#[DELILAH] ~Princess Of Denial~
xcharmedxheirsx · 5 years
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THREE MONTHS. That’s how long Delilah had been able to hold out. But the truth was -- No matter how hard Delilah tried. No matter how hard DYLAN tried. There was just no escape from the crushing HOLE in her chest or the fulfilling DREAMS in her head. She’d NEEDED to see her. And when Helena invited her over in a midst a rather THANKLESS November. Well... She wasn’t used to Nevada. She couldn’t tell if it was the extra few degrees of HEAT. The extra thousand feet of ELEVATION. Or just how DRY the desert was. But she felt SICK TO HER STOMACH. (That might also have been her ANXIETY or her JEALOUSY.) But here she was. Dylan in tow -- Of course. She did wonder how Helena was HOLDING UP these days. Whether she’d managed to adopt her baby daugher. That was the GOOD SIDE of Delilah. But her Dark Side? Well that was asking different questions ENTIRELY. Like... Did she MISS HER? She could hope. Her entire coping mechanism BANKED ON IT.
Meanwhie in their rather DINKY apartment. (Seraphina insisted on rationing out the money they’d made pawning her jewellery.) The once-rich-heiress, now identified as a RUNAWAY-IN-LOVE. Was to say the least -- Freaking PARANOID. She’d come to view Delilah in LESS FAVORABLE TERMS ever since the ultimatum. Who the FUCK makes her sibling choose between her DAUGHTER and her SISTER? (Okay so it was between being with Sera in Vegas, and cutting Sera in Texas. And she’d be a HYPOCRITE to spite Delilah cause of that -- BUT STILL.) “Really hope your sister is expecting takeout. She doesn’t really think either of us can COOK -- Right?” She asked to the redhead who was biting at her nails. “Helena...” She wanted so badly to calm the sociopath down. But they both knew that there was no SHADE OF GREY in Delilah’s stained-black life. Either she was here to RUIN THEM. Or she was here to RUIN HELENA. Even if the LITTLE PSYCHO hadn’t realized it yet...
                                                                                    KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK.
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
@boxndlxsschxos​ | TO SAE & LILAH (I tried lol)
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          Of all the DOOMED arrangements she’d organized over the past year, this one had to be the MOST ABSURD. Inviting two UNCULTURED & UNEDUCATED Americans into the Niijima household for a movie night & slumber-party --- One of which, repeatedly HIT ON HER & cursed like a sailor. The other, her SOCIALLY AWKWARD overtly Christian baby sister. Makoto had no feelings toward either of them, aside from a genuine compassion, empathy, & understanding. (Some pity too). She wanted to SUPPORT THEM. Feed & nurture them. Take care of them. It was in her nature. Big sis would say that she was DRAWN TO LOST CAUSES. (In fact, she had said precisely that in the hour prior to Helena & Delilah’s arrival). Had taken a whole lot of CONVINCING to get Sae to agree --- HELPED that the Student Council President held zero sexual attraction toward either of them. Dominating personality CLASHED HEAVILY with the redhead & her little sister was frankly odd & closed-minded. However, that didn’t make them bad people, so-to-speak. Well, one of them was...QUESTIONABLE. 
          “I’ve prepared snacks. On the kitchen counter. Beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic in the refrigerator. We also have quite the selection of movies. Perhaps we could vote on genre?” SWIFT NOD in the direction of the kitchen to let their guests know just where the food & drinks were --- Dainty hand placed atop a TOWERING STACK of DVDs. “If sis has her way, we’ll be watching something...Utterly terrifying.” Makoto took note of the way both sisters reacted to that concept --- READING PEOPLE was something she was still LEARNING how to do. Was far more difficult than studying the pages of text-books. There was no surefire system or FACT. All individuals were unique in ways. That said, it appeared that Delilah wasn’t a particular fan of the idea, whilst Helena was EASY TO READ. Vocal about her LOVE for gore & blood & horror. 
          “Damn. Sounds like yer big sissy’s got better taste than ya. Hotter too.” Not-so-subtle DIG at the fact that Makoto had REJECTED HER. Narcissistic sociopath had never taken kindly to being DENIED. Especially when it came from someone who, in her honest opinion, was way beneath her league. Girl wasn’t all that. Just some smart, nerdy, self-entitled CUNT --- Far as she could tell. Didn’t mean Helena wouldn’t TAKE ADVANTAGE of her kindness. “My vote’s for horror. An’ I wan’ somethin’ real bloody an’ gruesome. Like faces gettin’ ripped off an’ shit. C’mon, sissy.” Helena grasped Delilah’s thin wrist & YANKED her in the direction of the kitchen --- Had been AGES since she last had a good meal or full belly. Had she EVER? She’d sure as shit never been served anything like the SMORGASBORD of homemade food the brunette had laid out for them on the counter-tops. Releasing her little sister’s arm, Helena went to town. Palming a plate to pile a mountain of snacks onto --- All-the-while, grabbing IMPOLITELY with GRUBBY fingers & stuffing her face. Chewing with mouth open. Lips covered in crumbs & sauces. Makoto’s DEEP SIGH could be heard from the living-room while the teensy-weensy redhead RANSACKED the kitchen. Greasy, saliva covered digits reached for the handle of the refrigerator, ripping the door open & ADMIRING the selection of alcohol. Lips tangling DEVILISHLY at the ends & black eyes glimmering with DELIGHT. “Y’all got the ‘spensive shit. Nice!” Plucking out a bottle of...Something that looked like it cost more than her Chevy, she twisted the cap off & lifted it IMPUDENTLY to her lips. Taking a THICK GULP directly off the bottle. No care in the world if it might gross the hostesses out, nor if they wanted some. Could share --- RIGHT? Wasn’t like she had cooties. 
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
@xcharmedxheirsx | TO DELILAH X.
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          “Oh c’mon, sissy! I can teach’cha!” Her baby sister’s reaction was nothing less than PREDICTABLE -- Wasn’t like Helena had been expecting Delilah to eagerly allow her to drag her out onto the dance-floor & start twerking or some shit. (Not that her sister had the ass for that). Even with the taller girl DEAD-WEIGHTING her, the itsy-bitsy redhead managed to pull her through the sea of bodies. SHOCKINGLY STRONG for her size. Growing up, folks had always thought Delilah was the big sissy & physically superior -- They couldn’t have been more WRONG. “Jus’ move along with me, baby girl.” She drawled soothingly & drunkenly -- Twisting the other ‘round. Pelvis colliding with ass-cheeks & lips hovering across her shoulder. She began GRINDING RHYTHMICALLY against the poor thing. Others were watching. Some were disgusted (the homophobes & the ones who recognized them as siblings), others were aroused, & her past whores JEALOUS. 
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Delilah, the princess of denial:
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astronomy-is-cute · 3 years
ok it's 12:22 a.m. and i'm too lazy to go over this and i don't care if it's bad. anyway have some hurt/comfort featuring my ocs and also no you don't get context on their story because fuck you
The Anastasiades name was not given, it was earned.
Of course, Kaitlin knew that was stupid, a lot of things about that family (that was supposed to be hers) were, but it still stung. It stung that the ones she looked up to since she was born thought she wasn't worth their name.
She knew her older brother, Rudolph, had gotten the name. She knew he had put everything he had into getting it, she knew it was hell for him, and she knew it hurt him more in the end after getting it when he realized he left his emotional health behind to earn what he should've simply been given.
And, as the prophecy of the mages had gone, he had died before Kaitlin even got to know him. He had died, not leaving nothing behind, but he gave Kaitlin insight into the wrongs of Caensia, the wrongs of their family, the wrongs of their society...
He left her the sword. The most important thing that Lord Roald, their father, needed in order to colonize the rest of the Ninelands. Without him, Kaitlin probably wouldn't have been able to stop their father.
Kaitlin Delilah was her given name. Kaitlin thought it was lovely, she always had. It had been explained to her that she'd be granted the Anastasiades name upon the Ceremony of Merits. Back then, she thought nothing of it. It was just another princess-thing-to-think-about-later. It turned out she'd never have to really think about it in the sense she thought she would later, considering the whole run-away-and-overthrow-the-government-thing.
That didn't change the fact that she still felt like she was missing a piece of her without a last name.
Did she still want to be an Anastastiades? No. What it stood for was wrong, and evil, and everything Kaitlin refused to stand for.
So she was hopeless in filling the missing piece.
"Yo, Katesies, you look kinda mopey today and I can't even see," Alec's voice startled her out of her thoughts. "What's up?"
Kaitlin sighed, more sorrow than exasperation than she meant to put into it. "Alec, we both know you have perfectly good sight when your hair's not all in your eyes. You're not blind."
"Yeah, well, I'm sure even a blind person could tell you're sulking," Alec retorted, gliding over to where Kaitlin was sitting before refolding their coal-black bat wings behind their back.
"What?!" Kaitlin screeched in a high/pitch tone. "That is blasphemous! I've never sulked about anything in my life!"
Alec elected to not respond.
"... Oookay maybe that was a lie," Kaitlin mumbled, resting her head on her hand.
Alec huffed a chuckle, "Yeap. Denial helps no one, Sweets. So, do you want to talk about it, a distraction, be left alone, or silent comfort?"
"... Comfort then talk please."
"Alright. I'm all ears when you're ready."
“I don't have a last name,” Kaitlin softly murmured after a long but pleasant quiet. “I know it's probably not a reasonable thing to be upset about, but I’m still upset about it.”
“Nah, I think it's totally reasonable to be upset about that. If it's upsetting you then it's reasonable,” Alec replied simply.
“I know,” the pink haired girl said. “It's just that how things worked in my family is that you'd have to earn the last name, and you'd be granted it during some Ceremony once you're deemed ‘worthy.’ I never got to be proven worthy.”
“Your family is stupid.”
“You're not wrong.”
Alec grinned. “I'm glad you know as much already.”
“Me too,” Kaitlin sighed in response.
“So what's the Ceremony like?” Alec asked.
“It's basically like- you prove your skills as a fighter, you pass some important test, and then you go to this ‘Hall of Bravery’ or whatever. If you do everything right you get the name, and one mistake makes you a shame to the family.”
Alec inhales sharply. “Yikes, that fuckin’ sucks.”
“Tell me something I don't know,” Kaitlin mutters, feigning offense.
Alec didn't respond, rather being deep in thought. A few moments pass before they speak again. “So, what's your family’s last name mean?”
“Uh, like, it represents strength and perseverance or whatever. Something to do with the first guy with the name doing something nifty,” Kaitlin started. “Its meaning changed a lot since then, especially since the family’s corrupt and shit now. But it's s’pposed to mean that those with the name are strong and will persist.”
“Okay,” Alec said. “Well if your last name is supposed to represent you as a person… Heart. Kaitlin Delilah Heart. That's what I think works.”
Kaitlin sniffed, feeling the about-to-cry sting on her nose. She knew she wouldn't though. “Aww Alec you're so sweet!” She leapt over and squeezed them in a hug, careful not to hurt the scars on their wings.
“Yeah well don't get used to it,” Alec stammered.
“Kaitlin Delilah Heart…” Kaitlin tested out the name on her tongue, murmuring softly under her breath. “I love it. Thank you. Really.”
“It's whatever.”
“Pfft, okay,” Kaitlin chuckled.
She never needed a last name, she needed a family. And she didn't even need to think to know she’d got one.
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You are impossible, Delilah: the princess of denial.
The Dresden Dolls, “Delilah”, Yes, Virginia...
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dirtiersocks · 7 years
smutswap 2018 letter
Hi there! Here’s my smutswap letter for sharing purposes. let me quickly say up front that I am a porn sock. I am not new to fandom or a dental hygienist (not that there’s anything wrong with either of those things), and I’ve done a few exchanges and am a good commenter etc.
As far as general tastes go, I’m easy to please and hard to squick. Porn tastes revolve around humiliation/desperation, denial/begging, slavery, submission and obedience/dominance and control. Within those general fields I have extremely wide-ranging tastes - in a lot of cases what I’ve put in the additional tags fields is just what I could come up with off the top of my head, so if you get inspired for different/additional things please feel free to do whatever’s fun for you. (For example, I’ve read a lot of watersports because it often goes hand in hand with my kinks; I didn’t put it down because I don’t feel strongly enough to request it, but you certainly won’t put me off by including it.)
The only kink I have specific tastes around is orgasm denial - I like it best when denial lasts at least a few days. But even within that I’m flexible - could be a few days, could be months; could be a length of time dictated by the denied person’s behaviour, or determined in advance by the denier; whatever. I DNW bloodplay (except vampires), scat, and non-castration mutilation.
Critical Role Pairing: Delilah Briarwood/Sylas Briarwood/Vax’ildan Kinks: Brainwashing, Conditioning, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Mind Control, Mind Break, Mind Erasure, Vampire Bites, Used as a Party Favor, Used as a cocksleeve, Verbal Humiliation, Torture, Castration, Post-Castration Sex, Snuff, Magical Compulsions
I think everyone who enjoyed them in canon wants the same things I want: sex slaaaavery, where Delilah and Sylas slake their (hopefully cruel!) lusts and Sylas' literal hunger on Vax. I would like this ideally to be pretty creepy and at the very least dubcon, right through to noncon. Mind control, either through vampire mesmerisation or through Delilah using mind spells (I'm sure her spellbook is full of manipulative spells), ultimately breaking down Vax's mind, manipulation, emphasis on Sylas feeding from Vax (I don't mind if he finds this agonisingly painful or horribly enjoyable - if the latter, perhaps it becomes the only part of his captivity he enjoys), painplay if Sylas and Delilah are into it ... you will get mega triple bonus points from me if at any point Delilah uses Antipathy/Sympathy, Weird, Vampiric Touch, Suggestion (which I just noticed lasts EIGHT HOURS), Modify Memory, Dominate Person, or, heck, any spell from the PHB on Vax.
I would prefer it if Vax isn't freed or found by Vox Machina at any point (although the option can remain narratively open).
Pairing: Scanlan Shorthalt/Vax’ildan Kinks: Verbal Humiliation, Consensual Mind Control, Consent Play, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Magical Compulsions
I really love verbal humiliation and I think Scanlan is the mega-perfect character to deploy it on someone like Vax. I would love to see enthusiastic humiliation slut Vax, who loves to crawl as Scanlan knows the best things to say to make him squirm. I would love to see how consent play could work with Scanlan using his spells, whether Friends or Suggestion or even Modify Memory (or you don't have to use PHB spells, feel free to come up with something yourself) - consensually agreed to in advance but, of course, not really possible for consent while the spell is lasting. I could easily see a bit of spanking or impact play, unusual object insertion, whatever else, coming into play - feel free to throw anything in. Prefer no size kink.
A completely off-the-wall option: feel free (only if you'd like to) to combine this with my Vax/Grog prompts for a threesome playing on these dynamics.
Pairing: Grog Strongjaw/Vax’ildan Kinks: Size Kink, Rough Sex, Stomach Bulge, Throat Bulge, Spanking, Oral Fixation, Sex Addiction, Cock Slut
Uh, you know, this is a what-it-says-on-the-tin request. Grog, fucking Vax roughly, all sorts of ways and in all sorts of conditions, lots of size kink, rough sex, spanking, Vax being obsessed with sucking Grog's dick, etc, etc. I don't mind when in canon you set this - maybe Grog joyfully fucks Vax all over Greyskull or angrily fucks him to make him feel something as a revenant, etc etc. Feel free to throw in Scanlan and the prompts above for a threesome playing on these dynamics.
Corruption of Champions Pairings: Female Champion/Kelt, Female Champion/Hellhounds Kinks: Bestiality, Verbal Humiliation, Humiliation, Addicted to cum, Sex Addiction, Brainwashing, Objectification/Dehumanization, Oral Knotting, Bugs & Insects, Snuff
The fandom smutswap was made for! My only general request here is feel free to go absolutely overboard on humiliation and reluctant arousal.
Female Champion/Kelt - anything that continues their canon dynamic, with the constant misogynistic humiliation and force and the reluctant arousal, submission, and acceptance would be aces for me. Something like a bad end for the champion without transformation would be amazing, with the champion becoming Kelt's feeble human slave. (I don't dislike transformation fwiw, but most of the bad ends come with it, and I always want to know what they'd be like without transformation. So if you really like transformation don't feel put off including it!)
Female Champion/Hellhound - I don't think there's a hellhound Bad End, maybe because the hellhound doesn't seem sentient, but I'd love to know what it would look like if there was one. The champion becomes too into hellhound double dick and follows a hellhound back to a hellhound pack? The champion runs into the hellhounds' handler, who takes her as a slave to keep his pets happy and produce a new generation?
Original Work: Humans, No Incest
Pairings: Female athlete(s)/Female Cheerleader, Female Human/Female Vampire, Teenage Female Mad Scientist/Her Female Best Friend, Businessman/Male Office Slut, Male Kidnapper/Male Kidnap Victim, Male Orc/Male Human, Male original character/male torturer (emotional and physical), Depraved Nobleman/New Serving Girl, Female Prisoner/Multiple Male Interrogators, Male Prisoner/Multiple Male Interrogators Kinks: Verbal Humiliation, Humiliation, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Orgasm Control, ruined orgasm, Consensual Non-Consent, Abuse of Authority, Blackmail/Sexual Coercion, voluntary castration, Post-Castration Sex, Femsub, Brainwashing, Used as a Party Favor, Sexual Slavery, Genital Torture, Breast Torture, Somnophilia, Consensual Drugging, Conditioning, Objectification/Dehumanization, Bestiality, Erotic Electrostimulation, Gang Rape, Gangbang, Human Experimentation, Hypnotism, Magical Compulsions, Magical Personality Alteration, non-consensual object insertion, Non-Consensual Somnophilia, Object Insertion, Service Submission, Snuff, Spitroasting
I love all of these pairing prompts as a setting for consensual or non-consensual sexual slavery and abuse (I'm not sure how you make prisoner/their torturers an enthusiastically consenting sex slave, but if you can do it, I can read it!) I love verbal humiliation of any kind except racial slurs, consent play like drugging and somnophilia, eager submission, submission through force, submission through conditioning and brainwashing. I love the idea of the teenage mad scientist experimenting on her best friend's body or mind (with or without telling her). Stockholm syndrome sounds fun.
Orgasm denial work best for me when the denial period lasts a few days and there are so many possibilities here, maybe associated with conditioning - only coming when doing something specific to train their sexuality, only coming in painful ways to discourage orgasm - or submission - not coming to please a dom and focus on their pleasure - or in a non-consensual context, not coming simply because nobody cares whether the victim comes or doesn't. Maybe orgasms start out more frequent and get less frequent as the relationship deepens, or occur only as rewards for extraordinary service. Feel free to focus on humiliating begging. For especially cruel relationships, perhaps one partner is manipulated into consensual castration - in this case I would really love a sex scene after the castration that really emphasised the contrast between that character's lack of pleasure and their partner's pleasure.
Enthusiastic consent would also be great - two people revelling in their shared kinks, even when they're unusual. Maybe the cheerleader loves to be humiliated, brainwashed, and passed around the team parties. Maybe the mad scientist's best friend loves to test out the scientist's crazy machines for breast torture and ruined orgasms. Maybe the office slut loves it when he lets the businessman slip him drugs in his drink at the office party. Hell yeah. I would especially love anything that emphasises the dominant partner's sexual and physical reactions as much as the submissive partner's.
I don't mind if you want to introduce more doms or tops in any of these pairings - or feel free to combine anything here with any of my pairings/prompts for other original work requests! I shoved even more ideas in the optional tags but the main set are my main faves.
Original Work: Nonhuman Group
Pairings: Adult Man Visiting His Childhood Home After Years Away/Monster Under His Old Bed, Alien Conquerors/Humans Used as Breeders, Alien Conqueror Expecting Resistance/Human Who Thinks We're Better Off Ruled By Aliens, Eldritch Abomination In A Human Skinsuit/Human Male Cultist, Eldritch Horror/Male Sacrifice, Female Human/Giant Spider, Female Human/Tentacle Beast, Female Human/Egg-laying Monster, Insect like Alien/Human, Master of Hounds & Hounds/Captured Princess, Tentacle Ovipository Alien/Male Human Character, Tentacle Monster/Male Human Kinks: Alien Biology, Bestiality, Body Horror, Sexy Eldritch Horror, Sexy Psychological Horror, Fear Kink/Play, Sexual Slavery, Breeding, Castration, Post-Castration Sex, Rape, Hunted with a sexual forfeit for getting caught (consensual), Hunted with a sexual forfeit for getting caught (rape), Raped by Monsters, Verbal Humiliation, Humiliation, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Emotional Manipulation, Brainwashing, Femsub, Snuff, Human Fucktoy
What I would love emphasised in all of these is the physical or mental, or both, contrast between the human and the alien or animal - alien or animal biology penetrating or affecting the human and them being super aware of it, whether it's a weird dick that doesn't fit without pain or tentacles where sensation normally isn't or everything being super slimy. For the psychological difference - thinking especially of the eldritch horror here - reactions that baffle the human, higher goals or purposes, cruelty or indifference to human needs or desires, manipulation ...
I guess I can think of three different consent settings, if you like - humiliated but enthusiastic consent, terrified but willing submission, and horrified noncon. I would love all of these. I think pretty much any of these pairings constitute a prompt in and of themselves!
Original Work: Femsub Incest
Pairings: Twin Brother/Twin Sister, Teen Girl/Male Family Members Who Gangbang Her Kinks: Blackmail/Sexual Coercion, Breeding a Blackmailed Person, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Orgasm Control, ruined orgasm, Abuse of Authority, Sexual Slavery, Training Sex Slave, Caning, Impact Play, Femsub, Verbal Humiliation, Humiliation, Incest Kink, Kink Discovery, Obedience, Somnophilia, Genital Torture, Human Fucktoy, Objectification/Dehumanization, Object Insertion
For this pair of requests I would especially like to receive femsub. I ticked OK with underage but prefer not younger than 15 - could go a little younger in the twin brother/twin sister pairing. I enjoy a lot of permutations of the combination of my suggested kinks with these possible pairings, pretty much anything will make me happy, but I especially like scenarios where the teen girl or sister starts out being blackmailed or coerced but through that discovers submission or other related fetishes. However, I'm also happy for her to continue hating it if you prefer that! Something else I especially enjoy in these requests is ease of accessibility - the idea that sex can happen any time or anywhere in the home. Orgasm denial note - this kink works best for me if denial lasts at least a couple of days.
Specific scenario ideas: twin brother/twin sister - ripe for sexual exploration and kink discovery. I would especially like them mutually discovering his dominance and her submission, with any attendant kink flavours. bonus for orgasm denial, bonus if they're sharing a room far later than they should be! One could discover another's phone/porn/laptop or they could simply be experimenting and make an accidental discovery. Alternatively, close tell-each-other-everything twins begin a sexual relationship after disappointment and find it's better than any other.
teen girl/male family members - I'm agnostic about whether you include father/uncle/grandfather here, equally happy with that or sticking to brothers/cousins. lots of obvious blackmail/force scenarios here - ideally minimal risk of discovery by female relatives, whether that involves divorce or holiday or whatever. teenager and her brother on holiday with her cousins discover their sexual tastes, brothers blackmail sister into servitude, girl is raised to serve male family members in all things ...
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georgie-owly · 7 years
There's no end to the love you can give When you change your point of view to underfoot Very good You may be flat but you're breathing And there's no doubt he's at home in his room Probably watching porn of you from the fall It's last call And you're the last one leaving And you thought you could change the world By opening your legs Well it isn't very hard Try kicking them instead And you thought you could change his mind By changing your perfume to the kind his mother wore O god Delilah why? I never met a more impossible girl In this same bar where you slammed down your hand And said "Amanda, I'm in love" No you're not You're just a sucker for the ones who use you And it doesn't matter what I say or do The stupid bastard's gonna have his way with you You're an unrescuable schizo Or else you're on the rag If you take him back I'm gonna lose my nerve I never met a more impossible girl I never met a more impossible girl At four o'clock he got off And you called up "I'm down at Denny's on route one And you won't guess what he's done" Is that a fact Delilah? Larry tap let you in through the back And use his calling card again For a quick hand of gin You are impossible, Delilah: the princess of denial And after 7 years in advertising you are none the wiser You're an unrescuable schizo Or else you're on the rag 'Cause if you take him back I'm gonna lose my nerve He's gonna beat you like a pillow You schizos never learn And if you take him home You'll get what you deserve So don't cry Delilah You're still alive Delilah You need a ride Delilah? Let's see how fast this thing can go
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xcharmedxheirsx · 5 years
Hel vc : Aw y'think I'm pretty sissy?
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Delilah GULPED. She was listening this whole time? Okay... Okay she could live this down. SHE COULD. Sisters compliment sisters ALL THE TIME. “I, uh. Course I do, sissy. S’that really so hard to believe?” A little CHEAP perhaps but Delilah’s greatest weapon was APPEARING to turn her cheek while secretly turning THEIR WORDS. “An’ even if I didn’t. It’s clear that OBJECTIVELY yer got somethin’ goin’ for ya. SINFUL as that is.”
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xcharmedxheirsx · 5 years
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Disgusted gag served as answer. Delilah had never – WOULD NEVER – look at another girl like that even if she could. Was barely able to even handle the concept of looking at the WOMAN SHE LOVED in such a heretical, unbidden and blasphemous way. (Though granted that woman WAS her own SISTER which undoubtedly COMPLICATED things.) Beyond the irrefutable and inescapable fact that Helena LeBlanc – Again: Her own FLESH & BLOOD – was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen. Delilah held no opinion or eye for the REST of the world around her. “’m not sexy. An’ neither is she.” APATHETIC POSTULATION after many seconds of stunned deliberation. “An’ there ain’t a promise in the world,” (Save maybe Helena NEVER seeing the bitch again.) “That could get me ta compliment her in any way, shape or form. Let alone on bein’ GOOD LOOKIN’.” Words carried a sense of CERTAINTY about them. A determination that had slowly been chipped from Delilah’s rotting frame in most recent of years. Literally a crisis of FAITH. “That said. She’s an easy slut without the FAMILIAL STRINGS an’ BIBLICAL BAGGAGE. With far more experience an’ greater freedom in showin’ off that WHORISH body a’ hers.” Black eyes flickered up. The apathy had LONG DRAINED throughout Delilah’s analysis. And all that remained was pure, unbridled HOSTILITY. (And jealousy.) “Does’at answer yer question?”
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
@xcharmedxheirsx | TO DELILAH
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          “Tell me again why Kelly invited y’out ta get laid? Has she even fuckin’ met ya?” Redhead was pretty damn sure if you looked up the word PRUDE in the dictionary, a picture of her little sister would show up. Had she been REMOTELY WORRIED Delilah would go through with it, she might have felt a pang of jealousy, but she wasn’t the type. WAS SINFUL. “An’ why’d y’invite me?” Alcohol + Helena LeBlanc = Disaster waiting to happen. (Especially considering their history). 
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xcharmedxheirsx · 5 years
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Alex really did TRY to kill the idea ROTTING her brain that the girl of her dreams was lusting after her own FLESH & BLOOD. Caught between her own internal familial revulsion and an AVALANCHING PARANOIA that Helena would always put Delilah first. But the more she saw the two. The way Helena’s eyes would LINGER on her sister every time she SMILED or said GOODBYE. The more she questioned the KIND of sisterly love that existed. That doubt was brought to a head when Alex spied that look in Delilah’s eyes. The way she LOOKED AWAY when Helena kissed Alex, and the TONE in Helena’s voice when she teased her sister. It all hit TOO CLOSE to home. Heart THUMPED in her chest. Chocolate eyes watching Helena move over toward the kitchenette in the LeBlanc Family Trailer and Alex EDGED FORWARD.
Delilah trained her eyes on the POXY LITTLE TABLE the girls were gathered around. Mama had SOLD OFF most of the furnishings Daddy had originally afforded. Leaving the tailer in WORSE REPAIR than the night Daddy died. Her index finger tapped away against it in counts of SEVEN. “Lemme know when ya done, SIssy. I need ta wash up b’fore dinner.” Literally NEEDED -- the way her spare hand was CURLING & UNCURLING time and again. Clearing throat captured her attention and she forced herself to look up at Alex. HOSTILITY hidden somewhere deep in BLACK PITS. Delilah had found herself growing more and more ENVIOUS of girls like Alex and Rachel. The kind she’d daresay Helena maybe even CARED ABOUT. Of course Delilah had convinced herself she was JUST a younger sister wanting her older sister’s ATTENTION back. So why was she RIDDLED with OCD right now. And why did that DARK PLACE in her mind light up like a CHRISTMAS TREE at Alex’s words.
“You know, s-someone told me you guys, umm... Had sex...” Delilah’s brow knitted at Alex’s TENSION. “I, uh... I don’t see why yer bringin’ this up ta me...” Feigned swallow. Although the increasing RAPS against the worn plastic table were VERY real. “...Because Helena said to...” SHAKY BREATH fell from Alex and Delilah tilted her MESSED UP LITTLE HEAD. Something was definitely UNSETTLED inside. “S-Sissy? Please hurry. I need ta... ta...” She trailed off. They HAD a bathroom. Well toilet with a leaking shower head in it. So why wasn’t she washing up in THERE? Hands curled in close to her chest DRYLY RUBBING against one another. “St-Strange she’d say that. Uh...” She bit her lip and Alex just watched on confused. TERRIFIED. (And maybe a little bit SICKENED.) Why hadn’t Helena’s SWEET & INNOCENT little sister not said NO yet? “I, uh... Why would she say that?” Delilah was choosing her words CAREFULLY. The perks of being a PSYCHOPATH. “I don’t know...” Alex admitted. Swallowing down BILE. Brown eyes flickered across to Helena. Why WOULD she? Especially given the EXTENT Helena went to to OMIT Brit from all conversations. “Would be s’easy ta say no, right?” Alex’s breath rose and fell. “Yeah... I-I mean unless...” Delilah hadn’t even PLANNED on letting Alex see the way she TWISTED into herself ANXIOUSLY. Catholic guilt wasn’t exactly READY for others to find out her WORST SIN. But it was the final PUSH the girl needed. And Delilah was already STUMBLING out of her chair. “I-I really need ta go wash up, sissy...” Before either girl could stop her, she was rushing down the narrow corridor and LOCKING HERSELF AWAY. Water on and using the ROUGH SIDE of the sponge to SCRUB -- What did she just DO? Outside, Alex’s demeanor was MORE than giving away what the two had been discussing and she looked up in sheer ANXIOUS TERROR at her... WHATEVER...
                                                                                      “Y-You and Delilah...?”
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xcharmedxheirsx · 5 years
@xhelenaxleblancx​ | Cont from HERE.
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Coping. Coping. COPING. Delilah had been trying to cope for 48 SLEEPLESS HOURS. So why wasn’t it WORKING. Why wasn’t she FEELING BETTER. She was SUPPOSED to be feeling better by now. Her stomach STUNG & BURN in alternation with desperation to be nourished. She had surpassed a SEVEN COUNT of beers. And had needed to start ALL OVER AGAIN. She had clawed up and burned up her skin but the TERMITES were still IN THERE. She’d even cut open her veins to see if they would just LEAVE. (They hadn’t.) And in the end she passed out cold. Collapsed from exhaustion, booze and starvation. Blood staining into her clothing and rendering it UNSALVAGABLE. It was amidst the BURNING of said clothes that it finally clicked. The one difference between the LAST TIME she felt this way. And THIS TIME. But she was far too sober right now. And so she SET HER PLAN IN MOTION. Replacement clothes so Helena wouldn’t wonder where that tank top she liked so much had disappeared to. Helena’s favorite VODKA brand. Aaaand. The LINGERIE had not been in the plan but what BETTER WAY to tell her sister she meant BUSINESS. With that done she sent the girl a text. Wearing a shirt she was SURE to recognize (after all she was the one that pointed it out) and the tightest jeans in her collections. (She’d had to grab some of her old highschool apparel.)
DELILAH: Kids are with mama DELILAH: Got yer fav drink DELILAH: An I really hope ta see ya back at the trailer DELILAH: There’s steak too ~~PAUSE.~~ DELILAH: Love you <3
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xcharmedxheirsx · 5 years
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
@xcharmedxheirsx | TO DELILAH
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          Helena didn’t know whether to THANK OR THROTTLE the other for saying that to her baby sister -- On one hand, Delilah’s visibly jealous reaction was DOWNRIGHT DELECTABLE. On the other hand, her baby girl looked TERRIFYING when she was like this. Redhead just wanted to reach out & protect her. Tell her to breathe. DENY the claims. But, that meant blatantly lying. Luckily for both of them, manipulative sociopath wasn’t above doing so -- “A’course she’s wrong sissy. I ain’t even in ta her like THAT. Y’know that.” LIAR. (She’d been IN HER multiple times). “She ain’t my favorite body type.” That much was semi-true. Helena didn’t really have a favorite type these days. She used to -- Was far more SHALLOW. Now it was the insides that mattered -- GROSS. “C’mere sissy.” Hands reached for the ball of fury she called her sister -- Trying her damnedest to calm her down. “Yer scratchin’ again. Jus’ breathe. In an’ out. Like the docta’ says.” 
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
@xcharmedxheirsx | TO SERAPHINA & DELILAH
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          “Oh c’mon, y’all can jus’ take turns. M’tiny but I can keep up.” Half-joke, half-serious. Truth is, EVEN HELENA isn’t certain how she’d feel about a relationship with these two at the same time. Sharing wasn’t her thing & even if they were fine with her being the center-piece (and the only one who got ALL the attention), she’d still have to deal with their CRAZY ASS DRAMA. 
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