#[[ so well drunk heart-to-heart I guess? xD ]]
countlessrealities · 3 months
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@mcltiples sent:
The portal opened up in the apartment. It's in the middle of the night. Definitely not the hour that someone should be visiting, yet, Morty can't help himself. He's drunk. A bottle of Scotch nearly emptied in his hand, swinging as he walked, legs wobbled.
He doesn't care what state that he finds his counterpart in. All he cared about were the words he rehearsed in his head. What he needed to say. That he drank to give him the courage to do so.
"M-Morty," He's too drunk to notice his own stutter. It's not something he's willing to control right now either. "I-I'm sorry, I realize the error of my ways. I've been an asshole to you. Th-This whole time, I've been trying to protect my feelings, to make you fall for me as I-I have with you. A-And it backfired, I-I've been an idiot,"
He stepped closer. "A-All I wanted was you, y-you're all I've ever wanted in someone a-and I fucked it up, I-I fucked everything up big time,"
Suddenly his legs gave out, ending up on his knees. That's when the tears came, flooding down his face. His lips quivered. "I-If you don't like me, just tell me, I-I'll understand. I-I'll get over it. I-I just need to know,"
Sobbing uncontrollably was something he hadn't done in a while. And now that it was happening, he couldn't stop it. "I-I just love you so much and I would do anything for you, but I-I can't seem to show you. I-It's hard. A-And I'm so tired of these games, I-I can't do it anymore. I-I don't want to be playing these games with you. I-I just want to love you....."
{ To your E-Morty from my E-Morty // i'm so sorry about this fdshjfkds }
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The sound of a portal opening caught Morty off guard. The noise was as familiar as his own breathing by now, but he hadn't been expecting any guests that night. He had even dismissed his second-in-command, because he had wanted to be truly alone. There was so much ongoing inside him. So many thoughts, so many feelings. He had no idea of how to deal with them, but he refused to ask for help.
Not that he had anyone he could turn to. One of the only two people he trusted enough to show his vulnerable side to wouldn't have been able to give him advice. As for the other one, he was the very cause of his current inner turmoil.
Useless to say, finding himself faced with that one person caught him off guard, even if he wasn't as surprised as one might have thought. Deep down, he knew that this would happen. One of them would have given in, at some point. The tension and the distance between them had gotten just too much.
Still, he was glad that it hadn't been him, because crawling back to his other self, when the latter had been the one to hurt him, would have been admitting defeat. And that was a weakness he couldn't afford.
He remained quiet as his counterpart spoke, head tilted on one side and expression unreadable. Underneath the blank mask he was wearing, however, he was nowhere near as unaffected as he looked. The glass in his hand and the mostly empty bottle of Scotch on the coffee table betrayed the truth.
He managed not to react, not to how his other self was acting nor to his words, until his counterpart fell on his knees in front of him. He was crying, begging for forgiveness, professing his undying love to him with no shame.
Vulnerable. Weak. Pathetic.
And yet Morty's heart ached for him as it had never done for anyone before.
Taking in a slow, deep breath, he downed the remaining contents of his glass in one go, setting it down next to the bottle. His head was swimming, and it was hard to tell why. Was it the alcohol in his system? Or the emotions that were filling his chest, painfully constricting it? Probably both.
Gritting his teeth, he knelt down in turn, putting himself at the other's level. He hesitated just a second before reaching out, taking that face between his palms to coax his counterpart to glance up.
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"Morty. Look at me," he said, half way between a request and an order. He didn't want to be too harsh, but he also refused to waste time on simple requests.
Patiently, he waited for his words to be followed before continuing.
"Yes, you hurt me. Even worse, you made me feel like all the efforts I've made for you, all the things I've confessed to you only, all the exceptions to my rules I've made for you...You made me feel like it all meant nothing to you."
Such a bitter feeling, having allowed himself to finally open up to someone, just to find himself set aside and devalued.
"You've been a fool. You've angered me, humiliated me, and being unable to show to me how much you actually care for me. We both played games, we both pulled that rope, but I made sure to never go too far. You, on the other hand, never seemed to want to return that favour."
He didn't try to hide the hint of resentment in his voice. And why should he? His other self obviously knew that he had fucked up, he was admitting that much. He deserved to stick his fingers in the bleeding wound. It was payback, an eye for and eye.
"I should be done with you. And, if you were anyone else, I would have locked you away and kept you as a tool to relieve my stress." A nameless living being he could torture whenever he felt like. "You don't realise how lucky you are."
Afte that, his expression softened, even if just imperceptibly. The next words were the trickiest, because they meant that he would be offering his unguarded heart one more time. One last time, one last chance.
"But I can't do that, not to you. Because I...I want you with me. I'm tired of all those games too. I'm bored with them, I'm fed up with them." Especially since they had been bringing him more pain than entertainment lately. "I want honesty, I was a sign that I can let you in. And you finally gave me one tonight."
He swallowed, shifting closer, eyes falling on those wet lips for the briefest moment.
"I'm not forgiving you...yet. But I refuse to let you go, Morty. Because, against my better judgement, I...I love you too."
He didn't wait for an answer, he couldn't bear to hear one right now. So, instead, he pressed forward, sealing their mouths together. A kiss full of longing, frustration, hurt, need, love. He wanted nothing more than to consume his counterpart, to make them one, so they could never be apart, never betray each other again.
If only...
He didn't break away until his lungs forced him, burning for the lack of oxygen, and when he did he made sure that their gazes could meet, amber orbs looking slightly unfocused.
"...Stay with me tonight. Tomorrow, we'll figure this out. For now, I'll let you love me. And I'll put your pieces back together."
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Reader is dating Jeremiah and sees him and belly kissing. She then goes to Conrad who then comforts her and possibly leads to a smut? In the end have Conrad and reader date
I started singing Better than revenge in my head when reading this XD I couldn't not write it. Also, I did not make them date as I think it would be too much too fast
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Angry tears cascaded down your cheeks, the image of Belly kissing Jeremiah relentlessly haunting your thoughts. You thought Belly was your friend, that Jeremiah was loyal — you were visibly wrong on that one. Their betrayal cut deep, a painful cliché straight out of a movie. The classic scene of the boyfriend caught kissing his girlfriend's friend played out before your eyes.
Amidst the partygoers, you waved your way down the stairs slipping ‘sorry’s and ‘excuse me’s, desperate to escape the house. You couldn’t be under the same roof as them.
You came to this party in your best dress, with the intention of asking Jeremiah to stay over for the night, but now all you wanted was to hit him where it hurt — or cut his tongue in punishment for sticking it in Belly’s mouth. 
When you reached the living room, a hand caught your arm, halting you.
‘’Are you okay?’’
Your eyes were blurry with tears, but you knew that voice. It was Conrad. 
You wiped your tears with the back of your hand, probably smearing some of your mascara. ‘’Yeah, I…no. Nothing is okay,’’ you managed to utter.
‘’What happened?’’ he asked, genuine concern lacing his voice.
You hesitated, the weight of the betrayal weighing heavily on your heart.
‘’Where is Jere? Do you want me to get him—’’ 
‘’No! No. I don’t want to see him,’’ you replied firmly, the thought of facing Jeremiah unbearable.
Conrad nodded, figuring that his brother was the reason for your tears. ‘’Okay. Eh…do you want me to take you home? I’ve just drunk a third of my beer. I’m good to drive.’’ 
Home sounded lonely, but you would rather be alone in your big house. The thought of bumping into Jeremiah or Belly, or worse, encountering them together, was enough to make your stomach churn with unease.
You sat in silence in his jeep as he drove, pushing away the memories you had made with Jeremiah in the same car. All the singing parties, the afternoons getting ice cream, or simply driving you home after staying for dinner at the summer house. 
Every now and then, Conrad’s eyes would leave the road and check on you. He didn’t know what to say, or how to bring you comfort, so he stayed quiet. He respected your silence and space. You’ll talk to him if you want, right?
Minutes went by, and the secret was getting too heavy to bear…so you just dropped the bomb.  
‘’I caught Jeremiah kissing Belly.’’ 
Conrad slammed the brakes, the jeep coming to an abrupt halt. ‘’What the fuck?’’ 
The sudden halt jolted you forward, and your hands instinctively gripped the dashboard to steady yourself. The weight of your confession hung heavy in the air, the silence between you and Conrad becoming palpable. His eyes widened in shock and disbelief, searching your face for any signs that you were joking. But the pain etched on your features told him otherwise.
‘’Jere...and Belly?’’ Conrad's voice was laced with disbelief, his words barely a whisper.
You nodded, your voice barely above a whisper as well. ‘’I was looking for Belly. Gigi told me she saw her going upstairs to the bathroom, so I went and— I caught them kissing in the hallway. I-I couldn't believe my eyes.’’ Tears welled up in your eyes again. ‘’I never saw it coming, nor would I have suspected it. Belly and I have gotten so close since the debutante lessons. We were good friends, but I guess I underestimated just who I was dealing with…’’
Anger flickered in Conrad's, momentarily overriding his shock. He was usually the one who fucked things up, but Jeremiah took the cake with that one. ‘’I’m not taking anyone’s defense, what they did was fucking shitty, but Jere is not innocent in this. It takes two people to kiss.’’
You rolled your eyes, but you understood what he meant. ‘’I know. I’m angry at Jere too.’’
God, you were so fucking angry at him. All the plans you had made for next year were falling apart. Visiting him for Thanksgiving, the ski trip during the holidays, his birthday. Everything was called off. 
‘’Does he know that you saw them?’’ 
You shook your head. 
How were you going to confront him about it? Would he come to you and tell you what happened? Will he blame it on the alcohol? That’s such a shitty excuse.
‘’This hurt so much, Con.I can't believe he would throw away our relationship like this.’’ 
Shifting in his seat, Conrad reached out, his hand gently brushing against your tear-stained cheek, wiping away a lingering tear with his thumb. ‘’My brother’s a jerk. He doesn’t know what he just lost.’’
You nodded, grateful for Conrad's support, even in the midst of his own familial ties. 
‘’Thank you for being there for me,’’ you said as his thumb continued to caress your cheek, his touch a source of comfort amidst the turmoil. 
‘’I’ll always be there for you.’’ Conrad's eyes met yours, so blue and beautiful even under a yellow street-lamp light.  
Without thinking, you leaned in, closing the distance between you, forgetting that you were still in the middle of the road. Conrad's breath hitched, taken aback by your sudden action, but he quickly reciprocated, meeting your lips in a gentle kiss. Had the situation been turned around, you would have thought that Conrad was taking advantage of your emotional vulnerability, but you wanted this. You wanted to kiss him.
Your hands went to Conrad’s hair, running your fingers through it as the hand still on your cheek moved to pull you closer to him. He went to deepen the kiss, a sweet gasp when feeling his tongue brushing yours. This should feel wrong, but it didn’t. 
Conrad broke the kiss first, needing to take a breath and a moment to collect his thoughts. As much as he wanted to keep kissing you, he couldn't. ‘’We can’t be doing this. Not after…’’ He shook his head. ‘’That would be taking advantage of you and I can’t do that.’’  You unbuckled your seatbelt and scooted closer to the middle console to pull Conrad by his plaid shirt, your fingers gripping the soft fabric. ‘’I want this. I want you,’’ you said, looking up at him.  ‘’I just want to…forget. Make me forget, Conrad.’’
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight  @maritaleane @dingus0401 @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti
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melkyt · 27 days
Biggest 'scandal' of the new world lol
Law starts dating Luffy. He is a romantic and all proper about it. He wants to do a meet the parents/guardians. Well, he wants to introduce Luffy to Cora, his parents not being alive, Cora is the next best thing. It is complicated, and he hasnt quite defined the exact familial relationship he has with Cora. They just got reunited.
Still he asks the man, and Cora ofc tears up 'my bby boi grows up so fast'
Law almost 30 is just like 😑
Then he goes to Luffy, who is like, "Uh... Shanks? He's like cool" Followed by a shrug. "Dadan raised me though, and like Makino, plus old man Garp and Sabo's dad, I guess." He just lists of everyone he can think of.
Law not realizing just how big Luffy's family is, considering he never talks about it.
They start with Shanks. Law tracks him down and goes on his ship to ask for a blessing to date Luffy, which Luffy thinks is silly but he gets to see Shanks!
Plus there is a party, which leads to the 'scandal' part of this xd
Cora is there ofcourse, he is part of the heart pirates and doesnt go far from those kids, they are his family xd
Cora wondering over to where Shanks is getting drunk with Beckman. They start talking, trading stories about their respective kid, laughing and getting more wasted.
Shanks who very much likes blondes and to have some fun, Cora who is a little rusty but the alcohol makes him want to unwind and they get closer as the night drags on, followed by going to Shanks' quarters.
Which is how Law and Luffy finds them, they were looking for Cora and Shanks, as they were planning on leaving.
Law being a stuttering mess, blushing as if he cant believe. Luffy laughs as if it the funniest thing that their guardians ended up in bed together.
Something he and Law havnt done yet, because Law insisted on this little tour, and Luffy is always up for an adventure.
Cora is a blushing mess, scrambling to get his shirt on, trips, and falls. Shanks hung over, and half awake is no help, as he tries to get up and help Cora, only to fall on top of him, getting a flirty look
Law wanting nothing to do with any of that drags Luffy out of the room, regretting he ever had this idea in the first place, and the fact that it led to Cora and Shanks hooking up xd
He warms to the idea when he sees how happy Cora is talking on a snail with Shanks after that, and every time, they meet up for random dates xd.
Luffy suggest a double date would be fun. Law mortified at the idea of seeing them making out immediately goes nope, and nope. Distracting Luffy with something xd.
They still end up having the double date, and its actually fun for all of them, even if a bit awkward xd
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Ok so you guys are like the only ones I trust with this request right now but xd hear me out. Prime Mover Reader dealing with all the celebratory mess from drunk asf Copia after tonight's Grammi win. Like I'm dying to see how you imagine that, WHAT is going on, how is the rest of the Abey celebrating etc etc. Also how does drunk Copia even behave? The public needs to KNOW
Lmao good to know you trust us - Jez
Drunk Copia and the Grammi celebration
I just know Nihil is turning in his grave, knowing he lost one of the leverages he had. He can't taunt Copia for not winning a Grammy/Grammi anymore. Grandaddy of All Rituals™ is not happy about that. In fact, he's so salty, he doesn't celebrate at all.
Sister Imperator gets tipsy for the first time in years because her baby won a Grammi and even if nobody knows she's his momma, she is a fucking proud momma. Let her have it.
The Siblings of Sin are celebrating in the best way they all know - partying. Alcohol, drugs, orgies... All kinds of stuff. It's... A really big mess. You should probably avoid big rooms for a while, at least until it gets cleaned up.
The Ghouls are left to their own devices. Most of them go to Hell for a few hours so they can have a more extreme version of the party. It may or may not include cannibalism.
As for our precious boy Copia and his Prime Mover...
Well, Copia is completely smashed. In his defense, he never partied as much as the previous Papas (especially Secondo), so he never really needed to build up that much alcohol tolerance.
He's a very affectionate drunk, incredibly wholesome, but almost overwhelmingly sensitive. You need to be there and hold his hand or he'll cry. And not just like little sniffles, this man will have a full meltdown if the love of his life is not right next to him.
He's all over you, hugging, kissing your cheeks, nuzzling his face against your shoulder. He doesn't grope or do anything sexual, though. Affectionate, not horny drunk.
If you do have to leave him for some reason and come back a few minutes later, he's so wasted he doesn't even recognize you and falls in love again?
You better learn Italian because he forgets English completely.
Actually, don't bother learning Italian. He most likely says random gibberish that won't make sense.
He has a long ass conversation with himself about different kinds of meatballs.
He's arguing with himself about what his favorite food is???And it gets??? So heated???
Like, if he could, he would absolutely get into a fistfight with himself all while still clinging to you. It truly is an incredible sight.
If you're not there when he got drunk, however, he would be on his phone and trying to contact you.
The type of guy to tell you you're the best girlfriend he ever had and then go "Wow, that's amazing, I'm so lucky!" when you remind him you're married.
Kinda married? As close to getting married as you can get, I guess.
If he's drunk when you arrive, he'll literally say he's falling in love. And ask if you're single. He will cry if you tell him you're not.
"Copia, sweetie, I'm not single, I'm your Prime Mover. I'm with you. We're together."
He will cry when he hears that and there's a 50/50 chance for the reason.
It can be either tears of joy because someone so beautiful is with him?? HIM?? Of all people??
Or it can be tears of utter despair because his mind is too fucking focused on the "I'm not single" bit to understand anything else.
You should probably keep him away from mirrors while he's drunk. He gets unreasonably jumpy around them?
Like, bro almost got a heart attack when you were taking him to the bedroom and he looked to the side only to see himself?
Nobody knows why he got so scared of himself??
Please tuck him in, he needs it.
He's like a cranky toddler who refuses to sleep.
It's a hilarious cycle of you trying to get him to sleep, him leaving the bed and trying to get back to the party only to end up panicking in front of a mirror again.
The first couple of times a few more sober Siblings of Sin try to take him back to his room or go get you.
They need to get you, there's no chance he's following anyone else.
It will take a few hours to finally get him to sleep because he's gonna be a mess. He gets so emotional it's weird.
You have to cuddle him until he's in deep sleep if you want to leave the bed without the risk of him waking up and either running away again or crying for you.
You find out later that the only reason he was running away was because you'd leave the room and the party was the last place his drunk mind remembered you being.
Drunk Copia is endearing. A bit tiring to deal with, but endearing.
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midnight-vixn · 2 years
[Guess who's baaaaaack! Have some Lucifer thirst. It's not the best but I tried xD]
Your heart beats harder as you ascend the stage to claim an award from Diavolo. 'For outstanding achievements and diligent work to uniting the three realms'. You can't help the smile that spreads across your face and the pride blooming like a flower in your chest. Your eyes scan the crowd and lock eyes with Lucifer as Diavolo puts the medal around your neck.
He gives you a smirk from his spot in the audience.
Lucifer can't stop praising you, he can feel your pride when he does. With each line of praise, his fingers curl inside you. With each moan that slips from your lips, you get a kiss and more praise. Your pride is so strong he can taste it. He licks a slow stripe up your neck as his fingers find the bundle of nerves inside you and you see stars. A gloved hand covers your mouth as he reminds you that you're backstage as Diavolo gives a speech, slightly hidden behind a thick velvet curtain.
It's not long before he has both of your legs wrapped around his waist, his strong arms holding you up as he pounds into you. It's all you can do to cling onto him. You bite into his shoulder to muffle your moans, you're totally naked, wearing nothing but the medal you won. It hits against your chest with each of his thrusts. His cock is so deep inside you that you're sure you can see it through your stomach if you weren't pressed so close into him. He keeps praising you. Keeps stoking your pride.
"I'm so proud of you." "You've done so well." "You've exceeded my expectations." "You deserve this reward."
He's drunk off you and your pride. He's not thinking straight. He pins you against the wall to get better leverage as his pace goes feral. He's not even stringing together coherent sentences anymore, it's random words of praise between growls, groans and nibbles to your neck.
It's not long before he draws an orgasm out of you and he follows not long after. Just in time too as Diavolo leaves the stage to applause, you could have sworn you saw him look over out the corner of his eye but decided not to say anything as Lucifer slowly pulls out of you, a barely audible moan leaves his throat when his cock pulls out of you. He licks his lips as he watches his own cum drip out of you and onto the floor.
He looks in your eyes and smirks.
"Let's get you back home so I can congratulate you better."
Hold on I have to lay down I— Lucifer being turned on from your pride???? Y E S!!
Lucifer is proud of all your accomplishments big and small but feeling you be proud of your accomplishments? That sparks something inside him, it makes him twitch in his pants, it makes his mind run wild with what he wants to do to you later.
He gets this look in his eyes that lets you know you’ll be spending the night in his room. You feed off each other at that point, you feel prideful knowing how much you turn him on and he becomes restless in his seat.
This was perfect, I’m thinking many thots, Lucifer watching his cum drip out of you 😵‍💫 no one look at me rn
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sopejinsunflower · 2 years
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a/n: Again, this one is inspired by a dream I had of Namjoon but I wrote this on two different days. I kind of lost the plot along the way lol but I hope you still enjoy this little dirty one shot. I kinda went off a tangent lmao xD
Title definition: something for something, an equal exchange.
Warning: 18+, minors DNI
Summary: Kim Namjoon and Park Jimin are both heirs to their families’ conglomerates. One has you under his thumb for awhile now while the other has only just noticed you, the only girl on campus he doesn’t really know much about. But your mysteriousness is both a curiosity and a business risk. Little do they know, they’re not the only ones with an agenda.
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x you (main pair), Jimin x you
Tags: University AU! Chaebol, dom/sub undertones, dirty talk, oral sex, penetrative unprotected sex, submissive Joonie, triangle relationship implied.
Word count: 12k
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Rich kid Kim Namjoon. Bad boy Kim Namjoon. Fuck your brains out Kim Namjoon. Will only date you for three months Kim Namjoon.
You’ve heard the rumours and the titles that stick to the back of this man’s broad shoulders, heard the stories from the broken-hearted girls of the way he’d swept them off their feet only to drop them crashing to the ground yet they sighed and wished they had been good enough for him to be kept. The other girls still hope that one day they’ll catch his eyes next and the guys worship him like some sort of sex deity that they pray to for luck on their first dates.
You wagered going to a private university for the elite would be crazy but this was absolutely bonkers. It was like living in Kim Namjoon’s world, everything and anything revolved around him. So you keep your head low and your nose clean and stay out of everybody’s way. It’s your freshman year and Kim Namjoon is a senior; you may share the same program but it’s a safe distance away. Safe.
Or so you thought until that night of Park Jimin’s birthday party, thrown in the lobby of the guys’ dormitory quarters. Everyone was invited. The little sprite of a man with his dangly earrings and his ripped jeans had thrown the paper invites down from the rooftop of the main campus building a week prior before shouting, “Come to my birthday party! Everyone’s invited!” Him and his two friends, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook, managed to run away before the guards could catch them. The whole campus cheered as they got away, like some bold heroes who managed to pull off the biggest coupe.
So here you are, in a pair of jeans and a sheer white blouse, walking amongst the half-drunk crowd like an invisible person, a beer bottle in hand. No one knows who you are, no one cares to know. The girls are all dressed up like they’re in a club, sexy dresses and tiny skirts and tops that seem to be a second skin, skimpy clothes they pull off so well to look alluring instead of trashy. You guess that this is what money can buy. Wait, or was it the other way around? I don’t know.
Whispers through the crowd confirms that he will be here, Kim Namjoon. Of course he would. Kim Namjoon is everywhere, even at the birthday party of his rival. It’s almost like he runs the society here. President Kim Namjoon, overseer of the student body, unofficially. It’s like he wants to be at the centre of everything that goes on in and around campus, and you guess he kind of is. His father is the biggest benefactor to the university and everyone knows how much the father dotes on his only heir. Kim Namjoon is untouchable.
You stand back, blending into the crowd, sticking close to the shadows when he finally arrives, blond hair slicked back, sunglasses on top of his head, the denim jacket sleeves rolled up at the wrist. The crowd cheers and he raises his hands into the air, greeting them, his rings and bracelets glinting in the dim lighting.
It’s tacky. It’s ridiculous you almost roll your eyes but still, you can’t help but look. He is mesmerising, charming and, if you say so yourself, very handsome. Tall and handsome. You watch the girls around you swoon, calling out to him, subtly pushing their breasts together, adjusting their skirts to ride up a little bit more. You move away, slinking even further to the back, moving away towards the food table where the crowd is thinner.
The air smells of sweat and sickly sweet perfume of both males and females. You pick up a cupcake with vanilla frosting and take a bite, savouring the sweetness in your mouth as you chew slowly. Suddenly someone throws their arm around your neck and you drop the rest of the cupcake to the floor.
“You came!” Jimin shouts into your ear.
You try to wriggle free but his grip only tightens. “I came for the food,” you say blandly, “and you make me drop my cupcake.”
Jimin laughs, his famously cheeky grin plastered on his face. He’s half intoxicated, you could tell from the carefree way he speaks with you. He takes two new cupcakes and places them in your hand. “There’s always more where that came from. You’re not going to wish me my birthday?” He leans close to you, lightly tugging on the hem of your blouse.
“Happy birthday,” you say, taking the cupcakes from him, peeling back the paper before biting into one. “Namjoon’s here,” you add nonchalantly.
Jimin’s face immediately turns frosty, rolling his eyes away to look at the crowd around the newcomer. “Of course he is.” He lets go of you and for a second you thought that your cousin was going to go and kick Kim Namjoon out of the party but he only picks up another beer, uncaps it easily with the edge of the table and takes a swig. He turns back to you, pointing with a finger of the hand holding the bottle. “Don’t leave without saying goodbye to your oppa,” he says with a wink as he jogs away into the crowd, whooping as he goes.
The music starts up again, louder this time, the base thumping against your chest. It’s almost like a recharge for the crowd as they jump up and down, yelling and shouting in excitement. You lean against the food table, calmly munching on your third cupcake. Well, second and a half, actually, if you count the half on the floor. You turn to pick out a different flavoured cupcake when you feel a presence behind you, dark and looming.
A warm hand slides around your waist, the grip strong. You freeze, your heart hammering in your chest because you know, you know who it is. You can smell him, not his cologne but just him, the musk of a man who knows he’s in charge.
You don’t dare to move, suddenly feeling cold. He leans closer, his front sticking to your back that you can feel every curve of his muscle, including the soft bulk resting against the bottom of your spine.
“For someone who doesn’t want any attention, you sure stick out,” he breathes into your ear, his voice soft but deep, his breaths tickling the nape of your neck.
You tilt your head a little to the side to try and catch Kim Namjoon’s eyes. “What makes you think I don’t want any attention?”
He pauses, thinking. Then he chuckles as he steps back, his hand sliding away. “You’re wearing jeans to a party but since no one else is wearing it, it’s more obvious, isn’t it?” You fully turn to face him. He’s taller up close and even more good-looking. It feels like a magnet, drawing you in, wanting to put your hand up against the white shirt underneath the denim jacket and feel his warmth again.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around before,” he speaks, making you tear your eyes away from his chest to look up at him, a little taken aback.
But you shrug instead. “Why would you?” You pick up a red velvet cupcake this time, slowly peeling back the paper holder before pinching a piece off and plopping it into your mouth.
“Is that, what, your fourth one?”
You look at him, frowning. “I didn’t take you as a stalker.”
He smiles, his perfect teeth showing. “I can’t help it when I’m attracted to things that are…” He looks at you from head to toe before finishing, “a little peculiar.”
You stare at him, unsure if you should feel complimented or offended. You stuff the rest of the cupcake into your mouth, brush your hands together and make to leave. He steps in your way, stopping you. “Leaving already?”
“Yes,” you answer softly, looking down to the floor. Something in his voice warns you not to look into his eyes lest you change your mind to walk away. “Enjoy the party.”
He catches your arm and pulls you back, hard enough for it to sting. He leans closer. “I didn’t say you could leave.”
You turn to see Jimin storming towards you, Taehyung and Jungkook by his side. From the crowd, you see Namjoon’s posse, Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi, emerge, hands shove deep into the pockets of their jackets. They glance at Jimin and his friends once before taking their place next to their leader. You’re standing in between the six of them, caught in what looks like a probable fight.
Jimin pushes his hair back as he licks his lips. He nods, gesturing to the grip Namjoon has over your upper arm. “You might want to let go of her,” he suggests, his voice even.
Namjoon looks from Jimin to you then back at Jimin. “Oh, sorry. Is she yours, Park?”
You roll your eyes but Jimin’s lips curl up on one side. “Something like that.”
It takes a full ten seconds before Namjoon finally lets go, holding his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, brother. Didn’t know she was spoken for. Not your usual type, is she?”
Jimin looks disgusted. He gestures for you to leave but as you pass by him, he touches your arm for you to stop. “I’ll see you around, kitten,” he mutters.
You fight the urge to pull your arm away, knowing too well the dramatics he’s going for. But he did save you so you put on a smile. “See you,” you say, pausing, making sure all six can hear you. “Oppa.”
You walk away, hurrying your footsteps to leave, pushing through the throngs of sweaty people to get to the exit. Whatever that is going on between the two groups, you want no part of. You hope it doesn’t turn into a brawl but these are rich supposedly classy people; they don’t dirty their well-manicured hands that way, though you are sure your cousin can hold his own.
As much as Park Jimin annoys the hell out of you, he’s been a sort of protector to you, an older brother position that he assigned himself back when you were kids. You never agreed to any of his antics, acting like some kind of knight in shining armour but you don’t hate it either. You appreciate his presence, it kept all the bullies away throughout school, with a price of course. However, as much as Jimin loves the spotlight on himself, loves the money, loves being a part of the elites, you are the total opposite and it was your one and only condition; to be kept out of his circle.
You get back to your dorm, the room dark and empty. Anya, your roommate, is still at the party. You undress and get ready for bed, slipping under the covers. You fall asleep pretty easily, the wind through the opened window nice and cool, lulling you into dreamland. But just as you’re about to dream, you wake up with a start, your eyes opening and scanning the room.
Something feels off. Your eyes fall on the other bed across the room but Anya is still not back. Something catches your attention in your peripheral vision and you see a figure standing by the door. Tall and definitely not Anya. Not even a female. You sit up but the figure is already by your bed in three full strides. A hand covers your mouth as another pushes you back onto your pillow by the shoulder, the rings digging into your skin.
“Shh, don’t make any noise.”
Your eyes widen, recognising the voice. You shake his hand off of your face before whisper-shouting, “What the hell are you doing here, Namjoon?!”
He smiles, a little too menacingly. “I don’t like being told no.”
You scoff. “I don’t doubt that.”
“What do you mean by that?” He looks a little offended which is funny if the situation isn’t a little suspicious. He just broke into your room and is now sitting on your bed, leaning over you, telling you to be quiet because he doesn’t like being told no. It sounds like the intro of a crime documentary.
“Well, aren’t you daddy’s little prince?” you say, playing on his hurt feelings. “Always getting your way, no consequences because daddy will bail you out of every little mess you made.” It felt good saying it but now, looking at his face, you’re not sure if it was smart. You’re still just another female underneath a large man who could have his way with you and, like you said, will get away with it.
He grits his teeth, his jaws ticking. “And what about you? Hiding behind Park Jimin’s money and influence. What are you? His little private whore?”
You hold back the acidic words in your mouth, letting them burn on your tongue before swallowing them. “What do you want?”
Namjoon smiles again, almost leering. His eyes glint in the shadows as his hand, the one resting on your shoulder, moves slowly down your arm, tracing your skin with the tip of his finger. “I want what Jimin has.”
You let out a chuckle. “You have more than that. What are you even talking about?”
He shakes his head. “No, I want the one thing he loves most.”
You swallow your saliva. “Well it’s not here.”
“You sure?”
His tracing finger moves back up to your shoulder then your neck, stopping under your chin to tip your face up. He leans forward, his nose touching yours. He doesn’t answer you but your lips connect with his, his fingers holding your chin, making sure you’re not able to turn away from his kiss. It’s deep and hungry, his tongue snaking out to lick your bottom lip before tugging on it between his teeth hard enough for you to gasp. In that moment, you feel his tongue against yours, prodding, tasting, licking, entangling.
Your hands push up against his chest but he barely even budge. A moan escapes your lips and instead of the disgust that you should feel, instead of fear and anger, want and lust bubbles in the pit of your stomach, boiling and boiling. Your pushing hands are suddenly pulling him close by his jacket, arching your back so you are pressed up against him, wanting him even closer. A warning goes off somewhere in the back of your head but with your tongues at war, your lips locked together, you give it no mind, not even comprehending why it’s sounding off. You’ll think about it later.
Namjoon climbs into your bed, shucking off his jacket to the floor the same time you kick your blanket down to your feet. His knees rest on either side of your hips as he leans into you, sucking on your tongue, shoving his own as far down as he can into your sighing mouth. His other hand travels down your side and sneaks up your thin tank top to cup your breast, thumb flicking against your already hardened nipple.
You writhe under him as he trails wet kisses down your neck, sucking on your sensitive spots until you gasp and moan. He peppers the top of your chest with more kisses, humming as he goes. He pulls your top up to reveal your breasts, using both hands to knead on them a little more forcefully that it hurts. He looks at your face, your eyes scrunching up tight, your mouth agape, breathing hard. “Look at you,” he says softly with a hint of a smile. “Shall I keep going, princess?”
You nod, not trusting yourself to speak. He doesn’t need to be pushed, latching onto your nipple and suckling on it like a babe. He twirls it in between his teeth, tongue drawing circles in ways that you can’t help but moan out his name. “Namjoon,” you whine. “Feels so good, Namjoon. Mmhh.”
He does the same with your other nipple, rolling his tongue over the perkiness. When he has had enough, he moves further down, delighted to see that your underwear already has a wet patch. “Already so wet for me?” He chuckles to himself, pushing his nose against the wet patch and taking a deep breath. Something about it makes you let out another soft moan, opening your legs for him.
He pushes your soaked panties aside to reveal your glistening cunt, dripping wet with slick. He lets out this dark guttural sound, almost feral and for a short second, you wish he would devour you like the animal he is. You let out a loud mewl the moment the flat of his tongue touches your drooling hole, collecting the juice and bringing it up to swirl it around your swollen clit. He clasps his mouth over your little nub, moaning as he does, savouring the taste.
“Taste so good, princess,” he moans. “So fucking good. Fucking hell.” He pushes your legs further open, holding your thighs in place as he eats you out, your voice echoing off the walls, not even caring if your next door neighbour could hear you. All you can think about is that Kim Namjoon has his face in between your legs, buried deep in your pussy, licking and slurping as if you’re a meal and he’s been famished.
“Namjoon, Namjoon,” you call out, getting close to your high. “Fuck, Namjoon. I’m close. Please, please. I’m so close.”
“Come for me,” he urges. “Come on my tongue.”
You do, pushing his head in as the waves come crashing down. You arch your back as your eyes roll into your head, gasping so hard no sound comes out of your parted lips. Your thighs shake as your orgasm travels through you and when you’ve come down, panting and limp on the bed, Namjoon sits up, licking his lips in satisfaction. He wipes his chin with the back of his hand, eyes raking your body.
He stands up and picks up his jacket, holding it over his shoulder.
“Leaving already?” you ask, ironically repeating his own words from earlier tonight back at him. You push up on your elbows, looking up at him through your lashes.
He lets out a small snicker. “For now,” he says, eyeing you from the door. “Something tells me you’re a whole lot of danger, princess.”
A small smile creeps up your lips, feigning innocence. “But not dangerous enough for you to bury your head in between my legs?”
He laughs, shaking his head. “Can’t help it. I needed a taste.”
He opens the door and steps outside. “And I think you’re trouble. So I’ll need to figure out if you’re worth it or not.” He gives you one last cheeky smile and closes the door and you can hear his footsteps walking down the hallway.
You lay back onto your pillow, staring at the ceiling. Before long, you start laughing to yourself, softly. You can still smell him on you. On the nightstand, your phone vibrates for an incoming call. Park Jimin’s name flashes across the screen.
“Yeah,” you answer breathlessly, putting it on loudspeaker, too lazy to hold it to your ear. You still feel a little weak from your orgasm. You can hear the party in the background.
“Did he pay you a visit?”
You giggle. “Yes.”
Jimin laughs from the other side, a sarcastic one. “I can’t believe that bastard.”
“Oh, it wasn’t so bad,” you say, thinking back at the way he laps on your cunt. “He’s a good eater.”
Jimin lets out an angry scoff. “And I haven’t even gotten my birthday present yet. Get your ass here. Now.”
You let out a groan. “Seriously? Right now? But I’m tired. I wanna go to-”
“Now.” The call cuts and the screen goes black. You sigh. You get out of bed and ruffle through your wardrobe for your trench coat, feeling like one of those noir film actresses. You don’t bother putting your panties back on as you put the coat on and leave your room in a pair of sneakers. Park Jimin is going to be hard to appease tonight but judging from the slight slur in his voice, he won’t be too hard to manage.
Park Jimin has always been the jealous type, it’s why you’ve never actually been with anyone else. It’s too much trouble because Jimin has a sadistic streak. So in order to remain in his good graces, you know what you have to do tonight or else Jimin will sulk throughout the year and that will be bad for you. It wouldn’t take much, you think. Jimin has a soft spot for you and you both know it but his possessiveness can be problematic. It gets in the way of everything despite the non-agreement agreement you two have.
As you cross the green courtyard towards Park Jimin’s building (yes, most of the richer ones have their own private quarters), you don’t realise the shadows following you.
“Keep me posted,” Namjoon’s voice comes through Yoongi’s phone. “I need to know what I’m dealing with.”
When the call ends, Hoseok rolls his eyes. “Out of all the people, why her? There’s nothing interesting about her. Not even from any known family. She’s even here on scholarship.” He spat the word as if it disgusts him.
Yoongi shrugs. “Don’t know, don’t care. C’mon.”
In the morning, after untangling yourself from Jimin, you leave his place in one of his T-shirts before the sun fully rises.
You manage to creep back into bed without waking Anya and without being seen, balling the borrowed T-shirt and throwing it into the back of your closet, to be forgotten. When Anya wakes up, the first thing she sees is your made up bed and you ready to leave out the door.
Unlike everyone here, you have a part-time job to get to. Your phone rings in your pocket as you walk to the bus stop and you answer it. “What is it now, Jimin?”
“I don’t like your tone,” he says, his voice heavy from just waking up. “And it’s oppa to you. Where are you?”
“I’m sorry, Minie, but I’m going to work,” you answer impatiently. “And I have to go. I’m almost arriving.”
“Wait,” he calls out.
You sigh. “What?”
He’s quiet for a long while that you pull the phone away to check if the line is still connected. It is so you put it back to your ear. “Jimin?” You shake your head, correcting yourself. “Oppa?”
“Nothing,” he answers, his voice sounding more awake now. “Have a good day at work.” The call ends and you pocket your phone, jogging over to the bus that just pulled up.
Somewhere in the distance behind you, in a sleek black car parked on the side of the street, Hoseok sits in the passenger seat. He points in your direction. “Who the hell takes buses these days?”
Yoongi doesn’t answer him but starts the engine and pulls out from the illegal parking spot, sticking close to the bus you just got on. He’s a little grouchy right now for having to wake up this early. He’s also not sure why Namjoon wants them to tail you, it’s not like you’re somebody worth tailing. Got into their university on a scholarship and has a part time job. Hoseok is right. Who the hell rides the public bus when they go to Ivy University?
But when Namjoon wants something, Namjoon must get it. Yoongi sighs, anticipating a long day.
You step into the office just as the clock strikes 9.01AM and immediately, your boss is already standing in the doorway of his office, looking at you unimpressed. “You’re late.”
You glance at the clock on the wall but don’t say what you wanted to say. You offer him an apologetic smile, instead. “Sorry, sir.”
He doesn’t respond, disappearing back into his office. You roll your eyes and make your way to your desk. The boss’ assistant peeks his head out and raises his eyebrows at you. You raise a hand to shush him. “Not a word, Seokjin.”
He smiles, his cheeks puffing up like two round breads. “Time is money is power,” he says, quipping our boss’ usual quote before going back to his place.
You work only until two o’clock and ten minutes before your shift ends, the bell above the front door rings. “Welcome to-” you stop short when you realise it’s Kim Namjoon, standing there with his shades on and a black fitting tee with jeans that seem to hug the form of his long legs. “What are you doing here?”
At the sound of your panicked voice, Seokjin comes out to check. Upon seeing Namjoon, his face lights up into a smile. “Namjoon-ah, long time no see.”
They exchange a quick hug and a few words before Namjoon turns to look at you. You wonder how they know each other but then again, Seokjin is the university’s alumni. Everybody knows Namjoon. He points at you, “Taking this one out to lunch. Thought I picked her up from work.”
Seokjin looks at you, worry flitting through his eyes. “Really? Since when are you two a thing?”
“We’re not,” you retort, packing your things. “And I’ve got class after this.”
“Your class starts at 3.30PM,” Namjoon says easily. “You have time.”
You stare at him. “You check my schedule?”
He shrugs.
“Do you know how creepy that is?” you ask, mildly annoyed as you continue to stuff things into your bag.
Your boss comes out, forehead furrowing, eyes aiming at you. “What’s all the ruckus out here?” He looks around and sees Namjoon and immediately his expression changes to delight, the crease between his eyebrows immediately erased like magic. “Namjoon, to what do I owe the pleasure of having you here in my little office?”
Namjoon is all smiles, shaking your boss’ hand confidently. “I’m just here to take my girl out, sir.”
Your boss turns to look at you, an incredulous look on his face. “Her?”
You let out a sigh. “I’m not his girl and,” you swing your bag over your shoulder. “I’m done for the day. Goodbye, Mr Oh. See ya, Seokjin.”
You power-walked down the street heading for the bus stop, aware of the man following you in just a slight quick pace of his strides. He catches up next to you, not a hair out of place, lightly touching your arm. “I got my car with me and-”
You swivel around on your heels to jab him in his chest, hurting your finger a little at how hard it actually is. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t have to explain anything to you.” You continue towards the bus stop and he remains on your heels.
“Is it Jimin? Are you scared if he finds out?” He stands in front of you as you take a seat on the bench, checking your watch impatiently when you already know it’s not another twenty minutes for the next bus to arrive.
“I don’t know why you’re bringing him up,” you say, shrugging. “It has nothing to do with him and just about my principles.”
Namjoon laughs, running his fingers through his hair. Fuck, he didn’t have to look so good. “What principles? Not accepting when someone is just being nice to you?”
You look at him then, eyebrows furrowing. “No. Just not to accept anything from you.”
His face falls, confused. “Me?”
“Can you at least share why?” He takes off his sunglasses, waving them around in his hand.
You give him an incredulous look. “Really? You can’t guess?”
He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. “I mean, it couldn’t be those rumours, right?”
You let out an exasperated noise but ignore him. Namjoon takes a seat next to you, scooting so close that your legs are almost touching. “I didn’t take you for someone who believes in rumours.”
“What did you take me for then?” you give him a pointed look, feigning interest.
He regards you, tilting his head to the side, one leg of the sunglasses resting on the corner of his lips. “I don’t know. I’m still figuring that out.”
You don’t have a comeback for that, staring at him for a few seconds longer. For the first time, you’re not sure what to make of him. His eyes have a sort of gleam to them that you can’t tell if it’s innocence or just plain mischief. For a moment, you wonder if the labels stuck to his back are even justified, if they even had any truth to them because the man sitting next to you, a soft smile playing on his lips, doesn’t scream red flags to you. Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking.
Namjoon sees it too, the way your eyes soften as you look at him, the way your forehead creases just slightly as you contemplate on what to do with him. For a split second, your guard is down and he sees that, clear as day reflecting on your face. He reaches out, brushing your cheek with the pad of his thumb. You flinch but don’t move away.
He’s about to say something when a convertible slides into the bus parking and stops right in front of you. You know it’s Jimin before you even look.
“Kitten,” he calls out. “Get in.”
Before Namjoon can stop you, you pull away from his touch, pick up your things and get into Jimin’s car. You don’t spare another backward glance but Jimin does. He stares long and hard at Namjoon from behind the wheel, the man’s tall reflection against his own sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He sneers and Namjoon stands up, putting his shades back on, unfazed.
“I’ll see you around,” Namjoon says, looking in your direction. “Kitten.”
Jimin’s car peels out of the bus stop, merging with traffic and speeding off. He drives with one hand on the wheel and the other resting on the gearhead in the middle console. He doesn’t speak, jaws ticking silently. You know he’s waiting for you to speak first but you don’t know what to say. He came to the office by himself? He stalked me? He wants what’s yours? Neither of those sounds good enough, if not enraging.
You sneak a glance at Jimin from the corner of your eyes. “Hm?”
“What did he want?” he snarls, impatient to deal with your nonchalance.
You shrug your shoulders. “I don’t know. He wanted to take me out to lunch but I told him-”
“That little bitch,” Jimin curses through gritted teeth. “I give him an inch and now he thinks he can take a mile.”
In an attempt to calm him down, you slide your hand to rest on his thigh, subtly rubbing the inside of his leg over the tight black jeans he’s wearing as you press up against his side. It’s not surprising when he leans into you, seemingly calming. You place your lips against his shoulder. “I don’t want to talk about him. Please, Jimin?”
He reciprocates by moving the hand he has on the gearhead to your thigh, giving it a squeeze a little further up than just a casual touch, running his pinky up and down your crotch. The car slows down at a red light and, out of the blue, Jimin asks, “Do you like him?” His voice is soft and he’s staring ahead, almost as if he’s scared of the answer. His Adam's apple bobs but he looks at everything except you. His pinky ceased movements as his hand rests somewhere a little more appropriate, just above your knee.
You don’t answer him immediately, contemplating. You know nothing of the man named Kim Namjoon other than the words flying around about him. But the magnetic force that pulls you to him is quite compelling though you’re not sure if you want to admit that. He’s not the kind of guy you want to be involved in. Too much spotlight, too much drama dating someone everyone wants.
“I don’t know,” you say carefully. “I don’t know if I like him.”
Jimin senses there’s more to that answer. He glances at you briefly before the light turns green again. “But?”
“But I’m intrigued,” you confess. “There’s something about him.”
Jimin rolls his eyes. “There’s always something about him,” he mutters. After a few minutes, he continues, “So? Are you going to go with him next time he asks?”
You lean back to look at Jimin’s side profile; the chiselled jawline, the cute little nose, the multiple studded ears. Your eyes follow down his neck, your lips recognise the shape of it, how it then curves down to his shoulders, small but strong, sexy, captivating. Only two other people know that you’ve been each other’s firsts; first kiss, first times, during an experimental phase that lasted long into their adulthood out of a mutually hormone-driven consensus. You love him, you do, but never like a lover and you know Jimin feels the same way.
Whatever it is, you want to put Jimin first. He’s done a lot for you, someone who isn’t even acknowledged by the rest of the family. He has fought in your corner and you know if you call, he’d come running. You sidle up to him once again, resting your head against his shoulder, hugging his arm close to you. You link your fingers through his and grips him tight. “Would that be okay with you?” you ask hesitantly.
You feel him sigh but there’s no animosity this time, no anger. Just acceptance. He doesn’t answer, though, not wanting to give you that satisfaction. He squeezes your hand and you take that as him giving you his blessing. “But,” he says, a hint of warning in his tone, “if he does anything I don’t like, I’m ending him.”
You giggle quietly, pressing another kiss to his shoulder at the same time that he leans over to place a lingering kiss on the top of your head.
Namjoon disrobes himself with one hand, the other busy scrolling through the hundreds of unread text messages in his inbox, not one he’s interested to read.
His forehead creases the further down he goes, walking towards the bathroom where the tub is already filled with warm water, waiting for him. He almost tripped on the bathtub’s leg if he hadn’t looked up in time, saving himself from plunging in head first. Carefully, he steps into the water and the stress of the day immediately melts away. He sits in the tub, eyes still glued to his phone screen.
No, you haven’t texted him at all. Not once, ever. Namjoon has the phone numbers of almost everyone on campus, given to him freely or from them searching him out first. But not yours. How is that even possible?
There’s a knock on the door and Hoseok’s head appears through the small gap. Namjoon doesn’t even look up, searching through social media to find traces of you. “Yo, Joon-ah,” Hoseok calls. “You’ve got a visitor.”
Namjoon waves him away. “Not now. I don’t want to see anyone today.”
Hoseok snickers quietly. “Okay, whatever then.”
Hoseok disappears back out the door, leaving the bathroom door just as he found it, ajar. Namjoon comes across your Instagram account but it’s locked with only twenty-two followers. He founds your Twitter account, too, in the same circumstance; private with less than thirty followers. Considering that everyone who goes to this university has connections to the upper class society, having less than ten thousand followers on social media is…lame.
He knows that you got in because of Park Jimin, connected by marriage and not by blood. He knows that when you were three, your mother remarried into the Park family, long owners of one of the biggest conglomerates in the country and, by default, the Kim family’s biggest rival. Other than that, there’s nothing on you. Or so everybody thinks, but Namjoon has a feeling something is going on between you and your step cousin, what, he doesn’t know. Jimin is too protective over you, too possessive.
Namjoon clicks his phone shut and places it on the bathroom floor next to the tub. He slides down lower and leans his head back, closing his eyes. He tries to relax but his brain can’t help but think about you, the enigma plaguing him. There’s no one on campus that he doesn’t know about; every little dirty secret, every little incriminating details, every little sore points, he has them compiled in alphabetical files in the office room downstairs, ammos he uses every once in a while, little business deals to ensure everything runs smoothly the way Kim Namjoon wants it. Everyone has something to lose or to gain, it’s a matter of knowing who’s got dirt on who and what he gets in return.
What he doesn’t know is a threat to himself, especially when something draws him to you. He can’t get involved without knowing what he’s about to gain or lose; it’s too risky. His father taught him well enough about it. Keep things strictly business, your brain must always lead the way, not your heart, every relationship is a transaction. And that’s what’s troubling him. His brain is telling him to just move along, there’s nothing you can offer him, you’re technically a nobody with no actual connection. But his heart. His heart just won’t listen this time.
Namjoon is so lost in his thoughts, his forehead wrinkling, that he doesn’t even notice the shadow that falls over him. He doesn’t even notice it when you lather one pump of soap into one hand and slowly, slowly, quietly dip into the water. His eyes finally shoot open in complete shock when he feels your hand wrapping around his flaccid cock. He gasps aloud, jerking forward and splashing water against the walls and floors.
“Shh,” you say, placing your other finger against your lips, blinking against droplets of water on your lashes. “Don’t want the others to know that I sneaked in after Hoseok told me to leave.”
Namjoon, bless his big beautiful brains, is lost for words. He splutters, mouth opening and closing but nothing comes out, staring at you as if he’s seeing a ghost. His heart is still hammering in his chest and is only subconsciously aware that you are softly tugging his penis under the water, massaging it and rolling the pad of your thumb against the tip.
“What are you doing?” he asks in a hushed voice.
You grin up at him. “Returning the favour.”
He tries to push the question but your soapy hand is starting to have its effect on him, assisting in your underwater heavy petting. He licks his lips, trying to collect his composure. You feel him throb in your hand, warm and growing harder. Bigger, so big that your palm only covers not even half of his shaft. You had underestimated him, you realised nervously.
Namjoon breathes shakily, letting your hand wander down to his balls without saying a word or even moving a muscle. In this situation, both his brain and his heart are taking the backseat. You gesture, jutting your chin. “Why don’t you sit back and relax, little prince?” you say, teasing.
He sits back but his face is disgruntled. “I’m not a little prince,” he mumbles before his words are cut off by a muffled groan as you refocus back to his cock.
You smile, taunting. “Not little,” you say pointedly, “but definitely still a prince. What would daddy say if he finds out you let your guard down like this?” You pick up your pace, pumping on his cock in between your thumb, forefinger and middle finger, feeling the ridges of his hardness against your touch, curious of how it would feel to have him stretch you out taut. Jimin is so much smaller but made up in girth, filling you up so full. But this sheer monstrosity? You can't even imagine it but damn if you don’t try.
“Tell me, Namjoon.” You draw circles with your thumb around his cockhead and watch him press his lips together to avoid making any sounds. “How do the other girls touch you? I want to know.”
He doesn’t answer, breathing heavily, chest heaving, knuckles turning white from gripping the edges of the tub. His rock hard cock putty in your hands, jerking and leaking precum that you gather to rub on the underside of the tip. Seeing that he is ignoring your question you let go and he quickly looks up at you in surprise and confusion.
“Answer me and I’ll keep going,” you promise sweetly, resting your head against your other hand on the lip of the tub.
Namjoon growls. “There’s nothing special about the other girls.”
“You mean, they’ve never given you a handjob before?” you widen your eyes, faking surprise.
“They have,” Namjoon snaps but then he shakes his head. “Just…” he pauses, glaring at you.
“Oh,” you pout. “You don’t like handjobs? I should stop then.” You move away from the tub but Namjoon is desperate now. “No, wait!”
You kneel back down on the floor, looking at him expectantly. “Yes?”
“I didn’t say you could stop,” he says through a grimace. He’s struggling to remain in control. You laugh softly, amused, and once again he looks confused.
“You’re not in charge right now, Joonie,” you explain. “I am.”
Anger flashes in his eyes but he doesn’t react. In the water, his cock looks just as angry as he is, veins bulging and twitching in the water, starving to be touched again. He wants your hand back on him, needs it.
You see him unravelling but your patience is high right now. You know you have him where you want him, looking up at you with defeated eyes. Angry but defeated. He doesn’t move, doesn’t even tell you to leave. You take your chance, daring to push him further, curious to see the real Kim Namjoon. You lean close to his face and his eyes flutter but just as he thought that you might kiss him, you pull back with a smile. “You want me to touch you?”
He swallows hard before he gives a small, strained nod. You smirk. “Beg for it.”
His brooding eyes lock on yours, his jaws grinding together. His hands are in fists and you expect for him to turn you away, to gather up what’s left of his bruised ego and stand up, maybe, so he can really flex how easily he can turn this situation around. You almost hope he would, the masochist in you watching gleefully at how this could all turn out. Kim Namjoon doesn’t beg. He wouldn’t.
But instead, Namjoon lowers his head and whispers out, “Please.”
This time your surprise isn’t faked, kneeling there with your mouth slightly open. Kim Namjoon is begging you to touch him. The Kim Namjoon. The proud man on campus that exudes so much alpha pheromones in any room he walks into; the man that every female and male on campus thirsts for, desperate to bed or be bedded by; the Kim Namjoon that runs the campus like it’s his little playground, a little prince flexing his power and influence over his subjects. That Kim Namjoon is pleading with you, head hung low, naked in the bathtub, cock sticking straight out in between his legs, quivering for more of what was given to it just seconds ago.
“Please what?” you ask, confidence surging. Your hand is already back in the water, tracing your fingers against the inside of his thigh close enough to brush against his cock but not quite there.
“Please,” Namjoon mumbles, his hair falling over his face that you wish you could see his expression right now. What does he look like when he’s begging? You tip his chin up with your finger, making him look at you. Again, you’re taken by surprise as his eyes are a little glassy, lips a little wobbly.
Your heart jumps out at him but this power play is giving you a feeling you’ve never had before. Jimin had only loved to dominate and you loved being taken care of, but this is new. This is something you’ve never experienced before and seeing the six-foot alpha male in front of you submit to you is exciting, intoxicating.
The defiance in his eyes only adds fuels to your newly-born fire. “Please,” he says again, voice cracking at the end, “touch me. Please touch me more.”
“But I am touching you,” you answer in mock ignorance, fingers dancing through his pubic hair now, tugging on it. “See. I’m touching you.”
“Please,” Namjoon whines, biting on his lower lip. He uses one hand to grab yours under the water and places it on his member. “Touch me here.”
Your lips curl upwards, satisfied. Without another word, you restart your movements, making a circle with three fingers and using them to pump his shaft, squeezing it in all the right spots, feeling him harden beneath your touch. You continue to jerk him off, watching him close his eyes and tilt his head up, lips parted. You quicken your pace, the water sloshing around noisily. You add more soap into your hand, smoothening the glide enough for him to breathe in quick shallow breaths, soft little moans in the back of his throat.
The water is somewhat restricting and you want more. “Move,” you order, standing up and stepping into the tub in between his legs. He looks a little perplexed but is quick to oblige, sitting up on one end of the tub, butt situated just inches on the cool surface, using his hands to support the rest of his weight. Not caring that your denim shorts are now wet, you kneel in front of him, coming face to face with his crotch, his darkened cock bouncing in between your eyes. You give him a few more pumps with your hands before you hold it up, look him in the eye and snake your tongue out to lick the tip.
Namjoon hisses but he doesn’t look away. You lick the underside of his cockhead, tasting the precum leaking profusely. You pop the head into your mouth, using your tongue to roll around it, hollowing your cheeks to suck. Namjoon lets out a full moan, bottom lip in between his teeth. “Fuck,” he curses. “Just like that, please.”
Alas, being dominant isn’t exactly your thing because once lust envelopes you, your switch flips and you’re hungrily sucking on his cock, taking him into your mouth as much and as far back as you can go without gagging, using your hand to pump the base to make up for what you cannot fit. He’s huge. While you can wrap your pretty little mouth over Jimin’s length comfortably, you’re struggling to breathe around Namjoon’s.
Saliva drips messily down your chin but you pay it no mind, wanting nothing but to please him. You bob your head down his length, careful to use your tongue for the underside, to retract your teeth except when you’re nibbling his tip, to use your spit as much as you can for lube. What dribbles down your mouth, you collect with your hand, pumping the base of his cock with it in time to your head-bobbing. Jimin taught you well because Namjoon is softly begging again.
“Oh, please, oh, please.” He has a loose touch of the back of your head, more guiding than pushing. “Please, harder. Your mouth. Please.”
You understand what he wants, clamping down a little more firmly, doing your best to not let your teeth graze him. You press your tongue up, feeling the bulky veins as you move up and down his shaft. Feeling a little tired, you focus on the tip, sucking lightly with every upward move of your head.
You’re not sure what happened or why it happened but something snaps in Namjoon. He holds your head in between his hands firmly in place and instead of you blowing him, he fucks your mouth. You let him, adjusting yourself to his sloppy movements. He’s careful enough not to shove his whole length in, watching your reaction with hooded eyes, hip bucking wildly.
“Yes, yes,” he mutters, watching his cock slide in and out in between your lips. “Your mouth feels so warm, so good.” His mind wonders about watching the same scene unfold in between your legs. How would you feel wrapped around him, spread open for him?
Before long, he pulls out, steps out of the tub and lifts you up bridal style. You squeak at the sudden movement, clinging onto him as he transfers you over to the sink countertop. He buries your head into your neck, breathing hard, arms around your waist. “Please, I want to-” he hesitates, gulping in more breaths. “Please,” he finishes silently, pressing wet kisses on your neck, sucking on the skin.
“You want to what?” you coax, pushing against his shoulders so he would look up at you. He does, looking at you with wide eyes, pupils blown out, blond hair sticking to his forehead. You push his hair back and kiss his forehead. “Tell me. What do you want, my little prince?”
He seems to contemplate it before muttering, “Sex,” like some kind of virgin school boy that’s only just learning the word. That’s when you know that this is a whole different side of him that you’ve never seen before, confident that no one has ever seen before. It contradicts his whole being that you could never have imagined it if you’re not actually seeing it now. He towers over you as you sit on the edge of the countertop, looking down at you like a kid who is asking for extra dessert. Is this what he hides behind the mask of alpha Kim Namjoon? A little needy boy in the bedroom who can’t even vocalise what he wants?
You can’t help the smile on your lips but all Namjoon is seeing is the way you leer at him, your mouth turning upwards on one side. It makes him feel small, powerless, at your mercy. It makes his cock throbs painfully. He lets out a small whine, burying his face back into your neck, nibbling on your skin that smells like your wash soap, nothing too fancy nor too strong.
“You want to fuck me?” you inquire, tilting your neck to give him access to more skin. “Is that it? You want to know what my pussy feels like around your fat cock?”
He nods against you but you’re not having it. Without thinking, you grab a fistful of his hair and pull, roughly enough to jerk him backward. He lets out a surprise, “Ah,” but relaxes, his skin tingling from where the pressure emits from his scalp down to his leaking tip, so much so that it drips down to the tile floor.
“Answer me in words, Namjoon,” you hiss, glaring at him. Something in him withers even more, seeing the reflection in the mirror of how he, at six foot tall with swollen biceps and chest and rock hard abs, is being manhandled by this girl who is not even over five foot, the girl who, just a few days ago, he doesn’t even know existed. What a plot twist.
“Yes,” he breathes out, the excitement growing.
“Yes what?”
His brain scrambles to remember what were the words you said but he can’t. His attention had been somewhere else. From his view point, he can see straight down your loose T-shirt and realises that you’re not wearing a bra. You’re not generous in the chest area but the swell of your breasts is prominent from this vantage point and he gulps. Your nipples are already perky.
You pull on his hair again as you bring his face closer to yours so that he has to bend forward slightly. “I ask you a question,” you reiterate, growing impatient.
Namjoon’s lips quiver. He honestly can’t remember what he was supposed to repeat. Words. You wanted words. “Please,” he says pathetically blubbering, “Please, want your pussy. Want to…want my cock in you…in your pussy. Please, my cock in your pussy.” At the same time, his member between his legs does a little jerk upward.
You let go of his hair, bracing yourself against the edge of the counter. “Take my shorts off,” you command and he hurries to unbutton the denim with careless fingers. He tugs it off of you and you lift your ass to assist. Once it passes your knees, he lets it drop to the floor. He looks at your soaked panties from when you joined him in the tub, a little disappointed that he can’t tell between the tub water and the leak from your cunt, the cunt that he had his face buried in just last night.
His fingers linger on the band of the panties, eyes stuck on the spot between your legs. You giggle softly to yourself, cupping his cheek and pulling him to look at you. “Kiss me,” you say, tilting your head up.
He doesn’t need to be told twice, crashing his lips against yours that your teeth clashed together. You taste blood and wonder which one of you is bleeding, not really caring. The kiss is sloppy, wet, open-mouthed. Tongue moves against tongue aimlessly and he leans in, pressing his hot cock against your pulsating clothed pussy. Moans tumble out of both your mouths into each other, dribbling saliva down chins. He rubs his cock against you some more and you wish he had removed the panties, too.
“Panties,” you moan out, hoping he understood.
He does but his brain is still not working properly so instead of pulling it off of you, he rips it off with one powerful wrench of his wrist, leaving you to gasp against the burn on your skin from where the material dug into you before it broke apart. He doesn’t miss a second, pressing up against you once more, running the length of his hardness against your sopping crotch, gliding it deliciously up and down your clit.
You let out a moan into the kiss, pulling him closer by the waist, wrapping your legs around him. “You’re so wet,” Namjoon whines, “so, so wet. I’m so hard. Please. Want…”
He breaks away from the kiss to nibble down your neck, his hands travelling up your shirt to rest on your sides, squeezing softly. You’re small in his grasp, his fingers easily circling you on both sides that his thumbs are almost touching together with every little squeeze. So tiny, so small, so fragile.
“Hands on the mirror,” you tell him, prying his hands off of you and guiding it to the mirror behind you. He leans heavily on it, spit lining the corners of his lips, tongue lolling, searching for something, anything to suck on. You suck on his tongue hungrily, slobbering over each other, lips missing lips, messy kisses that leaves saliva trailing down his front. “No touching,” you breathe out. “Do you hear me?”
Namjoon nods his head weakly, the pain in his cock is getting unbearable. He needs release so bad that he's starting to sound needy even in his own ears. “Yes, yes, please. No touch. Won’t touch. Please…fuck me.”
“Good boy,” you purr. “Such a good little prince. Is this how you obey your daddy? When he tells you to do things? Little Namjoonie can’t help but be a good little boy, huh?”
Something stirs in the pit of Namjoon’s stomach at your words. At the back of his mind, a voice screams No! That’s not how I am, you little bitch! And don’t call me that! I don’t like it! But his mouth can only let out little soft noises, his cock wet from his own precum, knees weak, brain all fuddled from any thoughts, only want. Want, want, want. Please. He only nods, a little stronger, this time.
“Are you being a good little Namjoonie for me?” you prod some more, this time giving him a little incentive by touching his reddening cock. You rub the little hole, silently gauging if he can even fit inside you. It’s going to be painful for sure.
“Yes,” Namjoon moans cutely. “Yes, I am.”
“You want this,” you say, tugging on his member, “inside me?” You guide his cock to your entrance, rubbing on your own hole to gather the slick. “I wonder if your cock will even fit me, Joonie.”
He pushes slightly and you lean back. “Uh uh,” you warn. “I don’t think it’ll fit, baby boy. I think it’s too big. I think your fat cock is going to destroy me, baby.”
Namjoon whines, exasperated. His hands are fists against the mirror. Any more pressure and it’ll definitely crack. He can see it, can picture it, how he’s going to stretch you out so wide and so good. He can imagine just how warm you would be, how wet, your pussy tight around his cock. So tight he might come just from the first thrust. Fuck.
“Nooo~,” he mewls out. “Want. Please…Let me. Please.”
You relent, guiding his tip to your entrance and this time you don’t stop him as he pushes in, slowly, carefully. The sting sears through you and you grit your teeth against it, holding your pussy open with two fingers, watching as he slides in painfully slowly. It burns so much your eyes water. “Fuck, Namjoon,” you exhale through shallow breaths. “Fuck, it hurts. It’s so big.”
Namjoon looks down and sees that the first quarter is in. It’s tighter than he thought it would be. So tight he can’t move. He leans his forehead on your shoulder. “Relax, baby,” he soothes. “Just relax. Breathe.”
The switch has flipped. The moment he penetrates you, you let go of control, trying to relax your lower half to ease the pain. You circle your arms around his neck for support and he pushes in a bit more. You can feel the stretch, can feel how hard he is, how much he fills you up, and yet he still has more to give. You can feel the slide in, the pain stinging before it subsides as you adjust to his size. You have only known Jimin, feeling only slightly guilty and sad that his shape will be erased for Namjoon’s.
When Namjoon is finally all the way in, you both remain unmoving for a couple of minutes. He lets you get used to him while he struggles not to come just yet, breathing in deep breaths and trying to distract himself. He looks up to check on you, finding your face all scrunched up in pain. You slowly open your eyes and tears pool in them. He kisses your cheek, whispering in your ear, “Relax, baby. Breathe, just breathe. That’s it. That’s a good girl.”
Namjoon repositions himself in between your legs, slowly pulling out again. You let out a whimper, nails digging into his shoulders, feeling the weight of him move inside. He doesn’t pull out the whole way but stops at the tip before he plunges back in. You cry out in both pain and pleasure. “Ahh, Namjoon…Namjoon. It feels good. Feels good, Joonie.”
“Doesn’t hurt anymore?” he asks softly, wanting reassurance. You shake your head, bottom lip white in between your teeth. “You sure?” You nod your head vigorously.
He pulls forward a little bit so you are sitting on the edge of the counter, your butt lifted up a little to give him more access. This way, his thrusts are at an angle that gives you the most pleasure, hitting that right spot, moaning his name drunkenly, eyes barely open. You’re so wet, you can feel it. Can hear it, the squelching sound loud in your ears.
“Oh, baby, can you hear that?” he says from over you, hips rolling against you expertly. “So wet for me. You’re so wet for my cock.”
You nod, humming. “Yes. I can hear it. Your cock feels so good, Joonie. Please. More. Faster, please. Your cock is stretching me out so well. I want more.”
Namjoon sucks on your earlobe, nibbling on the shell of your ear. “Pull your legs up. Let me see how you stretch out for me.”
You comply, pulling your legs towards you by the knees, giving him a clear view of where you two are connected. His cock glistens with your wetness and he hastens his strokes. In, out, in, out, in, out, building up speed as he goes, watching your hole parts with every push in and watching his cock reemerge as he pulls out. “See, baby,” he murmurs. “Fits just right in your little pussy.”
“Haa, Namjoon. Oh, god,” you mewl out, tears slipping out from the corner of your eyes. “Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god. Fuck, Joonie. You’re fucking me so good. So good. Aahh, Namjoon, Namjoon.”
The more you repeat his name, the more aware you are of who has his dick buried balls-deep in you. It’s a little bizarre, a little exciting. The man who runs around campus with a gaggle of onlookers, the man who Jimin isn’t very keen of, the man who you told yourself to stay away from because Jimin doesn’t like him (plus the whole drama between the families) is now standing in between your legs, fucking yo so deep your eyes roll back in their sockets. And just mere moments ago, he had begged to be touched. By you.
Fuck, just a few minutes ago he had sobbed for you to pay attention to his leaking cock, veins popping, chest heaving and now look how the table has turned. Not that you mind it. But you love the fact that Namjoon has given you something he has never given anyone else and with that in mind, your eyes open and push him off, wanting to switch positions.
You hop off the sink countertop and twirl around, sticking your ass out to signal to him how you want him to do you next. You lean against the mirror, looking back over your shoulder at him, waiting. Namjoon realigns himself but because you’re too short, the angle isn’t quite right. He can’t quite sink in correctly. He parts your ass cheeks, fumbling with his fingers to find your cunt hole and you sigh with his touch. He digs two fingers in and you moan, sticking your lower half out more.
You crave his touch, lifting one knee up to rest on the counter, giving him more ease to shove his fingers deeper. He scoots down and buries his face in your dripping pussy, tongue out so he can taste you. You wail, face pressed against the mirror, breath fogging it up. You forget about the two other men in the house, not caring if they can hear you. “Yesss! Yesss! Fuck.”
Namjoon stops and stands back up, chin wet, massaging his cock before plunging it back into you, so deep you arch onto your tiptoes, hissing as you do, unable to make any other sound as it feels like your breath is knocked out of you. He continues to pound into you, the sound of skin slapping skin resounding with every thrust. By this point, the two other men in the house, who have been pretending they couldn’t hear your voice, are visible trying to hide the tent between their legs.
Supporting your waist with his big hands, he whispers continued praises from behind you, his voice a little shaky from his vigorous thrusting. “Look at you, taking my cock so well. Being so wet for me.” He moans, feeling you tighten around him. “You like that, kitten?”
In between your little gasps, you manage to tell him, “Don’t call me that.”
“Call you what? Kitten?” He rams into you hard enough for you to cry out again, pussy clenching and unclenching, dribbling more slick than he thought possible. “You don’t like me calling you kitten? Is it because Jimin calls you that?”
His voice sounds a little mean as he grows a little annoyed, images of you under the other man flashing across his mind. He doesn’t like it, doesn’t like to know that another had claimed you first. He shoves into you so deep his tip rests against your cervix. You mewl, trying to move away but having nowhere else to move to. Your toes are cramping up. “Namjoon, please,” you sob. “I’m so close.”
Namjoon continues to deep fuck you in fast hard strokes, grunting each time, his nails digging into the skin of your waist. “You’re getting close thinking of being with Jimin? Huh? If I call you kitten, you’ll think I’m Jimin, fucking your wet pussy until you’re a mess like this, huh?”
You try to shake your head but you can’t do that without losing your balance. Namjoon pauses, cock deep inside your weeping cunt. You feel him throb, feel every curve of him, feel how hot he is.
He seems to read your mind, leaning to speak into your ears. “You feel that in between your folds? Can you feel how hard I am for you right now? Can you feel it, how much I want you to come all over my cock? My cock. Mine. Not Jimin’s.” He pulls out slowly and shoves back inch by inch, making sure you feel every stretch of your walls as he claims you. “From now on, I’m going to make sure your little pussy only remembers my shape. I’m going to make sure that neither Jimin nor anyone else will ever make you feel enough. You hear me?”
You nod desperately. “Just stop talking already,” you whine, pouting your lips at him. “You can’t even make me come yet.”
Namjoon pushes you against the countertop, making sure you bend forward for him to envelope you from behind, his front to your back. He places a hand above your head, a safety cushion to stop you from banging your head against the mirror. Then, he gets to work. You’ve never been fucked this roughly before, never been fucked this good and wild that you’re screaming his name through heavy lips. You’ve never been fucked in a way that makes you want to open up more for him, expose all part of you so he can get at every little inch.
“That’s it, baby girl. Just like that, fuck! Your pussy is clenching so tight, baby,” he moans out. “So tight- I- fuck, feels so good, baby girl. Your pussy- so good, baby. You’re so wet for me. Come for me, baby girl. Come all over my cock.”
Your breathing quickens as you feel the familiar knot tightening in your belly. You let out another cry when Namjoon reaches over to rub on your clit and that’s what you need to send you reeling over the edge. “Yesss, yesss, yesss! Oh my god, yesss. Pleasepleasepleaseplease don’t stop. I’m so close, Joonie. So close. Namjoon, you’re fucking me so good. Fuckfuckfuck, aaahhh!”
Namjoon feels you tighten around him before the spasm rocks through your whole frame. You arch your back, stilling for a moment as your legs shake. Your cunt clenches around his cock hard enough to make him moan out your name, calling out to you over and over again, praising you with words barely incomprehensible. You feel him keel over on you, kissing your back as his cock throbs, spilling his seed, painting the walls of your cunt in hot white stickiness that overflows and drips down your thighs.
Namjoon lets out a few grunts before he slips out and his legs buckle beneath him. He plops to the floor by your feet as you hang on for dear life on the countertop, legs too weak to hold your weight. From his place, Namjoon looks up to see how much of a mess he’s made of you, his semen mixing with your juice still dribbling out.
You lean over your shoulder to look at him, panting, your eyes barely open. You can feel the stickiness in between your legs, feel something hot and wet trailing down your thighs. Fuck, that was intense.
“So pretty,” Namjoon blabbers, eyes in between your legs. “Such a pretty pussy.”
Feeling cheeky, you spread your legs wider. “The little prince should learn to clean up his own mess,” you pant, half teasing, half pouting. “Or didn’t your daddy teach you that?”
Still feeling spent, Namjoon crawls over to kneel in between your legs. He uses his palm to spread your butt cheeks apart, exposing you even further. Something about the way that he’s looking at you in such a private place relits the fire in the pit of your stomach.
“I know how to clean my mess,” Namjoon mutters, kissing the insides of your thighs. “I can clean very well.” His words are muffled as he speaks with his tongue on your sloppy entrance, pressing his whole mouth to it and sliding the flat of his tongue against your pussy. He slurps and licks and nibbles and sucks on your swollen clit. He alternates between that and shoving his tongue as deep as he can in your hole, tasting both himself and you.
“Oh, Joonie,” you mewl softly. “Yes, just keep doing that. Keep sucking on my clit. Yes, just like that. Fuck, my little prince is such a good cleaner. My pussy’s gonna come again.”
Namjoon does as he’s told, easily obeying you, tongue furiously flicking against your little nub. Once again, your orgasm washes over you, building into a crescendo until it crashes down, your pussy pulsating, your legs finally giving out from underneath you. Namjoon catches you in a heap in his lap, holding you close against his chest. He tips your head up to him, covering your mouth with his, making sure you can taste yourself, too.
Once you both calm down, you pull away, disconnecting your lips, a string of saliva still connecting your tongues before it breaks off. You’re still breathing heavily, eyes too heavy to keep open, resting against him. You’re not sure how you got to the bed or how you got cleaned up but when you open your eyes again, you’re sleeping on your side, Namjoon spooning you from behind, fast asleep.
His deep breathing tells you that he won’t be easy to wake but his arm wraps around your middle so tight you can barely move. The room is dark and the curtains drawn. Somewhere in front of you, a phone vibrates on the side table and you fumble to look for it. You pick it up, squinting from the light and realise it’s not yours. It’s Namjoon’s.
It’s a text from Jimin. Curious, you focus to read the words, your vision still blurry with sleep. I know you’ll be bored of her soon but she’s my toy so don’t break it. Or I’ll break you.
You place his phone back down on the table and feel around for yours. You find it tucked under your pillow. You check for messages and there it is, a text from Jimin, too. He won’t entertain you for long. I’ll be waiting, my little kitten.
You smile to yourself before putting the phone away. You’ll placate Jimin in the next few days, giving him little tidbits to soften him up and sweeten him just right, enough to assure him that of course, he’s still your favourite. Neither him nor Namjoon will realise the hook you’ve sinked into the both of them, little puppets that would react with every little jerk of your fingers.
You snuggle closer against Namjoon and he stirs, tucking you in against him even more. Soon, his warmth will lull you back to sleep but for now, you lie there in the darkness, unable to wipe the smirk on your face. The two most powerful pawns in the business world are now both in your pocket, ready to be played when the time comes, a typical chaebols rivalry to be used for your own gain.
After all, it’s just business.
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a/n2: lmk what you think of this one in the comment or ask!
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gendervapor14 · 7 months
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
9. How do you find new fic to read?
10. How do you decide what to write?
(if not answered already), and 37 & 38! Fanfic ask meme❤️
ooh hello!! thank you for these!! i did answer #38, but i'll answer #37 for sure!
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
ooooo as a music nerd i love this question and i apologize for how longwinded my answer is XD i don't do many songfics or much song-related writing [*shoves the title of two fights for freedom under the rug*] but i do have a ton of playlists and songs that make me think of specific characters or fics. to answer this question, i'll just pick one called "Fever Dream" by Dirt Poor Robins. specifically the part starting just after the 4:00 minute mark. the lyrics make me go INSANE with this idea for a dark/horror dq bros fic where doflamingo realizes that corazon is just a false identity and he can't do anything to get his brother back and it drives him even more insane. these lyrics make me crazy Now here comes the liar (lion) Clawing at your door Drunk on the blood of your brother And he's back for more (apparently the lyric is actually "lion" rather than "liar", but i hear "liar" so therefore i declare it is "liar" for the sake of my own brainrot) imagine a fic where rosinante is the one psychologically tormenting doflamingo!! unsure if i'll ever get around to writing it, but it'd probably have a similar vibe to blood gone sour.
9. How do you find new fic to read?
i usually do a nightly prowl under the one piece fandom on ao3 and either filter by most recent fics with rosinante or bell-mere. otherwise i read recs that are bumped on discord servers, or stories friends write! i'm actually terrible at reading tho i don't read nearly enough. when i have free time, i usually use it to create.
10. How do you decide what to write?
excellent question. i make a list of priorities. sometimes it's disorganized lists on my phone, sometimes i use calendars. first and foremost are things with due dates, so zine work, or gifts for exchanges, birthdays or holidays. next i prioritize stories that are works in progress, but already posted on ao3. i hate having incomplete works posted on ao3, so i strive to get them wrapped up asap. then it's a rabid thunderdome of all my other wips and ideas all wrestling for victory for who gets to be created XD i'm constantly bursting with ideas i never get to work on, unfortunately.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
i'm gonna go ahead and promote spitfire and ice because i busted my ass on this for the crackpair event and i was actually really happy with the result? i was assigned makino x kuzan, so i threw bell-mere in there too just to shake things up, and then i fell madly in love with bell-mere x makino and their flirty banter. it captured my heart in a way i was NOT expecting. i guess the tags aren't particularly interesting to most, so it's relatively unknown with only 4 kudos and 31 hits. but look at this!! “Hey, I’ve gotta ask you something.” She leaned over the counter once Makino settled herself and refilled the pitcher for the next round. “Would I still be wanted here…after hours?” With a tight smile, Makino rested her hands over the tabletop. “We’re closed for customers after hours. I need some time to tidy up the place.” “Right, right…” Pretty gray eyes wandered. “But in this situation, I wouldn’t be a customer.” With an amused chuckle, Makino folded her arms over her stomach. “What do you want me to say, Miss Bell-mère? Do you want me to welcome you to my private quarters upstairs?” That exposed chest filled with air. “I wouldn’t be against an invitation.” smh. well, at least i'm proud of it!
ahhh sorry i got so rambly XD i had fun answering these! thank you so much for the questions!! here's the list if anyone else has a question, or wants to reblog it for themselves!
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years
MAG 140 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: taking a bubble bath^^
BASIRA: "You look awful. You try drinking with Daisy again?" The S4 Archives crew dynamic is so incredibly funny! I headcanon Jon getting super emotional when drunk, pouring his heart out!
BASIRA: "You don’t remember any of it?" JON: "You drink the whole contents of a bar, you don’t remember what the Merlot tastes like. (sigh-adjacent sound) It just hurt." Already said last episode, with a character capable of sort of an omniscience it would have been kind of a plot hole not to try to just Know what the plan was. And this is an excellent way to handle it. The reason, why Jon didn't get any information out of it, works so well.
That encounter with Maxwell Rayner was probably the reason Basira got so much into books when she joined the institute. She was already researching Ny-Ålesund back then and dove deeper into the history of John Flamsteed and Edmond Halley (MAG 108).
BASIRA: "The first Astronomer Royale. Had the post until his death in 1720." JON: "1719. He died on New Year’s Eve." People often say 'No one likes a smartass," but I actually love them!^^
BASIRA: "Names shift over the years. ‘Specially if you’re not keen on keeping the same body." Oh the foreshadowing!
Oh god, this statement... I'm a few sentences in and I already forgot everything. This old English writing makes my brain bluescreen...
"With a fierce strength never before awakened within me, I gripped the head of my foul adversary, and forced it down, into the dark pool before us.There I held it, the water so cold upon my skin the marks have yet to fade. And Reimer thrashed, and kicked, and made such sounds as I have never before heard of the dying. And he was still." I'm guessing, that "dying" by the black water of the Dark only achieved Rayner being one with it now. His essence somehow preserved in the liquid. (Also death to become a full-fledged Avatar, yes yes...) Cause that liquid is how he hops bodies right? It was coming out of his mouth and flowing towards Callum Brodie.
BASIRA: "But I mean – didn’t you say he got blown up in World War I as well?" And that's the only reference we get to that dead soldier in MAG 7. Though his tags said "Joseph Rayner".  In MAG 7 Jon said the recognizes the name from somewhere, but now he's not sure himself there.
BASIRA: "Ah, Jon. What’s this?" [SHE PICKS SOMETHING UP.] JON: "Hm? Oh. That’s… I, th, uh – that’s my rib." BASIRA: (Pythagorean theorem, volume of a cone) "Right." [SHE PUTS IT BACK.] JON: "Yep." BASIRA: "And… the jar of ashes." JON: (stress.exe) "Not – not, m,mine – I mean, it belongs to me, I, I, I guess, but it’s not – stationery is in the, uh, other drawer." 'No, Basira, this is my human remains drawer...' xD Also the fan transcript, lol! Stress.exe xD (got my headcanon to the survival of the jar of ashes in my post to MAG 123 btw - Martin salvaged it after the Flesh attack.)
JON: "I hope you’re not suggesting that Santa works for the People’s Church." BASIRA: (exasperated) “Jon.” Yeah, Jon. Santa is an Avatar of the Eye, did you not pay attention to "Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town".
BASIRA: "I bring all the guns from Daisy’s old stash, you bring the spooks you used to mess up that delivery guy." [LONG PAUSE.] JON: "What – That’s it? Christ, I thought my plans were half-assed." Afsdjfld, I forgot this was an actual conversation, lmao!
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xuanzangg · 2 years
how genshin men describes you ft. non-binary reader.
mond version!!
let's have a quick start with diluc, we all know that he is a gentleman and would never do anything bad to you. the reader here is to be stated as a quiet person.
"oh, you wanna know more about them? fine with me then. they are a wonderful and they make me feel at peace, they ease my anxiousness and tiredness, with then around, everything feels much more lighter and brighter. they are just the right person for me, the person i can relay on too without any suspicion. their peaceful and quiet demeanor is very comforting whenever i know that their presence is near me. i have so many good things i could say about her but...well, they might be looking for me now, if you dont mind traveler, i have to get going for i, too, misses them dearly."
next up is kaeya!! we know that kaeya has this kind-of-flirty persona but is actually a big ball of sunshine, we also know that mond's grandmas loves and adore him very dearly. the reader is to stated as quite bubbly and indicesive person.
"oh, that's an interesting question, my dear friend. well, all i can say is that my partner, is a bubbly person, they tend to be indicesive sometimes and have their bad times such as not knowing what to decide and more. they are someone who i can truly trust about my life, without them, i wouldnt know what to do, honestly. they're just like a miracle that happened to have find me in the middle of my life's crisis."
guess who's next?? that's right! it's venti!! we all know know knoooowww that venti is a drunkard archon who is very allergic to catss >_< but is also a very responsible god. the reader is stated as a caring and loving person.
"ohoho, traveler. my beloved here is a very lovely person!! they love taking care of me whenever i get drunk, diluc would even tell me everytime im out at the angel's share, drinking with rosaria and kaeya that everytime i pass out, they would come running in the to me just to take me home and take care of my drunk self haha! there are many things that i found very lovable about them, so many that i wont even be able to count them. i trust them with my whole heart, i have also told my story about them, me being an archon and such, she just sat down there and listened to me blabber all things i wanted and needed to say, she was just listening to me, not interrupting me and smiling. when the time came that i had finished my story, she hugged me sincerely and smiled at me saying that she accpets me for who and what i am. i couldnt be more lucky to have them in my life and oh! i also write poems and would even make a song for them just to see their lovely smile! ah, love it is, i cant just help it, i love them too much and with my whole heart."
aaaaaa, i clearly have my own favorite!! but weelll, who can blame me XD i just think venti is a very wonderful character and completely fell for him!!
next up is liyue characters!
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hii, i wanted to say that i really love your writing and art. brings me joy to see chai x kale, my blorbos. do you have any headcannons about them?
🤔 well without any specific ones you'd like me to talk about my brain is trying to pick one but I guess I do have some but they're probably stuff I've already written heh ❤️ and thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
So like we all think about how Kale is the oldest so he's gotta always be 100 percent in charge right?
Well what if he let's Chai sometimes just decide their schedule for the day, doesn't matter what it is, he didn't have to plan it , sort it or work it out, he gets to come along for the ride and actually experience a few things.
Kale and his Sister plan days so that they can take time off to be with their significant others.
I bet there's some days Kale just loves making a fuss of Chai and Chai acts like his usual cocky self but adores it....just as much as Kale can be stubborn he likes that Chai always remembers his coffee and will even go off campus to get him a Cortado if the machines are broken.
No one but Chai knows Kale likes his coffee with lots of milk and three sugars, that's one he's been told to take to the grave with him, Chai thinks it's fucking cute but accepts these terms of knowing this oh so secret information xD
Let's see love making can vary from if I don't fuck you now I'll die, from Kale being above him and gently cupping Chai's cheek , his hand covering almost half his face with how big it is, and his heart races in the quiet moment , those moments he can't believe he's really in because it's so perfect it has to be a dream right, when ever Kale holds Chai's face like this , Chai always kisses Kale's palm and smiles up at him and says I love you.
Which has Kale leaning down to kiss him because how could he not love Chai.
They are super cuddly after sex like if kale gets up to go get a snack Chai is holding onto him like a koala and Kale loves it, he'll literally panic if Chai doesn't because he'll worry something is wrong.
One year Chai learned how to knit
(I can't knit for shit but if I could I would knit my loved ones so many scarfs they could make a rope bridge out of them xD)
Turns out Chai was really good at knitting and taught CNMN how to knit and Macaron even joined....they formed a little knitting club :3c Because I head cannonly say so pffft
But back to the point
So it was like Kale's birthday and Chai saw all the really expensive gifts Kale got and Chai was standing at the back as everyone gave their gift , probably like at some big party....because let's be honest who gets to plan what they really want the do on their own birthday and have to go along with the plans everyone else makes for them.
Kale noticed that Chai left at one point and made sure to send a message asking if he was alright and Chai just said he was tired.
Kale wasn't sure how much Chai had drunk that night so he really might be but he didn't stay too much past midnight and returned back to their home.
Chai woke up being poked in the face
"Hey...I know you got me something...I've been waiting all day for it gimme."
Kale held out his hand expectantly and Chai curls up and is like no...it's not as good as all those other ones.
Kale shakes his head
Pffft please they saw something shiny and assumed I wanted and or needed it, they didn't pick it because they love me they chose them because they love my name.
He pokes Chai's sides and Chai's like noooo you know I'm ticklish!
That's the point kid , now where's my birthday present, come on gimme you rascal!
Keeps playfully tickling his side's and Chai eventually rolls off the thin box he was laying on top of the bow crushed but Kale didn't care he was quick to rip off the packaging with a triumphant laugh only to go quiet as he held it in his hands.
A beautiful red scarf with the Vandelay logo at each end the white V's were lined in gold the red at each end fading into gray then black with tassley bits at the end which he immediately started playing with.
"Sorry I know it's not that-"
"I swear to god Chai if you tell me it's not good I will bite you hard you won't heal for a week."
Chai blushes at that and then watches him play with the end of the scarf.
"I noticed you start to play with your pens or other little things when you're bored or stressed so I added the tassley bits at the end."
Kale's still looking at it and smiling
"I personally want to throw every gift I've gotten in the fire tonight apart from this one, this is the only gift that matters to me but you know there's one other I would like tonight..."
"I think you know what it -wait a minute...."
He went to carefully place the scarf in a very safe place before coming back and kissing him
"I think you know what I want , am I too late to cash in on that access to Chai's body whenever I want on my birthday coupon?"
"I gave that to you three years ago."
"You never put an expiration date on it..."
Chai kissed him while still giggling and wrapping himself around Kale
"I suppose I didn't...but keep it , after all it doesn't say it has a one time use either."
That turned head cannony rambly xD there's probably more ideas but I think I put a fair bit here already.
If there's something specific you wanna ask go right ahead ❤️
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bluskye-27 · 2 years
Hi Skye! Can I please request for a spin on the wheel? With fem S/O please! Thank you so much!
(Love the event btw!)
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Picnic Date with Law
S/O: Gender Neutral
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- Actually, Penguin and Shachi were the ones to set you and Law on a date, with Bepo trying to stop them ofc XD
- The plan was this: Peng and Shach invited Law to their hangout since the surgeon can't turn down their invitation because the two idiots have embarrassing pictures of drunk Law XD
- Annoyed, Law went to the location of their "hangout" which is at the park, just to see you there, equally confused as him and at the basket placed on a red blanket.
- Law called Penguin and Shachi in anger but they just hanged up on him. You stopped yourself from laughing when the poor surgeon was having a fit lol
- Guess you and Law have an impromptu picnic date now, huh?
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"I swear, I'm going to kill those two later..." Huffing, Law hesitantly sat down on the blanket with you sitting across him. You just giggled at him in amusement.
"Well, since we're already here, why don't we have a picnic, yeah?" You smiled at him, but gulped in nervousness as he directed his glare to you. "I mean, the food would be a waste if it got spoiled, right?" You reasoned.
Law nodded at you reluctantly and began opening the basket. You sighed in relief when he didn't yell at you for suggesting such a dumb idea, so much so that you forgot to breath for a few seconds. As he pulled out two plates and cutlery from the basket, you took out the containers of food. Setting the containers on the ground, Law immediately uncovered them and grab an onigiri and ate it. Then, he turned to you and nodded towards the food.
You snorted a laugh, amused at his serious face with a stray rice on his cheek. He frowned again, but before you could stop yourself, you let loose a laugh. You tried muffling your laughter when he glared at you with flushed cheeks.
"Don't you dare-" Too late, you already took a picture of him.
"Damn you, Y/n-ya...!" He exclaimed, trying hard to keep up his angry tone. You laughed loudly, but stopped midway as you heard him say you are adorable. A blush dusted over your cheeks and your heart hammered rapidly against your ribcage.
Looking up, Law was smirking at you as his eyes glimmered with mischief. You stared back at him with widened eyes, not realizing how close you were to him until now. Your noses almost touched and your cheeks were burning red like the roses that decorate your neighborhood garden.
Before you realized what happened, Law leaned back and continued munching on his onigiri innocently. Shaking your head, you tried to calm your racing heart.
'What was that? Was it my imagination? Did it even happen? Or am I still dreaming?'
While you thought about this possibility, Law finished eating his last bit of Onigiri. He wiped his mouth using a napkin as he watched you intently as you took a bite on your own Onigiri absentmindedly.
"You got something." The surgeon whispered as he wiped his thumb on your lower lip and eat whatever it was, smirking all the while.
Oh god, he's gonna be the death of you someday, that's for sure ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄
From afar....
"Scoot over, you idiots!"
"Dude! Get your ass off of my face! I can't see them!"
"Oi, shut up! They might hear us!"
"It's too late for that, don't you think?" Law snapped and glared at the culprits of his impromptu date. The said culprits screamed in horror at the sight of the angry surgeon.
Meanwhile, you and Bepo were sipping on some tea as you two watch Law angrily chased after Penguin and Shachi's group of troublemakers.
"Want some onigiri, Bepo?"
"Yes, please!"
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Hi, @gl00ml ! Thank you for participating in this event!! And thank you for your kind words too! ヽ⁠(⁠。⁠◕⁠o⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠.
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ridearockox · 1 year
age difference is good. au is very good. i thought of this concept in different scenarios with different who boys being younger or older than the others as well its really. really. ghgn
Alright so I guess we are talking about the age gap John/Roger+Keith concept. I'm putting it under a cut for obvious reasons XD
In this AU, which takes place in early to mid 60's, Keith (19) and Roger (20) are friends who are really into the mod scene, and go out to drink, dance and more almost every week.
One night at a small dingy jazz club they cross paths with John (mid-40's) who's very mature and soft spoken. He buys them drinks and they have a nice conversation together. Keith is on to John though. After all he was the one to notice John stare at them.
Wouldn't be the first time he saw guys his age being approached by older guys in these clubs. And when John invites them to go to back to his hotel, Keith is quite willing to go.
Roger has a bit of common sense though. He's suspicious of John's intentions from the get go. But he's young. And drunk. And John is far too charming for his own good. And he also needs to keep an eye on Keith, right? He needs to be there so he's sure nothing bad happens to him.
So they both follow John to this big hotel room he's staying in. It's pretty clear he's loaded with cash. And it's even more clear when he offers them drugs like they are no big deal. Keith downs a purple heart almost immediately. Roger declines. He's trying to cling to some manner of sobriety, even though the room is spinning around him a bit.
Doesn't take long for Keith to be sitting next to John on the room's couch, making it with him heavily as Roger tries not to watch from his chair on the other side of the room. But it's hard to ignore Keith's persistent moaning.
Roger's resolve ends up dissolving after a bit, specially when he can't help himself and glances at Keith and John, and Keith is trembling and panting under John's touch, and John looks at him right in the eyes. And he can't look away.
And they fuck. And there are no strings attached.
Except, there are, because John nos knows he can play these boys like fiddles and both Roger and Keith are more than a little attracted to him. So it's not long before he begins buying them gifts, starts providing them with booze and drugs, take them to his lake side house that's isolated af so he can spend an entire holiday using them any way he pleases because they just become that devoted to him.
And while Roger and Keith begin as more friendly rivals for John's attention, their "competition" slowly becomes more jealously fueled, with a great dose of animosity.
Perhaps John didn't plan that as well as he thought...
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queenbananya · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Hi! Thanks for the ask!
I always find these types of questions difficult to answer because I don't have a set list of characters ranked somewhere, especially if we're talking about all types of media, but I'm going to cheat a bit and look at my favorites from Mal. So, this will focus mostly on anime characters as that is the type of media I consume the most, with some others thrown in there as I remember. Not particularly in order:
1. ZURA. from Gintama
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He's also the one from my profile icon. I love this guy. He's a fucking idiot. And he is absolutely hilarious he never fails to crack me up no matter what mood I'm in. I have a lot of characters from Gintama I love, but I tried to stick to just one from the entire series or they would take up all ten spots here, and from the entire cast, I have to give it to Zura. He's a terrorist, and comes up with the stupidest of plans, like flipping the toilet paper of his sworn enemy, LOL. He can go on and on about a story while he's driving a car and doesn't realize he is crashing in the meantime. And hence why he can't get a license (and the only reason he needs a license in the first place is so that he can get an ID to be able to rent DVDs of outdated dramas he thinks are trending [they're not]). I have to give praise to Sorachi, the mangaka. He must have been on crack while writing Zura scenes xD
2. Griffith from Berserk
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Griffith. Beautiful Griffith.
Griffith gets a lot of hate and deservedly so, and there's a lot of Griffith apologists out there, but I love him. I fucking love him. He's such a well-written character. The best unreliable of narrators, though for most of the story we don't actually get into his head and only that of his archnemesis, his friend, the object of his dreams and desires, his ultimate source of failure, and success, later, I guess - Guts. So we only see how Guts sees him, and it's such a tragic story because the assumptions that Guts makes about him, the way he adores him and grows to hate him, they make sense, but to us as the viewers who know these two just loved each other so much to the point they threw away what they cared about the most - it's such a good story. I mourn for Miura and the story he never finished telling.
3. Joe from Ashita no Joe and Megalo box
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Yabuki Joe.
This poor boy. I mention both Ashita no Joe and Megalo box because Megalo box was an anniversary special project based off of Ashita no Joe. Not another adaptation precisely, but more of a modern cyberpunk approach to the classic with more mature themes. I love both versions of Joe. In the older classic, you have this orphan boy that is happy roaming around doing nothing with his life, until he meets this drunk man that shoves boxing down his throat. It's your typical sports plot of stacking up win after win, until it isn't. The difference is in the characters, and their suffering, their growth. You learn to love Joe. He's an annoying little brat that wins your heart gradually, and towards the end, when it's over, you feel as though you've lost a friend.
In Megalo box, Joe is a bit older, and is dealing with things that are very real and that the og Joe would have also had to deal with, had things turned out differently. It's a great complement to the original. An AU of sorts.
4. The Fool from the Elderling series by Robin Hobb
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The Fool. Beloved. Amber. They have many names and aliases, from Robin Hobbs' fantasy series The Elderlings.
Beloved is such an interesting character, not defined by any societal expectations and always confusing everyone with their words. We watch them grow throughout the series, from the king's creepy little jester that unsettles others, to an adult that is admittedly treated very harshly by the author (the story) but I still love to death. Here are some of my favorite quotes by the Fool:
"You are confusing plumbing and love again."
“As for what it means, how should I know? I’m a fool, not an interpreter of dreams. Good day.”
"Tomorrow owes you the sum of your yesterdays. No more than that. And no less."
“I have never been wise”
“Don’t do what you can’t undo, until you’ve considered what you can’t do once you’ve done it.”
5. Yang Wenli from LOTGH
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Yang Wenli from the Legend of the galactic heros. A classic anime series and one of my favorites. Again, I struggled to only choose one character from the series, because I really love Reinhard as well- the other main character, but from the two I had to to with Yang Wenli.
LOTGH is a space war epic between two different states, the old galactic empire, and the newer, democratic planets alliance that broke free. Yang Wenli belongs to the latter. And while it may sound like the better choice-and he thinks so, as well-it's only the better choice from a theoretical standpoint. Because the one he's up against from the empire, Reinhard, is a wonderful leader. The kind that comes around only once in a century. Meanwhile the so called democracy is corrupt and ugly. Heading downhill while the empire is only getting better. And that's where the two collide. I love Yang Wenli for his idealism, his self awareness of his flaws, and those of others. He once says, 'if I was born in the empire I'd be flocking to join Reinhard's ranks'.
He's a realist, and a damn genius. And that's where the tragedy and irony strikes- because of the badly led and structured democracy he's in, he doesn't have full command of the army. He doesn't have any real power. All the corruption and red tape don't allow him to do much, to use his full potential, so he's always a step behind.
And yet. All he wants in life is to retire peacefully. He didn't even want to be a soldier, but he's dragged there by others, a bit of a pushover that he is. He's a tragic character really. Full of contradictions that he himself is aware of, and you can't help but love him for it.
6. Zhou Zishu from tian ya ke/word of honor
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Zhou Zishu.
He is just. So. Relatable.
A burnt out man in his early 30s/late 20s who only wanted to live his last few years in peace. Essentially committed slow suicide to get the fuck out of his job because he couldn't take it anymore. We've all been there. Not that I'd take such drastic measures but. Who hasn't fantasized getting into an accident on their way to work to, you know, not go to work? Just me? OK. Moving on lol (according to reddit it's actually quite common. Sad that we live like this. Kudos to zishu for doing something about it).
The novel (tian ya ke) is quite different from the drama (word of honor), where the gif is from. The characterization is also a bit different, and I have to say I prefer novel! Zishu over drama! Zishu. He's more free, more shameless, learns to live without shackles and is not your typical protagonist. In fact, he's no protagonist at all. He's really just a side character, despite being the narrator of the story. Like many of us. But the man learns to be happy. Learns to fly free.
7. Wen Kexing from tian ya ke/word of honor
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I broke my own rule about one character per series because there is no way I can have A'Xu (Zhou Zishu from above) listed anywhere without his Lao Wen. They come as a package anywhere they go. Anywhere. So here is my favorite malewife Wen Kexing. A beautiful, eerie man that looks more like a ghost. Knows how to cook. Knows how to clean. Knows how to split your throat in half with his bare fingertips.
He's terrifying. The king of all "ghosts"- the most brutal criminals. He's also someone that learns how to lower his defenses for the first time in his life. How to be a little bit selfless for once. To care for another. He's the one that teaches Zishu how to he shameless. He's fucking hilarious, a flirt, an unashamedly gay man that takes pride in all the men he's fucked and yet will cry crocodile tears to Zishu to let him get it on, and then he'll thank his dead sister for it later. I love these idiots. They're perfect for each other.
Also prefer the novel version of Wen Kexing, but the drama has a perfect cast and beautiful robes. I've got two replicas of them!
8. Nodame from Nodame Cantabile
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Idiotic Nodame. Love this girl. She's hilarious and silly and isn't embarrassed to go after what she wants, even if she makes a fool of herself.
She's an aspiring pianist. A piano student to be precise, on the older side compared to her peers. But she's really great at it. Not in the traditional way, because she does things in her own way-- she's with the teacher designated for the worst students and spends an entire semester (or years? It's been a bit, I don't remember) composing a song about farts LOL.
She's a really likeable character, and what I really love about her is her stubbornness and grit to stick to what she wants. It's not something easy to do, and oftentimes we have to make decisions against our own wishes, especially when it comes to our careers. Nodame tries, but all she wants is to be a kindergarten piano teacher, but everyone tells her she shouldn't do that. In the end, her choices are hers and hers only.
9. Balsa from Moribito
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I recently finished this anime and fell in love with the MC, Balsa.
It's not often we see strong female leads in anime, that are not only well written but stand on their own without relying on romance or other characters. She's an incredibly strong woman, both physically and emotionally. The series focuses on her growth and her bond with the little burden she's tasked to care for.
She is a little selfish, perhaps a bit too cold. Plain looking, and very much an adult at 30. And she looks like it! Not something you see often in anime. She's a great fighter, and through her journey with this child that she has to care for, she learns of a different kind of strength. And yet, towards the end, she's still the same lone woman we meet at the beginning. Someone simply just... living.
10. Renge from Non Non Biyorin
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Little Renge. I adore her. She's adorable and so, so funny.
From Non Non Biyorin, which I also love to bits because I grew up in the country and the country life humor just sends me.
She's a 6 yo child that is smarter than the 8th graders, and always so serious about everything she does, even the cold corner store owner has a soft spot for her. She's like a cat. Really cute, really funny, and really mean, even unintentionally.
Ugh. I miss this show. I wish we had more seasons!
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captainsspnanon · 1 year
C2E69 - The Kings Cage - rewatch reaction
The episode that should have been NiceTM, and was not.
Whyyyy are the subtitles so fucked for this episode? They’re covering Travis’s face! I’m guessing it’s because of the PC icons that showed up. Wait, is this the first time that this has happened??? *checks previous episode again* Oh man, I’m so used to seeing this that 1) I didn’t notice when it wasn’t there and 2) I didn’t realize that this was the first time they showed up! I don’t remember this fucking up the subtitles before or in other episodes….maybe this was first time issues?
I am super distracted by Matt not noticing Sam’s shirt.
Funnily enough, this entire scene matches what the one dnd playtest is talking about with warlocks. Sometimes they are the only one calling for a short rest and you have this disparity in what the players want to do.
It is now July 4th, I last touched this a full fucking month ago. I have watched ~30 minutes of the latest Candela Obscura, but am struggling to get into it (a sad reality of me and CR one shots and mini-series.) SO LET’S GET BACK TO THE DRAMA!!
...I’m only 17 minutes in….*starts over from the beginning*
Oh geez I forgot that this was episode 69. They went into this with teasing hype for months about ‘lul 69’ and then they got this heart wrench of an episode.
Sam and Laura play the “I have Not(t)” bit really well. There’s just a touch in Jester’s tone which is inserting a comma in there ‘I have, Nott’, but it’s a clever bit of attempted deception as well, even though it fails.
I’d forgotten that Nott claimed the flask defined her as a person. T.T Once the campaign is over, it’s easy to remember the goblin alcoholism as mostly jokes, but there were some really deep and painful moments. I don’t personally know anyone who struggles with addiction, so I know there are aspects of this emotionally that I don’t relate to, but there these small moments are incredibly well done. Sam talked about how he discussed Scanlan’s attempts at addiction with Brian, I don’t recall if he also went to him for Nott?
The juxtaposition of Jester very seriously expressing her worries to Nott about how when Nott is drunk, she’s less cautious and will run straight at things without looking for traps, versus everyone else loosing their shit when she says ‘or trigger them’. I’ll have to try to pay attention, but I think even after this RP, Nott still doesn’t become someone super careful about looking for traps. We, of course, know her big moments in the future (happy fun ball time!), but I’m unsure if Sam/Nott is more on top of it.
I really do love the push/pull relationship that Nott/Veth has with her family and her love of adventure. In hindsight, I feel like Sam managed to hold the balance of it very well and very realistically. For most of the PCs, I feel like the epilogues give me enough to have a very good idea of their lives going forwards, even if only for a while. Veth is the one I’m curious about the most though, how does she continue to balance her love of adventure with her family? The dynamics have certainly changed from how they were pre-campaign, and that helps a lot, but I wonder if sometimes she may instigate small things for the Nein to go on, or if she insists she get invited along to someone else’s trip (maybe one of the trips to Aeor?). Or does she find herself content with the chaos of the summer camp in addition to her homely life?
LOL Sam and Laura pushing for Caleb to have a chin that matches Liam, and Liam at every instance making it clear with official art that Caleb absolutely does NOT have a cleft chin.
Does the whip ever actually get used in combat? I know it gets given to Fjord when he loses his power…. TELL ME, CRITROLESTATS. Actually transcript search might be better for this, I don’t think critrolestats says what weapon is used. I think it’s only used in the Obann fight here, and then with the purple worm by Fjord, and then by no one else ever again. XD It gets mentioned in another episode or two as a possibility to use (catching someone who might fall), but I don’t think it does?
WE NEED MORE CALEB AND YASHA MOMENTS!!! Him suggesting she be in the middle of the group, her not being sure, him saying that protection is not a bad thing, her saying it could be and then almost asking him permission to be on the front, him making it clear he’s not telling her what to do. Seriously, this pairing has SUCH a good dynamic and it only gets better from here, but we have so little interaction. :( I will forever grump and mourn and exclaim that we need more Liam and Ashley scenes. We were robbed of Pike and Vax moments in C1, robbed on Caleb and Yasha moments in C2, and I could ALWAYS use more than we currently have in C3.
LOL at the matching nat 1s for trying to determine what the sigil is. Very very glad that Caleb had fortune’s favor and could re-roll. The sometimes frustrating aspect of dnd is some PCs failing at stuff they should 100% be able to do. I’m reminded of the Hand’s heart scene where Liam kept failing checks for Caleb where everyone else was succeeding, despite the fact that it was arcana related.
...Torog? Moradin? Sehanine? What’s with all these 5e names, Matt? I’d thought you’d thoroughly switched to unique epithets by now. You’re even using with with the Allhammer and Moonweaver!
Why do they immediately assume devil upon red skin, yellow eyes, two horns? They’re all gasping before he gets to the wings, but couldn’t he just have been a tiefling with the description?
Did we ever find out what Obann thought he was actually getting from the Angel of Irons? We know they opened abyssal rifts, and that they were trying to free Tharizdun (without knowing that’s what they were doing). So like, is it just an image of an angel saying ‘free me by doing this, oh and also tear the planes apart to let demons in?’ ..demons? devils? This is the hardest part of 5e for me, dammit. Demons. Demons from the abyss. But Obann’s a devil. Aaagh as much as I enjoy the angel of irons subplot, it’s also I think the sketchiest plot in all of CR with no clear understanding of goals or what or why.
...Is this the first “making my way”??? *checks transcripts* Oh, it’s not – the first was in episode 60. BUT I think this is the first time since then, so here’s where it becomes a running gag?
Huh, not letting Fjord get off his eldritch blasts that triggered the whole initiative.
“what do a devil and a tree have in common? Intelligence” …..not gonna lie, I don’t get the joke at ALL. Tasha’s Hideous Laughter would fail just because I’m so confused. I’m ASSUMING that it’s just calling Obann dumb….if so I feel like it would be better if the object were ‘rock’ or ‘brick’, based off of ‘dumb as a rock’ or ‘dumb as a brick’.
I’ve seen some people say that Matt picked up the trick of stating a DC ahead of time from Brennan, but here he just stated that Beau needed at 25 DC acrobatics to do a flurry of blows on Obann (she fails with a 22), so it’s something that he has done beforehand. I think it’s just not something that he prefers to do much.
Only two rounds to free the Laughing Hand? Well, I guess it’s something that Matt really needed to have happen so that makes sense. I think I would have liked three or four rounds to give the PCs more time to do shit, but that’s just personal preference.
Oooo!!! I forgot that over the break he replaced the sarcophagus mini with a broken open sarcophagus! Fun!
Counterspell a Shield! Not quite a counterspell a counterspell, but still sexy.
Ashley interrupting to inform Matt that because of her Ring of Protection, Yasha’s saving throw was actually 3 instead of 2. I LOVE HER.
I really love the moments where something truly horrible starts happening to the PCs (Yasha being turned against them, being an unwilling creature for Fjord’s thunderstep) and while the PCs are NOT happy about it, the players are stoked and excited! It’s a fun juxtaposition of the true fun of ‘what’s going on’ in the game especially when compared with the more settled RP moments where the players are in full PC mode and their personal enthusiasm is sometimes hidden by the RP. Fjord is furious with Yasha for betraying them, but here Travis is wiggling and singing “this is getting interesting!”
I’m not going to research it, and a comments check didn’t help, but I wonder how many PC rolls the Bless-that-should-have-dropped actually helped. Quick check of the livetweets for critrolestats, maybe Yasha’s saving throw against the Hand’s laughter, and the rest are Beau attacks. However, Beau had advantage on many of them, rolled consistently high, and I think actually forgot the bless a number of times? So honestly? I think even if bless had dropped correctly, things still would have played out the way they did. Oh wait...Fjord’s last hit for the HDYWTDT was because of bless. (very sad the the critrolestats livetweets did not include Ashley correcting for Yasha’s 2 to 3 for the wisdom save XD)
MIGHTY NEIN ONE SHOT ANNOUNCED AS FIRST LIVE SHOW SINCE THE PANDEMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (though I’m seeing some people saying they’ll be level 20, but can’t find any actual statement saying what level they’ll be?? Hoping before I post this that someone will let me know)
Beau using Stillness of Mind to end fear, UGH SO GOOD. Seriously, with the new UAs and everything for the new dnd I keep hearing about how bad monks are, but I haven’t ever experienced it because Beau is so GOOD (and I haven’t played with a monk yet. Someone had done a monk/cleric multiclass, but that game ended while we were still in level 2 due to some session 0 miscommunications)
Lesser Restoration not being able to cure fear, but Greater Restoration does just seems weird to me. Like, Lesser can cure blind, deaf, paralyze, or poison. While Greater…..wait. Greater doesn’t cure frightened either! It only reduces exhaustion, ends charmed or petrified, undoes a curse, undoes an ability score reduction, undoes an effect that reduces hit point max. Fear is none of those. So, neither of the restorations RAW end fear??? Well, I guess that’s the reason for Calm Emotions.
NOTT GIVES YASHA A FLOWER FROM HER HAIR I’m having my heart being crushed by things I didn’t remember! And Jester knew that Yasha was controlled, she tried to Charm her back but it didn’t work! All I really remembered from the Nein was Jester being very sad and Fjord and Beau being very angry, I didn’t remember that others knew she didn’t have a choice!
Oh FUUUUUCK I never realized that when Fjord is brought down by Yasha, only to come back with Relentless Endurance, when he asks her “why” he asks her in his true voice. MY HEAAAART.
I know everyone mentions it, but Ashley’s exaggerated sad-face when Taliesin starts to count her then skips her for Bless, then Matt winking at her and her grin. Even when they have such heavy emotional episodes like this combat turned to be, signs like that are some of the clearest that they’re all still having a blast.
Obviously didn’t say much for the combat itself, I think my only ‘analysis’ of it is that it’s one of the higher stakes combats in C2, easily matching the level of some C1 fights. Even a good chunk into C3, C1 is still the reigning champion for most intense combats. While I don’t all into the hivemind that shouts that Matt takes it easy on them, I do think there are times when Matt is taking it HARDER on them, and this certainly was one of those combats. I really do enjoy the combats where they are fighting an intelligent and evil enemy who is fully intent on destroying them. You get such great tactics and some real creativity in those moments that you don’t get as strongly on a standard 6v1/7v1 creature combat.
Ending the episode with the side by side of Matt and Ashley as Matt gently narrates the confusion in Yasha, the uncertainty of if she is being controlled or doing this on her own, it’s beautiful, heartbreaking, and perfect. (aside from the fact that because of the table layout, they end up facing away from each other during the close ups XD Who knows, maybe that makes it more jarring to go with Yasha’s mindset?)
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Some thoughts on e5 so here there be spoilers, my dudes.
Hm...so I guess there go the Rashid's a vampire theories...he's still hella cute tho. Also clearly having a good time xD
every time this is a plot in a vampire thing I'm like "How did none of you with your hyper-acute senses smell the decay?" How's Louis worried she's not eating when there's literally rotting pieces of corpses all over her room? You'd smell that in the whole upper floor, and it is a very distinctive smell. Bothers me, every damn time xD
How did they get out of this, tho? We're never told. Police is all over them and their (not even properly cleaned) incinerator and then just goes away? I don't know, seems weird.
Drunk Claudia trying to keep that corpse in her closet was funny, tho xD Bailey Bass killing it again, I just love her.
Ok, so she buggers off to go to college. Ok, I can get behind that.
Killer and his Fang Gang! Ok, no gang yet but if Claudia didn't kill him for being The Worst (tm) I'm guessing that's where he's going. Nice cameo idea. Not so happy about the rape subplot, him being an arse and hurting her would have been quite enough to show her other vampires are also arseholes.
Louis and Lestat just turned into hoarders as soon as she buggered off xD what even, boys, do the laundry some times, take out all that trash, honestly...
Oh Grace, you just went and broke his heart, again. Kind of a metal way to say "You're dead to me", tho, gotta admit. She gets points for style.
Well, I am sure glad Claudia went for sister there, not lover. Because that is still a weird thing among many weird things in the books
Oy, boys, you trying to make the house fall down around you? Try not to take out any load baring walls, will you? Guess that fight has been coming for decades, big bada boom.
Ouch, that's gotta hurt. Bad fall you had there, dear. And no one in the neighbourhood's gonna wonder what all that ruckus and blood is about, I take it? xD
Last note: Still at it with the ace erasure *le sigh*
Ok, and now I guess I better stay out of the iwtv tag for like a week because tumblr's gonna be exhausting about this xD remember kids, they're two monsters in love, this was never gonna be a cutesy gay love story. Just saying...
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zhongrin · 1 year
Happy birthday Rin aaaaaa <33 I don't know you for long but in this short time you've always been nice to me and so friendly!! Also so sweet 💞💞 I really enjoy talking about our selfships with you!! And I really ship Meitham and Zhongrin - cuz of that I gifted ya 2 drabbles hehe <33 hope ya like them! Have a great day ahead and I hope you get everything you wished for! Hoping the next year's of yours will go smoothly and healthy!! ❤️
Now;; cuz of ya response from mawh ask - frfr like;; you always seem so nice on them <33 and then you even were an anon of me like fodhsndkdhjeke that was so cute doshwjkk 💞💞
Yes totally Rin hehe, do you play Obey me! too by any chance?
Dw Rin I give him enough kisses~
Just kidding. My heart belongs to Baizhu only. ❤️
Heh a bit too smitten even maybe fkebsiebnw (help it is?? I thought it's kinda annoying 🥹) LMAO RIN, so what day is it today?
*Zhongli standing in the distance with a proud smile on his face.* I think I can already explain it by myself hehe
Tbh I hate alcohol LMAO and my tolerance is pretty shit, I get drunk easily hehe oopsie (so Zhonglis alcohol tolerance is high?)
So ya don't have any children planned in your selfships?🤸💞 You already call him daddy - make him a real one Rin smh
Awwww yes, do it again <33 and record it hehe
I once read that dogs can sense if someone is scared of them but idk if that's true but omfg;; your dog was so friendly then <333
I am sure the both of them will decide for you just right Rin, hehe <33 (help fkdhjsis but your selfships are so cute I can't dosbjsisns)
*dies* (it's great but kfmg omfg sidbsjjdbejs sometimes when Baizhu feels a bit chaotic he calls me "my future wife" and I and I and I lose it I really lose it I really lose it I really- *faints*)
Yes cuz of that I asked! Although you, ofc, can do your AU with your hubby's like they don't have a fanclub if ya want to 🥰
Alright alright no pressure <33 and omfg, my bestie would say 'Diluc' now, cuz she used to ship me with him and IDK WHY, but she enjoys it sm seeing Diluc as Baizhus competition
But if you would ask me, nawh. We don't have anyone who wants to destroy our relationship<33
aahhhhh thank you vi 💕 i enjoy talking about our selfships so much too!! you've been super friendly and welcoming and really indulging in my zhongrin and meitham selfship agenda, and i can't ever thank you enough!!!
truly a 'shared one braincell' moment 😭 i'm so amused bc it synced up so well like the same day i decided to haunt your inbox you decided to drop into mine THIS IS DESTINY I TELL YOU XD
i did actually! i used to! i love the lore and the characters but the game got too grindy for my taste and the lessons just got harder and harder and i got burnt out so i stopped playing oomph i think you probably can guess who i like lol-
yes yes (who said it's annoying??? i will kindly,.... persuade them to change their mind-) today is..... baivi day! i feel like terrorizing- i mean bullying- i mean lovingly indulge you with a very loving baizhu bot in the server <3
ok fine you win please carry me now-
SAME OMG VI WE CAN STICK TOGETHER AT PARTIES THEN literally i drank one small glass of apple cider one time and i got so sleepy i just crawled to bed and conked out. my family was so confused where i went (it was a new years party at home with the whole family kind of thing) (and yes, the dragon is a tank, the most he could get tipsy but never drunk drunk hlsdjfklsdf)
as of now not really! but perhaps one day with zhongli..... hehehe .......... yk what maybe i will. maybe i should start asking him to-
sitting on his lap, maybe with his hand on your thigh, or around your waist? either way you'll be pulled close onto his chest, his long hair slightly tickling your skin as baizhu's distinct scent along with some herbs surround you, making you feel right at home.... maybe even with his lips close to your ear, murmuring profound declarations of love? <3
i am so tempted to draw blushy!haitham now hsldkjflksdjf
she wassss i miss her ;w;
that they will hehe (I COULD SAY THE SAME ABOUT YOURS PLS)
*notes down in clipboard* uh huh uh huh continue ;)
that is true.... perhaps not on this teahouse!au but on a parallel universe mayhaps pantalone and zhongli are silently playing 4d chess trying to win my heart hsldkfjslkdf
omg you know what would be super funny. it's a third party scenario who wants to separate you but it's bc of wholesome reasons. imagine being kaveh's younger sister and wanting to romance al haitham. wheeze. kaveh would be like "WHY HIM PLEASE NO YOU CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER" lmao
love triangles are just a cute lil concept in fics bc omg??? two guys??? fighting over lil old me?? instant ego boost fr
diluc and baizhu huh... it's extra funny to me bc their elements don't match at all helphsldkfjsd
ah ok good good *quietly stashes vortex vanquisher back to its display*
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