#[ ooc ] // immediately whips out insult.
[ moved from here, @heaven-said ]
Where does one even begin in this situation? Gabriel's... well, if nothing else, she knows he's not a machine. Her situation shouldn't be directly applicable. And sure, there's phantom limb syndrome—which would be close enough—but that implies the former presence of extra limbs. Why would he have...?
And if he had, somehow, why would he have forgotten losing them?
Oh, but she's taking too long thinking. He's already trying to explain himself. But there's something about that explanation that catches her attention, gets her to freeze in place.
An echo without really thinking. Even with the rest of what he says, that is the part that gets her—not wings, dreams. There isn't even anything strange about dreaming itself.
But still—but still—something fits a little too well, things she previously dismissed as the result of exam season. And why wouldn't she have? The simultaneous feelings of endless frustration and wanting liberation paired with latent programming easily form an oh-so sweet dream of bloodshed, a way for an exhausted mind to find some temporary escape from its woes. Maybe she should have been a little more alarmed by its contents, sure, but a dream is just a dream. Nothing morally wrong there. Loose connections in memory manifest in strange ways, too. As much as she cares about Gabriel, he can sometimes get on her nerves. Pair that with his name, and then...
Realistically, it's just coincidence. Unrelated events. He makes no mention of something like her, anyway. And that's something you'd bring up in this situation, right...?
God, she hates this, hates that she's thinking about this at all. He already questions reality, and if by some stroke of luck the stars aligned and she is right, mentioning it would hardly assuage those concerns. But what else can she say? What can she do?
Mirage puts her head into her hands.
"Alright. Don't think any less of me for entertaining the idea. Not even for a moment. I do not care if I'm wrong—honestly, I hope I'm wrong, because this is already insane of me. And I did believe it was just some stress-induced dream I didn't need to think twice about, but here we are."
A pause.
"I don't want to sound even more stupid asking the color of your wings, given it's entirely possible you just can't see them—"
Sky blue. Gold. Beautiful, both in tranquility and rage.
"—but would you happen to recall wearing stupidly-sized pauldrons?"
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
DID YOU SAY MASTER! (First, Second, and Third Brother)
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aka After the Massacre
This is a Follow-up to the summoning
Summary: The other brothers are send to the human world by Barbatos to deal with the sudden surge of Demonic energy, that can rival Diavolo himself or even surpass him.
Warning: Swearing, Blood, Violence, Implied Cannibalisms, Dead bodies, Mention of past events as insult, OOC with a reason, and Aquaphobia (In Levi's part)
“Did he got summon?” one of the brothers.
While the rest staring at spot where their missing brother was standing, none of them expected a surge of demonic energy coming off from that spot.
Suddenly all of their D.D.D ping a message from a group chat. They all pull out their phones and saw Barbatos leave a message for them. It seems that Barbatos knows one of them is missing and about the summon.
The Brothers and the Demon Lord (10)
Barbatos: Lord Diavolo, order all Six of you to go Human world Immediately!
Barbatos: He sense a large amount of Demonic aura that can rival his own.
Barbatos: I’ll open a portal right in front of main door.
Barbatos: Be careful……
Barbatos: And prepare yourselves
Barbatos: Remember, He’s still your brother and make sure he knows that as well.
Barbatos: Whatever happens.
Barbatos: Make sure to keep y/n away from your brother as far away as possible.
Barbatos: The longer their separated, the faster he regains his sense of self again
Lucifer, Sin of Pride
Beel and Levi stare at their phone, both demon’s heart start beating fast as they struggle to hold their phones. Reading the message from Barbatos sending all them to the human world, after Lucifer got summon right in front. Made them feel dread and worry.
Suddenly Mammon burst in the common room calling to the third and sixth born.
“Yo! Come on let’s go, y/n might be endangered” after saying that Mammon runs to the main hall.
Levi and Beel looked at each other before walking out to the hall, and saw Asmo looking around and teasing Mammon about something by the stairs, while Satan and Belphie is near the door.
“I thought you were the one in the human world, Mammon~ I figure that you ask a witch to send you to the human world just to see y/n by yourself” Mammon growl at that
“Hey! If that was easy, I would’ve done that from day one after y/n was send back”
“Then who among us, is at the human world?” Satan asks, earning glance from Mammon, Asmo and Belphie.
“L-L-L-Lucifer-r-r……” all four brothers whip their head towards Levi who said with his lips is trembling, with Beel standing beside him holding his wrist grabbing holding it tightly.
Belphie see his twin’s face, is filled with guilt and sorrow, while Mammon is more concern that Levi knows that Lucifer is MIA.
Satan and Asmo on the other hand, know that this is worst then they though, to Satan is how Barbatos message goes.
‘Prepare yourselves’ and ‘Remember, He’s still your brother’ keep running to his mind.
Asmo is more worried that you are involve and that you some sort of connection with this.
But before he could think of it any further, a teal glow writing quickly carve to the door frame grab the brother’s attention, then the door opens to a clearance in the woods, and it seem to be night at the human world.
Without wasting a second, Mammon and Satan run to the portal with Asmo following behind them. Leaving Belphie with the two silent pair.
“What happen?” he asks but the only he got was Beel shook his head with Levi hang his head low and slowly walk over to the door, and through the portal. Belphie figure that they can talk about this later after dealing with the problem in the human world. As Belphie walk to his twin and he places a hand on Beel’s shoulder and usher him through the portal.
Satan was leading using a detection spell to lead him and the others to the source of the surge demonic energy.
After minutes of walking through the woods, Beel nose’s twitches and quickly brought a hand to cover his mouth and nose, which Belphie and Levi notice.
“Blood……I smell human blood!” but before anyone can comment, a sound of screaming and growling not far where they are can be heard. Startling the brothers.
Satan click his tongue, motion his brothers to move and run towards the screaming. As they run, they spot a roof of an abandon building, as they got close the smell of blood reach the rest making Mammon feel sick and terrified, and the scream of multiple voices mix together making a kinda disturbing and unsettling song with sounded of flesh being teared and ripped apart with the sound of dogs growling get louder.
Once they got there and stop right in front of the building, the scream fade and they hear is animalistic growling and eating as they can feel the strong demonic energy coming from inside.
No one move, they all are thinking, this can’t be Lucifer inside the building and releasing that demonic energy, It’s too malign.
The only time they felt this after the fell and the demon lord is still awake.
But soon they hear Lucifer humming inside, Levi gasps almost like his choking. He recognizes the song, is one of the songs in TSL curse soundtrack.
While Levi is staring at that door with a scared look on his face, Mammon is done waiting. Knowing that you’re in there with Lucifer and the place is reek of blood, and the unnerving feeling of dread, he had to make the first move, so he rushes to but stopped by the door being block by something.
“Oi Beel! Open this door!” Mammon looked over his shoulder as he said that, he saw Beel nodded and start rolling his shoulder and arms readying himself to charge to the door, Mammon step at the side and Beel run full speed and burst the door open. Mammon run in after him as the rest followed behind him.
But all of them stop dead in their tracks once they finally saw what’s inside.
Dead bodies scattered all over the place some are in tack while most are half eaten, blood splattered on the walls ceiling and the empty cages in the side.
After getting a good look of the area, Mammon looked forward and shock to see Lucifer in his demon form his hair is longer, standing in the middle with his back turn towards the entrance.
Asmo did the same and let out a gasp once he saw Lucifer, making the others looked forward and is mortified.
“Lucifer” Mammon call out to his brother. “What have you done!”
Lucifer merely looked over his shoulder and cock his borrow at Mammon.
Mammon was taken aback by Lucifer’s eyes that has it sclera all black, and his hands turned into talon like and the diamond marking on his forehead has branch out making it seem that Lucifer is slowly being corrupted. But Mammon shook his head snapping him out of his initial shock and walk a couple step forward.
Satan blink his shock away and walk beside Mammon, with Asmo and Belphie right behind them. However, Levi and Beel is frozen in fear seeing the dead bodies on the floor and doesn’t want to believe that Lucifer did all of this, guilt swirl inside the two. As they remember how Lucifer was feeling before he got summoned. They blame themselves for-
“Oi Lucifer! Didn’t you hear me! What the hell happened! Why do you look like that! And what’s with the dead humans all over the floor. And-”
“What’s with the sudden surge of demonic energy coming off from you! And-”
“Where’s y/n?” that, what Asmo said as he cuts Satan off, was the one that made Lucifer finally turn around and face his brothers but didn’t say or do anything only stare at Asmo, which send shiver down the avatar of lust.
“Lucifer say something! Where’s y/n!” Belphie yell at him getting frustrated by silent that Lucifer is doing.
“Brother, I advise you to refraining calling master by their name” Lucifer’s voice is low and deep as he said that.
“The fuck! Master? ……Wait! Did y/n summon you!” Mammon points his finger at Lucifer.
But Lucifer is losing his patience at how his brothers keep call you by your name instead your title. But he closes his eyes and took a deep breath, compose himself. And open his eyes and looked back at his brothers.
“Yes, Master summon me here. But not at their free will” Mammon drop his hand and stood back up straight.
“What doing ya mean?”
“The filth scattered all over the ground were the ones who force them to summon me.” Lucifer raise his hand, then the half-eaten body of the cult leader stood up in a sickly way with the head hang low, the sound it making, the bones cracking and flesh tearing startled the brothers especially Levi and Beel. “This one is their leader” Lucifer motion his hand slightly up, then the head of the leader snaps up reveal a half-eaten face with the skull showing.
All the brothers are disgusted by the corpse standing, but they are modified by the way Lucifer is showing them. The way the corpse is standing made their skin crawl.
Mammon Looked back at Lucifer and shock to see a grin on his face.
“The hell ya smiling at Lucifer! What did you enjoy killing them?”
“Yes……” all the other brothers whipped back their heads towards the eldest with both shock and terror on their face.
“No!” Belphie yelled, disgust to hear Lucifer’s answer “Lucifer, you’re not this sick and malevolent. Sure, your sadistic at times but not to this extreme. This way too far. What if y/n saw you doing this-”
“What do you think you know more about my master then me, Satan?”
“I know that y/n can never live with this, and that is going to kill them if they realize that they made you do this” Satan is trying to make Lucifer how fucked up this, but he knows at this talk isn’t going to make him change back. He knows that Lucifer is not himself because he keeps calling you master.
So, while he was talking to Lucifer all this time, Satan has his hand behind his back signaling Belphie to get Beel to use his nose to try to get you scent and try to find you and get you away from Lucifer as possible.
Belphie without even saying, looks at Beel and points his nose. Beel saw and immediately understand what Belphie is telling him.
Beel power through the smell of human blood and try to focus on your specifically. He got your scent, then he gave Belphie a quick sideway glance telling his twin that he got it.
Belphie walk and stand between Mammon and Satan, block Beel from Lucifer’s sight. Beel quickly grab Asmo by the arm and lean in to whisper in his ear about where you are and the his the only can get you while the rest of them will do whatever it takes to keep Lucifer from getting to you before he does.
Asmo frantically shake his head for no, but Beel told him that he needs to do this, for you and Lucifer. After shallowing a lump in his throat Asmo nodded and mutters ‘okay’ but then.
“Do you think send Asmodeus to find master, while all of you hold me back will actually work?” They all stiffed at Lucifer’s comment.
In a spilt second, they all shifted to their demon forms and readying themselves, with Asmo act quick and fly to the nears window.
Lucifer saw and about to tackle Asmo, but Mammon moves quick and tackle him to the ground pinning with Satan and Beel holding his torso and arms down with their foot stepping on Lucifer’s wings and Levi and Belphie with his legs give the chance for Asmo to get out of the building.
“Lucifer this isn’t you! Snap out of it!” Mammon grabs him by the collar of his suit, and looking straight to Lucifer in eyes as he said it.
“This is me! I just finally gave in” Lucifer smirk at Mammon, he snarls at Lucifer, but then a crunching sound and Levi and Belphie screaming startle the three other brothers causing them to looked back at the two.
Levi and Belphie are being attack by Lucifer’s hellhounds, one biting on Belphie’s shoulder and the other biting on Levi’s tail pulling them away from Lucifer’s legs.
The three is distracted long enough for Lucifer to push them off of him. Sending them flying across the room, all expect Satan, who Lucifer manage to grab him by his tail the spike cuts through this glove but Lucifer doesn’t care and slam Satan into the ground face first.
Then Lucifer fly up and dive heel first in Satan’s created a crater on the floor, Satan scream in pain then Lucifer grab fist full of his hair, pull him up as Lucifer leans in.
“This is what I expected from copy” that rings in Satan’s mind “Never strong then the original” tears start to collect in the corner of Satan’s eyes.
Even after all the time Lucifer reinsure him that he is his own demon, and not a copy or a shadow of Lucifer. It still pains him to hear it from Lucifer especially with spiteful glee in the tone of his voice made it more heart-wrenching.
But before Lucifer slam Satan’s head in to the ground, Beel slide both arms under Lucifer’s and place both hand behind Lucifer’s head putting him on a hold. Beel pull Lucifer off of Satan which Mammon acted quick and pull him out of the way and help him to get up.
“Oi Satan! Stay with us! We need you. That’s not Lucifer talking! His corrupted! All his demonic instinct is taking over him. Blinded by the power in him!”
But before Satan can thank Mammon, a body hit him sending him stumbling with the body. Leaving Mammon standing alone.
Mammon looks back to see Lucifer with twisted smile on his face as he stalk closer to the second born.
“What’s matter Mammon? You think I’m let you go and steal master away from me.” Lucifer’s eyes glow red as his demonic aura is coming off of him. “Just accept that I got to them first before you can get your selfish greedy hands on them.”
Mammon slowly back away evert time Lucifer gets closer.
Meanwhile Levi and Belphie manage to knock out the hellhounds, and trying catch the breath. Then Levi looked over to see Mammon being stalk by Lucifer who has his talon showing.
Without wasting a second Levi charge at Lucifer, but he notices and dodge and quickly grab Levi’s tail, wrapping it around his arms and pulling it bring Levi to him, then Lucifer gave Levi a punch on his face then grabbing his jacket and Levi’s face close to his, Lucifer can see that Levi’s face is bleeding.
“Pathetic, and to think you used to be an admiral!” he punch Levi again, "Always a disappointment. both as a demon and as a brother"
“L-L-L-Lucif-f-f-fer…… I’m……s-s-sorry”
“Too late, for that-” before Lucifer could finish Belphie climb on to Lucifer’s back wrapping his legs around Lucifer’s chest and his arms on his neck, putting him on a chock hold.
“Fucking let go of Levi!” Belphie tighten his hold on Lucifer’s neck.
Lucifer quickly looked back to Belphie with an anger expression on his face.
“You would have done the same thing, If I hadn’t locked you up.” Belphie eyes widen at Lucifer words “What? Hate seeing what your action could've done before they came along?” Belphie shot his eyes close trying his best to not let Lucifer’s words get to him. However.
Lucifer quickly let go of Levi and spread his wings before flying up and slamming Belphie into the ceiling, Belphie groan in pain and let go of Lucifer.
Then Lucifer quickly reach back and grab Belphie by the horns and toss him into Levi who is trying to get up, the two collied knocking each other out.
Lucifer is looking around for Mammon, and immediately got him by the second born, tackling him midair. And the two fall and stumble into the ground with Mammon on top of Lucifer. Then he starts delivering punches to the eldest.
But at the five punches, Lucifer manage to catch Mammon’s fist shocking the second born. Then in a spilt second Lucifer use his free hand and stab Mammon with his talons in the side of body, Mammon scream in pain, as Lucifer roll over pinning Mammon under him and he dig his talons into Mammon’s side making Mammon to scream even more.
Lucifer smile at his brother’s agony, but suddenly he heard a voice telling him to stop. Making him to look up to see you with a sad expression on your face, standing near the exit with Asmo supporting you.
Lucifer quickly pull out his talons out of Mammon’s side and stood up, with an anger on his face.
“Asmodeus let them-”
“Lucifer……” your voice is the verge of pain cutting him off, then look around to see the chaos and carnage you ordered Lucifer to do. Then you look back at Lucifer and seeing his new form that you cause; made you hate yourself for making him this way “What have I made you do……”
Mammon, Sin of Greed
Lucifer set his phone down on his desk, and pinch the bridge of his nose, knowing that Mammon is the one who got summon, since he heard his screaming a few minutes ago.
Then he heard running step getting louder and coming towards his study.
“LUUUUCIIIFEEEER~ Mammon got summon by a witch again!” Lucifer let out an annoyed sigh, hearing Asmo right outside his office.
Not wanting to waste time and get this over with. Lucifer stood up from his chair and grab his coat and start head out, meeting Asmo right by his door of his office. Asmo nervously smile at Lucifer, who raise his brow at the fifth born.
“Are you hiding something Asmo?” but Asmo shook his head for no. Lucifer sigh before looking away and start walking to the main hall with Asmo right behind him. seeing the rest of the brothers waiting for them and that the door opened up to a portal. Lucifer was the first one who step through the portal with the rest not far behind him.
“Strange? Is night time here. So why are all these birds wide awake?” Levi stare at the sky seeing crows flying into one direction, and the brothers soon follow the birds, and saw the they are all circling above an abandon building with some swooping into the windows as the scream of people gets louder. Beel told them that he can smell blood inside.
Then the brothers were shock to hear Mammon laughing maniacally inside the building.
“This……Mammon, right? I can’t be the only one who heard that!” Levi looks at his brothers, hoping the his wrong, but all was through out of the window once he and the others heard Mammon cursing and insulting somebody inside.
They quickly rush to the back door and when through it. And saw how dark the exit is, luckily that demons can see in the dark as they make their way to hall and into the main event hall of the building, soon they see where the blood is coming from.
Not even by the door way, the brothers saw a pile of dead body blocking the door way, and looking through inside the room they saw people running for their lives as birds swoop down and start pecking them to the point making them bleed.
Lucifer, Satan, and Beel jump over the pile of dead bodies to get inside, with Levi, Asmo, and Belphie try to find a different way inside the room.
Lucifer is scanning the room while Satan and Beel are making sure that the humans try to do anything to them like a attacking them.
Then Lucifer looked up and saw Mammon flying around like some sort of a twisted Peter Pan, as he circling around a human being hang by his leg at the ceiling fan.
“Please Lord Mammon! Forgive me! I didn’t know that human was your master!” Then Mammon flew in closer and gave him a back hand on the face, his talons scratch the side of the poor human’s face. Before grabbing his face.
“I ain’t forgivin’ ya or let ya go! You wanted my power Hehehe, well…… It’s gonna cost ya. How about your heart!” the leader’s eyes widen at Mammon’s threat. But before Mammon get to threaten him again, someone calls out to him.
“MAAAAMOOON!” Mammon face gotten darker as he clicks his tongue in annoyance to hear Lucifer’s voice.
“What the hell you WANT!” He whips his head towards Lucifer, Satan and Beel. The three were shock at Mammon’s new form.
“Mammon………What happen to you?” Beel asks, Mammon smirk and slowly glade down and landed in front of his brothers.
“Like it?” Mammon stretches out his arm and wings posing to his brothers with a smile on his face. Then place both hands on his hips with his head tilted upright to the side.
Lucifer, Satan, and Beel are in disbelief to what their seeing right now.
Mammon is covered in blood; his demon markings are much more twisted and crocked with they are branches. His wings and hair gotten longer, but what was the two biggest take away is Mammon’s sclera in black and his hands are more like talons.
But irk both Lucifer and Satan are how Mammon is acting, they don’t what but Mammon is more malicious.
“This isn’t one of your modeling gigs! What the hell did you do!” Satan snaps at Mammon. Then Mammon’s whole demeanor change. The smile on his face drops so as his arms to the side, and glance over to Satan.
“I killed them” Mammon said it sternly with his voice sounded different.
“You did WHAT!” Lucifer is fuming but at same time is corner to how Mammon is acting, He’s never been the violent one among them, but how his saying that with no sign of remorse on his face. Send shiver down Lucifer’s spine
“Why……” Beel asks snaping Lucifer out of his train of thought.
“Why! I’ll tell ya why! They made master to summon me by force!! And not only that! They plan to sacrifices them to me in exchange of a bit of my power! Hurt and betrayed. Master ordered me to kill every single one of them…well they did gave me the chose on how I kill them. So, I’m taking my sweet time doing it” Mammon chuckle to himself just remembering what he did an hour ago.
All three are disturb by Mammon’s answer, it’s his normal ergot personality but all the things coming out his mouth made them sick to their stomach.
But one thing that Lucifer wants to know after hearing all of that is where did he hide you. Understandable that you would be emotional and hurt to what happen to you, and that lead you to asks Mammon to do this.
However, that doesn’t answer why Mammon is acting this way and he did this in the first place. There’s more to this then just you using your pact on him.
“Mammon! Where’s y/n!” Lucifer asks firmly.
“Why do you want to know?” Mammon went back to his typical defensive self, but Lucifer still feel something is still off.
“To keep them save and away from you” Lucifer sigh and compose himself “We don’t know, what y/n’s connection to you that cause you to release this kind of demonic energy or your current state. But we do know, is that if we keep y/n as far away from you. You’ll slowly return to your old self”
Mammon growl at Lucifer at his plan of taking you away from him.
“NO! you’re not taking my master away from me! I’m supposed to be the only one to keep them safe! Not you, Not Satan, Not Beel. NO ONE” Mammon eyes start glowing, as his energy start getting stronger.
Seeing that Mammon is about to attack. Lucifer, Satan and Beel shifted to their demon forms bracing themselves.
“Mammon. Stand down. Don’t make me put you back in your place-”
Lucifer’s eyes widen, as Beel gasps that. The one thing they never expect Mammon to said or even mention anything about the fall in a manner to down right disrespectful.
“Mammon.” Lucifer is gritter his teeth wanting to slam Mammon a peg or two.
“Bring it! Diavolo fucker!” Lucifer charges towards Mammon. But Mammon is too quick and manage to dodge him, swipe his talons at Lucifer’s side. “Too slow, old man!” Mammon moves around his brother in flash, delivering swipes, slices, and stabs at Lucifer in 2 seconds.
Satan charge with a spell ready in his hand with Beel right behind him.
However, Mammon seen them coming, and quick flew up. Leaving Lucifer bleeding barely standing. Satan throw the spell but Mammon easily dodges in and start laughing at his brother.
“HAHAHA! For being the smart ass, ya sure have bad aim! What~ don’t tell me that you’re eyes in as bad as Lucifer~”
“Shut the fuck up! You moron!”
“Oh~ I’m soooo, scared! Satan is going blow a casket again! What else is new!” Satan start to let his own aura, but Mammon just yawn mocking him.
Beel helps Lucifer stand, he groans in pain.
“Beel…Help Satan.” Beel nodded and set Lucifer down in a sitting position then flew up towards Mammon.
“Well, will you look at that, baby bro finally is ready play big brother Mammon” He ready himself, as Beel charge at him and tackle him midair.
“Mammon stop this! I don’t want to-”
“Hurt me! We news flash bro! You all been hurting me since day one!” Mammon stab Beel with talons at his chest, while having a smile on his face. “I’m just fighting back!” Mammon brought his free hand and start punching Beel in the face with Mammon other hand dig deeper to his chest hooking it so Beel move away.
Beel quick brought both arms up shielding his face from Mammon’s blows.
While that all is happening, Satan was able to make another stunned spell and try to aim it at Mammon, unfortunately the two are entangle with one another and moving around is hard to get a clear shot from where his standing. But suddenly Satan saw an opening and took it throwing the spell.
But Mammon scenes it and quickly turn and use Beel as a shield.
Beel got hit, and spell took effect as his body start to feel numb, and his wings stop flopping. And he let go of Mammon and start falling and crashes in the ground.
Satan stood there stunned and widen eyes as he watches that all unfold.
Mammon start laughing again, placing both hands in his stomach feeling the cramp of all laughing his done.
“Hahaha! So, who’s that dumbass now huh Satan” Satan quickly runs to Beel and kneel beside him.
“Beel! I’m sorry…”
Right then Asmo carrying Levi, finally found a way inside, through one of the destroyed windows but Belphie is nowhere to be seen.
“Guys! We found- what the hell!” Asmo stop dead in his track, shock in disbelief as he saw the mayhem inside, with Levi both eyes and mouth open in shock.
Lucifer fighting off the birds swooping down on him, Satan hovering and healing Beel in the middle. And finally, their gaze turns to Mammon who stop laughing the moment the two came in. with angry look on his face.
“You two!” Mammon did waste a second, and charges at the two and grabbing them by the neck and slamming them into the wall behind them. Breaking both wall and some of their bones in impact. "I been waiting for you two"
The two start prying Mammon’s hands off their neck, by each time they do that, Mammon tighten his gripe slowly chocking them. As Mammon taunt them.
"Who's the weak one now!" Levi start gasping for air. "Ah~ what's a matter got somethin' on yer neck!"
As their face slowly turning red, Asmo try to talk be Mammon slam him into the wall, causing Asmo to spit out blood and onto Mammon already blood face.
Levi with what little strength his has, wrap his tail around Mammon’s neck, but Mammon was quickly and move his head slightly and bit down onto Levi’s tail with his fangs, causing the third to scream in the pain.
As Mammon ready to ripped Levi’s tail off, a voice calls out to him to stop and let go of his brothers.
He did what his been told, and drifted down and let go of his brothers letting them drop on the floor. And look over to the direction is coming from.
Belphie in his demon form with pisses off expression on his face, on the window sill, with you on his back with a hurt expression on your face.
“Mammon……” you start tearing up once you see Mammon and his shock expression on his face “What have I made you do……”
Leviathan, Sin of Envy
Mammon and Belphie stare at their phones absorbing what the text said in silences.
“Well Shit! This is Levi’s first ever being summon and this happens. this can’t be good” Mammon was the first one to break the awkward tension.
“What could Levi have done that warranted us going to the human world?”
“No idea? But if y/n is involved with this. I know that Levi can’t protect them.”
“Here you go again Mammon-”
“Oi! Don’t play innocent here, Belphie. remember that Levi is piss about what you said to him about y/n”
“What are you two standing there! Didn’t you see the text from Barbatos! We have to go now!” Satan call them by the door in Levi’s room. Mammon growl and start walking out the room with Belphie behind him.
“This ain’t over, once we get Mr. shut-in back. We’ll settle this once and for all.”
All of them make there way out of the woods and in front of the building where they all sense the demonic energy and smell of blood.
“Would anyone tell me how Levi manages to get here?” Lucifer asks still looking at building.
“We were just play a game in his room when suddenly felt that his being call somewhere else and-” a whimper cuts Belphie off, they all looked over to the side to see a human crawling away from the building as he bleeds out.
Satan walks over to the human, crouch down beside him.
“What the hell happen to you” Satan said sternly
“Please……Kill me……before Lord Leviathan finds me……”
“What do you mean by that?” all of a sudden Lucifer stood beside Satan, and asks the dying human.
“We-we didn’t know that we use his master as a sacrifice…… I was just following…orders……” right after saying that, the human dies.
“They use y/n as-as a sacrifice!” Mammon yell shock to hear that you’re involve with this.
“This has to be a cult, but why y/n is mix up with these people?” Satan asks while checking the human’s robe
“Remember, humans tend to find or trick others into these kinda things or worst, threaten them” Lucifer stated
“Is that’s why Levi threated to kill that human?” Beel asks concern that Levi might went a little over board with the threats.
“We’ll find out.” Lucifer turns to face Beel “You take Satan and to an open window and peek inside, and survey that scene” Beel nodded and shift to his demon form and grab Satan by the arms and start flying. Going around the building and spot a broken window.
Beel set Satan down by the window sill and he porch beside him, and the two looked in.
“Sorry for the lousy spell casting, transformation curse to not my strong suit. But…… this is the best outcome I could ask for” Leviathan talks as he walks with a make shift cane made out of bones, around two misshaped depend sirens eating a pile of human remains.
Satan and Beel watches in horror as they see more of inside the room.
The place in half flooded with dead bodies just floating in the water. And the pentagram which is the only part of the room is dry, has you in the middle sleeping with Leviathan’s demon form jacket over you.
The two have seen enough and went back to the others with a distress looks on their faces.
“What do ya see?”
“Lucifer, we have to get in there now!” Satan spat out.
Lucifer’s turn serious and marches at the front door, with one wave of his hand he cast a spell and destroy the doors and continue on in with the rest of the brothers and far behind.
Leviathan turns his head to see a very angry Lucifer with the other brothers in their demon form.
“Ah~ Welcome brothers!” He completely turns around and face them with arms spread out, showing to them his new form. With his horns, claws, hair, and fangs gotten longer, his tail has orange fins at the tip and his sclera is pitch black.
“Levi- What the hell!” Mammon blab out. But Leviathan hiss at hearing his nickname.
“I prefer you call me by my full name, thank you very much.”
“Okay, ‘Leviathan’ What in the hell you do to these humans!” Satan said it sarcastically, with irk Leviathan. But eventually tell them.
“Well, as I go here through being summon. They ask me for some of my powers in exchange of a human sacrifices. But once they show me that they were sacrificing master, they had to be punished. Some were killed while others well……let’s just say I gave them a new purpose in life.” Leviathan snap his fingers.
Then the two sirens perk up and start crawling over to Leviathan’s side.
“Well…What do you all think? I know you can still see some human parts. But the whole point of the spell is making them into my minions. And having them have a bit of their humanity makes this torture for them even better.” Leviathan gave his brothers close eyes smile as he leans on his cane.
All of them were shock at Levi’s personality, the shy, stuttering, introvert, of a brother is nowhere to be seen, the person standing is a sick bastard who has no remorse.
Beel heart shattered to hear Levi talk like this, even though Levi always stuck to his role. He never go this far. This isn’t one of roles, something really made him act like this.
“Levi……” Beel mutters, but Leviathan heard it
“I said stop calling me that!” he hisses and stomp his cane in the water making a repeal affect sending a small wave at them, splashing them with water.
Asmo coughs as water got in his mouth and he realize that it has the taste of blood in it. He screams in a panic.
The noise stirs you up, almost waking you, Leviathan look over his shoulder and it, he growls whips his head back with his brows narrowed, grit his teeth.
He uses his cane to slash into the water, sending a wave right at Asmo send him flying and hitting the wall. Suspiring the others, Mammon immediately runs towards Asmo to check on him
“Levi! Why did-”
“I always hated his constant shirking”
“Leviathan stand down” Lucifer ready himself to attack, with Beel and Belphie standing beside him.
“Make me brother!”
“Satan go and get to y/n” Lucifer whisper to Satan, who nodded and start ready himself to run to you.
The three rushing to Levi, with Lucifer in the middle with the twins not far behind him going to the sides in attempt to surround Leviathan, and Satan run around them and heads straight to the pentagram.
But the sirens block Satan’s path and charge and tackle him on the ground.
Mammon manages to help Asmo back on his feet, and they quickly saw Satan being dog piled by the two sirens. Asmo tells Mammon he’ll help Satan while he goes to you since both of them knows that Mammon is the fastest among them.
Mammon begrudgingly agreed, and start flying over to you, while Asmo fly over to Satan, and start pry off the sirens off of Satan.
Leviathan use his cane to block Lucifer’s attack and hold him at bay, and using his free hand wave to the side where Belphie is come from.
Suddenly Belphie’s foot got caught by the water and slowly pulling down.
Beel saw and change his direction to help his twin. Lucifer looked over to see Belphie being drag down, then he looks over to Leviathan.
“Levi! Are you planning to kill your own brother!”
“Please~ is not like he can die by having some water in his lungs, all I'm doing is just showing discipline to my little brothers. Just like what you been doing ay~ Big brother Lucifer” Leviathan smirk at him making Lucifer let his ground down.
Leviathan break away and start hitting Lucifer with his cane, after a three clear hits on his face and chest, Lucifer brought his arms up to shield himself and give him some time to conjure up a spell.
But Leviathan notice what Lucifer is doing, and thought of a way to stop him. He snaps his fingers then then water under Lucifer’s feet morphs into a water snake and slid up and wrap its body around Lucifer’s head drowning him.
Leviathan took a step back to see Lucifer drop on his knees are his struggle to get the spell off of him.
Then Leviathan look over Lucifer to see the twins struggling as well, with Beel pulling Belphie up, as he slowly being drag into the water.
Then he looks back, and his smile immediately drop when he saw Mammon hovering over you. He quickly rushes towards you, but got hit with one of his sirens. Causing him to stumble down with the body on top of him.
“Hey! Don’t forget about us!” Asmo scream at him, with Satan standing beside him as he steps on the other siren.
Leviathan toss the body off of him then get right back at his feet and looks over to the fourth and fifth born, he hisses as his demonic energy coming off of him.
“You two aren’t worth my time.” He immediately turns and start running towards you and Mammon.
Satan and Asmo start running at him, and tackle Leviathan into the water again.
“Yes, we are! And you know it! Levi is us” Asmo pled to Levi. But Leviathan growls and use his tail to whip Asmo’s back then wrapping it around his neck, pulling him up and throw him to the side.
“Asmo-” Satan was cut off by Leviathan grabbing his neck and flipping Satan on his back with Leviathan on top of him, he pushes Satan down into the water drowning him.
Satan try to reach and grab Leviathan, but each time he just pushes Satan further down.
Leviathan start laughing, as he feels Satan slowly losing his strength to fight back.
“LEVI!!! STOP! YOU’RE KILLING HIM!!” Leviathan’s eyes widen, as his grip loosen and stood up, giving Satan a chance to get up from the water and gasps for air and start coughing while grabbing his neck.
Leviathan looks over to you with your arm over Mammon’s shoulder.
“Levi……” he gasps once he heard your sobbing voice and immediately all his spell lost their magic, letting Lucifer and Belphie go.
“M-master……” He mutters
“What-what have I made you do……”
Tagging: @sayonaaraa @hobin-gnoblin @yukihaie @devildomwritersposts
Note: Phew~ I did it :D
I decide to make this a "Oh shit we're going to the human world!" instead of the summon brother bring MC back to to Devildom. Because I want for the other brothers to see the carnage and the aftermath of massacre.
Thank you so much for being patient with me, I had trouble with a bit of my writing for the past days.
I hope you enjoy this part :3
pls, I be happy to hear some comments on this and some feed back.
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hpalways · 3 years
Chef’s Kiss || Xiao
[Disclaimer !! I wrote this oneshot before Xiao’s voicelines were available, so he may appear ooc]
LIFE in the kitchen was anything but peaceful. Not only were you an assistant to the hard-headed chef at the Wangshu Inn, but the cooking fumes continuously made you hungry, causing your stomach to growl -- much to your embarrassment. Running around for errands that the grumpy man would order you to do, it was exhausting. You were beginning to wonder if this was worth it, for a measly experience that may not even be of benefit to your future. 
The only person that kept you from from going insane was a man named Xiao. At first, you were wary of him, because he was reserved and quite mean, spewing unnecessary insults at you... but overtime, the two of you became friends. Well, he was still pretty mean, but you didn't expect different, considering he was an Adeptus. You knew that he must've went through a lot in his own life, so it was understandable.
He had a soft spot for food, especially for his favorite dish: almond tofu. He ordered this often and because you were a cook, you were forced to make it over and over. By now, you were sure you were a professional at it. So on this dandy, fine day, you whipped up a bowl of almond tofu and climbed up a few stairs up the inn. Reaching the little nook where the Adeptus liked to spend his time at, you smiled when you indeed saw him there. His back was turned on you, while he watched the large view of Liyue.
Black-teal hair waving along the winds, he whirled around and sharp, amber eyes met you. Green tattoos lined the side of his arm, making him look all the more intimidating. He donned his usual outfit of a white sleeveless shirt, dark purple pants, and boots. He wore jewelry too, but in your opinion, they never shined as bright as his gaze. His face was blank at the sight of you, but you knew him well enough to see that he was... slightly happy to see you. It was mainly for the food, but surely he enjoyed your company too. He had to. 
"You're finally here," he said, crossing his arms across his chest. "You're late."
You rolled your eyes and handed him the dish anyway, to which he took begrudgingly. "You know I have other things to tend to, right? I'm not the one lazing around here all the time," you teased. 
Blush colored his pale skin and he looked away in embarrassment. He dug into the food and began to scarf it down. Satisfied with his reaction to your creation, you stayed there with him, leaning your elbows on the edge of the wooden balcony. The glowing sun was high in the sky and the weather was lovely today. Blue and denounced of any clouds, the horizons seemed infinite. The lands were the same way, textured of roads and grasslands, even tall mountains in the distance. And from way up here, the people down below were smidges of moving dots. They were so small -- sometimes it would lead you to think that only you and Xiao existed. 
No wonder he loved this little hideout so much. 
"So, how did you like the food?" you asked him, seeing as he was done with it.
He shrugged nonchalantly. "It was decent," he said, despite how otherwise it seemed. 
"I put my blood, sweat, and tears and all you say is it was decent?" you gasped dramatically, placing a hand over your heart. Knowing exactly what you were doing, he sent daggers toward your way. If looks could kill, it would be this -- it would honestly scare the shit out of anyone else, but unfortunately, you weren't just anyone else. Teasing him was your favorite hobby here... and thus, the reason why you were staying sane living at the Wangshu Inn. 
"Shut up," he snapped at you. "It's a compliment."
Chuckling, you grabbed the empty plate from him. "I'll take your word for it then. Hm, I should get back to work now. Boss will have my head if he sees me lingering around any longer."
You spun around and began walking into the inn. However, before you could fully step inside, a warm hand grasped the wrist of your arm. Heart fluttering inside you, you quickly chided mentally to yourself. It would do you no good to fall for the Conqueror of Demons. Being pulled to face him again, you raise your brows in confusion, masking the perplexing emotions inside of you. 
Once he had your attention, he immediately let go of your arm. Scratching his head, his lips twitched as he carefully chose his next words. Surprise filled your features; was he... nervous? This was new to see with your own pair of eyes. "Before you head back to work... I have something for you."
Quickly unclipping a necklace around his neck, it was one you had never seen until now. It was hidden beneath his black collar, silver and thin, yet was captivating to the eye. He held it with his gloved fingers, having it dangle in the air for a few moments. "I saw this while I was away on business..." he explained, still unable to look at you. "I was reminded of you and decided to get it."
A lump grew in your throat and your lips parted in disbelief. Dammit, his actions... they made it so hard for you to resist him. Why would he do this? This was unlike him. He neared you, silently draping the delicate necklace around yourself. His usual stiff face was soft and the stare he gave you was enough to give you a heart attack. Attentive on the clasp at the ends, he hooked it around and fixed it, having the beautiful pendent hanging on your chest. 
"I can't believe..." you murmured, glancing down at the gold details. "Thank you so much. You shouldn't have though. I don't deserve to wear something so expensive."
"You do," he argued, his gaze growing hard. 
"Okay then," you relented, despite still doubtful. "I seriously do love it though!"
Fuck it, you couldn't restrain the desire to do this anymore. You had been wanting to do this since the day you saw his hues glinted at the taste of your food. He had opened up to you more than he did to anyone else -- you were always happy to be there for him. You only hoped to continue to be there for him. 
Tilting your face closer to his, your lips brushed against smooth, soft skin. It was as soft as a baby's and so did the dark teal strand of hair that tickled your forehead. Leaning away again, you were out of breath and in shock. His face was flamed up crimson, making him look adorable. Your face was just as warm and you were slightly embarrassed for doing something so drastic. 
"You... you..." he trailed off, at a lost for words for once in his life. Under his breath, he murmured, "Stupid chef."
"I can hear that, you know," you pointed out with a scowl. His words were quite harsh, but the way he was acting meant that he did not mind the kiss. For that, you were satisfied enough. "I'll cherish this, I promise! See you soon, Xiao."
You weren't getting your heart broken just yet.
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marvelslut16 · 5 years
Can’t live without you
Pairing: Stanley Uris x reader (adults)
Synopsis: (Y/N) finds out that her best friend didn’t arrive back in Derry with the rest of the losers club, and finds out that he tried to kill himself. Glimpses of her past with Stan are seen as she visits him in the hospital. Will the best friends that have been pining over each other since they were kids finally get their happy ending, or will Patricia and the very different lives the lead get in the way?
Word count: 5,314 this is a lot more than I originally planned, guess I got carried away.
Warnings: Attempted suicide. Talk of self harm. Blood/gore/violence, typical for the IT fandom. Brief implication of domestic violence from a father and a wife. A little angsty at times, but fluffy. Swearing. Tooth rotting fluff near the end.
A/N: Stan may be OOC, but I tried my hardest for my first IT story. Stan the man Uris is fantastic and deserved so much better. AU where the characters I love don’t die. The reader in this story isn’t Jewish, if you are Jewish, I apologize. There is a cute little story-line that relies heavily on the reader not having the same faith as him.
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It had been just over twenty years since you were last in your home town of Derry Maine, and you hadn’t thought if it once. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to remember, you just couldn't. There were days when the name Stan would randomly pop in your head, and from a place buried very deep in the back of your brain, you were sure he was an important person in your adolescent life. 
When Mike Hanlon called to tell you that Pennywise was back, your heart started pounding so hard you were convinced it would leap from its place inside your chest. You didn’t exactly remember Pennywise, but you remembered the fear. You also remembered a mop of curly light brown hair that you immediately associated with Stan. 
Upon arriving at the Chinese restaurant in Derry flashes of your childhood came back, they were so unfamiliar it was like watching somebody else's life. Stan was the center of almost all of them, your old best friend and boy you had been in love with since you were six. It was great catching up with your old friends, but it didn’t feel right without Stan. 
The other six members of the losers club opened their fortune cookies, spelling out; ‘I,’ ‘cut,’  ‘not,’ ‘it,’ ‘guess,’ and ‘could.’ Your heart falls into the pit of your stomach as you open your own and see the thick black letters spelling out Stanley. 
“No,” you gasp out a plea to no one in particular. You lean forward and numbly move the papers around to say, ‘I guess Stanley could not cut it.’ The rest of the losers club had remembered enough over dinner to remember just how much Stan meant to you, causing them to stare at you as you try to blink back tears. 
The group running from creatures breaking out of fortune cookies happens in a blur, your head isn’t clear until the cool night air hits it. Mike gives you Stan’s number as soon as he comes to his senses. You walk away from the group, wanting privacy for whatever you get on the other end of the call. 
“Who is this?” a female voice answers the phone. Your furrow your eyebrows in fear and glance over at Mike who is watching you closely. 
“Uh, (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” you state nervously, picking at your already chipped nail polish. “I’m sorry, I thought this was Stan Uris’s number.”
“It is,” the voice says slowly. “How do you know him?”
“We grew up together, we were best friends,” you smile as you remember gripping onto his hand as the wind whipped around you two the first time you jumped into the quarry. “Our friend group was having a mini reunion back home, and we got worried that he didn’t show up.”
“He’s in the hospital,” she says with no real emotion in her voice. 
“What?” you ask in disbelief. Not your Stan. 
“He’s in the hospital,” she snaps. “Do I need to say it slower for you? He slit his wrists and lost a lot of blood.”
“Oh my God,” you murmur, knees going weak at the thought. “Which hospital? I’d like to visit him before I go back home.”
She tells you the name of the hospital and hangs up before you can say anything else. Your knees buckle as soon as the line clicks dead, causing you to fall and scrape up your knees on the dirty pavement. Tears stream down your face and silent sobs shake your body. Ben and Bev immediately rush to your side, Bev kneeling beside you as she rubs soothing circles into your back. 
“(Y/N)?” she asks nervously. 
“He’s in the hospital,” you sob out weakly. “He tried to kill himself.” Bev helps you stand and sets you in Richie’s car so you can head to the hotel.
The rest of your time in Derry is a blur, it’s over so quick, but feels painfully slow. You instantly knew that your token was the menorah necklace that you’ve worn everyday since you had gotten it in sixth grade. Stan had bought it for you for Christmas as a joke, his father had made a not-so-pleasant comment about you not being Jewish the week prior. You knew you loved him the moment you tore the ribbon off of the box; he knew you better than anyone else, he let his guard down when he was with you, and he was the kindest, sweetest boy you had ever met especially when he stood up to his father about your religion.
Before you know it you’re assaulted by the smell of bleach and shiny white floors as you walk into the hospital Stan is in. After finding out the room number from the receptionist you slowly head to his room, wondering if you should really be there. 
Through the small window of Stan’s hospital room you see a blonde woman sitting on a couch on the far side of the room, typing away on her laptop. When you enter the room she slams her laptop shut and walks over to you, making sure to stand between you and Stan’s bed. 
“I’m Patricia Uris,” she makes no move to stick her hand out for you to shake, but makes the diamond on her left hand noticeable. 
“I’m (Y/N),” you give her a small smile that drops as you look behind her, seeing Stan’s body lay there unmoving. “We briefly spoke on the phone the other night.”
“Right,” her eyes squint as she looks you up and down. “What happened to your face?” She’s referring to the healing cut that reaches from your hairline diagonally to your eyebrow, you should really look into getting side bangs or something. Pennywise was always great at mentally and physically scarring everyone. 
“I was taking a shortcut through the forest in Derry when I slipped and cut it on a sharp piece of bark,” you lie effortlessly. She rolls her eyes but seems to believe your terrible excuse. “Is Stan getting any better?”
“The doctors say he should wake up any day now,” she doesn’t sound as excited about that as a wife should. “They say he should be awake, he just doesn’t want to. It’s all psychological apparently. It’s just like Stan to not want to do anything, always wanting to bird watch instead of going shopping with me.”
“Stan always loved to bird watch,” you smile at Patricia, pushing away the anger you feel at her ignorance and disdain she seems to hold for her husband. “He used to always drag me to the park in Derry to show me the different types, I was the only one in the group to enjoy it with him.”
“Yeah, well, it gets old fast,” she rolls her eyes, turning around to pack her laptop in her bag and grab her purse. “I’m gonna go home and shower, sit with him as long as you want to.”
Her heels click loudly on the linoleum flooring as she walks past you without a second glance towards Stan. You frown at her back as she walks down the hall to the elevator. You pull up a chair next to Stan’s bed and lightly grab his limp hand, running your thumb over the back of his hand.”
“You can’t leave me alone in this shit world, not after I finally remember,” tears spill down your cheeks. “I need you Stan the man. I’ll even go bird watching with you. Richie said, and I quote, so you can’t get mad at me for saying this when you wake up and remember me saying this, that you need to wake your ass up Urine, there are still a shit ton of birds to go look at. It’s all over Stan, we killed IT. And we all made it out, so you definitely need to wake back up. I’ve lived twenty years without you Stanley, I can’t go twenty more without you. I can’t even go one more without you.
Richie and Eddie finally got together, it was really cute. Eddie thought he was dying, he got stabbed by IT, so he confessed his love to Richie. But Richie was determined to get him out of there alive, and he did. So now they’re finally together, even though he married a woman that’s essentially his mother. Ben and Bev finally got together, we used to always say that they were made for each other. Ben is super fit now, but he’s still the biggest sweetheart I have ever met. And Bev is still so strong willed and fierce. 
Bill is a horror writer now, which to me is pretty ironic. They’re making his stories into movies, where they always change the ending because they want something happy. He married some actress, who he’s divorcing as we speak. She isn’t great, insulting his work and not really caring that she’s hurting his feelings. Mike has been living in Derry this entire time, he took over his family's business. He was waiting these past twenty-seven years for IT to come back. Trying his hardest to protect the next generation from the horror that we faced. 
I guess that just leaves me, I moved to Colorado, far far away from Derry. I worked my ass off to become a lawyer, the dream you always pushed me to go after. Even when I couldn’t remember you, your encouragement was in the back of my head, keeping me going when it got difficult. There were days that I would get foggy images of us getting ice cream, or splashing each other in the quarry, all of those times when you would let your guard down and have fun with me. Even after the losers club drifted apart as we went into high school, you stayed at my side. You defended me to your father when he hated that we were so close, even though I wasn’t Jewish. We were always there to pick each other up when Bowers or Greta and their friends would tease or beat us up. Stanley Uris, please wake up. I need you, we all miss you, and I definitely miss you the most.”
After spending hours with him, you head to the nearest hotel for the night. The next morning you stop by the hospital with the intent to say goodbye to Stan before heading home. When you walk up to the room Patricia and the doctor are talking. 
“There was more brain activity yesterday,” the doctor’s voice drifts out through the open door and into the hall where you’re standing. “Whatever you did, do it again, because it was the first time we saw evidence that he could wake up.”
“Great,” she has a fake grin on her face, and she’s using a fake tone. Why doesn’t she want Stan, the most amazing man you have ever met and her husband, to wake up? “What are you doing here again?” she snaps as she notices you in the doorway. 
“I have to head back home, so I wanted to say goodbye to him,” you nervously fiddle with the hem of your sweater. 
“Didn’t you have enough time with him yesterday?” she glares at you. Why is she so defensive about you seeing Stan again?
“You were here yesterday?” the doctor's eyes widen as he looks at you for the first time. 
“Yeah,” you answer shyly, flattening the side bangs you cut last night. Making sure they cover your stitched up forehead. His eyes light up in excitement and goes to talk to you once more, Patricia cuts him off. 
“Well, as Stanley’s wife, I’m not sure I feel comfortable having you spend more time with him,” as she goes to continue with a string of complaints, a hushed and broken sound comes from the hospital bed. 
“Oh my God,” you whisper, your hand covering your mouth. Your knees go weak, almost collapsing with relief as Stan repeats the sounds he had just made. 
“I’m right here Stan,” Patricia forces her excitement once more, limply grabbing his hand. 
“(Y/N),” his voice is clear this time, and your heart flutters as your old best friend says your name again. You rush over to his other side, gently grabbing his hand since that's where his IV is.
“Stan?” your voice breaks as you try to keep a relieved sob from escaping. Stan slowly and carefully flips his hand over, threading his fingers with yours. “It’s over. IT is gone, we got rid of IT this time.” His eyes open at your words, head turning to look you in the eyes. Tears finally escape the moment you can finally look into his deep brown eyes again. 
“Did you call me urine?” his voice is rough and scratchy from not being able to use it for a week. More tears spill down your face as you laugh, because that was the first question he decides to ask you. 
“I said I was quoting Richie,” your whole body shakes as you laugh, far too relieved to care if Patricia thinks you’re being over the top. 
“I can remember,” his voice is softer, just like his eyes. “I remember everything. What ever happened to your necklace?” his other hand reaches across his body, but stops and hovers a few inches away from where the necklace once hung. You instinctively reach up to touch your chest where the pendent once fell. 
“We needed tokens of our past, the most important thing from our childhood, that was mine,” he grips your hand tighter, the other one falling to his lap and away from Patricia. “I wore it everyday these past twenty seven years.”
“What necklace?” Patricia’s strained voice brings you back to Earth. You carefully let go of Stan’s hand and pull it back to your side. You had forgotten about Patricia, forgot that you aren’t allowed to love him anymore. 
“I got her a menorah necklace,” Stan laughs at the memory, not noticing that you got awkward and pulled away. “She’s not Jewish, and my dad always hated that we were so close and she wasn’t. I used to joke that I would convert her one day, so I thought it would be funny to get her it for Christmas.” The doctor grins at you and Stan with a knowing look before backing out of the room quietly. 
“Cute,” Patricia rolls her eyes and glares at you. You frown in response, wondering what on Earth you ever did to her. Ignoring Patricia, you hand Stan the unopened water bottle from your bag, sure that he’d need some water. He smiles gratefully at you before taking a large sip.
“What are you even doing here?” his stern gaze landing on Patricia. You furrow your brows, the Stan you knew would never treat his wife this way. 
“I’m your wife!” her voice is shrill, hurting your ears and making you cringe. Stan on the other hand doesn’t seem amused with the outburst. 
“We aren’t married anymore Patricia,” Stan’s voice is harder than you have ever heard before. “I divorced you three years ago, the only reason you're here is because I haven’t changed my emergency contact.” 
You run your hands through your hair as you process the new information, Stan was available. You could love him without being guilty. You could finally tell him that you love him, that you always have. 
“Well have fun with your deformed klutz over there,” she gestures towards you with a mocking grin. You had pushed your bangs back a moment prior without realizing it, Stan’s gaze on you quickly goes from confused to anger as he pieces together what happened to you. 
“Leave Patricia,” the anger in his voice is kinda hot. “I never want to see you again.”
“Don’t come crawling back to me when you get bored with her,” and with that she leaves, slamming the door loudly behind her. 
“What happened?” Stan brings his hand up and gently glides his fingers over the stitches Eddie put in. 
“You aren’t married?” your heart is beating so fast you swear it would break out of your chest and fly away. 
 “No, I divorced her a while ago, I realized she was treating me terribly,” you start crying at his words. “Why are you crying?”
“I thought you were dead, and then I thought you were married and slowly dying,” you sob. “But now you’re suddenly single and very much alive. It’s a lot to process. 
He lifts his hand back up to your face, wiping away your tears even if they’re being replaced as soon as he moves his thumb away from your skin. His hands are a little rough, but soft enough to know that he works behind a desk. His hand starts to caress your cheek, you have to fight the heat from rising to your cheeks and push away the excitement you feel from the tender touch. You’re just an old friend he hasn’t seen in twenty years, nothing more. 
“What happened to your forehead?” his voice is soft again, and his fingers brush along the angry red cut once more.  
“I was facing my fear,” images of a young Stan abandoning you in order to save himself, saying that you mean nothing to him, after you had fallen and your abusive father was closing in on you, race through your mind. “And Pennywise, as my father, cornered me after a young you pushed me down and ran away. As my father was hovering over me with a knife, he morphed into IT and he used his long sharp nail to cut my face, and try to gouge my eye out. I got lucky because there happened to be a large rock next to me, which I hit IT with so I could run away.”
“I would never leave you,” Stan says sadly, a hurt look in his eyes as he stares at you but can’t look into your eyes. “I’m sorry you had to see him again, even if he was just IT’s illusion.”
“It’s fine,” you reach up to play with your necklace, forgetting it’s not there anymore. Playing with the necklace had become a coping mechanism for your anxiety. The nervous tick had developed almost immediately after you received the present. “Really, everything is in the past now. I’m fine.”
Stan gives you a disbelieving look, you look around the room to avoid his gaze. Your eyes lock onto the clock, causing them to widen as you take in the time. How had that much time passed already? It felt like you had entered the room five minutes ago, it certainly didn’t feel like two hours had come and gone. 
“What is it?” Stan grabs your hand, keeping you from standing from the uncomfortable hospital chair. 
“I have a plane to catch, in an hour,” you pull your hand from his grasp, standing and backing away from the bed as well. “I need to go now if I have any chance of making it through TSA and to my plane in time.”
“Don’t go,” his voice is soft, broken even. “I lost you once, I can’t lose you again.”
“You’ll be fine Stan,” you flash him a watery smile. “You have healing to do, and then you can go bird watch all you want. We’ll remember each other this time, we can keep in touch.” You walk over to the side of his bed, pushing the curls off his forehead so you can give him a soft kiss. A tear slips down your cheek and lands on his curls as the fall back into place. “Goodbye Stan.”
It had been weeks since you had left Atlanta, and you’ve thought of Stan every hour of every day since. It’s like your mind is punishing you with thoughts of him since you had forgotten him for so long. You and Stan texted a couple times, you still had his number from when Mike gave it to you. And just like Mike gave you Stan’s number, he gave Stan your address. Because two and a half weeks after you arrived home, a small package from Stan arrived in the mail. 
You stare at the package in shock for a few minutes, before finally opening it. You gasp as you see a menorah necklace inside, almost identical to the one you had gotten so many years ago. Your heart thumps against your rib cage at the thoughtful, heartfelt gesture. 
You immediately send Stan a text, thanking him for the necklace, while lightly chastising him for spending money on you, and asking him to give you a call as soon as he could. It has been almost twenty four hours since your text, and you've gotten no reply. You start to fear the worst, that this could have been his last act before trying, and succeeding, to kill himself. As you contemplate finding a way to get a wellness check on him, there's a knock on your apartment door. Probably just the guy from down the hall that doesn’t understand that rejection isn’t playing hard to get. 
When you open the door Stan is standing in front of you; his dark brown curls are styled instead of the chaotic mess they were at the hospital, his face clean shaven, his striped button up and pressed khakis are reminiscent of the outfits he would wear as a child. This is how you always imagined Stanley Uris would look like as an adult, well without the small almost unnoticeable scars on the side of his head. 
“Come in,” you finally snap out of your trance and step to the side, leaving more than enough room for him to walk into your modest two bedroom apartment. He takes in the living room and kitchen, but his eyes light up when they land at the necklace hanging delicately from your throat. “Wh-what are you doing here?” you glance down at the small carry on he’s holding.
“I thought I should tell you why I did it,” his voice is strained. “And I didn’t want to do it over the phone, since I know you were getting ready to make some smart ass remark about telephones.” Stan really was your best friend, because he’s spot on with his prediction about what you were just about to say. “I don’t know if it’s because I saw the deadlights for so long or something, but as we kept getting closer to twenty seven years I started to remember. It started with you and the rest of the losers a few years ago, but as soon as Mike told me IT was back I remembered all the pain we went through. I knew that we all needed to go back to Derry, but I knew I couldn’t do it. I knew that if I went my fear would be putting you in danger. I thought suicide would be the only way to keep you safe and where I didn’t have to face IT again.”
“Bev saw visions of everyone's death, how we would all die if we ignored IT. She saw you in your bathtub, and ironically she saw me bashing my own head in with a law textbook,” you laugh awkwardly, changing the subject from his reasoning and proof that he isn’t alone in this. “IT found a way to get to us, no matter how strong we are or how far away from Derry we were. Do I think you and Bev had it worse because you two saw the deadlights? Yeah, I do. I’m sure you got memories back as IT was waking up, you saw the deadlights the longest. You never should have made it out of those sewers alive that summer, but I’m glad you did. That probably made you more susceptible to that rush of fear you got again. And I just want you to know that you aren’t alone Stan.”
“I’ve missed you,” his voice frail as he pulls nervously at the bottom of his button up. 
“It’s been two weeks Stan,” you try to ignore the warm fuzzy feeling growing in your stomach. “You couldn’t have missed me that much. Plus, you could have called to talk.” Stan takes a deep shaky breath, and you frown in concern at his actions.  
“I’ve loved you my entire life (Y/N), it’s been two and a half weeks and I can’t stand to be away from you,” Stan says earnestly, his words warm your broken soul. “Not for two weeks and three days, I don’t think I can even go a day without you near. I love you (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
���I love you too, Stanley Uris,” a grin spreads across your face, the joy mirrored in your eyes. “I knew I loved you the moment I got my first menorah necklace from you. It showed me just how special I was to you, you stood up to your father for me and you got me something that would forever remind the two of us of that moment.” 
Stan doesn’t say anything, he just leans forward and captures your lips with his. The kiss is electric, you swear there are fireworks, just like those cheesy movies. With your left hand you caress the scars on his head from all those years ago, and your right tangles into his styled curls. Stan’s hands grip your hips tightly, like he’s afraid you’ll float away if he lets go. When you pull apart your lips are tingling, both you and Stan panting heavily. 
“Can I stay here tonight?” Stan breaks the mood smiling shyly, causing you to laugh. “I kinda just threw stuff in a bag and got on the first flight out of Georgia, didn’t really plan ahead.”
“Who are you, and what have you done with my Stanley?” you laugh lightly, his ears turning red at your teasing. “He would never leave the house without having a well thought out plan first.”
“What can I say?” his smile grows, and so does yours as you watch the dimple on his right cheek deepen. “Your spontaneity and want for adventure always rubbed off on me.”
“You can stay for as long as you want,” you lean in, gripping his shirt and pulling him into you. This kiss isn’t soft this time, it’s rough and needy. Twenty seven plus years of wanting this and it’s finally yours. The kiss is all teeth and tongue, you sure as hell weren’t going to complain about the amount of passion in it. The kiss was finally a way in which the two of you could express every deep and long buried feeling. 
It was four months to the day since Stan showed up at your doorstep, and the two of you had only been apart for a week the entire time. You couldn’t get away from work again so soon and Stan had to go back to Georgia to pack up his belongings. The apartment that you had resided in soon turned into a home, all thanks to Stan. You two invited the rest of the losers over to visit, figuring that you had settled into your new relationship so easily you didn’t want to hide it from your friends. This time there would be no IT, no life threatening tasks to complete, and it’s the first time in twenty seven years that you would all be together. What you don’t know is that Stan is planning a big surprise, with the help of the most important people in your lives. 
You run out to grab salsa from the store you swear you picked some in preparation for today earlier in the week, but Stan said there was none in the fridge. You drive as fast as you can, the losers club should be over within an hour, and you didn’t want them to beat you home. 
The apartment is strangely quiet as you swing the door open; Stan isn’t muttering to himself as he goes over a client’s finances, and he isn’t sitting at the table working on a puzzle. Where is your Stanley?
Before you can get too worried, your brain immediately racing to the possibility that he is in your bathtub, that seeing everyone after all this time was too much for him, Eddie appears from the kitchen. You go to guilty greet him, feeling bad for being a bad hostess and not being there when he and Richie arrived, bet the hypochondriac cuts you off. 
“Your smile that can light up a room,” he grins cheekily at you, like he knows something you don’t. 
“Your smokin’ bod,” Richie joins the two of you, his laugh ending when Eddie smacks his gut. “Fine, fine, your eyes that sparkle when you’re truly happy.”
“How incredibly smart you are, especially when you find holes in the other lawyers arguments,” Bev winks at you, you look around desperately for Stan. Where is he? And what's going on?
“Your perseverance, you always make the hard days look easy,” Ben walks out and wraps his arm around Bev’s shoulders.
“How caring and understanding you are,” Bill stands beside Richie, the grocery bag with the salsa in it, on the floor and long forgotten.
“And that your voice can calm me with just one word,” you furrow your brows at Mike. 
“Those are all things I love about you,” Stan’s gentle voice comes from behind you. You whip around to see his grinning face, no trace of fear or sadness from his past anywhere to be seen, only excitement for the promising future. “I could write a whole book of things that I love about you, but that still wouldn’t cover it all.”
“Stan?” your heart leaps at the glint in his eyes and the softness of his voice, things you want to experience for the rest of your life. 
“I love you (Y/N) (Y/L/N), with my entire being. I always have. When we were kids I knew I would marry you one day, I knew, even then, that there was no way I could live without you. So (Y/N)-” Stan pulls out a little black box from his pocket as he gets on one knee. 
“Yes!” you exclaim a little too loudly as soon as he flips the lid open. The diamond is sparkling up at you, your eyes fill with tears. 
“I didn’t even get to finish,” Stan pouts, humor and happiness twinkling in his eyes.
“I don’t care,” he laughs, sliding the one carat ring on your finger. It’s a perfect fit, meaning good luck through some old superstition. “Just kiss me.”
Stan shoots up from the ground, grabbing your cheek in one hand and caressing it softly, the other slipping into your hair. You pull greedily at the front of his freshly ironed button up as he deepens the kiss. A moan escapes one of you, and from the sounds of how deep it is, you’re sure it was Stan.  
“Get a room,” Richie wolf whistles, you and Stan pull away embarrassed. 
“I can't wait until I can finally call you Mrs. Uris,” he breathes, ignoring Richie, as he rests his forehead on yours. 
“Neither can I,” you close the distance and kiss him again, not caring about the audience, or the quiet sound of disgust from Eddie. Just because he makes out with Richie often, it doesn’t stop the thought of thousands of germs being passed back and forth when he sees someone else kiss.  
You finally get your happy ending with Stan, after all of those shitty years without him, you two will never be apart again. And there is no better way to start the rest of forever together than with the help of the losers, your chosen family.
Permanent tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny​
343 notes · View notes
thetradeway · 3 years
Session 48 14 Aug 2021: "Dhidth hwe huin?"
I’m late today. Ginger balls. Never admit you were wrong, and never apologise! Has anyone heard from Mina? She may or may not join us. Billy Corgan on a rollercoaster!
Matthew, wondering: “Does Billy Corgan have alopecia, or is that a choice?”
Duncan: “I don’t know, I’m not his mum.”
Matthew opens a 4% by volume Potion of Healing, and we get started. Everyone makes saving throws except Tarragon for their hangovers after the Midsummer festivities. Ahleqs is delicate but not too rough; he has however just discovered that he is no longer immune to alcohol. (He isn’t quite puking up pixies, so he’ll take it.) Gideon is bright as a button, as is Kessler, and Melaina. Ardvack complained that the sherry wasn’t up to snuff, so he didn’t drink much.
Gutpunch is snoring and emitting smells when the boys wake in their room. Tarragon returns as the sun rises. She returns to her chambers to find everyone else asleep; she joins them, and Mina joins us. The gnome bunked in with us is not emitting smells. There’s a bang on our door - it’s one of the Avowed, a runner.
“Your presence is requested in one of the Necessariums.” He’ll return for us in a few minutes.
Same thing happens for the boys; Ahleqs tries to wake Gutpunch, with no success. Ahleqs, blearily: “Necessari- what? What is this Hogwarts bullshit?”
Is Darkspire in with them? Yes. The Avowed asks if he behaved; yes, Ahleqs thinks so. Charity overhears this conversation, and butts in. He opens the door wide and tells Ahleqs to go back to bed; he does so. Charity peers at the Avowed’s face, the one who showed us to our rooms.
“Yes? What? Yes? I’m here. Everything’s fine, nothing occurred.” Assured that no crimes have been committed, the Avowed retreats.
Ahleqs asks Charity why there would be ‘incidents’. He says he has no idea.
We use our ten minutes to head to the Hearth for breakfast. Ahleqs has water. And a small pot of coffee. and one egg, and one bit of toast with some salt. “Is there any tabasco?”
Ardvack explains about the Necessariums. They are tall towers with lots of books; we can’t access them ourselves but the Avowed will get us anything we want. Kessler wants some books about tinkering and artificing.
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The vegetarian menu is vast, and very good.
The runner returns as we are stuffing more food in our pockets to take with us.
Ahleqs is delighted to see Mr Pickles in the Necessarium; he’s talking to a green dragonborn. Ahleqs doesn’t want to interrupt so he hops from foot to foot until the Al Miraj spots him. He is bidden to go over so Mr Pickles can take a look at him.
Mr Pickles says Ahleqs looks a little green around the gills; did he not hear about the revels last night, Ahleqs asks? Mr. Pickles was in the library having discussions. Should he order some tea? Yes, Ahleqs will have a small bucket of tea. Mr Pickles summons an Avowed.
Mr Pickles says there are wards on this place to cut noise and prevent eavesdropping from outside; he has some news for us if we will gather around.
An Avowed brings Kessler the books she asked for. (Carl wants some books too; The Very Hungry Caterpillar, A Tiger Came to Tea, The Borrowers, that sort of thing.)
MP introduces us to Bookwyrm, the First Reader of Candlekeep - the dragonborn he was talking to. He is in charge of maintaining the collection and acquiring newbooks. We want access to books about the Shadow Weave?
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The knowledge in there is dangerous, those books have been locked away. They don’t usually let people access them, but since Mr. Pickles is involved, he might be able to help - if we can do something for him in return.
Ardvack has a question; is this endeavour going to cut into our ten-day? No, since we will be out of the Candlekeep to do it. Bookwyrm can’t give us details until we agree to help, but Mr. Pickles believes it’s well within the limits of our skills to accomplish what he needs.
Tarragon agrees immediately, but mostly because Ardvack looks dubious. Ahleqs, assured by Mr. Pickles’s confidence that we can do whatever it is we’re being asked, also agrees.
Some time ago, Bookwyrm tells us, the keep was visited by a drow scholar who told them the location of a book the Keep have been seeking. Are we familiar with the caves below the Keep? No, but we’ve seen a picture.
They are beneath the catacombs, in the bedrock. They lead all the way to the Underdark. The book was supposed to be there. Someone went in search of it; a more than capable wizard, Olius Visk, but they were expecting him back a full ten-day ago and he has not been heard from. He is a young man, it is very out of character for him to miss the Midsummer Festival.
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What was the title of the book he was after? Bookwyrm doesn’t know. When the wizard applied to go after it, he didn’t mention which one it was.
Where is the drow? He left, as you can only spend a tenday here. He did not book in another visit.
We just need to rescue the wizard, not necessarily complete his mission, Bookwyrm says. If we do locate the book then we could bring that too. It’s not the Underdark proper, it’s not that far down - it and the wizard will be in the Upper Dark.
The First Reader gives us a book about the Underdark. Tarragon gets excited about the fungus that could be down there, and the potions she could make with them.
Will we need any further resources? Healing potions, at the very least.
When we are ready we’ll be teleported to the caves. We can get past the myconids that way, the ones that moved in and live off the mushrooms they grow on the refuse from the keep; they keep the drow and duergar away.
He gives us an orb to follow; Ardvack suggests giving Gideon the ring the activate the thing. While following Olius’ tracks, it will glow brightly to show us we are going the right way. Gideon blusters about the ring; “A fine piece of brass work! That will fit on my finger nicely.”
How many potions will we need? Tarragon, immediately: “All of them.”
They can spare a GHP and two RHPs - each. Oooo! They will give us twenty days’ of rations as well.
Can Carl come? We need Carl, probably more than Ardvack. Ardvack consults his book of manners, then laughs; “Ahahah, very droll.”
We decide to leave Popcorn in the stables while we go; he doesn’t like dark and scary places.
Tarragon is excited to be going into danger again; Ahleqs less so.
Ardvack, resignedly: “To almost certain death?”
Tarragon, far too excited: “To almost certain death!”
Ahleqs does a very shaky sigh.
A runner approaches with our Healing Potions, and we spend ten minutes farting about with our inventories.
Ardvack, bored, pulls a book from his pocket and begins to read; Ahleqs wants to know what it is.
Matthew, OOC: “What languages do you speak?”
Duncan: “Common, Elvish, Infernal and Light Crossbow.”
Are we all ready? Various themes on ‘yeah’, some more excited than others. Ahleqs casts Mage Armour.
Carl is brought from the Hearth (holding a book called ‘Ye Olde Very Hungry Caterpillar’), and we are teleported.
It takes a moment for our eyes to adjust when we arrive in the dark, wet caves. We head deeper underground, and of course someone (Mina) starts singing Jamiroquai. Well, someone had to.
Tarragon looks out for mushrooms for use in her recipes. There are lots, of various sizes. Some have bits that look like they’ve been cut off; as if someone has been eating or harvesting them.
Tarragon takes a bit of mushroom and eats it; it’s tasty. Ahleqs will watch her for about 45 minutes before he eats any himself. Ardvack stands as far as physically possible from all of the fungus.
Joe waits for his computer before telling us what has befallen Ardvack, who has gone ahead; Tarragon starts cackling. (She doesn't do subtly devastating insults, she does this.)
Matthew rolls a d4; he gets a 3. Does 16 hit him? “I think the 8 might do it.” The 16 does hit as he backs away from one mushroom into a violet fungus, for 8 Necrotic damage.
We roll initiative!
Melaina kills the fungus, but we don’t feel as though we’re alone. Tarragon holds a Thorn Whip in case she sees something within 30 feet of her that she doesn’t like, and warns Ardvack that this includes him.
We hear something shuffling towards us. Ahleqs is trying to hide when it attacks him twice for ten necrotic damage, and Tarragon gets it with her Thorn Whip. Ahleqs does Burning Hands at it.
Joe, laughing: “Really? You’re going to make a mushroom do a Dex save??”
He misses the one he was aiming at but hits the one he didn’t know was there, so… a win?
More turn up; Gideon does an Acid Splash, complete with quavery wizard voice as he announces it.
Ahleqs and Ardvack are closest and get a horrible, acrid stench as the acid burns the violet fungi.
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A fungus aims at Ahleqs but only manages to sort of caress his face with its tentacles, leaving a slimy residue; he sicks up all the water he drank.
Kessler gets one with her crossbow. “Remove your grubby bits from the Ahleqs!”
Tarragon, yelling “Danger and excitement!”, takes out her quarterstaff and runs at one; she hits, and is pleased when it doesn’t die just yet.
Does Ardvack want to chomp on a tentacle with someone else, do a sort of lady and the tramp manoeuvre?
Duncan, disgusted: “No tentacle sucking, this is not that kind of show!”
Mina, disconcertingly matter-of-fact about it: “Some people would pay good money for that.”
Ardvack chooses to hit the thing with his shillgjakjsgaklghjkghhhjbblhh instead. It crumbles into bits, but is also ‘a little bit on fire’.
Ahleqs spots some little orbs somewhere ahead up the path. He thinks they are probably magic, but has no idea what they are or what they do.
Carl does a ‘friendly yet violent pat’ on one of the violet fungi and does 5 splatting damage. It wraps its tentacles around him - and then lets go, shuddering. Carl goes in for a bonus action grapple-slash-fatal-hug. The fungus loses the grapple. “High point in Carl’s life.”
Sophie, OOC: “Are you going to give it a noogie?”
Ahleqs takes aim at the grappled fungus. Matthew, OOC, singing: “Now that’s fuckin’ teamwork!”
“If I move away they’ll get a tickle of opportunity won’t they?” Ahleqs stays where he is. “I do not consent to this.”
Gideon gets one with Magic Missile.
Joe: “How de do dis?”
Sophie, OOC: “With gusto!”
Carl maintains his grip on the fungus.
Melaina is feeling arrogant so she goes Sharpshooter. “Urgh, five, that’s not going to work is it?” But to her amazement, it does. 29 damage; a little bit overkill. It explodes into truffle oil, which showers Ardvack but completely avoids Tarragon.
Tarragon offers Carl her old quarterstaff, since he doesn’t have a weapon. He rolls an INT check to try and reply to thank her, but gets a 0. He accepts the staff with a nod of thanks; she smiles at him.
We have killed all the Violet Fungi! We have solved Joe’s Underdark puzzle, yay!
Yeah, nah.
The drift globe leads us around the next corner. Tarragon and Carl chase it, and see three little huts made of fungus and dried grass. Two look abandoned, but the third has light inside. The orbs Ahleqs saw seem to be drifting around it. Ahleqs rolls 19 Arcana; the orbs are warding or protection magic.
We decide to approach, because the inhabitants might know something about the missing wizard.
Kessler, approaching: “Helloooooo? Avon calling?” Tarragon casts Guidance on her as she goes by.
A bell sounds; Kessler recognises the Alarm spell. She calls out to say she doesn’t mean any harm. “Ignore the mech armour, and the idiots with me…”
Duncan OOC: “I want to know what happens if we find the ‘How not to be a goblin’ book and Kessler turns out to be a six foot five valkyrie warrior. Ardvack’s not going to know where to put himself, is he?”
An Unknown Woman appears from the hut:
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“What on earth are you doing down here?”
Kessler explains about the wizard and the book. Are we from the Keep?
So is she, it turns out. Will we be going back? Yes, unless we’re killed horribly.
Do we have a way to get back in past the myconids and such? (uh oh.) She says she was a speaker for the keep and was looking for some books, and got lost down here and got stuck.
Kessler rolls Insight with Guidance - 13. She seems convinced. We can pick her up on the way back? That would be amazing, she says. She’s smiling especially at Ardvack.
She has some warding magic up here if we want to rest? Ardvack tenses up. He makes an Insight check as well. He rolls a 9, but uses his Inspiration to re-roll - a 12. He feels a kind of kinship with her, as though her magic might have a similar source. He eases a little bit, and ventures a half smile, even though she’s wearing a 'very low-born outfit'.
Ahleqs, scandalised: “She can’t even afford a middle bit on her top!”
We don’t need a rest, do we? Ahleqs got hit a bit. Melaina doesn’t trust her, and doesn’t want to stop.
Tarragon asks the woman’s name. It’s Ava.
We could take a short rest, roll some hit dice? Have a sandwich? Get to know the locals?
Melaina: “Alright, but I’m not going to sleep.”
Ava points out the orbs. Anything on this side of them is safe.
This seems a bit too good to be true. Does Ahleqs get a sense of magic, other than the protective field? A nine; “She seems legit.”
She was looking for a book that the Keep wouldn’t exactly approve of when she got stuck here. She’s been living off the mushrooms. She was fleeing undead when she was chased into the myconid hives? A ghost or wraith or something.
She brings us some tea, apologising that it’s not quite as fresh as she would like. Something is definitely fucky; Tarragon takes watch, on Ava as much as for other dangers. Tarragon rolls 24 Perception, so she can see the colonies of ants coming to get us.
She sees that no-one’s quite at ease. Suddenly Ava’s skin sloughs off, peeling in big chunks, and a blood hag reveals herself.
Me, horrified: “Blood hag?? JOE!” Tarragon Thorn Whips her.
A writhing mass of hair bursts from the hag, and reaches out toward Ahleqs. She reaches out with her claws to Ardvack and Kessler, and hits both. 23 slashing to Ardvack - and 35 slashing to Kessler.
We roll initiative!
Melaina gets in amongst the mushrooms and tries to hide. “And now I’m going to shoot her in the face. Shit. No I’m not, with a ten.” She cowers behind her mushroom.
Gideon Thunderwaves her and hits, and retreats.
Tarragon casts Greater Shillsdghksdfkhsdg, and crit-misses. The quarterstaff bounces off and hits her in the face - she takes half the weapon’s damage and has Disadvantage on her next attack.
Carl hits her with his new quarterstaff and hits!
Ahleqs casts Mage Armour on Ardvack and Carl, using Sorcery Points to twin the spell.
Kessler bonus action slams her Greater Healing Potion. She uses her Thunder Gauntlets and forces Disadvantage on attacks not against her.
The Blood Hag uses something called Call the Blood, to do a Blood Choke Curse on Ardvack - his mouth fills with blood, preventing speech and verbal spell casting components for one minute. She uses her bonus action to Misty Step to Melaina and do another blood drinking hair, and a claw attack on her.
Ardvack’s turn; he riffles through his spells but they all have a verbal component. Matthew OOC, cross: “I needed that to be effective.”
Joe, pleased: “She’s charming, isn’t she? I thought you’d like her. But at least all the blood vessels in your mouth and throat have burst and you’ll keep having to spit blood for the next minute, so that’s something.”
Ardvack clubs her instead, and hits. He somehow manages to do 0 damage.
Duncan, OOC: “If you say ‘good girl’ or something while you attack, you could do some psychic damage…?”
Matthew: “If only I could speak!”
Melaina gets sneak attack plus Sharpshooter with her rapier - 31 points of damage. All of us, fanning ourselves: “… Damn.”
Gideon will cast Scorching Ray - all three bolts hit, for 21 damage total. The blood hag is pissed off, now, we are told. Gideon bravely retreats.
Tarragon misses again, and begrudgingly heals Ardvack. “Come on, it’s not that bad. Get up.”
Carl was going to use his Raging Cadaver ability, but Tarragon is now in the square he was going to rage to. He can probably navigate through the mushrooms. He does that, and then a slam attack. He does a zombie grab as well. He rolls 17 to her 14, so she’s grappled!
Ahleqs casts Shatter right in the huddle of Carl, Charity, Tarragon and the blood hag. But he would hit Carl, so he doesn’t. He does Eldritch Blast with Tides of Chaos and hits both times for 7 total Force damage.
55: His hair falls out again. “Oh… this again. Okay. I mean I was growing that, but whatever.”
Kessler wants to know if the mushrooms are difficult terrain; she can push through them. “I haven’t finished with you yet!” 16 with the Thunder Gauntlets hits for 12 Thunder damage, then 19 to hit for 11 more. The hag has Disadvantage on attacks versus anyone but Kessler.
Carl is surprised when the hag Misty Steps out of his grip. “He is very perplexed.”
Does 26 hit Ardvack? Er… Yes. He takes 24 piercing damage, and is grappled; her hair worms dig into his flesh and start to suck his blood. He makes a Dex save - or he would, but he might be dead…? No, he’s at 1HP. His lucky hit point.
Matthew is fighting his computer. “Dex save… Any minute now… It’s coming… I’ve pressed the button… It’s asked me if I want to make it public… seven.”
Joe has devastating news for him. The hag has reached out and torn his face off.
Holy Fuck.
What the fuck???
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“I wanted the pretty elf, but this will have to do!”
The hag makes good her escape as Ardvack goes down. Tarragon uses a free action to vomit.
Ardvack has an ability that brings him back with 8HP. “Dhidth hwe huin?”
Melaina shoots the hag in the back but misses; Gideon does a Scorching Ray.
There’s discussion about the face and the fact that it has Ardvack’s memories and personality; Mina, OOC: “Give it a few minutes, she’ll bring it back.”
Duncan, as the hag: “‘Can you take this back, it’s kinda bumming me out’.”
Tarragon does Cure Wounds at the highest slot available to her; Ardvack’s face is now a mass of scar tissue. She uses her bonus action to throw up again.
This is worse than when Wee Jock got Disintegrated. This is worse than the time we were all zombies, and we started off dead.
Joe, put out: “You’re so ungrateful. It took me ages to find this monster.”
Carl can reach the nasty lady. He can Dash, but he can’t do anything when he gets there. He holds out his hand for Ardvack’s face. She ignores him.
Ahleqs: “Okay… Okay… I cast Fireball. Oooh, it’s big!” He casts it at level 4, and places it so he’ll get the hag, but not Carl. The hag must make a Dex save. She gets a 22.
Duncan, OOC: “Well… Yes, she does and she doesn’t.” She takes half the damage, and is really pissed off.
Kessler: “Oi! Come back with that!” She pulls out her crossbow and shoots. First shot is a miss, and so is the second - a crit fail. Booh. Off target: You deal half damage for 1d4+1 rounds (3). She tries to intimidate the hag, who is unimpressed.
“Let me leave, or I’ll cast Cloudkill.” The bitch uses Invisibility.
Ardvack’s turn; he is now un-stunned, and remembers the sensation of having no face. He’s also still spitting blood. He takes out the mirror that Amelia gave him, and looks in it to see the horrible-ness that is his face, still drooling blood. He puts the mirror away. He gives Tarragon a pat of thanks on the shoulder as he turns away so no-one can see him and crawls toward the hut, “Because this is where I live now.” Even Tarragon feels a little sorry for him.
Before we go, Ardvack is crawling into one of the huts, yes? Yes. "I do not wish to take tea with guests." The most complete hut is the hag’s one; he sees some stones on the floor as if she’s been scrying. Next to them is a pebble with a purple ring on it.
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He makes an Arcana check on it to make sure it’s not a bum-stealing stone. 21; he knows the mark as the symbol of Shar. He may remember Shar from such activities as fighting a giant scorpion and an assassin, or raising an army of scarecrows to harass a halfling village.
We decide to leave it on that cliffhanger...
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ilikeoneshots · 4 years
The Long Game- Bakugou Katsuki
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-Kinda based on two TikToks I’ve seen lately, I’m gonna try to link them down below-
-Also, sorry if this is OOC-
Today was quite an unusual day for the Bakusquad because he was actually participating in the conversation (sorta). Pikachu and Smiley were showing Shitty Hair and Bakugou pictures of different girls on their social media talking about how “thick” they were.
“Listen Discount Pikachu, that’s like ‘thick’ with one ‘C’. Now this is ‘thick’,” Katsuki showed a familiar picture of a girl, her face wasn’t in the picture but it was taken in an arcade and she was playing a motocross game.
“That’s three ‘C’s right there boys, she thiccc as fuck. She about to eat that whole damn motorcycle with that ass,” Katsuki smirked mischievously at how his ‘friends’ reacted to his words. Kirishima was howling with laughter at how Kaminari and Sero were reacting. Kiri was really the only one that knew Bakugou was into bigger girls more-so than thinner girls. (No shade being thrown!!!)
Right then, Mina walked up behind the boys. None of them noticed her yet so she peeked at what the boys were fawning over, “Isn’t that (Y/N)?” The hooting and hollering stopped so abruptly and Bakugou looked like he was about to bust a blood vessel.
“The fuck do you mean, Pinky??” He was confused and surprised by both Mina’s appearance and statement.
“That’s her instagram and the picture I took of her when we went to the arcade last weekend,” Mina stated calmly as she continued her way around the group.
Bakugou’s face flushed instantly and Kaminari and Sero started ‘ooh’ing at him realizing he might have a crush on their plus size classmate. Resulting in Bakugou screaming at them to “Shut the fuck up or die”.
Kirishima already knew of Bakugou’s crush on (Y/N) but he grinned nonetheless at his friend’s flustered face. Right at that moment, (Y/N) walked in.
“Hey guys! What’s going on?” She asked with a smile that seemed to hardly ever leave her face. The boys straightened up almost immediately, knowing that if they let it slip that Bakugou liked her they’d all die.
Unfortunately for them, Mina wasn’t one to shy away from playing matchmaker and pissing off the blonde boy with the red face.
“Nothing really, just Instagram stalking you,” she grinned and showed (Y/N) the photo on Bakugou’s phone.
How did she swipe his phone without him realizing??
“Who’s phone is this?” (Y/N) asked with a giggle. Bakugou came out of his frozen state and snatched the phone from Mina.
“Mine, you shitty girl,” he grumbled before walking away with really red cheeks. When he was out of ear shot the boys all turned to you and grinned.
“W-What’s up, guys?” (Y/N) asked with a nervous laugh.
“He totally likes you,” Sero stated.
“He called you ‘thick’ with three ‘C’s,” Denki added.
“He’s been obsessed with you since the Sports Festival,” Eijirou informed. Everyone whipped around to stare at him shocked. He chuckled and held his hands up, “W-What? It’s true!” (Y/N) jerked him up by his collar.
“What the fuck do you mean, you shark toothed, red headed bastard?” Her friends normally would have been shocked by her words if they hadn’t been used to her occasional outbursts of swear words and light hearted insults. She isn’t as violent as Bakugou but she could definitely hold her own when tossing insults around.
“He made me swear not to say anything when I found out about his crush on you, but he has yet to try to make a move on you,” Eijirou explained, “that’s why I said it. You both need a push. You can’t say you don’t have a crush on him either (Y/N). I see the way you look at him.”
(Y/N) let go of her friend and leaned her head on his shoulder, “You can be such an asshole, Eiji,” she whispered. He laughed and patted her back.
“Go talk to him, (N/N),” Kiri pushes her lightly towards the hallway. She turned to look at her friends and they all gave her a thumbs up with wide smiles.
“You know we probably have a 50/50 chance of dying right?” Kaminari stated out loud.
“Oh shit, you’re right. Let’s dip,” Sero and the rest of the crew ran out the front door to avoid the possible fire bombing in their futures.
(Your POV)
I stood in the elevator as I waited for it to reach the boys’ floor, thinking about what I was going to say.
Bakugou Katsuki likes me? McBlasty? Lord Explosion Murder? Nani?!
Before I realized it I was faced with the long hallway of the boys’ dorm rooms. Why does this hallway feel like it goes on forever?? My heart is beating so fast... As I stood in front of the door of the boy that could blow me away in either a good or a bad way, I could hear him cursing. With one last deep inhale, I knocked on his door. I heard his cursing abruptly stop. Soon his door cracked and one crimson eye peeked out.
“What?” His rough voice spoke, oddly softer than usual.
“Can I come in? I want to talk to you,” I managed to say in a steady tone. I internally fist bumped myself for not stuttering.
His door opened wider and he stepped aside to let me in, this isn’t my first time in his room. We’re somewhat friends in a way so he’s helped me with math and Japanese homework and I helped him with English homework. Even though I’ve been in here before this time feels a little different than the other times.
He walked back to his bed and he gestured for me to sit in his desk chair, “Look I’m not some kind of creep, okay?” He used his normal ‘I’m better than you’ voice but I knew it was his way of covering embarrassment. I smiled at him softly.
“I know that Katsu,” he flinched at my nickname for him, “The boys told me what you said,” he jumped up at that and was about to storm out to no doubt ‘kill’ the boys but I gently held him by his elbow. He seemed to calm down at my touch.
“I’m not offended, Katsu,” he whipped his head around so quickly I was kind of worried for his neck, “If anyone was to say that about me I’m glad it was you,” now I blushed and broke eye contact. He stayed silent (which is weird) and seemed to wait for me to continue, “Honestly, I’ve had a crush on you for a while. So it was nice to hear that my crush thought I was attractive,” I managed to look back at him, pushing past my embarrassment.
He sat back on his bed and seemed to be going through some kind of inner turmoil. His brows were furrowed and his eyes staring holes into his floor. I sat quietly as he did for me, while he sorted through his thoughts. Not long after, he looked up at me with a determined look on his face.
“I like you,” he plainly stated, “I like how strong you are, that you can hold your own in a fight or argument. I like how confident you are and you don’t let shitheads get away with talking to you any way they want,” he said in his normal steady voice. Then I noticed his expression soften, “I like how you talk to me without any reservations. I like your (H/C) hair, your (E/C) eyes. I like how you smell like (Fave Lotion/Perfume) literally all the fucking time,” he slowly reached out and pulled me closer to him by his desk chair. Then, as if he was worried I would pull away, he slowly raised his calloused hand to push a strand of fallen hair behind my ear and held my face in his hand. Unconsciously, I leaned into his touch and a ghost of a smile graced his lips.
“So what does this mean?” I asked, my voice still holding strong. Wooo go me!
He stared at me for a minute and dropped his hand from my cheek, “How about we try this-”
“Boyfriend and girlfriend right now,” I interrupted him.
“No,” he smirked at his automatic response. I rolled my eyes at his Bakugou behavior.
“Boyfriend and girlfriend, eventually?” He looked away from my steady eye contact but didn’t say anything, “You’re not saying ‘No’, you have to say something,” I grinned at him, he smiled and embarrassedly turned his head away for a second like he was stopping a laugh. He turned back towards me and let out a soft huff.
“I’ll play the long game,” he smiled and held my hand.
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sunnysky-evans · 5 years
Ice Cream Party Recap
 The weather was perfect for ice cream and friends. Of course a visit from the Headmistress livened up 
@sammythedominant @elihummelsub @laylaschuester @mercedesajones @miss-sue-sylvester @dominantsylvester @maliafabray @hunterclaringtonswitch @thatbeauadams @hartofbel
ooc: Let me know if I’ve missed anyone or if he recap is wrong in any way : ) 
Sam Evans arrived early to give his brother moral support as well as help set up. Eli Hummel also lent a helping hand setting out the toppings. Both of the brothers chatted happily with the other boy.
Layla Schuester came to enjoy the ice cream party, but not empty handed. The talented cook brought some homemade waffle cones with chocolate to dip. Sky was so excited he immediately filled a cone with ice cream and gummi bears. The two hadn’t met before but bonded over their love of sweets. Sky was so touched that she had gone to so much trouble to make something for everyone.
Mercedes Jones arrived just in time for another unexpected arrival... Headmistress Sylvester! After Sue insulted the girl’s ponytail placement she even commandeered her sprinkles for her own sundae. Though She  probably shouldn’t have bothered as she was soon accosted by an overly excited Sky Evans with an overly large sundae.
What might have possibly turned out to be the biggest surprises of the party, Sue ended up asking Sky to the prom. She felt a certain affection for the boy as he reminded her of her sister.
In the meantime Eli had quickly made an escape when the headmistress arrived. Luckily he had the lovely Mercedes for company. The two chatted under a tree on a bench.
At the same time Sam Evans and Adam Sylvester watched with amazement as Sue and Sky conversed and discussed what it meant. Before they could figure anything out, the Headmistress finished with Sky and turned her attention to her son and the other Dominant. She asked her son who he was taking to the prom. Knowing that the submissive had a lot of fear of his mother, Adam answered cautiously and eventually needed to prevent Eli from running away. He seemed to relax some once he was at Adam’s side. Perhaps the confident, complimentary words the Dominant shared about Eli’s growth helped.
At around this same time Hunter Clarington arrived. He hadn’t been sure if the Headmistress knew about the time he’d been spending with her daughter. Now he knew, but what was he to make of being ordered to ‘keep her in line’? Sue was an enigma,  wrapped in a mystery,  wielding a dominatrix whip, blowing a coaches whistle.
Beau Adams and Mercedes marvelled at everything from a safe distance enjoying the beautiful day and ice cream as well as all the drama.
Bel Hart arrived to check in with Sky and was soon joined by Malia Fabray. Their playful conversation brought the laughter back to the party.  
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emloafs · 7 years
"9. I hate you so much but last night you were super drunk (which is really weird for you) and trying to get into your place here let me help you you’re gonna have a hell of a hangover", for sprace?
okay it’s very late and I’m very tired. I kinda hate the ending cause I kinda rushed it. I’ll probs rewrite it a bit and post it on ao3, but here ya go for now. Also I didn’t edit any of this so sorryyy. And it might be a bit ooc. Like I said, I’ll fix it all when I post it on ao3. Enjoy, I guess.
Spot woke up with a killer headache. He groaned and blinked a few times, allowing his eyes to adjust to the harsh morning light as he sat up. The pounding in his head was relentless and he considered just laying in bed all day. Spot sighed. He moved to get up, and made a realization.
This was not his bed.
He whipped his head around the room, trying to figure out where he was. Nothing seemed familiar. He definitely had never been here before. He ripped the covers off himself and sighed in relief when he saw he was still dressed in the same clothes from the previous night. What happened? How did he get in this unfamiliar room?
The last thing he remembered was drinking one too many beers and the rest was fuzzy.
Cautiously, he crept out of bed and to the first door he saw. Unfortunately, it was a closet. Spot rolled his eyes. Whoever lived here owned too many shoes for their own good. Spot tried the second door in the room and cracked it open and peeked through. This time it revealed a small apartment interior. His eyes scanned the room for another person, but landed on what he assumed was the front door and Spot decided that was better. After assuring himself that the coast was clear, he slipped out of the bedroom and quietly, and quickly made his journey towards the door.
“Ahem,” someone cleared their throat. Spot jumped. So close. He had one hand on the doorknob. He straightened and turned to face whoever the owner of the apartment was. His confident stance staggered when he saw who was in the kitchen beside him.
“Sleep well?” Racetrack Higgins was leaning on what Spot now knew was his own kitchen counter, stirring a cup of tea? Coffee? Spot didn’t know. He took a sip and smirked at Spot.
“I- uh, yeah,” Spot cleared his throat and shook his head. He wanted to say something snarky and piss off the boy before him but all that came out was a lame “Why am I in your apartment?”
It didn’t make any sense. Spot and Race were not friends. Far from it, actually. They had hated each other ever since Race moved into the apartment next door to Spot’s. He was loud, his friends were louder, and he was too attractive for his own good. So, maybe Spot liked him, but that made him hate his neighbor even more. Every morning involved an exchange of insults as they opened their respective front doors and picked up their newspapers. Spots nearly grinned to himself thinking of a specific argument that ended with Spot calling Race “princess” and getting The World thrown at his head.
Race chuckled to himself. He picked up his mug and moved closer to Spot, near the door. He leaned against his kitchen doorway and gave Spot a grin.
“Well, maybe if you were sober enough to actually unlock your door last night, you would’ve slept in your own room instead of mine.”
Race laughed again. Damn, Spot wished he didn’t enjoy that sound so much.
“Don’t worry. I slept on the couch. But you should be thanking me. After listening to you bang around in the hallway for ten minutes I stormed outside to see what the hell you were doing. It was after midnight and I was trying to sleep– don’t give me that look, I’m sorry if it’s a crime to get some sleep on a saturday night– so I opened my door and saw you struggling with your keys. I didn’t want to leave you out there, drunk off your ass, but I also couldn’t listen to your racket either,” Race shrugged.
“Oh,” Spot said dumbly. “Thanks, I guess.”
The blonde boy nodded and took another sip from his mug.
“I should probably get home,” Spot didn’t know what to say. Race wasn’t supposed to help him. He was supposed to hate him, not look out for him.
“Oh, before you go,” Race disappeared into the kitchen. He reappeared with a glass of water and a box of aspirin. He set them down on the counter beside the doorway. It had two stools and a cut out in the wall that displayed the kitchen and helped the open floor plan in the apartment.
Spot eyed the two objects. Race rolled his eyes.
“I’m not trying to kill you. Sit,” he commanded. Now, Spot Conlon was not one to follow directions from anyone, so he most definitely did not sit down immediately and obey Race. Nope, definitely did not do that. If anyone ever heard differently, he would deny it.
Race leaned against the counter, sipping his coffee (Spot finally identified the drink and the source of his neighbor’s hyperness) as Spot took the aspirin. They stayed in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Spot’s curiosity got the best of him.
“Why did you help me?”
This seemed to catch Race off guard. It may have been then lighting but it appeared that Race blushed slightly.
“I dunno. I guess I just couldn’t leave you helpless.”
“But you hate me.”
Race shrugged.
“And you gave me your bed and slept on the couch yourself. Who does that?”
Race stared at his coffee.
“And you set aside aspirin for me, knowing I would need it when I woke up.”
“Jesus, what’s with all the questions, Conlon? Can’t a guy just do a nice thing?” Race muttered.
“Sure. But you’re not a nice guy. Neither am I. That’s how we work.”
The blonde pushed off the counter and groaned. He raised his voice a bit, “Yeah, and why is that Spot? Huh? Why do we hate each other so much?”
The Brooklyn boy opened his mouth to reply but he couldn’t find the answer. He didn’t know why they fought. In fact, Spot found Racetrack cute when he first caught a glance of his mop of blonde hair ducking through the door next door. He couldn’t remember their first conversation, he just knew they had an argument about something and a rivalry started.
“Yeah,” Race said bitterly.
“Well, it’s never been a problem before. I don’t know why all of a sudden you decided to do me any favors,” Spot said harshly, standing up.
“I was just trying to help.”
“Spot Conlon is no charity case. I don’t need your help,” the shorter boy headed for the door.
“So is that it?” Race called after him, stopping him for the second time with his hand on the doorknob. “We just keep fighting? God, Spot, I thought maybe we could end our stupid rivalry. I get that you clearly don’t want to be my friend, but do you have to hate me?”
Spot turned around, “You hate me. It’s a mutual thing.”
“Are you blind?” Race scowled. “I’ve never hated you. Maybe you pissed me off the first few weeks I lived here, but I got over all of that. Don’t think I don’t see that you’re actually a nice guy. God forbid the world sees that tough-guy Spot Conlon has a heart.
“You know why I had you sleep here last night? Because you were banging on your door. You looked so frustrated and lost and dejected I couldn’t just leave you there. I tapped your shoulder and you looked at me and it was like someone broke your heart. You ended up hugging me and I didn’t know what else to do so I just held you and we stood out there for like fifteen minutes. And yeah, your keys were in your hand, and I could’ve led you into your own apartment. I didn’t want to leave you, asshole. You can stand before me right now and tell me you hate me, but I won’t believe it. And maybe you were drunk and had no idea what you were doing, and you can blame it on that, but there’s no way you hate me.”
Race left Spot speechless again. He opened his mouth several times, he probably looked like a damn fish, before figuring out how to get words out. He furrowed his eyebrows, trying to think.
“What else did I do last night?” there had to be more to Race’s story.
The blonde boy shifted on his feet; he didn’t seem eager to answer. Staring at the floor, he spoke in a soft voice.
“You kissed me.”
“I- what?!”
Spot’s reaction was evidently not what Race was looking for because the boy winced.
“It was barely a real kiss! I mean, it was but not like that- fuck I don’t know how to explain it. I pushed you off,” Race shook his head.
“Okay, look, I’m so sorry my drunken self tried to molest you or whatever, I will never leave my apartment again, I’ll find a way so you don’t have to see me-”
He didn’t finish what he was saying because suddenly Race had pressed his lips against Spot’s. It was fleeting, and over all too fast for a kiss. Spot chased after him as Race pulled away. Race’s eyes fluttered open and he cleared his throat.
“Sorry. I just- I don’t want to never see you again. I pushed you away last night because I didn’t want to take advantage of you. You were really drunk,” he explained. “I guess I just figured- I don’t know. That was really dumb, sorry.”
Spot was beyond confused. Race wasn’t freaked out that Spot’s drunk self tried to make a move, subconsciously acting on Spot’s small crush on his neighbor.
“I guess I’ve just always looked forward to our little arguments everyday these past few months because I got to talk to you. Felt a bit like a twelve-year-old with a crush. I’d insult you because I really liked you,” Race scratched his head. “I’m not the best at flirting.”
“Yeah, I got that now,” Spot laughed a bit. “Alright, asshole, why don’t we actually figure out our feelings over dinner sometime?”
“Are you asking me out?”
“I’m asking you to end our love-hate relationship and start something else.”
“If that means you stumbling home drunk and trying to kiss me all the time, we may have a small problem,” Race said pointedly.
“It won’t happen again.”
“Well, you’re probably lying to both of us,” Race smirked. “Next time it happens, at least have the decency to keep your clothes on.”
“I did not do that!” Spot made a grab for him, to playfully punch him. “You’re lying!”
Race doged and ran in the opposite direction, calling over his shoulder, “Nothing you can prove!”
“You’re so gonna get it,” Spot went after him.
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Violent Delights: Chapter 6
Pairing: First Order!Poe x reader
Author’s note: This is different to the other chapters, but I hope you like it! I’ll probably fix typos tomorrow. I’m impatient.
Summary: This definitely answers that KEY QUESTION I left hanging at the end of Chapter 5! If you’re new to this story, there are MAJOR SPOILERS under the cut, so please do read the other chapters first (series masterlist here). Even if you’ve been following, you may want to recap Chapter 5 first! 
Song inspo: Oh, in my ears / My blood is just roaring / When he's the only one I've ever wanted / I suppose that's just the way it is / Just to think this could be / The last time I hold you, hold you / Ever again / Oh, I don't think I'll ever sleep till / Morning. (Nicole Aitken, The Way It Is)
Warnings: 18+ only, dark fic. This is nowhere near as dark as the preceding chapters but still some warnings: OOC!Poe, FO!Poe, Violence inc: injuries! shooting! Explicit language. Mentions of: torture / sex / death / poison! Let me know if I missed any others.
Taglist: @aussiefangirlwolfy, @localashe, @fictionalcharactersownme, @a-somehow-functioning-dumbass, @itsamedeemoney, @woakiees​​ @tintinwrites​@jyn-z-solo​ @spaghetti-666​ @kittyofalltrades​ @planetpoes (TAGLIST OPEN- let me know if you wish to be added / removed)
Word Count: 6K. Yikes.
GIF by @solorenskywalker​
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It hurts you. Somehow, it hurts you.
And yet, you are solidified in place, no wound observable.
The moment slows almost to a halt as you register the shot.
Dameron is hit.
The blast hits first. Then, shock, pain, and anger strike all at once, eddying between you and the Commander like the swell of a vicious storm, the air charged and practically humming. At first, his rage at this insulting wound sunk into his flesh is so vital that an immediate hope blooms in your chest; how can he be fatally hurt if he seems so alive? Then; something alien surfaces in his eyes. Something which looks a lot like fear. He delivers an agonised moan, already sounding hollowed out, and your fleeting hope wanes with him.
He unfists his hands from your clothing as he moves to clutch his shoulder in agony. He is cleaved from you and you are split in two, in every figurative way possible. You are ruptured by the blast like a fault line snaking beneath an ocean. This boiling rage is subdued only by the heavy, cooling sea of grief with threatens to depress you down on to your knees. You are torn, the desire to erupt in retaliation on behalf of your “enemy” in stark opposition to your need to sink with your lover. You want to fall to the floor with him. To your knees. To hold him. No question. But if you try and help him, Barret might shoot you too.
The indecision burns you.
It hurts you, this shot.
But it hurts Dameron more.
The commander groans, creaks beneath the weight of this pain. It presses down on him and his body curls in on itself as he creeps further towards a colourless exit, the knives in his eyes blunted. There is no vivid, crimson tide of blood to warn you of death incoming. Not this time. This is death pouncing from the long grass like a whip crack. The predator no-one saw coming.
The commander’s face contorts in a rendition of agony, his face almost beautiful with it. But this is not the kind of pain he has made his friend. This is pain without pleasure. And, since you can’t reach out to him, pain without comfort.
The cruellest pain of all.
“No. No. No.” you repeat -almost inaudibly- as Dameron sinks to his knees. You feel like he’s sinking into the depths of a cold, dark sea. Sinking out of reach.
His dark, tempestuous eyes are directed up at you, teeth gritted, lips sucked thin as agony grips him. On his knees like this, he could easily appear like a beast defeated; defanged and declawed. But there is some fight left in his eyes yet. Enough for him to try and spur you into action. “Time to go, Rebel. You fly, he guns, understand?”
You don’t understand. How can you comprehend leaving him like this?
His voice is shot with gravel, full of holes, but it still speaks its way into the depths of you. “Now. Go!, he insists, his voice winding its way around your bones and pulling you into motion, as if he holds the reins in the palm of his hand. As if he can bend you to his will, even now.
He has been dragging you to him all this time and now he urges you to leave, as if he’s unaware of the strength it will take to release yourself from his orbit; from his gravity. But staying isn’t helping him. In fact, it’s worse than that, you’re a danger to him every second you’re still on this ship. You know too much. He needs you gone from his sky.
You obey reluctantly, giving him the smallest of nods, letting your trembling fingertips drag ever so gently, subtly along his jaw as you turn towards the TIE. You move with strings still on you, dragging you back to him and making each step feel like you are wading through mud.
Progressing towards the craft, you are vaguely aware of Barret barking at you, calling you in to the interior of the fighter. You clamber up the ladder and into the tight cockpit just as Troopers swarm into the hangar, the blaster shots bouncing off the ship’s exterior. Your shaking hands hover above the ignition controls, ready to punch it. Instead, you wait. You wait until you are assured that the Troopers have made their way over to the vicinity of the Commander. You wait until the last possible second.
With a final glance through the transparisteel windshield, you look down at his now stilled form on the ground below you. His crown of pitch-dark curls and his uniform-clad body splayed out -helpless- over the cold floor. You don’t know if it was a killing shot. Without a crimson tide of blood, you can’t tell if Dameron’s still alive. But you do know that you have to go, regardless. With a sharp growl of regret, of anguish, you boost the ship out of the swiftly closing gap in the hangar doors. Just in the nick of time.
And so, you fly.
You fly with a pounding heart, blood raging in your ears. You fly, so enraged with your passenger that you are tempted to crash the ship just to make him pay. But there is nothing around you. No ground, no sky. Nothing to cling on to. Just a loss. An emptiness. Just space. You fly away from him, like a satellite released from its orbit. Equally lost and purposeless in the endless dark. 
From out of the darkness, the thought of the Resistance base should be calling out to you right now like a beacon. A beacon inviting you home, now that you are finally free. But you’ve never before had to escape somewhere you wanted to be and return to somewhere you were no longer sure you belonged. The thought of retuning to base with Barret suddenly seems incomprehensible. And so, when you’re clear of the fleet, you don’t know what else to do except keep flying. No destination in mind, except away.
Flying. Simply flying away, is all you try to focus on. But all you can think about is turning the blasted ship back around. Flying toward him. Following those strings the commander has tied on to you which extend across space, drawing you back to him.
But you know that’s untenable. You fly, and it’s likely a good thing that the Order is in chaos, that the chain of command is interrupted. Otherwise, you’re not sure how -or if- you’d manage to lose the pursuing fleet. Not in your current state of fury. Not with Barret’s meagre attempt at gunning, through intermittent groans of pain.
Somehow, you shake them regardless. As the remaining TIEs abandon pursuit, you hear Barret breathe a sigh of relief from the gunner position behind you. The reminder of Barret’s presence is enough to make your hands tighten so hard on the controls that your fingernails dig crescents into your palms. To make your chest tighten.
Then: “They track these things. Did you disable the tracker?” he asks you.
You are loathe to acknowledge him. Even so, you fiddle with the dash until you’re satisfied that the Order can no longer trace you. You cut the strings leading back to him and you feel that you’ve just cut a lifeline. That suddenly you’re lost to liminal space, in-between anywhere and anyone you’ve ever considered home. Still ruptured in two. The feeling sets a hollowness in the pit of you, like you are a ripe fruit which has been scooped out by a cool spoon.
“Affirmative. Plotting a course to base.” You confirm in monotone, all emotion scrubbed from your voice.
“I can’t believe I got such a lucky shot at that bastard.” Barret continues, his voice sickeningly jovial and full of relief.
You feel like you might throw-up.
“Don’t speak. Save your strength.” You say curtly, inordinately thankful that you are back-to-back in the TIE. At least you don’t have to look at him. At least he can’t look at you – can’t get a read on the emotions you would be incapable of obscuring right now.
Still, as you programme your course you feel like his eyes are roving over you, all the same. You feel like he’s poking around inside you, wondering what’s wrong with you. You can imagine the gears in his brain working in an attempt to figure out why your reactions seem off, to unearth whatever happened to you on that ship. Whatever tortures you may have been subjected to. You can imagine him retrospectively register the bite marks on your neck, the cuts to your hands. The blood on your face and clothing. You practically feel his thought process creep over you in the cockpit like a cold chill.
“What happened to you?” Barret asks then, ever so softly, his voice heavy with the implication of imagined atrocities.
“It’s not my blood. It’s Hux’s. I killed him.” You say, hoping to deflect from exactly what happened to you on that ship.  
Barret hoots with laughter, and the sound jarrs you. You hear his hand slapping against his thigh in celebration. “Wow, we really fucked the Order over today, partner. Hux and Dameron dead!” Barret reaches behind him to squeeze your shoulder and you flinch away as if you are afraid of his touch; as if you don’t deserve it; as if he disgusts you. Perhaps all of those things.
“You don’t know that Dameron’s dead.” You bite off without thinking, molten tears of rage threatening at the corner of your eyes. The break in your voice is giving too much away. Emotion floods the cracks in your words like tributaries joining the churn of an unstoppable river. You can’t choke back the sob which follows.
Barret’s voice softens so much that you want to wring his neck to choke the pity out of it. “Did Dameron... hurt you?”. That’s why he thinks you’re crying, then? Because you can’t be certain that the commander’s dead, and surely you must want him dead for the terrible, unspeakable things he enacted upon you?
The truth might be even more unspeakable. The truth that you’re a traitor. The truth that you’d sell your soul to have the commander do those things to you all over again. To have him fuck you and hurt you and hold you. The truth that, yes, he did hurt you, buy you liked it. Barret doesn’t understand that you’re wretched with a crushing and unexpected grief at the thought that it may never happen again. Not since Barret did what you should have had the sense to do all that time ago. Not since Barret shot the commander.
You hope Barret doesn’t notice the course of the ship waver as your hands slip on the controls. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
The close air of the TIE is suddenly thick with a loaded silence as the ship shudders back along its trajectory. As you regain control of yourself and the craft.
Barret, however, does not relent for long. “Do you think when we get back to base we’ll be welcomed as heroes?” The question simply makes your stomach turn. You refuse to pluck at the question while it hangs there, ripe, and so it becomes a rotten thing in the air between you. You feel that chill creep over you again, as if Barret is reaching inside of you, panning for your secrets. No escape within the confines of this ship.
You think back to the last time you were confined with Barret. It seems so long ago that you hunkered in that stakeout room, tracking that shipment and thirsting hard for the commander. The commander who had consumed you with just one bite. Now, mere days later, your partner seems like a stranger and your enemy seems like your lover. You indulged your appetite for that tempting, delicious darkness; you were willingly suckered into Dameron’s honeyed trap. And now that you have been given a taste, you should feel sated. But the truth is you would gladly open your mouth and drink more of that darkness down. You’d drink it until you were spoiled and loathsome with it.
The most disconcerting aspect of these tumultuous events is how little you know yourself. What you are capable of. What you crave and how far you will wade in to the darkness to get it. You know these are your mistakes, your weaknesses to atone for. You know that despite what you’re feeling now, Barret doesn’t deserve your hate. A part of you still knows that. Knows that, objectively, he’s simply a good guy who shot a bad man. That objectively, you should still be on his side. You know you owe it to him to take him home. At the very least.
An older, softer part of you resurfaces as you hear Barret grunting behind you with a fresh wave of pain. It’s likely that the initial burst of adrenaline is wearing off and he is beginning to suffer.  
“You’re hurt.”
“I’ll be ok. My stomach is hurting like a bitch, though.”
In all the chaos, you’d given little thought to the extent of his injuries, until now. So, next, you ask a question you’re not sure you truly want an answer to. “What happened to you, Barret?”
There is a beat. He replies in a small voice. “The kinda stuff our training tried to prepare us to resist.” His answer is vague but loaded. That’s enough. That’s enough to understand what they’d subjected him to. Guilt flares in the pit of you, knowing that while he was being tortured, you were indulging your darker whims. Knowing how much you were enjoying yourself while he suffered. Enjoying yourself at his expense, when you could have been trying to get him out of there.
So, you still can feel guilt, then? You still know that, on some level, it was wrong. Maybe there is something of the Rebel left in you, somewhere. Buried under the landslide of darkness. But you know there is little chance of that part of you clawing itself out when your next thought is of the commander. When your whole body clenches around the memory of him, clings on to it. You think of how he can torture you in an entirely different way, until you’re begging for mercy. A part of you feels you’d raze everything you ever loved to the ground for a chance to beg him again.
Still, you’re curious. You’re curious whether your commander was involved in Barret’s torture. Perhaps so that you can weigh precisely how much you should loathe yourself. “Troopers, or one of the higher-ups?” you ask, trying to keep your voice level, void of feeling.
“Troopers mainly. Some droids, doctors…” Barret trails off, remembering. “Though, it’s funny, really. Dameron came to my room this morning. Told me -don’t worry- it would all be over for me today. Guess the joke’s on him. The bastard.” Barret’s voice sounds darker, more malicious than you’ve ever heard it.
“He came to your room? This morning?” Something about that doesn’t sit quite right with you, leaves you uneasy. Dameron doesn’t do anything much unless there’s something in it for him, you’re learning. Maybe the games he has been playing aren’t quite over yet. Is it wrong to relish that thought?
“He visited a couple of times. To mindfuck me, from what I can gather. Yesterday he tried to make me swallow some horrible lies about you. To make me think I was alone, I guess- to get some intel out of me. Today… well, he brought me my daily rations and told me it was all over. Well, fuck him, he’s dead.”
Panic flutters in your stomach. You try to remain steady on the flight controls, to calm your breathing. You know Barret doesn’t fully appreciate the implications of his words. Of the commander’s actions. But you might.
You have two burning questions you need answers to.
The first: How much did Dameron tell Barret?
The second: What did he feed him?
Your mind pores over any detail of Barret you can remember from the escape to establish which question is most pressing. You hark back to the sheen of sweat on his forehead, the glassiness of his infuriatingly concerned eyes. The way he was clutching at his stomach. More than being injured; Barret looked ill.
Realisation strikes you, and if you didn’t feel guilty before, you sure as hell do now. You can’t be sure, of course. But somehow you know. You’d bet that the commander had fed Barret some juicy, ripe, red fruit.
Bile rises in your throat, but you force yourself to gloss over your voice with a kind tone. To paint your face with a soft, reassuring smile. “Why don’t you try and get some rest, huh? You’ve been through it.” Your passenger hums, considering your proposition. “If I divert the power from the interior electrics into the thrusters, I can get us back to base a little faster than expected. If you don’t mind flying in the dark?”
Flying in the dark is all you’ve been doing ever since the commander hit your life and turned it upside down, like a hurricane. Ans it turns out you’re still caught in his wake. You can’t tell if you’re soaring or if you’re about to crash and burn.
“Yeah.” Barret reaches a hand around to squeeze your arm again and it is like a hand rising out of a grave. His hand is cold. You resist the urge to flinch away, despite the chill it sends down your spine. “Oh, and, partner? Thank you for rescuing me.”
You bite your lips between your teeth. You’re not sure if that statement could possibly be further from the truth of what happened. Hadn’t you doomed him, right from the start? From that first bite the commander took of you? A throwaway “You don’t need to thank me.” is all you can muster.
Barret curls himself in his chair and you are grateful to fly on in silence. Now that the affront of him is over, you suddenly realise how tense you are, how the emotions wracking you are beginning to take their toll. You can’t explain how it was more comforting to be in the arms of your enemy than trapped in the confines of this ship with someone you’d let down so badly. You owe it to Barret to try and make part of this right.
Don’t you?
An alternative option niggles at you, hiding somewhere beyond protocol, beyond the rules and conventions and obligations. Then you think that, perhaps, it’s a good thing for Barret that you can’t be sure if Dameron’s dead, after all. Because if you knew that he was, you don’t think you could find the compassion or strength to try to bring your partner home. You think you might seek retribution, in the end.
Regardless, you fly. You try and allow the darkness of the cockpit to swallow you. As if Barret is not sitting there, as if Dameron never marked you. You try and push it all down, but the commander did mark you. He’s branded you as his. He’d told you “don’t forget you’re mine”, and now his words are wrapped around your bones. His words will be buried with you. And every time you try and escape, your thoughts orbit back to him. His mouth swallowing your hot core, his hands delivering delicious tortures, his cock pumping into you. Most of all: those dark eyes, like shadowed planets you would kill to be marooned on again.
Left to the dark and the dark alone, your thoughts are consumed by him. That is, until you reach your destination, and swing your craft around in the air to bring her in for touch down. Until you approach base and spot that something isn’t right. Until you see the thick pillars of smoke billowing into the air.
“No. No. No.” You plead to no-one in particular, your protestations and erratic flying drawing Barret abruptly from his sleep.
You land harshly on the runway, avoiding blast holes and charred ground, and scramble hurriedly from the ship. Your feet relentlessly pound the tarmac until you’re in the centre of it all, scanning the scene around you with eyes wide.
No-one comes running to greet you or shoot at you. No-one is left. You look around you, surveying for damages. Surveying for bodies, you realise. That the X-wings and larger crafts are gone from the hangar provides some immediate comfort. Signs of a likely evacuation. Then, your eyes pick out the remains of familiar munitions, the tell-tale shell of a downed and lightly smoking TIE fighter.
The strike was committed by the Order. While you were taken. You shake your head in disbelief. It can’t possibly be a coincidence -not after everything that has happened. That means the Order somehow found out the location of the base while you were captive… but you hadn’t…
Oh. Oh.
You put the pieces together and turn back to Barret in disbelief. He has now come to stand several paces from you on the runway. Laughably, you know you must look betrayed when your eyes meet his. In one hand he grips a blaster and the other hand waves around defensively. No, he doesn’t look well. Now that you’re truly seeing him, he doesn’t look well at all. A sheen of sweat covers Barret’s face, his eyes red-rimmed, tears seeding at the corners. He instantly recognises the accusation in your eyes, in your stance.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” he professes, voice trembling. “I wasn’t strong enough. I hoped we’d make it back before the Order could put the intel to use. Or that we’d disrupted their plans. That maybe no-one would need to know.”.
“You sold the base out?” you spit with utter disgust, looking Barret over like he’s scum.  
Apparently, neither of you were returning to base as heroes after all.
He meets your question with silence, which says it all.
“Don’t you have anything to say for yourself?” You are yelling now. “You let the Resistance down! You betrayed them!”
You’re so angry that it feels like your blood is boiling beneath your skin. Your breath is ragged, your thoughts swirling. You feel darkness crowding at the edges of you. You feel like you are sucking it up through your fingertips, draining your surroundings of it. Feeling it course through you, like the hum of static before a storm. Barret betrayed the Resistance. He did this. And you’re so angry that you can’t see straight.
You are devoid of any sympathy or empathy for him. You’re so angry at him, of course, because you’re angry at yourself. If you can berate him for being a traitor you will take it, if it makes what you did seem to pale into insignificance.
Instinctually, although you are stood some distance away, you lift your arm as if you could simply reach out and choke Barret. Make him pay for his weakness. Your arm extended towards him, you have the desperate urge to just close your grip and crush. “I wish I could just…”
You are as shocked as Barret when he physically clasps his throat and starts wheezing, his eyes wide and afraid. It shocks you enough for you to drop your arm and physically step back from him. You shrink back from the look he’s giving you as he processes what just happened, raising his blaster arm unsteadily toward you. He looks at you questioningly. He looks at you as if he’s looking at a stranger.
All you can do is look back at him. You look Barret dead in the eyes, and you must reveal just too much. Because, if it’s possible, Barret pales even further, his eyes swimming with disbelief.
“It’s true, isn’t it? I’m not the only one who let down the Resistance, am I?” His voice is so thick with disgust that you can’t bring yourself to keep looking at him. To keep facing what you did.
“The things Dameron told me yesterday. They’re true.”
“What?” you say weakly, a pitiful attempt to backtrack, but you already know it’s futile. You’ve been found out. And you might be a traitor but you’re not a liar.
“You fucked the enemy.” Barret spits. “While I was being tortured in that cell. You could have stopped this.” He yells, gesturing around to the scene of devastation which envelops you. And, in his anger he overdoes it - ends up clutching his stomach in evident pain.
There is nothing you can say. No protestation you can muster. You had been angry and ashamed at yourself, but when confronted with it, you find a small, absurd part of you which is proud of it. Which has no desire to deny it. To apologise for it. Barret may have caved in to weakness, but you found power on that ship. Whilst he may dish out judgement, with the commander you had found understanding. Affinity.
Barret’s blaster wavered with the fresh burst of pain but now he has it pointed back at you, trained intently on you. “I didn’t want to believe Dameron. I didn’t at first.”, he bites off, chewing on his words. “But I promised him that if it was true, I’d kill you both myself. I picked your bastard boyfriend off earlier- so I guess I just need to make good on the other half of my promise, eh, traitor?”
You’re getting sick of this righteous bastard already. Hadn’t he been weak? Hadn’t he caved too? Maybe all rebels were simply hypocrites.Maybe the Order were on to something.
Then, of all the things you should say or ask right now, the next question out of your mouth is entirely self-indulgent. “What did he say?” you ask slowly, stringing out your words. In no rush. You have all the time in the world. Unlike your partner.
“What?!” Barret replies in utter confusion.
“What did he say when you promised to kill me? Because given that he poisoned you I don’t think he was too happy with you about something.” You know it’s wrong, that it’s too cruel, but you can’t help that your eyes flash with a perverse kind of satisfaction as you watch the realisation play over Barret’s face.
Is that why? Is that why the commander has poisoned your fellow rebel? To protect you? Because he threatened you? Oh, how a part of you hopes that’s true.
His blaster arm wavers again, and Barret is so weak of body and wrapped up in turmoil that you are able to walk towards him and take the blaster easily, gently from his hand. You look into his eyes, your voice steely, suddenly not feeling worthless or ashamed at all. Not anymore. Maybe you were cut out for these games, after all. “You don’t look so hot, Barret. So maybe we agree that we both made some mistakes on that ship, yes?” Barret considers your words carefully and then nods, and it acts as a meanwhile truce of sorts. You keep your tone impartial. “I’d suggest that if you want me to help you, you should take a seat. Before you drop. I’ll see if there’s anything left of the med bay.”
“You’re going to help me?” Barret looks at you in confusion.
“Yes, I’m going to help you. I’m not a monster.”
The way he looks at you in response signals that he thinks otherwise. You huff out a breath, perturbed by the condemnation. And so, for the second time that day, you aren’t able to offer comfort to someone in need. Instead, you sling Barret’s blaster on to your belt and jog towards the med bay. Barret’s only hope is that there are some shots left which haven’t been blown-up or cleared-out.
You move as fast as you’re able, gathering whatever supplies you can, but by the time you return, Barret is lying still on the runway.
You are too late.
Barret is the third body you’ve had lying at your feet that day. Three enemies, in the end. One of whom was a lover, and one of whom was a friend.
Despite what Barret had done, you feel no satisfaction in his fate. You sigh deeply and turn your head into your shoulder. You don’t look. You try not to look. All you can do is drag him into the hangar and cover him over, paying final respects to the fallen Resistance member.
Now, you are truly alone.
Feeling somewhat numb, you wander around base, confirming there are no signs of life left at all. Passing collapsed buildings, smoking craters, and remnants of devastation. You act on autopilot, and before you know where you’re walking to, you’ve reached the canteen, picking up some remaining rations and stuffing your face. Then, before you realise it, you’ve meandered across base and stand at the spot where your quarters should be.
All that’s left is a shell.
Suddenly, it’s as if you dropped the bombs yourself. As if you’ve intentionally obliterated everything you used to know and used to be beyond all recognition. You pick through the rubble, try to leaf through the ashes, but nothing at all remains. Still nothing to cling on to.
In your wandering, your quest for solace of some kind, the next place you find yourself is General Leia’s room. Hers remains intact. You find it empty, but her presence is there in all the tiny details. The uniform hanging up by the small closet, the table covered in datapads and holo equipment. Her comb and tumbler of water on the nightstand.
You dearly hope that she’s safe.
Being as quiet as possible, as if she’s sleeping there and you might disturb her, you perch yourself on the edge of her bed, grabbing her blanket and tugging it around your shoulders. You let yourself dwell on all the ways you’ve let her down, the ways you may yet break her heart, and you will the grief to hit you. But it doesn’t. You feel like you should be primed to lie down and cry, letting sobs wrack you. But there’s nothing. Only numbness. Perhaps, deep down, you feel you don’t deserve Leia’s comfort. Perhaps, deep down, you’re not truly sorry. Perhaps you are still too ruptured to start healing. Perhaps all of these things.
At least, sitting still allows the exhaustion to hit you. Still, you don’t feel like you could sleep. You feel restless. A lost celestial object with no course and no orbit. A dark, unlit moon. So, you continue your wandering, digging out some fresh clothes and taking a shower, the cool water sluicing Hux’s blood away. It circles down the drain in a crimson vortex. You redress and rewrap Leia’s blanket around your shoulders.
Without knowing where exactly you’re headed next, you find your feet gravitating towards the TIE fighter, which you half-landed and half-crashed into the tarmac.
Of course.
It’s the closest you can be to him right now.
You clamber inside, the snug cockpit encasing you. And then, finally, the rush of feelings hits you. You remember the Troopers swarming around his still form and it’s as if a vice clamps down on your chest. You imagine the chaos on the ship, the discovery of General Hux, washed up on that crimson tide of blood. You remember how it felt to kill him, and then to have the commander exalt you and kiss you and rail into you. You picture how it should have gone; General Dameron sitting coolly, smugly on the bridge. Taking Hux’s place, knowing exactly what he’d done. What you’d done. Sitting there as calm and devastating as the eye of a storm.
You screw your eyes shut tight against the thought you know will follow.
Is he alive?
And, as you close your eyes, various thoughts and faces eddy through the blackness, coming and receding like waves. As you focus in on each of them, in turn, it is as if you are slipping into a current, or a hyper stream; as if you can follow the tide which might lead you to them. One thought begins to jump out at you, tugging at you like a riptide, causing your mind to drift towards it.
You reach out with your mind, searching for her energy. You can’t explain it, but you feel that maybe you can establish where they’ve evacuated to.
At least you think that’s where your heart is reaching out to. But wait; it’s not Leia. It’s something connected, but something darker.
Your eyes shoot open in fright and you startle in your seat. For a moment, it’s as if you have linked to him, as if his face is blinking in front of you. He looks just as surprised as you feel. You recoil in terror. For a good while, you sit motionless in the cold shell of the TIE, as if Kylo is a creature hunting you and any small movement might allow him to pounce. You don’t know how long you sit there, heart racing, and your fingernails digging into your knees threatening to draw blood.
You just touched something so deeply dark. Something frightening. Something you are not quite ready to face.
You don’t know how much time passes, but you sit there, practically frozen, until a blue light begins to blink on the dashboard of the TIE. Your curiosity overriding your fear, you press the button. It’s a holo, patching through.
A cool, rich voice resounds through the cockpit of the TIE.
“It’s General Dameron here.”
Your relief is palpable – a fluttering in your chest. A smile which begins in the pit of you and blooms through your whole body. You hold your breath until you’re sure you can believe what you’re seeing. Your eyes pore over the holo, trying to establish where he is, how he is. He looks as though he may be patched up and lying in a med bay.
“Maybe you thought you could run or hide from me, Rebel, but Kylo -the space bloodhound- tells me he found you.” He looks off to the side of him. “You don’t mind if I call you that, do you, Supreme Leader?”
His voice is still full of holes, shot through with gravel. But he’s alive. You’re sure you can see the hint of a shark smile spread over his features. He dips his head slightly towards the camera droid at that moment, lowering his voice just a touch, his eyes narrowing. Unconsciously you lean in toward the transmission. “So, Killer. As you know, Hux is dead, and you’re responsible.” He leans in even further and even through the holo his intense eyes bore into you. “But I’m very much alive. So, I just needed you to know...” he exhales a breath and bites his bottom lip as if his next thought amuses him. “...that I’m gonna be coming for you.”
Whether his statement is a threat or a promise, you can’t be sure. However, you know that the games are far from over. Whilst tomorrow you may need to figure out your next move, for now, you finally feel like you could cry and you could sleep.
You lean back in the pilot’s chair and allow yourself a deep, relieving breath. And yet again, you can’t hold back your own resplendent shark smile.
You press the button to reverse the transmission before sending a message back to General Dameron.
“Bring it on, General Dameron. I’m ready for you.”
He’s alive.
It’s not over yet.
As much as you would like to run back to him, you know now, more than ever, that you have to return home to the Resistance - to see if it’s still where your heart is. Or whether you have any heart left at all. Then, if you happen to discover that your heart does belong to the darkness after all, at least you know the darkness is coming for you. And at least then, you will truly know that you are ready for it.
You lean back in the seat and close your eyes, allowing your relief to wrap around you -like a blanket- as the darkness holds you and rocks you to sleep.
To be continued (Chapter SEVEN coming soon!)
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