#[ malibu sammie ]
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sychosid · 7 months ago
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Sammie "Baby Doll" Roberts Signed Photo $25
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hostilecityshowdown · 1 year ago
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@hardcorewrestling 's OC, sammie, back when she was a diamond doll
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jammie3132 · 1 year ago
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Blaine Anderson & Sebastian Smythe Chapter Title: Back to November Chapter Summary:  It's been 12 years since he met Sebastian. 11 years since he lost Sebastian and Sam. 10 hours since Tony Stark appeared in a hologram telling him there's a way to fix it.
It would change everything he's ever known...no relationships with Tony, Brittany, Dave, Xavier or Clint. He doesn't even know if the Sebastian and Sam he'd wind up with were the Sebastian and Sam he dreamed of.
Screw it...he wants them back!
10 Days of Seblaine 2023 Day 10: I Want You Back Only 3 Days late! 🎉🎉🎉
Note: Endgame is over. Be prepared for sciency-timey-whimey/canon-schmanon/I made this crap up explanations.
November 9th, 2023
It's been 12 years since he met Sebastian. 11 years since he lost Sebastian and Sam. 10 hours since Tony Stark appeared in a hologram beaming out of a lightsaber telling him there was a way to get them back.
But that was for another time. Today was about Tony.
You were never my Dirty Little Secret. I didn’t build Dalton to replace my workspace at the house in Malibu. You were never a replacement for Peter. You might have never said anything, but I knew. Of course, I knew because…say it with me…I’m a genius. But I’m also an idiot. Forgive me?
Before I go, I want to share this one last piece of my vast wisdom…I love you, Blaine Anderson. It’s time for you to love yourself.
“What do you think, Sammy? Is it time for me to love myself?” The dog rolled over so Blaine could rub his tummy. “Yeah, I know you love me. I love you too.”
Blaine tried to push aside Tony’s complete message until later, but it was impossible. Prior to watching the hologram, he’d only been told the cliff note version of how the Snap became the Blip. It involved time travel and shrinking to the size of Ant Man. Except for Natasha (obviously), they’d thought it had gone well. No one anticipated Nebula being swapped out for her past version, her letting Thanos through the time portal and…KABOOM!!
But now he had the full story...and a decision. Besides the lightsaber, Tony left him everything required to go back to save Sebastian and Sam, as well as some (emphatic) advice. Before he makes a rash decision, fully understand the possible ramifications.
He wouldn’t be there to prevent Brittany’s genius being discovered. Dave and Sebastian’s friendship could be affected, a friendship that helped Dave recover after his suicide attempt. Xavier might never realize what a truly amazing person his son was. Sammy would die without his early round-the-clock care. Lots of the animals he brought to Dalton would’ve died.
Tony and Clint wouldn’t have him during the five worst years of their lives.
Thomas Anderson, the man who put him on a Nazi hit list, would be free to find new ways to make his life hell.
And there was no guarantee the Sebastian and Sam he'd wind up with were the Sebastian and Sam he’d dreamed of for over a decade.
He closed his eyes to quiet his mind. He had no idea what to do. In his past life, the one before half the world disappeared, he’d look for signs. Like the one that day in Miss Pillsbury’s office that told him to trust Dave. Like the one that told him to protect Brittany no matter what. Like the one that would never let him cut off his relationship with Tony no matter how mad he was.
Like the one currently telling him to read Sebastian’s letter.
He moved Sammy and ran to the wall safe. His hands were shaking so badly he had to ask Saturday to open it for him. Then, as usual, he began to overthink. After all these years of not being ready, why now?
What could have Sebastian written all those years ago that would help with his decision?
The only way to know for sure was to read the damn thing.
It wasn’t the grand proclamation of love he assumed when Dave told him why Sebastian wrote him the letter, it was so much better. This was the Sebastian he remembered.
When you’re ready, come get me.
Blaine’s first attempt talking with Professor Hulk…Bruce, was a disaster. The Scientist/Superhero never had to turn all the science mumbo-jumbo speak into what Blaine understands speak. Tony had always been there to translate. Which meant, even though he didn’t want her involved, he’d never be able to make a final decision without Brittany.
Bruce volunteered to come to Dalton. He was one of the few people who knew what was hiding in the basement. But he was the only person who knew what was in Tony’s final shipment.
“But they say Do not open. That includes you, Anderson” Brittany pointed out as she and Blaine helped the injured Avenger open the boxes.
“And if Tony didn’t give Blaine the lightsaber, we wouldn’t be opening them. Tony wanted backups of the technology we used in the Time Heist. He didn’t trust the government, meaning Ross…if he returned, wouldn’t confiscate it when they found out what we did. And of course, Tony Stark was right. They did.”
Department of Damage Control not only confiscated the pad built to send Steve back to return the stones, they declared the battle site off-limits.
Blaine let a snort/chuckle due to the picture in his head. “Of course, Tony was right. God, he’d be insufferable and pissed at the same time.”
Bruce was no longer paying attention. He was focused on the content of the boxes. “Ah, here they are. Blaine, would you pick up that small box?”
“Sure.” The only small box he saw was covered in some kind of cooling container. “This one?”
“Yes. What’s the temperature?”
“4 degrees Celsius.”
“Perfect. I need you to open the box very carefully. One of the downsides of my transformation is the inability to pick up small objects without crushing them.” Blaine opened the box and found several small vials full of a red fluid. “Good, none of them broke. Put them in the refrigeration unit and we can talk.”
The three of them sat on the floor and Bruce began to fill in holes. What they’d found was PYM Particles. PYM Particles were necessary to get to the Quantum Realm. That started Bruce and Brittany down a sciency-timey-whimey rabbit hole, so Blaine went to fix lunch.
When he returned, the rest of the final boxes were unpacked, Bruce explaining each item to Brittany. There was some sort of space suit and a bunch of laptops and other computer related items. The supply shipments he’d received in the past couple months were materials needed to build a portal and control panel. The boxes delivered right before Thanos attacked the Avengers Compound were what was necessary to make it all work. Unknowingly, Tony got them to Blaine at the last possible minute.
After lunch (which cost half his monthly food budget for the eight people currently living at Dalton) Bruce left with the promise to be available if Blaine decided to go back. He told the giant, green scientist no matter what, his final decision wouldn’t be until after the new year.
He’d promised Brittany a big, over-the-top Christmas at Dalton.
January 14, 2024
Blaine tried not to think of Bruce’s unexpected video call as a sign, but he was failing. Today would have been Sebastian’s 29th birthday.
“Is this stuff Britt will need to translate for me? You didn’t say she had to be here.”
“No, but it is a little complicated. Just ask questions if you’re confused.”
“Ok, what’s up?”
“I know you saw Steve at Tony’s memorial but there’s a reason we’ve kept what happened to him a bit of a mystery.”
“He’s not living on the moon?”
“No, the truth is actually even more unbelievable. After the service, Steve took the stones back like I promised the 2012 Sorcerer Supreme. He just didn’t come back….”
“He disappeared?”
“No, he went back to WWII and then had a life with Peggy Carter.”
“That’s not possible.”
“I assure you...”
Blaine folded his arms and leaned back into the couch as Sammy sat up to attention. “I don’t care. No way.”
Bruce tried to channel his inner Tony Stark to…yeah, that wasn’t going to work. “Why?”
“Because no way in hell would Steve Rodgers go live a happily ever after with Peggy Carter without saving Bucky Barnes from becoming the Winter Soldier first. He’d never sacrifice one of the loves of his life for the other.”
“The Avengers, well…not Clint, believe Steve Rogers, Captain fucking America, stormed a Hydra infested castle all by himself in World War II to rescue his childhood best friend?”
Now the supposed genius was even more confused. “Uh, yeah.”
“Left SHIELD, Peggy Carter’s legacy, immediately after discovering it was partially run by Nazis with flying battleships and millions of names on a kill list, including yours and mine, to find his army buddy?”
“Fought Iron Man in a Battle Royal, gave up his shield and destroyed the fucking Avengers to protect a poor tortured soul he knew 70 years ago?” Before Bruce could ask what the hell he was implying, Blaine added “I ship Stucky.”
"Fan of the relation...ship, and I'm not talking not friendship."
Ok…oh…OH!! He and Tony always assumed Steve was a virgin. Maybe that only meant women. “Ok, that’s a lot to handle.”
“And he didn’t tell Peggy about Hydra being in SHIELD? Or stop the death of Tony’s parents? Or tell Thor what his brother was up to and stop the Invasion of NYC? Or…”
“Ok, ok, I get it. And if you could give me a minute to stop my mind from completely exploding, I might be able to explain, even the no rescuing Bucky part.”
Bruce took the fact the dog curled back down beside his owner as the sign Blaine was calm enough to continue.
“Steve didn’t come back through the portal after he returned the stones, but he did return. He was sitting on a bench 20 yards away, but he was old…over 100 years old, old and he had no idea what was going on.”
“What do you mean? Like dementia?”
“No, like no idea. Clues from his surroundings allowed him to fake his way through a conversation with Sam. Next thing Sam and I knew, Bucky had Steve on a plane to Wakanda. Evidently, he has a place there…” Blaine cocked an eyebrow and the thoroughly discombobulated man(?) paused when he realized why.
He had never seen Tony in Blaine before but now he’d swear he was his late friend’s long, lost younger brother.
“Ok, well, a few days ago, a Princess there, Shuri, she’s a lot like Brittany, she contacted me. Steve’s memory has returned, for the most part.”
“Great, I hope he and Bucky are happy. What does this have to do with me?”
“We had just enough PYM Particles for Steve to return all the stones and come back…or back to WWII. We only had those because Steve and Tony had to go back…”
“The 2012 Hulk got pissed about some stairs, 2023 Ant-man gave 2012 Tony a heart attack, and something about Alexander Pierce, America’s Ass and 2012 Loki disappearing with the 2012 Tesseract. Tony and Steve go to 1970 Camp Lehigh to get WWII Tesseract and raid Hank Pym’s lab.”
“I’m finally seeing the biggest difference between you and Peter. You get right to the point where he would have referenced Back to the Future or…”
“Bruce!” Blaine took a breath then put on a forced smile. “And the difference between you and Tony is he would have been done with this explanation by now.”
“Not if you told him what you thought about Steve and Bucky living together in Wakanda.”
For the first time since October 17th, Blaine laughed. Not snorted, chuckled or giggled. He laughed so hard it scared Sammy enough to run out of the room. “Maybe, maybe not. Clint came around but probably because his wife Laura is an even bigger Stucky shipper than I am. Now, if I promise to not mention Stucky again, you think you can promise to get…to…the…point?”
“Give me a minute.” Bruce tried to think of ways to streamline what he had left to tell Blaine. Maybe he should call Brittany. No, that girl was definitely a Stucky shipper. 
“As Tony and I worked on the gauntlet, I also worked on the plan to get the stones back to where we found them. Steve had already volunteered to do it after Clint told us about the weird guy with a red face on Vormir. Anyway, I was setting up a way to protect the PYM Particles. The increased amount necessary to complete the mission also increased the chances something might happen to one. We had exactly enough to get everything back. And then…”
“I spilled a vial.”
Bruce’s comment when they found the box of PYM Particles made more sense. “So, you had to go back for more?” Blaine asked.
“No, I managed to save enough, Tony and I were able to break down the formula and make a replacement, plus the box currently in your basement. That’s the problem.”
“The replacement particles were the last Steve used. I set it up myself. When he went back into the Quantum Realm the final time, he expected to come out when and where Bucky fell off the train. He’d save Bucky then make sure WWII Steve got out of the plane, with his shield and the Tesseract, before it crashed into the ice. WWII Steve would have his happily ever after with Peggy."
Blaine was finally beginning to understand. "Our Steve would then come back, give the shield to your Sam and go have his happily ever after on this timeline with Bucky. What happened?"
"I don't know for sure about the Bucky part..."
“Fine! Steve didn’t come out at the train accident. He came out on the plane. The thing was he wasn’t on the same timeline as WWII Steve, he was WWII Steve but with all his 2023 Steve memories. He managed to radio Peggy he found a way to get off the plane before it crashed and to send help. He spent almost 48 hours on the ice before they found him, but you know, Super Soldier serum. Unfortunately, by the time he was rescued all 2023 Steve memories were gone. He was WWII Steve again.”
“That would explain Bucky but not how he showed up in 2023 on the same day at the same time, plus 30 seconds.”
“He still doesn’t remember and Shuri’s convinced he won’t. The problem is she can’t tell if it’s a side effect of the replacement particles or that he’s 100 years old. Do you understand what this means for you?”
“Maybe? Something like since my particles are the replacements, if I used them, we have no idea what will happen.”
“Especially since we have the unknowns of Steve having the Super Soldier serum in his system and being considerably older than you. We do have another option. Hank Pym is back. We could ask him. However, the man has hated anyone named Stark for half a century.”
“No offense, but Tony Stark is the reason he and his family aren’t still stuck inside a fucking Hoover somewhere. He can get over himself.”
“And he might, until he found out Tony and I borrowed his formula. We could ask Scott and Hope to feel Hank out but there’s a risk.”
“More than me trying to go back in time with possibly defective, no offense, particles?”
“No…but, depending on Hank’s mood when he’s told what Tony and I did, there’s a good chance he’d turn us in to Ross and the DODC. Dalton would be raided, you and anyone living there would be taken into custody, and…”
“And Ross would get his hands on Brittany despite everything Tony and I did all those years to prevent that from happening. Bruce, I’m sorry for how I’ve behaved. I know you’re just trying to help. But I think I need to be alone right now.”
“I understand. And Blaine, I know I’m not Tony, but if you need me, don’t hesitate to call.”
February 3, 2024
Brittany planned a surprise party for his birthday. Her idea of surprise was it was on Saturday, two days before his actual birthday on Monday. The fact she was constantly on the phone making arrangements with him in the same room, ordered everything using Dalton’s accounts with local stores, and kicked him out of the Warblers Commons (living room!) so she could decorate didn’t make a difference. It was a surprise party, so he acted surprised.
God, he’d missed her so much during those 5 years.
Besides Dave, his newly returned father and Xavier, she invited former New Directions and Warblers. She also invited Pamela and Cooper. He’d only seen Pamela Anderson once since she Blipped back. In his mind, she wasn’t his mother anymore and hadn’t been for a long time. As much as he wanted to let go of his anger, he couldn’t forgive her role in the Christmas ambush all those years ago.
Cooper had a role as well, but it was not giving him a heads-up when he found out the ambush was happening. The brothers talked about it during Cooper’s stay at Dalton the first 6 months after the Snap and he eventually forgave him…but Blaine never forgot. This time there was no chance of reconciliation.
However, if he was going to do what Tony offered, he needed to say goodbye. Even if Cooper and Pamela didn’t know that’s what he was doing.
The next weekend was his real party with his real family. Dave, Xavier and Brittany (and Sammy) were there but so were Pepper, Morgan, Clint, Laura and the kids. They hadn’t been to Dalton yet and he was pretty sure Nate wasn’t leaving without a dog. Morgan was doing a pretty good job on Pepper too, but her focus was a fluffy white kitten.
Pepper was in Ohio for another reason as well. The return of half the world’s population of animals was more traumatic than when they disappeared. Dalton was full again in a matter of days but Blaine kept letting them come. They managed, and it was a great distraction for that other thing, but they had to have a better plan than the old one of Tony sending supplies every few weeks to disguise his shipments of Iron Man technology.
That’s where Stark Enterprise's CEO came in. There was an abandoned baby food factory not too far away. Pepper finished the purchase while she was in town. The two of them planned to convert it to a pet food factory. Dalton needed the supplies and locals needed the jobs. It was a boon for everyone.
It was also a way for him to take care of his animals if he decided to take Tony offer.
But the person wanted to talk to the most was Clint. So, while everyone else watched Morgan, Nate, Lila and CB (a name agreed to when Blaine felt odd calling the Barton’s oldest child Cooper) ride the horses, the Birthday Boy and retired Archer grabbed a couple beers and went inside to have a chat.
“So, this is the infamous letter? Sebastian was a man of few words. I like him even more now.”
“You never met Bas.”
“But you loved him and Sam…in different ways, of course. You barely knew Nat and never met Vision, but you cried when Wanda and I told you stories about them.”
“I cry at Christmas commercials…at least I used to.”
“You made my point. Now, not that I’m not eternally grateful, but why are we in here instead of the barn? My wife is going to have a few words for us for leaving her alone with Nate and his pleas to go home with Sammy’s brother.”
“Thor is a great puppy.”
“He’s also around 6 months old. Do you remember when Sammy was 6 months old…5 years ago? That’s still so weird.”
“Think how I felt when I found out the golden retriever mother and litter of puppies brought in was Sammy’s family. Though it was amazing to watch the reunion. Sammy and his mom knew each other immediately. When you guys planned to bring everyone back, did you remember it meant animals too?”
“Not really but Scott says he figured out it worked because of the birds. I figured it out when I realized no one at the cell phone company ever got around to cancelling the accounts of people who Snapped.  Then Thanos bombed the compound into oblivion and the rest is history. Why are you asking?”
Blaine went to the wall safe, put Sebastian’s letter back in and brought out a box he put in front of Clint. “Open it.”
Clint began to laugh when he saw the contents. “Stark finally built you a lightsaber.”
“It’s not a lightsaber.”
Hey, Bow! Miss me?
“Oh shit!” Blaine sat silently while the former Avenger watched the hologram his late teammate left behind. When it finished the lightsaber went back into the safe and he went back to the couch to wait for Clint to say something.
It didn’t take as long as he thought it would. “That’s the shit Banner was so frantic to find? Still can’t believe it took less than an hour. But it was some sort of miracle we found everything safe in a pocket of the building untouched by the rubble. Then again, I probably fell 200 feet down, had barely even a scratch and the Infinity Stones lying next to me.”
“That explains one of the questions I had for Bruce, but no. Everything I need Tony had been shipping back here the entire time you guys were building what you needed for the Time Heist.”
“Stark was sending shit to you?”
“Saturday, open basement.”
Clint watched the bookcases separate and shook his head. That was such a Tony Stark move. Five minutes later he was shaking his head again but this time also swearing at the top of his lungs.
“Stark wanted everyone to sign…he fucking signed, those fucking Sokovia Accords, giving the government oversight over the Avengers and the entire time he was hiding shit here in your basement at Dalton to keep it away…FROM THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT?!!”
“Yes, but if you could put Ronan back in the box for the time being, I really need this to be about me for the next few minutes.”
“Low blow Anderson. Also, well played. Start talking.”
Blaine told him everything from the moment he watched the hologram the first time. All the changes the change in his timeline could make, the voice telling him to open Sebastian’s letter, Bruce’s visit, the unexpected call from Bruce telling him about what happened to Steve and how all his particles were the replacement particles, how they couldn’t ask Hank Pym for new ones because of the treat he would turn them into Ross and the DOCD.
After a recap of the Great Stucky Debate so Clint could get a clear picture of Bruce’s reactions, he only had one question. “When are you going?”
“I haven’t decided to do it.”
“Kid, you decided the minute Sebastian told you to come find him.”
"You're right, I did. I want him back."
November 8, 2024
There was never any other date. 13 years since he met Sebastian. 12 years since he lost Sebastian and Sam. 1 year since Tony Stark gave him way to get them back.
It was also enough time to, for lack of a better term, put his affairs in order.
The pet food factory was running and highly successful, not only by providing for animals but they created more jobs than anticipated.
Just in case, he signed the deed to Dalton over to both Dave and Xavier. Dave was going to run Dalton farm but Xavier was to rebuild the school. It was to be in the image of Dalton Blaine remembered, but open to anyone (boy or girl) in need of a place to stay. So many people, not just those who Blipped, were in constant transit looking for jobs. The New Dalton would be a boarding school where children would be not only educated but well cared for (in a zero-tolerance environment) while their parents found stability.
Brittany gave him no choice. Sammy was staying with her. She and Blaine bonded over their loss of the real Sammy and she needed a cuddle buddy to sleep with. Lord Tubbington wasn’t a cuddler.
How that damn cat was still alive was beyond comprehension.
When the time came, the only people he wanted there were Bruce and Clint. They all knew Clint was moral support, Bruce was in charge.
It took the scientist a couple visits to realize they were missing one of Tony’s GPS wrist bands. It took devouring Tony’s copious notes to figure out the lightsaber hilt replaced it. Blaine’s Quantum suit had a special pocket inside his right sleeve where it fit. The button above the red on was for going back and the one on the bottom was for coming home.
The date and time Blaine chose to return to was November 8, 2012, as he and Sam arrived at Dalton to convince then-Warbler Captain Clarington to help him get use of the Grand Staircase to serenade his self-absorbed ex. He’d get Sam alone, tell him he changed his mind and to go back to Lima for his date with Brittany. Leaving over 2 hours sooner meant Sam would avoid the accident…easy-peasy.
The problem was getting his Kurt Hummel-mind-controlled former self to remember the date, the significance behind it and find out why Sebastian was upset all before leaving Dalton. Then the idiot had to not only realize he was really in love with Sebastian but stop him from going to his weekly dinner with Dave. Once accomplished, he presses the home button and comes back to live with the timeline changes he made.
If his replacement particles weren’t so fucked up he wound up wrestling dinosaurs in a real-life Jurassic Park.
Blaine came out of his thoughts when he heard “You’re good to go.” Next thing he knew Bruce began counting backwards from 10, Clint gave him a thumbs up and he pressed the top button on his lightsaber.
It becomes a blur after that.
November 8, 201…
The blur ended and Blaine was in the hall of the former Dalton. He immediately noticed two problems…he was wearing a grey and white striped cardigan and could hear the beginning of Uptown Girl down the hall.
It wasn’t the day he lost Sebastian. It was the day he found him.
Tried to tell you…sciency-timey-whimey/canon-schmanon/I made this crap up. Hopefully, I included enough back story to make it work for you. HOWEVER, true to form for me, I underestimated and one more chapter is necessary to finish.
I don’t care how smart those people were. Or that they had a Super Soldier, a Hulk, 2 men with suits to give them super strength, and a (out of shape) God on the team. With only those 5, 2 mere mortals, a Cyborg and an enhanced Racoon, it would have taken at least a couple months to build what they did. Plenty of time for Tony to send parts somewhere else for safekeeping. And how they all felt about the government by then (even Rhodey), I don’t believe any of the others would question his actions (even Steve).
The Christmas Ambush was in Character 3.
Some sort of miracle = plot armor. I’d like to thank Clint Barton for the example.
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lyracreek · 2 months ago
Last song: Marsha P. by Sammy Copley. I've been working my way through his whole discography and his covers on youtube, its all so good
Last movie: i haven't watched a movie in months whoops. We'll go Porco Rosso since that's the last one i remember lol
Last book: "Indigenous Archival Activism: Mohican Interventions in Public History and Memory" by Rose Miron. I've been trying to learn more about archivism lately & saw this on the recommended shelf at the library
Last TV show: Game Changer from Dropout TV. and Make Some Noise. just kinda re-watching fav episodes at random
Sweet/savory/spicy: Sweet.
Last thing I googled: "Malibu alcohol" - my friend recommended it to me as i dislike the taste of alcohol normally and i was wondering what it was
Looking forward to: i've got a couple applications out for volunteer stuff and i'm hoping they'll get back to me soon now that winter holiday season is over
Current obsession: all my problems with how diagnostic medicine works. i'm writing up a rant that i might post or publish somewhere or just for my friends to enjoy but it needs a lot of research
tagging: @blebsistired @puff-the-cereal-box @historywitch @l-herz @ratzforaster @innerteenager @astropilled
Tagged by @dairsmuids. 😊 Thank you!
rules: tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
last song: Numb from Warframe. Damn thing is stuck in my head on a loop. And on my playlist.
last movie: You're going to laugh, probably, but I watched Detective Pikachu recently. I saw it was on Netflix and thought, "Man, 12 year old me would've loved that." The CGI critters in this movie... are a bit too uncanny valley for me as an adult, though.
last book: The 7th Witcher book, Lady of the Lake, which I'm still reading. Also, Tevinter Nights, which I've just started.
last tv show: Arcane
sweet/savory/spicy: savory
relationship status: taken
last thing i googled: "flamethrower" Don't... worry about it.
looking forward to: finishing a drawing - it's silly, but it feels good to make something or be in the process of making something
current obsession: video games, currently especially Dragon Age because the new game came out
Going to tag a few new followers, I guess. 😉 Feel free to ignore, if you don't want to do it, though. No pressure.
@kirain, @stevihj, @owlbear-enthusiast, @sunshineduckies, @foundinthegrass
@lucanis-givememorete, @notaboyscout, @higharollakockamamie, @azurethenerd, @awardenandacrow
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sassysophiabush · 3 years ago
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sparrowofthedawnsworld · 3 years ago
Girls Talk Boys - Sam Kiszka
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A/N: AH! It’s the fourth and final part of the 5SOS series! I planned to have this out last week, in honor of Dreams In Gold starting, but I was in the process of traveling to Michigan. I hope you all that have been to shows to far, have enjoyed them as much as I have! Grand Rapids and Saginaw were incredible. Just a reminder though, please respect each other and the Venues ❤️ Let’s take care of each other and continue to help spread their message. I love y’all and hope you enjoy!
- Requests are open -
WARNINGS: SMUUUT! 18+ Minors DNI! Fingering, oral (f receiving), degrading, spanking, possessive/ dom!Sam, unprotected sex (please wrap it up babies), alcohol. There’s probably more, but i forgot already lol.
To everyone else, you and Sam still didn’t get along. You didn’t ever hate Sam, but you were always butting heads with everything. He was always pushing your buttons, always trying to work you up.
But to the knowledge of few people (besides you and Sam), one night you both found yourselves drunkenly tangled together in a bathroom, at a strangers party.
Since then, neither of you could get enough of each other.
You had agreed at first that you would keep it to yourselves, but eventually, you both decided to at least tell your best friend. Sammy only telling Danny, Jake and Josh.
You and Sammy agreed that at parties, you would try to stay sneaky. The thrill of semi- being a secret, or getting caught, excited you both.
Tonight was no different from before. You and Sammy had been eyeing each other all night, at the party Jake and Josh were throwing- Just waiting for the perfect moment to slip away.
You were sat in a small group of girls, your best friend and a few acquaintances of the two of you.
All of them had been going on about either Josh, Jake or Danny- all of them hoping to have a shot at one of the beautiful boys. You couldn’t blame them. You couldn’t blame them at all…
“Y/N, obviously you think one of them is attractive, right?” You could see Sammy watching you from where he stood, close enough to be able to hear your conversation. He seemed to have disconnected from his own group with Danny and another guy, listening intently for your answer.
You met his eyes and gave him a smug look.
“Of course, I do.” You smiled at them, leaning in closer to them all. “I think I have a little thing for Sam.” You watched his face shift, a smirk taking over his perfect lips.
You were determined to get his lips on yours sooner rather than later.
“You should go talk to him.” One of the girls pushed, gesturing towards him.
“I might.” You shrugged. “But please excuse me- right now I think i’m gonna go get another drink”. You stood from your spot, walking back to the empty kitchen. You grabbed the Malibu from the shelf and a coke, pouring them into your cup.
“Talk much, Y/N?” Sam’s sudden words made you jump. You turned around smacking his arm.
“Like you don’t love me talking about you.” You rolled your eyes, well aware that his ego was definitely enjoying hearing you gush about him.
“I never said I didn’t!” He raised his hands in defense.
Sam wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you against him. “I think you should tell them more about us. Tell them how good I make you feel every night.” You swallowed hard at his words, knees feeling weak at the thoughts that started to cloud your brain. If there was anyone who could make you feel the most incredible pleasure, it was Sammy.
“I thought you wouldn’t want me to.” You admitted, turning around to face him.
“I think it’s time people know, You’re mine.” He placed a kissed to your nose, winking at you before he disappeared back into the living room with everyone else.
You smiled to yourself. If Sammy wanted them to know, boy were you gonna let them.
You returned to your small group, taking your spot from before.
“I saw Sam leave the kitchen, did you talk to him?” Your best friend questioned, playing dumb to the situation.
“I have a confession,” Once you knew you had Sam’s attention like before, you continued.
“Sam and I are kind of a thing.”
All of the girls jaws dropped and your best friend just joined in with your laughter at their faces.
“I thought you guys hated each other?!” You shrugged.
“Had a change of heart, I suppose.” You met Sammy’s eyes and noticed his expression was dark and tense. You gave him a questioning look and he turned away from you.
You exchanged a worried look with your best friend, excuse yourself from them once again.
You made your way over to the small group Sammy was standing in, grabbing his arm and tugging.
“What’s the matter with you, Sam?” You questioned, once your were away from everyone.
“”Kind of” a thing, huh?” He quoted you. “Do people who are “kind of” a thing tell each other ‘I love you’?” He was inching closer to you now. “No…”
“Do people who are “kind of” a thing fuck like we do?” He had you backed against the wall of the hallway now.
“I don’t think so.” You gulped, eyes never leaving his dark brown ones.
“No, they don’t. You’re mine, Y/N. There’s no “kind of” about it.” He hissed. He crashed his lips onto yours in a heated kiss, tongues immediately fighting for dominance.
Sam pulled back, pulling away from the wall and dragging you to his room. He pushed you in, slamming the door loudly as he entered after you.
He met you at the foot of the bed, sitting down and pulling you onto his lap.
He started kissing you again, more heated and eager than before.
His hand trailed down to your hips, guiding them to move against his thigh, making a moan slip from you.
“Please Sammy, they’re gonna hear us-“ You whimpered.
“I want everyone to hear how good I make you feel.” Sam whispered lowly, lips barely grazing your earlobe.
“Since you don’t wanna tell them who you belong to.” He chided.
“Sammy… I did tell them.” You defended, head falling back at the feeling of Sam bouncing his leg slightly, as he rocked your hips against it.
“Hardly.” Sam muttered dryly.
“Get up and take your clothes off.” Sam demanded, lifting you off of his thigh and forcing you a few steps away from him. “Everything.” He added.
“Only if you take off something..” You tested, crossing your arms. He looked at you with dark eyes, giving you a stern look.
“Who said I wasn’t going to? Start fucking stripping.”
You wasted no more time at removing your clothes, realizing how serious he was being.
You decided it was probably better not to test you limits with him tonight, even though you wanted to.
Once you were completely naked in front of Sam, you focused back in on him, realizing he also had stripped down to just his boxers.
“Come here.” Sam beckoned with a single finger. You stepped towards him rather slowly. He was planning on punishing you and you knew it.
He guided you to lay over his leg and you glanced back at him in shock.
“Sam, what are-“
The feeling of his hand coming down against your ass cut you off, you screeched in shock.
“Sammy, what the fuck!” You groaned.
“Shut up.” He spat, hand connecting with your ass again in the same spot.
This time you took a moment to really feel the pleasurable sting. Sammy was always somewhat dominant, but this was the first time he’d delivered such aggression.
“Sammy…” You moaned out, ass aching under the assault of his hand.
You couldn’t deny you loved it though.
Even when the tears threatened the corners of your eyes, you still didn’t want him to stop.
“Why are you crying? I know you love this, brat.” He taunted in such a degrading tone. Sam was normally one to praise your every move and sound. This was very new to you, but you loved it, too… There was no denying it.
“Tell me you love it.” He demanded, hand coming down on your ass for the fifth time. “Tell me, Y/N.”
“God, Sammy- I love it!” You moaned out, melting and aching under his touch.
“Please Sam, one more. Please.” You begged him and he obliged.
“Listen to you… begging me to spank you more. You’re so filthy.” He said lowly. A soft, deep, laugh slipped past his lips at the site of you, needy and begging over his knee.
He pulled you up, throwing you down on the bed roughly and moving over to pin you down immediately.
“Look at me.” He commanded lowly, eyes waiting for yours to meet his patiently.
You met his eyes, feeling small and weak under his stare, as soon as you locked eyes with Sam. His eyes were dark and full or desire.
Once he was certain he had your full attention, he spoke. “I’m gonna eat this pretty pussy until you’re screaming. I want everyone in this house to know you’re mine and how good I make you feel. If you hold back a single sound, you don’t get to cum at all. Do you understand, pretty girl?”
An unintentional, loud moan slips through your lips, filling up the whole room. He smirked down at you approvingly, humming to himself. “You’re already listening so well. Such a perfect little brat.”
Sam connected his lips with yours, letting go of your hands and letting his trail over your perfect body.
You didn’t think you could ever get enough of the feeling, of Sam’s hands all over you.
“Please Sammy..” You gasp, arching up into his when he pinched both your nipples gently.
“Be patient, or else I have no problem teasing you for another hour and making you go back to that fucking party.” His words shut you up effectively, the only sound leaving you was a small whimper at his words.
His lips trailed down your body with light, teasing kisses. You squirmed beneath him, trying to push yourself into his barely there kisses.
“You want me right here, don’t you?” He questions teasingly, dipping a single finger between your soaked folds.
“Yes, please. I want your mouth right there.” You plead, desperate for some sort of relief for your aching core.
“So wet and needy already.” He teased. “Maybe I should spank you more often… You’d like that wouldn’t you?” He asked, slipping his finger through your dripping entrance.
“Yes, please- oh my god.”
“Of course you would. Such a little whore for me, huh?” An animalistic sound was ripped from your lips, making Sam’s smirk widen.
Sam adjusted himself between your legs, pushing them apart even farther to give himself more access.
“So wet for me.”
Your hips jolted in his hold, feeling his tongue connect with your throbbing bud of nerves.
You cried out in pleasure as his tongue and fingers worked you over, the knot in your stomach growing almost too fast for you to keep up.
“Sam- Sammy, please…”
You swirled your hips down against him to give the slightest bit more pressure.
“I think you can be louder.” He spoke against you. “Be a loud little brat for me.”
His tongue went back to it’s magic immediately, circling and flicking against your clit in agonizingly pleasurable rhythms.
“Oh, fuck! Sam, right there!”
Sam replaced his tongue with his finger to continue talking you through.
“That’s it, cum for me, Y/N. Such a little slut for my fingers and mouth.” His degrading words were unlike anything you’d ever heard come from his mouth, but it was only dragging you violently closer to your orgasm.
“You like when I talk to you like this?” He teased lowly, curling his fingers deeper into your dripping heat.
You choked out a loud, high pitched whine. You were right there at the edge and you knew anymore degrading words from him would send you over.
“I- I’m so c-close, Sam!” You cried out, hands grabbing at anything the possibly could.
“Come on… give it to me, baby. Let everyone in the house know, what a dirty girl you are for me.” And just like that, he shoved you over the edge.
You shook violently in his grip as you came, swears and sounds that could put a pornstar to shame, slipped from your lips loudly. He worked you through your high with ease, letting go of his hold once you finally came down.
You laid panting, while Sam slid his boxers off his legs completely.
He moved back over you, kissing up your belly, to your neck with a cocky look on his face.
“Aww look at your pretty legs shaking. They’ll barely be able to hold you up, when I’m done with you.” Sam spoke as a promise.
He kissed you feverishly, lacing his fingers through your hair to deepen the kiss. You tugged at his bottom lip roughly, earning a deep groan from him.
“Stand up. Lean over the bed. Ass up, doll.” He growled, getting off of you and standing by the bed.
You stood up, leaning down with your elbows against the mattress. Your legs held you up just barely, still weak and shaking from not only your orgasm, but Sam’s dominating energy.
“You can be such a good girl when you want to..”
His hands traveled down your back, to your hips, effectively holding you up and providing more stability.
“I’m gonna fuck you senseless. Right here… Where everyone can hear your melodic screams.” He whispered into your ear, placing a soft kiss just bellow it.
“Beg me to make you scream, brat.”
Goosebumps formed over your skin. The thought of everyone hearing more than they already have, set your skin ablaze.
“I said beg, Y/N.” He repeated in a firm tone.
“Ruin me, Sammy, Please. I want you to make me scream. Want you to have to carry me out of here..” You begged. He chuckled darkly, leaning back up, lining himself up and pushing into you.
“You’re so wet-“ Sam groaned, pulling back and slamming back into you with a deep, hard thrust.
You let out a strangled cry, fisting the sheets in your hands.
“That’s it, let me hear you.”
He set a relentless pace, pounding into you like he’s never done before.
He grabbed the back of your neck, pulling you up so that you were almost flush against his chest.
“Shit- Sam!” Your volume was what you would normally consider obnoxious, but right now you didn’t care… Nor could you control it.
His new angle hit the spot deep inside you just right.
“Tell me who you belong to.” He demanded, with a harsh smack to your already tender ass. His tone was possessive and deep, making you clench around him in added pleasure.
“Fuck- Answer me.” He growled.
“Yours, Sammy! I’m all yours!” You cried, tears stinging your eyes as he sped up a little more.
“There it is.” You could practically hear the cocky smirk.
“You gonna come for me again? Hmm?” Sam questioned, sneaking his hand around to graze over your clit lightly. You jolted in his grasp, still sensitive from your first orgasm and Sammy’s merciless pace.
“I don’t know if I ca- FUCK!” You cut yourself off with a scream and line of filthy words. Sam deepened his thrusts slightly, pressing down on your clit and circling and the perfect speed.
You fell completely silent for a few moments, body shaking violently as your high built up at a rapid speed.
A pure scream was ripped from your lungs when you fell off the edge, making Sam chuckle darkly behind you.
“There you go, Y/N. Let them hear it all.” He praised. His thrusts were becoming sloppy and slow, letting you know he was close too.
You held it together long enough for him to get through his own high, fighting the overstimulation your were facing. He filled you up, staying still for a moment before moving again.
“Fuck me..” Sam mumbled, pulling out of you slowly.
“Let me recover first.” You teased, turning around to face him. You immediately grabbed for him, feeling like your legs were going to fail you.
He wrapped his arms around you, steadying you and pulling you into his chest.
“Sammy, how am I supposed to go back down there like this??” You scolded lightly, smacking him on the shoulder. He only shrugged, a sly, goofy grin adorning his face.
“Sam.” You said firmly, looking at him in serious.
“Hmm.. I’ll help you.” He assured.
He leaned down closer to your ear, blowing on it gently.
“Next time, though… You’ll remember to tell them who you belong to.”1
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daisyful-gvf · 2 years ago
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malibu // part 1
He touched your lip gently and then got up, going to get a drink on the table. He slipped his boxers back before taking a seat next to Josh on the other bed.
Danny was looking at you, standing near the end of the bed. Without much thought to your next move, you got up onto your knees and made your way to him, meeting him at the edge.
You put your arms around his shoulders and leaned in, kissing him hard. He hummed and put one hand behind your head, and the other around your back, pulling you in. It moved from kissing to making out, breathing heavy and wanting more, as much of his mouth as you could get.
After a minute you broke the kiss, pulling back to look at him. You smiled, “That’s fun,” you giggled.
He chuckled at you, “I’d say, yeah,” he kissed you again.
“You gonna miss me too bad if I let Sam fuck me next?”
You knew it was a bold thing to say, it was hard to get out, but you wanted to see what he would do. You could hear Sam push out a breath.
“Mm,” Danny contemplated, “Yeah, but I’d like to watch you enjoy it,” he kissed you again, “as long as you don’t forget about me.”
You smiled and touched his cheek, “I could never,” you looked down to see his sweats still on. You moved your hand down to pull at the band, and yeah, he had boxers on. You tugged at the sweat-shorts, “Can you take em off?”
He nodded and gently pulled away, stripping them and tossing them aside.
“S’better,” You said, as you kissed him once more with a smile still on your face.
You turned to Josh, “Could I have more rum?”
He smiled wide, “Of course, mama.”
You laid back down on the bed, arching your back to look up at Sam.
“Hiya, Sammy,” you said, giving him your most devilish grin.
“Hey,” He looked dazed, “So you want me, huh?”
You nodded, legs stretching against the bed, “I do. Do you want me?”
“Yeah,” he smirked, “Fuck, yeah.”
You laughed, blissful. Josh approached with the Malibu and you opened your mouth.
“Mm, good,” Josh hummed, putting his thumb under your lip. He poured some into your mouth and you swallowed. It was a bit warm by now, not that great, but still would do the job.
“What if I did this?” Josh said. You watched him move the bottle above your torso. He tilted it and poured a drizzle over your chest, down your stomach. You whined.
He handed the bottle of Malibu to Sam and bent down, licking below your collar bone.
“Oh—“ you started
“Mm,” Josh agreed against your skin. He licked your breast, taking your nipple gently into his mouth. He moved between your breasts, licking down. He pulled away for a second to swallow, and looked to you.
“You like this?”
You nodded urgently, putting a hand on his head to encourage him to go back. He smiled, obliging.
He licked down your stomach to your navel, where a small pool of the liquor was. He sucked it gently off your skin, tracing his fingers over your chest and rib cage.
When he finished he stood up, grinning, “S’fun.”
“Yeah,” you laughed, “I am all sticky now, though.”
He shrugged, “I’ll shower ya later if needed.”
He took the Malibu back from Sam and set it on the nightstand. Sam shimmied from where he was sitting to the edge of the bed to stand. He walked to the end and grabbed the lube Jake had set aside. He tossed it onto the end of the bed and stood for a moment, touching himself and letting his eyes rake over you. You licked your lips—he looked good.
Danny moved to sit next to Jake on the other bed.
“Could I lay with you?” Josh asked politely.
You nodded, “Course, babe,” you wiggled over so that he could recline next to you.
You thought for a brief moment about how hot you found his confidence. He was unfazed by his nudity, by yours, just existing in a body and pleased with it. He wasn’t even fully hard, but he didn’t seem to care.
He touched your face gently—Josh always touched you so gently, like you were ceramic, and it thrilled you.
He cradled your face and to your surprise, he leaned in to whisper into your ear.
“You want me to kiss you while Sam fucks you?” He asked. His voice was so low and soft you hardly recognized it as him. It was sweet, too, tender.
You could feel your jaw go slack, wanting. You nodded.
“You want me to touch you too, hmm?” He asked. His fingers grazed over your torso.
You nodded again, letting out a tiny whimper.
“And you wanna touch me?,” he continued.
You nodded again, “Josh, I—“
“Yeah, mama?” He tilted your head to look at him.
You just nodded, sheepish.
“Yeah?” he teased, “Don’t you worry, I’ve got ya.” He moved so that his one arm was under your head a bit, almost cradling you, and you both laid side to side.
He nuzzled his head into yours again, his mouth near your ear, “I want you to feel so good, dear,” he said, “Don’t want you to worry at all. S’that sound okay?”
You nodded again as he pulled back to look at you. “Mmhm,” you agreed softly.
“Good girl,” he said, smiling at you. You bit your lip at the name.
Sam was up on the bed now, between your legs. He poured the lube on and slicked it over himself, eyelids fluttering as he enjoyed it.
“You…,” Sam started, skimming his free hand over your thigh. He shook his head, “So gorgeous.”
“Thank you,” you said softly.
He pushed your legs apart carefully, rubbed his thumb softly over you, spreading the remaining lube. Even the slight touch made your toes curl.
He moved forward and rubbed himself against you, for longer than Jake had, and your eyes rolled back from the pleasure. Sam’s breath was shaky, too, you could hear it.
Josh’s hand moved to rest on your chest, not really playing with your breasts at all, instead resting, grounding.
Sam’s mouth opened as he pushed part way inside you, his pretty lips at a loss for words.
He only went in about half way at first, stopping to settle, to watch you. You gazed at him, biting your lip and reaching up to play with one of your nipples.
He breathed deep and pulled out some, then pushed back in all the way slowly. The air left your chest in a groan.
“Oh…my god,” you got out, eyes shutting, taking in the feeling.
“Fuck,” Sam said, watching himself enter you.
You watched him for a moment longer, watched his dark eyelashes tremble, his long fingers grab your love handles, his gold necklace gently swaying.
Then, there was Josh. He softly turned your face to his and kissed you firmly. The kiss was heated, and already overwhelmed with the pleasure of Sam inside you, it felt animalistic. You needed Josh’s mouth, needed his hands on you.
The kiss became sloppy quickly. You usually didn’t use so much tongue, but it was readily greeted by Josh. He licked at you, you sucked on his lip, he nipped at yours, hand at your throat, gentle, seductive.
Sam fucked you slowly and deeply, which you were more than happy about. It allowed you to breathe deeply, to feel your nerve endings lighting up at each touch.
Josh slipped his hand down, trailing his pointer finger down your stomach, over your navel, and then he slowly moved to place two fingers over your clit. You pushed into the kiss and whined at the touch.
He didn’t move much at first, just rested his fingers there, but the sensation between that and Sam was overwhelming.
Josh was kissing you more fervently now, like he needed it too, and began to move his fingers in easy circles.
Sam picked up the pace of his hips, and between the fullness, the angle he was working you, and Josh’s soft fingers, you knew you’d come again quickly.
Josh pulled away and his dark eyes met yours, eyelids heavy, lips slick with spit. He leaned in again to whisper in your ear. There was something intimate about knowing only you could hear him.
“Want you to come,” he said, breath warm against your neck, “please?”
You nodded hastily, letting him rile you up.
“Want you to breathe, relax,” he quickened his fingers, “just enjoy.”
You did as he said, taking a deep breath, feeling the warmth grow in your stomach.
“Gonna come,” you said, “please don’t stop.”
“I won’t, babe,” he murmured.
You closed your eyes and let it hit you, your mouth falling open, your hands squeezing Josh’s thigh.
“Beautiful,” Sam muttered.
Josh kissed your jawline, gently slowed his fingers and drew them away. He reached up to touch himself, and you noticed he was hard now.
You looked up at Sam, whose hair stuck to his forehead and pink cheeks looked so nice.
“You feel so good, Sam,” You smiled at him.
He smiled right back, pulling out just to tease you before shoving right back in. You gasped.
“Not as good as you,” He breathed out slowly, “M’gonna come soon. Can I be a little rougher?”
You swallowed and nodded, sure you were blushing.
Sam nodded back and licked his lips. He grabbed your legs near the knee and pulled them together, holding them there as he fucked you. You reeled the sensation, the new angle felt even better. He was holding you hard, fucking you faster.
You moved to watch Josh for a second, who was looking at you, slowly pumping a hand over himself.
“Kiss me?” He asked, and you had to oblige.
You kissed him hard, and your head was dizzy.
“Fuck,” Sam snarled. He let your legs part, pulled out, and you pulled away from Josh just in time to watch Sam stroke himself, coming all over you.
“Oh,” you breathed, “Fuck, Sam,”
It was pretty , and that was an understatement. His face was of pure bliss, his cock was pink and wet, and you sort of enjoyed him marking you up with his come.
He finally breathed, sighing, looking spent. He gave you a wild grin, “That,” he rolled his neck, “was nice.” You couldn’t help but giggle.
“Well,” Josh said, “could you grab a towel, because I’m pretty sure you got it on me too”
You laughed harder at that, and all of them joined with a chuckle.
Sam got off the bed to grab said towel. You looked at Josh.
“You’ll kiss me some more, right?” You asked softly, because honestly, kissing him was good, and you’d not had enough.
Josh smiled at you, “Yeah, mama, of course. Let’s get you cleaned up and I’ll kiss you til the morning comes.”
You grinned back at him, and gave a nod.
Sam came back with a towel, and after wiping you off, you felt happy and sleepy. You realized there was still more to come.
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yeetthedragon · 2 years ago
- the 1975: i guess they’re electronic pop but they have songs of different genres. they’re my favorite band :)
- 4TH WALL by ruel: his latest album, i love it so much. my favorite songs from it are I DONT WANNA BE LIKE YOU, SET YOURSELF ON FIRE, MUST BE NICE, and END SCENE but honestly the whole album is so so good. ruel just has really good songs, i also like younger and face to face, and his remix of golden hour. i like that song better than the original. trust me, it is better than the original
- chloe moriondo is a great artist, i really like her style
- i’ve been getting into lizzie mcalpine too, specifically erase me feat jacob collier, give me a minute, and doomsday
- ribs by the crane wives: ugh i found this song recently and fell in love. it has such a hadestown vibe, and hadestown is my favorite musical. great song, good band
- declan mckenna: specifically rapture (great song to blast through headphones), brazil, make me your queen, and in blue (fucking banger i love this song)
- sleeping at last: does good covers, i like you wouldn’t like me, looking at the world from the bottom of a well, and saturn
- vincent by don mclean: one of the songs i can repeat forever. love it
- briston maroney: YES YES how could i forget about him. freaking out on the interstate, rose, under my skin, and fool’s gold are my favorites
- alec benjamin: saw him in concert with a friend almost a year ago, it was honestly surreal because no band or artist i listen to ever tours in my city so to have one of my all-time favorite artists come to my hometown was a night to remember. too many of his songs i love to list, just go listen to him. one i highly recommend is paper crown, specifically the youtube version from 2015. i was addicted to this song when i was younger
- state champs: a band i liked a lot my freshman year of high school. their cover of real world is great, better than the original in my opinion. losing myself, all you are is history, secrets, and our time to go we’re favorites of mine back in 2019
- goodnight moon by go radio: another of my all time favorites. also great to blast through headphones. my brother doesn’t like this song for some reason. probably because i play it too often idk
- I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: great band love them 100%. clusterhug is an all-time favorite and i wish i could belt that final high note. it’s really not that high but i can’t belt. oh also razzmatazz. banger
- this too shall pass by danny schmidt: found this song from the welcome to nightvale podcast. good song
- in bloom by neck deep: love it love it love it
- call you up by viola beach: great for driving late at night
- i’m this close to just dropping my spotify
- jackie onassis by sammy rae and friends: literally in love with her voice please
- cherophobe by the royston club: another favorite :)
- i know that he loves me by autoheart: such a good vibes song
- acolyte by slaughter beach, dog: good for sunny days
- holy by PVRIS: vibes i love it. overall great band
- malibu 1992: something about it gives october vibes. also i have an october-themed playlist that i love
- persephone by the tragic thrills: gives off the vibe of like a dark green, i love it
- out of time by the weekend: i don’t wanna say it sounds ethereal, maybe other-worldly is a good word? idk i like this song a lot
if i keep going i will be typing forever so i’m cutting it off here. i already have way too many suggestions, and this was just from one playlist. granted it’s a playlist compiled from three years of my on repeat playlist that spotify puts together so. if people are interested i’ll drop the spotify and we can be spotify moots :D but yeah there’s that for now
i wanna branch out in my music taste so if you guys want you can start a chain of songs/artists/albums you recommended and we can call listen to new music yk <3
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ofmymuses · 4 years ago
under the cut, you’ll find a total of 578 name ideas for furry friends sorted in alphabetical order!!   if you find this post useful, please consider giving it a like / reblog so i know ♡♡
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abby, ace, angel, annie, allie, angus, apollo, aries, athena, autumn, avery, alvin, amour, aspen, archie, artie, ava, alice, alpha, aslan, almond, alfie, axel, appricot
baby, bailey, basil, bella, bean, bandit, betty, birdie, betsy, bear, beau, bonnie, blossom, biscuit, blue, bo, boomer, brownie, bingo, bambi, bacon, billie, bubbles, bitsy, boots, bb, buddy, buster, bowser, barbie
candy, callie, chanel, chloe, cinnamon, cleo, coco, cricket, captain, cash, champ, chunky, chancey, charlie, chester, chico, chief, cooper, chipper, cookie, campbell, clove/r, coffee, coconut
daisy, dakota, delia, diamond, dixie, dolly, duchess, dane, dexter, diego, diesel, dodge/r, duke, dexter, darcey, dawn, dainty, dora, dizzy, decker, dallas, dagwood, dew, drusilla
eden, ella, ellie, emmy, eddie, elmer, eli, emmett, echo, elvis, eva, enid, eiffel, easter, elfa, edsel, evita, elzie
fiona, foxy, fern, fanny, finn, flash, frankie, fritz, fairy, fang, fancy, ferris, fey, flo, fluffy, fly, fudge, fuzzball, finch, foster, figo, fidget, frodo, flick, frieza
gaia, gumball, gumdrop, goldie, griffin, gus, georgie, gordon, garfield, glitter, gollum, goose, grover, gremlin, gem, gidget, goober, grumpy, gulliver
ham, harry, hope, hickory, harley, henry, hazel, holly, happy, hunter, hopscotch, hershey, harvey, honey, honeybee, hilda, hutch, hyde, hugo, hiccup, hawthorne, hades
icy, indie, itchy, isla, itsy bitsy, izzy, ivory, indigo, iggy, izzy, ike, ima, inigo, ira, isabella, iman
jabba, jade, jax, jj, jiffy, joey, july, juniper, june, juno, jackson, jagger, jasmine, jedi, jellybean, jack jack, jubilee, jonesy, jimbo, jock, jenkins, jinkies, jazz, janie, jaws, jennie, jiggly puff, jiggles, jodie
king, kai, kaijo, kermit, karma, krabby, kraken, kylo, koko, kali, kash, kane, kenny, kiddo, kimmy, kip, kisses, kit kat, kitty, kiwi, klaus, kleo, koda, kona, kylie, kooper, kimbo
luna, lola, lily, lady, lucky, lovey, loki, linus, lilo, lightning, leapfrog, lemon, lemondrop, lacy, luigi, lavender, lilac, leia, levi, lenny, lewis, libby, little, link, little foot, leftie, lulu, lurk, lydia, lynx, lars, lovebug
m&m, mabel, macaroni, macy, mae, midge, milo, midnight, marshmallow, maisie, mischief, mocha, monster, monty, munchkin, muppet, magenta, magoo, magic, maggie, malibu, maxwell, maximus, max, meeko, melody, mellow, mickey, millie, mimi, minnie, mint, missy, moon, moxie, muffy, muffin, mystic
nana, nanette, nanny, nani, newbury, natwick, nico, noah, nixon, nymph, nyx, nacho, nacia, nibbles, niche, noisy, nessie, nugget, napoleon, nanook, nutella, nellie, neon, neptune, nightmare
oatmeal, ozzy, octavia, october, oddball, olive, oreo, oscar, odie, olaf, oasis, oceana, o’hara, oakley, odessa, odin, ollie, olympia, omega, onyx, otis
panda, pumpkin, pops, popcorn, patches, prince, princess, precious, pepper, paige, pongo, poppy, penny, prudence, polly, priscilla, prancer, paris, pooh, peanut, potato, piggy, peppermint, pancake
ralph, ribbit, riley, rio, raphael, rebel, rex, roo, river, rocket, rosie, ruby, rey, ranger, raven, razzle, red, reese, retro, rhino, rigsby, ringo, rizzo, rocky, rogue, rolo, romeo, ross, roxie, ruckus
spencer, spyro, sadie, sage, sabrina, sugar, scout, sass, sky, sunny, sally, storm, stevie, sammie, scarlet, snickers, sweetie, snow/y, snoop/y, suzy, sookie, sapphire, sushi, sedona, skittles, sparkle/s, sweetpea, skipper, spot, sterling, sox, scar, scottie, scooby, sprocket
tinkerbell, tank, tango, tigger, teddy, taz, turner, toto, tess, topaz, tulip, tomika, tycoon, toki, trinket, tootsie, tarzan, trouble, twiggy, tetra, tia, thunder, thor, thumper, titan, toby, twinkle, twizzler
ursula, unit, urian, ulana, unix, utopia, urmina, unique, ultra, ufo
vesper, velvet, vanilla, valentine, vito, victory, voodoo, vallisa, vallie, valino, vanessa, vandooh, van goh, vega, vee, varro
wolfe, wolfie, wagner, whiskers, wendy, willie, worm, winnie, waldo, woody, warlock, wildfire
x-tray, xandor, xampus, xandrana, xandy, xanta, xara, xena, xera, xisco, xylo
yzma, yoda, yaki, yahoo, yogi, yeti, yenga, yumi, yello, yamana, yeska
zeus, zombie, zara, zoe/y, ziggy, zeke, zelda, zero, zola, zane, zorro, zia, zazu, zip/per, zella, zsa zsa, zadie, zoro, zorra, zephyr
204 notes · View notes
jelenamasterpost · 4 years ago
INDEX: purple font signifies importance, whether that be a specific date, quote, etc - I will later release a full index of all important dates and information combing each year of the Jelena timeline, but in the meantime, purple font signifies key information in their story to later come back to.
January 1st:
Selena celebrated NYE by Justin's side at his private party at the Glass House in NYC following his performance on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve:
"He...danced with Selena, showing off, picking her up and swinging her around like it was Dancing With the Stars," a source tells E!
*E! article here (x)
January 2nd:
Selena tweets (a now deleted) photo she posted to her instagram of Justin with a big smile captioned:
“This smile is because of Carly Rae Jepsen.. We have not stopped listening to your song girl!” in response to CRJ’s single “Call Me Maybe”
*tweet here (x)
January 3rd:
Selena was spotted getting gas and McDonalds on way to Justin’s house
*photos here (x)
January 4th:
Justin, Selena, Taylor Swift, JoJo and Francia attend The Laugh Factory in Los Angeles
*photos / article here (x) (x)
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January 6th:
Justin and Selena are photographed in Los Cabos, Mexico
*photos here (x)
January 7th:
Photos of Justin and Selena in Los Cabos, Mexico
*photos here (x)
January 9th:
Justin adds photo of him and Selena in Los Cabos, Mexico to instagram captioned:
“2 much fun”
January 10th:
Selena and Justin are photographed arriving at a restaurant together in Hollywood, California
*full article / photos here (x)
January 13th:
Selena and Justin are spotted by fans while walking with Baylor in Balboa Park, California
*full article / photos here (x)
January 14th:
Selena and Justin are spotted and photographed grocery shopping together with some family members in Encino, CA
*photos here (x)
January 15th:
Selena and Justin are photographed arriving at a friends house for Football Sunday
*full article / photos here (x)
January 16th:
Justin and Selena drive to Disney Land and were spotted walking on streets of Anaheim
*photos here (x)
January 17th:
Justin and Selena attend Disneyland together and are spotted kissing - they also run into Selena’s on-screen mom, actress Maria Canals Barrera, who tweeted a photo of herself with Selena and Justin writing “You never know who you’ll bump into at Disney Land.”
*full article / photos here (x) (x) (x)
January 22nd:
Selena continues her We Own The Night World Tour for the final South American leg of the tour this evening in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The tour runs through January 22nd-February 11th
Fans spot both Selena and Justin in San Juan and take fan photos with the couple - Alfredo later confirms Justin was indeed in Puerto Rico but that they were flying back to LA the following day
Alfredo Flores:
"Went to dinner tonight in Puerto Rico. Justin ended up eating fish… I wanted him to try something Puerto Rican but he really wanted fish.. LOL what a waste of trying. Selena had a great show though and it was awesome seeing all the fans at the arena. I met so many of you and it was so much fun. Last day tomorrow and then we have to fly back to LA. Enjoying my last moments tomorrow. Te Amo."
*photos here (x) / Wikipedia tour dates (x)
February 2nd:
Selena covers the March issue of Cosmo and mentions Justin a few times in her interview
Talking about Justin:
“I’m just like every 19-year-old girl. If you’re in love, you’re in love to the fullest, and you just want to go to the movies, hang out, and be as normal as possible. I’m fortunate that I’ve found someone who has that philosophy … [Love] is the most powerful thing. When it comes to my family, friends, a relationship … it centers me. You only live once, and I want to be proud of everything that I do and just have fun. I want to be able to say that I had a really fulfilled, fun life.”
Talking about Nick, an ex:
“I was in a relationship previously where I had to hide everything and it wasn’t my choice. I had to go through different exits and take separate cars and do the craziest things, and it just really wasn’t worth it. It was like a year of my life completely wasted.”
February 11th:
Selena officially finishes her We Own The Night World Tour as she performs her final show of her South American leg in Montevideo, Uruguay
She also announced via her official Facebook that her and her band Selena Gomez & The Scene would be taking a prolonged hiatus as she will focusing primarily on acting this year:
This tour has been amazing, Thank you all for all the love and support you have shown me on this tour. Today is the last show but.... I will be back. Love you all.
Just to clear up my last instagram post, my band and I are going our separate ways for a while. This year is all about films and acting and I want my band to play music wherever with whoever. We will be back but, it will be a good while. I love them and I love you guys
*Facebook status here (x)
February 12th:
Justin is photographed picking up Selena from LaGuardia Airport in New York, who just finished her South American tour the night prior
They're later photographed together shopping in H&M and again that evening getting dinner at Thai Bistro in Manhattan posing for fan photos
*photos here (x) / here (x) / and here (x)
February 13th:
Justin and Selena are seen arriving at their New York City hotel on the eve of Valentines Day.
Justin gifted Selena a diamond ring for Valentines Day with the letter "J" on it - she uploaded a photo of her hand and the ring to Instagram with the caption:
"I'm finally home :)"
*E! article / photo of ring here (x)
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February 14th:
Justin and Selena spend part of their Valentines Day at Disneyland with his whole family and were photographed carrying around his younger siblings.
*full article / photos here (x)
February 15th:
Justin and Selena are spotted at iHop and Chuck E Cheese in Encino, California
*photos here (x) / and here (x)
February 17th:
Justin and Selena were spotted/filmed while out shopping at The Beverly Centre
Justin and Selena later took to the Malibu oceanfront with his younger siblings and were photographed
*beach photos here (x) beverly centre here footage here (x)
February 18th:
Justin and Selena were photographed out as they took his younger siblings, Jaxon and Jazmyn, for a trip to Japanese spot Benihana in Los Angeles.
Stuart Montalvo, general manager of the restaurant, tells HollywoodLife.com:
“Justin and Selena were here this past Saturday with a group of people. They are really nice and polite. They come here quite often and usually order the same thing: Rocky’s Choice, which is Hibachi steak and chicken breast. Justin’s younger brother and sister were also with them. It was a family affair. Everyone was in a great mood and laughing and having fun. Justin and Selena were very affectionate. They were holding hands when they walked in and when they left. They looked like they are very fond of each other.”
Justin and Selena recruit their friend Ashley Tisdale and crew (including Ashley's boyfriend Martin Johnson from Boys Like Girls, Sammy Droke, Mateo Arias, Logan Henderson, Kendall Schmidt and Carlos Pena) to film themselves lip-synching and dancing to Carly Rae Jepsen’s Call Me Maybe in a home-made video
*photos earlier that day here (x)
February 19th:
Taylor Swift films "dance challenge" with Zac Efron on behalf of Ellen's dare at the premiere of The Lorax, and includes footage from the same day of the premiere dancing up on Justin in the studio and Selena at the event
*full article here (x) (x) *full video here (x)
February 22nd:
Justin and Selena went to UNDER THE GUN tattoo parlor in Hollywood to get Selena her first tattoo. Jordan Sandoval tweeted a picture of Selena and Louie, the tattoo artist who tattooed her.
(he is quoted saying its a heart, but its actually a music symbol and has been long speculated to actually be a disguised "J")
“She got a little heart tattoo at Under The Gun, in Hollywood by Louie Gomez @selenagomez.”
Carly Rae Jepsen and Justin hang out in the studio, upload a photo together and announce they've recorded a song via Twitter
Carly's Tweet:
I finally got to say thank you in person. Ps @/kukharrell @/justinbieber and I may have worked on a little song tonight.
Justin's Tweet:
my first impression of @/carlyraejepsen - kind, talented, and the real deal. this is going to be fun. welcome to the team.
*tattoo parlour photos here (x)
February 23rd:
Justin and Selena are photographed as they stop at The Commons at Calabasas in Calabasas, California - they later stopped for coffee at Starbucks and frozen yogurt at Menchie’s with their entourage, and Justin debuts his dyed brunette hair.
*full article / photos here (x)
February 25th:
Justin and Selena are photographed having lunch together at Sushi Den then again as they head into the Sherman Oaks Galleria to catch an afternoon movie together in Sherman Oaks, Calif.
Justin adds a photo of him and Selena to his Instagram
Later that evening while grabbing dinner they met Richard Reid in an elevator and stopped to pose for a photo with him that Richard ended up posting to his Twitter - after being flooded with questions from Justin fans, he began answering a few, revealing publicly via Twitter that there was boob grabbing (?)
*photos from earlier in the day here (x) Richard Reid photo here (x) Richard Reid tweet here (x)
February 26th:
Justin and Selena are photographed by fans renting movies at a Hollywood Blockbuster
Selena speaks to Access Hollywood about her new diamond studded ring in the shape of a "J" from Justin and whether or not its an engagement ring. When asked to show off the jewelry, she suddenly came down with a sudden case of stage fright:
“No, no — that’s like almost a friendship ring, it’s just for fun.”
“No! You’ll see it in pictures!”
“I get nervous.” she added with a laugh.
*blockbuster photos here (x) / AccessHollywood article here (x)
February 27th:
Selena officially begins filming Spring Breakers in St. Petersburg Florida alongside Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Benson
February 29th:
Justin films his appearance for The Ellen DeGeneres Show (that airs the following day) to reveal that the first single from his upcoming album, Believe, was called Boyfriend and would be released March 26th - while filming, he's surprised and gifted an electric car from his manager Scooter Braun for his birthday
*full article here (x)
March 1st:
Selena adds photo to instgram for Justin’s birthday captioned:
Happy birthday to my best friend in the whole world!!! Have a great birthday baby!
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March 2nd:
Selena is photographed leaving a medical clinic after getting bloodwork while still in St. Petersburg Florida
She's later seen arriving into LAX, having flown in for Justin's birthday party
Justin’s birthday party is this evening and Carly Rae Jepsen performs - Selena, their mutual agent Nick Styne, Jaden Smith, Ashley Tisdale, Ryan Good, Tori Kelly, Alfredo, Ashley Cook and Samantha Droke are also in attendance
*Medical Clinic article here (x) / DailyMail article here (x) / JustJared photos (x)
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March 5th:
Its been reported that Justin is buying a $10.8million property in the Hollywood Hills to set up for himself and Selena
*DailyMail article here (x)
March 11th:
Justin flies down to Florida and takes Selena, Ashley Benson and her boyfriend Ryan Good, Justin's mom and his grandparents for a fishing trip excursion.
They are later spotted by fans at Gratzzi Italian Grille and Cracker Barrel before ending up back at their hotel.
Justin tweeted:
"great day fishing. time with grandpa doing the simple things in life. great day."
"Show the ones you love you love them. Take the time to make sure they know,"
*DailyMail article here (x) more photos here (x)
March 12th:
Justin visits Selena on the set of Spring Breakers
Later that evening, they meet up for dinner and drinks at a sports bar with Ashley Benson and Ryan Good in St. Petersburg Florida and have their first public fight - shortly after arriving Justin stormed out of the bar, followed by Selena chasing after him to their car.
“Justin’s security team drove the battling couple down the street to an alley where they had a ‘private conversation.’ After settling their dispute, they went back to the bar and continued boozing it up. By the time they left it was clear that the underage couple appeared to have had too much alcohol to drink.”
They were later photographed leaving the restaurant seeming to have made amends, but were reported to have been intoxicated.
*full article detailing fight here (x) *justin visiting set photos here (x)
March 13th:
Justin is photographed arriving back into LAX from Florida
March 15th:
Selena, Justin and her family are photographed leaving Cedars Sinai Medical Office Towers in Los Angeles California - Selena had a bandage around her arm where it looked like she had blood taken.
Upon getting in the car, Justin laid down in the seat so he wouldn't be seen by the camera.
*full article here (x)
March 16th:
Justin is photographed at Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre waiting outside in his vehicle and allegedly is there with Selena - she was also there the day before getting blood work
*full article / photos here (x)
March 26th:
Justin does a radio interview with Ryan Seacrest on KIIS-FM explained how he tries to stay busy while Selena is away filming her movie:
“I work all day, it keeps me occupied.”
March 30th:
Justin sits down with Complex and talks about Selena and growing up in the game:
Complex: Obviously, you and Selena are fodder for the gossip blogs everyday. How hard is it to keep your relationship private?
JB: It’s so hard, because everyone’s got a camera-phone, and now everyone wants to get their picture on the blogs. So they’ll send anything that they have to the blogs. So you don’t really get any privacy. If I want to go out to eat, if I’m in L.A., I just have to expect that there’s going to be someone there. That’s the only thing that I don’t like.
Complex: Is it tough for you guys? A lot of people like, hate it. Do you guys hate it, or is it like, “This comes with the territory, we’ve got to deal with it, it sucks?”
JB: I’m kind of both. I don’t like it, but I understand it. I’ll be covering my face or something, and the comment that pisses me off so much is, “Oh, get over it, Justin. You’re famous. People are going to take your picture. Just suck it up. You’re rich. You’re making a lot of money. Suck it up. This is one of the things that you have to do.” I’m like, “Yo I just got off an eight-hour flight. I’m tired. My eyes have bags under them. I’m not trying to take pictures.” I’m not going to come to your house, wake you up out of a deep sleep and start snapping your picture, no matter how you look right now. It doesn’t matter. When I get off a flight, I’m not trying to sit there and let them take pictures of me. I’m tired. I’m scratching my eyes. I just don’t like taking pictures in general.
Complex: There’s been high profile couples in history: Justin and Britney, Jay and Beyoncé. Jay and Beyoncé kind of kept it private. Everyone knew they were together, but they kept it quiet. Even with the kid, they kept it so under wraps. Do you learn anything from those relationships? And do you guys talk about that?
JB: Yeah. I mean, for me, it’s like, there’s no way to hide it completely, because then it would be unfair for us. Then, we’re not even able to have a relationship. It’s like, “You take this car, and I’ll take this car, and then we’ll meet up at the spot. Then, you go in this door, I’ll go in this door. We’ll end up crossing ways. You get back in this car. We’ll cross over, do a James Bond. You go through the kitchen. I’ll go through the back area. Then we’ll meet in the dressing room and see each other.” At that point, it’s like, it’s not even a relationship. You’re just hiding from everyone. That’s unfair and unhealthy, man.
*full Complex article here (x)
March 31st:
Justin and Selena both attend The Kids Choice Awards though walk the red carpet separately - Justin gets slimed during the ceremony and they both win awards
(note to self: Selena seems a bit high during interviews backstage)
April 4th:
Selena and Justin are photographed having a Subway picnic overlooking the city at Griffith Park in Los Angeles.
*full article / photos here (x)
April 5th:
Justin and Selena held hands as they headed to Panera Bread for lunch in Glendale, California
*DailyMail article / photos here (x)
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April 6th:
Justin and Selena were photographed getting food at the Chick-fil-A drive-thru
*full article / photos here (x)
April 7th:
Justin and Selena were spotted by fans at a grocery store and posed for photos
*photos here (x)
April 9th:
Justin, Selena and Alfredo are spotted/photographed by fans while going to watch American Reunions in theatres
*photos here (x)
April 11th:
Seventeen Magazine releases their May issue with Justin on the cover and ask about Selena during his interview:
Seventeen: Everyone is so interested in your personal life, especially your relationship with Selena. A lot of your fans don’t approve…
Justin: Everyone has haters, so you always have to deal with the negativity and be positive about it. I don’t think it’s nice; I’d rather they be nice, but at the end of the day I don’t let it affect me.
Seventeen: You’ve planned some amazing dates for Selena - who taught you to be so romantic?
Justin: I’m just trying to make her happy, that’s all. I think it’s important to make all woman feel like they’re princesses because every girl is a princess, I’m serious.
Seventeen: Will.I.am said he thinks it’s important for people to experience heartbreak so they’ll have something to sing about. What do you think?
Justin: I haven’t gone through it so I don’t really know what it’s about. I don’t think anyone wants to have heartbreak. I haven’t been in that deep a place yet, but I’m still looking. I’m still learning every day.
Seventeen: Would you and Selena ever record music together?
Justin: Yeah. I love her music, so maybe we could collaborate.
*full article here (x)
April 12:
Justin, Selena and Alfredo are photographed snowboarding at Big Bear Ski Resort in Big Bear Lake, California
*photos here (x)
April 14th:
Justin and Selena go to Jupiter, Florida for the weekend to celebrate the wedding of one of Justin’s friends and check into The Inn at Admiral’s Cove
They later attend Allison Kaye's wedding
*full article here (x)
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April 17th:
Justin and Selena attend Lakers game together after both separately appearing on DWTS and American Idol, and publicly share an intimate kiss when put on the spot via the events Kiss Cam
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April 19th:
During an interview with The Insider to promote her new perfume line, Selena is put to the test to correctly guess Justin's perfume through a sniff-test:
"The Insider's Brooke Anderson lined up three unlabeled fragrances for Selena, which included Justin's Someday perfume, challenging her to pick out his scent from the trio.
"I'm such a bad girlfriend," Selena sheepishly muttered when she confused Someday for Paris.
Selena revealed that Justin is impressed with her concoction and went on to explain why his opinion carried so much weight when she was creating the scent for her perfume, not only as a fellow perfumer, but also as a guy, citing "romantic" reasons."
*full video here (x)
April 20th:
Selena debuts a new additional music video for Hit The Lights
Selena appears on On Air with Ryan Seacrest and opens up about her Kiss Cam at the Lakers game earlier this week, and Justin’s upcoming debut with Taylor Swift.
Asked about the Kiss Cam, Selena called it "the most humiliating thing that’s ever happened to me, probably."
“They were showing these little elderly couples, and it was so cute. Then all of a sudden we’re both looking up and we come on the screen and it’s like … it was so awkward. It was so weird. I mean you have to kiss, right?”
"They wrote a song together and it’s beautiful - it’s amazing - I don’t know if it will make the album, but if not I’m sure they’ll release it at some point, because it’s a really great record. It’s kind of like … it’s Taylor and Justin combined. So it’s a little bit of an upbeat song, but it’s very acoustic.”
*full video interview here (x) / *full RadarOnline article here (x)
April 21st:
Selena visits Justin on set for his music video “Boyfriend” and the two are photographed hugging/kissing/being affectionate
*full article / photos here (x)
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April 27th:
UsWeekly releases a special edition of their magazine featuring Justin and exclusive photos/interviews titled Inside My World: Justin Bieber. He's questioned about Selena during his interview and mentions recently gifting her a diamond bracelet:
UsWeekly: At least you get quality time with Selena. What do you love about her?
Justin: I dunno! She just carries herself in a very elegant way. And my family loves her, which is usually hard because my mom’s really picky. My mom wants, you know, a good Christian girl with good manners.
UsWeekly: Do you understand girls better now?
Justin: Well, every girl is different, so they are hard to figure out. Like, the way most men work is the same. But each woman works differently. It’s like I can’t figure them out! But I do know girls like you to tell them you love them and that they’re all beautiful all the time. So I do that a lot with any girl I’m with. I tell them that as much as possible.
UsWeekly: Most romantic gift you’ve ever given?
Justin: I’m not saying to who- but I gave a girl an expensive diamond bracelet recently. It was so pretty, I knew she’d love it!
UsWeekly: Would you and Selena ever do a duet?Yeah. I think she’s very talented.
Justin: That would be very cool. We have nothing planned- but I’m not opposed to it!
*full interview here (x)
May 16th:
Justin featured in GQ magazine/interview:
"I keep my guard up a lot," the singer says in the latest issue of GQ.
"Because you know, you can’t trust anyone in this business. That’s what’s sad. You can’t trust anybody. I learned the hard way.”
May 18th:
The Hollywood Gossip reports that Justin and Selena may have broken up after Justin cryptically tweets/deletes:
“thank u for the time i had with you but i have to move on now..”
*full article here (x)
May 20th:
Justin attends Billboard Music Awards solo in Las Vegas
May 20th:
Justin sits down with Sunday Times for an interview and reveals when news of his “love child” with Mariah Yeater broke, Selena called him right away. Justin also revealed that he wrote a song dedicated to Selena titled 'Be Alright.'
“She was like, ‘Do you see what they’re saying on the internet?’ I was like ‘Yeah.’ She was, like, ‘So…’ I was, like ‘No, it’s not true’. ‘Okay, thank you, bye!’ That was it, she trusts me."
“I’m going to call my girlfriend.” So he does, reaching Selena on the Florida set of her new film Spring Breakers.
“Whats up baby? I can’t stop thinking about you… I said I can’t stop thinking about you. That’s all. Yes, so, um, I gotta do this interview but I just wanted to call and hear your voice really quickly… Okay, I love you. Okay bye.”
Skype and FaceTime keep them connected, he says.
���Ten years ago, or even five years, long distance relationships were much harder. Now you see each other anytime you want!”
May 25th:
Justin and Selena reunite as he picks her up from the LAX airport
*full article (x) / photos (x)
May 26th:
Selena and Justin are photographed out for a lunch date at Benihana in Sherman Oaks. Afterwards the two snuck out the back door hand-in-hand. Selena then went her own way as she cruised to a nearby 76 gas station in Encino to fill her Ford Escape
*photos here (x)
May 27th:
Selena and Justin were strolling an outdoor mall in Calabasas when paparazzi began harassing them as they were trying to leave. According to witnesses (and photos taken) this photographer was so aggressive that he even blocked Justin's car, and was said to be rudely harassing Selena "about the herpes (coldsore) on her lip" while trying to capture a photo of her. After they began harassing Selena, Justin got out of his car and went to smack the camera from his hands and him and the photographer both fell off the curb.
The photographer was taken away by ambulance AND filed a police report that named Justin as the culprit. The Los Angles County Sheriff's office is investigating and say they will talk to Justin.
One of the girls who supposedly was there shared this:
"long story short; the paps were blocking his car and wouldnt move, he got mad after asking them to move, justin tried to knock their camera, the pap and justin both fell off the curb, he lost his shoe and hat while fighting him, selena and justin left and came back because selena lost her phone, and the paps would not get out of her face, and then they left and now the paps are trying to get money from the whole thing"
Another girl that was allegedly there as a witness had nearly the exact same story as above, except in addition she added the paparazzi were rudely asking Selena "about the herpes on her lip," and that's when and why Justin knocked his camera.
*full video to story above here (x)
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May 28th:
Selena attends producer Joel Silver‘s Memorial Day party in Malibu
Selena and Justin have dinner date
*full article / photos here (x)
May 30th:
Detectives want to interview Justin and Selena after a photographer claims he was attacked by Justin at a Calabasas shopping mall Sunday, but authorities continue to seek additional witnesses.
In a statement released Tuesday, the Sheriff's Department said the investigation was continuing and that detectives "are planning to interview Mr. Bieber." Law enforcement sources said Selena is among the witnesses detectives would like to talk to. Detectives are investigating claims by the photographer that Justin struck him after he snapped photographs of Selena at the Commons at Calabasas Shopping Center.
The photographer complained of pain and was taken by the Los Angeles County Fire Department to a hospital, where he was treated and released, officials said. The sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing, stressed that the probe was in its early stages.
*source here (x)
June 7th:
Selena’s photoshoot and interview for her Elle cover is released where she briefly mentions Justin renting out LA's Staples Center for a private screening of Titanic:
"If I'll share anything with you, it's that he really is a hopeless romantic. I had just mentioned it in the car - all I said is that I really want to see Titanic again, and then."
June 11th:
Justin joined Selena's mom and step-dad at the Right to Laugh event hosted by the Alliance for Children's Rights at the Avalon in Hollywood. Selena's mom Mandy, a huge supporter of the organization, purchased an entire table to support the cause, and invited Justin to accompany her family.
"Selena and Justin sat side-by-side," a source tells PEOPLE.
"They were laughing and smiling the whole evening. They were being very low-key and gracious as to not take away any attention from the cause."
June 15th:
Justin officially releases his third studio album Believe and many of the album's songs are inspired by Selena and their relationship, including Be Alright, a song about their long distance relationship, that Justin wrote by himself:
Across the ocean, across the sea
Startin' to forget the way you look at me now
Over the mountains, across the sky
Need to see your face and need to look in your eyes
Through the storm and, through the clouds
Bumps on the road and upside down now
I know it's hard baby, to sleep at night
Don't you worry
Selena is referenced by name in the song Beauty & A Beat during Nicki Minaj's rap:
“Justin Bieber / You know I'm gonna hit 'em with the ether / Buns out, wiener/ But I gotta keep an eye out for Selener”
*Be Alright audio here (x)
June 15th:
Selena arrives into Toronto Pearson International airport and Justin is photographed picking her up.
*photos here (x) / (x)
June 16th:
Selena and Justin are photographed boarding a helicopter to fly them into his hometown Stratford Ontario where Justin later sang Baby on steps of the Avon Theatre
*full articles (x)
June 17th:
Justin and Selena both attend Much Music Video Awards ceremony in Toronto, Canada where Justin was performing and Selena was presenting - they walked the red carpet separately and didn't pose for any photos together
*photos here (x)
June 25th:
Justin and Selena have dinner date at Geoffrey’s in Malibu and are later seen departing in Justin’s "party bus"
*photos here (x)
June 26th:
Justin and Selena attend Katy Perry’s “Part of Me” documentary premiere at Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles - Justin skipped the red carpet
Later that evening Justin and Selena arrive at the Bootsy Bellows lounge with Katy Perry and Robert Pattinson in West Hollywood for the after party and headed to a private room in the back of the lounge:
“Justin and Selena shared a table with friends,” a spywitness tells JustJared.com of the after-party.
“They were very affectionate the whole night, holding hands and sharing kisses. Katy and Amber Heard, and Shannon Woodward spent a good portion of the night sitting and chatting with them. Everyone was laughing and having a great time, taking pictures with each other and snacking on mini-cupcakes.”
*full article / photos here (x)
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June 28th:
Justin cut short a pre-taped interview with U.S. radio show Mojo in the Morning after the host compared him to Justin Timberlake and quizzed him about a potential romance between his mother and One Direction's Harry Styles.
Thomas Carballo, the host of the show, was in the middle of a phone chat with Justin when he (rightfully so) took offence at his line of questioning - and hung up.
The 10-minute interview got off to a bad start when Carballo told Justin he thought he was Timberlake the first time he heard him.
Justin said, "That's funny because our voices sound nothing alike... Saying I sound like somebody else is definitely not a compliment."
Justin eased up when talking about his new song Maria, which was inspired by the woman who falsely claimed he was the father of her baby last year, but he lost his cool when Carballo got personal and asked if he was worried about Harry Styles falling for his mum.
The DJ said, "Do you worry about Harry around your mum, since he likes older women?"
Clearly upset, Justin then mumbled something about Carballo's mother and, as the radio presenter explained his mum was dead, Justin had already hung up the phone.
A record company representative then tried to convince the DJ that Justin's phone had cut off, explaining, "I can't get him. He's in a really s**tty area."
She later revealed Justin was "really upset" with the questions, adding, "He probably won't be calling back."
*source here (x)
June 30th:
Justin and Selena enjoy a walk around Lake Balboa in Van Nuys, California, stopped at an ice cream truck with Alfredo and stopped by Bronco Burrito for some lunch.
*full article / photos here (x)
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sychosid · 4 months ago
For Sammi 1, 29, and 16!
1.Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
yea!!! sammie sleeps with a worn down pink bunny named cinderella
29.What recurring dreams do they have?
i think she has a recurring dream where she is at a gymnastics meet and has to execute on the pommel horse. she hates it.
16.If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
literally just make a wardrobe based on barbie looks.
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triceratopper · 2 years ago
for the book ask meme, 3?
What were your top five books of the year?
These are my top 5 books that I read for the first time this year, in no particular order because... I can't:
Kiss Her Once for Me by Alison Cochrun (and The Charm Offensive by the author almost made it on my list, too)
Delilah Green Doesn't Care by Ashley Herring Blake
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo (book 2 of the Six of Crows duology)
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers (I loved this so much that I read it twice this year!)
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy (absolutely. devastating. and just as good as everyone says)
Honorable mentions to Malibu Rising & Carrie Soto Is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid (her writing is absolutely captivating), The Maid by Nita Prose (quirky and delightful mystery), and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin (by far the saddest book I read this year but oh my god, so beautiful).
Since I read so much, I also want to shout out 5 books that I re-read this year, because I don't re-read often, and these were all very much worth it:
Taste: My Life Through Food by Stanley Tucci (listening to the audiobook was like sitting down to dinner with an old friend)
The Guncle by Steven Rowley
The Sammy Keyes series by Wendelin Van Draanen (my re-read will have to span into next year, but Sammy is the spunkiest, realest seventh grade sleuth)
A Life in Parts by Bryan Cranston
A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket
Thank you so much for the ask, and sorry for getting carried away! ;)
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tearsincerulean · 5 years ago
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It Was Always You
Summary: Y/n met the Winchester brothers a little over a year ago and has been riding with them since. But when complicated feelings arise, what will happen during their time together?
Pairing: Dean x Reader 
Series Warnings: slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, blood, violence, torture, fighting, individual kinks. Specific warnings before each chapter.
Chapter Warnings: slow burn, fluff, smutty smut smut, fingering, public fingering, dirty talk, playfulness, drinking, dirty dancing, and a bit of a daddy kink.
Word Count: 3,764
Chapter 3:
It was a crisp autumn evening and as the three of you walked, the leaves crunched beneath your feet. You guys decided to walk the short distance to the bar, it was only about a block or two away from your motel, you all were planning on drinking a little too much tonight. You were still lost in your thoughts. Thinking about what both Sam and Dean said and how they reacted when they saw your outfit. As you ponder it, you remember how Dean had that flash of anger cross his face while Sam was staring at you and complimenting you. Maybe he was jealous? But as soon as you turned your attention to him, his mood shifted and that little moan he finally let out in front of you after eyeing you in your outfit, fuck. It was so sexy. God, you would do anything to hear him moan like that all night long. 
You and Dean have always had a weird relationship, sometimes sending flirty signals but sometimes it felt like he saw you as nothing more than a little sister. Recently though, you’ve been noticing things more and more, like the way he will wet his lips and then bite them ever so subtly every so often when your around, or how his eyes have been lingering on you alot longer than usual. This sudden change in his behavior has you thinking about the past as well, to see if maybe these cues and tells have been here all along you just didn’t notice them because in your mind, he would never see you that way. Then you start to remember little things. Like how when you would wear your favorite sleeping outfit around the motel room, boy shorts and an oversized t-shirt (usually one you managed to steal from either Sam or Dean), Dean's eyes would linger on your ass and your exposed legs but would snap away the second you caught him. Or how when you would wear your fed outfit he would glance down at your chest a little too often, again looking away and acting as if nothing happened if you managed to catch him. You thought it was either because he disapproved of what you were wearing, or because he was a guy and they can’t help themselves when it comes to things like that.
All that time you have had a crush on him, the thought never crossed your mind that he could feel the same. Now you feel somewhat stupid for not noticing these things sooner, but a bit more confident in your plan to try and get some attention or even a reaction from him tonight, you have no idea how but you’ll make it up as you go. Who knows what he will do, but either way you’ll have your answer. 
You are almost to the bar and you are a few feet ahead of Sam and Dean. You hear Dean smirk off to Sam, “So, you actually gonna get lucky tonight Sammy? Or are you gonna tap out early like usual and go read like the nerd you are?” You stifle a giggle when you hear Sam land a punch against Dean’s arm. “Very funny Dean. How about you man up and finally make a move on…” Now it was Dean’s turn to punch Sam. You were already at the bar door when Sam made that comment so he probably thought you were far enough away that you couldn’t hear them, so you pretended you didn’t hear anything...even though your stomach was now alive with a million butterflies fluttering about, and turned to the boys to say, “Well, we made it! Who’s ready to party?!” Both brothers flashed you a smile and you all made your way inside. 
The music was loud and the bar was decently packed. You walked up to the counter and the boys went to find a table. You ordered two beers and a bottle of whiskey for the boys while ordering yourself a bottle of Malibu rum. You found out early on that shots was the way to get you drunk because A) you hated the taste of beer and B) even if you didn’t you can’t drink enough of them fast enough to actually get drunk. The bartender hands you everything along with three shot glasses and you make your way back to the boys who chose a table situated right in between the pool tables and the dance floor. You set everything down and the brothers both look up at you with dorky smiles. “You really meant it when you said you were ready to party huh?” Sam said, while smirking and raising an eyebrow at you. “Really princess, Malibu?” Dean chimes in. You fight back the butterflies and heat rising to your cheeks at the new nickname and smack his arm “Shut it Winchester, I happen to love coconut and I want to get drunk this is the quickest and easiest way!”
“Easy princess I was joking, and FYI I happen to love the taste of coconut…” Dean says while smirking and eyeing you up and down. This time though, you don’t look away, instead you decide it’s your turn to lick your lips and eye him up and down. Damn does he look good tonight. He's wearing a pair of jeans that are worn in perfectly and a tight black shirt under your favorite red flannel of his, which is now rolled up to his elbows and hugging his biceps just right. Just his forearms are enough to get you hot and bothered, their so thick and his veins are popping just right, and then his biceps….fuck, they look like they can just bust right through the flannel with enough force. Then you look up to admire his face for a split second. His stubble is the perfect length, his eyes look like shiny emeralds under the neon lights, and his lips look more kissable that ever. You realize that he noticed you checking him out and a small smirk forms on your lips, Sam completely oblivious to the exchange happening. Instead, he’s opening the whiskey and your rum and pouring the first of many rounds of shots. 
“Well, here’s to the brothers who save the world and who saved my life.” You toast but before you all down your shots Dean adds, “and to the girl who saved ours.” Sam smiles then downs his shot. You and Dean both take yours without breaking eye contact with each other. You set the glass back down on the table and break the gaze. The familiar coconut taste and slight burn run through your body and you giggle “Another!” Sam shakes his head and begins pouring another round. You smile back and clap your hands excitedly causing Dean to let out a full on laugh. That sound made you want to faint, it was beautiful and music to your ears, and boy did he look adorable too. “Oh god, what did we get ourselves into Sammy?” Dean asks, still chuckling. “A fun night Winchester, just you wait…” you responded poking him in the chest, a cheeky smile playing on your face. 
You and the boys took four more shots after that and then they decided to drink their beers before they got too warm. You were okay with taking a break because after the fourth shot you were feeling buzzed, six in now and you are already getting drunk. You didn’t mind though. You planned on taking a lot more, but wanted to pace yourself that way you could still somewhat execute the plan you formulated back at the motel. It was already working too, Dean was getting a bit flirtier with you, and you with him. Sam and Dean were talking about who knows what, you tuned out of the conversation a while ago, and you scanned the room, your eyes landing on the dance floor which had quite a few people on it already. You were in a small college town, so most of the girls and guys on the floor were that age, your age, you sometimes have to remind yourself, because only a year and a half ago you were in college but then your life was turned upside down thanks to a pack of werewolves and you’ve been hunting with the boys since. 
You are ripped from your thoughts as a new song booms over the speakers, just then you get the idea to find a way to dirty dance with Dean, you know... some bumping, some grinding, working your curves. The outfit you're wearing and the liquor in your system gives you confidence. You bounce up and down excitedly in your seat, you turn towards Dean and put your hands on his thigh. He takes a sharp breath and looks over at you, his and Sam’s conversation immediately over because his attention is fully on you now. You muster up the biggest puppy dog eyes and the sweetest, shyest smile causing your dimple to come into full view. “Deeeaaannn… will you pleeeaaassse come dance with me?” You catch Sam smirk and shake his head out of the corner of your eye, probably egging Dean on, because if you read the comment outside the bar earlier right, Sam doesn’t think Dean has the balls to make a move on someone, and you’re really hoping that someone is you.  
“Sweetheart, I… I don’t really… I’m not really good at dancing.” He stammers out.
“Please D, you won’t have to do much, trust me.” you say sticking your lower lip out and giving him your signature pouty face while moving one of your hands to rest on his bicep and keeping the other on his thigh. 
He looks down at both of your hands, then back up into your pleading eyes. “You’re lucky you're cute when you pout princess.” he says with a small smile. Now you’re smiling like an idiot because not only did you get him to agree but he also used your new favorite nickname and called you cute in the process. You took one more shot of rum, because you knew you would need the liquid courage, and then you stand and practically drag Dean to the dance floor. Sam just laughs and heads to the bar to get another beer. Right when you make it to the dance floor a new song begins and a wicked smile hits your lips, it is your favorite song at the moment, and when the boys are gone you dance to it all the time. It’s the perfect song to not only swing your hips to, but the beat also gives you an excuse to bump and grind up against Dean. You lead him towards the middle of the dance floor so that you are in between all the other people who seem to have the same idea because in no time every girl on the floor is with a guy and putting on her best moves. You take a deep breath, time to put the plan into full motion. 
You take Dean’s hands in your own and guide them to your hips watching as he swallows hard and his eyes seem to fill with what you can only describe as lust. You turn in his arms so that your ass is now facing his front and you start swaying your hips to the beat, his hands guiding your movements. You take a step back and brush your ass up against his front where you can feel his growing erection straining against his jeans then continue to sway your hips so that you are now brushing up against his cock. He leans in closer and slides his hands from your hips down your thighs then back up, some of his fingers now brushing the bare skin between your skirt and your cropped sweater. Your confidence is growing steadily as you sway your hips and bend over a bit more so that your ass is now grinding against his cock with each motion. Dean leans his head down and moans deep and course into your ear his breath fanning over the shoulder your sweater left exposed, sending a chill down your body and heat coursing between your legs. You’re sure your panties will be ruined by the end of the night, maybe even the end of this dance. Dean’s nose brushes up your neck and then your ear, “I know what you’re doing princess, and it’s working” he says, his voice low and gravely. 
You turn to face him now, your confidence at an all time high, and wrap your arms around his neck while you continue to sway your hips back and forth. “Hmmmmm” you hum, “I’m not doing anything” you say innocently. Dean uses his hands on your hips to jerk you up against him. He grips your hips tighter, hands fully on the bare skin between your skirt and sweater now, still guiding the sway of your hips making your front now grind up against his cock. He leans back down, his lips brushing against your ear, “I didn’t go with Sammy to get food sweetheart, I heard you in the shower. Heard you touching yourself, heard those pretty little moans leave those innocent lips, and I heard you all but scream my name when you came.” You choke in a breath as heat rushes to your face. “I.. I… um….” 
Dean’s hands suddenly slide down and grope your ass and he lets out the sexiest moan you have ever heard. “Shhh. Don’t worry sweetheart. I’ve wanted you from the moment Sam and I met you, but I didn’t think you’d ever feel the same. Then after the vamp hunt and what happened on the way back to the motel, I decided to stay and try to talk to you after your shower. Then I heard you, and fuck y/n, it took everything I had not to walk into that bathroom and make all your dirty fantasies come true right then and there. So I waited, and then as if my cock wasn’t hard enough, you came out in nothing but a towel and started teasing me in front of Sam, thinking I wouldn’t notice, but then I thought, maybe you wanted me to notice. Then this outfit…” He leans in even closer, and deeply moans while raking his hands up and down your body then returning them back to your ass. “I wanted to bend you over right then and there when I saw it. Your ass looks so fucking good and it hugs your hips just right. Your bra is just barely showing but showing enough for me to imagine what the whole outfit underneath could look like. You look so cute and innocent but also so fucking sexy princess.” You clench your legs together because your pussy was now throbbing. “I saw how confident it made you, and decided to let you take the lead tonight and see if you would finally tell me how bad you want me.” he finishes saying while nibbling on your ear. Thank god he’s holding you up by your hips because your legs are turning to jelly at his words and the gruffness of his voice. A new song starts to play, but it’s still one that you and everyone around you can grind to. 
“Fuuuccckkk Dean.” you moan as he turns you around so that your ass is now grinding against his cock again, a bit faster due to the new song’s beat. He leans back down but this time he begins kissing and nibbling your exposed shoulder and up your neck. “Tell me babygirl, tell me how bad you want me, that I’ve all you been thinking about. Tell me that is the reason you dressed up the way you did and why you dragged me out to this dance floor. Tell me how many times you’ve imagined grinding up against my cock while my hands roam your body.” he growls in your ear. You’re panting now and your panties are soaked through. Dean’s hands are now exploring your body as promised and you let your head fall back against his shoulder as you continue to grind against him. “Ohh Dean,” you moan,  “I want you, I’ve wanted you for so long. This…” you gesture to your outfit, “and everything underneath it, it’s all for you. I wanted to see if you felt the same way so I figured I would try to get your attention…” you gasp as his hand suddenly snakes under your skirt moving your panties to the side to feel just how wet you are for him. 
“Oh, you got it baby, and fuuuccckkk…” he moans sliding one and then two fingers into your dripping pussy. Your eyes quickly scan the dancefloor to see if anyone is looking but everyone is too wrapped up in their own dirty world. Dean slowly pumps his fingers in and out, curling just right to hit your g-spot, all the while his other hand is still guiding your hips to move so it looks like you guys are still somewhat dancing. The buildup from the night's events is causing you to reach your orgasm a lot quicker that usual until, “Oh god. Daddy.. Don’t stop… please....” you choke out not meaning to let the daddy card slip just yet, but your high is taking over and you couldn’t help it, it just felt so right. All you can think of right now is letting the coil in your stomach snap while trying your damnedest to keep quiet, thanking the heavens the music is so loud right now. He turns you around so that you’re facing him again, somehow managing to keep his fingers in you while doing so and begins to pump faster, his fingers hitting your g-spot every stroke and his palm rubbing your clit with each thrust in. Your legs start to shake and you lean in close to Dean, your forehead resting on his shoulder. “Fuck. Daddy.. I’m… I….” He leans in low, biting your ear then growling low, “Yeah princess, cum all over daddy’s fingers. I wanna taste how sweet your pussy is.” 
And with that you let go, Dean covering your moans by pressing his lips to yours in a crushing kiss. And it was euphoric. He tasted like mint and whiskey and his tongue was dancing around yours as your body shook while he milked out your orgasm. As you were coming down from your high your body went limp and if it weren’t for Dean’s hands holding you in place, one by your hip and the other by your pussy, you would’ve probably turned into a puddle on the floor. You broke the kiss, your lungs screaming for air, and Dean placed his forehead against yours. He gently removed his fingers and resituated your underwear and skirt before pulling his fingers up to his mouth and licking them clean of your glistening juices. “Mhmhm princess, you taste better than I imagined, and boy are you good enough to eat.” he said, licking his lips and letting a wicked grin settle on his face. 
The song faded out and since your legs still felt like jelly, Dean helped you off of the dance floor and back to your table where Sam was now sitting with a pretty, young blonde named Jenna...Jenny....something like that, you were too sex drunk and drunk drunk to remember. Dean sat down and helped you settle in next to him. He slung an arm over your shoulder and pulled you in close, Sam smirked, “It’s about damn time you two.” You and Dean looked at each other and giggled, you lined up the shot glasses and poured another round, “to a night off the Winchester way, getting drunk and getting lucky!” the boys busted up laughing and soon you joined in. You guys took the round of shots, and then another. The boys finally caught up to the level of drunk you were at. Somehow all four of you made it to the dance floor and were having a blast, you grinding on Dean and the blonde on Sam while you all tried to drunkenly sing along to every song that came on. 
You didn’t even notice that it was nearing ‪2 a.m.‬ until the bartender yelled out last call. With that, Sam decided he was going to head back with the cute blonde, “don’t wait up guys, but for the love of everything holy, don’t do anything in my bed!” he drunkenly yelled across the bar as he was leaving. “No promises Sammy, technically it’s my bed too!” you yelled back, earning a chuckle from Dean. You turned to him and the look that crossed his face could’ve made you weak in the knees. “Well princess, looks like we have the room to ourselves, and I never got my desert after we ate…” You blushed “Well Winchester, you did say I was good enough to eat.” you quipped back.
Dean growled and then without warning he bent down, threw you over his shoulder, and walked out of the bar back into the crisp autumn air. You started giggling which earned you a swat on the ass, you couldn’t help but moan from the shock wave it sent through you. “Babygirl, if you keep making those noises we won’t make it back to the motel.” Dean said, playfully biting your thigh and then slapping your ass once more for good measure, before setting you down. “Keep it in your pants until we are behind closed doors D, we already did it in public once tonight, we don’t need to push our luck.” you say while stumbling beside him. “Fine, but we’re never gonna make it there with how slow your walking, climb on.” Dean bends down so you can climb on his back, you wrap your legs around him and nustle your face into his neck. His musk making your panties wetter and wetter. “I knew you wanted me to ride you tonight, but this isn’t what I expected.” Dean laughed as he started off for the hotel. “You know, that smart mouth is gonna get you in some trouble... besides I want you to do more than ride me sweetheart. But, you have to wait. Closed doors and all. Your words, not mine.” A breathy moan was all you could muster in response as you imagined all the things Dean was going to do to you and you to him once you made it back to the room. 
To be continued...
Part 1 (Top)
Part 2 (Bottom)
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wiypt-writes · 4 years ago
What The Stark Spangled F**k?
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A Stark Spangled Forever Drabble- Chorus Girl
Summary- Once again Rori steals the show
Warnings- None
A/N- In honour of the Star Spangled Diva, and her Uncle Tony on their birthday, as requested by @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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“Oh Dad!” Emmy looked at Steve “Don’t give me that look.”
“What look?”
“Your Captains look…”
“I’m not…” he shook his head.
“You are, you’re doing it right now!”
Steve sighed “I just don’t see why you wanna go off like that? I mean you graduate in a few weeks-“
“I know!” Emmy said “And that’s why I wanna go. I’ve spent the last 3 years working so hard to get my major and…well, travelling for a few months, me and Pete thought it would be fun to see the world before we come back and settle down and…”
“Woah, woah, settle down?” Steve arched an eyebrow “You and Peter…”
“I mean into a job.” Emmy glared at him. “Although we might get an apartment together, I dunno, but…”
“Ok, Ok…” Steve held his hand up to stop her “We can discuss that later…I’m not…”
“You lived with Mom before you got married.” Emmy narrowed her eyes at him.
“Yeah but the difference is he was in his 90s…” Katie said as she walked into the room, gently placing Harry on the floor where he toddled over to his dad who was busy giving Katie a glare.
“That’s not what I was going to say.” Steve frowned, before he looked at Emmy “If you and Pete wanna get a place then…I’m not gonna stop you all I was saying is just don’t start making so many plans…take some time and just…I dunno, chill.”
Katie looked at him, then Emmy, then back again “Did you seriously tell your 21 year old daughter to chill?”
Steve looked at Katie who was wearing an amused smirk and he shook his head “All I was saying is there’s no rush, Em. Come back here, take a few months and if you still wanna go travelling then, go, of course. The world is a big place, I want you to see it…just maybe me and your mom want some time with you this summer.”
Emmy looked at him, then to her mom before she frowned “Were you planning something?”
Katie took a deep breath and looked at Steve before she sighed “It was gonna be a surprise, but it looks like they’re finally going to finish the house in Malibu in the next few weeks. When Jamie finishes school we were gonna head out there for the summer months, all of us and let everyone come visit. Pete’s more than welcome too, if you want. And Brooke”
At the last line Katie saw Steve stiffen a little before he recovered. He had nothing against Peter per-se, he was just still uncomfortable about the fact that his not-so-little girl was dating full stop. God help them the day Rori brought a boy home.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Emmy said, casting her eyes downwards.
“Hey…” Steve looked at her, even now after the fact she’d lived with them for 10 years she still had these moments. “There’s nothing to be sorry for. We just wanted to make your summer special. You’ve put so much hard work into the last 3 years Emmy, me and your Ma are so proud of you.”
“Thanks.” she said, looking at them. “And I’d like that…for us to spend the summer together.”
“Alright, then that’s settled…” Katie smiled “You can go travelling after, if you still want to, right Steve?”
Steve looked at Katie then Emmy and shrugged “Sure…”
“Ok, I’m gonna start-“ But before Katie could finish, there was a loud noise of singing as the door to the den down the hall flew open and the familiar sounds of “Star Spangled Man” hit their ears. Steve looked at Katie before he gave a groan as the sounds of their youngest Daughter singing it grew louder, and louder, before she burst into the lounge dressed in a pink bathing suit, a tutu and Jamie’s old plastic toy army helmet.
“Star Spangled Man with a plaaaaaaaan!” She sang, standing on the rug in the middle of the room, kicking her legs out to the beat as she sang, twirling around, marching on the spot, her signing continuing.
Katie looked at Emmy, the two of them stifling their laughter as much as they could as Steve dropped his hands to his hips and looked at Rori.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Your song!” she grinned “I saw you on the videos with the girls and stuff…you lifted a bike up, with your arms!”
“Yeah, ok…who showed them to you?” Steve looked at Rori and she grinned and he had a feeling he already knew the answer.
“Uncle Bucky and Uncle Sammy. We watched them last time I had a sleepover.”
“Course you did.” Steve groaned
“And Emmy rehearsed them with me…”
At that point Steve turned his eyes to Emmy who narrowed her eyes and looked at her little sister.
“Hey, don’t throw me under the bus Rori…”
“What bus?” Rori asked, frowning as she looked around “I don’t see no bus?”
“It’s a figure of…never mind, forget it.” Emmy chuckled.
At that point Jamie walked into the living room “Hey Dad, have you seen my-“
But what it was Steve might have seen he never found out, as Jamie trailed off and took in Rori’s outfit.
“What are you wearing?” he frowned.
“My Chorus girl outfit!” she grinned “I’ve been practicing…”
“Practicing for what?”
“Being a chorus girl, dur!” she rolled her eyes “Look…”
And once more she launched into that infernal song, including another rendition of the dance routine she’d learned. Jamie stood watching, mouth falling open and Steve couldn’t help but laugh at the scene in front of him. The perplexed look on Jamie’s face, Rori’s dancing and singing and Harry stood clapping and trying to join in with Stark adding the occasional bark for good measure.
“When I grow up I wanna be a chorus girl…” Rori said, as she finished, giving a final twirl.
“Do you?” Katie said, smiling before she looked at Steve and gave him a smirk. “Maybe we should have called her Lottie…”
“You had to bring that up?” Steve sighed, folding his arms and glaring at her.
Katie grinned as Rori looked at her “Lottie? Who’s Lottie…”
“An old friend of daddy’s…” Katie teased and Steve shook his head.
“I’ll kill Bucky for telling you that.”
“You told me yourself!” Katie snorted
“I never told you it was a chorus girl, or her name because you said you didn’t care.”
“I don’t care.” Katie shrugged, and Steve simply arched his eyebrow at her as she smirked at him and looked back at Rori who was now showing Harry how to kick his leg out in front of him. He tried to copy his sister and promptly wobbled and fell back on his diaper clad ass giving a loud yell of laughter, clapping his hands.
Jamie looked at him, then to Rori then turned to his parents, hands on his hips.
“I don’t want her around when Sebastian comes over…” he said, glaring at his dad then his mother, before jerking his thumb over his shoulder as he stalked out of the room “Where did you get her from?”
**Original Posting**
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arsonsamruby · 4 years ago
Sorry it's so long!! It's not super well edited either.
Content warning for family violence, mentions of emotional and physical violence.
Sort of came from thinking that Lebanon went a lot differently, something something ghostfacer's effect.
“Mom-- Mary. I can’t do this.” Clink. Dean chucks his knife down onto plates that survived for 80 years just to be done in by more family bullshit. It’s like Dean’s trying to be polite, but his strong, calloused hands are shaking. A bit of dark vinaigrette splashes onto his hunter-green shirt. “I’m sorry. I can’t fucking do this.
You’d think the grave would have left John too frail, to weary to needle his adult sons over dinner, that reunification with his long-dead wife might soften him some. But you’d be wrong.
“Drop the bullshit, John. You knew. You knew exactly when Sam would come of age, when the demon blood would rise up, take over. Mom might’a made a bad deal. She didn’t knwo what would happen; hell, she had to make that deal. But you--” John tries to interject, scooting his chair back. It makes Sammy wince. Mary feels blood rush to one temple, her eyes narrowing, a vein pounding. “That’s why you kept us,” Dean continues. “Why you trained us, why you raised us as child soldiers--” Dean breaks, a soundless sob threatening to break out from his chest. “Child fucking soldiers--”
Mary doesn’t gasp, the staccato outburst does not scare her now, it has been too many years and this is too unforgivable and she is behind too many veils of reality.
She is no longer a jumpy girl, primed by her own father to anticipate a backhand against delicate skin. Preprogrammed to smooth, smooth, smooth-- programmed to shut down in the presence of angry men, limbs shaking, heart pounding, no matter how many gallons of undead blood have rained down at her hand. No matter how many bullets she’s fished out and flushed out, how many deep tears she’s sutured, both muscle and skin requiring stitches. She isn’t scared shitless this time, in mom’s kitchen, hands cupped in front of her face to block the coming strike, a suffocating kitchen where she doesn’t turn her back on the predator.
No, now she’s unburdened by her long blonde hair that greyed early, and she’s flanked by two massive men. She thanks-- something that they hadn’t seen much of their father around women, absorbing the way he’d take frustration out on her, how he made her feel like a wrung-out wet rag. Grateful that, despite everything, these men had never watched that, her ultimate humiliation.
In the home Dean thought he always wanted, GI John would be hollering at Malibu Mary probably would’ve been the model. And Lo-- In that home, they’d act out their parents acting out their parents, who acted out their parents before them. Amen.
Mary stares in stony silence. For a moment. Then:
“Holy fuck, John.”
John Winchester had known. Otherwise, he would have left them with Bobby, or a cousin or something, or in a fuckin’ hospital waiting room for that matter, and never returned. Anything else--
She squeezes her tearless eyes shut. She turns and walks away.
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daisyful-gvf · 2 years ago
do you have any plans for sammy or danny fics in the future?
so i have been thinking ab this!! lol i am so hard in twin lane it’s hard to want to do anything else but yeah i def could.
i don’t think i could do any sam smut, it’s so hard for me to visualize that man in that way i struggled during malibu lmao. but i could do sam fluff / danny anything!!!
i’ll probably only do this upon request so lmk what y’all would want 🫶🏼
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