#[ firstly -- god bless you being patient
starryseafo4m · 3 months
✩₊˚.☾⁺₊Cere's f/o list ⋆。°✩
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Heya this is my official f/o list I'm really excited because I put a lot of effort and I do hope that I'll find people within the same franchise my f/os are from and bond over it!
This post includes my main f/os and might do a secondary one because Tumblr does not allow more than 10 images per post sadly, anyways have fun witnessing a lesbian fawn over fictional women<33
⋆。°✩Please do keep this in mind!⋆。°✩
٭ {still not done Wip}٭
٠ ࣪⭑I'm not comfortable with sharing my romantic F/os but I'm alright with sharing platonic ones ٠ ࣪⭑
Anyways let's get on with my lovely f/os
☾- romantic
⭑- platonic
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Tooth fairy! - Reverse 1999 - ☾
Tooth Fairy works for the Foundation, looking after young Arcanists, taking care of their teeth, and dealing with anything that requires the assistance of a doctor.
Personal notes- I firstly fell in love with her when I was exposed to the game for the very first time around august of last year and she captured my eye in an instant! Her voice, her character design, her fascination with teeth reminded me of my fascination with skulls and I really saw myself in her. And once she was featured in the second update and got to understand her more I've came to appreciate her character and motives all that much more<3
I seriously cannot express how much I love and adore her she is such a personal comfort character for me to the point where her voice truly makes me relaxed
Song she reminds me of- 'Campbell'
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Song she reminds me of - La Signora Battle theme
Isolde - reverse 1999- ☾
Exhibited in the early 20th century for 18 years. Completed in autumn, on November 23. First exhibited in Vienna, Austria, within the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and later the exhibit was sealed and kept by St. Pavlov Foundation.
Personal notes- after playing the 1.7 update I have been starstruck by her character, she's such an impactful character within the story and I was left in pure admiration. Overall she has been my muse long before I read her story but now I can feel myself falling even deeper in love with her.
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I still remember a year ago when Fontaines first trailer was released, and there she was, I was starstruck to say the least and promised myself to get her if she will even be released as a playable character (and I did get her<33). And my god she's such a complex character, morally grey and there's no way of explaining her in simple words, she deserves the world and I love her sm!
Arlecchino - genshin impact - ☾
She is the Fourth of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers and the current director of the House of the Hearth. She is addressed as "Father" by members of the House, who she calls her "children."
Song she reminds me of - Vore by sleep token (sound warning!/srs)
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Personal notes- Another one of my major muses, I remember how she captured my world in one of the earlier trailers of honkai star rail and my admiration for her still prevailed on to her release and got blessed by winning my 50/50 again even though I still don't know as much as I'd like I'm fine with my muse being a mystery, a enigma for me to understand and appreciate in all it's beauty and glory<33
Black swan - honkai star rail - ☾
Bears a warm smile and is willing to patiently heed the words of another, and thus uses such means as a pretext to enter "memories" and gain a comprehension over the flow of all information.
Song she reminds me of - Telescope by starset (my favourite band!)
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Thelema - Honkai impact 3rd - ☾
At the mad banquet, pleasure is supposed to last forever, as the chains she put on you rattle on...
Personal notes- in all honesty she alone got me into hi3rd, from what I remember my first introduction to her was when I was scrolling through tiktok and there was a edit of her and I could not get it out of my head for a solid week, I was lucky enough to obtain her in her first rerun tho! Atm I'm trying to get through the main hi3rd storyline before I get to meet her at part 2 of the story and in all honesty I can't wait to find out more about her<33333
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Vita - Honkai impact 3rd - ☾
Vita is a secondary character of Honkai Impact 3rd. She is first encountered within the bubble universe known as Salt Snow Holy City, believed to be one of its native citizens.
Personal notes- ok as I said earlier I still haven't processed through the story enough to fully understand her character but omfg I fell in love with her at first sight and honestly once I understand her character YOU BET I'm going to go on hour long analysis and gushing about her, gosh she's so gorgeous<3333333
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And here's an extra category of characters that I'm questioning if I like them platonically, romantically or I'm simply fascinated and have a temporary crush on them :') it's hard to understand my feelings
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astroyongie · 11 months
obviously October is over, but I was wondering if maybe you'd consider doing the rest of the magic info parts
☾𖤓 Magic Info 2 ☾𖤓
All questions from the questionnaire are answered here <3 enjoy !
Recently I've been seeing spiders in my room more often. Within the last week or so, I saw four spiders (3 in my room and 1 in my bathroom which is right next to my room). But what I find kinda weird is that they would show up within a couple of hours of each other. So I would see one spider and then an hour later for example, I would see another one. This happened twice. I might be overthinking this, but for some reason I feel that the spider's presence could be related to a spiritual message. I did some research on spider symbolism and thought maybe my spirit guides could be telling me something, but I'm not entirely sure what. Just for some context, I've been going through a difficult period with my skin for about a year and a half now, and while I've made a lot of progress on my own through research, I feel like the spider's presence is trying to tell me something about my skin. I was wondering if maybe you have any insight on this or at least could help me break down the potential spiritual symbolism here. 
When it comes to spider symbolism, I only know about 3. 1: creativity and artsy symbolism, where the spider is a meaning that you need to be less focused on your thoughts and rational side and more on your intuition and your art. The spider is trying to tell you, that you need to go with the flow and use your hands to create movement to go forward. 2: Patience and building. Like the spider does its webs, it says that you need to be patient and to keep manifesting when you are working toward something. You cannot give up and remember that everything you do is interconnected to something that will be created so even when you feel like it’s not worth it, well it’s always for something. 3: Ancient and illusion. The spider can in the last meaning say that you are someone of an old soul but instead of listening to your intuition, you are allowing yourself to be softened by illusion. Be careful, if you don’t move, you will get bitten. 
I really want to connect with my spirit guides, but for some reason I'm so afraid to try. I've been dealing with this feeling for quite a long time and want to be able to take the leap. How can I overcome my fears of the spiritual world?
It is okay not to feel ready to enter into the spiritual world and you can take your time by doing so. It’s also important to remember that some people have to go through spiritual awakenings and those can be very painful to live through. So taking your time is key. Also, try to see why you are feeling so fearful. What puts so much fear? Is it because of your religion? afraid of ghosts? Of the unknown? Of doing something wrong? Start by searching why there’s fear and then do your search in a soft way. Spiritual work can be a long process and you are allowed to take your time. Start with small things (read about angels, or about crystals or even herbs). And slowly search more. Knowledge is key to feeling more reassured <3 
why is tarot forbidden in christianity? Is it really demonic? Because I have never sensed anything demonic about you so i was wondering 
Firstly thank you for not sensing anything demonic about me, because Gods be blessed, I do not wish to work with any low astral entity. Not into the questions. Why is tarot forbidden? From what I know, it is not forbidden but “not well seen” because Christianity sees tarot as being something practiced by witches and for them witches are linked directly to the devil (which is not true at all). Keep in mind that the whole witch hunt is misogynist and anti-pagan propaganda done throughout the 1st century to around the 17th century. It’s so deeply rooted that still today, such spiritual practices aren’t well seen. So no, Tarot isn’t demonic ^^ it’s simply a tool people use in order to connect with their spiritual guides or to have some info about the future or even advice on how to proceed. Now are the cards true or coincidences? That’s up to you to decide  
why does the year start with the zodiac sign with capricorn? In older scripts of past civilisations they usually started with aries of something else. 
I have honestly no idea why it starts with January. In the pagan culture, it does start indeed with Aries (which is why it’s the first sign) since in their year wheel, the year begins around 19-22 March (spring solstice, Ostara in the wheel) and it starts with Imbolc 1st February (Aquarius) and Pisces being the last which is the time during Imbolc and Ostara. But really, I don’t know why although if I recall the Romans were the ones who installed the year and January comes from Janus a God of the Roman Pantheon. Since the roman empire then got Christian, they probably adapted the year wheel to make it more acceptable. 
What herbs can help heal the small intestine and bladder?
I am not the best at herbology, so please talk to a doctor before you try any of these. When it comes to bladder and urinary infections in general, you can get teas or anything that contains bearberry leaf, garlic, or cranberry. Also, Green and chamomile tea as long as it’s the real flower and not those little baskets you buy in supermarkets. For your small intestine, it’s important to make sure you aren’t suffering from any underlying issue. Using probiotics, drinking lots of water, and eating lots of fruit can help with the fiber. For the herbs, I would say Licorice root (Raveendra et al, 2011) while avoiding refined sugar and alcohol. 
Yongie, how do I know if I'm undergoing a spiritual awakening?
You just feel it in your gut. Like honestly, spiritual awakenings aren’t always funny to go through, and for some, they are potentially painful and traumatic (although necessary once we finish the whole process.) I have gone through two spiritual awakenings and in my case, it always involves death of something or someone dear to me. And although I usually hate it so much and can spend lots of time blocking it, once the spiritual awakening is done, I usually feel much better. For some people it includes healing instead, so it really is one thing experience that isn’t the same for everyone. But how do you know? You just know. Deep down things shift, things feel more intense and you have experiences that are just not explainable. 
i once read that if an animal pops up into someones dream very often, it is a sign that it is their totem/spiritual animal. What are your thoughts?
It could be yes, it would all depend on the feelings and the settings of the dream and how you feel about it every time they appear 
how do i detect ghost/spirit? I have been trying to improve this for a while but have no idea if my mind is playing tricks on me.
It’s important to understand that seeing things isn’t a thing that everyone can do (and one cannot become a medium as we know, you can be clairvoyante for exemple, feel things and see things as a shape but seeing them as people are a gift that only mediums have). Now into the question! How can you improve if you want to see things? First make sure you understand that if you do that, you will be seeing things that will be scary and not everything is nice and gentle. So be ready to protect yourself and your energy. I would say to keep working on your third eye development but also to keep pushing it within your time. But also remember that energies will only show themselves to you they want to be seen or felt, so if you don’t see or feel anything.
Is it possible to see your spirit guides while you're conscious? Or is it something that you can develop?
I have personally never seen spiritual guides while being conscious (only in dreams or during a semi-unconscious state through meditation). I don’t think we are able to see them that way since their vibration is way too high and even developing it we won’t be able to do so. You can see signs they send, but seeing them physically isn’t possible. 
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mrshcloset · 9 months
The Crown of Life
God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. James 1:12 NLT
READ James 1:1–12
Twelve-year-old LeeAdianez Rodriguez-Espada was worried that she’d be late for a 5K run (just over 3 miles). Her anxiety led her to take off with a group of runners fifteen minutes earlier than her start time. She didn’t realise it, but they were participants of the half-marathon (more than 13 miles!). LeeAdianez fell in pace with other runners and put one foot in front of the other. At mile four, with the finish line nowhere in sight, she realised that she was in a longer and more difficult race. Instead of dropping out, she simply kept running. The accidental half-marathoner completed the race and placed 1,885th out of 2,111 finishers. Now that’s perseverance!
While undergoing persecution, many first-century believers in Jesus wanted to drop out of the race for Christ, but James encouraged them to keep running. If they patiently endured testing, God promised a double reward (James 1:4, 12). Firstly, “perseverance [would] finish its work” so they could be “mature and complete, not lacking anything” (v. 4). Secondly, God would give them the “crown of life”—life in Jesus on earth and the promise of being in His presence in the life to come (v. 12).
Some days the Christian race feels like it’s not the one we signed up for—it’s something longer and more difficult than we expected. But as God provides what we need, we can persevere and keep on running.
By Marvin Williams
What difficulty are you enduring right now? What can you do to remain faithful to God as you undergo testing?
Dear God, my legs are tired, and I feel like giving up. Please strengthen me.
James encourages believers in Jesus experiencing “trials” (1:2, 12) by describing their unseen value—growth in perseverance, maturity, and wisdom (vv. 3-5). How believers respond to difficulty witnesses to their faith in Christ, who promises them a “crown of life” (v. 12).
Many believe these trials included persecution for their faith. New Testament scholar Scot McKnight argues that James’ emphasis on the dangers of wealth and the value of humility and poverty (vv. 9-11; 2:1-7) suggests that this persecution took the form of economic oppression. In James 2:6-7, the author describes the wealthy exploiting and oppressing believers.
Monica La Rose
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battleshot · 2 years
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 incoming message  
                                          ↳ @stingslikeabee​
“Okay, so here is the list… These first two prizes should be your priority, okay? They never have a lot on stock, just when the festival starts,” Lilian explained in a hushed whisper, circling the key items with her pen and then giving Prompto the note. As a Lestallum business owner, she would have her hands full with customers during the busiest season of the year: the Assassin’s Festival.
But Prompto (and Noctis) could help her get the prizes she wanted for her sisters this time – and the gunslinger might just have an edge on most tourists with his sharp aim (or so Noctis had told her when proposing that plan). After all, Ignis was not exactly happy with the idea of runway royalty out and about in a city about to get infested with imperials, but perhaps… With the right distractions… The royal retainer could press pause on his duties for a moment.
“I’ll keep Ignis in here with some of my mom’s recipes while you guys go out to enjoy the festival. Just don’t forget – I won’t be able to stall him forever,” Lilian flashed Prompto a smile, “I feel he’s too smart not to see we’re tricking him at some point.”
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It's  just  a  few  items,  how  hard  could  it  be?
Upon  lifting  the  note,  azureous  hues  scan  the  circled  items.  Brief  glimpses  of  his  tongue  could  be  seen  as  it  poked  out  in  the  corner,  while  the  paper  and  his  head  tilted  at  the  same  time.  Is  this  even  possible  to  acquire?
In  spite  of  the  fact  that  she  spoke  so  fast,  seemed  so  hopeful  --  cheerful,  to  mention  easy  on  the  eyes  --  when  was  Prompto  going  to  say    no    to  a  damsel  in  distress?  Accepting  the  job  may  have  been  a  matter  of  his  eyes  instead  of  his  brain.
He  nods  and  places  it  in  his  pocket.  Despite  only  having  a  vague  idea  of  where  to  begin,  he  smiles  confidently  at  the  woman.  Arms  folded  under  his  chest,  a  cocked  hip,  a  smug  expression  on  his  face.    "    We'll  have  this  back  in  no  time!    "    proclaims  the  sharpshooter,    "    C'mon  Noct,  before  Iggy  realises  you're  missing,  'less  you  wanna  risk  eating  greens  tonight,  I  say  we  uh,  head  out  --    "    The  gunslinger  nearly  turned  away  when,
                  "      Can  I  get  your  number?    "    He  said  forwardly,  but  he  had  good  reason.    "    --  'case  we  uh,  struggle  or  ...    "    A  timid  smile,  followed  by  a  scratch  to  the  nape  of  his  neck.  Smooth,  Prom
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
Charles in puppy play humping your leg 🥺 maybe he’s been a restless puppy all day while you’ve been trying to get stuff done, normally he’s patient while you sit at your desk and put him in his lil bed next to you, but he keeps crawling out to try and get your attention, nuzzling his head into your side and letting out the sweetest whines since he can’t talk. You’d frown down at him, ask ‘what is it sweetheart?’ knowing fine well he can’t reply. You soon realise he’s hard as he starts bucking his hips up into nothing, making you giggle with how desperate he is. You’d ask him coyly ‘Oh you want to get off huh?’ and he’d nod so enthusiastically in reply, looking up at you with the sweetest eyes.
You’d tell him you’re busy with work, so he’ll have to make do with your leg. He’d freeze a bit and look up at you questioningly as the realisation of what you mean sets in. All embarrassment would go out the window as soon as he’s on his knees, arms wrapping around your leg with his face pressed up against you as he begins to grind down. You’d be stroking his hair, cooing at how desperate he is, teasing him but also praising him for being a good puppy while he can only whimper in reply. Maybe you’d give him some fingers to suck on too as you know it’s his favourite. When you sense he’s close, you’d ramp up the praise to help him over the edge, telling him what a pretty sight he is and how good he’s being just for you as his thrusts become more erratic.
After he comes with the sweetest moans, he’d move between your legs and slump against you with his head against your thigh, drifting off from the high as you finish your work, the perfect position for both of you.
I... anon. You... I would die for you. Have my first born child. Take all my university money. Have everything. Oh my fucking god.
Ok I’m gonna try and add some thoughts to this absolute fucking MASTERPIECE.
Firstly, Charles is so bad at pretending like he isn’t painfully turned on. I think he’d get turned on a lot when he’s being a puppy for you? Cause really, he just gets to be a good boy and do as you ask and doesn’t try to control himself or restrain himself.
Usually, at least about 3/4 of your attention is on him, which makes him very happy. But when you’re working AND he’s painfully turned on? Poor puppy has to do something to get your attention because he needs help.
So he sits up a little, resting his head on your thigh and letting out some whines to get your attention. Though, bless him, he completely loses his train of thought when you start playing with his hair. And the result is him kinda just melting against you and having no thoughts whatsoever.
But then you notice how he’s rocking his hips up into nothing and immediately know what he wants. When you ask him, he nods so quickly. It doesn’t even cross his mind that you might deny him. Because you always take good care of your puppy. Give your puppy exactly what he needs.
He’s hesitant at first to hump your leg, but the moment he tries, he’s all for it. You keep a hand in his hair, to help ground him as he loses himself in chasing his release.
When he gets closer, you move your hand from his hair down to his jaw and then offer him two fingers to suck. And he’s so happy about that. He makes this happy little squeak sound when he’s got your fingers in his mouth, just a happy thoughtless puppy.
Of course it’s your praise that makes him cum. His favourite thing ever is pleasing you and being a good boy.
I think you might decide to move your work to couch after that? And so Charles curles up next to you on the couch (he’s hesitant at first, since puppies aren’t allowed on the furniture, but you say that good boys are so he clambers on happily). And then he just dozes off next to you, his forehead pressed against your thigh.
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luna--reading · 3 years
Hello lovelies~ ♡
This is a pick a card reading for “what is the next unexpected blessings coming in for you”. This is a timeless reading and you’re meant to see this right now! Please do find peace if it doesn’t resonate with you~ ♡
So take a few minutes to mediate on these 4 piles:
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Left to right: 1 - 4
Once you’re ready, just scroll below to find the reading that you have chosen!
You can always leave a comment or simply like the post if it resonates with you, thank you so much~ ♡♡♡
Pile 1:
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Tarot: The Star, The Fool
Oracle: A YEAR FROM NOW // FEELINGS – Emotions want to be felt. You really can’t surrender something until you deeply feel it. Allow me, dear Divine, to offer all emotions to You, feeling them fully so they no longer hold me captive! // TRUE LOLVE – Your wholeness and safety lie within, not from a partner. But this sovereignty actually leads to the deepest intimacy for you to stop using others. Let me stand on my own feet, dear Lord, and know True Love!
Okay, darling, I feel like this blessing or in fact, these blessings, that I see is going to come in continuously. It’s a continuous effort, I feel and I do feel that it’s going to be consistently flowing in for you within this one year. I do feel that there is a very strong love message here, so especially for those who are worried that you are not going to find a partner, or someone who is going to love you, the angels want you to know that yes, darling, you will get into a relationship. And I do see for most of you, it’s going to happen over the next 1 year. I do feel that this is someone that you’ve been manifesting, or it’s a wish fulfilment and I do feel that this new journey it’s going to be exciting and one that you’ve always been looking forward. The angels want you to know that you’ve been working on yourself, and they want to reward you with this major wish fulfilment, especially if love has been significantly on your mind. I do feel that this person is a true love and I do see a long-term commitment with this person. Be more patient, darling, is what I’m hearing. Over the next 1 year, you’ll start to see all of your manifestations coming together and that is because the angels are rewarding you for your hard work, so please continue working on yourself!
For another group of you, I’m also seeing a message of self-love. I feel like if right now, love is not something that you are looking for, then this blessing is that over the course of the next year, you’ll soon start to heal from past wounds and traumas, and love yourself again. Healing is going to take place over the next 1 year and I feel like you’ll find yourself back again so that you can start on this new journey. I do feel that you are asked to really get in touch with your own emotions and understand why you are feeling in a particular way. Only by understanding your true emotions, can you then allow yourself to heal from all of these past hurts and traumas. You are your greatest supporter, darling, and only by loving yourself first can you then attract the same energy back to you. Please start loving yourself more, darling, the angels have got your back and they are always here to protect and guide you!
Pile 2:
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Tarot: King of Wands, Ace of Swords
Oracle: IF YOU BELIEVE // CREATIVE BLOCKS – If you are an artist of any kind, you can offer all work to the Divine, making it God’s alone. I offer this for the Highest Good to benefit the planet. Release me from any blocks and restrictions. May this serve all who need!
Okay, this is definitely my creative pile here! Darling, I feel like this blessing that is coming in for you is the surge of confidence in your own talents and gifts. Some of you may be an actual artist, a dancer, or just in any forms of creative fields. I’m also hearing motivational speakers for some reason. And I feel like maybe you feel like you’ve hit a road block recently, or just your talents and gifts don’t seem to flow as much as you would like it to. The angels want you to know that you have to have trust and faith in your own talents and gifts. I do feel that there is going to be an opportunity for you to shine again on stage, or in public, or just somewhere for you to allow your creative energy to flow again. But firstly, you have to regain that confidence again. You have to tell yourself that you belong on stage, in public, or even just through your daily work. You have to tell yourself that you are as talented and as gifted as others and you can definitely achieve your goals and dreams. I see you having that boost in confidence and allowing yourself to believe in yourself again. Darling, challenges and blockages are compulsory on our journey, but it’s how we overcome them to take in those important lessons. That energy is always within you, darling, but you’ve been fearful of allowing them to flow because of these challenges and blockages. Release those fears, darling, you are talented and gifted and everything will start to flow once you start believing in yourself!
Pile 3:
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Tarot: 8 of Swords, 2 of Cups
Oracle: IT’S UP TO YOU // IMPATIENCE – My life is unfolding in Divine timing. All delays are beneficial. I’m always at the right place at the right time.
Now, darling, I feel like you might have been isolating yourself, or just wanting to be all alone recently, or even currently. There is this sense of you withdrawing from your social connections and just simply wanting to be alone. And I feel like this could be because of certain experiences that has resulted in you feeling like, you are being isolated from the rest. And it’s kind of like the energy of “I’ll isolate myself first before you can, so that it’s less hurtful to me that way”. You get what I’m trying to say? I feel like there’s a lot of unwanted thoughts that is causing you to create this barrier between you and your social connections and I feel like that could be due to anxiety or certain overthinking. Now, your thoughts and feelings are all valid, but I do feel that sometimes, you might be very stuck in your own thoughts and it’s just a downward spiral, resulting in this negativity that is around you right now. I do feel that you actually do have a lot of supportive, caring and loving relationships, connections around you, darling. But you aren’t seeing them, are you? I feel like if certain things didn’t unfold the way that you wanted it to (especially when it comes to social connections), you feel like people just don’t feel the same way as you do. So, this can be maybe a romantic interest and you thought that maybe that person doesn’t like you the way that you do. Or this can be a friend who maybe has rejected you on something and you feel like this person doesn’t treat this friendship the way that you do. But I feel like a lot of such rejections does have a story behind them. Maybe it’s not the right time, maybe this person doesn’t have the capability to do so, and so on. I feel like a lot of times, you tend to look at things from your perspective, because to you, you would do the same for others even if it isn’t the right time, or even if you don’t have the capability to do so. But darling, that is not healthy because firstly, you are not setting healthy boundaries for yourself and secondly, you should always put yourself first and not others. I feel like this period of “rejection” kinds of comes in as a lesson for you that you should always know how to set those healthy boundaries, and that only when you set those healthy boundaries, you can then attract the same energy back to you as well. You are not alone, darling, you do have a lot of people who are willing to support you. They love and care for you and those “rejections” from previously, they are here to protect you. Some things are not meant to happen, and maybe this is the angels’ way of telling you, you don’t have that capacity and capability to help everyone, it’s time to take a break. It’s time to free yourself from your negative thoughts and I feel like your blessing is that you’ll soon realise that you do have these people around you, but it’s really up to you if you’d accept this as a blessing into your life!
Pile 4:
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PTarot: Knight of Pentacles, The High Priestess
Oracle: GET MORE INFORMATION // COMPANIONSHIP – When you fully bless and embrace your aloneness, you’re ready for the ones who are meant to be with you. May I welcome this solitude knowing it will open the way for all healthy relationships. // EMPOWERMENT – When you ask the Divine to take over, you get pulled into your own authentic power. It’s a force of inner love that WANTS your wholeness and magnificence. Unfold my true and radiant self, dear Lord!
Darling, I feel like there is some message or news that you’ve been waiting for and the blessing that is coming in for you will be this! I do feel that you’ve been working on something. This can be in regards to a work project, or an opportunity in the financial sector, or maybe even in regards to love and self-love. There is something that you’ve been putting in the work and effort and that I feel like as much as you trust the process, you might just feel that there is something that is still not revealed to you. Or you just feel that there is still certain information that is being hidden. I do feel that the angels want you to know that certain information that is being hidden from you now is to protect you and it’s just not the right time. And while there isn’t a clear timing of when this information is coming in for you, I do feel that it’s going to come in at the right time. And the angels want you to simply just trust in the process right now and continue working on this thing that you’ve been working on for so long. It’s really trusting that your angels have your back and that they are always here to protect and guide you.
I do feel that there is also this message of boosting of your self-confidence as a blessing for you. I feel like maybe you aren’t exactly seeing clear results or the results that you wanted in something that you’ve been working on and you are wondering if this is eventually going to work out. Angels want you to know that yes everything is going to work out and you have to trust in yourself. And empower yourself so that you can continue working on this thing that you’ve been working on for so long. These results are coming in slow but they are the most grounded and stable energies. Information, news, messages are all going to flow in for you soon darling, and most importantly, I see you taking back your power. Throwing away all fears and doubts, I see you being confident and empowered soon, darling!
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petitefleuriste · 3 years
Hello, i've been following your account for a while and I really enjoy it, and I find it very helpful too. I was wondering if you have any advice on how I can work on my relationship with God. You see, i've been seeking pleasure from the world and every time I try to spend time with the Lord i get distracted and go back to my old ways. When i'm in the world I don't happy and o feel guilt most of the time. I don't know what to do to stop this. :(
Hello, firstly, I'm glad you messaged me, thank you for your kind words and for being in the body of Christ, we all need you and you are important and have an incredible future in the Lord Jesus. God sees your heart and you cannot comprehend how much He cares for you, but don't take my word for it, I pray you will take His Word for it. I pray right now that I will have Gods heart for you in this reply. I don't know you, but He does, intimately. He knows you. Thankfully it's simple. Just be honest with Him. He asks us to come as we are. Come like a child. A child of God. Come with your shame, brokenness, rebellion and insecurity. Decide in your inmost being that He is Lord your God, your Father, your saviour. Decide to have faith in God once and for all. Decide. Maybe that is your key? If God is real and He is who He says He is then who He says you are is true as well. You are His beloved. His dear son or daughter. He formed you and knit your features together. He's your Father and you don't have to wonder anymore if His plans for you are good. The renewal of the mind is a process and can take time. Love is patient. God is patient. God is Love. He will be patient with you while you are being changed in the likeness of Christ. I'm on this narrow walk with God too. You are not alone in your suffering. Let Him take all your heavy burdens. Let Him love you. Let Him heal you. He wants to do what only He can do in your life. I trust God will reveal Himself and speak to your heart as you seek Him with all you can. I hope you have a really blessed day and thank you for reading my reply if you got this far.
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yashashveeroy · 3 years
Hi,I'm a Libra Sun, Aquarius Moon (fav placement) and Leo Rising and I'd love to know what you think :)
Hello there!! sorry I’m replying so late, being a Fine arts student, doing assignments and studying astrology has really been a lot to handle but I’m getting to it🥺. Thank you so much for being patient🤍✨.
Libra sun:
Firstly, how does it feel to be GODS LITERAL FAVOURITE? BLESSED WITH UNUSUAL YET ONE OF A KIND BEAUTY. VENUS REALLY DOES A NUMBER ON YOU GUYS?!? 🥵 Libra suns are often very well known in their school/ college days for something that they’re good at. Remember, Venus often attracts fame and all that good stuff😏😌. I associate this sign with music a hell a lot. Probably good at playing some musical instrument, especially the ukulele, guitar or the piano. Oh so fun and flirty. You people love your freedom enough to never let anyone take away someone else’s. You wouldn’t do that to anyone either. Diplomatic. Often a struggle between what’s wrong or right to you. Free flowing and super chill. Often radiate old soul vibes. I do see some of y’all keeping a lil journal 👀🥰. HIGHLY ENERGETIC. Y’all are great at dancing with or even without training. Probably love some shade of light blues, greens or purple. SOPHISTICATED.
Aquarius Moon:
COMMUNICATION IS KEY TO THIS PLACEMENT. No beating around the bush. Y’all like it when someone gives it to you straight. Probably loves to feel the winds flowing through their hair or even loves to spend time alone in the nature. Social butterfly😌✨. Y’all need to learn how to be empathetic sometimes. Very analytical and observant of loved ones or people in general! I bet y’all often space out while looking out of the window 🤣. I often find Aquarius placements in the big 3 loving or creating an aesthetic, like HELLA AESTHETIC. Can have a lil emo/goth influence to them. Very imaginative and creative. Hidden talent often turns out being something like photography or film making! Good sense of community and the political system.
Leo rising:
Having Leo rising along with air placements in the big three, is a BLESSING. GORGEOUS GOOD LORD. Leo risings love to try new hairstyles or at least colour their once for fun! Fire signs have amazing sense of style lemme tell you 🥵. Elegant and attention grabbing. Any big three Leo placement is a Mini God sent by God because they couldn’t be here on earth themselves. Sometimes that god complex bigger than god jumps out when y’all alone, admit it! 😌🤣 I mean come on, nobody can tell us Leo placements that the world doesn’t revolve around us, we’re LITERALLY RULED BY THE SUN AND ITS QUITE EVIDENTLY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAMNED GALAXY. Everyone else is in line.💁‍♀️😌. And please, Leo placements in the big 3 ALWAYS LOOK GOOD WITH BLACK, CAT EYELINER. Fame baby✨✨. Dominant in nature. Super protective of your loved ones. Resting bitch face 🤣🤣. Aggressive affection is a MUST. Having a strong emotional front in the presence of people you don’t like or have never met is important to you.
I really hope you enjoyed reading this and that it resonated with you! If it didn’t, please don’t be sad🥺💖.
Love, Roy.
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just2bubbly · 3 years
Longings and Comm
"I swear if I could come, I would have been near you in a heartbeat."
Absence always seems to make the heart grow fonder and Cinder and Kai are no different in this vast expanse. After a busy day at work with Lunars, Cinder relies on Kai to make her smile but what happens when unexpected inquiries are made and feelings are slipped off.
Ship: Kaider
Words: 1502 words
Cinder's Perspective
She was so done with everyone. Every single one of them and this headache was killing her and unlike her usual headaches caused as a result of grief. This one was a real fucking headache caused because of annoyance and extreme anger.
She did something very un-queenly, like shouting in her chambers with a colourful string of swear words going in her mind.
Like every meeting that had ever happened, this was nothing different. Well, except for the appearances of lunar aristocrats. As if the stars surrounding her knew exactly what she wanted, Kai commed with such perfect timings that she wondered if Iko was behind this. If she was, may God bless her best friend, her only true companion on this entire dreary planet.
"Thank Goodness you commed. I am so angry-"
He chuckled at her loud outburst, mildly interrupting her. She would have glared if it was anyone else but Kai. However, the voice of his chuckle was enough to calm her down.
"Welcome to Royalty Queen Selene!"
"Stop saying it as if I have won a lottery ticket to visit Earth"
"So is that what you are missing? Earth?" he asked with a smirk tugging at his lips.
"You would know," she said, awaiting him to smile one of those shy smiles reserved for her.
"Kai! I miss Earth and people who can't perform bio-electric manipulation. Heck, you don't know how lucky you are! "
"Why?" he asked, his eyebrows quirking as his curiosity peeked in.
"Well, there are many reasons..." she was going to narrate each one of it to him unless he said otherwise.
Noting her long pause for permission, he granted, "Start Cinder, I'm all ears for you today."
'Ah! This guy was too good for his own self' she seemed to exclaim inside her head.
"Let's start then. I would say sit down as there is a long list of reasons. Firstly, these obnoxious Lunars- they are obsessed with fashion and by fashion, I mean an eerie sense of fashion. My eyes are hurt by just looking at them and that's not my individual statement, even Iko agrees. Plus, my cybernetics and the device goes haywire on me trying to pinpoint their true looks every time I glance at them; making it extremely difficult to focus. Secondly, their love to change appearances, like someone might be having blonde hair today and tomorrow they might turn out bald or something like that. I have a hard time remembering people, providing that I have cybernetics it is saying something. I can look through their glamour and see their true appearances but even then I have a hard time recalling them like hell, Luna needs some form of a database so that I or the computer in my brain can memorize all of them. At least earthen leaders have the decency to come dressed up in proper attire. Lunars, one man showed up in pyjamas to the cabinet meetings." She huffed and stopped to catch her breath.
Seeing that she was somewhat done with her ramble for the day, she groaned for what felt like the umpteenth time in the day.
"You have it bad, Cin, I absolutely agree but c'mon you have me and other people to complain to. Besides, how are you?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Sorry to waste your time with my problems. I should not rant like this but my aristocrat citizens are chaotic and useless who loathe agreeing with me." She grumbled.
"You are not alone actually. Vargas and Camilla gave me a headache today but thanks to you I at least have one thing less to worry about"
"And that is?" she inquired.
"Letumosis and Levana, Cinder. How do you seem to forget that you are the revolutionary?" he teasingly asked. It was not like she was fetching compliments just because she was the one who killed Levana. The fact that she was the revolutionary often slipped from her mind if not for Thorne's remarks and a few graceful acknowledgements here and there.
"My court tells me otherwise!"
"Don't listen to those lunar fools, Cinder. You are THE revolutionary. Hero of the entire universe-"
"Stop praising me like some goddess" she cut off him shortly before he decided to go into a full-blown speech about how wonderful she was. Believe her; he had done that at the last annual Peace ball before everyone.
"Besides Emperor how could you call lunars fools before the Queen of Luna? You have lost your fine touch of diplomacy Kaito."
"Well just the way you called them and I quote 'obnoxious Lunars' before a few moments. And don't you worry I'm not losing my fine diplomatic touch anytime sooner. "He joked along.
"Good, it would be a shame if you did." She exclaimed adding to their playful banter.
Soon they fell into a comfortable silence. She had forgotten about her worries, for the time being, thanks to Kai and his very charismatic personality.
"How are you?"
"Uh?" he looked confused because of her out of the blue question.
"I meant how you are doing, like not the meetings and world leaders but just you!" she clarified. It was not likely of Cinder to generally indulge in talking about emotions with anyone. However, Kai had patiently listened to her ramble so she could hear his inner turmoil if any as well.
"Oh," He said for having nothing else to say. Taking his time to answer, he sighed, "I am good, maybe. I dunno, I have never been asked about just myself like this before. I am satisfied with my lot but responsibilities make me jittery. Even then I have Torin who assists me, I am so thankful for having him. Other than that I have a sickening feeling every time I have to attend meetings with world leaders. Yet I am happier in my place than ever before. I know this sounds weird and unintelligible- " He inhaled sharply, stopping in his track, bitting onto his lips.
"Don't worry, Kai. I completely understand the feeling." She assured him. He had completely moved into pessimism within few seconds. Behind the glorious facade of being royalty, sadness and despair are what remains hidden for a long time. Cinder completely understood how it felt to have everything yet feel unhappy about something that you could never have.
She had missed his moist copper-brown eyes but his swiftly moving to rub away the moisture from them did not go unnoticed.
"Hey, it's okay, Kai," she consoled.
She said in a comforting voice, wishing to be near him and just hug him tightly while he cries his heart out.
"No, no. I'm sorry I just feel like crap for a few days and I miss you." He mumbled, his voice becoming husky,
"I miss you too, Kai. I swear if I could come, I would have been near you in a heartbeat." She said, as her synthetic heart continued to long to touch him.
There was some commotion on his end.
"Your Majesty" someone called for him.
"Cinder, I'm sorry to end on a sad note but I have to go. I am fine, don't worry, I will call you tomorrow or maybe tonight, what time is it?" he asked.
"It's 2200 here."
"Okay, so I will call you tomorrow without fail, but sorry now that I have to leave. I am sorry to sadden you with all my feelings-"
"Stop apologizing, Kai. It's completely fine. Besides, it's okay to let it out from time to time."
He was called urgently by someone in the background; making him quicken his pace as he mumbled incoherent words to her.
"I miss you, call you back later. Love-" he said as the comm was ended by him. He had failed to complete his sentence and she contemplated if she should comm him again just to hear him finish his words. However, that would be a foolish thing to do when he seemed to be in so much hurry.
"Love you too, Kai." She said for the ears who would not hear it.
A/N: This was supposed to be fluff, but things took a new turn and I could not undo it. To be honest, I can't imagine Kai and Cinder going through their two years apart relationship without slipping 'I miss you' in  any and every conversations.
Your views will be very much appreciated! Be sure to like, reblog and comment if you like it! Tell me if you wanna be tagged!
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himbeaux-on-ice · 4 years
Can I just say that Habs “fans” who act like Carey Price’s contract is somehow patient zero of all this team’s problems drive me absolutely fucking insane? Seriously. Buckle up. This is about to be a rant.
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Now. First things first. Is it ideal that the $10 million goalie is currently uh, not doing very good? Fucking NO! I am disappointed as shit with that and I don’t like seeing him struggle. I know he can be better. He has to be better. Obviously.
However. That being said.
Do I think it’s an incredibly stupid look to spend several tweets complaining about all the issues Habs defence have been having, and then also griping that they haven’t started Jake Allen enough for how he’s performing, only to then for some inexplicable reason state that the FIRST THING, the first thing that needs to be dealt with after the new coaching staff have had ONE GAME (and zero practices) to work on things, is somehow “well, the ten million dollar man in net is weighing them down, that contract has gotta go!”?
Yes! That’s stupid!!
I think that’s a very ice cold small-brain take, and not just because Price is my favourite of favourites for as long as I’ve been a hockey fan! I have reasons, dammit!! I put THOUGHT into this!!
Here, dear ppl of Habs twitter who will never read this, are some reasons why this narrative you’re concocting is dumb, and why management/coaching are unlikely to think of trying to ditch Price mid-season to fix the current problems:
1: Time. It has been one (1) game under Ducharme. He has been able to run zero (0) full practices on off days with the team. We just changed up a major piece on the Habs chess board — why don’t you give it a minute to see what fresh eyes and minds can do with this roster before you decide we are fucked? This season is fast-moving, sure, but there is time for us to ride out some little bumps here and still make a playoff spot in this Canadian division. Have patience. Do you remember what patience is? Dom is a new head coach, not a wish-granting fairy godmother. Chill. Do you remember chill?
(rest of this under a cut because I actually LIKE Habs Tumblr, and I want to be nice to you all by not making you scroll past all of it if you don’t want to)
2: Jake Allen exists. There are a couple of things I like for what this means for the Habs. Firstly, for basically the first time in his NHL career, we are not in a situation where if Carey Price is in a slump, we have to go “Ah, shit, so now our options are let his stats tank while he tries to get the groove back in net, OR throw whoever the poor backup is out there to get murdered while we plummet through the standings.... 😬” We don’t have that problem right now, because the backup is... actually good? Oh my god, the backup is actually good! Thank fuck! We’re not doomed. If I’m Ducharme, I put Allen in net for a few consecutive starts to put a solid backstop behind all my fun experiments I’m probably planning with the skating roster (to catch their slip-ups, while also giving Carey lots of time and rest with which to work hard on sorting out whatever his issue is along with the goalie coaches).
2b: Jake Allen exists and is competition. Hell, if I’m Ducharme, maybe I even play a little hardball and say “Look, Carey, I don’t want you to be an expensive benchwarmer, but if things don’t pick up soon I am going to start whoever is doing best and you will have to compete for that net.” Related to my last point, when was the last time Carey Price had to push himself to compete for net time against anything other than his own injuries, and wasn’t simply always the default starter? Has that EVER been a thing? Honestly as much as I love the idea of him being The Goalie for the Habs, I also kinda like this idea a lot because I think it could really push him to a higher standard of performance. Maybe that kind of high-pressure situation (given how much he thrives in the pressure-cooker of the playoffs) could be what he NEEDS in order to Be Carey Price again. Worst comes to worst, he doesn’t respond to that challenge, and I am very sad but the Habs have a good goalie in net anyway, because Hallelujah, Jake Allen exists! God, isn’t it nice to have Jake Allen? Bless him.
3: Money. Guys, this league is so broke right now. Seriously. Seriously. Nobody has any fucking money. The Habs probably have more money than most teams, and that does not help when it comes to offloading large contracts. Trades are a NIGHTMARE both because of the flat cap but also because travel is complicated (especially cross-border) but also nobody wants to trade within their division if possible because all your games are against them. Who in the name of fuck do you think is jumping at the idea of taking the $10 million per through 20-lots-and-lots-of-years-from-now contract of a goalie who is currently struggling, impressive past record aside? What kind of astral plane of fantasy hockey are you on to think there’s a trade out there for that within this season. Shut up. And no, don’t bring up the expansion draft, this post is a rebuttal SPECIFICALLY to the people who think that Price and his contract are the biggest problem that needs to be dealt with RIGHT NOW and first on the list of ways to immediately remedy the team’s struggles.
4: Spite. Specifically to piss you off, bud. You personally.
5: Knowing how to troubleshoot properly. Fellas, if my computer is running slowly and freezing up a lot, do I immediately decide the first step to fixing it is to crack open the chassis, remove the hard drive, and try to sell that hard drive to someone to see if I can enough money back to somehow get a better hard drive for less? No, dipshit. That’s not how troubleshooting a complex system works works. It’s the same with hockey teams. Ah, my star goalie is not performing great. This situation is deeply less than ideal. If you’re actually good at troubleshooting, the first thing you do is not “WELL. I GUESS WE’LL HAVE TO THROW THE WHOLE GOALIE OUT. HE’S TOAST.” The first thing you do, if you’re a smart coach, is you say “Okay, what are my defence doing in front of him? What are they doing to reduce the amount and quality of our opponents’ scoring chances? Oh. Oh, they’re taking a lot of penalties, and... oh, uh, some of this is very not great. Yikes.” And then you start your work by trying to make the defence actually work instead of running the same Pairs That Everyone Is Very Much Over And Tired Of, because your goalie is actually supposed to be your Last Line of Defence. And maybe during that time you give more starts to Goalie Who Is Absolutely Slaying It, so that when you start trying new D-pairs and they inevitably have some mistakes, it doesn’t immediately turn into an Oh God Holy Fuck moment every time, because that last line of defence backstopping them is solid. The reason you need to deal with defense first is because a) You know you have a reliable goalie (Allen) in your pocket right now if you need him. What you don’t have is a whole-ass proven and tested and practiced Backup D-Core you can swap into the roster in front of your goalies to make their lives easier. Fix your defense and it WILL improve your goalies, even marginally. Defrag the hard drive before you ask why it’s not working. and b) If you need to go looking for any new D-men to solve the issues, those are WAY easier and cheaper to find than top-tier goalies, and you always want to start any troubleshooting process with trying the simplest solutions first to hopefully save time and money. The better that D-core is, the less it fucks your team over if the goalie isn’t feeling themselves, because the D is going to stop more of those pucks before they ever even become the goalie’s problem. FIX. DEFENCE. FIRST. Then try to train your goalie back into top form. THEN explore your other options.
6: The vicious cycle. Guys. We literally do this once every year or second year. EVERY time Carey Price has a slump, this fanbase gets into a tizzy like the Bell Centre is burning down and he was the one with the matches. And what ALWAYS happens literally within the year, every single time? He gets his mojo back like he did last summer in the bubble and goes on a heater and everybody goes “JESUS PRICE!!!! 🙌” and is ready to name their firstborn kid after him. Until eventually that performance becomes unsustainable, and he becomes mortal again, and suddenly he’s The Real Problem With This Franchise once again. I know he’s the guy they chose to build the team around instead of a superstar forward, but oh my god folks. You’d think he was the only player on the team. Guys, I feel like fucking Sisyphus pushing a blue blanc et rouge boulder up Mont Royal once a year with this shit. This man’s entire career has been a constant seesaw narrative between “Carey Price is our saviour!” and “Carey Price should be exiled to Nome!!!!” from parts of this fanbase, I swear. Look, slumps suck, but for once we are actually lucky enough to be in a position where this team, for the first time in YEARS, does not solelylive or die by the inscrutable magical cycles of Carey Price’s goalie powers — because when he has to step back and work to get back into his groove, there is FINALLY a SECOND GUY who is GREAT. Honestly, given that the state of this team for so long has been “they will go as far as Carey Price can take them” and he has put in a pretty fucking decent job of it despite all of the team’s other struggles, I feel like it is owed it to the guy to be like “Okay, well, we have somebody else solid to fill the net right now, and a chance to really figure out our defence and special teams with this new coach. Why don’t you take a step back and work your ass off at trying to get back into the form I know you can still perform at, and we’ll go from there?”
Anyway. Some parts of this fanbase have been waiting for a fresh excuse to claim Price is overrated, washed-up, and to blame for all of this team’s flaws and ills ever since he signed that contract, if not since the start of his NHL career. Just unreal how nasty some of this fanbase is willing to be about a player who is ON. YOUR. TEAM.
Am I saying he is beyond critique of his play and can do no wrong and his contract is perfect? No! I want this team to have the best goaltending it can get, and I want them to kick ass and take names. The difference is, I still believe Carey Price is a part of that winning formula, and I also think Twitter is overflowing with idiots who just repeat what everybody else says. He’s still a better goalie than your ass would be if I stuck you out there to stop shots from Mark Schieffle, for crap’s sake.
“The first thing that has to go is Carey Price’s contract 🤪”. Shut the fuck up. You are actively making other people stupider by talking. Go eat sand. Good day.
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veengus-soomro · 3 years
Since 2021 is about to end what I realized, experienced and learned this year is that
Whatever we plan, dream, setup goals and directions in connection with our lifestyle, career, academic life, love life or even marital life from juvenescence to our adolescence, somewhere any of our plans, goals or dreams couldn't become possible to achieve.
Sometimes, we lose such planned actions and sometimes God change them for our betterment to save us from hardships and obstacles which is the best thing.
Love a person with full of your heart but keep it unfettered not confined to your principles and give space, the one who would deserve and understands will always be afraid of losing that love and you. But the one who wouldn't know the worth of preciousness will always show his/her "not deserving capability" and cheapness. But in the end nothing matters at all.
If you think being loyal with a person whom you are committed with despite knowing you are in a toxic relationship and so the person is, then believe me it is totally a waste of time, love and respect you are giving to that person. And it is not called "happy ending" of your life with that person.
Someone and something BEST still about to come up on your way SO WAIT as much as you can (cause BEST IS YET TO COME)
Be patient with the situations, being panicked or in haste or in rage will never handle whatever the circumstances you are in.
Try to overcome your anger issues it will always bring you high blood pressure (health issues)
Be kind, try to be scrupulous and respectable with everyone but never expect the results of your good deeds done to others and the same goodness from people except Allah. Surely He will never let you down and will always give you the best reward.
Firstly, if something good happens to you keep it private to save it from evil eyes.
Secondly, by showing it off might makes someone upset specially the one who had a bad day.
But if something bad happens to you keep it private too for maintaining your peace.
Telling everything about your life to everybody around you and having no privacy in your life will always make the situations worst.
If you are having hurdles or muddling situation or your dilemmas always tell everything to Allah before telling people.
First of all everybody is having their own battles to fight so no one has enough time to listen someone's problems. Furthermore people will become weary or might mock you.
If you are having problems with your partner always try to sort it out by your own and keep it just in between you two. Let give couple of days or weeks to get it settled. But when you think you have put all of your efforts to solve it and none of the options are left then discuss it or ask help from a person who is sagacious and perspicacious. It is better to share it with only one instead of many.
Your relatives can never be good people to you they will show you their reality one day.
Always be thankful to Allah, don't be envious if someone is blessed with something but you haven't it then it doesn't mean you have nothing. Apparently people who are blessed with everything (according to you) are living sugar coated life while oftentimes they are also having their own problems to cope up with.
Also, if you see your life according to someone's else point of view then you are blessed with the best, glamorous and luxurious version of life.
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daddy-deathslinger · 4 years
If you still need something to write how about pre entity caleb getting to know his s/o and him getting jealous somehow? Sfw or NSFW is your choice Also I hope I did this right I'm new here (:
Hi there! Firstly, I want to apologize for this taking so long to write, I’ve had kind of a creative block lately. Secondly, thank you so much for the suggestion and I hope you will be pleased with the outcome! <3
“Call the Doctor!” - Caleb Quinn/The Deathslinger x Genderneutral Reader
Warnings: Fluff, slight gore
The first time you'd come face to face with the infamous leader of the Hellshire gang had not been what one might have expected. Rumors and gossip of the gang and its cruel members had reached your ears as well as the next persons, but you'd never really been one to fear gangs. You had treated many men and women during your time as a field doctor, some outlaws even. And even though alot of people could be very on edge while undergoing operation, you'd never feared for your safety. You had your pistol in your belt, but you've rarely had to use it. So, when you were called to the camp of the Hellshire gang, you weren't too nervous. Infamous or not, you were sure you could handle them. Your patient had turned out to be none other than the leader of the gang, Caleb Quinn. He'd gotten his leg mauled in a fight, and it had been looking pretty darn bad. But with the help of Quinn himself, who turned out to be quite the engineer and inventor, you had put together a leg piece of iron that you'd fastened to his hurt leg. The procedure had been long and painful, and Quinn had sworn he'd tear your arms of plenty of times but you hadn't let it get to you or keep you from performing your best work. You weren't one to be easily scared by outlaws, not even when his friends were watching you dig in his leg and cause him immense pain. You had stayed with the men for a few days, making sure everything worked properly with Quinn's new leg cast, and during that time you could almost have sworn Quinn had gotten easier on you. At first you had thought it had been all the whiskey he'd been drinking to null his pain, but just before you were about to leave them, he'd asked where you lived. You'd responded that you traveled around, but after a bit persuasion and a quite darling looking smile from Quinn, you'd revealed where you were heading next to rest and re stock your supply of medicine.
That led to now. The early morning sun was shining through the curtains, blinding you where you lay in the comfortable bed of the hotel. Next to you, still asleep and snoring, lay none other than Caleb Quinn. You looked over at the man, smiling at his long hair being all in his face and still a bit rough looking after last night's endeavor. The two of you had met up for a drink at the saloon. One drink had turned into ten and next thing you knew you'd found yourself in this bed, straddling Caleb's lap while undressing between greedy kisses. His leg had still hurt a bit, so you'd had to take the lead once things had gotten really hot. You had not minded this one bit, but you'd sensed Caleb not being too happy over being the more submissive part during your love making. You giggled at the memory, planting a small kiss on the sleeping man's nose before getting out from bed. As you got dressed, you heard the bed sheets rustle and turned around to see Caleb wide awake and smiling.
"Mornin' there, sunshine", you chuckled, and Caleb gave you a teasing grin before sitting up in bed.
"Such an early bird, gotta get used to that", he said, throwing his legs over the edge of the bed and starting to get up.
You buttoned up your shirt and started gathering your things, and then you finally processed what he had just said.
"Wait..." you turned around again, looking at him getting dressed. "What you mean by that?"
He looked up at you, giving you a small chuckle.
"Don't mind me, still drunk from last night it seems..."
But you wouldn't have any of that.
"No, no, I definitely heard you say something quite interesting", you grinned, moving closer to him with playfully crossed arms. "Mind tellin' me again?"
Caleb chuckled again, shaking his head.
"I was just thinkin'..."
"What?" you urged on, poking him in his stomach so that he let out a yelp and grabbed your hands tightly.
"No need to get rough!" he chuckled, then he pulled you in for a tight hug, meeting your curious eyes. "I was just thinkin', since we're both headin' up North and all... Might need a doctor close by, the boys do tend to get themselves into all kinds of hurts lately."
You met the dark eyes of the leader of the infamous bounty hunter gang, and had to blink a couple of times before being able to speak.
"You... want me to join you?"
You gave him a confused, yet very amused look, and he teasingly squeezed your ass in response.
"I haven't forgotten your excellent work with my poor leg, and how calm you remained during the procedure despite my death treats", he said, his gaze suddenly turning a bit serious. "You're the first person ever not to look at me like I'm a beast, and as strange as it feels to admit it I kind of want someone like that on my team."
"'On your team'", you mimicked, swatting him playfully on the chest.
Before you got to respond to his not so small request, a loud scream was heard from downstairs. You froze, as you recognized the scream as belonging to John, the keeper of the saloon you currently stayed in. In one swift motion you'd released yourself from Caleb's embrace, grabbed your medicine bag and hurried downstairs. As you got down, you were met by John laying on his back behind the bar, grasping for something to help him pull himself up. His right arm was a bloody mess, and you saw a shattered bottle of liquor on the floor next to him.
"Christ, John!" you exclaimed, quickly making your way up to him and kneeling beside him.
"How'd you get into this mess?"
"Fuckin' hell if I know!" John spat, swearing as you got out a pair of pliers and started removing the pieces of glass stuck in his arm. "Must've slipped on somethin', darn bottle fell out from my hand!"
"I got you, just lay still, will ya!" you said while reaching for a bottle of whiskey you kept in your bag for disinfection purposes. "This might sting."
The next second John let out a grunt of pain as you washed his wounds with the alcohol, but he kept still as you worked. You heard footsteps coming downstairs, and figured Caleb had joined you.
"I'll go ahead and put some bandages on the wounds, John, but ya gotta keep that arm steady, alright?" you instructed, and John let out a muttering swear but nodded.
As you started bandaging the arm, John grabbed your knee with his free arm to keep steady. You didn't mind, John and you knew each other well and you had gotten him patched up before. As you finished tying up the bandage around his arm, he let out a stuttering sigh and sat up straight.
"God bless ya, Y/N", he sighed, putting his healthy arm around you and giving you a tight hug. "I'd be a dead man by now if ya wouldn't be here for me!"
You laughed and hugged him back, then helping him get back up on his feet. As you turned around, you saw Caleb studying you with a peculiar look on his face.
"Too much blood for you?" you teased, wiping your bloody hands on your pants and putting back your tools in your bag.
Caleb didn't answer, raising his eyebrows and then turning away. You sensed something was wrong, and as he walked out from the saloon you decided to follow him.
"What's the matter with you all of a sudden?" you asked, walking behind him as he got up to his horse who he had tied outside of the saloon.
You grabbed his arm, forcing him to turn around and face you.
"Well? Cat got your tongue?"
Caleb let out a scoff and avoided your gaze.
"Gotta get going, I'm sure you've got your hands full over there", he said and nodded towards the saloon.
You burrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
"Well I'll be go-to-hell, what's that supposed to mean?" you exclaimed, only receiving a scoff from Caleb.
He still avoided your gaze stubbornly, and the reality of his mood suddenly dawned on you in a wave of relief and pure amusement.
"Hold on a second here", you said, trying to hide the smile wanting to creep up on your lips. "Caleb Quinn, are you jealous about me treating a patient?"
Caleb tried to look unbothered, but you saw you had hit the right spot. The small, embarrassed smile he tried to hide all the while still avoiding your gaze was a dead giveaway. You started laughing, embracing him in a hug and kissing his lips. You felt him laugh back into the kiss, and when you pulled back from the kiss you saw him smiling that oh so handsome, crooked smile of his.
"You've gotta get used to me treating folks that are hurtin' if I'm to come with you on the road, you know that, right?" you giggled, receiving a quiet smirk and another kiss from Caleb.
"Still drunk", he chuckled, receiving a scoff from you this turn.
"And you gotta work on your lying", you said, squeezing him tightly in a warm hug that he happily mirrored. 
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Deleted Scene: Gateway Drug
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
"Fool Me Once" -- [1987] 
I run a hand through my done-up hair, snagging it on hairsprayed strands, wincing. 
"Thank you for coming today, I know you're busy as busy can be but you made time for this, so, we appreciate it." Danielle tells me me as I sit down and she readies her notepad and pen, switching her recorder on to tape audio.
"No problem." I reply, glancing at Duff in the corner by the door. 
"I know this might be a little strange but I always like to start my interviews off with a icebreaker, if that's okay?" She offers. 
"No, that's fine." I tell her, getting more comfortable in my chair. 
"This philosophy we've been trying to pan out in some of our shoots is the difference between beautiful and sexy, and explore that notion and gauge if people even think there is a difference, so my question for you is: do you think there is a difference between 'sexy' and 'beautiful' and which would you rather be?" 
"Oh, my God, okay." I breathe out, laughing, and she joins me. 
"You said 'okay' so I asked." She reminds me and I nod. 
"Beautiful implies to more than just outward appearance, it applies to someone's soul and their spirit, their attitude, how they carry themselves, how they treat others, whereas 'sexy' literally means sexually exciting which is usually based on looks mostly." I point out. 
"Okay, and I also asked which you'd rather be--or which one you think you are." She rewords it. 
"You sure did, um…" I already know my answer, but don't want to make it seem like I want someone to tell me I'm pretty. "...I don't…" I sigh and she looks like she's dying to hear my answer, and so is Duff. "I'm pretty." I reply and she furrows her brows. "I mean, I think I'm decently pretty. I've been called beautiful before but I still have a lot to work on within myself before I feel comfortable with that. But I appreciate it when I'm called that." 
"And what about 'sexy'?" 
"Oh, no. I'm not." I say it matter of fact, and she looks stumped. 
"I mean, if I try I probably can be but just everyday I don't see myself as 'sexy'." 
Duff's laughter quickly erupts, and I look at him to see his hand on his mouth to stifle it before he clears his throat. 
"Sorry." He mumbles to Danielle when she looks back at him before turning back to me. 
"I assure you, Vivian, you are a very sexy, very beautiful woman." She promises. 
"Thank you." I smile shyly at her.
"Okay, I was wanting to talk about you a little bit because I feel like people know who you are but not much about you other than what's, I guess, painted on you in a certain way, so if you would tell me who Vivian Sixx is." She crosses her legs, brushing a hair from her eyes as she patiently awaits my answer. 
"Oh, gosh, nobody's asked me that, yet." I blurt, thinking for a moment as she brushes my comment off with a small giggle. "Um," Nikki Sixx's wife, maybe?, "to be honest I'm not sure." I chuckle out, rubbing my lips together. And she looks at me like she fucking pitties me. I force myself to save this close-call shitshow, giving Duff another look and he gives me an encouraging thumbs up as he mouths, "you got this." 
"I dance." I let out, and she raises her brows. "Ballet, not stripping." I clarify. "I have since I could walk." 
"You've never considered a professional career in it?" She asks me next. 
"I was going to but then plans changed and I put off school. But I do plan on going back and finishing at some point." I explain. 
"Did those plans involve your marriage?" She questions and I chuckle a little. 
"I got pregnant--or I thought I got pregnant. It wasn't until after we got married that I found out it was a false positive." I admit. "And I'm sure people are going to say that I was never pregnant, that I was just trying to trap Nikki in a marriage but that's bullcrap because nobody can 'trap' Nikki or make him do something he doesn't want to do, so..." 
"I can’t see him doing anything he doesn’t already want to do.” She agrees with a smile, glancing down at her notes before clearing her throat. “On the lines of Playboy, being that some of our executives saw you in the music video for ‘Girls, Girls, Girls’, you were voted ‘easiest on the eyes’ in this past weeks poll out of eighty-two other women.” She informs me and I raise my brows. “Does stuff like that flatter you or do you see it as misogynistic?”
“Well, um, firstly, I’m sure glad you said ‘on the eyes’ because I was about to ask you who started the survey and where do they live?” I reply and she laughs. “So, I’m glad it wasn’t what I thought it was going to be, but, um…” I lick my lips, letting out a breath. “...I don’t think it’s necessarily misogynistic so I don’t mind it, but I don’t really like the fact that there’s eighty-two other women at risk of feeling less-than now.” I admit. “I appreciate it, though. I’ll take it.”
“You don’t like competition?”
“I do but I’m pitted against women constantly in my personal life or the media tries to, at least, and it’s just stale at this point, you know? It’s stupid.” I rub my forehead.
“Are you referring to what’s recently happened with Vanity?” She blurts and I force myself not to be phased. “Do you have any comment on that particular situation?”
I look at Duff once again, screaming internally while faking a smile.
“It was honestly a misunderstanding.” I lie. “I know we’ve already said it was misunderstanding before but it truly was.”
“Have you spoken to Vanity since?”
“So, you two are still on good terms, even though she told the world she was engaged to your husband?” She presses more and I brush red hair from my face, trying to keep my tears from growing in my eyes as I see Duff from the corner of my eye, looking at me sympathetically.
“I love her to death.” I say, honestly--even though I shouldn’t love her, I do. Even if she’s a part of the reason my heart broke, I still love her. Even if I’m not acknowledging her existence, I love her. “And I wish and pray nothing but the best for her.” I finish and she grins slightly, knowing she’s getting a good story.
"Is she a woman you've felt like you've needed to compete with?" She asks next, her words hitting me in the gut. 
"Subconsciously, maybe, but I've never gone out of my way to compete with her. I've never had to." 
"What about groupies?" She raises a brow. "Or do you care because you two have been married for a while?" 
"I'm sure a lot of women think, 'oh, I'm married to him so I've won', but I've seen guys take off their wedding rings before walking into a strip club or a bar and leave with three girls under each arm--a marriage doesn't solidify anything we think it does, it should but it doesn't so of course there's been moments where I've been pissed off about women doing everything they can to cross a line but, again, I don't wake up every morning and say, 'what do they have that I don't?' in comparison to groupies. They're termites: they swallow wood, ruin homes, and then it's on to the next." I say and she swallows uncomfortably. 
"Does that not contribute to society's stigmatic view on promiscuous women being 'sluts'?" She asks me. 
"Having sex with people doesn't make a woman, or a man, a slut. Pursuing a taken man or woman, knowing they are taken, makes a slut. Cheating on a significant other makes a slut." I state. 
"What about posing for Playboy while being in a relationship?" She counters. 
"Posing naked doesn't make someone a slut." I defend what I said earlier. 
"Just wanted your view on that since you come from a strict upbringing in the Christian faith, is all." She tells me. "Especially since your mother is bound to hear of all this and probably have plenty to say." 
"I haven't talked to my mother in years so if she has something to say but can't say it directly to my face, it's not worth hearing." I tell her. "My dad is the one I'm antsy about all this happening because of." I feel my skin prickle with nervousness because I never gave much of a thought to my dad seeing me on Playboy. 
"Do you have a good relationship with him?" She asks me, intrigued, and I nod. 
"Yes." I say. "I always will, he's the most important person in my life for sure."
"I think we all thought that'd be Nikki from the way we see you look at him in pictures and in passing." 
"Oh," I say it a little flat, a small inkling of a look coming to her face and before I plant any doubt in her mind, I add, "I'm still completely head-over-heels for him but my dad's always gonna be my number one." 
"Does he and your father get along or does your dad keep his distance, too?"
"No, no, he and my dad get along fine." I assure her. "He really keeps his distance out of respect for my mom, but lately he's been more involved, so...but, no, he doesn't have any problem with Nikki. He really appreciates him and all he's done for me, um, yeah, it's really a blessing they get along." 
At least he did. Before he found out Nikki had an entire mistress...on national television…along with the rest of the country. 
"That is very nice." She agrees. "And what about the other boys, do you get along with them as well?" She refers to Vince, Tommy and Mick. 
"Oh, yeah, absolutely." I rub my lips together.
"Is it true you and Tommy and Vince and our very own Tansy Lyn grew up together?" 
"Yes. I met Tommy in elementary school, and Vince and Tansy in middle school and we've been friends ever since." 
"What are they really like? Outrageous news reports, complaints from parents and the church, girls, parties, drugs and booze aside, what are they authentically like and how do you coincide with them and how has being alongside them from the start of their journey, to now, shaped you?" 
"They seem larger than life and it's hard to see them as anything but that, but I've seen them all be so overwhelmed indescribably with joy, and I've seen them all be completely broken and not know what to do, and I've seen them be piss poor and then have more money than God it seems, but they aren't these huge rockstars behind the scenes. They have diva moments, of course, but Tommy and Vince still act just like the boys they were when I first met them, and the same goes for Nikki and Mick. They act out for publicity, and everything in the press is obviously exaggerated but they're normal guys. They're honestly just regular, gross, messy, disgusting, perverted, immature stinking boys--talented, but still normal." I admit. "And I think the effect it's had on my life is just that I've had to mature faster than maybe I would have because it's like I have children. Like I'm constantly going and someone's going through a crisis whether it's Tommy one day or Vince the next, or whatever so keeping them out of trouble the best I can and then trying to be there and as present as I can be when they need me is stressful but it's rewarding. I like helping out where I can and they need all the help they can get so, it's really helped mature me a little more, I guess, is what I'm trying to say."
"I mentioned earlier their reputation within churches and religious groups and I'm curious as to know how you, as a Christian yourself, feel about songs like 'Shout at the Devil' which really got a rise out of politicians and church-goers everywhere, and most recently 'Wild Side'--which is a song that you are an accredited writer on--that's off of their 'Girls, Girls, Girls' album and is a mockery of the Lord's Prayer?" 
"First of all, to clear this up, I didn't write anything in 'Wild Side', Nikki asked what the Lord's Prayer was and I told him and his brilliant mind gave me a writing credit which will plague me the rest of my life, I suppose, but to answer your question...it's 'Shout at the Devil', not 'Shout with the Devil', therefor it doesn't bother me. Now, 'Wild Side' bothers me. A lot. But that's a way Nikki felt when writing it, and I'm not going to tell him those feelings aren't valid just because I don't feel the same way. That's not fair to him, and I'm certainly not ever going to tell him not to express himself and channel how he feels into his work because that's what makes music and art individual and unique. So, it doesn't matter how I feel. If it makes him happy and he's proud of it then that's that and if I don't like it or don't agree with it or find it insulting to my beliefs then I just, 'forgive him, God, he knows not what he does' and just get over it." 
"Do you think there will be a new 'Filthy Fifteen'?" 
"I would say Tipper Gore and her group of desperate, dry, housewives can go get screwed by other men because their husband's are clearly inadequate but then I suppose they can't find bigger pricks than who they're married to, so..." I blurt and she widens her eyes, a little smirk on her lips as she laughs. 
"I take it you weren't a fan of the censorship?" 
"The only plus side to censorship and stickering everything is that kids know what to play in front of their parents and what to save for themselves." I finish and she chuckles some more. 
I talked some more about marrying so young, what it was like being married to one of the biggest names in rock music at that time and so on, all while hiding the fact that once I left there, I was going to go back to the tour, sleep in a separate room than my husband, not talk to the friends I grew up with who were supposed to have my back, and be so completely miserable.
The moment Duff and I leave the room once I've said goodbye and thanked everyone who was apart of the process for my shoot, I feel lightheaded. 
"Viv?" Duff asks me, concerned, and I take deep breaths, bracing against the wall. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah." I lie, nodding a little. "Just tired, I think." 
My voice cracks painfully and my tears are already beading at my lashline. 
"Viv, if you need a second--"
"--No, I'm fine. We gotta go." I deny, making myself walk again before he stops me. "Duff…" before I can argue, he's putting his bass down and pulling me to him, hugging me tightly. 
I give up, knowing that he knows me too damn well to buy my shit. 
I wrap my arms around him, burying my face in his chest, feeling my tears, hot against my cheek, soak into the fabric of his t-shirt as the warmth of his lips press comfortingly to my hair. 
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Chapter 3
April 10 2316
Musutafu, Japan
In your two days at UA, you figured out a few things. Firstly, KAMINARI WAS BEST FRIEND MATERIAL. You were always into anime/manga and guess what? KAMINARI WAS INTO THAT TOO! Hence, there were the two of you obsessing over random anime characters and fan-girling/fan-boying the hell out of them. Secondly, Ashido Mina, or as you called her just Mina cause she insisted, was Kirishima's old classmate. They probably even had a thing for eachother and the two of them decided to stick around you and Denki, eventually becoming friends with you all. Thirdly and lastly, two unsuspecting members happened to join your rather crazy group. One of them being a pretty chill guy named Sero Hanta, who also happened to share your interest in anime but not as much as Kaminari and the other being the notorious Bakugou Katsuki. While Sero had a good reason to hang out with you all, Bakugou demanded that he was around because he had nothing better to do. You, however, figured out that it was because he for some reason, felt comfortable around Kirishima, who, to be fair, was really patient with Bakugou. There weren’t many people who would want to deal with his antisocial explosive personality. However, what you didn’t figure out, despite having a quirk that literally allowed you to read people's emotions was the fact that he had an interest in you. As to why, the only answer to that was the fact that you absolutely surpassed everyone else in battle training. While even he got defeated by shitty Deku, you on the other hand beat the crap out of Todoroki, who happened to be the most overpowered student in your class beside you. Since there were 21 students in class, you were paired up with Todoroki, it being his second match since his first match lasted only for a few moments. Watching you completely unaffected by his ice since you could levitate and breaking his ice with ease thanks to your powerful telekinesis made Bakugou heavily interested. However, that's what he was telling himself. While he definitely wasn’t lying to himself, he was still denying the fact that he was heavily turned on by your skin tight bodysuit that left nothing to imagination. The way your body suit lighted up wherever your veins got enlarged only made you look more attractive. Then again, ofcourse Bakugou wouldn’t admit it to himself. It was just his stupid hormones acting up.
Now, things may be going too fast but then again, you almost spent a lifetime without normal friends. That meant, you were willing to speed up this process of making friends, given that everyone you became friends with was infact very accepting of you. Well, everyone except Bakugou. He barely ever talked to you ever since the first day at school even though he stuck around with your group almost all the time. That didn't mean that you haven’t noticed how he's staring at you sometimes when you aren’t looking. Normally, no one would notice that he was staring since he's pretty good at hiding it, however, you were always detecting this intense emotion from him all the time whenever he stared. You didn't understand this emotion, however, you could tell that it was a weird mixture of admiration, competitiveness and anger. Then again, every single one of Bakugou's emotions seem to be laced with anger. Now, normally you'd be creeped out by Bakugou's intense attitude towards you. However, like your friend Kaminari, you happen to be a huge pervert as well. After all, how can you not notice that amazing jawbone, those toned muscles (you asked God to bless whoever made his hero costume). Hence, instead of being creeped out, you actually enjoyed the attention. Which is why, you were currently having this weird ass conversation with Kaminari which only made Sero more uncomfortable every second. "Oi Kaminari, he's doing it again." you whispered to Kaminari looking excited. "I can't believe you aren’t creeped out by that..." Kaminari glanced at Bakugou who looked like he wanted to murder you. "Now, now, did you notice how hot he is? You don't know how far I'd go to see him shirtless... Imagine those abs..." you drooled, making Kaminari sigh. "Aww I wish someone drooled over me like that..." Kaminari whined. "What's wrong with you two?" Sero muttered in disbelief looking at the two of you. "Well, besides, he's an interesting dude you know. He's hiding a lot of emotions in his head and I still can't figure him out. That rarely happens you know..." you muttered, taking a bite of the food infront of you.
Currently, you were having your lunch break and the unofficial Bakusquad was sitting together in one table. Your comment was based on the emotions you picked up about Bakugou during both the quirk test and battle training. He suffered from extreme inferiority complex and it was obvious that he tried to hide it with anger. However, you decided not to reveal his secret to random people. After all, you wouldn’t appreciate it if someone revealed your secrets... "Hiding a lot of emotions? Oi (L/N)-chan, is Bakugou in love with someone?" Kaminari exclaimed loudly. Before you could answer, Bakugou was already shouting. "WHAT ARE YOU DAMN NERDS SAYIN' ABOUT ME HAH?!!" Bakugou barked. "(L/N)-Chan thinks you're in..." Kaminari started but paused as soon as he saw your death glare. For a laid back person, your glare matched that of Bakugou. "OI SHIT HEAD! WHAT DID YOU FUCKING SAY ABOUT ME?" Bakugou turned his attention to you. "Relax Bakugou-kun. It's about what I didn’t spill about you. Kaminari was just assuming things" you answered with a smile since you knew that there was no point at getting angry at someone who used anger as a defence mechanism. "What the fuck do you know?" Bakugou growled at you trying to sound intimidating. You knew better though. His emotions were always so intense that even if you didn't want them to, they would always reach your head. "Bakugou-kun, I can read emotions. It's a part of my quirk and I can say exactly what every single person is feeling in this entire dining hall. This is something that's completely out of my control. I think you'd rather discuss your issues with a psychologist instead of asking me about it infront of a group of other people. After all, you're an antisocial bitch aren’t you?" you answered with a smile. Sure, you weren’t going to shout at someone who uses anger as a defence mechanism but that didn't give him a free pass to call you a 'shit head'.
The tension between you and Bakugou was as intense as it could get at this point with Bakugou throwing you a murderous glint while you smiled at him as if he was nothing more than an angry pomeranian. After a short staring contest, surprisingly, Bakugou grumbled, "Go die you fucking nerd" before looking away. "How was that an insult? Kaminari and I are otakus for life! Though, I'm not to sure how long Kaminari's life expectancy is cause he's a fucking snitch..." You gave Kaminari a sadistic smile which made him gulp with a nervous smile. "Uh... (L/N)-Chan? I promise I'll buy you a (Favourite anime character) figurine to make up for this please don't kill me?" Kaminari rushed. "Okay! We're going shopping after class!" your sadistic smile suddenly turned into an extremely sweet one at an extremely creepy pace. "You're kinda scary you know..." Kaminari muttered. "Yeah... Speaking up to Bakugou like that and shutting him up? That's scary..." Sero joined Kaminari. "Oh shut up! Ya'll still love me!" you pouted as you continued to eat and carry the conversation. Little did you know that Bakugou now had a new found interest in you. It was obvious that you were completely reading him by now. His murderous glint didn't work on you for exactly that reason. Cause he didn’t really have any murderous intent deep down. It was really rare for someone to not be scared of him and infact, stand up to him. While it did piss him off, he couldn’t help but find himself seeing you as more than just a shitty extra who happens to look hot. However, his trail of thoughts were quickly broken by the emergency sirens.
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youngdisciples · 4 years
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As this season of love is really near, we would also be going to a season of reflections about love. Our verse today is very popular for this can always be seen in quotes, in placards, in posters, anywhere in the internet, posted in some house decorations and many more. However, do we really know the meaning of this? Do we understand what we are reading and what we are quoting? Do we know why the writer wrote this and from where he got this idea? 
Now, Paul wrote this chapter to address the Christians in Corinth about their horrible attitude and wrong mindset about love. Although they are Christians, they are having a hard time exercising love in the right way. They were filled with hate, pride, jealousies, selfishness and many more. So, Paul wanted to remind them about the right idea about love. Paul wanted to tell them what true love is in the reflected love that God has for us. It is such a long verse consisting of many adjectives about love that concludingly encompasses the whole being of Christ. 
Firstly, love is patient. It is very hard for us to be patient at anything, especially at love. For the young people, it is very hard to wait. We have the wrong mindset of love for we thought that love can only be fully manifested through sex that is why many have come to acceptance about pre-marital sex. However, we have to remember that love is patient. At any way, sex does not define how much you love that person but if you are patiently waiting for the right time to have that, then that is real love. For love is not selfish. It does not seek only one’s satisfaction but it also thinks of the other. On the other hand, even if it is not a romantic idea, love is still patient. For love waits for the other person without any resentment or hate. Even in the midst of being hurt or mistreated, it remains patient. Indeed that love does not seek self-satisfaction but the satisfaction of others through waiting. 
Secondly, love is kind. This is not just merely being polite or being good but kindness is a different angle. It is being good to others even if it does not benefit you. It is being gentle all together and being such a good person to the other people without expecting anything. Well, it still boils down to love as being selfless. For you care for the benefit of others, not for yourself. 
Thirdly, Paul has separated these terms but they can just be equated to one. Love does not envy and boast and it is not proud. The Christians in Corinth were all jealous of each other. They kept on just boasting about each other’s attainment and gifts. Now, Paul wants to address that non-Christian-like attitude and reminds them that love does not envy and boast, it is also not proud. Love is demure, giving way for each other and rejoices for the success of others. As human as we are, it is indeed hard to be happy for other people’s success especially if you have not succeeded. Even if we deny that, we harbor envy and hate inside our hearts. So, God through Paul wants to remind us that is not all about those. Again, love is selfless. When you love, you don’t think about yourself but it is more about others. That is why it does not envy, because you would be happy for the other person no matter what. You would not be jealous of what they achieve. It does not also boast, but it rejoices in silence. For Christians, we should rather let God have the praises and adoration instead of ourselves. Thus, love does not boast. Then, love is not proud. Being proud or arrogant means having more confidence in oneself than others. Thus, it delimits the ability of others and refutes the other definition of love which is patient and kind. Therefore, love is not proud because it always thinks of what other would benefit than oneself. Serving over selfishness. 
Therefore, as we think about all of these things, can we point out one image that could have all of these descriptions? Well, we can only think about the cross of Jesus Christ or Jesus Himself. These definitions of love can only be encompassed in the whole idea of Christ because He is love. Christ is love and He has shown us all of these. He is patient for us, for He waits for us even if He has given us many opportunities to go to Him, but He respects us, so He waits for us. He is also very kind to us for He has given Himself as the sacrifice for us even if it does not benefit Him. Now, He does not envy, He does not boast and He is not proud. He has lived in this world but has fully shown how to truly love. Jesus did not sin and by all means, He has shown us the greatest love of all. After all, Paul just mirrored Christ's love to this verse. He has just described love through looking at Jesus. 
Thus, as the season of love is very near, may we remember these definitions of love. May we not be blinded by the world’s definition of love but we should be enlightened on how God sees what love is for after all, He is the God of love. God is love. We should always remember that love is not just merely how the world defines this through sex or gifts but love is unconditional, selfless, sacrificial and irrevocable. May the God of love and grace bless us the ability to love others right in this season and even out of this season. 
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afrobeatsindacity · 4 years
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Following the release of her new sophomore EP, The Art & The Muse, Afrobeats City caught up with talented dancer, singer & songwriter Trayc Selasi to find out about her journey from a dancer to a musician, the creative process behind  The Art & The Muse, the impact her Ghanaian roots has on her music, and more. 
You started your career on the Afrobeats scene as a dancer before becoming a musician - how would you describe your journey?
My career began in 2012, during my dance cameo in Fuse ODG’s “Antenna” video, and again for “Dangerous Love” in 2014 with my dance partner Move with KB, which gained over 22 million+ views on YouTube. It has been a beautiful journey; all the ups and downs have made me who I am today. I started as a dancer but making music was always my ultimate goal. I toured and performed on big stages for Fuse ODG with my dance partner at the time and it was so amazing as I learnt so much on the job. I was quite observant with everything music around me which kept my interest going. I learnt how to record and Engineer in the studio, engineering for some great artists also Fuse ODG himself at times. Everyday there was something new to learn although it was not always easy, it was all worth it. I now have my own home studio set up where I have been able to record music of my own and finishing my E.P.
You recently released your single “Somebody”, what was your influence behind the single?
“Somebody” was created in Ghana during my trip back home in Ghana. It was produced by the amazing Abochi. We created this beautiful song together using concepts I had, bouncing ideas and melodies back and forth. The song is about a dilemma in the mind of a woman and the dilemma is being in love with “Somebody” but struggling to express that feeling as she goes through the pressure internally. I believe a lot of women out there can relate and may have somewhat been in that same “situation-ship”. The concept stems from my own experience with love and struggling to express that. There are women like myself who tend to hide feelings and emotions to avoid being hurt, but there comes a point where enough is enough and we have to start speaking out and expressing our love to that special “Somebody” but also being okay accepting him not having the same feelings for you knowing that ’Somebody’ is out there for you. Do not give up on love.
Congratulations on the release of your sophomore EP, “The Art and The Muse” - can you tell me about the creative process behind the EP and what we can expect from it?
The Art & The Muse is OUT NOW! whooppp and I’m super excited for this release. It has been a long time coming as I’ve been working on this project throughout this year exotically during the lockdown. If you haven’t heard it yet then expect to hear good timeless music that would captivate your hearts and minds. it’s a spiritual sometin’ haha. Honestly, I enjoyed creating this project especially because it’s my first ever project to come out of Trayc Selasi. Most of the songs we created during the lockdown period especially as I had some time to get in my creative bag. 2 of the songs were created during my trip in Ghana, “Somebody” and “Militant” whilst the others were created in my London home with my home studio setup. My creative process is a mashup of different things that I piece together to create my version of art which stems from my past experiences I’ve been through as well as my friends and family around me. Sometimes it can just be words I hear, a feeling or a current emotion. When I create, I think about so many different things based on the current topic and write down everything. Most times I go off from my feelings and allow melodies, words, emotions to naturally flow out of me through songs or dance. I have my moments where I can get stuck and just lay down or be still but the one thing I do a lot is pray and meditate especially when I’m feeling overwhelmed. I usually like to take my time to create just so I know I have pieced it all. The name of the EP is a representation of both me 'The Art' and my influences 'The Muse'.
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How much of an impact does your Ghanaian roots have when creating music?
My Ghanaian roots have a massive impact and a few reasons for that is firstly, I was born there and lived a part of my childhood in Accra before leaving to come to the UK at 8 yrs. My family keeps me in check about my roots especially my mother as she constantly reminds me by speaking my language to me and always encouraging me to always be myself and be proud of who I am and where I'm from at all times. I’m so grateful for them, if not I don't know what I would be right now. I love my culture, my country and the whole African continent because it’s so beautiful and rich with amazingness. it has had and continues to have a huge impact on my lifestyle, my hair, the clothes and jewellery I wear as well as my music. My dad used to be a family DJ at most family functions and he would play some of the legends such as Yvonne Chaka Chaka, Agelique Kudjo Daddy Umma etc and i grew up listening to these African legends who inspire a lot of my music creating as you hear the sweet sounds of highlife infused in some of my songs on my EP The Art & The Muse.
How do you think the Afrobeats scene has changed since you first started out?
The Afrobeats scene has changed so much over the last 5-10 years and I’m so proud now more than ever to be a part of this culture. African music is now growing into new heights that we’ve never been before and I believe it’s only going to get better and higher from here and there is no going back as we are already exposed to many different experiences and sub-genres
2020 has been an unexpected year, how was lockdown for you and what impact did it have on your music plans for the year?
2020 has definitely been unexpected but I believe it’s been both a blessing and a curse at the same time. I prefer to keep my focus on the blessings that have come out of it which is the fact that I was able to finish my EP and have more time to connect with my supporters all around the world. I am truly grateful for everything that has happened so far and I believe there are going to be greater things that are coming my way. I won’t lie, in the beginning of lockdown, it was a bit of a struggle trying to get used to being home and working as I was used to a set routine and trying to figure out a new home routine was a little crazy but my music is what kept me going which made me even more grateful for my home studio setup. We thank God.
The music industry is very male orientated, have you faced any struggles as a female artist and how did you overcome them?
Yes this industry is very male dominated but we all know that women run this world. I did face some struggles as a woman from the start of my career in this industry as a dancer well before transitioning into music. One being the fact that you’re seen as a subject and even my skin colour didn’t always help as I will sometimes be pushed to the back but how I overcame that was to keep myself with Fuse ODG team who were very respectful to me as not just a woman but a black African woman which allowed me to feel safe. I worked very hard to build a lot of my relationships in the industry in a respectful way making sure that everyone sees and treats me with respect as I treat everyone both men and women with respect.
What is the best advice you have been given?
The best advice I received was to go fishing. I know it may sound weird or funny but what I understood from that was to go for it, throw that hook in the water and never hold back because eventually I will catch a big fish and get my big break and in my case a second big break as the first big one was from the “Antenna” Dance video. Another great advice I have received and continue to receive from my amazing team, Coelle LDN is to stay patient, pray and grind hard because the time will come. As we all know this journey is not an easy one but it is one that I must enjoy, as it will be all worth it in the end.
 What is next for Trayc Selasi?
Trayc Selasi is taking on new heights and flights. Now that my first EP The Art & The Muse is out, I’ll be working on some visuals for this project and get some shows and performances going hopefully when everything opens up again and lockdown has been lifted. I will also be going back to Ghana very soon to engage with my supporters there. I want to link up with amazing producers and songwriters and start working on my next project. So many things I want to do right now but all in due time.
Just for fun, fill in the blanks….
Without music, I would be… A rich housewife
My current favourite song is… Somebody by myself
My dream artist(s) to collaborate with is… Beyonce
My favourite Ghanaian dish is… Red Red (African stewed black-eyed peas and plantain)
Support Afrobeats because… I love it, it’s my culture, it’s in my bloodline
Download/Stream - Trayc Selasi - The Art & The Muse EP
Follow @Traycselasi on Instagram | Twitter
This interview was conducted by Shade A  / Afrobeats City doesn’t own the rights to the image used.
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