant silenced).
-Any animal on an Overlifer’s coat of arms that is not one of the four royal species is modified to have a tail and horns like that of the bearer’s (if applicable), even if the animal in question does not usually have horns or a devil-like tail. When this happens, it is referred to as a chimera after the name of the animal (i.e. an eagle chimera).
-Overlifers are very particular about blazoning these horns and tails correctly. When horns are blazoned as having two tinctures, they are assumed to be striped unless otherwise stated. In the case of James Stewart’s coat of arms, his horns are blazoned as filaire (a randomized pattern of very thin stripes).
-The shape of the horns is not usually described in detail in the blazon. Instead, depending on what kind of horn it is and who the bearer is descended from, the shape of the horns is described using one of the Four Kingdoms. For example, pure descendants of the Southern Kingdom are known to have completely straight horns. An Overlifer descendant of the Southern Kingdom would have similarly upright horns on their arms, and they would be blazoned as horned of the South purpure.
-Tails are described in the same way, but are most often shown simply as or (gold). If a tail is longer than the length of the animal’s body, it is described as tangled. An example blazon of an animal using William’s tail would be a tail tangled of the East or.
-If the horns or tail show qualities of more than one kingdom, both kingdoms are included (i.e. horned of the North-West sable and argent).
-On the arms of devil royalty, two symmetrical horns that resemble those of the bearer act as the horns of the escutcheon. These are blazoned the same way as horns within the escutcheon.
-The mottos of devil nobility/royalty are always written in their old language, known as Infernal.
Meanings and Associations to the Four Kingdoms + Humanity
Most charges hold the same meanings/purposes as they do in our heraldry, but some are deliberately chosen for the following reasons.
-Any kind of star is associated with divinity.
-Any kind of lozenge (rhombus)  is associated with fortune and fame.
-Any kind of saltire is associated with sexuality, particularly BDSM and kink. Three saltires together are often found on the coats of arms of Allies (resembling the letters XXX).
-A griffe or ordinary charge dents bared is awarded to noble devils that have served in the armies of their kingdom.
-The fleur-de-lys has become an informal symbol of the Southern Kingdom.
-The deer of the Northern Kingdom is associated with tranquility.
-The serpent-like dragon of the Southern Kingdom is associated with wit.
-The lion of the Eastern Kingdom is associated with bravery.
-The griffin of the Western Kingdom is associated with security.
-The dog is associated with loyalty and sometimes, unintentionally, with foolishness.
-The eagle is uncomfortably associated with imperialism among humanity.
-The lamb, foal, and/or calf is used far more often than it is used in our world and is associated with protection and familial love. A notable example of the calf’s usage is in William Henry Nassau’s coat of arms, but it holds a different meaning to him.
In the Present
In the Four Kingdoms of the devils’ realm, these coats of arms are flown on flags and banners into battles and celebrations. They can inspire both respect and fear in an individual when they see the mullets and the four notable supporters of each of the royal houses. Today, however, on earth where humanity lives, these arms are flown to show love and reverence to the devil ancestors depending on what reign it is. Few humans know the meanings behind them, as they are primarily studied by Ally handlers or historians.
An Ally’s coat of arms is typically seen in their Hoerenkast rooms, shrines, and, more recently, on the products that they sell, almost like a corporate logo. It can also be printed and hung up in a location to ask for the corresponding Ally to watch over and protect that specific area.
The coats of arms of the Overlifers similarly inspire fear the way their devil ancestors did. These are seen as hate symbols if recognized and can even warrant legal action and investigation. The arms, despite technically belonging to a single Overlifer, have also come to represent the entire terrorist organization.
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harlot-of-oblivion · 10 months
The Devil's In The Details
You get ready for a night of fun at the local bar, but you didn't expect to face temptation when a certain devil hunter comes to play.
Things are starting to heat up, but it's not explicit...yet 😏
Chapter 12: A Devil Walks Into The Bar
Take some time off…and that’s an order, Detective.
The Lieutenant’s concerned voice rings in your mind, stirring the boiling anger in your gut as you stare at the various crime scene photos pinned to a cork board. You came home a couple hours ago and immediately began to set up what you call your “investigative nook”: a corner of your living room dedicated to your current cases so that you can continue to work in the comfort of your flat.
But you haven’t been able to focus. You’ve just been staring at the grisly photos while the ever-present anger simmers beneath your skin. This isn’t the first time that Hard Ass has ordered you to take time off…but it still feels like gasoline has been thrown into the fiery pits of your temper whenever he pulls his rank on you. You know that you’re not equals anymore, and you still respect your former partner…but he can fuck right off if he thinks that fighting a few demons would shake your resolve.
You’re getting too close to seein’ those ghosts, Hot Head.
You tear your tempestuous gaze from the cork board of grisly crime scene photos to check the time on your cellphone. It’s a little past 5 o’ clock, and if you want to make it in time for some good food, strong drinks, and some dancing with your closest coworkers…you need to start getting ready. So, you step away from your investigative nook and push your buzzing anger down as you make your way to the bedroom.
Carmen always suggests a night out when you’re at your angriest, so close to tipping over the edge before exploding in a fit of rage. So, when she texted you earlier about a night at the cantina you instantly accepted. You’ve never shared your furious feelings about being benched by the Lieutenant, but she’s picked up on how much you hate it. And she never fails to suggest a get together with Graves at the cantina to unwind and work out some stream in a “more fun way” as she puts it.
And you appreciate it since Fuego del Diablo is a damn fine bar with a vast dance floor for salsa dancing. You always want to take out your anger with your fists or daggers, but when you’re at that cantina…you can take it out with a salacious swivel of your hips and the confident steps of your high heels. And if you’re lucky…with a mysterious stranger in your bed.
The image of a flirtatious smirk surrounded by a scruffy fuzz of white hair suddenly enters your mind. Your thighs clench at the thought of…you throw out that notion of spending a night with your current partner with a shake of your head as you enter your bedroom and stride straight into the adjacent bathroom.
But it’s easier said than done. Thoughts of how his lips would feel against your skin, his hands roaming your body, his tongue licking your…you shake your head again as you turn the shower on in your bathroom. Then, you get undressed and step into the hot spray with a relieved sigh, savoring the feel of hot water beating against your skin as it eases the tension in your body.
Your mind is blessedly silent as you take a shower. You wash your hair, your body…and since it’s a night at the cantina, you shave your legs and make sure your armpits are smooth before moving onto the apex of your thighs. You reach out of the shower curtain to grab the slim trimmer on your sink and begin to shear the curly hair between your thighs. Then, you take your razor and drag it across the sensitive skin with care, slowly shaping the short hair into a pleasing sight that you hope will entice anyone who’s lucky enough to see it.
Perhaps a certain devil hunter with white hair and an annoyingly irresistible smile…
You cut that line of thought out of your mind as you turn the shower off. No, no…anyone but him, you chastise yourself while shoving the shower curtain to the side. Sleeping with my partner is out of the question, you continue, trying to convince yourself as the old and bittersweet feelings towards your previous partner dampens the desirous thoughts churning in your head. 
Instead, you think about what happened between you and Jayce as you step out of the shower. Both of you were good together for a while, always butting heads and getting into heated arguments but there was an unspoken attraction. But it never led to anything…both of you knew that sleeping with each would just complicate things. And after what happened…you’re very glad that you kept your distance because it would’ve hurt worse if you didn’t, especially when he turned his back on you after…
You glance up at the foggy mirror above your sink. Your bittersweet feelings turn sour and regretful as you stare at the ugly scar on your left breast, an eternal reminder of that fateful case. The very helpful consultant for the police turned into a malevolent demon when you and Jayce confronted him with the evidence of his vicious crimes. Your scar burns as you remember the impact of his sharp talons slamming straight through your chest, barely missing your heart as Jayce unloaded a full clip at the fucker in a desperate attempt to save your life. You survived but…you lost the respect and trust of everyone around you.
All you had in the end was this hideous scar marring your breast like some mark of failure.
You clench your fists before snatching up the nearby hair dryer with a determined scowl, refocusing on getting ready for a night of fun. Once you’re done drying off, you leave the bathroom and take a look in your closet. You eye the small collection of dresses before pulling out a sexy red one that reminds you of…
What do you wanna do to me, Honeybee?
“God fucking dammit!” you berate yourself while glaring at the dress with an irate scowl.
But you still slip the dress on, refusing to think about that heated moment down in the abandoned station with your insufferably handsome partner. Dante has a knack for wriggling his way through the icy cracks of your control, but you won’t let it get to you tonight. I just need a night of drinking and dancing…and maybe a one-night stand to distract me from him, you thought, fully adamant on keeping your partner at a professional distance as you continue to get ready.
You brush your hair and apply your makeup with meticulous care before taking a good look in your bathroom mirror. And you smile at the saucy image that greets you. The dress hides the nasty scar on your breast, but it still shows just enough cleavage to entice anyone brave enough to approach you. And when you turn around to inspect the back, your lips curl into a smug grin at the sight of your silky-smooth legs that instantly brings the eye to your ass thanks to the short cut of the dress. Your back is bare, but the scar that you got from the demon’s talons is faint and not as noticeable as the one on the front. It’s easier to ignore and so long as you keep the dress on…there’s no way that your one-night stand will be ruined by the uncomfortable questions.
Your brow furrows as you walk out of the bathroom to check the time on your cellphone. Then, you send a quick text to Carmen before slipping into some strappy high heels. You grab a small clutch purse and dump your cellphone and wallet into it before making your way to the front door of your flat and walking out with a confident stride. It only takes a few minutes until Carmen pulls up on your street in her car. You open the passenger side door and hop in an excited huff before she drives off.   
“Hey, Quickdraw! Lookin’ good!” she comments with a bright smile.
“I really needed this…thanks, Sandiego,” you murmur with a grateful smirk as she steers through the streets towards the cantina.
“Oh, it’s no problem at all!” she replies with a cheerful shrug of her shoulders as she weaves through traffic with an intense focus.
Carmen doesn’t talk much along the way, which is really abnormal for the sunny crime scene analyst that you consider a friend. You squint at the subtle curl of her lips that depicts her usual happy smile, but there’s something more to it. But you don’t get the chance to question her unusual demeanor as she swings her car into an open spot right at the corner of the cantina.  
“Time to get our margarita on!” she exclaims with an excited wiggle of her brow before stepping out of the car.
You open the passenger car door and follow her along the sidewalk in front of Fuego del Diablo, glancing up at the flashy red sign of a horned man engulfed in flames as both of you enter the lively cantina. Carmen greets one of the busy servers with a friendly smile as you scan the bar, the dance floor…before pausing on a familiar face at one of the tables in a secluded corner. You pat Carmen on her arm and nod your head in that direction before leading her through the crowd of servers and excited patrons towards Grayson.
“Hey there!” he greets with a small wave as you and Carmen take a seat. “Already got the drinks for ya!” he exclaims while gesturing towards the large pitcher of margarita in the middle of the table.
You give him a thankful smile as you reach for the pitcher. “You’re the best, Graves,” you murmur while pouring yourself a glass before handing it off to Carmen. “What’s the special today?” you ask while raising your glass for a sip.
“Besides this pitcher of salty sweetness,” he begins with an excited smile. “It’s homemade guacamole and scrumptious tacos with an endless supply of tortilla chips.”
You grin at the promise of a delicious meal as you swallow the first of many sips of margarita. Carmen flags down a server and requests a tray of chips with homemade guacamole with a cheerful smile before taking a sip of her freshly poured margarita. Then, she smacks her lips and begins to chatter with you and Graves with her usual bubbly fast pace.
The first hour of this night of fun passes as all of you engage in carefree conversation with the occasional tortilla chip being dipped into the delectable guacamole. You savor the chips and dip along with the companionable company of your coworkers and friends, basking in their support despite the reputation you gained down at the station. After what happened a couple of years ago, many of your fellow officers just kept their distance in case it would compromise their position in the department.
But Carmen and Grayson never backed down, and it’s at times like this that you truly appreciate them for having your back when your previous partner deserted you for a promotion. I should let them know how grateful I am, you thought while chucking back your third margarita. And you’re about to say that thought out loud when Carmen and Grayson turn towards the entrance of the cantina with excited glee.
You turn your gaze in that direction….and your eyes widen as Dante looks in your direction. Why is he here? What the fuck? you thought as you hide your surprise with a generous sip of margarita. Your eyes flit between Carmen and Grayson before focusing on Carmen’s delighted expression, still very genuine with a hint of devious intent.
God fucking dammit, you curse internally as you realize why she was so tight lipped on the way here…she invited Dante and didn’t tell you!
Your partner strides up to your table with a confident swagger. “Mind if I join you?” he asks while his brilliant blue eyes flicker between Carmen and Grayson before honing in on you.
“Not at all!” Carmen insists with an enthusiastic nod towards the empty chair right next to you.
Fucking traitor, you seethe as Dante settles down into the chair and reaches for the nearly empty pitcher of margarita.
“Might need a refill,” he suggests with a flirty smirk while checking you out.
You keep quiet but agree that you need more drink…much more drink now that the object of your desire is sitting so casually beside you as Carmen requests another pitcher. Your eyes flicker over of their own volition towards him as you raise your glass to your lips. He’s still wearing the same clothes, but you notice that his white hair seems more lustrous in the low light of the bar. And the short and scruffy hair around his chin and smirking lips has been trimmed, showing off more of his handsome face.
Did he do all that for me? you wonder, quickly looking away before he notices your subtle staring.  
You finish the rest of your margarita with a hearty gulp and sit rigidly in your seat until the server comes back with a full pitcher. Then, you give the waiter your order of tacos and tortilla chips with the spiciest salsa, and since both of you came to agreement…you order the house pizza for your partner before nodding towards Carmen and Grayson to put in their orders.
“Another non-traditional pizza, huh?” Dante inquires close to your ear as the server scurries away.
“You’ll see,” you provide with a confident quirk of brow.
The flirty curl of his lips stokes the embers of your ire and desire as all of you refill your glasses with more margaritas. Then, all of you just continue the casual flow of conversation. You listen to the woes and hilarity from Carmen and Grayson while Dante offers his opinion that gets a good laugh out of them. But his eyes keep finding their way towards you, making your skin tingle under his blatant focus during this friendly conversation.
You avert your gaze, trying your hardest to not give him any ideas about what you really want those smirking lips to do between your legs. The food arrives soon and you feel relieved as everyone digs into their meal. You bite into your taco and moan happily while glancing towards Dante from the corner of your eye.
“What’s the matter?” you ask while leaning in close. “Afraid of having a taste?” you suggest with a quirked brow as he stares hesitantly at the large tortilla covered in delicious meat and toppings.
Dante looks down at you and your skin bursts with goosebumps as that flash of red sparkles within his gaze. “Oh, I’m not afraid…far from it.”
His purring response makes you feel like he wasn’t talking about the pizza before he looks away and picks up a slice. He looks at it intently, and you know that he’s searching for olives…which you could tell him that there are none. But you stay silent and secretly admire the subtle shifts of his handsome face, honing in on his lips as he finally bites down on the tortilla slice of pizza.
“Mmm hmm!” he moans while giving you a wink. “You never disappoint, Honeybee.”
“Told you that I knew the best places for pizza and uh….this isn’t beer but maybe you’ll make an exception?” you ask while refilling his cup with margarita.
Dante leans in close and whispers by your ear. “Only for you.”
You glance up and see a fire behind those striking blue eyes. But the light and easy conversation of your closest coworkers and friends tears his gaze away from you, leaving you feeling…no.
Hell no.
You shouldn’t want more of his attention. But something in your gut wants those striking blue eyes on you, and despite your better judgment along with the first couple pitchers of margarita…
“Let’s dance, Sandiego,” you demand while rising from your seat with a confident tilt of your chin.
“Uh, yeah sure!” she responds with a cheerful grin before looking between Grayson and Dante. “Sorry, boys…girls only,” she claims while leaving her seat with a playful wink before following you on the dance floor.
Your lips curl into a smug smirk as you and Carmen walk onto the dance floor. The previous song ends but another track with an upbeat rhythm plays through the speakers. Fucking perfect, you thought as the pounding drums urges you to finally let loose.
You and Carmen flit across the dance floor, smiling broadly while quickstepping around each other with a lot of hips shaking and flashes of leg. The buzzing anger in your gut is replaced by the thrill of dancing with no care in the world. And the eyes of many patrons on both of you stirs something more hot and primal deep inside you…but you yearn for the striking blue eyes of a certain devil hunter, longing to see that spark of red igniting in his hungry gaze as they watch you.
Your head turns toward your table before you can stop yourself. And you almost lose the rhythm of your steps as the blazing heat in your partner’s gaze rocks through your body and straight down between your legs.
“Holy shit,” you softly gasp, actually feeling his eyes on you.
His shameless eyes leave a trail of lustful fire upon your skin as they roam every inch of your body. And you suddenly want to give in to this sizzling attraction between you two. You need to feel his hands snaking around your hips, you ache for the taste of his lips on your tongue, and you crave the explosive pleasure those striking blue eyes promise as he watches your every move. 
Oh, no…HELL no. No, no, no, no, you fret silently while looking away from your table with an exasperated flick of your head. What the hell is wrong with me? you wonder while stamping the desire for your devilish partner out of your mind.
You refocus on your dancing, vigorously channeling the conflicted frustration muddling your mind into every step and swivel of your hips. Carmen struggles to keep up but manages to hold her own and matches your fire until the song ends. Both of you smile and collapse into a spirited hug, but the thought of going back to your table to face those piercing eyes that threaten to break through your icy resolve…
“The margaritas are gettin’ to me,” you murmur by her ear while turning your back towards your table. “Wanna hit the bathroom before going back to the table?”
Carmen nods. “Yeah! Gotta follow the girl code!”
“I just need to pee,” you grumble with a roll of your eyes.
“That may be, but there’s strength in numbers!” she exclaims with a cheery grin. “Besides, we both know that it’s a great place to have girl talk!”
You exit the dance floor in a rush with Carmen in tow. She pauses for a moment to look towards your table and gestures between you two and the corner of the bar with a wave of your hand. Grayson gives her a thumbs up and continues to chat with Dante as both of you head to the restrooms. You avoid glancing back at your table, but you can still feel your partner’s eyes on you along the way.
Carmen opens the door in the corner and steps aside as a couple of ladies leave before leading you into the small dimly lit restroom. “Hot damn! We set that dance floor on fire!” she exclaims while both of you enter separate stalls.
“We’ll burn it down if we’re not careful,” you reply with an amused grin.
“Totally worth it!” she quips back through the thin wall of the stall. “I don’t condone arson, but the way that everyone was staring at us…talk about an inferno!”
Only felt one set of eyes on me, you thought before shaking your head in frustration. You remain quiet while both of you finish up and flush the toilets before exiting the stalls. Your body is tense as you approach the sink to wash your hands. Carmen joins you and keeps glancing your way with concern gleaming in her eyes before speaking.
“Hey, so uh…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I invited Dante.”
You flick water from your hands with a curious quirk of your brow. “Why didn’t you?”
“Because…I just knew if I told ya, you wouldn’t show up looking like a total snack!”
“Damn right, I wouldn’t!” you fume while ripping a towel from the plastic dispenser. “He’s my partner and I’d never-”
“Dante isn’t like Jayce, Quickdraw.”
Your angry words dry up as Carmen turns the sink off. “I know that, but still…” you trail off while vigorously wiping your hands with the paper towel.
“Oh, c’mon! He’s not even part of the police force like the Lieutenant!” she rebukes while ripping her own square of paper towel from the dispenser. “So, if something were to happen…”
You throw the paper towel into the trash bin with an exasperated huff. “It will only distract us from solving the case.”
“See, I think that’s bullshit!” she exclaims, quickly drying her hands before chucking the crinkled square of paper towel into the trash bin. “You sacrificed so much and…why should you give up the chance to be with a hot devil hunter who looks at you like you’re his wet dream come true?”
You’re taken aback by her sudden ferocity for a moment. Then, you turn your conflicted gaze towards the mirror above the sink. “Yeah, but I’m sure he’s staring at all the other pretty ladies in this bar as we speak,” you argue while checking your makeup for any smudges.
“Uh, no…I can say for sure that his eyes never left you while we were dancing.”
You wipe your head towards Carmen as she moves in close to check on her own makeup. Both of you are silent for a few moments while both of you fix yourselves up until you can’t stand it anymore and have to ask about more details.
“Really? He didn’t even…”
“Yeah! He looked like he was in some sort of sexy trance or something!” she reveals with an excited grin. “I even saw a few ladies pass by the table, but he didn’t even glance their way…just kept on staring at you.”
You remain quiet and turn back to the mirror, running your fingers through your hair to untangle some knots that happened during your spirited dance session while your mind processes Carmen’s words. It pleases you to hear that Dante only had eyes for you, but it also terrifies you.
Of all the women in the city…he just had to notice the detective with a lot of baggage and a controversial reputation that still haunts her every day. You thought that he was just playing with you since he definitely knows how to get under your skin, and you always got the impression that he takes some kind of twisted pleasure out of pissing you off. But after seeing the way he looked at you on the dance floor, the unbridled yearning and the promise of satisfying your every desire in those devilish eyes…
No, no, no…don’t think about that, you chastise yourself as you focus on the ramifications.
It’s true that Dante isn’t part of the force, so it wouldn’t be such a big faux pas if you two were to…but the press would have a field day if they found out! The detective who cried demon hooking up with the most notorious devil hunter in the city…that would be a juicy scoop. And you know that if the Lieutenant found out, the tiny shred of dignity you’re clinging to would snap and you’d find yourself on suspension before getting the boot later.
You open your mouth and plan to wholeheartedly shut down the idea of being intimate with your partner…but you find yourself more hesitant than assured as you speak.
“It’ll complicate things, but I…” you trail off, unable to translate your rational thoughts into words as painful memories and feelings choke your lungs in a vice grip.
Carmen has always been really good at sensing people’s feelings, and she doesn’t disappoint when she takes one look at your face and knows the turmoil brewing inside you despite your best efforts to hide it.
“Yeah, it probably will,” she agrees. ”But it’s obvious that Dante believes you and will have your back this time around,” she assures with a comforting shove against your shoulders before looking towards the mirror with a devious grin. “Plus, the fiery chemistry and banter between you two…I like this ship more!”
“Oh, my fucking god,” you mutter while pinching your furrowed brow between your fingers. “Not this again.”
Carmen giggles. “What can I say? I’m a sucker for workplace romance!” she admits while flipping her hair over her shoulder. “But this is totally different from what you and Jayce had going on, always dancing around each other but never…but I’m really glad that nothing ever happened,” she discloses while meeting your eyes in the mirror. “Cos I thought you’d find a slice of bliss with him, but he just…” she pauses and takes a deep breath before continuing. “You deserve just a lil bit of fun and happiness, and that handsome devil hunter out there is the crack in the case of your lonely heart!”
You laugh softly under your breath. “Not many can put up with my bullshit,” you remark while turning to her with a thankful smirk. “You’re a really good friend, Sandiego.”
“Of course I am! I give the best hugs!” she claims while spreading her arms wide.
You’re not one for touchy feely emotions, but you never ignore one of Carmen’s infamous hugs. It doesn’t happen often with you, but you know that she’s very perceptive to your testy mood…and she’s gotten really good at knowing when to pull a hug out on you. So, you step into her embrace and wrap your arms around her gratefully as she squeezes you in close.
“I know that you find it difficult to open up, but I’ll always have your back,” she murmurs while drawing back from the hug. “And Graves too in his own weird and awkward way,” she adds with a soft and charming giggle.
You clutch her arms for a moment before breaking away from her friendly and supportive embrace. Everything she said about your rational objections to finally giving into the desire for your partner lessens a little, but you’re still apprehensive…mostly because you know it’ll still complicate things, maybe lead to losing your job. But as you look over your shoulder to gaze at the faint scar on your back in the mirror…you wonder if the spark of passion in his eyes will remain when he…if he…
“You don’t think that he’ll…” you trail off, looking away from your reflection while palming the deformed breast beneath your sultry dress.
Carmen looks at your reflection in the mirror and understands your unspoken question. “Oh hell no…I’m sure he’s seen his fair share of battle scars as a devil hunter,” she explains with a reassuring nod of her head. “But if you don’t feel comfortable…you don’t have to show your boobs to have a good time!” she suggests with a playful wiggle of her brow before scrunching her brow in defiance. “And if he makes a big deal of it, I will personally march right up to him and give him a stern talking to cos dammit I want this ship to sail!”
You laugh softly at the image of a pint-sized Carmen railing into a tall and intimidating Dante. “Never change, Sandiego,” you murmur with an appreciative smile.
“Back at ya, Quickdraw,” she replies, smiling warmly while pulling you in for a quick side hug.
It’s the third hug of the night, but you let it slide since you know that’s just how Carmen expresses…well, everything. Her support and friendship has always been a blessing, so you give in to the hug for a few moments before turning back to the mirror. Both of you finish touching up your hair and makeup before leaving the restroom with excited smiles.
Your chat with Carmen has softened your icy resolve, but you still feel hesitant about letting go of your control. The steely mask you wear has helped you get through some of the shittiest moments of your life, and it kept everyone away so that you’d never have to feel so betrayed ever again. It was necessary to keep that mask up just so you could go on living without fear of getting hurt while protecting others from your vile temper.
But as you weave through the crowd of patrons and approach your table, the sight of your partner turning his heated gaze towards you shakes that hardened mask out of place. It infuriates you that this dangerous and foolhardy devil hunter has somehow gotten under your skin and knows exactly what buttons to push to make you fly off the handle. And yet, a part of you likes that he’s been able to wriggle past your mask and see the deep-seated anger constantly raging inside you…and he’s still here looking at you like you’re the sexiest woman in the bar.   
He's fucking crazy, you thought as your icy resolve melts a bit more.
Carmen glances at you with that See? Told ya! look as both of you make it back to the table. “Hey guys! Sorry to make ya wait!” she exclaims while taking her seat.
“Oh, it’s no trouble at all!” Grayson responds with an amused smile. “Me and Dante here were just talking while guarding these drinks for you two,” he explains while waving towards an array of drinks on the table.
“Offers from interested patrons?” you inquire while taking your seat.
Carmen claps her hands excitedly. “Wow! We really made an impression, Quickdraw!”
You smirk at her enthusiasm but quirk a brow at the various fruity cocktails in front of you. There’s one that catches your eye…not flashy at all, but the deep reddish tint of the drink sticks out among the bright and colorful glasses.
 “Ugh…not interested in these,” you grumble while pushing the fruity cocktails away with a disgusted grimace before grabbing the dark horse of the bunch.
Dante chuckles beside you. “Oof, that’s cold, Honeybee.”
“They took a gamble and lost,” you reply with a shrug of your shoulders. “But this one…hmm,” you hum before taking a sip of the more simple cocktail. The richness of a decadent fruit, the spiciness of ginger, and the subtle kick of lime and tequila bursts on your tongue. You moan softly as it settles down in your gut and you nod your head approvingly at the drink. 
Carmen’s mouth drops into an astounded gape. “Oh my god…someone finally got you a drink you like!”
“I know, right?” you quip with a soft chuckle. “Just wonder who-”
“Glad you like it, Honeybee.”
Your head whips around to glare at Dante with a suspicious squint of your eyes. “You ordered this drink for me?”
Dante leans forward with a pleased smirk. “The free drinks kept rolling in and the ones meant for you…I just knew you wouldn’t like all that sweet frou-frou crap,” he explains with a casual shrug. “So, I went up to the bartender and ordered something that fits you better,” he admits while meeting your eyes. “Something sweet with a kick of spice that keeps you coming back for more.”
Your thighs clench beneath the table at his suggestive words. But you manage to keep your face composed despite the giddiness of receiving the perfect drink from the irresistible devil hunter who seems hell bent on using every advantage to break through your cold façade. Your eyes never stray away from his pleased gaze as you take another sip of your drink, honing on how his eyes dip down low as your tongue peeks out to lick your lips.  
“It’s pretty damn good,” you murmur with a satisfied smirk.
Dante smirks back with a flirty wink. “I aim to please, Honeybee.”
You rub your thighs together to ease the pleasurable ache between your legs as you struggle to steer the conversation towards a more lighthearted topic. But the overwhelming need and desire brewing in your gut takes the reins, wrangling control and directing you towards the fastest route that will bring him even closer.
“Do you know how to salsa?” you ask before taking another sip of your drink.
Dante furrows his brow. “Never taught, but I’m a quick learner,” he reveals while turning his head towards the dance floor. “I’ve been watching for a while and taking in the steps, so I think I can handle it.”
You glance over at the dance floor and back at him before chugging the rest of the drink with a satisfying sigh. Dante’s inquisitive gaze meets your blazing eyes as you slam the empty glass on the table. Your lips curl into a sultry smile as you get up from your seat and extend your hand to him.
“Wanna dance?”
Dante takes your hand and rises from his seat with a smoldering smirk. “Thought you’d never ask.”
The warmth of his hand on your skin sheds another layer of your icy resolve as you lead him onto the dance floor. A part of you thinks that this is absolute madness and clamors to get away from this precarious situation as soon as possible. But your simmering desire spurs you to push that part down as you press your body against him.
“Let’s see what ya got,” you whisper close to his lips, raking your hand along his arm before linking your fingers together and gripping his shoulder with your other hand. 
“Careful, Honeybee…you’ll burn down the bar if you keep this up,” he murmurs with a husky chuckle while wrapping his arm around your waist.
You smirk at his compliment, but instantly straighten your stance as a fun and playful salsa beat starts blaring through the speakers. Then, you wait for him to take the lead with a challenging quirk of your brow. Dante grips you tighter as both of your feet fly across the dance floor, meeting each other’s fiery steps along with some improvised flair. You have to admit…he’s not too shabby after only learning the steps from observation alone. And the way he flings you away with a passionate flick of wrist before reeling you in closer, staring down at you like you’re the only woman in the bar while dancing among a gaggle of scantily clad bodies…it’s too good  to be true.
“You might get some drinks yourself after this,” you comment over the music.
Dante chuckles as he directs you to take a sharp turn. “Maybe…but I don’t want them.”
You quirk your brow as both of your bodies meld together. “Really? Why’s that?”
“Not interested,” he replies while leading you into a wide step before bringing you in close. “Especially if all it gets me is a bunch of frou-frou fruity crap.”
You laugh softly as your hand on his shoulder moves up to his neck. “I wouldn’t buy you one of those kinds of drinks.”
“Oh really?” he questions with a playful quirk of his brow. “What would you get me?” he inquires while turning aside to let you improvise some moves.
You smirk as your leg kicks high before spinning away from him, winding back and wrapping your leg around his waist. Then, you lean closer to his face, barely touching his lips as you utter the answer to his question.
“A whiskey neat.”
“Damn,” he whispers as your leg drags down against his leather pants. “You’ve seen right through me.”
You shrug your shoulders as he leads you into a series of fervid steps. “I just noticed the empty whiskey bottles littering your office,” you admit with a smug grin. “Just a lucky guess,” you add before he’s spinning you away and bringing you back into his embrace while pressing his lips against your ear.
“We both know that you don’t need a drink to get my attention.”
Your body shivers as his candid words tickle your ear. You laugh softly under your breath and glance up at him, wondering if he really means it. The tantalizing smirk on his lips along with that spark of red glimmering in his eyes as he squeezes you closer, pressing that shameless bulge between his legs against you…
Oh yeah, he definitely means it, you concede, subtly swiveling your hips against him as you wonder how much he’s packing down there. 
Both of you continue to touch and tease while holding each other’s desirous gaze throughout the fervent salsa until the energetic music ends. Then, you lead him away from the dance floor by the hand towards the bar and get him a whiskey neat. He gives you a grateful smile and takes a hearty sip of his drink as you order the same cocktail he got you earlier, which is actually called El Diablo. 
“Why am I not surprised?” you murmur with an amused roll of your eyes before taking a sip of your devilish cocktail.
Dante chuckles. “What can I say? Couldn’t resist getting a lil devil in ya!”
You lick your lips with a suggestive quirk of your brow. “Just a little?”
That irresistible spark of red flashes hotly in his striking blue eyes as he leans in closer. “Think you can handle more?” he asks with an enticing smirk.
You chug the rest of your drink before turning your sultry gaze back on him. “Fuck yeah.”
Your heart pounds faster at the sound of his deep and sensual purr of approval. Dante quickly finishes his whiskey in one smooth gulp before offering his hand with an eager grin and a wiggle of his brow. You roll your eyes at his shameless enthusiasm, but your lips curve into an excited smile as you grab his hand and return to the dance floor.
Both of you dance for what seems like all night, but you know from experience that time passes differently on the dance floor. Everything and everyone fades away except for you and Dante. The steely mask you wear like armor has been lifted fully off your face with every spin and turn while holding each other close. You can’t remember that last time you had so much fun…and you never would’ve guessed that you’d be sharing this rare moment with the notorious Legendary Devil Hunter that annoys the fuck out of you, but somehow still manages charm you with his devilishly rousing antics.  
After a few salsas and a fiery samba with a lot of shaking hips, the mood suddenly shifts as a more sensual beat plays through the speakers. You quirk your brow at Dante questioningly as couples start dancing to the slow and smooth music. He studies the small crowd for a few moments, taking in their steps with an intense concentration that you don’t see often on his handsome face. Then, he turns to you and offers his hand with a confident smirk.
Well, he did say he was a quick learner, you thought while taking his hand with a curious tilt of your head. But can he really learn a new dance after only watching for a few seconds?
It only takes the first four beats to get your answer. He easily matches your own subtle swivel of hips before leading you in the smooth steps of the rumba. You thought he was a natural at the salsa because it matches his own level of fiery and flirty fun, but you have to admit that he does this dance justice too. Your eyes stay on his face, but the slow sway of his hips beg for attention as both of you glide across the dance floor.
“Damn, you’re really good,” you remark with an impressed smirk.
“Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself,” he quips back with a teasing smile.
“Not so bad?” you repeat with a disapproving quirk of your brow. “I’m a fucking great dancer and you know it!”
Dante chuckles softly. “Oh I know it, Honeybee,” he reassures while leading you into a spiral turn before facing you again. “You’ve got the moves to keep up with a devil like me!”
Your lips curl into a proud smile. “And we make a pretty team off the dance floor too…it usually takes me a while to put my full trust in a new partner,” you admit with a thoughtful tilt of your head. “But somehow you…” Your words trail off as he spins you around to face away from him, still holding your hand as your hips swivel with your improvised steps that exude sensual anticipation.
“You feelin’ it too?”
The soft and hopeful tone of his whisper by your ear urges you to be honest. “Hate to admit it…but yeah.”
Dante hisses playfully as he wraps his arm around your waist. “Oof, you never fail to sting me so good, Honeybee!”
“I didn’t mean…I’m not good at…fuck,” you stammer with a small sigh before spinning around to face him again.
“Hey, it’s okay!” he assures with a soft smile. “I’m just teasing ya…but I gotta ask,” he begins while staring down at you with an uncharacteristically serious gleam in his eyes. “Is it me?”
Your brow furrows in confusion. “What?”
“Being a half devil and all,” he clarifies with a small shrug of his shoulders. “Can’t really blame ya for not giving whatever’s going on between us a chance.”
“Fucking really?” you growl as that ever-present anger bubbles up in your gut. “You think-” you cut yourself off while turning your furious gaze away from him with sharp snap of your head. Then, you take a deep breath and turn your fiery gaze back towards him as the slow and sensual steps of the dance eases some of the tempestuous fire surging through your body. “I don’t give a damn about that, Dante.”
“Really?” he questions with a skeptical snort. “Most people would be wary.”
“Well, I’m not most people,” you retort before wrenching yourself from his lead with a sharp twist of your body.
You back up a few steps from him and pin him down with your savagely ardent gaze as you move to the seductive beat of the music. Your body sways slowly with every step, the alluring twirl of your hips flashing your upper thighs with a teasing flick of your dress as your hands caress your neck and chest. Then, you spin back towards him gracefully and press yourself against his chest before wrapping your arms around his neck.
Dante wraps his arms around you with a pleased purr. “No, you’re definitely not.”
“I know I can be a raging bitch sometimes,” you admit as both of your hips sway together. “But I’ve never had a problem with you being a half devil.”
“But if it’s not that…what’s stopping you?” he asks while gripping your hips tight.
You remain silent while collecting your thoughts, basking in the closeness of your bodies as they sway against each other before speaking. “It’s just…all I have left is my flimsy career and a battered reputation that’s hanging on by a thread,” you explain with a concerned furrow of your brow. “I’m on thin ice and giving into this might…I’m nothing without my badge.”
“Not so sure about that,” he counters as his adoring gaze makes you feel like you’re dancing on airy clouds. “I’ve heard some amazing stories about what you’ve done from people who remember how you helped them,” he adds with an admirable smirk. “Pretty sure that has nothing to do with your badge,” he points out before leading you down into a simmering slow dip, never taking his eyes away from you as your legs spread out into a side split. “Besides, I’m just a consultant,” he adds before scooping you back up into his arms.
“Yeah, a consultant who’s infamous for being a devil hunter and the Son of Sparda, which will get the attention of the press who have no problem throwing someone under the bus for a juicy story,” you argue with a vicious growl as both of you fall in line with the sensual beat of the music.
Dante stares down at your conflicted face. “Alright, I’m startin’ to get the picture, and I get it,” he agrees with an understanding nod of his head. “But that just means we’ll have to keep it quiet.”
You quirk your brow skeptically. “You? Quiet?” 
“Yeah, I know…but I can keep a secret!” he promises with a charming smile. “Especially if it lets me be with you.”
You want to believe him…but there’s still a stubborn part of you that refuses to think that he wants a temperamental detective who had no qualms about sticking one of your many hidden daggers deep into his gut just a day ago.
“Still don’t see why you’re so insistent,” you claim with a challenging tilt of your chin. “You could have any woman in this bar without any hangups.”
Dante just smirks and pulls you closer. “But they’re not you,” he murmurs while leading you into another low dip. “So fiery and feisty when you let it show,” he continues as you arch your back and lean down before stopping just above the dance floor. Then, your hair drifts through the air as you shift your body to the side, displaying your cleavage to the surrounding patrons and your devilish partner before popping back up into his steady arms.
“And you’re so smokin’ hot that it sets the devil in me on fire whenever I’m near you,” he admits with a fierce purr while his hands roam your curves.
“Dante,” you gasp, shivering under his touch as the last shred of your control gets blasted to cinders.
Dante clutches your hips and grinds his crotch between your legs. You thread your fingers through his white hair as your dance becomes more…sexual and needy. Every swivel of his hips brushes against your own as he grinds against your soaked panties. And your icy resolve melts away completely as he rests his head between your brow.
“I can smell how wet you are for me,” he whispers with a husky groan.
Your body ignites at his words, both riled up and exhilarated by the arousing thought of him knowing how fucking turned on you are. You moan softly while staring into his striking blue eyes, relishing the gleam of red-hot desire sparkling in his hungry gaze. His fingers dig into your hips as you draw even closer, no longer fighting the headiness of your dance and the scorching attraction to him. The feel of his warm breath brushing against your mouth goes straight between your legs, making you even wetter as both of your lips linger…so close that all you have to do is tilt your head and beckon the devil closer with a fiery kiss.
But the sensual music suddenly ends and the rumbling chatter of the patrons come rushing in, instantly shattering the intimate and intoxicating moment into pieces. You draw back but keep your arms around him as a more upbeat and vibrant song starts blaring through the speakers. Dante closes his eyes and lets out a frustrated sigh but makes no move to let you go.
That makes two of us, you thought morosely as a crowd of people surround both of you.
Your head swivels around to look at the lively patrons flitting across the dance floor and you suddenly feel…really pissed off. You know it’s not their fault, but you resent them for breaking the intense and blazing hot moment between you and your partner. Normally, you’d be thankful for the distraction from giving into this searing attraction. But now that you’ve had a taste, you crave more and there’s no way in hell that a bunch of drunken patrons will stop you.
So, you turn back to Dante with an inviting smirk. “I need some air,” you murmur with a breathy sigh while meeting his disappointed gaze. “Mind giving me a ride?” you ask while grinding against the hard bulge in his leather pants.
Dante moans softly as his eyes light up with a renewed spark of fiery red desire. Then, he leans down close with a devastating smirk that promises to go a lot further than your dance as he stokes the flames of your desire with a sharp thrust of his hips.
“It’d be my pleasure, Honeybee.”
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SRMTHFG - On Monkeys and Madness
Because I love me some wacky obscure animateds that mix comedic cartoonish timing with serious grounded stories (with twists and twisted logics!)
So let's talk on the overly long titled show of Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go!
Spoilers ahead.
SRMTHFG is, at its initial introductory and on the surface, a satire on the super sentai formula. A color-coded rainbow cast of warriors who face the latest danger of the week, and have a giant robot, and come home just in time for dinner.... and they are (almost) all Monkeys. Like, for realsies.
While ever episode shows the Monster of the Week, we're constantly reminded that the monster of the week usually comes from the over arching villain--creatively called Skeleton King, and seemingly, even the victories against him are apart of his master plan or benefit him in some way (not always, but kudos to a villain who takes every failure as a learning experience).
Once you're passed the obvious satire and cartoon antics... you find the Depth in the 2D.
These aren't just random warriors, they're a family with their own personalities, histories, quirks, jobs, and traumas, and come together to do both great things and small things. They annoy each other, and they support each other.
The villain isn't just a random villain for power, he was their Creator, and he went bad because he ran into dark and terrible forces that took him in pieces, bit by bit, until he was rotted inside and out. (damn, that man had some determination, lemme tell ya--he was a ghoul before it took him).
AND NOT EVEN JUST RANDOM DARK FORCES THAT CORRUPTED HIM! We're talking Eldritch monsters. Like the game Diablo meets Lovecraft (... I mean he does call himself Skeleton King, I can't be the only one who saw that!). Demons and creatures that, unless you're sufficiently protected or prepared, will corrupt you On Contact. And will do so Slowly, until there's nothing that made you You left.
And he became an outright Undead (A Cyborg Undead--now that's a concept!), that can and will murder and mutilate characters On-Screen. His final appearance in-show, the cliffhanger, involved him resurrecting an undead army Black Cauldron style, from a land that explicitly had a war hundreds of years ago--shit got Real Dark Real fast.
Suddenly, a show about colorful cartoon monkeys and parodied anime antics, immediately dives into subtext about how one faces forces of mad obsession, trauma, and nihilism.
It definitely wasn't the show's intention. Its a silly show by all accounts, parodies a whole heaping lot... but its fun and funny what kind of story you construct, when you're trying to find reasons to be silly and serious.
Hope you have your Underworld shielding, because the devil is in the details.
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Hey do you have any story/blog recs? 👀
Hey Anon! I uh... wow, no one ever sends me asks outside of an ask game, I don't know what to do with myself *fans face*
Recs, huh. I haven't done a rec post bc my recs are so similar to some of my mutuals, but I'll give this a shot.
In general, I like oc fantasy stories that read like a book, and end happily, or at least somewhat happily. This applies to most of my recs, exceptions will be noted :)
Here's a link to my likes, bc they obviously play into what I would rec, and I figured that might be helpful to know going into a rec list.
Anna's Recs
This is a combo writing/whump blog. With her you get it all. Like the trifecta of whump, gore, fluff with a side of angsty love story :D Elli has 6 oc fantasy stories linked on her pinned post, and I will rec every one of them. I honestly feel like I need a whole separate post just to do them justice <3 For brevity's sake, I will link the stories and you can check out the intros :) Nuisance, Heal My Wounds (also available as ebook), Undeserved (also available as ebook), Glass Shards, Fancy Boots Thorns and Jasmine is the only one I haven't read (i just started) but I love Elli's writing and would rec anything she writes sight unseen.
Also a combo writing/whump blog. The Prince of Thieves Also writes beautifully <3, which is why I'm reading an non-fantasy robinhood-esque novel form whump story right now. You should also read it :D
Unbidden Novel form fantasy whump. While you don't need to know Diablo 2 (the story's setting) to read, uhhhh, if you have played Diablo, it's an experience. I literally feel like I'm in the game while reading. This is an in-progress read, but it's incredible. Also, I want to shake some sense into Morgan.
Eternally Untitled 😂 Novel form fantasy whump. I've only read the prologue so far, but it was chock full of torture (poor Mures) and so well-written. Can't wait to get around to the main story <3
Never Some seriously creative knife use. Some seriously sadistic Peter Pan. Some seriously good fucking story :D
Adding a cut, bc this is getting long. Noncon story recs under, plus my blogs that post gifsets recs <3
The Kennel (google docs masterlist) Closer to pet whump than I'd normally go for, and in a modern setting. But Kay writes her character's emotional reactions so masterfully, and I'm all for a well-written character-driven story :D Sometimes posts in a nonlinear fashion, bw recovery and main story. Noncon warning.
Under the earth (link to pinned post, Everett has 2 stories, I haven't read the other) Modern setting with fantasy elements, mythical creatures, etc. Heavy noncon warning (like every chapter so far lol). Love me some Jackie, so delightfully defiant :)
Out Unseen Posts snippets on tumblr, story is on ao3, as is the story summary. Fantasy whump with painful magical healing and heavy noncon elements. Author has warned it takes some time bw new installments of the story, but frankly, it's fucking worth it :D
Their stories are over on @erotichorror. These are on the shorter side, probably bc they usually end in gruesome, gory death 😅 Part whump, part noncon, wholly horrifying (which considering they write horror, is appropriate lol) I've read In the Devil's Details (part 1 linked), and holy hell 😶 (go ahead and snicker, Salome lolol)
Special mention to the blogs I follow for whumpy gifsets!
@aceofwhump, @whumpypepsigal, @uuuhshiny
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calamaricollie · 5 months
Yknow, total hot take here
But what if - HEAR ME - please - HEAR ME OUT
Yknow how Narinder is the rep of Death, and idk it crossed my mind. WHY NOT, THE DEVIL AS WELL since he is rendered as “the one who waits - below” (does it make sense)
Right, so. I’ve noticed a lil detail, we are both from S.A. (QUE VIVA SUR AMERICA RAAAAH QUE ES TENER UN PAÍS DEMOCRATA 🗣️🗣️) and in my country we have this tradition called “los diablos danzantes de yare” and I believe narinder would fkn ROCK any ethnic artistic representation of death/devil
You can kind of see it with the big horns and how big the scales are, similar to when narinder opens up his face
(Sorry for ranting thought it would be cool to share since we’re basically neighboring countries ;u;)
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Ayy I can see it!! (Q porra é um governo não corrupto?!?!?!🗣️🗣️) I'm pretty sure Narinder is actually supposed to represent the devil too??? One of the first achievements you get in the game is called "A deal with the devil" so ur right on that lol
Honestly I love the ides of seeing this represented in different cultural ways :o
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kookies2000 · 2 years
I had a realization. People overlook this little detail, including myself. Any old fans of Puss in Boots will remember the three adorable devils that Puss helped in the short film. I re-watched the short film because of the newest fan fic I'm writing. I'm planning on adding the three and realized that the three of them aren't Spaniard like Puss. They're Italian, or at the very least growing up in Italy.
Despite Puss giving them the Spanish title "Diablos". The three are gonna grow up in an Italian area with an Italian Princess. So they should be called "Diavolos" instead of "Diablos".
What's the point of this post? Nothing, I just had a realization that the three devils are Italian and not Spanish. 😅 But it does give me a cute headcanon that they kept the nickname Diablos instead of Diavolo. For the fact that Puss gave it to them in Spanish and Puss is like a father to them. So despite being Italian, they kept the Spanish name in honor of Puss. Just a cute thought.
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synbiote · 1 year
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Michael Myers
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Killing Stalking
American Horror Story
Anything Avengers: Endgame Related*
Homestuck **
Cookie Run **
Danganronpa **
Any anime not listen in the "Sources" section! **
*Avengers are fine I just never saw Endgame
**Unfamiliar but popular source.
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☁️ Sources A-Z ☁️
Batman (All Media)
Bobs Burgers
Black Butler
Death Note
Death Stranding
Detroit: Becoming Human
Devilman Crybaby
Devil May Cry
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Scrubs (Tv Show)
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Star Trek: The Original Series 1960s
The Spiderverse
Suicide Squad 2016 (Especially El Diablo and Killer Croc)
Tokyo Ghoul (Season 1 ONLY)
Vampire the Masquerade/World of Darkness
The Walking Dead (TLC)
X-Men (Comics and Shows/Movies)
Yandere Simulator
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I'm most familiar with!
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firsthumandisaster · 1 year
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| 🌌 | Diablo's struggle with the slowly expanding energy continued moment by moment. Greenie's prone form now lay on the ground, Diablo bent over him and radiating enough power to make anyone not used to it stagger. Those familiar with the Knives not causing all of this mayhem would recognize it similarly to the pressure of his power, but not controlled.
But-- The light pulsed and dimmed, stuttering for a moment. But just a moment... Diablo drew in a breath as if he were drowning, and a pained growl escaped, sounding not like Vash at all, but something otherworldly, distorted and monstrous.
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" N̸̡̛͇͈̬̭͖̥͉͕̬͉͖̜̟̰̮͖̘͑̓̋̄̈͋̊a̵̢̨̱̭̞̩̯̺̤̮̲̻̥̣͑̒͊̑̅͆̄͒͂̀͗̚͜͝ͅͅa̷̡͙̠̠͖̜͖͉̱̭̱̻̪̪͆͑͛̒̈́̃͠á̸̞͇̫͙̜̜̫̟̗̐͗̊͐͆͛̊̑͗̈́͆̕̚͜͝͝ä̷͚̩͓̹̘̟́͑̉̇ͅą̴͙̹̝̦̲̬̙̈́͋͐̚̚͠ḭ̶̗̺͚̤̖͋͂́͑͆̏̍̋͐̽̆̋̎̽̏͒͜͝͠͠i̸͈̜͝i̸̢͉͓̳͙̭̘̹͓̘̮̦͑ǐ̶̢̦͖͉̝̞͍̦̳͔̱̳̻̤̄̎̒̃͂̈̌̌̋͂̆̽̌͒̓̎i̴̘̗̩̺̣͚̻̎͛̀̈̽̒͌̚ "
Nai, or Knives, had done this. The twisted one. The one that threatened all of them--not just his own planet... He must be stopped.
The only other power Diablo sensed that was strong and close must be him. With a jerky, uncontrolled sort of motion, the winged creature turned toward the source of the power. Somewhere here, in July.
But.... it could not move away from Greenie--Greenie was its purpose.... The roots still held it, and its feathers had tangled with the roots, too.
Breaking away now would... would be utterly fatal to it... to Vash... to all of them....
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ahunter8056 · 10 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @nights-like-this17 Thanks friend! This'll be interesting...
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
18...I should write more. Although 2 more fairly far along in the works, so...
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
436,606, wow! Honestly didn't expect it to be that high. Doesn't feel like I've really written many long fics
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Written for a few. Now mainly Doctor Who (8), used to be primarily WWE (11). I have also written a Last of Us/Doctor Who crossover series, so I've also written 3 fics for TLOU. I've also written a fic for She-Ra before. Also because I'm unoriginal, got a few more fandoms on my Ao3 dashboard which were just AUs featuring WWE characters set in a different universe, including Diablo II (1), Starcraft (1), Days Gone (1)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm Here (But You Can't See Me), I Don't Belong Right Here, You Only Feel My Ghost, You Put The Devil In Me, It's Getting Harder to Stay Awake and My Strength is Fading Fast
Wow, those fic titles sound depressing put together like that, lol. All except one of them are song lyrics tbf. Also, not the fics I would have guessed to be my top 5.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES, absolutely! I feel like it's a virtual crime deserving of internet jail to not respond to comments.
I kid, but I seriously love interacting with people who took the time to not only read but comment on my writing. Honestly, it's the least I can do to thank them. And honestly, it's one of my biggest pet peeves on Ao3 when I see that an author doesn't respond to comments. Just comes across to me that they don't care, so why bother leaving a comment?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
To me, "angst" and "ending" don't belong in the same sentence. I feel like all endings should be happy, to make it a satisfying conclusion. I know I've read fics before that have ended on an angsty note, and felt disappointed in that. So I could never write an angsty ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Honestly, I can't say for sure which is the happiest. I feel like the epilogue chapter I wrote for A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time) is packed full of fluff and ends on a highly optimistic note, but I always knew I'd be making more content in that universe, so it doesn't feel like an ending to me. Other possible answers include It's Getting Harder to Stay Awake and My Strength is Fading Fast, but due to that fic's focus on depression, maybe that nullifies the ending's happy note?
So those two aside, I might have to give it to either I'm Here (But You Can't See Me) or You Only Feel my Ghost.
8. Do you get hate on any fics?
Readers are usually pretty cool, I like the whole "say something nice or don't say anything" vibe that Ao3 has. Not much, but I have had some negative comments. One which compared my "cheap" writing to a gloryhole (super weird comparison). And then I had someone leave multiple comments on a fic which were both positive and rudely critical, criticising my creative decisions in an already finished fic (while explaining where they felt I should have chosen the setting of my fic to be) and really nitpicking odd little details of little to no consequence. That one was just super weird to me, trying to dictate every little thing about my own fic, as if it belonged to them too.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, I don't think writing smut will ever be for me, I'd just feel too self-conscious about how other people would react to it. I have written some brief allusions to before/after smut, but nothing that goes into enough detail to classify as smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Oh, absolutely! When I first started writing fics, most of them were crossovers, lol. I just love putting characters in different universes. As previously mentioned, I wrote a TLOU/Doctor Who crossover series, where the Doctor arrived on a parallel universe Earth. That was fun, but also seems credible. I've also written the Four Horsewomen in the universes of Starcraft, Diablo, and Days Gone. But given I wrote them as natural denizens of those universes, didn't really seem too crazy to me. Maybe Days Gone might be the craziest though, it's been a blast writing Biker Sasha Banks killing zombies and surviving so well post-apocalypse.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not, lol. But I guess if I did find out one of my fics were stolen, I'd be simultaneously pissed, but also sorta proud that somebody felt my fic was worth being stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I've currently got A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time) Season 2 in the works, co-writing with the brilliant @literaturelocker
But also, although it's currently on hiatus, I have been co-writing Why We Keep Going with another friend of mine (who I don't believe is on Tumblr)
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Honestly, it's a toss-up between Thasmin (Thirteenth Doctor/Yaz) and Baysha (Bayley/Sasha). Bayley and Sasha are so cute together, both on-screen (I hope not for the last time!) and off-screen. And for Thirteen/Yaz, both characters are amazing and so loveable. There was so much potential never fully realised on-screen, that makes for a magnificent array of fics, both fix-its and AUs. Not to mention how close the two actors are, which always helps me get invested.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Honestly, Why We Keep Going. There's so much plot we plan to cover, and writing has unfortunately come to a complete stop for several months now, beyond my control. Maybe one day we'll be able to finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Me? Strengths? LOL
All kidding aside, I find it so hard to think of anything I'd say is my strength. But for the purpose of this, I'll really try to.
I think I'd say that a strength of mine is writing for characters/canon which I'm fond of. I always strive to do them justice. A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time) for instance, I felt worked so well because it combined two of my biggest interests (Four Horsewomen and Doctor Who), so I was really invested and passionate in making that the greatest fic I'd ever written.
And then for the second fic in my TLOU/Doctor Who series, Not Broken Beyond Repair, half of that was adapting the Jackson Dance cutscene from TLOU 2, which I can say I'm honestly still super proud of. The amount of times I watched and rewatched every single second of that cutscene to make sure I got down every single detail though...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, so many! But I'll keep this short, lol
I definitely feel like I struggle with dialogue, always too simplistic and I never know what to make the characters say other than what is needed to move the plot along. I also feel like I reuse dialogue from canon far too much, so it feels like less of a homage, and more lazy. I just can't help it.
And then action as well, I don't think I'm too good that that either. Similarly to dialogue, I think I'm quite limited in my descriptions.
I also think that as a writer, I'm not really all that creative. I feel like too many of my fics are based on a pre-established story, as opposed to being clever and creative enough to come up with something brand new.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue language in fic?
...am I stupid? I genuinely don't understand what this question means?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who! Years before I discovered Ao3, I wrote a one-off adventure featuring the Twelfth Doctor bumping into Amy Pond. I published on FanFiction.net and a couple of Doctor Who fanfic sites I found though googling. I've since uploaded it to Ao3.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh, easily by far A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time). That fic will always be my baby, the one I put the most work and love into. I was really determined to make the most of that one, and I think it'll always be the fic I'm proudest of. And now, 2 sequels currently being written (and quite far along) to further expand the universe, yay!
This was fun and introspective to say the least, always find it interesting to share my thoughts with anybody who decided to follow me.
Tagging @literaturelocker
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cavedwellermusic · 1 year
Yawning Man - Long Walk of the Navajo [English/Español] (2023)
An understated masterpiece from a legendary desert rock act
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The trio present us with three long songs, full of subtleties and introspective melodies. The album proves that 'the devil is in the details' and at a first inattentive listen, the songs may seem monotonous or to be a long loop of the same thing. But there are variations that seem imperceptible when hypnotized by the insistent rhythmic and melodic base. Once we pay amore attention to the sounds that compose each piece, we see variations that enrich each track through subtle complex nuances.
El trío nos presenta tres canciones largas, llenas de sutilezas y melodías introspectivas. El álbum demuestra que "el diablo está en los detalles" y en una primera escucha desatenta, las canciones pueden parecer monótonas o un largo bucle de lo mismo. Pero hay variaciones que parecen imperceptibles cuando se está hipnotizado por la insistente base rítmica y melódica. Una vez que prestamos más atención a los sonidos que componen cada pieza, vemos variaciones que enriquecen cada tema a través de sutiles matices complejos.
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addaxus · 1 month
The Almería Anarchists' perish in failed attempted robbery of an East Texas bank. As lawmen and bounty hunters have both pressed the gang further eastward over the last few months, this robbery was undoubtedly a final desperate attempt to recoup their many losses. Statements received from persons held hostage in the bank during the robbery recounted what happened... They left no horrific details out.
As the posse gathered outside, the majority of the gang was busy securing the bank staff and customers. According to these folks, the gang discussed using them as hostages to keep the posse at bay until they could make a clean getaway. Everyone was startled by a single gunshot. One of the hostages, a fiery young woman, had been shot in the head. This prompted the posse to open fire, catching numerous hostages in the crossfire. Almería Anarchists were pursued and killed before reaching town limits. All save one. El Ojos Diablos was undoubtedly the one who escaped. He is responsible for fatally shooting the young woman. He set off the massacre. Now his bounty has been officially increased to $5000. A necessary sum if it means ridding the Southwest of this demon.
Identities of the slain Almería Anarchist Gang Members are…
- Devil-Tongued Davis.
- Devious Dobell.
- Crackshot Clark.
- Wild Wiethoff.
- Arizona Atkins.
- Pig Head Palmer.
- Spaniard Sloyer.
- Delaware Dalal.
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defensivelee · 11 months
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Two pieces inspired by MASA's NIGHTINGALE, featuring William disrespecting his (least) favorite doctor, Bidloo! This is kind of foreshadowing for one of the much later arcs in Six Lives, but godDAMNIT NIGHTINGALE slaps so hard so I had to draw out what I had in my mind...
See under the cut for more detail on Bidloo's role in this AU, with the plain background for this art as a bonus
Bidloo works as an administrator at a so-called reform center, which is what Altos Diablos (their country) has instead of prisons. Really, they sound better than they are, but they're actually worse than prisons...the prisoners sometimes serve as human experiments, and other times are subjected to all kinds of torture (which the RAD government calls "therapy") for particularly heinous crimes (like William's dot dot dot). However, actual therapy is given too, so Bidloo sort of doubles as a weird torturer-psychologist-doctor-guy. Fun guy!
He, however, also works in the service of the Devils of Orange-Nassau, often being the one that William calls to torture his captives if he doesn't want to do it himself. Bidloo is also William's main physician, but try to get a man with a god complex and extra lives to listen to you....
As promised, here is the finished background:
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