#[ there are a lot of other things about rp etiquette but i think the blog i linked in the first para covered it maybe?? ]
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rowan-post · 1 year ago
RPC self-care
We all get worn down by life and often we turn to RP for rejuvenation. But more than once I've seen people on here that find themselves burnt out on the RP community itself. With nearly 20 years of role playing under my belt, I thought I'd share some of my favourite self-care tricks.
Block people. You don't have to explain yourself and 'weird vibes' is a legitimate reason. You deserve to feel safe and unbothered in your hobby space, and RP is based on consent. Just like with any recreational activity, you can withdraw your consent at any time and no is a complete sentence.
Turn off anon. This prevents anonymous harassment and gives you great insight into who to block or report if you get non-anonymous harassment.
Drop threads. I know RP etiquette suggests you need to tell your RP partner when and why, and sure, if they ask politely you can give it a go - just know that a pre-written variant of 'not feeling it' is good enough. In my humble opinion, I think dropping boring or vexing threads is everyone's prerogative and doesn't require explanation. Again, no is a complete sentence.
Talk it out. If you like the thread but things took a turn you didn't like, it's time to bring the RP into the workshop. Something like 'Hey I really like our RP so far but I'm losing my spark, can we talk about course correcting where the plot is going?'
Make clear rules and revise them frequently. I'd also advise against spending said rules excusing or explaining why you don't like or want a certain thing - I cannot stress enough how your preferences are not up for debate.
Get comfy chasing. A lot of RP is about inviting others to play over and over and over. Rejection is a part of it. See if you can't find some element of self-care in it - taking rejection well is a great skill to practice in such a low stake environment.
Notice and celebrate the good stuff, instead of digging holes about the bad. Tell your co-players how great they are. Marvel at all the hard work you put into your muses and graphics. Admire your own blog.
Stop. Take a break. Check in with yourself. Do you actually need to face something in IRL? Do you need to rest? A snickers? A walk? Don't bother with posts á la 'offline for the day' - leave your options open to reduce guilt or shame if you want to poke your head back in.
Happy writing. 🌿
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swordfright · 8 months ago
I remember sending this to a bunch of dsmp blogs (starting with elmhat I think ?) bc I like when people share ideas/opinions who diverge from the main consensus because I find it the most efficient way for people to stick to canon and not fanon since people can have different interpretations of event
And it was super interesting to see the one about the experimentation being after prison rather than before (loved the two LN and Q ones too but as you said they were a bit more common. Would love to see your take on c!slime though now)
(And I wouldn't have a problem with you giving unpopular opinion about the fandom either but to be clear I was not trying to start anything with my first question, I just like seeing uncommon takes)
Don't worry lol I didn't assume you were trying to start shit. Ok, so c!Slime is pretty interesting in that he's the closest thing we have to an NPC in what is otherwise a roleplay, which implies certain things about how he can be used in the narrative.
A little bit of quick background: I spent a LOT of time as a kid doing RP online (it was an original story set in the Death Note universe and it happened on a website that went bankrupt in like 2017 and no longer exists lmfao don't worry about it) and idk what RP etiquette is like in other communities, but in the community I was a part of, it was sort of frowned upon for players to outsource heavy plot/character development material to NPCs. It was allowed and people did it, but it was seen as sort of a cop-out. The underlying idea being that if you're gonna bother to do RP, your character's most important interactions should be with other PCs, in part because it helps build/strengthen the RP community and in part because it better entrenches your character's storyline in the storylines of other PCs, which in turn encourages other players to keep RPing and keeps the story going. Again, creating NPCs was very common, but players were discouraged from having entire arcs or character trajectories be highly dependent on NPCs. It was seen as sort of a cheap, low-effort way of progressing your character's development without having to coordinate plot beats with other players, and doing it too often was seen as sort of antithetical to what RP is trying to achieve as a form of gaming-storytelling. To me, c!Slime is a classic example of when an RPer outsources a little too much narrative weight onto an NPC.
First of all, I wanna clarify that it's kinda difficult to define what an NPC is or isn't on this server, but I'd say c!Slime is more of an NPC because even though he's played by a CC with some degree of improv, we know that cc!Quackity specifically wrote c!Slime's character to fulfill a narrative role and asked cc!Slime to play that character - as opposed to alternate characters played by CCs of their own accord (Sam Nook, Dream XD, Sam Bucket, Mexican Dream, etc.) So, for example, I don't see Sam Bucket as an NPC but I do see c!Slime as an NPC. c!Slime wasn't an original creation on the part of the player, he's a narrative tool (which is fine, but it does mean that what he can and can't do in the story is limited to what cc!Q needed him to do.)
There are some things I think the addition of c!Slime did accomplish. For one, Q's interactions with him provide a platform for more introspective character work on Q's part. And while I that character work could've been done by having Q interact with a PC instead, I do think Slime is better positioned to act as an apprentice figure because he had almost no lore prior to Las Nevadas and didn't enter the story with baggage or ties to any other major characters. He's a blank slate, which makes him really easy to use as a narrative device. Q voices thoughts and ideas to Slime that he can't voice to other characters (usually because it would be OOC for him to do so, or wouldn't make sense in context), which means that Slime is sort of a vehicle for delivering Q characterization to the audience.
This is all fine and I think a lot of it was done fairly well. I like cc!Slime's acting and I think the character is a fun addition to the LN crew. That said, I don't think the payoff was great. Slime being an NPC really undermined what I assume cc!Q was going for with End of Las Nevadas, in large part because he doesn't have well-established relationships with other characters. Aside from Q, Slime basically only ever interacts with Tommy, Foolish and Ranboo, and even those interactions are limited to a really tiny handful of streams. Punz capturing and manipulating him, Slime helping c!Dream confront Quackity...all that stuff could have been a lot more interesting if it had more time to marinate. Like, I love the IDEA of Slime and c!Dream interacting, but we don't really get any meaningful interactions between them outside of Slime's function as a storytelling tool. He's there when he needs to be, and only ever when he needs to be.
For instance, I would've loved to see what Slime thinks about Q's slime army. It's really weird to model your mindlessly obedient slave army after your friend. That was a weird ass thing for Q to do, and it would've been cool to see Slime react to that. But because he's more NPC than PC, and because highly scripted lore like the LN series doesn't really encourage deviation, we never get to find that out. Slime doesn't ever really get to be his own character, which in the end kinda undermines a lot of the character development he triggers for c!Quackity because at the end of the day, it's really transparent that Slime only exists to be a prop. It's a kind of one-sided relationship that's unique to RP.
I think End of Las Nevadas was weak for other reasons too, but uhhhh yeah the Slime stuff bothered me a bit. Would've liked to see him do more. And he disappears after pushing Q off the ledge and, to my knowledge, we never see him again! If he had been more PC and less storytelling tool, presumably other characters would've had opportunities to react to Slime's role in the events of that stream, or notice that he's missing/back again/missing. But instead, he's able to just vanish from the story after he's fulfilled his role because that's all he was ever supposed to do.
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lilythecattt · 2 months ago
“Did I remember to turn off the oven? Hope so!”
-Sprout 🍓
Tumblr media
“Ahem- Is this thing on?… Looks like it is.
How do you introduce yourself again-
I’m Sprout the strawberry! pretty sure that was obvious… This is my Askblog, where you.. ask.. the blog. And the Toons on it
You can Ask anytoon, and even the Handlers—just be respectful of boundaries. The Toons running this Blog are Yours Truly, Cosmo, Dandy, and Glisten.
(Not Connie anymore because she took some things too far… But she is still Askable.)
Let’s get some Rules straight…:
-You can Ask whatever (just don’t get too nosey…)
-Don’t get into any NSFW, or Violent topics on this Blog. Not in asks, not in comments, not in reblogs. [*/Ooc: Cartoon Violence? Sure. But no realistic Gore.]
-Don’t bring Political things into this either [*/Ooc: This is supposed to be a goofy roleplay account, with a side of AU Lore…]
-Be nice to Cosmo.
-Bully Glisten for all I care, he hacked into my Account anyway
-Don’t stir up drama. [*/Ooc: Basic Etiquette…]
-Don’t harass anybody (except for Glisten with asks about his glass :) )
-[*/Ooc: Remember Toons will not answer Asks if they break these Rules, or are a Magic Ask they wouldn’t want to happen.]
-[*/Ooc: More Rule details below the RP Intro! Alongside Magic Anon Rules!]
Hello! Welcome to yet another Dandy’s World AU Roleplay Account!
*Dandy’s World, and Character’s from it, belong to BlushCrunch.
*Any OC’s, and AU Storylines, are the only things I own really…
⭐️Brief Story on this “Shelly’s World” AU!
(Aka the “Reformed!Dandy’s World AU”… Unless I think of a better name.)
This is a Universe after the events of the Ichor turning all of the Toons Twisted. Everyone has long since been recovered, and with new CEO’s and staff being hired—A New Show was started; Shelly’s World!
With the other Mains (discluding Dandy, he was not present for a while…) feeling unable to take the New Role as the Star of the Show, Shelly was chosen because of her Kindness, Honesty, Bravery, and Caring Nature!
Quick Note:
-Toons access the Blog through their Phones or Computers, so you don’t send Asks to their brains or anything…
-Asks do not take effect until a Toon or Handler answers one.
Current Status:
(Last updated: February // I edit more than I’d want to admit-)
-Asks are open!
-^Every Toon is Askable, so are OC’s and Toon Handlers!…
-^If you want to know more about OC’s or OC Handlers you can always ask Ooc or Mod about it! (Just note clearly that you are Asking the actual blog Owner!)
More stuff below! I edit on occasion…
v RULES & Extra Shelly’s World Stuff! v
(Feel free to skimp through some text, it’s a lot I know… xd)
Characters open for Asks!:
(In Lore, these Toons have direct access to Sprout’s Ask Blog, or used to!—so they are the Mod Toons of the blog… Well, ignoring Sam at least.)
(…No clue if or when Connie will get her permission back.)
-Sprout (Of course.. Unless he’s absent for whatever reason.)
-Sam (Sprout’s Handler - Tries to Moderate the Blog, doesn’t always go very well)
-Glisten (Wasn’t invited but whatever :D)
-Connie (Can no longer access Sprout’s Account, unless another Toon lets her…)
-! Note: You can ask other Toons outside the ones Listed! (Even Christmas Toons, outside of Christmas.. well, most of them.)
-! Note Make it clear which Toons you’re asking—if you have one in Specific you want to Ask!
! Note: You can ask me about the AU also… If you doubt the Toons will (or can) answer. :)
Ask away! Just follow the Ask Rules please!
-Sprout’s Pronouns: He/Him (*For simplicity…)
-Owner of Acc: She/Her
-You can talk about other Fiction and such on this blog! Feel free to ask the Toons which things they know about! (On my other Blog, @lilythecaattt, I note some Fandoms and such I am/was in :>)
-Other Roleplay Blogs are allowed! Or even other AU’s of the same characters!
-Magic Anons are allowed, but there is a limit to what you can do. I’ll note some examples in “Rules for Asks” below vvv
-Sometimes I add extra stuff in tags, so maybe check those on these posts… :)
-No NSFW, or Realistic Gore. (Preferably avoid suggestive things…)
-^That means: DON’T BE “FrEakY” basically.
-Don’t make Diddy jokes… From the little I have heard, it is not funny.
-Please do not rant about really serious things.. If you’re just having a bad day, and need to vent a bit, that’s okay! But if you need help with Mental Health stuff, please find a number or something. (/I don’t mean to come off rude or anything….)
-Do not use slurs.
-Do not send M!A’s (Magic Asks) dumping Water on Vee or anything like that. No plucking Dandy’s petals either—You know who you are.
-Don’t spam the same Ask repeatedly… Resending it a couple times if Tumblr is bugging is fine, but it gets obvious when that isn’t the case.
-Smaller thing but like, don’t go calling Coal, Bobette or Dandy “Fat” or whatever.
-Swear in Asks; Just *preferably* do not swear at me or the Toons…
-Send characters objects, basically anything (that isn’t against the Ask Rules)… But if you were to say, give them a full on Rifle, they might get in trouble for having that…
-Roleplay as a Toon or OC! Just don’t pretend it’s specifically from the same AU. I I have some specific ideas for each of the Toons… By default. Roleplaying as an in-game Toon will likely make them assume they are a “Cousin” (Clone) of a Toon.
-^No adding to the AU Lore, or making a character bring up nonexistent larger plot-points IN THIS AU specifically—because then you’re kind of painting on another persons canvas. (Just something I felt I should note.)
-Be a little bit mean to *some* Toons. Mostly Toons that are a little mean anyway—Glisten, Vee, or Sprout—Just don’t take it too far! (You could send a goofy threat to make Sprouts family bald, for example… But going into great gory-detail on a death threat is an obvious no.)
-^You can bully them a bit, but do not harass them. So don’t go sending “I grab Cosmoc and smooch him 2 million times :333” or ANYTHING like that.
-Interrogating them with deeper questions is fine. Just pay attention to see if they’re getting too annoyed—because then they might start ignoring those Asks otherwise… (Not that I’m mad at you, but the Toons might be, and I try to stay in character with what they’d do…)
-“Unknown” is sometoon with an unknown identity, they have somehow hacked into Sprout’s Account… Sometimes they will answer Asks.
-“Unknown?” is likely a Toon that is closely-associated with the Blog already… :)
-Mod Toons, in lore, are the ones answering Asks.
-MAGIC ANONS Can effect up to 5 Asks. But only 2 if it’s a more drastic change.
-Giving a Character an Object can infinite: if the Object itself isn’t physically magical in some way. (Sending Cookies or Flowers can be infinite, but a Magic Wand would only last a few Asks.)
-You cannot change a Character Physically. No changing a Toons Object, or turn them into an Object.
-Don’t go stealing control of an SW!Character. You can’t just; “The Shelly from this AU kidnaps Cosmo, stabs him, and ties him to a heavy object to drop into the Ocean!”
-IF you want to have a longer-lasting effect.. you cooould try and manipulate convince a Toon to do something that will be of interest to them. Or bribe them, if you will… :)
Tags for things :>
(Note: Handlers will be referred to by Name in Tags!)
-Dandy’s World Roleplay/Askblog/Rp Blog
Toon Tags:
-SW!Sprout Answers
-SW![Toon Name] Answers
-SW!Gang Answers [*Meaning 4 or more Toons answered a question, or were asked a question.]
Roleplay Tags:
-SW![Toon Name] Reblogs [*If anyone @‘s this blog, and mentions a Mod Toon :>]
-SW![Toon Name] Posts
-SW![Toon Name] RP [*Note that this tag may not be directly related to SW!AU lore…]
-SW!Scene [For situations that may or may not be lore related :)]
-SW!Document [Files or Papers that somehow find their way onto the Blog…]
Etc SW!Tags:
-SW!Update Post [Updates on the Blog, Magic Asks, and other SW!AU things!]
-SW!Polls [Polls for stuff :3]
-Not SW!AU Lore Related💔
-SW!AU Lore Related❤️
-Maybe SW!AU Lore Related❓
OOC Tags:
(Note: Below is old stuff, bc I got tired editing this…)
Etc Stuff:
-This is a Shelly’s World AU/Post Infection Recovery AU!
-I might also call it the “Reformed” or “Rebooted” AU? I’m still deciding… Also, “Rebooted” might be taken- IDK TAKE IT WITH SALT I guess.
-Shelly, Sprout (of course), Astro, Vee, Pebble and Dandy are all around… (Also Bobette, but this isn’t about her :>)
-In the present, “Shelly’s World” is the replacement Show while they rework the old “Dandy’s World” Episodes!: With Shelly Starring in it, her show is a mix of Education and Entertainment! Meaning Finn, and a few of my OC’s, help teach things depending on what the Episode is about. (I am still deciding who else Co-Stars with her)
-After the Ichor-Infection was cured, some (*few) Toons are still conflicted having Dandy back again…
-Most of the Toons have Clones, which have to wear tags with their Clone Number so they aren’t confused for Original Toons… They are not referred to as Clones in front of Visitors; they are called “Cousin’s” or “Siblings” instead. Some Clones have their own unique names and styles, others haven’t found one yet.
-This is supposed to be 13-15+ max, but for the most part, I’d wish to keep this Blog silly!
-^There *might* be existential stuff, I’m not sure…
-This is my Main Tumblr Account, my other is @lilythecaattt! for reblogging and stuff.
-I don’t really swear, so if Sprout starts using words like “Flipping” or “Freaking”, it’s because I tend to do that xP
-I’ll use a “🍓” in tags when Sprout is speaking! In text, I’ll use text “ [🍓]: “Like this.” ” When a Toon is speaking! Same goes for each Toon, in their respective colors.
-When a tag start with n emoji like “🍓”, it was put there by an SW!Toon.
Shelly’s World Sprout:
-He’s roommates with Cosmo in this AU!
-Thanks to Boxten getting Cosmo addicted to Cookie Run Kingdom, Sprout knows the game exists. Also thanks to Boxten, he has a few Vocaloid songs on his playlists… 👀
-Sprout has long since given up on finding his world’s Cosmo on Tumblr… 😔
-^Mostly since Cosmo gave his Account to another Toon anyways.
About Blog Owner:
-Call me either Lily, or Kit. (No one really calls me Lily, but I don’t mind either!)
-^Or you can call me Mod, Blog Owner, OOC, stuff like that…
-If there is small text inside of “()” that’s me speaking. If it’s italic, with a “ * ” at the start, it’s something other Toons don’t notice.
-Non-roleplay account: @lilythecaattt
Sorry if it’s a bit messy, this is my first Roleplay Account…
If anyone can think of something I should add, feel free to let me know!
*Edited a lot of stuff: Jan/24/25, it was WAY too messy and had way too much information… (removed /reordered stuff)
*Edited a lot AGAIN: Feb/24/25: Dayung, only took a month to go “Omg this is dooki” and redo a bunch of things- Note I reordered stuff, and added/removed things this time…
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yaderyngoch · 2 years ago
Alright so this entire situation is absolutely insane, but someone apparently accused me of being an anti for some reason, so I wanted to make a post with the full explanation of what's going on so that hopefully if anyone else sees this account, they know what's happening and I hopefully won't continue to get blacklisted from the Batman fandom for absolutely no reason.
Basically, I'm new to the Batman fandom as a whole, and a few months ago I decided to make a Twitter account that was specific to JayTim in hopes of meeting new friends who were also fans of the ship. The fandom friend group I'd been part of previously wasn't great for my mental health for a few reasons, so I was really really excited to join a fandom entirely disconnected from that group and hopefully make new friends. I know how antis can be, so I also made a new account disconnected from my main to protect my anonymity.
I forget where exactly I saw it, but I think it was in the replies of a tweet one of my mutuals replied to? I'm really not sure, but someone mentioned having a proship RP partner search blog on Tumblr. Immediately, I was ecstatic. I've been struggling finding people to rp with in general, and even moreso for JayTim, so I was really excited to meet new people and find new people to write with on this blog. It had been years since I'd been on Tumblr, but I made this account as a new sideblog specifically for the purpose of posting an ad to that account (I later learned you can't send in asks as a sideblog, but oh well)
I DMed the mod of the blog on Twitter to make sure my ad followed the rules and also let them know that my blog was new because it had been made new for the sake of posting an rp ad. I submitted the ad, they posted it on the blog, everything was great. While I waited for replies, I scrolled through old posts on that Tumblr account to see if anyone else was looking for a JayTim rp, and I found in the comments of one post the link to a Discord server specifically for BatFam rps. Immediately again, I was super excited. I'd been looking for a Discord server to become an active member of, and this seemed absolutely perfect, I was really incredibly excited about the idea of being part of a community. I know I'm beating the dead horse about how excited I was but I really want to emphasize that all of this was happening to someone who was utterly ecstatic about the idea of making new friends in a new fandom.
I joined that server, posted an rp ad there as well, and I got a message from the mod of that server about the ad suggesting we start a JayTim rp together. The conversation goes like any other with a potential new rp partner. Discussions of writing styles and preferences, I shared a sample from another JayTim rp I was doing at the time, things were looking great.
So then I decided to check Tumblr again to see if there were any updates about the post. To my surprise, I see that my post has been taken down, I have been blocked by the RP blog, and I have been blocked by the blog mod that I messaged on Twitter initially. There was no message about what I might've done wrong, no warning, nothing. No context, no conversation, just Blocked with no explanation. So of course I'm incredibly stressed out and confused because I have absolutely no idea what I did. It's been a while since I'd been on Tumblr so maybe there was an etiquette rule I broke? I know I'll block people who post a lot of a ship I don't like just because I don't want to see it on my TL, but my ad was specifically for JayTim in the first place and the mod approved it, and this wasn't a personal Tumblr this was a place to find RP partners.
While this is happening, the Discord mod is still chatting with me about ideas for our rp, and I apologized for seeming a little off suddenly and explained what happened and that I was really stressed and confused about it. The discord mod said they understood, and that it did seem odd. A few minutes later, they mentioned having to go to bed.
A while after that, I check Discord again to see that I've also been banned from that Discord server and blocked by that mod. Again, no explanation, no context, nothing. At this point I wanted to cry because I didn't understand what I was doing wrong or what was happening. I thought since I'd been talking to that mod about how confused I was about the initial situation, maybe they'd contact me to give me context, but no there was nothing. No way to contact anyone, no closure, just getting blacklisted from the new fandom I was so excited to join with no explanation.
At least a month went by. Finally I want to try and find more JayTim rp partners on Tumblr again so I look for a tag, and to my surprise I see that initial Tumblr rp partner search blog has unblocked me. So, I send them a message explaining what had happened and expressing my confusion. I'm just going to copy paste exactly what was said:
Me: Hi there, I'm admittedly a little confused. I posted an rp ad ages ago on this account, the mod proofread it on Twitter and I sent it in and it was posted. A few hours later, the post was taken down and I was blocked on this account, and the mod who I was in contact with also blocked me on Twitter. There was no explanation and I'm really not sure what I did or why I was blocked? But I was just looking for an rp and noticed I'm now unblocked on this account. The mod on Twitter still has me blocked and I'm still very confused. I'm not sure what I did wrong or why I was blocked in the first place, or why I'm no longer blocked now. Is there maybe a different mod in charge of this account?
Blog: Oh heck i guess it mustve gotten lost in the mix
(Maybe they didn't read my initial message? I thought maybe they were going to add more information, but no they just left the message at that for 2 hours)
Me: The ad? No it was posted. It was up for hours, and then I was blocked by this account and the mod's twitter account with no explanation or context to why
Blog: Ohh yeah no it was reported that you are an anti and this acct is not for you so we took your stuff down
I was then, again, blocked, and at this point I'm even more confused and baffled than before. I'm not, nor have I ever been, an anti. I have literally no idea why they might've thought I was one, and I couldn't ask because they blocked me. At this point this is driving me nuts and I've been stressed out and frustrated about this for months. No one is listening or talking to me, I'm just being ignored and I don't understand why, so at this point I'm not going to let it go.
I logged onto my old Tumblr account from years ago and messaged the blog again saying that I'm not an anti and don't understand what happened or why they think I was, I'm trying to be understanding and non-abrasive but I don't understand how this even happens and why the mods would handle a situation like this. I also went onto an alt and contacted the mod on Twitter. At this point Elon Musk has removed the ability to DM someone you are not mutuals with, so this entire Twitter conversation is happening in the public replies of one of her tweets. (The Tumblr account never responded to my message)
Me: Hi, I know this may be inappropriate to message you on an alt, but you didn't give me a chance to explain before you blocked me again. I'm not an anti. I don't understand why you think I am or who told you I was, or what I possibly did to indicate to you that I was an anti.
Mod (responding immediately. This mod has consistently been replying basically immediately): Hi i have been told you have been blackmailing people and telling them that youre going to post callouts about them writing incest and underage if they dont write these things with you and that you evaded server bans on discord for the same reasons
Me: Okay, I have never done any of those things, so could you please expand on who said I did these things and what evidence they provided of that claim?
(A day goes by, no answer)
Me: I'm not sure if you're busy, if so understandable, or just not responding to me, but I'd really like to talk to someone and try and figure this out because I don't understand what was happening. Did someone say it was my account? Or was there an assumption that I'm associated with another account that did these things? I'm sorry for being so persistent about this I just was really excited about joining this fandom and really don't want to get blacklisted from it for something I didn't do and no one is talking to me about it
Mod, Immediately : I messaged the person that reported you to see if they have anything to chime in about this maybe being a case of mistaken identity. please be patient.
Me: Okay, no worries. Thank you
Me: No rush to respond to this but I forgot to mention that if it would be helpful to provide my main account and ao3 and anything else, let me know, I would just prefer to do it in DMs
Mod: I'm waiting for the other person to get back to me right now i will let you know if i need anything further from you <3
(4 days go by, nothing. So they're not asking for my word on the situation, they're not looking at the active JayTim Twitter account I've been running for months, there's absolutely nothing I can do and no one seems willing to have a conversation with me about what happens, it's all just waiting on this mystery person to add context.)
Me: Hi there! It's been 4 days so I was just wondering if there were any updates on the situation?
Mod: I've gotten into contact with the person who reported you and they said they would look for the screenshots when they had a chance
(So, they didn't already have screenshots? From what I can tell, someone told them I was an anti, and the mods felt no need to actually verify that? And just blocked me and blacklisted me from everything, no questions asked, even though I have nothing to do with whatever I'm being accused of and no idea what's happening.
A week goes by. Nothing)
Me: Hi there, it's been a week, has that person managed to send you the screenshots yet?
The mod hasn't responded to that message, it's been two days. I'm trying to be patient and understanding but I'm so sick and tired of being ostracized, blocked, banned, and ignored for something I had nothing to do with. The information I've copy pasted in this message is all I've been told, I don't know anything else about whats going on or how this happened. I'm just so frustrated because I was so happy about the idea of joining a new fandom and making new friends, and now suddenly I'm seemingly blacklisted from the entire BatFam rp community for reasons no one is even actually telling me.
The most I can tell so far is just that someone said "hey that person is an anti" and despite having no evidence to back that up, the mods just decided to kick me out of everything and tell everyone I'm an anti?
I'm not sure that anyone is actually going to read this, both because I have one follower and also because this is a long post, I guess I partly just wanted to type it all out, and also just wanted to tell my side of the story because it stresses me out so much every time I think about it. And I was talking to that Discord mod about how stressed and confused I was when I got blocked the first time but still, no one thought to take a second look? No one thought to give any amount of context or even talk to me?
If anyone knows anyone who could help me with this situation, that would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone knows a good place to find more JayTim fans or people to RP with, I could really use some new friends right about now. This is a side blog so I can't follow back or comment, but feel free to send me a DM or an ask!
Edit: there is an update to this post. It is.... a lot. Here's the link
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sunhated-a · 1 year ago
Hello! Welcome, this is a blog I've created to curate inspiration for Muzan Kibutsuji. But I am open to interactions, so I may dip my hands in some writing for him as well.
My portrayal of Muzan is quite canon divergent and based on equal parts headcanon and canon material.
I'm very laidback on this blog, so expect minimal formatting and icons, sporadic activity, and varying post length.
Guidelines under read more.
Basic RP etiquette applies. Do not control my character without my permission, in character =/= out of character. Muzan is a very abrasive muse. So please don't take his rudeness personally. If you are a personal blog, you may follow me and send in asks or like headcanon posts. I have anon enabled if you'd prefer to use that. However, I would ask that you do not reblog my headcanons or threads. Please understand you are a guest in this space and be mindful with how you engage. Other than that, you're welcome on my blog! I hope you enjoy!
Fandom is a space meant for everyone to enjoy. Period. Bigotry of any kind, racism, sexism, transphobia, etc. Will not be tolerated. If I catch you engaging in any of these behaviors it's an immediate block from me.
Do not involve me in interpersonal drama. Roleplay is a fun hobby to me, and drama exhausts me. And to be frank, I am too old to care to keep up with who did what and why. I don't engage in dogpiles. I am just here to write my characters and stay in my lane. However, if any issues were to arise, I'd prefer to talk it out like adults. But if you'd no longer wish to interact for whatever reason, feel free to hard block me. There will be no hard feelings.
I am neither pro-ship nor an anti, nor do I care what camp you fall into. I'm just here to do my own thing. I will be exploring darker content on this blog: Including manipulation, abusive relationships, cannibalism, obsession, twisted dynamics among other things that come with the muse. I do have hard limits, however. I will not interact with you if you engage in noncon, underage smut, or adult / underage muse ships. All triggers will be tagged accordingly. And as always, if you need something tagged do not hesitate to let me know!
I run my blogs primarily on an interest basis, I also manage a household and I work. So my activity will fluctuate and be sporadic. I manage chronic depression and unmedicated ADHD both so I will probably be all over the place. IRL > Anything else. I will always prioritize the comfort level of a mun over writing and roleplay.
This is a canon divergent blog, as it says on the tin. There are a lot of aspects about Muzan and his story that I interpret differently, or omit entirely. If something about my portrayal isn't to your liking, I completely understand. You are entitled to your opinion, but please don't try to argue with me. Feel free to unfollow or block.
OCS. I love them. Feel free to send them my way, just be sure to have a page where I can read about them and we're golden. I am also duplicate friendly.
I am not open to shipping on this blog. I, however, will make exceptions if we have interacted OOC or if we're on the same page on what we want out of a ship. I'm uncomfortable shipping with people I don't interact with, this is purely for my own comfort and because of personal experiences in the past. But, if we've interacted and you think our characters would mesh well and have a good dynamic, by all means feel free to bring it up. I will not be posting smut or sexual content on this blog. So anything veering into that territory, I will ask to move to discord or another platform.
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ask-squip-hq · 2 years ago
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(( Thought I'd put together a little something to give some reference points to new folk around here! There's a full transcription below the readmore; now get out there, be respectful, and have some fun. Cheers! ))
Hello all! Given the recent spike of fresh activity around here, I wanted to give a few pointers & help make sure that everybody's on the same page.
Slide 2: First and foremost:
A concrete distinction between Mun (the person writing) and Muse (the character being written) is very important!
Your audience and writing partners are gonna wanna know whether a response is in character or not--if it isn't very clear, things can get a little confusing to read.
For example, I keep in-universe HRTech content contained within its own blog separate from my main--this helps keep things organized as well! And when I want to break the fourth wall, I refer to myself as the crew.
Slide 3: When writing with Strangers:
Always ask permission!
It's common practice to plan things behind the scenes with your friends--I do it all the time! But when it comes to other people you might be interacting with, you're going to want to make sure they're on the same page too.
As a general rule of thumb: if you want to involve someone else's character in a plot point or scene of your own, that character's writer needs to be a part of the planning process!
Slide 4: When writing with Strangers:
Having an askblog gives a writer the ability to easily choose what they want to respond to--no one's obligated to respond to anything after all, whether it meshes with their plans, or maybe they just don't feel like it. Who knows! It's just for fun at the end of the day.
While an in-character response doesn't necessarily count as permission from the writer to involve them in other narratives, you can always make an offer out-of-character; or send more asks!
Slide 5: Give and Take:
If you spot a blog doing something you think is cool or interesting, you can help them out by sending an ask about it! Don't worry, it doesn't need to be plot-driven, or even in character--you can ask what's going on, give a suggestion to a character, or even just prompt them for their favorite foods.
It's encouraging and exciting for writers; it shows them that people are interested in the stories they want to tell! When everybody is engaging with each other, everything becomes a lot more fun.
Slide 6: Ask etiquette:
Stuff you'll want to avoid:
-Sending unsolicited sensitive content; stuff like NSFW, gore, invasive questions, personal details, and venting should be avoided at all costs--an rp blog is not the place!
-Spamming; don't send messages to somebody over and over again, especially if they aren't responding to the first one!
-Introducing unrelated or sudden plot elements; collaboration is fun, but works best with planning--you wouldn't want to overshadow someone's story with yours on their own blog!
Slide 7: TLDR;
>Label in-character content for clarity
>Invite every relevant party to planning stages
>Engage with others and they'll do the same
>Keep troubling content out of shared creative spaces
Remember: when in doubt, you can always ask!
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vines-of-mine · 5 months ago
Intro post/Pinned
First and Foremost: THIS IS NOT AN RP BLOG. This is a fictionkin blog! Please be aware of that and be respectful. I'm happy to be kind to those with good-faith questions (even the "dumb" ones) but please be kind in turn.
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This is a sideblog of mine that I made to talk about my fictionkinity alone, so I'll only be going by the name Alhaitham on this blog. I use he/it pronouns, and I'm 21. I'm auDHD, so please be aware of that. I don't plan to mention my other kintype here much, but my only other kintype is an oceanic dragon. (if you want my other blog bc you're a similar kintype or smth, feel free to DM me. I'm not keeping this blog hidden perse, just separate.)
I am Alhaitham. I am also a Seelie. These kintypes are not separated, to be clear; in my canon I was a Seelie descendant, which in my case made a full-blooded Seelie. I'm very far from Genshin's canon, in many ways. I plan to use this blog as a place to talk about my experiences as a fictionkin, from the beginning. I've only known this part of myself for a few days as of making this blog. Questions aren't just accepted but encouraged, send me as many asks as you'd like! This blog is for journaling about my fictionkinity and discovering this part of myself more, so I'm open to being asked things I may not even know yet about my identity. (Or, hell, whatever else you'd want to ask about.) "Doubles" (other Alhaitham fictionkin) can absolutely interact and I'd be happy to chat as long as you're kind.
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My interests include: Writing, Genshin Impact (duh,) Sky COTL, reading, horror as a genre but I'm so picky about it that it's nearly impossible to navigate, witchcraft, arts and crafts type shit of various flavors (this does not mean I'm good at it,) Minecraft. Definitely lots of others that I'm forgetting.
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DNI: I know DNI's are pointless, but this is more to let you know my stance on things than anything. Basic criteria, just have basic kindness and respect and I don't have a problem. The only thing I think outside of that is that antishippers/anti's, while I don't hate them, would probably hate me since I think that I'm technically proship. That doesn't mean don't interact, just don't harass me. Honestly I'm still not clear on what the whole debate is I've just been told that I count as proship because of my views on fandom etiquette. Be nice, I block freely, that's all.
I intend for this blog to be safe for everyone who isn't hurting someone. Let me know if something I post needs tagged!
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dcynight · 7 months ago
- NSFW will be likely on this blog but not a constant. If you’re uncomfortable with murder, gore, blood, abuse, etc. (or any mentioning of these things); Then this blog isn’t for you. Sexual things may occur from time to time but it’ll be rare and tagged accordingly!
- Most art I use on here, whether for icons or other means are not mine, nor do I take credit for them. All things that I draw specifically will be tagged as such! Artist credits are as follows: koda_mint, shandzii, sanchesky, fluffpillow, deceptiveshadow, (more tba + links)
- I’m personally triggered by very little, but if I follow you back, if you could tag the following things for me I’d greatly appreciate it. Otherwise tumblr savior won’t work: emetophobia / trypophobia
- Again this blog is going to be full of adult themes and scenarios at times because despite these two being silly daycare attendants, this is still FNAF after all! I’m fine with role-playing serious topics, HOWEVER! Please message me or plot with me beforehand when it comes to heavy topics like this so we’re both on the same page.
- I WILL NOT post about fandom discourse, nor will I engage in call-out posts, vague-blogging, or anything else related. This is a fun and drama-free environment for both me and my friends. If you start drama, harass people, bully, or send hate of any kind towards me or my mutuals, you will be blocked and reported. As Sun would say, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all!
- Personal blogs that follow me will usually be blocked. If you have a sideblog that’s your roleplay blog, message me and let me know, or have it stated somewhere on your blog so that I’m aware! I’ve tried in the past to let personals chill here but after weird inbox messages and nonstop spam in different areas, I no longer tolerate them.
- I don’t usually care about reblog karma. I will always personally reblog memes and prompts from their sources, and I won’t get angry if you reblog from me and don’t send something in every single time. However, I WILL get upset if you start to use me as your CONSTANT meme or prompt resource. This means, if you constantly reblog memes from me and never send even ONE back in to me. I will probably say something to you! This is a roleplay blog, and it gets discouraging after a while if you take everything I reblog and never bother to try and send anything back.
- I will ALWAYS read your rules page before I follow you. I will also do my best to make sure I send in passwords or any other form of verification. HOWEVER, I follow A LOT of people so if I ever break a rule of yours, I can assure it was probably an accident. Just message me privately and let me know and I’ll fix it, no problem!
- I have anxiety and my memory and attention span can be shitty and sporadic at times. So it’s totally okay to remind me of replies I owe if it’s been a week or so since I’ve replied! HOWEVER, do NOT harass me or constantly pester me to reply to a thread. Otherwise I’ll drop it completely, and may even soft block you if you become hateful about it.
- Going off what I said above, my memory is bad at times. I also follow a TON of people. I WILL forget things. I may forget about replying to threads, I might also forget about replying to ooc messages, and even certain rules or headcanons about your blog or characters. I can PROMISE you this is not intentional though, and I encourage you to nudge or remind me of things if I DO forget!! Just again, do not be rude about it or hateful. I promise I’m doing my best.
- Sometimes I may get overwhelmed by the amount of threads I’ve accumulated. Or I may not know how to continue a thread if it hits a dead end and I can’t think of anything to keep it going. If this happens I’ll most likely drop a few that I may not be feeling atm. If this happens I will do my best to message you first if I decide to drop a thread of ours!
- I will ONLY interact with MUTUALS. This means if you follow me and I am not following you back, then I’m probably not interested. My inbox is always open though to anyone even if we aren’t mutuals!
- I will interact with ocs and canon characters from different fandoms. But again we have to be MUTUALS, and I do ask that you have an about page or post somewhere that I can get to, just in case I’m not familiar with your character.
- I WILL NOT interact with personal blogs, or anyone under the age of 18!! This is for my own comfort and even safety. You don’t have to put your age on your blog, but if I ever find out you’re underage, you will be blocked!
- This blog will be multi-ship and multi-verse! I don’t do mains or exclusives, though I may have certain people I respond to quicker just based on the fact we’re close friends or mutuals.
- In addition to running this blog, I run another RP blog, and I also have a job irl. So my activity on this blog, as well as in general, will be sporadic.
Name: Nub / Nubby
Age: 27
Pronouns: They / Them
Hobbies: Cosplaying, art, crafting, sewing, cross stitching, roleplaying, cooking, and prop-making!
** I also take art commissions! If you’re ever curious about prices never be afraid to message me!
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countlessrealities · 8 months ago
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Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition || Accepting !
@angelichooves asked:
What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
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11. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
This is going to make me sound like a picky jerk, but there are a lot of behaviours in the rpc that piss me off these days. It's kinda hard to choose one, and I could write a novel about it, but...well, I'm tired and I can't English that much, so I'll pick one thing. Namely how self-centred and uncaring the RPC has become.
Ofc, we're here all here to have fun and handle our blogs. Get interactions for them, share our ideas, have fun for ourselves, and so on. However, at times I feel like this has become an extreme focus to some RPers, to the point that they forget that RP is supposed to be a two-way street, and not just something you get amusement from. It's not just about you, it's about your RP partners too.
More often than not I see people disregarding the most basic etiquette, as liking HCs posts or sending in OOC memes just to reblog the same fucking meme 30 seconds later. And don't get me started on people, on one hand, forcing their HCs on others or, on the other, completely disregarding their partners' HCs / canon divergence /etc.
I honestly find this behaviour incredibly disheartening. It kills my motivation to reach out to people, to be curious about their ideas and muse, and in general to show interest, when I know that they won't give a damn about my ideas. Not even to make sure we can mesh them together so that they work for us both. I can't find the will to engage with them because I'm too old for that shit, plain and simple.
Aaand, I'm stopping here, because I've already said too much. Just, seriously? Have a look outside your lawn from time to time, folks. It's not that hard.
12. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
Since it wasn't specified, I'm assuming that this ask was implicitly about Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss.
Well, very unpopular opinion, it really gets on my nerves how most of the fandom states, first and foremost, how they are against the creator. It seems to have become a must in the fandom and it makes me extremely uncomfortable? I'll admit that I don't know all the details of why people seem to have Viv so much, but from what I gathered is all about fictional stuff?? Which confuses the shit out of me because...it's not real.
Yeah, I'm one of the people who doesn't think that fiction equals / influences reality. It's stated in my rules, I don't tolerate people bullying other over fictional stuff. If you're following me, you should know that. Not to mention that I've been clearly open about this, several times, so...
I like her stuff, just as I respect that some people don't. It's all the hate that's thrown out without a proper, actually relevant reason that I don't get. I mean, sure, you do you, and if that's what makes you comfortable, I won't argue with that. But it means that you must respect that I don't agree with it in return.
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killmebutneverinsultme · 2 years ago
If you could give rping advice to an amateur, what would be the most valuable?
// You know, I've seen some fabulous tips and guides rolling around this website and can I blimmin' find any of them I thought I'd reblogged? Can I bugger. Let's see what I can think of off the top of my head!
First things first, your blog: This is the first thing people are going to look at to make a decision if you're suited to them. Doesn't have to be anything fancy. Ensure you have an icon so we don't assume you're a spam bot. Have a bio and/or a rules page so people know what you expect and note if you're 18+/21+ as many adults aren't comfortable role-playing with people under this age for safety reasons. If you're writing a canon character, a bio page can just be a brief summary of who they are and what they're about. If you're writing an OC, a reasonably detailed bio is practically essential. You might know why your muse is awesome, but your prospective partners don't so give everyone the goss on who they are, what makes them interesting, what their backstory is etc.
Next is both the most difficult and probably the next most essential: Have no fear. What I mean by this is not to let insecurity get the best of you. If you love writing, have that be your anchor. Not everyone is going to say yes and that's ok. Not everything works out. Starting out is often the most difficult time because it's easy to feel like no one is interested and that you're doing all the work. I promise you, it will get better if you keep plugging away, but you have to reach out and brave things for a bit. Be kind, be open about what you want, and enjoy every little thing until you get more opportunities.
Good ways of finding partners are to search tags for 'rp masterlists' in fandoms you are interested in e.g. 'marvel rp' or 'potc rp' or even 'open rp'. Scroll down people's blogs and have a look at who else they're playing with, read their rules and pages etc. and see if they have preferences on how to be contacted. Some people will do open starters, some will greet you if you follow them, some accept memes from anyone. If someone mentions you need to be mutuals this means that you have to wait for them to follow you back before they will be open to writing with you. Once they do, check their rules how they like to be contacted. If it's not clear, brave an ask, send a meme, or a private message.
Private messages - best advice for these are not to start off with 'wanna rp?'. I recommend dropping in, saying hi, expressing that you'd be interested in writing and leaving an idea for something you'd be keen on doing should they be interested too. If they're not, thank them and move on. If they are, hooray, make friends and have fun plotting!
An extremely valuable RP tool is the New X-kit and X-kit Rewritten browser extensions. Tumblr is not built to be friendly for role-playing and I couldn't manage without these. Rewritten lets you trim posts so you can get rid of the pesky top post that would otherwise stay when using tumblr's new beta post formats. It helps us keep posts looking neater on our blogs and dashboard, although thankfully tumblr introduced the 'shorten posts' feature to save everyone's eyeballs from super long threads.
General etiquette: Lots of role-players have preferences on how long they prefer replies to be and how often they are active. Trial and error until you find partners that suit you. Ideally check your spelling and grammar if it's not something you're adept at. A big thing not to do is godmodding, which is when you might be tempted to write someone else's character doing something on their behalf. Even if this might mean your post is shorter, do not do this. You must let your partner write all of their own muse's actions. If your muse attempts to do something to their muse, they should be given permission to dictate what happens on their end. It's a give and take relationship to make the best possible fun for both of you.
Other big ones: don't let jealousy get the better of you. There might be duplicates of your muse or you might like someone who gives lots of attention to someone else. It's very easy to get wrapped up in your muses' feelings and get obsessed with gratification. Be gentle with each other, we've all got our own stuff going on, and we all need different things. Be gentle with yourself, too, that's most important!
Hopefully these are some of the basics and are of help! If anyone would like advice on something more specific, please ask, or ask one of these other lovelies for their opinion also.
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melodic-haze · 8 months ago
Just out of curiosity, I'm a new comer and saw your "about the blog" post and it said you don't write for males, but I came from your Himeko x amab post. Was that just the occasional one off or has your rules changed? I'm asking as I don't want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable if I decide to request stuff in the future. Also apologize if this was too formal and wordy, I actually never used tumblr until recently so I'm still confused on many things such as etiquette. Also I hope your therapist situations go well and more so will your gacha pulls be blessed.
FIRST OF ALL DON'T APOLOGISE HAHAHA I've only been here since like April or May and I used to have some other Tumblr acc way back when but I'm. Still very confused a lot of the time I fear. AND THANK YOU FOR BOTH WISHES 💪💪 I'll roll today and I'm planning to call them up tomorrow
As for the meat of the matter (what a silly thing to say), there Might be a bit of confusion here which like. Fair enough I got a bit confused myself at first and I'm the one who made this fucking blog 😭 but to put it simply and VERY possibly cancel-worthy, I don't write for male-identifying people
I WOULD LIKE TO CLEAR UP THOUGH FIRST THAT I DO NOT HATE MEN PLEASE 😭😭😭 all of this sounds so very riskily worded idk how else to say it I'm so sorry :(
Long explanation utc but tldr: I just don't feel comfortable for my own reasons (such as my writing being self-indulgent), I differentiate sex from gender so afab and amab are different from fem, male and gender neutral, the Himeko ask wasn't a one-off but more of a compromise, and THANK YOU FOR DECIDING TO ASK AND CARE FOR MY COMFORT :(((( ily new anon I HOPE I DON'T SCARE YOU OFF BC OF THIS OMG 😭😭😭😭😭
Ok now if you don't mind my long-winded explanation, I use the terms amab or afab as a form of distinction between genitals in my smutposting bc I'm fine with such a thing, it's just writing for the male perspective that....bothers me? No that's not quite right, I do Discord rp and have played as men before, I think it's just more the fact that I write not just for other people but for myself too? If you read the dialogue for my demos and stuff, you'd probs be able to tell that this is all VERY self-indulgent—the reader's responses aren't really as neutral as I want them to be, leaning towards actions and phrases that I would use rather than cater to the general 'neutral' audience
Maybe it makes no difference in the end, bc everyone's their own individual and beyond the whole stereotype thing and the gymbro testosterone-esque macha-alpha bs you see sometimes, there aren't?? And really shouldn't be much of a link between genders and personal thoughts ig, if you catch my meaning. But I just Don't Feel Right writing ig. I don't think it helps that I've had a bad experience with a few men in my life, which while it doesn't define my view of the gender bc what the fuck man, it does define my comfort levels in writing
The reason why I wrote the Himeko ask with an amab reader was bc the og ask was with a MALE reader, which I've explained to you just now about. I could happily, EASILY do gn reader who was born male/has male endowments, but the mind is a whole different thing so I came to some kinda compromise instead bc I REALLY really did wanna write the request itself. At the end of the day, it all falls to semantics I suppose, but a gyal can't be blamed for being kinda specific ab stuff, right? 🫠🫠 Yeah no this wasn't a one-off, nor have the rules changed—if you look through my page, you can see Multiple Works of me writing a gn reader with an implied dick/strap alternative for people with fem genitalia haha
I DO appreciate you for asking beforehand though! Questions like these make me happy bc it shows yall care rather than just. Getting into it and jumping the gun I suppose!!! Sometimes my stomach just twists when I get a req for the male identity and it's a whole thing :(
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moonlight-eternal · 9 months ago
Whoever is sending that "man who speaks in hands" spam ask, stop it. You've sent me this shit three times now across two blogs and I will not be answering it.
Because the last time someone made the mistake of answering your bait, you decided it was appropriate to accuse my friend of murder. That's way out of line and just bad RP etiquette.
Besides, this is an Undertale thing, right? Why would you think either Gwyndolin or Fluttershy would know what that is? Even OOC I only played through the first 90% once and only once and I didn't really enjoy it. According to my friend who knows Undertale a lot better, though, you're very mistaken about your own bait here and are referencing speculation/fanon about a character who never actually appears in game.
In conclusion, fuck off. And don't do this to any other blogs either.
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elegantpredator · 9 months ago
Independent. Highly Selective. Multiship/Multiverse. Private Roleplay blog for Von Lycaon from Zenless Zone Zero. This blog will run off of both canon and a lot of headcanons. All headcanons are shared with SHANELLE, LILY, CRESS, THE CURATOR, and SHAE. Anything of mine you see posted by them, WAS NOT STOLEN. They have explicit permission to use anything I make whether it be GRAPHICS, HEADCANONS, or ANYTHING ELSE that falls under such matters. If you see @rosedreamdesigns that is Shan and I's graphic design blog.
Blog && Carrd still under construction! Until it’s finished construction, here is a easy rules post for you:
I am private. I may follow, I may not. no offense to anyone.
Don’t try to push ships on me.
I don't have the best vision, so I would ask that if you use icons smaller than 70x70 to refrain from using them in replies with me. It strains my eyes to try to see them.
Don’t think whatever my muse says to yours is how I feel. muse =/= mun.
Crossover fandoms are acceptable so long as I know the fandom.
I am of age. Smut may happen on this blog, as well as themes of gore, rape mention, abuse, and other triggering things. All such things will be TAGGED and put under READ MORE for viewer discretion. If you clicked on something while knowing it was tagged for such, this is your own doing and not my problem.
OCs are accepted so long as they have an about page and are fleshed out. I’m extremely picky over them so don’t feel offended if I don’t follow you.
I’m extremely busy, I will reply when I can. Reminders are welcomed, hounding is not.
m!as are not allowed.
No godmoding. if you need to have my muse do an action in your reply, IM me first to see if it checks out. Other than that, standard RP etiquette applies.
I have given my Von Lycaon the first name Arian. Your muse will most likely not know this as he only gives this name to those closest to him.
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jadedragoon · 9 months ago
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Independent. Highly Selective. Multiship/Multiverse. Private Roleplay blog for Jiyan from Wuthering Waves. This blog will run off of both canon and a lot of headcanons. All headcanons are shared with SHANELLE, LILY, CRESS, THE CURATOR, and SHAE. Anything of mine you see posted by them, WAS NOT STOLEN. They have explicit permission to use anything I make whether it be GRAPHICS, HEADCANONS, or ANYTHING ELSE that falls under such matters. If you see @rosedreamdesigns that is Shan and I's graphic design blog.
Blog && Carrd still under construction! Until it’s finished construction, here is a easy rules post for you:
I am private. I may follow, I may not. no offense to anyone.
Don’t try to push ships on me.
I don't have the best vision, so I would ask that if you use icons smaller than 70x70 to refrain from using them in replies with me. It strains my eyes to try to see them.
Don’t think whatever my muse says to yours is how I feel. muse =/= mun.
Crossover fandoms are acceptable so long as I know the fandom.
I am of age. Smut may happen on this blog, as well as themes of gore, rape mention, abuse, and other triggering things. All such things will be TAGGED and put under READ MORE for viewer discretion. If you clicked on something while knowing it was tagged for such, this is your own doing and not my problem.
OCs are accepted so long as they have an about page and are fleshed out. I’m extremely picky over them so don’t feel offended if I don’t follow you.
I’m extremely busy, I will reply when I can. Reminders are welcomed, hounding is not.
m!as are not allowed.
No godmoding. if you need to have my muse do an action in your reply, IM me first to see if it checks out. Other than that, standard RP etiquette applies.
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lilyartemis · 10 months ago
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This   is   an   indie   RP   blog   for   Lily   Artemis   II   from   SHIFT   UP'S,   Stellar   blade.        (NOT   spoiler   free)
written   by   Fauna. she/her
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Rules   under   read   more.    
These are going to be rather short. I think we all sorta know the RP etiquette, don't be a nasty creature and we'll be fine <3.
This isn't my only blog, I also have a full time job and other obligations, patience is appreciated.
2. This blog isn't spoiler free. If you haven't played the game but plan to and don't want story details spoiled .... I wouldn't follow. I have a lot of stuff I want to scream about and though I can tag spoilers there's always a chance I forget etc. Just proceed with caution.
3. I don't participate in drama, I also rarely support callouts unless it's something extremely concerning .... which is only like.. ten percent of the time, so yeah .... just keep me out of all ........that.
4. I'm very open to crossovers, I love them tbh and with this blog I feel they'll be very necessary (small fandoms hehe)
5. I love getting to know my mutuals. Don't feel shy to say hello ~ I only bite on Fridays .. so uh.. avoid me on fridays maybe.
6. Shipping might be tricky with her considering Lily is ... **spoiler alert** An Android. An Android with existential dread. but if your muse is into that .... and a thread seems to be hinting at that direction, I'm down.... the important thing is writing. I'm open to all other dynamics too. platonic .... found family... enemies ... etc.
and... I think that's it for now ...may add to this if I feel the need to..
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rp-academy · 1 year ago
not a newbie, but gonna speak as someone with over a decade of tumblr rp experience. my biggest advice for anyone starting out is a two-parter:
Roleplay is communication.
A huge pitfall of this hobby, not just on tumblr but in general, is this weird separation of roleplay from communication or this misunderstanding of where roleplay lies within communication. Roleplay is perhaps one of the most communicative hobbies out there, as its fundamental is based on, effectively, the grown-up version of playing pretend. At the end of the day, you're talking with someone. That's what the hobby is.
What this means is that the standards of communication still apply, and that roleplay is healthier if you step back and consider communicative etiquette. You need to check for boundaries and make your own heard. Always remember that there is a real person behind the screen. Read rules. If you are not interested in things potentially not going your way or having to acknowledge what another person may want out of roleplay, you aren't going to enjoy the hobby. You need to respect the other party's pace, and request respect for your own. Do not assume over-familiarity - mutuals doesn't automatically equal friends, and an rp friend is not the same as a friend who knows your trauma. If you're unsure or don't feel confident, talk it out.
I've noticed overtime that people seem to forget that rp is a form of communication, or, alternatively, that rp is an acceptable substitute of other forms of communication (like the sort of etiquette within an established friendgroup). IMO this has lead to a lot of the drama and stress that Tumblr RP is known for. I think remembering that roleplay is communication, but it's own unique form of communication that requires acknowledgement and respect of the real people engaging in it is critical to having a good rp experience.
2. You've GOTTA curate your own experience.
Tumblr RP is messy. You may feel obligated into following someone back, even if you're not sure about them. You may get overwhelmed if you fill your dash with strangers or feel impulsed to interact with things you don't want to for the sake of appeasing an illusory crowd. If you aren't using tumblr's tools to ensure the rp experience you want, you are going to walk into a lot of unneeded discomfort and maybe drama.
My personal advice: thoroughly vet someone from afar before you follow. Do you like the vibes? Do you have trusted friends you can get a second opinion from? Are you even interested in the other party's writing or character? Really, truly think about it. I promise you, trying to get more interactions is not worth putting yourself in spaces where you are uncomfortable. Be liberal with unfollows and blocking - it isn't an "attack" or an "admission of guilt/wrongness", it's you choosing how to engage the hobby in the way you want to. Filter tags. Consider if there's anything in the hobby that you don't actually like doing, you just feel pressured to.
A strictly curated tumblr rp experience is, frankly, the best tumblr rp experience (imo).
Sorry for the long ask, but wanted to help out by dropping in some RP Veteran advice as it were. Thank you for this blog!
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I couldn't have said it better myself.
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