#[ verse tag for the future
fiepige · 7 months
feel like there is a connection (wishful thinking) between “we don’t pick the ballroom we just dance” and “i’ll do it but not because you told me to” lol
Ooohh yeah I see it! Thank you so much for the suggestion anon! <3
Without further ado, have some more Noirpunk GIFs!
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Noir and Hobie both being little shits (affectionate <3) when being told what to do!
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I couldn't decide if I wanted to make 2 long GIFs where the dialogue is connected, or 4 shorter ones where it's split up, so I did both lol
(Once again thank you for the suggestion anon! This was such a good idea! We need as many noirpunk GIFs as we can get lol!)
If you, or anyone else, have more suggestions for noirpunk GIFs (or spiderverse GIFs in general) my inbox is always open! <3
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vimbry · 6 months
jumping off the back of the post about genres of song lyrics, another thing about tmbg's lyrics in particular is that even when they write about pleasant themes, they still manage to frequently do so through a sinister lens:
the experience of having children and looking after them:
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a nice little nightlight protecting a child muses on the shortcomings it would have outside its assigned responsibility:
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fantasising about getting high in the park with your crush:
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styllwaters · 1 year
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Vivere 44 x spider verse AU featuring Sea Crawler Miguel. Yeah
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realboutfatalfury · 1 year
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Tried my best to hear it, trying to believe in
You and me having one final goodbye, I'll see you waving
Trying to believe it, I think I believe it
That one day we'll meet again
and continue this dreamland In the gleaming dawn
we'll wake up once again
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ooooooh 🧶 and ☕️!
Hehehe thank youuuu 💛💛💛; some uhhhh tonal dissonance between these two lmao
In matter of fact, the real bloodthirsty creature was not locked away in the labyrinth, but breaking bread with Edwin at this very table.
He raised his chin, brazen — for better or worse, that bold young man in the dungeons had lit a fire in his belly. “How much more blood will be shed before your need for vengeance is finally satiated, father?”
“Charles, the girl upstairs appears to have changed the internet password — along with the name…”
“Shit — to what?”
“To… ‘DOWNSTAIRS BOYS COME SAY HI 4 PASSWORD!’, followed by very unusual string of characters… I think it may be some sort of code…”
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poetess-trobadour · 3 months
I have seen boys that played men
And I've seen women who played along
Just to be with such boys,
And vice versa.
I think about how that's funny
In a truly heartbreaking way.
It made me make myself a promise,
A red cotton thread around my left wrist,
Where it's closer to my heart.
My promise, it says:
If I ever carry a girl into this world,
I hope I can teach her many lessons,
But above all others,
I hope I can teach her a lesson or respect.
I will teach her to respect herself enough
To never settle for a puddle
When her heart is loud and anxious with oceans.
And I will teach her to respect others
Enough to be genuine.
And if I ever carry a baby boy,
I hope I can give him plenty,
But above many things,
I hope I can give him reasons.
I will give him reasons solid enough
To withstand any storm
When his mind is shaken with quakes to the core.
And I will teach him to reason with others,
To be reliable enough.
And, as oceans and earthquakes are boundless,
I will teach him a lesson of respect;
I will give her reasons, as well.
And if they happen to live as brother and sister,
I hope that more than from me,
They will learn from each other.
Then, they will be a true power to be reckoned with —
Intertwined in their shared wisdoms,
Bearing their mother's oceans and mountains,
And their father's prairies and thunders —
Perhaps — I'm not sure yet,
Of whom or what my future holds,
Of where winds blow or which fires catch;
But while that part of it is yet mine to uncover,
I have certainty about them —
Unsinkable, unshakable —
As I know that, naturally,
They will be greater than I ever can.
Future, August 2018
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phoenix-flamed · 4 months
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Wait have I ever actually talked about Elwin's family situation in my VII AU verse. Or, really much of anything about this verse at all. I ... genuinely do not remember. SO LET'S DO IT, FUCK IT. This is tentative, because I still don't know shit about fuck when it comes to most everything the new releases are throwing at our heads. Details can and probably will change as I learn more stuff because ????????????????????? yes.
Elwin's family isn't dead or anything, Anabella just took their boys and left him -- and Junon entirely. Originally, the family lived in Junon; to no one's surprise, Elwin had been part of the resistance forces trying to push Shinra out in favor of regaining its lost freedom from the war back in the day. Anabella didn't see the point of this; if Junon would just let go of the past and get with the times, they could work on getting in Shinra's good graces. But what she really wanted was for their family to leave Junon for Midgar, so that they could live comfortably on the Upper Plate.
But to do so meant abandoning everyone stuck living in the undercity of Junon; friends, partners-in-arms, etc. Elwin couldn't do that. He couldn't up and leave them behind, not while knowing that Shinra would never make good on any of its promises to them from when it dismantled the republic and instated its own authority over the area. He wouldn't do that.
So Anabella grew fed up and left him.
Assumedly she went to Midgar with Clive and Joshua, but Elwin has no actual idea where they are or what became of them after their silent and abrupt departure.
Elwin, after that, laid down his arms so to speak, and gave up. He opted to instead start trying to convince everyone else in Lower Junon to quietly accept Shinra's rule, a complete turnaround from how he had been before. The hope had been that maybe, just maybe he had been wrong -- and that Shinra just needed them to prove their loyalty to them in order to provide them with more than the lot they had been forced to take in life. Of course, no one else agreed with this sentiment --
And for good reason, because of course Elwin was very much wrong. He finally did leave for Midgar, joining Shinra not as a SOLDIER where one would expect him to go, but instead seeking to take a desk job within the company's headquarters. Meanwhile, he sought to foster better relations between Shinra and Junon, to no avail; his optimism of improving the quality of life and living conditions of his fellows back home was effectively crushed by Shinra itself. They wouldn't accept compromise, nor would they accept mimicry of fealty from a dead slum of a city that only existed now because of their "kindness". One that they could easily crush at any given moment, if they so pleased.
And so Elwin was stuck. He couldn't return home, because the people of Junon would never accept him back after his betrayal and abandonment, no matter how well intentioned it had been. Shinra, on the other hand, saw potential to exploit his skills in dealing and working with others. The end result was him becoming the head of a Department of Public Relations -- a role that, if Elwin was being entirely honest, felt more like mockery of him than anything else.
Deep down, there's always been a part of him that does hope that maybe, by some miracle, he will find Anabella and their children again in Midgar. So far, though, it hasn't happened.
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revengesworn · 1 year
It's surreal, seeing Kazutora after so many years have passed.
Mikey hasn't seen any of his former friends in a very long time. He knows what they're doing, where they are- all of them having moved onto better lives, away from the things that might hurt them, away from him. It makes a bitterness bubble up in his stomach every time he thinks of it - but even that bitterness is muted, not enough to fill up the emptiness in his heart.
But Kazutora... might be the strangest one of all to see now. Mikey knew that he was released from prison not long ago, of course, but somehow seeing him free is a strange feeling, one he can't put into words.
Mikey gave up everything to protect him. To protect all of them. And yet, when he looks at the face of the man he once called his friend, he feels next to nothing at all. ...He's so tired.
"Kazutora. It's been a long time."
It's too late to pretend he hasn't seen Kazutora now. And by the looks of things, Mikey gets the impression that he might even have been looking for him. ...Why?
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"Why are you here?"
@deathfavor ( starter for kazutora! )
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lunisoular · 1 year
had an idea for an animatic or something of the sort
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here’s my favorites from what i’ve done so far. sorry handwriting is bad i wrote them fast cuz it’s late……..
maybe i’ll finish it. maybe i won’t. but god do i want to
(cas: @/somerandomdudelmao !!!)
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love-songs-for-emma · 7 months
i've discovered that i sleep resting my
head exactly on the spot i got a tattoo
yesterday and while this is silly and
nonsense, i'm going to take this moment
to blame my first boyfriend for yet
another random thing that we had no
idea would have a lifelong effect on me —
when i was little, i would always sleep
with my arms down or bent at my sides.
it wasn't until i was 15 and having
sleepovers with my boyfriend
that i was introduced to
putting your arm under the pillow.
this strat has fundamentally
changed me. every night i sleep
with one of my arms up and under my pillow.
sometimes the arm falls asleep but still,,
i have known no sleepytime comfort better than this one.
and this, ladies and gents,,
is why ive been waking up every hour
for the last 6 hours
my darling first love,,
maybe not in the ways we'd have imagined,,
but u have changed me irrecoverably
4:44 AM on friday, march 1st, 2024.
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who-is-muses · 3 months
@1rstflight | Memeless Starter [ ALWAYS ACCEPTING ]
"ah, it seems certain constants can't ever be taken away from the timeline." stepping out of the folds of the multiverse, a creature with hal jordan's figure materializes. the one known as parallax, the first iteration of the entity of fear that had gotten a host, had found means to find a body outside the battery—he tilts his head, brown eyes turned a bright gold, familiar to any aware of fear's colors. "if i remember right, sinestro, i killed you with my own bare hands."
he feels less human than ever now; even as spectre, hal jordan never felt like a predator as clearly as he does now, creature and creator of his own desperate designs. "how exactly did you come back? are you just like a cockroach, unable to stay dead unless torn to smitheerens?"
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The Entity within him stills for a millisecond at recognizing itself in another. Before redoubling its struggles against his holdings, growing desperate in its realization that it hadn't been freed again so much as given a different prison. It thrashes wildly against the metaphorical bars, the reminder of the free reign it once had standing tauntingly just out of reach.
It's furious shriek pierces atoms. But the only one that can hear it remains uncaring.
At first, Thaal simply looks at this anomaly, his kindred gaze seeming far away, unfocused. His Entity snatches for any semblance of a foothold, and he will not give it one. He remembers, of course- not entirely anymore, somewhat blurred by the years and neuroses, but oh, how he remembers. Parallax reaches for the sickening snap and horrifying paralysis, but is swatted like a misbehaving pet.
All at once, his senses zero in on this- Not him. Whatever that is. Cosmic justice, maybe. Little thought is afforded before an honest snarl splits Thaal's face, teeth bared in a roar and claws extended as he lunges at the phantom, molten gold energy almost in flames around him. No plan, no strategy, no control.
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dementedspeedster · 1 month
So... Thad. Tell us. Just how 'human' is Match, if you know what I mean. Does any of Bad Dragon's lineup look a little familiar? 😏
Accepting || Ask My Muse Anything It could be anything at all, no limits, no restrictions, and my muse has to answer to the best of their ability. (Note: I'm not being canon compliant for this question; We're having a lil fun here.)
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Thad only manages to get out an embarrassed stuttering of, "I— I'm not— I wouldn't know tha—" before he's shoved out of the way, a flash of gold shines on the hand doing the shoving, and he tumbles over the back of the sofa while a potential future version of himself takes the place of where he was standing just moments before.
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"I'm not—" The older version of Thad begins before glancing in the direction the very dazed present-day version of himself and then back to the anon, "We're not one's to kiss and tell, but seeing how there's no answering the question without present-day Thad embarrassing himself to death, I'll take the reins here. Just remember Match's mine, I'm just sharing some scientific facts. Though don't let Match know I said anything." He says before adding with a smirk, "Not that he has anything to be ashamed of."
He chuckles, "Heh, cute, anonymous, but honestly? You're not too far off the mark in your comparison. However, they certainly can't compare to Match in my personal opinion. His, ahem, equipment has a similar structural design to that of a cisgender human male, but there are apparent differences on a first look regarding aspects such as shape and texture. However," He flashes a smile at the anon, "those intimate details are for me to know and for you to never find out."
"Honestly, I'm more surprised you're not asking about his other differences. The prominent fangs. The unique vocalizations such as growling. Elevated temperature. And more." He raises his fingers one by one, "Kryptonians are incredibly fascinating."
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archived-diegesis · 2 months
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Do not mind the angry play write , she's ranting about old plays....again.
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careol · 2 months
carol's best friend besides hotch is rossi. his attitude, his sass, it's on par with her own personality and they just vibe so well. but they definitely get into trouble when they're working together. they're chaos for sure.
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idealseekxr · 11 months
@cryogenic-achromatic said: “Probably.”
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"I'm...Actually more than a little concerned, if I may be honest. Has he had enough sleep? And...Would the process not be excruciatingly painful to undergo?"
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djsouled · 3 months
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shouta and hizashi had always had a bit of a rocky relationship. or atleast, it was an area of his life that always did have a small voice, so small, in the back of his head telling him this was always once-sided. he'd been fine with it, though, relished in just being a part of his friend's company. out of all the people in the school that could've chosen to stick to shouta like velcro, it was him. sunshine incarnate and loudmouth yamada hizashi. by god he'd make the most of it, no matter how much his friend kept him at a distance after the accident.
in time after graduation they'd fall away, though, leaving hizashi feeling the spanning emptiness of the person-shaped hole that was once aizawa shouta in his life. in his schedule. it was a bit like grieving a loved one when that happened, having to reconstruct his life and routine from the ground up, but this time it'd be by himself. for himself.
and eventually in even more time, he'd learn to live with it all. he'd come to recognizing and embracing the love he'd already had around him from other people he'd come to call friends.
but life had been stressful, busy, non-stop, and breathtakingly busy. he supposes looking back onto why he's set the habit, it was a way of coping after having feeling like he lost not just one best friend, but two. not just one love, but two of them in the span of three years. hizashi tries to give himself slack for never quite moving past it, he and nemuri have had plenty of talks and encouraged each other in many trips to the bar together, for comfort in other facets of life. but nothing, no one ever quite settled in like those two had. like shouta had.
oboro was gone.
but eraserhead was still alive, he was active. he was successful and quite skilled at what he did, the work he subjected himself to. so hizashi really does want to pat himself on the back for that, for helping their shared friend in roping the man into this teaching gig once and for all. funnily enough, the subsequent events following after, though, when he realizes that he'd see shouta again every single day, was ... a giant cringefail fest, in the blond's eyes. all his fault, naturally. he still didn't really know when to turn it off, as they say.
and he really didn't like how nervous shouta still made him feel, even moreso now than he did back then. atleast back then, the silence was comfortable and often filled with grunts of effort through the other teen's vigorous and overdone training. now, this was ...
well. atleast they could agree on one thing now. atleast it's brought them here to this very moment, to their favorite hole-in-the-wall ramen shop. nestled in their favorite corner that's just out of earshot of the majority of the cafe, a place that had quickly become their frequented spot during the good old days. he feels a small smile tug at the edges of his lips before shouta's voice breaks him from chasing that rabbit ; he'd bring green gaze to meet with deep grey and that same old flutter in the pits of his stomach came back to say hi.
who'd have thought?
" sorry, 'got lost in my mind a bit there. " clears his throat. " it's really good to be back here, it's really good to just. well, to get the chance to fuck around and eat some ramen with you again. i, uh ... " clicks his tongue, taps two fingers in a nonrhythmic beat, " yeah. i've missed ya, buddy. and seriously, as yamada hizashi. "
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