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itsnotmystic · 28 days ago
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cosm1cbrownie · 1 year ago
I just can't get with stevetony bc consistently and repeatedly it feels like a shipper fangirl phenom where they all only like 1 of the ship and hate the other guy and just want him to be arm candy for they fave
like idgaf abt captain colonizer tho im still waiting for marvel writers to finally understand that if steve was actually the moral force they portray him as then he wouldve drop the colonizer costume and shield yesterday, but omfg why do stony shippers hate Steve sm?
everywhere i go the shippers - really theyre just ironman fans - rag on Steve and everything abt him and anything that points to him being a character that originated from a diff franchise, and the only times they don't is when theres commercial cashgrab crossover slop that characterizes him as bland and historyless as possible. like ffs they all think that shitty avengers academy mobile game is his "best" version. atp the whole ship feels like an exercise in removing character traits until theres nothing but a blond blue eyed character design left
Honestly I think it depends on which side of the fandom your in because what you're talking Abt reminds me of the MCU Stony fandom.
Most of the people who like MCU Stony are people who mostly try cope with the fact that there wasn't really much relationship build off from Steve In that universe, because he was bland, similar to how I feel about emh Steve and EMH Stony in general despite me shipping it myself.
I think that most Stony fans don't hate Steve they just wish that the writers would like.. write him, like , good. An example of a Steve I think everyone can agree on is AA Steve, which is known for being some the best Steve characterizations we've gotten in a while, because of the way Roger Craig Smith does his softer voice and normal Steve voice that displays both a captain and a caring person that would try and help out with your problems.
And as much as I don't agree with the "Captain Colonizer" Statement, mostly because Steve is a representation of the people of America not the government, as much as marvel tries to make it seem that way cap is someone that helps the little guys and unless there's a habit avengers level threat or just something happening down town, he doesn't go side with the government, evident by the fact that in AA (S2/3ish) neither Steve and tony were working with the government, it was obviously on already uneasy terms, but after they showed lack of remorse for human lives, it ended up leading the team to split up publicly and work to help everyone underground away from ultrons weird government bullshit that entire season.
And afiak, They stopped "uneasily" working with the government after this, it was really only with big events like thanos and ultron anyway, and the avengers work alone, and they don't like being controlled by government pencil necks who don't care.
Although it should be noted that, most other Steve vary on this position, Im not gonna use civil war as a talking point here cuz both the comic and the movies adaptations are shit and Steves feelings towards the government are a lot more wishy washy in 616, and the MCU is a huge example of going in the wrong direction with how to do that. And the fact that if we're being honest Steve would go down to wherever shits going down and help him fucking self. he don't take that shit, he will defend the side of the right. Hes not about that wishy washy government bullshit as much as marvel's military funded ass shitty movie cinematic universe will try to make you believe and just and fyi: all the mcus shit is from ults.. AND IT ISNT THE GOOD STUFF FROM ULTS!!!
But anyway, most people hate Steve because they don't like the fact that Steves character keeps getting worse and worse, even more bastardized, and flanderized, and written terrible, by people who don't understand the complexites or history of his character, which end us with a problem where there are conflicts with newer steve fans who like his flanderized ults-like take in the MCU, or the comic fans who like his original version and would like for him to return back to something that truly represents him as a person, whether or not he has changed since then is entirely separate and goes too indepth so I'll leave it to the wolves.
Also, yeah most Stony fans are Tony fans, you can't have one without the other, because Tony is a key part of making the relationship work, and from what I've found Most Steve tony shippers like them both but there's either a dissonance between liking one more than the other or liking them equally, and I think that remains prevalent outside of the MCU.
And for your final question, no, most Stony fans don't think avac Steve is the best character version, idk where you got that from, but it wasn't the fandom no siree, that seems a bit biased. And as I've said earlier, the consensus on "best Steve" usually seems to be either 616 Steve or Aa Steve, me personally I like aa steve more but my other friend likes 616 Steve, and I think it really comes down to these two because one is really solid adaptable and the other is the original character finally becoming good again with writers who care about him, (tony too, hes the main reason I got back into cap comics!)
Sorry this answer is kind of long, there isn't really much of a concrete answer besides that most people hate Steve because they wish he wants written so badly 😭 it's kinda sad, but I hoped this answered your question!!! If ya have anything else to ask to drop me another ask ^_^
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ultimate-lie · 7 years ago
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Drv3 Girls aesthetics!
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itsnotmystic · 3 months ago
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What is going on 😭
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itsnotmystic · 5 months ago
I support tommyinnit and his new vapely product. everyone should click on the link to it in the description of the video :)))
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itsnotmystic · 10 months ago
Ooo bet, lemme cook
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Apocalypse buddies
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itsnotmystic · 8 months ago
Okay, so with the news that Phil's wings weren't clipped but straight up paralyzed on the qsmp, I come bearing thoughts (angst):
Imagine Phil first getting to the island. The confusion of this new place and uncertainty around these new people. He tries to fly to find a place to perch, to watch for any dangers but- he can't. He can't move his wings. The growing panic as they're not responding to him, and instead just sit dully on his back. Yes, he's dealt with injured wings before - how could he ever forget that stone room - but at least then, despite the damage, he could still feel and move them. But now, he has absolutely no control of an integral part of his being. It's an overwhelming panic that fades into a simmering anxiety that never truly leaves.
Imagine when he meets the kids. These precious, new to the world fledglings that have been placed under his care. He wants to protect them and show them that he cares, but- he can't. Not how he wants to, at least. He can't wrap his wings around them during a hug, he can't lay a wing around their shoulders if they get cold. He can hold them in his arms and offer an extra blanket, but that doesn't replace the deep ache within him, the feeling that he's not doing what he should.
Battle is harder. He's used to relying on his wings for advantages- quicker dodges, higher jumps, better balance. Now? They're a hindrance, and he loathes to think of Her gift as such, but he needs to relearn how to fight. He begins shoving them into a backpack to deal with them. It hurts, stuffing them in there when all he wants is to feel the wind in his feathers, but it makes life on the island more manageable.
Purgatory happens. One would think the blood red skies and harsh air wouldn't be conducive to healing but- slowly, he realizes he can move his wings again. It starts small- a twitch here and there when something surprises him, which turns into him being able to slowly stretch them out. Standing outside, surrounded by the dead bodies of his team as wind fills his open wings, Phil finally feels alive again.
He didn't think he'd be able to fly, but as they all make a break for the ship, he stretches his wings out in a desperate attempt to at least glide. On instinct, his wings flap- they move. It's painful. By void, is it painful, tired, aching muscles after months of misuse. But he's flying. Phil could almost laugh.
Maybe that's why he tried jumping off the wall. Once back on the island, he couldn't move them anymore, but he still dealt with the aches of when he did. It kept him up at night. Maybe, just maybe, they'd work. They'd catch him on instinct, just like they had done in Purgatory. The wind is cold and biting as he stands on the edge, almost like a warning. He thinks back to the very time he tried flying, with mechanical wings all those years ago. Then, he had been saved by Her before hitting the water. This time, there's nothing that prevents him from being surrounded by the icy water, pulled under by the weight of his wings.
He gives up. There's an aching disappointment in letting go of hope, but as long as he's on the island, he can't fly. Maybe that's why he can't find it in himself to be devastated when the Ender King destroys his wings further. He briefly mourns the destruction of his wife's gift but shoulders the grief and continues on.
His wings don't work anyway.
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itsnotmystic · 1 month ago
hi gamers
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just showing off some of my fave c!wilbur cosplay pics (dec '23). I got the jacket for $15 at an antique store!
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itsnotmystic · 9 months ago
I can't help but add that on these visits, even if he'd never voice it, something deep inside him is comforted at being surrounded by the baby piglins. Yes, he's gone all around the world on numerous conquests, he's well earned the title "Blood God". He's done so much more than many piglins ever even dream of, but returning to these bastions and being welcomed soothes a deep part of him. It sings a nostalgic tune of home, for simpler time he barely remembers, even though his home is with Phil and the others he lets into his life. Even though he'd rather care for and guard those he loves in the Overworld, he can't help but feel glad to visit bastions.
(Being respected for his feats instead of feared for them is a nice bonus too)
I'm just imagining Techno visiting a Bastion and the baby Piglins just start climbing on him by the end of the visit he has like, 16 different babies on him and half of them are asleep. Stop laughing Phliza, it's not funny. He is legally not allowed to wake them up. PHILZA! PHILZA MINECRAFT! HELP!
But the baby Piglins think Techno is so cool! He is the Blood God's Champion and he can go to the OVERWORLD and he is so strong! He knocked a fireball back at a Ghast and killed it! And so much more! He fought a Wither! And even shackled it as an ally! Techno is like... a superhero to baby Piglins. (And the older ones too.)
Now my Piglin Lore! The ones we see in Minecraft are the ones old enough to go on foraging hunts. The ones kept safe in the Bastions and guarded by the Brutes are MUCH smaller. Like could fit in a flowerpot small. There is a reason Brutes are so vicious towards outsiders. And it has nothing to do with their gold.
YES, Techno totally deserves to be a figure of myth in Piglin culture. There are bedtime stories being told about his exploits, and word of mouth that spreads around campfires when other warriors tell of both his deeds and their own. When he comes into the Nether, trading with Techno is considered the greatest honor. And if he visits your bastion, surely that's a sign of great fortune.
(Imagine it's one of those situations where mother Piglins actually encourage Techno to hold their babies or even name them because it's seen as a blessing. Every time Techno comes near a bastion he has to spend like two hours naming all their recently born piglets lmao)
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itsnotmystic · 9 months ago
"do you envision technoblade as a pretty anime prince or a hulking boar or is it on that spectrum or shapeshifter-" no none of them and actually all of the above. Depends on my mood, really.
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itsnotmystic · 1 month ago
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i think the universe is trying to tell me to write more em duo
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itsnotmystic · 22 days ago
I am currently 2 for 2 in befriending transmascs on campus and then later finding out they had a dsmp phase too
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itsnotmystic · 8 months ago
...woopsie daisy. That's not good
Anyway, I ended up remembering the question! Have you ever read "Redstone and Skulk"? A friend of mine recommended it to me and I was curious if you'd heard of it. She also recommended "and the universe shifts" since I mentioned I was interested in the Watcher lore.
You know I came here with a question to ask but ended up forgetting it, so... I'll just see myself out. Let me just-
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....woops, didn't mean to drop that. Well, have fun catching that in your inbox!
house-of-cards-and-crime was hit by Endermite house-of-cards-and-crime was hit by Endermite house-of-cards-and-crime fell from a high place
house-of-cards-and-crime was hit by Endermite
godsdamnit- mystic wHY
house-of-cards-and-crime fell from a high place house-of-cards-and-crime was hit by Endermite
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itsnotmystic · 2 months ago
ITS 2025
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itsnotmystic · 3 months ago
"But who did I have, Phil?"
Because its always been for you, the world, and to the gates of hell, but now, Techno's been abandoned twice by the one person who was able to grant him some semblance of peace, the one person who was able to quiet, and just once, silence the voices.
The thing is, Phil says it himself and Techno understands- in his grief, Phil would've destroyed everything. He left with the hope that he would never have to again.
They're both to blame- Phil for leaving and Techno for expecting him to stay.
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itsnotmystic · 6 months ago
man. phil and techno having matching ae/artic commune skins absolutely ruined my brain.
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