machinegrl · 5 months
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tried opening my game today i cant do it babes i'll try again next week ;;;
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makethemhoesmad · 23 days
liability(pt. 3)
pt 1. pt 2
only a couple months late, but here it is!!
i’m thinking there will be one more part, hopefully coming sooner
thanks to @imaginespazzi, @azzibuckets, @patscorner, and @barbspeaks for dealing with my copious amounts of yap
“it’s for the better,” paige says, for the third time. the first two times, she’d whispered it to herself, trying to make herself believe that it was true. now, she said it to nika, who had witnessed azzi’s erratic flight to and from paige’s place, and wanted to know what had happened.
“thats what she said? verbatim?” nika questions. that’s not the azzi she knows. the azzi she knows is the one that would fight, tooth and nail, to keep her and paige together. that, even if they were separated for years, decades, lifetimes, she would be determined to find her way back.
“yes, nika i told you it was crazy. i announce that im staying another year to play with the people i love and.. oh.” paige breathes out the last word, tucking her head into her hands as she realizes something.
“what, paige? why’d you say oh?” nika inquires.
“she thinks i should have left,” paige murmures, standing up. she begins to pace the room, speaking quickly to what seemed to be only herself, forgetting nika was even there.
“she must think that i’m wasting my career by staying here, she must think that it’s her fault and that she’s the one ‘ruining my career’ in her mind. typical azzi. she’s on a spiral right now, she’ll come down, probably. probably.” the last statement seems to bring paige back to reality, and tears start to well up in her eyes. she looks to nika, sniffling and asking, “how am i supposed to make her see that she’s not, and never will be a liability.
in another room on the same campus, yet somehow seeming miles away, azzi is alone in her room, curled up under her blanket that still smells like paige, in paige’s hoodie and paige’s sweatpants. she’s giving herself only tonight to grieve for what she killed, and then she’s going to try and move on. that’s what she keeps telling herself, to justify the way she’s sobbed on and off all night. she’s about to start another round when she hears a loud knocking on her door. grudgingly, she sits up and trudges out of her room, opening up the door.
“paige, what are you doing here?” azzi gasps, even though she knows full well why exactly paige has just knocked on her door a mere five hours after their breakup. 
“az, we’re still teammates. we have practice in two hours i don’t want you to ever think that you’re holding me back. i’m doing this because i love you, but also because im doing this for me.” paige says, her eyes glistening. azzi wants to take her back, right there. but she shouldn’t, she can’t. so instead, she says something she’s sure to regret.
“you know, paige, if you had just stayed healthy, this wouldn’t have been a problem.”
paige recoiled at azzi’s words, shocked at the harshness in her voice and the statements she made. in a moment of what she will eventually remember to be nothing but complete stupidity, she fires back.
“damn, i mean, if you hadn’t insisted on continuing to play after you fucked up your knee, you might’ve been able to figure it out instead of hurting it worse.”
“don’t do that, paige.” azzi says, her face going scarlet. “you do this when you get mad, hurt people’s feelings and don’t mean it.”
“i could say the same about you, azzi. we’ve played almost zero games together, and that’s the reason i wanted you here in the first place. it’s almost like i want to play basketball with my girlfriend, you know?” 
“ex girlfriend,” azzi corrects quickly. she slams her teeth together, trying to trap the words back into her throat. why did she need to correct her so quickly?
“so that’s what we’re playing at, then? we’re playing pretend? we’re gonna sit here and we’re gonna act like we haven’t lived in each other’s skins for five years? our families are best friends, azzi. we can’t lose all that because you got insecure”
and azzi doesn’t know how to answer that. she doesn’t have a rebuttal, doesn’t have a defense or a witness. it’s just her, her thoughts, and her now seemingly unexplainable reasoning to break up with paige. right now, really all she wants to do is fall into paige’s arms and cry until she feels better, because paige always makes it better. something tells her that paige might not want to hold her, right now, though. so instead, she takes a deep breath, firmly points towards her door, and demands, “out.”
ironically, if azzi had in fact just thrust herself it paige’s arms, they’d probably be reunited right now. but instead, paige is standing outside azzis apartment door, debating whether to speed home and put on her gym clothes and wait for azzi to leave for practice outside her door, or corner her after practice. corner her, paige thought, speed walking to her car and grinning.
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sparklingpax · 4 months
do you guys remember that one ad where megatron excitedly announces that he loves pounding the autobots. and pound cake
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tulisydan · 6 months
The way my brain fucking tingles when these guys say the word ”suomi”. Scietists should study that
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• 𝕄𝕒𝕞 𝕤𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕪𝕤𝕚𝕖̨𝕔𝕪 𝕞𝕪𝕤́𝕝𝕚 𝕨 𝕘𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕚𝕖 𝕒 𝕔𝕠 𝕕𝕣𝕦𝕘𝕒 𝕛𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕠 𝕥𝕪𝕞 𝕓𝕪 𝕠𝕕𝕖𝕛𝕤́𝕔́ . . . •
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wakatshi · 4 months
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me and wakatoshi <3 (his are the pink ones)
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This is round 5 of determining the most popular villager. The one with the most votes will move on.
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bowser: wow the stars are beautiful tonight
peach: yeah they are
bowser: you know who else is beautiful though?
peach: *blushes* who?
bowser: luigi
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rowanisawriter · 30 days
i think about thanatos like it’s a full time job
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livealittleoc-cb · 2 years
Random Monday Update!
CW slightly suggestive images (??)
I’ve been trying to do different format order and decided to try it out like this~ Let’s see how it works out
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♥️: He *pushes him with his foot* Won’t *tries again* MOVE! *whining*
🍷: *snoring*
🌪️: So hot… *whines and cuddles his stuffy*
[Set’s heat has started]
💀: I flipped this little dude over to show how Set is feeling right now~
🌪️: *flips her off*
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🎧: He BIT ME and then proceeds to HUG ME as if it’ll fix anything *whines*
🗡️: I gotta let people know who my best friend is~ 🥰
🎧: *huffs* you owe me coffee!
🗡️: Coming right up my internal light~
🔮: She wanted to do my makeup…
🪦: *giggling* 🥰
⚰️: ‘Piper says hey~’
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❣️: Hmm these heels are taller then what I normally use eeek- *almost falls*
💘: *laughs at him* I love when you ask me to join your shoot days~ 🥰 I’m a cute little maid~
🍹: outfit for tonight~
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🎐: Got him away from his desk 🥰 workout day
✨: *groaning and yawning*
🫐: A nice peaceful cafe day~
☔️: I found him outside hiding from the rain~ He’s so cute *smiles*
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possible new residents: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟💙 && ⚡💖 && 👻💜] @faywithlove @theinvitation-bot @badbf-cb @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤] @darkmoonsiblings​  @clubwnderland @supernaturalcb @domxbot @ocmyths @fantasyaespa [💚🐈 && 💎☀️] @thepatchedpaw​ @redlight-cb @dawnswonderland-entertainment @k-pop-shelter @fantasy-teez @bluerosemafiacb [🔪❣️]  @beastfights-starting @divineblood-cb @cave-of-celestials @urtwice @welcometosector1​​ @9ateez-multiau-bot @wolfpackcb @mxthxbot​ @lunaaofthemoon​ @littleboywooyoungie @musiclovermino  [🎶💛]  @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡] @fantasycafexbot @reve-rv @k-half-blood @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @kquestrian​ @kingtaythecute​ ​@kardpackcb​ ​ @3rachabot​ @kingdom-of-dicentra​ @starhunters-reign​ @elemental-dream​ @namiras-rose-tattoos​ @glamrockpop-cb​ @storybook-nct​ @dreampodcast​ @beaconhillsxbot​ [DM + / -]
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localwarlockunion · 1 year
Happy Halloween 1st to all my spooky followers!!
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makethemhoesmad · 20 days
liability(part 4)
this will be the final part of liability! i’d like to thank all the people who have either inspired me when writing this(mostly with angst), or listened to me yap about it
@bueckersstrap @iminlovewithpaigebueckers @patscorner @azzibuckets @pb524830
and a special shoutout to my sisterwife @imaginespazzi
also sorry but this is very short
“you fucking cunt,” azzi breathes into paige’s neck, pressed into the wall in the locker room.
“did i make you mad, princess?” paige asks, grinning as she shoves her knee between azzis thighs. 
“so mad, paige, now please.” azzi whimpers, grinding down against paige. no one’s coming into the locker room, all teammates having cleared out in fear of an impending argument. 
“always loved hearing you beg, az.” paige whispers, pressing her lips to azzis ear while thrusting two fingers into her. she feels azzi bite down onto her shoulder as she climaxes, shuddering through it. 
“ready to talk it out now, baby?” paige taunts, grinning as a pout spreads across azzis previously docile expression. she still nods, letting paige clean them up and pull them to her car. 
in the car, she’ll let paige grasp her inner thigh tightly as she drives, and she’ll let paige run to open her door. she’ll let paige pull their clothes off and pull her into bed. and she’ll listen to what paige has to say.
“azzi, you will never, ever be the one holding me back. if anything, anything ever happens between us, i would like to hope that neither of us ever let it influence basketball.” paige lets out a sigh, feeling as if three months worth of despite had been lifted off her chest, even though it had only been two days.
“i love you, paige,” azzi says, stroking her cheek with a finger.
“i love you more, azzi, and always remember, you will never be a liability.”
paige shoots awake, sweat dripping from her hairline down her forehead, heart racing. all at the thought of the dream she just had. a dream where they worked. a dream where she didn’t have to search up azzis name on instagram to see her, and when she clicked on her name, spot her wedding pictures front and center, to someone else. but at least paige bueckers is probably the best known player in the wnba, right?
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rabidwerechihuahua · 2 months
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My brother @koffinskiller made a reference sheet for me, of my nightmare proxy design for Franny! TTwTT I love it so much!!
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glitterghost · 1 month
Spooky season is creeping up on us, what exciting times. 🦇
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𝕎 𝕤́𝕞𝕚𝕖𝕣𝕔𝕚 𝕟𝕚𝕖 𝕞𝕒 𝕞𝕚𝕖𝕛𝕤𝕔𝕒 𝕟𝕒 𝕤𝕡𝕣𝕒𝕨𝕚𝕖𝕕𝕝𝕚𝕨𝕠𝕤́𝕔́ . . .
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beepbeepdespair · 7 months
when you get into lisa frankenstein and suddenly this song hits in a completely different way
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