convxction · 1 year
ooc. appears to think about chrom most likely not acting on his feelings, especially if he found someone because you know, they are going to be bound with him forever with this nation ruling shenanigans and he wouldnt want to flip someone's life upside down so suddenly like this. plus, i feel like 'birthing an heir' is also too a ...hmm pressure he does not want his partner to feel like they must do it. laugh track that is why he might not be that forward if he liked a guy. hear me out, henry can whip a baby and he is working on it via magic, him and tharja, but it is not confirmed at the time of traveling that they were successful so welp. i wrote slightly deeper than this in a previous post but yeah. plus it is a bit trickier for him to fall for a guy than a woman. hear me out dnt kill me. you understand the 'www i admire them' routine of his right? this but double it because like hahaha no way we are friends. wait. friends? wow uh. friiiiends. but he kinda make me feel stuff. hahanoooo.yess??nooooo.im confused. (im confused too chrom.) anyway. give him boyfo now.
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writtingfiction · 4 years
I'm a mean human but i would love for that onesided chrom fic to continue on where chrom has to watch stahl fussing over Robin when shes pregnant and robin the whole time is like I'm fine! Dont worry i can walk its fine! And stahl is just like nope on the horse you go, i got you some herbs for the morning sickness are you hungry i got you this dish you said you were craving
╮(╯-╰”)╭  It’s more of a side dish of bitter than angst.. but the pain is still there. Enjoy this to the fullest!
pairing: Chrom x Robin x Stahl
words: 1.3k
There was always something going on, and Stahl would refuse to let Robin do anything strenuous the closer she reached the day where they would meet their baby. Robin loved her husband dearly and was grateful for his efforts, but sometimes it would be too much. There was one time where Robin was attending a council with Chrom, Frederick, Lissa and some other important nobles to talk about supporting the villages that edge along the borders. Barely halfway through the meeting Stahl would interrupt saying he would have something very important for her, thus pulling her away from the council. 
“Stahl, what is it?” Robin says in a hushed voice, slightly concerned. Stahl wouldn’t interrupt the meeting unless it was important.
“I needed to give these to you,” Stahl hands her a small pouch filled with herbs. “there are medicinal herbs in there. I suggest making tea with the loose leaves to ease headaches, and there’s a paste in there as well which will help with soreness.” 
“Stahl…” Robin was surprised. “I love you, but you can’t interrupt meetings to give me herbs. It can wait till afterwards.” 
“I understand, but what if your body can’t wait. You’re in a fragile state.” Stahl responded, sheepish but firm. Robin sighed.
“Yes, but it doesn’t mean I can’t deal with a little pain if it does come. We’ve discussed this before Stahl.” Robin argues. Stahl opens his mouth to refute, but stops and nods his head.
“I get it. I’m just worried is all.” Stahl says defeated. Robin lifts a hand and rubs her husband’s shoulder.
“Everything will be alright. The meeting is almost done, I’ll see you in my office afterwards. We can speak more freely then.” Robin said before giving a quick kiss and turning back around to head into the council room. 
Robin luckily didn’t miss too much on what they were talking about and was able to quickly help out on the affairs. About 20 minutes later they were finished and thanked the nobles for their time. As everyone was slowly leaving the room, Chrom stopped her for a moment.
“Robin, a moment?” 
“Of course.” The two of them wait for everyone to exit the room before starting their conversation.
“I hate to sound like a bad guy, but Stahl can’t keep interrupting these meetings, Robin,” Chrom said and Robin knows that Chrom isn’t trying to be mean after all this isn’t the first time Stahl has interrupted an important meeting. “One day, we are going to be conversing with very important people and we can’t afford an interruption with Stahl.”
“I understand.” Robin sighs. She loves her husband with all her heart, she does but there is a line he has to keep. “I’ll talk to him tonight. I’ll be seeing him in my office.” There’s a slight smile on Chrom’s lips, one she hasn’t seen in a while.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” And he leaves. Although there’s an odd feeling in his stomach when he exits the room and sees Stahl right there in front of him as he opens the doors. He says his hello and flees quickly not wanting to hear how happy they sounded. 
He would’ve thought that by now, his heart would have healed. That the wounds in his heart would have sealed, but it has not happened. Chrom’s heart isn’t sure if he can carry the guilt any further, for his wife deserves more than a heartbroken man still in love with another. However, he swallows his feelings once more and wears a bright smile when he sees Sumia approach him, clearly delighted. Words coming out faster than he can process them.
“There’s a festival?” Sumia nods her head vigorously. 
“Yes!! Let’s invite the Shepherds along, it’s been a while since everyone had the chance to relax.” Sumia said, and it made his heart flutter a little. She was always so kind and considerate.
“Alright, it would be nice to have all our friends together again.” Chrom agreed, however, he wished the festival wasn’t so soon. He wasn’t sure if he could deal with Stahl’s constant hovering. 
The two nights sped past Chrom faster than he liked. He didn’t want to go anymore, almost debated faking sickness for a moment but he didn’t want to put Sumia in lower spirits. She was looking forward to going with him, so he might as well go now. Hand in hand he walks the streets with his wife as they make it to the hang out spot where everyone agreed to meet. 
There were a lot of fast greetings before everyone branched off in small groups and dispersed into the festival crowd. Chrom felt his heart in his throat when he heard Stahl’s voice come above Robin’s as they cheered at one booth. He quickly glanced over to see Stahl handing Robin a plushie of a wyvern, almost as big as her belly now. He locked eyes with Robin and wished for a small moment she didn’t see him. Nonetheless, she makes her way towards him, Stahl in tow.
“Chrom, Sumia!! I’m so happy we ran into you both.” Robin said, smile as wide as possible. 
“We have gifts, for both of you.” Stahl spoke, before handing a plush doll of a pegasus to Sumia and Robin holds a book in her hands, a well-aged book and gives it to him. He gently holds the book in his hands and carefully opens the book. On the inside is a title he thought he would never see again.
“Robin…” Chrom says her name in shock. The book is at least a few hundred years old with very few copies of the printed book. He looks back up at her to see one of her brightest smiles.
“I knew you would love it,” Robin says happily. He barely remembers it but, it was while they were on the campaign against Plegia when he had mentioned the book. Emotions almost overwhelm him to say his true feelings, but Stahl and Sumia can only stay quiet for so long. Their voices chime in at the same time, asking about the book.
“It’s a book that I had when I was a child, about the Hero-King Marth,” Chrom explains. “Thank you so much, Robin.”
“It’s no problem, it’s the least I could do for the man that saved me.” Robin says and Chrom almost wishes for her words to be different. Chrom returns a grateful smile.
The night continues from there, hanging out with each other but every time he looks towards them there’s a pain in his heart. Stahl would either hold everything Robin would dare hold or ask her if she was every uncomfortable. Stahl even bought most of the stall foods for Robin if she looked in that stall’s direction. Stahl was a gentleman and is perfect for her, but he does wish it was him by her side. 
A small tug at his sleeve reminds him of his reality as Sumia gleefully points at a stall where some festival games were. He also reminds himself to love Sumia to the best of his abilities. He loves Robin with all his heart and knows she doesn’t love him, however, he will try and love Sumia, for she deserves better. He hopes it will heal his heart loving another.
“What's wrong, Robin?” Stahl asked. Robin shakes her head as she looks at Chrom and Sumia playing the festival games.
“Nothing’s wrong, just watching them play the game.” Robin responded, Stahl, hums in reply. Giving a quick peck to her cheek before saying he’s off to another food stall cause he was hungry. Robin has a small smile on her face as she sees Chrom’s small smile grow wider. She doesn’t know if he knows, but she’s glad that he’s moving on from her. Subtle, but she knows and she’s glad. Sumia will be a good wife to him, and him to her. Robin only prays that he sees just how much Sumia does love him.
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tumblunni · 7 years
Randomly a list of ships i ships
Cos i dont think ive ever written it down? I've probably forgot some from older fandoms.
Jupiter x Looker or Jupiter x Mars (pokemon dppt) oddly she's the only one of team galactic i ship anyone with!
Dia and Pearl (dppt manga: pokemon adventures version)
Steven and wallace, maxie and archie (pokemon rse) these are my ships with the most canon evidence so far!
Lillie x protag (pokemon sun and moon)
Oikawa and Cody's dad (digimon season 2) ALSO CLOSE TO CANON YO! It makes his whole plot even sadder if you read him as he's in love with his best friend but never confessed and then had to watch him die shortly after marrying someone else...
Oh and also ken and davis from the same season because SERIOUSLY 'our hearts beat as one' when their digimon unlock a new rainbow sfx fusion transformation
Alphys and Undyne from undertale are EVERYTHING GOOD IN RELATIONSHIPS
Protag daughter x Cube (princess maker)
Protag x Yosuke (persona 4) FUN FACT in this case we have actual proof the creators copped out on making it canon, there's fully voiced dual language audio for a scrapped romance route. But instead they ditched it and then the next game in the series was somehow also empty of lgbt options and also regressively homophobic all over the place...
SPEAKING OF WHICH yusuke and protag from persona 5. Srsly wtf why does this guy have such a similar name when theyre nothing alike? Aside from the fact poor yusuke is way more out about his sexuality and gets to be the butt of a million jokes...
Protag x ellen, protag x victoria, the hypothetical polyamourous triad of all the witch girls that exists within my heart (magical diary)
Maka x Crona, black star x soul (soul eater)
Chrom x specifically male protag (fire emblem awakening) female protag version is actually canon but i always HATED how her scenes with him are all cliche anime 'whoops fell into boobs' and 'nobody likes a woman who doesnt cook'. Male protag route is infinately more romantic just cos it actually shows their personalities! I mean if they both had the same dialogue just like most other scenes, i woulda been fine with the fem protag romance geez..
Virion x Panne (also fire emblem awakening) i have no idea why this obscure pairing grasped my heart and why more people dony like it! I like it cos panne snipes back at virion and takes none of his shit like sully, but without the whole 'girl who says she doesnt love him in the first scene eventually loves him if he keeps wearing her down' thing. And i like all the interesting cultural exchange that comes from a really pompous nobleman clashing with a rough and tumble stern fighter from an ancient lost lineage of lapinthropes. I dunno, his development into appreciating women just seems more genuine when you have this sort of auxilary sign that he's changed. He's willing to drop his pompousness and go on a big mountainclimbing adventure just to get her a traditional courtship flower amoungst her people! And its really adorable to see that like.. Its his first time ever getting nervous around a woman, cos this time the feelings are genuine instead of just lust and nothing else. And it was hilarious that he tried to get drunk to get over his fears, and then he fumbled the confession because of it! They have so many great sarcasm battle scenes, its hilarious AND adorable! Oh man and the scene where they actually got really emotional and panne talked about hoping her dead family is watching from the moon, and virion being vunerable about his past and just... AAA its such an unexpectedly good couple for such wildly different charries!!
Avery x Mason (hustle cat) mason is the most badass lady ever holy shit everyone should date her and she should lift them all over her head and maybe seven cars. She's a biker gang badass and a super cake chef and can turn into a cat and just EVERYTHING IS PERFECT ABOUT THIS CHARACTER THANKS FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK
Husky and Cooro (+anima) i know theyre just kids but i totally get a precocious crush vibe from cooro, and like it only ever seems that husky gets embarassed over 'but what will everyone think' rather than because he doesn't like him. And husky has a lot of issues with internalized 'i need to be super manly' type anxieties and all.
Quale and Quan (ff9) okay i guess not really a ship but a past ship? I kinda saw them as a toriel and asgore type divorced couple from how stuttery and awkward quale is about how quan left and betrayed qu society. Headcanon that really it was more like 'my boyfriend wants to go adventuring and i wanna stay and live in this safe town, and he decided that adventure was more inportant than me'. I prefer this headcanon cos really neither of them would be at fault here, yknow? Complexity! Also grandpas shipping! Both great things!
Cloud and barret (ff7) cmon yo they have a load of chemistry and have so much in common backstory wise and in terms of putting up a grumpy front and being scared of letting themselves ever love again. And barret is the handsomest character in the game! And he's super tormented and in need of love just ss much as vincent geez, even if he isnt a funky fashion vampire. But he's a BIG HUGS BEAR MAN!! And he has a sweet little daughter! And there's several opportunities for cloud to act nice to marlene and seriously imagine him as a dad!! And barret even does get a 'date' with cloud if you play the game super precisely to unlock that easter egg but its clearly meant to be a joke and all. I hope maybe they could make it more legit in the remake now we're in an era of more lgbt representation and all. Also i feel bad but i never felt any chemistry between cloud and any of the female characters? It seemed like tifa was intended to be his canon love interest and all but i never liked it, and i never felt anything more than bffs with him and aerith. Plus aerith and zack is classic sweet star torn lovers! And then literally no clue why people ship him with yuffie and elena from the turks (???) Try barret sometime. We need more barret fanart in general, even of nobody else likes this ship! Appreciate him!!
Bebop and Rocksteady (ninja turtles) look, 6 year old me wanted them to get married before i even learned that That Thing Is Supposed To Be A Man And A Woman Under God or whatever. Proof that lgbt headcanons of children's media arent just 'adults polluting innocent things'. (Srsly what is that logic? A man and a woman kissinh isnt too sexual for tv but a gay kiss is?) Anyway these weird trash mutants were good together, courtesy of the ancient small me of the past.
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convxction · 2 years
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CYL Chrom lines!!!!! x & x
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After ten years and they still refuse to use the Holy King lmao. At this point it would be weird to suddenly say holy king and not exalt. but anyway www krumb!!! this is most likely a version after the horse knight chrom hmm perhaps. because he does sound ..oldish and calm than ever. maybe.
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yes. kill me softly mwahaha.....neesa ;;u;; man stop doubting yourself. had it not been the right path frederick and lissa would have bonked you already.
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thats a good line because it shows that what he says about the armor taking effort and time and is the pride of ylisse and how comfortable he is in it. in jp he says he got used to it; it feels comfortable to wear so its just the usual.
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覚悟はしている。 is basically chrom. always ready and prepared to accept what is to come. aaaa justice sobs. i think each armor got the iris flower somehow as the design on them if i am not mistaken sdldksgskljg chrom got even the butterfly design on his shoulder guard. not this chrom but the OG. 
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;;;;;;;;;;;;;;u;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; time who bitch. that was your daughter bitch stop taking her thing. *sobs* suddenly shinzou sasageyo plays in the background lmao
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do we tell him that ... there are not ONE fell dragon but ...*counts* four? ...gulps.
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oh god... i think the english is so misleading AF.... why english why???
basically “acting like a king is stifling for me. I rather go on patrols (his nature to that/ feels comfortable). So, let me tag along with you for a while.
BITCH FROM ‘EW BEING KING IS MEH’ to ‘im comfortable being one of the boys’ bitch??????????? dunno if this is me but that vibe i got from the english line man. i thought he was doubt moment but didnt make sense with the next sentence??? it is weird phrasing tbh. let me know if this is just me
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change fate baby~ 
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god english makes chrom so ....the line literally point out how traumatized chrom seeing people DIE IN FRONT OF HIM! why ...’i will not let anyone else be lost’ wtf is this crap?
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n a k a m a ~ his nakahomies are his power ;;u;;
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i give you this english. you did good on expanding a little bit of chrom lines. just a little bit. still crying about krumb fayre embrum man was not ready to become a king and he was thrown into this. fate is a cruel baitch. JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSITCE!!!!!!!!! looks at his dad. you missed on this man growing up to be a fine man smh. 
lays on the ground ... so much to say about this but it will be redundant. it was a slow realization moment for chrom what happened and what he is supposed to do. 
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break dance and dabs. great lord. master lordo lmao. but yeah seems like this is his ...first time wearing ...it? dunno. unsure about this or he is referring to the ‘u train then u get to wear it’ anyway this is probably throwback to levelling up and getting a master seal mhm
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trying to understand what this line do ... mmm ....funny. means summoner is op lmao. 
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listen. listen. listen.
i dont blame him for saying this. the lucina they mention is the older one--he barely knows her dudes. she is her own person and he does not want to be imposing on her to ask of every little thing so cant say he noticed a lot of things in common between them on the spot.
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it is funny that JP he breaks walls, in ENG he breaks training dummies
me: FUCKING BREAKING EVERYTHING BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! within reason. lol
this is one of the jokes i like but dont test me by overusing it otherwise i will hunt your ass. 
anyway, let chrom say sorry cowards.
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*wearing my clown outfit* i commented that in english he didnt say emmeryn but it was there...they just didnt put it. wth intelsys? do you have this hidden agenda against best fire emblem girl? i will fight you. come at me. I THROW MY GUANTLET AT YOU. FIGHT ME COWARDS. FIGHT ME! I REQUEST A DEATH BATTLE! 
sigh. neesa... i know it is a culture thing but i always find it sweeter when chrom calls her neesa /big sis rather than just her name. anyway. sad feels.
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work this lad to death. he would not mind. just dangle the word bond in front of him and watch him go.
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im not gonna critique these because ...no i am going--i will always prefer sugita take on chrom being serious and not just ‘ehe coming thru~’ and ‘believe in me~’ OOOOOOOO i love mar merc dont get me wrong but ...they cheery tune he adds kind of...does not match with a man running with a sword and literally fighting for his life. like if it was inigo yeah i get it or owain or anyone else but not chrom. he is in battle mode and just wants this to be over with. uuughhh.... like. you can feel that there is an action being done in jp and eng he is just saying the words..u know..im sorry. i love eng at times but... u can never beat sugita-han. 
anyway. my ted talk is over. thanks for good food. i will look at these again and see what i can use for my krumb.
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