#[ this took me too long to write alsdkjf ]
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❝ У тебя есть потенциал. Это возможность стать великим. You have potential. This is an opportunity for you to be great. ❞
He is eighteen when Dreykov approaches him. He’s newly married, has only just become a man but he has served his country for two years, volunteering for service in the armed forces at the age of sixteen after years in military school. For someone so young, his record is exemplary and that catches Dreykov’s attention. The man is only a decade older than him but he is already a Lieutenant General and rising quickly in the ranks of the Soviet Union.
❝ Ты хочешь быть великим? Do you want to be great? ❞ ❝ Да, генерал-лейтена��т. Yes, lieutenant-general. ❞
The words of his father ring in his mind. You will never amount to anything. He’s promised greatness, promised glory, promised that this is the best way that he can serve his country. He will help bring the Soviet Union into a new era of prosperity. He will be a super-soldier like Captain America. Better. This is the opportunity that he’s been waiting for his entire life. It’s a chance to make something of himself, to prove that he’s more than just the son of a farmer. Alexei agrees without hesitation.
❝ Ваша цель больше вашей боли. Your purpose is greater than your pain. ❞
They tell him they are preparing his mind. He doesn’t know exactly what it is they’re doing but he knows the pain is searing and his head pounds so hard after each session that he can barely think. He starts to feel like something is missing but he can’t quite put his finger on it.
When they begin the injections, he is resolute. They take place over the course of several months. An injection each week. Alexei thought he saw Hell but this is a special kind of pain. He is constantly exhausted, irritable. After the injections it feels like his body is on fire and the pain ebbs slowly over the course of days until the next one. They need to restrain him for the first day after each one because he claws at himself, at his skin. He screams his throat raw until no sound comes out any longer.
About halfway through the process he dies. His heart stops beating. He stops breathing. He leaves his body and goes...somewhere...nowhere. It’s indescribable, the feeling of nothingness, emptiness. They stop trying to resuscitate him and just as they’re about to call the program a failure, their machines pick up a faint heartbeat. He shocks awake gasping for air, lashing out at the scientists that surround him.
He doesn’t think he’ll forget the feeling as long as he lives.
With each injection after that he grows stronger, with each injection the pain becomes more comfortable. He gets used to the burning sensation just as the restraints become too weak to hold him.
❝ Не позволяйте слабости мешать вам стать тем, кем вы должны быть. Do not let weakness stop you from becoming who you were meant to be. ❞
This is power he never could have imagined. They begin his training, testing him. He doesn’t know his own strength. He breaks through a wall the first time they test him. He nearly breaks a man’s neck. His body is still adjusting to the serum, just as his mind is. He finds he’s angry all the time and he doesn’t like that feeling. He lashes out, becomes difficult to work with. Dreykov is not pleased. They send him back to that machine, the one that sears through his head and makes it pound.
❝ Я думал, ты сильнее. Может я ошибался насчет тебя. I thought you were stronger. Maybe I was wrong about you. ❞ ❝ Нет. Вы не были. Я сделаю лучше. Обещаю! No. You weren’t. I’ll do better. I promise! ❞
Each time he acts out he’s sent back to it. It’s all a part of his training, he’s told. They want to ensure he’s ready for action before they send him into the field. It makes sense to him. He wants to be at peak performance and he needs to learn how to handle the weapon that they’ve made him. They have him on an intense training regimen. They control every aspect of his life. When he wakes, what he eats, every minute of every day.
His days blur together. He wakes, he trains, he sleeps. He doesn’t think of his wife. He doesn’t remember her. Dreykov makes sure of that. Alexei Shostakov is dead. The news has been delivered, the records have been sealed.
❝ Вы большая надежда России. Красный Страж. You are the great hope of Russia. The Red Guardian. ❞
They give him a suit, a mask to hide his face, and they parade him out for all of Russia to see. Russia’s own super-soldier. He shakes hands, kisses babies, takes photographs. They send him on simple assignments, ones that look good on paper and in the news. There are parades, speeches, there are even movies.
Dreykov praises him and he feeds into it. He doesn’t even realize how much he craves the man’s approval until he has it. All it takes is an encouraging nod from the General and he happily walks out in front of those crowds, schmoozes with his countrymen.
It feels good at first. He’s being recognized, people love him. He’s not some farmer’s son, he’s not some screw up, he’s the great hope of Russia. But it grows old quickly. He realizes what Dreykov’s using him as: a distraction. They flash him in front of the cameras while the widows work and the General’s other projects continue unobstructed.
It isn’t enough. It isn’t what he signed up for. So he talks to Dreykov. Tells him that he’s tired of the dog and pony show, that he wants to do more for his country.
❝ Я сделал тебя героем. Что вы еще хотите? I made you a hero. What more do you want? ❞ ❝ Я хочу настоящих миссий. Я готов, генерал. I want real missions. I'm ready, General. ❞
To his surprise, Dreykov agrees. They start to give him new assignments, the kind of work that he signed up for the super-soldier program to do. But not before they take him back to the machine once more. Something changes. His memories shift but things feel as they always have for him. The missions that they send him on blend right in to the ones that they plant in his mind.
❝ Я заплатил за твое тело. Не будь с этим так небрежно. I paid for that body of yours. Do not be so careless with it. ❞
He makes a mistake. He disregards his handler’s orders trying to save civilians and he comes back to Dreykov half dead. He’s never seen the man so angry. His injuries heal quickly but not fast enough for another mission the General had wanted him on. An opportunity wasted, he’s told. He’s been getting cocky, reckless. The man threatens to put him on ice but he pleads with him.
❝ Я думал, что смогу спасти их, генерал. Мне жаль. I thought I could save them, General. I'm sorry. ❞ ❝ Ты не думаешь. Понимать? Ты сделаешь. Ты слушай. Ты подчиняешься. You do not think. Understand? You do. You listen. You obey. ❞
This isn’t the first mistake he’s made. Dreykov seems less and less pleased with him as time goes on. He spends less time with him, more time with his widows. Where once he had a team of scientists monitoring him, there are now only a couple. He begins to worry the man is moving on. Then he tells him about a very important assignment.
They’re sending him to America.
#* there are things that i have done you never should ever know — character study.#tw: experimentation#tw: pain#tw: mind control#tw: injury#tw: abuse#[ this took me too long to write alsdkjf ]#[ i hope it makes sense ]#tw: death
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1, 3 and 23 for the fanfic ask (if you already have answered these, feel free to answer any question you want)! ❤
You're actually the only one that's sent an ask so far so thank you, love! 💕
Send me an end of the year fanfic ask!
1) favorite fic you wrote this year I was slacking so much this year 😓 my favorite fics i wrote this year were pretty much the only ones I wrote (both unpublished ofc) But, I really love my new au I keep talking about, especially now that I've kinda changed the story a bit. Like, I think I could actually do something with it if I can just get life to give me a break and for my brain to work 😅 And I've slowly been working on my birthday prompts, and I actually really love one you sent me (Izzy stealing the car) cause I just really love writing for Izzy!
favorite line/scene you wrote this year I didn't get to write a lot this year, so I don't have a like, really significant line that sticks out to me. but, you know me, I love spoiling my stuff lol so I'm gonna post a scene from each fic from the answer above, but I actually realized while I was answering this that both scenes are my favorite because they (in my opinion anyway) encapsulate the dynamics. Like, even though they're brothers, I don't really write Zack and Cody a lot cause I always try to exclude Cody lmao But, in the first excerpt from my new au, i feel like it's so,, them?? unfortunately I don't think this scene will be included because I think it'll end up getting cut thanks to the story change but 🤷 This scene also shows what Zack's dynamic is like with Henry/KD in this fic too so I'm still including it 😅
And in the second excerpt I just love it cause it really showcases the dynamics that exist in the hartin house (although, I'm almost certain at this point that I'm including a third sibling but i haven't written them in yet)
I'm gonna put a read more cause it's already getting long and it's about to get a whole lot longer lol
Also, I guess I should warn that the first excerpt kinda sorta gives away some stuff so spoilers i guess alsdkjf (but lets be real, I'll probably never post more than just snippets here and there)
one more thing i'm sorry but wherever I put [...] were just some spots i needed to cut out because they're either major spoilers or it needs serious editing
“Okay, are you gonna help me out here?” Kid Danger asked as he glanced back at Ray. Ray’s gaze moved to the ground.
“I mean...if they take him in instead of us, it saves us the trip,” he replied with a simple shrug.
“Exactly,” Zack responded and Kid Danger narrowed his eyes before shooting a look at Captain Man who just shrugged. “Cuff him, Code Red,” Zack continued, keeping his eyes glued to Kid Danger.
“With what?” Cody mumbled, leaning towards him. Zack slowly turned to look at him.
“Didn’t you bring handcuffs?”
Cody stared at him incredulously. “Where would I have gotten handcuffs?”
“Then use a zip tie!” Zack snapped, feeling his patience wearing thin.
“Again... where would I get a zip tie? And why would I have brought one?”
Zack finally lowered his arm, letting out a sharp breath and squeezing his eyes shut before turning to face his brother. “You carry a million things in your pocket but you’re telling me not one of them is a zip tie? Or anything we could use to cuff this guy?”
Cody continued to stare at him in disbelief. “What would I need a zip tie for?”
“What do you need bear repellent for?”
“To repel bears!”
Kid Danger stepped in between them then. "I don't mean to interrupt, but your perp's getting away."
"Why didn't you stop him?!" Zack barked. Kid Danger put his hands up in surrender as he took a few steps back.
"Why should I?" he replied, his lips curling into a devious smirk, "You've got this."
Anyway, please forgive me for the stupidity of that snippet lasdkj also here's the one from the Izzy fic:
“Where is he, by the way?” Cody questioned as he sat down at the table in the chair closest to him.
“He’s around here somewhere,” Zack answered but before he had a chance to call for him, the two of them heard a door slam, followed by Izzy’s muffled voice yelling, “You’re not being fair!”
Zack froze as he met Cody’s gaze. “But, I have an idea of where he might be.” [...]
Izzy came storming into the kitchen followed by Henry a few seconds later.
“Whatever. I’m gonna talk to dad, he’s the fun parent,” she snarked, shooting a look at Henry before turning back towards Zack.
“Be my guest,” Henry stated calmly, clearly unbothered by her attitude as he sat down in the chair opposite his brother-in-law. [..]
Izzy put on her sweetest grin as she went to stand at Zack’s side. “Daddy,” she cooed, shooting him her best doe-eyed look.
“No,” Zack deadpanned without looking at her. She immediately dropped the act, her demeanor turning annoyed again as she stared at him, slack-jawed.
“That’s not fair, you don’t even know what I was going to ask!” she snapped.
“Uncle Cody!” Felix’s voice gushed a few seconds before he sped into the room with his golden retriever, Daisy, at his heels, the two of them appearing at Cody’s side. Felix met his gaze with an elated smile, his hands cupped in front of his chest.
“Hey, buddy!” Cody responded enthusiastically, turning around to face him, letting his arm rest on the back of the chair, “How’s my favorite nephew?”
“I’m your only nephew,” Felix pointed out.
“Well, that doesn’t mean you can’t still be my favorite,” Cody replied, and Felix’s smile grew.
“Can we get back to me, please?!” Izzy interrupted impatiently, slipping into the last available chair between Zack and Cody.
“Hey, Fe,” Henry interjected. Felix’s grin vanished as he immediately dropped his still cupped hands below the table, out of Henry’s line of sight, before slowly turning towards him.
“Yeah?” “What’s in your hand?” Henry asked, his tone indicating he most likely already knew the answer. Felix avoided his gaze.
“Nothing,” he responded softly. Henry kept his eyes locked on him.
“Felix,” he echoed in a calm tone. Felix sighed heavily, raising his hands above the table once more as he slowly uncovered one from the other.
“A centipede,” he mumbled as the now freed centipede crawled from his palm to the crook between his index and thumb.
“Oh, Felix!” Zack yelped, instinctively pushing his chair back, “What’d I say about bringing random bugs into the house?!”
“Sorry,” Felix responded sincerely, flipping his hand over as the centipede inched onto the back of his hand.
Izzy let out a heavy sigh. “Then, can I take Grandpa’s car?” she questioned, clearly losing any patience she had left.
Anyway sorry for all that lol
23) fics you wanted to write but didn’t oh man, so many. I had a lot of motivation for my fairy tale au and a ton of ideas but i just. ran out of steam. I had a bunch of motivation for my newest au then i lost it, now I found it again. let's see how long that lasts. i'm still really super upset that it's been over a year since I've posted a new chapter of DoD and I know it's probably never going to happen now but I'm not quite ready to give up on it. i'm also super upset that not a single one of my birthday prompts have been posted cause you guys sent me almost all of my favorites from that list, and maybe it was ambitious of me still, but i genuinely thought I would have at least one posted either on my birthday or around it cause a few of them are literally already halfway done! But, genuinely every au I've ever told y'all about I really love for one reason or another and I would sincerely love to write every single one or even just. one! but it just wasn't in the cards this year I guess. Also, I've been wanting to write a zack & london besties one shot for years now and it still hasnt happened, rip
#asks#ask games#heather tag 💜#thank you heather <3#I say I love to exclude cody and then. here he is. in both these scenes.
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Omg Tay, I have so much to say about Oberon! Seriously, I made a new note on my phone so I could remember all my reactions to it. First of all, AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! IT'S SO FREAKING GOOD AND THE WORLD BUILDING YOU DID REALLY PAID OFF AND I'M SO PROUD OF YOU FOR FINISHING THIS BEHEMOTH OF A FIC!!!! I digress, the world building was so beautifully done. The different take in fairies (regarding the leaf fairies) and the tree traveling! All the different species of creatures in the central village!
2/6) It was all wonderful! I especially loved how you spent some time on how the OC was cleaned up to show the difference in how it's done there. Speaking of cleaned up, I LOVE ALINA! SHE'S SO CUTE AND I WANTED MORE OF HER TAY! I love how you made all of the OC's dresses resemble flowers in some way, it really ties in the importance of nature to the Fae. I got mad Beauty and the Beast vibes at some parts too. On-Looker's Lake, when the OC sees the books, and Joon saving the OC being the best examples
3/6) I deadass thought that the thing in the lagoon was a kraken! Idk why, but I did😂 and then I was like "update: it's a kelpie". I wanted to also mention how you took a twist on environmental activism in the human world. I'm definitely a sustainability conscious person and I thought that the dichotomy of the Order and the RAO was fascinating. I also really liked how you made it that the "waves cannot keep secrets" instead of the trees or flowers cannot keep secrets we see so much in literature!
4/6) Also, the fact that the OC was like "Namjoom sounds fake" 😂 I laughed so hard when I read that! I also wrote down "THE MANDRAKE LEAF!! HARRY POTTER IS BACK BITCHES". I was just really happy about it. Also, I really liked the part where Joon showed the OC Titania via their dreams. I thought it was well done and I loved the intermingling of the real memory and then the possible (which definitely happen) interaction with the OC. Tbh, I thought Titania's soul was doing some weird stuff to the OC
5/6) But it just turned out to the air,,, I'd really love to see more(?) interactions with the OC and Titania via dreams or while unconscious. I think it would be really cool. Lastly, I was highkey hoping Joon would kill the Order dudes. It would have been nice to see, but I guess diplomacy is fine too. I do have a few questions for you. With the tree traveling, is it via the root system or the trunks and branches? You mentioned going up so I wasn't 100% sure
6/6) Also, what is the time difference between the human and fae realms? I know that the Fae realm is slower than the human realm, but by how much? Overall this was such an amazing piece of work and it definitely took Blight's spot for #1 out of your fics. Your hard work paid off and I'm so glad that I could help keep you motivated and (somewhat) sane while at work or writing. Lastly, I really love that (literal) cliffhanger you left us at😂😂 Much love Tay💜
WAAAH LILAC THERE IS SO MUCH TO UNPACK HERE AND I LOVE IT. I love that you took note while reading- that makes me so happy uwu. First, I’m happy you were happy with the world-building! I only complained about it to you about aBAZILLION TIMES LOL. And the Leaflets design was inspired by me actually pulling apart leaves as a hobby when I’m forced to sit in nature LOL.
I ALSO LOVE ALINA. I WANT TO MAKE THIS CLEAR. I didn’t intend to have as many OCs as I did (three to be specific + Titania ig) in this piece, but although I love all of them, my little mute Alara fairy girl is def. my favorite. 10/10 would die for her. I actually didn’t realize any parallels while writing it, but yeah I can def. see the Beauty and the Beast connections now that you point it out- how neat!
For the Kelpie, I had a lot of options when choosing what species of fairy to make the quote ‘bad guy’ when looking through te Unseelie Court, but the Kelpie was the one I was most familiar with (thanks anime LOL) so I just went with them. Plus, the thing under the water holding her down while the KEplie attacked her, wasn’t actually another Keplie but instead a dead tree that had fallen into the lake because a branch of the Order’s pollution killed it. It sensed the OC’s humanity, thus deemed her the enemy.
For the inclusion of the Order and the RAO, the whole premise of this is absolutely an anti-pollution thing as that is the *biggest* issue the RAO has with the Order and their constant want to burn down/shrink the forest or just kill it (I mean how dumb amiright?). I didn’t want to play into it too much, well bc who wants to read a 42k fic about pollution and rebellion in the form of going against the government? Sounds too much like irl politics if you ask me LOL.
For the ‘waves keeping secrets’ I kept it like that instead of the forest greenery because unlike the forest’s grass or trees or flowers, the water has a distinct connection between Liana and the human world! All sorts of gossip come from the water LOL.
LOL The ‘namjoon sounds fake’ line was actually for the original concept where this was gonna be a wonho fic. He was gonna announce himself as Wonho and not Hoseok, so she would accuse him of a ‘fake name’ and later on he’d really tell her his birthday. However, when I changed idols, I decided to keep it in for comedy!! (also the mandrakes actually weren’t inspired by HP, but from an RPG horror game Mad Father, bc ya girl hasn’t seen/read any HP material oops)
If I’m being honest, the parts featuring Titania and the dreams the OC was materialized in are some of my favorite parts. Not just because I loved Titania and the way she held herself in her short little scenes, but because it opened more of Oberon’s story. Briefly touching on his reluctance to be King Oberon to fast-forwarding to the point he had to rule on his own when she died.
The reason the OC got so sick was a mixture of things. In the story, obvs it’s explained it was the air. However, there is more too it! I kept it brief because in the moment, Namjoon didn’t have the time for a proper explaination- both when the OC was dying and when he was explaining things to Changkyun and her on the cliffside. The reason really tied back to the Kelpie.
It was explained that the Kelpie took a chunk of her magic when it attacked her at the grey lake, right? Well, it’s because of the chunk of magic it took that Liana’s air became toxic. OC’s magic was tied into her by the soul fragment she was born with that held Titania. When the Kelpie attacked her, it took a large part of that fragment out- the piece that was able to breathe and live in the forest's air like Titania once did. So, in a sense, it was Titania keeping her safe from the pure air, and when she lost it, it all went downhill. so, you were really wrong to assume it was Titania!
Tbh, the ONLY reason Namjoon didn’t kill the Order platoon was bc before he could the OC was already marching towards them and he didn’t want to risk anything. If she hadn’t started going to the leader for his radio, he would have made tree-kababs out of them.
For the Tree Trunk Travel System (as our OC calls it lol), it was a mixture of root connections and teleportation. All the trees int he forest are connected via their underground root system. For traveling to be possible, you’d get into a tree, think of the place you want to travel to, and through, magic relay that to the tree so it could find the root of the nearest tree to that location. Then it’d be a gust of wind from below (because of the roots finding the passage) before you disappear and reappear somewhere near! It’s a lot less complicated than it sounds lol.
The time difference between Liana and the human world is a big funky I’ll admit. I didn’t put a lot of thought into it frankly. However, as stated when OC returns after her ‘almost dying attack’ Changkyun mentions how she was gone for two months. Before that, OC mentions how she had been in Liana a month. So, it’d be easiest to assume that Liana moves and works a full month behind the humans. So, for example, April in the Human world would still be March in Liana.
WOW THIS GOT LONG LOL. I hope I answered all your questions (and if not just ask me again LOL). I’m so so so grateful to you for reading it and keeping me motivated to write it! And ofc, your moral support while I edited this monster LOL. Who knows, maybe next time I’ll ask you to beta if something ever get’s this big again LOL (probably not bc i have a guilty conscience alsdkjf).
I’m glad you enjoyed Oberon as much as you hoped and although Blight may not be #1, I don’t think Jungkook would mind since Namjoon took his place LOL.
Much love coming to you from me!!!
#TL;DR: Oberon has a lot and this is full of answers to quesions LOL#fr though I LOVE answering questions about my stories#so this was super fun to do!!#Oberon#lilacdreams-00#ask
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Hi so i have a few requests if thats okay. 1. Evil! Tony where he has secretly been working with loki or something like that. 2. teen AU theres still the avengers and all but they are teens, and lokis good. 3. avengers meeting lokis kids with frostiron. Sorry if thats too much I'm just having trouble finding these things. Thank you
Me when I first got this ask: this is totally not too much, you are fine, this gives me more opportunities to readMe now: This! Took! So! Fucking! Long! I’m! So! Sorry!
*cracks knuckles* alright friend, ive got at least a couple recs on here with that first request- dark tony working with loki in this rec list, particularly 3, 6, 7, and 9.
Now! teen/hs aus w/ the avengers. those are gonna be a bit harder lol. All of these don’t necessarily have the Avengers, but then I would have virtually no fics for this part of the rec ajkdhlfa
And Everyone Knew Except Them- miaao3, G or T, No Warnings. It started as a stupid joke; Tony smacked a kiss on Loki to freak out a homophobe, except everything went belly up as soon as Loki started kissing back. I loved this?? So Much???? I’m so sad mia isn’t writing anymore :(
What? Wait… What?- msMynx, Mature, No Warnings. Loki is entirely too busy to even think about prom. Prom is what other people did, not him.Hilarious, honestly. Totally something that could happen in canon, imo.
I’m Your Guy- STARSdidathing, G, No Warnings. “You might be gay, but he likes girls, Loki.”Thor is a bad bro sometimes, and Tony is awesome.
It Just Sort Of Happened- Potrix, T, No Warnings Apply (Mentions of drug abuse, mentions of attempted suicide, mentions of overdosing)Sometimes, Loki learns, getting in trouble is just the first step of something new and wonderful.Buddy,,,, this was,,,,,,,,, angsty and wonderful
This one was difficult and annoying, bc I found Loki’s kids meeting Avengers with frostiron, but it was badly written, or gross, or some kind of shit imo. Then I found meeting Loki’s kids with frostiron! But barely any Avengers, SO, Buddy, I Tried. Honestly, this was the section that took the longest alsdkjf. (A note, I didnt go as in depth for this tag as i have for others bc i thought i spent enough time on it, but here is the link to the search terms i used. Therefore, a lot of the fics on this sec are pretty new, and im sure there are plenty of other good ones in the tag, i simply kinda didnt feel like reading them)
Loki’s Brood (series)- Raven_Ehtar, T, (Past) Rape/Non-con, (Flashback) Graphic Violence (IMO violence is not that bad, and to me the non-con was glossed over)After the trial in Asgard for his various crimes, Loki Laufeyson walks away estranged from his people and burdened with tasks to amend his past wrongs. In so doing he also walks away with his three children - Fenrir, Hela and Jörmungandr - taking them out of the hands of the Æsir. He entrusts them to Tony Stark, much to everyone’s surprise, and what could have been a disaster turns out to work out remarkably well for everyone involved. At least most of the time.This entire series was amazing, I loved it, I want more right now, thank you very much. (This one has the most kids+avengers)
Crossing the Line (series)- pristineungift, M, No Warnings/Graphic Violence.Tony Stark may not know it, but he is Loki’s.Not in a creepy way tho! Imo, at least lkasdf. I really loved this series honestly. Also, Angst :’> (More... adult ‘kids’, and mostly avengers tbh)
Hel is Other People- Moosepelheim, M, Graphic Violence.“So what if I ate the cheeseburger?” Tony shouts, throwing a wrench at Loki’s head. The bastard dodges it easily as he stalks closer. “That doesn’t mean I belong to you!”“Oh, not to me,” Loki says lowly, a smile like honey slowly spreading its way across his face. “But with me? Surely you’ve heard of Persephone.”“A cheeseburger isn’t some fucking mystical pomegranate, you smirking lunatic.” It isn’t, it just isn’t. Not even close. "You aren't even Greek!" he adds, throwing another wrench which is dodged just as easily.Loki spreads his hands wide, posing like the showman he is. “I think you’ll find that a pomegranate symbolizes the fruit of the dead. Your cheeseburger, made of dead flesh, was topped with fruit. It’s close enough for the symbolism to bind.”“Ah-hah! There’s no fucking fruit on a cheeseburger,” Tony says triumphantly, finger pointing accusingly at Loki. “I fucking win, no going back to crazy town with you. I stay here in my workshop, and you fucking leave before I call the Avengers.”“Oh Stark,” Loki murmurs, almost affectionately. “A tomato is a berry, you ignorant fool.”I’m fucking counting this bc this is one of my faves and Im justifying it by the fact that Loki’s kids are in it, albeit as adults, and more towards the end than anything else.
These last three are pretty much Loki+kids+Tony, no Avengers. But they’re all lovely nonetheless, and I would love more of these kinds of fics
Hidden Within- Lynds (Incomplete, updating regularly), T, Chose No Warnings.Tony's on the verge of giving up when he stumbles into Lucas and his large brood of troubled children. He knows they're on the run, but frankly, he's not going to live very much longer, so he doesn't care. He just wants to hang out with the hot guy with stunning green eyes and crazy kids, and maybe fall in love with all of them. Just a little.When Loki finds out he isn't Odin's son, he washes his hands of the lot of them. He steals his children back from their prison and takes them on the run, hiding their true nature and magic in a mortal form. But then Tony comes to their aid one day, and he has to choose between keeping his children safe and hidden, and releasing his magic to save the life of a man he might be falling for.This is the best of the ones I read, no lie, and even tho its super new it deserves to be on this list.
Late Again- andquitefrankly, G, No Warnings.Single dad’s Tony and Loki always bring their kids late to school. And those kids see something that they don’t: love.Def Loki’s kids, and... kinda an oc for Tony’s kid? However, this was delightful, and light, and fluffy. Exactly what I needed after some of the other angst heavy ones on this list.
Forming a Family- siver_drip, T, No Warnings.Odin cast Loki’s children through space and time. Tony finds Hela.Seeing dad!Tony was amazing, I loved it, and Hela was a wonderful little hellion, whom I adore. More pre-slash than anything during the story
#gothemcityshipper#frostiron#ironfrost#tonyloki#lokitony#fic rec#fanfiction#marvel#mcu#thor (movies)#iron man#tony stark#loki#an ask!#youre great and i love you#im screaming this took so long aaaaa#also! this blog has over 400 followers!!#i cant believe it!!#dark tony#dark!tony#high school au#alternate universe#kid fic#dad!tony#dad tony#dad loki#dad!loki#frostiron fam#frostiron family
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Thanks for the tag @kingkishou <333!
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, write a post with 82 truths about yourself and then tag 25 people
Most Recent
Drink: Coffee
Phone call: Mom
Text: Telling my friend I’d made it back home after visiting out of town
Song you listened to: BTS - Stigma
Time you cried: Rogue One
Have You Ever
Dated someone twice: Yep - the fiance lol
Been cheated on: Not technically
Kissed someone and regretted it: HELL TO THE Y-E-A
Lost someone special: No one I was super close to but relatives/teachers
Been depressed: LMAO at least half my life probably maybe more
Been drunk and thrown up: Yes but not for many years
List 3 favorite colors: Red, black, grey
In The Last Year, Have You
Made a new friend: Manhi manhi
Fallen out of love: Luckily no
Laughed until you cried: Yup
Met someone who changed you: That’s inevitable/constantly happening
Found out who your true friends are: Many stuck with me through tough times if that’s what this means
Found out someone was talking about you: Yup lmao though I couldn’t give a shit about them
Kissed anyone on your FB list: I mean my fiance is FB friends with me so yes and also friends on the cheek ^^
How many people from your FB list do you know IRL: Most of them I don’t much use FB for fandom
Do you have any pets: Nope
Do you want to change your name: I mean I’ll change my last name happily when I marry the boy, but it’s not an urgent thing and I like my first name fine
What did you do for your birthday: Literally can’t remember it’s been a really shitty year OTL...maybe went to dinner with the boy?
What time did you wake up today: LMAO I was kind of a wreck after major family drama the last few days so around 5 PM (don’t judge ;;;)
What were you doing last night at midnight: Probably on Twitter dicking around when I should have been sleeping...or we may have still been watching Black Mirror not sure...
Name something you can’t wait for: BTS concert in March with my buddy asldjf;alsdkjf you have no idea how excited =X
Last time you saw your mom: Sunday
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: How much time do you have...
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: (WTF NIKKI YOU’VE SPOKEN TO THOM YORKE REALLY??!?) A good number - they’re hard to avoid in the US lmao
What’s getting on your nerves right now: Nasty kpop fandom members sending needless hate to other fans and musicians but I gotta learn to ignore them...also my mom but that’s pretty much constant OTL
Blood Type: I always forget
Nickname: XL, Lulu
Relationship Status: Engaged
Pronouns: She/her
Favourite TV Show: Battlestar Galatica, Orphan Black, In the Flesh, BBC Sherlock, Brooklyn 99, Parks and Rec, Mr. Robot, Akatsuki no Yona, FMA: Brotherhood, Sense8, Stranger Things, and probably 23904823 others I’m not remembering just off the top of my head
Long or short hair: Long because it helps length/hide my wide face lol
Height: 5′4″ (NIKKI WE DA SAME)
Do you have a crush on someone: IRL the boy ofc...in terms of musicians and actors lol too many though mostly just one right now (look at my blog lol)
What do you like about yourself: (NIKKI WTF YOU’RE MORE THAN JUST OK YOU ARE AMAZING) I’m a damn good baker and I am passionate about a lot of things
Right or left handed: Right
First surgery: No real surgeries
First Best Friend: Uma
First sport you joined: Wushu
First Vacation: Not sure but I think my dad took me on some work trips in Asia when I was still very young
Right Now
Eating: Considering cheesecake
Drinking: Nothing
I’m about to: Go to bed >.>
Listening to: BST - Dope
Kids: On the fence
Get Married: Engaged so hopefully within a couple years
Career: Kind of a research assistant still maybe
Which Is Better
Lips or eyes: Both though slightly more eyes
Hugs or Kisses: Depends on the person/moment
Taller or shorter: Taller though it’s NBD
Older or Younger: The boy is nearly my same age but it’s also NBD
Romantic or spontaneous: Depends on the day
Sensitive or loud: Sensitive though friendly and funny are great, too
Hookup or relationship: Relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: Bit of both
Have You Ever
Kissed a stranger: Not a total stranger
Glasses/contacts: Worn both prefer contacts but can’t wear them anymore
Had sex on a first date: Kinda it’s complicated
Broke someone’s heart: Yep
Turned someone down: Yeeeep
Cried when someone died: Of course
Fallen for a friend: Yes (that’s the best when it works out)
Do You Believe In
Yourself: Deep down not at all and that’s the struggle of my life
Miracles: Not actual ones
Love at first sight: No but it can develop into it
Heaven: No
Kissing on the first date: Sure
Now I tag whoever wants to do it (just say I tagged you)!
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