#[ like job-wise and all that jazz ]
transingthoseformers · 9 months
Dude I NEED you to elaborate on that insecticon queen x OP post I’m BEGGING YOU
I've been obsessed all day with the queen hitting on optimus and everyone else giving her the side eye because that is the prime she's talking about, while Optimus is bouncing on his pedes stars in his optics because he's already thinking of the possibility for an alliance with benefits
After all
It's not every day you encounter a mech that much taller than you at his size (god she can't even fit in the autobot base can she?? Is she too damn tall?) who is also so down bad for you.
Extra points if this is a universe where primes used to be associated with fertility in some more salacious versions of their society long forgotten... except by the Insecticons and Optimus himself
Also loving the idea of ovipos here because after all, a queen's job is to expand the colony, and here's Optimus fucking jumping at the opportunity to be pumped full of eggs for the sake of their mutual species. After all, the war hit their species hard. Might as well start to increase their numbers
Strengthen the very valuable alliance with the Insecticons, especially since numbers wise this woukd be an absolute game changer in the war against the Decepticons.
I've been seeing a lot of breeding optimus in the valveplug tag so i just have to add my own card into it
Extra points if Ratchet the entire time is like "goddamn it Orion this is not the time" but it issss thoughhhh
Several of the autobots have never seen Optimus so happy in their lives
OO O O O Extra points if this is blended continuity for the sake of also disappointed Prowl, disappointed Ultra Magnus, and very supportive Jazz
Megatron will never admit that something about seeing Optimus filled with another's spawn turns him on (is it jealousy? If so, of which angle? Ideas)
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Dr's Assistant Danny
So, Danny has to run away from Amity after deciding to tell his parents about his powers. They acted like they accepted him, but when his back was turned they shot him with one of their Inventions and dragged him into the Lab for Study.
They think he's been taken over by a Ghost and decide to be "Surgeons" by opening him up and removing the Ghost by hand. Throughout all of this, they are just telling Danny that they are qualified doctors and can definitely do this perfectly. But they don't even use Anesthesia, and don't know the first thing about Surgery. But their delusions of being perfect Doctors have taken a hold of them, and they can't even comprehend the idea that they are doing it wrong.
After a week of "Surgeries", they mess up and forget to lock his Cell, and Danny manages to escape, hopping on a Bus headed to New Jersey.
He ends up in Gotham, hiding in an Alley to avoid Civilians and to bandage himself up. Thankfully his parents stitched him up fairly well after the last session, but he is still really hurt. And the cuffs restricting his powers don't help either.
He passes out in the Alley and wakes up in a Doctors Office. He panics, thinking that his parents found him and took him back to the Lab. Thankfully, the resident Dr rushes in to calm him down.
It's Dr Leslie Thompkins, and she really wants her patient to stop struggling thank you very much.
She manages to calm him down, and explains that she found him in the Alley, but that he was seriously injured. He was out for 4 days.
He explains what he can, that he told his parents that he had powers and that they didn't take it well. Not the Ghost thing, but he does explain that his parents could charitably be referred to as "Mad Scientists", and Dr Thompkins figures it out from there.
Since he doesn't have a place to stay, she let's him stay at her place. It's not much, but it's enough for 2 people.
After a few days, he starts helping out in the Clinic as a way to repay her.
After a few weeks, he starts taking on the bigger jobs and starts learning about medical aid
A few months in, and both Danny and Leslie realize that he has basically become her Personal Assistant. So she trains him in the legitimate way, teaching him all she can about being a Doctor and basically everything he would have learned in Medical School, which really helps with his trauma over the whole "constant unethical surgery from people who claimed to be licensed professionals" thing.
He still has those Restraining Cuffs on, they could never figure out how to take them off and they were basically unbreakable, but he was fine on his own.
And a note to add to this is that all of this is taking place in the early Years of Batman, like Years 1 and 2. So it's certainly a shock when Danny walks in for work and sees The Batman lying on a Cot.
Over the many following years, Danny gets used to his life in Gotham. He managed to contact Jazz, and his friends as well, even if they needed to keep it very secret for fear of his parents finding out.
He manages to get on friendly terms with most of the Bat Family from their many, many, many visits to the Clinic.
He never does reveal his past to them, he knows that they would never not poke their noses into it, so he tried to keep it on the down low around them. He even hid his Cuffs all these years. (He doesn't want to attract his parents attention)
But that all changed one day.
He messes up. He accidently calls Jazz outside of their scheduled safe times and his parents just so happen to be visiting her new house at the time. They pick up the call for her, and Danny, not knowing it's not Jazz on the other end, says "Hey Jazz, it's Danny. Just wanted to let you know that I'll he busy with work for a while so I won't be able to call as often".
When he gets no response, he gets concerned and asks "Jazz? You there?"
His parents immediately begin to trace the Call, but before they can get an exact location Danny wises up and hangs up. Buts it's too late, his Parents know he's in Gotham now, even if they don't know exactly where.
Danny doesn't know that they tracked him down though, but he quickly figures it out when Red Hood is rushed into the Clinic a week later after being attacked by "A big guy in an orange jumpsuit with a laser gun", who was joined by "A tiny lady in a blue jumpsuit with a baseball bat"
The Drs Fenton reached Gotham and immediately began tracking any Ecto-Signatures they could find. And Red Hood just so happened to be the closest one.
Now Danny has to find a way to deal with his parents without his powers. Since the Anti-Ecto Laws are still in effect, they aren't technically doing anything Illegal, and their Government Contracts would protect them either way.
He needs to figure out how to get rid of them. Due to the high concentration of Ectoplasm in Gotham, there are many unknowing Liminals in the City. His parents could end up attacking many innocent Civilains in search for him, maybe even subjecting them to the same things he was subjected to.
The only way he can think to do that is to give himself up.
Of course he knows Dr Leslie would disagree, but before she can stop him he sneaks out in the middle of the night, leaving a note thanking her for all that she had done for him over the years. It explains that the people who attacked Red Hood are his infamous Parents, and that they are searching for him. They could end up hurting alot of people if they stay, so he needs to nip this in the bud and is going to turn himself in to them.
She immediately takes the note to Batman.
She still vividly remembers the state she found Danny in. He still has the V-Shaped Scar on his chest from his experiences with his parents, and she'll be damned if she' going to let that happen to him again. (She kind of adopted him as her son a while ago)
She tells them everything. How she found him in the Alley, his injuries, how she nursed him back to health, his story about Meta-Hating Mad Scientist Parents, the unbreakable Cuffs he always hid, all of it.
Now it's a race to find Danny and save him from his Parents again.
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kyemna · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel headcanons
TW: Mentions of sex and alcohol. some suggestive themes that's it, it's mostly just fluff.
(English isn't my first language)
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-Will do anything for you.
-you want flowers? Done. You saw a cute stuffed animal in the store front and you want it? You got it. Somebody harassed you on the streets and you want them punished? Let her take care of it. Normally she's against violence, but when it comes to protecting you? She'll do anything.
-will sing to you, all the time
-made a special song that she sings to you when you've had a bad day
-the best listener ever.
-will sit and listen to you talk for hours
-if she needs to get to work early, she'll make you breakfast and leave you a note that says something like:
-hi, good morning lovely! I hope you sleep well.
I had to leave early.. something happened at the hotel while Alastor was away, and they needed me.
See you 2night, i love you:)<3
-i think her love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation
Angel Dust
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-whisper's provocative things to you during meetings
-definitely a physical touch kind of guy.
-Will cling to you at the most random times
-keeps Valentino as far away from you as possible.
-tries his best to keep his relationships hidden from him as well
-if you'd come home after a long day, he'd give you a massage
-is super funny, tell me otherwise.
-has a high sex drive, and is pretty kinky due to his job.
-so expect him to ring you up at the most unexpected times.
-PS. Don't put him on speaker when you're in public..
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-was pretty cautious around you in the beginning, but slowly warms up to you
-once she's comfortable, she tells the wildest stories and acts them out for you
-if you don't know how to fight, she'll teach you
-if you do know how to fight, you guys spar all the time
-jealousy issues, and you can't tell me other wise.
-she hears someone talk to you in a tone she doesn't like? Glare. Someone low-key flirting with you? Glare. If looks could kill.. she will actually kill them though, so..
-not super experienced in bed, but she's open to suggestions
-once she finds something she likes/is comfortable with, she askes you for it all the time
-a "words of affirmation" and "acts of service" girl for sure
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(i am perfectly aware he's ace, but these are scenario's for if he wasn't, don't come for me)
-now, Alastor is a great dancer.
-he has great music taste too!
-listens to 1940's and below.
-i think he's mostly into Jazz and Classical music to be honest
-i do think Amy Winehouse and Dave Brubeck are his exceptions when it comes to listening to 1950's and above
-somehow always knows where you are..? You often see his shadows follow you, so that's probably why
-kills for you. Also because he has a thirst for blood, that needs to be satisfied. So that's 2 birds with one stone
-holds doors open for you
-just a general gentleman
-loves it when you wear dark red, dark blue and dark green
-it can be anything. Lipstick (just red though), a hat, a dress, heels, etc.
-expects you to respect his personal space but doesn't respect yours LMFAO
-gift giving and physical touch
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-knows all your favorite drinks
-loves to dance with you
-also a Jazz person, but I don't think he'd mind country music to be honest
-once he secretly took a picture of you.
-he thought you looked so good, he keeps it in his nightstand.
-doesn't really talk about his problems/feelings, but prefers it if you do.
-respects your boundaries more than anyone.
-you don't wanna talk? He'll kiss your forehead, and leave you alone.
-you don't really like being touched? He'll always ask first.
-other than making amazing alcoholic drinks, he makes great coffee too!
-quality time and physical touch.
It's been quite a while since i've written something, so I apologize if there's any grammar mistakes or sentences that just don't make any sense LOL
Thank you for reading!
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mrowtastic · 2 years
Ok I had a cool Idea about a dp x dc au that i want to throw out here.
The story takes place after the show. Everyone is in their early-mid twenties, (I'm thinking the Trio is around 22-23 and Jazz 26-27, depending), Everything that happened in the show happened here. It's been over five years now and Team Phantom is a well-oiled machine of ghost kick-assery.
The Drs Fenton are retired from the ghost hunting business. Inventing new gadgets and theories is their game and they enjoy it. They have gladly passed the torch to their two kids that they are so so proud of. (Maddie insists that they call at least once a week to chat).
Everyone has stuck together. Amity is healthier (ghost-wise) and is particularly peaceful. The gang goes to the same college (take your pick, i prefer Gotham thanks to ghosty biz), and realize just how much their ghostly know-how is needed outside of Amity. (Maybe Gotham calls in a favor and asks them to [spiritually] clean up her streets to help with the strain of everything?).
Team Phantom comes out of retirement to address the spiritual turmoil, hunt down naughty ghost, help the dearly departed to the other side, and steal mementos, haunted artifacts, and other dangerous occult items best left to the dead. The more morally-grey parts of the job force the Team into stealth mode. They work mostly at night but can work during the day depending on the mission. In order to stay anonymous they have motorcycles (with their assigned colors, the sporty kind) with helmets. (I'm imaging so many motorcycle chasing scenes. Maybe the Fentons invent a ghost whip that snags ghosts mid-chase? That sounds cool).
It's easy to get what they need between Sam's and Danny's wealth, Tucker's programming skill, Danny's engineering skills, Jazz's organizational skills, and Sam's ability to see the big picture. It's just like old times.
In a sense they make themselves a superhero group. To everyone else, however, they have come out of nowhere and are way to skilled to be newbies. It has the bats and other heroes scratching their heads. Shenanigans ensue. Constantine loves them and loathes them in the same breath. The Bats are running in circles because How do they keep getting away?
Everyone gets a superhero identity:
Danny: Sticks with Phantom. I know, boring, but no one outside of Amity really knows about him. (I'm thinking an info blockade from the government like in so many fics). He specializes in all the ghostly, magical parts of their exploits. Anything that needs to be done regarding ectoplasm and weird symbols is his business. Also is the only one able to make chemicals needed for their weapons and handle a hammer for repairs to equipment. I imagine him in either a black trench coat or motorcycle jacket with combat boots, black jeans, and regular black t-shirt. He wears goggles like Maddie's. (Like mother, like son). They make him look unhinged.
Sam: I'm leaning towards the name Thorn? She's the sharpshooter. The muscle. She can and will crack your head between her thighs and possesses 90% of the trio's impulse control (in most situations). I imagine her in knee-high, laced up, goth boots, leggings and killer skirt with a leather jacket and crop top. Her colors are still black, purple, and green. She is SWOLE. I love her.
Tucker: Now, I'm not sure what his name would be but he's basically the field tech. Having an on-site hacker is super useful. He's got twenty ways to get into every building. Security means nothing to him. He's great at stealth (not counting Danny cause ghost powers) and is great at thinking on his feet. His color are black and orange. Instead of wearing his red beret and yellow shirt duo he wears sneakers, tech glasses, a motorcycle jacket with a hoodie attached.
Jazz: Prophet is her codename. She's the lady in the chair. Tucker may make the programs that run the computer, but only Jazz can run them efficiently. She gets them where they need to go, gets them out of tough situations, gets info, assists Tucker, and so much more. Also, I want her to fly a ghost jet. I dont know why but she would be so cool doing it.
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space-bowl · 5 months
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The Drews aren't the only musicians in this joint. Introducing the fellow members of their band, The Devil Swingers! They're a colorful sort with all kinds of backstory, such as Frank being the only one in the band with loving parents and Jack being an eccentric but wise fellow. Milo likes to hang with Bendy and Boris on off days as they have similar interests and Stripe is a real mystery but takes his job seriously. In fact they all do! Bringing some of the best performances the club can give.
But their acts always get a bit of zest from their fellow performers!
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Fan favorites of the crowd, these boys form a gypsy jazz duo, but they occasionally dabble in traditional jazz performances with the TDS or acting roles on stage. Cups and the lead of the band have a bit of a rivalry which usually makes for some interesting shows, while Mugs tries to do his best at his job (which he does). Both are in denial about two entirely different things.
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scp-tiggles · 6 months
SCP 035
70% ler | 30% lee
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As a ler:
Okay first off, he’s MEAN. Don’t expect mercy from him.
The pink goop that leaks from his mask basically acts like a smaller, non sentient 999, wherever it lands it delivers a buzzing, ticklish sensation.
When possessing a victim, he won’t kill them. It basically puts whoever he’s possessing into a ‘dreamscape’, tickling them for as long as he pleases.
Whereas in the real world, he’ll chase down victims to either use tentacles to get the job done, or get his hands dirty and tickle them himself.
Heres a twist, unlike his canon counterpart, the mask acts like a face hugger. If he’s quick enough, he can take it off and either put it onto someone else, or throw it and hope it latches them.
He only really shows mercy if a victim is at a disadvantage, injured leg/arm, or is one of the new staff members.
Doesn’t pick favorite lees staff wise, bros hands are rated E for everyone. But has a favorite anomaly, which is 049. (Though thats not to say the doctor wont get revenge. He always does.)
LOVES doing baby talk, or teasing wherever a lee is ticklish at.
“Oh, what do you mean ‘don’t tickle there’, right here? Thats where you’re talking about, right?”
As a lee
First off, spot wise, it shares across his vessels as long as he’s possessing. The spot being behind the knees.
Curls desperately upon contact, ends up looking like a spring recoiling.
Teases don’t tend affect him, unless you’re teasing him about broadcasting his current state to everyone on staff. THEN you’ll get him flustered lol
Curses you out the whole time, promising revenge, all that jazz.
Light tickles ABSOLUTELY annihilate him. Cannot stand it for a second!
Surprisingly, his neck is a relatively good spot too. Raspberries there are pretty effective.
His laughter can kinda range, wheezy at the start before slowly going to a deep cackle.
If you’re feeling extra mean afterwards, taking a picture of him is a helluva way to knock him down a peg! (He’s got a pretty big ego after all.)
Extra info!
He was found in an old theater within New York on a old clown doll that would apparently, at random, move around and or start giggling at odd hours.
Unlike most anomalies, he doesn’t really need to “eat” laughter like them, it’s more or less a way to boost his energy that sleeping doesn’t fully boost.
Has a love hate relationship with 049, when he isn’t viewing him as an annoyance, he views him as a close friend!
Though as mentioned, he doesn’t have a favorite lee, he does have preferences! He LOVES targeting the more hard shelled doctors, or the more egotistical ones that need knocked down a peg. (Ironic)
Can possess dolls, just prefers not too due to little hands and minimum maneuverability.
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joe-spookyy · 3 months
asks you about american werewolf in london
hoooly shit it’s finally happened. someone asked me The question. thanks anon.
i am now going to try and sell you all on this movie cause i can’t recommend it enough and i think everyone should watch it. so: let me tell you a thing or two about hit 1981 horror comedy an american werewolf in london!!! and this is off the top of my head so if any of it is slightly off numbers wise im sorry. if you like 80s horror, men, queercoding, re-animator, the thing, jaws, saw, the lost boys, or just werewolves in general. hear me out on this one. link included to watch.
The Premise:
fresh off the heels of his cocaine fueled jazz musical masterpiece The Blues Brothers (1980), director john landis decided he was going to cook up the greatest film ever made. and he did. he was actually gonna have john belushi (jake blues) and dan akyroyd (elwood blues and yes the ghostbuster) play the two main characters, david kessler and jack goodman. now, who are these fellas? well i’m so glad you asked. david (played by david naughton) and jack (played by griffin dunne) are two dear pals from new york on a cute little backpacking trip across europe. david's the tall one. he's silly and gleeful to be out and about. jack is the short one. he's very much not gleeful about the fact that they're on the rainy moors and wishes they were in rome. together they find their way to a cute little pub and go inside, looking for hot drinks. the locals do not love this. they also do not love when jack asks them why there's a five pointed star on the wall (since lon chaney and universal studios assert that that's the mark of the wolfman!) it gets awkward. so they leave, with nothing but the warning to stay off the moors, stick to the roads, and beware of the moon. obviously, they do not follow this. wouldn't make for a very interesting movie if they did. and, as i'm sure you've assumed, they encounter a werewolf, leaving jack like this (dead):
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and david, who survived the attack, with the curse of the werewolf. but fear not! david is transported to a hospital where he makes a lovely recovery, and jack um. well he stays dead. but he comes back to haunt david! he shows up a few more times in further states of decay to tell david that he really ought to just kill himself so that the curse is broken, jack and all the other werewolf victims can rest in peace, and david won't accidentally maul any additional civilians as a werewolf. hey while we're talking about jack heres me when i dressed up as him at a horror con. and the man himself.
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anyways. hijinks ensue, and you're taken on a delightful romp across 97 minutes of fun as david tries to navigate life as... you guessed it. AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON!
why it rules:
in my opinion, that's enough to make this movie flames as fuck. but if you're not convinced yet? let me tell you some more. first off. the practical effects on this bad boy are straight up excellent. they're done by my personal favorite vfx artist rick baker (who also worked on star wars, men in black, videodrome, king kong and more!), and he does not hold back. the picture of jack shows how nasty and detailed the wound is pretty well, but in action it's even better with all the nasty fleshy bits dangling and wiggling and eugh. it's gross. but it's so well done. and he does a terrific job showing how jack decays throughout the rest of the movie. but of course, what really matters is the werewolf. it's not called an american dead guy in london. which is good. cause that would be a dumb name for a movie. anyways. if we’re going to talk about the werewolf, we have to start with the iconic transformation scene. sped up.
wow! pretty impressive stuff right? it’s all practical, no cgi, and i think the way it’s almost drawn out and the relative silence of the scene adds to the impact it has, since it sort of forces the audience to sit with and feel just a little bit of the discomfort that david seems to be feeling. we just have to watch him scream in pain and beg for mercy. yeesh. now, the transformation scene is hard to top. but i think the final werewolf design is actually pretty solid. it’s distinctly not man, but it’s also distinctly not wolf. i would include a picture, but i feel like part of the allure of the film is how it (jaws style) doesn’t really let you get a good look at the monster itself until the end of the movie. it’s a great way to build the tension and leave a little bit up to the audience’s interpretation. and the audience will always imagine something way more horrible than you could have ever created. which is kind of beautiful. the first time i watched, i found myself kind of disappointed in the werewolf’s appearance - its face seemed to be stuck in a sort of permanent scowl. i was kind of lost, because i couldn’t imagine why a static face had won out over whatever the vfx team was clearly capable of making. but Oh. dear reader. when nurse alex price, david’s dear love, who cared for him in the hospital, allowed him to live with her, and even banged him, approaches the wolf. when she tells david she loves him. the wolf’s eyes soften. it begins to drop the snarl. see. i lied here’s part of the wolf. all snarly like and scary. before it melts at three simple words from alex. god.
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it hits me like a huge truck every single time. rick baker never misses and this movie was certainly not an exception. he got an academy award for it and it was well deserved.
not so into the technical stuff? that’s okay. i have more to praise about this movie. it is one of the best blends of horror and comedy that i’ve ever encountered. although some of it looks a little dated, i do think it maintains its fear factor. it’s plenty gory, and in my humble opinion, the subway scene (you’ll know it when you see it) is one of the most effective bits of horror i’ve ever encountered. even when isolated from the film, it still packs a punch. but i’m not gonna put it here because i want you to just watch it with the rest of the movie. sorry. and on top of the horror, it’s honestly hilarious. if you don’t think seven dead people ganging up on one dude and listing ways he should kill himself in the middle of a porn theater while a porno plays very loudly in the background. well. i don’t know what to tell you. you probably won’t like this movie that much. also, the final needle drop over the credits at the end is so abrupt and so funny. love it.
and of course, being an 80s horror movie with two male leads. i’m sure you can guess what i’m going to say. it is not hard to read jack and david as friends, but it’s also not very difficult to read them as having a little something going on. like love. fellas is it gay to go on a little trip across england with just yoh and your best bro? hard to say. textually, i do think it’s kind of telling that every time jack shows up, it’s either right after or while david is having a heterosexual experience (flirting with alex, banging alex, watching straight porn in the porn theater.) it’s almost like… something other than jack… is haunting david. i dunno. i’m not a cop. but it’s interesting. seems like something the average tumblr user might like to keep an eye on, so i’m letting you know. also they have a conversation while david is completely naked which is like. hello. plus the inherent queerness of the werewolf narrative is something i could talk about for HOURS and was especially prevalent, alongside vampire movies. in the 80s during the aids crisis.
also, there’s a classic john landis third act car crash scene, where, in the same vein as the blues brothers, an obscene amount of cars are absolutely demolished.
also also, the muppets make a brief appearance in this movie. this made me jump for joy, because i love the muppets. and you should too.
fun and true facts
still not sold? well, check out this last ditch effort in the form of fun facts. or, if you just want to know more, read on.
micheal jackson was so impressed by the effects in this movie, particularly the transformation scene, that after seeing it, he promptly hired rock baker (vfx guy) and john landis (director guy) to work on the music video for his hit song thriller. you’ve probably seen it, but if not, go watch it. tbh, even if you have seen it before, go watch it again.
david naughton was a doctor pepper spokesman before the filming of this movie. he was in at least a few bits of promotional material, including at least one commercial. unfortunately he lost the job because of the amount of time he spent dick out in this movie. doctor pepper did not want that to be the representation of their brand. cowards, the lot of them.
speaking of his dick, you actually never fully see it at any point in the movie despite the fact that it seems they never felt like telling david to wear pants on set. there is a reason for this! david (character) is jewish and canonically circumcised (dunno how else to put it) and david (actor) is neither of these things. so, to avoid ruining the realism in his. werewolf movie. john landis took great care to never show the whole thing.
the american ambassador who visits david in the hospital is played by frank oz, who also voices miss piggy. because of her brief cameo, he technically plays two different roles in this movie, although miss piggy is simply credited as “Herself” in the end credits of the movie. he also voices yoda which isn’t relevant but it is really funny to me.
see you next wednesday, which is the name of the porno in the movie, is actually a fun john landis easter egg! many of his movies include the phrase “see you next wednesday.” it’s also seen on posters in the subway scene.
in the scene where jack first visits david in the hospital, he was supposed to take a bite of david’s toast, after which it would immediately fall out of his ruined and torn to shreds throat. however, it was cut for being too gross. which is sad i feel like it could have been funny.
when david calls home to talk to his parents, he mentions two siblings: rachel and max. these are the names of the directors children in real life.
griffin dunne, who plays jack, also appears as the family therapist in a season 2 episode of succession. this was a jumpscare.
while they were filming the naked in the zoo scenes, they were unable to actually close the zoo, so when filming carried on past the opening time of the park, they just kept going and allowed butt naked david naughton to run loose around the zoo. they did, however, succeed in closing piccadilly circus for the car crash scene.
in the beginning when jack is being attacked by the werewolf, it was in fact half a wolf prop on the front of a wheelbarrow. this is a very funny vision for me.
jack is right - the five pointed star is considered the mark of the wolfman, according to 1941’s The Wolf Man, played by lon chaney junior and produced by universal pictures. the guy knows his stuff. interestingly, rick baker did the makeup for the 2010 remake of the wolf man as well. he did pretty good, i think.
this isn’t even about this movie but blues brothers is an awesome film too and a fun fact about that one is there was a whole part of the budget devoted to buying cocaine. and you can tell. great movie.
director john landis did in fact kill three people the year after this movie came out. so. i do feel a little bad promoting it because jesus christ. but. no harm no foul in pirating it. it’s one easy internet archive search away. and sometimes it’s on tubi. but just in case, here’s the internet archive link. https://archive.org/details/an-american-werewolf-in-london
so. anyways. please check out this baller ass movie and talk to me about it. thank you so much to whoever asked this. i love you. thanks for reading. bye.
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Modern! Hantengu Brothers in: What car would they have.
Heyyyy!!! So I’ve had this sitting in my drafts for quite a while so I just decided to just go on ahead and complete it! Hope y’all like it!
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Sekido: Car #1: BMW M8/ Car#2: Kia Stinger
• Okay so hear me out. Mans has TWO cars.
• He regularly drives his Kia around to and from work & when he feels like it, he’ll bust out the Beemer (probably to race his brothers if they rile him up enough or some shit)
• He makes his own maintenance to both his cars. (Such as upgrades on the sound system, designs, window tint, oil changes, tire replacements, all that jazz) He takes pride in making sure his rides are well taken care of.
• He is definitely one of the more responsible drivers out of the four. (Unless Karaku & Urogi get on his nerves enough to make him race)
• Has red and black interior in BOTH of his cars. (I mean because what is Sekido without the color RED)
• Has a Black Ice scented freshener in his cars.
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Karaku: Dodge Charger Hellcat SRT
• Come on y’all.. this is Karaku we’re talking about. Of course he has a fast muscle car & YES it’s loud green!
• Like Sekido, Karaku takes pride in keeping his car in great condition with everything it needs when it needs it.
• He gets MANY compliments on his car from literally EVERYONE. One time a kid caught him walking back to his car and he literally talked Karaku’s ear off about how cool his car was and how he wanted one just like it when he got older.
• Yes, He’s one of those guys that will see someone in the next lane at a stop light and starts wanting to race them. Again, this is Karaku we’re talking about here. 😂
• Will be the ringleader in challenging Sekido’s BMW to a race. One time, he made Sekido so annoyed he took him up on the offer only for Karaku to lose. He was still wanting to race again afterwards. (He’s a persistent one)
• His interior is matte black inside and his steering wheel cover is lime green like his car.
• Karaku definitely likes a fruity smell in his car so I’d see him with a pineapple or strawberry scent in his car.
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Aizetsu: Honda Civic Sport (Two door)
• Definitely has a Honda because they are very reliable, long lasting cars. (Wise choice man, wise choice)
• Takes great care of his car & it’s always in perfect condition. He pretty much has to upkeep his cars condition because his part time job requires him to travel.
• Has amazing driving skills and is one of the better/ responsible drivers out of the four brothers. (Mans can literally parallel park in his sleep 😂😂)
• Has blacked out rims on his car gifted to him by Karaku for his birthday.
• Urogi and Karaku try to get Aizetsu to race but he declines everytime.
• His interior is solid black and he has a blue and black steering wheel cover. He has a ocean scent freshener in his car and has both a Nigerian and Japanese flag hanging on his rear view mirror.
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Urogi: Dodge Challenger SRT Demon
• *sigh* There are responsible drivers, and there are irresponsible drivers, then there’s UROGI. 🥲
• Seriously, he doesn’t know what a speed limit is & the fact that he has one of the fastest cars doesn’t make it better 🤦🏾‍♀️.
• He’s another one of those guys that won’t hesitate to race someone at a stop light (because of course he does) He leaves them in the dust every time though.
• Despite being a moderately reckless driver, Urogi does keep his car in very good condition and is on time with any maintenance.
• Him and Karaku loveeeee teasing their brothers to get them to race with them on the weekends. They see it as a “bonding experience” and Urogi especially gets a thrill out of it. He has the most fun with teasing Sekido because he knows it gets on his nerves.
• Mans has definitely gotten stopped by the police once or twice but that still hasn’t stopped him. 😂😂😂
• His interior is gold and black and he has a gold steering wheel cover. He has a pine scented freshener in his car because it makes him think of being in the nature (He loves nature/ outdoors) so that’s natural for him.
I Hope ya enjoyed my silly lil car headcanons! I will be uploading my main headcanons soon! I had to make some revisions but it’s still coming but this is to hold you over!
I Tag: @i-karaku-swear-i-dont-smoke-weed @ch3rriiii-bunn @doesfairieshavetails @doumaverse
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Welcome to the (Un) Official Team Magma Confessions Blog!
Unless you're an Aqua (GET OUT) or some 11 year old trying to get in the way of our plans (and by the way, why are you even ON rotomblr), make yourselves comfortable!
Ran by two grunts that have a little too much free time, us, together, have created this blog so all of Team Magma, no matter what universe, can anonymously confess to their joys, sorrows, frustrations and all that jazz! We'll change the header later we don't know what's wrong with it.
Now, although we love the team and are satisfied enough with our positions within it, like any workplace setting, there will be... problems! Strange happenings! Workplace drrrrrrrrama! And everything else in between! So why keep it all pent up when you could let it all out? Complain? Gossip? All without having to worry about your relationships or your job status. Does it not sound great?
Now, enough with my theatrics! Come on and confess!
Hey, hey, hey, @bastiodon8 here. Again. Anyways, I decided just a few minutes (?) ago that this blog would be very funny to make and run. Why? Well, aside from Team Magma basically being my bias and half of my life right now, have you SEEN how many Magma muses have been running around? And suddenly, I've realized the latter isn't really a reason. But isn't it crazy?
Will not be accepting any mail of any kind, sorry. I would add a frowning emoticon but it doesn't flow well with the punctuations.
Otherwise this is a very flexible blog lore-wise, and therefore has no set universe so go crazy with the confessions. Looking at you divergent canons.
HOWEVER. Unfortunately, the mun is a minor. I will accept basically any kind of confession that isn't explicitly NSFW. Suggestive asks are fine.
Did I mention that this was a confession blog?
Anyways (2x) that's all I got to say. I'm very excited to do this. Thanks for reading! Have a nice day. 🍰
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bloodiedrogue · 5 months
Please give a whole rundown of your thoughts on the Hades II technical test when you play it. I’m so jealous. I don’t have a PC so I can’t actually play it myself. If you want to stream it at some point, I’d be so down.
OKAY now that i've had a few good runs going...
overall, i think the story is super engaging. i won't spoil anything, but i was wondering timeline wise where they might put things -because i'd done virtually no research- and so far i'm liking it.
melinoë is kind of adorable. maybe it's the gentleness of her voice or how she interacts with everyone, but something about her is kind of refreshing in comparison to zagreus? one thing i was worried about was her becoming a carbon copy, but so far there's enough subtle differences to relieve that thought, which is good!
the art, like always, is beautiful. at first i was a little off-put by some of the portraits because they do look quite different, but i do like them and cannot wait to see more!
in regards to the combat, it's a bit odd at first. the casting abilities are weird, especially after religiously playing hades for the last month. but obviously that's not a bad thing. i think all sequels need to have some sort of learning curve to make them engaging and they've done a good job without completely uprooting the system.
my only real gripe is that there's a bit of a crafting aspect with certain things. but that's more of a personal preference. so, if you're into collecting resources and all that jazz i'm sure it'll be another thing for you to enjoy!
also, i haven't decided whether or not i'll stream it. maybe??? if people want that???
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THE BEAR S3 Predictions
Just a mental note I'm putting out here to be able to revisit it when the time comes to check its level of accuracy. I have the feeling that S3 is going to be the season of the reconciliations.
The relationship between Richie and Carmy is completely broken after the walk-in incident and Richie walks from The Bear. He happens to get some kinda job offer and accepts it just to prove Carmy wrong. They will later spend a good portion of S3 trying to repair their bond. By the end of S3 (hopefully sooner) there should be a reconciliation of some sort between them and Richie should go back to The Bear.
Nat gives birth to her new "cub" and this brings the family together. There is a reconciliation with Donna, which in some capacity benefits not only the siblings but the entire team, the restaurant as a whole. Not exactly sure how this will play out, but Donna will quit being this negative and toxic influence on everyone. Maybe she gets clean because she takes this baby as a new chance to start over and be a better grandmother than the mother she was. IDK...
Marcus' mother dies and this juxtaposition of new beginnings, births, endings, death, etc is going to be a theme throughout the whole season, that is why I actually think this funeral will be the opener.
There will be some kinda flashback episode, like 7 Fishes or a montage of some memory that has a huge impact on one or more characters. I have my $ put on the Sundays, Mr. Adamu and lil Syd would spend at Mr. Beef's. I strongly disagree with the weak argument that just because the Berzattos are catholic, their restaurant didn't open on Sundays. The gastronomic industry cares very little about those traditions especially if the place is struggling. I bet they were open every Sunday part-time, just for lunch, to get all the demand of those who went to church just because business-wise it makes total sense.
Carmen will apologize to Claire. Not sure what she's gonna make of that apology, whether she's gonna accept it or not, I hope she doesn't. I'm pretty sure there will be no reconciliation here. I don't necessarily oppose Carmy having a romantic partner and as much as I ship SydCarmy like nobody's business, I'm 100% sure they are not gonna happen any time soon. Maybe and this is a HUGE maybe, they could be the perfect cliffhanger for S4. But that would be a stretch. Not that Store & Calo couldn't pull it off, but still. So, basically, I am all for a new love interest being presented to Carmen just to see how he responds to it. After Claire he should go back to his old lone-wolf ways, I need to test that behavioral theory though, so I need a new female character to do it.
Last, but certainly not least, Miss Adamu needs her man and I'm not talking about Bear. I want to know more about Sydney's past and see her letting her hair down, putting her records on, and all that jazz. So, maybe an old flame can re-appear in her life and they can try to "reconcile". This reconciliation shouldn't work either because she's now devoted to making The Bear work and is basically a workaholic and both, Carmy & her get into this synch of type As on Speed and Red Bull, non-stop working machines, well-oiled now that they had already learned from their mistakes and The Bear succeeds but Sydney's relationship with her guy from the past fails, again. The guy feels like a 3rd wheel and lets her know that she's not in a relationship with him but with her job. Sydney understands the subtext, and this break-up is actually a wake-up call for her. She starts seeing what we all shippers are already seeing. It's not just about work for her. Yes, The Bears are too absorbing and demanding, both, the restaurant and the chef, but she doesn't mind. She loves it. Love is the operative word here. This realization should hit her hard by the end of the season.
The background of all the things I just mentioned above will be the BOH, fast-paced, chaotic, and working like a Swiss clock, just like Carmy likes it.
Am I missing something? Probably. Can't wait to find out.
Bonus tracks: I am pretty sure the wedding will either be Teff's or Fak's.
And lastly: When Sydcarmy happens, it will "officially" start with something small and inane like Syd accidentally finding out Carm has been drawing portraits of her all along... CHECK THIS OUT, I think Storer & Calo have something like this in mind or along these lines, and it should come along in S3, minus the sex part.
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veveisveryuncool · 1 year
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next up in the redeemed villain squad, the bitch ass egg that i used to scream "die" at when i was 8 (i never forgave him for his sins)
headcanon time yee haw
around 20 years old, the youngest in the kumazaki trio (excluding marx), a fact that he both hates and takes advantage of
cannot drive a damn thing. too busy gaming to get a license. this is why the lor has crashed 263827848383 times. do not trust him at the head of the star allies sparkler.
bandana dee HATES him and does not trust him one bit. magolor makes a point to be extra annoying to him.
VERY interested in the Ancients to the point where he dresses like them and tried to base his whole personality off the "ooo magik smart spooky so wise" vibe. he is an overzealous fanboy who cosplays everywhere he goes.
like tell me you don't see the similarities between magolor and hyness's robes. magolor probably found out he was 0.002% Ancient and ran with it (his ears look very similar to hyness's just saying)
game magolor is aroace but won't stop flirting with every living being (manga magolor is a different story)
has offered all his friends part time jobs at his themepark, they are now an unstoppable staff team
idk man something about how taranza is an expert in magic and susie is an expert in technology and how magolor is a perfect blend of both, constantly fluctuating between dramatic and poetic speech patterns and modern lingo. how the themes of their games revolve around the loss of love, family, and friendship for taranza, susie and magolor respectively.
susie and magolor get into petty fights at least once a week. they are either planning to kill each other or gossipping and counting money at any given point.
loooves to make fun of taranza. that's not nice, dude. stop.
lowkey kinda jealous of taranza for being better at magic than him. taranza offers to teach him but he always declines.
this guy is marx's biggest supporter #1 bestie bro before hoe partner in crime, all that jazz
they pull off silly shenanigans together and are banned from most public spaces.
magolor has taught marx everything he knows. their tomfoolery is unmatched.
has a hard time expressing his true feelings, often puts on a facade of overdramatizing his emotions to the point where it seems fake
genuinely does like making new friends, he thought that by obtaining the master crown, he could make a universe where people would have no choice but to like him because he would be the greatest ruler in the galaxy and overcome his crippling loneliness
option B was making a themepark, where he would be the harbinger of fun and joy, creating a space where people could meet and make new friends and hopefully see how fun and friendly magolor was, too
he is overjoyed that kirby considers him a friend after everything and would do anything for him
constantly trying to get on meta knight and dedede's good side
magolor's got outfits for every occasion. a real fashionista, that guy
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intothecometverse · 7 months
in honor of february ending, here's what i manifested this month!
🐬 this one time i was practicing a bit later than usual and i was like FUCK ION WANNA EAT DINNER AND THEN GO TO ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL WITHIN HALF AN HOUR THAT'S NOT ENOUGH TIME and then i got an email for the rehearsal schedule and i got at least half an hour more than usual until i had to come. funny enough i was thinking to myself like plz don't make me come until later plz plz plz plz plz plz and then i got the email for the rehearsal schedule so yippe
🐬 going on to that i had to fucking take a shit and ended up arriving to the rehearsal room ON THE DOT (which is late for orchestra standards 💔) but luckily there were still ppl waiting outside while the conductor was dealing with the basses and cellos only (which was the reason why ppl who weren't basses and cellows didn't have to come until half an hour later) so i wasn't late woo! and on my walk there (i was speed walking lol) i was affirming to myself i'm not gonna be late im not gonna be late there are still gon' be ppl waiting outside then boom that happened??? like im god hello??
🐬 having dinner + getting to go on a mini walk with my goth sp (i asked them and they said yes)
🐬 also manifesting conversations with my goth sp just by thinking about experiencing it seconds beforehand
🐬 oh ja and i also manifested being released early from orchestra rehearsals thru just thinking abt it seconds before too 😭😭
🐬 manifested seeing another sp during my regular day activities (their dorm room is around the corner from mine so we see each other a lot xD) like whenever i think abt them boom they pop up 😭. manifesting interactions next 𓆩♡𓆪
🐬 (me personally i think this was my most putting-my-foot-down manifesting moment) i overate one time and felt like throwing up, like i was feeling ALL the symptoms i usually do before i throw up so i was like "I'm not gonna throw up im not gonna throw up, remember who's in control. I AM in control, nothing else! the 3d will conform, because i said so, IT'S GOING TO CONFORM, NOW" and then i felt fine, just like that :D
🐬 not needing to get out of bed and take a piss one night when i was rly tired (affirmed "i don't need to piss" until i fell asleep 😭)
🐬 my room being opened one night when i got locked out at like 1/2 am
🐬 my grade in jazz history being raised from a D to a B- (and hopefully an A by the end of the quarter)
🐬 also i have all As in all my other classes
🐬 getting to have a fun hangout before February ended lol
🐬 having friends my age who live in dorms near me xD
🐬 my eczema getting healed without special ointment or anything
🐬 birf control (technically manifested it way back in December bc that was when i got a confirmed appointment but wtv. i got the implant this month so xD)
🐬 clearer skin
🐬 i have super long hair and the ends didn't dry out (technically this is like a continuous manifestation but i just wanted to mention it. basically I've been affirming "the ends of my hair is immune to split ends and drying out as it gets longer" and it worked!)
🐬 being better at trumpet :D (i told my trumpet teacher how much i practiced during one lesson, and continued to play during our lesson even when i surpassed my usual amount of time playing during an average day and he said I've gotten stronger due to playing for so long yet still sounding relatively fresh. and recently I've kept playing for longer amounts of time during the day and I've still been fine so yippe
what i'm looking for manifesting-wise in march:
🦞 shifting lmao
🦞 being successful in my job
🦞 being successful in all areas of life actually
🦞 getting to hang out with both sps + them getting along as friends so we could be a whole trio :3
🦞 my sps texting me first along with me texting them first (like yk how they say it should be like a 50/50 thing with who starts the convos and shit)
🦞 supernatural shit like powers, wings, horns, and like those king sombra kinda smoky eyes
hope this inspired you, and remember, anything is possible, and u are loved!
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justhere4thevibez · 11 months
new fic alert! are you craving a oneshot meet-cute between our favorite couple with outrageous flirting and a matchmaking Wayne? *jazz hands* ta-da! please enjoy!
Hooked on a Feeling
“Take it from an old man,” he said, nodding wisely. “You’d have them all wrapped around your finger in a blink. Hell, even my nephew wouldn’t be able to resist you.” “The one in the band, right?” Chrissy asked as she finished checking his vitals. “That’s the one,” Wayne said with a grunt. “He likes to play at being all tough and mean, but he’s a real softie. He’d go head over heels for you in five seconds flat, mark my words.” “Well, if I’m ever in the market, I’ll let you know,” she said, fluffing the blanket at the end of his bed even though it wasn’t part of her job. Such a little sweetheart. “If he’s anything like you, I’m sure he’s wonderful.” “I’ll just have to introduce you sometime so you can see for yourself,” he said slyly.
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atonalginger · 6 months
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For Stowaway Savior I decided to give the four captains searching for the lost duo a model-a robot co-pilot to have their backs, as well as mentioning that Goose has one but she's being repaired when the crisis starts.
Each one of these model-a robots were liberated from abandoned outposts or found stored in UC outposts "liberated' by the Crimson Fleet. Their personalities were originally all blank, right out the box service robot mode but over time each one has/will develop an actual personality, similar to Vasco in the game.
The Crimson Bots program is the brainchild of Goose with Jazz's engineer's assistance. He wanted to pay tribute to Vasco as well as give the Fleet the edge he knew these model-a robots could bring.
So let's meet the bots?
Jinx is Starborn!Sam's co-pilot. On the surface is seems like a standard, Vasco-like model-a...until the various lessons and added programs kick in. Lila, Del, and Goose have all added delightful little mannerisms into Jinx's programming that expanded his knowledge as well as made him ornerier. Jinx loves to help his captain. Jinx also loves to piss him off.
Trix is Delgado's co-pilot. Flashier paint job but bland personality. Trix is the least modified in the personality department. They are very loyal and look out for their captain, trying hard to keep Del happy and calm. It's a thankless job and Trix is a superhero for trying.
Moonlight is Cooper's co-pilot. The newest Crimson Bot to come online, Moonlight hasn't found their true voice yet. They were given lessons based on Whiz's memory bank but no personality imprint. Seems to have a playful streak but nothing on the level of Jinx or Whiz. Very protective.
Whiz is Goose's co-pilot. She's a wise cracking model-a who can and will woop your ass if you look at her captain wrong. Currently out of commission in the Key's engineering bay and very worried about her captain.
Quirk is Lila's co-pilot. Quirk is...well Quirk. She came online when Whiz did and due to Lila's laizze faire approach to training and management has spent FAR too much time on the extranet. To say she cusses like a sailor would be an insult to foul mouthed sailors. She is very rude and has an extremely entitled, self-important, spoiled attitude. Lila believes she can reverse the damage through discipline and positive reinforcement...time will tell if she is right.
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Tagged by my darling @glassangels <3<3<3
1. Are you named after anyone? Im named after a kinks song which is a massive win for me personally. They almost named me rosa after the pixies album (which wouldve made sense bc we do in fact surf) but one of my moms friends was already knitting a sweater with the kinks-name on it and she convinced them to keep it. My middle name is also my paternal grandmas middle name so i guess that counts too
2. When was the last time you cried? No idea tbh. That thing where you lie down on your side and then your eyes start leaking happens to me a lot but a proper sadness-induced cry hasnt happened for months. I will say that sometimes i say something made me cry, and although it technically didnt due to no tears falling, it did make my soul hurt and crying is the closest phrase that expresses that <3
3. Do you have kids? Thank god no
4. What sports do you play/have you played? Soccer, ran track for a bit, ultimate frisbee, swimming, fencing, fighting (mma, kickboxing, cage, etc), equestrianism (im including my brief and unimpressive time vaulting here), did some stuff with a circus briefly (contortionism, aerial arts, lyra), and then the usual outdoorsy shit (surfing, bouldering, hiking, skiing, and since caving is technically a sport, caving). Also danced for a bit (ballet, contemporary, and jazz). Yeah man idk either
5. Do you use sarcasm? Technically yes but its less "sarcasm" and more "inability to express a truth about myself without making it into a joke". A bit of sarcasm when the time calls for it is always fair game though and i will indulge
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone? The way they carry themself says a lot about their temperament and emotional state and whatnot so thats typically where my eye is drawn. Second place goes to wherever theyre keeping their valuables on them and how expensively theyre dressed though
7. Eye color? Blue but ive got a bit of yellow central heterochromia so they tend to look green if its bright out
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Kill them <3 scary movies 4ever
9. Any talents? Party trick-wise i did retain some contortionist ability and so thats always a good one to break out. Also can spit water up to 30 ft for tooth gap reasons. I am the type of person whos just naturally good at a lot of things (sorry) so i consider that a talent too
10. Where were you born? The top left corner of the USA, not including alaska
11. Hobbies? Writing, journaling, watching movies, reading, various textile arts, going for walks, playing assorted instruments, and occasionally traditional art (im particularly fond of ballpoint pens and oil pastels). Would say listening to music but thats a job to me and i clock into that shit like i get paid
12. Any pets? Maeve the most anxious dog in the world who i love very much <3
13. Height? 5'8/172 cm
14. Favorite school subject? I was a school hater so it really depended on the teacher... in high school i did have the same teacher for like three years in a row (she taught me english in freshman year, history in sophomore, + health in junior) and she was totally awesome so all those classes were great. Typically the classes i had the most fun in were english and history just bc there was more room for fucking around. In the single semester of college i took i did have crazy amounts of fun in my film class though which i will say was mostly because my professor rocked and i got him on my side early so i could kind of do whatever
15. Dream job? Due to the Issues and also common sense mainly i just wish the government actually took care of people and i wouldnt need to work. But if i have to chose a job than itd be a) writing a book or two that are good enough i could live off the royalties and film rights and whatnot for the rest of my life or b) pulling an enya (dropping some widely beloved and largely incomprehensible music and then disappearing totally from the public eye to live in a castle in the middle of nowhere)
Idk whos already done this so ignore me if you have lol @supersonic1994 @nothingrhymedwithcircus @hauntedwoman @halogenstreetlight @evebabitzgf @serethereal and anyone else who wants to <3<3<3
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