#[ i had to wrack my brain
ocularmacdown · 2 months
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i love you south park pets i wish you were still real </3
entirely self indulgent, i just really wanted to draw the kids with their pets cuz ! why not !! genuinely miss when the sp kids did normal things like muck around with their siblings or interact with their pets..,. made them so much more human and childlike imo.
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amygdalae · 1 month
A customer id rung up a minute ago came back in and said "That was really rude of you." And I was like "wait what did I do?" And then she stormed out without saying anything. Huh????
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freaky-flawless · 2 months
On one hand it does seem like Mattel has something against Cleo because all of her gen 1 style collector dolls have been bad, but on the other hand she has a lot of collector dolls, on par with Draculaura if I'm not mistaken, so they can't hate her that much.
I just don't get why they have such a hard time capturing her style. Every collector doll she's gotten, her face has looked completely different, and nothing like her original face up. And I think out of all the characters, her style in gen 3 is still pretty similar to gen 1, and she's had some banger gen 3 dolls as of late. Yet her gen 1 style dolls outfits really do look akin to to gen 2, maybe late stage gen 1 if we're being generous.
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elgaravel · 2 months
YOUR top 5 fable moments 🫵
ehehehehehehehe thank u quill
the introduction to the crawler?? like. i remember playing it as a kid and shaking in my fucking boots down there with walter and it still gets me as an adult. the atmosphere of it is just soooo fucking good and unforgettable to me. i just love the aurora section of the game
i will have to agree with you on the reaver introduction in 2. he's such a pompous loser <3 his first appearance in 3 is also very good, always makes me smile despite him being wretched
"death is not your destiny today, little sparrow" lives fucking rent free in my mind. that whole scene is obvs very sad but i just love how it's executed
ALSO will have to agree with starting 3 with fighting walter and ending with killing him :( like i just. where else am i gonna get that
reaver killing lucien for you if you let him talk too long. i know people hate that but it's soooooo fucking funny to me. imagine being sparrow and going through all of that and that jackass shoots him for you 😭
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inkblackorchid · 26 days
me again! 😹 I love the headcanons you wrote ,thank you ! While reading them I imagined something else so I thought to give it a try !
Perhaps, do you think you could write Faithshipping married headcanons? That would be so cool , thank you in advance:)
Also ,I am so excited for more Faithshipping fanfictions. Also ,I love how you're giving Aki more time to shine and get actual development 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
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@mathemagician93 Hope you don't mind me combining these since they pertain to similar topics!
Had to think about these for a while so they've unfortunately been sitting in my inbox for a couple of days, haha. But here we go, married faithshipping headcanons!
The proposal is a long time coming (especially to Aki and Yusei's long-suffering friend circle), but both of them don't know how to go about it at first.
I imagine Aki's parents are just traditional enough that they're basically expecting Yusei to propose, while Aki herself really doesn't mind who proposes, but ends up being too chicken to do it herself. (She doesn't think Yusei would reject her, but old fears are a bitch and she knows it would break her heart if he said no for any reason.)
Yusei, meanwhile, definitely has the courage to propose, but doesn't have the foggiest idea how to. What do people do when they propose?? (Jack and Crow are the polar opposite of helpful, btw.) He ends up taking Martha's advice of doing it in a simple, but heartfelt way.
It's not a big thing. It's a date, but not a date that immediately seems special. There's no crowd, only them. The question's quiet and earnest, and the memory of it belongs to them and them alone.
(For a couple of days, the others don't even know the big question came up. Everyone's offended as hell when they find out Aki and Yusei didn't consider it big enough of a deal to make a big announcement out of it. But big doesn't matter to them. What matters is each other.)
I imagine several parties would try to hijack the wedding planning. Among them, Jack, Carly, and Aki's parents. Nobody manages to keep their trap shut and not make unprompted suggestions, at any rate.
Despite the above, the wedding wouldn't be big and fancy, either. Everyone who's important is there, but nobody beyond that. Aki manages to wriggle the occasional input out of Yusei and puts together some kickass (floral, duh) decor.
(They both stress about the wedding. Aki looks more like she stresses, but in truth, Yusei's also worried he's going to make an idiot of himself. Fancy occasions were never his thing. But they manage to put their heads together and make it work, because that's what they're best at.)
Married life ends up not being all that different from the way things were before. I'd imagine they already lived together and tackled day-to-day life together before. Except now both of them are Dr. Fudo.
(Yusei wouldn't have minded taking Aki's name, but Aki's parents fussed and she wasn't too attached to Izayoi, anyway, so she happily takes Fudo.)
They absolutely manage to mix up their name tags for work (if not their lab coats outright) at some point.
Half of the nurses working with Aki know and are convinced she's married to Yusei Fudo (yes, that Yusei Fudo). The other half are dead convinced the others are just pulling their legs and that it's a rumour because it would be cliché anyway, etc. The reason why is that Aki doesn't see the reason to make a big deal out of her marriage (and knows Yusei likes his privacy).
By contrast, the entirety of MIDS knows Yusei's married to Aki Izayoi. Because he brings her up every second conversation—not even to brag (although he sometimes does), but simply because he thinks of her that often. (You cannot convince me Yusei would not be one of the most wife guys to ever wife guy.)
They are popular with literally all their neighbours because they're the most capable couple on the block. Your washing machine is broken? Ask Yusei about it. Your grandma tripped and fell? Better pop over to Aki.
They're good at dividing up the chores and know exactly which chores each the other likes to do less. (Aki's better at doing the laundry and hates cleaning the bathroom, Yusei's better at doing the dishes and hates dusting the furniture.)
Despite Aki's demanding work hours, being a doctor and all, Yusei still always manages to be awake earlier than her. He knows exactly for what time her alarm is set and always makes sure a cup of tea and something small to eat are ready for her by then.
In return, Aki likes to stay on top of making sure that Yusei's got lunch he can take with him to work. (Because she knows his abysmal working habits and the fact that he makes time to actually go for lunch too rarely.)
They coordinate their days off to the best of their ability. What free time they have, they want to be able to spend together.
Yusei may or may not forget his lunch on occasion. Aki, on days where she's not stuck at work herself, may or may not pop into MIDS to bring her husband his lunch. (Yusei's coworkers find it hilarious.)
Hope you like these! And thank you so, so much, glad you enjoy my stories! Aki deserves every little bit of development I can give her. ^^
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birdyverdie · 4 months
It looks like someone stuck an orange slice to the back of a birds head
Hey. Don't judge a bird for the way it wants to personalize!! It just hatched that way >:( Maybe it just likes oranges or something don't bully them :(
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It's just a little guy!! a silly goober!! A scrunkly scrimblo kinda bird, a spoingle maybe It's wearing an orange slice hat ok??? It's just vibing :)
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lumiereandcogsworth · 3 months
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone’s favourite
tagged by @caesarclowningaround !!! <3
tagging: @gayassbenaffleck @roberrtphilip @ihrtmichael @ariiiloves @misscrazyfangirl321 @autumnrose11 @ginnyweatherby @japhan2024 @thavron @romeoandjulietyouwish + anyone can say i tagged them !!!
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dickpuncher420 · 3 months
tagged by @ducktollers ! this is so fun omg thanks for tagging me
make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favourite
tagging @ranilla-bean @maangoes @jsup @sokkalore @cupcakecircus
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@ Whiterose shippers, I have a genuine question for you! Because I am a forgetful & curious cat :P
So I know there are several instances of Weiss opening up to Ruby and Ruby comforting her (which is super sweet and wholesome), but I'm struggling to recall an instance of Ruby opening up to Weiss? I feel like there's gotta be something at Beacon, at least, and I don't rewatch those volumes often.
More specifically, I mean like, have there been any heart-to-heart moments between the two of them where Ruby confides in her? I remember in v8 when Ruby says to the team, "It's all just... too much" Weiss puts a hand on her shoulder, but I'm thinking more along the lines of having a talk. Doesn't even have to be a full-on conversation or scene with just the two of them, I just... there HAS to be a moment I'm forgetting where Ruby opens up to Weiss in particular. Weiss did TRY to get her to open up about Penny in v9, but Ruby just silently turned and walked away from her.
This isn't meant negatively, btw! I just forget a lot, and keep seeing people who ship them say Weiss is Ruby's confidant, and it makes sense since ship or not, they are partners and bffs, so I figured y'all would know! <3
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knaveofmogadore · 2 months
You ever wake up from a dream so fucked that you have to sit there for 10 minutes after waking to rewrite the ending so that you can move on with your day or are you normal
#messages from knave#i keep having these ongoing dreams about an alternate reality version of my life#mainly about my parents#like right after i lost my job i had a dream that they'd moved to another state on a whim#and just told me to either upend my entire life to move to florida with them or figure it out#and i ended up moving into a much shittier apartment before realizing 'wait i have a whole house' and moving back into my own house in NJ#and then last night i dreamed I'd visited them and spent a day with my nephews then we all went to a wrestling match#and then after almost being run over by my dad cause he started driving while i was getting into the car#we go back to their house and i take a fat nap only to wake up in the dream and discover that I've disturbed this thumbelina sized toddler#that my mom jad apparentky adopted and then completely forgot about. and we wtruggled to getbit comfortable again on its little ved#then it escaped as toddlers do and i went through a comedy of errors trying to find it only to find it seemingly plastic and lifeless#only for it to start going through rapid metamorphosis into an adult and running around my parents house#my dad and i tried to stop it from growing up becuase every transformation opened up a new pocket dimension or something#then the dream changed into something else as my brain slowly booted back up from a migraine back into reality and i woke up#but the visage of a polly pocket sized toddler being left behind in my adult sized bed really shook me for some reason#it was so small and it was on a teeny pink pillow and it had a little purple teddy it kept dropping#but now I'm thinking of the logitstics of actually raising a child you could step on and squash by accident#that must be nerve wracking like how did thumbelina make it to adulthood without being confibed to a single room or even a single table#cause my first instinct is to build a diarama on a table for them and never let them leave until they're old enough to dodge
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vriskabot · 7 months
davris morning routine hcs?
YOU CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD I WAS PLAYING MINECRAFT cracks my knuckles. this kinda turned into sleeping habit and self care hcs as a whole sorry not sorry -vriska is not a night owl or a morning person but she IS a long and heavy sleeper. do not wake her up before she is good and ready or you WILL get torn a new asshole bare minimum. if the verbal lashing does not work she will escalate immediately and directly to grievous bodily harm -dave is probably the only person who can manage this without dying but even THEN he would much rather get on her ass about going to sleep on time than get on her ass about getting up in the morning -dave is a much lighter sleeper and honestly naturally a nap guy. i think on a genetic level the strilondes dont sleep long even when they DO manage to sleep (dirk and rose are notorious insomniacs) but i dont think dave really minds it -nobody knows when he sleeps but he does! hes just Constantly Around -this was only further reinforced by living with bro and being trained and all that jazz so daves sort of got a built in alarm clock (lol time player) -in that vein dave can kinda predict when vriska is gonna be up based on what time shes gone to sleep so he can be in and out of the bathroom before she needs to be in there which is. a very very good thing -i think dave was a lot more anal (and anxious) about what he looked like when he was a teen (to the point of being unable to leave the house if his hair wasnt JUST right) but hes way more lax about it now -that being said i also dont think hes gone fully curly girl now that hes okay with his hair having a single iota of texture whatsoever. he just combs it into the style he wants it to dry in and lets nature take the wheel after that (its very soft and vriska LOVES to touch and tousle it) -he MAYBE uses a light pomade while wet if anything but thats only if he NEEDS his hair to stay nice all day -vriska on the other hand. woo buddy. -depending on how im feeling about her styling, shes either full 17 step curly hair routine or blowdried + straightened + hairsprayed until its crunchy even if her hair is naturally already straight -like im sorry shes SO emo -i think a lot of that stemmed from the sort of persona she put on to protect herself that ended up becoming her taste Anyway -the full face of makeup + done hair carries a very Intentional feeling that makes her seem a little less off the wall, has-no-clue-what-shes-doing than she really IS -ultimately its about control! having more control over the interpersonal dynamics and the flow of things based on the kind of assumptions people make about her based on the way she presents herself -dave was doing his similarly insane hair routine at 13 14 15 for the same exact reasons -dont let her fool you though its all smoke and mirrors -when she was in her teens it was definitely a full coverage foundation + powder foundation + pencil liner for EVERYTHING situation and loads of dark eyeshadow -in her adulthood though i think shed be alright with like. a much more lightweight base like bbcream or even just concealer in spots for daily wear and she saves the full face beat for more special occasions like dates and shit -as much as i think dave finds later on in life that he actually kinda enjoys cooking, hes not up making a Full Breakfast every day -theyre both perfectly fine with like. toast and microwave breakfast sausage to eat -vriska however is not to be trusted with the stove. she sucks SO bad at cooking save for the few dishes shes ruined enough times that shes got the experience to do it right -both of them are horrible caffeine fiends. they will drink soda or energy drinks with breakfast and then wonder why their fucking stomachs hurt later -i think in the case of NEEDING caffeine vriska is much more varied in her intake sources--energy drinks, soda, coffee, and tea are all viable options depending on how much energy she feels she needs -dave though... he feels like the "starts with an energy drink and only drinks other stuff when he has a craving" kinda guy
-though maybe thats the raging adhd you tell me -their bed is almost never ever made and both of them live in organized chaos. whether or not they ENJOY the chaos is a different story entirely -vriska is a blanket hog AND a pillow hog so they eventually had to settle on each having their own blankets -vriska loathes mint toothpaste and dave is a cinnamon toothpaste guy so you can imagine how much of a eureka moment vriska had the first time she spent the night -and yes that means she was just bearing with the mint because she had no clue there was any other option -uhhhhh i cant think of much else more on this topic i hope u enjoyed <3
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hkpika07 · 1 year
Missing Faces
Audio: Library by Jack Stauber
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genericwizard · 4 months
Heyo! Director's commentary on the start of The Last Cold Week in November? Especially the way it starts in medias res. Also this section specifically:
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because a) I love the past/future line, you nail Venti's sort of learned helplessness when it comes to time, and b) I love the way he then goes through multiple senses to ground himself in the present without you spelling out what he's doing.
I still need to leave comments on your fics and read Believe in Love's Harbour- huge apologies for procrastinating that- but I've revisited the first two KVCU fics more than once. They're good shit.
Before the ramble- thank you so much, I love hearing that. Honestly just interacting with my socials and talking to me about kvcu is kind enough, though I'd be delighted to read your comments. BILH is kinda my baby at the moment, so I hope you enjoy it when you do read! I worry it has a bit of a slow start, but I think what it builds to is ultimately worth it. Thinking about kvcu part 1 over a year later is so weird. I think it holds up just fine, I reread it myself recently (I reread my works from time to time to refresh myself on stuff I established before when writing newer stuff), but this fic is probably the laziest with the actual writing since it was my return to writing after years of not writing anything. I think before this fic the last thing I had written was a ghost chapter of my partner's taz balance x ndrv3 rewrite. There are echoes of things in this fic I had intended to spell out in future installments that I ended up not going through with (my opinion/perspective on Kaeya ended up changing) and now those things are just In There, but they're probably things only I would notice.
I tend to start a lot of fics in media res because I like to begin stories with a scene that will be setting up the themes. The intro of November was written later (the sequence where Albedo shows up to the party I believe was the first scene I wrote for this fic) but I knew with Venti as my POV character I needed to check in with him first. A quiet, introspective moment of what could possibly be going through his mind would ask the reader the question of why is the chipper Anemo Archon so downcast? Well keep reading and he'll tell you! That said the themes in part 1 were less established than later stories I wrote, but I did manage to bring it back around for the conclusion!
As for the focus on his senses, I'm 90% I wrote that because I've been in CBT and practiced mindfulness for my own mental health. I get the impression that Venti detaches from reality easily since he doesn't experience time the way a normal person does, but doing tactile things like touching surfaces + focusing on smells and sounds keep him checked in with everyone else.
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fyodior · 4 months
HAII mrs sakunosuke :3 ! ! ♡ i just began my annual bsd rewatch n was thinking about u bcos of it , so i wanted to drop by n wish u a peaceful rest of ur week ! if u’re up to it , i would love for know how you wld categorise the bsd men into the types of ‘ attractive ‘ they are . . like who is pretty vs handsome vs hot vs cute etc etc ! ♡ i love u so so much n if u feel the wind on ur face . . that is me blowing u a kiss mwah !
hi pretty coco!!! omg mrs sakunosuke im giggling and blushing…… hehehehehe :3 and thank u so much!! i hope your week smooths out despite what’s been going on, sending u so much love and kisses <3
okokok so i had to think a little about this and this is what ive decided
dazai: pretty, cutesy, handsome
fyodor: ethereal, gorgeous
chuuya: SEXY. HOT. hunky :3
mori: striking, handsome in a darker way
ango: cutie patootie
oda: beautiful. gorgeous. showstopping. ungodly hot, sexy, perfect, bewitching, heavenly, charming, ravishing. my husband and soulmate
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 1 year
Splatoween Fest Ideas
(NOTE: Themes can be in any order! These are not necessarily ordered by idol)
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technomaestro · 2 months
Someone convince me to finish writing this campaign recap
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