#[ have a cute nanno ;) ]
kahrma-a · 1 year
if you still have business to attend to, take two of these beforehand.
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She looks at his hands, the concoctions almost glowing within its vials tucked in his palms. They would heal her would she find herself into trouble — speaking of trouble — this is indeed rather troubling in itself. Her previous grin slowly fades as she stares at the vials with incredulity. A frown dips her brows. Confusion is clear upon her features despite the fact she’s trying to hide it. She doesn’t need these, but he has no way of knowing this. ❝.....❞ She swallows, eyes glued to the vials, then looks up again. She almost looks innocent — like an angel, long fallen from the Heavens — in retrospect, it is not a lie.
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❝— Why... are you giving me these?❞
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complex-pdf · 1 year
Common Sense | Nanno x Plus Size Reader
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request: “Hellooo, can I request a scenario of nanno x reader where the reader just questions everything and doesn't immediately retort to dumb decisions like most of the characters in the show 💀 and nanno is thankful to have met SOMEONE with some sense Imao”
a/n: when I be watching this show I be like “damn that was evil Nanno…that’s what they get lmao” 🗿 and I didn’t know if I should base this off of an episode or not so I did anyways
‘This school’s system is trash…’ You thought as you walked about your school. You went to Lerdvithi School, a school that focuses on talented kids and make anyone else that isn’t a “genius” feel lesser than. You thought it was disgusting and will only lead to trouble especially when you see people get jealous at the “geniuses” all the time. Like this girl in your class looked so jealous after her friend one that writing award and became a genius. Now all of the sudden she’s one too. ‘What’s her name? Ugh I’m so bad at reme-‘ “Hey!” Suddenly a voice ruined your train of thought.
You turned around to see Nanno. “Hm? Oh, hey Nanno.” She was one of your favorite non-friends that you were cool with. “(Y/n) have you seen how quickly Mew became a genius? Pretty cool right?” Nanno asked as she speed up to match your speed. “Eh…I guess so. It’s kinda suspicious that she did it so quickly though.” “Someone’s jealous~” Nanno chuckled which made your cheeks heat up a bit. “Yea right. I’m not a suck up to the school’s ways like you or Mew. Besides that shit sounds stressful.”
You turn your head to look at Nanno and see she was just starring at you with a bright smile plastered on her pretty face. You stopped in your tracks and raise your eyebrow. “What?” “You know~ I know how she did it~” She said in a singing tone as you shake your head in disbelief. “Please, I don’t wanna get roped into dra-“ “She stole artwork online, splattered that stupid red paint on it, and called it hers.”
What Nanno told you made you angry…for some reason. ‘Why would anyone do that?!” You weren’t an angry person, but you just felt like you blew a fuse out of no where. You felt your face contort as your fists ball up. ‘Art is personal! Why would Mew steal! To get a stupid lunch? To get fame? To feel smarter than everyone else? She’s a fraud!’ You close your eyes as you got more frustrated with every thought. “(Y/n)~ You can bring her down by, I don’t know, be better at her own game?” You heard Nanno say, as if she said it in your mind.
You took three deep breaths. In and out, in and out, in and out. You felt relaxed already, like the anger never existed. You looked at Nanno and told her, “No. You know why? Because she’ll get her karma anyways. Why would I become a fraud to better one?” You gave your acquaintance a small smile, “Some times, though this is my only time getting your advice, you don’t have the best things to say.” You started to walk away from Nanno as to get to class before everyone came into the hallways to get to their classes.
“(Y/n).” Nanno’s voice made you turn quickly as she was right in front of you. Kind of too close. “You know…”, Nanno started to caress your left cheek, “You’re pretty smart. You think before you take action. Some might say it’s…common sense~” You saw Nanno smirk as you, and she, felt your face heat up tremendously. “W-Well…I…I guess a lot of people don’t have that nowadays…” You stuttered out nervously. “I’ve seen a lot of people without common sense, you have no idea…And you know, you look cute. Cuddly and bouncy even. Stay that way for me.” Nanno told (Y/n) with a smile. She walked away humming like she never said anything to you. While you just stood there flustered.
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findafight · 1 year
The longer they release ST media without acknowledging Steve’s parents, the more convinced I become that they don’t actually exist.
Like, they died in that month after the season 1 Upside Down stuff, somewhere out of state and they didn’t want to buried in Hawkins and Steve just…didn’t get around to telling anyone. And now he can’t bring it up without being awkward, so he just…doesn’t.
Or he’s a lab kid. Or a distant, disappointingly normal relative of the Addams family trying to go mainstream. Or he’s some preternatural being a la Nanno from “Girl from nowhere”. Or he’s living out the consequences of some time travel bullshit in which he became his own father. He’s a changeling that accidentally killed his human parents and can’t show his face in the world of fairy or else he’ll never bear the end of it. They’re serving life sentences under their real names (“Harrington” was the cover story).
The greatest trick Steve Harrington ever pulled was convincing the world he was of woman born.
Ahhh I love love love seeing different theories and explanations exploring why we haven't ever seen or really heard of Steve's parents (except for that one old yearbook page from idk where that has a John Harrington on it) it's all so fun the the potential for whump is so much higher when there's no actual basis for anything.
Steve, who spawned out of the earth with the goals of looking cute and being a dad and maybe kicking monster ass: yes. Of course I have parents. Haha they're just ...away? Right now? And didn't go to school in this town :)
Everyone: seems about right. why would this boy lie about adults we have never seen nor met?
But I know it's because the Duffers just don't think about Steve enough to care 😭
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sandewich · 8 months
Never Felt This // Nanno x Fem!Reader.
CHAPTER 1 // S1:E1 - The Ugly Truth.
[ 05/03/23 ]
reposted from my wattpad for peole who don't have it.
chapter two.
✦- Info -✦
Enigmatic student Nanno transfers to a school that recently earned the title of ' Purest School of the Year ' but she soon exposes the ugly truth... And found someone that has caught her eye and somehow figured out who and what she is.
Everyone likes to think they're a good person... But good cannot exist without evil.
Nanno POV
Pleasure without pain.
Humans are not some noble creatures, only capable of good, They have a dark, filthy soul heading deep inside... Begging to come out.
Given the opportunity, they might just do bad things to get what they want.
But don't ever forget that when you play with fire... You will get burned.
I walk towards the entrance of the school that just earned the Purest School of the Year title.
I took a deep breath before heading inside of the huge school, I walk into the hallways, warning whispers and glares from other students.
I reached my class as the bell rang, faking my smile before going inside, this was going to be fun to figure out this school.
The teacher whose name was Ms. Mali greeted me and told me to introduce myself, which I did.
" Hello there, I'm Nanno, it's nice to meet you all! " I spoke in a calm and polite tone then Ms. Mali directed me to my seat.
" Good, Nanno, why don't you sit next to Mei and Y/n?... Take a seat " She said, pointing at two students that were named ' Mei ' and ' Y/n '
" Mr. Win will be your homeroom teacher for the next two weeks. Make sure you behave, Okay? Don't give him a headache, Do you understand?" Ms. Mali said.
" Okay " She spoke again, almost whispering it.
" Okay," I said back to her before walking to my seat.
I put my bag on the table as I sat down then put the bag under the small space beside the table.
The classroom door opens to a male teacher, I think his name was Mr. Win, I sat up correctly and comfortably in my chair as he asked to talk with the class.
" Yes, Mr. Win, What is it? " Ms. Mali spoke to the male teacher.
" Can I talk with your class? " He spoke, happily. He seems too nice...
" Oh yeah, of course " She responded, Mr. Win, moves to the middle of the whiteboard, explaining about a video that he was making.
" Good morning, everyone. I'm looking for some volunteers to help me with the video I'm shooting about yoga for meditation. It would be great to have a few students who already have some experience, with basic yoga anyone interested? " Was all he said, I just stared at him, fixing my bangs a little bit then a student raised their hand.
" I love yoga! " The student that raised her hand behind me spoke, her name was Ing.
" Thank you so much, Anyone else? " Mr. Win spoke, I raised my hand, I think this would be the perfect idea to see what his true intentions were.
" Are you a new student? Why haven't I seen you before? " Mr. Win asked me, I didn't speak but Ms. Mali did
" Oh, today is her first day, Her name is Nanno" She informed Win about it as she nodded at what he said.
" Oh, Nanno. That's a cute name" They both nod, and he complimented my name after., I smiled, showing my teeth.
" Thank you Nanno, Is there anyone else? " Mr. Win asked again, Another student raised her hand.
It was the student next to me, her name is Y/n, which was a pretty name for such a pretty girl... Wait what was I thinking? Keep it together, Nanno.
" I can do some yoga poses... " Y/n calmly spoke while also in a happy tone, as she grins.
" Okay Y/n, Anyone else interested to join? " Mr. Win said as Y/n puts her hand down.
" What about you Mei? You do yoga, right? And you helped Mr. Win in his last video too... " Ms. Mali said to Mei who was putting her head down and Mr. Win confirmed that... I think this was Mr. Win's doing.
" Mei seems too busy, that's all right, Three people are enough. " Mr. Win spoke.
" Okay, three students then. " Ms. Mali said.
" Three of you, please meet me in the video lab after school, we'll rehearse and film for an hour and a half each day. Sounds good? " Mr. Win spoke to the three of us, They said Yeah while I just nodded.
" Okay," Mr. Win spoke, grinning still.
" Good " Ms. Mali spoke too, with her arms still behind her back.
" Thank you, everyone, Thank you Mali," He said then Ms. Mali thanked him as well, I look at Mei, who was staring at something close to me then looked back to her notebook with her pink pen which she was gripping.
" It's too bad, he's already married " She pouted, looking at her pen before looking back to me.
" Hey " Ing from behind me spoke, getting close to me, I turned to look at her.
" He is the cutest, Isn't he? " She was talking about Me Win I suppose.
" Oh? " I questioned her, trying not to smirk at my antics, this was going to be good.
I turned back to look at Mr. Win who was teaching us with my lips parted from each other, I couldn't help but smirk at it.
This time skip was brought to you by the author 😽
The three of us were rehearsing the yoga poses, the downward dog, and whatnot, I don't even know what these poses are.
" Okay, Next position, " Mr. Win said.
We turned to stand up and straightened out our hands to form a dolphin-like pose then we had to bend backward as if we were falling, I tried my hardest not to fall.
" Let me adjust you a bit " Mr. Win spoke as he walked to Nanno, I felt... Something in my veins, in my stomach, my stomach was hurting, not because of the fact I didn't eat breakfast, No, it was hurting like no other.
Was this guilt? Or jealously? Why would I be jealous when the girl didn't talk to me yet?
Well, whatever it was, it was new.
This girl was an effect on me and I don't know how and why she did it.
" You're okay, right? All right, Nanno, stand up" Mr. Win asked her about it, their eye contact... I see love at first sight like no one else.
Wait, He's a pedophile... Mei, my friend told me what happened, that's what's happening, I'm not gonna make him do it to Nanno as well!
But, Nanno seems to like it. Of course, she does! Every girl student in this school likes the hot, young, married male teacher!
Except for me that is, he gives off some sort of icky vibe, very mysterious and nice.
" Um... I think maybe you need to bend back more. " He said as Nanno smiled, she said okay.
She does the pose again but bends more down, I tried so hard not to look at her chest.
After we finished filming, we, three hung out with each other, Ing mostly talked about Mr. Win.
" Come on! I'm not the only one that thinks he's so hot! " Ing says as we enter the ice cream parlor.
" Yeah, whatever Ing, how's Mei? " I asked Ing, Nanno looked uninterested in the ice cream flavors.
" Mei's... Been better, that's for sure... although she's building up the courage to tell Ms. Mali. " Ing whispered to me about the last part, I was paying for them, it wasn't a problem.
Ing got her usual favorite ice cream, Vanilla, and Strawberry, I got my favorite ice cream too, I also bought Nanno Chocolate and Double Dutch ice cream, I think she'll like it.
( Double Dutch ice cream is Premium Vanilla ice cream with Chocolate swirls, Cashews, and Marshmallows. )
" Hey y/n, if you don't mind, what is this flavor? " Nanno asked as she pointed at the Double Dutch part, I thought it was cute and funny.
" Oh, that's Double Dutch, Vanilla ice cream with Chocolate swirls, Cashews, and Marshmallows," I told her, she just hummed and licked her ice cream.
We talked and talked about our interests, turns out me and Nanno has some similar interests.
" Hey, it's getting late we should go before our parents wonder where we are, right? " Ing spoke to the both of us.
" Yeah, they must be worried sick " Nanno spoke, looking down...
" Yeah, hey Nanno maybe we could walk home together? " I boldly asked her, she looks at me and smiled before nodding yes.
" Awww! You guys look cute together!! " Ing teased, I rolled my eyes playfully before speaking.
" Ing, shut up, oh my god... " I said, as Nanno quietly chuckled, we both said goodbye to Ing before heading back to our homes.
We walked and talked a little as we reach my house, we had a great time talking and hanging out this morning and evening.
" Okay, this is my house " I grinned as Nanno carefully studied my home, we say our goodbyes and she went to her apartment, home, or where ever she lives.
I was already developing feelings for this new girl... I wonder if she feels the same too, she's angelic... Or is she?
She gives off sort of ' Hey, it may look like I'm harmless but I will ruin your life and expose you to the world ' kind of vibe.
I put my bag on my bed and stripped out of my uniform then I grabbed my pajamas to put on.
After I was done, I realized something.
I had that one book that explained all of the creatures that were hidden in society, I grabbed it out from my shelf and quickly searched for a page that was similar to a vibe that matched Nanno's
' Karma: Section D(emon)
There is said that a demon roams around schools and/or public spaces to learn about the bad people that deserve karma, for the bad people to face the consequences for their actions.
These demons succeed in what they do, they try not to kill the person as that wouldn't be rewarded, they instead try to expose/ruin their lives, to see their miserable faces, begging for mercy.
These demons may look like normal human beings, but pay attention to their actions, they may have fake emotions as if they were acting.
They won't go for the so-called victims, the people who don't deserve it, Karma demons tend to travel worlds and transfer to different schools/public spaces.
They have multiple powers: Immortality, Teleportation, Power to make illusions, and so on ( Please turn to page 666 to see the full list of their powers).
[ Page 657 ] '
It exactly matched Nanno's vine, is Nanno a demon? Is she a devil spawn? What is she trying to do? What is her plan?
So many questions yet no answers, questions flooded my mind as I closed the book, and I tried to do my homework after that.
But all I could think of was if she was a Karma, I can't just come up to her like ' Hey, are you a devil spawn? 'Cause, you look like one '.
That would be so weird.
I sighed, not knowing what to do, I knew who she was, I just can't come up to her like that, I just can't.
Maybe, I could come up to her like that? I don't know, I guess I'll just ask her tomorrow, I have to do my work.
This time skip is necessary because I don't know 😺😸
Class ended finally but now we have to do that video thing, ugh, I don't know why I agreed to do it, I thought I would get extra points if I did.
' Mr. Win's classroom '
But Mr. Win told Nanno that we won't be filming today. What? How come only Nanno? Why is she trustworthy? I was Mr. Pedo's 'favorite' student, his top student.
" Hey Nanno " I tapped her shoulder, she turns to look at me, raising an eyebrow at me, I was getting nervous because of it.
" Is it possible if we could... Talk? Like after school if you're free? " I finally spoke to her, she thought for a while before answering.
" Why not now? " She asked, I definitely didn't expect that, I have to lie- what isn't lying wrong? What am I thinking she lies all the time about her plan to work, okay focus Y/n! Focus!
" It's... A private matter I wanted to speak to you about... " I answered, she hums and agreed to talk whenever she was free, I smiled at her.
" Okay, See you later Nanno! " I happily spoke to her as I pick up my bag, she smiles at me and says goodbye too.
She had this effect on me, whenever she smiles, I smile too, it's something I can't control.
Perhaps she's using her powers on me?!? Or she's just really pretty.
I left the classroom, smiling to myself about how beautiful she is, the devil to my angel. Nah too cheesy.
But fitting.
I decided to stay around in the school, I found a spot where no one could find me! Plus I have some powers... I kind of messed around with potions when I was a young, bad idea but also a good one somehow.
I quickly and carefully got to the video lab and looked around for Mr. Win, he was up in the place where a lot of computers were placed, then I hid behind a box that was under a table, I was big but I could fit under the table.
I made myself invisible so no one could see me, Nanno soon arrived at the video lab, I thought she said there was no filming today. Such a liar.
" Nanno, where's Ing and Y/n? " Mr. Win questioned Nanno.
" They were out sick, so they had to go home early sir " Nanno spoke, they began filming anyway, it made me sick when he was touching Nanno...
I know she was doing it for a reason, I know she was trying to make him pay one day, I just want to see how this all plays out.
The way they looked at each other is making my stomach explode, oh god- please have mercy.
They're fucking kissing now, disgusting.
Oh my- they are so gonna fuck, I'm gonna puke from this affection, this pedo is gonna pay.
I hate him so much.
She's awfully quiet... I also read the page Karma's powers that they often don't be loud like humans.
They're doing it in front of me, well he's doing it in front of me, she's not doing anything.
I just realized I can film this with my phone! For evidence! I also know the passcode of his computer! I can earn her trust!
Wait... What if she Denys the fact that she's a Karma, I can sense if she lies or not but that doesn't mean I can push her to confess.
After they both left the video lab, I was walking around the hallways and I saw Nanno and Mei, I should go- fuck she spotted me.
" Y/n! Hey! " Nanno spoke, waving her hand, I'm so stupid... I walked up to her to say hi.
" Hey Nanno, Mei, did you...? " I asked Mei.
" I'm taking her, don't worry, you can come if you want " Nanno answered instead.
" Yeah, sure, I'll be there for support " I calmly said, Nanno asked Mei if I could come for support, and she nodded.
" That new restaurant just opened up, maybe we could- " I suggested a restaurant that we could hang out at, unfortunately, I got cut off by Mr. Pedo here.
' Hallway/Class '
" Ing, Y/n, Nanno, Something came up, we can't film today but Nanno, please meet me at the video lab after lunch, okay? " Mr. Win spoke, I just angrily glared at him but I quickly changed my body language to a smile.
" Okay " Nanno happily spoke, we went to lunch, the food here was decent.
" So Y/n... " Nanno said, I remembered about the talk we were gonna... Oh god...
" Y-yeah? " I nervously spoke while Ing was just confused about the whole situation.
" What about that talk? I'm free now " Nanno smirked.
" I lo- I uh- not here? I said it was private, didn't I? " I stuttered, trying to keep my composure.
" Hm, should we go to my apartment? Not now, I have some... Work I have to do. " Nanno spoke, Ing was just concerned but thought we were gonna do something else other than talking.
"Okay, Can I get your number? So I would know which time? " I spoke without thinking, she smirked and asked me to take out my phone which I did.
She puts her into my contacts and pushes my phone onto the tables, passing it to me, I took it back and looked at her name, it made me smile.
' Nanno 💓 '
Ing teased us once again and I didn't even try to deny it, I was too tired anyway, we eventually move to another topic.
Another time skip because my finger can't take it anymore 😿
' After Mr. Win got arrested '
- - -
Nanno 💓:
Hey, Y/n
Hey Nanno!
What's up?
Nanno 💓:
Haven't you heard?
You caught that pedo?????
Nanno 💓:
What do you mean?
Yeah, I guess?
oh uh
Nanno 💓:
I'm free now
Nanno 💓:
📍Sent a location.
Room 666
haha that's funny
okay I'm coming over
- - -
Nanno 💓:
Okay dork
I got up to dress and I also brought the book, then I walked to her apartment, I used an elevator to get there as quickly as possible.
I walked until I saw room 666 and knocked three times on the door, it opens to reveal Nanno.
" Come in, " She said as she moves out of the way for me to come inside, we both sat on the bed.
" What's that book you're holding? " She spoke as she tilts her head at the book, it was a title-less book so no one could know whatever it was.
" I know who you are, Nanno " I spoke calmly.
" Hm? What do you mean?- " Nanno spoke in a questioning tone, not knowing what I'm trying to say.
" You're a demon, aren't you? " I eventually got out, it was getting awkward at this point.
" ...You need to get your head out of fantasy books which is that book, right? "  she pointed at the book, I shook my head.
" I'll just show you then. " I said, putting the book on my lap and opening it, skipping thru the pages until page 657.
She looked at the page, and her eyes widen, knowing that there was a book that knew about every single thing about creatures, demons, angels, and so on, then she just soften her glare, she was gonna 'fake it till you make it'.
" That's interesting- but what does it have to do with me? " Nanno questioned, at this point, she isn't good at lying, I was mentally facepalming.
" Stop faking, Nanno... It's not like I'm gonna tell anyone, I'm just like you... Except you're more pretty and better than me " I admitted, I didn't mean to say the pretty part but there was no way I'm gonna lie in front of an embodiment of karma.
" Hm, how can I trust you? " Nanno questioned, I have no idea, I just stared at her, trying to find an answer.
" You just have to " I shrugged, I wasn't bothered to make up some lie or think of a good answer.
" Well, I just have to shut you up somehow " Nanno smirked, and I was so nervous, I was probably sweating at this point
" w-what?- hmph!- " I spoke but my lips got cut off by her lips, I was shocked then she roughly pushed me onto the bed.
Err, let's say I kept my mouth shut about it.
also this is the first chapter, did you think you would get smut already?
I promise I won't rob you next chapter tho, just not feeling it today 😔🥱😽
Bye!! ♡♡♡
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loumauve · 1 year
what's your favorite ship and why? Not limited to any particular fandom
hi! thank you for the ask :)
at any given point in time I usually have a few different favourite ships at once, so I'll give you the most relevant ones from right now:
Beta/Milu: because they're baby and cute and deserve happiness, and Milu seems like the best match for Beta. and I really want Beta to be happy and enjoy life after everything she's been through. plus Beta could definitely help Milu with some science related to helping the Utaru, I'm sure.
Ikrie/Yarra: because I thought about it for two seconds once, and mentioned it to @tjerra14 and was met with nothing but support, so now there's two story ideas floating around.
with this one I'll explain more thoroughly (bc I talked about Beta/Milu a little more recently). thing is.. there's no way in hell Ikrie would have stayed in The Cut considering even Aratak made the journey. so I hc her being at the final battle in HZD and then moving West with Talanah and Milu, and possibly making her way across the mountain bc she's Ikrie and mountains are where she grew up, so the invisible plot barrier would not keep her out of Tenakth territory if she thought Aloy might have come through.
tjerra and I hc her then making her journey towards Scalding Spear and stumbling upon Meat in the clasps of a certain group of Rebel Bandits and saving Meat, but not getting away unscathed, and Yarra then being alerted to her presence. ANYWAY all that to give the setup. (the other story idea involved a lot more birds and puns)
the reason I think they would be well matched is that Yarra is just as dedicated to her people's ways as Mailen was, which is sth Ikrie could certainly understand, but we see later on that she is also willing to change and admit when her ways may cause more harm than good, so: matched in ferocity, bonding over Yarra's pet companion and just overall a fun dynamic imho. I JUST THINK THEY'RE NEAT
Nanno/Yuri: would be my third fave atm, mostly bc the whole enemies to lovers dynamic can be fun, especially where the supernatural is involved. and I love a good you kill me I kill you back dynamic every now and then. so there's that
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bunpilled · 1 year
POINTS AT YOU. I wanna see more of the Harmonia kids plz (in reference to this tweet) 👉👈 they are so cute
DIDNT THINK PEOPLE WERE INTERESTED wowowowow ive actually been thinking abt them quite a lot but haven’t been able to figure out a good way to post them here yet along with my other ocs!! ^_^ thank u for giving me this chance, anon <3
these two are the main fankids of N and my oc Janaia, nanno has actually existed for like 13 years now but because I’m an adult now i actually know how to write well rounded characters :3 Ino is a new addition to the family tho, i named her after the Greek god Harmonia’s child Ino!! i thought it fit well for her
(ignore the wonky anatomy i was not having a good day)
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a few fun facts about them is that while nanno takes more after N in her personality and interests, Ino is the one able to actually understand and speak to pokemon, she takes advantage of this ability a lot to get what she wants, all the pokemon who live with the family absolutely love her and do anything for her (this gets her put in time out a lot)
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more art of the two! i could go on and on about my ocs if im being honest imso crazy about them it’s that serious, before this post gets too long there is an honorary big sibling they have!!
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Yura’s ref hasn’t been completed but she’s someone N and Jan meet before having kids, they basically treat her like their own and she’s stayed part of the family ever since ^_^ nanno and ino also love yura once they get to meet her, they start thinking they’re zorua hybrids as well (there’s a whole bunch of lore why she’s a hybrid but whatever)
OKAY THATS ENOUGH INFODUMPING FOR NOW thank u anon…you unleashed my autism upon the world
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f1-birb · 2 years
i just need to tell u that ever since you posted that one sebson driver dads au sneak peek i have had no thoughts, just little lanno norris calling fernando nanno
no thoughts head empty just Lanno and Nanno and nothing else
tbh I had to take a minute to pause because I couldn't believe the cuteness I had just written
I'm glad it stuck to you as much as it stuck to me
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rnisa · 2 years
Ahhhh you’re blog is so pretty and pink! So cute! (≧◡≦) Anyways Hi I’m here to make a request. How do you think the death note fans would react to someone like Nanno from girl from Nowhere I really wanna know what you think! :D
Oh my God beautiful anon YOU HAVE IMPECCABLE TATSE. Would you believe I have thought about this EXACT scenario before??? I ended up naming my DN OC "Nano" just by inspiration. But that's a really great series.
I'm a bit confused, do you mean fans as in fans of DN? Or characters from DN? I'll just answer both LOL. I think fans of Death Note would be mixed; Nanno is a very likable character but I'm sure a few people would have an issue with her of course haha. I love Nanno personally, she is the demonic entity I aspire to be. Truly one of my life goals.
Anyways, as far as characters go, I think Light would feel about Nanno (or someone like her) the same way he feels about the Death Note before he tries it out. For the sake of this explanation let's assume he's still in school and Nanno is a transfer student. He's curious, would probably be very intrigued by her. She's mysterious and finally a new "interesting" person, a breath of fresh air if you will. He'd try his usual trick which would be to win her over and ask her out, as Nanno's beautiful and Light's a bored manwhore, so of course. I think however, if he never tried the DN he would get along with her fairly well. If the show progresses as normal, Nanno already knows he has the notebook and knows that he's Kira. I can see her just completely fucking with him mentally. She would soon become a bigger problem than L, and the show would be a lot shorter. Try, one episode.
L on the other hand, would be highly suspicious...if given a reason to be. I think Nanno would only harmlessly mess with L. Even though he's not perfect, he's not "evil" in the way Light is "evil" (I know the creator said L's a 'little bit evil' but to me that doesn't exist. You're evil or your not. There's no such thing as good or bad only, L is morally grey at best. So anyways --) Nanno would probably have fun playing with him. However, L is a detective and catches criminals. She has no reason to harm him or cause him serious distress. If anything I can see her pushing criminals more towards his direction, inadvertently helping the bad guys get caught. Overall, he'd want to keep a close watch on her. He would be intrigued and suspicious and lose even more sleep trying to figure her out, more importantly the mysteries that surround her. He'd only get far if she let him. It's best if he drops it at some point.
Sorry if this isn't what you wanted, please feel free to let me know! I only did the main two characters as I think I'd be here all day hahah, but if there's anyone else specific you'd like a reaction for, please feel free to let me know.
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allisonlol · 2 years
Hi how are you? First I wanna tell you that your writing is amazing and I really enjoy reading you work. Keep up with it💕
So... can request headcanons (or drabble, whatever you prefer) where the reader asks Nikolai gogol (they're dating) to cut her hair? I think his reaction would be funny cause he seems to care deeply about his hair...
Tysm and also, no pressure!💕💕
a/n: i'm doin pretty good, thank you sm :D this is such a cute req i added some others as well if that's alr <3 it's fitting since yesterday i literally chopped off all my hair lmao, i feel like nanno now hehe
warnings: implied fem reader, no specific hair type or length mentioned
(Nikolai, Dazai, Chuuya) When Their S/O Asks Them to Cut Her Hair
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i can't decide if this is a good decision or a disastrous one
granted he does have pretty hair and seems to take good care of it himself but...
i just think that nikolai + a pair of scissors + your hair = a possible disaster
but you were willing to give it a try, apparently
when you told nikolai that you wanted him to cut your hair, his face lit up immediately
throws you into a chair and pulls all the stuff he needs out of his overcoat??
you're starting to have second thoughts that this MIGHT not be the best idea when he literally grabs a chunk of your hair and just...cuts it off
too late to stop now huh 0-0
mf also doesn't let you look in a mirror until the very end?? so ur anxiety was skyrocketing while he does who knows what to your hair
teases you at the end and won't flip the mirror around for you to see so you YANK it out of his hands
but?? you're shocked to see it actually looks?? really good??
bro even styled it for you like damn! nikolai why are you busy being a terrorist when you could be a hairstylist instead!
& depending on the length you wanted it he may have given you a little matching braid like his <3
um so we all know how i feel about him
and i'm sorry but there's no way this is turning out the way you wanted it. like why would you even let this man bring scissors near your hair
you'd wanted to change your hair pretty drastically and figured hell, why not ask your bf so you can save money instead of going to a stylist
and sure it's a great idea on the surface, but this is dazai we're talking about
ofc he's all excited about it. won't shut up about how he's going to make you look "better than ever before" ??
dazai's like "i do my own hair so, as you can see, you can trust me" mf all i see is ur goofy ass uneven haircut but ok
another one who won't let you look into the mirror until he's finished
does it in like 10 minutes too?? and that's when you KNOW something's gonna be very wrong
spins your chair around to face the mirror and you're fr flabbergasted. like >:0
pls you jump up from the chair and are ready to start throwing punches ngl!!
let's just say you lost more money afterwards trying to get it fixed than if you'd went to the hairdresser in the first place
aah. my beloved <3
so. you either hate or you love chuuya's hairstyle and i'm one of the mfs that loves it (it is very gorgeous to me??)
n i already know y'all are gonna be like "how ru gonna say dazai's hair is bad but like chuuya's" it's an acquired taste alright
some may call it BAD taste but i think this man knows what he's doing when it comes to hairstyling. not as good as nikolai, but you can trust him whenever you wanna change things up
i feel like he's definitely nervous about it tho :') like he's just so worried he'll mess it up & you'll be mad lmao
hit him with the "so you can't do it? alr i'll ask someone else" and BAM he's shoving you down in a chair & asking what you want done with ur hair
works every time
is overly cautious. sits you right in front of a mirror and fr asks "is this ok" before cutting each section?? ur just like "yes sweetie, for the third time that's fine" :')
chuuya just wants you to be happy okay
the end result is no surprise since he basically walked you thru the whole thing but, i'll have you know it looked great <3
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @xelia25 @scul-pted @exorcisedstraydog @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @stygianoir @sonder-paradise @dreaming-of-ambedo @nervousyetconfidentway @beautiful-is-boring @irethepotato @serenareiss @thescrunkly @ashthemadwriter
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femmesandhoney · 2 years
peach + blush + human blood 🫣💖
you + me nanno and yuri irl roleplay how cute how sweet how evil <3
what kinda cats are we gonna have babe this is an important question
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skzfairies · 3 years
fan favorite
release date: may 2021
pairing: yuri + changbin + hongsanhwa
summary: yuri gets to meet one of her most favorite rappers, and she gets to be one of the luckiest fans after.
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yuri was sitting in the desk chair, she was waiting for changbin to arrive and sit across from her. she quickly wiped the sweat off her hands onto her pants, she was very nervous.
changbin was someone she looked up to a lot, besides hongjoong and mingi of course, when it came to rapping. she was amazed at how well his rap flew, and his genius lyrics he wrote.
the door opened, and changbin was walking through it. yuri stood up and bowed, smiling.
“hello, i’m yuri from ateez. nice to meet you!” yuri said cheerfully, changbin went over to shake her hand, but then quickly dropped his hand.
“i guess we can’t do that anymore, but hello, i’m changbin from stray kids. it’s nice to meet you too.” changbin laughed and yuri laughed with him. it was still hard to get used to the new normal, but it’s what they had to do.
they both sat down, and the directors told them they would be started.
“hello, how are you!” yuri said, smiling at changbin.
“i’m good, how are you” changbin seemed a bit nervous to yuri, so yuri tried her best to make him feel at ease.
“i’m a bit nervous, but i’m excited!”
“nooo, don’t be nervous. i promise i don’t bite.” changbin winked and yuri laughed in return, throwing her head back. this was going to be fun.
“you may not, but i know some people who do.” both of them chuckled at this, both of their members have a fascination with biting people....for some reason.
“i feel like i’m a fan sign right now, to be honest.” yuri added after a few seconds of quietness, how were they supposed to do this for 120 seconds....
“am i you favorite idol?” changbin smirked, leaning in to tease yuri, which worked. the girl widened her eyes and giggled into her hand.
“actually, kind of. i really admire you if i’m being honest. your like my favorite rapper, sorry hongjoong oppa.” yuri said, she looked into the camera when she apologized, and winked. she knew hongjoong would feel betrayed once he saw this. changbin laughed and smiled, and yuri could see a small blush on his cheeks. now it was her turn to tease. she threw up a big heart over her head and winked.
“i love you so much!” yuri cutely said, and changbin was bending over, dying of laughter, it was so sickly cute. they both sat up once their laughter passed, and the awkwardness set in again.
“soooo, i guess they want me to ask you what your blood type is? why such a boring question....” yuri said, furrowing her eyebrows. shouldn’t there be more fun questions to make this more entertaining?
“mines O, and yeah, let’s get some fun questions over here!” changbin pouted at the camera, and yuri had to hold into her laugh, what even is this show....
“mines O too, wait, how tall are you?” yuri asked, he didn’t look much taller than her, but she was still curious.
“i’m 167cm, you?”
“no way, i’m that tall too! when’s your birthday?” yuri gasped and put her hand over her mouth, what if they had the same birthday too?
“august 11, 1999” changbin furrowed his eyebrows, where was she going with this....
yuri gasped and jumped up and cheered, causing changbin to be even more confused.
“you can be destined best friends with mingi and i! although he’s much taller...my birthday is august 10, 1999 and mingi’s is august 9th 1999!” yuri exclaimed, laughing and sitting back down.
“okay! and we are all rappers too, so that works. it’s meant to be.” changbin sang, laughing at yuri’s antics.
“there’s no escaping me now, seo changbin.” yuri darkly said, giving changbin her best nanno smirk. (look it up if you don’t understand lmao.)
“shes scary!” changbin yelled, pointing his finger at yuri and looking at the camera, yuri laughing hard in the background.
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it was long after their interviews, and yuri was in the car along with san, seonghwa and hongjoong. they were all talking about their interviews, and laughing at each other’s expirences.
“i was probably the luckiest out of you all. i got changbin’s phone number!” yuri smirked, laughing when all her members gasped.
“you aren’t going to start dating changbin, are you yuri?” san looked at yuri like he was accusing her of something, and yuri just gaped at him. do what now? she could hear seonghwa and hongjoong laughing in the back, and yuri wanted to smack them into space. he’s gonna think something is up now, and yuri knew he wouldn’t leave her alone until he knows what they were laughing at.
“why are they laughing, do they know something i don’t?” san yelled, causing hongjoong and seonghwa to laugh harder, and yuri to run her hands across her face. is this really happening now...
“yes san they do, and it’s going to stay that way. now stop laughing you guys!” yuri grumbled, sitting up and looking behind her, seeing hongjoong and seonghwa leaning into each other and still laughing. they weren’t going to stop anytime soon.....
“wait...ARE YOU ALREADY DATING HIM?” san screamed, and yuri leaned towards him and smacked him on the back of his head.
“you idiot, yeah i’m totally dating him, i never met him in person and i just got his phone number today. we are practically married at this point. you are so stupid san.” yuri huffed and leaned back into her seat, rolling her eyes at all of them laughing now.
“you never know yuri, things happen fast.” san snickered, and began poking yuri’s stomach. yuri was done.
“i- you know what. good night stupid.” yuri slapped his hand and leaned her head on the window, putting her head phones in. she tried to hold her laughter in at the moment, she didn’t want even more teasing. she could still hear the other three boys laughing behind her and next to her, and she softly smiled and went to dreamland.
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fetchen · 3 years
mini tangent: my reasons for shipping Nanno and Jane
okay so my first and more cannon related reason is because Jane’s betrayal of Nanno would have been so much more emotionally compelling if they had a romantic history with each other because it would have felt even more significant than it was portrayed as in the episode. in the alternate universe where Nanno and Jane had a romantic relationship, Jane’s decision to turn on Nanno in favour of Yuri would have felt like a bigger deal because it would force Nanno to hurt Jane in a way that she didn’t want to because of a revelation she really did love her.
reason two for me is just the amount of chemistry and tension in the first half of the episode. it was honestly (at least to me) implied that their friendship bordered on romantic. they worked really well together especially in the way that they are, personality wise, opposite. they had great banter and are overall just really cute idk i just really like the idea of them being together and having to put in the effort of understanding each other and making it really work.
runs away
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lovergirl · 3 years
I’ve been watching girl from nowhere and episode 8 of season 1 hurt me so much. Do you think nanno had genuine feelings for tk or was it was all part of her plan? She acts so completely different in that episode and the visuals are so pretty and soft like the pink sky that I just can’t fully figure it out but she didn’t even laugh
In my head, nanno and tk are in love! but we have to consider that nanno is a neutral evil spirit (or at least to me she is! she's not really karma because what she does is push people to become their most evil form like in episode 2 of season 1 with the girls who were jealous w her, they're not evil, but nanno pushed them to their limits)... so with that i think that nanno is not capable of love? i think she recognizes what love is because she sees love (for example in social love with hanno and his gf) but i don't think she will genuinely feel that? she recognizes emotions but i think she can't feel them. she's not really human so...... or maybe not! bc as you will see on the latter half of season 2 other characters in the series will make her question her decisions!
episode 8 is my favourite btw! i love the editing and colouring of the scenes, esp when they were on the rooftop and the music score for it! what a cute episode!!!!!
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picksomethingelse · 3 years
(yes this is a girl from nowheree story and is from SOTUS ep but it is a yurixfemreader story since there aren't much since people hate yuri for some reason.)
Being Nanno's younger sister is hard since we really are not related only by father whoever that might be and whoever our mother is.
The only mother I remember having is Nanno she raised me from 2 months to 17-18. She really isn't much the best older sister but I wouldn't want anyone else.
She takes me to theses places with her she punishes or well brings the evil out of people the last place I remember is a basement and a girl.
Me and her got along well which Nanno didn't like. Her name is Yuri she is all for revenge which can be annoying but still cute.
She had recently asked me out for a date and now we are dating it's really not that short of a time period so it should be fine.
"Have you ever done something just because it's what's always been done?" My sister said zoning out. "Is she talking to me?" I thought waving a hand in her face.
Took her at least two minutes to finally act normal again. "Are you okay?" I asked confused. "Yes, I was just informing some people of something." She chuckled smirking.
I raised myself on my tiptoes swaying back and forth. "You're weird." I smiled pulling her to the gym.
"Are you coming to?" She asked me before she opened the doors. "No, I have to go look around." I hesitantly lied creeping away.
She grabbed my wrist patting my head like I was a dog. "Okay, don't do anything I wouldn't do." We're her last words before walking in or well disappearing.
I hurriedly ran seeing the familiar red ribbon tied in a ponytail the girl sitting on a bench.
"Yuri!" I called out making my way over to her. Her hand rested on thigh as soon as I sat down. "Nice to see you again." She smirked leaning in for a kiss but my grabbed her chin before she could.
"Not yet." She frowned but smiled again pulling me closer giving me a peck on my forehead. "So what's the plan?" She asked standing up signaling me to walk with her.
"No plan of mine only Nanno's." She raised an eyebrow looking confused. "So you don't go around punishing people like she does?"
"No, I didn't drink her blood like you did so I'm my own person. I can only come back to life that's it. Nothing cool." She chuckled rummaging opening her hand a red and blue piece of candy sat in her palm.
"How about we make purple." My eyes lit up as butterflies went through my stomach. "Sure."
Blah Blah Blah (I'm lazy so skip to the scene where Nanno is watching the vid on the phone and yuri pops up.)
"Why is your tongue purple?" Nanno asked me still focused on the video. "I was eating candy," I told her only a hum coming from her mouth.
(Blah Blah skip the talking.)
"Wait, Yuri why is your tongue purple too?" Nanno asked looking at the both of us.
"I had red and she had blue." Yuri smirked walking away.
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quirrrky · 3 years
YES! Miniso too! I really wish we had more stores here (we don't have Daiso or Muji here but I have been to them) The few Miniso store that r here r all in the city and it's annoying to go so far 😭 I just want cute accessories and stationery is that too much to ask 🥲
Omg plz ma'am if u don't mind I need more 'wtf just happened' drama (or even anime) recs I've seen stuff like Criminal Mind, Law and Order, A spanish(?) show called "Elite", The kdrama "Extracurricular" (a friend also recomended Vincenzo), Girl from nowhere (Nanno lowkey scares me but u gotta love her 😃) and Alice in borderland
oh no! manifesting you more cutie stores! like Muji is just so minimalistic yknow that clean feel to it is v. relaxing! I wanna buy everything if they aren't just super expensive, pfft!
LAW AND ORDER?! ARE U KIDDING ME? I binged that show while I was on the way home before back when covid ain't a thing yet! and damn girl! go ahead and watch Vincenzo! it's one of my faves out there, the comedy, the mind-boggling stuff! don't even start me with Nanno! I love her sm ♡ esp season 1 tbh! season1 reigns supreme in my head and heart even the noir-esque delivery than season 2 jhkl I LUV YOU NOW new moot! 💖💗 omg would you like any emoji? uwu
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leonaluv · 3 years
Heyhye how are you😤
What did you eat today??🧐
For the game could I get a hamburger and a milkshake plz with no 38 on the side🥵🙏
Hi I ate some pizza . 38
Bon appetite -here you go
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Gloomy outlook on life and can feel sad . The person doesn't open about their feelings and can swear at others. Arrogant and can just focus on work. Have low energy and not really want o go outside. Reasltic thinker . Traditional person . Old outlook on life.
The person can come into you life all of suddenly- fated meeting . No timing but tower card is rule by mars .it can when it is retrograde.
Fmv nanno that episode was cute
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